THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : iqltDAY , APRIL 24 , 1891. " " THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL ULUFP'S. OFFICE : No. 12 PEA ML STREET. Delivered by Carrier lu any part of the City. 11.V. . TILTON MAN Ad Ell. Business Oftlre , No 13. Night Hilltor. No. S.1. N. y. r. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal , Craft's chattel limns , " 01 Sapp blocK , Heal Hock HprlnKs coal. Thatcher , 10 Main. If vou wnnt water In jour yard or house ' RO lo'BKby's , SU ( Merrlnm block. 1 hoyouiiK men of Trinity Mothodlit church will keep bachelor's hull this evening , lid Keff wns nrroitod yesterday afternoon on n cuurpflof drunkenness. Ho had W in his pocket when nrrostcd. In the .1. .1 Frnlnoy-Coylo CMC , which was on trial yesterday In'Justlco Humor's court , the ] urv biotiKht In n verdict hist evening of K > 0 utiil costs for Fralnoy. Special communication of Bluff City lodtjc , No. 71 , Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons , this evening for work In the second ilci m All brethren nro Invited. Hy order M.V. . O An Information was filed In sunerlor court yesterday by .lames Curry charging .lohn Mulvanoy with dtschart'liiK n RUII within the city limits , The offense Is alluded to hnvo been committed on Iliuh .sheet , near the resi dence of the two men. (1. 0. Ilutmokor wns arrested yesterday afternoon by Ulllcor Murphy on n charge of puddling without n license. Ills wares con- slslcd of a pair of limnonso horns , o'ir six f cot , In length from tip to tin , finished off In n highly ornamental fashion. The school board will hold its roffiilnr monthly mooting this ovnniuu' . Atnoni ; the business to be transacted will bo the election of substitutes , nno of the substitutes havlni ; left the city nnd another having been promoted meted to n icgulnr position. There ute also ono or two vacancies to bo II11 id in the roll of teachers. U. Brown of St. Joe , now general superin tendent of the ICansns CitySt. .loo & Council Bluffs railway , has been promoted to the general inunniroiiienl of the entire river sys tem of the Burlington. The change will ro Into effect on May 1. He will have his head quarters nt St. Joe , as boforo. Mr. S. Cherry of Logan nnd Miss Mary Heed of 1'aiksville , Mo. , were married on Wednesday ut the residence of Mrs. K. A. Gibson , the mint of the brido. Mr. Cherry is n prosperous farmer ot llanisoii county. Ills bride Is well known In this city , she having been hero for some lima nnd having made ninny friends who will wish her prosperity. Charles Llobold , who keeps n saloon on Broadway , was visited by a sneak thief yes terday morning. He had loft the room for n moment , and when he returned ho found that some ono had gone behind the counter nnd nibbed tnoeabh drawer of Its contents , con sisting of about & In change. Llebold thinks no knows who did the deed , nnd expects to get hold ot him In u day or two. Several whisky injunction cases were dls- jmod of lu the district court yesterday. The case against.I. F. I'oterson was dismissed by the plaintiff , he having learned that Peter son had gone out of business before the suit ngainst him was commenced. B. Hags , who wns alleged to bo ono of the owners of the boor garden on East Broadway , was dis charged. The case against I211n IMco , on I'lorco street , was tried nnd submitted to the court. The horses which wore supposed to have been stolen from Jens I'nrlsou , on the Crescent City road l.wt Sun day night , wcro found by "Salvation" Walker running loose on Upper Harrison street. They wcro brought to the city pound , where they nrc now , waiting for their owner to-cnll for them. No trace has been found of the harness which was stolen from A. O. Gale the same evonlntr , nnd It is supposed , by the same parties who took the horses. An order wns mndo yesterday morning by Judge Dccmcr , ns a sort of supplement to the ono made several days npo In regard to the taking out of original papers by attorneys. The new order compels attorneys to bring back all papers belonging to the court which have been taken uway. It Is thought the now order of things will do nwoy with the nnnoynuco which the clerk has been subjected to by the taking nway nnd keeping of the papers by tjio at torneys. Samuel ( jodsnvo wns fined $15.70 for drunkenness , yesterday in police court and George Harper , better known as the "monkey-wrench man , " on account of n way ho had of borrowing monlroy-wrenches nnd selling them , was lined f lO.-JO. A. Maloney , J. u. Mullen nnd .M. . ) , Ford , three young bloods who had been run in late Wednesday night charged with drunkenness and disturb ing the peace , were discharged. The coses of A. M. Reynolds , E. Ward nnd C. B. Ivy , charged with drunkenness and reckless driv ing , nnd that of A. Ellis , charged with dis turbing the peace , wcro all continued uutil this morning nt S o'clock. A suit commenced In > i was superior court " / > last evening In which C. H. white , deputy > , \unrshul. Is plaintiff , and Pottnwnttamlo county the defendant. The suit Is for $150 fees ns deputy marshal , for thu servlne of papers which were issued from Justice Schurz' court during September , Octobernnd November of last year. The claims were _ nubmltted to the board of supervisors , but wcro not allowed , from the fact that White was a deputy marshal at the time , and It was claimed that ho had no right to draw fees from the county. Emmet Tinloy nnd K. Schurz .uo the attorneys Tor the plaintiff. In the superior court the casoof D. C. Kod- moud and William Siedontopf against God frey Partridge was on trial yesterday. The suit is over the ownership of n tract of land , several thousand acres In extent , about ten miles north of Council Bluffs on the banks of the Boyer river. The plaintiffs allege that they are the owners of Uio land , nnd that It Is covered with woods , which the defendants nio cutting down , to the great damage of the land. They ask that their title bo ( [ Dieted , and that the defendants be enjoined from cutting down tha forests. The defend ants on their side claim that the land Is theirs nnd that they have been damaged to the extent of f" > 00 by the attempts of the plain tiffs to get possession of It. They nsn for dnmuges to that amount and nlso that the tltlo bo declared to rest In thorn. The case has been tried once boforo. Tlio IJest Advertisement , The best advertisement Is n peed article , nnd consequently wo ndvortlso our shoos by making them superior to any