Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1891, Part Two, Image 9

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which Attended Our
„ CCO pieces of 'Cbnllis , light or dark
round , only 2jc yard.
Sjccitil vnlue in Cbollis nt Scnnd 12c
1-ino b'ntccn , 81 ! inchcsVtiCo , ICcyard.
FnM plain black Sateen ICc , 16c , 19c ,
2 c arc ! 3Ec yard.
Fast black plain India Linen , lOc ,
121c , ICc , U'c , tiCc and 25c void.
Rcmmmts of fast black Stripe
Lawns , only 5c yard.
Fine Ginghnms ti specialty. Largest
line to Eolcct from. Ginghams at 5o ,
7ic , 8ic , lOc. 12ic , 16c , 19c nnd 25cyurd.
Wo are in it. Wo have purchased
direct from the mills flvo cases Outing
Flannels on snlo to-morrow at 5c yard.
- You can not match them at this price in
V Best Pacific Lawns , light or dark
ground , onlv5c.yard.
Dark shades In Batiste , Be yard.
80 inch wide Garner's Best Batiste ut
JOc yard ; uorth everywhere 16cyard.
Choice of all our now styles of all
French Flannel , 49c.
The biggest bargain in White Flnn-
nol. Yard wide White Wool Flannel ,
only 26o yard , cheap at40c yard.
60'dozon'bost ninkoiunbleached Turk-r ,
Ish Towels , 15c each.
Special bargains in Huck Towels
IIuck Towels at lOe each.
Huck Towels at 16c each * .
Extra Huck Towels , 0 for $1.
Extra line and extra largo Huck
Towels i'5c each. Wo claim these the
best value ever oflored by any house In
Omaha. Wo nsk you to examine and
compare them.
Hemstitched Tray Cloths 50c each.
Two lows of openwork.
Fringed Lunch Cloths , 76c each. A
See our line of Fancy Linen Scarfs at
86c , 60c , 76c. $1.25 aud $1.50 each.
18-Inch Barnesly Bleached Crash , lOc
Special bargain in Table Padding at
40cyard. All colors in two-yard wide
felt * 1 yard.
Special bargain in double width
Sheeting. Wo carry all the loading
'brands in bleached or unbleached.
4l lnch Pillow Casing , bleached or
brown , lOe yard.
10-4 Brown Sheeting lOJc arid up.
10-1 Bleached Shooting IScayard and
up.Our stock of White Dress Goods is the
largest and best assorted. Also fast
black Wash Dross Goods , everything
that Is now and novel you will llnd in
this department.
To-morrow wo offer all our entire
stock of Morrimacand American Shirt
ing Prints , for ono day at 2Jc yard.
Indigo Blue Prints 5e yard.
Goou Dress Calico 3jc yard.
Best Cambric 3jo yard.
Good Silesia , all colors , lOc yard.
80-inch wide Armenian Serges lOo
Laces. Laces.
Fine hand mudo linen torchons at5c ,
7o. lc ) , lOo , 12e and Ua.
000 pieces real linen torchons at 7ic ,
and lOc , worth 25c.
S3 styles black silk laces nt lOc. ut 12e ,
ut 16c , at 17c ; worth 25o up to 50c.
White and fancy trimming luces at 2e ,
8c , 5c , 7e nnd lOc ; never sold under 16o
to 2oo.
Fine nottingham laces and tatting
from U-in to 6-ln wide at , Ic 2o , 80 , 4o
nnd 5c. The greatest bargains ever of
45-ln black drapery nets at lOo , 2oc ,
27c , 3Ho and 37c.
48-in wide llne t black silk and dra
pery nets and tlouncings at43c , 65c. 03o ,
CSo76o , 87c , $1 unit * 1.25 ; actual im
port cost $1.15 up to $2.75.
Art Needlework
A largo line of fine goods from the
risonmn stock will bo closed at once.
Embroidery silk , 60 do/on spools ; ropes
and all kinds fancy silk threads nt one-
third usual price * . Bends and ornu-
inimts of all kinds go In tnla dale ; also
stamped linens.
Wall Paper
Millinery Dept-
This department has never displayed
such a splendid array of ba-guins. Bar
gains in line French llowors ; bargains
in ostrich tips ; bargains In flno ribbons
bens and millinery trimmings andorna-
incnts of nil kinds. The display of untrimmed -
trimmed huts is unsurtmssod in any
city. The prices nro unapproachable.
