Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Makes a Bauad to the Highest Fig
ures on the Orop.
Corn Cloned n Kew Cents Ijower
llcnvy Drop In Alt I'rovlslons
Triulo III Cultto Slow-
llo/n / Lower.
OIIICAOO , April 21.-Special [ Telegram
tol'iiK IIEB.J The- great coiniiiotloti I" tno
wheat market on'chnngo was continued this
morning , mid n bound wns innilu nt nnco to
still higher figures than buforo rmchedon tlio
crop. Tliocllmux of the Hurry this morning
was reached with May wheat at Jl.tO and July
utJI.H , tind dufonod months even moro ad
vanced In proportion. August was quoted
around il.10 and Hoptombjr about to under.
Gallics wuro again thu ohluf ljull Inlluonco.
Corn sold at the closing iirlcoof yostotdiiy for
May at Wio , and oil to 7JV. July opunod 'ie
up nt flOUr. but weakened to GSUc the llrst
hour , O.its yielded Uo to Sic from the opening
price.I'rovlslons ! opened with llttlo change
initl declined f > 3 ( or laid and ribs and
15u for pork before the morning
call. Tlioro n great big HU
turn In wheat early In the session today , to- !
lowed by u break of about 3c from the top
price. The chief bull news of the day was In
the remarkably nitons llrltlsh cables. The
principal soiling was for the purpose of
Ulng and was started largely by the report ,
which lucked conllrin itlon , that exporters
WITH ro-solling. The iietlim of the nuirkut was
as violent early as on the piovlous day. May
opened all the way from H.1 > toll. 10 after
cloilng at fl.tit's last night. The extreme
point was Ic over any prloo ma'lo previously
on the croii. July lit tlm same mnmunt sold at
ll.iiJ : ! and tl.ll. againclosing tlto g.ip between
the two Inadliu months to ' 'c. September and
August prices were np < | illtn as sharply , l-'rotn
thu nigh po nts the duollno the flist In the
nature of a reaction , such as occurred
a do/en times yesterday. Then the re
port . expoiters were re-selling caused
fui tluir sales. Hach llttlo recovery was fol
lowed by a further drop In pilees , until many
of the bulls conclu led that the advance had
reached 1)9 ) end for thu pionont , when realizing
Bales became general. 1'iom Jl.Hi May dropped
iinlckly to'i' , then slowly to .11.11 , recov-
oii'il to II U'i , sold down to M.I.I , up to Jl.l.'l'i.
and about noon wontolT 10 tl.l2' { , with a re
covery to tl.ll boforj 1 o'clock. July from
11.14 made a straight dccllno the llr-it hour to
II.IS'i , mill after a llttlo locovury wont
straight olT toil.II'S. with a recovery to $1.12.
The trade was greatly stlrrod no over early
Ilrltlsh cables. Lnndoii again reported car-
KOOS Od higher , making Is ( > 1 In two ( Hys. LI v-
orpool ui ) as It li is not been for months ,
with spot wlmat 3'd ' } liUhor and future-till
higher , Latar private e.iblo gnvi the specu
lative m.irkotsnbro 11 very much ovolto.l. The
tone of thocahloskcpt stroii ; all day. Hvonat
thocloso Mverpool and London woio higher.
1'arls I frane centimes up on Hour andOO
centimes to t up on wheat , lli-rlln pub
lic c.ihlos alone closed lower. There were all
sorts of reasons given f ji- the break. One was
that the Ice In the St Ola'.r rlvor will stop
wheat shipments , and that New York had
stopped buying , There w is occasionally a
bearish dlspateh. Logan had one from Kelly.
St. Louis , s.iylng there no dpm.ind for
c ish wheat. Plllsbury sent word that soudliu
In North Dakota and northern Minnesota was
late and looking serious , lluying In the pit
early was .oil . by Mltcho'.l , White Ss Co. , Dunn ,
through the day , and lilgelow and the crowd
generally. Logan was a seller early and
II ildwln pounded the nrirket. Lin Iblojm.
8uhwart7 , llloom and Hoyden all sold froolv.
The selling anil pounding In who it continue 1
to the close , when prloos were 33 olT from
the high points , and at the bottom figures of
thoday. May 1.13' , July Sl.lO'i. April closed
nominal at it.12X > August sild at JI.IO at one
tlmu and closed at tl.01. September and De
cember toucho.l tl.03 early and eloso I at f lOP.f.
Trading In privileges on the curb was princi
pally In July. Wheat for that month 11.03'i
for puts , and il.iilS for calls.
The coin murket was not a remarkable ono
In any rospoat. The close found prices lo
lower than last night for May ut'TISc , and
I'Vio lower for July at ( ! 7' c. The dccllno In
corn was not of a ch'ir.icter to attract much
notice. Helling was < | iil'o ' general but the
bears In that pit have boon run In so often
that they have not darjil to Do found
short to any extent. Thoy. therefore ,
prollted but little by fie drop In prices.
Aside from the sharp break In wheat , which
helped selling In all other pits , tlioro wore
reasons for an easier fcolliu In corn. The
weather was brighter , and this promised an
Increase In ijuantlty and an Improvement In
the quality of locolpts. Then , too , the corn
market has had no snap for a few days ; oven
If higher prices are yet to come , the leactlon
appears to bo necessary nt tlila time. The
action for loaning months was as follows :
April , 7e. ! toTJJic , toW'io to the close : Mnv ,
72-Ui1 , to73e , anil oir toTl'io to the uloso ; July ,
o , toGTSu at the close ; Juno closeii lo to
. buyeis. July
corn privileges Mild nt OJ'sc and O c.
The oats market followed the example
of the loading cero.its wheat and corn and
ruled easier , showing a decline at the close of
fully Ic on yesterday's figures. Trading was
light , and the market during the greater part
of the session wiis dull and uninteresting.
May delivery opened at MJic , advanced to
c. thu closing price. Juno sold from M\u
Sc , to.lMJo at the close , July started at
c. sold uploSlc. but closed at Xlo , the. low
prlcoof thodav. August closed at 32Uu and
bontombor at : JiO.
The decline In the prices of provisions from
the close yesterdny to the close today was IDo
for lard. 20o for ribs and 27Jo for mess pork.
This Is more of a set baok than thu market
has had In one day torsome time. 1'nrt of the
weakness was no doubt In sympathy with
the decline In the coroala. It was also
in keeping with the lower prices of
hogs ut the yards. 1'ork w.s sustained for a
short time early by Hntchlnson anil others
buying back stiitf sold recently. Then selling
became general and May sold at $12.1)7 ) * . to
113.70 at the close ; July. iti.t : ; > ! { . oil to $13.03 ;
Hoptembor , | | .V4\ut the eloso. Lard sohl as
low as $3.SO and I7.1Q for May and July , anil
closed at H8.M4 and $7.I2i , ; Hlbs dropped
Miuurely down'.Me to $0.3) ) forJlay , W.Oi ) for
July , and tO.lW for September.
Showing the olllclal range of prices In the
lending options , us reported by Cookrell
Druthers :
COMMOIUTV.IOpun. I Illcti , I | Cloe. I Vo t. '
NotoH and Gossip.
H. SI cars of wheat.
Kstlmiued hogs at Chlo.igo Wo.lnosilay ,
Kngllsh vlslblo Increases , 1,230,000 bushoU of
Minneapolis receipts , IDS carsof wheat ; slilp-
mentH , li ) cars.
St. Louis : Cash wheat , $1.11 ; cash corn ,
7 ! < ic : cash oats , 51'Jc.
Chicago cash No. 2 corn , 73ijc ; No. 3 corn ,
73o ; Turkov wheat 2o under May.
No wheat out of Now Vork nor llaltlmoro
nnd only 11,212 barrels ot Hour , uuual to 39,500
bushels of wheat.
