Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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rcllvercd by Carrier In nny part of the City.
11 , W. TILTON - MANAG13K.
Mushiest Oflicc , No.13. .
Night Editor. No. ' . .
N. V. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , S04 Snpp block.
Heal Hock Springs coal. Thatcher , 10 Main.
If you want water In your yard or house
go to Illxby's. ' ' 'OJ Men-lain block.
A itlnrrlngo license was Issued yesterday to
Henry llchnslnic nnd Dora Clover , Iwth of
A. T. Jordan and Miss Estclla Pharos , both
of Omaha , were married last evening by Jus-
tipe Hammer.
'Sarah M. ICcarns boean suit In district
court yesterday against W. IJ.Vood on sev
eral notes aggregating $7(55 ( in value.
The Kpworth league of the Fifth Method
ist church will glvo n dime concert next
Thursday evening at the church.
Mrs. Anna F. , wile of Frederick Ford , died
nt I o'clock yesterday morning at her resi
dence In Hn7ol Doll township , aged fifty-
three years. The funeral will tnko place \lils \
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Gus SOhultz of Omnhawas oeforo Justleo
S'.vcalngen yestordav for u hearing on n
charge of belling oil thnt has not been In
spected according to the provisions of the
statutes of Iowa. The defendant was dis
Clifford II. Clark und Miss .Tcnnto Ashley ,
both of this city , were married yesterday
afternoon nt the rectory of St. Paul's Epis
copal church , Kev. T. J. Mackay onieiutlng.
Mr. Clarke Is tbe son of tno former proprietor
of the Hotel Gordon.
A suit was commenced against Stewart &
Hunter , C. M. C. Stewart , F. M. Hunter
nnd J. W. Hunter In district court yes
terday afternoon by H. W. Wallace , claiming
fMW.'Jl as balance due fnr goods purchased of
the plaintiff whllo the defendants were the
proprietors of n drug store in Mason City.
L. J. Moddc has begun a suit In superior
court against the Chicago , St. Paul , Minne
apolis & Omaha railway for damages to the
amount of ? 1W ) , which ho claims by reason of
the kill'ng ' of two head of cattle which ho
WCH transporting over the company's road.
Ho claims that the cattle were killed by the
negligence of the company's employes.
Mrs. Margarita H. Johnston died at 10:30 :
o'clock yesterday morning 'after a lingering
Illness of three years , during which time she
lias been confined to her bed. She was fifty-
slx years of age. The funeral will take place
tomorrow afternoon nt 'J o'clock from the
residence , ! i'J7 JllutT street , Kev. John Wil
liamson of Omaha ofllciattng.
The English Lutheran church has secured
the Young Men's Christian Association
chapel In the Mcrrlam block as n place to
hold their services regularly. They will
organize thu Sabbath school tomorrow at I ) : in
a. m. and hold It each Sunday at thnt hour.
The morning services will bo at 11 and the
evening at 7tO. : ! The evening servlch will bo
omitted tomorrow but held regularly hero
after. Her. G. W. Snyder , residing at 113
East Pierce street , H the pastor.
Ex-Mayor Uohrer and General Agent Dav
cnport of the Burlington go to Martin's Inko
this morning for the purpose of establishing
a Hag station at time point for the bunctlt ol
the Council Bluffs hunting und fUhlng club.
The club has some fine property and preserves -
serves there , including n well appointed
house for the use oi the members , and boats
and tackle for fishing and hunting. The
transportation problem has been the only ono
that has caused them nny trouble , nnd the
flag station , at which the regular trains wil
'stop upon signal , will solve that. Tno gentle
men will enjoy n day's sport in addition to
tbo other good work.
A very small pill but a vary good ono. De-
Witt's Little Earlv Kisore.
The AtlvertlHcincnt.
Tno best advertisement Is n good article ,
and consequently wo advertise our shoes by
making them superior to any others in the
market , feeling convinced that sucli an ad
vertisement must pay in tbo long run.
B. M. SAKOKST , 41 ! ! Broadway.
Seed oats , corn , millet , and seed potatoes ,
garden seeds of nil kinds , at H. L. Carman's ,
MX ) Main and 501 Pearl strcots.
Stiugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk
Held , garden and ( lower seeds in the west
Catalogue and samples by mall.
A Itlrtlulny Surprise.
O. A. Atkins , manager of the Council
Bluffs telephone exchange , was given a sur
prise Thursday evening by a few of his
friends in honor of his birthday The com
pany met. at the residence of Mr. Slcad and
repaired to the homo of Mr. Atkins. Tbo
victim of the surprise had been lured away ,
N nd when ho returned homo ho was very
much amazed to find that ho hud a room full
of guests to entertain. Bcfom ho had time to
recover Mr. T. W. Bradford of the Citizens'
Btato bank stepped forward nnd presented
him with a number of elegant and costly
presents from the employes In the exchange.
The latter part of the evening was taken up
with refreshments , muslo and amusements of
various sorts. The following arc thu names
of these who were present :
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bradford-Mlss Juno Brad
ford , Joble WoUel , Edna Wntzel , Kitto Dav
idson , Nettle Bledsoo , Olllo Clark , Elm
Luster , Mary Eaton , Mabel VVIckhams of
Kansas City , Emma Van , Brunt , Nettie
Sload , Hattlo Slcad , Earnest Stephen , James
DoWitt's Little Early Risers , host pill.