Aside from the present display of
Paris pattern hats , this deportment Is
showing 1,400 trimmed hats , and no two
alike. High clns-s stylish goods at
reasonable prices , and active trade
makes it possible for this department to
show the latest and most exquisite nov
elties. Every day's express brings
something new and attractive.
Jackets , Capes
and Shawls
Ladles' Black Cashmere Shawls
heavy silk JVingo :
81.75 , reduced from $2.60.
2.00 , reduced from 2.75.
2.60 , reduced from 3.00.
A 8. 00 , . .reducedrom 3.60.
' ' -
Ladies' Black Cashmere Flschu , om-
brolderou and heavy silk fringe :
$1.76 , reduced from $2.60.
2.00 , reduced from 2.75.
2.60 , reduced from 3.00.
8.00 , reduced from 3.60.
Up to $20. 00.
1 lot of Ladles' Fancy Summer Shawls
81.2.5 , $1.60 , $1.75 , $2.00 , reduced ono-
1ml f.
Ladles' Blazers , in black , tan , blue
and gray , $2.75 , $8 , $3.25 , 83.60 to 815.
Ladies' Reefers in black , tan , blue
and gray , $2.60 , $3 , 83.60 to $18.
Ladles' Capo , black twilled cloth , gold
bullion braiding nnd cord , 82.60.
Ladles' Capo , black twilled cloth ,
plaited , $1.50 , reduced from $2.50.
Wo have n lurgo line of the latest
novelties in Capes and Wraps at the
lowest prices.
Misses' and Children's Blazers and
Reefers , ago from 4 to 10 year ? , gold
nud silver trimmed , from $1.25 to 810 ;
reduced one-half.
Ladies' Shirt Waists , in silk , sateen ,
nnd cambric , 60c , 75c , $1 to $10.
Ladles' Skirts 89o , 50c,75c. 81.
A new and largo line of Ladies' Cali
co and Cambric Wrappers at 98c , $1.16 ,
$1.25. $1.60 , ono-haif of former prices.
Ladies' Walking Jackets , in black
rsoy , size from 84 to 41 , at $1.50.
Ladies' House Jorsoya 50c , 75c , OSc.
Ladies' Knit
Ladles' line Jersey Ribbed Vests only
lOe , worth 20c.
Ladies' fancy Ribbed Jersey Vests
only lOc , others ask 25c.
Ladles' \VillIinuntic Lisle only 19c ,
actually worth 85c.
Ladles' Swiss Ribbed Vests , comes in
ecru , pink , blue and white , and tied
with ribbon on neck and sleeves , only
25o , worth 50c.
Ladles' Swiss Ribbed Vests , long
sleeves , only 25e , worth 50o.
Ladles' pure Silk Vests , In black only ,
at $1.25 , worth $2.00.
Children's flno Summer Merino Under
wear , comes In vesta and pants ,
8c , 10o,12c,15o. ISn , 20c , 22c , 25c , 25c,30c.
10. IS , 20 , 22 , 24 , 20 , 28 , 30 , 32 , 8J In
1 case of chlldron'a Jersey Ribbed
Vests , So each.
Muslin -
All of Etonian's flno muslin under
wear , slightly soiled , on sale Monday
rogardlefs of cost ; It must bo closed out
at onco. Wo have also lots of odd pieces
In our regular stock that wo will close
out ut an immense reduction.
Special 2-3 doIndies' flno gowns
worth $1.50 go in this sale ru OSc.
Ladles' line White Skirts , nicely
tucked , only 7.3o ; reduced from $1.25.
Extra bargains on Corset Covers for
Ladles' Drawers nnd Chomlso at about
one-third regular prices.
for Monday ,
( Hosiery.
Ladles' Fancy Hose , pin stripes , Co
[ > or pnir.
Ln dtps' Fancy Hose , worth 15c , 20c
and 25c. reduced to lOc.
SPECIAL 100 doz. Ladies' Black
Hose , Rictioliou ribbed , wliito feet , and
every pair warranted , fast color ; on
Monday only 12Jc per pair , worth 25c.
Ladies' Fast Black Hose , Hermsdorf
dye , flno gauge , only 25c per pair , re
duced from 40e.
Children's Gray Mixed Cotton Hose
8c per pair , worth 15c.
Children's Fast Black Hose , ribbed
only lOc , worth 20c.
