Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    rm.TT7 < / AfAl.TA
The now fountain of youth Is Spanish
Court face powder , comes In thrco tints.
Ed Davis wn < ? arrested yesterday
charged with ombozzllntf 870 from Wolf
IJrotlicrs & Co. The Hearing will bo
The till of J. .T. Johnson's Fourteenth
mid Nicholas coal olllco was tapped for
f , ' ) " ) ycstordav while everybody was out
looking at the procession.
Hurry West , a suspicious character ,
was nt-reMcd yesterday afternoon for
having In his possession a coat and viut
of which lie could give no satisfactory
What It CdHts
Must bo carefully considered by thu
nmjoilly of people la buying even necessities
of life. Hood's Siirsiiparlllu commends itself
with special force to the great middle classes ,
bceiiuso It combines positive economy with
great mrdldMnl power. It Is the only medi
cine of which can truly bo said " 10J doses
ono dollar , " nml a bottle taken according to
directions will average to Inst a mouth.
A icnisox ito.i it nr.TA I.IA TIS.
It Accuses the Itork Island of Manlpu-
Illtlll-C ItlltCM.
Ciiiruio , May l.'l.Tho Atchlson road ,
which was recently charged by the Ilock Is
land with reducing passenger r.itos through
the medium of brokers , 1ms retaliated by
filing n complaint with Chairman Finloy of
the Western Passenger association accusing
the Kock Island of systematically
rutting the rate from Chicago to
IJenvor by the minlpulatlon of
through tickets to the Padllc coast. It Is
claimed that an agent of the Atchlson pur
chased n ticket of the Kock Island Issuctl from
Chicago to the Pacific coast at a gross rate of
M8 with a rebate check on n Denver scalper
for Ji'l , thereby making the r.ilo from Chicago
cage to Denver JJ.'i net as against the tariff
rule of $ ) IM. ( The Atchlson people assort
that this sort of manipulation has boon going
on for several months and that the Kock Is
land agent arr.ingon In the broker's onlco for
chocking the passenger's luggage to Denver
In violation of the conditions which are on all
limited or sccoiui-cl.iss tickets the b.iggiigo
shall bo checked to destination of the ticket.
Clmlunan I'mlov will IIx an early date for
the healing of this case and will endeavor to
find out on whoso shoulders rests the respon
sibility for this alleged manipulation of rate * .
A I'OSIT'fB llttNIAI. .
Positive itenlal U HIT ! " by the ofllciais of
the Michigan Coatial they are accepting-
Chlcngo & West Michigan tickets reading
over the Chicago & Alton. The reports to
that olTcet which hano been put into circula
tion have been entirely without foundation.
The Chicago it West Michigan Is friendly to
the Alton nnd would not hesitate to transfer
the hitter's tickets If It could got into Chiago
with them , but it can only send passoisors
over the Alton by providing them with ftl'cal
passenger tlckct'over the Michigan -nv i
imrt of Urn lino. The conductors cu
Michigan t'etitral have positive instructions
to refuse nil tickets reading over the Alton ,
and any conductor disobeying these orders is
made to pay full faro on every Alton coupon
accepted. . Atchison company put Into
BCI vice on it-s lines between Chicago and St.
Louis two Pullman compartment bleeping
car * , said to be the handsomest and most
complete palace cars yet invented. The tit-
tines of the coaches Include the Pintch gas
system. _
Constipation poisons the blood : DoWitt's
Little Early Klsors euro Constipation. The
cause removed the disease is gone.
Humor that the Itata Kan Itccn Sunk
liy thu llinrlcHtnn ,
CITY or MKXICO ( via Galveston ) , May in
The Anglo-American Newspaper publishes
rumors of the sinking of the Itatu by the
United States cuiiser Charleston , but gives
neither time nor place. The authorities hero
say they have no Information whatever con
cerning the matter.
-inu Kovuniiuuni , mis given suiui. oruurs 10
port authorities on the Pacific coast to report
the appearance of any Chilian or other war
ships. It will bo dlfllcult to get news , as the
government wires have to bo relied on alto
gether. The general opinion hero is that the
Itata and her COHVOJS will double upon the
Charleston. The government has ordered
the gunboat Democrata to keep a sharp look
out for the vessels.
