Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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took them by the hand and SPOKO a kind word
to each.
Senator Mnndenon also addressed the moti ,
unylnff ho had watched the ofllco crow from
n law boxes to what It was today , and at
i-ach ntnuo df its growth It had ulways bcon
or the butter.
_ _
llrnntll'iil IIII : | > IIUM | < Jlvcn ID ( lie \VoI-
come of tin * Wi'st.
Occupying a commanding silo overlooking
the river to the north , south und eastward ,
the bluffs nnd the buttes beyond the
Missouri , with the green swnrd sur
rounding It on ml sides ,
ntands the comfortable residence of
Hon. Alvln. Saunders , which was the
Hrono of n beautiful reception to Picsldcnt
Harrison and the presidential party at 4
Long into the early morning the decora
tors , and upholittrors labored to present to
the distinguished guest and his none the less
distinguished associates , a homo that would
rolled In all Its essentials that warmth o !
welcome of which the western
half of the contldcnt Is proverbial.
And the labors of the household , coupled
with that of a numerous retlnuo of servants ,
were not in vain , for In nil the west , not even
excepting the whlto house , ran a moro lux.
iirious homo ho found thnn that of Governor |
K lundt-rs as It now appear ? . Throughout it
had IR'PII entirely refurnished , redecorated
und with the inrcst good tusto. ,
Immediately niter thifiirrival of the partv
nt the Sunnders residence a dainty though
Informal luncheon wns served :
lloulllon , . ' oup Hicks.
Itomalne Cups with Sweet llruads and Mush
Hot Itolls.
ItOllinn I'llllUll.
Ilrollcd Fpring OhloUim and Trench I'oas.
No" Potatoes and Cream.
Hot Uolls.
Clieovo Hraws.
I'rpsli Htrnwhurries and Vehot Cream.
Tec Orcain In I'orm of Ilird's Nests with
hpnn Sugar.
Vllill'U V > UM't
Almond Maccaroiiis.
Impuiliil Klssos.
Cafe Nolr.
Hi.ST : AM )
Ijiniolicoii mid Iliinu ; i liul at the
llospllalilc Samitlcrs Homo.
The ladles nc-companying the chief oxecilt-
Ivo , weary with the hurrahs , the applause ,
the miles of bunting which gieoted the eye
on the down town streets , loft the procession
long before it reached the residence of ex-
( iovernor Saunders at Shcrmiin avenue and
( iraco streets , and becaino quests of the
mistress of the Saundcrs mansion.
Immediately after their arrival , the ladies
composing the piosidcntlnl partv , and the
frlcndi iuvlti-d to assist Mrs. Saunders in
their entertainment sat down ton delight
ful informal luncheon , which both refreshed
nnd cheered them The ladies participating
wereMrs. . Honjnmtn llnrilon , Mrs. Me-
Kce , Mrs. Itussoll Harrison , Mrs Dlmmick ,
Mrs. George W. Hovd , Mrs. Van U'yek ,
Mrs. Uiookc , Mrs. S S. Caldwcll , Mr * .
Dundy , Mrs. ClarKe Woodman , Mrs II.V. .
Yatcs' , Mrs. Kosownter. Mrs. Cieorgo
O'Drion , MM Kussell , Mrs. T M. Orr. Mrs.
Uurloy , Mis Withers , Miss linrlow. Mrs. B.
H Wood , Mrs Cowin , Mrs. ( IcorgoU. Uoauo ,
Mrs. A .1. I'npplcton , Mrs. J. J. Drown , Mrs.
Kills Blcrbowor , Mrs. Charles Oouel , Mrs. A.
S , Paddock , Mrs. O. J. Coleman , Mrs. llulso ,
Mrs. John Hoi bach , Mrs. Captain John
JJurko , Miss Iloaglnnd , Miss Laura iloag-
Innd , Miss Clara Brown , Miss Yost , Miss
Yules , Miss liessio Yntes , Miss Ll/zio
Isaacs. Miss Balcoinbo , Mrs. Clem Chase ,
Mrs Dr. Mercer.
Upon the teiminntlon of the luncheon the
I ' presidential party having arrived In the
fa meantime , the ladies distributed thorn-
! nelvcs thioughout the rooms to assist
Mrs. baunders in the entertainment
of her gufsts. When the line
of carriages Unshed up the broad driveway
loading to the house , the Second infantry
band , stationed beneath the awning just out-
Bide the "pink parlor" played the Inspiring
nlr , "Sco , the Conquering Iloro Comes , " the
cheers of a vast nudlonco blending with the
brass and reeds of the band.
After a short rest in the "president's
room , " the gentlemen of the party , weary
of n day of sight seeing , of
hand shaking , took places at the
small tables provided for them ,
shortly before vacated bv the ladles , the
gucsb , being : 1'resident Harrison , Secic-
tary Jerry Kusk , Mr. Hussell Harrison ,
Secret ary John \\anamalicr , Senator Pad
dock , General Van Wyck. General Brooke ,
Mr , George Uoyd of the Pennsylvania company -
pany , Major Sanger , Judge Uuudy , Mnvor
fustilng , Mr. Charles Humidors , Mr Tob-
bltts , the president's stenographer , and the
representatives of the press association ac
companying the presidential train , Mr.
Clarke , Mr. Oulnhau and Mr. Austin.
At the close of the luncheon , during which
the b.uul stationed on tno front lawn played
lialriotlo airs , the reception proper was in
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harrison after being pro-
Rented to the ladles and gentlemen Invited to
participate in the entertainment , gratlllod
the lunro concourse of people assembled on
the lawn nnd irrmmds by again shaking
hands with his constituency , men , women
nnd children , for upwards of three quarters
of an hour.
vailed. Major T. B. Cliirkson assuming the
role of master of coromonles , presenting the
jiecplo to his excellency with such happy ex
.The president , Mrs. Harrison and Mrs.
Saunders stood lu the wide doorway of the
drawing room , nnd the crowd surged past
them thtough the front door and out by a
ndo ! entrance , n cordon of policemen guard
ing the ontianccs nnd the stairways.
This precaution proved of excrllent service ,
for a pickpocket plying bis trade was
"nipped" by tbo police just in front of the
cntranoo to General Saundors' residence.
\ \ hut tlio 1/mllen AVnrc.
The scene presented at the recep
tion was electrifying. The llowor
I nnd blossom of the smart world ,
rtpt aloiu ) of Omuhu , but of the nation was
iirojrmt , and for tlio nonce the city by the
Missouri appreciated , If never before , that
the eyes of ttio union wns upon her.
