Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Carrier In any part of the City.
11.V. . T1LTON - - - MANAC-EK.
Business Ofllro , No. 43.
Night Editor. No. 23.
.TU A O It Jl / ; . % Tt OX.
N. Y. P. Co ,
Council Hluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , ' . ' ( > Sapp bloclt.
KCB ! Hock Springs coal. Tbntchcr , 10 Main
Thrco drunks wcro lined In police court
yesterday morning. ,
If you want water In vour yard or house
po to Hlxhy's , ! ) , ' Merriain block.
Samuel P. Hass and Miss Nera A. Klnloy ,
both of Omahn , were married Thursday
evcnlnB by Justice Swearlngton.
There will bo song sorvlco tomorrow even-
inir at tlio Hcrcnn Haptlst church , conducted
by the Younn Men's Christian association.
Special communication of Excelsior lodtfc ,
Ancient Free and Accepted Alasons. Work In
the second degree this evening. Hv older of
the W. M.
Miss Kief has hren appointed to the posi
tion of teacher in the Hloomer school , to taUo
the plnco of Miss Eva Harstow , who resigned
day before yesterday.
The funeral of the late John Larson will
occur this njtcrnoon at ! ! o'clock from the
family residence , ( iii : East Hroadway , Hov.
H. Uclchcnbach oniclatlng.
N. A. Honnur was in the city yesterday
felling stmwDerries without a license for an
Omaha commission merchant. Ho was ar-
rcstud and had his case continued until this
H.v mistake a disturhanco was mentioned
In vcslerda.v's HKI : as having taken place at
Neumayr's hotel on Upper llroadway. It
occurred at a house ot questionable repute on
Pirrco street.
The Commercial Pilgrims incut at Carlns'
book s > toro onpo.stto opera house at 7MO :
o'clock this evening and uo to Omaha in a
body to institute council No. 'J of tlio now
order. All areinvi'.cd and requested to bo
on bund promptly.
Huck Keith was bronchi before Justice
Hammer yostcrday altoroon for a hearing on
a charge of having committed an assault on
ono Petrr Nelson at Cut-Off Island about a
week ago with Intent to commit great bodily
injury , and with the hard side of a brick.
Tlio prosecuting witness ngreeil to reduce
the charge to one of assault and b.ittcry ana
the pugnacious watchman was lined ill ) and
The fifth musical of the pupils of Mrs. H.
II. Frary ivill be Riven at Mueller's hall next
\Vcdncsdav morning at S o'clock. Tlio fol
lowing will take part : IClla Wirt. Ethyl
Thomas , Myrtle Faul , Kmmn Durr , Marion
Honton , ICd'yth Thomas , Kdna Snyder , Hello
Sn viler , /.ulu L.lpo , Uia. Willetts , Airnos
Spies , Marie Hunker , Sadie Farnsworth ,
Mahcl Hicks. Lorn Hunker , Oertio Schick-
cntnnz and Hortcnso Foray th.
.fnstico Cones rendered his decision yester
day In the case of William Malonev , who
was charged by Dan Carrigg with having
assaulted blm with Intent to commit murder.
The Justice decided that there had been no
proof made that the gun which Maloney
pulled on Carrigg was loaded , so ho
did not think so serious a charuo
could ho maintained against him.
He nccordlncly discharged Maloney as to ttui
cbnrgo that Carrigg hail preferred against
him and ordered that a now Information be
tiled against him charging him with simple
' .ssault. _
Dress Goods Sale.
Special sale tonight from ( i p. in. 100 nieces
Columbia suitings , a full dress pal tern of 10
yaids for 8. > c. See show windows. The pat
terns and colorings nro the most select , being
copied from the finest suitings In stripes ,
checks and plaids. Boston Store , Council
Hluffs , la.
Hlack organdies , tlio latest in black wash
goods , every yard guaranteed absolutely fast
black , the greatest craze of the season , a
beautiful range of patterns nil the way from
lOo toiPc. . Now is thotimo to make your
selection while the choice patterns last.
Huston Store , Folhcnngham , Whltelaw &
Co. , Council UlulTs.
Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car
riages , stoves , crockery , and all house fur
nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , at
Mandel & Klein's.
Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! ! !
If'you want It pure aud n
And ut u reasonable pr
Follow no new dev Ic .
Hut send to us in a tr
At our oft
Mulholland , tCo. , No. 4 Pearlst. , Tel. 1
lf > 0 pieces scorsucKors , stripes and plaids , Sc
and lllc quality , for fie during sale tonight
froinli p. in. Hoston Store , Council HlutTs , In.
1' , I'.l tl.lGKAl'IlH.
Phil ' \rmour of Cherokee was in the city
J. J. Dunn of Dubuciue , state inspector of
oils , was li. the HlulTs yesterday.
John P. Weaver has returned from a trip
to Colfax. Ho Is much improved in health.
Urs. Montgomery and Hanchott have returned -
turned from Ues Molnes , where they went to
nttend n state medical convention.
Uov. T. J. Mucknv has returned from
Davenport , where ho wont to attend the con
vention of the Episcopal church in Iowa.
. Another great challio salo. Just received ,
f > coses moro of the most select patterns in
light colored challies , 10 yards for i" c during
Halo tonight from 0 u. m. Boston Store ,
Couucil HlulTs , la. ' *
Moat 1'ootry.
When you ire hungry and want to cat
Go to M. Welker's HOT Main street ,
And gel a piece of choice meat
Which surely will satisfy your appetite.
Meats nro received dally by the load
And sold and delivered C. O. D.
