THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TliUKSDAY , MAY 14 , 1891. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : No. 12 PEARL STRKET. Delivered 6y Carrier In any part of the City. 11.V. . TJLTON - - MANAGEK. TELUPHOXESi IJusliiess OftJcp , No. 43. Nit-lit P.tlHor. No. 2.1. 31 1 A It Jl iTl OX. N. Y. 1' . Co. Council HlufM Lumber Co , coal. Craft's chattel loans , 2OI Sapp block. Heal Uoclc Hprl nps coal. Thatcher , 10 Main If you want vmor In your yard or house KO to Ulxby'i" , WJ Morrfnm block. M . ( Hlalnwns arrested yesterday mornIng - Ing by Ofllcer 1'ultz for drutikcness. "The Twelve Temptations" will be the next attraction at the now Uroadway then- tor t'ocnhontas degree , Improved Order of Hcd Mun , will glvo n thU evening at \Voodrnun hall. Miiy , the iilnolocit'tnonthvolil daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Inhn Suits , died ycsterJay iiftornonu lit the family residence ou upper llnrilsou sued. The funeral will occur this ufternoon at I o'clock. 1'iof W. K. Chambers tendered a dmiclng party to his class In dancing lust evening nt thu hall on I'onrl streot. Many of the friends of the pupils wore present , and u very pltua- nut evening was spent. Don Phillips and Frank \\llson were lined til ) 70 for plain drunks In police court yestcr- d.iv Thu cases against I ) . Simons and I'- AluKnnna , charged with disturbing the jiouri1 , u ore continued until this morning at b o'clock . ( ( .incite , iho infant daugh'or of Mr. and Mis James Wlokoham , died justi-ulav after noon ati : o'clock of brain fover. The funeral will talto ii.ace this nttcrnoon nt 2 o'clock. The remains will bo interred in Full \levv ' . ceme'cry. _ lilac ! : organdies , ttio latest in black wash poods , evciy jard iunranteed absolutely fust black thn greatest of the season , a lu iul'ul riuiKi. of natteins all the way from ' Me toVic. . iVnv is 'tho limo to inako your hclci lion uhilo tl.c choice patterns hist. If ! > slon Ktoro , rolhciinguiim , Whitulaw A : Co. , Council HUilTs. Library parly Thursday nvonlng. Mitts nnd gloves Our line is now complete - ploto in nluck silk mitts nt ilc , Sic , .T.'c ' , Me nnd ( Vic. U'o think niid say without the leint hesitancy Hint ' . \e have the best value in the above that ever entered any city. All pure silk mid guaranteed fust blacks. Ask to sco them ; uo delight in showing poods , wheihiT yon purchase or not. Boston Ktoio , rotherlnghainVhitel.iw & Co , Council IdulTs. Don't forget the Hunllownr chorus. Furniture , carpets , refrigeiators , baby car riages , stoves , crockery , and all house fur nishing goods , cash or on e.isy payments , at Mandel & KlUn's. l'iit .so.viJ'A KA < : n.t / S. H. Frutii of Shelby was In the city > os- tcrday. Ho is now in the lumber business in bhelby. Mrs. T. S. Campbell of Avoca In the city yestcidav vistini ; her husband , thn cleric of thu district court. Fianlc blilnn of Carson was In tliu city jcstordny nttondiiig ilistrlct court. James Craw , a , well known citizen of Minden - den , was iu the litufls yesterday. J II. Scott , inaiinRor of the tension , n Hnp- list weekly published at Minneapolis , Is in the city the Kttest of his friend , IJuv. L. A. Hall of the First Uaptlst church. The Hcrciui Temple will servo dinner today noon nt 710 Hrondwiiv , Uanforth block , ice * 'rcun ; also , for the benefit of Iho Christian home. Mtilr hai all sorts of fruit , shade nnd orna mental trees , Broadway , opposite postoftlce. ' ' IUPwl ! \ Ice ! ! . ' If you want It pure nnd n And nt n reasonable pr Follow no now dev lea. Hut send to us In a tr At our off Mulhollanu A : Co. , No. 4 Pearl St. , Tel. 102. Hc Shot to Kl 1. About midnight Tuesday night there came near bcliif ? a tragedy on Broadway , near the corner of Tenth street. The matter was ic- ported to the police , but did not get Into the hands of the reporters until yesterday. At the hour mentioned Ed Bates and Jumcs O'Lcnry were standing at the corner near the Tremont hocr.e , the point where Bates had a long and blood v encounter last fall. While they were talking two men passed , and sonic remark made by O'Lo.iry cnuicJ them to stop. Ono of the men approached O'Leary and demanded satisfaction for what ho con sidered an Insulting epithet , O'I.eary explained - plained that the remark was not applied to him nnd that ho was unconscious of his presence when ho uttered it. The explanation not satisfactory , and the. stranger struck O Leary a violent blow in the faco. Bates then toolc a hand topic- vent further trouble when the other stranger pulled n revolver and llrcd. The bull struck O'Learv on the forehead , but It was n glanc ing blow and only plowed a deep furrow in the Ik'.sh Instead of penetrating the brain. Both strangers took to their heels nnd escaped when O'Leary fell to the carth stunned bv the shot. Officer Robertson was near the place and hoard thn shot , but before ho reached the scone the two strangers were out ot sight. Neither Dates nor O'Loury rocogui/od the men , but so far as they know were entire strangers In the city. O'Loary's wound Is painful but not serious. Shugart & Co. carry largest stoctc of bulk Held , cardcn and ( lower seeds In the west Catalogue and samples by mall. Trees , all kinds , guaranteed to prow , prices cheap , nt Malrs' , U road war , opposite postof- Jlco. _ I.ncu curtains cleaned from 5Uo to 1 1.35 per pair , nt Twin City dye works. Ucntti ot'Mi'N. Damon. Mrs. Agnrs Damon died last evening nt 0:25 : o'clock , after nn illness of otio year. The deceased has been n resident of Council Bluffs lor many years past , nnd was n mem ber of the Presbyterian churen nt the time " ' ot her death. She was the widow of the late J.V. . Damon , and the mother of several children , nil of whom are grown. