Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1891, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by Carrier In nny part of the City.
. . TILTON - - -
Business Ofllcc , No. 43.
Nlirht Editor. No. S3.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Trees at Mair's ' , opposite postofllco.
Craft's chattel loans , SOI Bapp block" .
Clcnuino Hock Sprlngcoul. Thatcher , 10
If you want water In your yard or house
go to Hlxoy's , aw Merrlntn block.
II. O. Mead was arrested yesterday after
noon on a charge of selling n glandorcd horse.
Tlietbrco-inonths-old chllu of Sullio I'nyno.
who lives lit 217 Washington avenue , died
Friday. The funeral took place yesterday
afternoon at SI o'clock.
All ineinbors'ot Lily Camp are requested
to meet at Woodman's hall next Wednesday
at H)0 ! : ! ) j ) , tn. sharp for the purpose of Roliitf
to Omaha to Institute a camp of Koyal
Neighbors of America.
The Catholic Mutual Benefit association
will ( 'lvo a ballon the iisth In their hall at the
corner of Broadway and I'ark avenue. Sup
per will bo served by the members of the
Catholic Young Ladles' society.
Messrs. Spuldlng and Jay , two of the mem
bers of the Ann Arbor university glee club ,
which appears In the concert on Monday
night , will sing today In St. Paul's ' church
on special Invitation of the rector.
Ciuorgu Button of Shelby was before Com
missioner Hunter of the United States court
on a charge of selling Intoxicating liquors
without a government license. Ho pleaded
not guilty with a good deal of energy , but
wus bound over to the grand Jury.
The sale of the livery stock of Theodore
Bray , on n landlord's ' writ of attachment , for
rent , win commenced yesterday morning ,
but wus not completed. Deputy Marshal
Whitmoro was the auctioneer. The sale will
be resumed tomorrow uftornoon at 'J o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins , the spiritual test
mediums who nave been holding meetings In
Archer hall , will conduct the meeting Sun
day evening at Grand Army of the Uepubllc
hall. Durlnir the coming week nicotlnps will
bo held Tuesday , Thursday and Friday at
Archer hall.
The alumni of the university of Michigan
will give a reception in the parlors of the
Cirand hotel tomorrow evening to the mem
bers of the Glee and Banjo clubs of the Uni
versity of Michigan , who are to appear in
concert , that evening. The reception will
follow the concert.
The farmcis and fruit growers tried to
hold a meeting yesterday afternoon in the
court house for the purpose of talking ovur
the feaslbllllty of the plan of rejoining the
Uluo Grass league. A quorum was not pres
ent and the only thing they could do was to
talk. No dellnlto action was taken , but some
of those who wore present state that from all
Indications the majority of tboso who were
at the meeting are not in favor of the plan.
Dan Curritfg tiled a motion yesterday in
superior court to set nsldo the default which
was entered up against him on the injunction
case brought against , him ny S. T. Burgess ,
Ho stated that at the time the original notice
purports to have been served unon him ho
was in Arkansas and that the service was
never made. He also states that ho has a
valid defense as far as ho Is roiicornc/1 per
sonally. Ho was given until Tuesday In
xvhlch to plead.
The sale of Manawa park took place yester
day morning at 10 o'clock from the stops of
the federal court house according to the ad
vertisement which was published some tune
ago. James S. Crlssman and George W.
Kobnrds , who hold the mortgages given by
the purchasers at the lime the land was
bought and platted , were almost the only
bidders. The land was Knocked down to
them at an average cost of aoout ? 15 per lot ,
which amounts to ? i"i,000 , In all.
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins had a larcc audlcnco
Friday night at Archer's hall to listen to
their presentation of the proofs of spirit re i-
turn. Mr. Perkins told some of the audience
their names and gave thorn much other use
ful Information , all of which ho claimed was
given to htm through spirits whether
liquid or volatile ho did not stato. Ho
also went Into a clairvoyant state and gave
mlnuto descriptions of some of the deceased
friends ot these in the audience , stating their
names , occupations , and present place of
residence. In every case the descriptions
were recognized by the audlcnco. Numorjus
questions were usued by skeptical visitors ,
but the professor was not caught sleeping.
The answers showed plainly that ho had
been thcro before , and at the close of tbo
entertainment many doubters nad been drawn
Into the fold and had become convinced that
spirits are not only a convenience , but n
necessity , nt certain times.
Shugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk
Held , garden and llower seeds lu the west
Catalogue and samples by mall.
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within one and one-half miles of the P. O. ;
nil in bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given nt once. Call on D. J. Hutcbluson &
Co. , 017 Broadway.
J.C. Blxby , steam ncatln ? , sanitary en
gineer , 203 Murrlam block , Council Blutis
lj 1'A KAGIt.t t'HS.
Frank True and L. Morgan are spending a
few days In Col fax.
Dr. Uoe and family are now enjoying them
selves at Mobile , Ala.
Captain L. B. Cousins Is just getting out
again after a second wrcstlo with the grippe.
Squlro Biggs has so far recovered ns to bo
nblo to got out on the tunny sldo of the street.
Colonel J. J. Stoadman returned yesterday
from the state encampment of the Grand
Army at Dubuquo.
Thomas Katliff and family of St. Paul ,
Minn , , are visiting the parents of Mrs. Hut-
HIT in Garner township.
Thomas Uich returned Friday night from
London , Canada , where ho was married on
the 8th to Miss Jennie Houscu.
Dr. F. S. Thomas roturncd yesterday mornIng -
Ing front Dubuque where ho went to attend
the encampment of the Grand Army. Ho
returned by way of Waterloo , where ho
stopped off to tittond the mooting of the State
Medical society. Ho road a paper before the
society Friday morning.
Mr. Mulchl Swlirgort and family of Long
Pine , Nob. , have been visiting Charles lllor-
wirth of this city for the past two weeks.
Mr , Swiggcrt expresses himself ns highly
pleased with the many changes which the
past ten years have wrought In the Bluffs.
Ho ana his family leave for Chicago and the
east tomorrow.