Children's Derby Ribbed Hose , fast
black , 12ie. worth 15c.
Children's ' Double Knee Hose , fast
black , 25o. worth 40c.
Infants' Fine Cotton Hose , fast black
25c. worth 50c.
Ladies' Fine Imported Fancy Hose
from the Eisoman stock , worth 60c and
75cj your ehoico of this lot for 25c per pr.
Boys' "Shift Waists
Fine French Percale Wriists , only 25c ,
worth 60c.
Blue Seersucker Waists , 35c , reduced
from 50c.
Mother's Friend Waists , 39c , reduced
from GOc.
Mascot and Sun Waists , only 5Sc , re
duced from 75c.
75c.Aprons. .
Extra Largo Size Lawn Aprons , only
25c each.
Fancy Lawn Aprons , 25c , reduced
from 40c.
Black Sateen Aprons , 50c , worth 76c.
On Monday , all our flno Apronsworth
60c and OOc , reduced to 35c.
Wo will lot down the prices on Mon
100 doz. Corsets on Monday reduced to
19e per pair.
See our 25c Corsets on sale Monday.
1 case of Summer Corsets , 39creduced
from 50e.
Our 75c Summer Corset on Monday
goes at 60c.
On Monday 60 doz. Black Summer
Corbels , the best ono made , and every
pair warranted. This Corset was made
to retail at $1.75. On Monday , onlv
$1.00 each.
See our OSc Cor&ot on Monday , regu
lar $1.50 quality.
Our 75c Corset on Monday has no
At 50c wo sell ono of the finest Corsets
ever shown in this city.
Remember wo carry as flno a line of
Corsets as any house west of Chicago ,
and can save you money.
Gents' Furnishing
On Monday extraordinary sale of
gents' summer ovorshlrts. Wo carry an
immense line of these goods. Some
lines to bo closed out for loss than price
of material.
Gents' Domot Shirts only 35c , reduced
from 50c.
Flno Doraot Shirts only 39c , reduced
from COc.
Domot Shirts , plaited bosoms , well
made , 50c worth 75c.
At $1.00 wo nro showing a beautiful
line of Madras Grope and fine Sateen
Shirts , others ask $1.50.
100 doz. gents' Fast Black half hose ,
every pair warranted , only 25c , reduced
from lOc.
100 doz. gents' Unlaundered Shirts „
Now York mills muslin , double back and
front , continuous facings , only 50o each ,
reduced from 76o.
On Monday 10020-Inch umbrellas , cold
tipped , only C-3e , worth $1.00.
Wall Paper
Silk Department
A sale to draw out Comparison and
show the sterling values in this department
mont : '
Drapery prints 15c.
Real China silks 28jc.
India silks 38c.
Chony Bros' China silks 76c.
Black gros grain silks 680.
Black gros grain silica 78e.
Black French urraures'79c.
Black silk and French faille 78o.
Black surah 50o.
Colored 19-ln surnh 60o.
Colored French 'niUosVoc.
Black silk grenadines 09c.
Black silk twist gropndincs 90c.
Now iron frame gropadines $1.17 } .
, , Black Dress Goods
Black English cashmere lOc and 12c.
Black cashmere 20c , 25c and 30c.
French honrlotta 49c , 53c , 50c nnd
, 69c.All
All wool silk finish hpnrltta 83o and
, 87e.Silk
Silk warp honriottn')5c ! ) and $1.35.
Blnck all wool surges'Soc , 58c and COc.
Blnck all wool flannel , 40-in wide , 33e.
Black-broadcloth frohl'Ooc'to ' $2.75. * - \
Black nnd white stripes 35c , 44c nnd
Blnck nnd 'white plnlds 43c , 48e und
60c.Fnncy weaves in stripes 49c , 69c nnd
Black checks 76c , 87c nnd $1.
Blnck mohair brilliantine 25c , 33c ,
43c , 47c , 55c and G5e.
Black brocaded brilliantine Ooc to
Dress Goods
8-4 twilled casnmoro lOo , worth 20o.
60 pieces alpucn 8o } , worth 15c.
100 pieces brillailtjno , fnncy plnlds
and stripes , 39c ; worth 75c.
40-in honriotta cl.ptn-SSc , worth 05c.
42-in novelty spring chocks 8oc ,
worth $1.25.
40-ln summer plaids , now styles , 49c ;
worth 75c.
