0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : StTNDAY , AP1UL 20. 1S91-TWENTY PAGES. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. CTFIU : : NO. js PEARL STREET. Dellvcri-d by Carrier Ir , nil } part of the City. H. W. TILTON MANAOlilt. TELEPHONES ; nusliiesa ORlcc , Ko. 43. Nlghl Editor. No. 23. JllAOlt , TTIO.V. . . N. Y. P. Co. Coui.ctl niufls Lumber Co , coal. Croft's chattel loans , 201 Sapp block. Heal Uock Spring conl. 't'hatcticr , 10 Main. If jou want w.itur In your > ardor houio RO to'HIxby's , 2W Men lain block. flenty Honslti , ? and Dora Clover , both of Onmhii , were man led rrlday afternoon by Justlco Cones. Mr. and MM. Perkins \vill hold n spiritual- Istlu nicotine' Hi the Grand Army of the Kc- public hall tut * evening The Woman's CluUtlan association will meet Monday , April 27 , tit ! l p in at the res idence of Mis U. M Osbornu , ( UO Tlrst two- nuo. nuo.Prof. . Chambois will take charco of the dante proprammo nt the Unity Guild May party , In Hughes hall , 1'rldny cvc-nlui , ' , May 8. Seventy cases have boon commenced in superior court for the May term 'ihls Is one or the larRC-.t pristo th.it has ever been Illcd for nny term , and there am no whisky suits Mamie , il\c-moi.th-olil duuj'l.tor of John Bro , died yistcrday of pneumonia. Thu funeral will take place tnls nfternoon at t. ! ( ) o'clock from the residence , ! > : )1U ) { south Sixth street. In the Scimons divorce ciso , the dccico , which w is rondeied jestordaj refused tl'O ' plaintiff's petition , and awarded the divorce and custody of the minor child of the panic's to Dr Scuinons. 'I ho choir of St. Xuvlor's Catholic chuich is ut w otic on n operetta bj II 1' Dunks , en titled " /.aniu " It will bo pur formed duiitiR the latter part of M.ij The music Is of n verj taking character .hidgo Smith held a session of district couit jcsterdu.v morninir In the libnirj loom to try thudivortocnse of Li//lo Loni ; uyalnst John Lonir The case was submitted to the court mid taken under advisement. Albert O. , son of Tiank Peterson , died jestorduy inornltiM : of hint ; fuvor , aired ten months. The funeral will take pi ice this afternoon from the lesiuenco nt" o'clock Interment - torment In Walnut I till cemetery. Attention , Independent Older of Oddfel lows All members of Council Dluffs lodge , No 4l ! , arc requested to meet nt the hall tills cvcnitiK at 7 o'clock to attend services at the Trlnltj Mothodlst church. Members of ottier lodges and v islting biolhren Invited to attend John hciioban Is contlned to his homo by nn accident which ho suffcicd I'ridny night. Itu was walking down 1'enrl street , when ho stopped on a rusty nail , which penetrated his shoo and oi.tercd his foot for o\er nn inch Ho was compelled to cull u physician latci In the evening. Another Initiation was held In the Scottish Kite hall lust uvonlnt ; by the Commeiclal I'll ( rrims , nnd foily-llvo now candulatos were Initiated into the older. The lodijo Is con stantly prowinir , und from the present out look it will not oolong until ovoty tinvelmtr man In Council llluffs will bo cniollcd In It ; , membeishlp A number of music losers wore entertained nt i musicale last evening at the residence ol Henry Hobinson on Bioadwuv. Hans Albeit , the famojslollnlst , and UcirGahm , thn pianolst. both of Omaha , wcio the in.iln ut- ttactions of the evenlne. The music was ex quisitely rendered , nnd all who were ptosout weio delighted. Ttio veteran llromen will give u ball In the Masonic Temple next rnday evonlm. , Maj 1. Ono of the attractive fcatuies of the evening will bo the May polo danro. A wreath will bo voted to the most populai young lady , who shall bo ciowned Maj queen. The Veteran riiemcn's nssociiuioi has been oiganl/cd lor two jc-ais , nnd cluiini , tliat time has spent over $700 In caring foi the sick and burj Ing the deid of those w ho belonged to the lire department In the dajs when It was \0lunteer affair. J. W. ( Jlttlngs was looking for a motoinui last Friday evening , with a largo quantity o win in , red blood In his oyo. A llttlo gill o Gittlngs' narrowly escaped fooit'i ; run over by a tialn at the foot of Uidge street , at the same spot where u llttlo boy was killed las winter. Thomotoiman called back to the father , who was standing not fur off , thu If ho "didn't keen his d young ones out ol thowaysomo of them would get killed. ' This sort of un apology did notoxnetly sul Mr Gittlngs , nnd ho gave it out cold that 1 bo could catch him ho would pulvoil/o him rortunntely for the motormun , Git'ings. could not find out who ho was , so that ho still has bis bcalp. The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , will close horoiif tor at 0 o'clock Tuesday s , WcUnesda\ , Thutsdnvs mid Friday evenings Mondays U o'clock. Snturdav s II ) o'clock , Boston Store , Council Bluffs , rotheilnghamVhlteluw \ . Co. The Catholic Mutual Benefit association will glvo another grai.d ball at Hughes hall , corner of Broadway mid I'aik avcnuo , Tues day evening , April W. A grand time Is an ticipatcd by all who attend. Good music In attendance. Furnished rooms for lent , sightly locitod and convenient to center of the city. Addioss A , Bee olllco. Newest styles In furniture nnd caipets ; best cooking stoves in the world nt Mandcl ft Klein's Installment house , ! UO Hioaduuy. Uo you want an express wagon or boyt Hing up the A. U. T. Co , telephone 170 , No. U North Main street. I'EHSOX.II , J'.t K.t . ! I'US. A. A. Clarn Is In Cliicago. Mrs. W. B. Tishor loft yestordny morning for Atlantic , whore she will \ Islt friends. ti. Bledorman leaves today for Cieston , where ho will deliver an address tomorrow nt an annlvorsaiy of the Odd Follows. Mrs. Julia Desmond and daughter , Kittle , of Dubuiiuo mo the guests of I ) . A. Fnrioli nnd fnmlly. They leave today for Denver. J. W. Tomploton of Garner township to- tuincd yostc'tduy from Chicigo , where ho nttcndod the funeral of his mother , who died nt the iiL'o of one hundred and one years. The Boston Store. Council Bluffs , will close hereafter nt ( I o'clock Tuesday s , Wednesdaj s , Thursdays and Filday ovcnings. Mondays 1) ) o'clock. ' Satinda > s U ) o'clock Boston Store , Council Blulfs , Fothcrinehum , White-law & Co. Drs. WooJburv. dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel Telephone 145. High gindo woik u specialty. When about to build don't fail to get prices on lumber of The .ludd & Wells Co. , bll ! Btoadwuy. Telephone li&7. Max Boutlcius , having associated hlmsolf with the Council BlulTs Music Co , dcshos to thank the public for the pationago in the past nnd bosneaks Its good will for the future. lie will bo pleased to wait upon his old friends , as well us new ones , at the Coun cil BlulTs Music Co.'s place of business , r > , l3 Broadway. Ailior I ay Am II\K \ tlio Mutes. Arbor day was celebrated at the Deaf ami Dumb Institute on Friday. The