Don't forgot thu place , and number ,
For It Is the best market by thunder.
Mitts and gloves Our line is now complete -
ploto in lilack silk mitts at 23c , ttlc , 3'Jc , Wc )
nncl ( Vic. Wo think and say \vlinout the
least hesitancy that wo have the best value
in the above that over entered any city. All
pure silk and guaranteed fast blacks. Ask
to see them ; wo delight m showing goods ,
- .Whether you purchase or not. Hoston Store ,
Fothoringhain , Whltelaw & Co. , Council
Kan Awny Krom Homo.
Two runaway boys were caught In the
Northwestern yards yesterday morning by
Ofllcor O'Connoli , where they were evi
dently waiting for a train to take them west.
They were brought to the poltco station ,
wlie'ro they gave their name's asJohnCava-
naugh nncl John Mcliono , Thov said that
they had loft their homos at Ues Moines last
Friuay. and had been over since beating
their "way from town to town until they ar
rived In the Hlutts. The parents of the run
aways were no'ltled yesterday morning , but
nothing has been heard from thoin ns yet ,
H is supposed that someone will como on
from Oes Mnlnes touay or tomorrow to take
them In charge.
A full regu'ar ' made , guaranteed fast black
ladles' bose ; also a ' . ' 4 super unolinichod
balbriggan ladles' hose ; also a full regular
ir.iulo striped ladles' hoso. Tbo above are all
regular .Tie goods ; during sale from II p. in.
tonight H"o " a pair , or M pair for 50o. Hoston
_ Store , Council 1) lulls , lu.
The latest addition Is the Shantong pongee ,
India silk finish , sold everywhere for 'JOc ,
our price I'J'yO ; n beautiful range o ! colors ,
pine apple tissue , tbo great leader , for 12'jc. '
uoston Store , Council Hluffs.
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within one and one-half mile * ot the P. O , ;
all In bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given nt once. Cull oil U. J. Hutchluson &
rVo. , 017 llroadway.
Dry storage at low rates , stoves and house
hold goods. J. K. Snyder , 1'curl street.
Malr has all sorts of fruit , shade and orna
denial treci , Broadway , opposite postoQlco
Matters in tha Northwestern Yards Kesnme
Their Normal Status ,
Old KmnloyrH of tlip Company In
Kxruutlvt ; Positions No Questions
Asked Save IIH to Ability
of ApnllcntitH.
Yesterday mon.lntr all signs of disorder
about the Northwestern passenger depot had
vanished , and things wore running , if possi
ble , more smoothly Iban on Ihe day before.
All Iho vacancies that were made by the
summary discharge of Iho dozen swltcnmen
on Thursday morning had been filled. The
trainmen had been performing the switch
men's duties in accordance with an acroo-
incut that had been entered Into by thorn and
the company when the fractious hands were
dlsi'har ed. The men who were appointed
to fill the vacancies were without an excep
tion experienced railroad men , most
of them having been connected
with the Northwestern In some ca
pacity or other. Among them wcro several
who had ocen engaged In the prospective
strike. The fact Is iwlntcd to by the ofllelals
of the road to show that the move was made
out of n desire to reorganize the department
rather than to make war on any set of men.
In every case tlio applications of the men
who wanted to bo put in to fill the vacancies
were considered simply with respect to the
qualifications for the position , and the ques
tion of their previous record was not taken
into consideration at all , that Is , if the state
ments of the onictals can be trusted 1m
Fred US trip was appointed to the posi
tion of ynrdmaster. Ho was formerly con
nected with the Northwestern at this point ,
but was removed in order to make seem fora
conductor who had lost an arm in the service.
He was sent to Boone , but after a short
service he was discharged upon the demand
of the switchmen's union , U'cstrlp beini ; a
non-union man. The fact of his appointment
is considered a fair indication of the policy
that may bo expected to bo taken by the
company In the future.
General Agent M. J. Alworth said yester
day : "In the past the switchmen have had
everything their own way. Every demand
that they have made has been conceded , but
wo have culled a halt. The men who have
been appointed understand ttiat they are ex
pected to obey , and not to command , and I
don't think wo will have any trouble with
them. There was no agreement made be
tween them and the comp my , but It Is un
derstood pretty perfectly , 1 think , Just how
matters stand. "
The move Is universally conceded by rail
road men to have been ono of the boldest
that has ever been made bj-any railway com
pany toward Us employes. When the switch
men wore discharged , the officials at this
point had not the slightest idea whom they
would put in to till the vacancies. Had it
not been for the fact that the war was onn
between the switchmen on the ono slue and
the company and tno trainmen on the other ,
the company must have been badly crippled
and the public subjected to considerable an
noyance. But the trainmen wont in and
worked with a will , and the result was that
the work was done without a hitch.
Shugnrt & Co. carry largest stock of bulk
field , garden and Mower seeds In the west
Catalogue ami samples by mail.
Trees , all kinds , guaranteed to grow , prices
cheap , tit Mairs' , Broadw.iv , opposite postof-
11 co. _
Lace curtains cleaned from 50c to $1.25 per
pair , at Twin Citv dye works.
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 533 B'd'y.
District Court News.
The case of Mays against the Rock Island
railway company was on trial In district
court all day yesterday. It was finally
argued and submitted to the Jury.
