ID nivrAUA TIAII.V n A tfan Ar AT > T > T T. no EAD NO RIGHT TO WALK GOT , An Investigation to Bo Made Into the Eo- ccnt Railroad Strike. OFFICIALS AND TRAIN MEN IN SF.SSION Brnlteinnti Crnll Cuii 'it ' l > y " Itrokcn Conl Clnito nuil Hurled lit the Tank Jliillroiul Personals. The ivcunt strike of the freight tratnmon on the Fort Worth tllvhlon of the Union I'cnlflo Is being thoroughly sifted , mid the raon wjio wore responsible for the trouble Will bo severely disciplined. The chiefs of ono of the railway organisa tions said : "Wo cannot expect the railroads to keep their part of an agreement when wo do not keep ours. The strike VIM en tirely uncalled for , mid whoever Is responsible will have to suffer. An agreement was made with the company about n year ngohlch included that divis ion and the men had no riplit to strike. If there was any trouble they should huvo taken other steps to settle the matter. " 8upt. It J. Duncan , of the Fort Worth division - vision ! nrilvcd in the city about noon accom panied by a committee of t.\o of the strlkeis find u conference wtia held at headquarters. I3cstdo the Union Entitle people there wet o present K. K. Clark , chief of the Order of Unllway Conductois ; S. J3. Wilkinson , graml master of the trainmen ; C3eo.V. . Vronmn , representing the cflRlneers ; W. K. Carman , chief conductor of Trinidad JJlvislon No. 'Jl vt the Order of Hallway Conductors. The conference lasted nil afternoon. In the morning Messrs. Clark nud Holcomb of the Union Paclllo mid Messrs. Wilkinson , Vronmn and Clark , together with a com- Vmlttteo of two engineers froTi the Nebraska division , held a conference and adjusted povernl small mutters in connection with affairs on tbo Nebraska division , UmlrrSIx I-Yot of Coal. Brnkoinan Charles Cr.iil c.tmo near bclne kill on Saturday , The apron of a coal chit teat at Pine ItlufTs caught and Crall lumped on the end of It. The lo.'ul slid Into the lender so quickly that Crail was caught. Ho was burled In flvo tons of coal , lie was six feet under - twelve minutes to rescue the brakornnn. They expected to find a dc.ul man under the coal. Crall hud been crushed nnd bruised , but will soon recover. In falling ho threw ono hand over nls mouth mid nose nnd could breathe quite freely. Four years ago Cr&ll was attacked by a party of trumps In n box car of a moving train near Bushncll , Nob. , thrown to the ground nnd seriously injured , Two years ago the young man was squeezed while coupling cars , nnd altogether has had quite a lively tlmo of It. Tlio Koclc Spring At Union Pacific headquarters the report from Cno.vonno that ono of the mines nt Koclc Springs had been ( shut down in antici pation of n strike for the clghUhour system on Mny 1 Is denied. The ofllclals say that , the tnlno was closed because the demand had * , decreased , as Is usual everywhere , and the other mines ccultt supply nil the coal re quired. Notes null I'crxotinls. A moot i tip of all lines In the territory of the Central Trafllo association will bo held { in Chicago Mny 5 for the purpose of revising tjio tourist rate sheet. 1 Major J. W. Paddock , government director of tbo Union Puclllc , stalled this morning for Boston to attend the annual meeting of direc tors which taUos place on Wednesday. "W. F. Flteh , general manager of the Duluth - luth , South'Shoro ' & Atlantic railway at Marquette - quotto , was in the city tills morning on his way homo from Hot Springs , S. D. , where ho hiul been spending a week. James Warwick , a clerk In the Union Pa- clilo general freight ofllco , received n tola- pram i-Jgndny from Brooklyn announcing the serious Illness of his mother and started nt once for her bcdsldo. Yesterday morning n telegram was received nt the general ofllco announcing the death of his mother. It was forwarded to Mr. Warwick nt Chicago. MAKING A JlUSTIiIS. flio GiiflmKoninHtor Trying to Got aNew Now Ijciisc of I/I Co. The decision handed down by Clly Atlor noy Popptoton nnd presented to the council lost Saturday night has rattled the garbage master. By that decision ho realizes that ho will have but a few davs longer in which to work ttio business. Ho realizes that his gold mlno has been about worked out nnd feullnfr that ho ras been legislated from the fat ofllco that ho has hold , ho has been making a still hunt for roappotntinout. Already ho gives it out cold that Mayor Gushing will present his niuno to the council nnd when it comes up Messrs. Bcchel , Burdlsh , Chuffco , Cooper , Conwny , Davis , Alndscn , Moronrty nnd Cooper will vote for tuo -.tpntlrinatlon ' of the appointment. These men 'nro not nvorso to talking on the subject , ana if their remarks uro an indication of tbo way they will vote , Morrissoyis counting without his hosts. Just when the appointment will bo sent to the council is 'not known , as thn mayor refuses - fuses to say , though some of the knowing onus stuto that it will appear tonight. Evan if It should , and Morrlssoy should manuga to squeeze through , ho will not have things his own way in the future , as bo has bad in thu past. It is evident that the council has boun sus picious of Morrlssoy for n long tlmo. Last fall any number of complaints wcro Died against him , charging that tha ofllco was not run In the Interest of tlio city. The complaints were BO frequent that a special committee , consisting of Messrs. Olson , MoLoarlc , liowrv and Ulumor was appointed to investigate his plan of opor- ntion , Tlmt