It Is rumored here that a private telegram
has been received announcing that a llsldng
schooner yesterday saw two vessels out at
sea olT the coast , at full speed. One of them
was sichted at 1 a. in. and the ether at 'J p.
in. , hut they were so far away that the fish
ermen were not ahlo to distinguish them.
Tills report , however , cannot bo traced to a
reliable source.
DoWitt's Little Karly Klsors ; only pill to
cure sick headache and icguluto the bowels
Knights ol' Honor.
NBW Oiii.i\x , La. , M iy 13. The supreme
lodge of the Knights of Honor held tholr second
end day's session nt the Greenwood opera
house today. The reports of the ofllccrs
show that there nro Cr > 7H working lodges
with a membership of 1)7.000 ! ) in good stand-
IIIK. The growth of the Uniform Hank has
not been us rnpip as expected , but has been
gradual and healthy. The benefit fund 1ms
n balance on hand of and paid out
during the year to widows and orphans the
sum ot $ .t.r , > .fi,5H ( ) . The general receipts for
the year were J'JT.KW ' and there is a balance
of $ rillVl still duo to tbU account. Ur.
Woiuoroll recommended conipulsnrv vaccina
tion and the reduction
of the maximum ago
of candidates to forty-live. Ho also advised
against changing the present scale of rates.
DoWitt's Llttlo Early Ulsers ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , .sour stomach b.ul breath.
M estern People In Chicago.
Among the western people la Chicago to
day are the following :
At the Auditorium . K. Alexander ,
Crawford , Nob. ; Miss Ogden , A. (5. Hurt ,
Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs. Cieorgo H. Clifford ,
( Jraud Folks , N I ) . ; John Flottio , Ulsnuirck ,
N. O ; A. 1 $ . Cuminlngs , Uns Moines.
At the UlcheltoiiOtto Stallman , San
Francisco ; H U. Hlddlo , Montana
At the Lohmd Dr. and Mrs. 1C. D. rum-
nilnps , Plattsmouth , Nob. ; Mrs. J. W. Hell ,
Ues Molmv , la.
At the (5rand Paclllo-W. N. Hancock ,
Clark Wood , Mrs. M. II. Wil on , Omaha ;
James V. Mahoney , Sioux City , la ,
At the Sherman-J , H. Owen , Pierre ,
K. D ,
At the Trcmont . V. Weeks , Omaha ;
Joseph Snowcraft , Ogden , Utah ,
Ciesjler's Maglo Headache Wafers. Cures all
tieudcchcs la so minutes. At ail druggists
Dr. GravoH Denies I'vcrytliiii ; ; .
DINVI : : , Colo. , May ! . - Dr. Thatcher
Graves has employed counsel to defend him
'n the ease which ho contemplates will bo
brought against him charging him with the
poisoning of Mrs. Hiirnaby. lie has made a
Htutetnent to his attorney denying all com
plicity In the case , nnd also declaring ho has
not made any of the statements which the
press has ciedllod him with He even de
nies having mailed Mrs , U.irnaby the bottle
of whisky which was poisoned , so as to
cause the woman's death ,
HoWltl's Llttlo Early Kisors. Host little
pill ever made. * Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
An Aiiti-ICim > iiean Hlot.
i , May 1 ! ! . An antl-Kuropeau riot
has taken place at Woo lioo. Natives
burned the Catholic mission mid a number
of other European buildings. The Europcau
have taken rofuco upon a vessel In the
river. The HrltUh ship Inconstant has boar
ordered to proceed Immediately to the scene
of the riot and protect the lives nnd property
of European residents.
Steamer Lucy l.owe Koporteil Safe.
TICOMA , Wash. , May la. U Is learned that
the Steamer Luoy Lowe , reported lost , has
arrived at her dcstlnatttm ou the QuooUcao
river ,
L DoWitt's Llttlo Early Illscrs , best pUL
in : WAH A i.iri : HA run.
Statement of Italian Consul Cortc or
New Orleans.