Headed Capes.
The finest line of beaded capes over brought
to the city is now shown nt thu Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs. The prices are ? l.8'J , $1.75 ,
rJ.W ) , 1.00 , $ : t.7.nnd f 1.00 , only about one-
half their usual value. BOSTO.V STOKE ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Storage at reasonable rates , J. II. Snyder.
2 ! . ' , 24 , ' 'OPeuil iticot , Council Bluffs.
AVuntsj to Head Them Off.
Answers were filed In ttio district court
yesterday morning by the defendants In the
Injunction suits which woro-commcnccd by
L. M. Turner against H. 1C. Bclgum , A. 11.
Wells and James Coylo. They allege that
i the places which t hey arc accused of main
taining as saloons are covered by Injunctions
which were obtained by A. Overtoil , nnd
they assort that all other like actions are
barred. This schema is not n now ono , it
having been tried on by several of the de
fendants in the Tumor liquor suits. In
fact , it is so far from now that Attorney
Scabrook has become rather disgusted at Its
frequent appearance. Ho now states that
ho will bring n criminal prosecution against
all the lefendnnts who put In this pica In
abatement , charging them with contempt.
Ho.reasons that If thcso saloonkeepers nro
under injunction , and are still keeping open
their saloons , It necessarily follows that they
are disobeying the mandates of the court ,
nnd while ho has no desire to enforce nny of
Overtoil's Injunctions , ho will do so in case
they continue to use them us shields against
the prosecution of the present stlts.
AVall Paper , Htc.
House cleaning time is now on , call nnd
get the Boston store , Council Bluffs , prices
on wall pnpor , window shades , curtains in
chenille nnd lace , curtain poles , curtain rods ,
etc. , etc. , before purchasing. There you can
save money.
BOSTON- STOKE , Council Bluffs , la.
Our spring stock Is now complete. If you
want to be In style call at Keller's , the tailor.
810 Broadway.
It Is to your interest to consult Mandel t
Klein before you buy your furulturo , cat vets
5 or stoves. _
Freight for 1M miles prepaid on nil goods
bought of Mnndul & Klelu , 32U Broadway.
Drs. Woodbury. dentists , 85 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
grade work u specialty.
When about to build don't fail to get prices
on lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. , 613
Broadway. Telephone ' . ' 37.
Programme of the Coming Session of the
Local Qhautauqtm Assembly.
( if America's Most Noted
Sne.iUefH andS oi-kers Xnni-
licrcil AmoMK Those Who
Will Titko Part.
The wont of arranging a programme for th o
cnmlng season of the Chautauqua assembly
Is progressing rapidly. Many now attrac
tions have been adtloJ to these which were
furnished last year , and appearances Indicate
that the programmo will bo more enjoyable
than It has been any year since the assembly
was established. The session will open on
July 1 nt (5 ( o'clock p , ra. , and will close ou the
21st. The following departments have been
provided :
The Sunday school department will bo of
thrco gr.idcs , the primary. Intermediate nnd
middle. The Instructors will bo Uov. Samuel
Limlsey of DcsMolncs , llov. T. McIC. Stew
art of Council Bluffs , and Mrs. Muttio M.
Bailey ot Sbcnandoah.
Music. Will bo under the direction of C.
C. Case. Ho will have an able corps of as
Ot elocution. Prof. Byron W. King of
Philadelphia will have charge , and three
classes will bu organized ; ono for children ,
.fliioUicr for adults , nnd a third specially for
An itinerants' club. Will bo on the prin
ciple of the Itinerants' club organized by
Chancellor Vincent , In the Interest of the
under graduates of the Methodist conference.
It will bo open , however , to ministers of all
Special arrangements will bo madp for
meetings tinder the auspices of the Vonng
People's Society of Christian Endeavor and
the Kpworth league , nnd ono hour a any will
bo assigned to these societies.
Women's Christian Temperance union
training school. In this department will ue
n special course In bible temperance work and
parliamentary practice.
Ctmutauqua Literary and Scientific circle.
Dally round tables will bo hold , in which
special topics will bo considered on the en-
conversational method. Mr. Leon H. Vin
cent will deliver n special course of lectures
on literary subjects , and ono or two other
similar courses will be provided.
Recognition day will bo observed on the
IGth , Dr. Lymnn Abbott delivering the
recognition address. Among the other
lecturers will bo Hon. J. J. Ingalls , Hcv. T.
Dowitt Talmago , Prof. W. M. H. French ,
Colonel C. W. Klmball , Dr. Abram Palmer ,
J. Dowitt Miller , Lydia Von Finklesteln ,
Dr. F. N. HIalo , J. C. Ambrose , James A.
Green , Dr. Emory Miller , Dr. Lysander
Dickerman nnd Mrs. J. Ellen Foster. Prof ,
livron W. King will give a scries of readings.
Ubgers' band will bo present throughout the
entire session and concerts will bo given
by the Swedish tnnlo quartet. Besides these
sneclal features a number of well known so
loists nro to bobccurcd. The programme has
not yet been completed , but It Is expected
that It will be in shape for publication about
May 1. Dr. A. II. Gillett Is m.ikinq some se
lections In addition to these which have been
made by the management here.