others In Ih'o market , fooling convinced that such an ad vertisement must pay in Iho long run. 11. M. SAUCIEST , 413 Broadway. Seed oals , corn , millet and seed polnloos , garden seeds of all kinds , at H. L. Carman's , too Main and 501 Pearl streets. Snugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk Held , garden and llowor seeds In Iho west Catalogue uud sumplcs-by mall. for FMPM. The case of J. J. Fralnoy against Coylo was on trial In Justin Hnmmor's court yesterday. Thu plaintiff went lo Galcaburg , 111. , some tlmu ago In order lo defend n son of Coylo's who was under Indictment for forgery and conspiracy. Fralnoy wns so successful in the irlul of the enso that his client wns sent to thu penitentiary for n term. Ho claims his professional .services In the cnso were worth nt least tWI.W. and ho Is trying to got judgment for the amount , The cuso was completed and taken under advisement. Itemlcd The finest line of beaded capos over brought to the city Is now shown at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Tlio prices nro II.JI'.I ' , $1.75 , F.UO . . . , . . $1.00 . , M.7r and . tl.OO , only nbout one- hulf tuclr usual value. BOSTON STOIIK , Council Bluffs , In. Storage nt reasonable rates , J. K. Snyder. 21. , 'Jl , UOPoail bticot , Council Bluffs. It Is to your Interest to consult Mandcl , t Klein before you buy your furniture , cat pots or stoves. _ Freight for ISO miles prepaid on nil goods bought of Muudcl A : Klein , U-'O Broadway. Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 31 Pearl street , next lo Grand hotel. Telephone 143. High grade work u spcelulty. When about to build don't fail to set prices on lumber of The Judd St Wells Co. , 813 Broadway , Telephone W7. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Attempt of a Drunken Man to Pass a Olumsy Forgery Oheok < Jil , CAUSED A SEN'SAIION IN THE COURT , Chnrj > u of Collision Made llol'ofcc II -.Iliiimy Chance for 11 Penitentiary Term It ) Good , K. K. Pierce Is In the city jail with n ohnrgo of passing n forged cheek entciftd ngainst him. K. J. Hancock Is the complain ing wllnoss. Hancock , who keeps n second hand store nlilO'J ' ilroudway , states that last Monday Plcrco came into his plnco and offered lo pay a bill for some goods which ho had bought there. Thu bill was n small one , nnd Iho only thing ho had to pay It with wus D check for Slit.M , with the nnino of D. Olm- stead slgnod to It. Hancock look Iho check nnd gave him back fHi.SO lu cash Tno check was lakcn lo Iho bank and was promptly thrown out ns n forgery , Hancock hud nn information filed against him , but tbo arrest wus not made until ycslorday nflornoou , when ho called on Hancock again , ami was walked over to Iho uollco slatlon by Iho man himself. When Ploreo wns searched at the utatlon , four more checks were fotinO In his pocket , n',1 of them on Iho Council Bluffs Saving * bank. They were all of them for small amounts , nud three of them wcro signed with Iho n.imu of t ) . Ol instead , In the snmo burnt- wrillng us the other. These checks uro nlso fnrccrics , us the signature does not In the least rescniblo Hint of Iho owner of Iho name , who Is n irnnlcncr easl of llio city. The fourth bears tlio iinmo of I ) . K. Wall , nnd is supposed to bo n forgery nlso. Picreo said the checks hud been given to him by Kplirnlm North , who lives on I'ierco street. Ho said ho nud Kphrulm hud been drinking together , nnd Kphrnlm had given him the cheeks. What ho gnvo them to him for was muro than ho could any. Ho thought It would bo u good tlmo for him to pay ills bills nnd he went lo Hancock with alsaslrous rcsuils. "Yes , " said she , smiling sweetly , "I nin engaged. And do.vou icnow .inck says the llrst thing ho fell In love with were my pretty fcetf My feet are probably not moro hontt- sntno or ahuticlv than these of a do/on other girl's of Jack's acquaintance , but I Imvo dis covered an Important fnct that has helped mo amazingly , and all the girls may prolit br It if they clioosc. I always inako my feet appear to the very best advantage , nnd to do this I got my shoes from Mr. Sarccnt , who makes a specialty of lovely line shoes for ladies. You nro invaro that an ugly or poorly made shoo will mnko the most beautiful foot appear homely , but the elegant shoos you got at , Sargont's make the most homely feet nppear nnd nttmctlvo if not really beau tiful. Ills Indies' shoes are the icnl ton , finely finished and made of lloxiblo leather tbat will adapt itself to the natural shape of the foot , and add to Us beauty. " Mnplo sugar cold or , if you cheese it , hot Waxy nnd sweet , rlpht out of the pot. Fresh from Vermont , ttio Green Mountain state , * Af tbo Congrcgntiouul cburcb tonlgbt KEKIjKLTIONS ON ItOSS. Inipiitiitiuns AK'kiiiBt Ills Integrity Openly > latlo in Court. Something of a sensation was sprung In the district court yesterday morning when n mo tion wns brought up for n hearing in the re nowned Honry-Kvuns cattle caso. This is a cnso which grow out of some alleged crooked business transactions on the part of T. J. and J. F. Evans in their cattle business out west , and Involves several thousand dollars , It wus t.rlcd In tbo district court and an order was made referring the inattor to L. W , Koss , us rcfcrco , his instructions bolntr to look up the evidence , tlnd out what was owing the plain tiff , H. L. Henry , and report to the court This was over a year ago , uud over slnco the cosolms boon in the hands of the roforeo. On Wednesday a motion wns filed by the attorneys for the plaintiff , asking that the order of reference bo modified , so that it should bo the duty of Mr. Iloss to find only tbo fuels in the case , but not the amount that was duo the plutntilt. The ground for this motion wns that In the belief of the plaintiff the case would not receive fair treatment at the hands of the rofcrco , from the fact that un intimacy hadsprungup butweon Mr. Uoss und ' Mossrs.'Evans , nnd ho believed that Koss wns acting in the capacity of attorney for the Evanses. This reflection on the upright ness of Mr. Hess was n source of deep chagrin to that gcntloman , ana consequently when the evidence of the parties wus taken , bo took considerable trouble to put himself riL-ht before the court nnd the public. Henry , the plaintiff , wns put on the stnnd , nnd swore that ho had been told by pertain parties that tbo Inmilios of Evans and Koss had been growing moro intlmnto than usual of Into , especially since Koss had been acting ns