Mrs. President Harrison , who looked every
Inch the .gentlewoman that she Is , was cos-
tumou In u gown of gray cloth mid velvut
with exquisite trimming of silver braid.
Mrs. A. Ij. Saunders were a black silk cos
tume mid jewel passementerie , the bodica
being Louis Quntorzo iu stylo.
Mrs. Hussull Harrison , her fall-young face
illuminated with the welcome being accorded
liur people , and satisfied that tdio was homo
again lu the midst of old associates nnd
friends , wore a heliotrope gown with steel
facings , high nock.
Mrs. McKee , the daughter of the presi
dent , n \ cry Interesting and pretty woman ,
with eyes of the color about wnlch poets
write , appeared in a becoming costume of
rod aud black ( Jhimi silk , trimmed with black
Mrs. lllmiulck ami Mrs , Doyd , accompa
nying thu party , appeared In gowns of bliioit
ulllts prettily trimmed.
Mrs. J. .1 , Drown , gray embossed silk ,
trimmed in pussomoiiicrio of the same color.
Mrs. Kills Hlerbownr , gray crepe aud car
ried a bouquet of la Franco roses.
Mrs. lieu Wood , striped surah silk with
gray velvet cuffs and Irish point lace.
Mrs. George W. Donne , blade satin do Hou ,
the front of blaeic thread lace over old pink.
Mrs. Hussoy , n very pretty young w omaii ,
were n fetching gown of cciu cloth , trimmed
with brown velvut
Mrs. J. 0. Cowtn were nhandsomo costume
of black luco with n Medici rolling collar aud
whlto vest.
Mrs. General Urooko graced n boautlful
gown of ashes of rose , Henrietta embroidered
lu a dainty ilgure.
Mrs. A. J. Poppletou , blank * llk trimmed
with black thread wee.
Mrs. Thomas Orr , who largely aided the
inlbtrois of the house in her tioral decora
tions , were u .superb costume of hcllotropo
Chlna-llgured silk , trimmed with lavoudui
Mrs. Judge Duudv , black silk.
Mrs. Clnrtt Woodman were n handsome
brown wool plaid.
Mrs. 1) , H , Whcelor , jr. , appeared In a
trlklug tailor-made gowu of plaid with hat
to match ,
t Miss Isaacs , drab and pink striped China
silk ullh rosettes and ends of ribbons for
Miss Clnra Brown , light grocn China silk ,
relieved with a butirh nf red iroranlutns.
Miss Yost wore n pretty costume of cream-
colored Henrietta , tilmmed In gold and
brown velvet , V-shupod corsage.
Miss Honglnnd , a French gown of old pink
nnd whlto striped dimity trimmed lu wide
whllo lore.
.Mr * . Thorn is Swohe , gray falllo In loops of
ribbons und ostrich feathers.
Miss Laura Hongland , u Vienna cosUiraoof
blue and white striped silk trimmed in blue
plaid flounces.
Mrs Charles Dcucl , a pretty gown of crepe
llsso trimmed with rosettes and lilies of the
Miss ( icrtrudo Chambers looked very pretty
in blntk Irtcc.
Ml i Ilulcotnba wore a dainty gown of rose
colored Chlnn silk , trimmed with black lace.
Miss riora Votes , whlto China silk , rosettes
and lunies.
Mls < Wiikeloy , green silk with whlto molro
und gold passementerie.
Mrs. | ] dwiird Koscwatcr , a becoming gown
of black ciepo , with passementerie to match.
Miss linrlow of Colorado Springs , n cousin
of Mrs. Itussoll Harrison , wore a pretty
tcllotto of whitu camel's hair with stripes.
IJtirliiL- the reception llttln Mnrthenn Ilnr-
risen , a granddaughter of thoprcsident , mndo
her uppi-aranco iiniong the guests several
tlmei , clad In a sweet dicss of whlto with
colored boots. Her Imppy , laughing face
tol-i the story of what thu unrivalled climate
n ! v I'.niia had done for her health. A
t , , r UP fora , leaving the family , Senator
i Haundcrs , i'resldent and Mrs.
Min , Mis. RlcKco and Mr. ami Mrs.
11 Hairlson met In the "president's
room1' and enjoyed thirty minutes of rest
fieo fi-om the turmoil ana the excitement of
thodav. It was nicstful half hour , which
gave the president now life for the -arduous
duties still devolving upon him.
Then came tlio leave taking , the final good
byes and a shower of "bon voyages" followed
the distinguished guest , his charming help
meet and the rostof the party as they entered
the carriages which were to convey them to
the depot.
\V mlH and Ooo l Wlshcn
.SHikcn | nt I lie Di'pot.
Promptly at 5 : 15 o'cloclt the president and
tlin Innlnlin , ' * ! nf lila li.iltv. tbo invltpll i lle.sts
and the executive committee wore escorted
to carriages that v/ero In uniting. While
they woto entering the military baud played
a lively march , and the procession , headed
by a platoon of mounted police , moved down
the eas'orn diivewny and onto Sherman
avenue , where thousands of people had con-
gr.urnted on foot and in carriages to bid the
president adieu.
The drive to the depot was south on Sher
man avenue nnd Sixteenth street to Farmim ,
cast on Km mini and south on Tenth to the
depot. . Along the entire route there \vas a
djnsu crowd of. people , nnd as the carriages
passed , handkerchiefs weio waved , cheers
and good byes mingled together.
At the depot the police were on hand to
preserve order and Icicii bacK the crowd. As
each carringo drove up the occupants
alighted and entered the private car , passing
between a line of police.
The stop wns brief , but before the depar
ture of the train scores of people pressed
forwaid and shook hands with the piosiilont ,
bidding him ( ! od-spccd and a safe Journey.
In the drawing room ear a parting recep
tion was held , at which the members of the
committee mid Urooko aud staff
took leave of the honored guests.
As though it might have been a common
every day passeniror ttaln , n uniformed con
ductor waved his hand , cried "all
aboard. " Thcro was the clanging of a bell ,
the pulT of un engine and the train sped
nvvny , whllo the occupants of tbo richly
caparisoned car stood on the roar platform
nnd bid good bye to Omaha nnd her people.