Now York close : Wheat , May , 11.21H bid ;
July. $ l8ii. ! Corn. May , 7Uo ; July , TMSe.
Oats , May , fJVic ; July , IXJ c.
Hound Lake , Minn. , mesiago says ; 1'ln-
Ishoil seeding yesterday , splendid growing
weather mid wheat up nicely.
A special to the Chicago Herald , dated Ran
I'rnnuUco , says : "Intense excitement pro-
valiod In the wheat market today , caused by
largo orUws from i'rcuch and KujjlUU tuar-
kots. Options for the closed Iflllo nnd
season options 12Uo higher limn H.iturday's
closing. "
Flocks of contrnot grain at Chicago , regular
clovators : Wheat now S,17MOIJ , Inst week ,
RJVIIKjOj corn 1HI.10I , lint week 201,8071 oats
82llMtt , Inst weak 301,152.
Chicago houses roportstooU business In the
west only tali-and buying orders moderate.
They take no stock In thu report that the west
Is putting thu market up ,
Bt. Louis receipts ! Wheat , 1P.423 ; corn , 73,0111
oat s , 12,03.1. Samodny lust year : Wheat. 20.-
WU corn. 21.WJ ; oils , 2Sm Shipments :
Wheat , f > , SOO ; corn , 107,500 ; oats , 27.700.
Chicago receipts : Wheat. 2.VIIO : corn , 170,100 ;
oats , 171,423. Shipments : Wheat 4t7.IO ' ) ; corn ,
22lnr > | oils , 122,310. Kstlnmtcd cars for
Wednesilay : Wheat , 33 ; corn , 100 ! oats , ISO.
A , 13. Jaqulth , iminigcr ot the Omaha elevator -
vator company , speaking of the crop pros
pects statiM that Nebraska so far Is all right ,
out that Illinois , eastern Minnesota , n.istern
lena and Missouri are- too wotiind everything
Is backward.
McCormlck savs : "Tho advance today In
foreign cables Is phenomenal , lorolgnors
hit vo thn call on the wheat situation and are
pulling thu world after thorn with tholr cables ,
which at present sco n strong enough to bear
thu load , though their capacity Is being
strained , I think. "
Hcerbohm's cable : Cargoes wheat Increase ,
410,000 bushels ; corn decreases , WJ.OJO. Walla
Wiilln wheat off coast , 41s lid ; red winter
prompt shipment , 42s. Liverpool , 12:30 : p. m. , _
ijuotes wheat strong ; California No.l,3t < s ll'ld. '
Closingolllctalcnbloquotessnot wheat strong ,
good demand. California'in up ; red'J'.idnp ' ;
Hour , Mlnno.itiolls , first bakers' . Is up. Ant
werp cable : Wheat , 75s higher. Paris uabloi
Trench markets strong.
Login .V Co. to Tonoray ft llrynn In sym
pathy with foMlgn markets thu wheat market
opened strong. May selling up to Jl.lll. On
some dull cables later It sohl oil and closes
at $ l2H. | .Inly has ranged about 2 cents
under , closed at $ I.10Y lixcltumunt and ad
vance on the continent of Lnrogru bus been
brought about by supposed damage to thu
growing crops and thu Heavy purchases made
to 111 ! up the deficiency undo so thtt thu prin
cipal arrivals will roach thu continent to'vards
the end of this an I the beglnnlngof next year.
Should this country lu.ip thu rich harvest ot
winter wheat now promised wo will supply
them liberally at much lower pi Ices. The ad
vance may ho all warranted , but there Is n
tinge ot speculation about It which may canso
Fomo soiling on line weither and when It
begins It may be a general st ind fiom under.
New prop options wo consider too high.
Hcnxy roaltrUig on corn causes lower prices
and weakness. July opened at CI'J'BC and
closeii at 073 , . I'ork sympathise I with grain
and sold on" . Wo bellovo In buying on du-
W. 0. McCormlck & Co , to V. C. Swnrtz .t Co.
-Today's wheat market showed n very tame
closing of what promised to bu a bull
day. The public telujr.ims showed the re
markable advance In London of a shilling
per quarter and In Liverpool 8 pence per cen
tal an t Han Kianclso telegrams published In
the moi'iilnpapers noted an advance of 12o
per bushel slneu S.UnnHy. Tills was sullli-lunt
to start thu mmkct with a great hurrah , but
It scon became evident that the longs were
mailing themselves of the advance to sell
wheat. This was especially the e.iso with
foreign holdeis , who are sild to Irivusild not
only hero but In New York. The late public
cables still showed strength but ourprlv.ito
advices from abroad showed an otulor fee ling
and a decline from the high prices of the
morning. Uegardloss of what may bu
iiono In the long- future the market
lee s to us deoldodly top heavy and If
the longs should hu stampeded they would
llnd very few shorts to take their stuff oil
their hands. Corn opened firmer In sympathy
with , but the bulge brought heavy
reall/.lng as the market declined. A great deal
of co use came out on stop orduis. A small
reaction took place on thu annoiincemei.t of
small receipts for tomorrow , but at no time
was any strength shown am ) the close was
decidedly tame. Oats opened llrm. but closo.I
wo.iK In sympathy with coin. Provisions-
Hogs were lower this morning and a disposi
tion develop ? ! ! among our lo'al provision
traders lo hammer the market. This they
were able to do In sympathy with weaker
grain markets and thu miirkotelosusdeoldedly
heavy. Itnther to our surprise woseo that the
ou'-slue are Inclined to sell out their long stutf
and this has materially aided our local oper
ators In hicaking prices.
Kennett. Hopkins ft Co. to S A. McWhortor
Wheat opened strong at an advance of
nearly Ic and quickly rail od to tl.Ul'i for
July , thu hUhest price this year. Cables weru
very strong and Plllstmry wlrod from the
northwest that no seeding had been done In
Northern O.tkota and Minnesota and the situ
ation was getting K-rlous Thu big longs
among them , S. V. Whlto and Hutch , were
heavy sellers and this relieved thu tension.
1 ho wheat looked rather soft and en 'ouraired
boars to pound It. Not meeting with as much
opposition as on recent occasions they In
creased their elTorts and sucooo.lcd In uloslng
the market qultu at the lowest price of the
session. The advance within the last tluvo or
four days has been so r.ipld and continuous
that n ro.ictlon had bocbmo almost a neces
sity. It Is probable wo hiivu seen top prices
for a time. Hutch was a lurgo buyer when
the market got below $1.12 for July , and al
though ho succeeded In rallying the market
temporarily. It finally got nwny from him , the
down current proving too strong to resist. It
would seem that n further docllno Is proba
ble. Longs have genor.illy realized. The nct-
vimcu has exceeded expectations and eve
the most saiu-nlno bulls admit It Is dangerous
to taKQon muchof si at present prices.
The market Is very sensitive and would respond
spend roadlly to Important bullish Intelli
gence. In the absence of such news wo ought
to get another day or two of lower
prices. The export movement Is tem
porarily chocked nnd foreigners are said
to have been sellers here mid at
the seaboard today. In corn and oats the In
clination manipulated by longs to take profits
und lot prices run olt was still moro marked
to lay. There was momentary strength at the
oponln ? , but with this nxci-ptlon tlio market
has shown a ro.ietlonary tendency all day
and the close was ut Insldo prices. As the
provision market has boon held up lately by
thu strength In grain It declined easily today
when grain weakened. Local traders for an
advance were quick to soil out. Hutchtnson
was among the number. Outside orders to
soil were moru plentiful. The close was weak
at bottom prices.
o urts STUCK
OIIICAOOprll2l. . [ Spjalal Tolo'ram toTuu
IlKK.l-C.ittlo Tra'lo was r.Uhor slow , but
values on anything that suited tha dressed
beef trade , oipsol illy lljht steers , ruled
steady to a shade higher In some cases , but as
tlioro was llttlo or no export demand , big
steers were hard to soil nt prices that own
ers fancied they ought to realize.