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock , from the family residence , 109 Fourth street , Dr. S. Puolps , oftlctntlug. ' * * A delightful evening can bo spant In ex im- liiing loxely books with lovely bindings. ( Jo and son the beautiful books in the library In thu Piesb. ) terlnn parlors. Pianos , organs , C. B. Muslo Co. , MS B'd'y. Underwear- can fit you out with almost nnythlng Hi the umlcruenr lino. Anything wo have not got in stock \\ocntipetforyou If to bo found In New York city , having * nn ofllco In Now York nnd nn oxiwrlcnccil nnn always on the spot Dr.ngs us In direct com munication with Iho igrvnt mcrvantllo cent'T of the world. Boston Store , Council Bluffs Tln > y AIM nut SatlNlleil. The case of Dr. J. C. Schrader of Iowa City , against Mr. and MM. Uavid Hoover of Walnut was brought to an end In superior court yesterday morning nt 2 o'clock , when the Jury Drought In a verdict of * J.5J In favor of the plaintiff. The suit originated In n claim for foes for professional sm Ices , Dr. Schrader valued his services at JIOO. but Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoover did not vuluo them worth near that much , Mrut I'ootry. When you are hungry nnd want to cat ( So lo M. Welker's Mr Main street , . And pot n picco of choice meat .S Which bU'ely will satisfy your appetite. IT Meats nr received dally bv the load And sold and delivered C. O. D Don't forget the place , and number , Tor U Is the best market by thunder. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Presidential Party Held Up for a Short Tima at the Transfer. HE SPOKE IN THE SWITCH YARDS. Grent Cr..wtlH of Hlunites Gather to Cliecr tin ; Parly Stopped by ttio Deal' Mnto School Children. Yesterday was Harrisot.'s diy. Early In the morning the crowds began to take the motor trains that ran to Omaha every live minutes , except when they did not run so oflon as that , and by noon it seemed as though half of Council Bluffs had taken ad vantage of the opnoitunily llmi was offered it of seeing n real live president. The molor line experienced one of Iho blcgesl bonanzas of its'existence. One conductor who went to Omaha at about 10 o'clock reaped n harvest of M' > nickels , nnd on his next run , which he made about nn hour later , he had ITi. . So it was from half-pist eight in the morning unlll noon Many also wont over In rlss , so that it is estimated that not less than 3,000 people veni over from the Bluffs. Among the crowd were the mayor nnd most of the aldermen It had been decided that they would not go over in n body , as there was n general feeling up to U o'clock Tuesday evening ihnt Iho Bluffs' delegation had been rather neglected In the making of the general arrangements by the Omaha city council. Dining the evening , however , the whole Omaha council came over in n body to see the mayor and the board of iitdormcn , and after nn interview had been had they changed their minds and decided to go. 'I tie members of Abe Lincoln post. Grand Army of thu Kopublie , shared Iho feeling of loneliness with the council with the added pain of not being remembered , oven nt the last minute , so the } went to the transfer in n body at about ,1 o'clock In the afternoon. They weie accompanied by their drum corps under the leadership of Wall McFadden. Fully u'.dOD people who had not been ablu to see tin ) president in Omaha , and main others wno had seen him. went to the transfer along with them The motor company , as In iho morning , did n land clllee business. The presidential p irty was advertised to reach the transfer ntfi.oO , but it was after 0 o'clock before the train came in sight over the Missouri river bridge. At last it reached a point about seven hundred feet west of ttio ileuot , wnero the crowd had congregated , and there , surrounded by box cars , sheds and railroad tracks , ttio president made a speech fiom thu rear platform of the rear car. It would nol have been a very inspiring land scape upon which to look out , had in not been for the sea of eager , upturned faces tint greeted him Still the piesidcnt made his speech and was giected with hearty applause when ho tind tlnlshed Postmaster General Wanamaker was then called for , and ho too rondo u few remarks. Secretary Husk of the agricultural depart ment then appeared and congratulated the state which he hud Just entered and way about to leave on the largeness of her r.firieultural products. Last of all , Mis. Harrison risen was called for. She stepped to thu platform and bowed lo the throngs on both sides of her , after which the whistle blew , ttio bell rang , and the train pulled out of the yards , en roule to St. Louis. At the dcnf and dumb institute , n greeting had been prepared for the party. Superin tendent Hothcrt hud made arrangements for Iho train to stop n moment on the tracks as It passed through Iho grounds of the Insti tute , which had been decorated with