Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Early Morning Burglars Narrowly Escape
falling Into Pollco Hands.
Poor Cartridges ItcnpoiiRllilc loi- the
lliirglnra Itlvlng ItcccpMon
Hint IVJXH Prepared for
Three Voung Ladles.
The members of the pollco force nlmoit
caught four burglars Tuesday night.
Tlioy surprised the midnight marauders In
tbo very act and even exchanged shots with
them nnd It wasn't ' another North Twentieth.
Btroct case either.
The ilrst place nt which the officers foiled
to catch thorn was at the corner of Sixteenth
and Davenport Direct , where Ofllcors Bloom
mill Hyde discovered two men tryini ? to
brealc open n rear window ofV. . W. Oulll's
Boloon , known ns the "Annex No. 1. "
Thu crooks discovered the oillcors early In
the game nnd dashed down the alley. The
bluoconts followed until they got tired , nnd
the burglars got nway. Tboy loft n hca\y
claw-pointed cold-chisel about two feet Ion B
behind thorn. The relic wai taken to the sta
tion ntid appropriately labeled , and If thu
burglars over glvu themsulves up it will ho
Introduced In evidence ngnlnst them , but If
not it will bo preserved ns n souvenir of the
exciting chaso.
The other cnso assumed a much morn seri
ous phnsc , and If OfUccr Uou/cr'n gun hadn't
missed lira three tinier In succession thrru
might have been a funeral or two , but the
gun did miss , und that Is why the coroner
feels worse today than anybody clso in town.
Uouzi-r's beat Is on Lcnvunworth street ,
between Twenty-second nnd 1'ark nvonuo.
Ho reported nt the box at Park nvenuo at , 3
o'clock nnd started out over his boat again ,
but at the corner of Twenty-fifth street ho
took n notion to double iiiul go back. Ho
took the middle of the street , to nvold mak
ing n uolsu , nnd went bnck ns fnr aa Georgia
nvenuo , where ho stepped upon the sidewalk ,
and almost immediately heard some one snv
"Look out ; wo'ro In for it now 1" Ho looked
across Judge Dundy's inwn and saw two men
Btandlng on the onst porch. Thoyntonco
started down the stops , nnd ns they stopped
out into the moonlight the officer snw that
they were whlto masks ovcr-tho lower parts
of their faces. They walked toward him a
few steps , but suddenly turned to the
left , jumped down the tcrraco and
miido n break for Georgia nvenuo. The of
ficer reached for his gun and nt that moment
the taller of the burglars whirled around and
fired at him. The ball whistled past the of
ficer's car , and ho gnvo chase and tried to
reciprocate , hut n harmless llttlu click was
the only result until the fourth trial , when
ho succeeded in sending a bullet after thu
It was n beautiful chase thnt swept over
the smooth asphalt paving of Georgia avenue
in the bright moonlight night. The smaller
of the burglars ran like n deer nnd Uouzor
couldn't ' have caught him with Sulvntor. but
nt the second crack the big ono yelled nnd
Jell. Ho didn't wait to touch the ground before -
fore ho was up nnd running ngnin , and
nt the corner of Jackson street both men
turned west nnd disappeared as completely
us If n sewer had caved In mid buried them.
Ofllcor Enright was repotting nt the box at
Lcavenwoith nnd Park nvcnue when the
first shot was fired , and ran down the nlloy
to Intercept the fugitives , but they didn't go
his way.
The central station was notified and thu
patrol wagon with a squad of officers was
coon on the spot , but the attempt to surround
tbo burglars was fruitless.
If the bold , bad inon had only boon in a
UUlo less of a hurry and given the bluoconts
half a show they would have been caught ,
and how tickled everybody would have been.
It wasn't such a bad night after nil , as the
cold chisel and three unexploded cartridges
with intended caps nro interesting relics nna
are all that Is needed to corroborate the
ofllcors' stories.
Sclp IJunily'H Story.