It is understood that the president of the
motor company will bo met today by
n committee from the board of
directors for the purpose of com
ing to an agreement. If possible ,
ns. to the laying of u line of railway to the
grounds this season. It Is stated that all of
the objections that were at first Interposed
by tlio property owners along thu proposed
route have been overcome and that the ob
jections of the motor company are the last ,
If not the least , to bo tackled. The president
of the company was asked yesterday as to
whether he had heard of any meeting be
tween himself and the committee and ho
stated that ho hua not.
It is a great misfortune tor the young and
middle aged to be gray. To overcome this
and appear young , use Hall's Hair Ucuewcr ,
a reliable panacea.
"Yes , " said she , smiling sweetly , "I am
engaged. And do you know Jack says the
llrs > t thing ho fell iti love with were my pretty
feet ) My feet are probably not more' hanu-
somc or stiuDclv than these of a dozen other
, , ! , .l > u rt , , . , , , , , , , , , , nrtn , , ' o ht T hnl'n .lo- !
covered an Important fact that has helped
mo amn/inply , nnd nil the girls mny profit by
it if they choose. I always innko my feet
uppeflr to the very best ndvnntago , nnd to do
this I get my shoes from Mr. Snrccnt , who
mukes a specialty of lovely line shoes for
Indies. You are aware thnt an ugly or poorly
mndu shoo will muke the most beautiful foot
nppoar honioly.but the elosant shoes you got
at Sargent's mnko the most homely feet
appear neut and attractive if not really" beau
tiful. His Indies' shoes arc the real ton ,
finely finished and made of ilexiblo leather
tbut will adapt Itself to the natural shape of
the foot and add to its beauty. "
Struck by u fllotor.
Guy Bennett , tlio ten-year-ola son of L. M.
Bennett , is laid up nt homo from the effects
of a collision which ho had with a motor
train at tlio corner of Fifth avenue and
Eighth street. Ho was on his way home
from school with some boys of his own age.
Ho started to run across the track without
looking to see whether there was any danger ,
and ut that moment it happened that a motor
train was within a few foot of him. The
motor man succeeded In stopping the train
before It passed ever the boy , but not until
ho had been knocked headlong to the ground.
Ho was carried home , und lias been confined
to his bed ever since.
DoWitt's Little Early Risers. Best little
pill ever made. Cure constipation every
time. None cfjiuil. Use them now.
Ion ! Ice ! reel ! !
If you want It pure and n
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no now dev ioe.
Out send to us in a tr
At our off
MulholUuu & Co. , No. 4 Pearl st. , Tel. 102.
Trees , all Ulndt , guaranteed to grow , prices
cheap , at Malrs' , Broadway , opposite postof-
flce. _
Newest styles In furniture and carnats ;
best cooking stoves in the world at Manuel &
Klein's installment house , U2U iiroadway.
Do you want an express wagon or boy I
King up the A. D. T. Co. , telephone 170 , No.
11 North Main street.
I'ulloo Court NOWH.
A. M. HoynoKU , C. B. Ivy and E. Ward ,
all of Omaha , were up before Judge McGco
in police court ycsterdny morning on a charge
of drunkenness and reckless driving. They
were fined $18.10 nnd In default of payment
were sent to the city jail to board out , the
amount. L. M. Miller , William Fan-ell , fid
Keff and James Klugsloy were fined amounts
ranging from $10.10 to f 15.20 for drunken
ness. O. Hutmoker , who was charged with
having peddled without n license , was dis
charged. The case against S. J. Lynch ,
charged with disturbing the peace , and E. E.
Pierce , with forgery , were continued until
this morning. _
Starch grows sticky common powders
haven vulgar glure. Poz/onl's is the onlv
complexion powder fit for use.
Tliu School KiiiulH.
The semi-annual apportionment of school
funds was completed by County Audito.
tYhpu fUbyrui tek , we payo her Castorlo ,
V7hen ihe WM a CW1 J , lie cried for Costoria ,
When the become MUa , cue clung to Coatorio ,
Wbau ilia luul ClilUmn , iuo gaie them Cutori ,
Hciulncks yesterday morning. Tlio amount
of money apportioned was on n basis of IK )
cents to each person of school ago. There
nro IS.Ml persons In the county between the
ages of six and twenty-one years ntjd the
total amount divided was $10U4.GO. This
was derived as follows ; From the state ,
m > l2.SO ; general school tax , $ ll.38 < ! .S ! > ; fines
collected , f I.SU.ST . The Council Bluffs dis
trict contains 0f > 05 pupils nnd will , there
fore , receive a total from the county of
Constipation poisons the blood : DeWltt's '
Little Early Risers euro Constipation , The
cause removed the disease Is cone.
jit. scoxi'd 12 MS CT u ic const ; rs.
I'ostnn Store , Council lllnlTs.
This Is an elegant fast black , extra quality
satcui corset , handsomely embroidered In old
gold and nnd silk , prettily trimmed. This
corset has Dr. Scott's
now patent spinal sup
porting back , which every lady should wear.
This Is positively ono of tno best corsets In
the market and Is highly recommended.
Prleo everywhere $2.00 , 18 to 30 Inches.
Boston Store pries , whllo they last , $1,35 ,
Council Bluffs.
A hong but Intercut iiv Session of the
School Hoard.