There was a Mutter of innumerable hand
kerchiefs , cheers for the picsldont , nnd such
friendly remarks ns Good bye , Hen , " "Good
bye , .lerij,1' and "Gr-d bless you nil. "
The train passed out of sight , around the
bond , over the bridge , nnd the well pleased
nnd proud citizens of Omaha returnee to
their homes. "
There were several pleasant Httlo incidents
at the depot.
the beautiful floral offoiing of the Pacillc
Express company , Mrs. Harrison remarked :
"That is Just lovely , but it is nothing in com
parison with the delightful visit that wo
have enjoyed in this grand city. "
Later Mrs. Harrison said to n BCK re
porter : "Our reception In Omaha has boon
bojond all comparison. Wn know of Omaha
and the hospitalities of her people , but today
wo moro lully roali/o the generous nnd whole-
souled spirits that pervades the people ot this
beautiful cltv. "
1'iosidont Hotrison in speaking to a BBB
representative said : "I am most certainly
.surprised , nnd ngiecuoly surprised. Onmhn
is n iraiid city one of most imu'nill-
ccnt that wo have visited. I HKO this open
handed hospitality. It is so hearty uiul
comes with the true western spirit. My
reception was n crnnd ntfuir , so well man
aged and perfect in every respect. TJnliko
some others It was non-partisan , and I am
glad to know that the democrats nnd repub
licans Joined hand In hand , not to honor me ,
but to honor the olllco which I hold by vlrtuo
of tbo free ballots of the people.
"I want to say that the police force is com
posed of a grand body of men. They handled
the crowd In n wonderful maunor and ono
wet thy of mention. "
Secretary Husk said : "Omaha is a crand
city. She has u population composed of
grand people and to her belongs the title of
the empire agricultural state of the union.
Our reception today was a prodigious success
and I have nothing but words of congratula
tion for the gentlemen and ladies who had it
Secretary Wanamakcr was asked his opin-
on of Omaha. Ho replied : "It's a great
city. I knew something about it , but the
carriage drive convinces mo that it is the
queen city on our route. If I wore to move
west , I would like to settle in Omaha. The
people are generous , putilotio and enthusias
tic. 1 line them. "
As Mrs. Piesldcnt Harrison kissed her lit-
tla grand daughter good bye , she shook its
little hand aud said : "Uood bye Muggins
Kussoll , you take good care of that baby , am
don't lot it catch cold. "
Oinahii In Holiday Tru | > i > lii s Semi
Notable Displays.
The decorations were handsome , artistic
and general , The slight shower of Tucsdav
afternoon and the threatening weather of the
early evening deterred many business mei
from mnklug as big a display as they had con
templutod and much of the work was loft unti
yesterday morning. The scene presented at
early morn was a busy ono. limiting Hags
and uannors of all descriptions were brought
out nnd hundreds of hnmls were busily en
gaged In completing the deferred decorating
llufoio tlio arrival nf thu distinguished visit
ors tlio work had been practically completed
Stars and stripes iloated fiom many llagstaffs
and columns of red whlto and blue reached up
to festoons of the iintlonnl colors. Streamers
nnd panels of bunting fell from housetops
nnd weio pinned to portraits of the nation's
chief cxecutlvo. bhlolds and standards ,
aiclios ot Hugs , festoons and llowors formei
a wildoiness of loyul manlfosta'tions of the
people's patriotism. Private tesidonces
Horn tlio mansion to the cottage. Iloated om
Hag and the scene throughout the city , hal
hidden behind and
flags colors was one o
gaiety and enthusiasm.
i'ho giand stand stood at the northoas
corner of the coutt house souaio , corner o
Seventeenth nnd Furnum str < : ot. The struc
turo was thirty feet wide and extended on
both streets for a dlstnncoof fifteen feet fron
the corner. The presidential entrance was a
the western extremity on Farnam street ,
reached up a flight of n dozen steps.
The stand stood ubout a doion feet above
the walk. The spuco between tbo floor and
the ground upon which the supports rested ,
was walled with thu national colors. Outsldo
these were Interwoven fresh , leafy branches
of native trues , the contrast of green and the
other lively colors being most beautlfu. .
Kestlug upon the edge of the llgor and run
ning from end to end was n balustrade , with
diagonal panels , nt Intervals along which
rose columns , extending to the cornlco.
Those uanol * worn also slmdod with the
familiar colors of the nation , forming a buck-
ground , however , to u very pretty combina
tion of white-leaf palm with lateral re-tidies
of P indents und pampas grass ,
Hutwecu tbo columns was a shield of Ne
braska as also ouo of llio nation nud over cactt
w.u extended a miniature arch of feru and
pampas grass. Tbo pillar * vvoro sheathed la
masics of native boughs. The cornice was
ranr'.ied with perpendicular bars of rodwhite
and blue und tit tliojop of each pillar rested
n beautiful specimen of the palm species , no
two being of the same style or development.
Floating above those vvoro three other Hags.
Thu opening at which the president stood ,
however , received moro attcutloti than did
the other parts of the structure. Thu posts
on cither slilo wcrn twined with loaves nud
roses , Over the entrnuce , waving u majestic
velcomo to the soldier-president was a pair
f beautiful red silk banners contributed ro-
peetlvclv by Custcr nnd U. S. Grant posts ,
iraud Army of the Hepublio ot this city.
Vbovo these was a gothlc arch of evergreen ,
vlth a miniature sun in whlto palm and fern.
On n pediment above the arch stood n massive
ictal eagle. The bird mudo famous the
nicer of the Sixth w.ird republican club la
ho Harrison campalgu three years
go and took ! ' > .irt In all the
laradcs ' of that active political period.
'rained to the frames on all sides , Inter-
nlnslcd , streamers of red , whlto and blue
nd ropes of smllax. formed a pavilion
iinopy twenty-four feet square , beneath
vhtch the picsldent listened to the address
f welcome. The floor wns covered with
ugs and luxuriant furniture.
The structure was designed by Mr. Sam
IcAulifTo of the car shops of the Union I'a-
Illc and the decorating was done by that
entleman , Mr L. It. Hosaeucr of the snmo
: otnpauy and nn assistant , Mr. Itlchard
.uu less.
The court house wns decorated ns It has
lover been decorated before with lings nnd
mntlnp. The decoration wns carried to the
rrcnt dome around which waved In the breo/o
ostoons of nmplo proportions. Over the
tntuo of justice ttio decorator drew a blight
carf of many colors nnd extended tlio snmo
tier the manner of a role generally as-
umed bv the Goddess of Liberty.