pupils were given u holiday. In the afternoon nppiopil- ute exercises w cro held in the chapel , Prof , G. U Wyckoff delivering n lecture to the school. At the close of the exercises the teachers tiled out ut the head of the respec tive classes und wended their wny to the grounds in fiontof the building where they jnocccdcd to set out about one bundled apple trees. Great interest was taken in the work by the pupils. The Boston Store. Council Bluffs , will close hereafter at U o'clocu Tuesdays , \Vcdnosda > s , Thursdays nnd Friday evenings. Mondays I ) o'clock , SaturdujH 10 o'clock. Boston Store , Council BlutTs , Fothcrlnglmm , Whlto- Inw A , Co. It is to your Interest to consult Mandcl & Kluln before jou buy jour furniture , carpets stoves. or _ _ J _ _ Seed outs , com , millet and seed potatoes , garden needs of nil kinds , at II , L. Curmuu's , WO Mulu and 501 Pcurl streets. NWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , lofereo Boss Completely Vindicated from Imputations of Prejudice. NO SURPRISE OVER THE CASE'S OUTCOME. started from a Misundcrstandlnc nnd Dulled In a Full I2\u icrntlua ul" the AcouHuil Wlmt tlio Siild. fipfcreo Hess , who has had bis soul sorely ried for a few days past , got balm und solace icstcrduy JuOgo Dcemer rondeied a de cision that the chat go of prejudice was not sustained , thus exonerating Mr. Kosi fully. Pho decision Is no surprise Mr. Hess 1ms ivcd here so ninny jinrs nnd has such n Irmly established reputation for integrity that no one would tuuo the hardihood to charge him with being maliciously or know ingly partial In his action as referee. Even those who sought to have thocaso taken from iiltn , simply claim that circumstances rather than volition were causing him to bo preju diced in favor of the Evnns Hi others. Mr Koss frankly admitted having bcon an attor ney for T. J Evnns , but that gentleman is not one of the defendants In this caso. As to Mr. J F. Evans , Mr Itoss denies emphatically that ho hud been his iittorncv or on such Intimate terms us to wauant utij Intimation that ho was lia ble to bo piojudlcod. In icmlering his decision Judge Ooetnor stated that theio were thico grounds upon which the modllleution of the order was asked. One of them was that nn un due Intlmac.v had sptung up between the lorereo nnd the famiiv of ono of the defendants , another was , that the referee had been retained as uttoiney by the de fendants Both of these ( barges wcic wholly unsustnlned In proof The thlul ground claimed bj the plaintiffs wiu that the referee had been letalned usnttoinoj bvT J. Ilvans , the brother of ono of the defendants. Tills was admitted by the referee , but was. In the opinion of the eour' , immateilal Ho thought that thoio was proof of incompotcncy , und theiofoto ovciruled the motion for the modi fication For widow shades , curtain poles , lace cur tains chenille cut t.iins , brass rods , drapery silk" , wall piipci , ti > the Boston btore , Council Bluff . Get their prices before pur chasing elscwh-re , Boston Store , Council BlulTs , la. lee ! lor ! Icc-M ! If jou want It piuo and n And nt u reasonable pr Followno now dev Ico. Uttt send to us In a tr At our off MulhollanilXCo.No . ll'carlst , Tel 10J. Ttci's , all kinds , guaranteed to mow , pi ices cheap , nt Malls' ' , lltoidwaj- , opposite postof- ilco. No Meal ) or Von-Unlim Gcioiln. 'Hint which serves tlio intuiest of the In- boring iii.u , , tlio mechanic , the bono und stnovv of ttio country , and toclay the tictivo and npgtcsslvo crcntivo biain of the wotld , Is that which directs the avvini ; of the hammer and the wliitrof the wheel , serves also the Interest of the mctchant. Tliero nio no two eludes whcto the bond of svinpathy is stronger or tnoto directly con nectcd. KcnlUIni ; this fait and con scious of the additional fact thut the pios- potltj of the mot chant rests uponi the pios- pciitj of the gro.it urinj of toilers , wodcslro to ussuro ovoiv man in Council HlulTs , Oinulia and vicinity lh.it wo huvo not la nnj manner , directly orindiioctlv uldodtho otn- plojcis w no have sought to loduco the earn ings of their workmen ; that wo have not in our store u slni'lc article made bj- scab or non-union lubot. It is tiuo that wo hnvo taken advantage of thu necessity that forc-ed upon the market n lai o stock of clothltiR owned by the Koehestermanufactuicis.whoso demands Induced the great striicc of the cutters , but not n single garment of the pur chase we made was made by scabs or non union men Wo putchascd tno goods at u heavy discount after they weic thrown upon the mnikct by the mamifacturcis who were neiiilj diivon to the wall nnd who vvero com pelled to resoit to forced sales to obtain monej to keep their heads nbovo the tide Ibis purrha-.o was more In the inteiestot the worklngmun than the maniifnctuiets , for it enable us to sell the workingn.nu as good n suit of clothes as can bo made at moie than " 5 per cent below the regular cost. \Vo icgiot tint some of the gentlemen who constitute the labor assemblies In this eit\ have misundeistood us. nnd wo take this menus of stating positively what our posi tion is Wo uio not munufacluiois , only purchasers on the open imuket We will thank the labor assemblies of Council Bluffs If they , thiough their oftlcets , or members , will glvo us any pointers thut will oniible us to fuithcr ptotect our own Intctests us well as theirs , and if they can tlnd nnj scab goods In our stoic that our buj eis have picked out wo will refuse them and hold them hero sub ject to the older of the houses thut sent them. AN IMI'OllTVNr TFII nit\M. Feeling eonlldont thnt wo weio In the right , but still lics.rous of ascertaining if It w ore possible foi us to have any of the ob noxious "scab" goods in our stock , wowhed the greatest iniinufactuting house in Roches ter yestei day noon nnd leeched this prompt reply , which wo lespectlullv submit to the members of the Knights of Labor In this city and Omaha : ItniiitsTin. N V , April 2T , ,1:10 : p. in To luck ( loldsloln. Model flothlinr Ilimso. Coun ell lllnnv All 1 iliiir troubles settled niiig IIKU lloyeott bus bum ic'incived HtuuUs | HKO Continue to Hliitightui good" lliivu iinotlier HIIII | > for you. I'nbllsh tills Moniih A. lli.iu The dispatch was iccolvcd herent 4:10 : jes- teiday uf let noon. Thunking the public and the worklngmen who have given us such hcurty eneouiago- mcnt In our olTorts to establish u llrst-elass metropolitan clothlnir store heie , whore cast- em prices will prevail , wo arc , with great respect to all , youis , Tun MOI > EI. Ci-oriiiNo Co. . A. II Goldstein A : Co , Props , New Sapp block , Council Bluffs , In. 