_ _ _ _
Malr has all sorts of fruit , stiado au'd , orna
mental trees , B'way ' , opposite poatofllco.
Beautlfol and stvllsh spring millinery nt
Louis' , Masonic block.
Our spring stock is now complete. If you
want to be In style call at Keller's ' , the tailor > ,
U10 Broadway ,
All the new spring styles lu carpets , cur
tains , etc , at the Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Ladies of Council Bluffs and vicinity ,
Louis' , Masonic block , Is the headquarters )
for tine , stylish spring millinery.
Donth In York Township.
Hasford Dewey died last Friday of sclatlo
rheumatism , combined with old ago. Ho was
born In Llttlo Port , Cambridgeshire , Eng
land , May 30 , 180t ! . Ho came to this country
In ISM , and has ever since that time been i a
resident ot Pottawattamlo county , where ho
has followed the occupation of a farmer. Ho
leaves a wife , a son , and six daughters. Ho
was a kmd husband , n loving father , and la
rospvetcd citizen. The funeral exercises will
lane place on Monday morning at 10 o'clock
nt the houso. In Eight Mlle Grovoin York
township , ana the remains will bo Interred in
No. la.
When about to build don't fail to < jct prices
on lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. , S13
Broadway , Telephone .
Do you wont an express wagon or boy !
Ring up the A. D. T. Co. , tolupuouo 170 , ylo.
)1 North Malu strooU
| Jensen's , ' Fruit Gathering Leads to His Da'
tontion as a Lunatic.
Police Oflleern AVhouc JVcrvo Failed
Capcl'H CoiiriiKCoun Helpmeet
\Vnr Against .Saloons Oilier
City AInttcrH.
U. P. Jensen was arrested by Ocorgo Balrd
yesterday morning at nn early hour as ho was
laying In a supply of garden truck for Sun
day's dinner. Jensen was not shopping , In
the usual acceptance of the term , but ho was
rather declaring dividends on the various
boxes of fruit and vegetables that happened
to bo displayed forsuloalonghlsroute. Wnou
ho was caught bis harvest had amounted
In all to six oranges , two cabbage heads , two
turnips nnd thrco apples , Ho was tukou to
the police station , where tlio proceeds of his
expedition wcro confiscated , and ho was put
In jail to await a hearing ou the charge of
petit larceny.
In the afternoon It was discovered that ho
street. His wlfo , Mrs. Lottlo Joiuon , came
to the station and said that her husband was
crazy. She said that ho had gathered u lot of
shavings together , only a night or two ago ,
and had tried to burn the house down. Ho
had also threatened to kill her , and had oven
made nn assault on her with a knife , ap
parently for the purpose of mak
ing good his threat. Ho was not
hard to handle , howovcr , and she never
had any trouble in disarming him
and preventing him from doing nny harm.
By the advice of the city marshal she tiled
an Information with the county cleric charg
ing her husband with insanity. Ho was
given an examination uy the insane commis
sioners yesterday afternoon and found insane.
He was ordered conllnod In St. Bernard's '
hospital for the tiresent , as It is thought
there Is a possibility of hla improving lu u
day or two so ns to render It unnecessary for
him to bo conllnod In any of tbo asylums per
manently. It Is stated that Jenseii has been
n hard drinker and that his insanity Is the
result of Intumpcrunco.
The robins have returned to meet again.
The nurtlni , blue birds , green lawns and
meadows Indicate that spring Is upon us. Wo
don't want to tell you what you already
know , but wo want Impress upon you the
fact that this Is house cleaning time. You
want to renovate , renew uiul beautify your
homes. Wo are hero to serve and assist you.
Wo will furnish your house in whole or part
with every article of necessity or ornament
from cellar to attic. If you have not money
enough to pay for all you got wo will give
you \oucanpayweeklyor monthly.
Following are some of our l adera :
Bed room suits , fl'J.fiO upward.
Parlor suits , $115.00 upward.
Slucboards , $14.00 upward.
Dining tables , Jl.fiO upward.
Center tables , $ ' } .50 upward.
Hall trees , $ l'J. ! > 0 upward.
Ladles' desks Jl'-.OU upward.
Bureaus , $3.f > 0 upward.
Lounges , SO.fH ) upward.
Ingrain carpets , -Joe per yard and upward.
Good . ' 1-ply carpets , 70c.
Good brussels , 7fio.
No. 8 cook stove , 5 years' guarantee , $15.00.
100 piece dinner sots , $13.00.
All other goods in proportion.
Exclusive installment house , ii'JO Broad
way , Council Bluffs.
House ( 'leaning Time
Has como again , and housekeopars will avoid
anxiety In making their selections , and all
subsequent disappointment in quality and
price of carpets bv " buying at the old reliable
C. B. Carjxjt Co.
Trees , all kinds , guaranteed to grow , prices
cheap , at Malrs1 , Broadw.iv , opposite postof-
11 co.
Tlioy TmuluMl tlin Xnrv
| Some of the members of the Council Bluffs
police force have the spirit of n Hawlcshaw ,
and the only trouble with them Is they don't
know how to put the doctrines of that patron
saint of detectives Into practico. Two of
these wily preservers of the city's peace ran
on to a largo , juicy sensation night before
last and if they had had cournu' oaough they
would eertumlv have either dragged n well
known citizen before the public us the hereof
of n great comedy or else they would have
made everlasting fools of themselves. Which
of thcso things they would have done It is
impossible to tell under the circumstances ,
as they lost heart just before the critical
moment arrived and the nuwsp.ipcrs are
thus deprived of a half column sensation.
Not far from the business center of town
there is a largo huildlnir which Is used mainly
for olllccs , but in addition to the ofllccs there
are a number of rooms that are used as sleep
ing apartments. In order to prevent the en
actment of curtain things that are said to
have taken place when the building was not
so securely guarded ns it now is , the police
wcro instructed to keep a strict watch , nnd if
they found that anything Improper was boiiiR
dono. to arrest the parties interested , and
deal with them as the law might direct.