40-in French stripes all wool novel
ties , 50c ; worth 85c.
40-ln nil wool eorgo , fancy colors , 49c ;
worth 88c.
42-in tnohnlr brill'nntino in this snlo
nt 39c , cost 75c to import. '
I 42-in fine French corded dress goods ,
' in 11 shndos , C9c ; worth 93o.
and Shades.
3,700 pnlrs , entire stock of Now York
importer of Lace Curtains , consisting of
Irish Point , Brussels Not , Swiss and
Nottingham , in elegant patterns , ut 55c ,
OSc , 07c , 75c , 87c and $1.00 pnir.
000 pairs Nottingham .Laco Curtains ,
3 yards long , taped cdgo at 59o , 03c , 75o
and 89c.
450 pairs Nottinghum Lace Curtains ,
3j yards long , in beautiful patterns ,
taped and scalloped edges , $1.98 , worth
Rich Tambour and Irish und Irish
Point Lace Curtains inelegant patterns ,
ut $4.25 , $4.75 , $5.98 nnd $10.76 , worth
$5.00 to $25.00. ) "
800 pairs opaque Bonded , mounted on
self-acting rollers , nt j J7c , lOc and 21c ,
worth 25o to 35c. - .
300 pairs Chenille portiere Curtains ,
all of a Philadelphia ; manufacturer's
stock , at $2.98 , $3.5Q"and $1.87 , actual
value $4.87 to $12.00.
Art cotton for draperies , at 7jc , 8c ,
lOc , 12c , 16o -17c'Vorth 15c to 85e ;
dotted Swiss for su h\curtalns ut lOc ,
12jc , 17e arid 25q laWo vnrlovy of up
holstery , trimmings , fringes , etc.
Brass trimmed curtatn poles loc each ,
worth 35c.
Book Department.
Magazines , books nnd novels at re
duced prices.
Children's linen picture * books at 5c ,
7c. lOc.
21 shoots good note paper , 5o.
Best white envelopes , 3o bunch.
Ilake'u. Ward's nnd Whiting's cele
brated Irish and Scotch linen pupor and
papoterios at loss thnn half usual prices.
Jewelry Dept.
Day by day this department is gaining
strength as people become convinced
they can buy the best known and most
reliable goods at reasonable prices.
Elgin silverino watches , good as coin sil
ver $3.60.
Elgin coin silver watches $0.75.
Elgin gold watches 810.03.
Elgin coin gold watches , no bettor
mudo $10.75.
Ladies' coin silver watches S3.00.
Ladies' gold watches $15.85.
This department has a complete stock
of all the standard watches and is ready
to soli at loss thnn wholesale prices.
Coin silver rings 25c.
Ladies' sot gold rings 05c.
Gents' coin gold rings , 95c.
The latest and most exquisite novel
ties In earrings , bracelets , hairpins , or
naments , silver castors , cake stands ,
tea sets and novelties for presents.
The cutest of all novelties in Ansonla
clocks fiOc.
1847 Roger Bros , knives and forks ,
$1.38 sot.
1847 Roger Bros , spoons , 60c sot.
People cannot bo misled. There is
only ono brand of goods known as 1817
Roger Bros. , and they are too well
known for any recommendation.
Special bartrnins In gold and silver
spectacles , napkin rings , and numerous
others high "noveltiesatspecial *
low prices.
500 dozen Children's School Handker
chiefs Ic , 2c and So.
225 ladies' fancy border hemstitched
handkerchiefs at 3c , at 5c , at 7c , actual
value lOc to 15c.
78 dozen ladies' sheer lawn hemstitch
ed white handkerchiefs at 5c.
115 dozen ladles' hemstitched linen
handkerchiefs at 10oat 12cat 15catl7c ,
worth 25c to 35c.
300 dozen ladies' sheer linen hem
stitched and embroidered handkerchiefs.
Your choice of 25 styles at 12c. } This
stock is a Now York importer's sample
line and worth 25 to 03o oach.
Ladies' and
Windsor Ties.
Satin Tics In now styles at 5c.
Silk Ties In now styles at lOc.
50 styles in Scotch Plaid Silk Ties at
lOc , never sold less than 35c.
