Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi MONDAY , MAY 31. 181) ) ] ;
The Inside Workings of the Great Post-
offica Bee Hive.
I'll I ro IIH of I ho OIlloo ICxjiruHs Ojiln-
lllllH IIH 10 lllO KlllullMICy Ol'tllO
Service and SiiifKOHt. Im
provement ) * .
Every ono Is interested in tbo working of
the postofllco department , yet few know but
llttlo of the manner of it , other than tlmt
they drop a lotttir Into a street box and some
eilont Influence picks It up , dolUers It , over
many thousands of miles , lo Its destination
nml returns an answer.
Without the perfect working of tuo nost-
Dfllcc department btislnois wonltl bo almost
paralyzed and every branch of commercial ,
| Klttlcal and aoclul life seriously aflcctcd and
tbo marvel Is Unit tbo local department can
meet tlio demands made upon it with any
thing like ItH present measure of succois.
TLcro are 175 strcot letter boxes In the city
from ninny of which collections are mndo
four times a day and the drop boxes In tbo
ofllco proper must bo emptied during the
busy hour * almost every live minuts. Tlio
young men whoso business It Is to fare mid
slump all thcao with ttio naino of tbo ofllco
and the hour of receipt must work very rap
idly mul become very export. So , too , these
who throw them to iho different routes they
must take to reach their destination. Ono
young Italian , who commenced as n mes
senger , can now read nnd throw over
Bovcnly-flve letters n minute. Accuracy and
rapidity are essentials In this department.
Loiters nro received and handled un to the
very last moment posstolo before the de
parture of mull wagons for tbo various
Ono who hnd not personally seen the vast
amount of matter brought In by collectors
unit deposited would scarcely bcllovo so
Jnany letters wcro written oven In a city of
this size. Tbo inconiiiii' malls are very rap
idly opened and back-stamped and four or
llvo distributing clerks quickly scatter them
to tbo various carriers and boxes , and ono
wonders how so much matter can bo tmndlod
with so few mistakes. It is very evident
that if letter writers were as careful In ad
dressing their letters as tlm postofllco em
ployes uro in handling them scarcely any
mistakes would occur. All lottcri and pack
ages should bo addressed to strcot and num
ber nnd linvo a return card of ttio sender In
tbo corner. If this wore done very few let-
tir.i would go astray.
One experienced clerk Is kept very busy
bunting up addresses trom tbo directory.
Another In changing addresses und forward-
jnir. Another has returned under cover to
writers for wrong addresses loiters In the
last thirteen days. Another sends nn average -
ago of1UO to iho dead letter ofllco each week.
Letter writers are very careless and still
blumo the postofllce. Every day letter.Taro
mailed without address , and very often with-
uuiMuumi. jv low uuys since n icucr was
dropped In the ofllco containing $175 ad
dressed 13 a box without minio or city and no
etaint ) . The postmaster got It back to the
writer. If properly addressed and return
cards placed thereon this would bo avoided.
The1 special delivery system is being
more appreciated every day. As
noon as a letter reaches the ofllco with n
special delivery stamp thereon n special
messenger in uniform Immediately carries it
to Its destination. Six hundred nnd nlnoty-
ono such letters wcro delivered during April.
Forty-flvo carriers handled 1,777,211) ) pieces
of mail matter during the month of March ,
nnd although working moro hours and being
only two-thirds in number of those employed
In Dcnvor , Kansas City or St. Paul , and
doing fully as much moro work , It is very
satisfactory to the postmaster to hear 30
many kindly expressions of their work
nnd their courtesy , The Omaha ofllco is
very short of carriers , and in order
to give the scrxico to which the
people nro fully entitled there would bo re
quired at least txveiity Additional carrier" ,
Tor xvhlch tt most Vigorous request has been
made , nnd the r-ostmastor has reason to hnpo
that by July 1 ho can promise as perfect ser
vice in Omaha us any city of its size in the
The question of room to do the business of
the olllco until the now building is completed
Is a very serious one. At present the em-
jiloycs are so crowded Unit the olllco looks
like n bee hlvo In busy hours , but the post
master is making a strong effort to secure
the rooms immediately over the working de
partment , now occupied by the United States
court room and United States attorney. If
this Is accomplished the money order nnd
registry departments will bo put
up stairs , the stamp department changed to
the present money , which will
greatly increase the facilities of the olllco
nnd give room enough for the next 11 vo yearn.
A look back and comparison of llgure.s
shows the wonderful Increase of the otllco
and groxvlh of the city. In 18SO the expenses
of the onlce were $12,000 , the income from
sales of stamps mid envelopes f(12,000. ( In
1885 , expenses $10,000 , Income $118,11. . In
IS'.H ) . ' income The
, expenses W..OOO , fiftS.-lUi.
registry department 1s increasing in equal
proportion. It now takes live oxi > crieiicod
men to run this branch of the nUlco , working
thrco during the day und txvo at night. All
valuable matter should bo registered , The
system is so perfect that registered matter
can scarcely miscarry or bo lost.
The money order department is an nnomalr.
The sales of orders have decreased annually
for thrco years , while the payments of orders
have correspondingly increased. Tlio Omrdia
ofllco pays out In money orders two and a
quarter times as much as she receives from
the sales. Received in ISM , t2 : ' . ) , UIl.S ! ! ) from
the sale of money orders and notes ; paid o.a
during .samo time on orders and notes , iCiT'J-
4IK1.28. These , with remittances from other
ofllccs , make n business of over $2,000,000 per
annum in tills department.
