Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEP&ESDAY , AP1UL 22 , 1891. 3
pcllvcrrd by Carrier In nny part of thn City.
Business Ofllco , No. 43.
Nlctit 1'Mltor. No. 23.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council Uluffs I/amber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 20i Sapp MOCK.
Uenl Uock Springs coal. Thatcher , 10 Main ,
If you want water in your yard or , house
0 to Hlxby's , 202 Men-lain block.
The rcculpts of the Christian homo lust
week wore:8.0t : ' : , which decreases the de
ficiency to ( AST , to.
Chris Peterson and Amelia Jcnson , both of
Lincoln , worn united in marriage yesterday ,
Justice Cones ofllclating.
John Thorn and Miss Nannie J. Ilobb ,
both of Omaha , were married last evening ,
Justice Hammer ofllclatlug.
Marrlago licenses were issued yesterday to
John Uenigcr and Olloy Medley , and John
Thorn and N'anulo J. lohbboth ! couples from
The ladles of All Saints Mission will give
a mum social at the residence of Mrs. James
Hell , No. 1S20 West Btondway , Thursday
Special mooting of the Cnlantho assembly
Pythlun sisterhood , Wednesday afternoon nt
2 o'clock. Uy order of C. 0. Mrs. Oscar
L. SwearliiRon , the now Justice of the
pence , qualified yesterday mornlnic and took
his scat upon the wool-suck , ready for visits
from those who have wrongs to avenge.
The motion for n continuance which was
made by the defendant iu the Olvorco suit of
Khoda M. against J. 1' . Casudy , was sub
mitted to the court yesterday afternoon.
The Uurllngton fast mail , which has boon
closed herototoro at-1:15 : , will hereafter close
nt 4 : ! ! ( ) . The VVubash mall that has closed at
4:15 : will close ntis 10. The changes went
into effect yesterday afternoon.
The default which wan entered up In dis
trict court a few days into in the case of L.
M. Turner against William Madden , was sot
aside by Judge Oocmer yesterday , proof hav
ing boon presented that the defendant was
not lu default.
Dr. K. C. I'innoy sold his Tivc-.vcar-old stal
lion , Accident , to Messrs. Honcr , Besslro and
Sims , who Keep a stable at Modal. The
price paid was JSiK ) , but Dr. Plnnoy tool ! in
part payment a line team of Days of which ho
is very proud.
A. J. McClaren , poll tax collector , com
menced his annual round-up of the city last
Frldiiy , and is taking in with a ruthless hand
everything : that wears pantaloons. There
has been a great decrease in the number of
able bodied citizens in the last few days.
A piece of land containing D20 acres was
cold by George Metcalf yesterday to William
Lewis , who lives near Macedonia. Lewis al
ready hud a largo farm , but the latest addi
tion now elves him a total of ICOO acres , and
makes htm one of the largest farm holders in
the county.
A decree of divorce was granted yesterday
in district court In the case of Johanna
Slromor against Lcno Strainer , in which the
ground for the ulvorco was cruelty and In
human treatment. The plaintiff was also
awarded the custody of the minor child ,
; Mary , aged six years.
Judgments were given the superior court
yesterday morning against the llrm of Else-
man Co. in favor of the following plain-
tills and for the following amounts , by agree
ment of thu parties : John Pullman , Wff , ' J.
Blnnrock , STW5 ; Wright Hi-others & Co. ,
fc > < ; < 3 ; Weil , Dryfus & Co. , S700.
A suit was commenced yesterday afternoon
in superior court by W. A. Wood , assignee
of John Gilbert , against Harry C. CooUoot al.
The suit is to foreclose a mechanics lien for
$ 'Jj 1 on a house located on lot 2 , block ! ) , Pair-
mount Place , near the entrance to Fairmount
park on Graham avenue. Elaza A. Cooke ,
Sarah J. Kirby and the Lombard investment
company are riiado codefendants with Cooke
Headed C i > cs.
The finest line of beaded capos over brought
to the city is now shown at the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs. The prices are $1.80 , $1.75 , , 1.00 , * 3.75 and * 4.00 , only about one-
half tuelr usual value. BOSTONSTOUC ,
Council Bluffs , Iu.
Storage nt reasonable rates , J. II. Snydcr ,
22 , 2-1 , 20 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Mnnacl & Klein sell furniture , carpets and
stoves on easy payments. U20 Broadway.
Lace curtains cleaned from 50c to $1.25 per
pair , at Twin City ilyo works.
I. 1'AKAGll
Gcorgo Metcalf loft last evening for Cleveland -
land , O.
J. O. Thomas has gene to Montana where
ho will spend the summer mining.
Jacob Sims returned last evening from n
short business trip to Columbus , Nob.
Mrs. Gcorgo H. Champ nnd her mother ,
Mrs. Coc'nran , have gene to La Porto , Ind. ,
where Mrs. Cocbrun lives.
Wall McFaddon nnd his daughter. Miss
Ellu , returned yestor.lay morning from a
visit with relatives in Warren , IH. ,
Peter Swunson of Crescent City loft last
evening for Ogden , Utuh. where ho will look
for n location. If successful iu his search ho
may not return.
Chester F. Stonhonson has returned from
a two wceUa' trip to Indiana. Ho has do-
cidcd to locate with the law llrm of Baker &
Baker at Goshen. Ind , , aud will leave for his
now homo next Thursday ,
Wall Vnpor , Ktc.
House cleaning time is now on , call and
got the Boston store , Council Blulfs , prices
on wall paper , window shades , curtains In
chcnlllo and luco , curtain poles , curtain rods ,
etc. , etc. , before purchasing. Thcro you can
save money.
BOSTOX STOUI ; , Council Bluffs , la.