The school board held Its regular monthly
meeting lust evening with all the members
Chairman Shocntgcu of the committro on
teachers called attcatlon to the fact that the
Second Avenue school had been opened dur
ing the past mouth. An additional
teacher was needed for that school
ami ho had appointed Mrs. Morna
Moors to the position. This causing
a vacancy In the eighth grade , ho had ap
pointed Miss Ellen Prior to till It. He had
also appointed four substitutes ; Misses
Mamlo Dickey , Ivato GronewegV. . J. Kief
nnu Llzzlo Ferguson. The repot t was
Mr. Schoentgen then read n resolution pro
viding that the superintendent bo Instructed
to report to the board , within the next ten
days , n list of books to bo used during the
school year of Ib'Jl-W ' , nnd that an advertise
ment bo Inserted by the president In the city
papers for sealed bids up to July 15 , 1801 , for
the furnishing of text books for llvo years
from the dote ol the contract , in accordance
with section 5 , chapter 1M , Iowa statutes ,
which was passed tit the last session of the
Tlio list of high school books for about two
linmlred pupil ! ) to bo figured on thunnmo basis
as inu aiovo list , inu iimoiitii of union um
be approximated by publishers nnd du.ilcrs
conforrlni ; with the president of the Count1 ! !
Illnlls school board. The school board \\lll
rucjulreof the school Look publishers a 1)1(1 ) (
Hiving their lowest contract prices at which
thuy will furnish thu vlionl br.oU * and sup
plies delivered In Council Illiillrt for : i term of
iivo years. The publlnhors will also
bo required to bid the highest
amount they will give for old to.\t
uooks now In use , In oxchunpn on
contract. The bo.ird will require of retail
dealer ! * or nil of those wishing to handle the
books one or both of the following propositions
us thu person desiring to bid may select , to
wit :
First , u bid to .supply tlio pupils nt special
retail prices , thu dealers assuming all respon
sibility In ordering from the publlbliciM and
handlfntf said school books.
Second , n bid to handle the hooks nt a
spoellled amount or pur cent , the board pur
chasing from tlio puUlMicrs.
The proposed advertisement states thnt the
number of pupils enrolled during thu next
year would bo between 3,600 and 4.000. The
resolution was adopted.
The chairman of the committee on janitors
recommended thn appointment of C. F. Hart
as Janitor of the Second avenue school at a
salary of f 15 per month. The report was
adopted. The president reported the follow
ing amounts received from thu county treas
urer : School house fund , f i'J'J.M ; teachers
fund , $17,550.'j : ; contingent fund , S10.li47.00.
The following estimate was agreed upon of
the expenses for the ensuing year : School
house fuud , $10,000 ; teachers , $35,000 ; con
tingent , 525,000.
The salary of General Janitor Johnson was
fixed at $05 per month.
Superintendent Sawyer raado the fol
lowing report for the last month :
Daily average of attendance , 2,310 : total
enrollment of pupils. ! t,0t5. ! Ho stated that
the report did not show up very well on ac
count of the great amount of illness.
The superintendent raised the question
whether the schools should bo closed on
Juno 10 or 20. Schoentgcn moved that the
superintendent bo instructed to interview the
teachers for the purpose of Hading out
whether they would bo willing to give up a
week's work and n week's ' salary ,
and close a week earlier than the
time fixed in their contracts with
the board. The motion provoked consider
able discussion , after which Schccntgln with
drew his motion nnd mndo another , that the
schools bo closed on thu 10th. The motion
was carried , Hunter voting no.
The poosldont , secretary and superintend
ent were Instructed to order fifty diplomas.
On recommendation of Superintendent
Sawyer the board decided to issue an an
nual report of the schools , containing the re
vised rules of the board , school statistics ,
course of studj , list of text books and gen
eral report of the president of the board and
the superintendent of schools , leaving It op
tional with the president to require the chair
man of each committee to submit a report to
be embodied in his own. The president was
instructed to advertise for bids for the print
ing of 5,000 conies. "
A petition "was presented with sixty-one
names of property owners representing 104
pupils on North Harrison street and in the
vicinity , calling the attention of thn board to
the fact that the citizens had decided by vote
in 1SOO to erect a $10,000 school building on
North Harrison street , and that the board
had never taken nny action in tbu matter.
It stated that tlio building was greatly
needed , and asked the board to erect it
at once. It was decided to re-
ccivo the petition , and that the board should
combine business with pleasure by taking a
ride over the ground at 4:30 : o'clock next
Wednesday afternoon.
After allowing the usual monthly batch of
.bills , the board adjourned.
The Chicago Times , Tribune nnd Herald
arrive In Council Iluffs B:10 : p. m. on day of
publication , and aru delivered nt once to all
parts of the city by swift and careful carriers
at only 20 cents a week , incuding the mam
moth Sunday issued. The Saturday or Sun
day issue alone 5 cents each. F. R. Nugent ,
agent , postoftlco box 101.
For Sale Two hundred tons of baled hay.
Inquire of Ben Marks.
Manuel & Klein sell furniture , carpets and
stoves on easy payments. 320 Broadway.
Lace curtains cleaned from 50u to $1,25 per
pair , at Twin City dye works.
Notice to Hod Haulers. '
You can buy fron ono to ono hundred loads
of good blue grass turf of A. J. Bishop , near
Union elevutor. '
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within ono and one-half miles of the P. O. ;
nil in bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given at once. Cull on D. J. Hutchlnson &
Co. , 017 Iiroadway.
Mnlr bns nil sorts of fruit , shade and orna
mental trees , B'way , opposite postofllcc.