"If Officer Uouzcr had not rome near the
Judge's house last night until half an hour
later , In nil probability there would have
.been a dead burglar In Omaha this morning , "
Bald Sclplo Duniiy yesterday to a reporter
for Tim BEE. "My sister , May , and her
friend , Mrs. W. C. Connor of Dallas. Tox. ,
who Is visiting nt father's , heard the burglar
at the door nnd wont down to give him n
warm reception. Both my sister nnd
Mrs. Connor nro' good shots with
almost any kind of a gun , nnd ono took n shot
gun nnd the other a largo Colt's revolver and
iitatlonod themselves in the ball nfow foot from
Iho door to await the burglar's entrance. The
Villain was heaving against the door trying
to push it in. The ladies cocked the weapons
Mid covered the door. They intended to shoot
him the moment bo stopped inside , but the
appcaranco of Officer Uouzcr just at that mo
ment scared the burglar away. "
To keep the beard from turning gray , nnd
.thus prevent the appearance of ages , use
.Buckingham's dye for the whiskers , tbo
Viest dye made.
HOVTJl 0.11.HI A.
The Ciuik War Itonpciioil.
Tbo trouble at tbo exchange over the
" " "Stolon Stockyards bank and the South Omaha
National bank , tbat raised such a rumpu
among bank officials and commission man a
d year ago , hits boon ro-opnncd in a now dlrcc
tlon. The friends of tbo National bnnk mnln
tnlu that It is simply a trcezoout process
oni tbo'part of the stockynrds bank and slock
yards ofllclals.
Jackson , IIIgRlns & Co. , have lot tbo Na
tlonal bank iloalc room In tbclr onico and now
tbo stockyards ofllclnls have notlllcd Jackson
Hlcglns & Co. , that tholr rout , food , freight
etc. , will Uuvo to bo paid for in advance
On belun scon Manager Uabcock said
"It is simply a" , question whotho
or.not wo should have control of our prop
crty , Jackson , Hlgglns & Co. U tbo onlj
Urm in the exchange building which nas no
Blgnod a lease. The bank Interest , as a mat
ter of fact , docs uot como in the question
\Vhiloour leases have a clnuso prohlbltinr
Bub-lettinp , yet wo have never refused any
one the privilege of sub-lotting , Moro than
that , over n year ago I told Mr. Bostwick o
the National bank that bo could have rooms
laid they can bo had today jor at any tlmo. "
i SonnnoII'N Visit.
Ut. Uev. Ulcbard Scannell , D. D. , bishop
Df Omaha , visited St. Agnes' parochial
icholnrs Tuesday afternoon , accom
panied by Fathers Morlnrty anil Mugan.
-Tho Sisters of Providcnco who have charge
of the scholar * , had n line literary and musi
cal programme arranged much to tbo delight
of the distinguished ecclesiastic. Ono of the
neatest Incidents of the visit was the presen
tation of n basket of out ( lowers by two of
the pupils with nppropriato addresses. The
visit was interesting to all when the children
in unison welcomed the bishop bishop ho was
evidently ns much pleased ns ho was when bo
fully realized the progress , interest nnd zeal
manifested in every part of the parish educa
tional work.
Notes About the City.
Major J. S. Williams Is listed among the
lick. .
blissns Rosa nnd Lizzie. Berg , have gene to
rlslt friends In Fremont.
K. It. Sherman will build a residence nt
Thirty-third and G streets.
Messrs. Cnarlos Knno ana Frank Lynch of
Muscatno ! , la. , are tbo guests of Joseph
Fred C. Maogloy , representative of the
Western Freight association , has gouo to
Kansas City.
Dnvld Anderson has sold his residence ,
Twenty-third nnd P streets , to John Itoagau
will remove to this cl.ty.
A pleasant social dnnco was given In the
Alnscow building Twonty-sovonth and L
troots , last night , which was attended by
thirty couples ,
yrod G. Hooker , jr. , and brldo ot Detroit ,
Mich. , and President A. M. Kitchen of
Omaha , were welcome guests at the yards
with Manager Charles H. Uich of the Stock-
inan ,
The Ladies' Ala society of the Prosbytor-
Jan church will moot this afternoon nt tno
rosldoncoof Mr. nud Mrs. UobortL. Wheeler ,
Twenty-third and I streets , nt 3 o'clock this
; fiernoon.
The Indioi interested In organizing ft loago
f Pythlau Sisters , will moot In Knights of
I'jrthlas hall , McGlnms block , at 2:80 : o'clock
ills afternoon anil comnloto tbo organization.
Ml interested are urged to bo present.