'I ho Grip and the Dcu-li llatt ! . At last a shrewd Yankee bus solved the problem , and UK simplicity Is wonderful It Is nothing mote or less than n tegular sized gasoline stove thnt lights like gas without smoke Take u llttlo chloiida of sodium , heat diy nnd inhale vapor If jou do this reguhulv during the summer and buy ono of Cole Ac Colo's Ice saving lefngatois are liable to escape the gtip Got the steve anyhow , or jou will die ol the gilp If your wife's neighbor has ono. Foil Ki ST A new li-room residence on Bioadwnv , corner of Sixteenth street , also u Il-ioom residence on Notth Scott sticct Both houses are conveniently niranged and beautifully located , convenient to motor lines and Just suited for Onmhii business men. J. C. DIHAM..V. Shugart & Co. carry largest stocn of bulk Hold , garden nnd How or scocis In the west Catalogue and samples by mull. Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ; within ono und one-half miles of the P. O ; nil in bearing ; good buildings ; possession gln at onco. Call on U. J. Hutchlubon & Co. , 017 Bioadwuy. Storage at ioa.sannblc rates , J. I { . Snyder , 2J , -JOPeatl bticot , Council Bluffs. Fi-clght for 1AO miles prepaid on nil goods bought of Mundol & Klein , il.'O Bioadwuy. A Went Kiul Illa/o. Friday night the house of Elijah Shubort , nt''OI Pnclllo nvc'iiuo , was on llro , nnd It took nearly an hour for it to bo extinguished , from the fact thut the hose could not stauu the pressure and bursted several times. Tba water at lust proved the master , however , but not until the house and ull its contents wcro badly d ( imago. The lira originated from the explosion of an oil lamp. The dam age will amount to about fUOO. A bud accident was narrowly nvcited In connection with the llro. Ofllcor Peterson turned In the ulnrm nt the corner of Broad- w up and Twenty-third street , and then ran up to tUo corucr of Tweuty-llrst street to stop the fire department when it should cotno down. It was dark , and the man who was driving the hose cnrt did not see him. In Jumping out of the way of the hose cart ho came directly in the path of the larh-o hooU and ladder truck. Ono of tbo horses struck him , and ho fell down , the wheels of the wagon passing over his body. Ho was badly bruised , but otherwise his injuries did not prove serious. the Locked Out. At n recent mooting of Local Assembly No. 1800 , Knights of Labor , of Council Bluffs , the following resolutions were unanimously adopted ! Whereas , The clothing manufacturers of Rochester have foimcd In n combine , con spired together nnd locked out the clothing cutters In their employ , claiming no other grievance than that of their belonging to n labor organisation ; nnd , Whereas , The clothing manufacturers have dared to deny their cutters the rights of American citizens the right to belong to n lawful organization ; therefore , be it Kcsolved , That the representatives of or ganized labor of Council duffs and vicinity emphatically protest ugninst the action of the clothing manufactures of Rochester in de priving their employes of their liberties ; and bo It further Resolved , That wo will not purchase any Rochester lendy-mado clothing nor pntronl/o nny tctnll clothing dealer handling the same , nnd wo recommend to nil liberty loving cltl- /ens that they do the samo. Resolved , That wo pledge our he.uty sup port to all retail clothing dealers In Council Biuffs who will withhold further pitionago from the Rochester combination ofroadv- made clothing until the combine will concede to Its employes the sumo lights which they enjoy as employers the light to belong to u lawful oignnizntton Resolved , That thcso tcsolutloiis bo pub- llsvcd in the city impels of Council Blufls. Hi SHY NITT , J A STI IIIN , T. F CvnniUN , Committee on Publication. Don't fall to attend the grnnd opening dis play of spring and summer goods ut the Bos ton stote , Council BlulTs , In , Pothcilnghnm , Whitelavv \ . Co. , Monday evening , April'7 Doors open from 7 to 9 o'clock. Everybody welcome. .Judgments Against I2isniaiiM Judgments woio given In superior couit yesterday afternoon In the following cases against H Uisemiiu ft Co. Vun D.vko Knit ting Works , J1950 ; Gicen , Joyce & Co. $ J7.fiO , Gweinutd Bios , SII.1. : ! . 17 ; David Alder X , Sons , fdiis ; Steiner , Kuhn X Co , * 4 ; > 0 , Kuvo & Einstein , SsSl , Young X Rutheifoul , ? Mii : ) , A. L'lllngor & Co , Sl.lO'liii ; Woi/burcer , Goldsmith & Co , $1,011 , Wolsell Biothcis $ .nif > 0 : flight Biotheis t Co. , Sii075 ( ; John Pullman \ . Co , ? < iJli ; J Blaniock , Sl'J ' * ) ; Simmons , Micuo & Co , tl.HB ; L. Hcilprln & Co. Sl.O'JJ , Young , Smllhileld & Co , fl.Shi , M ills \Gibbs , $1,4 111'JJ ; Jntncs McCreatj & Co. , $ ; , ' ! ' ! 1 ( > ; L Koih Ac Co. , > 77 ; Arnold , Constnble iCo. . , W.S 17 S7 ; Brickner , Woolen mills eompanj , ft U . ! . " > , Opponholmor , Col lins i\i Co , V-WSfiO : Swlt/cr Ac Scbusbol , $ Jtin ( ) , R. Blankenbuig Ac Co , Ja.ll.W. A. U Burkhart , t Co , SJ.M.I ) T. ; Lnmb knit goods tompuii , $ Jlii SOVIcl , Divfus & Co. , S700 , Cur ter Ac Co , f. " > 0 41. Don't fall to attend tbo grand opening dis play of spiing und summer goods at the Bos ton stoic , Council BlulTs , In , Fothcilngham , Whlteliivv iCe , Monduevening. . AptII7. . Doots open from 7 to t ) o'clock Cvciybody welcome _ Tiv Duquette & Co 's Pomona fruit Juice tablets. 'Ihoy nro delicious. J.Ci-Blxuy , steam netting , sanltirr en gineer , 20J Merriam block , Council Blults Dcatli at M. George Kirnball died yesterday moinlng at St. Boinard's hospital otupoilexy | , caused by an attack of la grippe , at the ago of sKtvflvo \curs. The deceased has been a icsidontof Council Bluffs for many yeais. Ho was n follower of Potter Christ , whoso lifo and doings hive become a pait of the cailv hs- ! toty of Pottawatlumio county. When Pottoi Chi ist tried to make his gicat ascension from the top of the court house. Klmbull wiis with him When ho died , KIniball was pno of the chief mouiners. In 1S85 ho was found to bo Ins mo , nnd con- tlnod in the asylum nt Davenport. From thoio bo was taken to Mount Pleasant nnd afteiwards to Clarlndn , where ho stayed until lust February , when he was brought to Council BlulTs and placed hi confinement in St. Bernaid's hospital. The funeral will take place this morning ftom the undcitaking establishment of Lunklcy & Poiter. A ijiniiil bill will bo given by the Catholic Mutual Benefit association at Hughes hall , coiner of Utoidwuv and Park avenue , Tues day evening , Aptil'JS The Chicago Times , Tribune and Herald airivo in Council Bluffs "i 10 p m , on day of ' publication , and uie dellvctcd at once to'nil p.uU ol the city by swift and caiofulcarriers at only iiO cents u week , 1m tiding tbo imun- innUi Sundav issued The Saturday or Sun- rtaj issue ulono . "i cents each. F. R. Nugent , ngont , postoflko box 104. District Court Nous. Judge Uictncr Friday night heard the suit brought by Mis nilon Bojlo for the puipose of pieventing the motor company honi build ing thu loid pist her house till she was paid the damages which she claimed. Ycstcrduv was taken up with the tilal of saloon injunction cases The cases against C Llobold und Jacob Neumajer weio tried nnd submitted. A decree w us granted against iila Piice In thu case of Sarah J Hunt against Hnt- tlo J. Bctger et tu u default was taken as to the defendant , Hattie J. Beiger , nnd n writ of foreclosure was giuntcd as prayed. Don't ' full to attend the grutid opening dis play of spiing nnd summer goods ut the Bos ton stoic , Council Blufls , In , Fothoringhatn , Whitelaw & Co , Monday evening , Apnl U7. Doois open from 7 to D o'clock. Everybody w elcomc. Malr has nil sorts of fruit , shade nnd orna mental tiees , B'wuy , opposite postollico. Everything iu house furnishing nt Mandcl & Klein's on easy payments. 