Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA ! DAILY BEE : : TUESDAY , APRIL 28 , 1891.
Spanish Court Cream Is the new foun
tain of youth , It Imparts to till n youtitf ,
fresh and clear complexion , all druggists
sell it.
A little smoke and less fire occasioned
n call for the fire department yesterday
morning. A defective Hue in a small
frame building fit 03 Chicago street was
the chuso.
The executive committee having in
charge- the arrangements for President
Harrison's reception May 115 will meet
in Mayor dialling's olllco tomorrow af
ternoon at 4:30 : o clock.
Kd Tuttle of Shcely had a hearing in
police court yesterday afternoon for
disturbing the peace. About two dozen
Sheoly residents wore on hand to testify
for or against the prisoner. After hearing -
ing the testimony Judge Helsloy dis
charged Tuttlo.
Nols O. Brown was again arrested yes
terday , this time for disposing of mort
gaged property. Ills Clifton house ven
ture has thus far proved a losing specu
lation , as out of it have grown civil and
criminal actions galore , and from a
financial point of view it was anything
but a winner.
Secretary Wilson of the real estate
exchange was very busy yesterday reg
istering the names of the excursionists
who contemplate making the trip to
East Omaha this afternoon. That ho
3iay know how many carriages will ho
needed , it is important that parties con
templating making the trip should reg
ister at the exchange rooms before U
o'clock tonight.
The Sirlni ) ; Medicine.
The popularity .which Hood's Snrsnparilla
has gained ns a spiing mcdlelno Is wonderful.
It possesses Just those elements of health-
giving , blood-purliyi rig nnd appetite-restoring
which everybody scums to need at this season.
IJo not continue la a dulltiredunsatisfactory ,
condition when you may bo so much benefited
by Hood's Sarsaparilla , It purifies the blood
unit iimltcs the weak strong.
Small In slo , croat in execution : DoWitt'
little Knrly Risers. Best pill for Consllpa
tlon , best for Side Headache , best for Sour
Stomach. _
The I'nvlon Hotel I'lio
Did not ellect the hotel proper in any
way fco ad to interfere with the operation
of the house. Only the annex \\as dam
aged ami guests have been cared for
without the interruption of a single day.
Wo desire issues of the MOHNJNG Bui :
of November ! ! and December " for our
files. A'.iyono having a copy of cither of
these inumbora will confer a favor upon
this olllco by mailing them to liobort
Hunter , Bco olllco.
"Festival or DayN. "
The Parish Aid society of Tiinlty cathedral
have tnoilc oriangenipnts to hold thrlr "Fes
tival of Daj'3" Tliursdciy afternoon and
evening In the vacant store-room In tlio
Kamgo building. The several organizations
of the cathedral will have charge of the dif
ferent booths where fancy and useful arti
cle ! ) suitable to the day represented will bo
on sale.
A Punch nntl Judy show will also bo a fea
ture ot the afternoon cnteitainmont , two per
formances being given at 4 and G o'clock. Ju
the evening the Omaha Guards band will ren
der n concert tirocrainino.
Tickets are now for snlo by the various
committees , fie cents admitting the visitor to
the room , the Punch and Judy show , and also
p'ays for luncheon , which will bo served from
12 to 2. ' Eifteen cents will admit to tlio even
ing entertainment.
t. * m
Ucsslcr'sMagicHcadache SVafors. Cures all
hcadtchcs in 20 minutes. At all druggists
Condition of ttiu Untile.
William poburn , assignee of the Bank of
Omnhn , Insolvent , yesterday filed his report
, with ttio county Judge. It shows the follow
ing state of lluanccs at this time :
Tnsh on hand $ 2,112.00
Judgments ' ' . '
Claims now in suit 2S.-IU7.40
Notes on hand 1,020,81
Overdrafts 2bOJ.OO
Total S4iiu7i. 3
In mlditlon to this there is a tract of 100
acres of land in Kcya Paha county.
Thoduie Juice of the grape naturally fer
mented , that is what Cook's Extra Urv
Champagne is. Its boquot is unrivalled.
Pctci son's < 7oToa
Charles N. Haley , the proprietor of a coffco
warehouse at 1017 Jones street , discovered
yesterday while taking an account of stock
that ho short 300 pounds of colTeo. Hav
ing read In THE Bun of the arrest of Frank
1 Peterson at the South Omaha depot who had
twenty pounds of coffco in a gunny sack , Mr.