committee sat for days , nnd examined a score or moro witnesses , nearly nil of whom testified to a svutem of over-charges and neglect of duty 'fnllmvs On Novomocr f 0 the committee reported as xour commtttoo lias taken testimony from citizens nnd pcoploconncctudwlththo business truninuteii by the garbage master nnd recom mend that the two night watctimen on the dumps bu discharged. The ordinances cover ing the oftlco of garbage muster Imvo not , iu our opinion , given satisfaction , nnd they nnva been grossly abused to the dissatisfaction nnd detriment of the publlu. Wo submit three different ordi- siancos , which in the opinion of your committee - too will glvo much cheaper service , bo n revenue in plnco of an expense to the citv , nnd nevertheless bo oftlcient , if properly cn'r- rlod out , to keep the city in n healthy nnd clean condition , Tno report wni signed by all of the mem bers of the committee. On November 11 it was reported to the committee of the wholo. Morrlssoy got in his worK at some point along the lino. The report was tucked in thu lilgeon hole and there It remained for weeks. At last , nnd on March ! > 4 , Mr , Specht , without fonr , favor or hope of future reward , uuouithod the report and succeeded In gutting nil of the papers m the case referred to the committee. PII pollco , of which ho is the chair man. This committee found plenty of cause for prompt action. Tbo members , Messrs Spocht , McLoario nnd Conwny thoroughly investigated the case and on April U pre sented u report , tbo llndlnrs in which were the snmo ni these by the special committee appointed last fall. On account of being out of town Mr. Con- wnv did not sign the report. The report was laid over for ono week and the committee- Instructed to have the city nt- tornoy draw an ordinance to cover the man- UKoniont of affairs of the ofllco. Last Frlilav night the report was called up and adopted , nnd together with U there was an ordinance that nroUdos as follows : "Tno only persons authorized to remove the contents of water closets , vaults , cesspools or privloa are these who have boon duly li censed for such purpose. "Any person upon payment of the sum of toO to the city treasurer nnd producing the receipt ihorofor to the city clerk , nnd giving a bond as required by ordinance , limy onaaira in the business of cleaning water closets , cesspools or privies , "Tho bond shall bo In the sum of (1,000 , to .bo approved by the council , k Tlio persona engaged In the business shall not charge to exceed 10 cents per cubic foot for removing the contents of such cess pools , vaults or privies. " It was on this report nnd the opinion of the cllv nt tornoy In whloh he declared that Mor- rlssoy had been legislated out of oftlco , that Mr. Hpocht was speaking when ho was called down by the president of the council. The chairman of the committee on pollco states that bo has canvassed the council and knows that the ordinance will pass. In view of this fact , and also appreciating the fact that the city is nt this time without n garbage master , yestcrdny ho authorized six mon to nt once begin the work of cleaning cess pools. These men will hire their help nnd report for duty nnd con tinue until n sanitary commissioner is ap pointed and confirmed. This act upon the part of the councilmen will bring on n rnerrv war , as Morrissey has stated that ho will arrest the first man who touches n cess pool without flnt getting orders from him. Mr. Specht has hoard of this threat nnd proposes to Htnnd between these men and the courts. IJoWltt' ' * Llttlo oprly UUors : only pill to euro sick hcadacho nnd regulate the bowels NOUT1I OJI.IMA. No tow About tlio City. Honcdlct Kelstcr of the Union I'nclflc any force , is on the sick list. Manager Charles H. Hleh of the Stockman has returned from Chicago. The Indlus of the i'resoytcrlan md soclctv hnvo n bright llttlo ornhnn girl for adoption. William Farr of this city has been drawn on the federal petit jury for the term of court commencing May 11. Miss Mary Dorau of Orotnn , is visiting her .sUtor nnd brothur-ln-lnw , Councilman and Mrs. John .f. O'Hourko. Charles H. Durand. a popular nnd cstima- blo young man , will lonvo for Hot Springs , S. D. , to engage In business , Uhnrlos Hubbard , employed In the Fourth ward grading camp had the Index linger of ills loft hand HO mnsbcd that amputation was necessary. John Hcenan , onoof the stockyards switch men , took his wife nnd started for Birming ham , Ala. , i\hcro howlllnmkoa two months' visit with his brother. Mrs. L. M. Kugif , formotly of this city , nr- rlved Saturday from Lincoln with the remains - mains of nor little child for interment , Mrs. Hug ? will remain the guest of friends for some duys. Owing to the sickness of Mrs. Hobort T. Mnxwuli , the I'resbyturlnn Lndios Aid soci ety will meet tit the residence of Hev. Mr. nnd Mrs. Uobert I , . Wheeler , Twenty-third nnd I strouts. Wudiiosdnx' afternoon. The Indies Interested In orgunl/lng n ledge of Pythian Sisters will meet Wednesday nftornoon in K. 1' . hall , MeOinnis block , nt yl',0 : o'clock. AH ludios interested nro urged to bo prusunt , as un orgunlnitlon will bo effected. District Deputy Chief Hanger H. Hoymnn has iccelved a letter ftom High Chief Hanger Putrid ; Cummings iufouulng Foresters hero that the party consisting ot Mr. Cummings , ex-High Sccrocury William Kirkpntrick and High Secretary T.V. . Suundcrs of Chicago , will visit this city May 1U and 20. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Hisers ; bust little pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach bad breath. Death of Architect Best. In the deiith of Herbert Hoynolds Best , Sunday after a long und painful Illness , the community lost .a member tlmt could illy bo spared. Omaha needs such men uutlilng , with graces of personal char acter that pocullaily endeared him to every ono that has known him , hlu'h protcsslonui attainments , broad culture , and an nrtlstio tiisto ripono 1 nnd developed by travel and nrtlstio study , Mr. Best had no superior among the youug professional mon of the city.A . A native of England , ho studied nnd pran- ticcd his profession of architect in Lon don , and afterward in Boston , Mnss. , whcro ha associated himself wltn Mr. C. Howard Walker in the iirm of Wnlkcr & Best , and came to Omaha In IbSJ ) to build the McCnfiuo building , but IInnllj- determined to remain here nnd mnlto Omaha his homo , Joining with him in the partnership Mr. Thomas R.Kimball of this city. The now firm had hardly begun its work when ho was stricken down. Many friends in Omaha mourn in common witb his bereaved family nnrt extend to them their warmest sympathy. Mr. Best was n student of the Royal Acad emy of Arts of London , a member of the London architectural association , and of the American Institute pf Architects. The rosy freshness , and a velvety softness of the skin is variably obtained by these who use Pe/zoni'fs wondrous powder. The Jury Dlvltlccl. Sam Elkliis , the man who collided with a South Omaha motor train and sued the com- nauy for . ' ,000 damages , docs not get bis money just yot. The case went to the jury last Saturday and yesterday morning 11 ver dict of disagreement was rendered. From the time that the twelve mon went into their room tno vote stood 0 to 0. Mrs. W. H. S. Hughes is convalescing. Mrs. L. A. Hobblns has gene to Chicago. H. S. Sllsbeo wont to Kansas City ycstor- duv morning. A. 11. Brown started for Indianapolis yes terday afternoon. Father Patrick O'lloilly of Albion is a euost nt the Pnxton. Mr. Frank Cooper of Kansas City is in the city una stopping at the Pnxton. Colonel E. P. Savage has returned after n Jaunt thiough the western part of iho state. Jean Francois nnd wife started for Salt Lalio yesterday afternoon via the Burlington. Mrs. W. E. Ulddoll loft last evening for a trip to Sharon Springs , N. Y. , via the Bur lington. Mr. nnd Mrs. DoMott Smith will occupy the homo of Judge Crouuso at Fort Culhouu this summer. Miss Mabel Munro loft last evening for Washington , la. , whcro she is called by the serious illness of her father. tf J. C. Gavitt of Now York , who slid down a rope nt the great Syracusq hotel flro with Cora Tanner in his arms is nt the Puxtou. The young friends of Misses Lila and Sndlo Alexander , -daughter ! of Mr. W. II. Alexander , collector of customs , will bo pleased to learn that they nro recovering from their recent savero illness. The Murray K. A. Stevens. Qrnnd Island : II. V. Shorldnn , Clinton , Id. : ! ' . K. Collins , M II. McUonl , DCS Mollies. The Dollono H. II Tomson , Lincoln ; K. 11. Siimiin , llasllncsi J. V. Uulbitrlson , DCS Mini's ; J. I ) . Diaper , Murlon , la. ; J..I. Wilson , Wuhoo ; T. K. Clark.Yoplm ; Water ; Thonius W , Clark und \vlfo , St. .losojili. The Pn\ton .T. It. KworoiiEon , I'orry , In. ! J. T. UutohliiR. Lincoln ; J. It. lluncrofr. Dos Molnus : 13.V. . McJunken , Mohoily , Mo.V. ; . M. Mitclioll , Newton , Kan. ; i : . I/ . Hoed , Weeping Water ; John 1) . I'llntxer , Lincoln. The Merchant * John Welch , Kunsiis City W , K , Lcddlurd , Ocorpo tichulcr unit Judy ; , SprhiRllold ; J , H. Hunell and wife , Kansas City ; I ) . I.opor. Chicago ; II. L. Harris , Allniio- aijolls : II , Ciiimnlnus. John ( 'unnall , A. Mnr- douK , Hehor , Utuh ; John \Vatts , Meolu ; II. W. Ituuun , Lincoln ; Prank WulUur , Walioo ; Dau L ) . Dcirmun , Chicago. The llarkcr O.iptnln W. H. Humphrey , II. I ) . Ilooso , Jr. , K. I. . Kirk. W. A. Kirk , hloux ( Jlty : Jumus V , O'ltourke , Hurtloy ; 1'iunk Maddon. St. Louis ; Mrs. Joe M. frcott Now \ntk : Wlllluln E. Onssldy , Ohlonuoj H. 1 { . Hamilton , t-cotlu ; K. Ilurton nnd wife. , IMntts- iuoiithJ. ; A. Tnylor. Dmonport : Jo-topli II , Ki'onoy , Loavenworth ; Kdward Warren , Lin coln , The Mlllarrt-O. L , Klnney , nuslivlllo , Nob. ; S. 11. I ester , J indon , KIIR. ) W , W , Cuniui-on , J , S. rishor , Oi'noyu , Noli. ; O. O. Kcrr , (3ur- bon. Wyo. ; H. A. IllunkWury , Unotlncs ; Koli- ort KUBSDII . and . wlfo . . . . , Ceorijo . . Crulehton , Spo- 1.1 * If 1 \t A ll .i I.K nnllll. . . „ [ * H iiipman , K , u. Harris ami wire , uimilton ; 11. lluUo una wife , Norfolk ; a. W. tihlofilor. York , Nel > . : J. U , Common , Sioux City ; I ) , H , lllalr , St. Joe , Mo. The Cancy Il. H. Olltlllun , Tort Scott ! M. J. Oiihau : ItoiiertVclIins.ill ; J. II.Volls , Ohl- cuKdi 1) , II. Thur ton , lird Oak ; J. A. Test- inuii , St. Loim ; Albert M.llorlf.OcntralUlty A. A. Davis ; 0. A. DnnRiin , Kinorson ; J , U : , Kins. St. Paul , Minn. ; I.e. Loimhrlduo , J < ln- coin ! 