3JO Broadway. Dumped fiom a Friday night Mr. lllllnrd Coinollsou was driving out to bis homo in Pony Creek , accompanied by two ladies When they had arrived at Eighteenth avenue and Tostovin stuet the team took fright nt u passing bicvclo nnd shied , overtuining the wagon and dumping tbo occupants out in u heap on the ground. Ono of the ladles was linocked senseless , nnd had to bo taken to tbo house of Oniccr Peterson , whoto she was cared for until mottling , when she wont homo. Dr TliomaH , who tiltendcd her , states that she will not bo out lor n week. The Fairmount 5c cigar at the Fountain. For lent , to family without children , good 4 loom house , No ! i0 South 1st street. A ItlnllH MiiHlclaii. Miss Julia Officer , who is studying intislo In Chicago , appeared in n recital ou the 17th , together with B Boung nndMmo Muu- cato Young of Omaha. Miss Officer played two solos entitled "Lloborstrnum , " by Liszt , nnd "Munirku , " by Leschotl/ky , nnd received many wotds of commendation for the In 111- innt innnner In which they vvero rendered. For Sale Two hundred tons of baled hay. Inquire of Ben Marks. Manuel & Klein sell furnltuic , carpets nnd stoves on easy pnj ments. lijo Bioudwny. Lnco curtains cleaned from 60o to $1.25 per pair , at Twin City dvo wotks. Dull fiaiuo Todny. Thcro will bo a ball game this aftoinoon at the driving park between the N. B. Fal coners of Omaha and the Models of this city. Motors will run to the rrand stand every IIteen minutes , nnd the game will be called at ! i o'clock. The grounds nro In first-class condition , and u good game may bo expected. roll Down Collar. Mrs. W. W. Jlllgor , with her three-year- old son , Ted , wcro calling on Mrs. J. ( J. Tip- ton Friday. While there the youngster fell down a cellar \v ay. A scream was the first Intimation thnt anything was wrong , and when Mrs. Bllger Investigated she fcund her young hopeful lying on tlio ground nt the bottom of the cellnrvvay , senseless. Ho re mained In an unconscious siuto for several hours , HA \ IVA Hit CMV : I'ltSTl'OXElt. Voluminous Urla'x Filed by CUUIIHC ! ou Itotli Sides. WASHINOTOV , ApillSo. The supreme court has postponed the hearing in the Sayward nnd lottery cases until October 10. The gov ernment and counsel representing the British govern mont were prepared to go on with the Sayward case , involving Juilsdictlon over the Bchrlng sea , but the continued Illness of Justice Bradley cause's the court to order a postponement , n full bench being desired to boar u case of so much importance. The briefs of both sides nro very voluminous. They may bo divided into two parts first , the legal argument involving the right to bring the case bofdre tbo court In the rather unusual form of a writ of prohibition , nnd , second , a politico-legal aigument , In volving the relations between departments of the govctnmcnt. In the brief of the govern ment It l.s maintained that n writ will not under the law issue unless want of Jurisdic tion Is shown on the face of the proceedings by w hleh forfeiture was decreed us llbol. H maintained that oven If the United States I fas not control over tbo waters moio than three miles ft out the shore the conclusion must necessarily bo drawn that the court found no cotding to w'hut wus the jurisdiction ol the United States , whatever thnt Jurisdiction may bo. Numerous uuthotitlos are cited in support ot the denial of the claim of counsel for the Biltlsh government thnt the supioni ! ? couit has a right to go beyond the face of the returns and detoi mine w bother or not the court actually and nghtlv had Juusdictlontotrythooffer.se The point Is made that though the Alaska court Is subject to prohibition , It is not when sitting in nd- mltnlty nn inferior court in n technical sense , but a supeilor court whoso decrees at o en titled to ovurv presumption favorable to its Jurisdiction Counsel for Great Britain held that no light of appeal lay fiom the Alaska couit to tlio supiemo court In udmlinlty cases nnd that thoicfoto the litter court should exor cise more extended Jurisdiction In prohibi tion after sentence than if the party had other remedy. This matter turned upon the mean ing of the words "in other cases , " as used in the Alaska couit. and It Is maintained thnt it is much too nnriovv u view- to hold thut by these words the sumomn court is excluded from the power of icvlevv and thut It wus teallj intended by these woidstoglvo the supiemo couit the sumo power of icvlew thut it had over nil other lower courts. Counsel for the United States then con tended that these things beini , ' true and the Alaskacoui t Imvinir Jurisdiction over the of- ITenso nlleged , nnd Juiisdiction over the claim ant by reason of his voluntaty appoarunco incourt.it follows that the finding of the court that seal killing w a i committed within the Jurisdiction of the United States is con clusive nnd cannot bo impeached A gieat number of authorities uro then cited us es tablishing the doitiino that tliollnaing of tbo Alaska court on the matter of luct Jurisdic tion was conclusive nnd that the petition for prohibition must , therefoie , bo dismissed tbo supiemo couit having.it Isasscited , no powet ui collateral ptoceedlng to ic-tiv and rovievv the evidence. As to the sel/ure. of n vessel on the high seas , it Is contended thnt any objections based on illegal seiz ure were waived , nnd , furtheimoic , that oven if thescmirc wcio illceal. n munic ipal law having been violated , the court , when it found the vessel owner In its Juris diction , had nothing to do with how he came there , butsolelj with his trial forvlolntlon of law. Counsel did not admit that a sei/.uieon the high seas was unlawful and cite fiom the supreme court decisions as establishing con clusively the right of the United States to seize vessels on tlio high sens for offenses committed in places over which this govern ment hits Juiisdictlon. This bnngs the nigumctit down to the po litical aspect of the e-use , and It is contended with gicat force , suppoited by cltutlonsfrom nuinetous decisions , that the tertitorial Juiisdiction of the United States Is u political qucstlou , ftom the consideration of which the court Is