Nr.w OiuCAX ? , La. , May 13 , In an Inter
view with a reporter today Senor Corte said
relative to his alleged recall as the consular
agent of the Italian government at Now
Orleans : "I am about the only accredited
Italian who Is able to ofllclally testify In per
son at Homo relating to the unfortunate af
fair nnd the numberless complications
which have originated therefrom. My
chief desires my presence. lie
has summoned mo and I am about to
oboy. l\hy should I bo recalled ) Hocauso 1
have expressed my opinion as a > i Italian upon
the barbarity of the acts complained of 1 God
forbid that as a gentleman and a frco agent
In a free country , and , officially , the repre
sentative of ono of the Ditopcan powers , I
should bo taken to task for having the cour
age to oxprc an opinion upon matters vital
to the dearest sentiments of mv countrymen
Doour people expect it , as I think joar
mayor and gr.i'id jury men doi"
Mr. Coito win allowing his feelings
to overmaster him , but ho checked himself
anil continued in a more compose 1 manner :
"Pardon mo , I have spoken too animatedly.
1 Irive just now allude I in the mayor nnd
grand Jury. Let mo te.i \ni that I have
saved Mayor HlmUotpeire' * life , and I have
done the same service to Mr. Parnlnsoa and
Wlekliffnnd other lead -i. 1 tell you this
confidentially. Do not use the Information
until I have left for Italy. lint bah , lot it go.
You may sav it today. The dav after the
killing thorn was a determined nnd almost
uncontrollable determination among certiln
of my countiymen to kill the mayor and
all those who had a hand In the
butchery. Hut I restrained them. I con
trolled the fearless men. I told them to
ho ware. I said that If any harm befell those
gentlemen I would Immediately and unre
servedly denounce the perpetrators of the
deed. This firm stand checked them and I
succeeded in holding them with a promise
that I would do everything in my power to
obtain justice , redress and satisfaction in the
proper and legitimate manner. "
Air. Corte , speaking of the rctura of his
letter uy the grand Jurj , said : "I am not
surprised nt their action. Could 1
expect anything more from a grand
Jury whose chairman , as president
of the cotton exchange , endorsed the kill
ing ! I will not answer ttieir letter. Jt is
perfectly useless to s-.v or to do anything
more about this matter. "
Relative to his near departure for Italy ,
Mr. Corto said that ho could not leave till ho
had heard from Signer Poma. The latter ,
uliois in Huston , lias been telegraphed to
in order to lot Mr. Corto know when ho
would bo In Now Orleans. If the answer
comes to-day Chevalier Corto will bo react *
to go to-morrow evening.
Ilorsfiird'-i Aulil I'hopeatp
.Makes l > clnloim : l/einonado
A teaspoonful added to n glass of hot or
cold water , and sweetened to the taste , will
bo found refreshing and Invigorating.
OrchardsMl 1 to 1118 Douglas. Special
sideboard sale all this week.
last MwtliiK ol'tlie MlllerH.
Nnw YOHK , May 13.--Tho last session of
the millers' national convention was held this
afternoon on board the steamer Grand He-
public while sailing up the Hudson oa an ex
cursion. The matter of establishing a trans
portation tracing bureau , which was left in
the hands of the executive committee with
power to establish the same , was brought tip.
Mnnv of the members who were not present
nt Tuesday's meeting protested against the
voting away of $1 t.OOC ) to start this bureau.
The protest did not prevail and the bureau
will bo established. The convention , after
passing a vote of thanks to the Now York
produce exchange and to 13. D. Neustodt.
the commission chairman , for courtesies and
entertainment , adjourned slue die.
Bo wise in tlmo. You have too many gray
hairs for one so young loaning. Use Hull's
Hair Hencwor , the best preparation outt o
cure them. Trv it.
llio Grande AVII1 Klse A aln.
Fr , N. M. , May in. News from the
upper Uio Grande are to the effect that the
bridges above Kspauola are unsafe and that
snow In the Cumbrcs nnd Taos mountains is
melting fast and the river will oo sH'
higher. Holow Albuquerque a good deal of
damage " has been done and several small vil-
"ages have been swept away by the now
mighty floods of the Hio Grande.
: OK HnritrsKXTKTivr.s , WASHINGTON' ,
D. C. The Excelsior Springs , Mo , waters
are delicious to the taste and splendid in re
sults when used In lillous nml malarial con
ditions of the system. C. II. Mansur , M. C.
Preparing to Kronoml/.c.
WASHINGTON- , May 18. In view of the pos
sible deficiency in the appropriation for the
collection of the customs revenues during
the present fiscal year. Secretary Foster has
determined to reduce the force in some of the
customs houses where such a reduction will
not materially Impair the ofllcleiicy of the
service. Tlia first ofllco to bo affected by this
decision will bo the nppriaer's ofllco In
Are you nervous and irritable ? A glass of
Cook's Imperial Wino banishes that feeling.
t's the pure grape Juice naturally fermented.