Trees , all kinds.gunrantecdto grow , prices
cheap , at Mairs1 , Broadway , opposite postof-
flco. _
Newest styles in furniture and carpets ;
best cooking stoves in the world nt Mundcl &
Klein's Installment house , U20 llroudwuy.
1'olleo PickliiKti.
In police court yesterday morning T. A.
Holllngsworth , who created a disturbance at
Mauc Wise's , stable last Sunday , was lined
f33. Oscar Jones , a darnry , was fined $10
for assault on ono of his friends named Mo-
Donald. Judge Aylesworth appeared for
Lou Emerson and Blanche Warner , two
high kickers from Omaha who were arrested
Monday night for drunkuness and disturbing
the peace , and asked that their case bo con
tinued until Saturday morning. The re
quest was granted. William Lawrence ,
charged with the larceny of a
saw , was discharged , as the prose
cuting witness was unwilling to ap
pear against him. Judge McGee rendered
his decision yesterday morning in the case of
I the state ngninst J. C , Boyd. charged with II-
> l legal voting. The case has been pending for
the last two months , Boyd having been ar-
rcstoa at the last city election on an informa
tion tiled against him by W. H. Knephor ,
charging him with having voted wltuout reg-
isterint ? . Judge McCieo decided that the evi
dence was not strong enough against him to
show that ho had nny intention of voting
fraudulently , und ho accordingly dlscharg n
Seed oats , corn , millet and seed potatoes ,
garden seeds of all kinds , nt H , L. Cunmm's ,
WX ) Main nud 601 Pearl streets.
Shugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk
Held , garden and flower scous iu tbo west
Catalogue and samples by mull.
Jay Goulil lu the City.
A number of prominent railway ofllcials
paid a visit to the Iowa sldo of the river yes
terday morning to Inspect the Union Pucillo
headquarters. Among thorn wcro Jay Gould
and his two sons , General Manager Clark ,
Vice President Holcomb and others. Jay
Gould's special car carried the party. They
made a tour of the shoos and oflices and then
returned to Omaha.
It Is to your interest to consult Mandel &
Klein before you buy your furulturo , cat-pots
Or * *
Plans for This Evening's Board of Trade
Banquet at thn Grand.
Prominent Names Tlmt Arc Connected
wllli llio Move to Conuncniorato
This "Most Notable find
Auspluloim Kvcnt.
The banquet to bo plvon this evening by
the bcmra of trade of Council UlulTs In com-
mornorntlon of tbo opening of the now hotel ,
"Tho Grand , " will bo nn elegant affair.
Everything lias been done by those having
It In clinrgo to maUo It complete In nil Its ap
pointments , and these Invited anticipate hav
ing a rcnl old-fashioned good time. The
committee on Invitations Issued 150 Invita
tions , which have been accepted , and these
accepting will bo present. The committee is
us follows :
Ucorgu F. Wright , Greenville M. Dodge ,
Joseph It. Heed , John Y. Stone , Eli L. Shu-
B rt , Leonard Everett , J lin T. Stewart ,
Spencer Smith , William Moore , John Bono ,
Henry 1 . Uurrott , Fred II. Hill , Walter J.
Davenport , Karl C. Glcason , Emil Durr ,
Henry I. Forsytho.
The committee of arrangements consists of
thn following named gentlemen' Luclui
Wells , John Schocntgcn , I. M. Troynor , D.
Farrcll , W. A. Mauror , Tom Bowman , J. N.
Casadv. S. B. Wadsworth. Gcorco Motcalf.
Finluy IJurlic. J. A. Murphy , E. A. Wick-
ham , B. F. Sargent , L. A. Casper , H. A.
Woodbury , Charles Haas , George Hudlo.
They huvo done everything to insure sue-
ccss nnil to secura a banquet sueh as has
never before been Riven in this city.
The reception committee Is composed of the
following well known gentlemen : Mayor
Miier.10 , T. J. Evans , W. H. M. Pubey , S. P.
MacConnell , J. U Stewart , J. F. Kimbull ,
E. W. Hart , William Gronowcg , Ucorgo II.
Chump , John Y. Stone , W. C. James , II. II.
Van lirunt , E. H. Merriam , M. P. Hohrer ,
Simon Elsomati , S. B. Wadsworth. They
will bo on Immi to make the entertainment
pleasant and ngrecatjlc to every one present.
Postcii Store , Council I InfTH. ,
This U an elegant fast black , extra quality
sateen corset , handsomely embroidered in old
gold and and slllf , prettily trimmed. This
corset has Dr. Scott's now patent spinal sup
porting back , which every lady should wear.
This Is positively one ot ttio best corsets in
the market and Is highly recommended.
Price everywhere f'i.OO , 18 to ISO inches.
Boston Store price , while they last , $1.23 ,
Council Bluffs.
Freight for 150 miles prepaid on all goods
bought of Mandel & Klein , U20 Broadway.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 83 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone U5. High
grade work a specialty.
Fruit farm for-sale on reasonable terms ;
within one and ono-half miles of the P. O. ;
all in bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given at once. Call on D. J. llutcblnsou &
Co. , 017 Broadway.
CompllmcntM from Dakota.
In accordance with the insurance laws of
Dakota , State Auditor Taylor has Just com
pleted nn exhaustive and searching inquiry
into the methods and condition of the United
States Masonic Benevolent association of
Council Bluffs. In acquainting Secretary
Jameson with the result ho takes occasion to
highly compliment the association upon its
wonderful growth and to speak unequlvoca-
bly of its sound condition , a will bo seen by
the following ofllclal letter received yester
Picnnc , S. D. , April 8.1
AV. J. Jameson , secretary United States
Masonic Benevolent association , Council
Bluffs , la. ; Dear Sir During the mouth of
March , lbM ! , I to k occasion to thoroughly
examine the books , papers , files and business
methods of the United States Masonic Benev
olent association of Council Bluffs , la.