stopped by the action ot the executive and of congress in deciding that the United States his Jurisdiction over waters vvhero the Say ward was seized. The decision , of Justice Storey in the Suffolk insurance case , counsel say , defeats the claim of the peti tioner thut thu oxecutlvu bus no power in himself without legislation to decide the question ot sovoteignty. Tlio existence of such power Is made obvious , moreover , by the act under which the seUuros were or- deicd , which diicctcd the president to seize all vessels Inking seal In the vvutcts of the Behi Ing sea. How Is the president to oxcc'iito this command of congiess if he does not dctcimlno for himself whet vvatcts of the Bcluitig sen uro within the dominion of the United States ) Could congicss have made plainer its wish thai , bo should decide1 Counsel say that numeious semncs attest tlio fact that the executive bus decided that the United Stntes bus Juiisdiction over the Bchring sou und voluminous conc pondcnco between the British und American governments is nuoted from as establishing this beyond nil doubt. Messrs Choato mid Catlisle , In opening their case , lay down the position of the British government broadly that on the high seas u seizure and condcmnntion by a dlstilel court for an offense committed muny miles from land nro wholly unwarranted by the law of nations , while with equal confidence It is submitted that no law or treat ) ot the United States warrants such seizure and condemnation , nnd thut the district couit of Alaska never had Jurisdiction of the vessel 01 Its alleged offense. Counsel maintain that the power of the su piemo couit to giant n wilt ol piohlbltloti cannot bo questioned. The claim of the United States that seals might have been killed within thico miles of land is declared "moio liotous imagination , " the recoid dis closing that the Suv ward wus novel neater than ten inilos to sl.orc. Tito stnctly legal nigument tnnt the supieme couit is bound not to go behind the record of the Alaska court is uttuckcd , it being maintained that the supreme court cannot bo prevented fiom thoroughly examining the conectncss of the decision. Coming down to the lights of the United States over the B'jhring ' sea , it is asserted that the Russian treaty of cession does not purport to convoy any dominion in the wat ers of the Behring sea , nnd if any dominion over the waters pussod , it must huvo been as un incident or nppm tenant to the transfer of hind under the Invv of nutions , the established rule of which limits tcuitotlnl vvutois to three miles fioni.shoio. Counsel say Ills not necessaij to talie the giound that it is the duty of tlio court to release thoscl/ed vessel , notwithstanding the explicit dccluru tlon dlicctlng seizure ou tlio high seas mo subject only to the Jurisdiitiou of the Hag they Ily. It ! tadmitted thnt congtess und the executive might bj co-Joint notion have determined the extent of the domin ion or the' united states over the Behring Vcn , but it is in sisted tbut they ' 'have ' not sworn to dose so , nor to muUo "provision by which the o\ecutlvo is to dohumiuo tlio question , nnd under the constltntilon It thoioforo devolves upon the court. ' 'Tlio tight of the executive to deal with persons nnd property can never. it is maintained , bo n political question , nnd any so-called legislative construction of an net of conginss rnllst always bo subject to judicial determination. In conclusion counsel denies thnt the judic ial power of the United States extends to the tilnl and condemnation of u British vessel wiongfnlly seized In time of pence on the high KO.IS , denies that the forcible bringing into thu limits ot u district court of such ves sel can enlarge or extend thu Judicial power of the United States. The Judicial power of the United States ns an Independent nation is limited by the luvv of nutions , To keep the beard from turning gray , and thus pi event the uppeaiunco of ugcs , use Buckingham's dye for the whiskers , the best d\o mado. Sco Potter Si George Co.'s nd. pnyo 17. Damaged. Lars Soierboig has sued the Omnhu gas company and asks for $10,000 , claiming that August 4 , 1QOO , ho was caught in n cave-In while working in a ditch that the company was digging , ills shoulder wus broken , and ns n result ho overs thnt ho has been crippled for life. Ho makes another chnrpo , saying thnt October 4. 1800 , his physic-Ian , J. C. Jones , through fraud , Induced him to sign a document releasing the gas company from ull damages. SOUTH OMAHA'S IjlCnNaH. Animated ISIMIHHOII | | of the QttcHtloii oflortl liiK. The city council mot last night to dlsposo of tbo Itccuso applications and piotests. E. W. SI m oral simply stated the position of TUB BEP , the requirements of the law and the duty of the council. Mr. Rosowntcr stated that the present law wns enacted In 1831 , which required publica tion of license notices In the pupor having the largest circulation in the county , und duilng nil these ten long j ears Tuc Bri.'s light has never been contested till thl1 ! year , when in ua underhand method twonty-llvo or thirty out of two hundred and forty or two hundred nnd llfty woio obtained. Then when TUP Bn : was compelled to snow Its hand. It had some two thousand moro circulation than the World-Herald. The \\orld-lleruld Is like n contesting political dele gation If you won't lot mo In tnrow the other fellowout. . The check of the World- Herald is equal to its undertaking in this mutter , when It comes In with n resolution stating what the council shall do. This Is pretty cool , lassuteyou. Some 0110 suggests to kiss and make up , but wo simply want our rights nnd thciowill bo no kissing und em- blueing till Justice bo meted us ut > our bunds The rights Tin Bi i have been main tained before the Omaha police commission and Tin Hi r now publishes ull notices for license implications in Omaha 'Iho light of Tin : Bi i under the federal inws requiting publication In the paper having the largest local cli dilation could not bo attacked even by u democratic udtnlnlstiutio'i , nor Had a domoctntlc postmaster genciul authority to give It to nnothoi paper In closing Mr RosewntcT wanted an expression of what the council would tegurd ns n circulation nnd whiit periods of time it should eovei Heniv Mnitin , n icsident of und saloon keeper In South Omaha , wus culled and test- ! lied to having received befoioho published , u notice fiom Tin , Bri giving Tin Bi i.'s cir culation and the icquiieme-nts of the law Ho published his notice ill the Woild-Heiald. Did not iccclvo a notice of circulation Councilman Rowley wanted to understand if Mr Mnitin requited u stepfather ! Also got u notice fiom the Woild-Horald bofoto having advertised Thut notice stated thut the council having fulled to designate a paper to ndvcttlso license notices in , 1 wns nt llbcity to select for myself , and thut the World-Hot