flags. On each side of the tndti were gathered thopupUs u ho evidently enjoyed Ibo sight as much as though they had been gifted with all their senses. The president boC'to \ them nnd received a erecting in return from-bO pocket- handkerchiefs. The grounds hud been decor ated with flags. _ Growth of Ilnliking Itnsiiiess In another column of TIIE BKK Ibis morn- lntr will bo found the last statement of the First National bank of this citv. U Is a re- innrknblo exhibit as showing the growth of the banking business In Council Bluffs. Within the last ) ear the bank has increased its capital by doubling it , nud the statement snows that business has1 increased in about the same ratio. A good part of this increaxo ' Is duo lo the confidence begotten by safe financiering and nblo manaueinentol the m > w president , Mr. doorgo P. Sanfnrd. The steady giowth In ttio ueulth of the city is also largely respon sible for it. The statement will bo examined with interest by the citizens ot Council Bluffs , nnd it will b.n good deal of satisfac tion for the people of western Iowa to know tint Iholr oldest llnancial institution still keeps its prominent place In the front ranks. Drs. Woodbury , denlists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone HJ. High made work u specialty. Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ; uithin one and one-half mile * of the I1. O. ; all in bearing ; good buildings ; possession given at once. Call on D. J. Hulchinsou & Co. , 017 Broadway. Young ladles desiring lo fit themselves for nur es can have all Instruction free at the \Vomens' Christian Association hospital , Council Bluffs , la. Bring credentials as to moral character. Apply to Mrs. U. J. Osborne , O'iO First avenue , Council Bluffs , la. Go and Hear Iho popular singers , Mrs. bhormnu and Miss Oliver , Thursday even ing. Hvenln-j'H Amusement. The entertainment to be given this evening in the parlor ) of the Presbyterian church will prove very novel uhd atlraclivo. There will bo a short musical programme , followed by the opening of the "Circulating Library , " which will bo a very amusing surprise to Ihoso who Inspect it. Slrawborr'.es ' and ice cream will bo served during the evening. The following is the musical programme : Couio Where the Sunflowers Bloom Suntlower Chorus. I'm as Happy as a .BlsrSunflower Solo nnd Chorus. Ho WasnPilnco Miss Oliver. Cnlngn Ling Ling Sunflower Chorus. Swing Song Chorus. In Sweet September. Hope Touiplo. Mrs. Sherman. At the Court of the Czar .Sunflower Chorus. Hall for Kent. Ou account of leaving town I will rent my hell , togelhea wilh parlor room , dining room , kllchen , with steve , cily wiitcrin the kitchen , for ono year or more. It is the most conven ient ball In the city ; alt in first-class order. Inquire J. F. Peterson , 130 Broadway. For lovely books go to the entertainment Thursday evening. Tor neat bindings go to Moorohouso & Co. , Pearl street. When about to build don't fail to ? ct prices on lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. , b3 Broadway. Telephone is7. Union Park races , Omaha nnd Council Bluffs , June SMS , * , UOO ; Sept. fe-11 , J4I..WO ; Oct. ' 'O.1$1,000. . For programmes address Nut Brown , sec'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha. AVantH a City I all. Alderman Smith has been drafting an or dinance for the past few days which ho will present at the next roiru'lnr meeting of Iho city council. It U an ordinance providing /or the erection of u cily hall , the coat of which , togelhcr wilh iho grounds , is nol to exceed fOO.OOO. The ordinance authorizes the voting of bonus to thu amounl of Stfi.UOO or less , wntch shall run Hahy war tick , w * g e htr Cutorla , Wnen .she WM a CIUM , Uio cried for C&ctorla , When the bwuno MUa , ilie clung to C&storia , tVluia film UaJ ( .TUl .a , thu jtvo Uium Culorift. ten years , payable after five years at the option of the cily. The tax which Is to bo levied U not lo exceed ono mill per year on each dollar's worlh of taxable properly. 1 he ordinance has been showed to several members of the council , nnd some of them are In favor of It. Others , however , are opposed to making any further additions to the Indebtedness of the city. Whether a majority of the members favor the scheme , cannot bo told nl present , but 11 Is cerlaln the ordinance will find soma thorns In Its path. Dress ginghams Kverylhing In lhat line from the 7c dress gingham lo the finest Scotch goods. At 7c , Sc , lOc and 12 f c wo show u beautiful range of patterns At liic we show a very line line of zephyr ginghams , the style nnd finish almost as coed as the most expensive. Boston Slore , Council Bluffs. _ Dry slorago nl low rates , slovos nnd house hold goods. J. 11. Snyder , Pearl sircel. AVell Sentenced. Yesterday morning among Iho crowd of creatures who daily appear before the police Judge was an Individual who answered to Ibo name of T J. Sullivan. The charge nguinst him was Improper conduct toward little clils. Sulllven spent the night in the cily Jail and received a $30 W ) line yesterday morning. Ho will do twenty-five days' work on the street. Try Duquetlc & Co 's Pomona fruil Juice lablels. 'iliey are delicious. The latesl addition is the Shanlong pongee , India silk finish , sold everywhere for -'He , our price l-"ic. , u beautiful range ol colors , pine apple tissue , the preat leader , for 1-'uC. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. For nn evening's enjoyment go lo Iho Pres byterian parlors Thursday evening. Well Cleaned I reels. The streels of Council Bluffs were never In such a tidy and clean condition us they nro at the present lime , and n largo p-irt of Iho responsibility for the good work rests upon Oflleer Wiutt nnd his chain gang The streel commissioner's wagons are kept busy haul ing away iho little piles 01 dirt swept up by the tramp brigade. DeWill's Little liurly Hiscwforlho Liver. COL'NMLM YN.C CHCKK. Feed , Tobacco I'.iirnlng and IIIo- ( | iience Indulged In , As a pleasant termination of the day the Omaha city council tendered a very delight ful banquet to the councllmcn of Soulh Omaha and Council Bluffs \\lio were pres ent and participated in the exercises as Iho gucsls of Iho Gale City fathers. Upon the conclusion of the drive to Iho depot In the wake of the presidential carriage Iho councils of Ihe llirco elites mel in Iho ordinary of Ihe nnd-over board discussed Mlllnrd - < i banquet questions uffeclini ; the Interests of Iho three municipal governments. Tim munu was begun with the introduction of "Mr. Oscar Pepper , " nnd terminated with n presentation to Iho "Widow Cliquol. " But n more lucid explanation will be found in ttie following : MoeU Turtle an * Quenelles. jiinuimnuuu Hulled u.iliiion Mirlmp Sauce. 1'otatoes I'nils.entic. Hunt f-aiitcinc. Cucumbers. Uon'-t lleef. I'ommcry Sec. Mnsheil roiutot" . Splmu'h. bucct Dreads Larded. Mushroom * . Asparagus. Chicken balad. Assorted Cake. Vanilla Ice f' MraHboirlcs and Cicam. rrult. ColTee , Cigars Above the president of the homo council , Mr. T. J. Lowry , who occupied Iho chair , Mayor Cushing doing like service nt the 'ool of Iho labie , n banner floated bearing the tnl istnanlo words : "Omaha welcomes you Council Bluffs and Soulh Omaha. " When Iho cigars were lighted , after the bill of fare had been considered In committee of Iho whole , Iho speech-making begun , Mayor Gushing opening Iho discussion. In cidentally hp spoke of Ihe reprobontallves of Iho three cilies present , the common Interests which unilo lucm , ana said Ihnt ono could hardly prosper without the other , but to gether they were invincible Other speeches wore made in like strain by J. O'Hourke , president of the South Omana council , Peler Wind , president of the Coun cil Bluffs council , President Lowry , Mr. Mo- rcarty , Con Gallagher , L. A. Caper , Thomas Toslevin , cily engineer of Council Bluffs , Judge Berkn , John M. Leary. J. C. Lange , Fred Blumer , Henry Oslhoff and T. J. Con- way. way.Tho genllomen who enjoyed iho hospitality of the Omaha council wero. Messrs. J. M. Kcunoy , J. W. Lowery , Soulh Omaha ; J. G. O'Uourko , Soulh Omaha ; John McLeary , L. A. Casper , Council Bluffs : Peter Smith , Council Bluffs ; M H. Van Brunt , Council Bluffs ; I. H. Pace , Council Bluffs ; T. J. Conway - way , Thomas Tosloveu.CouncilBlufls ; Chris. Spechl , Council Bluffs ; J. C Lan- ger ; Council Bluffs ; Henry OUhoff , Con Gallagher , George U raves , Council Bluffs ; Mayor Cushing , Frank Lavino , Coun cil Bluffs ; John Groves , James Doughertj- , South Omaha ; Andrew Haley. Soulh OmnhaJ. ; C. Mitchell , Council Bluffs ; Pclor Wind , Council Bluffs ; Dick Burdish , E. F. Morearity ; Fred Blumer , Thomas F Tulllo , F. D. Cooper , Judge Berka , Peler ELsasser and President Lowry , to whom Is duo the credit of the successful termination of Ihe affair. Dr. Birnov cures catnrrn. Boo bld'tf. Omiilm'H Kxocllent Order. There v > ere fewer arrests yesterday lhan any day oxcepl Sunday In soveru months. This speaks well for the Immense crowds which visited the city. Onlj one case of pockd-plcking was reporled lo Iho police yoslerdoy. This ono case nappencd at Iho high school grounds , where a lady had her purse snalchcd by a couple of colored boys. The police held iho crooks and pellj thieves down In good shape and certainly deserve - servo credit for their excellent work. A very small pill but a vorv goo Joao. Do Witt's I.lttln Early KlRfn . 'I homus' OrcheHtra. Il is highly probable lhat Omaha will soon bo favored with a visit from Theodore Thomas and his famous orchestra , wilh hue soloists assisting. Mr. H. ( ! . Snow , the representative of thu orchcslra , is in Iho city al Ihe Mllardund is negotiating wilh Iho Apollo club for ono or more concerts at popu lar prices iu early June. Pozzonl's Complexion Powder pr educes soft nnd beautiful skin ; it combines every element of beauty and purity. J'KltftOXA L i'A It A tilt A I'llti. United States Senator Paddock Is the guest of his daughter , Mrs. Colliuun , at thu Murray. wr.Aimit For Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; slighilj warmer. Forecast till S p. in. Thursday : For the Dakotas , Iowa , Nebraska and Kansas Fair warmer ; south winds. For Colorado Fair ; stailonary lerapera lure ; south winds. Catholic Knl thf. Pun.1.111:11'iiu : , May 13. At today'ssessiot of the supreme council of the Catholic Knights of America an amendment to the constitution limiting the terms of president secretary nnd treasurer to two jcars was moved and laid over. P S. O'Uourko of Indiana asserted tha lliero was a conspiracy between certain ofli ccrs for their perpetuallon In otlico. Mr O'ltourko