Friday night these policemen , who patrol the
district wherein this building is situated , and
nil night long pace up and down the streets ,
amid u silence broken only by the barking of !
some discontented cur or the monotonous
snoring of the olllccr on the next beat , found
that they had treed the long-wntcnod-for >
sensation , and that by climbing only ono
( light of stairs they could capture It. One 10f
them was so enraptured over the prospect of
thus achieving distinction that ho could not
forbear lolling a reporter Into the secret.
The reporter , of course , was ready for any t.If
thing of that kind , and It was the work IfO
only n few mliiulcs for the trio to remove
their shoes and ascend the slalrs in silonco.
After arriving in front of the door where
It wus supposed the 'veil known citizen wus ,
with the sensation carefully secreted on his
person , a hurried consultation was held as to
what to do next. Neither of the policemen
had evidently thought much farther ahead
than the tip of his nose , nnd each was ac
cordingly willing lo let thu other attend cto
ttio sensation , while ho stood olT at n respect
ful distance ready lo offer assistance in case
it was not needed or to run away in case it
should bo.
"Now , " said ono , "you go up lo the door
and call out , 'Open Ir. the naino of the law , '
while I stand oft' hero and see that the man
doesn't Jump out of the window. "
"No , " was the reply , "I nrn not
much nt homo In the company of
ladles , and I would rather hnvo
you open thu door. "
This sort of dubato was carried on for some :
time , when It finally became evident that
there could bo no acreomont. The two ate
lice crept back to the foot of the slalrs , fol l-
lowed by the roporlor , who east several
lingering looks undent the door which ho
was sure shut otf his view
of a dead scoop. '
At the foot of the stairs they stopped and put
on tholr shoes lu silence , after which the
trio tiled out of tha door and th
n few mournful pi uncos at the in ,
separated. Tbo policemen stnto that , they
had taken their usual dose
of nerve tonic bo
fore going on duty ivriday night , and even the
Inspiration of the reporter's presence was
not enough to keep their
up sinking courage.
Some night when they have taken precau
tions against their natural tlmldltv , thov will
take up the programme whcro ihoy left olT ,
' and then the public will see what it shall see ,
lee ! leu ! lee ! ! !
If you want it pure and n
And at a reasonable pr
Follow no now dev Ico.
But send to us In a tr
At our off
Mulhollaiiui&Co. , No , 4Pearlst.J Tel. 102.
The Fail-mount So cigar at the Fountain.
A Double Kimornl.
The funeral of Thomas Kelly and his wlfo ,
Mrs. Ellcu Kelly , took place yesterday morn
ing nt U o'clock from the St. Francis Xavler's
church , Hov. B. P. MeMenomy ofllclatlnc. )
The deceased couple had lived together for
nearly a half century , and at tholr death each
had passed the allotted thrcu score and ten .
years. The two deaths occurred within three
days of cnch other , and It was very tilting
that the two lives so much of which had
been spent together should bo extinguished
together , and that the two bodies should bo
laid away to rest at the snino time and In the
snmu grave. There wcro two hearses and
two sots of pall'bcarcrs. A largo number of
friends accompanied the remains to the
AVnr AgnliiHt tlio Snloons.
Attorney P. E. ScabrooK was on the field
again yesterday in district court for the pur
pose of taking decrees In the cases In which
defaults wcro entered up against the liquor
sellers on Friday. The whole twenty-eight
wcro thus settled. Mr. Soabrook states that
the next thing on the programme will bo the
Issuing of writs of abatement , and this will bo
done ns soon as the writs can bo gotten out ,
which will probably bo Tuesday or Wednes
day of the present week.
Ambrose Burke nppcurcd tn superior court
In some of the suiti which wcro commenced
by S. T. Burgess. One by ono the suits that
had been assigned for trial kept drop
ping out , ns the attorney for the
prosecution entered up n dismissal nt
his own costs. The only default ho took was
against S. L. Gorman. The cases against
John and Thomas Malono.v , John Morgon and
Peter Beck were dismissed nt plaintiff's costs.
The fact that Mr. Burke has been dismissing
moro of the cases that ho began than ho ha.s
been prosecuting has given rlso in certain
quarters to a suspicion that perhaps thcro
was some money In it for some ono. In fact ,
report wason the streets that some of thu de
fendants had been approached by Burito with
an offer to settle for $ H3 apiece. Mr. Burke
was asked what ho hud to say In rofcrcncoto
the rumor.
"Well , I don't know as It Is anybody's
business , " was the reply ; "If I want to settle
these suits I guess 1 caii do it. There Is no
law against It. "
And the general public Is loft to languish
In doubt and uncertainty.
Try Duquette it Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco
tablets. They are delicious.
Lace curtains cleaned from Sue to $1.23 per
pair , at Twin City dye works.
AII Klc ant Sunday Dinner.
The now Ogden house people will today
servo n dinner that will bo unsurpassed in
every respect. Some very Important im
provement have boon made In the hotel and
Manager Whitney invites tlio traveling pub
lic and the citizens of Council Bluffs and
vicinity to dlno with him today and note the
substanlml and important character of the
Improvements. The following superb bill of
fnro will bo served :
KOU1- .
Consonimo Dosullgnac. I'nreo of ( lame.
Celery. Ullves.
I'illcts of Halibut , a la Italian.
I'arlslcnnu 1'otatuos.
Hollcd Chicken , a la Volonaise.
VurlkShlru llam , Ohampalcno Sauce.
Sirloin of Iloef , YnrUshlio I'mlding , IlorsO-
radlsh Sauce.
Hoasl Wild Diieu. I'ort Wine ? ance.
l.ej ! of Vunl. Oyster Dreislu .
l.amb , Mint Sauce.
HAI.AI ) ' .
Itiisslan Salad In .Molds.
Mayonalsn di > llom Hard.
Sweet Itreads Olaco Monlponsur.
l.anil ) Cm lets with Aspect u la Huso.
Summit ) of L'hlclitMi. an I'ejlfine.
