THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : fllilDAY , MAY 8 , 1891. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : No. 121'KARL STREET. rclivm-il cy Carrier In any part of the City. II.V. . TILTON MANAGEK. TELEPHONES ! riusiuess orucc , NO. n. Night Editor. No. 23. jn.\oit JI/I.V/MO.V. N. Y. P. Co. Council muffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , 201 Sapp block. / Hcnl Rock Springs coal. Thatcher , 10 Main , * The steamer Rescue will bo launched next ' Sunday nt Manawa. The city council will meet this evening ns a board of equalization. Tbo Models will play their first game of ball at Mnnnwn next Sunday. If you want water In your yard or house po to Hlxby' . " , "M Merrlam block. Peter Schmidt and Augusta Flxmer were married yesterday afternoon by Justice Kwearingen. Hoth parties were from Omaha. \V. J. Connor with his gang left yesterday morning for Cherokee , la. , whcro they will bnvo about two months-worn on the new court house. Special communication of Bluff lodge , No. 71 , Ancient Krco nnd Accepted Masons , this evening for work In the third degree. All Master Masons are invited. The work of pavlnp the alley between llroadvvny nnd First nvcnuo ruMiing from Pear ) west to Eighth street wns begun yes terday morning. Messrs. Gunnclln 'and Hathawao are doing the job. Tbo Salvation army will give a strawberry nnd Uo : cream festival next Monday evening .nt its hall on Upper Hronttwny. Music will be furnished by the bass drummers of the Council lIlufTs nnd Omaha armies. Stniv dogs nro to bo out of order after this week. A number of extra deputies have been added to the marshal's foico nnd the won : of pnthenng In the dogs without tags will bo commenced next Monday. All dog licenses have now cxtiircd. if Marion Stevens , the driver for No. 1 hose 7 cart , was relieved flO and n valunblo watch ; night before last while in u bath house in Omaha. He reported his loss to the keepers of the establishment nnd they agreed to pay him for the missing property. , Thcro will bo a regular meeting of Council HlulTs council No. 1 , Commercial Pilgrims of Amoricu , Saturday , May ( I , at 7 : . ' ! ( > p. ra. , nt Royal Arcanum 'hall , opposite drand hotel. All members nnd those who have sent In their names for membership lire requested to be present , M. ( inllager , a brnkcrnnnon tbo Milwaukee , met with a bad accident yesterday afternoon. While coupling cars ho accidentally got ills right hand between the bum | > crs , nnd two fingers wcro crushed so they will have to be amputated. Ho was taken to the ofllco of Drs. Macrno & Thomas for treatment. V The wheelmen of Council HlulTs met in the ( Jrand Hotel Wednesday eveninsr and organ ized themselves into n club. The following officers were elected : President , I. M. Treynor ; vice president , Horace Kvnns ; sec retary and treasurer , 1. U. Parsons , : captain , W. 1) . Carothers ; lieutenant. C. H. Ogdcn. About thirty members have Joined so far. William Libbeka was given thirty days in the county Jail yesterday morning in police court , und the sentence was suspended on condition that ho leave the city at once and stay nxvny. T. Foreman , charged with the * . same offe'nce , wns discharged on the snmo t < * y1' condition , nnd the youthful pair disappeared. W. oorgo Limit and I ) . W. Reed were fined for drunkenness. Hurkhard Villager was brought before Justice Hammer yesterday afternoon for n " hcurinc on the charge of "malicious mischief , Iu cutting down n tree on Fleming street , In front of the residence of J. W. Shumwny. The parties had come to an agreement pre viously , however , and Villager was dis charged after paying $10 for the tree and the COMIS of the suit. j Charles Pitzger was arrested yesterday on | n charge of larceny , preferred against him by li CJeorgo MoPcak , who claimed that ho had j ! stolen fifty feet of rubber hose about two I weeks ago from his residence nt the corner / of Twelfth nvcnuo and South Sixth street. Pitzgor was released on bonds of $100 until . this morning , when ho will bo given a hoar- i Inir bnfnrn .limtlrn Hnmrm r _ Frank Lamson , brother of A. T. Larason , the contractor , and for several years con nected with the Chicago lumber company In this city , died at his residence , 211 ! Franklin avenue , at 0 o'clock last evening. Death was the result of consumption. Ho had been n sufferer for several years , and last fall ho was compelled to abandon his desk nnd go to the mountains In search of health. Ho re turned from Salt Lake City only a short tlmo ago In a very frail condition. Ho wns well known and n very popular younc m n. Vfe loaves n wife and thrno children. Ar rangements for the funeral have not been completed : An alarm from box 14 at 11 o'clock last night called the fire department to Union street , botvyecn Broadway and Pierce street , A barn belonging to Lan ) Carrigg was on fire , and in a few minutes after trio turning In of the alarm It was burning brightly. Ttiero were two teams of horses In the barn , nnd a couple ot wagons , the property of L. U. Knotts , und used oy him In Mis oil busi ness. The barn was used by Will Cook , who driver for Knotts. The building was com pletely destroyed , and Norman Green's barn , which was within n few feet of It on the . north side , was also badly scorched. Doth buildings wcro fully Insured. Aiwuys KI-'V uiu ousi wuuru you can got. n the cheapest. The Boston store , Council Bluffs , Is selling wall paper at just half price , now Is the time to buy it , beautiful patterns for Hfc , 5e , 7 'c and lOc per roll , just one- half what you have been In the habit of pay- Ing. Boston Store , Council BlulTs , la. Trains leave Broadway and Ninth street for Lake Mnnawa every hour. The army of workmen are about through fixing up the hotel at Lake Manawn. Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms : within ono and one-half miles of the P. U. ; nil In bearing ; good buildings ; possession given at onco. Call on D. J. Hutchlusou & Co. , 017 Broadway. OookN In the I.niul. Another attempt was made to hold a man un with intent to commit a robbery at a Into hour night before last. The attempt was made this time near the comer of Seventh nvotiuo and Tenth street , Officer Robinson wns patrolling his oeat when a man suddenly rushed up and Informed him that ho had "ITocti knocked down. Four men had as saulted him , but ho had been too quick for them nnd had regained his foot before the knock-down had fairly taken effect. Ho hail thus succeeded In trotting away from the men , who bud chased him nbout n block be fore giving htm up. Ho did not tell his name and the ciiso was not reported ut pollco head quarters. U was reported yesterday afternoon that n couple of men from Atlantic had uu oxjierl- t-nco with the bucKlngof tbo tiger night be fore last. They were Inveigled into the tlgor'B dvn'nmt thcro Induced to play cards to the tune of S-00 , They complained to their friends outside after the thing was all over , but they had not the face to present them selves ut the Dolico headquarters and own that they had boon fooled in the regulation granger fashion. Their names were not learned. A party of professional crooks wcro located night before lust nt a restaurant on North Main street , whcro they have been boarding. They wcro notified that their presence wns not just what was wanted here , and that thov would bo compelled to movu out if they iilil not uo so voluntarily. They wcro not seen nil day yesterday , and it is suposod that thev have gone. When about to build don't fail to set prices on lumber of The .ludd & Wells Co. , M Broadway. Telephone SS7. Trees , nil kinds , guaranteed to prow , prices cheap , nt Mulrs' , Broadway , opposite iio.stof- 11 co. _ Drs. Woodbury , deiitisu , 30 1'earl street , next to Cirund hotel. Telephone 143. High 1 erndo work u specialty. Ijico curtains cleaned from 50o to 11.23 per l > alr. at Twin City dye works. Try Duquotto & Co.'s Pomona fruit iuico tablou. Tfioy uro delicious. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Surprise Sprung in the Saloon Oases by the Defense. WILSON'S ' LAW IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL , . Motion to Take the Mutter fro in the State CiiiirtM to the Federal discs Heard Yes terday. Judge W. I. Smith occupied the library room nt the court house yesterday. The cases In which L. M. Turner Is plalntllT and several saloonkeepers are the defendants wcro as signed especially for trial nnd the room con sequently looked like a section of u sn'.oonlsts' convention. No less than sixteen cases were assigned for trial and all the sixteen defend ants , with a number of their friends , were on the Held. Only two casn.s wcro reached. The first was that against William Malonoy. The de fendant was represented by W. H. Ware , who took a somewhat novel way of making his defense. Ho moved that the case against his client bo removed to the federal court , on the ground that Messrs. Maloney At Graham wore running an original package house , nnd that they were agents for parties residing out of the state. Several affidavits were filed In support of these statements. In sup port of the. motion for removal Mr. Ware said that the act parsed by the FIfty-flrst con gress was unconstitutional , because the constitution did not give eongrojs the right to delegate power of regulating commerce between the several states. The only way it could be done was by amendment to the constitution , which had not been done. Second , prior to the act mentioned , the supreme court of the United States had declared the Iowa law null and void , so far as original packages were concerned , nnd that t > y the passage of the act the Iowa law was not restored to apply to original pack ages without necessary state legislation. Thin ] , that the net in itself was a suecles of class legislation. The tiling of this motion caused something of a sensation on account of its being some thing out of the ordinary run of defenses In such cases. It was taken under advisement , after which the case of Turner against N. O'llnon was taken up. The trial of this ease occupied the rest of the day , nnd but few new features were brought out , the stock-in- trade of the defendant when ho was put on the .stand being the following sentence : "I do not wish to answer that question , because if I did so truthfully it would tend to criminate me. " That one little sentence smoothed out a wonderful sight of rough places that wore prepared for him by Attorney Senbrook. The case was submitted to the court. Today Judge Smith will go on with an other batch of cases of the same kind. Mrs. Sherman and Miss Oliver Thursday evening , May 14 in the Presbyterian church. Removed Miss Bcitsch has moved her dress making parlors from 513 .Maiu street to 'M and U05 Merriam block. Finest line spring and summer goods and most expert workmen is what you will lind at Keller's , the tailor , 1110 Broadway. Sunllower chorus Thursday evening , May 14. The library will boopen Thursday evening , May 14 , from 'J to 10 p. in. in the Presbyterian church. Fruit Clrowinn Advantage * * . "If you haven't taken the trouble to drive out through the hills east of the city , you'vo no idea how much improvement Is going on In the country districts , " was the remark of one of the lovelest headed of Bluffltcs yester day afternoon. "Tho Improvement Isn't In the line of building so much as In the recog nition of the fact thst Council Bluffs Is situ ated In one of the richest countries of tno west , and that U has unsurpassed possibili ties In the direction of fruit raising. "I was talking with one of the oldest sot- tiers n day or two ago. Ho said that twenty years ago ho traded n town lot for his present location , which consisted of about UK ) acres , and that the man with whom ho traded thought ho was cheating tbo life out of him. The land ho has now ho refused an offer of $100 an aero for a short tlmo ago. The lot which ho traded off is In the residence portion tion of the city , and is worth at the outside fJ.OOO. That shows how prices nave risen during the last twenty years , and is u fair ox- nmple of what mo may expect in a few years more. "In my opinion this region Is unsurpassed as a fruit growing country , and the people who Hud it out and embark In the bus iness are going to como In flrst at the end of the race. Last your the amount of fruit which was raised within four miles of the city limit ) nnd sold in our homo markets was between f.r > 00.000 and $ .0,000 worth. Lund that is selling now for $100 per acre among the hills east and