also charged Treasurer O'Brien wtih dishonesty. He suid the bunks whore Mr. O'Brien deposited paid Interest ou deposits posits , but the order received none. Mr O'Brien denied Mr. O'Uourko's slalemenls generally and defended himself. Ftennixhlp Arrivals. At London Sighted , Iho Saandum and iho Normanla. from Now York. At Now York Arrived , the Nordland , from Antwerp , LMVIW1 ? ? H\V \ < rdegrams Sent from Liebin Snbjactcd lethe the Olcsest .Scrutiny . , PORTUGAL IN A BAD WAY F.NANCIALLY , 'iiliUslicdStatoniriita'liitlnml AVolsc- ley HUH Ilcuomc a Home littler Mote ItollKltU In Greece. Muniin , May 13. Advices from Lisbon state that n severe censorship has been ilaccd over telegrams sent from or Into the city. Even news telegrams destined for the oftlcial Journal luivo boon stopped. U'ho well renown political economist , Cocllo , has writ ten n letter In which he says that I'ortug.U tias n collossal dcllclt , ruinous loans con tracted upon humiliating terms i.nd that she is confronted by monetary , Industrial and political crises of the most threatening kind. KcllKloim Ulotlui ; nt Corl'ti. COUH- , Greece , May 13. The null-Hebrew excitement , which has existed hero for semo time past nnd which caused an outbicafc about April ' , ' * when the body of a child who had been murdered \vns found In the Ilebiew quarter , is becoming more venomous. The Greeks then claimed that the He- brmvs had murdered a Christian gill for the feast of the passover - over , nnd the Hcbicws retoited bv declarinu' that the Greeks had mimlcted her as un excuse for ilottne nnd plunder. Though the body ivns eventually tdentllled us that of the child of n prominent Hebrew , the Greeks broke into the Hebrew quarter nnd built a bonllro in Iho square and declared that the Hebrews should ho burned. After n number of Hebrews had been beaten nnd otherwise Injured the Holers were dispersed by the troops. Thu excitement caused by this incident has never died out and yesterday rioting was resumed. Two Hebrews wore Killed and n number injured. Troops again dispersed the rioters and now surround the Hebiew quar ters. Hobiews are forbidden to pass outside of the troops nnd all stores kept by Hebrews are closed. A detachment of troops has been sent here from Athens to restore order. LONDON , Mav 13. England nnd Franco have sent gunboats to Corfu to protect their subjects. Kcvolt In Xeu GiilniM. LONDON , May 13. A South American dispatch says the people of the lower order have revolted against the authorities in Dutch Guinea , that several serious conllicts with the insurgents huvo occurred in which many persons were wounded , and that the situation is constantly bocojning more alarm ing. A dissension between the governor nnd oftlcinls under him us to what measures should ho adopted serves to heighten the dls order. Ciliulstono Improving. LONDON , May 13. Mr. Gladstone is pro gressing toward recovery. Sir Henry F. I'onsonby , the queen's prhnto secretary , called on the aged statesman this morning , and the queen sent n special messenger tills evening to inquire ubout his condition Park Lane , where Mr. Gladstone rojldu > , wai to day blocked with carriages containing per sons anxious to obtain the latest news from the sick room. American Suspected of \munltln . Otni.ix , May 13. A mnga7tno exploded to day nt Donahadce , a town In the county ol Down , near Belfast. The shock of the ex plosion shook the whole town and broke a largo number of windows. An investigation was nrndo nnd a portion of fuse was dis covered. It is supposed that the explosion WAS the work of a dynamiter. The police arc hunting for an American who is suspcctoj ol having committoJjtho crimo. WoUeley Itcportcil a Home Hitler. Dt'iiLix , May 13. The National Press to day announces that since his arrival in Ire land , after having been appointed com- mander-In-chlof of the military forces of that country. Lord \Yolseley has oecomo a homo ruler and says ho does not too any danger from n military polLt of \ lew in granting homo rule to Ireland. JfOir.4 AXlt X .IfltASKA XEtt'S. A Pul'lic Improvement Enjoined. FIIEMONT , Neb. , Ma13. . [ Special to THE BKE. ] At the last regular meeting of the board of supervisors of Dodge county the contract was awarded for the construction of a drainage ditch aboat four miles in length diagonally across the Platte valley near North Bond. The contractors , Messrs. Mc Donald , Penilold & Co. , who have the work well under way , yesterday had an injunction served on thorn out of the United States dis trict court at the instance of the Union Pacilic railway company , the road bcinp interested In the matter , since the proposed ditch crosses its right of way , and will , it is claimed , endanger is roadbed from wash outs. Work has been suspended. Patriotic Geneva Citl/.eiiH. GKNKVA , Nob. , May 13. [ SpecialTelegram to TUB BER. ] About throe hundred of Gen- ova's patriotic citizens were up at 5 o'clock this morning and went to Fairmont on a special to see President Harrison as ho passed through. All were well pleased with him mid with the little speech ho made them. An Alliance Cane. CEiuuIUrins , la. , May 13. [ Special Tolo- grain lo THE BISK. ] W. E. Bell , organizer of Iho farmers' alliance for Ihe Fifth con grcssional district , has issued a call for a convention to bo held at Marion , May 17 ! , for .tho purpose of forming a district organiza lion. Suicide of a Traveling Man. Mr. Pi.r.tsXT , la. , May 13. [ Spocia Telegram to THE BEE.J A young traveling man named Graves , a deaf mute , became despondent at Ids unfortunate condition am shot himself dead in the Harlnn hotel yestcr day evening. His friends are unknown. Klre at Hriiiiswlck. BitUN'swicK , Neb. , May 13. ( Special Tele gram to THE BEK. ] A lire broke out last night In the drug store of Dr Sclgel , and before - fore il could bo extinguished damage lo Iho amount of $700 was done to the slock and about t100 lo the building. n in , joix THE FKHIKA TIOX. Action Taken l > y tile Order ol' Hail way Conductor * . ST. Lot-is Mo. , May 13. Today's .session of the convention of the Oraer of Kallroat conductors was probably productive of more Important results than any action taken bj ttio organization since its incorporation , B ; nn al est unanimous vote the convention li secrei session decided lo Join iho federation of railroad employes" " The convention wat called lo order nt o'clock by the child } [ .conductor. The llrst business before the convention wtis the recep lion of the roporU of. Iho committees on the grand ofli cers' report , Jurisprudence , grtiv uuccs , appeals and Insurance. Of these the report of the committee on In suruuco was the most Important. It strongl } .seconded Mr. Clark's suggestion of yestorda' lo inako a change In iho insurance laws so that all iho members of the order would lioio- after bo compelled to Join the Insurance department partment Instead of the matter being optional as It has been In the past. H is probable tha Iho report will bo adopted. A snort recess was taken , after which the remainder ot the ufternoon was devoted to THE GENUINE JOIIANX HOIT'S ' MALT EXTRACT Is Iho bast nutritive tonic In eases of dypepsia. for the weak nnd da- ullltaud. nud during convalea- cer.oo. Ileituin of oilier extracts sold UK "Hod's" Mult I.\trnot , Al- wujiask for the y nuine "jDhani HotTs , " which Is importe-t from Berlin. KlfcNEU 4. MRMKISON CO. , tolu At cuts , C Uurcluy tt. , N. V BROWNING , KING & C0.s Manufacturers and Retailers of Reliable Clot king. THIS WEvill offer Special Values in 40 different styles of Men's Sack and Cutaway Business Suits. At $15.00 ! $15.00 ! These Suits nro eqnnl to any $18.OO Suits shown In the city. They nre In Cheviots , Cnsslmeres nnd Serges nnd In light grny nnd dnrk colors In fnct , nil sensonnble shndos. In our immense stock wo have nil sUes nnd cnn fit nny size or build of man perfectly. If you Nvnnt n Dress Suit , remember our Clny Worsteds nt $18 , $2O nnd $20. We guarantee n saving of2O per cent to every purchaser. CHILDREN'S SUITS , Knee Pant Suits in many different styles and al colors. ALL WOOL. $2.00 , $2.50 and $3.00. Full Line of Men's ' Summer Furnishings Now In , Cheerfully Refunded when BROWNING KING & CO goods do not satisfy. , , S. W. CORNER FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. FOR lUIxUSTRA.TKD GA.TA.IiOG UK. STATEMENT Or TIII : CONDITION OK TIII : j Fii'stSatioiialtknk ' AT COUNCIL BLUFFS , In the stntoof lo a. n the closj of business. May 4. l-'JI. HlXll'IICKS. Loans and dh'mints .W37.II78.PO Otcrdiuftssi'tMircd and IIIIMHMIII d . . s.ui.I.I.I I * . X bonds to M't'iiro eirciilatlon . . " "i.POO.OO Due from appio\cd ro-crM ) airents . Sl.4"'l ' Due from other n.itlnnul banks K.'Mi is Dm1 from state banks and banket47.V01 Iliinklni : hoii-o. furniture. ) and fix tures . 2.V001 Cm rent i'\pen es and taxes paid . . 20 > .7s I'liMiilums on I' , .s. bonds WIKIOO Chocks mid other cash items 4..II4.n ( Illlls of other batiks 0.411MW I'I.K tlcmiil paper eiinency , nlcKeU nnd cents 7. > flO Siieulc P.W > . .Vi Legal tendrr notoH 2\om.OJ Koili'inutlon funil with U. H. treas urer [ 5 per cent of circulation ! . . I.l'i"t.OO Total Jl2r'sl7.u : > IiKIIII.ITIKS. TaDltal stock paid In jlOO.non.OO UndUldi'd prulits 4.V'si.7.t Nathuiiil bank notch outstanding . -"J..VO00 IndlvKlu.ildepd'ltssubJi'ct to chuck Di'inaiul cortlllc.itrs of drpT-.t ' . . . Tliiiocettltlcatcsof deposit . . . , Due to other natlt n il hunks . . Dun to stiiti * banks and bankers Notes and bills redKcountcd . . . Illlls payable Total SrATK OK IOW\ , I , t'onnty of 1'ottiwattamlo , f B I. A.V. . Klekn un , cashier of the atiovo nami'd bank , do solemnly swear that tlio above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. W. HIKKMAN. UasnIcY. Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo tills lltli duv of May. l 'il. ' .KM. .MATTHEWS , Notary 1'ubl c. 1 1. . S.I Con eel Attrst : ( iio. ; p. p ' s I PJ I ) I N T OI I ini * j ' > > ii/t411 (2 . GE > . T. WUIOIIT.M'lrectOTS. TI10S. 11JWMAN , J Ptntonient of the I'lrst Natlonrl hank of Council ltlun"s , at close of biislnuas , May 4 , ASHKTj. Loans and discounts JKI7.n78.00 Overdrafts WHIMS I' . S. bonds to secure olreulatlin . . ai.ooii.00 Kiirnlturj mid llxturcs SriK,00 ) I'rcmlums on bonds . . . r > , OioiO ( H'Mlen ptlon fund with U.Ktreasurer lli" > .00 Doinmul exchanpu fl > 7.14l.-8 Cashonliund . 47.h7P.-3 14r > ftUll Cuitent expenses and ta\ca paid. . . . 2l K.f ) > S Total. . . jl7W7.02 ( LIAIULITIE * . Cf.ptll ! stT-k JIOO.OfO.00 Und vide I p ollts. 4.N.7i ) ; Circulation . 