Such were neglected and passed by buyers as
long as they could fin 1 anything else that
suited. All descriptions of butchers' ntock
was steady and wanted from first to last
lluslness In the stocker and feodnr line was
fair and prluos unchiingod as comuaioU with
last week. Light steers. 1,030 to 1,150. pounds
selling at $5.lXKaiI.OO : while 1.3JO to 1,500-ponnd
averages sold .U W.503.s5 : light stoiir.s , under
1,000 pounds , sold at $3.25a. > .50 , Cows and
helfors , * .I5),9D. !
lions The market was rather weak , with
common mixed soiling 5c to 100 lowor. The
shipping demand was light , nnd buyers for
packers spent moro time whittling away tiio
funcu than In looking at the stoek. There
worn nt least 2.,000 to 2.I.OJJ on sale , as the
market slosed weak last night with 5,000 to
fl.OUO loft , and the chances were that a largo
number would bo left tonight. Hough mid
common. $1.0031.50 ; mixed and packers. $ l.7.r > a
T.UO : prime heavy and butchers' weights , $5.13
ffli.40 ; light , SI.UJ UO ; skips. II.T03I.30.
NnwVoiiK , April 21-lSpeclal Telegram to
THE llEE.-After ] the expenditure of no much
force as was shown yesterday the bulls were
naturally languid this morning. No weakness
In the stock market was appaient ,
but the buying power seemed for the moment
to have exhausted Itself. Trading was not
very active and prices generally hung around
yesterday's closings. The strong stook of the
morning was Union Pacific. This advanced 1
point on the publication of the February
statement , showing an Increase of not earn
ings of $ U,052 , although the preliminary state
ment Issued early this month showed n net
Increase of jr.l.iHO. The nut Increase for Janu
ary and I e brnaiy was J057I4'J. '
Ihu advices from London this morning , as
fur as thu speculative markets are concerned
were strong , but lacked buoviincy. The for
eign houses sold some St. P.iul and Lake Shoru
ut concessions at H and ( J per cent Somu llt
tlo buying of Atchlson. Louisvlllo & Niishvlllu
Krlo nnd Ontario & Western took place for
Kuropean account.
Ihu west sent quite n number of buying
orders In thu grangers. The fooling as far ax
the big operators are concerned continues to
bu moro bullMi. as was evidenced by their
purchases today of ; Morthwchtorn.Uock Island.
C h cngo. lliirlliizton St. Qulncy. Union Puclllo ,
Clileagot asandAtehlsoiiIncomes.aIlofwhlcl
woru taken up to the best prices. lteall/a-
tlons were promptly In order. The board
room contingent , on almost positive engage-
i'lVvli ? ' * , IJO'OOU I" K0l l and the rupoi t that
$ .WUOO will go out between this and Satur
day , sold stocks liberally. The concessions li
! ! " VU' ° IiU 'lcu'lllu ' t ' Profcsshm
oporatlo | is. The
reports from le.idln-
commission werodeeldelyencouraKlng"
Henry AI on & Co. . John Illoodgood * Ca
\\oereshollerA \ : Co. und other largo llrms were
conspicuous buyers. The uvm crowd was
active. Th > advance In fancies was sharp
t'h cage & Krlu lli > ts rose to 01. Wheeling I
1 > rufurrei1 75 ? * ' Wubiwh 10'i '
\Vabush common was very uctl vo uml stroni.
Hallway bonds were active and grnernln
strong In thu early deallnsi , . Later price
reacted somewhat. Among the notable feu
lures were Oregon Improvement 3s , Northuri
Pneillo5s. Heading Issues , St. LouU , Arkannas
> v Texas 2ds , and Ixnilsvllle , bt. Louts & Texas
2d .
Kunnctt , Hopkins ft Co. to S. A. MoWhorter
The stock market has not bean so ono-sldei
today , as It was yesterday , when ovoryonu
boutued to vriut to buy , It opened strong
with commission brokers wotl supplied with
mien and London also qutto n factor , both In
ho matter of reporting n strong market for
Amorlciin stocks In IxiirJon and In buying up
n this market. Thu buyers ot steaks through-
lit the morning , however , found n good many
oilers to supply them nnd throughout the
ay tlioro has boon n Rood donl of realizing ,
specially In the western group of stocks ,
ill of which eloso lower than they opened ,
Jnlon I'aclflo was n sprolal feature dur-
ng thu morning nnd the market
: ave indications that the strength of
nls stock was used us a basis of marketing
hares. Thu engagement of fl.VJUOJ ) gold for
export probably had something to do with thu
Imposition ot traders to sell. There Is no
loubt many conservative ! people think the
laeo at which thn market lias been going Is
nest too rapid nt. this Unto of the year , es-
icclally as expected Improvement In prices Is
> ased not so much upon present conditions ns
in what It Is looked forward to In thu way of
crop productions this your. Of theno It can
10 said that while thu winter wheat Is doing
Inely , the season Is very backward for all
ithur grains , and It Is yet uncertain as to
what thn outcome for them will be There
IIIH been Indications of a good deal of
call/lug In Chicago gas. but prices , conslder-
II. tlio soiling that has taken place , have held
veil. Now K'igland has been u feature In the
narkot In advancing over lu on larger trans
actions than usual. Money has been easy at
° ! © ' ! per cent. The money market closed
nth rather u droppliu tendency at not far
rom thu lowest price , Total sales. ; i3'fisfl. ' )
Silver In London Is4l'jid agalnst44 7-lid ( ycs-
erday , dccllno due to tlio reported failure of
i largo commercial house at Bombay.
Navigation Is now fully open and railroad
ifllclals say east bound rail shipments are
Ikoly to bu the lightest this summer In many
Union Pacific earnings for the month of
'chrnary show an Incieaseof $1,4)1 ) ,812.
Thu Alton has socuiod from the government
ho right to sell tickets In Castle Oardon.
The Wheeling & Lake Kilo has dc-
olaiod n quarterly dividend of I'l per
'cut on the preferred stock , payable
iluy 13 , Thu hooks close April 30 and reopen
May 1(1. ( This Is an auvnnco of U percent.
London prices : Northern Pnclllc , preferred.
" ' . ' "i , advance IV. Krlo2l' , nilvmtco < V Luke
nhotu 1" . advance ? i ; Louisvlllo Niishvlllu
8)i , , advance H : St. Paul tH'i , decrcasu ' ;
\"uw York Central I'Jd ' , advance 3. | : Heading
, advance y : Union I'uulllofiO'i , advance ! 6 :
\tehlson 'CI's , advance 1 per cent ,
The following are the closing iinolntlons :
1. H U rexl'teroil . . .I'jPi .Vorthorn 1'nclllo. . .
) .S. 4SCUUIIOIH UII-6 ilu pruforroil TDK
I S. 4i4srj l < loroil .1012 C. . N AV lO'.M'
J. S 4' ' < < coiiiD | iloprof'il ( oxillv ) . . . nil-
'ncllloCsnt'iij No w Ytirk Central. . . .ID
Cunt nil 1'aclllc I' . , II. A K .IDI'l
A. Altonri \ Itock Isl.tml 77
Cldc.iKO , Ilurllngtun
Agnlncjr S9X iloiiruferrwl
) . , L.V W CliiK St. 1'niil .VO'iinlii . ' . ilupreferrcil
( iliumTnv.u 1) tlnlun I'-iclllc
.RkoSluiro 1I2H \V. , St. I , . A I' 10 *
Mlclihnin . . . Vi\i \ do preferred M
11-nourIlVirlilc. - _ . . . 70H _ Woitorn Unlcm _ _ : _ | - _ - 8I
MONKV ON UAI.C , Kusy , elosed oirered : it II
er cent.
bniti.t.sfi nxuitANOi : Quiet , steudy ! sUty-
Iny bills. fl.ti.V4 ; ilointind. Jl.bS'i.