northeast of the city , Is going to command $ .100 for the purpose of fruit raising within llvo yuars. The people are only beginning to realize what can be done in this direction. Apples ara worth as much lioro as oranges are In Cali fornia , and we have the added advantage of belnc a good deal nearer tbo market points. "You can talk all you want to about bring ing In factories ; wo don't want them. The class of people they bring In spoil n place so far as Its chances of over being a residence city are concerned , nnd as a matter of fact that Is all Council Bluffs can over hope to be. The ftult business will bring in nn entirely different class of people , and , at the same tlmo It will bring In more money on less ex pense than anything else thai our neighbors can devote tucir attention to. " Summer Millinery Display. Misses Sprink & Kagsdalo will give a sum mer millinery display at the Council Bluffs millinery parlors , iU'.l Broadway , on Thurs day , Friday nnd Saturday of this week. The Indies of this city and vicinity will find this nn excellent opportunity to see a tine display of stylish millinery. The M. L. S. S. will give a supper Thurs- nay evening from 0 o'clock till U at the resi dence of Mrs. H. Baird , No. 7311 Mynster street. Proceeds go towara furnishing n room rtt the Women's Christian association hospital. A musical entertainment will bo the feature of the evening. All friends in vited to attend. Proved IIIN Mr. C. C. Crawl , who was taken to Kear ney last week on an Indictment charging him with disposing of property fraudulently , has returned. When ho was taken to Nebrasna he sent to lied Cloud for his attorneys to bo ut Kearney when ho shoul 1 arrive. When ho reached Kearney ho wanted to have the case tried ut once , but found it was impossible , as Feathers , the prosecuting witness , was away from town and the trial couhl not go on wltn- out him. Mr. Crawl called on FcnthoM at his homo , nnd ho then found that the prose- outing witness had left the co-i I'.ry , presum ably for good. Crawl reUrif : 1 to'KiMruoy , showed up his side of tii i-o n it was showed up in. the Blurts p ; . > . , , it 11 , < tune of his arrest , whoreu | > ou tnu pj ( ejuling at torney dismissed the case. Seed oats , corn , millet and seed potatoes , pardon seeds of all kinds , at H. L. Carman's , & 00 Main and 501 Pearl streets. Fishing parties have commenced to Hock to Lake Maiiawa. Furniture , carpets , refrigerators , baby car riages , stoves , crockery , and all house fur nishing goods , cash or on easy payments , at Mundel A : Klein's. U veiling In Mystery. The people near tbo corner of Eighth street mid Fourth nvenuo are enveloped Inn cloud o mystery. It Is a rather pleasant thing to bo enveloped In , but they are all busily en gaged In trying to dispel it. Yesterday morning when ooo of the citizens was passIng - Ing the corner of Fourth avenue nnd Ninth street ho noticed a pool of blood that looked as though it might have taken up lodgings there sometime during the previous night. It was a large , red pool , nnd It looked very much as thought it might have coino from a human body , though the man couldn't bare sworn that It was not from any other iinlmul that had blood. The grass In the vicinity was matted down , as though a terrific struggle had taken place. Near by lay a lareo piece of llesh that had evidently been torn from its moorIngs - Ings by the hand of some fierce assailant. The appearances of things caused nn exam ination to bo made. Drops of blood were found scattered along Ninth street to Fifth avenue , lind down Fifth avenue to Tenth street , where the blood stains stopped. No sound was heard during tbo night that could account for the presence of the blood stains , and the thing is n perfect mystery. Lake Manawa will bo all the go this sum mer. Dry storage nt low rates , stoves and house hold goods. J. R , Snydcr , Pearl street. SHU In the J. W. Paul filed a certificate with the county recorder yesterday from Frank D. Jackson , secretary of state , stating that the articles of Incorporation of the Twin City railway company had been filed In the secre tary's ofllce. With the ccrtlllcato came n note from Paul himself , the substance of which was that ho didn't care who knew it. The object of Mr. Paul In filing this cer tificate is to let the public know that he has not abandoned his pet idea of petting n motor line ncross the river to compete with the Council Bluffs nnd Omaha bridge company. Ho stated to a reporter that ho was anxiously waiting for the time which Is given the Interstate railway company In which to con struct the line , to expire , and that when It had expired the Twin City people would bo found right on hand. He said that the oppo sition to the granting of the charter to his company had , in all probability , emanated from the bridge company and the Interstate ccm puny in partnership , nnd that the six months were up In which the construction must bo commenced , and the Interstate com pany had not begun work , another applica tion for a charter would bo made to the coun cil. lie has great hopes of his success the next time. The six months are up about Juno 1. _ Snugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk Held , garden and ( lower seeds la the west Catalogue and samples by mail. Hosiery , the Boston store hosiery nnd un derwear departments are second tononoin the west , they carry the finest fast black hosiery in the world , a small word with n big meanIng - Ing , but nevertheless true. The Onyx and Thistle brands are the llncst made , every pair guaranteed or money refunded. Boston iatoro , Council Blurts , la. Predicament. Harry , son of Contractor Murphy , yester day morning was mounted on a wagon , with his feet over the dashboard. The horses suddenly took fright nt a motor train , nnd commenced to run. The boy was dragged down from the scat and rode for some dis tance astride the pole between the horses. Oflicer Kemp , near Seventh street , ran out Into the middle of the street nnd hit one of the horses with his club over the head. This caused the horse to forgot himself to a cer tain extent , and before he had recovered the olllcer had seized the team by the bits and brought them to a standstill. Young Mur- phv dropped from his perilous position , rather pale and nervous , but otherwise unhurt. Malr has all sorts of fruit , shade and orna mental trees , Broadway , opposite postofllce. Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! ! ! If you wont it pure and n And nt a reasonable pr Follow no now dev Ice. But send to us iu a tr At our oft Mulholland & Co. , No. 4 Pearl st , , Tel. 102. Fall of a'scnffild. A scaffold being used by painters on the Baldwin block fell about 11 o'clock yesterday morning. The scaffold consisted of a ladder with boards stretched along It , nnd was sup ported by ropes hung from the top of the building. It bad Just been moved Irom the side of the buildiug facing Broadway to the Pearl street side , and the painters were Just preparing to mount and go on with their work , when one of the ropes broke nnd the whole thing toll a distance of throe stories. The rope hud been eaten into by some acids usca in cleaning the brick. * PEK8OXAL J'AHAGHAl'IIH. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Meyers have gone on a visit to Albion , N. Y. W. E. Mauling and J. W. Malvin of Omaha fire department visited tha Bluffs yesterday. C. M. Kcclor , an accomplished singer of Des Momcs , was in the city yesterday on business. Mrs. Carrie Belknap Is in the Bluffs , the guest of her cousin , L F. Murphy of Oak land avenue. Mrs. Belknap is a well known musician of DCS Moines. The Boston Store , Council Bluffs.wlll close hereafter at 0 o'clock Tuesdays , Wednesdays , Thursdays and Friday evenings. Mondays 9 o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock. Boston Store , Council Bluffs , Fotheringham , Whttelaw & Co. - Dr. Blrnov cures catarrn. Coo bld'g. The Fire Itecord. WIXOXA , Minn. , May 7. Early this morn ing the fire which destroyed the lumber mills of the Schroth & Adorn mill company , with n warehouse and three blocks of lumber , was ( rntton nmlnr f.nnttv l htt tc ctill Hi , * , & „ . - * fiercely. The lire started in the wheel pit of the planing mill and spread rapidly , being only stopped at the boundaries of the lumber yards. The loss will approximate $100,000 : insurance , $50,000. Losn ISLAND CITY , N. Y. , May 7. Water is still being thrown on the lire which started last night. The losses aggregate KiOO OOO. The heaviest loser Is the Export lumber com pany. The loss sustained by that company is $ iriO,000. , The Burroughs company lumber yards come next with a loss of $200,000. Nothing definite is known as to Insurance. STHA .USI : , N. Y. , May 7. Fire tonight did $120.MK ( ) damage to the building and stock of J. A' . Eager and three tenements. In the Commons. LONDON' , May 7. Replying to a question in the house of commons today In regard to the reported Boer "trek" being prepared for the invasion of Mashonaland , Manicnland nnd other South African territories for the pur pose of establishing the so-called "Republic of the North , " Hon. Edward Stanhope , sec retary of state for war , intimated that troops were bting sent to British Brechuanalan in order to oppose the proposed Boer "trek. " Some weeks ago It was announced that n force of 5,000 Boers contemplated treking into or Invading a portion of the territory in dispute - puto between Great Britain and Portugal , nnd which has already resulted In strained relations between these two countries. This nnnouncement of the movement of the Boers nnd the intimated counter movement of the British troops in Brcchminaland seem to bo the prelude to another "little war" In South Africa. _ Oiiis | | | | | u to IMillli ] > H ISrookN. DOITON , Mass. , May 7. It Is rumored that Bishop 1'cny may undertake to get up a movement against the confirmation of Dr. Brooks as bishop. Tbo ground of opposition is that Or. Brooks once expressed an indif ference for the episcopal oftlcc. Prominent churchmen In Boston say that the opposition will not amount to anything. Of the sixtv- two blsliops In the house of bishops probably only four will vote against confirmation. Probably as many of the standing committee will vote against him. This will leave Ur. Brooks a majority as largo proportionately as that ho received in the convention at Boston. Dr. Brooks said he knew nothing personally of Bishop Perry's position. Ho was not aware of any opposition anywhere. Paris I ondonuiH Franco. PAHIS , May 7. The municipal council has condemned the government' * May day methods , has appropriated $2,500 for the Fourmles sufferers and has demanded pen sions for the families and the state care of the victims' cblldrcns. Capta'n Tnylor Ordered Home. Svx Fiuxcuco , Cal. , May 7 , The Japan ese Gazette soys Captain Taylor , in command of the United States steamer Alliance , has received a telegraphic communication from Washington that orders have been Issued for hU return home. TT l\T1MM\r > Ti I TP TllIillTP If I TPIt INlERSlATETALMiu , MATCH , n ft College Orates : Qa'her ' ct es Momcs in Their Annual ( West. 2 V MINERS APPEAL FOR M03AL SUPPORT. -i i * Mysterious Asvattlt at Sloni-oc Itonnc AVill Pave Poisoned l > y Canned lieei Killed liytho Caret. DniMoixns , la. , May 7. fSpeclnl Tele gram to TUB Br.n. ] There was a largo at tendance at the Interitato collegiate orator ical association contest which occurred this evening , fully live hundred college men nnd women being present from abroad. At the preliminary business meeting today the ten states of the association wore represented by the following delegates : ' L. E. Sellers , Indi ana ; H. B. Walker , Missouri ; W. A. Llttell , R. Graves , Iowa ; L. B. Smith , Wisconsin ; Marlon Law , Colorado : C. F. Henrv , C5. K. Dcnton , Ohio ; J. S. Maxwell , A. S. Weston , S. S. Hdtchinson , Illinois ; A. C. Munson , T. E. Chappoll. C. E. Winter , Nebraska ; C. W. Bunch , W. O. Oantz , V. L. Parrlnglon , Kan sas ; B. H. Timberlake , Minnesota. The election of olllcers will occur tomorrow , when n scheme will bo discussed to enter a national association to be composed of nt least live districts. The president will , under the constitution , go to Illinois , S. S. Hutchinson and J. S. Maxwell being the candidates. Minnesota will get the vice presidency , nnd Nebraska the secretary and treasurer , the candidates fortho position being Mr. Sheldon and C. fc. Winter. The contest tonight re sulted as follows : Frank Fetter of the Indiana state uni versity secured tirst honors The others were not announced. Iowa Miner. * Appeal. OTTf.MWA , In. , May " . Master Workman Scott of the Iowa division of the United mine workers of Iowa has issued an appeal to the farmers , laborers and business men of Iowa in reference to the present strike of the Iowa minors for eight hours nnd the rein statement of "minors discharged because they went into a labor organization. " He calls for sympathy and support and Justifies the strike. He concludes with nn appeal to the men to conduct themselves in such a manner as not to turn the tldo of public opinion. MyHter ous Caso. Moxuoi : , la. . May 7. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bni.l The thirteen-year-old adopted daugntcr of Mr. and Tklrs. Lucius Huddle- ston , living near hero , was assaulted , chloro formed , gagged and bound to a tree In the yard yesterday In the absence of the rest of the family. The assailant had the appear ance of a masked woman , but is supposed to have been a man. The girl was not other wise injured nnd the affair is a mystery. Iloone \ > ill Pave. Booxc , In. , May 7. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEI : . | The city council has voted to have the two principal streets paved with vitrillcd brick and will advertise for olds at onco. Boone is having a real estate boom nnd twice the amount of' building is being dona than was ever Known In ono season. Several new enterprises' , have about been sscnredby the Business Men's association and there is a great feeling of coundcnco in the future of the place. * Poisoned by Canned Heef. Mis.soi'111 VALI.EV , la. ' , May 7. [ Special TclegranUo THE Beii. | The family of J. B. Lyou , a merchant of this city , was poisoned last evening by eating canned beef. Hard work on the part of Dr. McCiOvern saved their lives. The meat Is being examined and there will also bo a chemical-analysis. Killed l > y the Oars. CEPAU R.u'ips , la. , May 7. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bnc.J An unknown man , probably a tramp , stealing a ride on a freight train , fell under the wheels In this city this evening and was instantly killed. Iowa's Republican Convention "nll. DES MOIXES , la. , May 7. The republican state central committee has issued a call for a state convention to nominate a guberna torial ticket to bo held at Cedar Rapids Julyl. DeWltt's Little EarlvRUcMfortho Liver. The Flood nt IC1 Paso. Ei. PASO , Tex. , May 7. There is no per ceptible change cither for worse or better in the flood today , add it is believed that the river will rise no higher. Last night tbo waters flooded the engine room of the El Paso waterworks , but is not yet deep enough to stop the engine. The flooded portion tion of the city known as the lowlands or Mexican Town precinct presents n scene of complete destruction. None but poor Mexi can laborers nnd Mexican street peddlers lived in the flooded district and in many instances they had their culira possessions swept away. Only a few succeeded In saving all of their household effects. They lived in small ndobo Jackals and tliejo have crumbled down. Drunken Negroes Terrorize n Train. MoxTfioMEiiv , Ala. . May 7. On the West ern road at Whitehall tonight two car loads of drunken negro picnickers were attached to the regular passenger train. The negroes made n rush for tbe lames car and some en tered it , swearing and using all sorts of vul gar language. The conductor organized n posse among the passengers and trainmen and arming them with rifles and revolvers from the express car drove the negroes back. On arrival hero a largo number of them wcro Jailed. Crowds at several stations along tbo line made an attempt to lynch them. In the Wrong Court , NEW YOIIK , May 7. The suit of John W. Mackny against Casslus H. Reed and Ed ward S. Stokes , proprietors of the Hoffman house , for tbo recovery of 100,052 , the amount of a note , came to a sudden termina tion today in the United States circuit court by the counsel for Mackay withdrawing the case on n ruling of Judge Wallace that in the first instance the suit should have been begun by Hector Do Castro , as the latter's name was on the note. Counsel intimated that Ihu casu when next hoard from would bo m the state court. Will Heprrsent Cdhll'dcrnte States. ' Nuw OIU.BAXS , Ln.Mny 7. The Times- Democrat's Jackson , Mil * . , special says : Thirteen young ladles irora as many states have agreed to represent the several states of the confederacy ct , { b < J unveiling of the confederate monument tJuue 4. The states to bo represented are : Maryland , Virginia , North Carolina , Soutli 'Carolina. Georgia , Florida. Alabama , Mississippi. Louisiana , Texas , Arkansas , Tennessee and Missouri. Krepinc L'p His Father's Ilcpntutlon. NAMIVIU.K , Tcnn. . May1" . A bloody duel was fought near this city , lute yesterday by two men mimed Johnson'ami Slzmoro. John son was kilted. Sizmof9 Is , the sen of a man who killed nineteen men , before being himself killed. A reward has lioen offered for Siz- rnoro's arrest , and a largo posse is now huntIng - Ing him down. Illtnii's Career nt Puelilo. Pi' , Colo. , May 7 The only thing known here of Charles Dlxon , who wants to kill Jny Gould , Is that nt one' tlmo ho was in the grocery business niid afterwards a real estnto dealer. Ho left hero about a year ago and was not then considered insane. Thrown from a Sulky ami Killed. MII.WAI-KEE , Wls. , May 7. Chester K , Wilcox , the billiard table manufacturer , whilu speeding his horse this morning , was thrown from the sulky and instantly killed. Illinois Antl-li-tihl Law. Si'iiiNopiiai ) , III , , May 7. The house this morning passed on anti-trust bill. U makes any combination of individuals , firms or cor porations for the purpose of fixing the price or limiting tbo production of any article or commodity a conspiracy to defraud. The penalty fixed is u line of $ .VX ) to $ ' , ' .W)0 ) for the llrst offense , $ -CtX ) to $ . - > ,000 for the second , K > , < XX ) to $10,000 for the third nnd $16,000 for every subsequent offense. TitE KEVOIiVTlOX IX HOMtVlt.lS. Itcbcls Onln a Temporary Victory , Hut Are Flnully Defeated. Li Linr.KTAii , Salvador , ( via Ualveston ) , May 7. Advices received here from Hon duras state that at : i o'clock yesterday morn ing n force