From a dozen windows In the too story of
TIIK Um : building dropped heavy festoons of
ho national colors. These Intermingled with
> thurs from the lower stories. At intervals
icavy cords of braided streamers dropped
rom the cornice , supporting diamond shaped
hlelds of the dominant colors. Above thu
rrnnite , n largo national shield wns placed bo-
ween each brace of windows , over which
olded a pair of miniature Hags. Now nnd
hen these shields were varied by
nuidsomo rosottis. At the main
iitinncc , n large flog was draped
over each door , and between each of these
intranet's was n large shield of the union.
Dvcrtho blue field of this.hnlf-rovoaling.half-
Ing.A .
' A largo flag Iloated nt the top of the
s'intlt wnrd Hue stntT and on tlio opposite side
of the street the stars and &lripos decorated
ho Farnain school buildtug from Hag staff to
ho lower window.
The New York Lito presented n very
irettv appt-aranco with its myriad * and
nyriads of small Hags fluttering merrily In
ho breeze from every window , porthole and
astlo I'ntriots Crowded Omaha
to SeoTlioIr OliicT.
Kegular trains anivlng in the city were
axed to their fullers capacity and extras
vero run on nearly all nf the roads entering
Oinnhn. Motor trains from Council lilluTs
nnd South Omaha arrived every Hvo min
utes , nnd every cnr hold its load of cuiious
mil enthusiastic humanity.
The Union Pacific brought -100 passengers
n nStromsburg special that arrived at 10 .HI
o'clock , and ( iOJ moro came on the recular
Grand Island passenger , which nnivcd ut 11
o'clock , ono hour -ahead of time. The Bur-
lugtou brought on two extra coaches loaded
o their fullest capacity.
Every train urnving'nt the Webster street
lopot brought in n number of extra coaches
oudod with visitors. The Missouri Pncilio
uul ubout flvo
hundred extra passengets ,
oproscutlng towns from the Kansas line to
Jmaha. About six hundred C.UDU oturtho
Jhlcago , St. Pnul , Minneapolis & Omaha
'rom the town * of Bancroft , Oakland , Lj ons ,
31air and Tckamah. No less than a thou
sand were brought in by tbo Elkhorn from
Norfolk. West Point , Fremont , WahooVls -
ler. Boomer ami Scnbner. The Sioux City
& Pacific brought about four hundred from
Missouri Valley , Sioux City and Omtwa.
drive of Omaha came in and brought his
family and frionds.
Auv estimate of the number of visitors in
the oily would bo mcro guess work , but it Is
safe to snv that It was larger thau at any
/thor occasion in the city's history.
About four hundred cnmo in on the 13:40 :
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha
railway. As soon as the train stopped every
3iiu struck out for Farnam street , some talc
ing cubs , carriages or busses , iinj way to get
to the graud stand.
SO31K PKOPLi ; .
Names oi" n Kovv WIiii Met the Presi
dent Yesterday.
Probably no other event in the history of
Omaha over called together so many promi
nent people , irrespective of politics or creeds.
Nearly all of the present .state ofllelals were
present , while nil of the ox-ofllco holders of
the generation , who could leach the city ,
w ore hero.
City oUlcials from South Omatinand Coun
cil Bluffs wuro on hand almost In n body ,
vvbllo nearly every city and toivii in the state
had Its mnyor or other ofllcjnl in the throng.
A coinmtttceo consisting of Judpro Lufo
Davvson , Ira K. Alderman , .lamoa Todd , W.
C. Picico and II. 10. Robinson arrived in the
city from Maryvillo , Mo. , and arranged for a
brief slop of the partv at Maryvillo.
Govoinor Francis pf Missouri was in the
city in the capacity of a private citizen. Ho
Kept his identity pretty well concealed and
stated to n few trlends that ho was waltlnir
until the party got across tlio ilvor before he
mudo any demands UIXHI their attention.
Ex-Congiejsmnn Dorsoy was among the
Fremont visitors.
General nnd Mrs. Vim Wyck nnd Hon. Pnul
Schmlnko wore iu the Nebraska City delega
Judge Norval of the state supreme court
nnd wlfo vvoro among the throng ,
Senator Shumway came in from Fairmont
to enjoy the occasion.
Among other prominent Nebraska people
In town wore : E. L. Overtoil und wife , Mrs.
M. Overtoil , K. 1) . Yarrow and sou , Lr. ) Dalv
E. A. Brown , M. n. Duff , un'd
wife , all of Nebraska City ; II. L. Brown
nnd wlfo and Miss Maud Spanny. of Toka-
innh , W , H. Miles , Beatrice ; W. IX Holler
and wife , Blair ; Major N. G. Franklin und
Nat Franklin , Lincoln ; H. I ) . Boyden and
wlfo , Grand Island ; II. C. Worth-
am , Pawnee City ; Gcorgo II ,
Thomas , Scliuylcrj L. Mittlestadt ,
Mrs. J. A. Gibson and Miss A. Jones , Nor
folk ; Hon. J. C. Watson , Nebraska City ; W.
W. Harkell , Ord ; Hon. George H. Hastings.
Crete ; John C. Allen and Hon. J. 13 Hill ,
Lincoln ; Prof. J. T. Mallalleu and Joseph H.
Mallallcu , Kearnev ; J. F. Armstrong , Beat
rice ; T. C. Calnhan , Friend ; Charles P.
Wasmor , Grand Island. William 1 tiles , Fre
mont ; Adolpli Bcclcur , Wisnor ; C. A. Mast
and wife , Norfolk ; E , E , McClelland and K.
E. Borr , Alliance ; Hon. L. D. Itlchards , Fre
mont ; Hon. A. E. Cndy , St. Paul ; Judge M.
It. Hopcvvell , Tokamnh ; Tom Cooke , Lincoln.
COM3ITri3l3Mi\ ! :
d Party Hits Down at tlio
At 4 o'clock the governor's staff , the state
ofllccrs. members of the reception committee
who went to Lincoln to meet the presidential
train and several distinguished visitors sat
down to dinner at the Pax ton hotel , as the
guests of the executive committee. The
dinner was an impromptu affair , so fur ns the
committee was concerned , so there was no
attempt at anything elaborate.
There was no speech making , for wnen
dinner was over most of the committee
started immediately to tha rosldcnco of ox-
Governor Saunders to escort the president to
tbo train.
Tha following are the gentlemen who
took dinner vvitti tha reception committee
at the Paxton ; LIoutnnant-Govenior
Majors , Hon. W. J. Bryan , Hou , W. A.
MeKeegan , Senator Manderson , Senator
Paddoek , AdJutaut-Uunural A. V. Cole ,
Colonel Harry Hotchklss , Major C. E.
well , Colonel Kobort Mclloynolds , Colonel
Harry Downs. Colonel C. P. Noodhain , Gen
eral L C. Colby. Colonel George P. Brutt ,
Colonel CI. J. Bills. Kobert ConnMl , C. W.
