Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    TITE 01\rAHA \ DAILY BEEn WEDNESDAY. MAY 13. 1891.
j rnvs OK sunsiJuirTioy.
Dally Ilee n HlinutPuinlajOiio ) Vcur. . . . J R 00
Diilljr ami Sundn.ViUnouur. . wJB
. .
month-- SK ;
Tlireomonth * * {
( nndnr llif. I'm-Venr ' -00
Hatiirdav Her. OIIP Yo.H '
Wtckly Ilec.Ono . . 1W > Tim Ilrft lliilldliiR.
funth oinnlm. Corner N nnd 2fitn Strcew.
Coniicl ] lllnlTj , la 1'earl Street.
f'lilCMiro iilllci'.aiTCIintiibcrof Ciiiiuncrcfl.
N w York. Hoonn M.I4 nml lf.Trlliuiio Uulldlng
Wushliaton. 013 fourteenth stiecu
AltroniniiliilcRllons rclntliie tn now * ml
rdltorliil uiiitti-r should bo uddresscd to tlio
i.ditnrlal Hupartiiient.
I LUTTEll ? .
All niMlnt'C * letters and toinitlaiKr
tioaddrpN'-i'd to The life rnllf.lilii ! ) Company ,
OinHliii. Draftc , rbi-uKi mnl poslollli o onlcrj
to ho inailo pnyubto to the order of the com-
pnnj. '
The BccPuWislifoff Company , Piwielnrs
Tin * IIKI : iiiTii.niNu.
btulciof NcbrnsUll , . I ,
Coniity of iHJURlm. I" , _ .
Ilohcrt llunlpr , dork for TIIK HRB run-
llaldne company , docs Mijciniily swear
that Iho actual rlrrnliitlon of TlIK IMII.Y HUE
for tlio WOUK cndlns May 0 , IbUl , was ns
Moiid.-iy. M.iv I
7il ! Mla'v. Miv : 6
TVfilncudiiv. May n
Tliursdnv. Muy 7
rrlclny. Mav H
Haittrdny , May 0
Average . 2 ( > , llt )
Sworn 10 1 uforo me nnd unl-hPrlli'd In my
presence llilsttli iluy of May. A. p. 1MI1.
Notary 1'utillc.
ttntrof Nchinokn , (
C'ountv of Honrliis , I
Grant' ! > 'Im'liunk , l.clns duly iworn , rto-
roMfiiiiKi tnyi , Unit lin iBfcWTclaiyofTiinllntj
ruhllflilnir rniitpitny , that tin1 nruinl iivuraifo
dnily clr'-ulnttoii ff Tim IMII.Y Hiu :
for the nonth of May. I MO. 20lfO
ropiest for June , WOfll : copies ;
for.Tiily. 1HD. W.nrd copies ; for August , IKK' ' ,
M,7fti rcipics ; fnr f-'pntcinU'r , IHiO , 20 , 0 ropiest
for October. tt'JO. HUM copies ; for Novem
ber. Jff < > , tflin : copies ; for December , Hn ,
K',471 copies ; for .Inmiary , IfOI , JC.IIfi ronles ;
fnr Pel runrv , IMM. lT.iiS : copies : foi March ,
fll,84,0tt copies , for April. ln'M. : : M S copies.
Fworn toleforn nir. nnd snWrllird In my
Presence , th s''ddayof May , A. P. . 1HI. )
, N. I' , Kriu
Juiisirv I'ubl' *
High Water Marie , 26,299.
TllKUK is everything In Iho crop pros-
poet to nmko tlio lioni't of the Nebraska
f armor glnd.
SKKDINO is flnlHhcd In the northwest ,
the acreage Is grantor tlinii over before ,
and the outlook for a splendid crop was
never bettor. *
GOVKKNOH HOVD'S oxauiplo thoulrt be
emulated by all fjood citizens. Obcdl-
once to law and respect for authority
are essential to peed government.
ACCOlimxo to the best informed
European correspondents , continonta
Eurojiu waits in n hushed expectancy o
apprnhonsion upon the results of Rus
sin's huge financial and political opora-
tious. The recent utterances of the Gor
man cmporor have not tended to remove
tliis fooling.
THE judicious reform instituted in the
army under the present administration
by which the Hfo of the priviito soldier
has boon relieved of some of its former
most obnoxious features , have had the
effect of decidedly decreasing the num
ber of desertions. Tlio American
private soldier , who does his duty , IP
now bettor treated than are soldiers o
any otlior country.
TUB progress of reciprocity confounds
those who have persistently declared
that it WIIH iinnrantlcn.1iln. Snuin.
zil , Venezuela , Guatemala and San
Domingo have entered into agreements
with the United States. Canada ,
Guiana , Trinidad , Barbadooa and New
foundland desire to malco reciprocity
agreements. Such a record of success
in half ft year with n policy confronted
by many dillleultios , ought to silence the
most inveterate opponents of the admin
THE chief of the government bureau
of statistics expresses the encouraging
opinion that corn will not go below 40
cents a bushel when the now crop is
gathered , and ho makes no condition as
to the size of the crop. "I am satisfied , "
saya Chief Statistician Urock , "that the
homo needs and the export trade will
not lot the price go below -10 cents. " If
this opinion shall bo verified the farmers
of NobniKka and Iowa have a near future
of greater prosperity than they have on-
joyod. for a long time.
IT la porlmps unnecessary to suggest
to parents having children attending the
public schools to see that the little ones
do not full to participate In the reception
of the president at the high school
grounds. Doubtless tlio children can bo
depended upon to claim all their privil
eges on that occasion. It is desirable
for the credit of
tlio city that every
child in the schools shall bo present , and
besides the event will bo a memorable
experience to nil who participate which
cannot fail to exert upon them a good
influence. It will make a lasting im
pression on the young minds of the
greatness of the presidential olllro which
will have its effect in making thorn loyal
and'patriotic citizens.