1' . H , Iluhbard , Aslilund ; It. 11 , McCoy , llnltlmornt A. a llnrlrn'l. ' York , Nob. ; L. W. Itolllin , Urund UlniuliVllllntn M. Uuriientcr , DosMotnos.i J. 11. Oatos ; O. W. Jones , Slonx Uloyt J , M. ual , Davonnortjii t JutT Vnrncy , St. Loulsi W. J. llnrku , Missouri Vnlloy ; Chnrlos H , Riorrl < ; i : , II. Kline , Slonxuity : A. U 1)111. Council JllnrNi Mr. anil Mrs. K. M. Wilson , Fremont ! K. I' , f'.twn and wlfo. Chad , rons J , K. , i&iirlcsi Thomiis Urun , Line Olty. South liakotu : 0. A. Smith , SU 1'aul ; J. A. U lihcrt ) , Staatou , Neb , HE MURDERED AND ROBBED , Arrest of tin Alleged Loader of a Gang of Criminals. CHARLES GAVIN IN JAIL IN THE BLUFFS. Ho Killed Two t'ostmnitcrs nntl Hur- CountluHq I'ostolllcca of Ills History. Two postofllco Inspectors who have been working In Council Bluffs mid Omaha for the past week have an osted a man whom they consider the most dcsporato postofllco thlof living. lie Is known as Cnarlos Gavin , alias J. T. Kclloy ut'd is now m the county jail iu Coun cil Bluffs. Word wis received hero some tlmo ago to the effect that Gnvln had robbed the post- ofllce lit Albuquerque , N. M. , of $15,000 and that dutcctivcs who wcro on his trail traced him to Omaha , whore they lost sight of htm. Two well known inspectors tools up the search and on Friday located him In Council BlulK The inspectors wore standing in front of the postofllco when Guvin passed. Thov were not sure that ho was tticir man mid so stopped InMJo the building to look up their descriptions of the burglar. The examination satisfied their doubts as to the Identity of the suspect , but when they went after him he had disappeared. Council UlulT-j was searched thor oughly for the criminal but no triicoor him could bo secured and It was supposed that ho had come to Omaha. Postmaster Clnrkson and the local postal authorities were on the watch and Imu a let ter for Gavin , expecting him to call for it under the name of Kolloy. Tno burglar came in with the rush at the noon hour , asked for mall In his rlcht name , received a letter and loft the olllco befoto ho could bo apprehended. Yesterday word was received that Cap tain Martin of the Council Bluffs police force had captuicd Guvin and locked him up In the county jail. The Council Bluffs authorities are making strenuous efforts to suppress all the details In connection with the arrest and Intimate that they don't ' thin It they have the rlftht man. The prisoner claims to bo a brother of uontrnctor nenoy 01 council iiiuus but further than that will offer no explana tion of his business or \ \ hereabouts at the time tbo crimes with wiiluh ho Is charged were committed. "I guess there li no question but what the inspectors have the right man , " said Post master ( Jlnrkson , "and If they have It Is ono of the biggest catches made In years. "Gavin lias been the leader of n gang of postofllco burglars for n number of years and is a vbrv dcspcrato criminal. Ho has killed two policemen and ono ofilccr of the law while trying to escape arrest for post ofllco burglaries , ami would not hosltnto to murder a man at any time rather than bo captured. " A very small pill but a very good ono. De- Witt's Little Earlv Ulson. The KlKlit < > ! ' ' Kmliioiit Domain. " OMAHA , April 27. To the Editor of THE Biu : In regard to the supposed accidental repeal of section 04 of the city charter , relat ing to eminent domain , I think I can throw some light on the subject. The section was all right when the bill loft the senate , but the mistake was made in tbo report of the committcoTm municipal affairs of the house , when they reported the bill back for final passage. Section ( Vj had been amended in the senate , but precaution was not taken there to insert that number In tbo repeating clause. The house- committee undertook to correct this mistake ; but madun moro serious - ous ono by also repealing section ( M. On the last day of the session , in the usual rush and recklessness of the closing of all legislatures , in order to save the charter bill , it became necessary for the friends of Omaho to obtain about a dozen extra clerks to enroll the 1)111. Among others I offered my assist- unco and was sworn into the sorylco of the state. It fell to my lot to enroll this particu lar part of tbo charter. I believed at the tlmo a mistake had been made , but nothing could bo done to correct it. It was my plain duty to enroll this bill just as it passed the house ; as certified by the chief clerk. I did hope and presume that inasmuch as the num ber 04 was not included in the title of the bill It would still bo saved. I would like to ask now If that is not a fact } Section 11 of article ! l of the constitution , says In substance : "No bill shall contah moro than ono subject , and the same shall bo clearly expressed in its title ; nud uolnwshal bo amended , unless tha now act contains the section or sections so amended , and the sec tion or sections so amended shall bo repealed. ' The section relating to eminent domain , is not mentioned in tbo title of the bill nor docs the act contain the section. , Comparatively few people are familiar with the insldo workings of the legislature. I. the matter was better understood , so much surprise over its blunders and carelessness would not bo manifested. The wonder Is that the state escapes each succeeding scssior with so little harm done. And as for the metropolis , tbo city ought to be thankful to the grangers that they didn't know how t < wipe us off the face of the earth. They hue the will to do it. Yours truly , WINO B. ALLEN. MIMTAIIY Preparing for the Itlllo Practice The Transfer of Troops , Major Bonhnm has succeeded in getting the slight difficulty at Bellevue all satisfac torily settled and the rltlo range is now in excellent shape. Companies