Tbo Junior Upworth Icnguo will glvo n so-
rlnl mid literary cntortnlntnont In the Moth-
odlst church , Twenty-third and N streets ,
omorrow ovcnlne , A flno protrrammo bos
been arranged nnd a palatable lunch will bo
At the mooting of Uarbors' union No. 87 ,
Treasurer Charles II. Durand's resignation
vas accepted , and James Heath was elected
treasurer to Illl tbo vacancy. Mr. Uurand
was presented with n line gift by bis fellow-
ourncyinen barbers.
Typographical Union No. 209 is making
ircp.irntlons for its llrst annual ball and May
larty In Blum's ball Friday night , The
numbers are getting out n line programme
and arc making preparations to entertain
.heir friends In this city and 100 friends from
3mnha , Council llluffs anil other neighbor-
ng cities in flno8t > lo.
No griping , no nnusoa , no pain when Do
Witt's Ltttlo Early Hl crs ore taken. Small
pill. Safe tilll. ostjlll. )
wunx u.vitmsoN COMES.
I'lans Imltl Tor Iho Hccciitlon of the
Mayor Cusblng , General Drooko , nuclld
Martin , Major Clarkson , Julius Meyer , Coun
cilman Osthoff , Chris Hartman , W. N. Nason ,
Henry \V. Yatcs , Councilman Cooper , Coun
cilman McLeary , O. F. Weller , Chief Soavoy
and Councilman Cooper of tbo executive com
mittee on president's reception mot yesterday
afternoon to complete arrangements.
General Crooko said ho would invlto the
Omaha guards to lake part.
Major Clarkson , chairman of tbo committee -
too on decoration , reported thnt Mr. Hosacker
of the Union Pnclllo had been requested to
assist thu committee. Ho Is an export dec-
ointor. Thu Union Pacific bad also donated
the lumber for the platform and the services
of llflccn men to assist lu Iho work of dec
orating nncl building the platform. Major
ClarUson wanted to know how much the com
mittee would expend.
Tbo committee on transportation reported
tbat carriages would cost $5 each and It
could not get through with less than fiOO.
Members of the council who nro members
of tbo executive committee in connection
with the chairmen of the decoration nnd
transportation committees \\ero appointed ns
a committee to docldo upon the proportion of
money to bo expended by each committee
nnd to audit the bills.
Mr. Hattmnn stated to the committee that
Iho proprietors of the Paxton hotel bad
volunteered to furnish a lunch tor the presi
dential paity or any of the visitors
who might wish to accept of the hospitality
thus oxtondod.
The chulrmcn of all the committees will re
port to tbo executive committee Saturday the
amounts needed for each port of tbo recep
tion work.
County and city oniclals nro Invited to n
place on the platform to bo erected on the
court house campus.
The county commissioners will bo asked to
appropriate ilUUU to assist In the reception
Mayor Cusblng stated that ho bad ap
pointed the following gentlemen us
u reception committee to meet tbo
presidential party nt Lincoln : J. M.
Woolwortb , H. W. Yutos , Euclid Mar
tin , General Drooko and staff , A. S. Satin-
ctcrs , J. C. Cowan , D. H. Wbeolor , J. M.
Thurston , G.V. . Willnrd , W. V. Morse , D.
J. O'Donoboo , D. H. Wood , Dr. George L.
Miller , Chris Hartraan , T. S. Clarkson ,
Clmilcs Ofidun , Chnilcs J. Greene , A. J.
Popploton. J. 11. Millnrd , Thomas Swobo , A.
P. Hopkins , Max Meyer , Euclid Martin.
The mayor also unpointed the following to
act as a reception co'mmittco in Omaha : The
mayor and city council , Judge E.
S. Dundy , Judge WaUoloy , T. J. Mahoney ,
IJr. I. E. Summers , Louis Bcrka , W. J.
Broatch , Fied 1C. Motz. sr. . G. M. Hitchcock ,
Thomas L. Klmball. John A. Crolghton'John
T. Coad , C. V. Gallagher , H. Kountzo. H.
Holln , W. A. Paxton , C. S. Chnso , G.V. .
Lin In per , Leo Hartley , Amos Field , H. Q.
Uurt , G. W. Holutego , J. E. Kinney , E.
Hosowntor , W. A. L. Gibbon , M. V. Gannon ,
Henry Pundt , J. B. Furay , J. T. Clorko , E.
A. Cudaby , J. O. Phillippl and all the mem
bers of the cxocutlvo committee.
The mnyorwai instructed to appoint Mrs.