If THEUE is ono class of public ser
vants who moro than another deserve
epodal consideration from the govern
ment it is the railway mall service em
ployes. These men , upon whoso fidelity
and odU-ioncy the success of the postal
Borvico most largely depends , are In
constant peril while in the perform
ance of their duties , and in case
of n soriouH collision or other dis
astrous accident to a train on
which they uro engaged they have
little ohanco of escape from the cramped
nnd crowded cars in which they work.
Tliis lias been shown in two recent acci
dents , in ono of which four postal clerks
were killed outright , and in the other
Bovoral wore seriously Injured. Congress
has boon repeatedly petitioned to pro
vldofor employes of the railway mail
service who become disabled , and for the
fainlliosof these wlio lese their lives
when in the performance of duty , but all
solicitation and argument have failed to
tociiro the desired legislation. The
mnttor will undoubtedly bo urged upon
the attention of the next congress , and
It Is to bo hoped with better auccosi
Today the chief magistrate of the
United States will bo the guest of
Omaha. Without regard to party ivllll-
aliens the "people of this metropolis and
tons of thousands of visiting citl/.ons of
Nebraska and Iowa will glvo him hearty
and earnest welcome. With n common
ovoronco for the great olllco and respecter
or the distinguished citizen who occu
pies it , all men and all classes wyi unlto
n doing honor to Uonjainln Har
rison. The presidency of this
republic is the hlirliest ofllco on earth
because it represents the sovereign will
nnd authority of a nation of freemen.
No citizen can have a supreme title or
laim to its great honors and preroga
tives Those belong to the people to bestow -
stow upon whom they will under the
conditions imposed by the constitution.
I'Yom the foundation of the government
this exalted station , to which tlio pop
ular votco has called some of the
greatest men the world has over
known , lias .always been revered by
loyal citizens of the union , and nevermore
moro profoundly limn now. Piirtibiin
fooling nud political differences vanish
at the call to do honor to the chief
magistracy of the nation , and moved by
a single impulse the whole people unite
in the loyal and patriotic duty. This
spirit has been manifested everywhere
along the extended trip of President
Harrison , and It will characterize the
greeting and the welcome ho will re
ceive in Omaha today.
While honoring the ofllco first , the
people arc not unmindful of the respect
due its Incumbent in rot-ignition of able
and honorable service. . President Harrison
risen has given the country a wise ,
clean , practical and i-eiisorvativo ad
ministration , which 1ms contributed to
domestic tirospcrlty and increased re
spect for the nation abroad. As ho
has himt-olf said , his purpose has
been to make U a business adminis
tratlon , and unprejudiced opinion
bears testimony that ho has been sig
nally successful. Tlio financial credit
of the government has been maintained
at the highest standard , the markets
for the products of the farm and factory
have bi-oii broadened , obstructions to
our trade by European countries have
been removed , or their removal as
sured , and every right of the tuition In
its relations with other countries luss
been scrupulously and zealously guarded.
The' power and Influence of the
United States in the com'
mercial world has been greatly in
creased , and the promise of what has
been accomplished in this respect is
rich in encouragement for our industrial
workers nnd producers. No preceding
administration accomplished so much ir
so short a time for enlarging the trade
and promoting the material welfare o
the country. President Harrison has
had a distinguished career as well in the
military as in Iho civil service of the
nation , and ho has shown in his public
utterances oxcoplional ability and judg
ment. His addresses to the people on
his present journey have been rare ex
amples of the speech-making faculty ,
abounding in sound common sense
thoughtful suggestion , nnd patriotic
sentiment , expressed in language that
makes them models of choice and i
prcsslvo English.
Omaha welcomes the chief rat'gistralo
of the republic with all the earnestness
of western loyalty , patriotism and hos
pitality , and extends to President Harri
son and his companions the greetings o
a people who yield to none in their love
of the union and the Hag.
Secretary Dlalno has very correctly
said that tlio question whether the seals
in Uehrlng sea shall bo saved from extermination -
termination is one which interests all
mankind. To this country it is a ques
tion of very great importance , since the
destruction of the seal industry would
moan the loss of n largo amount of reve
nue to the government. England is
only loss interested than the United
Stales in the preservation of the indus
try , which is a source of profitable busi
ness lo a considerable number of her pee
plo. The seal catching season is close
at hand , and it is known that an un
usually largo licet of Canadian vessels
has been fitted out to poach in Bohring
sea. It is apprehended that if this pur
pose in allowed to bo carried out , with
no moro eiTort than hns boon made by
the government of Iho United Slatca in
the past to prevent it , the slaughter of
the scald will bo so great as to very
nearly destroy the industry Iho coming
season. The only effective remedy , un
less this government shall bo dis
posed to adopt moro radical meas
ures than heretofore and take the
clmni'os of a rupture with England ,
is in an agreement between the two gov
ernments for a closed season. This is
strongly urged by those who are familiar
with the present condition of things at
the sealing grounds.
A proposition to establish n closed sea
son has been under consideration ; and
so far as the public is infoimcd maybe
still , but the indications would seem to
bo that the government of the United
States Is not now disposed to agree
to it , though it was so a few
months ago. The Impression prevails - '
vails that the
proposition for n
season's suspension of seal catching
originated with the British government ,
but this appears not to bo the case. It
is stated , on the contrary , that it was
first .submitted by the government of
the United States as much as two
months ago , and that the delay in ac
cepting it was on the part of Lord
Salisbury. When the British govern
ment at last indicated its willingness to
agrco to the proposition our govern
ment was compallcd to consider
whether the assent had not
couio too Into to bo of any avail. It has
been reported since the departure of
President Harrison from Washington
that ho was still in favor of establishing
a closed season ; but if so it would appear
that ho had changed his mind or is yet
in doubt , and will wait until he has re
turned to Washington to decide the
It is n mutter of small consequence
from whom the proposition to stop for u
time the killing of the nenl first cnmo.
