Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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    fTvrrm A TT A iiATr.Ar - -
rrmrf-iA-v 111 Ar
Omalia Pcopla Highly Lntortaincd b ; tbu
Qroit Agent of Piyoho.
IVIial IIo I'rcillulH for Oninlm's l-'u-
turn nnd tlio NVmld'H Pnlr-
I'syolilo ! ' < ) ! C'JH and I'olltlcs
Kqunlly Dilated On.
An nudicncoof fully 1 , r,00 people assoroblod
at tlid Hoyd lait evonlnR to hoar Ucorgo
Francis Train , the living embodiment of the
pychio force that rules thn world , recast the
pastnml propbotlcnlly foretell Ihefutuio.
Ills co.itumo was something of a cross be
tween full evening dress nnd a ( irand Arm ;
Of the Itupubllo unlfoim.but was supposed to
hnvo no connection with either. It wan a
product of the wearer's individuality , and
the MHO claw hammer coat , patent
leather pumps , brasi buttons nnd
tricolor badpo were Individual and
oolloctlvo fcaturoi of Tr.ilnomania.
His was a strlk-lng figure , and even to these
Who hnd known him for thirty years , ho was
nn object of keen Intereit. The powerful
frame URS surmounted by a hoaa of mam
moth proportions. Hia face was brown ns a
berry , the result of numerous outings In
Madison Sniiare , with the children nnd birds
lor companions.
Above all waved his long white hair. Per
haps ttie strangest thing about this most
( trango man were Ids eyes weird , brilliant
orbs of n pleasant buo , in vvhlch momentarily
\flashcd \ lights of Btrnngo inti'lligenco and in
the noxtfnstant beamed with kindly courtesy.
Ills face bore the Impress of a high order
Of intellect , and ho sccmud Indeed ttio
exponent of foncs widely at v.i-
rianco with these generally understood.
As ho talked ho seemed fully ni unlike
Other men as ho claimed to bo , nnd to be
rather a wonderful combination of egotism ,
Insanity and brilliancy , the like of which is
to bo found neither jn tieavon , earth , nor
under the earth.
It wns s : i ( ) o'clock when Mr. Train was es
corted upon the stage bv Mayor Gushing
mld round niter round of hearty upplnusu.
Thcio were many ladies In the audience
and they joined hcnrtlly in the welcome that
wns accorded to the noted cltl/cn nnd trav
eler. Among these occupying .scats on the
stage were Messrs George P. Bends , Adolpn
Mojer , 1C. Kosewator , G. Harttnan and Mr.
Train's private secretary , Air. Kleusch.
Ttio creat glebe tiottor was very pleasantly
introduced by the mayor ns n man who had
spoken In more cities nnd been in more Jails
than nny ono else In the country.
Mr. Trnln wns warmly greeted ns ho
stopped forwnrd nnd iciincstcd the footlights
/turncil down so ns to give him n good view of
the audience , and heat once turned liimself
IIo placed himself in tbo hand ) of the
ftudlcncunnd asked them tn tell him what to
tallt about. Io ! answered nil questions , nnd
everything went , In a rambling disjointed ,
disconnected sort of n way , I'nitwas often
Incobeient , but alwnvs Interesting , lie was
In excellent humor , told jokes and stoiies
Bad In the language of tbe Malla , hisaudi 1
cncowas "wul'Im. "
Ho told of bis abstinence from tncnt for
Blxtccn years nnd his refusal to touch man
or woman. IIo outlined the curly history of
Omalm Insomuch as ho was connected with
it IIo pleaded guilty to being- crank , nnd
declared that cranks had done nil the great
things la the world's
history. Said ho :
"Tuke Hosowator's building ; up hero
If you hndn't had a colossal crnnlc nt the
lieat ) of your newspaper enterprises lioro In
* this glpantio city of Omaha ho never could
Imvo got these blLF stones up to the top.
Nooody but n crank could have builded n
city of 140,000 in the midst of tbo primeval
prairie acd nobody but n crank can make It 11
city of WJO.OOO , leaving Chicago astern. "
Mr. Train declared that ho would take
nothing but an occasional cup of cofTco for
ICO days , and Is now toning down his
niomacnto choose nndcrnckcrs.
IIo ndvlscd non-sectarian nnd non-partisan
work In building up Omaha. When asked to
discuss Jay Gould he declared that the "httlo
wizard" didn't ' weigh six ounces to the
pound and was ttio biggest bunco-steerer the
world over know. Gould placed tbo whole
country in the hnnds of a icccivcr , and ns n
result the wuolo country Is inacndmuizcd
with poverty.
Ho attributed the miscarriage of law to the
Jury system nnd said ( hut an ollglblo juror
must be a natural d d fool. IIo laid al"
hygionio trouble tit the door of ever eating ,
nnU said that If you cat dead llosh you are ol
necessity partly dead. To lllus
trato , ho pointed to Cleveland's ' u't
nnnnil.4 nf fidinnse tiasna nnd nskni
"r""no > " ncsioou 10 DO president , 01 uio
'United States. IIo coolly announced tlmt ho
J vina cliluf of tlio Matla mid the tlmo would
comewbon tie would Imvo logo toHomeand
my * IMXK,000 ( ( ) to balance tliu intcrnutloiml
books on account of tba Now Orleans episode.