A suit was commenced yesterday by the
Fred Miller brewing company , of Milwaukee ,
Wis. , against the Council Bluffs insurance
company , to collect $ l'i" , > 4 , the amount of a
Judgment which was rendered against the
Insurance company in December of IbsS , In
the circuit court of Milwaukee county. Wis
consin. It is claimed that the ludgmont has
never been puld , and a Judgment Is demanded
against the defendant for the amount of the
previous judgment , together with the costs
of the suit , uii'l ' interest from December ,
A decree was rendered by Judge Deemer
yesterday morning in the case of the East
Omaha land against Henry Coombs
and others , in which the ownership to n
sixty-six ncre tract of land near the corner
of Avenue M and Twenty-first street was the
point lit issue. Tlio decree gives the prop
erty to the plaintiff.
A motion lor a new trial was filed In the
case of M. Soiplo against .1. it. Snyder , in
which a verdict was rendered in favor of the
defendant on Thursday , Dy the instruction
of the court.
A motion was filed by the defendants in
the case of G. W. Strong airainst M. Welker
and C. Wesley , to dissolve the Injunction
that is now pending.
Underwear Wo can fit you out with almost
anything in the underwear line. Anything
wo have not got in stock wo can get for vou
if to bo found In New York city , havlne an
office In New Yorlt and un experienced inin
always on the spot brings us in direct com
munication with the creut mercantile ccnt'ir
of the world. Boston Store , Council Hluffs
Hall for Kent.
Oi. account of leaving town I will rent my
hell , togothea with parlor room , dining room ,
kitchen , with stove , city water in the kitchen ,
for one vcnr or jnoro. It is the moit conven
ient hall in the city ; all in first-class order.
InqulroJ. F. Peterson , lilt ! Broadway.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , : ft ) Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 143. IJIgh
grade work a socially. .
Old , Old Story.
Sheriff W. C. Delashmutt of Mills county
was In the Bluffs yesterday , searching for
three men who relieved a Mills county
fanner of f l/iOO last Wednesday. Tha victim
was Aaron Lewis , who lives about five miles
south of Silver City. Lewis received a visit
from a young man last Tuesday. The young
man stayed over night at the farmer's
house , and while there learned that the
farmer had some wealth. On Wednesday two
other men called and they Induced the
farmer to go to Hlllsdalo pn some pretext ,
where ho drew $ ! i"iOU from the bank. A game
of cards followed and $1,500 was secured ,
when they loft. Officers wore notified and a
hot chase followed , but they escaped. One
of the men was In this city Wednesday even
ing , and is known , but thp other two are
strangers. Sheriff Delashmutt is confident
that he will be able to capture tbo confidence
Dress ginghams -Everything in that line
from the Tc dress gingham to the finest
Scotch goods. Al 7c , Sc , lOc and l- ' e wo
show u beautiful range of patterns. At 15c
wo show n very fine line ot zephyr clnghums ,
the style and finish almost as rood as the
most "expensive. Boston Stort- , Council
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Juice
tablets. They are delicious.
When about to build don't fail to < ret prices
on lumber of The .ludd & WelU Co. , S13
Broadway. Telephone 'Js7.
TliP I-'irm Itallrond Train.
George A. Haynes ot Kallda , Colo. , was in
the Bluffs yesterday. Ho was formerly
county recorder of Pottawattamlo county ,
and one of the first things ho did on arriving
In the city was to hunt up the office and see
how much it bad changed since ho did duty
there in 1807 , In looking over the books ho
found a record that be had made on January
I , 1NJ7 , the day when the first railroad train
entered Council Bluffs. It was over tbo North
western railroad , aud ho winched the great
event take place from tbo window of the
courthouse , which wiu at that time on
cr Broadway. Ho had a fine view of tbo
train as It stood upon the tracks at the local
depot , the lower Dart of the city being nil a
vast wilderness of nothing. Ho was greatly
interested in noting the various changes that
had taken place since his removal.
1-jlsc the Injunction hawycr Won't
Get Ills I'VCH.
A decision has been rendered by Attorney
General John Y. Stone which will prove of
interest to all who are In any way interested
in the enforcement of the prohibitory liquor
law , and especially so to these who are taking
an active part In the closing of the saloons.
The decision was in reply to a list of ques
tions which were sent to him by S. P. Van
Dyke , county auditor of Beaten county.
Ono.polnt which was raised was whether
an attorney who had succeeded in getting a
defendant convicted of the offence of main
taining a nuisance , and In having the cus
tomary attorney lees taxed uo to the con
victed party , could hold the county responsi
ble for the tee * In case the salaonkceper had
no money and had to pay his fine by board
ing It out In the county Jail. In answer to
this question , the attorney general said that
the attorney fees were not mentioned among
the other fees In such cases which by law
are to bo taxed up aaalnst the county , ana
that it was his opinion that if it had been
the Intention of the legislators to allow the
attorney fees to be taxed up In that way it
would have been so stitcd In the law.
A second point was whether a county at
torney was entitled to his usual pei cent of
the fees in cases which ho had not helped to
prosecute. The attorney general decided that
no was. .
The third point was , when n fine is im
posed but not paid until after January 1 ,
when the county attorney who prcsscuted
the case has retired from oRlco and his suc
cessor has taken his place , which attorney is
entitled to the fees , the one who prosecuted
the case or the ono who is in office at the
time the tine is paid ) The decision of the at
torney general was that the county attorney
who held ofllco at the tlmo 'the line was Im
posed was the one who was entitled to the
The last two questions are not of so much
Importance , save to county attorneys
throughout the state , or to the members of
the county boards who have to allow the fees
to the county attorneys , but the first is of
moro eciicral Interest. It is thought that the
decision of the attorney general in regard to
that point , while It does not carry "with it the
force of the absolute law , will yet have a
great deal to do with keeping lawyers and
others from going into the saloon closing
business for the solo purpose of making what
fees they can out of the saloonkeepers. It has
heretofore been thought that the attorney
fees can bo tixed up to the county in case
they cannot be collected from the convicted
parties , hut the fuct that the fees must bo
paid by the convict or by no one will un
doubtedly b& adopted as the rule of action by
the county boards throughout the state , and
will consequently put a stop to a largo per
centage of the Injunction business that is In
dulged in In the cities.