referro. When questioning us to who told him , ho said that D. C. Bloomer had told tilm that tlie two families had been visit ing back and forth a good deal of late. Ho nlso snld that ho and his attorney , John N. Baldwin , bad gone to Hoss1 oftlro ono day and had found him In close consultation with Evans. Koss seemed quito disconcerted , ho said , nnd hastened to assure them that tlio consultation was in no wuv connected with the rattle caso. Mr. Koss was upon the stand nnd stated positively that no undue Intimacy had over existed between him nnd either of the Evans brothers. The two families baa al ways boon on good terms , but they were no better friends now than when ho was nol acting as rofcreo. Ho also placed on fllo two aflldavits from T. J. nnd J. P. Evans , in which they stated that Mr. Koss had never acted as their attorney. A largo number of attorneys wcro prcsenl and witnessed the legal battle. At about i o'clocu the evidence In the motion wns nil In nud the cose wns submitted to the court ant taken under advisement. 1)11. SCOTX'S EhKCTUlO COHSETS. Store , Council IllulTH. This is nu elegant fast black , extra quality snteon corset , Imndsomelv embroidered In olc gold nnd and silk , prettily trimmed. This corset has Dr. Scott's now patent spinal sup porting back , which every lady should wear. This Is positively ono of tno best corsets In tbo market nnd Is highly recommended Price everywhere f'i.OD , 18 to ! 10 Inches. Boston Store price , whllo they last , 11,25 Council Bluffs. loot Ice ! Ice ! ! ! If you wnnt It pure nnd n And nt u reasonable pr Follow no now duv ico. But send to us In n Ir At our off Mulhollund&Co.No. 4 Pearl st. , Tel. 102. Do you want on express wagon or boy King up the A. D. T. Co. , toloiihono 170 , No 11 North Main street. Traveling Men. Council Bluffs council No. 1 , Commercial Pilgrims of America will bold n communlca tlon Bnturdny , April ! K , nt 7SO : p. tn. , at tbo Pilgrim cut bed nil , opposite Cirnnd hotel , lor the purpuso ot conferring the sublime < ie greo on about thirty cundldnlcs. All mom bora nnd these who havn sent In tholr names for membership uro requested io bo present. F , HOLI.IS , Bee , Mauncl i Klein sell furniture , carpet * nni stoves on easy payments. av'O Broadway. Lace curtains cleaned from 60o to $1.23 per pair , nt Tlu City dye works. A Cniullilatu 1'or ( lie Ten. James Mulior , who cut a man about tbo nock and fuco last Tuesday night near the Northwestern depot , In apparently getting li dangerous proximity to the Htuto's urlnon The authorities Imvo boon busily engaged li hunting up evidence apalust him , ana over ; effort will bo mndo to tend him across the slnto. S. J. hyndh , the man who entered the complaint , \vn.s nrroUod yesterday morning nnd occupied n bortli In the city Jail with hli head carefully done up In n sling In order Id hltlo from vlow the wounds that were Inflicted by Mahor. Ttio charge entered against him Is disturb ing thu pence , but the object for his arrest was more to prnvunt him from running nwny , so ns to nvold appearing ngnlnst his nisnll- nnt , than to punish him. Mnhor has been arrested several times before on as serious charges ns the ono which is now mndo ngainst him , but ho tins always been released on nccount of llio nonappearance ance of Iho prosecuUng witness. Be sides Lynch , the police hnvo found n couple of men who were In n saloon on Lower Hroadway Just after the assault was made , Thov Btata that Mnhor came In , exclaiming , "Well , I run my knife Into him Unit tlmo all right , and I ran It deep , too. " With tlio aid of those wituessns , u { thought a case will bo made out which will give Maher n tnsto of prison furo for a tlmo. Mnhcr was brought Into court yesterday afternoon nnd waived examination. Ho was bound over to nwnlt the action of the grand Jury nnd his bond was llxed lit $ . ,000. Ho was unnblo to llnd n bondsman nud wus ro- mandcd to the city jail. 1 AVnll l > n | > rr , lOtc. House cleaning tlmo is now on , call and gel the Boston store , Council Bluffs , prices on wall paper , window st.ndcs , cui'lnlns In cticnlllo and liti'o , curtain poles , curtain rods , etc. , otc. , before purchasing. There you can save money. BOSTON Sroiir , Council Bluffs , In. Trees , nil kinds , gunrnnlccdlo grow , prices cheap , al Mnlrs1 , Bioadway , opposite ) postof- 11 co. _ Newest styles In furniture and carpets ; best cooking stoves tu the world ut Manuel & Klein's installment house , ; t'JU liroudwuy. .Muslcalc. The young ladles of All Saints' guild will ; lvo a imiHlcalo In the Kovnl Arcanum par- ors this evening. The following Is the pro gramme : 1. Piano solo . ra Couch 2. Voeul duet . Jay and Oeorzo ( Slenn II. Vocal solo . Mr * . Hlioimnn 4. Cornet so o . 1'eiry llndollet f > . Voeul dret . Louis and Walter Dale 0. Mandolin eliih . 7. VoeiiUolo . Miuy K. Oliver 8. Instrumental duet . . Gertrude Ulouson and Mntld C'avln Notice to Sod You can buy from ono toono hundred loads of good blue grass turf of A. J. Bishop , near Union elevator. Fruit farm for snlo on reasonable lorms ; within ono and one-half miles of the I' . O. ; nil In bearing ; good buildings ; possession ; lvon nt onco. Cull on D. J. Hutcblusou Co. , 017 Broadway. J.C. Blxbv , steam ncatln ? , sanitary en gineer , 20U Morrlam block , Council Blurts Mnlr has all sorts of fruit , snadoand orna mental trees , 11'way , opposite postofllco. Everything In house furnishing at Mnndel & Klein's on easy payments. 3iO Broadway. Try Duquette & Co..s Pomona fruit Juice tablets. They are delicious. Our spring slock Is now complete. If you wont to bo In btylo call nt Keller's , the tailor , 310 Broadway. OIIGAXI/KI > A LODGK. Stationary Kn liicd-n 1'lniit ix New Order In Onmha. Between fifty nnd sixty stationary engi neers mot last night In a hall at 1H4 ! Douglas street for the purpose of organizing u ledge of the American Order of Steam Engineers. It is expected that the supreme chief enci- neer of the order will visit Omaha in u week or two , when the installation of the ofllccrs in the now ledge will take place. The objeels of llio order are said lo be to promote n moro thorough knowledge in its members of iheorolical and practical steam engineering ; lo assist members to obtain em ployment ; to help iho .sljk , Injured and dis tressed nnd to bury Iho dead ; to establish a widows' and orphans' fund ; to help the mem bers who shall become tncapaclatcd from fol lowing the profession to obtain employment suited to their uflltcllon : to do the