Ho linentlio country wouldn't have an
other president and nnnounecd thai tlio coun
try is on tlio eve of n revolution.
llo also touched on finance niul sulil tlmt
Hurl up Itrothers owned tlio world , with tlio
exception of his possessions nnd half of
IIo pivo his nutllonro n qulot tip on n torri-
Wo ilnnnclnl crush that is scheduled to bo
hero In thirty days and is on tlmo. IIo told
how his Oinoliii property wns confiscated
\vhllu ho was In the Tombs for obsconitv for
publishing thrco coluiuiis of the blblu , vor-
batini , ot imnetuntlni , ct literatim.
lit ) said Onmhnas thu only ploco in the
country wlicro an editor Uarod'wrlto an edi
torial without consulting tlio oracles of
Aftordecoratingthomnyor , Messrs. I > umls.
J.umtmul , Uosoivnlor and the reporters anil
necrotary with roses and advocating n market -
kot of llowors , the orr.uic genius lilt Could
nnotherjolt , jjavo Omiiha iinotlior good word
nnd said wood nlfjlit.
IIo VMS frequently nnd loudly cheered , nnd
tbo nudlcnco evinced n disposition to stay nil
night it nocnssary. After the lecture n num
ber of citizens renewed their acquaintance
with Mr. Train , nnd any niul all wcro invited
to call upou him today nt the 1'uxtou.
An Interview with , the "Citizen , "
Written by Himself.
It was probably duo to psychic force tlmt
Mr. Trnla know ho would bo requested to
grant Tun Iiitnu Interview.
At any rnto when the request was inudo
Jlr. Truln was prepared for It , and olTcied
1'io ' manuscript for the following , with'L'il in junction that tlia matter appeal in
the pauer lustos written by him :
Citizen Train cutting Hound World Hoc-
ord ! Umaha his short Houto to Japan
China India Africa Kuiopo to New York !
Our enterprising Citizen 1'axtou came
.through from Noiv York with his old friend
O. V. T. and wired committee hero to catch
the It.V. . . V. for an Upora House talk on his
Fourth Itaco Hound Sou nnd KarthI
Our "Special" found the Bees ( Three
Dccauo ) friend In his silk Chinese 1'ajalmis
nt Daylight on Northwestern Train read
ing and writing In his north 1 Soon ns
vroshod and Dressed the Hoo's 1'alnco cur
writing Desk wus busy with yVychfc Kite-
trie l.tyMI" Hnll Hluo and KeU 1'encll
"I'syeholrt" situation !
Tl'esowlrcgrams make Hound World talk
lively I
Here cony wlrcRrains , leaving out verbiage
In Italics.
Yes I ( said Cltiicn , looking T n Yoara
younger than when ho whirled through
Oinulm to I'nget Sound last Mny ) Nothing
can save The rnlr but "I'tyeMe Forte" at
Omnbu bucked by Hound World Advertising 1
Tbo recent election was combined program
nf Viva UlnM In Onn In Sit mil Tliu U'hnln
* iri tououuio "foreign uoniriuuiioiis aim
Exhibit * " In "Uoodlo Syndicate,1' that
Dwarfs Tweed and "Bloolts of l iro'1 tactics
'Out of StRbt. "
Chlengo'H Tweeil KliiR.
Mayors > vero "Itoomed" In "Illocks of Flvo"
Kuoh having "Boodlo Axe" to grind
Kach 1'ullliig Wires In "Hivnes Deblnd'1
.To kwp ' "World's ( Swindling ) Fair" alivol
-One 'Washlmrn stood for "Citizen"
The "Iloltors" cheered for Harrison
WblloCrcglerand his DOIIIM Moil
' Helped U'oshburn tire old Party-Gun
'Which Morgan and his Tramps beguul
Old Serpent round Old 1'urty cells
Kaoh Itlng lu > Ido sotaa "Uoodlo King"
Ench getting "bare "f "Swlndlo Spoils"
" 7/ic / Ktna U VMlt Long Lite the Klnat"
( Moro honest wnrdi are in Sing
The 'I'nINTnlu letter.
Mr. Goo. I'rnncls Train. Clllzen , care Mer-
rlilold Hotel , amh ft Broadway ! Chicago U
In danger again 1 A K'llltf ' known ns "Little
Tnmanu Ilitll ttlnti" has possession of city
administration whereas another Mdn is the
well known cltl/cn Carter Harrison who has
. osotveil to fight ' 'Onng" for all ho is worth I
Prominent man Ilko yoursflf can ilo more
good to catuo of liberty loan all couiblucd to
gether ! Election for mayor conies oft 7th
No answer Cntnot Uoads together Di
vided Spoils and four C'aiullilales .Settled a
Fifth by few Hundred Majority I The Old
Hlliid Still Kept up of Several Parties to
Uust Eyes of Voters but Hex Oftlco Ulvldos
on "Oltt Tweed King" UasU ! of course It
"Units" Tnlr. unless Omaha Comes to rescue -
cue ! Let all Slock Yards go to bouth
Omaha nnd Oato City will l o first instead of
third In Cattle and Swine Figures I I'axtoit
says Now Omaha I * with H.fiOu Head of bnlng
2d Why r-otmnkolt FiMtlNol of course not
meeting ir.o ( as Omaha is doing ) Chicago gets
left1 Press nro most Courteous , but Davis ,
I'nlmoi1. Dd Young , IJoard of Control or Uni
on go Committees Puld > io attention to iny
Wiiogr.imtl Tlittt Knita the Fair1
How Kalr Collapsed :
Outswindlod , Stceplod , noodlcd , Fair
Out Ilunlin Ktcers Old Uunco Steers
NoVondor Cosmos Boycotts cheers
"La ( ] rlppo"OutL'rlpplng Death Malone !