If such an arrangement is necessary
to prevent the practical extermina
tion of the Heal , it ought to Ixi
made , oven if the government should
mvo to make good to the company Imv-
ng the lawful right to tnko seal what
ever loss or damage it would suitor from
ho suspension. If all the trustworthy
opinions are not to bo ignored the in-
lustry is in gront danger , nnd every
oiiHonablo and practicable effort should
bo made to eave It. There will prob
ably bo definite action taken very BOOH
after the president returns to Wash-
/oir.i uiiACtiK.
Mr. Clurkson'd Dos Molncs lltyhtcr is.
o use nn Itidollciito expression , milking
a commodious ass of itself. Wo are in-
'ormcd by that gront oraelo that "chaos
low roigus in Nebraska. Tlio decision
ot the supreme court in regard to the
nollglblllty of James M Boyd to hold
Iho olllco of governor has , " wo
ire told , "caused great embarrass
ment to the people of Nebraska and
especially to the city of Omaha. Mr.
Boyd hold numerous olllcoi ? In that state ,
and every oillcial action that ho has taken
Is void if the national supreme court
upholds the decision of the Nebraska
court. As mayor of Omaha ho approved
the acts bonding that city for enormous
amounts , and signed the bonds as mayor.
The bonds nro now illegal , and endless
and costly litigation will result thereon.
As governor , ho approved and vetoed
acts of the legislature , all of which nro
now of doubtful legality. All his ap
pointments are void , and all Nebraska Is
now in confusion and doubtful as to ulti
mate results. The veto of the mn.xinium
freight rate bill is nullified by the inoli-
gibllity of Boyd , nnd the courts will
have to decide as to the status of that
and all other bills upon which Boyd
took action as governor. "
This would bo very startling news for
the people of Nebraska if It were true ,
but. the Iowa oracle has only exhibited
its lamentable ignorance and stupidity.
It is u well established rule of law that
tlio oillcial acts of any ollicor do facto are
legal , oven if it is found that ho has
been inducted into tlio oflleo illegally.
Nobody conversant with the ordinary
principles of law has over called in ques
tion Iho legality of Mr. Boyd's oillcial
acts whether as member of the legisla
ture , delegate to the consti
tutional convention , mayor of
Omaha or governor of Nebraska.
How many men have occupied scats in
congress from which they were bustedV
And who bus ever undertaken to ques
tion the legality of any bill that became
a law by their vote ? Who has over
questioned the validity of a pardon by
any governor who might bo found in
eligible for some reason ? How could
any bond once Issued and passed out of
the hands of the city be invalidated by
the fact that the mayor or city clerk
who signed them was found , years after
wards , to have been disqualified from
holding the olllcoi1
But it is scarcely worth while to dwell
upon the absurdity of the assertions
made by Mr. Clarkson's homo organ.
If that concern is to be the mainstay ol
the republican party in Iowa in the
coming campaign the party will have to
put somebody nt its helm who is endowed
dewed with at least ordinary horse
The most important problem with
which the council is confronted is the
question of holding n special' election for
the issuance of public improvement
bonds and bonds for the purchase of
grounds for parks.
Under the Australian system special
elections are oxnonsivo luxuries. Tlio
expense is estimated at about $20,000.
That , of course , includes the cost
of election booths , which will bo
needed hereafter at every elec
tion and therefore cannot bo properly
charged up ns a special election expense.
On the other hand , it is manifest that a
standstill on public works will bo a det
riment to the city and leave hundreds of
workmen out of employment during the
season when they ought to have work.
It is also a question whether it would
bo good policy to hold back with the
voting of bonds until November when
money will bo in active demand and
bonds cannot bo marketed as they
could in tlio summer if they could
bo marketed at any price. This differ
ence in the availability of funds for the
spring of 1892 may moro than offset the
expense of the special election.
Moreover it is almost"certain that any
bond proposition voted at the gonorftl
election in November will not carry by
ti two-thirds vote of the total number of
votes polled. Thousands of voters who
are Interested in the political contest
will not take the trouble to vote on the
bond question.
If then wo are bound to gq to the
trouble and expense of n special election
next winter , why not do so now nnd reap
the benefit that would accrue from
keeping up improvements that would
employ our worklngmon nnd put money
into circulation at a time when it is most
OMAHA has boon moro fortunate than
most of the cities of the country in es
caping any of the serious visitations of
the epidemic diseases which widely pre
vailed , with uncommonly fatal results ,
during the winter nnd spring. While
the mortality of nearly every ltir'o ( , city
was largely increased , that of Omaha
was about normal. The appearance of
ono or two cases of smallpox need cause
no public alarm , but It is the duty of the
authorities to use every precaution to
guard against the spread of- the loathsome -
some , though not necessarily dangerous
disease. Among the mot healthful
cities of the country Omaha continues In
the first rank nnd very close to the
TIIK killing of a little boy who was
jumping on nnd off the motor cars should
suggest to Iho company to instruct cm-
ployet * to exorcise the sharpest vigilance
in keeping children away from the cars
while in motion. There is a moral , if
not a legal responsibility in this mutter ,
which the companies are bound to re-
( , 'nrd. _
OMAHA cannot afford to encourngo
hoodlumism and rowdyism under any
pretext. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ortlinilox I lot : trine.