It affords mo pleasure ana satisfaction to
say I found the association in a sound finan
cial condition ; that the evidence submitted
* .nivlnr nil inn IR nndnrtjilrlmrq wnrn
and promptly kept ; and that its almost phe
nomenal growth was legitimate und in keep
ing with the rules of sound assessment in
Please accept , sir , evidence of my consid
eration for yourself and the association you
so ably represent. Yours respectfully ,
L. C. TAYLOII , Auditor.
J.C. Bixby , steam noatlnj , sanitary en
gineer , -O'i Merriam block , Council Blutts
Mair has all sorts of fruit , snado and orna
mental trees , B'wuy , opposite postofiice.
Ice ! Ice ! Ice ! It
If you want it pure and n
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no now dev Ice.
But send to us in a tr
At our olT
Mulhollaud & Co. , No. 4 Pearl st. Tel. 103.
An Early Morning Burglary.
The "Omaha , " a saloon at the corner of
Broadway und Ninth street , was burglarized
at an early hour yesterday morning. The
first indication that everything was not all
right was when a policeman found the front
door standing wiao open at about 2 : 'M o'clock.
An investigation by the proprietors yester
day morning showed that the thieves must
have cntcrod through the largo transom over
the back door. This transom Is usually kept
securely bolted down , but the supposition is
that the thieves wont in some time Monday
night and unfastened the bolt , so that it was
nil ready for their operations.
Tito cash drawer was unaer the counter ,
which is ol oak , and very strong. It had ap
parently been broken open with some metal
lic instrument. Only about ? . " in money
was m the drawer , but what there was was
tukcn clean. In addition to this there were
about three hundred of thu llnest cigars lu
the room taken. The daraago to the counter
Is estimated at about $10.
The burglars wcro seen by several passers
by at 2 o'clock , but it was supposed that they
hud a right them and no alarm was given. A
good description of the fellows has been fur
nished the police , nnd it is thought tbat they
will bo caught iusidc of a few days.
Do you want an express wason or boy !
Hingnp the A. D. T. Co. , telephone 179 , No ,
11 North Main street.
When about to build don't fail to get prices
ou lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. , 813
Broadway. Telephone 2S7.
Celebrating Their Dlrthdny.
The Oddfellows will celebrate the seventy-
second anniversary of the founding of their
order next Sunday , April 20 , nnd the lodges
of Council Bluffs have decided that the most
litth.g way in which they can observe the
occasion is uy aitcnump churcn. iwv. o.
Alexander ha * extended an invitation to all
the lodges to be present at the Trinity Meth
odist church. It has been accepted by Coun
cil Bluffs lodge No. 49 , und will probably bo
accepted also by the Hawkovo and Humboldt
lodges. Hov. Mr. Alexander has selected
"Jonathan nnd David" as the subject for his
discourse In the evening , The members of
the local lodges have extended an Invitation
to all visiting members of the order in the
city to meet with them In the hall In the
opera house block and attend the services
in a body.
Everything in house furnishing at Mandel
& Kloln'8 on easy payments. 320 Broadway.
Try Duquette & Co.'s ' Pomona fruit juice
tablets. Tuoy are delicious.
Our spring stock ts now complete. If you
want to bo in style call at Keller's ' , tbo tailor ,
iilO Broadway ,
A Saloon Fight.
A frco-for-all tight took place yesterday
evening in a saloon near the corner of Broad-
I way aud Bryant strcoU. The malu partici
pants were Leo Elscnborgor ana A. Ellis.
The latter turned out to bo the under dog and
when ho turned up late In the evening and
asked the proprietor to issue a warrant for
Elscnbcrger's arrest ho looked as though bo
might have been drawn through u sausage
mill. Two largo cuts had been made In his
face from which the blood flowed freely. The
warrant was Issued ns asked for , but Elson-
berger has not yet been arresteu. The
charge against him Is assault and battery ,
DoWltl's Llttlo Early Hlsors , best pill.
Protecting tlio TrcoH.
A. C. Graham , park commissioner , had an
encounter with some of the representatives of
the various monopolies that operate in the
city yesterday , and ho came out with colors
flying. Considerable trouble has boon bad
at different times with the telegraph nud
electric light companies , by reason of their
recklessness In fastening guy wires to the
trees In Bayllss park. When thu police nnd
tire box was placed at tbo corner of First
avenue and Pearl street a polo was erected at
that corner bv the electric company for its
wires. So stay the polo several guy wires
were stretched from the top of the polo to
trees in Bayllss park. 1'ho park commis
sioners were notified nnd nt once ordered the
wires removed , but no attention was paid
to the order , which was given by Commis
sioner Graham ,
A few days ago the Postal telegraph com
pany removed Its headquarters from Pearl
street to the Grand hotel. Several new poles
were erected on Pearl street , ono nt the
above named corner. The linemen attached
several guy wires to trees in that vicinity ,
notwithstanding the park policeman re
monstrated npnlnst it. This was reported
to the commissioners and after a consulta
tion , it was determined that the wires should
como down. Word was sent the vari
ous companies interested , but ns usual ,
no attention was given the order.
Mr. Graham then sallied forth bravely to
the combat , and with the aid of the park
policeman succeeded In climbing a stepladder -
ladder which was placed in convenient prox
imity to the polo , and when once there it was
the work of only n few mimutcs to cut the
wires with a lllo which ho had armed him
self with beforehand. Ho then descended
and gnzcd at his work with the most evident
satisfaction. Ho stayed about the place for
some time in order to flml out how the com
panies took the affair when they found out
about it , but it was no use. He
was finally compelled to lenvo without
causing nny more excitement than a bum on
circus day. In talking with a reporter
shortly after ho had descended from his
ivrial trip , he stated that th.o wires which
had been wrapped around the trocs in that
way had already killed ono tree aud ho did
not intend to have the operation repeated.