Ribbons. Ribbons
This department is constantly receiv
ing the latest shades and styles of flno
silk ribbons , it would bo hard to find
a larger or more complete stock of silk
ribbons. Special sale prices , Ic , 2c , 3c ,
6c , 7c , UD to 16c yard ; worth 7c to 35c ,
Hamburg and Swiss
300 now styles at Ic , 2c , 3c , 4c , 5o , 7c ,
On , lOc and 12c ; actual value 5o up to
27c.Veilings and
Late novelties in line silk volllngs at
5c , at 7c , at lOc , ut 12c , at 15c , actual
value 15c up to 35c.
4S styles bilk ruohings at fie , at 7c , at
lOc , at 15c , up to 25c.
Wall Paper
Immense stock absolutely now Btyloo
in Wall Paper at 3c , 5e , 7c , lOo and 15s'
House Furnishing
Wo have just received the largest In
voice of crockery ever received in
25,550 Unbundled cups und saucers ,
2Jc each.
24,210 Handled cups nnd saucers , 3jc
20,150 Dinner plates , 4H1 each.
15,430 Pie plates , 8c each.
10,500 Wash bowl und pitchers ut27c }
22,090 Suuco dishes , 2o ouch.
10,210 Platters at 3c , 6cnnd lOc oach.
10,215 Soup plates und bowls nt 5Jc
18,500 Chambers at 23o each.
Also , thousands of soap dishes at 3c
Cream pitchers nt 6c oach.
Vegetable dishes at 3c and 5c each.
Tumblers at 2c } oach.
The above goods nro the very best
white ironstone china mado.
In decorated ware wo can give you just
as good
Decorated cups and saucers at 82o per
Decorated innor.plutes , 42c per sot.
Decorated picfplates , 83c por's'ot.1
Vegetable ana covered dishos. 59e
Decorntod sauce dishes , 2Gc per sot.
30,000 milk crocks at 3c } per gallon.
10,000 0 Piece Glass Sots at 13o per
1,000 Fine Toilet Sots , $1.05 per sot ;
worth $3.00.
5,000 sots Mrs. Potts' and Mrs. Strcot-
or's Flat Irons , $1.00 per set.
0,000 Clothes Wringers , $1.75. This Is
the finest wringer made.
6,000 gross Carpet Sweepers nt 89c$1.75
und $2.85 each.
50,000 Wino Glasses nt 3c each , worth
Hammered brass 13-inch Trays , 5c ;
worth 50c.
A full line of Ivory , the now novelty
in glass. Wo have It in Cream Sots ,
Salt and Popper , nnd everything else
made in glass.
Solid Stool Garden Hoes , 20o cuch ;
worth Ooc.
Wooding hoes , solid stool , 20c each ;
worth 75i.
Garden Stool Rakes , 12 tines , brace
shank , 20c.
Spading Forks 49o each , worth 75c.
Spndos 49o ouch , worth 75c.
Snovols 49o ouch , worth 76c.
50,000 foot gurden hose 7c per foot.
20,000 foot warranted garden hose , lOc ,
12c } , 15c nnd 17io per foot ; worth twlco
the money.
Carpets ! Carpets ! !
Amuzlngly low prices on Btnndurd
50 rolls Jointloss China Matting , 12Jc ,
16c , 17c , and 2oc. Compare.
05 rolls Ingrain Carpets , now Htylos , at
27c , 33c , 87c nnd 43c , worth 40c to 05e.
250 rolls Extra Super Wool Carpets at
55c , 57c , 02jc , 08o and 76c. Compare.
176 rolls now styles Tapestries , Body
Brussels , Velvet , Moquettes , Axmlnsters
and Royal Wiltons.
This carpet department is an immense
store in itself und carries beyond ques
tion the largest vurloty of high class
carpets west of. Now York City. Many
people wont ouit to look and came homo
to buy.
TrunksTrunks. .
Largo size , flno looking , strong and
well made , at prices that oniiblu us to
boll do/oris every week. Wo received
500 Valises from Elfoman & Co. and
have Hold about half of thorn. WoHhall
close out the rest at such prlcob as shall
enable every ono to got a good bag
See our Cisntcr Tables , MuMc Racks ,
Towel Racks , Hat linden , Book ( la os ,
and all kinds of Chairs and Fancy
Rockers.Wall Paper
Teas ,
Green Japan , a good ton , lOc , 21o , 25c ,
Sundrlcd Japan Tea , 15o , 19c , 23c , 29o ,
3oc und 49c.
Uncolorcd Japan Tea , 20c , 20c , 35o ,
43c , 60c , 59c.