Beck. Hon. J. U.Watson , Hov. L. P.Luddon ,
Hon. Louis Meyer , Dr. George W. Martin ,
Hou. William Warner , ox-uougressinau of
Missouri and ex-Cominandor-ln-Chlcf
- - of the
Giacd Army of the Republic ; Hou.
1 J B. Hill , lion C. S. Allen , Hon.
, Thomas H. Benrtti , Hon. F M. Humphrey ,
Hon. C. F. GouilJ , Hon. E. C. Caruo5 , Hon.
T. C. Cnlahiin , Hou. William Dor-
pan , Kobort Doigun , ex-Governor It.
11. Furnns. Prof. John G. Mallalleu , Hou.
F. II. WllJomiJ.t A. Wukcflold , C.
F Goodman , Charles J. Greene. General J.
C. Cowan , I ) . HP-vVheelcr , G. W. Wlllard ,
W. V Morse , D. J.o _ Donuhoo , B. B. Wood ,
Dr. O. L. Miller , Chris Hartman , Thomas
Swobe , A. P. Htivklus , Max Meyer , Euclid
Martin. Dudlcr Evans. J. L. Webster. H T.
Clark , L. t ) . Fowlw. It. W. Loomls , W. F.
Bechel , T. J. Lojw , Hlchurd Smith , O. N.
Hicks. D. J. Collliis , 'George P. Bemts , P. L.
Porrine , M. D. lUsiuy , A. P. Tukoy , C. A.
Bcnsou and W. N , Jjasoii.
Little Tliln/H / Tlint Happened
the Line.
Chief Marshal Welter aud his aides had
their hands full , but owing to tholr vigilance
and careful preparation everything passed
off as desired. The aides were Chief Seavoy ,
who gave his undivided attention to direct-
lug thu movements of the police nud keeping
the streets clear. J. P. Williams , C. A.
Coo , .ludgo Fnvvfott nnd Judge Porter.
An exceedingly boautlful and verv elabor
ate ! v arranged basket of ( lowers was pre
sented Mrs. Hanlsou by W. F. Bechel In be
half of the Pacific express company. Across
n Held of puio whlto appeared in
crimson the words , "With greet
ing of Pacific express compati.v. "
Mrs. Harrison thanked the donor , and re
quested that the beautiful token bo placed
on uoard the train.
Two venturesome men nnd n moro ven
turesome Iwy held scats of vantage on the
arms of n telegraph post at Tin : Bri : corner.
An enterprising photographer focused the
distinguished inoup ou ttio pivillon from tlio
top of a peanut stand at the southwest cor
ner of Seventeenth and Fnrtiniu streets.
Windows in all of the buildings within hoar-
lug or sooinj ; distance of the grand stand
co-nmnndcd a premium , and were occupied
principally by ladles , many of vhoni sacri-
llccd grace lu their desire to get positions In
which they could sco aud hear what was
going on.
The speech of President Harrison was the
longest ho has inailo duilng his trip , with the
nf Hm nun ilnlf t' tinil liv lillil tit. f.iil.
veston , which occupied about the same limo
in delivery as his Omahaaddress. .
Secretary Uusk displayed his innate vigor
at the depot , iu giving valuable assistance to
ttio recaption committee whllo seating the
party In carriages.
An elegant souvenir of the memorable oc
casion was presented to each member of the
party by Mr. liojowntcr. It consisted of a
handsome steal engraving of TIIK Bun buildIng -
Ing , with the inscription , "Souvenir Bee
Building May 1,1 , Reception to Benja
min F. Hat risen , President of the Ui.itcd
States , "
President Harrison expressed his apprecia
tion of the excellent work of the police force
in the management of the multitude , nnd nld
it could not have been excelled , and ho did
not think ho bnd ever seen it equalled.
The press lopro-scntattves accompanying
the presidential party had arranged to euro
for n reception at Omaha such us thev had re
ceived nt various points along the route. It
did not tuuo them long to find out their mis
take and the icports .vircd from Omaha lo
the eastern papers'woro very complete.
MavorCushinplhldTiiK "Bii's : : report nf
the presidential visit Was the finest and most
complete rnport of in public demonstration
over published bvMititOnmhu newspaper.
Excellent sorviio fwns rendered by the
Omaha guards andtho , regular troops from
Foil Omaha , f lie' latter came up from
Bellevue to pnrticlfUro in the reception , and
are entitled to n liifp' shnro of the credit for
managing the crowris'propcrlv.
Editor.I. G. P. Hlldobrumlof the St. Paul
Press pronounced jthpreport , of the reception
injcsterday evening's BEK a marvclously
flno plceo of Journalistic work.
The unaniinltv of wWcomo manifested by
the Catholic schooli bf Omaha in showing
honor to the presltlqufc of the United States
was particularlv euipljaslzcd by the presence
of the pupils of thy , Sacred Heart academy
on Oreightou ground. * , Itigld rules enforced
on their .scholars bi'tljo ladles of the Sacred
TTo.irfc nrn snldnm rnlnvml fnitlio
most important i , JL'OIIS Id orations.
the foundation of' ' this institution
in Omaha , some ten , years nso , the young
ladles of this boarding school have never ap
peared inn body on tiny public occasion , save
nt the obsequies of the Into Bishop O'Connor ' ,
but the exclusive regulations ot the convent
system were , yesterday , for the first time
broadened , as u mark of profound respect to
the nation's chief executive , and as n token
of the genuit'oly 7iatriotiu sentiment , which
can subsist , with unabated nrdor , even be-
nlnd the clolstrnl portnls , As the nuns can
not themselves go out in public their pupili
were under the care of tholr chaplain , Key.
A. M. Colanoro , nnd of some married ladles ,
tholr friends
Mr. ana Mrs. Uiissoll Hut risen remain
with Governor and Mrs. Sauuders for several
days , after which the former will return to
Wyoming. On Juno.1 Mrs. Harrison , if her
courage docs not fail her iu the meantime ,
and Mrs. Mcivco will sail on the Teutonic of
the W'liito Star line for Europe to spend the
summer , bo presented nt court nnd enjoy the
distinction of being the daughter and the
dnmjhter-tti-law of the president of the
United States.
Little Murthcna Harrison , the fair haired
( laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harrison ,
will remain with her grand parents during
the summer.