Of ccurso , In un ofllco employing
BO many people and dealing xvlth
BO many in so sacred n business
us handling their letters , it is not to ho ex
pected that mistakes will not occur , and yet
they ere comparatively very few , and the
postmaster considers it a favor that errors
nnd carelessness bo reported , as It is not pos
sible to correct xvhat ho Is not advised of.
The envelope always tells tlio tale , and should
bo sent in as u basis on xvhlch to trace er
rors.Tho postmaster Is tilling a long felt want
In the community by having gotten 0111 by
one of the enterprising railroad companies a
complete compendium of the rule * and reg
illations of the postofllco department , rates of
postage on all classes of matter and every
thing of interest to business men connected
with the postolllco business , Including ho
hours of arrival nnd departure of nil mulls ,
Ho Is In hoprs of havinglt In the hands ot all
patrons of the olllco in u week or ten days.
Anxious to make the postoftlco u comfort
Instead of mi annoyance and anxious that It
shall equal in It.s management any other olllco
of equal slzo thu postmaster recently ad
dressed to over two hundreds of the larger
patrons of the otllco the following note.
April "S , IMil. l > nir : Sir : Thu poslnuister Is
anxious that the service of tills nllleo shall bo
IIH MitiHfactory to Itu patron. ) as Its limited
fiu'Hitli-s will permit. To that end ho kindly
nhkxyour ruply. Am you Mitisllod x\lth the
roi'aipt and dispatch of your mulUV Iluvo you
any MiKgcstlons to mtilcu ?
To this the postmaster has received a largo
number of very satisfactory responses , among
them the folloxvlng :
Drop slot not largo enough for my letters ,
othcrxvlso satisfactory.V. . R Allen , ( ! cu
oral agent.
Much pleased. Aultman , Taylor & Co.
Satlstlcd- Omaha Savings bunk.
1'orfcctly satlsilcd , It is a pleasure to
know tha postmaster U trying to run the
olllcu for the bcnolit of those who have so
much mall to handle. Hradstrcot company.
Perfectly sntlslled. Omaha National bank.
Well satlsllod ; no suggestions.-Churchill
Well pleased. lUalo ; , llruco & Co.
No fault and no. suggestions , American
National bank.
Generally satlslled. Commercial National
Quito satisfactory. Wo shall speak out if
necessary , Ilr.uich ft Co.
Satisfied and no suggestions. Dlngnnm &
No complaints to make. Volume of bus- !
ness too great for force und room. UHUotis'
No complaint ; no suggestions. E. A. Den-
Entirely satisfied. First Nnt'.oual bank
Perfectly satisfied. Uy ron need company.
Highly pleased with the oQlclciioy of our
postal service.- Merchants National Innk.
Everything satisfactory , Consolidated
tank line company.
Mall comes und goes alt right. Chicago
lumber company.
Mall service entirely satisfactory to us.
Coutant & Squires.
Well pleased. No fault to find. Columbus
buggy company.
Perfectly satlslled. Collins gun company.
Everything satisfactory Charles A. Coo
Si Co.
Service Is good considering the cramped
room. Cady At Gray.
Satisfied. Carriers pleasant , prompt and
obliging. O. F. Davis company.
Entirely satisfactory. East Omaha land
Wo nro moro than pleated with the present
conduct of the Omaha postolllco. Wo also
note the sidewalk Is swept clean these days.
Omaha Excelsior.
Yes ; entirely so. Wells , Fargo .t Co.
\\nntdrawcr instead of box. Otherwise
all right. Frcolmid , Loomls & Co.
Satisfied. Fcstiior printing company.
Very.satisfactory. Farrell it Co.
Perfectly satisfactory. iC. . Ucable.
Entirely satisfactory. Gibson , Miller ft
Quito satisfactory. Iloxvell lumber com
pany.well satislled. Do not understand how
you do so xvell in your cramped quarters
xvlth so short help. A. Hospc , Jr.
Object to getting other people's mail oc-
casIoMil'.v ' Charles A. Harvey.
Everything very satisfactory llayxx'aril
No complaints or suggestions C. U , Hav
ens Co.
Very satisfactory Hayden Urothcrs.
Highly satisfactory Paxlon Hotel.
In every xvny satisfactory Kllpatrick Koch
dry goods company.
We've b'jcn treated xvcll Kelley , Stlger
it Co.
Everything satisfactory Pennsylvania
No complaint Lea Clarke Andrcsen hard-
xvaro company.
Wi-H pleased-F. U. McConnell.
Satisfactory as It can bo made with facili
ties you have Max Meyer it Uro. company.
No cause for dissatisfaction. Morse dry
goods company.
No complaints. Mulr it Oaylord.
Perfectly satisfied. Montgomery it Mont-
go mo ry.
Satlslled. Nebraska fuel company.
Entirely satlslled. - Mollne Milburu &
Stoddard company.
Satisfactory. Murphy , Wascy & Co.
Perfectly satisfied. A. D.
No complaints ; no suggestions. McCord ,
Urndy & Co.
Present service excellent. Mendelssohn ,
Fisher it Laxvrio.
No fault to find on week days , hut Sunday
Is a hard scramble. Noxv York life insurance
Satisfactory. Dime Savings hank.