Thn "Lako L rent Steal" Outstolo Itself
five Millions Voted does not , Count
"I'arlc . "
.Inclison" cannot raise amount
With "UooJIo UlnK" laid on Or.ind Shelf 1
. .SiridiiJidiid / / tKiwt Hopudlnto
Subscriptions ( nay Tbo Knlr Itoports )
Of course that kills both Town nnd State
( And Nntlon Grant ) In "lloodlo Courts ! "
Oco , Fnincis Train.
Here the Torelgn Secretary unrolled Ten
Patted Piigos on ilrown Wrapnlnu I'anor
( Kach Page largo as two Paces of Sun ) bhow-
ing What Typo In Four wcolcs had talked on
Omaha's Champion who is not backed by
Church , Party , Club , Social Kings , Money ,
Business , or any nsslstanco wlnitovcrl Kx-
plalnif ioue.ui ( Suld Citzun ) why forFottV
Years ! have been most prominent "Notable"
on ( JlobofVult \ till you see inv Thousand
Hooks ( Jlliistruted by Thomas \Vorth \ ! ) Yes I
I never spout a mom dismal Day than Yes ,
terday In Chicago !
Ic\IU ItoodlliiK DeinotiH !
The Longest Day I ever know ,
Thu dnllost too , I ever passed
This last fmewcll will be my last.
I never felt so .iwttil blue !
The fever , Sir , Is charged u Ith Death
Thorals no Kloctrlclty
Lake ns Stagnant as Cullileo
In AtmoHphcre of 1'utilU litc.ith !
They would not lot mo st-o inside of Audi
toriuni , Lplt.iph ( la ; Mcinoil.un of Mating
Ing Stupidity Oco. Francis Tr.iin
Jn what unv fspceial askeil ) will collapse
of AV'orld's F.iir now benefit Omabii ! Hy
being out ot the Kaln I ( Said G. F. T. ) Why
bo Co-Pnituers in losing gnmo ? Why not
fnint nshoro before ship goes on Koeksl Wny
not got out way of bulling Fir Trool Are
not , all the Armours ! Hammonds ! Swifts ! ct
al pourliiR into Onriha's Population I Nenror
Gr.iss , Cattle and Contur of Nation ! As Chicago
cage goes Down Omahagoo upl But Omaha
can still save Fair' "Old Hutch" living
from his Keason , I-'uturo Creditors , Llfo
Typos. "Uottenast Citv on Planet I" Why
should World's I'.ilr '
I'eoplo treat my Tclo
grams with Silence ! Am 1 nobodv , because
Somebody ! Nollihifj because Somotblngl
Tell llomis to hnvo Biggest Blackboard in
Town nt Boyd's Opera House and I will
Frobfll-Klndcrfjarten. Selection of C'ollitiigni
Ijow Tide !
When Stinking Fish Ontstlnks its smell
When Sowerd llnsh Cess Pool nnd Dram
Holloa Diseases out rota Domain
Where "Devils" Organl/e "Hing Holt I"
When Boodlers other Uoodlers cheat
On Option * , Futures and Land Saloj
Down BOOS Fraud Fair In Fair Dead Boat ,
Where Roptllo's Sllmo Death's Disease
Trails !
With nothing loft ( nnd cash all gone )
Lndy Mnnacors In Jlstress
No Wonder City Looks Forlorn
Where no one guarantees Success I
Half H'ajt/iJ Form in f'rlj > UMiex * .
GoorRu Francis Train
Arbor Day !
503 West Third Street , Elmlra , N. Y.
Citizen , Poet , Orator and Hound Worlder
( Jcorgo Francis Train , Now York City :
Going to Imvo grand time Arbor day ! Ar
ranged elaborate programme for my school
exorcises 1 Getting series Arbor day letters
from distinguished persons 1 I want very
much letter from you to road on that occas
ion ! ( About trees and their slgnitlcancol )
I know you will write a irood ono. Arbor
day Is Mny S. 1 have been sick and it makes
mv preparations Into.
Please do not disappoint mo , but send good
letter to read with those from other dis
tinguished ofllcials , authors nnd poets. Cor
dially , W. II. BENKDKT ,
Principal School No. 3.
uitizcii Irani H iiminuvoriu ucpiy
Through Omaha Bee !
Citizen Benedict ! All Hnll
As 1 go flying World Around
From Sandy Hook to Puget Sound
Over Indian nnd Bison Trail ! Tree * on Every SIde
The Pralrlo Blossoms as The Hose
To Shade ' 'Life's
Sunshlno of Hoposo , "
So faraway from Ocean's Tide
The Biggest Day of all The year
Whole Nations through is "Arbor Dan"
Where Trees along "Cosmos Highway"
Sbado Sunshine with "Life's Homestead
Cheer ! "
Arlinr Dny lOvorywhcro !
In Kuropo , Asia , Africa ,
In Every Land on Foreign Seas
All Nations planted " . 'r/mr / Ticca"
( The "Aitxir Dan of Centuries" )
An Strain tn Sen and Stetl to Star
Xntuieln Aatuif. liieczeto Itrcczc !
What Greater Boon ( throughout The West )
In "Prarlo's CJrnss Grown Wilderness"
Than "Ailmr ' "
Tieen' Farms now possess
As Cities welcome Country Guest !
So lot lOlmira follow you
In planting Trees ( whole Land afar
Where Territory grows to Star )
And Nnturo holds "World's Fair Review 1"
Klnnni Once Ovated mo
( With Bcocher and Governor Hill )
Ovation I remember still
As "Friendship's Act of Memory 1"
"Gate City" of the Continent
( At Omaha ) Is now in sight
And through The Boo this note is sent
To Rosewater Electric Light !