A'IIIIK.H CU\i \ .s'Mr ,
It Is foolish to laugh at Colonel Bhcpard
because ho gravely warns the directors that
If they open the fair on Sunday "thoy may
expect n contlhUalico of tbo querulous nnd
paralyzing coun30j9that have nftllctcd their
body ntid the posltleticc * that have afflicted
the city of Chlcnl'D.1 ' This is good orthodox
doctrlno nnd U6oicl ( Shepard Is always or
thodox. . At least pjvo the colonel credit for
sticking up for hl.tSuiidny school lessons nt
nil times.
Will Ilhvc No Kffcot.
d/iffftflu Ktiro.
Justlco McArtliut"says that alcohol baths
conduce to health' \ unlongevity. \ . It Is not
thought , however , that oven this legal opin
ion will have any 6ffcct on the Sunday clos
ing law. * il
_ _ _ _
AH a Hummer Kosorl.
Iknetr Tlmtf.
A Kansas City saloon keeper Jumped on his
bartender , broke his cellar bono , mashed his
face Into a pulp and then skipped. It U nuch
wholesome , Innocent amusement ns this that
makes Kansas City Interesting as a summer
Kllogendo Blaetter : "How did you pot
along with Miss Urconl" "Why , I snld noth
ing and she talked ; at the end of the conver
sation she announced that wo were on-
gaged. "
Yonkers Blade : Ho I don't llko travelIng -
Ing by night. She Well , no mattorMr. Sta
tute , It will soon bo morning.
Hochcstcr Post ; In most cases II lying ma-
chlnocoinpanics goupboforo the mac' ihines do.
I'lttsnurg CJazotto : Said the peach crop to
the npplo crop : "It's a cold day when wo got
loft. "
Now York Herald : Bookkeeper I was
compelled to absent myself irom my desk
yesterday , sir , on account ot the "grip. " The
Boss Gripi Lack of grip you mean. I
never saw such a loose , fumbloy , mufToy
game of bull In my life , never I
Texas Siftings : Guns that will shoot flvo
miles hnvn been invented. Wo mention this
fact only to emphasize again -spring poets
thu advisability of sending in nil their con
tributions by mall.
Brooklyn Life : Nobbslc , tbo ofllco-boy
Tboro's a man down stairs says bo's ( join1 to
Kill yor , and a beautiful voung ladv as wants
logo on dor stage , ftlanuger Well , show
thu man up.
Now York Sun : "Nature rarely wastes ,
but sometimes she does , " said Muhitablo at
the circus. "Look at the elephant , for In
stance. Two tails practically , and yet with
u hldo absolutely Impervious to Hies. "
Binghnmpton Kopublican : The wrinkles
on a cow's horn Indicate tier age. The wrin
kles in a man's elbow probably indicate the
number of tils horns.
Somerville Journal : A man is always
ready to listen to words of wisdom when bo
is speaking them himself.
Denver Sun : Staylato What kind of files
are time flics )
Grace The only kind you don't seem to
Baltimore American : Now that the king
of Greece has mudo f < 5,000,000 in speculation
on the London 'change , poker sharps can
point to him as n good oxauiplo of a royal
Washington Post : Mr. Blair savs ho
doesn't care a fig , buj. he will bo compelled to
make another date.
Washington Post : In a combination of
law nnd order it Lstho , policeman who seems
to have a monopoly "on the ordering.
Boston Transcript" : It.l * the porsou who
indulges In sharp'and pointed remarks that
has the reputation of being a blunt speaker.
Life : "How doas the prisoner take con-
HnemenU" "Hooon'tUUto it as easy as he
did pocketbooKs.Vjv ; .
Now York Sun : A ihusical young lady ,
who has been taking an interest in the
national game , inquires whether n home run
shouldn't bo classed as a base solo.
Tlio SiKiiiflcimuo of It.
SCIIUYI.KII , Nob. , May 11. To the Editor
of Tun Ben : It has been said , "It may bo
and doubtless is necessary to saeriflpo Justice
in a particular case in order to maintain an
inflexible legal rule , but all Just men must
regret such necessity , and avoid it when
nosslhlo to do so. "
This is not only strong but peculiar lan
guage when considering , as has also been
said , "that the pure and impartial adminis
tration of Justice is perhaps the firmest bond
to scours n cheerful submission of the people ,
und to engage their affections to govern
ment. "
When It comes to the sacrifice of Justice In
the interest of a people , to secure their af
fection to government , wo certainly are
treading upon ground sufficiently sacred to
cause true manhood to not only pause , but
tremble , lest perchance the sacrifice asked
for be made In dotianco of an inflexible rule
of law , which calls for Justice though the
heavens fall. I simply submit that the scenes
incident to the work of the electoral com
mission and its bearing upon the rights of
the people of this nation , with Samuel J.
Tilden ns the immediate personal represent
ative sacritlco and tho'sconos , incidents and
doings with tbo rights of the people of this
state , at Lincoln , with James K. Boyd as Iho
Immediate personal representative sacrifice ,
presents a picture In , the history of this
country nnd this state , the significance of
which it Is not to bo expected can bo ap
preciated by those whoso minds nro pregnant
with passion , prejudice and want of that
sense of Justice Involved in the promises.
It is of little concern , ordinarily , to the
mass of the ncoplo of this state who their
governor legally elcoted is ; but it Is of great
moment that the voice of the people made
known through the mode proscribed by the
law of the land in the selection of governor
bo heeded and obeyed aa the voice of
The writer hereof does not assume to bo
cither the eulogist or the apologist for Hon.