Wo desire to thank you for the good nor-
vice xvo have. The Nexv Thompson-Houston
eliirtric light company.
Immediate steps should bo taken to provide
patrons xvith safe boxes which cannot bo
tampered xvith from outside. Had to glvo
mine up. G. M. Nnttingor.
Nothing but commendation. Carriers
prompt , gentlemanly and earnest. W. N.
N 111-0:1 : , sccielury Omaha board of trade.
Very xvell satislled. Omaha elevator com-
Doing as xvell us you can with the limited
facilities at your command. Omaha barb
fence and nail company.
Satisfactory to us. Omaha Kopubllcun
printing company.
Well satlslled. Omaha real estate mid
trust company.
Perfectly satlslled. .1. Obcrfeldor A Co.
Service very olllcicut. Omaha real estate
Service highly appreciated. William Pas-
chel , secretary.
Want moro deliveries. William Preston
it Co.
Wanted letterbox at Eleventh and Howard
and got It.Hoes printing company.
Want later collection. Uobort Purvis.
Yes. No suggestions. A. J. Popploton.
Satisfactory. Omaha carriers worthy of
special notice. The Purlin , OrondorK &
Martin company.
Satlslactory that moans a good deal. H.
E. Palmer it Son.
The postonlco is admirably run , but nat
urally 1 bcllov" ) a democrat can run a post-
ofik'o uetter than any one else. I could trust
you as xvell as anybody else if you x\-ould not
xvearu dress coat. J. H. Uuclmuan , general
passenger agent.
Perfectly satislled. E. L. Lomax , general
passenger ugont.
Service perfect. H. H. Ulugxvalt , agent
Umpire line.
Perfectly satisfactory. Wo have the most
accommodating carriers in the service.
liltiRXViilt Brothers.
Entirely satisfactory. Carriers prompt and
courteous.Scott & Scott.
No complaint but carrier don't take our
mail. Midland guarantee and trust coinnany.
Line tin o.irlior delivery than 8UO. : liavo
best carrier in city. Uussell Pratt it Co.
Want larger box at Thirteenth and Harney
and foxx-er mistakes. Baum iron company.
Service satisfactory. Carriers courteous
but registry too sluxv.- Globe loan and trust
You art ; to be congratulated on the present
oflleioncy of service. D. M. Stcolu & Co.
Not. very satisfactory. Have to use u box.
Bomls Omaha bag company.
Not satisfactory. Villages near Chicago
havn bettor service. Pax ton it Vlorling Iron
Perfectly sctlsllcd. A. L. Strang ft Sons.
Satisfied , but ought to liuvo onu more de
livery. McCormick harvesting company.
Perfectly satisfactory , but ought to have
that uo-.v building commenced. Sidney
Deliveries satisfactory , but collections
might bo hotter. J. T. Uobinsoji notion com
No particular complaint. Might have moro
prompt deliveries. Pacific express com
\ \ 1th n foxv corrections service xvould bo
satisfactory. Mardor , Luso At Co.
Our service is satisfactory. Thompson ,
Heldcn & Co.
With the facilities at your command xvo
think the service excellent. Wheeler &
As very heavy patrons of the ofllco xvo
cheerfully say the service is perfectly satis
factory. Western Nexx-spapcr Union.
No trouble at all. Williams , Van Acrnam
Ac Hnrto. en
Satisfactory.- . Wolfe .t Co.
Sorvlco excellent. Voegolo it Dinning.
Homo olllco good. Outside bad. Takes
thrco days from Norfolk. Meyer it IJnapko.
Satisfactory except night "mail. Murray
Home service satisfactory , but too days
from Lincoln rather long. Crane company.
Local olllco satisfactory , but unnecessary
delays from outside occur. W. V. Morse At
No fault xvlth clerks and carriers , but don't
like the Sunday delivery ut all. Kopp ,
Drolbus it Co.
Service generally satisfactory , TUB UEK
publishing company.
"It is certainly the aim of the present ofil-
clals and employes of the postotUco depart
ment to moke the service us cfllelent us possi
ble , und they should bo encouraged In this
laudable effort , " says Postmaster Clarksou.
Quuen of tlio
Say mu , the girls sny if my face want so
speckled up xvith pimplo.s , they'd make me
"Quoon of the May. " What shall 1 del
Why , get ix bottle of Haller'ssursaparilla and
burdock , of course ; It's the most xx'onderful
bloodpurlller of the age. _
Tlio Pnxtim Hotel Fire
Did not olTcct the hotel proper in nny
way so as to Interfere xvlth the operation
o ( the hoiibo. Only the annex was dam-
atfod ami guests liavo been carotl for
without the interruption of a single day.
Just in Time.
An Irish gentleman getting upon a street
car found ono place vacant , which ho pro
ceeded to occupy.
"Sure , " said he , with a twlnklo In his eye ,
" 1 came Just in the nick of time , "
"Howls that I"
"Arrahl If I xvns to comouoxv , 1 shouldn't
find a scat in the car. " _
A very small pill but a vorv good ono. Da
Witt's Llttlo Eurlv Ulsori.
ProluUily Not.
She --Do you think ladles should bo allowed
to hold ofllco in the church 1
Ho-Cortuliily , but I shouldn't think the
dear creatures xvould care to bo ciders ,
After- ouch application of Spanish Court
Cream , ladies will find tholr skin softer
anil whiter ,
Statistical Glance at the Ojmpoiition of the
Next Congress.