Strawberry iJliovleuUe , Whipped Cream
Horseradish. Lettuce with Kstfs , Qucon Olives ,
Tomato Catsup , I'loUles , Chow Chow ,
liadlshes , ( it-run Onions. Ulrklns ,
Worcestershire Sauce.
Maslied Potatoes. Hollcd Potatoes ,
Filed 1'arsiilps , Asparagus on Toast ,
Spinach Hurjieoisc.
Mlnco I'll- , I'nmpUn IMo , Poach Pie ,
Angles' I'ood , 1'rcnch Kls-os ,
Almon .Macaroons. Assorted Fancy Cakes ,
I.uiiiun Water Ico. >
Oranges , Apples , Itanaiias , Mixed Nuts ,
Crackers and Cheoio.
Mecca and Java ColTeu , Milk. Tea ,
Iced Tea , Iced ColTcc.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 3D Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
grade work a specialty.
Seed oats , corn , millet and seed potatoes ,
garden seeds of nil kinds , at II. L. Carman's ,
f > 00 Main and 501 Peurl streets.
A Dutiful Wlfo.
Bob Wight , Harry Shaw and John Pilling
had n Hearing In police court yesterday after
noon on the charge of assault and battery ,
which was preferred against them by Thomas
Capel several days ago. City Attorney Stew
art managed the prosecution and Attorney
George Holmes appeared for the defendants.
Among the witnesses was Mrs. Capel , the
wife of the prosecuting witness. She Is n
somewhat vigorous looking woman , and nci -
i cording to her statement she rendered her
husband much needed assistance in keeping
off his assailants. She said that .Shaw got
on top of her husband and was pounding him
in good shape when she saw the predicament
her llogo lord was In , and planting herself on
top of Shaw , commenced pulling his hair as
only an Infuriated woman can pull.
"Oh , " said Holmes , "you wcro pulling his
hair , were you J"
"Of course 1 was , " was the reply ; "what
would you want your wife to do. if you'vo
got one , and a crowd of fellows should Jump
on you ami most kill youj"
This horrible picture nearly transfixed the
attorney , but it highly amused the audience ,
and oven the court smiled n trillo behind
his ears , as Holmes went on blushingly with
the trial.
At the close the Judge stated that ho
thought the defendants wcro not much more
to blame than the prosecuting witness had
been , ana ho therefore ordered them dis
Alderman Imuy'ri Iiimii'anoo.
nMr. Wells Cook , general and local agent of
thu Hartford Life and Annuity Insurance
company , yesterday handoj Mir. Patrick
Lacy J.1,000 In cash , which calls forth the fol
lowing acknowledgement from her ;
COUNCIL HI.UIT * , la. , April 18 , 1891.
Stephen Ball , esq. , secretary Hartford Llfo
and Annuity insurance company , Hartford ,
Conn. Dear Sir : I have this day received
check in full payment on policy No. 70,051 for
Sri,000 on the life of my deceased husband ,
Patrick Lacy. I wish to thank you for the
manner In which vou have handled this
claim and can heartily recommend your com
pany to anyone wishing reliable life insur
ance. Wishing you good success , I am
yours gratefully , Mits. PATIIICK LACV.
LottC ! ! ' Prt'KROH.
Just received , a line line of them nt Brack-
ott's ' & Cavln's.
Also postofllco mall boxes
and paper weights.
Tlio CruiiKle CUHC.
The Cranglo case was on again yesterday
all day until 3 o'clock in the afternoon , in
the district court. A number of witnesses
were Introduced who swore that the deposi
tions which Benjamin and Coy no bud claimed
were written and signed by Henry Fluogel ,
were not In reality written or signed by him.
The thing upon which their testimony was
based was the dissimilarity between Fiuegol's
writing mid that In the depositions. The
ovldonco In the case was all In by 4 o'clock ,
the. arguments of the attorneys will not take
place until sometime this week.
Don't you think It advlsablo to pay a little
moro and got the finest baby carriage lu the
land ) Vou can Hud the latest and the best
only at Br.ickott's.
All SnliUs1
The All Saint's guild of the Eplscopa
church will give a musicale la the H. A. par
lors Friday ovonltnj , April 2. The following
will bo thu programme :
1'lnnosolo ' Laura Conch
Vocal duet I.ouls and Walter Dale
Mandolin club. . , . ,
Vocal solo Mrs. Sherman
Cornet HOO | 1'erry llodollet
Vooul Milo . , MaynoOllvur
Instrumental duet ,
Uertlu Gleasoa and Maud Cooni
Prices cheaper than over nt the Council
Bluffs Carpet Co. Lowest prices and largest
stock lu the Missouri valley ,
| 1)1 )
Inn ,
Citizens in the Region , Terrified by Ezplo-
sions of Dynamite.
Strikers Make ail , Assault Upon n
Couple ol' Deiiuty Slier-Id's anil
Ono of 0'liom Fatal
ly Wounded.
ScoTTrui.n , Pa. , April 18. Hardly had the
soldiers loft the region before the fears of the
citizens wcro realized and gangs of striking
cokors again turned loose their lawless pas
sions of hate and revenge. Throughout the
region nil last night the earth fairly trembled
with n succession ol shocks following
the explosion of dynamite bombs.
.U . Lolsiuring , No. 3 of the Frlck
works n crowd of strikers gathered on the
hill and at ono time thirty bombs wore ex
ploded simultaneously , tearing great holes In
thu earth , breaking windows In many houses
and frightening the people for miles around
by the terrltlo roar. No ono was injured ,
however , and but llttlo actual damage done ,
the strikers contenting themselves with this
warning to the workers below.
Monday the companies will post
notices that unless the men return to
work by Tuesday they will no longer bo
looked upon as nniploves. This means that
cheap labor will bo Imported , and ns several
hundred eviction notices will also expire , the
strikers have a hard week before them.
At Luislnrlm ; Deputy Sheriff Crawford
, and possn were serving writs of ejectment
when they wcro captured by an angry mob
and harshly treated. Ono deputy was
fatally injured. An effort will bo made next
week with u largo force to evict the strikers
and trouble will follow. Today Secretary
Parker of the lahor organization ordered
1,000 tents lor the sheltering of the evicted
KoreiMl Call for Aid.