Lonsvn.i.i : , Ivy , , May 13. The executive
committee of the Scotch-Irish congress met
hero this mornincr with President Banner ,
Prof. Geort'o McCloikio of Princeton nnd
Secretary Floyd ot Columbia , Teun. , among
those present. Arrangements wore perfected
for the meeting beginning tomorrow.
The IIowo scales , the only scale with pro-
oned.bearings. No check rods. Catalogues
of Horden Jc Sclleck Co. , Agts. , Chicago , 111.
LaM Kclio of the Indian War.
Ciurvno , May 13. The last echo of the
late Indian war in the northwest was heard
today when General Miles issued orders for
all the Infantry in that section to return to
their respective posts.
Small in si/e , ereat in results : DoU'ltt'
Llttlo Early Klsors. Ho t pill for Constipa
tlon , host for Side Headache , best for Sour
m I
Grain ICxports from 'Frisco.
SVN FuAM'isco , Gal. , May 13 , Exports of
wheat and flour from this poit for the past
ton months of the crop year of lbOO-91 were
15,10.1,000 centals , valued at ? .M,3irOUO. :
A thire Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry. Light Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
and Wholesome.
. No other baking powder does uch work , _
American Holler Milkers.
ST. Lot'is , Mo. , May 13. President Lni > -
pen cnllcd the American Holler Mnkcra' ns-
soclntlon shortly hoforo noon , and after ttio
tnlnutos of yostoruny's session \vcro road the
report of the committee on test of inatcrtiiU
was presented. This report was n lengthy
document of n tcchnlcnl nature.
At the afternoon session a paper was road
on materials , after wiilch ttio report of the
committee on safety vnlvci nnd horse power
was received and ducuiscd. Papers were
rend relating to man holes and man heads ,
and the session closed with nn address ou the
necessity of n bankruptcy law. Adjourned
until 10 tomorroow ,
The Indianapolis dispatch referring to the
notion talieu by the Hro'.herhood of Holler
Makers as to ttie apprenticeship question was
shown President Lappan. Ho regarded this
news ns very Important. "Our association , "
said lie , "has always been In favor of a strict
apprentice svstoiu , but wo dlu not feel like
tutting action until wo know Just Athat the
position of tlio workmen was ou the subject.
It appears that the brotherhood agrees with
us. ' '
Mnminn ( to her llttlo boy ) Now , Hcniiic ,
if you 'II be fjood ami KO to sleep , mamma ' 11
Klvo you ono of Dr. Ayer's nice sugar-coatud
Cathartic Pills next tlmo you need modl-clno.
Honnle , smiling sweetly , dropped oft to
sleep ut on co.
$ l ( ) to Cincinnati and Uottira.
Tlio Ohio Missl ] ) ) rnllway will
soil tickets from St. Louis to C'lnulnnatl
nnd return nt the low rate of $10 , oed
( 'oliig May 18 and 10 and roturiilnp
until May 2ii Incluslvo. For further
infoi'iniitioii address A. .1. Lytlo , ( 'on'l
wust. pa .s'j' ujjt , 105 North Broadway ,
St. Louis , Mo.
Another Kutiil Fetid In Konliiuky.
Loiisvn.i.i : , Ky. , Muy 1 ! ) , A Times special
from Onttlottsburc snys : At Ilairor , Me-
Uo\vell county , Saturday a light occurred
hotwecn the Halls and Stoolos , two factions
who have long kept up a feud. Samuel and
Hlr.un Stcelo worj sluln , Lou Hall is dying
ami Lou-is Hall Is wounded. The light
tiogan In the morning In a magistrate's olllce ,
whore a case was being tried. A friend of
the Stceles was testifying and some stato-
incut of his was denied Dy a Hall sympa
thiser. A llsticuff light ensued Hoth sides
rallied In the strcot ami takiiu ; refupo behind
corners and boxes u running lire was kept up
for an hour.
Queen of lti ( !
Say mil , the girls sny If my faro want , so
speckled un with pimples , they'd innko me
"Queen of llio May. " Wluit shall 1 dot
Why , pot a bottle of Haller'ssursaparilhi and
burdock , of course ; It's the most wonderful
bloodpurilier of the aye.