22'iOiiiM Deposits riOl.OVi.W Total 5ti-7KI7.02 NEW OGDEN HOTEL. The Nu Otnlou Hotol. In Council Illuirs , 1ms been completely rofiirnlshud and modernized throughout , and Is now ono of the best hotels In the state It U located In the business part of the city and the electric motors pii'-s the doore\ery four mlnutns. Tire escapes nnd IIro aliiriiis throusihout the biilldlnjr. Hteuin liuit : , lint and cold \Mitcr nnd sunshine In every room , Table unsurpassed anywhere. Kates , i..UO a ( Uiyt QEO. M. WHITNEY , Manager. 11 l&yF * Morphine Ilnbtt O 5JLVJLcnr. . < llolOto20d 7i Hnptrtlllcnrtd. rttVTltlIKXR raKiirnpean face preparntlcin. Imparts n pp.irlf complexion , looki like eprlnit water , no Ipad or damaKlnn Inxredlentn , wnrrantud thebpstln Auiorlcn I2apackaue , or J for li. Sent nnywhcro prepaid nn receipt of price , or C. O. U. Goodman Druic Co. , Omaha. * 'I/A EH A IXft TICK. NaUcet olie llntt or lets uiuler thl * heatl , fifty cent * ; inch niMHfiirial Idle tin rent * . Thu funeral of Murlll Albert , son of Mr. and Mrs. l.on ( U-orKe , will take place this after noon at' ' o'clock from the resldcnuo of J. S. Taylor , Cod North I'lfteenth street. Interment at Prospect 11111. the question ol fedcrntlon. U'hcn the inrot- itiK was called to order niuin the report of the committed appointed nt last years con vention nt Rochester to takj under consider ation the matter of federation with rallro.ul employes was received. The rojwrt wns brief nnd to the point and favored am- alcninntlan. Kdward U. Clark , grand chief conductor. Charles H. Wilkinson , assistant frnnd chiitf conductor , Austin Uruco Garretson and W H. Dailsls , crand secretary , all made speeches In favor of federation , which , thov thought , would ho of incalculable benefit to the order. A ballot was then taken and Its result disclosed that 10't of the delegates favored the motion , and but seven opposed it. Amid cheer * and the waving of hats and umbrellas the convention adjourned until tomorrow. If tbo selection of n city for permanent headquarters for the order Is taken up at this year's convention , as 1' probably will be , Indianapolis will bo selected. Two hundred delegates out of ' 'ft'i favor that city. Against a iliirtl Party. Si'iusariei.n , 111. , May ia. At a meeting of the executive committee of the Farmers' Mutual HunolH association hero tonight John 1' . Stella and James M. Washhurn were se lected as delegates to tbo Cincinnati conven tion. They were instructed against any ac tion looking to the formation of a tnlrd paily , hut to express the willingness or the Farmers' Mutual Bent-lit association to unite with the various organ Uatlons of farmers and laborers In a declaration of principles nnd a statement of needed reforms in the constitution and laws of tbo country , and to work and vote for such. SPECIAL NOT I CKS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. \\'ANTii : > S tii.itlon as paper h.inxer VT ll'iod ' reft'ieiiL'i's C Kl , lleo. 1'uunrll lllulTs | jOK i > ALi-Oiirflno ( ninllv horse , sullablt' Jfor rldlngor driving. Appl > tu l.aj t. Gth JjCI't. _ _ riH > lovers of horses TinInrcrst lot of o.its -t and tin1 finest In tin1 citj ; also hi ) and fri'd iMiill klu I- , at f. tioldstoin & Cos 1 , . " . ' Wrst Ilroadnay. "Ij OH HUNT Hani ni'ar ciiuit house. Apply J-1 to II. W. 1 llton. Hoc QlllL'e LA I UN OVA NT and psjoliomctrU' . or character C acter ri'iidlncs ; also dluunoMs of dl-i'asc. hend lock of hair for readings by letter. MIII- days and evenings. Mrs. II llooptT. 14.'A\e- niio I ) , rosier Mill st. . Cnnti"il II nils. "IjlOIl SALi : Tor Knit-Wanted If you w nit -L to buy , sell 01 tent .invtliliiK Iu ilu > estate llmdon't do It until j on li.uc SLMMI our larjo list of li irnalnwan.t Walki'i , No. 112 Main and ll.l I'e.irl streets Ciiuni-ll llluirs. bALi : or Tr.uli' A line imported FOK Clydcsl.ilcstalllmi c.ill on 1) ) . J. lliitch- iii-on iCo. . . ( > I7 Hruid\vity. iOMII tine rosldi'in i ! property for rent by _ Day & Ih-ss. .n I'earl str"ut. I710K ALIIotel ifiitrally loj.ited , iloln-4 -L Kood business Or will exchange for Hood farm In uestein Io a Hotel lease , film turo and fixtures ; an A No. 1 ch'ince to stop Into a Koo'l p.iyui busi ness Itc.isons for -elllm ; , other biihlnuss ro- iiulrliu- all owner's attention. alns In resldonco and business prop- uitv. H. 1' . Dlllccr , real ustntu an 1 insurance No. 12 N. Main st. . Council lllutrs. Smo choice garden land near GAHDENS Council Hlun- for sale , on easy terms , also vineyards and a large lUt of Iowa farms. JolmstoiijS : Van 1'ntten. TjMlUri. ' farm for sale or tr.ides well louatoJ -L.'and nil In bearing ; KOO ! house and burn. Will take some Rood city property , and geol tlmoglvei. on balance . Call on or addicss D J. Hiitchlnson & Co. . fil ? Hroadway. F01C KiNT-Tho : McMalum ! ) loc k , ii story brick , with basoinenl and elevator. J. W Squire. lUi 1'uirl street. TpOKdA.LiE or Uoat airdan land. wltU J ? houtat , or J HUl o. > ° J Main t. OouaoU Bluff * 'Iho \ \ omlcH'iil New I'rocess Vapor htovo. Wo sell the only genuine Now Process nnd the celebrated Quick Meal New Process stoves , the best mudo , Ono difference be tween the genuine and Imitations Is that the imitations have a small nccdlu-llko tube to draw off oil that don't evaporate ; the genulm nns no such flimtlnms. Wo have sold nearly ono hundred already this season. Lights like gas ; absolutely safe ; no smoke or soot ; ns simple us n cook stovo. Sco us before buying. A few line $ : t. " > .00 gas ranges closing out ul $10.00 each. ] { ePrljorators , The best ever offered ; 20 per cent discount over last year's prices. Highest grade only ? < i.OO. Screen wire doors , frames , etc. , etc. Largest stock in the -.vest. The famous Little Giant boy's who < ; l , the Victor , highest. grade , world's best wheel , both for ladles and gentlemen. COM : it COM : , II Main Street. 