Hnloy , went to South Omaha and identified
the coffco. Potersoti will bo brought Into
pollco court today and have a hearing on the
charge of burglary.
DoWltt's Little Early KUers. Best little
nlll ever made. Cure constipation every
tlino. None equal. Use them now.
lieu ! Kstatc Owners to Organize.
All owners of real estate in Omaha are re
quested to attend the real estate owners'
moollng to be Held at the real ostnto exchange
hull in the Now York life building atS o'clock
sharp this , Tuesday , evening for the pur
pose of perfecting a real estate owners' or
ganization which Is to Indudo all owners ,
( . rent or small , ilch or poor , and all for tno
peed of Omaha. Uot every owner who has
the lutorests of Omulm at heart , bo present.
Dr. Blrnov euros eatarrn. Ceo bld'g.
The third week of the hypnotic entertainment -
mont was opened last evening at the Grand
opera house , and a very much delighted au-
flionco was present. The programmeIs now
carried through by several splendidly devel
oped subjects , and the illustrations from life
are more amusing and entertaining than thov
woio during the two preceding weeks. The
entertainments will bo given every oven ing
this \\cok and a fresh and brilliant pro
gramme will bo put on each evening.
Georpco Blake , driver for Flro Chief Galll-
Ban , is iigain on duty after a serious illness
of a mouth with typhoid pneumonia.
3akin §
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
I Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
' - Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
' " " * "
and Wholesome.
ponder does such work. ,
Too nig n Job.
There vms a meeting of the council last
night , hcld'for the purpose of rcdlstrlctliiff
the nlno wards of the city , so that when the
bond election Is held the voting precincts
will conform to the provisions of the Aus
tralian ballot law nnd not contain to exceed
800 voters. In the start this looked Hko nn
easy thlnff to rid , but In less than half nn hour
the members Rave it Up and Upon motion of
Mr. Chaftco decided to hire men to do the
work nt 50 cents per hour.
One nlnn fiom onch ward , prob
ably the old registrars , will do
this work. They will bo hired
by the ward councilman nd ; will work under
the supervision gt the city clerk. The rcdls-
trlctln will coinmunco this morning nnd will
bo done in the council chamber. Mr. Bccliel
thought that as the election boons will bo
permanent nffalrs , the county should bo asked
to shato a portion of the expense that will bo
incurred by their manufacture. Upon his
motion the president appointed Messrs. Ost-
hoff , Tuttle and Spccht n committee to confer
with the county commlsstonots.
Tlioy Got It of Course.
Jim ! oh Jim ! I suy , Jlml Youn comln' ,
mam ; what's cr matter ? \Vhy baby has got
tbo colic ; run down to driiK store nnd t'ci n
liottlo of llallor's pain paralyzor ; quick , now.
Decision In Favor ot the
Milwaukee ft St. Paul lly.
The now Pulnco slccplnp cars of the
Chicago , Milwaukco & St. Paul lly. .
with electric lighta in every berth , will
continue to leave the Union depot ,
Omulm , tit 0:10 : p. m. , daily. PaBsongora
taking this train avoid transfer at Coun
cil Bluffs , and arrlvo in Chicago at 0:30 :
a. m. , In ampio time to mnko all eastern
connections. Ticket ollleo , 1501 Furnam
street. R A. NASH ,
J. E. PHESTON , General A font.
City Passenger Agent.
Ills Nou lloinp.
John P. Coad yesterday took out a permit
to orcct a $ il,000 ) residence nt Thirty-seventh
nnd Farnnm streets. It will bo three stories
high nnd built of stone , brick nnd wood.
Hnfu Illowcrs Try Thdlr Jlnitd In n
T\votityl\iurtli t tro t Store ,
Safe blowers tried their hand nt the grocery
> toro ofV. . J. Hunter , corner of Twenty-
fourth nnd Blnncy streets , at an cnrly hour
yesterday morning , but were compelled to
leave the sccno of their labors unrewarded.
The family llvlnp on the second' ' Moor were
nwakoncd about 4:1)0 : ) o'clock by a loud re
port and a Jar that shook the building ,
They nroso to sco what was the matter ,
nnd thus must Imvo frlghtoncd the cracks
men , ns they wore seen hastily retreating
down Ulnnoy street.