Cco ! Francis Train
( Round World ngnlii to Cut Recora 1 Chicago
nnd Northviestorn PnlacoCarl )
Cltlr.mi lYaln'M Galhuitry Ijoit !
Bin ; Special could till page of Points of
Citizen Train's Broken engagements ! Tired
of seeing Asters , Vuudorbllts nnd Now
York's swell Four Hundred Ladles packed
In gallery cngo ( a La House of Commons )
G. F. T. nnd his Friends of l.'lth club ( l,3lJ
members ) have marto a Now Departure !
Sherry's Is the stvlo now the upxir ( 400 nnd
the 1 club Danmiot cnmes olt with l.'i tables
of 1,1 each on Ilith May with 18 Chief Rulers
and 111 Old Colony Flags loprusontlni ? Orig
inal 13 States. Cltl/on Train had bought
" 00 Fans Inch long Japanese Skeletons to put
on the SOU candles burning nt each plate on
each table , and Jainneso Decorations on
graud scale from the Nlng Pee Japanese Ba
zaar nnd 1200 Sacks nnd Iloutonniuros for the
Fair guests and was to Lecture for Friends
to outshine Fifth Avenue and Murray Hill I
The Letters explain themselves ! But the
citizen Is far auny on his Tlmo Haco against
space , winds .and tides 1 The club however
will bo down the Bay with Rolny of Union
Pacific , North Western , Lake Shore nnd
New York Central Hallway Boys for Special
Train over Continent 1 Tlmo between Now
York nnd Omaha 3J Hours quickest on rec
ord ] Heating the Gould Special 2 Hours 1
All Iipcturo KiignKoinoiitH Hrokcn !
Of coilrso Citizen Train's sudden Run
Round Space breaks all tils Lecture Engage
ments i Picnic Parties
of 200 Children every
Saturday on Cherry Hill la Central Parkl
Debates at Manhattan Liberal * Club whore
ho was to open HudliiMlaron Fnva Itnlo-
Amorleflnn aliln of Italian ntm tlnn Mnv lutl
After the Army.
CHlatS oavoy yestcrdnydlspatched alcttor
by ono of his millions to the captain of post
No. 'Jof theSalvntlon nrmy ,
The letter demanded the attendance of the
wearer of the blue frock nnd poke bonnet ut
the oftlceof tlia head of the polios deputtnont
at 10 a. m. today. No douot the fair weuror
of the blue will bo given to understand that
any more drum boating on Sunday evenings
will bo followed by n term tn jail.
Do Witt's Little early Risers : only pill to
euro sick headache ana regulate tbo bowels
Articles of Incorporation Filed by The
Grain Men.
Tlio Grnlti Dcnlcrs Propose to ISfitab-
HHI ! mi Open Hoard Iiulc-
pendent of tlio Uiunlia
Itonrd of Trade.
The Omalm grain nnd produce exchange
has filed articles of incorporation. TUocapl-
tnl block Is placed at $10,000 divided into 100
shares of $100 each. The articled further
provide for a board of directors ind oflicers
.such us is customary with organizations of
the kind.
'Iho Incorporators nro Omnhn groin men :
A. B. Jnqulth , manager and B. 1' . Peck sec
retary of the Omaha elevator company ,
Charles II. Fowler , treasurer of the Ifowler
elevator company , J. A. Connor an elevator
man recently como to Omaha from Platts-
metith and J. K. Price , a broker.
According to the articles only onoshnro of
stock cnn bo held l > y ono member , mid it is
intended that only u small par cent of the
stock shall bo paid in nt the commencement ,
the balance as It muy bo required.
'Ihe object of the oxcliaiiRO as explained by
the Incorporntors is to facilitate business
transactions in grain nnd all kinds of prodiuo.
Tbo wny the business Is conducted nt pres
ent if u dealer receives a car of grain or hay
ho Is compelled to run all ever the city to
lind a buyer nnd Is put to an unnecessary
amount of trouble. The exchange proposes
to rent n , room , the old board
of trade room would suit them ,
If it can bo hnd , and establish
horns fer meeting where tlia buyers and sell
ers of the different products could assemble
nnd transact business. In other words the
exchange proposes to establish au open board
similar to these existing in other cltlos. It
is intended to have all ariangcments per
fected for opening the board July 1.
He-sides facilitating the exchange of the
different commodities the open hoard will es
tablish a market which cun bo reported to
the eountiy and shippers given an idea of
what to , expect in return for shipments of
grain or produce to this trmrkot. In the past
Omaha has hud no established urain market.
These who have been Instrumental In the
organisation of the otclmngo disclaim any
intention of antagonizing tlie board of tr.ulo
In any wav wliatuvcr , but that they feel that
nn organisation composed of men In ten's toil
in the grain nc.d proiluco business would ho
better able to conduct the affnlrs of an open
board. Then , too. tbo present board of trade
has Its ofllcurs nnd committees and hoards of
arbitration alreailv appointed for the
nnd none of them are grain men.