In the afternoon n number of linemen were
despatched to the corner of the park to put
up the wires again , but Instead of fastening
them to the trees several posts were pro
vided as substitutes.
Constipation poisons the blood : DoWltt's '
Little Early Hiserseuro Constipation. The
cause removed the discaso is cone.
The Fairmount 5c cigar at the Fountain.
Enjoining Ilogcrs' \Viiter-Tniil .
The injunction suit of S. T. Burgess
against William Rogers was on trial in the
superior court yesterday afternoon , with
Ambrose Burke representing the would-bo
enjolncr nnd West & Wheeler for the de
fendant. Three witnesses had been mar
shalled by Burke , and they were brought in
to swear to a number of different things with
regard to the kind of a place Uogors had been
running. They wcro unanimous in their
statements that the place was operated by
Hogers , but furtner than that they would
not go. They had been in his place , and
had drank all sorts of things there , such as
Colfax water. Waukesha water , ice water ,
lemonade and other equally harmless bever
ages , but so fur as they know they had never
had any good whisky straights , or rum
punches from Rogers' hands. After the tes
timony bud boon Introduced tbo arguments of
the attorneys were made , pro and con , nnd
the case was taken under advisement by
Judge McGeo. _
Agate bearing scales , coffco mills with foot
power , grcocrs rcfrigcrotors , butter coolers.
Catalogue of Bordcn & Sollock Co. , Chicago.
A Tricky News Agent.
Will | McCormlck , a news agent running
from Moberly , Mo. , to Council Bluffs on the
Wubash , has disappeared. Charles Connors
and the news agent at Moberly would like to
find him. Connors has been furnishing him
papers , cigars , fruit and articles of commerce
that go to make up the newsjagent's stock intrude
trudo and McCormlck had run up a bill of
something like 150 when ho turned up miss
ing. Ho bus not been seen since last Friday ,
when ho loft the train nt Brunswick , and the
authorities of different towns where ho might
have gene have been requested to keep a
lookout for him. It is found that in addition
to running a bill with Connors , ho had dis
posed of a lot of merchandise that belonged
to Connors and pocketed the proceeds. A
warrant has been issued for bis arrest on a
charge of larceny.
Queen of the May.
Say ma , the girls say if my fnco wont so
speckled up with pimples , they'd make mo
"Queen of the May. " What shall I do !
Why , get a bottle of Holler's snrsoparilla and
burdock , of course ; It's tbo most wonderful
blood purifier of the ago.
Death ol" Mabel Kichinond.
Charlotte Mabel , daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Richmond , died yostorduy morning
at 5 o'clock , of hemorrhage , at the ago of ton
years. The llttlo sufferer was taken with an
attack of measles about two wcoka azo , and
had partially recovered , when the now
trouble started , and in u short time brought
her to her deathbed. The funornl will take
place at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the
residence , 715 Mynster street , Uov. T. J ,
Mackay olllclating.
For nearly half a century Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral has been the most popular cough
remedy in the world. The constantly in
creasing demand for this remedy proves it to
bo the very best spccitlc for colds , coughs ,
nnd all diseases of the throat and lungs.
Ail McClure HUH Another Brush with
Ilia I'o loo.
Oniccr Gorman arrested Ad McClure last
evening at the corner of Twenty-fourth nnd
Clark streets on the charge of drunkenness.
McClure evidently aspires to bo the cham
pion tough of Omaha. Ho already has the
reputation of being a very hard man
to handle and it required the united
efforts of the policeman and two citizens to
hold him until the wagon arrived. It is said
that McClure pulled u knife from his pocket
and threatened to cut an ugly hole in the
oftlcer's hide if ho was not released. Gorman
held on to his mini , however , nnd ho was
placed in the patrol wagon. Patrol Conduc
tor Cuslck was obliged to sit upon thouurulv
prisoner until they reached the station.
Quito a crowd assembled In the street at the
ttmo of the arrest , which nearly blocked
travel at the corner.
After suffering horribly for years from
scrofula in Its worst form , n young son of
Mr. V , L. King , 70(1 ( Franklin st. , Richmond ,
Va. , was recently cured by the use of Ayer's
Snrsaparilla. No other mcdlclno can approach
preach this preparation as a cleanser of the
SitokerH Are Not All Dead.
SALT LAKE Cm- , Utah , April21. A Nephl ,
Utah , special to the ; Tribune says : George
Whltmoro , president of the Nephl National
bank , was buncoed out of ? ( ) ,000 today by the
familiar old gold brick scheme.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syruo for chll
drcu teething rests the child and comforts
the mother. 25c a bottlo.
I'ollua Are Looking for IIInt.
DIISVRII , Colo. , April 21. Page McPherson -
son , head of the firm of McPhurson , Swltzcr
to Carlsbad , but you can have Curlosbud
imiiiKht to you. I'roauro a bottle of ttouulno
Imported Carlsbad Sprudol Suit und dissolve
u teaspoonful of It In a tumblerful of water ,
ItlH thu best natural uporlunt and alterative
extant. Nothing ts "Just us good" wlicu you
can get the ucuulno imported article.
m's Black Cheviot
t >
Sacks ari < ; l Three Button Cutaways $7.50. On Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday we will
sell 150 Men's Black Cheviot Suits , in sacks and frocks , at $7.50 per suit. Made from an abso
lutely all wool fast color cheviot and trimmed as well as any $12 suit in our stock.