An investigation showed that the burglars
bad forced a window to effect nn entrance ,
and had apparently gene right to work on
the safe , which was behind the desk near
the front of the store , but shut off
from view from the windows by a
four foot partition nnd railing. A hole was
drilled between the knob nnd the combina
tion , nnd the charge that was inserted was
sufllcicnt to blow the door open , nlthotigh
It still remained on Its hinges. The inner
door was not disturbed and the robucrs were
evidently- frightened uwny before they could
proceed further toward the Interior of the
safe , Nothing clso about the store was dis
The burglars wora foiled in their search
for money , and would have fmad no bettor
had they succeeded in getting into the safe ,
ns It wasn't loaded.
There was n light burning in the store , as
well ns In the drug stoto adjoining , mid 'this
was not Interfered with by the cracksmen. '
They carried awny nil their tools , leav
ing no clue to their identity , ns
the man who saw them was unable
In the dim light to distinguish any more than
the outlines of their forms nnd could not fur
nish a dobcrlpton ,
Several other burglnricj were reported to
the authorities who refuse to make uny facts
public concerning them.
Qttopn ol' the BIny.
Say ma , the girls say if my face want so
sprcklcd uj > with pimples , they'd make mo
"Queen of the May. " What shall I do )
Why , p-ot n bottle of 'llullor's sarsaparilla nnd
burdock , of course ; it's the most wonderful
blood purlllcr of the nge.
$ Betts
Physlciaus , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tno most widely and fuvoriilily known spec
lallslsln the Unfto-l tutoi. Their loiip ox-
perlenoe , rorimrkablo skill find suc
cess In tuu treatment and cure of Nervous ,
Chronic and Surgical IlsiaM > 3. entitle
eminent pliynlcluns to the full confidence ot
the aflllctod everywhere. They cuurant < * o :
tlio awful rtTccts of early vlcn and the numer
ous evils thatfollow In lt train.
speedily , completely nml permanently cured.
OKDEHS yield lo.ullly to their skillful trout-
' "
cuarantoed cured without pain or detention
nently mid Huccossfiilly cured In every ease ,
p\atorrKca , Bumlual Weakness , Lost Manhood ,
NlKht EmlBslons , Decayed Kaoultlos , Tenial *
Weakness and all delicate disorders peculiar
to either sex positively cured , as well ns all
functional disorders that rentilt fromyouthC.U
follies or the excess nf mature years.
QTPTrTllttK.Uiiarantood jornm ) n e n 11 y
u I 1\1L > 1 U I\Li oiirod , romovnl complete ,
without cuttlrii ; , canstio or dilatation. Ourc
ofTected at homo by patient without a mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
AQWT7 flJPT ; The awful ( inYets ol
early vlcii which brings
orcanlo weakness , destroying both mind and
body , with all Its droidod Ills , permanently
VSPQ Rl'TTQ Address those who have Im-
Ut\J , llljl 1O paired them ! Ivcs by Im
proper Indulgence and solitary nablti , which
ruin both mind and body , nntUtliiB them for
business , study or marrlaxo.
11AIUIIKI ) MEN or those ontnrlng on that
happy life , aware ot physical debilityquickly
Is based upon facts. First Practical exptrl-
once. Second Every case Is epoclally studied ,
thus starting rlghu Third medicines are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each oi > e , thus effecting ourcswlthout injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
" " tnnJiABtluntC arm/aid _ .
r i v a UM WWM ! WM < ; iniartf oom-i
I lorUUt lUtpi ( ffi U corI
< rtal nwniuM 1A nai
It will pay you to bring the large boys to the Continental to be fitted
$7.50-1 ' , . . * f
this week. We have too many suits. Some large lots must be reduced.
$8.00.- '
$9.00 We know that these popular prices will do it $7.50 , $8,00 , $9.00 and
$10.00 $10.00.
Short Pant Suits.
Consider the quality we sell -only the best no shoddy at any price ,
Our prices for Knee Pant Suits makes the Children's Department %
.75 busy place $2.00 , $2.50 and $2,75 for guaranteed suits.
Continental Clothing House ;
Oor. Douglas and IQth © ts.
That's what the average aiid fair minded customer demands at the
hands of the dealer , in exchange for his money. WE AB.3SS MANUFAC
but reliable garments , materials carefully selected and made up right.