did hnd ttio lutgest cit dilution Mr Rosowutcr , the next witness , stated that ho was cdltot of Tin 11-1 nnd president of Tin : Bi'i. publishing company Thoio uro sevetul editions of Tin. Bi.i : , morning , evening , Sunday' und weekly The bona fide circulation of Tni Bi i In Douglus countv in Febtumy was 11,400 mid In March ll,34l > On etoss examination Mr. Rosowatcr did not know what editions the notices were ad vertised in. Inieplvtoun insinuating question about the loss of circulation the witness reminded the exutninor thut ns the question was Impertinent - pertinent , it wns ronoof his business When the question whether the circulation ot Tin Hn hud not declined during tt.o liist ten monthsofls'K ) , Mr Simetal intctposed the objc ( tlou that it hud nothing to do wilh the case. The question is simply w hut was the cticulntion nt the time 01 Immediately bcfoio the notices weie being published In answer to questions Mr Roscvvatcr showed liom n statement In bund thut the circulation ol Tin EviMMiBii had run up fiom 0I17 , in January , IVtO , to 11,1211 in Do cembcT of tbo same year The witness did not know what edition the license notices weio publish-d In. Those statements uro made by employes in whom ho hud confi dence. A letter from Postmaster T S Clmkson of Om ilm was read und offered In evidence showing thut under similar uiovlsions of the national law ull advertisements of letters wcio made in Tin. Bui. The mujor luled the letters out Hunrj Mat tin was tccallcd and stated that he published his notice twice in the Wet Id- Heinld , the fiist time duiing the first week in April. Mr. Hitchcock of the Woild-Hcruld rcid E. O. Muylield's affidavit of the circulations In South Omaha , the affidavit of William H Dox of the ciiciilation of the Woild-lleiald , of Ftunk Truinbull und Willlum Wmionof iiow subacribets obtained , some of which weic subsctibers of Tin. Bi i. A certified copy of the action ot the Omaha license bonid was then toad. On being swoin Mr. HIt"hcock thought the morning circulation ot the Wotld-Hctuld was about thieo thousand and tbo evening edition about seven thousand , but didn't knowwlicthc'i - It included other than paid or bona lido subsriibois "Wo give sample copies to canvassers , but do not know how many. " On being shown n piper of Anul 1J , 1811 , with n notice rending , "This Is the last day on which the Wet Id Herald will bo delivered free of clmrgo , " nnd being asked bow mnny sueti copies weio thiown mound , tbo witness could not toll , intimating that was the duty of the business m inager. License notices were published in both mottling and evening editions Mr Rosevvnter , on being placed on the stand , showed that Tun Bi u circulation had increased 1,100 lately , and several bundled mete would bo added Monday next. "And these nio all paid for. I have some icguid for n mini who pajs for his piper nnd not much for the mini who wants to give it nwav and foico it on people besides" Mr Rosewater showed that not only had the po lice commission ruled that nil license notice- , after January ' _ " ! last , must be published In Tin Bn , but the cleik stated tm.t not u sin gle license had been gtanted since tlmt tlmo , the notice of application of which had not been published in TinBi p. After a ten minutes' argument on each side the council adjourned to meet Wednesday evening to dispose of the other contests. Fell in a ( ellnr. A joung child aged two jonis , son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Patilck MeMnhon , Twentieth unO N streets , fell from the ground floor to the ccllur , n dlstunco of some ten feet. The child fell fuco downward und received toitlblo bruises and cuts all over tlio fuco. A sur geon sowed up the cuts und diessca the wounds Ijo.ded ullli CotToc. John Peterson nnd nineteen bags of < offeo were navigated Into the police station j es- tctduy to answer ns suspicious chnincteis. UNI1K1I STATUS JUHOItS. Names ol' tlio Good Men Drawn Yen- to ( laj Attoi-iioon. Scipio Dundy , clerk of the United Stutcs district couit. dtow the unities of the men who will servo on the ginnd nnd petit Juries during the no\t teim of court , which begins on May 11. Following ute the names thnt wcro dtavvn lot the tinnd Jury. R B Grnham , Lincoln , II. A Homan , Omaha , LorinClatk , Albion. B R Cow dor ) , Columbus , A D Buckworth. North Plutto , D C Howard , Kearner , W. H McGann , liny Spiings , J D Putlsh , Lincoln , Geotgo II Hocknell , McCook , J W Blvcns , Pin- dum , William McBildo , Lincoln , S H Atwood - wood , Plattstnouth , A G Robinson , Nelson ; W W. Wilson , Clmdton , A. W Bulllan , Tceumseh , W H Uunmor > , Giand Islnnil , J C. Wurntr. Red Cloud , Ptunk Phillips , Hustings , Chatlcs Rlchatds , Vails City ; J H McCull , Lexington. P A Bluclt , Blootnington , E. C Cut nes , Sow nrd. Nnmes drawn foi the petit Jurv service nto. W M Foster , II M Bodweil , William Butoman , It. R DeGruff , Omaha , William Hnrtison , Valley , William Purr , South Omaha ; Herman Rcaglo , Falls Cltv , John Dill ley , nikhoin , James tlonsmnn , Douglas , S L Roberts , Alma , Churlcs Gtuvv , Omaha , W. M Eiwln , Alma , Peter Nusson , Omaha ; J S Dow , Tecumseh , J A Phelun , Johnson ; J. H. Umstead , Fuliorton , John Wheeler , Mlnden ; O. M Shores , Wuvcrlv ; John F Duncan , Davenport , Antln G Santner , A. D. Sclfken , Flank Feinnndcs , H L Sovvnrd , sr. , Edwurd Gurako , William Row it/or , Jutnes Anderson und John Kimmettlng , Omaha ; Louie Meyer , Lincoln , Hat ry Abbott , Denton - ton ; C H Mori 111 , Lincoln , W T Btandon , Omaha ; Alexander Palmer , Pullc.rtonJ C Smith , Clearw nter , J U Donne , Cteto ; J T. Bomfor , Westein , fculino county , nnd L A. Stocks , Geneva. PioNoiMitloii. Mr. William E. Mend , thn victim of n ma licious prosecution , gave boml yesterday In the sum of $750 to appear for examination In the police court May D. .Mr. Mead , who is well known In this city ns an estimable R n tlotnan , hud for aurety on hl bond Mr. I'tank Murphy , president of thu Merchants1 Nn tional bank. Mr , Mend unya thnt ho has no doubt in the world that the onto will bo dismissed In the lower court. Ho lavs further that Mr Trunk Scluoillnff , spcretnry nnd treasurer of thu Empire ) mower and tortpur company , Akron , O. , Is on his way to Oiniihn. It was tliioueh the Oiniihn ngctit of this compunj Ibat Mr. Mend wns nrrestcd Mr. Mead says that ho Infers thnt Mr. SclborlliiK hns n proposition to make looking to v compi omtip , and If this be true Mr. Mend snvs that ho will bo dlsap- pointed. COUH'F Several Dcc'lslonn of Interest Huiuleil Down YpMurdaj. JuJfio Doatio jcitcrdnv decided the Elkhorn - horn liquor ca c , which has tittioctcd > .onsid- ornblo attention. Ou Janunrj 20 August Ulcrbaeh applied to the board of trustees of Elkhoru preoinc-t for a license to sell Itqtim. On Januuty an bu notice wus flm published lit the \Vntcrloo puper and the