utmost to extend the license lav/ throughout the United Slates and to establish schools in which the members may study the highest branches of steam engineering. The fundamcnlul laws of the order prohibit its momoers from taking purl In slrikos or in- lerfering lu any way between employer and employe. Any member found violating the rules shall bo expelled. The ledge was organized last nighl with fifty-five charter members. Tno ofllcurs elected were : D. W. Gilbert , chief engineer ; Arthur Ponder , assistant en gineer ; D. J. Lennox , recording engineer ; J. Carnnvy , corresponding engineer ; Charles Brink , financial engineer ; K. H. Cooper , treasurer ; C. E. Wcolcs , chaplain , Gcorgo Nolan , insldo watchman ; William Harris , outside watchman. The Iruslces elected were : J. Coullor , E. M. Page ana W. C. Sweeney. I1EU RB8T FOUND. Aged Motlicr of Councilman Spccht Burled Vcsicrdny After 10011. The ngca mother of Councilman Chris Spechl , who died nt 4 p. in. Monday , was buried yesterday. Short services were held nt Mr. Spscht's residence , corner of Twen tieth and WIrt street. Kov. Mr. Freeso conducted the services and spoke tcnacrly of the kind old lady who had lived moro than three score nnd ten'ycars. A largo number ot sorrowing friends , wno know Iho deceased In Ufa and friends of Iho strlckon son , gathered lo attend Iho last tnbulo lo Iho dead. The counotlmon wilh ono or two exceptions wore present. Deceased was born In Hanover , Germany , In 1818. and lived In her native hind until about ihrco years und u half ago , when Mr. Specht brought her lo nls homo in this coun try.Mr. Mr. Spccht , sr. , died in 1845) ) , when the present councilman was but six months old. Mrs. Specht afterwards married a Mr. Fricke. The lloral offerings were very fine. At the head of the coftin stood a largo pillow from the live children present nnd at tno foot wns placed a similar design from Mrs. Fricko's grandchildren. The interment was at ForcU Lawn ceme tery , where nearly all Ihoso present jour- uoyod to bee the last rites performed. HK FOUND IT. End of a YOIIIIK Cuwli.iy'u QucHt for Fun. J. W. Borgo , n young tiller of Iho soil from a ranch 'way out on the prairie , came lo town ycslerday to see the sights. Borgo wus dressed In big boots , Kentucky jcnn pants , n leather coat and n big cowboy hat , The brim of the dilapidated sombrero flapped about his ears as ho porambulntod along the streets In quosl of some plnco where ho could have some fun. Ho found U. To his sorrow llio granger ran ngnlnsl Tom Welsh the slugger down on Capitol avenue. The iwo mon were soon engaged tu n row. Welsh sailed In nnd broke up Ino cowboy's fuco so his folks won't know him when ho gels back home. Borgo was ar- rcsled , and ns ho was looked up said "ho would bo gel darned If ho over came to Omaha again , " After suffering horribly for years from scrofula In Its worst form , a young eon of Mr. V. li. King , 700 Fr.inklln st. , Klchinond , Vn. , wns recently cured by the use of Aycr's Snrsnpurilla. No other medicine can up- nroarh this preparation as a cleanser of the blood. Kcnred thn h'imliif. Something of n commotion wus caused by the firing of three pistol shots under llio west end of Iho Douglas street bridge about mid night. Upon Investigation It wns found that the shots were llrod by a "scab" 11. & M. nwltch- man. 11 seems that the new switchmen hud ocn several of the sirlkora passing nlong under the bridge and fearing bodily harm had wasted three cartridges in an endeavor to scare the Intruders nwoy. There wns no Iroublo nud no thrcaU of nnyklnd. The "scabs" wcro frlchioucd wltuoutcuiso. A Sill ON TliniW DEEP , Or a Whirl by Hail to Sl fyerlcnn Pleasure Rccorts. EVERYTHING PRE-PAID Aft6 FIRST CLASS , C Vou Want to Take n Trip Tills Sum mer Without lutpoiiHo I'ar- tlulpato In The llco'a Mntuhlc'Hii'OiTor. Arrnngcmcnta have ocfln effected by the publishers of Tin : HKBhlch enable us to mnko n novel nnd attractive offer to parties who are dir.posod to devote thelrtlmo and on- erjy ( toward procuring now subscribers for Tun OMAHA Wr.r.iit.r HUE or Tnu SUNDAY DKE batwccn this data and the luth day of Juno next. This offer will bo open only to parties so liciting subscribers In Nebraska , Iowa , South Dakota nnd Kansas. A careful record will bo kept of all sub scriptions fowardodj.ind the awards will bo mndo without partiality. TI11C KUUOI'BAN TOUH. To the person that .will secure the largest number of cash subscribers for Tun OMAHA U'nnKi.v Dm : or Tun SUNDAX Hnc before Juno 10 , Ib'JI , will bo given Finn : or COST A IIOUNO TICii uuiioi'niN TOUH TICKKT This ticket will include first-class passaco from Now York to Kuropo and return. This In- ludcs also all traveling , hotel and sight-sea- Ing oxpcnsos. The trip will bo made with nu excursion partv gotten up by Mrs. M. D. Kruzler of liostoti , nud will be In charge of competent auldcs. The traveler has no cares whatever. The tour covers all the principal countries of Kuropo Kngland , Germany , Swlt/erlanu , franco , Helglum.ltaly and their prlnclual cities. Including London. Pans IJrusscls , Derlln , Homo , 1'lorenco , Venice , Milan , Genoa , otc. tnvnxTV-Tiinun DAYS OF sinitT-sniiiN'o. Tbo partv starts from Now York Juno 27 nnd returns to that city by September 11. Taken by any Individual alone , this Eu ropean trip would involve an outlay of at least * " 00. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN . TOURS. for the second largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to San Francisco nnd Los Angclos nnd return. Magnificent mountain scenery , the noautlfu Golden Gate , the land of sunshine , fruits nnd ( lowers. "Who has not scon California wll not dlo Imppv. " Travel Is an educator , and to properly appreciate the vnstness of our great country ono must see its best features. For the third largest list of subscribers to the WCKKI.V or SUNDAY Ur.K wo offer n ticket from Omaha to Quebec and return. What could bo grander than a trip down the beau tiful St. Lawrcnco In mid-summcrl To con template the beauty of Thousand Isles Is do- Hghtful. How much moro delightful to visit them when In verdure clad. And all this pleasure for obtaining sub scribers to the WKKKI.Y and Suxiur Use. For the fourtn largest list of subscrioers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to Now " * orK Philadelphia. Washington and return. There nro no points on tnis continental greater general Interest 'than ' these three clues. An American citizen has not com pleted his