Wool Market.
HOSTO.V , Muss. , Aprir.'l. [ Spoulul Telegram
o TUB IlKE.l The demand for wool bus been
air and sales are made at full previous
irlees , the market rullns linn. Ohio Mi-eccs
sold atliOU'Jle for X ; ll iWIe for XX nnd XXX
mil above. No. 1 Ohio Hulls ut HTft'lT'ic ' : Mleh-
RI.II X is In fair demand at'JKft.lHic : coinblni ;
ind Delalno llcecos uro llrm , with sales of Mo.
1 combine nt 40f.'a ; Ohio flue Delaine at 111' ) ®
ITo ; MluhlKiin line Delalno at OTQ'Uc. Tenl-
tory wools are In steady ilomand. with sales
of 11 nu or scoured on a basis of ( MttKiui line
nedliini at , r > .s rje ; medium at 55& . > ? e. In
nillc'd wool thoio has been a ( rood trade , anil
saloi are renorleil of choice supers aHUl" > c ;
'air to itood supers utKXr : $ > c ; extras af."J ®
JJe. Foreign wools were linn anil in demand.
Coil'ec O | > tliiis.
N'nvr YORK. April L'l. [ Special Toloiram to
THE lliti.l : UOPFKR Ootlons opened barely
ste.uly and unchanged to 10 points down nnd
elosed steady at 10 points down to. > points up ,
and iiulet. The sales wore J,7.i ba s , Inelnd-
: iik April. tlT.O ) ; May , tl7.-oai7.iW ; Juno , iir.4 1 ;
July. J17..IO ; Auaiist. MO.'JO ; Hoptem'jor ' , il'l-ios '
18.5) ) ; Outubi-r , j I. I. SI ® HOT : Dofombor , Jiri-Opa
iri.l.'i ; June , $ U.S" . .Spot Ho. ! quiet and linn ;
fair uiirgoos , $ M.OOj No. 7. iflS.JO.
NKTT VOIIK , April 21. [ Sposlal Telo ram to
TUB IIBS.1 The folto.vln ; arj tha ir.lnliij
stock quotations :
CiitCAno. April 21. Wboat Weak : cash.
SI.12M ; May , $1.121.13 ; July , $ I.10 © 1.11.
Corn-Steady ; cash , 73c ; May , 7i72c ;
July. 07 ? < a 7Jie.
Oats Kiiiy ; cash and May , 65'so ; July,5278@
Timothy Prime , J1.301.31.
Flax tl. 10.
Wnlslcv tl.18.
Pork Sto uly : _ ash , $12.C'J4 ' ! ; May , $12.70 ;
J Steady : cash , $0.8.2 May. $0.82' ' , ®
fl.aJuly. : . $7.12' , .
Short Hlbs Steady ; cash , $0.iO : < ai.3. ! > ; lay.
W.Bis : ! July , $ O.U2'5.
I'lour Klrm ; nnohanRed ; siirlnt ; patents ,
Jl.h. > 'iM.r > 0 : winter p.itcnts. W 605t. > .10.
Hulk Meats Shou liters. Jo.U01J. > 2. > ; short
clear. fJ.7.ySi.h5 ( ( ; short ribs. W.KXat.)5. : )
Butter UnehaiUfd ; creamery 202Jc ;
dairy. lWOic. .
Ulioeso Unchanged : full cream clicddars ,
Younit Americas , rJOISHe ; ilat-s ,
Eiftrs-'KIrm : fresh. lS'/iitio. : ;
Hides Unehanced ; lieavy iiniUllRht sreen
salted. .V.JeiS.UTOOII ? ; salted , 4 < il'ie ' : salted
luillc , 4 > 4c : ureon salted calf , 80 : dry Mint , fcc ;
drv salted , no ; dry calf. &ita. \ > .
Tallow UnehaiiKed ; 1. solid packed , 440 ;
S , 3 eeako ; , 4 Sic.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour . 1(1.000 ( Ki.ODO
Wheat , bit . 2 : > , UOO 4I7.0JO
Coin , lti . lJlTO ) irj-.OOO
Oats , bu . 171.000 12J.OOO
New YoitK , April 21. Wheat Receipts , SS.ROO
bushels ; exports , none ; spot UiQ 'io lower ;
No. S led , I1.S7 In store ; ll.SUJi alloat ; JI.28M
® liO : f. o. b. Options showed marked o\elte-
ment with IrreKtiar situation. Early IVJfe'c
up. elosed weak , a2 > Jo lower than last nljht
and 2 ! < ( r-'I1,5 from best prices of the day.
No. 2 red , Mnv , closed at tl.24'i.
Corn Uecolpts , 1.1JSO busholsjoxports , 1R.200 ;
spot weaker ; 82o In elevator ; 81 } } ®
84e alloat ; nnKrailod mixed. HlfWIe. Options
opened U ® ? e up. deeilncd 2H2io ; May olos-
IIIK ntOic.
Oats Hecelpts , 115,000 bushels ; exports , 20,000
bushels ; spot worker ; white , MiSSflS'Seimlxed '
western , < iOiSo ( : whlto wobtorn , 67)ii7lc. Op
tions weak ; April olosed atOJ c.
Sujjar Haw , llrm ; iiiuscovude , 81 test , 2
lli-llio ; centrlfuialH , 00 test , 'I'ju ' ; molasses
simar , 89 test , 2 Ih-IB : rollnen , quiet.
I'etrolonin United olosotl for May atOMfjc.
RSKS Firm ; western , l.VJc.
I'ork Quiet ; now mess. tlll.ivrjii.M.
I.ard Kasy ; western steam. t'.OO.
lliittor Firm ; western dairy , 1223c ; west
ern creamery , 2SS'7e ; Kluln , 27 c.
Uhooso Steady ; skims ,
ST. Louis , April 21. Wheat Weak and
lower ; eash. $1.12 ; May , tl.ii : ; July , Jl.OOV.
Corn Irregular ; easli,71'i71Je ! ; May , 71Jc ! ,
Oats Irrewular ; cash , 5oc ; May ,
I'ork Kasy at tl2.r > J.
I.urd Kasy at $0.03.
Whisky $1.18.
Hutter Steady and unchanged.
, April 21. Cash wheat very
stronK ! when May broke , prlcin fell In sympa
thy ; demand vi > ry slow. Hecelpts , 20 ears.
Close : No. 1 hard. Apill and nn track , } | . in ;
No. 1 northern , April and May , fl.ltii ; July ,
fl.ll ; on track. JI.KI ; No. 2 northern , April ,
$1.10 ; on track II. IKai.IH'i.
KANSAS CITV , April 21. Wheat Market
firm : No. 2 hard , cash , $1.02 ; April , $ I.U2 bid ;
No. 2 red , cash , $1.07.
Corn Steady mid higher ; No. 2 , cash , CSJJo ;
April. fiSSffiffiUe.
Oats-Strong ; No. 2 cash , 5lJo ! ; April , 5lSo
MILWAUKEE , Anrll 21. Wheat Easier ; No.
2 soring , cash , $ I.I2I.1.I ; July , $1.10 ! , .
Corn Kirm ; No. .1 , 73SJo.
Oats Kasler : No. 2. whlto. f8'@Ye. )
Provisions Nominal ; pork , Jlay , $12,78 .
CINCINNATI. April 21. Whcat-Slcirty ;
Corn Oulot ; No. 2 mixed , 7fic.
Oitts I'ublcr ; No. 2 mixed , 57io. !
LiVEiu-ooL , April 21. Wheat Strong : de
mand fair ; California , No. 1 , 8s 11)id ) per
Corn Steadydemand ; fair ; mixed western ,
Os llid ! uor cental.