UNION-TOW v , Pa. , April IS. The outbreaks
of rioters at Loisinrlng , Kyle and Leith to
day , In which was demonstrated the weak
ness of the civil authority in the face of such
mobs as committed the depredations at. these
places , has forced Sheriff McCormick to do
what ho has done his best to avoid call on
Governor Pattison for military aid. The
adjutant ircncrnl is now investigating. Ex
citement is nt high pitch over thu prospect
of ordering out the militia , but it Is the uni
versal sentiment that it is the only safe thing
to do.
Ono of the most daring and lawless acts of
the strike took plnco at Lolth this afternoon.
In order to disperse a threatening mob there
Deputies Smith and Klco arrested ono of
them , n young man named John Shaffer , and
started to bring him to Jail. His companions
attacked th'.1 deputies , beat them with clubs
and stones and rescued Schaffcr. Deputy
Smith was probably fatally injured.
\V rlI'H ( Fair ( laborers Discontented.
CHICAGO , April 18. The laborers nt the
world's fair grounds will hold a mcotlnir to
morrow and unless matters are adjusted a
strike will probably oijcur soon. They assert
that the contractors in charge of the work
have not kept faith with them In regard to
pay. Thcro are also.otlior grievances. They
complain that the quarters provided for them
on the grounds are unlit for swlno.
Militia NotPoIloo Olllccrs.
Il.umisnuuo , Pa. , April 18. tJovcrnor Pat
tisonIrcd Sheriff McCormick tonight to
' the effect that it is notitho duty of the mili
tary to do police duty and that the soldiers
would not bo ordered out until the civil
power Is exhausted , There appears to bo a
feeling in oflicial circlets hero that the coke
operators are beginning to regard the na
tional guard of Pennsylvania as an organized
police force. ' ' '
Indiana Midland Tied Up.
I.NDIAXAI-OLIS , Ind. , April IS. The conduc
tors , engineers , llremen and brakemcn of the
Indiana Midland road struck today for six
montu1 * ' back pay. The engineers took the
mall cars through without passenger couches.
IlecclvtMl a Threatening Letter.
LONDON , April IS. The mayor of Bradford
today received a letter which said that several
men had been detailed to kill him , the chair
man of the watch committee and thn chief
constable , and that this action was to betaken
taken to prove that the authorities could not
interfere with impunity with the rights of
tbo public , i'lncards have been posted by
the strikers for a mass meeting tomorrow.
The authorities are taking every precaution
to prevent the gathering.
Mall ItoblMM'N Convicted.
Cnr.Yn.SNi : , Wyo. , April 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BiiuJ Dun Parker and William
Brown wcro convicted today of mail robbery.
They held up and robbed the Kawlins mail
coach in August hist. As they used deadly
weapons to accomplish the hold up the pen
alty for their crime Is imprisonment for life.
An I' iiilio//.llnn Supervisor.
QUINCV , 111. , April 18. The supervisor of
the town of Quincy was today arrested ,
charged with embezzling tunds of the town
ship to the amount of 17,000.
Now York's v ortallty.
Nr.w YOIIK , April 18. The mortality for the
week was 1,317 , , the largest number for any
wnok this year. Thu total number of deaths
from the grip was 1130.
Susan Dickinson Seriously III.
PITTSTON , Pa. , April 18. Miss Susan Dick
inson Is seriously 111 from nn attack of the
grip , aggravated by the mental strain of the
past few months , _
In Progress Tor Tlielr
I'ermanent Ki-autil'yliiK.
The board of park commissioners yester-
ilay afternoon considered the improvements
being made In Ilanscom park.
It was decided to have the roadways
guttered with stone or brick to prevent
washing. Tha board has had considerable
trouble with this feature of the Improve
ments , and the members nro convinced that ,
the only permanent guttering must bo made
of the very best matwrjal.
The board decided to let the park pavllllon
to Balduff tbo caterer. A coininittcu con
sisting of Messrs. ( MlUard , Lake and Pratt
was appointed amlUuithorUcd to make a
suitable contract with Mr. Balduff and then
report to the board attho next meeting.
The cemented tobpg > < nn slide in the south
west part of HunsciAir-park , called a cascade ,
has become such an objectionable feature
In the eyes of tl | < ? commissioners that
they will have , lt { rccoiutructcd. The
board passed a resolution instructing Super-
Intundant Adams to .havo the ungainly thing
lorn down and Instead of the cement put up n
cascade of stones | that will bo picturesque
and ornamental. ( I'ho committee on con
struction , of whlch.'Mr. Linlngor Is chairman ,
was Instructed to superintend the building of
the now cascade. ' '
The board decided , to order an electric
light In Jefferson square.
The committee on uiuslo was authorized to
mnko the necessary 'lirrangoments ' for con
certs nt the park during the summer.
The cordwood now stacked up nt different
points in the park has been sold and will bo
hauled away soon , The commissioners ex
pect to have Hanscom park In a presentable
condition In about three weeks. The mounds
will bo taken out of the lower lake , the pa
vllllon will bo nil completed , with steps up to
the platform on every sldo and walks leading
to It from every direction , the now band
stand on tbo hillside will bo finished and the
cascade will bo rebuilt. Hanscom park will
bo much moro attractive this summer than It
has ever been In the past.
The committee appointed to make a survey
of the proposed boulevard from Bonds park
to Hanscom park has not yet been out to
view the ground ever which the boulevard.
If built , will probably pass , but that will
probably bo done wlvldn a week.
Vilas HroiiKlK Hack.
Detective Dempsey returned yesterday
from La Crosto In charge of W. F. Vilas ,
who recently escaped from the ofllcers nt
Ottumwa , The prisoner's ' right narao Is
James Peterson , and his home ls In La
Crosso. Ho wn.i headed for South
America , but received n letter announc-
i ; the Illness ot hU mother , and
. Id her the visit that resulted In his arrest.