under command of Colonel Mo lina and General Bnrdales , both of which ofllecrs are leading rebels , made nn attack upon the cnartcl nt Amapala. The guard there was taken by surprise and the rebels were soon In possession of the cuartcl. The government troops wcro summoned nnd a force comprising sixty-three men under command of Colonel Barrera made n move ment against the cuartcl. Severe lighting followed , but nt noon the government troops had succeeded in driving the rebels from the cuartcl , Inflicting great loss upon them. Among the killed was General Bardalej , one of the rebel lenders. Amapala is situated upon the Island of that name and the rebels wcro driven to the main land. Colonel Banera has a force of JiOO Infantry and forty cavalry guarding the Island. The rebels are bcsciged In the place and evidently Intend to make another at'ack us soon as the reinforce ments which they are expecting arrive. All Quiet In Costa II co. SAX JfAX DE Sfn. Nlcninugua ( via Galveston - veston ) , May 7. From ofllclal sources it Is learned that on April ! ! 0 a conspiracy was discovered In San Jose , Costn Rico , to over throw President Roderlguez. The govern ment requested permission from the perma nent council to suspend the constitution nnd the conspirators wcro captured. Everything Is now quiet. From other sources it is learned that the revolutionists attacked the barracks In San Jose , but were repulsed , llvo being killed. Chilian Cabinet In Danger. VAU-UIAISO , Chill , May 7. Much excite ment was caused today by an attempt to as sassinate the leading members of the cabinet. The persons engaged In the plot sought to take the lives of the ministers by menus of a bomb , which was thrown at the Intended victims in the street. Ilctet'livc O'Mnllcy's Statement. NEW Oiii.i\x : , La. , May 7. The papers hero publish a long statement by Detective O'Mnlley , giving an account of hi career since his arrival in the city ill 1S > 7S. It con tains nothing now and is devoted to Justlllca- tlon of himself. Ho says In closing : "As to my theory of the murder I haveono of course , but In the absence of direct evidence I should not like to say what it Is. It is certainly not any Mafia or'datro business. I nm not afraid of an investigation and only ask a square trial. " Hundred 'thousand Dollar Accident. CHICAGO , May 7. Damage amounting to $100,000 was caused oy nn oocidont on ttio XVest Indiana Belt line in this city this morn- Ing. A freight train was descending n heavy grade on a trestle when the rails spread. The locomotive nnd two tank cars went through the trestle , the oil was ignited and the cars , locomotive nnd much of tno trestle were destroyed. The train hands es caped by Jumping. Chicago' * Mortality. CIIICAOO , May 7. The records of the health department for the month of April show that there were 3,4'IO deaths In the city , a decrease of forty-tlvo as compared with the previous month , and moro than double the number for the corresponding month last year. Tno number of deaths from Influenza was 120 , consumption " 31 nnd typhoid fever 1C2. Aid for G.ikc Strikers. CIIICAOO , May 7. The committee repre senting tbo Pennsylvania strikers Is meeting with considerable success in Chicago. A car load of provisions gathered among the South Water street commission merchants will bo fonvnrd tomorrow. The highest con tributors included the daily newspapers and President Charles T. Hutchinson of the Corn Exchange bank. To Elevate the Italians. BOSTOX , Mass. , May 7. All the Italians in Boston have been invited to attend n mass meeting at Faneull hall tomorrow night which is announced for the purpose of form ing a society for the elevation of the poorer and Ignorant class of Italians whom It Is pro posed to teach respect for the obedlonco of tbe laws of this country. Double Shooting in Kentucky. CATTI.ETTSIIUIIO , Ky. , May 7. Last night a double shooting took place In Pike county between Frank Phillips of Hatlleld-McCoy notoriety and John Woodward auainst Frank nnd John Francis. Frank Francis was killed by Woodward and Phillips fatally wounded by Francis. Serious Trouble Anticipated. MUSKAIIEE , I. T. , May 7. The United States marshal has sent deputies to the Coomescowio district , Cherokee nation , to make wholesale arrests of negroes who ob structed the Indian ofllecrs. Serious trouble Is anticipated. Rescued with Difficulty. ST. Louis , Mo. , May 7. During a fight be tween Adolph Ungll and Isldor Werkamp the former received stabs which will result fatally. Friends tried to lynch the assailant and the police scscucd him with much dtftl- culty. _ Conl Tipple Hnrned. PiTTsnuiio , Pa. , May 7. The monotony was broken today by the burning of a coal ii > plo at the Mutual plant of the Frick com pany , which crippled its operations some what. The Mutual was ono of the rirst plants to resume and the company's onicinlsctTarged the strikers with setting lire to the plant. Only Routine UIINIICSR Transacted. NEW YOIIK , May 7. The Louisville , New- Albany & Chicago directors met today , but President Thomas says they transacted only routine business nnd then adjourned till Satur day , when the investigation of charges against Dr. Broyfogle may bo taken up. Colorndoun Appointed. WAblll.suION , May 7.Vullcr H. Graves of Denver , Colo. , has been appointed , super intendent of irrigation on the Crow roservn tion iu Montana nt a salary of,700 per annum. Mrs , Winslow's taoothlng Syrup for chil dren teething softens the gums and allay all pain.5 cents a bottle. All Arrangements Completed. Four WAYNE , Intl. , May 7. All arrange ments for the glove contest between George Slddons nnd Tommy White , which takes place hero Saturday evening , have boon com pieted. A very small pill but a vorv good ono. Do Witt's Little Earlv Risen. Drellmnd Itenewed. LOXPON , May 7. The Herlln correspond cut of the Dally Telegraph , says that the Marquis D'Rudiui , the Italian premier , has signed a treaty renewing the Droibuiid for live years. The Now York eccentric engineers' union without a strike , secured the discharge o seven non-union men making $12 a week and tno employment of union engineers In their places at the union scale , $ J1 a week. Health is a second blessing that money cannot buy. ( Walton. ) Carlsbad Sprudol Halt is the first bless