'Ililrtvon InVlilcli tlio DcniournlH
Jlnvn n Miijoi'lty Where tlio His-
liiibllcaiiH and Ki
Alliance Come In.
WASHINGTON' , May 10. fSncclal Corro-
Rpomlciico of Tin : Uii.1 : Some interesting
figures ntnl deductions ere furnished by the
printed lists of members-elect of the next
housu of representatives. The list Is un-
ottlclal , but It is occuralo ,
Ot the 833 members tuero are 437 demo
crats , eiylity-sevcu republicans and elfiht
members of the fnrmers' alliance , who will
HO Into cither party uiuieus. There nro other
members In southern state * who were elected
on tlm alliance platform , but they will vote
on party questions with the dcmuorats.
15 Glancing over the list by states It appears
thiit tliero are , of the forty-four states , no
less than sixteen with solid democratic dele
gations and thirteen moro where the majority
of the delegation is democratic. There are
ten states with solid republican delegations
mid two with republican majorities. Of the
remaining thrco states two have alliance
majorities , wtnlo In the remaining state ,
Minnesota , there are three democrats , one re
publican and one alliance men , so that the
delegation on a vote Is democratic. Summing
up , the democrats control the vote of thirty
states , the republicans twelve , the alliance
two total forty-four.
There aru sixteen solid democratic
delegations and ten republican. The sixteen
solid democratic delegations Incl'ldo ' n mem-
oership of 100 , while the ton solid republican
delegations number a total membership of
llftccn. The frightful disparity lies in tuo
fact ttiat of the ten solid republican delega
tions seven of them Colorado , Idaho ,
Novadn , North Dakota , Oregon , Washington
mid Wyoming consist of ono member each ,
who Is a solid republican. There remain
thrco solid scales , of which two , Soutli
Dakota mid Vermont , have two members
each , and the state of Maine , with Messrs.
Uecd , ISoutclle , Uliigley and Mllllken , form a
very solid delegation of four.
The solid democratic states are almost ap
palling. Missouri alone has fourteen , nearly
as many as the entire force of the solid re
publicans. The others are Alabama 8 ,
Georgia 10 , Louisiana 0 , Maryland 0 , Missis
sippi 7 , South Carolina 7 , Texas 11 , Virginia
10 , West , Virginia 4 , besides such odds and
ends as two each from Florida , Now Hamp
shire and Hhcao Island and ono each from
Delaware nnd Montana , where the spirit is
willing but the flesh is evidently weak.
In the thirteen states whore the democrats
have majorities in the delegations there nro
in nil 11. ) democrats and -17 republicans , n net
majority of ( W ; It. the two republican
states there are ± ! republicans ! and 12 dem
ocrats , n not majority of 10. Here , again , tlio
democrats control , with the exception of
Pennsylvania , all of the largo delegations ,
the status standing : Illinois , 14 to 0 ; In- , 11 to 2 ; Kentucky , 10 to 1 ; Massa
chusetts , 7 to 5 ; Michigan , 8 to 8 ; Now
York , 2 ! to 11 ; North Carolina , 8 to 1 ; Ohio ,
14 to 7 ; Tennessee , 8 to 2 ; Wisconsin , S to 1 ;
Connecticut. U to 1 ; Iowa , 0 to5 ; Now Jewcy ,
it to 2.
The republican delegations are Pennsyl
vania , 18 to 10 ; California , 4 to 2. Of the re
maining states there nro in Kansas flvo al
liance men to two republicans and in Ne
braska two alliance men to ono democrat ,
giving the alliance those two states , while in
Minnesota , as already stated , there being
three democrats , ono republican and ono nl-
lianco man , the control of the delegation is
with the democrats. This , then , Is a sum
mary :
Democrats Solid delegations , 10 ; majority
delegations , 14 ; total , 30.
Hcpublican Solid delegations , 10 ; majority
delegations , : ] ; total , 12.
Alliance-Solid delegations , 0 ; majority
delegations , 2 ; total , 2.
On a division by states upon any question
therefore the democrats would carry ttio
vote by thirty to twelve , or u majority or
It is not out of the range of the possible
that such a question may arise in the next
house. That question would bo the
most Important In the history of this
country. It would bo the question of
the next president of the United States. U
seems almost certain that the politicians in
the farmers' alliance will try to torco that
organization to place u candidate for the
presidency in the Held. Who ho may bo no
one can guess , it is said mat senator u
Stanford of California could get it if ho
wanted It. in any event it is among the pos
sibilities that the determination of the presi
dential question next your may bo loft to
congro < s , which makes Interesting if not im
portant the analysis of the political complex"-
Ion by states.
Should the house have the controlling vote
In the presidential contest all the states
would moat on a common level and the 50.000
whites , blacks , half-breeds , mongrels , Chin
ese and Indians of ttio Nevada mining camp
would bo as powerful in electing a president
us the many millions of intelligent residents
of the state of Now York , and Mr. Uurtino
would bo as big a man as Mr. Flower , as the
states would vote as states , and not us Indi
vidual members of the delegations. So big
is the democratic majority , oven as
the unit vote by states , that they
could elect the president , oven if not a single
republican was present. The constitution
provides that there shall bo present a quo
rum consisting of u member or members
from two-thirds of the statei , so that with
their thirty states the democrats could legiti
mately elect the president without the at
tendance of a single republican , The deep
interest which both the democratic and the
republican parties toke in tbo alliance's en-
LLUU llllU IUU 11U1U UL UiUlUllIU I'UllklU3 Uilll
therefore bo very readily understood.