Boys' Department
Never in the history of our business have we offered such values
in Boys' Clothing. We will continue the sale of Boys' All Wool
Cheviot Suits this week at $2 , $2.50 and $2.75.
Continental Clothing House ;
Oor. Douglas and IQtti Sts.
Tor Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs. B'ogs , ,
BOOPnffO nook n Trentmrnt of Anlmata
unit ( Jhnrt Hcnt free.
A.A.iKplnul nicninirltlH , 3111k Fever.
] | . -Strain1' , Iiiiiuene n , KhcuniiitlBnir
< ! . < ! , --Olntenippr , ISiisul Ill * < cliarKCS < ,
] ) .I --llots or ( JruhsVarma. .
K.K."CnualiBi IIciiTcs , Pneumonia.
J'M < \-Colic or Gripe * , llcllraclio.
< : . < ; . --.IIIscurrlnue , llemorrlmBcs.
ll.ll."trinnry ) nnd litilury DiHcuHCH.
. . Epnptlvo IllHpaRe * , Miinse.
, K.-IiHea CH of Dluentlou , FaralyslR.
Single Bottle ( over 50 doses ) , - - .00
Stable Cnso , with. Specifics , Mnnnul ,
Vctorlnary Cure Oil and Modloator , 87.00
Jar Veterinary Cure Oil , - - 1.00
Sold by DrntrgUU ; or Sent Prepaid anywhere
and In any quantity on Receipt of Prico.
Corner William nnd John Sts. , New York.
In use 30 years. The only mcces ful icmcdy for
Nervous Dehltity , Vital Weakness ,
and Prostration , from' overwork or other cauwa.
Ill nor viaL or fl viola and Urea viol powder , for S3.
BOLD BT DitnonisTS , or sent postpaid on receipt
Oor. WUllanf and John Sts. , N. Y.
To euro niUoucncES. sick Headache. Constipation.
Malaria. Liver Coraplnlnts. take tlio solo
and certain remedy , SMITH'S
Use the SWAMj SIZE (40 ( llttlo boan3 to the bottle
tle ) . They are tbo most convenient : suit all ag93.
I'rlcoof either tlio , 25 ieuU per bottlo.
grieCB Wf > nt 7. 17. 70 ; Photo Bravura.
IVD 9OBrB % panelslzool thU picture tori
cents ( coppers or stamps ) .
J. P. BMtTIl&CO. ,
Mafcera ut "Blip ncong. St. Louis , Mo.
KIIAinUATOll Cnrca nil illsaafios bccanio It kllli
thu microbe or conn. 1'ut up iiml retailed In fi , f3
anil $5 | ICH , tlio latter 2 1-2 Kullons t < ent nny-
wlii-ro prcpnlil on receipt of prlco orO. O I ) . Wo
IMMIU ti Kiiarnnteo to cure. The jiiiltllt1 , trade nnd
jobbers supplied by thoKlnslur Drug Co. , Omaha.
& Co. of St. Louis , and who is charged with
embezzling a largo sum , is said to bo in Den
ver. The police are looking for hlra.
COKE 8T It I It KltS .lA'UrtV.
Coming of Pmlcertoii Men AV 111 Cause
Further 'I roulilc.
SCOTTDAW ! , Pa. April 21. The sinkers are
very angry over the news that 500 Pinkerton
men will bo placed on guard in this region to
morrow. Their coming means further
trouble , which will certainly follow , owing to
the hatred in which they are held.
A mooting of the executive board of mlno
workers was held this evening to prepare In
financial and other ways to prolong the
Five or six hundred Italians are alss on
their way hero to take the places of the
strikers , and this causes moro bitterness.
A dispatch from Uoiontown says n noted
socialist named Jones is coming into the ra-
cion tomorrow to hold mass meetings. Labor
leaders soy that they nro not in sympathy
with him , but it Is known that the socialists
are the most determined of the strilrers.
Detroit Struct Car Strike.
Dr-TiioiT , Mich. , April 2l.-Bomo of the
lines of the Detroit str railway wcro com
pletely tied up this morning and others are
running under police protection , as the result
of a strike by 15) ) conuij"ct6rs nnd drivers. It
Is not known what the lrea'on for the strike is.
No caw arc running-1 tonight , but the com
pany assorts that the baoltbono of the strike
Is broken and that tUoy' will bo all right to
morrow. * '
Stoii'jmii > onn Looked Out ,
PmsnuHO , Pn. , Aprtl.SU . A general lock
out of stone masons wati inaugurated at Pitts-
burg and Allegheny tfi'l's morning by the
master masons' association. The trouble is
over the employment of non-union men.
Uessler'sMagiaHeadatrYQ Wafers. Curjsall
beadcchcs In " 0 minuted 'At all druggists
Two Tliousiuiil ty'cii Involved.
NEW OHLEASS , La.cil'prll21. ) [ The strlko
of thu mill hands not having been satlifac-
torily adjusted , the mill owners refusing tc
discharge non-union men , n general str'.ko of
carpenters , bricklayers , plasterers nnd paint
ers has been ordered for Thursday. Two
thousand men nro Involved ,
Holler's barb wlro liniment has mot will
extraordinary favor , und cases pronounced
incurable have been treated with success.
Every farmer should keep a bottle of this
justly celubnued remedy ; ready for Instant
uso. _ _
StcolV > rlci It eo en.
PiTTsnt'iio , Pa. , April 21 , Employment
was given to 2,000 men today by the rosump
tlon of tlio Edgar Thompson steel works ,
Callgraph writing machine is the Dcst for
telegraph purposes. Never out of order.
ItcuittiNo ol' a MrP'o.