Mr. Murphy nnd Miss Murphy of St. Paul ,
friends ot Airs. McKee , attended the recep
tion nt the Saunders residence yesterday.
Governor Thayer'.s staff were represented
nt the iceoptlon ns follows : General Cole ,
Colouol Dudley. Colonel Palmer , General
Colby , Major Mngoou , Colonel Hotchklss ,
Colonel Hills. Colonel Si/or. Colonel Bratt.
colonel Downs , Colonel .loiiKins , uoionei
Neodham , Colonel Caldwell.
All thu state oftlcinls participated in the
ovation to the president.
Judge llyni'r of Cheyenne , Dr. Mnrtlu of
Kearney mid W. J. Bryan of Lincoln were at
thu Saunders mansion
Mrs. Russell HnrrUon said to Tun liir. : :
"Whllo wo have had n series of ovations
along the entire route , still it is with much
satlsfnctlou I grout my nw'n Omaha nnd the
scene ? of . There
early ilnys. Is nothing so
swoct Iu thu world as liomu coming , for
there you uro sure of a love which sheltered
nnd protected you through the storms and
stress of childhood Into youth mid up to
womanhood. I nrn glad my homo cltv has
distinguished herself so royally. It makes
mo prouder of her thnn over. "
Mis McKee , lu reply to a question ns to
her health , said : "t have bcon In uxoelllout
health until Glenwood was reached ,
whou I took n bath in ono of
the hot springs there , nnil. .since then I hnva
had u beastly cold , but that does not prevent
mo In the least onjoylng the warmth of this
welcome to mv father , mother and the gen
tlemen of the cabinet. Your west Is indeed
n wonderful counttvl1 but then 1 am a pro
duct of her eoodne1) ) ijnd know her limitless
possibilities. Hut "rt/"has " nevertheless boon
an object lesson to xfcf all. "
An UnintcMitiortnl" SH til Upon tliu
Stale lllcialH.
Probably the ouy"0nos ! of the many thou
snnds who turned ' 'Jilt to do honor to the
president who Imv8 a\ft \ * Just cause for oven
the slightest kick in connection with the man
ner lu which tho"/ny's ( ' programme was
With H s Thumb ,
A boy it said to JiAfJ-'tfivod ' thu Nrtlirrlamli
from Inundation. Multitudes hnvo been
saved ( umi Ihu Invasion of iliscjso by .1
bottle of Aer'a S.irs.iurlll.i | , This niedli-Uw
Imparts tone to the .sjsli.'in and .sliuiiglla-ns
oveiy oriananil ; llluuof th > ) body.
" 1 h.ivo taken ft pieat deal or medicine ,
but uolhliiK Mas done mo so much good as
Ajei'i Sir , ip.irlll. . I exiwrleneed its bene-
llclil clli'CU before I hud iultu | nnlahed ono
botlk' , and I can fiocly testify It Is the
best blood nieillelno 1 know of. " I. . W.
Ward , ir , , Woodl.ind. Texas.
"Confined 10 an nfllci > , ns I nin , from ( > no
year's end to another , with llttln or no out
door pxerclie , I nnd great help hi AjerM
Barsnpirlllnlilch I Imvo used for several
yonrs.nnd .tin nt present mint ; , with excellent -
lent re'iilts. It enable * mo to keep always
at ray i > ost. cnjoyiiiB the best of health.-
H , C. Ilarnes , Maiden , Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
ruici-Aiiin or
PR. J. C. AYBIi & CO. , Lowell , Ma-i.
Sold by Druggliti. Jlil ei.
carried out arc the state ofll-
rials , asldo from the governor nud
lieutenant governor , who came up on the
presidential train. All of tticso ofllclnlsverj
I invited to rome hero and assist lu the exor-
clscs , Thov came , und when the lone line of
carriages i-ontnlniiij ? the dlstlnculshcd visit
ors , reception committee nnd others moved
nway from the depot they \\uro loft stuiulliitr
j ' dlsoonsolntely lu n llttlu group bv thmincivos
' on tbo platform.
| Whllo thoKUosU were beliiR seated lu the
i carriages tl.o state ofllccrs Inqiiiretl two or
| three tliuc-i whore they were Expected to > ro ,
, and were told by ut least two of UiomuMluit'a
nldes to stand rlpht where they were nnd
they would be cared for. They did stand
there , Jtut 03 they were told , nud It now
scorns that they might bo standing there yet
so far ns any further attention that was paid
them Is concerned.
The abandoned ofticlals held a brief council
of war nnd then walked town
up to tno Millard -
lard , where they passed the remainder of the
day lu seclusion , departing for home on 1111
ovonlnp train There wcrueichtln the p.irty ,
nmoiiB them bolujr TUMSUIVItill , Soorotary
Allen , Auditor ilenton , Attorney ( ienonil
Hastings , Lund Commissioner Humphrey ,
SuporlntPtulcnt Mallallcu of the Kearney reform -
form school nnd Congressman Brynn.
They were assured that It was simply an
unfortunate oversight , and that there wns
absolutely no Intention upon the part of any
body to offer thorn any discourtesy. It wits
simply nn Incident in thu course of n very
busy dav. No one , TUB Hrr is asked to say ,
deplores the blunder more thuu the members
of the icci'ptlou committee.
Description ol'tlic Cnrr * Inliloli Ills
Mxc-cllciify TrnveN.
President Grant came to Omaha iu as mng-
nltlcent u I'ullmun car us could bo mudo ut
the time. That wns twelve years ugo 15ut
in the Interval there hi- > been n revolution in
the building , equipping und furnishing of
cars. As 11 consequence there isnocomloit
which is now within the leach ot the patron
of the most fashionable hostelry which ho
may not also enjoy upon the rail. It is such
comfort which Is vouchsafed by President
Harrison on this trip , because his train ex
ceeds in beauty and nnnolntmcnU auv train
in the countiy. The curs uro designated as
the "Presidential Kpeciul" nnd have been
furnished by the Pennsylvania railroad com
There mo flvo in number , the llrst of
which Is mimed the A/tlann. In the forward
end of this car is the dynamo which supplies
the train with electric lighting nt
nlgnt and motive power for the
funs which affords them ventilation
Next CDtncs the smoking apartment ,
upholstered in olive plush , furnished with
chairs und a sofit , und ptovidcd with dusks
umf a library. In til" 'ast ' mentioned feature
there are few political wotK , though there
Is a number sutllclcntly interesting of the
lighter order to while away the tfdium of n
long journey. This apartment is ventilated
by means of u p.iir of screw funs \\hicli serve
to keep the atmosphere as free from smokons
tlio lover of the wood may desire. As iu
this ear also is located the barber shop and
bath looms , both of which are lluulv ap
pointed and f upcrlntunded bj capable attend-
The d s car is styled Colorado The tables
uro of oak and the curtains of green ulusli
The bodtb ure of pearl gray , ai.d ttie lamp- ,
und other metallic tlulngs of ornate silver.