He says that when he Jumped from the west
bound train at Ottumwa ho boarded n switch
engine and rode to the upper cud of the
yards where ho caught nn cast bound passen
ger train , mid wont right back to Chicago ,
mid from there to Milwaukee. In the latter
city ho got n copy of Tun BKK , and It was
there that ho first saw In print the story of
his escape.
Ho was taken before Judge HolMoy , but
waived examination on the charge of grand
larceny and was held to the district court In
the sum of $750. In default of bonds ho was
sent to Jail ,
Labor Commissioner Jenkins Dlw-
OIISHOM tlio Xv Statute.
Herontly Mr. Frank Canning of this city
wrote Deputy Labor Commissioner John
Jonklns for an opinion upon the constitution
ality of the eight-hour law which will bo In
force nftcr July 1 , The opinion is ns fol
lows :
LINCOLN , Neb , , April 17 , 1801.--Frank Can
ning , Esq. , Omaha , Neb , : Your favor re
questing me to give nn opinion ns to thu con
stitutionality of an act passed by thu last leg
islature , and npproved by the governor , en
titled "An net to regulate- the hours of labor
of mechanicsservants and luborcrs"hus , been
received. In answer thereto would slate
that the proper authorities to dutcrintno that
question Is vested In tbo supreme court of
the stato. Their opinion can become known
through thu means of n test case. The find
ings would glvo us their deciding opinion in
the shape of a decision. Such test case could
oniy bo Instituted after July 1 next , when
this law becomes operative.
Any opinion that 1 iiinv glvo you on this
subject can only bo considered in my private
capacity and not In an olllclal ono.
All legislation to bo of any force or value
must bo framed on the constitutional provi
sions. The constitution of this state pro
hibits special legislation in section 1" > , article
fl , It reads as follows : "The legislature .shall
not pass local or special laws In nny of the
following cases , " mid then proceeds to
cite what they are , and concludes as
follows : "In all ether cases where a general
law can be made applicable , no special law
shall uo enacted. " The question presenting
Itself is , whether this law is special legisla
tion or not ; also whether tlio law could have
bei'ii made to apply in a general way.
The first section admits by the exception
taken , that it. is special legislation , and ex
perience bus shown that general laws have
been made applicable , declaring ten hours a
legal day's work.
( section - gives the governor power to re
move or suspend from oftlcu , any olllcor who
shall violate any of the provisions of this act ,
it does not oven contemplate the right of ap
peal , ignorinir entirely the first article of our
constitution entitled "Bill of Klghts ; " see
section IM which says : "Tlio right to bo
heard in all civil cases in the court of last
resort by appeal , error or otherwise shall not
bo denied. "
Section ! i gives an inducement to tbo party
whom it was intended should be benefited
by this act , to violate it , provided ho receives
extra compensation for so doing , in my
opinion nlaw that in nny way invites its violation
lation , is to say the least a vicious one.
Should any part of the bill or act be do-
ehuvd unconstitutional its effect would bo to
render the law null and void.
A law regulating the hours that snail con
stitute a legal day's work to be effective must
bo general In Its application. Yours respect
fully , JOHN JCNKIN.
P. S. In the report of this bureau for ISHO
this subject was given a thorough ventila
tion , to which thu worklngmun's attention is
AVIicrc it Is I'ropo.iud to Htilld Them
with \e\v Ilonds.
The council has adopted n resolution to
submit to ths people the proposition of voting
flOU.OOU to bo expended in the building of
sewers the present season. If this amount of
money should bo voted , City Engineer Till-
son says sewers may bo built In lour or live
parts of the city.
The first sewer which .will most likely bo
undertaken will bo n continuation of the
North Omaha sewer. The latter terminates
ut Cameron street , is of brick and seven feet
In diameter. South of Cassius street there Is
a stretch of about three numtrcd feet which
has not been bricked because of an injunction
obtained by a party named Jackson. The
sewer runs on North Twenty-seventh street
until it reaches the property In question ,
which has been taken for street purposes
The owners claimed damages and an award
of 2,00 ; ) wus made. There is no money , how
ever in the treasury to pay the award , It is
now proposed to have tbo amount nsscs&od
against the property benolltcd , have the as
sessment paid into the treasury and then to
the parties who have secured the Injunction.
When tnls shall hiivo been done Contractor
Fanning will recommence work ou the part
remaining unfinished.
The extension of this sewer north on
Twenty-seventh will bo made to Sprague
street and will cost , probably .fl,000.
It Is also ttiought that a western branch
five feet in diameter and costing f 10,000 may
be built on Cameron street.
Another proposed sewer will run on South
Twenty-first street between Center and Vin-
ton steeets. It will connect with the south
I Ul lllutJUULU wuulllll
government quartermaster's depot. It will
taper from brick of four feet in dmmi'tur , to
twelvo-Inch pipe. Tills sewer is supposed to
dram the district which has frequently been
inundated between Twentieth and Twenty
fourth streets. The cost will bo about . * . " > .0)0 ( )
The brick sewer on Chicago street which
runs to F.loventh will bo completed , that Is ,
extended to the river. This sewer Is of brick
three and one-half feet in diameter ,
Another sewer will bo extended westward
from Ninth and Vulloy streets throuih Okla
homa and Deer park for the drainage of that
section of the city south of Vlnton street.
This Improvement will cost about S'-'O.OOO. '
Ills contemplated also to build a four and
one-half foot sewer on Walnut Hill , running
throutrh thu creek between Cumlng and
Hamilton streets. This sewer will bo con
structed as curly as possible because without
it thu grading of the hill would bo started ,
The work will cost fi.OOO.
.Men Who l'.iriiiMl ( Omiilia's Fire
ilrluadu Two Decades Ai-o.
The average citizen who witnessed the gal
lant efforts of Omaha's iiremen to save life
and property at thu Paxton hotel catastrophe
last week gave llttlo thought to a comparison
of their methods of tlgtlng the flames with
those in vogue two decades since. Thu for
mer department wrestled with the destroyer
at the same place.