HIMNA : , Mont. , April 21. The East Hoi
j ona smelter has closed down because of a
strike of employes for Increased
FOIt KENT CO-acre farm In I-'iemont county ,
Iowa , IlotiM ! , well und i-heil for one-third
of crop on farm. Apply to Lconatd Kvuiolt'
Council llliiffs. Iowa.
"ir.OU SALE Cheap. Two Hue ponies. In-
Jqulrowil 4th ave.
VWANTKD Apprentice boy to Ic.-irn print-
T ? In buslnuss. Acldrt'ss. stutliiK ace und
israilo of hi-holurslilp , U iit , unroot lice ollice ,
Council HlullH.
FOHHAIjK llotol centrally 4ocutcil , dolnc
Kiiort Or will eMjliangc for good
farm In western Iowa.
llotol Icuso. furniture nnd fixtures ; an A
IMI. 1 clinnco tostsji Into a good paylnj ; husl-
IIL-SS. Hi'iison.s for ht-llliij. , other bublnu-ss rc-
ciulrliiK all owner's attention.
Hnrgiiltm In resldeni-u and business prop
erty. 11. I' . Olllcor , real estate and insurance
OKI-lit , No. VJ N. Main St. . Councl ! lllulVa.
\ \ l A peed K'rl ' for prnoral liouso-
work. Mrs. 1' . M. I'ryor. 010 Hltiff street.
GAIIDKNS i-ome cholpo Harden land near
Council ItlulTs for sale ouunsy terms , also
vlnoyards and a lario ; Hht of Iowa farms.
Johnston & Van ratten.
WANTKP Industrious and honest muirlrd
man to take I'liaio of a largo .stock farm. I
None but competent man nooil apply. Ad
dress J. S. 1'rlti-liard , Itclmoad , la.
irUU SALK A line family horse , 7 years old
4thfs sprln-r - , wolshs 10.V1 pounds , color
oriel. Hred \ > y Itobcrt MucGregor. Address
H. V. lluttunhauor , 'J ? to Ul Kourlh bticet ,
Council llluIVs ,
front room on Rroiind lloor ,
-L quiet , pleiisinit nclHhliorliood , two Iilocks
fiom Main street. Single gentleman piofcrrod.
Address P 8 , lice ollice.
HAVE cash custoinor for four lots lintwcon
'Jlst ntulSUth sts. , between A vo I ) and 4th
nvc. , J. I' . Orccnshlelds. ( U'J Ilroadwuy.
TJ1KUIT farm for sale or tradoi well located
-L ? uncl all In buai'lux ; goo 1 house add barn.
Will take homo Rood city property , and Rood
timoRlvci. on balance. Call on or address 1) .
J. Ilutcliliihon & Co. . HIT Itroiulway.
tjpOU KENT The MoMnhon block , 3 story
J- brick , with basement and elevator. J. W.
Squire , 101 I'cqrl street.
TjlOKSALE A bargain ; now modern lionso
J- with all the late Improvomcnts , seven
rooms ; will sell on ea y paymontsj located on
the Klfth avenue motor Ilnu. I ) . J. llutchln-
son , 017 llrpudway.
TJ1OR 3ALB or Kent Qanloa land , with
C bouiei , by J. It. Illuo. 102 Mala St. , Oounoll
"Tho OtlieiKelluwH Not in It. "
Look here , with ten years' experience wo
sell the best lines of bicycles in tbo west.
Ttio Victor , best on earth , has set the
pattern for all others , price $135
The Victorn , highest prado and llnest
ladies' wheel in the world 135
The largo Giant , ball bearing nil over , in
cluding head rear brake and spring
frame , the best for the it.onoy offered. . 85
The Giantess , sprint ; frame , ball bear
ing , best hldl'is' wheel for the money
over offered 75
The Monpnriol , 'JO-inch , all ball bearing ,
boys' wheel , best out -10
The ( icndrou.itirh. ! ! ( ) . diamond frame.
ladles' and youths' wheel . 40
The Little Giant 2-1-inch ' wheel
, - - , boys' ,
spring fork , 7,000 sold last year , the
most perfect boys' wheel ever mndo. . . 35
The Leader , 24-inch safety , cone bear
ings. . . , . 25
Small 20-Inch wheels , tricycles , veloci
pedes , boys ! wagons fromjfl up.
In selecting our lines of "wheels this year
wo have gone over the whole field of Ameri
can nnd imported wlioeU and wo think from
our past experience wo are offering the best
value to bo.had in the blcyclo line In this lo
Look out for our refrigerator anil gasoline
stove nd next week. Catalogues and prices
furnished. on application. Uamambcr Cole &
Cole , 41 Main street , near the Grand hotel.
Pointers on 1 $ . cycles.
Thcro will bo hundreds of wheels sold in
CouticU Bluffs and vicinity this scaaon , and
no purchaser can afford to make experiments
at his own cost , which ho will ilo when ho
yields to the temptation to buy anything else
than the world-famed Columbian. Note these
points of unquestionable superiority over all
other machines :
The Steering The Columbia spring fork
has no "Ilurnadcls" to interfere with the
steadiness of steering. Ask old riders about
"hands off. "
Weight Don't take the catalogue wnlcht.
The Columbia weighs 4314 pounds on the
scales. A few pounds of unnecessary weight
is a ton up the hill.
Simplicity The Columbia double diamond
frame combines lightness , strength and
Cushion Tires "You pay your money and
you takes your choico. " The Columbia is
made either way , although the solid tire is
without doubt the moat durable.
The World's best , the North Star and the
Leonard , range In prices from $1,50 up.
( iMMllllC rMOVCH.
The Itoliable Process Evaporator steve Is
In the market. No sub-burner
the best - , con
sequently burns loss gasoline.
Tlio Ilest Ijinvn Mower.
Genuine Philadelphia lawn mower. Do
not buy inferior imitations when you can got
the real artlclo for the same money.