Basket Fired Tea , 19c , 2c ; ! , 25c , 29o ,
35c. 49c.
Young Hvson Tea , 35c , 40c , 49o , OOc.
English Breakfast Tea 35o to 95c.
Oolong Tea 35o to 95c.
This Is the finest line of Tea that was
ever ottered in Omaha. Do not sivy to
yourself that wo cannot sell good Tea
for these prices. Buy a pound and bo
convinced. If you do not line the tea
wo will refund the money. They are all-
worth two and three times the price.
Now Imported Olives 2oo per qt.
Imported Chow-Chow loo.
Imported small Pickles lOo per qt. ,
worth 3oc.
Wo will sell you largo Pickles 5o
per qt.
Very fine imported Blackberries lOo
per Ib.
Very flno Imported evaporated Rasp
berries , 30e per Ib.
Imported Valencia Raisins , very fine ,
8c. }
Imported Struwborry Jams , 15c.
Imported. Red Raspberry Jams , loo.
3-lb. can California Poaohos , 20a This
is the best Poach you ever bought.
* " 'Wo soll.nll kinds of-California.Plums ,
3-lb. can California Apricots , 20c.
Imported Catsup , 15c per qt.
Imported English Currants , 7io.
Swcot Chocolate , 5c.
Premium Chocolate , 17ic.
Condensed Milk , lOc.
Sugar-Cured Hams , 9c ; Picnic IInnis1
7c ; Boneless Hums , 9c.
Bologna Sausage , 5c ; Llvor Sausage ,
6c ; Head Choose , 6c ; Frankfort Sau
sage , 7ic ,
Dried beef , 74c
2-lb. can Blackberries , 8fcc.
2-11) . Preserved Raspberries , put up la
sugar syrup , 17ic.
Soap , 2oc ; 0 bars Lace Soap , 25c.
Furniture Dept.
Wo carry a complete line of Furni
ture. All we ask is that you will call
nnd see our goods nnd compare our
prices. Wo shall bo glad to wait on yoii
und help you select.
Do you intend when clonnlng house
this spring to got now mattresses ? Wo
can show you a nice line nt very reason
able prices. Pluin Excelsior Mattresses ,
"B."tlck , 81.95 , worth $2.15 , nny slzo.
Cotton Top Mnttrcsses , $2.60 , "B. " tick ,
worth $2.85. "C. , " $2.8.3 , worth 83.23.
Wool Mnttrossos , No. 1 , $5.50 , No. 2 ,
$3.05 , worth $0.00 nnd $1.25. All sizes
Woven Wire Springs , $1.50 each , worth
$2.00. Wo can show you good suits In
10th century or antique finish at $16.00 ,
$17.60 , $23.00 nnd $28.00 , and some very
flno solid oak suits ut prices lower thun
you usually pay for the sumo elsewhere.
Wo have what you want In this line at
nil prices. $1.50 , $3.85 , 81.95 , $5.85$0.50 ,
$7.00 , $8.40 , $9.50 , $10.00. Those are all
splendid carriages. Como und see them
before you buy.
Drug Dept.
Malted Milk , largo slzo , 75o.
Malted Milk , small sl/o , 40c.
Nestles Food , small size , 40c.
Molllnn' Food , largo slzo , Uou.
Molllns' Food , small size , 40c.
Buggy sponges reduced to loo.
Sponges , largo slzo , ICe und 23c.
School sponges le.
Chamois skin , hi rye size , from 8Qo to
Chamois skin , small size , from 5c up
to 15u.
Largo cukos of Glycerine Soap 4e ,
Hotel Soap , 12 m\\tt \ In a box , ut 21o.
Tollot Soap , I oaken in a box. at lOo.
Coeoinut Oil Soap at 8Jn potuuko. .
Medicated Tar Soup at 7jo par nako.
Transparent Glyoerlne Soap at flu per
Pansy Tollot Soap , 3 cnkos for lOc.
Capo May Bouquet Soap ut 17c per
Mounted Glvcorlnc Soap , 2 cakes for
15o.Olive Oil Soup , 2 op.keb for 15o.
Good many other soups , which fop
v/ant of space wo cannot mention , nl
greatly reduced prlcoH.
Vnsollno 3c.
Witon Hazel 85o per bottle.
LlcbSg'i Hcof Extt-aut : Co per bottle.
HAYDE BROTHERS Sixteenth Streets. and Doclge