A. S. Saundc'rs and iivo other ladies whom
Mrs. Saunders may select to act as a .recep
tion commlttco to receive the ladles of tbo
presidential party.
A commlttco consisting of Euclid Martin ,
Councilman Osthoff and Councilman Cooper
was appointed to request tbo county commis
sioners to np'proprlato $1,000 toward the ex
penses of tbo reception.
The Burlington ivilroad will bo requested
to furnish a special car for tbo commlttco on
the trip to Lincoln.
The oxccutivo committee will moot again
next Saturday afternoon.
Following Is the programme and the route
decided upon for the drlvo on May 13 when
President Harrison arrives :
Arrive at H. & M. depot nt 11:30 : a. m. Mili
tary osuort to gratia stand on court bouse
squaie , 12 m.
Address of Welcome Hon. It. C. Gushing ,
Kesponso President Harrison.
l.o'ivo grand stand nt 12:1)0 : ) p. m. , nrrivo at
IlEKbulldlnt ; ] 2:4r : > p. m. , informal reception ,
IU.K building rotunda , to 1:45 : p. m.
Jtoulo of procession north on Tenth to
I'aruuin , west on 1'ainam to cqurt houso.
Leave IIRK building at 1:45 : p. m , , west on
Farnam to Twentieth , north on Twentieth to
o , went on Dodge to Twenty-second , north
on Twenty-second to high school ground en
trance , arrive at high school building nt 2 p.
in , , leave high school bullalng tit-'il.'O p. m , ,
north on Twenty-second to Chicago , east on
Cblougo lo Twenty-first , north onTwenty-iirat
to California , west on California toTwenty-
llfth , south on Twenty-fifth to Dodge ,
west on Dodge to Twonty-UfUi ave
nue , south on Twenty-fifth nvonuo
to Ifarnam , west on rarnam to Hcldon ,
Kouth on bolden to J.oa\onwortli , oust on
I.oavunttorth to Thlrly-llrst , houth on Thirty-
first to Wonlworth iivenno , oust on Wool worth
avenue to \onty-nlnth street , north on
Tnonty-iilntli stieet to JucKbon , oiibtou Jack
son to Twenty-eighth , north on Twenty-
eighth to Hainoy. east on Hnrnoy to Twenty-
llfth avenue , south on Twenty-fifth avenue to
St. Mary's avenue , east on bU Mary's n\onuo
to Twenty-fourth , north on Twenty-fourth to
llafnoy. east on Hnrnoy to Sixteenth , north
on Sixteenth to Governor Maunders' , Bhorman
a\iiiuoand Grace.
2:00 : p. in. , lilRh school.
2'J5 : p. m. , CrclKhton college.
2JO : p. m. . I'arnam und Twonty-flfth avonuo.
- ' : , ! . " > p. m. , Karimm and Thirty-third.
2:40 : p. m. , Heldon and Jones stroots.
2:45 : p. m. , Maicy and Thlrty-flr&t streets.
2:5J : p , m , . Woolworth avenue and Twenty-
ninth avenue.
2t5 : p.m. , Jackson and Twenty-eighth streets
11:00 : ] i. m. , St. Mary's avenue and Twenty-
fifth street.
U:0j : p. m. , court houso.
1:10 : p. m. , JolTersolt square ,
U:15 : ii. m. , Sherman avenue and Paul street.
: t.l ; ) p. in , . Governor Hauudura' residence.
Mayor Cusbing has docidcd to close both
the Tenth nnd Eleventh street viaducts for a
few hours when President Harrison arrives
at the Union depot. It Is feared that the via
ducts might bo packed with people , if loft
open , to such an extent tbat it would bo impossible
possibleto got through conveniently with
the military procession thnt is to escort the
presidential party from the depot to the
court bouse. Mayor Cushlug will Instruct
Chief Seavoy to have the viaducts closed for
a short time to. all excepting tbo reception
escort and commlttco and tbo presidential
Mrs. WInslow's Soothinc Syrup for chil
dren teething relieves the child from pain.
25 cents n bottlo.
Suporlntciulnnt of the Electric Light
Company Temporarily Hold Down.
Thomas Swobo , proprietor of the Millnrd
hotel and tbo ofllcors of the Omaha new
Thompson & Houston olcctrlo light company ,
have gone into the district court to settle
some dlfllcultles.