ItlsaliuoU a necessity that sonto of these
positions should bo filed by ( jrain men , us for
CAninplo the board of arbitration. In gia.n
deals disputes and mlsunclerstandini's bet -
t eon buyers and sellers nro unavoidable ,
and when they do occur it is very essential
that they should bo nroltrntod by grain men
who are fumiliar with nil the Ins nnd outs of
the business. Anot her reason for desirinc a
separate organization from tlio present board
of trade is that a great many smaller dealers
would liki ) to avail themselves of the bouellts
of the open board who would not feel like
The uraln men are all very enthusiastic : on
the subject of a grain marKet In Omaha nnd
they believe that the organization of the
gram and producooxchango will further the
matter very materially ,
The books weie open for stock subscrip
tions for n short tlmo yesterday , and although
the subject hnd not been adveitlsed and the
majority of ttioso who would bo likely to sign
did not Ituow that such a thing as the ex
change had oven been proposed , the stock
subscriptions eamo pourlmr in nt a
lively rate. The promoters of the enterprise
expressed thomcolves ns moro than picasoJ
with the results. A feature which they 10-
gnrd ns especially encouraging Is tna fact
thai the heaviest dojilcH , botti buyers and
sellers , nro comlns ; to the front nnd are tak
ing so much interest in
tbo orgnni/atlon of an
< 5pen board. The following well Known busi
ness men subscribed for atojk yesterday af
ternoon :
Clark Woodman. F. E. Richie , C. H. Fow-
lor. D. C. Tralll. J. W. Doun , O. P. Brown ,
Bsn U. Urynn , C. H. TO'icray , C. W. John
son. L. T. Spangler , Charles N. Harris , Jo
seph Conner , J. B. Christian , William Lou-
don. II. C. Miller. Alot G. Knapp , A. U.
Campbell , A. D. Jaqulth , E. P. Peck , Churlos
Mcts , Fred Mctz , Jr. , P. E , Her , b. A. Mc-
Wnorter , Will Krug.
The Howe scale took first promicmatPnlln ,
delphU , Paris , Sydney and other exhibitions.
Borden & Sollcck Co. , Agts. , Chicago.
Rnscball Palaver.
The Henry Mlos baseball
club has been or-
gnnized nnd is now ready to schedule games.
The plu > ors signed are : Thomas Murphy ,
catcher and short stop ; VV. S. Derbyshire ,
pitcher and first base ; Q. IS. Hatcher , pitcher
and first base ; D. A. Pearce , second base ;
Arthur Adams , third base ; Harrv Kelly , loft
field ; L. A Scott , center lloltlC. : K. Urquart ,
right field. The first game will bo played on
the Brown park grounds , Twenty-third and
K streets , bunday , Mny 10 , at ! ) p. in.
Good Templars Kleotion.
South Omaha lodge No. 100 , Independent ,
Order Good Templars , elected officers as
follows : Fred M. Granthain , chief templar ;
Miss Swiss L. Klllott , vice-chief templar ; IX
S. Curfnmn , past chief templar ; Eiroy Tib-
bltts , secretary ; Hnrloy Hammill , financial
secretary ; Miss Anna Hunniciit , treasurer
( . } . E. Ilutehor , marshal ; Clarence 0. Buck ; ,
chaplain ; Miss Minnie Trail , superintendent
Juvenile templars ; Mi ? Lutlo Nunn , guard ;
Fred Kico , sentinel. The ofllcors will bo In
stalled next Tuesday evening in Knights of
Pythias ball , McOlnnis block.
1 tinnier Presentation.
The ilotiomlan Young Radios' ' society will
urosent the now banner next Sunday to the
Bohemian Turners Sokol in National ball.
Mcsdamcs Vnslnv Pivonka nnd Frank Doloza
have been appointed banner bonrers. Two
Bohemian turner societies from Omalm will
bo present to participate in the presentation.
Preceded by the liohcmlaii cornet band the
several societies will parade through the
principal streets. The parade will start at
I ! o'clock , nnd immediately after the parade
the presentation will take place. A social
and dance \ \ ill follow the receiving of the
Cnslilor Gilihnn Hesljcns.
Cashier W. A. L. Uibbou of the Nebraska
Savings nnd ICxchango hank performed his
last oflicial act yesterday and stopped down
and out. Mr. Gibbon opened the bank tuo
years ago , and largely by his business ability
and tact has the large business of the bank
grown so fast and largo. Mr. Olbbon some
tlmo ago tendered bis resignation to take ef
fect April HO. 'Tho resiguation of Mr. Gib-
boa Is sincerely regretted by his many
friend * and the business lutorons generally ,
A Xovel Ktitertaininciit.
The ladies of tbu I-adlcs' Aid society of tbo
Presbyterian church have each pledged SI. 00
to the church building fund , nnd they have
arranged to sivo a hoclal In the
church , Twenty-fifth nnd J streets , next
Thursday evening , and each one will deposit
her dollar contribution and in rhyme or song
explain how , when nnd whora she got the
money. The entertainment will bo &s Inter
esting as novel , and will doubtless attract a
largo audience.
The ladles interested In organUInp a ledge
nf I't'thltin Kat ! > imot lnT nlfita nt Tt- > iln
hall yesterday afternoon and made a tem
porary organization by electing ofllccrs us
follows : Mrs. A. L. ileblnjjer. chairman
Mrs. T. G. Lnur , secretary , onbMrs. Cuarlos ;
Swurtout , treasurer.
\t < Hpapi > r Sold.
The Drover's Jounial was sold yesterday
afternoon on chattel moitgago and was bid
in by Perry Selden of Ulair for f3,300. Mr ,
Selden will continue to publish the
paper ,
with Donna Allbery as manager ,
Anxious Tor Gore.
William Clay became enraged at Grading
, d
. ' o -Hats n\ \ Gut to Order.
That seems funny , don't it ,
Clothing is often cut to order , but what clo you mean by cutting hats to order ? a buyer asks.