1' . U.
601 I5llOAlVAT AND 10 MAIN f > T.
Winslow Wilkes ,
The fastest ' 1-year-old \-jlni atalllou in th
World ,
IlprorclJiH \ , nt Ixjxlniiton , Ky. , Sil hoat.bjr lllnck
Wilkes , ihiin bjr Aliiiunt : i'l , w III makij tliu IUHIIOM nl
1W1 nt KKJI Vlnton utrocl , Omiliii , Nob. ytA.sosf 1UJ
with usual rt't'irn iirlvlli-Kcs.
tloin 'rliif < i , tltfct and l.ciu'urrliot'H
euieil iu ' _ ' days by the 1'ionuh Humedy entitled -
titled thu KINO , It ills-solves uxuiust and IH
absorbed Into thu lullameil parts. Will refuiu
inonuy If Itdoi's not euro or CIIIIHCS Ktrictnrc
( fentlemcu , hero Is u rclUhlo arllcle. Ji ; i
puukaKo or 2 for Wpor mull iirnpiild , M ( 'or-
mlt-k & liiind , Oniiiliiii t' ' . A. Mi'luhor. Ilnwuri
Muvum and K J. 1-nyUorii , Houth Oiniihi A
1) . Poster and M. 1' . Kills founcUJlliiirs. _
I Buffering from
the ettvcta ot
_ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ . I youthful erron
early decnr , w tln woaknewi , lost manhood , etc.
1 wfll wiiii n valuable trcatlno ( " . 'alrclj contalnlni
full iiartleulura fur homo cure , FliKK of chargu
A splendid mcdlcol work | ihnuld Iw rt-ail by ever ]
maa who i nonron anil debilitated. Addrcri
1'rof , F. V , I'OWLUH , lUoodu * , Conu
IHghost cnsh price paid for ratjs and
all kinds of scrap niotula.
Country tlottlors anil inurclmnta will
find it to their nilvuntugo to cotntnunl-
cntowltli us before disposing of their
stocks. 01LINSKY DUOS. ,
Union Broadway Depot ,
Tol. 301. Council Bluffs , In.
Of Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK . 8150,000 ,
ninBTOiia I. A. . Mlllor , F. O. Gloason , E. fj.
EhtiKart. E. E. Hart , J. D. Ediiuindion , Cliarloi
K. Hunnan. biinklnt Ijml-
ness. Largest capltil ami surplui ot nay
Southwestuni town.
All kinds of Dying and Cleinlns done In tlio
Illtthcstsityloot the Art , Faded and Stained
Kabrlcs muilo to look as oed as now. lied
Vciithurs ( 'loaned Hy Hionni , In Ii'lrst. ( ' asi
Manner. Work promutly done and delivered
lu all parts of the suuutry. Send for price
o. A. MAOHAN , Prop. ,
OlJ Uroadwav , Near Nortbwostoru Uupot ,
COUNCIL , Huuri'S. IA.
Over C. H. Jactiucniln & Co. , Jewelry ? toro
The New Osdaa Hotel , in Council Uluiri ,
ras been com ilatsd refurnls loJ an ino-la-'ii-
zed throughout , and U now on i of the bast
hotels in the state. It is loc.ttea la t'.i9 bu il-
nesspartoft 10 city au 1 thi elestrio motori
pass tha door every four mtmitas. Firs 03-
capes and lire alarm ? throughout th 3 b ilU-
ing. Steam heat , hot an'l cold water an I
sunshine in every roam. Table uns.irpU'U ' I
anywhere. Rates , . $2.00 a day.
GBO. M. WHITNEY , Managror.
M. II. CllAStnEHLtX , .11. It.
Kye , Ear , Nose and Throat
Specialist ,
Councillllutta , - - Iowa.
, uro eye * , cross oyev
painful nnd weak vision , ?
i-nracho , deafness , Uli- . '
rharKOs from the ears , ca-J"
tarrh , hay fever , nstlimt :
and all acnto and chronic
allt-ctlons of the throat u
upeclalty. dims cyoi tit
led without pain , lilaapos accurately prescribed In
dllllciilt cav'i often ctirlnK chronle jiuuralxl.i nnd
Kick headache. Bui'Klcnl operations , when neces
sary , palnloigiy performed , a turln bent ri'sulti
Ollice , Shunurt-llfiio block , room 1 , Council lUuRs , la
. ,
Council Bluffs , IQ.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
Crngin & Co. , Proprietors.
linloy Burke. Thos. E. Oasady.
Attorney s-at-La\v
Olhcos : J. J , Drown Building , Council llluffa ,
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just thn tiling forbuth rooms , bed rooms , etc.
Call und bi'O ' our I a rue assoitmi-nt.
C. B. Gns nnd Electric Light Co.
11 I'oarl nnd 210 Main Street.
Corner Main an'l Hroidway ,
Deulora In fordlqn uu 1 do'iimtlo xohint : .