Everything in house furnishing nt Mandel
& Klein's on cosy payments. U20 Broadway.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Juice
tablets. They are delicious.
Most people consider ailments , llko llourso-
nrssCought-'oru Throat , utc. , notuorth tholr
whllu to look after. This riUKlt'ut Is very often
the cansu of hovuru and protracted sickness.
UsuHodi'ii I'astlllus In tlmu. Ur. Moieuu 11.
llrownwrltos : " 1 ha\o IIMM ! thnhodcn I'nstllles
nnd linil ' .ho it-suits very H.itlsfautory for dls-
i > n CH of thu Throat , L'hust < md I.iinirt. . " Kauli
box must liavo thu testimonial of Sir Morioll
Muckcnrlo with uach box. 1'rlcu 5Co.
Kor the Skin anJ Sfalp.
Prepared by a lerra > tololit with
| 5J jriri1 eiperlence. Unrquilrd
I for ucuiat. ciUlie il , mlr ikm ,
I1 If ih wormi. chi | | wj handi. ncei-
ir | r piraton ! , ugly completion ,
etc. An unftlllng remedy for > ll
Clip ifl cton | , tin ) > mre prcrtDt-
ire of ill foriai of iktn dlwn > .
For Silo bf Drucgiiu or tent b7 nail. Trie * CO cjnti.
'I'll fill I > UMinookl r > .
rillllll HloillisllPB . intwYidtbMlr.llikipitii 23-P < * ,
llllril.J , r > ill ill * i lp ilfcileei > n4 ( Mr liiituiii tut
( M > l l ) fvc 100. OmlUlUa f. . . . u id , . r Ij l.U.r ,
JUII.N II. VTOODHUUY , Derroitolofiit.
183 W. 4Xd bt. . New York City.
That's what tUe average ami fair miiiclefl customer demands at tlie
hands of the'dealer , in exchange for his money. WE ARE MANUFAC
but reliable garments , materials carefully selected and made up right.
They're always the cheapest to the consumer. When you're offered
MEN'S SUITS OR BOYS' SUITS for less than your own judgment de
clares the making worth , there's a "nigger in the woodpile. " Let'em
alone. Common sense , when used , gives every man a fair knowledge of
values. Time is money. We have neither to waste in making up trash
to gull the public. A selection from our $7.50 line of MEN'S SUITS
will give you full value for every cent. Our $1O.OO , $12.50 and $15OO
Suits are made up with every care , well trimmed and durable ; they're
worth every nickel we ask and are profitable and economical suits to
buy. In the higher grades , such as Spring Overcoats , Business and
Dress Suits our lines were never so complete. For RELIALE CLOTH
ING at REASONABLE prices see
Money Cheerfully Refunded when BROWNING KING & CO.
goods do not satisfy. , .
S. W. Corner I5th and Douglas , THE RELIABLE CLOTHIERS.
Baron Leibig
The ( front chemist pronounceil tlio
well known lcH > U Company's Extract
o ( Beef , made ot the IInoil Utter
1'lntte cattle. Infinitely superior In
Ilnvor and quiillt- nnjr nniau of cat
tle nron n In Kuropa ur elsewhere , Ho
authorized the use uf
his as the
well kno'n trade mark
signature U D of
LEIBIGr Extract
rordt'llelous Tor Improved nnd
llcuf Ten , Economic Coukury.
Uichost cash price paid for races nnd
all kinds of scrap raouils.
Country dealers and merchants will
find it to their advantage to communi
cate wltn us before disposing of tlielr
stocks. GILINSKY BROS. ,
Union Broadway Depot ,
Tel. 301. Council Blurts , la.
31. Jr. CJIAMnEHKIX , 31. Z > .
Eye , Ear , Nose nnd Throat
Specialist ,
Council lllull , - - lown.
Sore eycx , cross uyei , ,
pnlnful and weak visionj
cnrnclic , deafnoM , dls- '
cluirifc < from tlio ears , en- ,
torrli , liny fever , nstlimn
nnd nil ncuto nnd chronic
ntlectlonsof tlio thront n
epeclnlty. Gln s cyei flt-
ted without pain. ilis ; : oj nccurntcly prescribed In
dltUcultrnsus , often curing clirunlu noiir.ilKl.i mid
nick headache. Surglcnl opcrntlnnt , when neces-
"try , pnlnlo sly porfnriued , titfiurlnK he t result *
Ollicc. bhuKart-lleno block , room I , Council HlurU , In
over 0. B. Jncqucmln & Co. . Jewelry Store
Corner Main and Broadway ,
Dealers la foreign anJ doiiestlo xchant *
Collection uiada uud Interest paid ou
The New Ogdeft Hotel , In Council Blufft ,
has been completed refurnls'ied an modern
ized throughout , and is now onof tha bjat
hotels in ttia state. It Is located In tha bull-
nesspartof t.iuclty ani ths electric motor i
pass the door every four minutes. Fire e -
capos nnd flre alarms throushout thj balU-
inc. Steam heat , hot an I cold watar an I
sunshine in every roam. Table uasarp m J i
anywhere. Rates , $ B.JO ( a day.
QEO. M. WHITNEY , Manager.
Sims &
federal courts. Itoifns 3 , 4 and 5 Sliugiirt
llcno block , Council lliuffti , la.