Still another feature presents itself In case
the alliance throws the vote Into the houso.
There would then probably bo a democratic
president and a republican vice president.
i''or tin ; same article of the constitution which
makes tlio nouso elect the president
throws the election of the vice presi
dent in thn senate. Hut hero there is n
difference. In the llrst place , tha list ol
oliglbles for the vlco presidency Is confined
to the two niinr's having the highest number
of votes cast for them in the electoral college ,
instead of three , as Is the case in tbo pro-l-
dent. Hence in tlio present senate Messrs.
Irny and PolTcr , the alliance senators , anil
Mr. Kyle , the Indo-crot from South Dakota ,
would bo compelled to vote for either the
democrat or the republican. Another Im
portant dlfforenco Is that the unit rule foi
states does not hold in the senate , for the
constitution provides Unit in electing the vlco
president the quorum for the purpose shal
consist of two-thirds of the whole number o ;
senators , and n majority of the whole num
ber of senutois ( not states ) shall DO
necessary to a choice. The republicans have
a majority of six In the senate now. They
Vanilla - \ ° * porfoot purity.
Lemon - Of great strength.
Almond If Economy In their use
RoseetC.TJ Flavor as delicately
dellolously no the fresh fruit *
rould therefore olecv tliolr vlco proslclcnU
Icro too ttio election lavould bo totally Ituic-
icnilcnt ot ttio slzo on linportniico of every
Into Indeed , licroN'cvmla would outvote
Tow York , for than rejnitillcan cnutlldtite
vould get two votes-A-om Novadn , wtilla the
icmocrutlc catidlUitd" would got only ono
nlo from New York. In sorao stutcs , Hlio
) lilo nnd Wisconsin , 'there would bun stand-
( T , tliero bo In ) , ' In oauh a dcniocviUlo and n
cpublloan senator.
This recalls it curious omission In tlio
irovlslor. for tlio pqtsldontlal election In
lie houso. No provision Is ir.tulo for such
tales uhoso dulc ntlnni consist of two iiicin-
) OM , In case tlioy should bo of opposite poll-
Ics. In tlio present 'houso there are 11 vo
uch states 1-lorlda Now Hampshire , Kliodo
slaml , South Dakota and Vermont. It so
mppons that In cneh ease both members of
he delegation are of the snino partv , the
urco llrat being ilcmocrutlc , the two lust ro-
nibllcnii. Hut If It should have happened
hat in any ono ol' tlieso states ono member
mil been a democrat and tbo other a repub-
lean a contingency by no menus Impossible
the two gentlemen could never have onrced
n a candidate , and that veiy IntorestliiB
Itiestion would have then arisen as to how
ho stnto should vote. Under tbo constltu-
Ion it would have lost Its vote altogether ,
. 'his would scotn to dusorvo tuo attention of
oiiKrcss. It Is plain , therefore , that the
nllliuico imd Its national political future are
vortuy of careful attention.
I'niiuv S. HCATII.
Not many physicians mnlco preat thornpcu-
Ic discoveries. For the moat part they con-
liiotliemselves with ndmlnistorint , ' Judiciously
vbatis iirescribod In tlio books. To Dr. .I.U.
Ayer , hownvcr , Is tluo the credit of iliscover-
up that crcatest of blood purillers Ayor's
t Iliirrlson.
The Chicago , St. Paul , MlnnonpoHs&
Oinuliii niilwav will inako it rate of ono
ind one-third faro for round trip from
mints on tliolr line In Nebraska , within
IfiO miles of Omaha , Inchullnp Sioux
-Uy , for those doHiriiif , ' to attend rccop-
-ion - to President Harrison at Omaha
May 13. Tlukots will bo sold May II ! ,
good returning to and including May 14.
To IllKli Kof Him.
Dcr Sclmlk.
Lady ( nt charity baztiar ) Count , won't ,
ou buy this rosol It Is 'M marks.
Count Very sorry , bat it is rather to dearer
or me.
Lady ( klssos the rose ) And now ?
Count ( retiring with a low bow ) Now it
s priceless.
Pozzonl's Complexion Powder produces a
oft und beautiful skin ; it combines every
lenient of beiiuty and purity.
Theory nnd I'rnolioc.
Hain't Jliirn.
Mnnhattnnitc Isn't there a line of horse-
cars running on Atlantlo street I
Ilrooklynito Theoretically there Is ; but
( radically you will Hud it much quicker to
o walk.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other bakinR powder docs such work.
Dr. TJO Duo's I'orloilionl Pllla.
Tlili Frvnvh remedy nets illroctly upon the ucncrn-
II vo ortcnnM nntl ciircti Hiipprosstun nf the inrnpc * .
t3orthruo for K , nml call lie mulled. KtuniM not bo
used tlnrliiK prcKimney. Jobbers , clrni.-k'ltti nnd thu
public mippllud by Uoodinun Drug Co. , Oiniiha.
Do you know that you can
buy a chimney to fit your lamp
that will last till some acci
dent happens to it ?
Do you know that Macbeth's
" pearl top " or " pearl glass "
is that chimney ?
You can " have it your
dealer will get it if you insist
on it. He may tell you it
costs him three times as much
as some others. That is true.
He may say they are just as
good. Don't you believe it
they may be better for him ;
he may like the breaking.