license Kianted Jnnuaiy 31. U t'htoft , n cltl- < cuu of ElUhoin , pretested on the grounds that suftlcient tlmo hnd not elapsed between the1 date of publication ana the dnto of the gnuitiiiK ot thu license , unit for the icason thut the \\atefioo pnpe-r , not having the lut hust circulation In the countij , us piovldf u by law , the advertisement WHS illegal and void. Miitulunuis proLecdtni swore were bioitght , compelling the trustees to cnneel tbo license so issued and the case went into couit. In handing down bis dccUlon .Indno Duuio said the oulv qnostlou was wheth * t in appeal would lie upon thu face of tin ; pipri.s upon which thu trustees had gianted thu Ikunso. Uo dc-rldcd thnt the nppc-al was ptupetlj t.iixon und that the trustees It id no Authorl ! ) to issue the Ili-onsu us the application hid not been ptopcilj made and thnt the publ.cutluii of tbo notlcu bad not been made nceouliu to law lie held thnt the tuaudumus should Issuu , that tbu tnstucs Imd illcKullj issued the liccnso In this cusu ns in ull ethers whoto n patent bus been iiiudu and nn appeal tiken the saloon must be closed pending a settlement of the case Twoje.usnRO John Hcnvo sent to New Yoik for men to take the 3lHI > inir plumber ' places , ndv.uitiiit ; u onuy for transpoitution After their nuivnl the new inen ic-fused to woik or letuin the itionov , and How cat- tacheii thuir tciols und baggage The lowoi cuuitheld that tnoweie not utteinptlni ; to definite ! and thu attached piopcitt wus there loio exempt from execution nnd levj. .ludfe Wukelev sustained tills decision. An injunction wus i/rantcd retditifttid Stteltnu'iiinst the citj of Omaha A pot tion of thu plaintiff's lots ou Nineteenth and Center stiecta , vns tuken for street purposes und instead of receiving damages ho was as- sealed for benellls The suit mow out of the city's attempt to collect the taxes. Thecouit could not conceiv o how the Inking of Stieit/'s piopeit ) lesiilted in benefiting the same 'I ho application for u tec-civet in 'ho ease of the Omaha loan and trust company \s Delia A Vaughn ot al > vas gtniitcd The cusu is u tclic of the Democrat publishing lompany Vaughn borrowed money liom the plaintiff , but did not pa.v it bacK Judge Hopowell susti.inod tbo decision of tbo lower court in the case of Cobtun , sheriff , vs John P Sho-ilng , und the sheriff's bondsmen weio i cleaned This c.no giew out of the lalluie of the ol.l Omaha bank. Bc-foie Judge Doane , A C Stonehlll was chutgc d with contempt in violating the outer ot court in testiainlu/him fiom counlotfelt- ing thu signs of the Boston store und then method ol arranging gcods for display As soon us the casiivvm beard Stonehlll temoved his sign of "Boiiton" siore und changed his dlspluv , und the tontl held that the ccntuinpt was thus puigcd. I'OLICI. I'AUAGHAPHS. 31 Mloods Roonrdiid at the Contial Million Last Mulil. While some carpenters wcro working al the Deeiing factory on Capitol avcnuo je-s- teidtty afternoon , nnd weio up on n scaffold , a hiionk thief came nlong und stole a box of tools Iho thief made u grout run down Cup itol avenue , cha < cd by n codplo of cntpcntots and Ulllecr Hudson , tot-some titno the lle o- ing thief kept n distance of ovei n block in advance of bis pursuers. When iieuiing the smelting works the tools weie dropped , and the fugitive managed to hide among the freight cars nnd thus escnped uiiest. Between b it'J ' and .I o'clock lust evening n gang of boys , most of them old enough to know better , nmused themselves by tbtovv- Ing stones nt the motoi tats ns they passed the corner of Twenty-fourth nnd Vinton sticots The police wcte notified oy tele phone nnd the uppioach of a couple of ollktt- , dis [ eiscd the crowd Theio weio no uricsts Berthu Denting , u si\teen-jcm-old miss , was uircstcd lust evening chntged with stealing some ribbon and lace from Stone bill's. Opposite hbi nnme on the police blot ter is plnced the chnrgo of petit lurcc ny George Ch ipman was working tlio old shell gnmo swindle befoto n crowd on Lower Fat nniii street , lust night nnd wns nucsted b\ Officer Sulllvnn P.itsoy Harcy put in th > < night practising with the shells in nntiiipn tion of thu board's meeting on tomoirow night. DeWilt's Little Eatlv Risers , best pill See Potter & Gcotiro Co.'b ail. p.igo 17 j.oc i / / jtici , i tnt : i. A meeting of property owners will bo hold at the rooms of the real estate exchange on Tuesday evening The Vidimtii Theosophical society meets every Sunday afteinoon nt 4 o'clock utiuom ti , FrenVer block All nio invited. Tlio board of trade has accepted the pro position of Messrs. Brninard and Eistmini of the Pnxton to entertain the piesldential pnil\ while In Omaha. Invitations are out for a partv to bo given bv the Mayflower plcasuin club on Fiidav next , Muv 1 , nt the lesldenco of Mr Ed Free , 4tl5 ! Fnrnttm sticet , The mcinbets of the Woman's Relief corps , Gcotgo A. Custer , Grand Army ol the Re public , will give n calico bull May 1 at Metro politan hall , for thu benefit of the loliel fund. The icgulur son Ices will bo held at the First Congtegatiomil chuich this motning nnd evening by Rev. Joseph T Uurjoa Wednesday ovenlnir nginud ptalso meeting will bo held , to which nil ute invited. The Pennsylvania excursionists now 'In Cullfoinia will arrive in Omaha on the first of May and will bocntoitulnect bv the board of trude In upproprlrto style This will bo tbo thlid and last of the Pennsylvania ex- cuislons. The Omaha Kennel club bus filed in t tries of incotporntion in the office of ttio county cU'ik Tito Incorpotators uro J ( ' Evan1- , Charles II Snhlnc , Buiney Gordon nnd Clinrle > Ogden , who , with n cnplt.il of $2,000 , ptoposo to go to tiilslng drgs The ladies of the Fust Chiistian church hnvo m ranged fern muslciilo In the chinch parlor" , coiner Capitol avenue nnd Twen tieth stteets , Thui'sduy ovciilnir , April .Id Sninoof tlio best tiilcni in tbo citv will ton- tiibuto to the evcnings's entertainment A Good T in ? ! lotllio < Jiip /-Kim l/ic lliMiifnM O W ) Dntlii t i'ttni Suvoinl poison * hlghlv iccommend Ctnnn- botlaln'a Cough Remedy ns n lomedv foi the grip , now so ptov.ilent. II W Kilbouine , the county survuyot , sajsn bottle of tills remedy gave him relief This medicine * is prepared bv Chumbctluln iV Co , Des Molnos , Iowa , und it is buying n big sale In this city For snlo by ull druguists Itii'lillni ; PoimilH. The following permits wcio Issued by the superintendent of buildings \esterdny : Anton 1'iolml , one story fiamii lotlane , I'irk Torest J COO L'ornultiih llultlno ono nnd one-foiirlh Hlorv frniitudMullliu t'liflcin Mill . ! , ( T .1 Dickey , ono inn ! oiu'-foinlh story flame due Illag , I'orljiblid und Hut cli ttu slni'ls . MO ( i \ , ( ircivcil mil , one-story frinmi ccil- t.ize. rortv-nluth und I'uelllo htrc-i IH U < i ) 1'r'inl. 1'iohul , one story frame ( ( Jtlat'e , I'lirk ruicht . . . . . f. 