HI flnnilinrc 'Al'mrney nt Law , No. 19
J tlliinilJCrb
. , , litfnrl struct , ever Ilush-
null's store. Telephone No. 'J-Vt. Iluslncsi
hours. 8 a. in. toll p. in , .Council UluDs , l.u
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Packers1 Supjlir ,
if '
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
Pplccs and Sausage Makers' Machinery. 82)-
Ki ! Main st. . Council III u IT * la , Also Uealurj
n llldeg und Kuri
Medical and Surgical Institute.
1)118. 11EMJNOEHS. l'HOI'3.
Cbronlo diseases of nil kinds und deform
ities ttpcclultle * . Nos. ihXJl und SiM llroadwuy.
Council Dlutrs. la.
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
Is Now Open ,
Cragin & Co. , Proprietors ,
Buggies , Camp , Spring Wagons , Calls , Road Wagons
Gives Better Value for money than any house on Missouri River.
Hamilton Grade Vehicles , Columbia Carriage Co.'s Buggies ,
Surries and Pheetons , Bonanza Buggies and Pheetons , Spring
Wagons , all styles , Michigan and Van Brunt Road Wagons , Carts
and Harness in great variety. Correspondence solicited and cata
logue and prices on application.
G. A. Scnoesdack , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council
Bluffs and 1521 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and refinish goods
of every description. Packages received at either office or at the
works , Cor. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
All kinds of Dying mul Cleiuilns done In tlio
IllKhcst ' Sty loot the Art , Kadud and Staluod
1'iiljrlcs madu to look us good as new , llud
I'eathurs I'loaned Ity Meant , In Klrst Olass
Milliner. Work promptly done nnd delivered
In all parts of the country bund for price
0. A. MAOHAN. 1'rop. .
10U Broadway. Near Norfhwustoru
C'OU.NCll , llLUfM. I A.
Of Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 ,
Dimerous I. A. Miller , P. O. Ole * oa , R L
Bhuiart. E. E. IlarU J , D Edmundioii , Ohtirloi
It. llunnan. Trumpet general binkln ; { bunl-
ncn. Largest capital and surplu * ot any
liankln Southwestern Iowa
linley Burke. Thos. B. Oasady.
Offices ; J. J. Drawn llulldliiK. Council IllufT * .
G'as Heating Stoves.
No A8iiL-sl No SMOKK.
Jiut the thing for bath rooms , bed rooms , etc.
Call und see our largo assortment.
C. D. Gas and Electric Light Co.
2111'ourl uud 310 Mulu Struct.
Transportation Department of tlio Inte
rior , Oillco of Indian All.ilrs , WiiihliiKton ,
April 4 , IMIl. Sualod pronosnlh. Indorsed " 1'ro-
posnlsfor lli'pf. ( bids for beuf must bu submit
ted In soparatu unvolopus ) , Incon. Hour , clotli-
liiK , or transportation , etc , " las tliu o.iso may
bui and directed to tlioCommlssloncrof Indian
Allaire , Nos. ( H nnd 6" Woostur Mn-ot , New
York , will bu rot-ulvcd until J p. nt.uf Tnatdny.
MnyS , IKil. for fnrnlslilir , ' for the Indian her-
vice about WO.OO ) pounds baoou , : i4,0u 1.000
pounds buof on thu hoof , Krai. ! ) * ) pounds nut
buef. IlfiO.uOd pounds bonus. XlK)3 ( ) pounds baking
powder. I'.luu.OUU pounds corn , f > V'ltxxi pounds
C'oiree.10,0 O.UOJpounUb Hour , 1IU.O 0 imnmlsfeed
10,000 poll mis hard brundlU.Oju p muds hominy ,
: H.UOJ pounds lard , ( VIJ b irrels muss pork , i.OiD
pound * o.itmeal , hKI.OOJ pounds o.its 1111.0)0 )
pounds rice , li.MXW pounda tea , 117.000 pounds (
conrsi > < alt , KVI.OOI pounds line halt , : mU ( )
pounds soap , 1,100,010 pounds sugar , and 41U.-
101 pounds \\heat. Also , blankets , woolen and
cotton goods , ( consisting in part of tl'jUlir. '
17.HOO yards ; Mumliucl uallco , 100,000 yaids ;
drllllnj. , i.,000yaids ; duck , fieo from all slIng I/-
Ing , 31.0 M yards ; dunlins , ' 'i.OOU vatds ; L'lnv-
lium , : cm,000 yards ; Kentunky Juans. 11,000
yards ; uhovloi , 1,090 yards ; brown Hliuutln ?
iiO.fioo yards ; bleauliud slieutlnj ; . I'.tO'J yards ;
hickory shirting , IVKX ( ) yards ; calico shli-tliig ,
( .OWiyu.ds ; wliiM'y , 4.000 yards ) ; clothing , pro-
( dries , notions , ! iirduuie : , mcdlval suppllns ! ,
school books , etc. . and a long list of mlicella-
ni'ous artli'lcs. such as harness , pious , ralu's ,
forks , etc. . nnd for about . > 73 wagons required
for thu service , to bu delivered at Chicago >
KUIISIIH City , and SoiiCity. ! . Also , for snub
Wii'-'uns us mav bo rennlren , adiinted
totliucllmatu of thu I'aclllu coast , wltb Cal ;
Ifoinla brnUuh. duliverud at Hau rr.inclsco.