education until ho has seen the seat of government. The persons nnd points of interest in Washington nro innumerable and to the intelligent observer a visit there Is full of interest. Now York nnd Philadelphia as the commercial and financial centers of the country are always InterOStlnor. All this sight , seeing nnd traveling given away for < obtaining , , subscribers to the WEEKLY orSuNiuY line. For the llfth largest list of subscribers wo offer a free ticket from Omaha to Niagara Falls and return. Ever since your childish wonder wns aroused by the , description In the old school readers of these wonderful falls you have desirea to see them Here Is the op portunity. A most delightful excursion nnd ono without expense , given for securing sub scribers to the WcEi.KY.or SUNDAY HUE. 1 or the sixth largest list , of subscnborswo offer a free ticket from Omaba to Salt Lake Citv nnd return. The famous Mormon city is becoming a Gentile citv. and will in lime lose much of interest. Now. this sum mer would bo a good limo to visit the boom ing city. Unrflold Beach is of course in cluded in the trip. This summer resort on the lake Is n delightful place lo pass a few of Iho hot summer days. Why not secure n number of subscribers for Iho WEEKLY or SUNDAY BEE nnd lake ihe Ino. For the seventh largest list of subscribers wo offer u free ticket to Denver and Manllou nnd return. While n shorter Inp ihin any o the others It combines many pleasant fea turos. Denver Iho queen cl < y of Iho plains Is always worlh seeing while Iho health and sjtnmer resorts of Manltou are delightful Indeed. Health-giving , Inspiring , restful amid stiblimo scenery what trip could bo moro restful ! All this pleasure for securing subscribers to the SUNDAY or WEEKLY BEE. CONDITIONS. Now what are the condllions upon which these llckols are given nwnvl The securing of the larircst list of subscribers to THE WEEKLY or SUNDAY BEE. No .newspaper in the west Is so well and favorably known nnd solicitors hnvo alwn\s found it an easy mat- ler to secure subscribers. THE Bnn's sub scription list , bos always kenl pnco with Its reputation nnd It delsres to add now names lo Its long list of friends. Being at all limes a people's paper it makes friends with all classes. The subscription prlceof THE WEEKLY Bne Is $1.00 per year posipald lo any place in Ihls counlr > or Canada , or fJ.OO If sent W n foreign counlry. THE SUNDAY BEE Is $2.00 per year , but Omaha subscribers for Tun SUNDAY BEE will not bo counted In this compotlllon. Get up n list. Have your friends subscribe for the paper. Sample copies forwarded free on request. Persons desiring lo compote for one cf these prucs wlllplcaso aay so when sending In Ihelr first orders. Kemltianco in full must accompany every order. Two six months subscrlnllons or four three months subscriptions will bo counlod ns ono order. Florida Political Scnsntioi. TU.LUIASSUB , Fin. , April 23. Anolhor sensation was caused In the democratic cau cus tonight by n chnrgo/flmt / Representative Nowlan had offered over1 ills own signature $100 cash lo John Li. Bryant If ho would In fluence of the Jeffei'K\i ono ! ) county represen tatives lo desert Call. 'Niiwluu omphnilcally denies. A commltleovas appointed lo Invcs- llgulo. There wus nd choice In the caucus tonight. In o vonuy 1'otltloiiH Filed. ELD , Mass. , A'pril 23. Pclltlons lu Insolvency have been _ ftlc\l uguinst Iho Free- mail manufacturing company of North Ad.uns , llio American : uul United sylonlto companies , the h. Ij. Brown paper of North Adams and I.L. Brown personally at the Instance of credjtprs. , i Comment on tlio ( ialvestnu hpeouh. VIENNA , April 83. The Fromdenblatt nnd llio Neuo Frelo Prcssof''lri ' ' comtnenllng upon President Harrison's jecch nt Galveston , ngrced that n European zollvcrclu is tno only f < it'er ( dflr * line * or lew mi ler thl * hen 1. Jlftu crntu ; titehadiHttiiiMl line ten edit : -MrN. Maryli. lllncUmun.imUher af I , . A. llliickninn of this city , nt 8 p. m. , April 'JU , ot iiiliihv. | iitfi'd M yeius , I'linenil ut tint roMldeneu , &XS fcouth I'lfieenth bticot , H.ilurday at 10 a. m. lluw to Obtain n Kali- Complexion by Natural The natural C'lirlsbad Hirudel | Salt ( ponder form ) , IH an excellent Aperient , Luvitlvo and Dluix'llo. llelear tliiieoinple\oiiiiiil | ( purifies the blood. It U easily soluble , pleasant to tnUo and ponniinent In aellon. Tliexennlne product of tneCiirlsbad KprliiKi Is Imported In niund bottles. Kuelibotlleeomes InullKlit tdne paper cartoon , and Imslho Hlk-nalure"Klsner - UeUon Co. , Now Vork'1 on in cry bottle. answer to American protection. The From- donblnttKiiggc.sIs that European nations look to Africa nnd tbo Asiatic colonies for the goods which they have hitherto bought from America. America.'o 'o a Kit. Knvlnhln OpporlunltleM for Summer KxuurHlniiH OfTcreil to All. A trip from Oninha to Denver and Mnnltoti includes a rldo through the famous Pintle Val ley of Nebraska nnd Colorado to Denver , the largest and most beautiful city of the Rocky mountains and along the foot of thu Rocky mountain rungo from Denver to Manltou. The panorama which Is laid before the oyu of tno traveler Inn journey from Denver to Man- ! toil , Includes hi ono sweep of the eye ItOO tulles of mountain peaks , snowy range , foot hills and c'ltions. Long's pea if , away to the 1101 th ; O ray's peak , the dome of the conti nent ; James' peak , the Arapahoe peaks , Pike's peak , thu most famous of nil moun tains of Colorado , nnd nwny to the south , ! W miles from the point of observation , thotlireo forbidden mountain tops known as the Span ish peaks , nru nil In view for n part of the distance. Mnn I ton Is tlio most attractive ! of the many resorts ot Colorado. Lying nt the foot of 1'lkn's Peak nnd at the untrnnco of the Garden of the Gods , It Invites the tourist nnd sight seer to the most remaikablu formations nnd the grandest ana most picturesque scenery of that rugged range. Its mineral springs and pure nlr give now life to the de bilitated. The Pine's Peak railroad , a marvel of engineering skill , convoys passen gers to the very summit of the lotty old mountnln. From thu top of Pike's Peiuc all tno great mountain peaks of Colorado are distinctly visible , while to the cast its trco- llncd nvunues nt right tingles , looking like n checker board In the distance , lies the pretty llltlo city of Cole rado Spring * and beyond the great plains of eastern Coloindo. A volume could bo written , Indeed volumes have been written , of