They're always the cheapest to the consumer. When you're offered
MEN'S SUITS OR BOYS' SUITS for less than your own judgment de
clares the making worth , there's a "nigger in the woodpile. " Let'em
alone. Common sense , when used , gives every man a fair knowledge of
values. Time is money. We have neither to waste in making up trash
to gull the public. A selection from our $7.50 line of MEN'S SUITS
will give you full value for every cent. Our $ lO.OOf $12.50 and $15.OO
Suits are made up with every care , well trimmed and durable ; they're
worth every nickel we ask and are profitable and economical suits to
buy. Jn the higher grades , such as Spring Overcoats ; .Business and
Dress Suits our lines were never so complete/ For RELIALE CLOTHING
INGat REASONABLE prices see
Money goods Cheerfully do not Refunded satisfy. when BROWNING , KING & CO
S. W. Corner I5th and Douglas , THE RELIABLE CLOTHIERS.
Help for the Cruclio.
The Crecho association takes pleasure in
acknowledging the following contributions
for the month of March :
Twelve largo cards advertising "Tho
IJlvals , " from Mr. Festnor ; the Garncau
bakery , bread ; Waiincr's bakery , bread ;
Mrs. Monell , broad ; Mr. Snydcr , meat ; Mr.
Drelfus. moat ; Welch brothers' , meat ; Mrs.
Tiller and Mr. Wiig , milk ; Mrs. Coo nnd
Mrs. Hurlburt , clothing ; Mrs. Pratt nnd Mr.
Nolmand , fruit ; Mr. A. D. Morse , shoo pol
ish ; Mr. Ileyn.ifl ; Grand Union tea company ,
The Grecho desires ulso to thank the Union
Pacific band for the muslo so kindly fur
nished on the evening of the presentation of
"Tho Rivals , " and the flrrn of Dewey
Stone for stage appointments.
All lop Sister.
How much money have I cot in my bank }
Forty-flvo cents , stranger only want llvo
cents more. What will I do then , strangorl
Wbyyou seosistor has such a terrible cough ,
and people say it will ba bad on her if she
don't eel better soon , nnd the folks tell mo
Hnller'b sure cough syruu will euro it right
up ; so you see llvo cents I Thank you ,
Charged with Forgery.
G. McGarter , formerly nnwb stand cleric at
the Pnxtun hotel , was nrrostod on Farnam
sttcot at 4:30 : o'clock yesterday afternoon mid
charged with forgery.
On Friday night McGarter went Into G. J.
Frico's drug store in the Miliard hotel and
made a f'i purchase. In payment he presented
a fl'j.RO chick bearing the signature of Dcard
& Otis.
Supposing the check to bo all right , the
clerl : . G. II. Hnynes , en-shod It. At the
clearing house Saturday the chock wns
thrown out nnd pronounced n forgery. The
matter was reported to the police and Mc-
Carter's ' arrest followed. Ho will have a
hearing today.
The superior merit of Aycr's Cherry Pec
toral as an anodyne expectorant is duo to a
skillful combination of the most powerful in-
giedicnts. Nothing like It has over boon at
tempted in pharmacy , nnd Its succosi in the
euro of pulmonary complaints is unparal-
ClKitr Production.
From data furnished nt the United States
revenue onico it is learned that there were
manufactured In the Omulm district last
year 21,331,7:15 : clears , requiring the con
sumption of 4UH17 pounds of loaf tobacco.
The revenue tax paid on these cigars was
Iho Omaha district manufactures moro
cigars than nny other district in the west ,
and moro than some of the districts In the
southern states. Now York manufactures
moro cigars than nny state in the union , with
Pennsylvania second.
IlorMford'H Acltl I'hosplmto
MnkcH an Invigorating Drink.
with water nnd sugar only. Delicious.
The following nurrlaao liojmm wora Is
sued by Judge Shields yostorvlay :
Name ana address. ABO.
i John E. NVhotstowe , llollevuo 10
K'lar.i Young , bouth Omaha ifl
I ficorgo Winters , Omaha as
Hilda Varsovna. Umahii ! fi
J JeiisO , Hansinnsscn. Omaha
I Maicn Thomson
To keep the beard from turning gray , and
thus provtnt the appearance of ages , use
Buckingham's dye lor the whiskers , the
best uro made.
liral and Sureicil
Forthe treatment of nil CIIUONIO AND SUHOIOAI.