Pittsburx. CLO. A. MACIJUTII & Co.
To euro niHousneBS. Sick Ilendacho. Constipation.
Malaria. Liver Cumplnlnts , tnko the tnfo
and certain remedy , SMITH'S
UsothoBMAIJ < 8IZE(40 ( llttlo beans to < ho liot-
tie ) . They ore tlio most convenient * bull all imoa.
J'ricoof either Clio , U5 t uU per txittlo.
tf tQRtMf * t % 17 < 7 ° : I'liotn-irroruro.
SVHSOBfil fl panalsltoOttilia ploturu for 4
coma ( coppers or etampaK
JI F. SMITH ft TO. .
Mnkcra of "BUoDunns , Su I/juIs. Ho
Gonon-lioua , Cl.rt and I.ciicori'hoen
ctirtiil IniilHys by the 1'ionuh Ht-mt-ily entitled -
titled tlio K1NU. Ittllbsolves against nnd Is
absorbed Into tuo Inllaniecl jinrtH. Will roftiml
inonoy If It does not onro or causes stricluio.
Ui'iitlumun , here is .a reliable article. ta
ntieUauo or 'J Tor ! " > l > w mall prepaid. Good
man DrtuCo. . Oiiitihu ;
Beet Sugar Enterprise
1,11 Conti a Year.
Locust nnd Third St. , - Mrnnrt Itlnnd. Neb
Devoted to the development of thn boot misnr In
dustry In Iho Unlteit States , Miinufiicturlnif biiKiir
from lieeti , lius proven nsuocess both In Cullfornlii
and Nebra ka. The nvcrnpu portent of miKnr In No-
liruska boots Is 10.3 per cent. In Ucrmnny ItM.
Cicrninny raanufucturcsitnnunlly lf-0XW ( tons , more
than nny other country In Iho world. The U. H. Im
ports nnmmlly 1,603,000 , tonj of iiBiir , rhlch at flvo
cents per pound , would amount to (1JOOUUIXO. Hliull
thu U. manufucturo her unn miRnr ? teedlnit ,
cultlviitlnif , liurvenllnKand manufacturlni ; the suk'nr
tcetdlicuiicdln tlio Hect Bupir KnU-rprliio. cenil
Btnmp for rumple copr. Urnnd Iiliind. Nfb.
Winslow Wilkes ,
The las test 4-year-old pacmz Etallion in th
World ,
nccordiHI-7 , ntlx ) lngton , Ky.,3d heat , by Illnck
Wllkoi , dam by Almont S3. will iimko tlm neaion in
1KI1 at JIUl Vlnton tr t > l , Umuha , Nub. b I1UU
If signed by a chronic dead beat , is not worth the paper it is written on. It's so with an advertisement.
Its value lies more in its signature than in its contents. Its an easy matter for anybody to advertise a
certain thine : at a certain price , but its another thingto live up to the advertisement. We have in the
past four years and a half advertised a great many bargains. The man , woman or child don't live
who ever read an advertisement signed by the Nebraska Clothing Company who did not find the goods
in the store exactly as we claimed , if they looked.
Our resident buyer who lives in N'cw York , and who docs nothing but buy goods for us , has re
cently closed out several big lots of Men's Suits. They arc suits which manufacturers ( who are already
at workmen goods for next fall ) are anxious to close out. They didn't want the goods and did want the
room. The suits arc first class in every way , made by the leading concerns in the country , arc cut ,
lined , made and trimmed in superb style. They come in an almost endless variety of stylesJen of one
style , twenty-five of another , fifty or a hmilred of another. Not a suit but what is worth' fifteen dollars ,
and many should sell for eighteen. They were bought cheap , bought to sell , not to keep. "You know
our way. " Today we put them all in one grand lot and you can take your pick for
We will also put on sale several big piles of suits made of tin's popular fabric , in sacks
and frocks , cut , lined and trimmed just as they should be. These suits ought to bring eigh-
tenn or twenty dollars , but we divide with our customers and sell the
S13.OO. Krodvs cxt SIS-BO.
We will also sell ( on the second floor ) two hundred all wool black Cheviot Suits for
young men , ages 14 to 18 , coats and vests made with patch pockets , and pants with nobby side
stripes ; "Quite swell , you know , " at
i > c Dollnrs riiicl Fifttj Gents.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets.
Eginiton , 111. , Aug 11 , ' 80. Dr. J. P.
Moore Dear Sir : 1 had been sick for throe
years until I began to take your Tree of Life
about eight months ago. For two years I
was unable to do any work. I was atto idad
during the time by seven dill'erent doctors ,
but found no rellt-f , but was rather worse.
Eight month < ago I purchased a bottle of
your Tree of Ufa and began taking It I
have taken five bottles and now for about
four months I have been n well man , able to
eat and do men's work. It was a God-send
to me whtm Aa Parker brought the Tree of
Life to my I want to you be
sides for the good It hiibdjueine. Voi-y re
spectfully , W. W. WENKS.
Wittier : Gllman Parker.
Mooro's Tico of Life , n positive cure for Iwldnoy
nnd I.Ivor Complilnt nnd all blood disease * . Dool It
ny to siiner when yon can bo cured by mint ; Moora's
Treoof Ufo , l.lfo Homo ly ?
Floral Conversatory.