Union Park races , Omaha and Council
Bluffs , Juno -12 , $4,1)00 ) ; Sept. b-11 , JO..100 ;
Oct. 'O-'J-J , 4,000. For programmes address
Nat Brown , sce'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha.
Cliun c of M-inii < ; eiiH'Mt.
The Hotel Grand changed hands yeiterday
at noon , the firm ol Cragin & Co. stepping
out and the firm of Kimbali & Champ step
ping In. The change created but little sur
prise , aa it has been an open secret for
several days post that such a chanue would
bo made soon. Ever since last Sunday
rumors of various sorts have been Heating
around the city , anil have been discussed
freely on tbo street corners. These rumors
were not at all complimentary to the man
agers of the hotel , but as they were unsub
stantiated by proof it was deciJcd that the
best thing for the hotel , the citv , and all
other parties concerned , was that nothing
should bo done by the owners of
the building which would add to
the publicity of the matter , but
that the managers should step quietly down
and out.
Ever since the hotel was opened it has
more than paid expenses. That this was seas
\\as a surprise to the owners , as it was sup
posed that it would bo necessary to run it at
u loss until Its reputation should becnmo es
tablished. But Instead of that the books
have shown an amount ot business that sur
passed all expectations and compared very
favorably with the Omaha hostelries.
Messrs. ICimball & Chump managed affairs
from noon until last evening , when the an
nouncement was made that the management
of the hotel had been offered to Mr. George
T. Phclps , and had been acceptoJ by htm.
Mr. Phelps was formerly connected with the
Ogdou house , at a time when it was in the
height of Its glory , and Is well and favoranly
known to traveling ? men throughout the
state. Mr. E. A Troiitmun was appointed
head clcrk.aud the now force took possession
at once.
No griping , no nau oa , no pain when Do
Witt's Little Early UNon are taken. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pill.
Another Trio of Coiiiiti rlVlt Money
I nosers Arrested.
Deputy United States Marshal Charles
Lyon arrested C. W. Purdy and Ida Olm-
stead of South Omaha last night and lodged
them in the county Jail. They are charged
with passing counterfeit money.
The grand Jury will investigate the charges.
Purdy has been procuring spurious currency
and the Olrastcud woman has been helping
to convert it into genuine cash. The coun
terfeit pieces were mostly > bills , and bogus
? 5 gold pieces.
Do Witt's Little Early Risers ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach bad breath.
Traveling Men Organize.
This evening , In Clark's hull on Four
teenth street , between Dodge and Douglas ,
the supreme council Commercial Pilgrims of
America will institute Omaha Council No. 'J ,
of that order.
Traveling men In good standing are invited
to bo at the hall at 7IiO : o'clock sharp.
Agate bearing scales , coffee mills with fee
power , grcoers refrigerators , butter coolers
Catalogue of Borden .t Scllock Co. , Chicago
Supreme Court Opinions.
DES MOISKS , In. , May 15. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB UIE. : ! The supreme court has
handed down the following opinions ;
Hiram Tribord vs the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul railroad appellant , Cerro Gordo
district , afilrmcd ; N. bcherz vs T. J. Mc-
Monamy appellant , vs Supreme court , Coun
cil Bluffs , reversed ; Warder , Bushnell &
Glessner company vs M. E. Jack appellant ,
Chlckasaw distil.'t , affirmed ; Iho Iowa Union
telephone company appellant vs A. C. Boy-
Ian et al , CtilcKasaw district , affirmed ; O. M.
Dean appellant vs Joel Hldgewoou et al ,
Lamakeo district , rnversed ; state vs W. S.
Smith appellant , Tuma district , afllrmed ;
Mary Jucob appellant vs Marcus Snyder ,
Dickinson district , affirmed ; state vs G. W.
Hockwoll and M. F. Lalser appellant , Jono-j
district , affirmed.
If you lieclde.from what you have heard or
readthat jou will toke Hood's
not be Induced to buy any substitute instead.
A Proposed Conftironco.
DES MOISKS la. . May 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bun. I President Walter S.
Scott and National Organizer L. M. Beatty
are in the city conferring with the coal op
erators la regard to the proposed eoa Terence
of miners and operators at Oskaloosu nnxt
week. They say that the operators so far us
spoKen to on the subject appear favorable to
tbe conference.
Gessler's.Magic Headache Wafers. Cures all
bcaiUichcs In ' ) minutes. At all druggists
I'or the K\-Slivcf ; ) (
Tomorrow night at Boyd's opera house W.
It. Vaughan will explain to all who may at
tend the meaning and provisions of his bill
( introduced in congress ) to provide a pension
for colored ox-slave * . All people of every
shade of color , race or sex are invited to at
tend. The meeting will commence at
7:30 : p. m.