DIHUASKS. Dnicos , Appllnnco for Iuormltle9nncl
Trussees. Host FnclllUei , Appur.ltiu mil Itomodlai
lorsuccosful treatment of every form or illscnie
rotjulrlna Jtedlciilor Surgical Trealraoiit. NlNKl'lf
UUOMd VOll I'ATIKNTS , Uoanl nnj Attendance
Hetl Accommodations ' .V'oat. Write ( or circul iri on
Doformitlet nnd llrncos , Trusses , Glut ) Foot , Curva
tures of Spine , 1'llos , Tumors , Cancar , Catnrrli ,
llroncliltls , InUatntlon , lllootrlclty , 1'nralysls. Kpll-
cyny , Kidneys , llkidder. Uyo , Knr , Skin and Dlood ,
arid all Surgical ( Iperntlom. DIS10ASKH Oh' WOMHN
n upcclulto. Hook os Diseases of Women Kroo. Wo
Imvo lately added a lylnx-ln Oopartmont for Women
Durtnu conHnemcnt ( Strictly I'rlvnto ) Only llclln-
ble Medical Instltuto llaklnu a Specialty of 1'Ul-
All lllood lHoa os successfully troatod. Medlclna
or InKtrumonts scut by malt or express eecuroly
lacked , no marks to indicate contents or umilor.
Jnoiiorsnnn , Interview preferred. Call aud consult
nsomcnd hllory of your canu , and wo will sen I In
lain wrapnei our IIOOIC TO MISN ritlSlOi upon 1'rl-
T to. Spec ! U or Nervous Dlieasoj , wUUqiio > Uoaltit.
Address all Utters to
Dr. A. T. McLaughlln , President
Otb and llarnoy btrunts. Omaha.
Is not ploasantno take , aa it Is com
posed of all the niodiolnal qualltloa
that go to malm now and rich blood
without oompoiling the oonauraor to
which can bo bought auy where for.
thlrty-flvo oarits a gallon , ns nil sa.r-
aparlllas artr. BEGQS' BLOOD
composed of pure modiolno , and al
lows the purchaser to add syrup
wh'oh is advised when glvoa to
If your ( IniRjUt ( lees not keep It accept no
substitute , but order direct frutii llexjs Ml"
Co , , 10l)7 ! ) MlchlEiin St. , Uhlouxo , III , anil
they will forward , uxpiesa prepaid , one bol-
tlo forll orsU fori
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Set of Teeth on Itubber ,
for KlVi ; DOM.AIIS. A perfect
nt guaranteed. Teeth citrncte.1
without pnln or ( luniter. end
without anaeitliotlci. Uolil and
illrer lllllupi at lowint raoti.
llrldno anil Crown Work. Teeth
. _ . , „ „ . - wllUout plutes. All worn wur-
Kntmnco , loth ttreel elevator. Open evening *
More than 15 years' experience in the
treatment of
A cure guaranteed in 3 to 5 days
„ . \yjtjjout.thp lossotan hours' titno.
The most complete and absolute euro
or fleet and all annoying diseharcos
ivcr known to the medical profession.
The most stubborn chronic and long
standing cases porinuntly cured in from
6 to 10 days.
Or pain in relieving the bladder por-
nnncntuly cured without pain or instru-
nents , no cutting , no dilating , The
nest remarkable roincdy known to
modern science. Write for circulars.
Cured in 30 to 60 days Dr. McGrow's
, reatnont ( for this terrible blood dis
ease has been pronounced the most
buccessful roincdy over discovered for
the absolute cure of the disease. His
success with this disease lias never been
equalled. A complete cure guaranteed.
Write for circulars.
Anfl all weakness of the sexual organs ,
nervousness , timidity and despondency
iblBolutcly cured. The relief is itmno-
diato and complete.
Xhoumatism , and all diseases of the
jlood , liver , kidneys , and bladder per
manently cured.
And nour.ilgia , nervousness and dis
eases of the stomach cured. Tlio doc
tor's ' "Homo Treatment" for ladies is
renounced by all who have used it to
jo the most complete and convenient
remedy over offered for the treatment
of female diseases. It is truly a won
derful remedy. No instruments , no pa'.n.
Hours for ladies' from 2 to 4 only.
Marvellous success in the treatment of
private diseases has won for him a. rep
utation which is truly national in char
acter , and his great army of patients
roaches from the Atlontio to the Pacific.