Colluotloa luudu uud Inturuat uld ou tliuti
To Bee-Keepers
I carry n full HIIO o ( Uookoapord * supplies -
plies , including comb ( oundiitlon , lion-
oy knivus , Binokorn , soctiona nntl nil
BtippltcH for the tiplnry. M. S. ROOIJ ,
620 Ji.Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
ClIICAliO , MIL. & MT. I'AUL.I Arrives
Trnn-il'r Union I'npot. Ponncll Ill-ins , | Tran li-r
( UO p in 77.7777..ChlciiKo ISxproas I 0.15 nra
U.4U a m I hlciiKQ Kxprcsa | 5H5pm
Lunrua I h. i. , ol. JUfc U. II. I Armia
Traii fr | Union Depot , Council Illnlls , [ Transfer
10.U7 n ml..Kiiii > ui City Dar'Kxpresn I 6.43 p m
10.25 p iii.Knnaa.i | City Night ICipro-B..I 0.20 n ra
Leaves I OMAHA i BT. LOUlST I Arrives
Tnii9fca : | Union Depot , Counell Illullfl. ( Transfer
4.40 p m77 | St. Louis Canon Hull 112.15 p in
Transfer ! Union ll'epot , Council lllnlTs ,
' ,1.40 u m' Clilcneo Kxpross ij.'O p ra
10 W p ml Chlcniio Kxpress 0,40 a ra
7.05 p in | . . . . ( .Teuton Local 11.20 u m
Translerl Unlun llcsi t Council Hhitls. [ Trunsfuf
7.0'j u in ; . . .Hloux City Accommodation. . . ) 11.40 am
KOi p ml . St. l' ul Htprons . llOIX ) p m
Transportation IJopartiuunt of thu Inte
rior , Olllco of Indian Affairs , Washington ,
April 4 , 1HU. ! t-oalad proposals. Indorsed "I'ro-
posulK for Itotif , ( biilB for bitof must ho submit
ted In scpuralo envelopes ) , hneon. Hour , clothIng -
Ing , or transportation , etc , " ( as the ciiio may
bo ) and directed to the Commissioner of Indian
Affairs. Nos. IV > and OT Woostor Htrcot , Now
York , will ho received until I p. in. of Tuesday ,
May A , IhUl , for furnishing for thu Indian ser
vk-u about OOD.GOJ pounds hacon , : UUU9.000
pounds bonf on the hoof , 1 , WOK ) pounclH not
beef , IKXMKW pounds banns. 81,000 pounds baking
powder. ! MiMox : ) pounds corn , f > .Voou ) pounds
colTcc , 1(1,0 ( 0,000 pouiKlH Hour , 110.0 OpuiindHfccd
1K,0)0 ) pounds hard broad , 40,0 Klpon nils hominy ,
; ? M > 00 pounds lard , ( HW Diirrcls muss pork , ' . ' .VOUO
poiliulH oatmoul , hOO.liOJ pounds oat" , 110.000
pounds rlco , iiJ.OM ) pounds tea , I17.WO pounds
cours-i suit , inn.ono pounds tlnn salt ,
ponndKsnap , 1,100 , ( Ml pounds sugar , und 412-
U ) > pounds wheat. Also , blankets , woolen anil
cotton KoodR , ( consisting in part of ticking
17,000 yards ; btundurd calico , 100,000 yards ;
drilling , ' . " . ' .ooo yards : duck , frco fiom all slz-
Injr , IH.OK ) yiiriiH ; donlins , W.ixx ) yards ; clnir-
hiini , moou ! Kentucky Jimns. 14,000
vards ; cheviot , 'J.'i.CClO yards ; hrnwn Hhrutlng
J..OXKlyunls ( : hluiiohud shuiitliiK , 4.\OW ) yurdHj
hickory Khlrlln ? , I. > .000 yards ; calico Murtlng ,
H.OOOya.dx ; wlnsoy , 4.000 yards ) ! clothing , Kro-
ciirles , Notions , hurdwuro , inudloal supplies ,
books , utc. , and a lonx list of mlsct-lla-
nt-oiiN nrtk'lus. such us harness , ploWH , rukcn ,
fiirkH. etc. . und for about , r > 7.5 wagon * required
for thu Fiirvlcc , to ho delivered at
Kansas Ulty , anil Sioux ulty. Also , for .such
wagons as may bo rc-iiilrel | , uduptcd
tntlmi'llnmtu of the I'uoitlu i-naxt. with Ual ;
Ifornla lirakus. delivered at Hun Kr.mulsco.
A No , transportation formichof the iirtlcltiit ,
gondH and sunpllo.s thai tnuy not bo uontr et-
od for to bo delivered at thu Agencies.
HUNKS. Huhoilnlux Hhowlni : the kinds and
( jUiintHleH of Hiihslstenee supplies required
for each Aucnuy und School , and the kinds
und ( lountlUr.s In gross , of ullotliiii'KoodH , and
artlultis , Uiiiutluir with bliink prop.isuls , con
ditions lo bd ohsorvi'd by bidders , tlinii and
pliu-o of delivery , turms of contract , und pay
ment , trunspiirlutlon roiitus , and all other
necessary Instructions will In * fiirnlslu'd upon
application to thu Indian OlIU-u In WuHbliiK-
ton , or A'o , 5 muHff ll'i oiler ulrcvl , A'M ) I'urH ,
rriiooiilliils ! iurlirt of HilhslHlunco , II H. A. at
Chdyenne. ( ! hlcui | , l.eiivenwoi ih , Omaha.
Kiilul liulsSilnt : I'unl.und Hun I < 'i-unclKcotho ;
I'ostiuiiNtursat Sioux ( Jlty , Iowa ; Vniiktou , S ,
Dakota ; Arliiuisas ( Jlty. tluldwidl , Topuka ,
und Wlchltu , Kitnsus , and TIICHOII , Arl/ona.
Thu riithl IH reserved by the government to
reject any und all bidsor any pirt of any bid
und thi-Hu proposiilH uru invited umler proviso
that upiiroprliitlons Khali bu m idu fur the
Mippllus by i-oiiKrcss. IlhU will hu opunod at
thu hour und duy ahovo Htatrd , und blddura
nni Invited lo bo present at the ( ipi'iilnu.
imnlrd by cerlllled checks or druftx upon
Mime Unlled Slates Depository or tt o Klrt
National Hunk of Kan Francisco , Ita ! for lit
least llvu pen-out of the unioiint ot thu | iro-
iiosal. T. J. MOUUAN , Couiuilsslouur.