James K. Boyd , who by his action as gov
ernor , nnd his most graceful submission to
the mandate of the court , evidenced n very
high standard of manhood and exemplary
citizenship. Neither do I hesitate at thU
time to say that from all the facts 1 have boon
able to gathnr from this dlstanco from the
state capital ( for I have not been at Lincoln ,
nor seen Mr. Boyd since his nomination for
the onico of governor ) , that the writ of
ouster is the 'culmination of inci
dents that have and will cause
conservative nnd intelligent minds impreg
nated with love ol country and Justice to
seriously ponder.
And without disposition at this time to as
sume the role of censor or nrophot , further
than the fact that from a divided court em
anated the writ , and the at least apparent
hasio In issuing thu sanm. would Indluato n
spirit that may.iM'hxist , but which doubt
less is buine silently 'Investigated ' at the bar
of the public mlmlpiind conscience of the
electors of this sttuojjii thu interest of Justlco
nnd good government. Yours truly ,
In DefViiHe of Qlmr. IllavalMky.
OMAHA , Mny 13.ijTo the Kditor of Tin :
BEG : My nttcntlo tea boon called to your
editorial In this morning's Issue of Tim BHK
regarding Madam BlavaUky ; and there Is
ono statement tliat'I wish to correct , which I
have no doubt you will gladly nfTord'spaco ;
that in 'relation the " '
to 'source of her largo
income. "
1 have boon In the movbmont of which she
was the teacher for the past four years , und
I know of my ovvu knowledge that outside of
voluntary contributions she has had no
means of support except 'rom her writings ,
which , with the exception of her intarest in
the "Theosophlst , " n masazlno published In
India , have paid very HU1 , and from reports
of tlio "General Convention" of the so-
cicty the nm earnings from this magazine
have been donated to the general fund
for expenses , I have never known of an np-
I oil to omimto ! from her either by insinua
tion or otherwise for financial relief of nor-
slf. By mninbors of her own household I
am Informed that she novcr had any money
that she could call her own , and every dollar
to which she could lay her hands was de
voted to the cause of which aho was nn only
too willing worker.
I can well understand that such a unique
character would bo the subject of comment
and curiosity on the p.trt of many people ; but
to Iho few she wns no mystery nt all , only
what she claimed to bo.-a teacher of truths
ttiat hnvii long lain dormant for lack of
speech. Ono can hardlv consider her nn
"adventuress" when reading the words of
Mrs. Annlo Bosant , who , after saying : "Her
veracity had never bcon impungcd , " pledged
It In nftlrmatfon of the Integrity of the ono
"whom I am proud to call teacher , and who
somotlmtis calls mo friend. "
She died as she had lived , working for
everyone but herself in trying to Impress
uncn the world the truth of the essential
"Brotherhood of Humanity , " without dis
tinction of race , creed or color.
W. SViXii , F. T. S.
AV Hterii Trainmen Make nu
Appeal tot lie Union Pnulllu Olllclals.
Vice President S. H. II. Clark of the Union
Pacific arrived In the city yesterday morning.
Ho was In consultation the greater part of
the morning with a connnlttco of men from
the Fort Worth division of the Union Pacific- ,
consisting ot T. U. Shapcott , L. U. Bloom
and C. W. Thompson , who represent
the brotherhood of trainmen. Tho.eommlttoo
Is the same , with the exception of Mr. Bloom ,
as the ono which visited the city last month
In connection with the strike of the men on
the two froleht divisions out of Tiinldad.
The committee has returned ns the author
ized representatives of the brotherhood of
trainmen , and asks an advance In the pay of
the freight men , conductors nnd urakcmun on
those two divisions.
This was the end sought to bo attained be
fore. but tlio Irregular und unlawful methods
adopted by tlio men in striking was discoun
tenanced by the organizations , nnd the men
have now started over again.
The freight conductors and brakcmcn on
the divisions In question nro now receiving
61DU and $ (3.t5 ( ( ) respectively , per month and
the men ask nn increase to $110 nnd $ " > .
They also that twelve hours constitute a
day's work and that they bo allowed over
time for nil time over that.
Mr. C'laric stated yesterday morning that no
other appointments or changes would bo
made In connection with the appointment of
Mr. Dickinson. This puts n quietus on the
multitude of rumors which have been Moating
about during the past few weeks concerning
the batch of appointments which were to bo
made before Uickcnson took charge.
Mr. Dickonnon is expected in the city to
day or Thursday.
Ho Knows Nothing ( > T tlie Move to
Depose Him Politically.
Hon. John C. Watson was in the city yes
terday looking after cases in the United
States court.
In response to a question from a BBK rep
resentative , Mr. Watson stated that ho had
heard nothing of the move to remove lam
from the ofllco of chairman of the state cen
tral committee except what had appeared in
the papers.
The pretended motive for the talk , ho said ,
was Ids acceptance of the position of Judge
advocate general of militia from Governor
"I do not look upon the appointment as a
political one , " said Mr. U'ntson. " 1 have
always been interested in movements to im
prove the condition of the militia , und was
interested ii. the bill during the last session.
"Asfarns matters last winter are con
cerned , a caucus was held of the republicans
in the house and senate and f was elcctod
chairman. Every move which was made
was by direction of that body nnd after uuo
nnd careful consideration. On account of
my position as chairman of that caucus I
naturally led the forces in the tluht which
followed. It was the unanimous opinion that
wo should unlto with the democrats in the
move to seat Boyd as everyone believed that
if Boyd was unseated all the republicans
would go too. "
Performed by Two Lincoln DuiIcs In
Police Court.