0 A I * . TnKev iino and one-lmlf ttory frnmiulvvKllliu f'llftcjn lllll . . .l/jon I'our minor permits . in * Totnl t4M ) Sco Potter & Gooi'tfo Co.'s ml , imgo 17. Denlli ul'ilolin ( Par'ioi * . John ( i. Parker , un old tlmo i all road nmn nnd ticket broker , and vv ha lor many y uars wns connected with the Union Puclflo rulU VMiy couiimny , uled last uvonlna nt 0:3 : } o'clock nnd will be burled tomorrow fiom his Into rcsldoi co. ( i01 Marcy sticiot. Mr. PnrKer , whovvus lltty-flvo vo.iw of ngo , bat been suffcrliiK for the past llnco moiilh f rom n comtillcntlon of dlsordcus. His death. will b much rcKiettcd by n Inigo clrol < j of ft lends nnd urqunlntnueo _ ir w runs o A .ti , I'.nt.t. a i , //is. . G W. Klrby of liu Uugs Is at the MlllarJ. N L Huwthotn nnd wlfo of Wnhoo nio nl / / the Pttxtou. jf II D Truvis of Weeping Water is u gueair nt the Casey. R. E Funito and dnuxhter of Kenincy nto nt the Pnxton. Mrs. N. N Unldwln of Grand Island Is a guest ut the Dclk-no. H. M Hogo and M E. Ctttron of Nebraika City me ut the Dellono. F H. Olmstoitd ftnd HastitiKs me nt the W I. Allan of Chicago , nsMstiint general niunaior ; of tbo Rock Island , Is nt tic Mil- lard. lard.Mrs. Mrs. F. Melr , sr. , left for Ormvl Isiuttd jcstctdnv to attend her father's eighty seventh birthday. M A Lunn , editor of the Beet SiipinEn. . toiptisoof Giand Island , Is In the city in the Interest of his p ipor. Mr and Mis A Robblns nnd Mis N T. Hpooi of H Louis , who huvo been \lsltlttg Mr and Mis. Thomas Rogots , left for homo yosteidi ) . J R 'Hamilton nnd wlfo wont cast vester- duy alteinoon over the Burlington Mrs. Hamilton will go to Now Yoik and Mr Hum- lllon will stop in Chicago. Mi. A. B Campbell of the Omaha Llovutor comiMtiv returned to the elty vestetduv if r ii tlip thiough the gtaln glowing cUsUuts of Kansas nnd Mlssoutl Mi Campbell icporU the crop piospccts vui.v promising J A Uine , ptesideat of the Mlndun board ol Hade , Is in thn clti nuiKIng nir.ingomuiit-- forgetting out advettlsltiL' mutter extolling thuboiutloi ind adviintaiif ol the louutiy sutiiinndinR Mitiden. with a view to Induc ing immigration in thut diiectlon. W S Punning , who bus bten oftlc luting ns du > cloik at the Hotel Dellono , lias uc-c eptecl the appointment of cleik at the \ \ indsoi hotel In Denver and left for that pluco jcsteid ly. i : A FitZKoi.lld , n well known hotel uiaii | piesides nt the desk of the DC llono f < very small pill but n v-e'rv good one Dc- \\ltf * Little iailv : RC.CII. in : i / > . flic < nt nit liniKi i ics tin la ihix n 11 , nn < i , fit It a Mlliiin tl line Irn criiN .NT UsoN-l'ranl , . i c il JlTvTaTs r 11 d April . ' 1 Interment April " ' > lit Purest I. in n IIUI.MI-- ( irles D.nccMl . ' ivear- ' Killed Apill.'l Hurl il from ItuiU' ' t < binidaj lit .1 p in to I otesl I.unit tAIsoN-\UUU ( p in. Aprils' , ii ed 1. ve US , linn ud hon of Mi. and Mrs W M ( arson , Ptinoial ftoin uslileiiic XT II Shirley M net , Mombiv Aptll 'T , ut J p in Interment ut 1 crt'M I inn A ] j NOTICES. COUNCIL BL.UFFS. FOIt MM : or Ti uli-A line in put d ( lydcMlnh stallion C ill on D J liutcli * iii'-on .V ( o ( UT llioudvT ly K OIS UINl'-lo finilly vvlthiuit diddion -L good 4 room house No ' , ' .0 Miilth 1st stret , \VA\TP.O Comnetent KlrPlti fnnilly nf ' tnoat .112 lllRli School nvriiue Mis I ) ll0dcl \ _ _ _ _ - FO14 * < AM : Two rood loN In Wrlcht's iiddl- tion , nllltaKc borsi s in p ij inent Apply to I.i on ird Kvt tctt. SOMI line icslclenec ) propurtj for re ut by Hn > llts , 'i I'cutlstiMl. JjlOU Itl.N I ( lO-iu-rc fin mln I n niontcoiinty , Ion i House , neil mdOn d for oiio-lhlrcl ut imp ( m fin m Applj to l.coniud l.vurot ( ounill Illullh lena 17 < U1 Mlt ! lieip Two line ponies. In- JL1 uilt. Nil 4tb live. doing od liitsliie-s Or will u\eh IIIKL fin good fiirin In we stern lon.i llolc'l le IM futii turo und flxtuivs : an A No. 1 rhaiipe to st" | ' Into u good pavlnic liusU nc'-s HiMisons for selling , iiiliei business re- iiilrliu | ull ownerV attention Ilaifiliis ! In residence nnd business ptnp > eitv I ! I' nfllcc r , ti'iil osl ilo an I insurance .Uuit , No UN Mulnst. Ciiunci : llluirs GAKIM.NS Sinn ? ebolco Kimleu land near Council llluirs foi silo on IMS } terms ulso vltu'jarcls nnd. u lui o list of lena farms. lohiiMon .V Vun Put ten. IjU > K Slj | ; A line funilly home , 7 veins old -L this spring , uoklis 10 > i poinuls , color orrel llrcd by Hulurt M.it'tirc'Kor AdcliosS II I' Iliiltenli uior , .T to .11 J'ouith sticet. ( ouiii.il Illulls. HAVI.c isli customer for four lots hnlvvuon .MM uiiil Ji 111 sis , betuu'n A\o I ) und 4th IM > . , . | 1 * ( jti i iishlt'lilw , dl'J ' Itio tdwiiy Ij ltlMl fiitnifor s ile or Ir.uluol [ located 1anil ull In licurliu ; pee I liouso iiml b irn. \ \ III t iKo some Kci d eltj propuity , an I ( 'iiod tliiiiiKlvei. on bill im o. Call on or udilruss I ) , J , llutelilnson , Co M7 llro ulu ly. ilOlt HiN 1' I ho McMihun bloek , , story Inkle , \ > ltli liustMiient and eluvutor JV > - i. 101 re-ulstiect IJIOIl AM : A burculn ; new iiiodoin inlth ull the Into linprovoniunts , sevua rooms , will sull on u iiy p lynu'iits , lou itud oii the 1 ITtli iiM'nuu motoi llnu. I ) J llutcliln- ton < U llroiclwuv or Uout Oinlun lanil , wltli FOKSVLE J It. Itloo. WJ M.iln it , OouaqU Blulfi v CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK / 3150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . 225.000 Dint ! TOIIS I A Mlllcir , I' O Oloison C. f * EliUL-urt. E n IlirUJ U GdinuiiiUun. Oh irlai It. llunnan Trans tot Konoril U inUInx husl- neK hir.'ost cipll.il nnJ aurpliu oC uuy tmti ln tjoutliwojtorn t.nvi. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , IIi 'lioat cash price ptltl for raija nnd all UindH of bcrap inotals Cuuutrv clottlors and inorchauts will Ilnil it to their iulvantii'o { to communi cate with us bufoio dihposiiiK of tholr slocks. ( ilLINSKY HltOh , , Union Ilioidway Depot , Tel iidl Council UlulK la. BANKERS. Corner Main an 1 Ilrovlw-iy , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealnrs In forolun an 1 ilo nmtlo xoli Uolloc tion made und Inloro-it iiiiu on tl ua Uopoiltn HOTEL The Now O clon Hotel , in Oo n'll , h s boon com iljticl ref irnls mi an nu Jorn- laod throughout , anJ n now in ofthjbiit hotels In tliastilo UU iu.itiJl.1 tin bu il nesHpirtoi t loelty an I th i ulaatna uriuri pibjths door every lour minat'ji. tirj n oapcisund tir nUrnu throujioit tn i bull- 1 111 ; . Ste\m boat , hot inl oild witsr ill btinshlno in every n'Jm Ta'ilo mirpwol niiyvvhera. Kilos , $2.00 n d iv. QHO.M. WHITNKY , Mmrn or. GRAND , Council Bluffs , In. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel Is Now Open. Cragin & Co. , Proprietors. Gas Heating Stoves. ' NO AHIItS1 NO MOK1' . Just thci IbltiK fur bath IOOIIIH bed looms , eta Cull nnd heu our iurn'ousioi tunnU C. 13. Gns nnd Electric Light , 111 I'earl and ' . ' 10 Main Street ,