Hero Is a locker lilled with nil kinds of
liquors and a itltched with tangos and accom
modations \vhlili ! are not excelled in the most
liiifly appointed mansion.
in the Now Zealand , the presldentund wife
make their homo. The Interior is upholstered
in blue plush , with brown curtains. In the
sleeping apartment , the wood-work is decor
ated in white and gold , whllo the plush is n
rich terra cottu.
Iu the Ideal there are six drawing rooms.
Ono of these is of salmon and white with
plniu mahogany woodwork. Tlin panels of
the berths are ndonicd with ( lowers nud
molding of Kilt. Another chamber is of
saffron hue. A third of pale green , while the
others nre of crushed strawberry , ollvo and
The Vueutia combines n library nnd oh-
borvntiou ear. In the forward and nro six
sections upholstered In blue nnd metal lltted
In brass. These sections ni-o followed
bv capacious closets for .storing linen.
Two sections and n line book
case comn next , ornamented with brown
plush curlulns Then came the observation
npartmcnt lichly furnished und supplied
with sixteen easy chairs , from whichthrough
plato glass windows , the occupants may
view the scenery iu nil directions. Outside
this apartment ut the end is the platform
-seven feet long by nine feet wide , rubber
lloorod nnd fenced lu with brass and broiuo.
The loof extends to a point even with the
platform so that when it becomes necessary
to address mi audlenco in tlio rain the presi
dent docs not necessarily liuvo to oxpo-.o
himself to the elements. A brass brake
wheel affords n convenient , grip for
for the speaker's right hand , leaving the left
hand fiee for gcsticiilative purposes.
It is in this train that the president ar
rived today and lu which ho will ivtiirn to
his duties nt Washington upon the termina
tion of this journey which in mnnv respects
luis been among tlio most remarkable of the
kind iu the history oi Ihu countrj.
nflla - \ Of porfoot purity.
Lemon -
Of gront strongth.
Almond Zf Economy in their use
Rose etc.rj P'avor ' as dollcatoly
nnd dollclonsly na tlio fresh fruit.
J-ow | plcxir ] ID njy n\ii\d \ \ are the scenes of
my chilciood } | ; ,
recollection recalls Hern io view
io&p-keille hun < ? oa fte poles of
VN § lr\\\\ | \ \ ' / , green b sswood ,
& | b\Tle5mokeafKii1/e5fneiHWi7iy
] / ,
TOBr * n knew !
M/II / / /
nave loijg1 since departed , we
pray and we ) | opG |
' Stf As ioon as i ey o7fered
-r -u US
BY M kT * . , , , , P r
. . & . , CHICAGO.
Drs. Betts
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tne mcst widely nnd fivoraWy known ipeo-
tftllsls In ttio I'nflel
Mates Their IOIIK ex-
pcrlenco. remarkable skill nnd universal suc
cess In the treatment and cure of Nervous ,
Chronic und Surgical lUea es. cntltlo theno
eminent physicians to thu full contldoncuuf
the atlllotod ovi r } whom , fliey euarnnteo :
the awful effects of earl ) \ Ice and the umor-
oi-sovlls Hint follow In Its train
spoivllly. coniplotnlv aii'l permanently cured.
OUUEKS yield readily to their skillful treat
cuarantced cured without pain or detention
from business.
nontly nud suocessfnlly cured In every case ,
matorrlvoSeniliinl WeikncLost Mniihood ,
NlKht Emissions Decayed KnCiiltlus , Fomnli
Wcnkncis and all delloutti disorders peoullat
to either positively cured , nil well aa nil
functional disorders that from youthf.vl
follies or the o\otsiuf inaturo years.
T W IfTI 11 ? 1 tJuarantood t
. ) < yernmn e n ly
< l 1\IO 1 U 1M. , t-urod , removal complete
without ciittlu. . caustioi-r dilatation. Cure *
olfected ' atlumu by patient without B mo
ment's pain or annoy unco.
n \IIP1 . ? rifPU The awful i-ffoots of
OHry | vlcii which brlnci
ortfautc wrnkiicst. ( lestioi Ing both mind and
body , with nil Its drojilcd Ills , permanently
C . ni7TTs ( 'Address those who have Ira-
v ) Dljl 1 O pa I roil thuini l\a by Irac
proper IndulKnnco'and soUt.iry liabfts , 'which
ruin both mind nnd body , untlttliitf them for
biMlneiis. nttidv or m.irrhme
MAHItlKD MKN or these cntorlnK on thivt
happy life , anaro of physical debility , quickly
Is based upon facts. First Pr.ictlciil experi
ence. Second K\ery ease Isepot'lully studlod ,
thus ( furling rlihi Third inedlulnos tire
prepared In our laboratory exactly to milt
each c e , thus otTceUnK euros without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
To euro ro t lcnriH t tin IIIIM ! IcIiiniiuMt I > o
niiiriitliiiii 11 pum-atlir ; It must nintnlii
tiinlr , nlturatltituiiil latlmitlo
tlicso iiuiilltlox , nnd HiiiTilllj' ro-
Notluo ( < ) ConlrartorM.
Nutico Is hereby irlvi < u that sunluil bills will
bo ri'coh oil by the hoard of imbllu lands and
biilldlncHiit the ollloo nf the souiotury or
st no ut Mill-oil ) . Noli , until tin ) L'nil day of
Juno , I ' .M , at 4 o' < : loel < p. in. , foi tlui nrei'tlon ,
construction unil completion of a tuo-stoiy
lirlck and Mono build In , ' Unonnas" I'lut btutu
Industrial School for Hoys and CJIrls , " to ho
oreeted at ( Icni'V.i , rillmoro county , .Nob , us
per plans , siioollloatlons nnd diHtuns now on
Illo ( n the ollli'oof the commissioner of imblio
liinds.iiid bullillnzs ut Llni'iiln.uli. .
I'onlrietors lll bo u'liiilreil to conform to
rules and nuulutlons as M > t forth In speolll-
oalliins niloulod bv the
The boaid icsorxes the tUlit to reject any
and all bltK
Dated nt Lincoln. Neb , Mny fl. IR'H. '
A. It 111 MriuiKV.
I'leslilent Hoard i'nlillo I.nmls nnd Hulidln.-s.