Also , transportation forsucliof tlio iirtlclcs ,
gootlH und snnpllos that muv not lie eon tint
ed for to bu delivered at thu Agencies
IU.4NKH. Schedules Hhowllig the kinds anil
quantities of subsistence supplies leijuuci ! |
foreaub Agenuy and 'rehool ' , and thu kinds
and iiuaiitltluK In gross , of nil othergoods , and
articles , toguthrr with blank proposals , con
ditions to lie observed by bidder' ' , tlmo ami
place of delivery , terms of contract , and IKmr
ment. transportation route * , and all other
necessary Instructions will be furnished upoi
application to tbu Indian Olllco In Washing An. KI inidW ir < .onfer tire t , ff w roil : ,
TliuCointnlssarles of KuljHlstencu , I ! S. A. til
Cheyenne , Chicago , I.eavenworih. Oriinha
Saint lonlHSilnt 1'uul.and San 1'runcKcojtlu
I'ostn.iiHtorsat Hloux City , Iowa ; Vankton , .s
Dakota ; Arkansas City. L'atduull , Topeka ,
and Wichita , Kansas , nnd Tucson , Arl/.ona .
Thu right U reserved by thu government nil.ti t
rujei'tany and all bldh.orunv pirtof any bli !
and these proposals aru Invited under iirovlsi npproprlallons shall bu undo for tin
supplies by eonuiess. Illds will bu opened Inat
thu hour und day ulxmi stated , and bidders
tire Invited to bu present at HID opening
I'KKTiniai cnrcKs. All bdHinust bo accom
panied by eertllled uliccks or dr.tftH upoi
somu t'nlted r-tate Depository or tt o 1'lrnt
National Hunk of San FrnnuUco. Cal for at
lo.iht llvo percent of the amount of the pro
posal. ' T. J. MUUOAN , ConimUsloiior ,
rortliutroitnicattit nil CIIIIOMIO AND Sl < ltUOAr ( >
Si\ : ' , < l.S , llrnio . AiH'llinooJfor Dofonnlllosnn.l
ucietx. llou Knollltlc-i , Appnrntm tml Koincdloj
forineojsufid Ircilmcnt of ororr form of Olscmi
itHiulrlnu .Modlonlor Stirnlcnl Tronliuont. Nl.NKTV
IIOUMS I'lllt I'ATIUXr.s , llonrJ iin.l AtteniLinc * .
lic-t AivouiiiiMii itliitu ' . .Vnjt.vrllo lor clrculrn or )
IH'formillcs nnil llrnco , Tfimot , Club Wet , I'urvm
tiiroi of Spliii' , l'llo < , TcunoM , I'nnciT , t'ntnrrli ,
UronclitlK lalnlatt.m. Hli < ctrlcltr > l'.irnlr l , ipll : <
i'T r. Kldnurs , llhuldor , Kjo. Kur , Skin mul lllooif ,
nnil nil Hiiu-lcnt ( IpL-rMlorn. DlKKAtiKd OPVO.M1N !
iiri > tclilo. : ! llin'kui Il ) < cnio < of Wonirn I'roi'V4
lih\cl. tulr million iTlns In Dupirlmont forWomoa
Diullut funlliioniont ( SlrlctlT I'rlvnlo. ) Onlf ll ( < lli\ .
lilo .MiMllRil InMUulo Mnkliu ttpvulnltr of Till *
VATI : nisKASi : .
All lllaiid I > | > CM OI Miccoisfallr trcntoit. .Mt-illolniJ
or InstriiiiiiMiH v.U by umll or otpraii lociirclr
1'icki'il , no tnirki to imllcato cottli'iit or onJSr.
Untifr | < onn , Inlvrvlunr pruforrod. Cull mill cumuli
iu or eiM lillorr of your c < e. nmt wo wllliimJ Irt
Inltl wrnppi'r'iiir IIOOixTO MMN KltlUIi ilion | l'rt
vnlo. Sperlnl er Ni-rruut Dlie.noi , wlttiiiiiostlunllit
Aililro ' ll IUIcT < to
DIA. . T. McUauflhlln , President
' . 'Hi and Hartley Mreets. Omahii.
Corner 14th and Capitol Avonii j.
Just complutud , hai 100 rooms , threa
stairways , from the top to the bottom , ha *
fine elevator and dinning room so'vloa , I
ru 11 oof throughout , flnu blllar.l rooms anil
ho linost tollot roomi In tha city. Lars
Iplo rooms , Suitoj with bit'iA:3. Cor
1-Hh nnd Canltol Ave. Street oar sorvloa in ,
Krj ) HatoJ. from St.50 ! to 31.00
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
< 3OO Broadway , Council BlufTa , la
OP HI OB. 07.
To Bee-Keepers
I curry a full line of Ucolccopers' sup.
plies , including comb foundation , hon
ey knives , smokers , sections mul all
supplies for the uniiiry. M. S. HOOP ,
o'JO Ii. 15 road way , Council Liluirs , Iowa.
\\7ANTit-inipotiiit : ) ( clrl In fiunlly of
two at : ; u Illu'li fcuhool iiviMiuu. Mrs. li
11. Oilull.
oil PA lift Two coed lots In Wrlk'lit's addi
tion ; will taUu liorscsi in payment. Am > lV
to 'iard Kverctt.