We mcanjjust what we say. We are going to
Cut the Prices as They Were Never Cut Before
On a stock of over one thousand dozen of the finest Mackinaw and Canton Straw Hats , ever
TURER , from whom we have just bought this stock , at less than 50 per cent off their actual
coming summer until you have seen this stock. Look at the samples displayed at our Douglas
street entrance. They speak for themselves :
dozens Mackinaw Straw Hats , new nobby styles , the very latest and in regular
sizes. Only 2S Cents each ; real value 75 cents ,
dozens fine Mackinaw Straw Hats , new regular goods , three different blocks ,
Only QQ Cents each ; real value 75 cents
dozens extra quality Mackinaw and fine Canton Braid Straw Hats , silk bands ,
silk tips , Reed sweats , new Broadway styles , very latest.
Only 50 Cents ; real value $1.
dozens finest quality 7-cnd German bleached Mackinaw Straw Plats ,
Only 75 Cents ; real value $1.50.
dozens finest quality Split Canton and Mackinaw Straw Hats , silk bands and
superb quality , satin tips , nobby Newport shapes for ' young gentlemen.
Only $1.00 ; real value $2 to $2.50.
Do not fail to see the samples in our store ; they will show at a glance what we mean by
Continental Clothing House ,
Oor. Douglas and IStti Sts.
Contractor Owens nnd sbblnp nn ax chased
Mr. Owens half a dozen bloclcs , Intending to
cleave his fluoing vlytlui in two. Mr. Owens
was too ( loot for the a.\ , and Clay was not
Hoot enough to escapo'from the polico. Judge
Klntr assoiscd a $ T > flno nnd costs for Uls raeo.
High School l
The High School Literary soelety will fiivo
n literary and musical entertainment in
Ilium's opera 'house Ibis evonlnjr. The ofli-
cors nro : President , Mr. John Pollard ; vice
president , Miss Maud Nowcomb : secretary ,
Miss Jonniu Graham ; trooauror , Mr. Gor-
main Good ; executive committee. Miss Nora
Snider , Miss Snrub Onpermtui , Miss Nettio
Adams. Messrs. Harrv Ames , Clarence G.
BUUU- , Joy Williams , Kmmett 1'aytou aud
Louis Williams will act as ushers.
I'rlntcrs' Mny Party.
Typographical union No. 209 will give its
lraf. nnniinl lifill nnHTnv nfii'tv in TfnwlovVs
hall tblscovenlng. The members and tbo
various committcomcii have been zealous in
their work to mnko it nt once plensant to
filonds nnd credttablo to the members of the
art ! preservative. A Inrso delegation of
Onnba and Council Bluffs friends will bo
present. The Musical Unlou bund of Oninha
ulll furnish the music.
Notes About the City.
Frank Mautnoiur is very side.
Perry Scldon , editor of the Dlair Pilot , Is
in the city.
A party of youns folks will go to Council
liltifTi ) Monday evening to attend a club
Al Powell , who went to Sholblnn , Mo. , to
attend the funeral Of his venerable father ,
has returned.
The lltorarv and musical entertainment by
the Junior Legion has been postponed till
Thursday ovcnlntf , May 7.
Louis Patterson and sister , Miss Mnry Pat
terson , of Dos Molnos , la. , uro the guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. M. Press ,
A barn of John Holmes , Eighteenth nnd
Brown streets , containing some bay and
thrco pigs , burned Monday night.
Mrs. Smith , wife of Joseph T. Smith , with
her son , has ROIIO to Yotingstown , O. , to
spend two mouths visiting friends ,
Manager W. N. Uabeockof the stockyards ,
who bas been down at Kansas .City nnd To-
peku on railroad business , has returned.
Marshal Drennnn is close after the gang of
roughs who lust night at 7 o'clock assaulted
Junitor Menghcr nt Thirty-first and Q streets.
The sale of the Drovers' Journal on chattel
mortgages will talto place at the oOlco of tlmt
piper , No. 2418 N street , at I o'clock this
A rattling dog light hoUvoon Mediation's
white bitch and HrulmUer's brlndlo dog , in
an out-of-ttio-way room , entertained a gang
of sports Monday night.
An enterprising pft'otographor lias taken
photographs of each of thn pupils of cacti of
the rooms in the high , school nnd also a pho
tograph of ull the toauhors.
A son has been tiorn unto Mr. and Mrs.
Kdwnrd I3urko , Tlvuntvfourth and P.
stieoU , and a daughter unto Mr. and Mrs.
John Heiry , Fourth \Ygrd ,
Tbo Ladies' Aid Society of the Presby
terian eliiirch will mtdt ) nt the residence of
Mr. und Mrs. O. IbiFonuar , Twenty-first
and J streets , Moudiuuftcrnoon next at 'i
o'clock. f
II. A. Neofus lsiUotlio ! market buying
stoclc for tlio Mlniiuapolis j/iovision com
pany. Ono by ono ii4tjtuitionsvnnt \ inclurco
supplies of good stock 'send representative
bnyerj bci-o. " * "
The tint picnic of I tllfl season will bo hold
in Syndieato pirk , Saturday afternoon and
evening. A lingo nuiaUurof invitations have
been issued and 114 promoters expect u
pleasant May-day picnic.
At tbo end of an 100-foot rope In n pulling
contest ut the Exchange , Ulxon and Sherman
defeated the horse. In the second trial Al
Hcattian slipped and required a surgeon to
acw xi p cuts and dress injuries on his head.
Tbo literary and musical entertainment
Umltti . . , . .