A couple of colored Lincoln dudes gnvo a
very pretty double transformation act in
police court yesterday morning. They were
arrested Monday on complaint of the Lin
coln authorities. Both men were Ilashlly
attired in the very noisiest suits they could
find , with silk tiles and swell top coats , but
they don't look that way now. It seems that
they circulated among the colored waiters
of the capital city nn'l ' took orders for suits ,
rcijulriug a deposit of n few dollars in ad
vance. In this manner they collected $75 or
* * y ) . nnd thnn nrnrooiloil tn hlmv in mnnnv
on clothes for thomsolues. Yesterday n
representative of the victims came up from
Lincoln , and after a conference with the
prisoners decided to take everything they had
and lot them go. Thus it was that the
nobby suits , shining tiles , gold-headed caues
and umbrellas were turned over to the Lin
coln man , together with the few dollars that
yet remained , and the erstwhtlo dudes were
again arrayed in their old clothes , which for
tunately for thorn they bad not discarded.
Such a cruel reversion of fortune was enough
to make an angel weep , but tlio unfeeling
horde o ( court room loungers Just opened
their faces and laughed In wicked glee as the
two Lmcoluitos faded hastily from viow.
Professional AVorkliifjmnn Sent an
Del OK" to toCliu'lnniiti ,
The special mooting of the Central labor
union hold last night was decidedly lively.
It convened at 7 o'clock and adjourned two
houra tlater. The purpose > was to decide
whether or not as an organization it would
send a delegate to the Industrial conference
that convenes nt Cincinnati next Tuesday.
This movement was opposed by a number of
the members who argued that the conference
is to give birth to a now political party and
the union by its constitution is
prohibited from going Into politics. The
men who took this view of the case were in.
the minority , and were compelled to nurse
their defeat.
John Qumn , George W. Willard nnd (1. W.
Browster were placed in nomination , Qiilnn
was the man who was strongly in sympathy
with the scheme to send a delegate and was
' Ho will go , but ho will pav his own ox-
'pcnscs , as a resolution to appropriate $100 to
help him along was snowed under by a largo
_ _
Seeks Voujtoanco Only.
M. G. Kohrbaugh is the only ono of fifty of
the victims of Lawrence Waters who lias ns
yet preferred a complaint against that
worthy for obtaining money under false pre
Waters' plan of procedure was to go to cow
owners nnd olTor to supply their bovine pots
with summer entertainment and companion
ship for the sum of f l..r > 0 , payable in advance.
The victims paid tlio money , but in no case
did tlio cow coma In for vnluo received on Iho
In vestment , ns Waters never again showed up ,
Hohrtmugh don't care for the t\.M \ , but ho
wants rovcugo for his disappointment.
Johnny IlnywawPn Dentil.
The coroner's Jury which hold on Innuost
ycstorday to Inquire Into the cause of the
death of little Johnny Hayward , who was
killed by a motor car , returned n verdict to
the effect that the child came to its death by
its own carelessness.
It is understood that Mrs. Hnyward ,
through her attorney , will tic-gin a suit for
ranmgcs ngainst the street railway company
The claim will bo made that n boy six years
old cannot bo cuilly of negligence.
Amounts Duo Oitizou Soldiers for Scrrioos
During the Indian Outbreak.
l'n > Kruiiino for tlio Itrcoptlon of lie
linl Party nl Hie Stnto
Capital AViUor CVunpn-
LINCOLN' , Nob. , May 12. [ Special to TIIR
II . | Adjutant ( .icnoral Cole Is again in
fall swing In his old oflloc and Is busily en
gaged expediting tlio settlomout ot affair. *
growing out of the tmllmi outbreak last Jan
uary. The legislature appropriated ( in"UO
for transnortatlot' and $21,000 to pay tlio na-
tionnl guards niul otlior expenses. General
Vlfcjualn , who made a careful cstlmato of
the accounts , Is of tlio opinion Unit the ag
gregate will fall within the amount of tlio ap
Tlio work of paying the guards for their
tlino whlto In sorvlco is uow under way.
The adjutant some tlino ago designated -
natod a drill day in May for each coinpanv.
Paymaster O. C. Hakor was ordered to visit
each company on that < wy and pay oft the
guards for their Indian campaign. IIo to-
can that duty May 1 , anil it will continue un
til the 2Sth. The paymaster has tlio cor
rected pay rolls , hut the following table will
closely approxtmatu the amounts duo each
company uml give the date of its drill :
HIIHT HlllMi.ST. : ( :
Company A , York. May ir > . , . J.VH
Company II. Stilton , .May 7 . Itf.
Company C. Iteatrici' . May . ( i'H
Coii'pimy I ) . Lincoln. May 1:1 : . ft'ii
Company r. , l-'icmoiit.May 'JO . .VW
Cum jinny I'1 , Jitnl.'ila , Mny . " . Ml
Coitipiiny ( ! , ( icnnvii , May II . , . ( IT.'i
Ciimpany II. Nelson , May 5 . 'HM
Comiiany I. Ili'iinrtt. May 12 . ! > M
Company K , ( . 'entral Oily , May'J'J . 675
Sr.l'ONl ) Hr.lUMK.NT.
Company II , Onl. May Si . (01
Company O , Nebraska City. May II . Ml )
Company 1) , 1'alrlmry. May I . 470
Company 10 , Cliailron , May SA . 4.10
Company I' , Hay Snrlimx. May S7 . . : . MB
C'ompany ( > . Lone I'liiu , May VKi . Kll
Company II , > , . May III . Mil
Company I , Sti'om.ilmni. Muy III . 4''i !