ing. It can bo bought ancl brin 'H hotilti with it. Do sure and buy only the genuine uino imported article , which must have tlie blirnuturo of ' 'Kisnerit MendosonCo Solo Agents , New York , ou every bet tic , The "Water-Cask" Plant. A colobrntetl African truvolor men tions Unit in crossing ono of the intiny sandy tleserts in Unit country ho caino iioross the only known living suocios of nqna bulbo.thoviitoreiisk plant. The region it inhnblts is fur from any stream of water , wlioro , sis-far ns the eye can roach , nothing can bo scon but lieup.H of sand. "Tho sight of this llttlo green creeper , which rcsomplcs the common ground ivy in some respects , " ho snys , "filled mo with nn Intonfro longing to once more sco the green meadows nnd cool , shndy forests which wo hud now left nt least three hundred miles behind. For four days wo hud not soon oven so much us a sponr of grass or dried-tilcac tus , the hitter having been quite ntonti- ul the week before. The botanist of ho company , in examining ono of the ilants , found thus unexpectedly growing u the center of a sandy African desert , loticed what ho supposed was a green , iulbotm fruit growing under the thick eaves of the creopgr , almost resting > pen the sand underneath , in making in olTort to pluck ono of these for pres ervation it burst with a smart report , hrowing water in the face and over the clothes of the intruding naturalist. 1 iero. uroly , we had a llrst-clHss wonder ; a ilant growing In the desert , with no other green tiling in sluht , carrying its own water bags with it , I'arvin , our heinist , analyzed the water found in omo of the bulbs picked for his in pco- Irin , im1 rim , ! , , > fw1 It If , Itn tilwtliilftli * Hire , as much so as distilled rain water. 5ach bulb or berry contained about two 0 four tablespoonfuls of water. As it lanpenod , wo had a supply of water Milliciont for our journey and to spare , nit Williamson , the botanist , and 1'ur- vin , the chemist , with all the enthusiasm of true scientists , plucked about a quart of the waterborrios and extracted the vator , something over a pint , and drunk t with apparent relish. " Where G ild Gun * . A considerable part of all the gold .hat goes to India never returns , llav- ng been obtained in the west by the sale of exported productions , it is re tained in the east as realized profits , wealth stored up , and to a moderate ex- ent , as a representative of value , on the credit of which traders buy and sell with the bills of exchange they issue ind the book credits they open , and Bottle tle up the differences with the silver moiled of the country , says Ulack- wood's maga/ine. Hut the vast stock of gold accumu- atcd there undergoes no diminution ; there is no abb and ilow under the recip rocal action which commerce enforces in the case of countries trading together on i common motalic basis. Thothreo , mil lions sterling or thereabouts of 14old jullion which Ind a annually adds to licr store areunder the monetary lawol that country , just aa much lost to the nations of the west , by being withdrawn from the general commerce of the world , as if the money had been lent to 1 Soutli American republic. Between the years ISlio and 1SSO April ) this depletion amounted in value lo 180,202,7,58. Hot ween that date and : ho month of September of 'this year a further accumulation to the value of f,0i,272 ( ! ) lias taken place bringing this portion of the gold trensuro of India up to a value exceeding ioi.jOUOO. ; ) ! Dead Letter ( Jill o l ontcnts. There is likely to bo a recovery over at the dead letter ollico , and the museum will lose ono of its choicest treasures , says the Washington Post. When the department festival was hold there the young woman who had the "dead letter exhibit" took some of the museum curi osities to put in it. Among them was a cloth elephant that had been supposed to have been destined for some infant prodigy. It is a peculiar olophnnt. On one siuuvu uiu 1111(4 ( 01 r n imiu , un inu other flank that of the United States , the two being connected by a line of straggling links. The elephant occu pied a place of honor. Suddenly there was a cry , "Thoro's my olophnnt ! " and a woman made hnsto to the table nnd gave the beast a cordial wolcomo. Then she explained that years ago a friend of hers , nn American , had married an Englishman named Link , that account ing for the queer design on the clo- Many Clergymen , Singers , actors , and public speakers use Ayer's Clieiry 1'cctoral. U Is the favorite remedy for hoarseness and all affections of the vocal organs , throat , and limp * . As nn anodyne and expectoiant , the effects of this preparation are promptly realized. "Ayer's Cherry 1'ectoral has done me great good. It is a splendid remedy for all dis eases of the throat and lungs , and I have much pleasure In testifying to Its merits. " ( Itcv. ) C. N. Nichols , No. Tishnry , Mass. " In my profession of an auctioneer' any affection of the voice or throat Is a serious matter , but , at each attack , I have been re lieved by a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This remedy , with ordinary care , has worked such a magical effect that I Jiavo suffered very little Inconvenience. I liavo also used it In my family , with very excel lent results , In coughs , colds , &c. " Win. II. Quartly. Mlnlatou , So. Australia. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , IIY DE. J. O. AYER & CO. , Lowell , Mass. Sol J by all Druggist * . Trice * 1 ; eU Lottk-s , | i SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. "VTt'HSK ? irl xvunted Iniincdfut - iwugvs. . Call ut 7"4 Vine street. AUENTS Wanted For a veterinary work of ? M trnzr * . both Kngllsli and Herman ' hotul today , or address 11. lloux Curson. Iu. rpo lovers of horses The largest lot of cmts X and tlii' finest. In tincltv ; uNo liny and feed of all kinds , ut f. Goldstein .t t'o.'n , 1ICJ West llroadway. CIjAIIU OVANT and psychometric , nrchni- acter readings ; also diagnosis of dlsoaso Hend lock of hiilr for leadings by luttor. fnn- daysniK ) evenlnss. Mrs. K. Hooper. H''J Avo- line E , near corner Kith St. , L'uimvll 11. tills. \\7ANTE1) ) Uirl to cio general housework i f Mrs , I ) . W. Archur , IXlTi Second ave. \\7ANTr.U-Two plrls for boiibework. > Uoopur k Mftiee. 