A , C , I and K will march tomorrow from Fort Omaha to tbo range and begin to shoot on May 1. The examining board mot yesterday nt Fort Omaha to oxamlno Lioutonnnt John C Dent of the Twentieth infantry who seeks promotion to a captaincy. Lieutenant Charles It Tyler , adjutant of the Sixteenth infantry , has been detailed for duty on the general recruiting service for the department of the Platte nt Fort Douglas Utah , in place of LioutenautSamuol W. Duu nlno.vhn is bpoalung of tbo rumored transfer of troops from ono department and post to another , General Brooke said the other day : "I knou absolutely nothing about what may bo done with the troops. Those questions uro decldcc in Washington. Tnoro is no absolute ruin b > which the stationing or transfer of troops must bo governed. I have known companies to stay at one post for ten , twelve or over fifteen years without being transferred , nnc again they may bo moved In u year , or three or flvo years , just as the head of the depart ment may think best. " No griping , no nausea , no pam when Do Witt's Ltttlo Early Ulsors are taken. Small pill. Safe pill. Bostjilll. TO IMP11OV13 CUT-OFF. An Association , Formed to Establish a Kino Summer Kcsort Thero. The Courtland beach improvement associa tion , with a capital of $50,000 , divided into shares of f 100 each , filed articles of incorpora tion In the oftlco of tbo county clerk yester day.Tho The purpose of the corporation Is to build a hotel , boat house and improve Cut-off hike until it becomes the fashionable watering : place of the west. The corporators are Charles W. Thomas. Louis Shrooaor , L. A. Garner , J , J. Phllbm and John M.-Daughor- ty > , Constipation poisons the blood : Do Witt' * Little Early Ulsors euro Constipation , The cause removed tbo dlscaso is gone. Getting KxcliiHlvc. Mr. Alexander of the customs ofllco has dc cSdod to sod a portion of the back yard of the postofllco. it has long been used as a hitch ing place for teams and has become a sort ol garbapapcn. It will bo cleaned up and nil but a driveway for the mall wagons will bo sodded over and closed to all but government tcauu , DoWUt's Llttlo Early Risers , best pill. Puluskl Hus the Cows. Count Pulaskl , the pound master , and J. J tlnhoncy , superintendent of the poor farm , invo crossed MwonN ! * Mahoney avers that iundny night Pulaskl ov'hls ' men visited the x > or farm , opened thniralo of the cow yard , ind drove away three cows and three calves belonging to the county * At nnv rate the nimals are now In , lhO city pound. The ) ound master demands $0 before releasing ho animals. Tno poor farm man refuses to my the amount , and the to the matter stands. The IIowo scales , the only scale with pro- cctcd bearings. No check rods. Catalogues f Uordon & SollccK Co. ; Agts. , Chicago , 111. FIUK AND POMOI3. 'cry Ilusy Sesslou-of the Hoard Imst NlBlit. Mayor Cushtnc presided nt the mooting of ho flro and police commissioners lost night , The charges against Officer McOrldo were read and testimony for the defendant taken , t could not be proven that the officer had drank anything In Craig's ' saloon on the night of April 17 , as charged. The case was laid over until the next mooting. Chief Detective Ilnzo requested that speak- ug tubes from the detectives1 room to the ailor's and Chief Soavoy's ofllco bo put In. i'lio matter was referred to the committee on property with power to net. A communication from the chief stated hatonicor Foley hadjbcon subpirnned for ury duty and asking Instructions. The letter vas referred to the city attorney for a de cision. Chief Soavoy requested that each patrol- nan bo supplied with an annual ticket for the Young Men's Christian association gym nasium. The tickets can bo purchased for.1) each. The chief thinks the patrolmen need gymnasium exercise and the bath. This natter was referred to the committee on 1 nance. The sick report for March was received and referred to the committees on mon and disci- illno. A statement from the chief of pollco gave the amount expended for meals for prisoners nt the city jail during March. The amounts are : 'or city prisoners I Tl > 8 Violators of state statutes " blck , Injured und Ins.inu M Total $ tCG7 The report was referred to the finance committee. S. T. Cory Is an applicant for police honors and presented n letter of recommendation signed by Governor Boyd. fhtnf finlllrrnn fnnim tnfl ( Tint. Mm Vtnnril purchase nt once ono now hook and ladder truck for the now hose house at Twentieth mid Spring streets. Chief Gnlllgnn wants the truck at once , so that he can have the ono now nt No. 1 house painted and repaired. Hoforrod to tbo committee on property. Five dnvs' leave of uusonco without pay was granted to Detective Vaughan. Patrick Newman of hose company No. 0 requested leave in oulor to visit his brother in Chicago , who Is dying. This was granted. Ton days' leave was granted to S. Nelson of No. 1 hose company. Flro Alarm Superintendent Coulter re quested authority "to employ an extra lineman - man for temporary work. Superintendent Coulter stated that many of the. wires had become slack during the winter nud should bo tightened at once. The desired authority was given. A petition from four colored men , praying to bo appointed to places in ttie lire depart ment , was rend. The signers thought that the colored race should have n repre sentative in the department. Mr. Gilbert said that hothougutit entirely out of place for