Special Sale of Sideboard .
S. A. Orchard , 1411 to 1118 Douglas ,
luis jiibt received an elegant line of line
and medium priced sideboards at | ) ficos
that will biirprlho you. Tlicso boards
are iinido in the latest styles furnished
in antique and old English oalc. Spo-ial
prices this week.
The mir Portfolio.
WisnisoTox , JlAy 13. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HCK. ] It Is now definitely settled
that Secretary of.'War Proctor will resign in
July , and It Is cqtutlly certain that the vacant
portfolio will bo tundcrod General Alger un
less he Intimates beforehand that ho will not
accept It , Just what General Alger will do
Is a matter of much doubt. If ho accepts It ,
the stop will bo equivalent to renouncing all
ambitions for thci presidential nomination In
IhU'J. On the ether hand , General Alger's
friends rcallzo that if ho makes a losing light
for the nomination next year ho will bo done
for all time. If hu accepts the cabinet posi
tion It will lo taking ouo step nearer the goal
of his ambition with the pi Izo deferred four
years longer. It Is believed that General
Alger \ \ 111 soon have this serious problem
presented for his consideration , mid will want
somn adroit statesman like Colonel Quay or
General C'larkson to tell him Just what hud
best bo dono.
All lor Sister.
How much ironoy have I got In my bank }
Korty-llvo cents , stranger only want llvo
cents more. What will 1 do then , stronger I
\Vhyyou sce.slster has such a terrfblo cough ,
and people say It will bo bad on her If nho
don't L-i't hotter soon , and the folks tell mo
I toiler's- sure cough syrup will euro It right
up ; so you sco llvo conlsl Thank you ,
to Cincinnati.
via the
On May 17 nnd 18 the Wabash will
sell tickets to everybody at one faro for
the round trip. Sunday , May 17 , Hpceial
excursion train with delegates and
others will leave Omaha ntIHO :
and Council Hinds at 5:00 : p.
in. running through In about
twenty-live hours , making this the
quickest and best route. Reclining chair
and Pullman hulTet sleeping cars on all
trains. Tickets will bo on sale at
Wabasn olllco , loOU ITnrnnin street ; also ,
at Union Pacific depots , Omaha and
Council Hlull's. For further information
call on or write
Northwestern Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb
1'osi 111,1 Htei > Appointed.
U'tsuiNnTON , May 1 ! ) . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hm.J : Postmasters were ap
pointed today as follows : Xoor.iska Cella ,
Holt county , J. Theowen , vlco M. S. Thee-
wen , died ; Martinsburgh , Dixoti county , F.
Jeffrey , s'icc M. Loekwood , resigned , Pow
ell. JelTerbon county , \V. T. Hill , vice \V. C.
H.tcot' , resigned.
lown Loveland , Potatwnttnmlo county , J.
D. Lake , vice M. II. French , removed.
South Duicota SciMiiton , Walworth
county. C. A. tVeuvcr , vice F. J. Uochmcr ,
resigned. *
_ _
Tliy ( lot It of "o nr-40.
Jlml oh Jlml I say , .Urn ! Yeup coinln' ,
mam ; ' \ hat's cr matter ! Why baby bus got
the colic ; run down to drug store and gut a
bottle of Haller's ' pain pnrnlyzor ; quick , now.
If signed by a chronic dead beat , is not worth the paper it is written on. It's so with an advertisement
Its value lies more in its signature than in its contents. Its an easy matter for anybody to advertise n ,
certain thine : at a certain price , but its another tiling to live up to the advertisement. We have in the
past four years and a half advertised a great many bargains. The man , woman or child don't live-
who ever read an advertisement signed by the Nebraska lluthing Company who did not liiul the goods'
in the store exactly as we claimed , if they looked.
Our resident buyer who lives in Xcw York , and who docs nothing but buy goods for us , has re
cently closed out several big lots of Men's Suits. They arc suits which manufacturers ( who are already
at work on goods for next fall ) are anxious to close out. They didn't want the goods and did want the
room. The suits are first class in every way , made by the leading concerns in the country , are cut ,
lined , made and trimmed in superb style. They come in an almost endless variety of styles , ten of ono
style , twenty-five of another , fifty or a hunlred of another. Not a suit but what is worth fifteen dollars ,
and many should sell for eighteen. They were bought cheap , .bought to sell , not to keep. "You know
our way. " Today we put them all in one grand lot an I you can take your pick for
We will also put on sale several big piles of suits made of this popular fabric , in sack
and frocks , cut , lined and trimmed just as they should be. These suits ought to bringcigh -
tep.n or twenty dollars , but we divide with our customers and sell the
Saclcs eit , $13.OO. Krocks ert & 13-QO.