Cuninanv K. SHiuvlcr , May SI . .VJ"
Artillery llnttory A , Wymori' . May 1 . 4l.i
Cavalry Troop A , .Mil ford. May 1) ) . : i.Vi
Hrinadler general and stall' . TN >
Klolil and sin IT. I'lrst n-Klnii'tit . il'.ll
I'luld and stall' , Second regiment . 511
Paymaster Baker , by the way , Is an appointee -
pointeo of Ciovornor lioyd , but It is said ho
will not bo disturbed In his position until
after ho has completed his rounds of the
nucni-Tios or TIM : riiKsmnxT.
A telegram received this morning from the
presidential party announces that they will
arrive in Lincoln atb-0 : Wednesday morning
instead of 9 o'clock , which will afford ample
time for the short program mo , as the party
will not leave for Omaha until 10 o'clock.
The revised programme Is as follows :
The presidential train will stop at the foot
of O street , anil Us arrival will bo announced
verslty cadoti , The crowd will bo kept away
from the train by a cordon of police. The
visitors will bo escorted to carriages at once ,
und a small column will bo formed in the fol
lowing order : Marshal and staff , university
band , university cadets , the president with
the governor , the presidential party and the
governor's staff , state , county and city of-
floors. The Grand Army of the Hopubllu has
also appointed a detachment to act as an escort
cert , and it will bo given a position in the
lino. Tbo line of par.uio will bo up O and
Fifteenth streets to the north front of the
state house , whero-1,000 school children will
bo massed In effective form. There will bo addresses -
dresses of welcome by Governor Thayer on
behalf of the state and Mayor Weir on behalf -
half of the city , and Provident Harrison will
make u response. The traveling men will
present the president with an address in
scribed on satin , and the Catholic school is
also preparing an address to bo presented.
The board of public ) lands ami buildings
held a meeting this morning and directed 1) .
C. Moshor , the gardner of the capital
grounds , to decorate the north front of the
state house , and that work is now under way.
It is expected that some time will bo af
forded for a fortunate few to moot uml shako
hands with the president. After the cere
monies at the capital the line of inarch will
bo down J street to Eleventh , thouco to P
and on to tlio depot.
The state ofilcials are arranging to accom
pany the presidential party to Omaha.
The Burwoll water power and irrigation
company has fllesl articles of incorporation
with the secretary of state. The Incorporators -
raters are Thomas H. Doran , S. L. Hcasonor ,
Frank A. Wubstor and A. Mitchell. The
capital stock ls $ i5,000. ! The company's pur
pose is to construct a water power for manu
facturing enterprises , and a canal for irrigat
ing farms in Hockford precinct , Greeloy
Articles have also been filed by the Mutual
loan and trust company , whose incorporate rs
are ( Jeorgo W. 13. Uorsoy , Thomas W. Mil
ler and Joseph D. McCormlck , all of Fre
mont , but the principal place of business
will bo in Omaha. Tlio corporation is organ
ized for three years add its capital stock is
The appointment of Bird C. Watteloy M
stenographer of the Fourth Judicial district
has been filed with the secretary.
Contest Ilctwcon tlio Union 1'nclflc
nml tlio County OIllcinlH.
The Union Pucifio railroad company ,
through iUs attorneys , began proceedings In
the United States district court yesterday ,
asking for an injunction restraining J. D , Mc
Donald , 0. S. Pen Held and a man named
Allen from cutting a ditch across the right of
way in IJodZjo county on the northwest quar
ter of section I , township 17. rango5. Itscoms
that the county commissioner ! of Dodge
county are determined to cut a largo ditch
across the Unlnn Pacific lisht of way , but
the company's attorneys claim that the ditch
is unnecessary and will bo a damage to the
railway property. To cut the ditch will cost
at least $400 , and the company does not pro
pose to pay for the ditch or to cut it if the
law will sustain the petition for a permanent
The afternoon session of the court was a
very brief one. When court convened it
developed that only fifteen of the grand Jury
had reported , and the court issued an order
directing a pr > nel of twelve Juror. * to bo
drawn anil ordered to report at 10 a. in.
The case of Usher vs. Tin : BKI : was adJourned -
Journed until Thursday at 10 a. in. to enable
counsel on both .sides to inako 'arrangements
for the presidential reception.
May is. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bun. ] Pensions were granted today
as follows : Nebraska : Original Charles
II. Campbell , Kzoklol Johnston , Isaiah fill-
wood , Thompson Paxion , lidgar Kox , Will
iam C. lioaio. Additional Jacob \V. Moore.
Jncrcaso-John B. Davis , Samuel H. Love ,
John F. Kussnll , Finley Smith , Stephen H.
Henderson. Ordinal widows , etc.Louisa. .
widow of Allison Kdwards ; Annlo , widow of
Daniel McHugh ; Nancy , mother of John J.
Iowa : Original Richard C. Kinloy , John
H. Ludlow , Henry Cooper , James Chambers ,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
James H. Phonnlx , Herman Oelfkp , John
Hurk , I' It. Mn-ion , Ueorgo L. Uurno ,
( irconlo.if N. Sutton , James 11. KOM , Alvls
Hush. Ilcm-v Herrold , James J. Cirav ,
Mathew McKlbbnn , Adelbort K Goodwill.
Klchard S. Hlor ! , Job Hush , Charles F.
Hnclt. Kdwnni Kankln. Additional-Ceor ! o
W. Patch , Mnnaon Crank , John 11. Ale- >
Ivors. Incrcase--Jo-ieph W. Kiddle , Charles r
II. llonrd , James C. Livingston , Charles
Davidson. Israel Hutphrpy , O.iborn
B. Lincoln , Charles W. ( Illmoro , John
Gray. James Bass , Ktlmn A. Koborts ,
I'Ynnds Kcnrno.r , Samuel H. M.irkrlll ,
lllsliop IX Stayl , Svlvoster Chaplin , David
T. Klckoy , AHrnd Ivcnt. Kobprt M. Adams ,
John W Mear.s , William U. Gardner ,
Thomas U Itrookn , John S. llorncr. Ko-
issue Jacob U. .Itu'ohion , Cyrus W. Townsend -
send , Wlllliim O. Panmnter , Thomas C.