Yet there were several men In the throng
surrounding the building who han
dled tlio noizlo and lioso in
the early days of the city , and could readily
appreciate the great advantage tbo depart
ment enjoys todav with Its modern nppll-
nncos and perfect discipline , Across the
street from where the llrcincn wcro engaged
with thu llames Sunday evening , n small
crowd of Omaha's ' veteran firemen had con
gregated , and were critically observing the
scenu. Several of them traced their con
nection with the department to its organi
zation as a volunteer. There were , Frank
Murphy , Andruw Simpson , "Ur.clo" Dick
McCormick , W , J. Kennedy , Henry Pundt ,
James Donnelly , Jr , , and Harry Taggort.
Several of them had held the nozzla the
evening of September 5 , Ib70 , in tbo Grand
Central flro on tbo snmo location and wit
nessed four of their companions burn to crisp.
The veterans f Pioneer company No , 1 were
busy relating Incidents of their early career
as llrcincn and comparing their Instruments
with these being bundled on the burning
building. It was in It30 * ! that the merchants
of thu city concluded to effect some kind
of an organization for protection against
tiro. The result produced the Pioneer hook
and ladder company. It was composed en
tirely of business men. Andrew Simpson of
the Simpson carrlago manuiactory volun
teered to provide the ladders , hooks anil car
riage for conveyance , The bluffs north of
thu city furnished n number of young sap
lings from which thu ladders were fashioned ,
and In two weeks the pioneers were the proud
possessors of the IIrat apparatus for lighting
lire In the territory.
After tha macUncry with Its red paint had
been placed in thu small slab bouse near the
steam bout landing , Ben Stickler , a yotint'
dentist who had had the honor of captala
of the first lire company ot the
DmALklSll IN -
Billies , CiiiTiips , Spring Migons , Carls , Road Mips
Gives Detter Voluo for money thnn nny house on Missouri Rlvor.
Hamilton Grnde Vehicles , Columbia Cnrrlngo Co.'s Bugglcg ,
Sui'i'ies and Phrotons , Bonanza Buggies and Phrotons , Spring
Wagons , all styles , Miolilqnn and Van Brunt Road Wagons , Going
nnd Harness in qreat variety. Correspondence sollultod and catalogue - " -
logue and prices on application.
' S * iBLW
Wj& # i&Sa
G. A. Sctioesdack , Proprietor , Offices (321 Broadway , Council
Bluffs and 1521 FarnnmSt. , Omaha. Dye , clean and rcfinish goo-Is
of every description. Packages received nt either
office or at the
works. Cnr . AVF > . A niirl 2Rt h St. Pnni-mll Rlnffa Sonrl rn nnlnn Hot
city conferred on him , stood guard
over the affair , while It inspected by
hundreds of visitors.
For several years this primitive instrument
.sulllced to prove-ill the llames destroying tlio
city. Finallyjhowover , the pride of the pioneers
neers yearned for something greater , and
Andy Simpson was commissioned to go to
Davenport and purchase a fire engine. The
result was a hand lire engineIt was imme
diately christened the Fire King. The com
bined efforts of twenty men were required to
drat : the machine through the streets , and on
several occasions Dick McCormick and Fran H
Alurnby were sent back for reinforcements
while proceeding to the sceuo of a tire to pull
the Fire Klnp out of the mud. A dozen
of tbo company were required to pump the
macnino and for a long lime only ono string
of hose was available.
Water was furnished the company from
cisterns built in the streets and when the
supply in ono was reduced nil the members
of tlie company were required to unllmbor
the Fire King and drag her to the next near
est reservoir.
But while tbo company possessed no steam
appliances and patented connections , on sev
eral occasions the oftectlvo work of the old
blunderbus under the management of
the determined members of the company
saved the entire city from destruction. It
was this company that bud four of Us mem
bers burned to death In tbo Grand Central
hotel lire , and several of the men who wit
nessed the death of Captain Carter Sunday
night saw Billy McNumara , John I.eo , Lon
Kamlall and Frank Fisher cast headlong Into
a llory furnace on tbo Identical spot twenty
years ugo.
xA L ji it A 0 it.i I'/rs.
1'i. M. Weiss of Hebron is at the Murray.
C. N. Masters of Lincoln is at the Paxton.
Mrs. O. F. Wilson of Fremont is at the
Hon. O. D. Mollteljohn of Fullerton is nt
the Mlllard.
Mr. H. Llchtonstoln , a New York capital
ist , is in thu city.
Miss Sadie Johnson of Illoomliigton , 111 , , is
stopping at the Mlllard.
Hiram Hayes , Mrs. Hayes and Frank
Hayes are at the Millnrd.
Mrs. Kd H. White , who has been u clerk In
the Western Union olllco for the past two
years , loft last night for Los Angolos.
Mnjor Hobort I ) . Clarke , United Stales
army retired , died at bis residence in Wash
ington , D. ( J. , on April T , at the ago of sev
enty-five years. Major Chirk was u resident
of Omaha In 1SS3.
Dr. Birne.y cures cutarrn. Boo bldjj.
After a Coal IMput.
Claus Sprccklcs has an eye open for tho'
soft btinps In a now country. Almost cvcrj
ono has known in a general way that thcro
was plenty of coal In the eastern part of the
county , hut no one had the money to do the
work required , Kays the Aberdeen , Wash. ,
Herald. A couple of ADcrdocn rustlers were
just gutting things into shape to mnko a big
Killing by securing n largo tract on Inde
pendence creek , In the extreme southeastern
part of the county , and oxtendliig over Int
hit . „ . . ! . , . < l.fn , . , . ,1 , , , , , , v , | , , , , , „ „
closed , the laud , tKU ! ( ) acres in all , was gob
bled no by Claus Kmvekles , thu sugar king ,
nnd others , who will put In the money neces
sary to wnrK the mines. The coal will bo
brought lo Aberdeen and shipped to the Cali
fornia market.
Struck by IJglitnliitf.
A vacant house at UTi ! ) : Ohio street , owned
by Mrs. Win. Jones , was struck by lightning
during the storm this morning. Loss wus
trilling. _ _
FuiiioiiH Colored I'l-cnohrr Donil.