We will also sell ( on the second floor ) two hundred all wool blaclc Cheviot Suits for
young men , ages 14 to 18 , coats and vests made with patch pockets , and pants with nobby side
stripes ; "Quite swell , you know , " at
© ir-c Dollars niicl Fifttj Geiifcs.
Corner Douqlas ; and Fourteenth Streets.
Beginning today we will place on sale 150 young men's Sack Suits , sizes 14 to
19 years , in fine medium shade Cheviots and Cassimercs , at $10.00 per suit ; the
regular retail price is $15.00. They were bought away under price and were made by one of
the best New York houses. There are eight different shades. To those who appreciate well-
made and perfect fitting goods these will prove the best values ever shown in Omaha. Don't
fail to sec them ; ask for the advertised suit.
3Q We have opened five cases of full finished Balbriggan Underwear , in natural wool
OC colors , which we will sell for 75c per suit , in all sizes , 34 to 44. Mail orders must be ac
companied with sufficient postage. We can't afford to pay postage ; these goods are sold for
double this price in other stores.
Continental Clothing House ,
Oor. Douglas anct ISth Sts.
Colds Sore Throat Bronchitis Rheumatism
, , , , Neuralgia ,
iitt.iiiimutton ofthL * I.u ni. * , KlilncjJ nnd llowcN , Scliittc.i , ChllbliiliH , FroH Ulto * , ToothaJlie , Uo.ul.icliJ
J'ulns hi the Utick , Client un 1 l.ltnln , mid all the nsuiil
no nppllcnllo'iof IIAOWAVS HKADY Uiilii' : : , to the inrt ntroctod , will InUnnlljr relloTO nn I onn euro
sulTererInloriinlly In ilo < e it from tlilrty to sixty ilrops , In Intlf n tumnler of water It will euro In
ew liKiiii'iiti , I railing ' pivnii ' iiur stunincti Colic , I'latuluncu , llo irtliiirn. Dl.irrhoui S It'll lIcKluho
nunen , VoinltlMt : , ( 'old Clillli , Ncrrouvneio. Sleopleiaiioaa , ami all Intern.ilp.iln9. Wcenti a buttlj For
-ito in Uruwlati. HADWA \ S. CO. . \Varren Si.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Sercntcen rcar otiorl'n'tij. | A rejulir itrnluito In in-a i-lna m illpl IITM iliow li tlll trailing with
llio Kieili'st uccu . all NorrotM , Chronic an 1 ) Dlnii'in. A pinnin nt euro Kuir.intuol for Catarrh
Sierniatorrh | < rH. l.iil .Maahoml. Souilnal We.ikmm. Nlxbl l.oxei , liir.uitoncf. 8fplitll ( . Stricture , anila'iKIU-
Ciinea of the Illonil Skin ami Urlmrr Oriim N II 1 uimr intoo J'llJ fur avorr caio 1 unlortiku an I fill t )
cure CouDiiltatlon froo. llJOk ( .Mfsterloi of I.lfo ) > anl fruJ OalcohouM- . u . ted p. m. auu.luf IJ
a ui to U in.
Omthii , N b. Oct ! i6 , ' 80.
I f'ol it not only .1 prlvllo ; e , t ut a tl uty to
s.iy a geol wo d for Dr. J. U. Mooro's Ua-
tarriCuro. Hnvo been troublocl lor years
v.-tt i catarrh. Froquuutly had to ro-ort to
t'ldtdlbigreenblo hawking and Hiiitttng to
clear my hroat of a tough , string'moons
that lotlj-o.1 there. Hat ! tr oA dtlo-ont remedies -
odios without raliof Afawapplica ions of
Mooro's Catirrh Homedy almost entirely re-
HnyaJ me. I roconmond it whenever an
opportunity presents It. lf.
Mooro'a Tioo of Ilfo a ponltUo euro for ICIilnor
anil l.lvcr ( onipl ilut nml all blood dive KIM Dooi It
ny to untTor irhon > ou cin Im cured by mill. Slooru J
'Ircoof l.lfo. tiiiM.real I.lfo Homely ?