Lowroy. Original wu'ow. ' < , etc. Francis K. ,
widow of Joseph ijlttle ; Margaret A. , widow
of Matthew 13. Leonard ; Knos , father of Ly- *
snnilcr Fryo. \
South Dakota : Original John MrGheo ,
George L , Palmer , Andrew Ur.mberg. Ko-
Usuo James M. C'obiirn. Original widow *
Susau , widow of lllram Hugglns.
lloforc t'n ; AKsouiatliin nt tlio
allory lm t Mi > lu
Nearly ono hundred members of the Omaha
Art association listened last night to a vo'ry
entertaining and Intellectual lecture by Dr.
Duryea nt the Llulngor gallery. The subject
was "Art and Life. " The eloquent dlvino
spoke of the absolute necessities of life , the
things 'that must bo provided to pro
tect us from hunger and shelter in
from the elements. When these things have
boon provided thorn the soul begins to reach
out after the artistic. The speaKer illustrated
his Idea by rolerring to the evidences of thu
artistic Instinct , that we observe among the
Indians and otlior savage tribes of men.
The doslro of the human heart to e\- , M
press lUolf In artistlo diMlgns was *
followed on up to the building of beauti
ful temples , the carving of statuary
and the painting of enchanting views. Tim
moment that a human being bt'iMti to ( loco-
rut o or to create anything beautiful , that
moment lie began to pass over the line of
There was much that passed for civill/cd
taste that was really barbarism. Over deco
ration , the wearing of hugo diamonds for the
purpose of making people ataro and wonder
anil all such vulgar exhibitions were simply
the relics of barbarism.
Dr. "Duryea complimented the art club
upon the progress of the art idea In Omaha
anil said that if many eastern people who
had never boon in the west .should happen to
be dropped down Into such u meeting as that
of last night they would be likely to think
they were In Baltimore , Washington or prob
ably in lloaton.
IIo closed by saving that ho should have
been ashamed to have seen President
Harrison viewing Tin : Hij : : building airl
the New York Llfo If the city had not snrh
buildings a-s Trinity cathcdial and the First
Congregational church. Ho would not bo
proud to know that Omaha had ono of thu - \
pork pacltlng Industries in the world If It had
not at thosamo time the Linlngcr gallery
and a widespread love for und appreciation
of art and all that is Intellectual and soulful
in nature. At the close of the lecture Mr.
Wallace , who has charge of the art school
recently opened in Omaha , was introduced
and inndu a few remarks about the prospects
and designs of the school.
The District Court ilud CM Dispose of
rri'llminnry KusinosH.
The courts all opened promptly nt 0itO :
o'clock ycstorday , nnd continued In ses
sion a greater part of the day. But little
business of importance was transacted , how
Thomas Cline , the man who robbed John
C. Mahoney of $10 was called for trial before
Judge Hopewell. The Jury was secured and
sworn , after which Cline withdrew his plea
of not guilty and acknowledged ids guilt.
In the case of John Wilson , charged with
robbery , county attorney entered n nollo.
Before Judge Ferguson tlio arguments In
the case of Aynost against thu Sun Fire In
surance company were completed and the
motion for a now trial overruled.
In the largo court room in Tin : BEI : build
ing Judge Davis was upon the bench , and
spent the day in hearing motions.
Judges Doano and Wakely occupied room
No. 1 In Tin : Bisn building nud called the
equity Qocket.
Short sessions were held during tlm after
noon , and court adjourned until Thursday
A few of the delinquent jurors appeared
and were excused until Thursday.
Acute Ccrcliral <
Coroner Harrlgan held an inquest over * > '
the body of II. D. Busch at Hoafy , t Heafy ' r
yesterday afternoon. All the testimo Vf :
tended to show that Busch had boon suffer
ing from a touch of acute cerebral conges
tion and the Jury brought in u verdict to that
Says HO'H Ni t CJuil'y.
Charles Mulloy , tbo sneak thief charged
with house breaking , pleaded not guilty in
Judge Helsloy's ' court yesterday. His ex
amination was set lor next .Monday.
man or woman who lives 100
TIIK from Music , as Sidney
Smith declared that ho livoJ
"twolvo miles from a loinou , " will
hardly bo tumptoil by what wo have to
say rck'urdiiif , ' HOIIIO now nn J beautiful
Pianos just received from tlio well
known makers , C. U. Uriftfs & Co. of
IJut scarcalv any other parson can CB-
cnno the temptation to call at our warerooms -
rooms and boo the latest product of
American art nud iirtisiuibhlp in the
form of nn 1801 I'iano.
ments arc onuippnd with thu Patonlod
Soft Stop , which makes practising poHti-
blo at any ttmo or in any plueo , without
disturbing OIIU'H noichbors , or making
the whole liouso musical.
In other respects they are finished In
struments of the llncht quality. Thov
have that wonderful and rare tone which
inukoB them notable as the bust accom
paniment to Iho human voice.
Wo shall bo pleased to oxliiblt these
choluo I'ianos to anyone whoso business
or curiosity may prompt him to call at
our warorooms. Visitors and purchaser/
are equally welcome.
C. C. BRIGGS & CO. ,
Olllco , Factory and Warerooms at
lioston , MUM.
1C20 to IfiiM F'arnnm Street , Sll/i / to 223
South 10th Street , Omaha , Nub.