1861 1 TOLD YOU SO. 1891 The Jewel Vapor Steve is the best poner.uinj , ' steve hi the market The Kcliublo 1'roccss Is the leader in pro cess stoves. The hot air tubes are con nected by removable iron elbows , al- lowiiiff easy access for cleaning pur poses. The vaporiser is a perforated brass cylinder hold in place by three brass sprint ; arms , and can ho lifted out and cleaned. Our steve is the only ono so provided. We have done awav entirely with thosuh-llamo. Tlio lluino can be turned hijjh or low. They are point ; like hot cakes. The second car load ordered. LAWN MOWHKS. Buy the genuine Philadelphia Lawn Mower. It was unexcelled 17 years npo ; it is unrivalled now. These made 17 years ago were good , hut these made now are very far in advance of thnm in every point of merit. REFKIGKUiVrORS. We have a full line of hardwood re frigerators at prices lhat will Mill them. r'ly time iscomlnj.Gotyour screens up before the tiles como and > ou will escape lots of annoyance. I linvo the largest and bcbt line of door and win dow screens in the market. I' . C. IiVoi : , . r 0l Broadway , and No. 10 Main Stroct. FirstNational : - : - Bank -OK- COUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 1'aitl Up Capital , . . . . $10'l,0f,0 ' Old fl orKunl/oil bank In thu Lily 1 oroiun and ilnimtlu oitlmui' nnil local ' citrlllei i : | > i-rlil uttiMition palil Iu C' > UL I n < ii9 A ic iiinti nf iiiiiirid- unhaiikit \ tinnkurMindcurporaliunn Hulliltcd Cur- ren | > undtMK ( ! Invlti'd ( .KO I * HAM-OHI ) I'ro-lli'nt A.S HIIIKMAN CaMilcr A 1' ' KICK. A sl i nt fnthlrr HOTEL Corner Mth and Capitol Avanuo. Just complete. ! , hai 100 toomi , thre ) stairways , from the top to Iho bottom , 1m fine elevator and Utnami roe n sarvruj , i nro proof throughout , line btlUr.l rooini and thu finest toilet room ) In ths city. L.irje amn le roomi , Suitoi with bith & . Co- 14 th and CanltolAve. Street oar servloa In nU directions. Hatoi. from S2.5J to Si.OO PERFECT HEALTH Ulcliiiidll. lluck , l.ockporl , .N V . rll n Unit uflfr manjr jri'ttii'nuai'rlnu from Nerroui DeMllljr. Hluup- ( u .mjm , To llrlilntf of Muielii tiu ai riluri"l tij lour liuxo NtiiVE lit ASMInniMj. . ' liemri , but ua juufik' mmi. " II per L < n , i > o tuuj. | I'uiu- pblctrreu , NKIIVK HKAN LO , IHrrrAl.o , H. V. oolilij \ Uoodmaa Urug Cy. , lllU hurnain lit. , Omab 30UXCIL BLUFFS STEA I DVE WORKS All klndn of Dylni ; and Cleaning done In the 'llhest ( style of the Art , 1'adoJ and Stalnoil i abrlcs maile to look a k'ood as new lleil V.itluis t n'in" i lly > ieam. In I rst Clasj 'I ' innei Work promutly done and dollvorea n all piru of the country bend fur prloa 1st. C A MACUAN. Prop. . 01J llroadwav. Near Northnesturu DopoX COU.NOII. ItLurrd. IA. Electric Trussas , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGENTS WANTED. DR. C , B. JUDIX 3O6 Broadway , Oounoll Bluffa , la TKLUl'lIONKS. on-'icn. > ; . itt:3in3N3n 27 MAIN STREET. Over 0. I ) . Jnccjuotnln A. Co. , Jewelry Ploro CITIZENS STATE BAM Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225,000 DmECTOin t. A , Miller , P. O Qleison. E. U Shuijart. E E. HarUJ U KdmunUton , Uharle * It. Hnnnin D inlclni butl- nen 1-nriest ! and iiirplui ot uj banicln aouthwjitern INTERESTON TIMDEPO3IT3. . QRAND , Council Bluffs , la. This Elegantly Appointed Hotal is Now Opan. Cragiu & Co. , Proprietors. ji. / / . ciiAHniiti < i > \ , Kjc , Kar , Nnno and Throat Spi'cliillat , Council Illutls , - - lotriv here * ' ) ( > * , cr ( > 9t ! ryoi pnlnful and wpak vision I'nniclii1 , donfrii' s , dU-i clmrnt" friim tint onm cn- tnrrli , Imy ftiriT , nithma and nil acutu anil thninlc fitTeclhins of thn Ihroit u ftpeoliiUjr dla < 4 njrn * tit led wlibnnt pain ( itiMot acciiratoljr prcacrlbel la itltllciilt ca os often rurliu chrunlo naiiralKli anil nlok hi-adiihn Surgical Oieruttuni | , whun n cei nary , palnluiHlr porfurmud , aiiurln < bait raiulti Otllcu BliUk'i > rt-lk'nu hluck. room 1 C'ounclL llluffj , la ' ; Att"riIOJ""lt llvwI' i tj.0 in n,0 , , , Ut < ) fi < Irriil com tx. llo ins ) , 4 und & bhu urt Ik'iio blouk , Council lliulTs , la. HI rinillhorc Attorney nt I.nw No. 10 . J. lllillllULlb , I'oirl htrui-t , ovur Iliihh- null'H Nturo. Toluplmnu No. u' l Itimii liutiiB. 6 : i. in. to'J ' p. tu. Council Illulls , lu COUNCIL BLUFFS Medical and Surgical Institute. 1WS. lir.l.I.INfJniJH. I'IMJI'H. Chronli' discuses of ull kinds anil ilrform- Itlcs hi-fliiltii" | . No-i. I'oOl unit MAJ llruadway. ' Council i . IIL D. II. McDaneld & Co Butchers' ' aid Pacers' ' Sup , ) ] ! 35 , Market Fixtures , Casing , p Iilcos and FniisaRO MnknrV Muchlnury KU < ( i-'Miiln st , C < inncil HlulTd. la. Also douluri n IllUva iinJ 1 uri Gas Heating Stoves. No ASHES ! No H Just tli" thiiiK for linth roon-t , liuil rooms , et < x Call anil boo our lar.-u u&iurtmvnt. C. B. Gns and Electric Light Co. . ill I'oarl aaa 219 Malu Streak