KOCIIISTRII : , N. V. , April 18. Kov. Tnonms
James , colored , who was born < i slave In 1SM ( ,
died tonight. Ho was ono of the most widely
known preachers lu thu United States , In
lb.'l" ho ordained Fred Uoughiss , Just released -
leased from slavery.
Olicau ! < > l''ircimii ! Futnlly Injured.
CHICAGO , April IS. Four firemen of truck
No. U were precipitated to the ground by n
defective ladder tonight and seriously in
jured. In going to another llro two llivmon
were fatally Injured by the breuiilng of un
nxlo on tha hose cart.
Killed by u I'roiiiaturi ; K\pli > Hlnn ,
A rnx , Cole , April 18. The prcmnturo ex
plosion of a blast In the Argcntum silver
mlno today killed ICd. Hood , Thomas ICon-
ncdy nnd Jack Mahoney , and seriously in
jured two ether man.
Flvo IVi'MiiiH Drowned.
Wiinni.i.Nu , W , Vn. , April 18. Four Ameri
cans and ono Italian wore drowned in Laurel
creek , near AddUon , yesterday , The &trcnin
was s woolen and the log ou which they were
crossing overturned ,
Of Council Bluffs.
niHETOlis I. A. Mlllor , R O. aiornon. E. f *
ShuKiirt. E. E. Hurt , J , I ) . Kclmuiulson , ( Jharloi
It. Il-innnn. Transact geuor.U banklnt buslt
ne H. 1/nr.cost capital : uul aurpliu ot auj
ban kin Sou tliwcstorn lowo-
Highest cash price paid for rac9 and
nil kinds of scrap moials.
Country dealers and merchants will
find it to their ad vantage to communi
cate with us before disposing of their
Union Broadway Depot ,
Tol. 301. Council muffs , In.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' . Paclon'
Market Fixtures Casinjj ,
Fillers nnd Fnnsngo MakerMachinery. . 82.1-
fc-.1 Main st. . Uounoll Hliiirs , la. Also Uoalorj
n Hides and Furi
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
Cragiu & Co. , Proprietors.
Gas Heating Stoves.
No Asnrs ! No SMOKK.
Just the tblnp for bulb rooms , lipd rooms , otifc
Cull and hue our liiro assoitineiit ,
C. B. Gns nnd Electric Light Co.
211 I'oarl and 210 Mtiln Ptrc-ot.
The Now Ogden Hotal , in Council liluffr ,
hns buun complot jtl refurnl'J'ioi ' ' an mo-lorn-
izecl throughout , anil Is now on i of the ba3t
hotels in tno Btmo. It Is lositoJln thibiul-
nussp.irtof t.iocity an 1 thi olootrio nuior.j
pass ) tha door every four mluuto.3. Fire at-
capos ami tireahrms thronjuut th,3 billj-
me. heat , hot an 1 cold w.U-jr an I
sunshine In every room. T.xblo uuaarpias jl
anywhere. Hate ? , $ a.OO ; v da/ .
GBO. M. WHITNEY , Manajor.
WANTKIIiiliiHtrloii.s ! nnd honest married
man to tik ; chui oof n lareu Hiook farm.
Nonu but coiiiiuttiit | ) limn licril apply. Ad *
ilri sI. y. I'rllclmnl , Itclinouil , lu.
17\UK HUNT Landti fenced , Hiillablo f rK ir-
- . ilrnliu. , on Otli avt'iiue. hutwtMin liunsftir
und tin1 river. AUo UVO-IUTC Irm'Is iinfcncud.
Apply tn N. I' . lidto ) & Co. , IKS llriiiiilway.
fpO KHNT-I'imilhhril or unfimilHlieil IOUNIH ;
JL lufi'loncus ' ('li.'iiiK'i'il. UI7 Smtli 7th ht.
17 > OU S\LK A line fuinlly IIOHO , 7 yours old
JIbid Hprlnv , u'ol lis I ( ) . " > 'i pmiiiilx , color
orrul'llri.'d by Itoburt MucdruKor. Aililrusi
II. V. llultimliuiiur , X7 to Ul lourth Miuut ,
Cdiinoil HMlll'H ,
SI' I'l'i : of f nrnlshod ruunih tor runt , 12.1 ( Jlon
iivi'inn ' ; .
( rout room on Krounil lloor ,
. ( ] iili'l , phmsunt iirlxlilJoilniiKl , twolilooku
from Main Hlicot. SiiiKluKuiitluiiiun pruferrod ,
Address IH , llun ojllci' . _ _ _
$ ( ) , uuUhtn"k of Ki'iiorul moruhimdlso to o\-
t'l.iiiiKii fora farm In HIIII hwcstorn lowiu
Must Imaood lunil. Johnston A Vim I'uttun
HAVKutiHli customer fur foiirloLs lintwuou
-'I M and 2itli ; sts. , lictwoim Ave II und -Un
live. , .1. I' . Urnuinlilildn.lil'JHiimilwuy. _ ' _
/MCUIT fiiriiiforsulo or trudoj well lociito'l '
-L uiul all In ln-urliu ; k'oo-l huiisti anil burn.
Will tiiku KOimi Rood city property , and KOOI !
tlniMK'lvm. on buluni'O. Cull ou nr ad dross 1) .
J. IIiiti'ldiiHon AUi ) . . 017 llroadwuy.
IJ1OU ItKNT Tlio Mo.Mulinn liloolf. U Htory
A. brick , with ImMtmrnl and uleviitor. J , W ,
. lui 1'uurijdL' " ! ! : _ _ _ _ _ _
IjlOltsAM : A ImrKaliii now modern lioiiso
J. with all the latu ImprovmiiuntH , seven
rooms ; will nell on uasy imymunU ; located on
the l''lflh iivemiu motor llnu. H , J. lluloliln-
8ii. 111 ? llroadwuv.
FOH.SA.lvK or Kuiil-J.irlon Uml , rritU
houiui , by J , U. Ulo * , UU ttula lU , OauuoU