ClllOAOO. April 21-Cattlo-Uoeolpts , S.OOO ;
market steady to shade higher : steers , light.
f.l.UJ'UO.OO ' ; heiivy steers , $3.VX3.V 3 ; eows and
holfui-s. : i.OJ < ail.UO ,
Ilogs-Uecolpts , 17,500 : market dull ; gonor-
nlly weak ; loner ; rough nnd common , $ l.dO ®
4.50 ; mixed and packers , ( I.7WS110 ; prlmo
heavy and butcher weights , $3.l5&3tj ; light ,
| 4.X ! > it .10 ,
HIIKEIIteeclpts. . 12nflO ; market nctlvo and
lower ; natives , t3.50V75j westerns , 15.0X65.50 ;
lambs. t5Guffl7.oo.
ST. Louis , April 2l.-Oattlo-Kecolpts. l.COO ;
ihlpuieuu , uouo ; uiarUut steady ; fair to fancy
intlvo Htrnr , tl.2. > Q4itO ; Texas and Indian
Steers , $ .l.ftj < 35.2\
llozs "Itecolpti , 5,4M ; shlpmeiit-i. 2,500 ; mar-
tot lower ; henvv , f\K > iJ.a ) ! mixed , ( l.n. > ®
6.0J ;
_ _ _
KANSAS Cur , April ' -Cattlo-Kepclpti ,
: iiW | shipments , I , Itflf .market slow ; lower ;
Btcors , $ .l.7yiW.2'i ' ! con v W.ooai.70 ; sUiokers
i ml feeders , tilViHTo.
Hogs Hccclpti , IMOUtMilpmrnts , 1,100) ) mar-
kut luner ; all grade : ) , J.l.iotow.
OMAHA , April 21.
OATTf.r. Ofllclal reoi'luti of oattlo 2 , < < J3. as
coriiniral with 1'iu vestorday and 1,781
riiusilay of lait weok. The marUot was slow
mil f > o ami lee lower on all crudes of steers.
Hood butcher sleek win active and steady ,
vltli commotmh urndes and cannersfio to 10 o
ower. Fi'eder-j were active and llrm.
HIHH Olllelai receipts of hozs 0.731. ns
rompared with 2.081 yesterday nnd 8.083
I'licsdnyof last week. Heavy and lint flier
weluhts steady , others slow and C > o nnd tun
ower. The ruizoof the prlcespald wasl.rK > ! 8
n.ia ; the bulk selllnc at tl.7o4.1iLUht , $ t no
rsJ4H' , ; heavv. W.uOifi.lo ; mixed , $ ! .7.Vjl4.ti5. The
iverage of the prices paid was $ t.8d as com
pared with $ I.8'J yesterday and tl.OHf Tuesday
of last week.
xi' Olllelal receipts of sheep 517 , as
compared wltlillS ) yesterday and IlVj Tuesd ly
if last week. The market was active and
stronger. Natives , $2.75a.V73 ; westerns , $ , ' .OOU
Imposition oC Stock.
Showing the nuinbor ot oittlo , hozs and
sheep bought by the piokers and oilier bu vurs
in the marUetas shown by tha of the
Jnlon stook yards comp my :
Huyors. No.
'wlft.tCo . tiilR
rhuO. It. Hammond company . 2."i9
I'ho Cudahy packing company . 210
The Omaha pauking company . II
Shippers , feeders ant other buyers . l.l.'IS
Leftover . 174
Total . 2,75
The Oudnhy pno'dnc ' compiny . 2.012
I he Omaha p.iokln eomp.iny . 781
wlft .t Co . . . OO
TlieU. II. Hammonil company . 'M\ \
Slippers , feeders nnd other buyers . 2lkX5
Left o\er . IM
Total . 7,001
SwIft&Co . 170
Phi ! Cnilahv p'u-klni ; eomp.iny ,
rhuU. II , Hammond company
Total 507
Rcprescntntlvc Sales.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
II10 $1 00 25 . 1100 $5 05 41. . lart $5 : n
TllS 4 00 ! . . ! 5 10 . ' 15. 12UO 511.1
! ) . . 1)17 ) 4 2' ) 21) ) 1210 5 12' ' , ' 101. 10:11 : 5 35
3. . U17 4 : II. 1210 a I" , 10. 10:1107 I 5:15 :
t. . nin 4 40 18 .11. , fi 15 20 5 II.1
4. . 4 40 10. 11011 5 15 17. . 111)5 ) RII7M
1. . 11.10 4 M 40..12.N . r , 15 II ! 12.11 540
13. . 1(130 ( 4 n.- , 40. . llir. 5 15 15. 1201 5 50
1.1. . 10M ! 4 7i 5 15 fKS. 1115 5 50
a. . mil 4 75 8..1011 R 15 18 I17i : 5.10
3I lOst ) 4 75 43..1210 r > 17 ! ' , 10. I'KS 5 50
I ) . 10IU 4 75 20..1120 5 23 18 . 1110 5 50
22 4 85 40. . 11115 ft 23 21 . 1205 4 55
21. . 11133 4 s- > OT. . 12.14 r > M 21. . 1271) ) 5 55
78 1177 4 05 88..1178 5 2 , * > 5 liO
23 , OJO 5 00 1..13IO 5 iij 21..1310 570
( B. . U72 500
1. . 1)30 ) 1 50 2 , . 780 2 50 1. . 810 380
1. . Ils.0 1 50 1. 10 ID 2 50 1. .1WK ) 380
1 . O.V ) 1 75 i . . iono 2 ro 2. . 108.1 380
i 1030 1 75 1 . . OM ) 2 SO 1. 1,110 400
4. ! ! HO 1 75 1. 1180 2. . 1U8.1 400
1. 1170 1 75 0 . 7IH 2 7,1 1 . 010 4 00
1. , 570 1 80 . . 87ll 2 75 1. .1210 400
1. . 1120 1 85 a. . 10 , 2 75 1 1150 400
1. . 1030 2 00 17. . 8.1 ? ' 2 75 3. .mi 400
1 I ) 0 2 CO 1. . 1150 ' ! 00 ! ! . 81)7 ) 4 (0 (
15.r . , MW 2 OJ 1. . 7N ) 100 11. tt 425
r > . , 'OO 2 00 1. . 830. 100 17. . 11.1:1 : 421
i. , 70 ! ) 200 3..iuno , : > oa 8. .IO..1 ! 42.1
' ' 2(10 ( 1..11PO I 00 1. 1110 42.1
2 0.1 8. . 1137 I CO 4. .1102 42.1
! ll)2l ) ) 2 15 2. . 1020 , I 25 18 .1032 440
. 787 2 25 3..1050 3 33 20. . 1151 44.1
.liiO : 2 25 S3..1Q2U 3 43 20.fl. . .llfi.1 450
. 810 2 25 4. . W 3 M ) 3. . 121(1 ( 475
.irco 2 40 0..101 < 1 > 3 03 2. .12J5 480
.1000 240 O..II50 3 75
200 1..1430 3 00 .15GO 400
.I200 22.1 l.4hO. 300 .1850 400
.inio 22.1 3..13VO. 3 00 .1iI5 ( 400
. 0.10 2 50 32J .150) ) 425
. 1305 2 70 1..L'I50 350 .1U20 450
38. . 404 280 17. . SW 3 50 3.,73.1 400
3. . 500 4'00 3. . OW'3'75 ' ' 1.-010 420
2. . 305 200 1. . 38) 350 1. . 150 375
1. . 70 3 23
0..1G45 4 00
1 cow and ealf $40 00
1 cow and calf ' . , " . 33 o t
1 milker 2000
1 springer ' > fl 0)
-'springers , caoh 30 00
13..1034 250 4. . 710 340 21..1030 373
1. . 800 3 30 23. . O.V1 3 45
No. Av. Tr.
E. M. Golden.
104 steers hayfeed 1127 $4 CO
Sweenson-Stookey Co.