The doctor is a graduate of "regular"
medicine and has had long and careful
experience in hospital practice , and is
cla&sed among the loading specialists In
modern science. Treatment by cor
respondence. Write lor clrulars about
each of the above diseases , free.
Office Hth and Farnam Streets.
Entrance on Either Street.
Wonderful Remedy
Price Bl.OO. - , Tint llotllos.
For Sale by leading Druggists.
Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co ,
\J will lltul proposal luUuitlhcmt'iitH of Nu-
tloniil , Htato iiml Munluliul | authorities anil ( if
tmlldlriK committees. IIH \\nll ns Important
nowi of projected woik. In all purtsof the I'nl-
ted _ . . 8ti . . . t . < . " . , nnd . , . . ( 'niiudn. . , not olstiuhnru pin\t-
i ? M. i. wi I. 'mil * wm v t L in K-n
TO WEAK MEN Suffering youthful the cdecta from rron ol
early decaf , wn tlu weaknfsa , lout mauhood , etc.
1 will uml a valuable tnatUe ( u alrdj coutalnlnj
full nartlculara for Uoroa euro , I'll lit ! ot iharga
A ( plendld medical work t auould bo read br tverj
man t > " it ncrvnni and Jelillliatcil , Addrert
Viot. V. Ct VOWJUIUI , Mooduf , C'9tfu
We have facilities for the
prompt and careful reproduc
tion of engravings , letters ,
sketches , etc. Sketches or other
work reduced to any required
size. Half tints furnished for
book work. Designs of all kinds
prepared. Electrotypes fur
nished. Artistic work of all
We publish 50 Artistic sug
gestions for Newspaper Adver
tisements , Circulars and Cards ,
which will be sent upon receipt
of 4ets. in stamps.
AIDE , ! a FAHOH , Ikspaisr Advertising Agents , 65 a 63 W , Third St. . , Cinsinnati ,
A noalllvo euro for Kidney nnd I.lver Cotnpliliiti
nnd all blood ill asui Iiooillpiy to milter when
you cm liocuied by usliu Moiro's Tree of Ufa
tlio ( irout Ufu Heine ly < 1'rlco 51 | ur bottle I'ro
pared and put up by Dr. J II. Mojro
Emnrson , la. , Deo. 2 , ' 77.
Dr. J. P. Moore , Dear Sir : It is with pleas
ure tint 1 add my testimonial to your grant
Kidney and Liver Komedy , the Tree of Lifo.
I derived great benefit from its use , and
many others who have use.1 it 6ay thsy have
notioltho well tor yoirs. Ibaliovo U to bJ
uneciualecl as a restorat ve. To all who are
sufforinz fiom kidney troubles or a tor id
liver , I heartily recommend "Moorn'-i Tro )
of Life , " and believe It wlllsivo batlsf.iotiou
in the moiit obstinate case ? .
Pros. S. S. Abs'u , Slllla Co. , I.i.
Turkis hTca taken at night
andoccasional doses of Quinine ,
will relieve all pains in the
bones , cleanse the system and
male you feel like a new person.
Sure cure for liver , kidney ,
and nerve affections. 250 pack
age. Sample for ac stamp.
Turkisk Cough Cure. The
only cough cure that will re
lieve cough at once and cure
with a few doses. Take no
substitute ; will return money if
it doesn't cure the worst cough
Price 500 bottle.
Turkish Remedy Co. ,
UmiWinMhc n.oljpow if lifcm l.iegulilor let.
fectlvkafe. fteref Tail. iipottpl < 1. Send c dumplfol
. .
. . .
pLitlcuUVk A"Ji t-IOK DRUG CO. , Uu .lo. N. V.
Fur vale by GouU wuuDruu' Oo , Oiuuha.
Floral Conversa'toi
foutk East Oor. G and 17tb , Lincoln , No *
W. S. Sawyer & Co.
General collection of plants anil out /lovro j
iihuiyH on hand , I' iloslKiiH , bouquet !
Imsltots , etc. , fur pullix Weddings and film
Dials u Hiioulaltr , and sent to any part of thl
bt.ito. 1'rloo list fieo. Dlbcount to under }
aUcrson funeral \vork. Telephone , 'Mi. > /
Who use oiii' roliiinns'to place their Rood !
bcl'oro tco nubile w 11 tell you tint
our bui'Ioi of
Auxiliary Sciiool Journals ,
arc not snrpiisscd by nny toucher pnbll *
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