Mm .l > .i / * XTr mit \\j fif A
\\lll bo given this evening. The programme
is an excellent ono. The committees have
spared no pains to make a Woodman success ,
councilman John N. Burke will nt once
commence work on his hotel and handball
court , Thirtieth nnd Q streets. Tlio hotel
will boftixiM feet and Iho handball court will
be 7Sx l feet and iM foot tilgli. This will bo
the finest handball court In thn state.
A deaf man , driving n team load of brick ,
attempted to trow Twenty-fourth street near
the northern line of the city when n motor
train coining down tbo grade caught the wag
on amidhtilfw. The team aud two front wheels
were all that were togthor after the collision.
The wagon was u complete wreck , but fortu-
nn.tely the man nnd team escaped without In
Christ Klcir will have his opening , 2403 N
street , Saturday evening.
Miss Elmn Houncoillu has boon adopted by
Hov. Mr. Young and has gene to his homo
about twenty miles out in thu country.
( jeorgo Cnsov , ono of tbo gang of roughs
who attacked School House Janitor Meagher
AVednosdny night on Q street , was lined $3
nnd costs by Judge King.
The committee appointed by Kobcrt U.
Livingston post No. IW'-J. Grand Army of the
Kcpublic , to nrrnngo for Memorial day ser
vices , will meet this evening in J.U. Thomas'
sboo store , U411 N street.
Messrs , J. Slhbold , W. C. Savngo nnd H.
Tols shipped n trnin.load of cattle from Lore-
land , Colo. , nrriving'ut the yards yoiterday.
Messrs. Savage and Teis report that Air. Sib-
buld had his foot mashed between the bump
ers at Ke.irnoy and remained In that elty to
have his injuries dressed.
Do\Vitt's ' Little Early Hisers. Host little
pill over made. Cure constipation every
tlrao. None cgunl. Use tnein now.
Kor Sunday Helling.
Complaints were filed in police court yesterday -
torday against the following named saloon
keepers : Chris .reason , nmil G.ill , Louis
Schmidt , Andrew W.Olson , Matthias Nou ,
Andrew I' . Urau nud James P. Jensen.
Ten moro complaints are to bo filed. - < U1
the saloonkeepers will bo elmrgod with keep
ing open nnd selling liquor on Sunday. Here
tofore ) all such violators of the Sunday law
have been tried by Jury nnd it bus
been nlmo-it impossible to convict any of
them. Under Iho now order of things the
trials will bo before Judge Holsloy with the
right of appeal to the higher courts ,
It looks now us If there would bo some
convictions. .
The American Order of Steam Engineers
held n mooting at lll(5 ! ( Douglas street last
ovcntng. Eight new candidates were Initi
ated. Deputy Uriuid Chief J. J. Wilson nnd
C. J. Alien of Wnhoo wore present nnd ad
dressed the meeting. The membership now
numbers sixty-three nnd is rapidly growing.
Nearly enougii money for tbo engineer library
has been raised , Tbo business men of Omaha
have been very liberal In their contributions
tor the association's now lodge rooms.
DoWltt's Little Karly Kisors , host pill.
The following inarnijo itcj.iui won Is
sued by Judge Shields yeatorJ-iy :
Name and address. Ace.
j Krfd Anderson , Lincoln 28
t Alary lj. Humps , 1'aynOHvlllo , U \U
} Jorgon Ulirlhtcii * > nii , Onmlia L'7
1 Ditgmor 1'riei , : . ' !
Mrs. Winslow's Sootlnncr Syrup for chil
dren teething relieves the child from pain.
S5 cents a bottle.
The members of the fire nnd police
commission huvo just clobod n doul with
tlio Iluinitnu roitraititcoinjiiinyuiid Imvo
purcliusud n tut of articles that will bo
worn by obtt re porous priHonors ut the
city jail. The iirtieloa nuiHt bo scon to
bo appreciated. In the job lot tlioro uro
mitts , lynch mullH , nnklots , lynch bed
straps nnd urticlos too lunuorous to men
Vanilla , - " \ Of porfoot purity.
Lemon -I
Almond -I
ROBO olc.vJ Flavor as dollcatoly
and dolloiously as tbo fresh fruit.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tno mostiTldely and favorably Imownspeo.
lallsln In tiio Unftol States. Tln-Ir IOTIK ex-
porlonco. remnrkiiblu skill nnd univorHiil HUO-
cofcs In the treatniunt nnd euro of Nervous ,
Chronlo and Surgical Ilsnnsi > 9 , ontltlo thoio
emlnnnt pliyslcliuH to the full ronftilenco ot
tbo uflllctprt ovorjwhtiro. Tlioy pnariuitco :
tlio awful ftTrcTt-s of onrly vtoo nnd the punier-
or evlln tliatfnllnw In Its train.
peeillljr. cnmplott'lv and pormanontlycurud.
OHUEH8 yield readily to their BUIllful treat-
cnarantced cured ulthout pain or detention
from business.
- ponmi-
nntitlr anil sutrerisfiilly cured In e ry case ,
niiitorrlt ) . Honiliud Weakness Lost Mnnhooil ,
Night KnilnsliinH , Drcayrd KnciiltluA , Koiniili
Wuakneas and all dollc.ito cllsordurs preullai
tn nlthor POX positively eared , us well ns nil
functional dlsiirdrrstlmt ri-siiitfrotnyouthf.'j
follloor tlio oxeouinf iiiulnro years.
STkMrTliyU Onarnnli-nd yonmine n t ly
r/itliout cutting , cutistiaor clllntatIon. ( Jurn
clTecti'd ' at hume by patient wlthuut mo
ment's pttln or uniioynnce.