120 steers hnyfed 1108 4 35
1) ) . S. Marshall.
25 steers hayfed 032 4 15
Call Brothers.
2 oxen 1KB 300
20 steers hayfeil 1035 4 15
Standard cattle company.
11 calves nn 4 K )
10 cows 1140 4 75
11003. 75Pr.
No. Av. rfh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
0 34 > l ICO $4 50 07 230 120 m2'J
2 320 4 50 81 227 K'O 4R3
112 140 40 4 GO C ! ) 202 4(1 ( 485
35 202 4 W 75 238 120 4R5
2 235 4 CO 70 222 40 485
( S3 137 40 4 00 72 170 40 483
ISO 152 80 4 05 73 221 80 485
70 177 4 70 C ! ) 274 100 48714
01 1M ) 40 4 70 40 410 4IK )
( II 187 040 4 70 Kl 251 ICO 403
82 1114 40 4 73 Oil 212 120 400
0(1 ( . . . . 1H8 40 4 73 73. . .107 kO 4 00
71 222' 80 4 75 282 4 ! W
07 205 ICO 4 75 07 229 100 400
iY > 100 40 4 75 01 25.1 140 400
31 312 200 4 75 77 810 80 400
00 . . . . 202 bO 4 73 80 1 IB 40 4 OJ
82 10. 203 4 75 CO 231 200 400
80 100 80 4 75 73 218 40 400
70 223 160 4 75 . . 222 120 400
72 . . . . 2J3 240 475 02. . i.'JM 100 403
71 180 40 473 71 200 80 405
5'3 203 100 475 82. . . .IUO 41 4 X >
(11 l ( > 0 475 01 201 80 405
CO 202 103 4 75 74. . .2IS4 120 40.1
07 178 80 4 75 07 .2.18 4 0.1
( I 420 4 75 51 , .3S ( ! 40.1
59 104 4 75 . . 20(1 ( 120 4 05
81. . . . 2:11 : 80 4 75 78. . . .234 40 405
01 152 80 4 75 78 . . .231 40 405
14 lb" 4 7.1 07. . . .244 120 405
15 . . . . 274 120 4 75 07.Kl. . . .214 185 405
70 . . . .15H 40 4 75 T,2. 523 405
14 140 4 75 51. , . . .245 240 It'S '
01 .204 320 4 75 . . 22.1 120 405
U4 . . . . 215 120 4 80 67. , . . .23'1 ' 40 405
30 17.1 4 80 70 , . . 210 500
4 4(17 ( 4 8'J 8. . . .350 500
54 174 - 4 80 (1) ( ) . . . .281 80 500
70 20J 4 80 . . . * X 40 500
81 213 40 4 80 . . .8S IUO 500
87 221 160 4 80 01. . . .2S2 500
O.U.47/.1 E JI.lltHETS.
DELLS Light , br.iiJ3. ' hanil. ills , 70o ; Ken-
tui-ky cow , ills. 7Ui' . '
TACKH. UIIAIH , KTC. Amorlciin Iron oaroot
tuuks , dlsSOj Htuelwvrmit tucKN , nil liliuls , wij
Swedes Ironcaruot taukn , nil klnili , IU ) ; Suudi's
Iron tanks , GO ; riHciles Iron nphoUturV InuKH
liO ; tinned \\odes Iron tackh , 50 ; Atnerk-iin
Iron cut tanks , 75 ; copper tiiukn , M ; eopner
lltilshlne anil trunk niilln , 45 ; cluar box tuills ,
43 : UnUhliiK nulls , "U ; IlniiKarlan nulls anil
inlnurx' tucks , M ; Klnip and lucu tacks ; 70 :
tinned K'lini ) and lacu taulis. W-liI ; trunk anil
clout nails , 70 ; tinned trunk and flout mills ,
33 ; haskut null" , M ; chair nulU , ! 1S ; common
uml patented brailn , 7u ; tinned ciiiicil | | tiunk
nails. 3u ana 10 ; looklnK--l sn tavts 23 ; pic
ture ( raniu points' , 25 ; leather cnrpel tacks , 40 ;
briihh tacks , 23.
. TAI-KS , .MnAbiniiNd American , illn , : ci } { ,
TllKllMOMLTElib Tin case , din , 73.
TiiAl-s ( iame , Ne House , dis , 40 ; Kiiine.
Onulilu pattern. 7U ; mouse , oed choker , per
dozen holes , 20 ,
TuowEtvi-llrndos' hrlclc , dls , 10 ; DliHton' * ,
20-10 ; Kiinlun. nut pur dor. il.CO.
TIIUCKS ( WiirohotibC , etc. ) , HOWO'H U. J , A.
Co. . ills , 50.
VIIKS Parallel , Parker's dlx. 10 ; piirallol ,
oval llde , ItOj baw 111 CMVnt orth'- * ; ' 0u
WliK.sciiEH-C'oes' Konulnv , W | lllraid. (10) )
AKr. 70-10 ; llcmls fc. Cull's tiutent comhliiatlini ,
15 ; Alki'ii , pocket ( hrluhtW ) 00. 3J.
lli.ocKS-Stutilcy llulo fi l.ovel Co'a now lUt
CO.IJOtTSConimon carriage , dla. 70-10 ! U. & K.
M'fR. Co's stovo. ills. 43-10 ; plow , Ol . M | mn-
chine , ill * . 70t tire holtn. W-10.
CAHTKiis-lled , ills , M | plato nnd nhnltow
rocket * . < ll . fA
IIUTTS llniss , wrought , ilU. 101 loose pin
onst , dli. 70 : loose pin , Jnpaniied , din. CO-in.lOj
loosu pins , Jnpniinuil , wroiiKht , 00) ) Clark blind
liuttH. 7Via
CHAIN Truce , OSiIOpor tmlr , not , lOol
truce , 0' < , Ainorloan , pop pulr , not. Mot ( Inr-
mini halter phalli. lint of December ill , IKSI ,
din. flO-IO ! American hiiller chain , ll l of lie *
I'omborHI , ism , dls. ni-10 ; ( ieriniin roll chain ,
list of December ; il. 1 < WI , dln.f.0-10 | Ironjnck
chain , 33 ; br.iss jack chiiln. : i > .
I'OCKH llrass , now lint , July 10 , I"W ) . ills , tfi.
COKFKK MILLS Marker's board and \ > odlx ,
Mi American ( Kntertirlsn MfK Co ) , din , ' . ' \
C'oMi'AMsns , Divnir.iif , KTO. CdiiipiiKscs , din ,
M-IO ; dividers , dls. M nnil 10 : callipers , dlx , M ) .
DltAWiNO KNIVKH-I' . H. & W. Co. , din , 70 ; ad-
I'OIIKH liny , maiuiro nnd spading , ( Us 00-10-
10 ; plated , Al < Hotter.V Urns , , M.
KntliTH AND JRI.I.V I'IIKSMKS Knterprlpo Mfu
Co. , dls , 15.
FllV PANS Coinnion , ills 70 ; Actno , ( Us fX ) .
KAUCKTS I'firy patent petroleum , din , W ) ;
Knturprlso solf-imiiisurliiK , per do30.00 , ills ,
i'n.KSHeaver k Mission's , CO-10 ; horse raftps
Holler Urns. , dls. fiO. ,
UAMMIIU : Maydolc , dlfl""i ! Atlm , dis',0.
llAtt.NKH.s SxArs HnrKuntH. dls 70 ; ( lertniin
KNOIIS Door knohs , hron/c , fpfl-10 ; door
mlncraK door por. .Inpancd , diHir por. plated
door por. new list dls , WJ-10 ; porcelain shutter ,
IIATCIIKT8 nisc'OlllllH 40-10.
HAY K.NIVKS l.lKhtnliiK , per ilo/ . , $0.00 ;
Bpcur Point , per doJAM. .