10 Muln str < 'ct. FOI { SAKIl'ir ( llent Wanteil If you want tobuy. f.cll or lent anything In ihii real estate- line dun t do II until you hsivit tecti our lurxo list of bargains. Swan .V Walker , Nn. IU .Main und U'J I'uHrl htrcfth Council Illnlfs. IpOH KENT House , 102 Stillsinsin xt. : JIM per month. ln < jiilru of Coopei & Mutico. FOK PAI-K or Trade A line imported ( 'lydesdulo stallion. Call on 1) . J. llutuh- Insori h Co. . 017 llroadway. SOME line rosldeiK'ti property for rent by Day & Ili-ss , M 1'eurl htr.jut. centrally loontud , good Imslner-s. Or will uxchiingu for goo < farm In western Iowa , llotol leuso , fnrivtnro and flxtiirost an A fso. I cbiincuto step Into a good paying busl HUSH. Keasons for sollln ? , other business requiring quiring nil owner's attention. llurxulns In resldonuu ami business prop erty. It , I' , Ollleor , real vstuto uri'l insurance ttKentN" , 12N. .Main St. . Council 111 nils. _ _ GAKDKNK-Somp cbolcu garden land nen Council lllulTf forsalu on easy terms , uls ( ylnoynrds and a largo list of lowu farms. Johnston & \ an Patten. TjMtUIT farm for suloor tradu ; neil Incutoi J ; and all In liearlni ; coo I house nnd barn \\lll t : ko some good city property , nnd RixU tlninglvui. on balance. Call un or address U J. Iliitchlnson & Co. . 017 liroudway. T7UK ) llENT-Tlo ! .Mo.M ahon . - " - ' brick , with basement und elevator. J , W Squire. 101 1'e.arl street. , or Hunt Q.\rd a lanJ. wlU tout * ! , by J , li. ttto * , 131 Main U , OouoaU Bluut , which hud been Intended for n weililliijj present. The womiui live * Iti Now llnnipulitro ami wns lioro on n visit when sliu rccoL'iiIzcil her lost quadru ped. The oletilmnt Is still on his ne- ctistoined shell in the ilciul letter mu seum , but his creator will soon visit the ofllce , ( ro through the necessary form alities and start I ho elephant once tuoro on his trip to Mr. and Mrs. Link. Solillei-lnj ; IJ\IIOIIRV | Huslness. Soldiering is a costly business to the state. The two regiments recently sent to the coke regions at an expense of over $2,000 u day alroadv aggregate about JL'0,000. Judge Hlack once wiltl it would bo cheaper to pay laboring men the ad vance demanded out of the stale treasury than to send boldiors to quell strikes. The capitalists and railroad companion make most of the money out of the coal business , and just now they are lighting1 the tax bill before the legislature , because - cause it requires them to iiay somethlnr ; carer a fair proportion of taxes. They vant the state to protect them against , he lawless Huns tlioy imported some ears ago , becanso they would worlc heapor than the Americans , Irish , Gor- nins and others. Hut at the same time lioso big and transportation com mutes Insist upon the farmers continu- ng to pay more than their proper share f the taxes although they never ask or cquiro any pollco or military protoc- ion from the stato. Tin- Sliver I ) . > llar "M. " There is n popular Idea prevalent that ho minute letter "M' ' to bo seen at the ) ) ase of the head of Liberty on the Itico of the present issue of silver dollnrt lands for "Mint , " and Is an evidence of he genuineness of the coin bearing it. i'liis is a mistake. The "MM stands for Morgan , George T. Morgan , who is tha irghiator of the design. Upon the same stido there is anothoi 'M , ' also the initial of the designer. I'his is to bo found in the waving locks ) f the fair goddess , nnd is so clevorlv onccaled in the lines of the design thai t can only bo teen after a long scrutiny. \ prominent mint olllcial , in speakingbl this other initial , said that it had been shown to him scores of times , but Iu ould never ilnd it unassisted. Pull Illvor manufactures arc payine by th lour to shut off the movement for llfty foul lours ns n week's work. It isn't done by others that's why the gimranteo of Dr. Picrcc's Favorite Prescription should command attention. It's a guarantee that means something. If the medicine doesn't give satis faction , in every case for which it's recommended , { he money IP prompt ly refunded. Remarkable terms but it's a remarkable medicine. All the functional irregularities nnd weaknesses peculiar to womankind arc cured by it. For leucorrhea , periodical pains , weak back , prolap sus and other displacements , bearing- down sensations , and all " female complaints , " it's an unfailing rem edy. It is a powerful , restora tive tonic and nervine , imparting strength and vigor to the whole system. Try it , if you're an ailing woman. If it docsn t help you , you have your money back. As a regulator and promoter of functional action , at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood , " Favorite Prescrip tion " is a perfectly safe remedial agent , and can produce only good results. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 DmiCTons-I. .V. Mlllor , K. O Olnason , E. U Bhunart , K. E. HurUJ. O. Edmunilson , Uharla * U. Hannun. Uauklnl butl- ncis. Largest capital and iurplui ot any banicln Southwesturn lotra. INTERESTON TIM DEPOSI TS. 31. 11. tMl.l3IHKltbtfl , .11. It. Kjc , Kar , None nml Throat HlHTlBlIlt , CouncilHlurts , - - Iowa. Here eyps , cross eyes , painful and wt-nk vision , t rnrnnlie , ncafnvi , dl - rhnriten from thu CUM , cu- | tnrrli , tiny fcrtir , asthma and all ncuto nn < I chrunlo atToctlons of the throat u tpoelHlly Hla oyoi nt- ted wlihontimln. ( ilasnoi accurately prescribed tq difficult ca i-i , oflcn curlnit chronic nnur.iluU ai > 4 tick lieuilncho. tturKlcnl operation ! , when m > crs snry. painlessly performed , uiiurlnv t > e t result * Offlcf , Shucart-lleno block , room 1 Council IIIuRs , la 27 MAIN STHBKT. Over 0. H. .Incquoniln & Co. . Jawolry Store THEX QR.AND , Council Bluffs , In. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel Is Now Opon. Cragin & Co. , Proprietors. To Bee-Keepers I carry a full line of Uuokcopera' sup plies , including comb foundation , lion oy knives , smokers , sections and a Hupolios for the apiary. M. S. HOO P G20 li. . Broadway , Council HlulTs , low al Gas Heating Stoves. No ASHES ! No HMOKK. Just the thlnz for bath rooms , bed rooms , cto. Cull and see onriurxo assortment. C. B. Gas and Elestrlo Light Co. ill I'ourl atifl 210 Main Street. CTA. HAMMER , USTICE OF THE PEACE , OlTlCi : , itt Uroadway , Council 1Jluffs ,