any nationality to ask for a place in that manner and considered the petition apiece of monumental gall. . The paper was filed. Several other appli cations for positions on tbo pollco force wcro Hied. u Rov. John G. SchnibVe. pastor of the First Gorman Presbj torian church , located at ttic corner of Elchtcontti' and Cumlng streets , sent in n complaint auout mo smviuion army. The letter related that the red-coats parade up i and down In front of the J church during sortlco beating drums and blowing boms , much to the i nnnoynnco of the worshipers. The reverend gcntlqmnn concludes his letter as follows : "In thd name of my congregation 1 nsk for relief from such nonsense mid sin ful doings. I hope that you will have mercy on us and plvo us relief.1 Chief Soavoy was 'instructed to see that the nuisunco was abated. The committee on men and discipline sub mitted Dr. Gapen's report of the physical condition of the pollco. The committee recommended that the whole board confer on the doctor's report at some later date. A complaint was made against the Globe savings mid loan company , Sixteenth and Dodge streets. It is claimed that the build ing occupies four feet of the : > idowalk. Ills also claimed that the Globe com pany had n resolution engineered thought the council permitting it to occupy the space. The chief was instructed to en force the ordinance in regard to obstructions on the sidewalks. Commissioner Hnrttnan stated for the ben efit of those waiting to see if any moro pa trolmen would bo appointed that nothing could bo done at present and that a week's notice would bo given in the papers before any new mon were appointed. j. J. Coady was examined for a position as li reman. Druggists' liquor licenses were granted to the following : W. J. Shrador , 1703 North Twonty-sixtn street ) Bishop Brothers , 1903 South Thirteenth street. Ktloy Brothers were granted a tronsfor from IBO'J Douglas street to 1118 Farnam street. The report of Detcotivo Haze against the violators of the Sunday liquor law and which was referred to Mr. Gilbert , was returned with the recommendation that the police bo Instructed to observe section 233 of the crim inal code. Officers when Uncling saloons open on Sunday hereafter will arrest the of fender and an effort wiU bo made to convict them. Mr. Hnrtman , in speaking of the Sunday liquor law , said that ho was told by a reliable person that certain policemen wcro In ttie habit of borrowing a dollar or so now nnc then from saloonkeepers and forgetting to return the amount. For tills accommodation the saloonkeepers wore allowed n little moro leeway In the Sunday matter. Mr. Ilartmnn said that was nothing moro or less than black mail on n small scale and that ho wanted to ferret out tbeso men and have them dis charged. No business was transacted in executive session. Mrs. Wlnslovv's Soothing . Syrup for chll dron teething relieves the child from pain. 25 cunts a bottle. The Ohio Club. A meeting of tbo Ohio club bus been called nnd will bo held in room 010 , Now York Life building , this evening at 8 o'clock , at whloh tlmo arrangements will bo mndo for the proposed plcnlu in'Council Bluffs. All Ohloans uro requested1 to bo present. notice * of fife lint * or tea under tills hca < lJVtu cent ; each mMHfamal Itfiettn cent' . I'ltion John Thomas , at 0iO : p. in. , used ; yonrs , 0 months and twenty duys. Kiinora .Tiicsuay , April in , at8u , m. , from family residence , IMi South Twentieth at root , to Holy bupulohrocuinutery , Flavoring xtracts. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla , -A Of perfect purity. Ora tf" "i ° f ffroat Btronfirtbl Almond -f Economy in their uso. Rose ftlc.vJ Flavor as delicately and dollciouely as the fresh fruit DOLLARS AM"SENS ) Hj There are two things to bear in mind in buying a suit of clothes. 0 nc is to buy a cooil article , and the other to buy it at a right price. The English language has many queer kinks and turns in it ind many a plain sentence in plain common every day English , is susceptible of being turned around nto an entirely different meaning. Take a blackberry , when it's green , it's red. Take the average nan in search of a bargain in a suit of clothes , he walks into a store , walks up to thesmilingsalcsman ind says : "I want a cheap suit of clothes. " Now that's just what he don't want ; he wants "a suit of clothes cheap. They sound a good deal alike but they're two mighty different affairs. Some stores make a business of selling Cheap Suits. Our business is selling Suits Cheap. Time and again have we lemonstrated the fact , to your satisfaction , that when we advertise to sell anything cheap , the goo'ls ire always good. A week ago , we advertised between seven and eight hundred suits at four ninety ind five ninety. Did we sell'em ? Well we should smile ; We sold so many and sold 'em so quick that we were broken on sizes before we knew it , To insure another big week in our Men's Depart- nent , to accomodate the dozens of customers who could not get fitted , on account of coming too late , we will put on s.tle this week , six hundred suits , just as good as gold , at prices you never saw named or these same goods in your life , 300 BLHGK CHEVIOT SHGK SUITS In a full line of sizes , guaranteed fast color , and every thread wool , cut to fit , made to stay , lined with good Italian and trimmed in first class order , suits made to sell at ten or a dozen dollars , at the re- marbly low price ( the lowest ever known ) of 9B6.OO A SUIT. 300 ELEGHJMT BLUE SERGE SUITS In all sizes , every thread wool , a fine dressy spring suit.cut , lined , made and trimmed in first-class shape in every way , Suits that would bring twelve dollars just as easy , at the sensational price of , S8.9O A SUIT- "Suiting" you will certainly suit us. Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets. NO GURJEXr NO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. intlll trotting with .rnntuel fur Catarrh ' ' _ , . ttrlcturo , and ail ills- " " " - res of tliollioliitl.'skin iiiirt Urlniirr'bwanV. N 11. i"u"ui rantoo'vw'for ovb'rr ciuo I iimlorUko nmt fill lo 31. re. tO Consultation 12 111. froo. Book ( Mysteries at Lifesent ) troa. OfflcohouN-0 a. m. to3 p. m. Hunilar 10 CAIN ONE POUND A Day. A GAIN OF A POUND A DAY IN THE CASE OF A HAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL RUN DOWN , " AND HAS HF.GUN TO TAKE THAT REMAUKA11LE H.ESII PRODUCER , SCOTT'S ' OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH Hypophosphites or Lime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. THIS JEAT HAS BUEN PKRrORMED OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PALATABLE AS MILK. ENDORSED - DORSED IIY PHYSICIANS. SOLD IIVALL DRUGGISTS. AVOID SUBSTITUTIONS AND IMITATIONS. Tutt's Hair Dye lilnrk liy a nlnilo npjillnitlon of thu Die. It Imparts n natural cnlor , net H Instantane ously and ciintiilim nothing Injurious to the Imlr. Kolil hyiill < lriiBilsU , or sent l > y ex press oil reeeipt of price , SI. 00. OAlco , 30 & 41 Turk I'Jacf. Nu r York. Wo make moro porom plasters than all other makers In this country combined , l ecaui > o the iiuhllo appreclato the mer it tlmt exists In our goods. HENSON'fl Is the only me dicinal plaster for house hold uso. all others being weak Imitations , net the Geuulna. HOTEL Miirrnjit Cor , 1-ith uiul Ifarnei/ , ftthu moHt mtltHtnntliillu cniixtritctcil Jlotul Jltillilliti/ Otmiltti , liriit'ibitrli /fro trull n ridni/iif/ Imm-nn-nt to ruof. All tlio veilliiiiH uiul floiit-H Itnetl trltk AnlHton //ivi jtriiof iilliiff , iiHiliiittt It tnntoHHthla t Inn-it ijtitck , Ffrufnc < ii > rH anil Jlfr ulanim Ilii'oiii/liant tltt ) Oiiihllnttitcaiit livtit , hot innt coltl trittcr anil miim/tlnclii cucrut'ooin , 'fiiblo u > iHtn'l > ( inacil nnu- B. SILLOWAY , Prop. NEBRASKA. National Bank U , & DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , N33. Capital , - - - - S4OO.OOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - Oii.OOO Onicers and Dlreclori.-IIonry W. Vntoi , I'roilJant ; IjonU H. Iteuil , Vlco-l'rasldont ; JnniujV. . Hurnim V.Morau , Jolni B. Collins , IL U Cuililn/ , N. II 1'alrlck. W.-II , B. llugnui , cmhlor. THE IRON BANK , Corner 12tti and VarimmSts A Goilornllliiiiittrij Ilnslnosi Transaotai WEAK WOMEN lln\o Yonrsi'ltps. Ncrvo lloniis vrllloure wiiuk bnclc , take nwny tlmt Kloomy , tlrod fei'llnv , tlmt ncrvou > L'zliau tlun , put ro u * in your clii'Cti , lirlidilun your urea. Kite you no llfu , uint > | . tlou , apppllte , nmko you tenfold more iiUrnctlru. Abiululoly llarinloia , Hunt. 11 u hox. iwnlpiild. I'awphlctfroo. NKUVH 1IKAN CO. , HulTulu.N , 0- buld by ( lOodmnn Drug Co. , 11 10 lurbumSt Ncbraika. She Saved Her MONEY , And BO cnn every K"0d llounokeopar dy nlwajrs Imv- nfonImndCAMPBELL'S ' VARNISH STAINS. His ( hoonlynrtlclo that linn over boon produrixl br which n ) ioii okoopor can untlnfactorlljr ro-Btidn uiul Tiirnlali wltliosKappllcntlon nnd wltlio.NKi OAT nil klml.iof IlauHeliohlMirnlturennd Interior Wood work , in CIIKHHV , WALNUT , MAmxUNr , UOSH- UOOD , LUIIIT OAIC , VEIIMIUO.V , KIIONV , nmklnjtlt look 118 good us now. The oxponno In "IlKlitns H b put up and nold In PINT OANH at SO ct-s , nnd In I' T OA > S t GO eta * , cither tha abora * lindfls. 1C you iln not nnd this nt Your llealor'n , nsk him to order It for YOU. rornalo In Umalia bj Ulclmidiun Drue Co. , Wholvaal CURBS Gelds in tin Heal by on ippli'ci- G tion ; OtUrrh 0 0 In vtry thorl nmt ; Hay Fevir from three to fiv cn en la California Nerve poor Makes New Frodli lllood and I'ro. ilnm Aiiii'inlii , bcrofiihi. Ilucl Drrnlatlnr anil nil ImourltleB of thu ' Dloocl B-I well as . ( ' iao hiu Norva DlBuueoB , vn : N 'rvnu inil I'liynlnlul Dchlllly. Vital Kxlmution , I'i > - miiturn Decay , TruiulilliiRlljs'frln , Ni'i. VCIIM Ili'uilnclits IMH of Timor In jllnT nux , NnrTniunuis In : inInrin , Cold ll.tnilfi nr Knot. I'nlu in tlio I luck anil other forum ol { yi"Mkn > . Dr. Hiibb'ii Krno Timlo J'llln brlnR the rosy tint of health to the ohfllow chenk , Wc k , ncrrum. prurlo should tnko IMU Life Renowor. In tlipm , ami you will loin the tliunsandi nt liappr men and \ VOIIIKIIvhu il.illy lileii Ir. Joob fur nia great mirk Iu their bctmir , 'll.i'j nrf uior-ciiatcd. 50 CPIIU a lal. for tale Ly liaggau 01 by mil I AiMrt'Ss HBBS'J MIDICIKI CO. , PROPS . SAN FRmiSCO , 8AL HltSAl.K ) IN OMAHA , HLIJ. UY KUMII A Co , Cur , I5M | A DoiiKlas MrciU .1 A. Fuller & Co , Cur Dili A I > UUKH ! < I Mnets. A D , FcitllT A Co , Council lllnITt , li > wa. AND PRINCIPAV r < tuai > GTa cvcnvv/Htne- Beet Sugar Enterprise PUBLISHED MONTHLY. 60 Cents n Year , Locust nnd Third Ht. , - Drnnd Itlnnd , Noli Uorotcil to tlio iluvolojiniont of tha beet sugar In- iluitry In tlio United htntoa. Mnnufnctiirlux niiKiir from tecti , hn : proven nnuccoji both In California und Nobraikn , The average portent of BUunrlnJs'o- brnikn boots Is 1C 2 per funt. In ( icrumny U.