Ilillisi : NAll.s-Nos.4 5 0 7 8 0 10
Peerless , per II ) lie I2o iio : net
Nortbttestorn , " M ' 2:1 : 22 21 10 dlsSO
Ohlimplon , " 28 25 21 22 21 111 ills'.HI
Putniim , TO 20 23 21 20 111 11) ) ills 10
KiiTTMN UrasM. per cent dls , 15 ; enameled ,
per cent dls , CO.
UlNllKS Clurku'H No . 1 , 2 nnil 3 , imtu , dis
count CO ; Hcrow hook and strap , S to 12 , per 10J
Ihs. 4Uc ; 12 and upwaiil.s. per 100 HIM , Il oj
Strap nml T list. Tehrunry 14,1 hi ) I. 50 percent ;
stamiard I ) . A. . No. r > . f'l. . " > o.
| jOCKS--Cahnets and ehcsts--Cahlnet , P &R
Corhln , dls 2. > ; trunk , ills 20 ; Yale lock com
pany , lint and corniKiited Key , dls3.IM.
.MAI.I.KTS Hickory , 2.1 iiiir cent jllnnuinvltiic ,
25 percent ; leather head , 23 pur cent ,
MIIAT OiiTTiiits IlntcrpiNe , dls 23 : hcof
shavers , ( I'.ntoi prKo Mfc ( o ) dls 25.
I'l.tniiH AND lKVKi.S"Siatiley H. .t I , . Co.'s
patent adjustable , ills 70 ; Slaiiluy It. & L. Co.'s
non-iidjiistahlc , ills 70 ; pocket levels , ills CO.
I'U.NCiiiis Hell or drive , per do , $ . ' .00 , J2.2 : , ,
52.5J , dlsMispriiiK , J2.M.
HAD IitoNH I'rom 4 to to. per Ib , 3o net ; self-
healing , pur doHI VK ) net ; Mrs. Pott's Irons , pointed , ills 50.
SANiii'Ai'Bit Ilaeder & Ailamson's Hint , 00 to
I'i.tVJ.Ipcr roam ; llai-'Ier .t Adam on's Hint ,
2,21i and 3. $ o.75 per ream ; lluudur& Adam-
son's star , if 1.23 per ream ; llneilor& Ailamson's
emery. tA.0ll.M ) per ii'iiiu , I.M. ICIM oil.
SASH Cinin Pur Hi ( 'otnniiiii , 15 net ; patent ,
l u net ; HSIlvcr Lake hemp. 3'Jc ' , \vhllocot
ton , hraldoil , 2Se.
S \ws-IXsiton'H circular , mill nnd cross-cut
ills 43 ; Dlsston'3 hand , panel and rip , dls 20-
SCAUM Howe , dls 25 per cent ; Ilniralo ,
percent ; KalruaiiKs , ills 4ft
HTONK-Orlniistones , ncr ton , $ IOOORrliid ;
htoties , mountotl. "Sampson , " Nos. 1 , 2. 3 , JJ.75 ,
2.2..0 ( ) .
WIIIK IlrassI'Oe and popper 3'c
list ; market , bright COe ; market , coppered ,
M ) nnd 10 per cent ; tinned , tiroom whe. f.Oo . ;
annealed fence , Nos , Sand ! ) , per 100 ll.s , J2.B5 ;
lapannrd Darb fence. J3.25 : | falvanl/ed barb
fence , J.I.RO ; picture wlie , T. S. & J. , dls. 20 ;
clothes line wile , yalvanl/ed. per 07. coil. } l..r > 0 ;
wire clolli , ( rcon , drab and black , per IUO sq
ft , JI.45.
I'o'-T IIor.E '
- ASI TIIKK Aunnns Vuuchn's
post hole , per ilo < c , J9.50 ; Champion post hole
atis.fors. $10.50.
SASH WKIOMTS Solid eyes , per 100 Ihs. $1.20.
SAIISAIII : gTUKtims on KIM.EIIK Perry , dls
13 : Enterprise nianufueturlny company , dls
2. .
STAi-r.KK ronco Ko ? , $3.23.
SguAllES-Stecl. dls 75-10.
Country Produce.
Tor a Tuesday the receipts were lleht nnd
the market only moderately active. Kor thu
most part prltes were steady , uxcuptln ti de
cline In * hay. Dealers aio udvlslni ! aualnst
the shipment of diossed poultry on account of
wnrm weatlier. Homo arrived veslciday In
very poor condition.
Knits The Konctal inarkot would have to bo
rj not ell at 12c.
11 AY So much hay arrived on the market In
very poor condition and had to sell us low as
$8.00 per ton that the price of ( rood hay was
brought down to $14.5015.0) ) per ton.
lIUTTKii The situation In the butter mar
ket remains practically nnclm'igcd. Supplies
are model ate and the host grades of country
butter sell as hl h as 2du and oven up to 22c.
1'oui.TUY Drosswl poultry Is very little
Roucht after and Is about out of the market ,
l.lvo chickens sold us hl h as $1.00 for old hens
and down-to $1.50 for roosters and mixed. Llvo
d ticks. $ , ' .5KWI.OO. (
OAMi : A few ducks nnd RCCSO are coining to
the market , but they are not In very food de
mand and have to soil low. Mixed ducks.
$ l.001il.23 ; mallards , f2.50 ; secsc. JJ.OO ; brants
hard to sell.
Omaha Milling Co. , reliance patent , 12.00 : in
vincible patent , $2.75 , I < ono Star Superlative ,
82.40 : Snowlliikn. $2.tO : 1'ancy Tamlly. Jl.fcS.
It. T. Davis Mill Co. . hUh patent. No. 1 and
Cream. K.K ) ; Illuo D. full patent , $2.M ; Hawkeye -
eye , half patent , $2.40 ; special royal , patent ,
No. 10 , $3.00 ; Minnesota patent , $2.8D ; Kansas
hard wheat patent , $2.i5 ( ; Nebraska spring
wheat patent. $2.C > 0.
Oskmup's ready to rlso buckwheat ( lour ,
$4.25 puivunso of M2-lb packuues ; buckwheat ,
In bhls. N. Y. . JIUiO ; Kxcclslor brand , $5.51 ;
Slup.Juck meal , $ J.75 pereasu of 50 2-lb pack
H. V. Oilman's Gold Medal , $2.81 ; Snow While ,
$2.50 ; Snowllako , $2.10 ; low gr.ido , il.GJj bran ,
FrcHli Fruits.
OltANOlN Los Ancoles , $ - > . ( ; 02.75 per box ;
Dnarto. J2.KVS3.W ; Hlveras. $ , ) .0v3.23 ; Hivcr-
sldc- , $ .I.2.TD'I.5J ; Navels , tVSO.
Al'i'i.KS The supply llghtand blocks held at
$5.50C.KI ( per bbl.
OitANiiEitniKS Hell and cherry , per bbl. , $9.50
© 10.00.
STHAWIIKIIHIES Per caeo of 25 pints. $4.50 ©
5.00 ; 21 quart cases , Dealers look forfaomo
Increase In receipts and n llttlo lower prices.
LKMONS Choice stock , per box , $3.00 ; fancy ,
1'lNKAI'I'ljBI I'or ill/ . , $ .1.50.
OnAl'K 1'ltUlT Per liov , $4.00.
HANANAS Per bunch , $ l.233.00.
TOTATOES Homo grown , $ l,031.10 : for west
ern stock , $ I.2xn ( > 1.25 ; Colorado. $ I.30 I.H. :
PIK PLANT Pur box of 50 lb > . $ i234fij.50
OAULll'LOWElt Per doz , $2.50.
SiMNACll-1'er bbl. $1.75.
IjKTTUCK CholCU Stock , 40c.
KUTAIIAOAS Michigan slock , uor bn , GOc.