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Sol of Teeth on Ililtiljo'
fnr H\l ! DOM.AIIS. Aperfeii
llteuiranteeil 'U-i'th intrnttul
without pain or il.itiKOr an I
without anBC lliutlcs liuld and
ilvcr rlllluiii at lnwi'U niuti
lltlil o nnd Crown Work 'Jeiil'i
- _ . , . _ - Mthuul platuj All wor * war
llnlrnnce , Kill ttrccl el cor Opua uvvnliui
until 3 o'clock.
( oincr lltli nnd I'limum -
Ii : MM.IjS tlin DlK-loutuil titil fridii
Olio. r > lni wuurs No. 'WV ,
> \.NnitIJ.\S l , thu Original \\utcrrnolon
Tholi''amom riT/.l'AT KICK 1'AMir.V. Iloll
Hlii 'ori. Bin < urJ , Du nccis unit Coineuluns.
A Qrkt-olusi Specialty EotcnaluuiciiU
Floral Conversatory.
South East Oor. 0 and 17tb , Lincoln , Neb
W. S. Sawyer & Co.
l l/tlii i J
Ooiioral collection of plants unil cut flowers
iihviiys mi h.inil. I'loriil ilcsltfiis. loniUfts ) |
baskets , ptc , fur n iitlcs. Wi'ililliiits nnd fun-
crnls a hiH'i-liiliv , nnd scut to any n irt of the
stuto. I'lli'c list fi DNfiiunl to HiKlur-
uUtrton funeral HOI U. 'JVIcpliuno , i4l.
fhc JJcsl Pill On Enrtli *
r. IIolih'H Mttlo
Vff.'olulilo IMIlN act
MCVSuud Jt\VI.IS ,
1'uverw unil < 'O | < | N ,
cleansing the oyf trm Ilior-
ouKhly nod tltoy cur *
linljltnnl conntijmtlon ,
'Jhoy nro fugnr coatcil ,
< \ yiuri' t > Xdo not Krlpo , very
Gliw - C S S tt ' smal1' ' ' ° ' 'oi on
pin n ooso , nnd nro
pnrrl } ' vrKOtnhle. 4' pllliincncM viol. 1'cr-
Wt illufitloii fnllnwu ttiolr ui-c. They AIISO.
iiidnrii ICecouiiiiciuIi-il liy lUoaillnu I'liy-
llrlailM. FnrKilulijr ilru ni-ln nr heut by mail.
leutH a vial ( ir6 forcl W. AdJre n
'in Francisco , Cat. Chicago , IK
Krencli Muntlil ) ' Mogailnp. An Invulu iblo liolp to
Frenchitiiueiin neil uafhurr. ITI'D > aniilo | lup/
i UiULIfi * Co.V. . Mailltoa b < 4. , Miw Von
More than 15 Ten pxiierloiicu In tliu treatment of
A euro KUnrnnlccd In s to 5 claj , H Uliont La Ion
tin hour'H lliuo.
The mo t rornplpto nml nlmnliita euro for ( tloft nnf
nil Mrimiylnn Hl.idnirKi'n OUT known In the mrilloM
prut < 'sl > n. The iiui t ptnlihurn chronic find lunf ,
btuiullnt ; cases permanent ! ) cured In from 5 to l
Or pnln In relieving the blnildvr permanently <
nlthiiut puln or Instrument * no cuttlnx , no < iuf lnij.
' 1 ho m t Kni.irkabloromcdy knonu to modern Bci *
emu.YrIto lur circulars
Ciirnl In ! to SO ilnjnlr ) .Mid'rmv' treatment foi
tills teirtblo liloixl iliscnso Ims lieen pronounced tbtf
imistKUccciHful lenuul ) UVIT discovered for the li <
ixdiitii euro of t'.io dlsc.ise. Ilia HIICOOIS nltuitil-
( llrrate has never been eiiuallol. A coiapleto cur
KUuranlcL'd Write foi-tlrculurn.
And nil ueikno'BC * rif tl o ccxuul orn m , m'rioiiM *
nc'sd , tlinl < Ut > nnd deipomti'iipy titjaolululjr cured *
The rclluf la immodluto mill rumplcto ,
llliCMiinntlsni anil all < l'i'ii ! oi of the blood , ( Ivor
Lldni'ys nnd bladder permanently cured.