South East Cor. G and 17tb , Lincoln , Neb
W. S. Sawyer & Co.
General collodion of plants anil cut flowers
always on litinil. I'loral duslans boutict ( |
ImsUcts , etc. , for parties. Wfildln i nml fun-
rrals a snt'elully. nnd scut to nny part of tlio
htato. I'rlco list free. tinilcr-
funeral work. Tolophonc , .ill.
Tlie Murray , for. 1-lth nml
it the iitont HnbHttinttnllii
Hotel HtilliHnu lit Omaha , Nevcrat
In-at'ii lirtrh / / tnilln rtiniilnit from
btiHCiiifitt to roof , AH tint ri-lltiiaH mul
floor * Hneil trttlt AnbcntoHre proof
itiintl , iniililnu It hniioMHllilu to burn
fl\ii'li. J-'IrvcKFitiiCH iiil / * ! Hlitrinn
throiiuhotit tint bnllillnufitaamheat ,
hot ( ( in' < ' < ( K'lit'-r aint HII unlit nit in
ercruroont , 'litbtv nnmirimtincil aim-
ir/if re.
Corner 14th and Capitol Avonuo.
Just completed , has 100 roonn , throi
Etalrways , from the top to the bottom , ha
fine olorator and dinning room service , H
flro proof throughout , flnu blllarJ room' * and
the Imnit toilet room * In the city. Large
ample rooms , Suites with bath tea. Cor
14th and Canltol Ave. Street oar sorvica in
all directions. Hatas. from Sa.OO to $4.00
Illllilll A beit and onlycapiulei preicrlbcd by
UUUU I n regular phyilctant for tUe cum of
Oonorhoja and UltcliarKui from ta urlnar/orgau *
oneriua r c < juUeO , II.W v r
- 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Seventeen yours fijtporl 'net. A ro iilir itrnlnito In nii'd'clna , ni iltwluiirii show l ntlll treating with
iHcntcst Hurto'- * , nil NorvutH. Chronlniinil I'rlvnto Illto i-iui. A pcrmauan * i.'iirn tiimrthiitnol fur Cnturrn
yperniiilurrlKrn. l.cut Mnnliooil. Seminal Wraknim , NUlit Umei , Imimtonojr , Srplil'li ' , eurlclure , anil iml -
caic : ) of thu lllooil Shin mul I'rliurjr Or-cim. N II. I iriinnintuo f.VU for every ciuo 1 nil lortnko and full to
euro. Consultation ficu. lluok ( My terlo ) of Ufa ) sent ffOJ. Onicu houri-'J o. m. to i p. m. BauJar 10
a. m. to 12 m. _
Korthe tro.MniPtit of nil CHUON10 AND KUIUHOAt.
DlSKASIOrf. llrncci , Appllniicnt for > l
TrusHue * . Host KaclUtlu ? , Apprir.ttu1 * end Uomoillui
forsucconfiil treatment of ovo-y form of illncaia
roqulrlnx Medlcilor : HurKlcnl Trcutmont , NINHTV
IIUOMB KOI I l'ATIi.NTd , lloiint nnd Attciidnnoa
llc t Accoinmodntloni ' . .S'mt.Vrllu for circulars on
DeformlllP" nnd llmcm , Triu on , Club Feut , Curvn.
turei of Snlno , I'lliu , Tnmor * . Cnnccr , Cntnrrn ,
llronchltls , liilmlntl.m , Kleetrlclty , I'nrnljMi , ICpll-
t'Tny , KMriL'y. , llliiildcr. ICyo , liitr , Hkln anil lllooil ,
imd nil rUirU- l ( Jpvratloni. MSKASK3 OK WOMKN
n cpeclnlto. Hook 01 lihcanoi \Voinun Kti'o.Vu
lmv < ! IntelmMuil n lyliuIn Dcpartinont for Woman
Durliui confinement ( Strictly 1'rlvato I Duly Itollv
bin Medlcnl Initltuto Mnkltik' n tpactaltr ! of 1'HI-
All Blood Dljoaim nicconfiillr truntoiL Mudlclni
3r ln < trum < inti ont by mull or iixiirosi nocuri'lir
pncketl , no murk * to Itidlcato content * or Mm'lur '
Ony pemonn'i Intorvlow prvfurrod. Call anil consult
in oricnd hit ory of your rrnc , mid wu will end la
Inln wrapper our HOOK TO MB.V Klliii : ! upon 1'rl-
mto. Special or Nervous Dlio'isut , wltuiuuitlonllJt
AdilrrsHiill IttturJ to
Dr. A. T. Mcl-nuglilln , Pi-eslden
! < tli ami llurnuy btruols. Oiaaiiii.
KSTAIIl.lrillHI ) IMS.
l < OUiunl Mil Dodge truut , Omalia , Neb
W'3 *
Sldu Spring ntliirlim.'nt , no liorto motion.
P7irst Glass Carriages ,
YOl II I'ATUONAUK S-Ol.ll'lTIU ) . .