HKKTS Per bushel , $1.00.
UAiiliOTS I'ur bushel , $1.00.
CKLKIIY California , per doz , $1.00.
SWKKT I'OTATOKH CllOlCO Stock Is hold tit
$4.25 per bbl ; seed potaloes , $3.00 per bbl.
KADISIIKS Pur do/ bunches , 40l5c ,
I'AiiHNii's Per bushel , $1.00.
OAmiAtiK I'erlb.'JVJiMiiC.
CUCUMIIBIIS Per doz. f I..VXS2.00.
llKANS-Medlums , $100 ; navy , $ . ' .75.
[ Use S. S. S. , when you niol a tonlu ,
If you dj not , you sliould. It stliutaf-
o s t und
For Old People.bC8tI51 ° ° 'i
My mother who Is a very ohl nmilo. It
l.idy , uus iihynlcally broken is pun ly
down. The UFO of Sulft'3 Vb otil : > lo ,
SpcoitlcB. ( S. H. ) has entirely co u t a i n-
roatorcd her health. hignopol-
H. 11. L > Jl/uoimi , sea of any
Greenville , B.C. kind , and
ennb.- tak
en safely by tlio most do loito child ,
i'o It cures all b'ood tioullos fioin
n ordlinry fnco pimple ( o the \\orst
form of contn lotib liluud T.ilnt.
100KSOH SLOOD 4/tD 3Klfi DISEASfS f/jEC.
TlioSwift Specific Co. , Atlnntn , Ga.
Corrv | H > ndinpu sollcitint.
101-109 Doorborn Street , CHICAGO ,
15 Wall Street , NEW VOI1K-
70 Slate 81BOSTON. . .
A. D. Boyer & Co
U-M ) > tiiclmnvo llulliltutf ,
sTj , Ooffmau , Suiiloy Hunter & Green ,
& Co. '
30 KxolimiKO Ilutltllni
MKicbuufie HullJlDi
8 utU Oman * ,
A. II , Porrigo&Oo.
IJIJWodite Street. I Fnrnnm Ht.Omnlm.
Omaha Republican Printing Oa , ,
Law briefs , bank supplies , and OTOr/ltilru la lb < i
printing linn.
10th and Douul n stroits.
Ackormann Bros. & Ilolntzo ,
Prlntrrs , binders , clactrotrpori , blank buuk mnnu-
farturvm ,
1118 tlonftr.l street , Omahv
Dewey & Stone lur- Ohaa. Shiveriok & Oa.
nituro Oo. , Kurnlturo and Carpets.
Furniture and carpets ,
1115-1119 Farnam itreet , 1200-1210 ITurnaru St.
Beebo & Ruiiyan Pnr-
uitura Oo.
SuccosBora to O.A , llccbo
A Co. .
Qniconml 13th Sts.
Schneider & Looniis , J. T. Eobinaon Notioa
Oo , ,
lobberi und Importon of Gents' furnishing goods ,
notions nnd furulshlng m'f'g culobr.iteJ brand
goods , lluckskln" over nils ,
pants , alilrts. routs , oto.
1111 Howard street. Cor. Utli and Howard sU.
Kennard Glass and J , A. Puller & Oo. ,
Paint Oo. , 1(0) Omul1 * ' StrJit ,
lt03-4U ! llurner itrooU
Nub. Omnha.
Oummings , Blake , Bruoa & 0j.
WJ-903 LuiTUiHTOrltl at.
III and 619 South lOth St. ,
. Omntm. Neb.
Oninha , Neb.
Paxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Raapka ,
T05-7I1 8.10th itreut , 1(03-1(05 Harnoy
Omaha , Neb. Oiualin , Nob.
D. M. Steele & Oa , , Sloan , Johnson & Oa.
, lith and Ixiarunworlb
Jones slraat
U01-I3U Ireots ,
Omaha , Neb. Omaha , Neb.
Alton Bros. , MoOord , Brady & Oo. ,
1111 Harney streat , 18th and I < caTcnwortU ,
Omaha. Nttb. Omaha. Nubraska.
Tonsray & Biyan , | S , A. MoWhortor
llrokom , uraln , iiruvlsloiu JI2 M Natl Hank llrukor
and flock * . 311 H. lltli wlnm to Now
bt. 1'rlviitowlro to Clil- York , ( 'llk-dk'o mid HI.
niro.Ct. Ixjuli and Now l iuls. Ci h train
Vork. imrketM.
Oookroll Bros. '
Ilnikcrj. I'rlvato wires
to New Vork , Clilcuno \
( it. Louis , Hpculul altun-
tloriKlvento truck Mds
ouiiraln. Ill .NafllJuulc.
Htich 0 ,
llnnl Wnitirntini
tnwnVi H 'filn ' * Onn-
p > iiulr All * ' tilBhotplo-
Il7ni itln isiip fin * .
HID I limit ttred.
Hanlwaro Oo.
Cor. lOtb tnt Jtckioo H ,
HID lUrnsr tr t ,
Uui b > r
Ooo. Obflrna ( t Oa , J , 8. Smith & Oo. ,
114 fl. IUhitrft-11 ,
ItfD-liU \rtnworth ik
Ornihv Oranhv
Pnrton A : Vlerlhig Omaha 6afa & Iron
. Iron Worki ,
nrciuirht n. | TA I Iron
t'lilldiiu work , nnglnii. Mannf'ri flrn And hurjHt
brnn work. nnorl l proof mfn. T ult * . J u
foiindrj' , inBrhlnfl nnl work , Iron nhatlcri nnt
llnckimllh work. U. 1 * . firt eT ii * . i ) Aft !
Ilr nnrtlJthsl. .luii.t J ckionit (
Acme Iron and Wlra Wilson & Drake ,
V/orki ,
M'ff tnbnUr fluei , DM
'ion , wlrn ' . ' nnit brin . . box boiler * , ttnki , eta.
4I' a IClb.trcot.
tf. Uouhl , - I'ruprlolor. ricronnl Ulh itrecti.
Reo3 Printing Oo ,
I.ltln rniihlni ; , 1'rltitlnf
nnil Illnnk llooki.
lltlinnil Ht > wr\nlHtl.
0. W. DouglosH ( c Oo. John A , Wakefiold ,
Hardwood Lumber , InndLVinciil.MllwBiikcl
lldruullc Cunii'nt an <
1310 North IClh Stro U ( julncr Wlilto Llmo.
Oharlea R. Las , Wyatt-BullardLuun
Hardwood lumber , wood
carpels and parquet her Oo.
6th and Douglas. th and Itard Streets ,
Oady & Gray. Louia Bradford ,
Umo , Co nont. IJti. , l Lumber , limn , coracntot4
Cor. Olhnnt niiulii .
23 Douglas street.
0. A. Stoneuill , I. Oberfelder & Oo. ,
Mllllncrj , Notion ? Importers and Jobbers tl
Cliiiki , ! ! ta Millinery.
S03J10anOU South lltl
110-113 S. 10th St. , Omaha street.
MC.T Meyer 4Bro. Oo. A , Hospo , Jr. ,
M'fVlowoIers , ilcalen In I'lanos , Organs , ArtUtt *
musical InnttmuouU ,
etc. , Materials , Ktc. ,
Karnam and IfSth. ! 6I3 Dounlas Strcot ,
J. J. Johnson & Co. ,
J1S3. 13tli strjjt ,
Omaha , Nob.
: _ _
Oonsolidatotl Tank A. Booth Packing Oo. ,
Line Oo , O/itorif flsb and cacno4
Klgln nnil Western Creamery roll butler oml
i-mi , IOUKj A I umpty I-KK elites , with Illlurn , fo |
alu tlinip or cjchuiifo for eggs at market price/ /
Wrltofor particulars. 1328 1300 Ulh UtKO
Ucuvvr. Culurudu.