the glories of Manltou nnd Pllto's Pean. A ticket covering this tour Is offered for the seventh largest-list of subscribers. There Is no American tour which combines a greater variety of scenery nnd a wider In- turostotho traveler than ono from Omaha to SaiiFrnnchco and Los Angeles , Cnla. The trveler passes through the states of Ne braska Colorado , Uyoimng , Nevada and California and the territory of Utah. This is the gr rat business belt of the west and at every step of the Journey something of Inter est presents Itself , whether thotouii tbo student , business man or merely pleasure seeker. Nebraska and Its prairies ; Colorado and its mountains ; Utah nud its wonderful Salt lake ; Nevada nnd Its arid plains and Cali fornia with Us innumorablc attractions , are all compassed in this trip. Omaha , the most prosperous city In the union today ; Denver , the queen city of the Rockies ; Salt Lake , the Xlon of Morinondom ; San Francisco , the golden gate , and Los Angeles , the City of Our Mother of the Angels , form a string of Jewels of rarest water. These am all prosperous cities : they are all beautiful cities ; they ore all wonderful cities. Each Is romarkablc for some particu lar reason. No two of them nro alike in attractions and no traveler can afford missing to see each nnd nil. In the months of June , July , August und September tbo prairies of Nebraska , the Rocky mountains , the valleys of Utah and the great Sierra range are soon to the best possible advantage. It Is the' fruit season of California , the sight seeing period of nil the mountain countries and the pleasurable part of the vear for travel. A TKN-IIOUIl DAY. The Patrolmen U ill Get It After Next Week. The chief of police has promulgated a new general order , to take effect May 1 , l&'Jl. It provides that all officers detailed for day duty shall work ten hours. They will report at the station at 7 o'clock a. m. , and attend drill for twenty minutes. The roll will bo called at 7:30 : , and the sergeants will then inarch the men to their beats. An hour and n half will be allowed for din ner , half of tlio men from 11 to 12:150 : o'clock nnd the other half from liIIO ! : to 2 o'clock. Patrolmen will remain on their belts until relieved by the night force. The night force will report nt 0:4."i : , drill for fifteen minutes nnd attend roll cull nt 7 o'clock * They will be allowed forty minutes for supper , report from their boxes at 5 o'clock and go home. Tno do : ; watch , con sisting of ten men , will bo called to the sta tion at 3 o'clock , to remain until 5 o'clock , nnd will then go to their beats and remain until relieved by the day men. THE l'OIliO\EIt FEAST. wo ViotiniHoithe Kentucky Dinner lilc. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , April 23. [ Special Tclo- gram to THE BEE. ] Mrs. B. F. Gtithrie , wife of tbo first victim of the poisoning at the wedding near Linden , Ky. , died this evening. The coroner will make n careful autopsy with the hope of establishing the nature of the poison. The family have consented. Lack j f this consent bus prevented autopsy previ ously. Mrs. Guthrie's death leaves her daughter the wealthiest unmarried lady in Kentucky. Mrs. Gray , here , nnd Mrs , Dr. Hobson at St. Matthews are very low. P. II. Ilodson is a fugitive from justice who was arrested here yesterday. Ho is wanted in Fillmore for dispo&injj of 81,000 worth of mortgaged property. Henry Beoknmn was struck i.i tliofnce by a piece of steel while at work at the Omaha barbed Wire ulant yesterday and w is quite scriouhly hurt. A building up of the entire system follows the use of Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescrip tion. It's an invigorating , restora tive touio , soothing cordial and bracing nervine and a certain remedy for all the functional de rangements , painful disorders or chronic weaknesses peculiar to wo men. It improves digestiont en riches the blood , dispels achea and pains , melancholy and nervousness , brings refreshing sleep , and restores flesh and strength. For periodical pains , internal inflammation and til- ceration , Iciicorrhca and kindred ail ments , it is a positive specific a guaranteed one. If it fails to give satisfaction , in any case , the money paid for it is refunded. No other medicine- for women is sold on these terms' With an ordinary medicine , it can't bo done. That's the way its makers provo their faith in it. Contains no alco hol to inebriate ; no syrup or sifgar to de'-ango digestion ; a legitimate medicine , not a beverage. Purely vegetable and perfectly'harmless in any condition of the system. World's Dispensary Medical As sociation , Proprietors , No. 003 Main Street , Buffalo , N , Y. Nollci- . Matter of application of ( iC ( > r rlllnll for llinio llccn-e. NutU'u It hcri'bv ghcn tint ( icoivo lliilldli upon ihnV.'Otli iluy of April , A. U. . 1MU , fll < > hi application td thu major nnd city council o Ninth Omnlm for Her/To / to * rll limit , i-p'.rllon and v.iiouhl.qmir . * . nt No..S.V KallioadnM-nuc Second niirl , South Oiimhu. Nub. , from tint in duy of May , inn , to the lit day of May. Mi If tliuro liii no objections , rumnnnranco , n protcut Illidv.thin two ucukg from AjirllS A , ! > . , li'Jl ' , the but' HcniiKi ! will bo unuilrd , i ; lUi.l. , Applicant. WHAT IS TUB GRIP ? This Mysterious anil Terr.ble Disease Care fully Analysed and Deucrlbid Wlmt to Uo Whan It Comes. Nearly every uhyslclnn , every scientist nnd every miffurer has been inking thin great ( | iiestlini ( Wlmt Is tlio Orlpt Horn chu > ens sertcd Hint It Is a dangerous mlcrobo which comes Into the system , bleeds several millions e\ory becond , nnd teen uvenuns tlie body with disease. Otliem lni\o mi Id that \ronio passing through u region of Blur-dust , und tliu inlnilto paitlclefl are drawn Into the body with every breath. Whatever It may be , It U certain that It Is boiiiuthln ? within the body which In lighting with the body to undtr- inlno the life. What would loiniunn en < o dictate In surh an enii'rxcney ? Counteract the enemy , Dihe II from IlioJ-ystem. Do not lillu ! with It. Aet pioinptly and wisely at the Hist iiiiioueh | | whleh you can leudlly delect. Tiiko Miiiiulhlntf which can euiintetaet their deadly Influence. Spirits ofsiune Kind a 10 tliu best tblnir tolnke. and whiskey Is preferable to any other kind of spirit ; bill It should bu borim toy carefully In mind that only pule wliNlley will have thu I'lleet. and It should H' ' O bo rcincntbi'ri'd that Duffy's Pine Mull Whiskey staiuls at the hi'iid of all pieparatlons nnd Is Hie only medicinal whiskey up > n tlin niiiikel SelentUts Imvo as- huiti'd ihN. tliu d oi'lois Imvoerlllcdit.iiiid millions nf peoi'u | ' Inoe MOMII It beyond u ilniibt. Thaic are innnv uns"riiiiulousdi"ilur < who will n-tiiio yon that any whiskey will nnsuei the puii ) < > ( > , but they are uiongund nio trying tu deceit o you. In eu-o of ( Jilp JOH ciinnot iitlurd to taku nny ehnnces tliercforo take that whUh Is. bejoml iiuistton purr , medicinal and the only valuable wlil-Uey upon thu itmikct. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAU DVBVOHKS \ n all parti of thu country fur pi lea 1st C. A M.VC-HAN. I'rjp OU Uroadwav. Northniislcni U IA ZESSTATEB Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . S150.000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 DinKTOiis-I A Miller , K O Olcison , K L ihusart. K. E. Hart , J U Edmund-ion. Oh irloi ( . llannan Transict Keneril binklnx bunl- nets Largest and surplui ot any low.i. INTEREST ON TIMi DEPOSITS , IIili03t cash price paid for ratja nnd nil kinds of scrap mcials. Country dealers nnd merchants will ind it to their advantage to communi cate wltti us before disposing of their stocks. GILINSKY HUGS. , Union 13roadway UepcH , Tel. 301. Council Blurts , la. 27 MAIN STREET. Over C. II. Jucqucmln & Co. . Jewelry Store SI. II. Cll.UlUEltt.IS , M. It. c , Kar , No c nnd Throat Council IlluDs , Sere cye , cross r > e , i pnlnlul nnd weak vision , , ciirnchu , ileafne * . dli- iliurKC from ttif cnrn. Larrh , hiy fu\cr , ort mid all ncute und chronic atTccllons of tliu thruitt u ppeclnlty Gla i-vei r.t- ti'J uliliom imln Gliscet nccurntcly prtscrlbrd In illtlk'iiH C.IM' , often curing clirunlc neur.deli nnd nick lipndncho. operation * , when noren- i > nry , pnlnleisly pcrfciriuci ] , liHsnrln , ' b t roulti Olllce. bhuuiirt-llvnu block , room 1 , ( .Viuncll lllulta , In OFFICER & BANKERS. Corner Main anl Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign anldoiioatlo xeh in ; Collection uiado aud interest pild on tl.nj deposit * Finleyl3urke. Thos. E. Oasady. BURKE & CASADY , Attorneys- - Iaw I'llACTICi : IX TJIK STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS. onices : J. J. Itrown Hulldln , Council Uluffi , IowaGas Gas Heating Stoves. No Asucs ! No SMOKE. Just tbo thins for bath rooms bed rooms , etc. Cull and ECO ounnrKo C. B. Gns nnd Electric Light Co. Ill I'o.irl and 210 Main Street. THE ! QR.A.ND , Council Bluffs , In. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel is Now Open. Cragin & Co. , Proprietors. To Bee-Keepers I carry n. full line ot Bcokcopers' sup plies , incluilinR comb foundation , lion- oy knivoh , smokers , sections nnd all KuimUes for the nnlarv. M. S HOOP , 20 RHrnndway , Council Blurts , Iowa. HOTEL. T/if . .Unciviltor. . t-ttii unit it the tliost Hlittitiintiiillu coii Itnti'l lltillitinti ' 'i Ointihn * Nrt-efal lit-iirii brick flrn ir < illn rintnlnncom lniMi'incitt tu fitof .ill the. t-rlllniiK anil floorIllicit trltfs .iNbetoi flt-e itraitf tiiiiift , iiHi/-iiif/ it lini > nvtltil > - tn tuti-n qtilek.'YrrCJVCKJX'K n < l Jire ( iliirini tltroiifihoitt the Iniiltllnti. titctnn lient , lint unit I'tiltt iKitci' mill Hiiimtiliu't.t ct-fruruijiii , 'Iiililu tiiiMiii-jKinricil tiny. ICJICiV. B. SILLOWAY , Prop. HOTEL DELI,9MrJ3. Corner Mth nnd Capitol Aveniu. Just comnlatot , has 100 rooms , threi stairways , from thn top to the botUm , h.ii line elevator and dinning room batvlot , I lire proof throughout , line rooms an4 the finest toilet room * In Ui3 city. Lars nmplo rooms , Suites with b\th.ta. Co- 14th and C.icltol AVB. Street cir servloa la illdructions. HrUoi , from SQ.5J to $1.00 IRESGHIPECIPICT A POSITIVcI and permanent CURE for all dl ai. ollheVjRINARY ORGANS. Cur Mhor80thtrtreitm ntlilii. Full directions with o eh hotlle. Prlct , on dollar. See tlgniturenf E. U SIAKU For Qalo By All SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. \VANTit : ) ComuoUmt Rlrl In fumlly nf tw.jat 312 High bchool avenuo. Mrs. H Mulder , 8A.KT o goodIoUii Wright' * addl- tlom ttlll Uikn horsci in uuymont. Apply to Leonaid K\erett. HOMK llnr rosldi'ticu property for rent by Day & Hess , M I'earl street. IJIOKHKNTcnnciefunnlii I'li'inoiit county. Jtown , HuilM' , well nnd Plied for one-third of crop on fiirm. Apply to Leonard Kvurutt Council Illtilts , lowii , t > AI.I/--CIUHP. ! Two flue ponies. In- ijulie bOHlh uvu. ; -llotel centrally located , dolim . . il ( biiBlm'M. Ur will uxchniiKo for good farm In western lowu. Hotel lease , furiiltuio and flxtilrvm an A No. 1 cliuiiculo Mup Into u good paying busl- ness Ht'HMins for celling , other business to- ; all ownerV attention. . iilns in icMideiiee und business prop erty. H. I' . Olllfi'r. leal estate and insurance agenlNo. . I ! ! N. Main St. . Cuiincl ! UlnlTR. /1AKIII..NS SKIIIO eholco Kurdcn land nenr V ' Couiu'll lllulTs for : ilo oncusy tcrnm. nlno tlneynrds und u lur u list of Iowa farms. JolmMon .V Van 1'attvii , Ij OH HM.l ; A tine family hurne , Tyuun old - tills uptliu , wi-lxlis lavi poiindu , color oriel , llrcd by Itobert MucOirijor Adilren 11. 1' . lliiUcnhuner , T to Ul 1 ourth t-troet , Couiifiljjliin . T.I A VK eustomer for four lot.s between J J L'lst und i.V > thts. . , between A\e I ) uud < tu i\c.l. I' , ( jirennlilolds. dl'J HroudMiiy. I/MU IT farm for Mile or trade , \iell located -L nnd all In bearlnzi gooJ house und barn , Vt 111 tiiko some good city property , und good mi'Ket. on biilunee. Call on or u ( idles * U J. lliitohlnsmi A : Co. . fl7Jlroad ] ay. _ " " IfoU HKNT Thu McMalion block. : f Hory Jbik'k , with busumenl uud ulwalor. J.V. . Sliilrc , Ui I'u.irl stieuL irMtU AI.K A bargain ; new modern liocisa with all tliu late Improvements , i > uvon jot'ins , will < ell on uufiy payments , located on the 1'lftli .ix'ini" motor Una L ) . J. llutcblu- ken til" llruidw iy. --IS\UK or Uont OarJea UaJ , with houi * , l > rJ U llloe. 19J Malu tt , Oounoll Uluff. " 'J'lll ! OlllIT I'VIIUWN Not III It. " Look hero , with ten years' e\i > crleiiie wo sell the best lines ol bicycles lu the west. Tno Victor , best on earth , bus set the pattern for nil others , price . $133 The Vlctora , Highest grade and finest ladles' wheel In the world . 133 The large Uiiint , ball bearing all over , In- eluding head brake und spring frame , the best for the i ouey oflered . 65 The. Giantess , spring frame , ball bearIng - Ing , best ladlos' wheel for the money ever offered . 