Callgrapn Wrltltg machine is tbo beat for
manifolding and forsyr <
Important Interstate Commerce Opinion by
Judge Shtfas ,
Tourist IlntcsH-I-'rlKlitcnc * ! by
Competition Chcaji 1'nsnciiRcr
ItutcH for tlio
Ticket Brokers
DCS MOINT. ? , In. , May 15. Judge Shlrris of
the federal court rendered nu Important de
cision under the interstate commerce law
today. The plaintiffs wcro grain shippers of
Carroll , la. , and the defendant the Chicago &
Northwestern railroad. The plaintiffs
claimed they were charged 1'J cents per 100
pounds of grain shipments to Chicago , whllo
shippers at Blair , Nob. , had an 11 cent rate
for the same distance. The Judge ruled that
the rate was In violation of the Interstate
law , and that the plaintiffs have the right to
recover. A largo number of similar eases
nro still pending , and the same decision will
no doubt ho given. *
Tlie IJoyootl a K
CIUCAOO , May IS , It is reiwrtcd that the
competitors of the Chicago & Alton have
prepared a petition to the board of rulings of
the Trunk Line and Central Traflle associa
tion requesting to elthor make the boycott
against the Alton effective * or to abandon It
altogether. The reason given for the request
Is that the boycott Is doing the Alton no
harm whllo It Is really Injuring the
business of the other western roads.
A former railroad man who Is now engaged
in other business arrived here today from the
east. While in New York , to satisfy his own
curiosity , ho took occasion to look Into the
boycott. Ho says ho discovered that these
trjnk lines that are most active in the boy
cott are themselves paying a commission of
? I5 on every immigrant ticket sold to Pacific
coast , and that some of the lines nro paying
as hiuh as $1 commission on tickets solil
from New York to Chicago. General Passen
ger Agent Charleton has written a letter to
Chairman Finloy of the Western Passenger
association asserting that no less than seven
eastern roads are paying commissions sold
over their lines from Now York aud Chi
The question of summer tourist rates on
which the western lines could not agree at
the recent meeting of the Western Passenger
association is in a fair way to bo amicably
settled. At a meeting ot the mutineers today
it was agreed by all persons to llx tourist
rates on the basis of the per cent of tno
regular rates netween points uf the territory
of the association.
Eastern roads arc growing uneasy in con
sequence of the division. , of the east-bound
grain trafllc to the lake line ? , which are talt-
ing It at lower rates than have been known
before for years. Chairman Hlanchard is
taking a vote nf road ? by letter as to the oil-
visibility of a reduction pu all roads. It is
believed that some of the roads will oppose a
rpduetion in seaboard rates for the
reason that they cannot afford to
make them low enough to comnoto
with the lake lines anil the effect will bo to
pull down the local rail's , upon which they
must largely depend for thyjr revenue.
The Western Passenger association has
nuthoiizcd a rate of one faro for the round
irip to persons aesirmg 10 uuenu mo inrin-
ers' alliance convention at Cincinnati on the
l th inst. The tickets will bo on sale the
17th and ISth. This complutes the special ur-
rangenionts for the alliance convention from
all uoints. ,
Doesn't IntciTere'ivltli ' Tralllc.
CHICAGO , May Ifl. Tho''situation , ' on the
Northwestern road as 'affected by the dis
charge of all its switchmen and yardmasters
has developed no now features this morning.
General Manager Whitman is constantly in
receipt of telegrams from all points on the
system and without exception they report an
encouraging state of affairs.
Graml Master Swoenev and Vice Grand
Master Dowllng of the switchmen's union
called on General Manager Whitman today
and asked for n statement of the grounds on
which the lockout was declared. Whitman
said the company's poutiou was fully set
forth In the statements to the press , the sub
stance of which were sent in these dispatcnci
yesterday , and If they had any reply to
make to the statement they must put it In
writing. The interview was not at all satis-
facto"V to the union men , who went away in
a bad humor. It is understood that Presi
dent Sarrent of the federation of trainmen
will ho hero tomorrow and important devel
opments uro expected.
Driven Off by Strikers.
CiiAMi'.ur.x , 111. . May IS. The south
bound passenger train on the 11 inois Central
left in this city last evening a car load of
Italian laborers. The section men of the
Illinois central on the sections south of Buck
ley have struck for higher wapcu , Some la
bor contractor sent out a gang of Italians to
take the places of the striking section men.
When the train arrived at Huckley , a largo
crowd was assembled at the depot. .Mr.
livan , the man in charge of the Italians , Intended -
tended to leave twelve of them at Huckley ,
but when they got off the train they were
attacked by the crowd and stoned. The
Italians retreated into their car , several of
them being injured by the infuriated crowd.
The foreigners wore brought on to this city
and taken to Chicago on a return tram.
Ticket I'r kcrs
KASSAS CITV , Mo. , May 15. The defeat of
Broker Mulford's plan to incorporate the
American Ticket Brokers' association and
place each member under bond to observe
the rules may disrupt the association. The
Mulford people are sere , but they say they
huvo held their trump card until th'o last.
Mulford claims that his contract with the
association lias been violated and ho intends
to resume operations under his articles of in
corporation and kill the American Ticket
Brokers' association. A following of 10u or
more is claimed for him , but the opposition
denlf ? that there are over fifty who would go
out with Mulford.
Tlio I' . , C. It. & X. Annual Ucport.
CHICAGO , May 15. The annual report of
the Burlington , Cedar Hauids & Northern
road for IS'.K ) shows gross earnings of
$ 't,8oi,0b2 : ; operating expenses , taxes , etc. ,
$ -,4sr.s'iri net carnlngs' ' SirlOther | in
come , cash assets In 18W , etc. . added , make
the total receipts ? llG7Syi. ; There was ex
pended for interest on bonds , Improvements
and equipment , additions to real estate , etc. ,
? ' .t'5,7W , leaving a balant'oof fi'll.OOl.