"SANAT1VO. " Hie
Wniiilnrful briinlkh
linncdy , In nold ulllin
to cure oil I.'crvoui Un ,
cases , tuch as V.'cil
Memory , uon of Ilraln
1 * o w c r , h c a d a c h e ,
W.ikdulacfs , Lost Mar-
tiood , KcrrouEDtu , iJis-
illudc , all dml B and
DoforoA , After Uso. lors of power of tlic
I'liotographcd from life , Oi'lierntlMi OrKun' , ti ;
either DCX. caused by
orereiertlon , youthful lnd > scrotlon . or the eicmlve
nso lit tobacco , opium , or etlmulautufhlch ul'.lmatfly
lead to Infirmity , Consumption and Insanity. I'm up
Inconvenient form to carry In the v n | ) cliet. 1'rlce
(1 a pickaKe , or 0 for K , With every 15 order wo Klvc
oivrltton Ktmniiitca tn riirn r T < ; fiiril ( the
mono- . Bent by mall to any iiddrcea. CIrcuUr free.
Mf ntlon this paper. Addriim ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Urtnrh Office for V. B. A.
417 DfHrbnrn htrprt. rilirAHO. IM.
rou SAM : IN OMAHA. NKU. , iir
Kuhn & Co. , I'or , ISth & IoiiKlSU. ) .
J. A. Fuller i Co. . Cor Kill .V llmuIiiBSU.
A. D Fouler A. ( o. . ( onu. ll muff * . IK
Iron d Ufiro Ws
Jlunnfnotnrt'rs of Iron and Wlro Pnnccs.
Desk GinirdH , Iinjirovc'il Awnln K , Coul and
Hand Screens , Irini Htnlrwayn , Iron Door * and
Bhuttnrs , Wlro 8lBun , ulso Ilr.iss Wiirlt of uvory
dcsurlpthm. All kinds of ropalrlnR.
217 South 12th Street ,
Opposite Nebraska National Bank , Omaha.
carlr decay , wutlnK weakneM , lort manhood , etc.
I wfll cnJn valuable treatlite ( 'iil ; i coutalnln ]
fullnanlcular * for boroo cure , rltl IS of rlmrRii
i IpV ndld mVdlcil work , .UoulJ u. read by evorj
maa who U nrrvnui and drlillltated. Addrcri
fret , V. V , I'O WLliU , JUooUu * , Couu
Moru than IS VPIIM I'ipi'vlcncw In the treatment of
AciiruKUatauluvdln it tou days , without boluitol
un hour'H tlmu.
GLBBl' .
The iiiont complete nnd nuxolnto euro for nloct find
nil annoylMKdlM'linwH uvnr known to tha medical
prott'HMon. The moat Mnblioin chronlo nnd long
ttnmllnc CIIBO permanently cured In from & to ID day
Or pain In lellerlm ; the bladder permanently cured
without pain nr Instrument * . rmcutlliiKi no clllatlnii.
The mo.t ) remarkable remedy known tu raodorn sol *
. nee. Write tor cliimlnrs.
Cm IM ! In "a 10 f.J ( duyxDr. . MrKrnw'a treatment for
this torrlbtu tilooddNttii n has ht'cn pronounced tha
mom snceesal ill remeily ever discovered for the nt >
noliitn ciuo of the ( line. lac. Ilia snccesi wltliilil-
illkea o Inn never been eqimllol. A completu cur
guaranteed.Vrlto for rlrculiir * .
And nil woaknesnes of 11 o sexual circimi. nervnui-
liens , timidity ntnl ilexpondeuey absolutely curod.
The relief Is Immediate1 ami complcto.
UhcunintlMii imd all iltnea-oi of tlio blood , llvvr
kldimyt and bladder permanently eurecl.
And neuralgia , iiervoiiMiieHi nnd dUuanes of tlio
ntoumch cured. Tlm doetor H "Homo Troattuunt" for
Indies In pronounce : ! by nil who Imvo imod It to bo
tin- most complete ) nnd convenient remedy over of *
feicd for the treatment ol lemalo dNeasMM. Ills tru
ly a Honderliil ret . ly. No Instrument * , iiu pain.
lluurx for ladles , from 1 to I only.
DR. MoGliEW'3
Miirvullotis siifcoHa iii tlio troiitmont of
private dihuauuH liuw won for him a rep
utation which hi truly national in uhar-
ai'ter , and his grant army of patients
readies from the Allantiu'totliu 1'aoillt ! .
Tlio doctor is a raduato of "regular"
medicine and him hmt Inn und uaruful
experience in hospital practice , and-
classed ainoiifr the loading spoiiialiats in
modiirn seic.nco. Tniiitinotit by correspond -
respond on co. Write lor cirnlara about
each of the aliovo diseases , frco.
Office Mth and Rirnam Streets.
Kntraiu'o on Hither Stroot.
Graduate Dentist.
A I'll 1 1 Sot of Teeth on lluhbor ,
, , lor I1 1 VII lhillAtrt. ! A r rf c {
, H lit cnarnntneil. Teeth eitructnj
, .H without pnln or ilmiuor. nn )
without rinaoitlietlcfl , IJold and
ullver tllllnm nt lixrost rtiuti ,
llr'.il/u nnl Crown Work. Tvoth
- - . _ - without plates All nor * nnr-
Untrance , itith itrout elevator Open ( iioulnm
until U o'clock.
DihcioitN , iptrbllnjr. And
IM 'tl7ln . Kohl \ij \ > U
ilenlen7 : lr Autllul
1'irlurn Ilimk find cardi
ftcnttncny onuaddrMtlr
U.K. IUHiH : A CM. .
. It lii ruri-ilthouH3iiil I If you want tin
IIHhT.BOm ! lijllKUmin turfrro Pamphlet ftu. I ,
Manucllo liliullc'1 rum Co. , H > u fraocbCW ) C i