And MPurtttiflii , nttiroimit'Ht ami illnounon of tb *
Htumurh cunul Tliu doctor H "lloim TrertmcrH' foi
liiilli'4 pronounced by nil who have used It to h *
tlu1 itinut romplt'tonnd conu'nlunt rum oily ever uf *
it-nil fur tlm tri'.itiMi'nt of f < > inntu ilheasoa It 1 * tru *
l > a wondiTltil rciiKMly. No liiMtrumouti , DO piiUk
Hours lor l.ullc" . from 2 to 4 enl ) ,
Marvellous biit'cuss in the treatment of
jiriviito ( lisoasos hns won for him u rop-
ututionyhioh in truly niitioiuil In cliur-
ai'tcr , iiiul his grout nrmy of patients .
rcauhcs from the Atlnntlt ) to the 1'aclllo.
The doctor is u ffriiduuto of "regular"
inctliuino and has had lontr and careful
uxpurionco in hospital praotico , and la
classed among thu loading spucitiliHts iu
tnodorn sclnnco. Troatinont by cor-
rcbpotulonao. Write lor cirulnrs about
nnuh of 'tho above diseases , frou.
Office Htli and larnain ; Streets.
OMAHA. Ni : .
r.ntranco on Hither Street.
ui muuiuji llll'I
r'orlliotroumonlor nil ClIHOVIC AND
IllSICA.Si : . llritc K , ApiillaiiLUilorDaroniiUlaiiiail
'J'rutieei lli'Ht I'.acllllloi Appnruui co 1 llurnoJIul
for iUccoiHful truatiuunl of uru > y form of tUau * * *
ruiulrliu MoUicalor Hurxlcil 'IrJitiaiint. NI.N'IU'V
IIOOMS I'OII I'VTIKM'.S. lloinl .in < l Attenitnnca
II < 1 \ iinnioitatloni ' . .VmLVrllo fur clrculnri oa
I > eloriuitltii nnil llracni , 'l'rui Li , ( tub teut. Ciirrft *
lurei of iplno , IMIei , Tnnior , Cancer , Cittnrrh ,
llronclillh , Kluclrlcltr I'nrnl/ili Kpll *
i'j r Klilini ; . , lll.i > lilur. Kro , Kr , Skin nnd lllooLI
nml all Mirtrlcal lipurMloni Dlif.ArlUS Of WOMKN
n > | clnllo Hunk 01 ll ) n ii * t Woman hr n. \V
haio I ilety mtilcil n Ijlns In l > ( * pirtaiunt for \Vointn
llurlnit ciiiillneini'nl ( tjlrlcllI'rlvnln I Onlr Itnllif
t.UMi'ilii il liKlUiitu .Making u dpuclallr uf 1'IU-
VA n : i us mi in
All Hl.HMl Dlkonspi Aiicrai fiiMj tn"ito < l , Meillcln *
3r Initrtiturtnti oeiit br mill or nxprun lucuryly
( mikeil no unrki to ( nilic.ito riinlunti or mmilar.
OiMipcr'onn. lntur low profcrnul L'nll an < t coniult- "
UM or en > l IiU ory of roar ran * un 1 wo will xond la
Inln wrnpiior our HOOK I'D MKS KltKIS. upon I'rl *
rnlii HpecUl or Norton. ll ) ow.i , xllhuuottUriliil.
Aihlri'unll Ulliin to
Dr. A. 1" . McLnughlln , Pceslclaa
Vtli .mil 11.mi" " streets. Oinuh.i.
Faslly Quickly , Pomiiinontly Rootorou.
IVcuklicti , .Vri-tull ui , IlfMllly. mid \\l \
tin ) Unin n ( vvlli from urlf trniriurlutcr t'licuti ' ,
tliu roiilli of OTtTwurk , l ( km i , worrj , vie , I'ull *
tlrenglli , uorclciniciil | , nnil Inno ulvvn lo OTerr
oriinu anil portion ( if Ilia txxly. Hlmple , imtiitnl
mtthodi. Iiniiipitlftlfl IraproTtuicnl rucn. l-nlluto
linpomltjlo VUM reference * , llwik , ciuUukt uul
na priHifi malleii ( i led ) free. Addren