Attest : Jll. ( > C. Al.I.i.s , bocietnry of St ilo.
SckiiftD3nn' < rdathin Cure oorcr/uili to tire
tru.'inf ru1in tba worst COJQS ; laiurci com
fortallj llc pt edtfctg turcfl wlioroallcthcri lail. A
nnnlin HANI UWO < ) II UAMULKS r tii
UUUU I U iH'il nn'l only railiHiiloi princrllwl ljr
I n ruiir , | | itiyileliuu fur tin uiro , .f ,
( ! mioriB-i niiildheluMoi fiani tlio urln try orrfnns
iinurlloa orncgulrjl II ij PM bor Allilru.'i lu I
Is not plonsnnt 'o tuko , iw It Is com
posed of nil the mociiohwl quuUtiog
tlmt go lo muko now nnil rich blood
without compelling the coaiumor to
which can bo bought iviy wroro for
tliirty-flvo cents u gallon , us nil
apnrlllns nro. BEQQS' BLOOD
composed ot pure inodichm , nucl al
lows the purohnsor to ndJ ayrua
wh'oh Is adviso.1 when tjlvon to
If your driu.'isl dons not Keep It ticoopt no
sub-tltult > , lull order dlru't fro u Hoi.sMf'
I'o , , llli-lUT M. l IHI'.UII , III. mil
they will furnard. expiets piop.ild , ono bet
tle for Jl oisli for M
With Double Wire Suspensory.
nn ownx'H i . '
, : - . -
I'KNMIHY will rum nil Khivi-
rcntlcCoinplMnls _
prnl and Nervoua , | -
no s. ICIdnojr lt i < A'i' > ' IS\rr-
ousnoss , Trpinb- Iliu. t-eitml ri
h.iustlon. Wast- lua of body. Ili-
eases cnusoil by Imllacretlons In
Youth , AKV. MftT- rlcd or Bins ID
Also nn Klectrlo Truss nnil Holt Comtilned.
Send Sc. roiliiKO for FIIKE Illustrated book. 2.VJ
\mttti \ , which will l i-ont In ' vul-
- jruu rlalu -
oj'O. MontloaUiU . . . . . . . .
Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co. ,
3O6 N. Broadway. St. Louis. Mo.
' < Offer I'on ft lirmftlu
trlilelt Iifoiri'i fiiiffty la
l.lfv of Mot/it r anil Clitltl.
' If
Hob * Confliteniriit nf its
1'iitn , Hurrur anil Jlink.
AftoriHliiRiinobottliiof "Jlntlirr'n l''ilrnd" 1
ultcrtMl Inn llttln imlii.iuul ilM tn > l I'llH-rli-iicii llmt
\scvikni-8i nUi'ri\aril u unl In Midi cux' . Jln > .
ANMK ( UiU. , l.iunnr , Mi > , Jim. IMIi , Ml. )
Rout liy c\nri' , cliarpon iin-palil , nn rwclptof
price , ? 1.50 | HT lioule. Hunk to Jloilu n innllnl tree.
UKAi > i < 'ii.D : iiixa i..vrou < 'o. ,
ATNTA , < JA ,
boi.n in vi.t. IIIUIOUISTN.
ii. r.nriTrrv'ljorit TiTTii.NT\i.
( JIUAM : , OK M.UiHIAI. Ill : VI' ' I ll'iril.
llmiiurraTnn , rimiilo. fl'ck-
liwllii liiiiiilhklii
> iry lilnuuh un
iiui } , inn ! ililln
lilirtlin. It li
"HHl iliu UtlotiD
. " ! * . ni.,1 U . .
lMllllll II Jlflf ft
lu lit. put n Itlc IIIUJH
trly nwiliJ. Airij't
im tuijuUrrilt of
blinllin HIM , i. l > r U
A. hu > i i xulil ti a
tail ) uninilmiiinn
inixitlriil ) "A j"il
lainiii lllllM > lliiiu ,
I rrrotitiiu'ii'l ( i"ii *
laiiififiinni loll'1' '
Ic oil Ini infill < > r ll
Iho fkln lii-pnin
llnn " Furmii I'T '
nil llruvulrl' " " , '
taviyooiU Heal-
fitiffcrlnn fifl't
till ) I'fTi ctH Ol
. _ _ . joutlifiil t'lTon
, wpRhnoiui. loit iiiHuliuott , ctn.
ni'ii.1 . nvnlimlilo trtntKe ( nlulminliilii ) |
fullpnrtlculnni for liomo euro , FlliiJ : of clmrK'i
AriilnuJM inoillril workj ilumlil l > " 'ail by prcrj
man ! " > t norvn-i * nnil ilohllltnti-il. Aililrrrt
1'rof. V. ( ' . FOWLUIl , flloodui , COIID
It would not imv tlio tnilor to muko up poor nmtorlal ; therefore , in buliifr mlsllU you uro nlwiyimjrtiiii : : to , 't (
d satihfnctior , und lon ' horvlco. Then tlio tailor t.ikos fur 111010 cm-is with his work tliiui id bcvtowuil
All nltorntioiib done free of cJuirffo to insure u good lit.
- : - PRIGEL S-
25 fu Merchant Tailor mudo at. fl200
10 00 MuH'luuit Tailor mndo ut . . . . 14 00 JJ1 00 MerchantTallor mndo lit J13 fO J 0 00 Morrhunt Tiillur ni'ulo ut Ml )
; y ) 00 Merchant Tullor . .
made at .11 M S CO Merchant Tuilor made ut 11) )
40 10 Merchant Tullor Hindu at . II 7i
10 00 Merchant Tailor mudo at " (0 (
45 W Murchhnl Tailor iniido ut'I 0) ) >
M 00 Merchant Tullor iniidu ut . . . 21 00 12 00 Muri'hunt Tullor inailn at GO )
L6 ou Muroiiunt tailor iiiudo nt . . . * > < > > 10 OOMuruluifit Tailor inado ut " (10' ( ) 11 ( XI Merchant Tailor niadout 711
00 Merchant Tailor mndo at 05 w 70 CO Merchant Tailor muue ut JO 0) 18 00 Morclmnt Tullor mudo at * i )
A perfect fit wurruntod , and all goods sold on their merits ( \ guarantee ) In every enoo Juat as roiirosontuil , tit tb \ .
1309 Farnam Street. Omaha , Neb. 1309.