SO.Mi ; ( Ino ri'Hldnnuo property for rent bj
_ lay ) &'unrlstnjuU ; _
Foil Kl'NT fiO-ncio farin In Krcmont county ,
limn. House , \vell und i-lied for one-third
, of oi 011 on farm. Apply to Leonaid Kvorett
I Council lllulls , Iowa.
F I OH SA IK Cheap. Two line ponies. In
"I71UU SALi : Hotel centrally located , clolnd
- " 1good business. Or will oxchaiige for good
"arm In uusturn Iowa.
Hotel lease , furniture nnd fixtures ! an A
No. 1 chance to hU-p Into u peed paying busU
less. Iteasons for selling , other business ro-
liilrlng all owner's attention.
llargalns In residence and business prop-
city. It. I * . Olllcer , leal estate and insurance
igent. No. 12 N. Main St. . Council lllulls.
riAUDI'XS Some choice gulden laud neal
VJ Council ItlulTs forsalo on easy terms , also
ineyards ami a largu list of Iowa farms.
'obiiMon ' & Van 1'ulten.
"iron S VLK A llnu family horse , 7 years ohl
A. this sprln ? , woUUs llXVi poiimls. color
oriel. Ilred by liobcrt MacGrogor. Address
I. ! > ' Hattonhauur , 27 to 111 I'ourlh btreet ,
Council lllnirs ,
HA VK cash eiistonior for four lots bntweou
I'lKl and . ' 'It ' h sts. , between Avu I ) and 4tli
u\e. , J. 1' . Ori.'uiiablulds. ( Ill ) Hro'idwiiy. _
T/'ltLTI' ' farm for salu or trade ; well located
-L. and all In bearing ; gooJ house and barn ,
A'lll t.iku bomo good city property , and good
tmugjvoi. on balance. Call on or address U.
J. HiilcliliiMin A : Co. . (117 ( Hroaihvay.
_ _ _
ir OK KEXT Thu Mo.Mahon block , 3 stor
-f- brick , with Iiasuinent und elevator. J. \ Y.
sqiilte. ! OI I'earl street.
71UIOALE A bargain ; now modern House
- with all tliu Into Improvements- , seven
looms ; will sull on easy payments ; located oil
the I'lflli avciinu motor lino. I ) . J. llutohln-
son , dl7 Uro'iilwav.
FOKS.YLE or latit-3ar.lua lanl. with
houiui , by J. 1C lUoa. 101 Mala it. , Oounolt
A TI-IIK i * . edict ion.
Wo told our patrons last season that tha
old style cnsollno steve was n thing i f the
past. This year , by paying n ? T > , OOd.OO roy
alty to the makers ot the Now 1'roccss Vnpor
Stove Co. , every other vapor steve company
can make a steve under their patents , V/a
arc the exclusive ngent for the original Nr.w
I'HOCI : S stovn with Its great 1&01 improve ,
mcnts , also for thn Quick Meal Now Process ,
the best of all the others. Our last year's ex
perience has enabled us to select thu best
stoves lor our Ib'Jl trado.Vo will sell on
i : v I'AYMr.NTs. Wo will send stoves on
trial and guarantee satisfaction don't pur
chase before seelnp ; us. Cole & Cole , 41
Mala street.
* ItnlVlKcrntorfl on Payments.
Greatest bargains over offered. Lawn
tnowcM. Bulk gnadcn seeds. Victor bl <
cycles. Cole & Cole , 4U Main street.
< on lliuyole * .
There will bo hundreds of wheels sold in
Coiiiic'l lilutrs nnd vicinity this scaaon , and
no purchaser can afford to tnaka experiments
at his own cost , which ho will do when ho
yields to the temptation to buy anything else.
than the world-famed Columbian. Koto these
points of unquestionable superiority over all
other machines :
The Steering The Columbia spring fork
has no "Ilumudels" to interfere with the
steadiness of steering. Ask old riders about
"bandu off. "
Weight -Don't take the catalogue wnlirht.
Tlio Columbia weighs -IS' pounds ou the
scales. A few pounds of unnecessary weight
Is a ton up the bill.
Simplicity The Columbia double diamond
frame combines lightness , strength and
Cushion Tires "You pay your money and
you takes your cholco. " The Columbia la
made either way , although tha solid tire Is
without doubt the most durable.
Krfrlnorntor * .
The World's best , the North Star and the
Leonard , range in prices from § 1.50 up.
( illhll.llUl MtOVCH.
The Reliable Process Evaporator steve is
the best In the market. No sub-btirnor , con
sequently burns less gasoline.
Tilt ; Host Kiiwn Mower ,
Genuine Philadelphia lawn mower. Do
not buy Inferior imitations when j ou can got
the real article for the same mnncv.
P. C. DEVOI , ,
' * l < V KnzlUb nUnoint llnnd.
- < & X 0 ' ln l nrt Only Ornulnr.
-V * *
- VAfCt ( ! FvUftblCt LD" * M *
Druiclil ( or Ckttktttir * fnolttk IH *
wonj Hran.t ( a frd ta4 Volt n > rulll
i iri. triJ 4 with blu * rlbtrtti 1 pUe
nuotbiT. K/w4l lanj ro < ut tiu
( lo .i onj tnittttent. At Ufgjn ! , or nl 4r.
In unmet tut iMiilcBlifi , ivttlcnonUti * o4
'MtrlUf fur T-ttdlfM < * ( ' " " < " 7 rent
" II. lO.OOOTi ' "
. ,
l'bll d , i * * .