73 The rsonpanel , ' _ ' ( ) -inch , all bull bearing , boys' wheel , best out . 40 The Gendron , 'JO-inch , diamond frame , Indies' and vouthx' wheel . 40 The Little Giant , 24-inch , boys' wheel , spring fork , 7,000 sold last year , the mo'jt perfect boys' wheel over made . . S3 The Leader , 24-inch safety , cone bear ings . 23 Small 20-inch wheels , tricycles , veloci pedes. boys' wagons from tl up. In selecting our lines of wheels this year we have cone over the whole lit-ld of Aineri- c'in and Imported wheels nnd ne think from our past experience we are offering the best nlue to be had In the bicvclo line in this lo cality. Look out for our refrigerator and gasoline steve ad next week. Catalogues and prices urnlshed on application. Hemembor Cole Ss Cole , 41 Main btrcot , uenr tbo Grand hotel. Pointers on B cycle * . There will be hundreds of wheels sold In Counc'l Bluffs and vicinity this scaaon , and 10 purchaser can afford to tnako experiments it his own cost , which ho will do wjicn he Yields to the temptation to buv anything clso ban the world-famed Columbian. Note these > oiuts of unquestionable superiority over all machines : The Steering The Columbia spring fork ins no "fltiimidels11 to interfere with the steadiness of steering. Ask old riders about 'bands off" . Weight -Don't take tbo catalogue welirht. The Columbia weighs 4SX pounds on the scales. A few pounds of unnecessary weight s n ton up the hill. Simplicity The Columbia double diamond frame combines lightness , strength and simplicity. Cushion Tires "You pay your money and vou takes your eholco. " The Columbia is nado either way , although the solid tire is without doubt the most durable. HcfriKcrntors. The World's best , the North Star and the Leonard , range in prices from f4.50 up. LiKMtiinc sloven. The Reliable Process Evaporator steve is the best lu the market. No sub-burner , con sequently burns less gasoline. The IJcHt Lawn Mower. Genuine Philadelphia lawn mower. Do not buy Inferior imitations when you can got the real article for the same money. P. C.'DEVOL , 504 BHOADWAY AMI 10 Mux ST. S rOU INDIAN SUI'l'UKS AND Transportation Department < > f tlio Inte rior , Ollli'e of Indian AT ( lf > . Washington , April 4 , 1KU. MiHlod proposals. Indorsed "l'io- posalu foi Beef , ( bids for beef must be submit ted In scpai.ito envelopes ) , bnton. Hour , elotli- In ; . or transportation , ete , " ( as the case may bo' and dire-clod to tlioCommlh Ionerof Indian AflairsNiH r , " > and 07 Woostcr street. New Vork. u 111 be received until 1 p. in of Tuo-dny , MuviV , IsOI. for furnlshlns for the Indian ser- \leo about ' . " 0.1.MO pounds bacon , ; uKK.UOQ ( ) pounds beef on the. noof , l.dW.oxi pounds not beef , iKiO.IKX ) pounds beans. bl.lKU pounds baking powder..ItiU.OM pounds corn. 5.YG ) % ) pounds eolTee.10,0 O.UOJpotin-ls flour , 11C.O 0 pounds feed C.0 ( ) Opounds Irtrd bread. 4U.OX ) p Kinds hominy , Hi.'KlJ ' pounds lard CM b-irrels mti- , > pork , S.'i.OOO pounds oatmeal , SW.OO ) pounds o its. linWO pounds rice , 2.MK.O poll nils ten , 117. < KIO pounds conisi salt. JW.'WJ pounds ( Inn suit , : Wtk)0 pounds soap. ] , 100,00 pounds susar , and 412- OOJ iiounds wheat. Also , blankets , woolen nnd cotton poods , ( consisting HI part of ticking 17.COO yards ; standard calico , lOO.OJO yards ) drilling , W.wO yards ; cluck , free fioni nil slr- Insr.iU.Oii ) yards , denims. 2inoo yaids : irinii- hiini , : ; inOiO yards : Kentucky jeans. 14,000 vardsj cheviot. 2.IOO ( yards ; brown sheeting S U.txrj yards : bleached sheotliiR , 4\KX ( ) yurdai hickory shirting. l.VOdO yards ; calico smrtlng , S.dUOya.ds ; wln-ey , 4.0JU yards ) ; clothing , pw- corlert , notions , liardwiiro , medical siipplloi , school hooks , etc. , and a long list of miscella neous aril les. such tis harness , plows , rukes , folk * , etc. . and for about 575 waj-'ons required for the service , to bo dollvenid at Chlcngo Kansas City , and Sioux City. Also , for such \vauons us iiiiiv bo renulrea , adapted totliDellinatc of the I'aclDo coast , wltn Cult Ifornla brakes , delivered at Snn Kranclsco. ANo. transportation for such ot the articles , goods and supplies that mar not lie eon irct- ed for to bo delivered ut the Auencies. 1IIHS MUST Hi : MAl > n OUT ON ROVEllNMENT HUNKS. Sehedutes showlnc thu kinds and nnantllles of snlislstnnec sopp les reijuirud Joreaeh Aseney and school , and the kinds and quantities In tfross , of all other seeds , and articles t < icet her ith blank proposals con- dltloiih to bo observed by bidders , tlmu und jiliuo of d.ell\erv. terms of contiact. iinrl pay- menu traiisporlatlon routes , and all other necessary Instructions will be furnished upon application to the Ionian Oltlce In Washing ton , or ( ) . to ( inilW H' < or ( uliv/f. A * in 1'ork , Thu Commissaries of Suhslstonce , U S. A. at Cheyeiine. Chicago. I.eavcmvorlh , Ornaha , Faint I.oulsS ilnt I'aiil.and San rranclseotliH ; 1'ostinastorsat ? loux City , Iowa ; ViinMon , 8. Dakota ; Arkniisus City. L'aldwell , Topeka , and Wlehlfi , Kansas , and TUCMHI , Arlrona. The riKhl Is re orved by the Koverninent to inject any and all bids , or nnv part of any bid and t ict > e proposals are Invited under proviso appuiprlat Ions shall bo in ido for the supplies by eoneiess. Illdswlllba opened at the hour and day above stated , and blddcra ro Invited to bo present at thii openlli ! ; . CinTinin : : niECKs. All forts must lie nrrnm- jianlcd by rertlfled checks or drafts upon some 1'ihted Mates DoiMisltory or tt o I'lrst National Itnnk of San Trnnclseo , Oa' for at least II\o pel rent of the amount of the pro posal. T. J. MOUOAN , Coininlssloner. A-hdJitin NEBRASKA National Bank U. a DEPOSITORV. OMAtIA NS3 Cnpltnl , - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jnn. 1st. 180O , - Oii.OOO Oltlccrp" ant | ilrcclorIIenrr \V V t 1'ro.l.lentj lx' li > . lion I Vlcj-1'rnildant ; Jamcu W S vaB8 , w V MortR. John H Colilni , 1C U Cuiblnz , J. N. U I'nultk W 11. i , cathlor. THK IRON BANK. Corner Utb KUd KarnamStt A General'ln ; liutlnci * Transactal NEW OGrDEN HO TEE The NewO doi Ilotal , in Council illu fa , h ibboimom.iiotiJ rdCarnUie.1 an imJi-n- ized ihroug.iout , anJ U now on i of. ha lit hotels In tli btam. Itts looati 1 In tha bail * Host p.irtol t loclty an 1 th ole.itno motor j p.ib-j tha door nvery lour minjtu. Kiro oj- c . \pe-i and nreaUrmJ throujnout th i billJ. Ing. Steam linat , hot nnJ cold witir anl .un.hlnoiu evernum. . Table uu irptdil anywhere. Ilates , $ -.OOacliy. QBO. M. WHITNEY , Manager.