On February 1 , 1890 , Mr , Swobo contracted
with tbo light company to light the hotel in a
satisfactory manner for the term of llvo
years at $175 per month. Swobo claims that
the light bos boon anything but satisfactory
aud on account , of Its inefficiency bo has boon
compelled to pay gas bill amounting to
$1.WI. ( This gas was burned whllo the elec
tric light contract was running. On account
of poor service , Swobo nvors that bo did noi
pay the clcctrlo bill which bos now rcacboc
the sum of { 1,675.
Yesterday the superintendent of the eleo-
trlo light company served notice tbat unlosa
the amount was paid Instnntor the current
would bo shut off and the wires and incan-
dcsccnts taken out. Swobo did not wait , but
at once burriod to Judge Wakeloy and
nocurod an Injunction preventing tbo act.
The case will bo board May 8.
President of the Burlington System Invest
ing Largely in Omaha.
One It mil ! red nnd Fifty-Five Thou-
finml Jollnrn Invested by Him na
nu KvUlcnco or Ills Fnltli
In the West.
President Charles E. Pcrlilns of the Chi-
caRe , Burlington & Qulncy system has lived
In Boston n long time , but ho hoops his eye
on ttio growing west nil the same. Inci
dentally It may bo stntod that Mr. Porklns
was long a western man dy virtue of resi
dence as well as predellctlons. Ho lived nt
Burlington. la. , many years , and his hand
some homo on West Hill Is still ono of the
features of that city. This may appear ex
traneous , but It Isn't. ' It onlv shows on what
foundation the faith of Mr. Porklns In the
west Is bulldod.
But n bettor evidence of the faith of this
man , whoso years of experience as tha head
of n mighty corporation have given him un
told opportunities to see and learn ,
s the Investment of cash In Omaha
iroporty. Within n week Mr. Por-
clns has Invested $15",000 , In real cstato
n Omaha. Ills first purchase was block 18
n Credit Fonolcr addition once the hope of
George Francis Train for which ho paid
$ r > 0,000. This block lies between the B. & M.
tracks and will In time bo priceless. The
next was n vacant lot In Hanscom place , for
which ProMdont Porklns paid STi.OOO.
Yesterday negotiations were closed
whereby President Porklns exchanged
$100,00(1 ( for some of Mr. O. M. Hitchcock's
valuable real cstato. The deal Includes. lot
0 , block 90. It Is sixly-slx foot on Dodpo
street , near Thirteenth , nt $ . ' 50,000 , nnd forty
acres north of Hitchcock's ' llrst nnd second
additions nnd cast of and adjoining the deaf
nnd dumb Institute grounds , nt $ TO.OOO.
Keal estate men fcol considerably cncour-
need at this evidence of Interest in Omaha.
It Is hold to indicate- that desplto apparent
stagnation there is yet much life la real cs
tate hero.
The rosy freshness , nnd n velvety softness
of the skin Is vnrlablv obtained by tuoso who
use Pozzonl's wondrous powder.
Persons Given Knowledge
of the diaries AKifiiHt Them.
Seven prisoners now In tno county Jail
were brought before Judge Estello yesterday
Thomas Cllno who Is charged with having
stolen $40 from Jnmos C. Mahoney April 10
pleaded not guilty.
Charles Adams , who forged n $70 chock and
got It cashed at the Windsor hotel January
U5 , entered n plea of guilty.
Ed Hockshclmor , charged with forging the
names of John Klloy and K. Price to a $250
note , pleaded not guilty.
William F. Vllas was charged with having
stolen n MO gold watch from A.V. . Putnam ,
$00 of money and $140 of jowclry from Oeorgo
Fnbyan. Ho pleaded not guilty.
Henry Kouso denied having stolen a $50
check , the property of B. F. Hughes.
Frank Williams gave the court to under
stand that ho was not guilty of having stolen
$3 worth of tobacco from the store of Carrie
Bateman , while Gcorco Moyors admitted
that on April 2. ' ! no slolo$95 worth of watches
from the pawn shop of Sam Friedman.
The trial of the case of the state against
James Rile } ' was commenced before Judge
Estollo yesterday morning. The Information
charges that February 'JO , Riloy. In the dav-
thno , broke into the house of Elira Lackey
nnd stole two silk dresses , valued at 175 , DO-
sldes other property.
The March Sugar nuslnos J.