Canadian I'aulilu I'tirohnso.
Wisxil'F.n , Man. , May1 1 5 , " It now seems
to bo an absolute certninijr , Jhat the Canadian
Pacific has purchased tuft , Northern Pacific ,
lines in Manitoba , Thofipkial ; transfer will
take place next week , ll-is said.
Tlio New Moruirii : Dr ntc
at the clubs Is Sulpha-Saline , a mild laxallvo
water bottled at Excelsior Springs , Mo.
Another Corn
Siorx CITY , Nob. , MvJ3.Special [ Telegram -
gram to TUB BEE. ] A.cltizens' meoilng lo
night decided to hold another corn palace
festival hero this year. CoramitU-cs were
appointed and the work will bo pushed. The
date will probably bo In September or Octo
_ _
DoWltt's Little Early lUsejs , best pill.
Kx-Hecretnry Tuft Sinking.
Six DIEOO , Cala. , May 15. Ex-Secrotnrj
Taft Is very low and sinking rapidly.
A Burglar
requlros courage , but imita
tors have the qunlitlo of u bur-
plar without his courage. , lo-
hunn llotl'a Malt Extract is so
popular thut it hits boon imi
tated . Sec that the signature
of "Johann TIolI" is on the
nock of every bjttlo. Kianor &
Menclelson Co. , solo agents , U
arolay St. , NowYortt.
Browmng , Ktn& & Co
o > o >
"We desire to call your attention to one thing in this department ,
and ask for the opportunity to prove the statements which we shall
make in regard to quality which we offer'and the prices we can name
Buying , as we do , for ELEVEN of the largest retail stores in tha
country , we make our selections from the leading manufacturers of the
world , and through our unlimited orders are enabled to reach bottom
prices. Every dealer may quote figures , but what we claim is THIS ;
That our purchasing facilities warrant us in offering UNDER
WEAR at the popular prices of : 5Oc , 75c , $1.OO , $1.23 and'$1.SO that
is superior in quality to that which the ordinary retailer can show.
We carry finer grades also. You-will find it to your advantage ta
watch our window display and examine our stock.
S. W. Corner 15tk and Douglas Streets.
Money refunded where goods do not satisfy. Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
Purify your blood. Now is
thetime to do it , or else your
system will be out of order all
summer , cleanse your liver ,
stop your kidney pains , quiet
your nerves , cure your sick
leadache. Turkish Tea will
do it. 25C package , from your
druggist , or sent by mail on re
ceipt of price.
Harm's Golden Dyspepsia
Cure , warranted cure for dys
pepsia. 5oc box. Will refund
money if it don't cure.
Omaha , Neb.
kit. T. FELIX floriKAril'P Oiii.NTAI : *
H * ino\esTnn , I'implec , Kirck-
IPS Moth rntchec.KftshaiuiSUn
1ery bUmlah un
ln-auty , and ditk-a
/ / sj 4 * l * ft Jon. It has
y Ktwxl tbB t t of 10
"Cfi ycarF. and IB so
to bcmro ItU prop
erly made , A ret pine
no counterfeit ot
ftlmiltir iiaino. Dr.L.
A , bajtfr snid tu a
lady of iliebaut-um
( ftp ; tichl ) "Ayjou
t I rroomin * ud 'Oou-
] rniiU'sCieain'aatlia
/ leant hanntul of till
tlon * . " Kor * ! ? by
nil DtVpeUta ftnU
Fancy Uood l > ea >
ers In the ITnltnl SlAtcn. OanAl& ( and Europe
i'KRU.T. HOi'KlNS. l'roy'r.37 OrealJonw SU N. Y
Serious Question Confronting nn Iowa
HUIIUNOTON' , la. , May 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnr. Due. | Two sensational suits
tiavo been tiled in the district court hero by
Clinrles S. YOIIIIK of Fort Madison , la. ,
against ( J. a. tjulcK ot tnls city and ms wire ,
Alaco A. Quick. Some four weeks D.RO
Quick , who had been a widower cicht weeks
or more , married Mrs. C. S. Vouni ; of Fort
Madison , who had been divorced but ono
week from her husband , who was employed
In St. Louis , Mo. This former husband is
the plaintiff and denies haviiiR Knowludpo of
his wife's divorce prior to her marriueo to
Quick and sues for f 15,000 damages , charging
Quick with seduction and the alienation of
his wife's affections. The suit against Mrs.
Quick , his former wife , is to set aside the decree -
creo of divorce obtained by her , us ho claims ,
by fraud. Ho claims to have frequently s > ent
his wife money from St. Louis for her hup-
port and had no idea of anything being wrong
till he learned of the divorce.
A llatlu-r Drowned.
OXAWA , la. , May 15. ( Special Telegram to
Tin : Her. . ] About noon yesterday Frank
Billiard , aed twenty-one , son uf a prominent
citizen , was drowned in Lake Card , two
miles south. Ho and a companion were
bathing , when Ballard attempted to cross the
lako. When about half way across ho was
taken with cramps and went down before
help could reach him.
Saloon kci > | > ( > i > ' < In I ontiMiipt.
Four DODOK , la. , May 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BBC. ] The state temperance
alliance Is continuing Its battle against the
saloons In this city. Contempt proceedings
were instituted against a score of barkeepers ,
proprietors and property owners who were
enjoined some tlmoago. U is alleged that tbo
injunctions have liccn violated and the court
asked to line the violators for contempt.