A . SURP , fllKM ? Tin | 'iwfl11 "Toctd of
OIiry | vlco wliloh bring !
pritanlo T7enkiiess , destroj'lnir both mind nnd
body , with ull Its dru. ( led UN , purniauently
HRS . R1 < . TTS Addrcss those who hare lin-
palrod tliuini lve by Im
proper Induleenco iind ftulltuiy natltH , which
ruin both mind anil body , uullttliia thorn for
Innlncsv studv or innrrliiK" .
MAItKIKI ) MICN nr tlinsu ontcring on that
assisted. happy life , awure of pbyblciil dulilllty , ( julokly
In linsod upon facts. First I'rjctloal Biperl-
ciice. Hocond Rvcry casn Is apoi.'lally Btnclled ,
thiiH .
Martin' ? rUhu Third inedlulnos nro
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
tacliCK-e , thus ofTcctinB euros without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Bctts ,
Wlio use dtir ( 'oliiniis to place their Ro
licforc ( co public w II tell you that
our hortoi of
Auxilliary Scliool Journals ,
nrc not surpassed by any teacher. . ' p
( at I ( II III UllMVCStlH Ull lldXil'llsllli , ' IMU'lll-
Uin. Hales fiinilslio.l on
Ncbr. Teachers' Pub. Co.
Fremont , Xclir.
I ) . V. { itcpliciis , Mjjr.
Dumbo. I
1030 n 1.QUiuli A K , U. Kiprcia. . . . ) 6 1U p"m
'J Ii p n.til. | Louis A K.I' . Kxpri-an. . . | II .10 a in
l.e T 3 I UIK.'AI.O , It , I \ IMIIMU I ArrlreJ
Tininfufl Union l > 0iil | , found ! Illulla. | Trnn ftr
GHOpiiT iltti.t * WKlifjUpruM I 0
| 'i j * )
i *
* * * I W * W U in
JMo m Atlantic K prP 8 t , M HI
S.UU a in , . . .Vmiliiiln l.liiiiu-d . . . . | lukl : n p in
Union Depot , ( ounull Dluttn. 'l rnimfor
9 l ( ) n ml Chlrnco
KxproH t ILUII p m
liUlpin Voitlliuln Mniltod . . . I liri'.l n in
IUIII pin . . KiiHtiirn KlyiT. . . 20(1 ( ii m
BUD ' | > m . . . . Atlantic .Ma 11 . I 7 , U n in
ll.'al p in 11 own AiciiimmiilnlliHi '
Qtiit only ) I , ( U | i m
IjunVBi | UIIIUAl < T)7 ) Mllir A r > T pAFI"
rrunil'lrj 1'nlon llcpiit , Cnilncll lllnlln jTrniinfi'r
fl.10 P ml . .ChlniKO Kiprnis
t > 111 it in _ [ . . ( lilriun HiurcH *
1 ( * UVU4 . . ,
Tmniter Dnliin Depot , Cmmi'll IlluIIn
1UU7 a ill ' . .Knnini ClTy liny'K p
10a p m .Knnsni City Nlitht Ki.rui |
Lcnron I OMAIIA A HI' l.OUIH j Arrlroi *
'Jren > fes | JUnlon Depot , Council Illults I'l rn infer
4 10 p nil. * . , . .H ] . ( IUH | Ciiniin Hnll . . jlSI5p in
I.e > TC3 | CIIICAiO ( , ntllll..V'jroilKCV
Trnnnfurl tlnUin Hc | ot. Council lllulfa , JTrftiitfer
9 Worn . . . ( IdcnKu Kzprcti . . W p in
10 U ) p ui UilcnK" Klpii'H. , 'Jo n m
7.05 p ni trenton Ixicnl . . . 11.20 n m
lA'uvo * I HlUUX'CTrr APAUIHU. | Arrlri'
Trnnilurl Union llesi t Council HIiitTi. | 'lrnn fur
70 aiu.HIoiii | I llr Aocnminudiitloir I ! .4 < ra"lii
< Uli p ml M I'nul KtpriHn . . . .llOOOpni
Sealed propounds will be ruuidvod by the
Ktnte board of printing nt th ulllcn oftliu sue-
rotary of Ntnto any ( linn beforn Wedncnday ,
May 10. IMil , at L'o'eloek p. in. , fur tbe printing
and blndliiKOf I.ii0)eiipli ( of HID report ( if the
( iiniinl.sHloncr.s of labor census mill liiihmtrliil
Hlntlstles , for IlinyriirIHSUitml | K' ' J. Huld lu-
port to lie inlntoJ on JJ iioiiud pupur and
iiiHind In elntli.
K.implcsnf the Horlc may he hcen ut thn ( if-
IK ( i of tbu snc'rnfiry of stiilo.
Thn lurinl reserves the right to reject uny
nnd alt bids ,
JOHNAi.iiK.v. ) . HIT. of fitnlo ,
.J. d. HIM. , hliitu Trc.iMiri'r.
T. II. HKNTOK , Audlt'ir I' A. .
Utaleltoaidof 1'rlntliu.
* Vrt RotTorlnir fret
yuutlifnl erron
parlrdofar.waiitlnvweAkni'U , lo t niuuliiy * ! , oto.
I wnl iwm I nvaluftlilo trtfftllMi ( MnlJili cnntalnlii }
fullpanlculara for lianio cure. rltliK < > r rbarKO
Arplcndld medical worlt I ulinuld lu read byutt n
mnn trim Ii ncrrniu n > l dHbllliainl. Adilrvrt
I'rof. I' . C. I'OWJjIill.Moodue , Couu