Collector Alexander has received a clear
cortlfleato from Washington covering the
auditing and adjustment of March business
at the custom house , which Includcd/tho ro-
warehousiug and disposition of the great
sugar shipments , In which complicated work
it was generally admitted there would Do
misunderstandings nnd errors. It Is a matter
for congratulation , therefore , to the customs
officials hero that the department passed the
whclo month's work without calling attention
to a mistake. The collector says that very
much of the credit for correct details belongs
to Clerk Crumb and to Captain Phillips , the
deputy surveyor , both of whom were as In
terested In getting through the emergency
creditably to tbo ofllco as though the resuonsl-
bllltv rested on their shoulders only. Many
of the aspects of the sugar flurry wora now
to the treasury ofllclnls , and much of the tech
nical detail was loft to the discretion and
judgment of the collectors. The work con
nected with the handling of sugar at all the
larger ports , includtngOmahn , warranted the
employment of additional force , whoso serv
ices must bo paid for by the importers. In
order to save this expense to our local mer
chants and to avoid the chance for mistakes
which temporary assistants might furnish ,
the local force put In extra time , and the col
lector afforded every facility in his power for
the making up of out-shipmontsprior to April
1 , most of which was done out of regular
hours. Captain Philips nnd Inspector Crumb
have been smoking XXXX A-A-1 cigars for
several days , through the courtesy of sugar
Jobbers who acknowledged extra sorvlco by
setting 'em up.
J. L. Keck of Kearney Is'&t the Mlllard.
F. E. White of Plattsmouth Is at the Mur
J. W. Jones of Broken Bow is at the Mur
M. IV. Cochrano of Wilbor Is at the Pax-
Joe L. Branncr of Cbadron Is at the Mll
T. J. Donahue of Callaway Is a guest at the
Chris Schlolfoldt of Urand Island is at the
Pax ton.
R. E. Funko of Kearney Is a guest at the
Pax ton.
\VtllIam Nevlllo of Plattsmouth Is at the
Pax ton.
Hon. S. M. Elder of Clay Center Is at the
J. D. McCormick of Fremont is at the
Dr. B. L. Palno of Lincoln Is In the city
visiting friends.
J. H. PonHold and C. M. Weiss of Hastings
are at the Dellono.
Mrs. J. B. Stone and child of Crete are
guests at the Millard.
II. B. Joffres and J. W. Goodhard of Elkhorn -
horn are at the Dellono.
P. P. Murray , traveling passenger agent
of the Michigan Central , Is In town.
G. II. Keed , western passenger agent of
the West tihoro route , came In this morning.
Vanilla , - Of perfect purity.
- Of great strength.
Orange -
Almond - Economy In their uso.
Rote elc.T , Flavor as delicately
and dollolouBly as the froah fruit
Cures nil disorders of Iho Stomncli , I.hcr , Howcls , Klilciiyo , lllmldor , Nervous
DNenscs , Loss of Appetite. Hcmlnclie , Constipation , Costlicmss , Indigestion , Hlllous-
ness , 1'ctcr , Piles , Etc , , nnd renders the system less llnblo to contract ill-case.
RADWAY'S PIliT.S nio euro f6r this complaint. They tone up the 'nternal secretions to
healthy notion , restore strength to the stomach , uud onaliln It to unrfoim In function * ) .
1'rlvo Qfio a box. Sold by all druggists , or m.tiled by HADWAV & CO. , 32 Warruu btreot , Now
York , on receipt of price.
1316 , Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Seventeen roars experience. A rejuUr graduate In medicine , as diplomat show. Is still trotting with
the crentoit auccois , nil Ncrroui , Chronlo and 1'rlvnte rjlstmus. A permanent mire gtmrntitoo t for Ontarrh
SporinatorrliCBH , Lout Manhood , Wimknoss , Night I.ones , Ira potency , Srphllis. tUrlcturo , nnd nil all-
eaios of the Illood.Sktn and Urlnarr Organs. N U. I suarantco I50U for every cine I undortuko nnd fill to
euro. Consultation free. Book ( lljitorloi or Mfo ) sent froa. OUIoohouM 9 a. m. to 8 p. in. Bandar 10
a. ijj. to 11 m.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tne most widely and favorably known ipeo *
IftllaU In the Unite ! States. Their Ion * ex >
perlonoo , remarkable iklll and universal suc
cess in the treatment and cure of Nervous ,
Chronlo nnd Surgical Diseases , entltlo thoie
eminent physicians to the full confidence ot
the uniloted everywhere. They guarantee :
the awful effects of early vice and the -jumor-
or.m iirlli thatfollnw In Its train.
speedily , completely and permanently cured.