&S. ( lurmany mnnufncturonnnunlly I,5JU(10 ( ( ) ton , inure than niiyotlior country In Ihu world. Tlio IT , H. lin- pertannually I.MJ.OUO loni of suuiir , which nt fltn cents per i > ound , would amount to IIWOOVJ 0 f-laill the [ I , 8. umnufnrtiiro her own siiK'irt Hccdlnir , cultlrntlnK , Imrvuitlnviind initnufacturhiR the nuxur tooldlscimodln the Hoot HiiK r KutorprUo. Hand stumps forenmplu copy , ( Irnnd Iiland , Nub. LE FRANGA1S. Krenrli Xlont'ily A : ui'lnc. An lnr < t u ibln help to rri'iirhstuikiiils nud t aMiurn. true > uniplo in | > r , Addia , ACe , \V , Madlbo.i ' . _ OMAHA vs. Sioux City Tuesday. Game culled ut3:80 : o'clock p. m. Sundays nil o'clock. BOYD'S- PROM THE CHICAGO oi'niiA"iiousn. "With all the Great Features , Bal < lots , Scenery , Etc. , Received with Roa rs ofL cutghtet Tonight nt 8. \Vod.Matlnoout2. I . 1'rlces , rio to tl , I Mo and T.rie. THE GRAND TotrnnirT" THIRD WEEK. A GROWING POPULAL SUCCESS. The Laughing Event of the Season. A brilliant uio iumino each o\cnlng ( clmiiKud nightly ) . Two hours of iipniarous laughter. Orchestra , 3"o : balcony12jo DIME EDEN MUSEB. WKKK AI'IIU * 20. ] M 1'KTIT rnnmilK , the drcmt Child CliRinctor Artlnt , hta lust npponranco rilKTTY JKMNIi : OiihKV ( ; , the lld ot Soubrolto , lull of Krnru unit liu.iuty. THK CONVKHTIII ) CANNIIAI,3. ) N1JW KACKS. KKW SONUS. NHW SPKCIAI/riKH. ONE D1S113 ADMITS TO ALL. "PROPOSALS rOR INDIAN SUl'PUKS AND Truiispurt.itlon Department of thu Inte rior , Olllco of Indian Allulrs , Washington A in II 4 , iti'l. ' ) denied proposals. Indorsed " 1'ro- , posuU for lic-cf , ( bids for heof must liu Biibnilt- ted In srp.'unto envelopes ) , l > icon. Hour , clothIng - Ing , or transportation , ote , " fas thu o.iso may hoi mid directed to IhuUoiiiinlHslonomf Indian Allulrs. Nos. 0"i nnd ( .7 Wnostor stroot. Now York , will lu ) rncultod until 1 p in. of Tuesday , Mnv5 , 1H9I. forfnriilsliltu for the Indian sor- > leu about SKW.UOJ pounds tyicon , : UKMUUO ( pounds bocf on thu hoof , ll < OiOJU ) poundx nut beof. : )0.000 pounds liunns.Sl.OOJ pounds baUlnir ponder. ' . ' .luo.OOO pounds corn , fiVI.OW pounds coirce.10,0 o.txW pounds Hour , 110.0.0 pounds fued UO.OfiO pou mis hard 10,0)0 pounds hominy , UJ.OOJ pounds laid , Htt ) nurruls moss pork , VS.oua pounds oitniual. KW.OOJ poiiiuls 'out * . 110,0)1) ) ) poundN rlco , JJ..W/O / pounds Urn , J 1 7.000 pounds con-si w.iit. lUUXM pounds Him suit , : ioof)0) ) pounds soap , I.IUO.OK ) puiindH NtiKur , nnd 412- OUioiinds | Also , hlunkuts. woolen and cotton uoods , ( fonslstliiK in part of tlulilni 17 , < ( X ) yards ! Htumlaid eullco. 100,010 yards ; ; drlllliiK , a-.OOO yards ; duck , frou from nil si/- ( ill ! , ai.lHO yards ; dunlins , SXX ) ( ) vurdn ; Klnir- hiini , ; WOOuo yards ; Kentucky JIMUH. ] 4noo vnrdH ; ohovlot , 1,090 yards ; brown shuttling J.w.uouyurils : Munched shooting , 41,100 yiinlsi hickory ttlilrl lux , 1S.OOO ynrtlHt calico HhlrtliiK , B.MXlyn.ds ; ulnsity , 4,010 yurdn ) ; clothing , pio. torii's , notions , b.uilwaru , modlcul snpiillus , school honkx. rtc. , nnd u long llHt of iiilsccdlu- neouB iirtlelt's , Niich IIH harness , plowH , nikoH , forkH. etc. . und for altontfiTI wugons required for thu hnr\lou , to lie delivered ut ChluuKO Kansas City , and Sioux City. Also , for Hiiuh UMKOIIK us mav Ixi rriinlit'd , udupti'd tothoclliiiutu of the I'nclllo with ( 'ul ; Ifornlu liraUe i. ditllverud ut hull I'Vanulsco. Also , trunspmtutlim forsiii'liof thu urtlolos Koodsund muiiilli's tlmt in.iv not t > o contr.'i.- nl for to Im delivered ut tint AKUIICIOS I1IHH MUST Hi ; MAIIH OUT ON tlOVtIINMKNT IU. NKH. Kuliuilnlrs Hhnwlni ; the kinds und ( iuuiitltlc4 of Hulslstenoc supplies rt > ( | ulnul fore.ich AKi'noy und ehool , mid Urn kinds und riuuritltlux In KI-OSH of nil other goodx , und articles , toeuthur with blunk propos.ils , con ditions to l ) ohsurvcd by blddurs , tlnin und plucuof ilt'lhury , tunnsof uontiuut. und p.iy- iiinnt , trnnsportutlnn routus , and ull olhor neuohsary Instructions will lie fuinlshod upon uppllcutiun to the Indian Olllco In Washing ton , oro. . ' ' niiiinj ll'iottfr ittvut , Kiw } 'i > fl ; , ThiiUoiuinlssiirlos of .Scilwlstiuico , U H. A , ut tlhiiynnne. Cblcajro , I , ( > uunnorth , Oiiiuhu , S.ilnt ' l.onLs.S tint 1' . ml. and Sun I'runolscotlm ; I'ostiiuiNtorsutHloiiy ( Jlty , lowuj Yunkton , H. Dakota ; Arkansas Clly , I'aldwiill , Topoku , nnd Wliihltu , Kunsiis , und Tucsoti , Ail/onu. The rlKhtls rosorvnd by the Kovurniuont to reject any anil all bld.s.orunv put of any bid und tlii'Hu propoHulHiiru ln > ltud under proviso apiiroprlallon hli.ill ho in ido for thu hiipullei by COIIKIOKS. Illds will bu oponcd ut the hour ujidduy ubovu staled , und bidders uro Invited to bu present ut thu opening , Ciinmii : : > < : III'KN. : All b dsmust bo uceom- | mnlf l by rertlllud tiluukx or ilrufn upon hoiiiti United Hfilcs Du | > ( Mltory or to 1'lritt NHllonal Hunk of Sun Krunulseo , < ) a ! . for ut luiikt llvn pur riiiil of the uiiiountof lliu nro * 1 osnl. T. ,1. MOIIGAN , Coniinlhsloiior. HOTEL DELLONE , Corner 14th and Capitol Avenua. Juit completed , Imi 100 room ? , throi stairways , Irom the top to the bottom , hai fine olovntor and dinning room aorvloi , ; j tire proot throughout , flnu rooms an. I the finest toilat roonri In the city. Largo sample rooms , Suites with bath & 3. Co * 14th and Cauitol Avo. Struot car aerrloa Iu all diructloai. Hates , from $ U. > 0 to $1.00