A utldfii Dentil.
GfTiwiE CKXTBII , la. , May 15. [ Special
Telegram to THE Bee. I Andrew llazlutt ,
ono of the leading cizcns of this place ,
ropped dead on the street ted ij rom hear
disease. Ho was seventy years of ago and
leavas a wife and a family of adult children ,
three of them being sons. Ono child lives In
Illinois , two In Nebraska and three in ( Juth-
He ( 'enter.
JJr. Birnov cures catarrn. Bco bid 'g
Origin of Soni Fashions.
There Is a good deal of wondering among
us about the origin of some of our lasiiions ,
and it is Interesting to know that ruffs wrVo *
invented by a milliner to hide the goltru on
the neck of a queen of Franco ; crinoline * foi-
the Empress Kugeno when teinpjrarily
threatened with the loss of ner 11 guru ; hi'/h-
hcolcd boots increased the height of Louis
XIV. ; wigs flrbt hid tbo baliinoss of James 1.
of England. Patches , according to one
authority , were lirst worn by Louise do la Val-
llere , who did not daru to appear before her
royal lover with balf a doicn eruptions on her
facc.causud by the spring weather. Woman's
vatilty.slmple just as the Kmpross Josephine
turned a pocket kandkerchiof Into a dainty
portion of u woman's wardrobe by constantly
holding It to her mouth to hldu a defect lii
her teeth.
Mrs. Winslow's hoothing Syrup for chil
dren teething gives quiet , healthful rest.5
cents u bottle.
A Divorce ) Docket.
There was a now feature added to the
courts yesterday. Heretofore all dlvorcocases
have cone upon the general docket , but this
rule has been chanced and they have bcon
put upon what is known as "Divorce docket
No. 1. "
This book contains I.Vi cases , all of which
are ready for trial at this term.
A very small pill but a very eoodono. Do
Witt's Little Early Ulser * .
\\TANTKO Competent slrl for general
> > housework ut ID1,1 ! 1'lfth avenue.
If ! OK SAM5 Our line fnmllv horse , suitable
1 for rhllnnorclrlvliiK. Apply to iu : ! - . Cth
filO lovers of hor-os The laru'ost lot of oats
L and tlio lineal In the city ; : i\-o \ hay anil
fi'inl iCiall klinls , at S. Uolcl&toin iV Cos I.CJ
Weit Hroiulwuy.
Ii i'OK ItKNT llarn nrar court huiisu. Apply
1 to II.V. . Tllton. Hoiolllc'o. .
CI.AI \OYANT and psychometric , or char
acter readings ; also dl.tcnosU of illio.isi * .
t-ciul look of hair for i-i'adlnns by letter. Mm-
da1 * and evenings. Mrs. K. Hooper. 14.Ao -
miIfOU KKXT Two newly turnlslicd rooms ;
bath , hot and cold water and steam heat
liraml liutol aiinux. .st'mnd Hour.
IrtOU SAI.K for Kont- Wanted -If you want
to buy , sell or rent anvthln ? In tlio real
c tati' line don't do It until you liavc xetjn our
lame list of bargains. Swan & Walker , No. tlti
Main and 111) Pearl .strt-t'ts ' Conni'll 11 , nils.
F 5ALR or Trade A linn imported
D Clydi'sdalo stallion. Call on 1) . J. Hutchinson -
inson & l'o.Ul7Hroail\Yjy. _ _ _ _
S O.MK line resldcnuo property for runt Uy
_ _ _ _ " _ _ _
ITIOKSALK-llotel Tentrally"lo.atod , doing
J- ' good business. Or will oxrhiuuo for good
farm In western Iowa.
Hotel lease. ftiriMuro and fixtures ; an A
No. 1 chance to Ml.'p Into a good paying busi
ness. Iteasons for sollln ; . nthur business re
quiring all owner's atiuntlon.
Ilargalns In residence and business prop
erty. It. 1' . Ofllucr , real est.ito an I insurance
agent. No. 13 N. Main St. . Council lllulfs. _
GAKDKNS Some choice garden land near
Council lllnll.s for sale on easy terms , also
vineyards and a largo list of Iowa farms.
JphnstoiiViiii l'ujten. _ _
"T/MtUlT farm for sale or trade ; well located
X1 and all In bearln ; ; geol honso atrl barn.
Will take some good city property , and goo-J
tlmoglvet. on balance. Call on or address U.
J. HnU'hlnson & Co. . ( lit llroadway ,
KK\NT Tfho lcj7nhon TioT'kr : i "
urlck , with basumunt and elevator. J. W.
Squire , JOl I'earl strneL _ _ _ _
FOK dA.LE oT Kent airilen land , with
houim , or J. ItUloa. . 1 > " Mala "t , . Oouaall
Bluff *
'llio Wonderful New 1'rocPKS Vapor
We sell the only ccnulno New Process
and the celebrated Quick Meal New Process
stoves , the best made. One difference be
tween the genuine and imitations is that the
imitations have a small needlu-liko tube to
draw off oil that don'tevapowto ; the genulm
lias no such tlimllams. Wo have sold nearly
ono huudred already this season. Lights
like gas ; absolutely safe ; no smoke or soot ;
as simple as u cook stove. See us before
buying. A few line $35.00 gas ranges closing
out at f 10.00 each.
J ! -l'rliprators. |
The best ever offered ; 'JO per cent discount
over last year's prices.
Ijawn MowcrN.