OUDERS yield readily to tholr skillful treat-
euarantood cured without pain or detention
from business.
nently and successfully cured in every case ,
matorr fl : , Boiuiual Woiiknevi. Lost Manhood ,
Night Emissions , Decayed I'acultlofl , VomnU
Weakness and all dollrAto disorders peoullal
to either sex positively cured , ns well as all
functional disorders that rosultfroinyouthf.U
follies or the excess of mature yu.irs.
STRIPTIIRP Ouarantood perraune ntly
u i ixiVs l u l\LI cured- removal complete ,
without cutting , cuuiVio or dilatation. Cure *
effected at homo by patient without o mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A9TIPT7 PUP ! ? Thoi awful effects ot
OUKil LUKU early Tlcu which bring *
przanio weakness , destroying both mind and
body , with all Its dreaded Ills , permanently
cured * * " '
ti rRFTl'9 Address those who have 1m-
i ij. . uij i iij palrod tliomi Ivos by Improper -
proper Indulgence. end , oltary ) nablts , which
ruin both mind and tradly. imdttlnH them for
business , study or marrlUKO.
. HARitlED MEN orVho.o enterlnK on that
hiippy life , aware of physical debilityquickly
Isbnsefl upon facts. First-Practical experi
ence. Second Every case 1s specially studied ,
thus itartlnu right. Third mod Iclnei are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus effecting cures without injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Ulehard II. Book , Uickport , N. Y. , write * tbat After
munr fenri1 sntlorlng from Nerroui Uebllltr. Hleop.
Ju .no . Twltclilnit of Mu.clei lie WM roslorod br
four banes NKIIV IIBANH.I .m BO. "e snys. "but
feel Ilka a roiinK ninn. " II per lax. poitpnld. I'uiri.
P' ' < ot'roo. NHItVM UKAN CO
, niirrAl.u , N. Y.
fiolil by Goodman lru Co. . 1 lib K rn m a".Um h
Floral Conversatory.
South East Oor , 0 and 17tb , Lincoln , Neb
W. S. Sawyer & Co.
Oonora\ collection of plants nnd cut flowers
uhvaja on hand. Floral designs , bouquets
baskets , etc. , for parties. Weddings and fun
erals a specialty , and sent to any p.irt of the
stnto. I'rloo list free. Discount to under-
alcers on funeral work. Telephone , 344. _
Is not pleasant to take , aa It IB com
posed of all the medicinal qualities
that go to make now and rich blood
without compelling the consumer to
which can bo bought any where for
thirty-flvo cents a gallon , as all aar-
aparillas aro. BEQQS' BLOOD
composed of pure modiolno , and al
lows the purchaser to add syrup
which is advised when given to
If your rtruejjlst does not keep It accept no
substitute , but order direct from Hours Mf'i ?
Co. . 19V1U7 MIchlKun St. , Chicago. Ill , and
they will forward , express prepaid , ono bottle
tlo for 81 orslxforis.
About the weather or anything else. We've
got lots of clothing , shirts and hats , and
we're at the slaughter bench , as * you'll sec by
reading further on.
Well , what's the use
talking about prices.
We might say 50c
for the best pair in
the house and it
would make no dif
ference to the paper
it is printed. We've
started a sale on $3
pants. That's what we
want lo say , and if you are
Panting for Pants.
Just come in and look at them and be youi
own judge.
This is the 100 center.
We just got 'era in.
This is the 95 center. About
a week's supply of 'cm on hand.
Of course you'll understand that we are in
Rome and must do as Romans do , and that ,
as is claimed through the newspapers by
some competitors that they are perfeetan-
gels , only you can't see their wings , and that
they are sacrificing their lives and entire
profit just to please the good people.
Excuse Us , WB are Not In It Thai
Waij ,
We are underselling all competitors , and
making money at it , and that's -what we've
been here for for the last 38 years. With that
amount of experience and no store rent to pay ,
we ought to be able to do what we claim ,
without much headwork , or quit.
The clothes we sell you give you a good front
and don't go back on your back. As regards
your sides they look all right on the right and
you never get left on the left. They are bar
gains all around. Our customers will sub
stantiate what we say. Respectfully ,
Corner 13th and Farnam Streets.