Highest grade only & 3.00. Screen wire
doors , frames , etc. , etc.
Largest stock in the ' .vest. The famous
Little Giant bov'swhool , the Victor , highest
grade , world's best wheelboth , for ladies and
gentlemen. COI.K it UOI.K ,
41 Main Street.
The Jewel Vapor Steve is the boat
( jencnitinp stove in the market. The
Reliable Process is the leader in pro
cess stoves. The hot uir titbos uro con
nected by roinovablo iron elbows , iil-
lowiiif ; easy access for cleaning pur-
POSX-H. Tiio vaporizer is a perforated
brass cylinder hold in place by three
brass sprinc arras , and can bo lifted
out and cleaned. Our stove is the only
ono so provided. Wo have done away
entirely with thesub-llaino. The tlamo
can be turned high or low. They are
foinir like hot cakes. The second car
load ordered.
Huy the { jcnui'io ' Philadelphia Lawn
Mower. It was unexcelled 17 years n o ;
it is unrivalled now. Those made 17
years ago were good , but those made
now are very far in advance of thorn in
every point of merit.
We huvo a full line of hardwood re
frigerators ut prices that will sell them.
Fly time isconiing. Ciotyour screens
up before the Hies coma and you will
eM'npc lots of annoyance. I huvo the
IMIVI "t and l > ( ; t line of door and win-
Ltivv hiTtiuns in the marUot.
P. C. DiVoL. :
SCI Broadway , and No. 10 Main Stroot.
Or Council Bluffs.
DlHBCTOltH I. A. Mlllnr , R O Olotsan , E. I *
Bhunart , E. E. llartJ I ) . Edtuuii'lscm. ' Uhirl : < n
It , Ilannan. Trinmot Ksnenl b.inkln Uuii-
nrn liarjen unl nurpluj ot aa/
bankln HouUiwoUoru low i.
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc *
608 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
All kinds of living and Cleaning clone In ths
IllKhcstbtyloof the Art , Faded and Stained
1'alirlcs inudu to look as good as now. lluti
1-eathfn. t'li'itnc'l ' Ity tsifiini , In l..rst . C ass
ManneiT Work proniutl done and delivered
In all paru of thosountry. Bond for prloo
, o. A. MAOHAN. i-rop. .
101J Broadwav , Near Northwestoru Uapal
pvcr O. R. Jaequeiuln .t Co. . Jewelry StorJI
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
Crag in & Co. , Proprietors.
St. tt. CIIA.UItKMtf.rX , 91. O.
Kyo , Ear , Nnio nncl Throat
Council llluBj , - - Iowa.
Joro eye * , cross pyo * , f
painful nnit weak vision , I
ciirncho , ( Hmftit'is , uii-
rlmrnei from tlin ears. cii-J
tarrh , hay fovcr. nithm '
niiil nil acute unil chronlo
nllfclloni of the throat it
I M'oclulty. ' ( ilms i' nn tlt-
I IIM | without pain , lil.ii'.ei accurutoly prcscrlOoJ In
illllk'Ult cn ci , often curliiK chronlo nouralKl.i ana
tick hc.irtachn. operutloni , when noco-
> ary , pnlnloisly porfiirinod , nuurlnsi bait rnmlli
Olllce.Sliuitart-lleiio block , rooinl Council llluBs , U
: - : -
raid L'p C.nital , . . . . $100,000
OldPtt iirmmlXMl bank In tlin city Knrolun and
dimu'ftto nxchanifi1 unil local Bi.ciirlttiH. Ktiporlal
ntliMitlon pulil tu culli-i-tliiiu. Account * of Individ
ual * , tmnkx , tmnkfrnnilcurporutloiM Bollcltoil. Cor-
ri' pimi1cncu lnvlti. < i.
CiKO. I1. SANFOIlll. l-ri-lilonl ,
A.V. . IIIKK.MAN. C'aslilor.
' A. T. KICK. Atmlatnnt Caililcr.
Gas Heating Stoves.
No AsiiL'sl N'o SMOKE.
Just the thln for hath rooms , hud rooms , eta.
Cull and cu our larxo assortment.
C. B. Gna and Eleotria Light Co.
211 1'o.irl unit 210 Main Street.
This Now Ogclun Hotel. In Council ItlulTs. has
iM'i'ii completely refurnished and modernised
throughout , mill Is now ono of thu best liolols
In tinstuto It Is located In thu business pnrt
of the city and thu ulcutrlu motors pass tha
door iivorv four inlniilot. I'lm csi-apcs and
liio alarms throughout the bnlldlni : . .Hlitam
boat , hot and cold watur and Min-diint ! In
every room. Tablu unsurpassed nnywhttro.
Itatt's , t'.uo a day.
GEO. M. WHITNEY , Manngor.
Si IMC Qiiinilnrc Altornoysut Iriw. I'rao-
Ollllb & OdllllUll
tc ) ( , , , HUto untl
fc'Jorul rout IS. llinius it , 4 and 5 tihugart
llcno block , Council IllutTs. la.
HI rilinillPrc Attorney at I < uw. No. 10
, J , VliailllJLIS , pearl Htruot , ever llu li.
null's storo. Telephone No. Vi. llnslneit
hours. 8 a. m. to'J ' p. m , Council Illults , In.
D.H McDancld&
Butchers' ' and Packin' ' Supplias ,
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
Enters and Bausaxo Makers' Machinery. 83 %
Kb Main St. . Council lllu Hi , lit. Aluo dealer *
D lllclvi uuU 1'ur * .