THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FBIDAY , AP1UL 17 , 1891. THE CITY. The skin purlfylnr powder la tlio Spanish Court Fuco Powder , druggists sell it. The tcmpornUiro ns reported by the local signal service nfllco was ns follows : At 7 a. in. , fia ® ; nt 10 a. ra. , 61 ° , and at 1 p. m.CO ° . There will bo a meeting of the Alumni of the University of Michigan Friday overling at 8 o'clock , in the parlors of the Millard hotel. The laundry firm of Porter&Grlswohl yesterday assigned all of the firms proportv , both real and personal , to Sheriff 13oyd , for the benefit of the cred itors. The council committee and the board of public works will moot at 1 o'clock this afternoon to take action in relation to the matter of K C. Squires and his street snooping contract. .Too Dwyer will today bo able to learn whuthor or not ho murdered John Con nors on February 15. The testimony Is now In and the case will bo argued and submitted to the jury this morning. Judge Unruly will go to Norfolk to day and bold court there for two or three days. Ho will bo accompanied by the United States marshal , district at torney and the clerk of the circuit court. QuniMi or" I lie Mny. Sny mil , the girls any If my fnco wnnt so speckled tin with pimples , they'd rnnko mo " ( Juecn of the May. " What shall I tlol Why , petti bottloof Hallor'ssarsiiimrlllti ami bun'loclf , of course ; It's the most wonderful blood iiurillor of the ago. MATH : us. outli Dakota DcptiHcM Itc-ncwlng Old Special Tnfjlconuos. . Collector I'eters of the revenue office has been receiving a number of letters from prominent/ independents of South Dakota who claim to have been informed that Air. Peters contemplate' } appointing another deputy to take the place now occupied by Mr.Vllklns oftho Aberdeen district. Mr. I'eters says ho does not intend to inalto n change of deputy for the Aber deen district at present , and if nt any future time It becomes expedient or necessary to appoint some one to succeed Mr. Wllklns ho shall llrst consult the leaders of the republican party iu South Dakota. All parties holding special tax revenue stamps and who wish to have them renewed on May 1 for the interim of two months be tween the end of the old. fiscal year nnd the beginning of the now will confer n great favor upon the revenue ofllco bore In Omaha by sending In the old stamp or the number of It at leait Mien applying for a renewal. There are about ten thou sand holders of these special tax stamps nnd when a party makes application for a renewal without sending in the old ono or sending In the number of the old it requires n vast amount of searching through the rec ords to Had the name nnd number. DoWltt s Llttlo early Htsers : only pill to cure sick headache and regulate the bowel a SOlfl'Jt OJU1U. Neai'ltit ; Second Place. The slaughterings of hogs at western packing - _ ing centers show 1/105,000 for the season , as comp.u'Qd with 1,270,000 for the correspond ing pcrio.1 last year. While Chicago still holds first place without a rival , the - percentage age of increase is not ns largo us at South Omaha. The slaughterings at Chicago have been 505,000 , as compared with -UiO.OOO last year , a pain of 1)5,000 ! ) , or JJU.85 per cent. Kansas City has only a slender hold on second end place , with 17(1,01)0slaughtered ( ) , ns compared with li'J,000 ( , last year , an incrcaso of only 7,000 , or 4.14 per cent. South Omaha slaughtered U 1,1)00 ) as compared with 105,000 hiyt year , a gain of OU.OOO or 117.14 par cent , showing a larger percentage of gain than nny of the other largo packing centers. Of the iTJO.OOO hogs slaughtered ut ICnnsas City and South Omaha f > 5 per cent \\oroat the fOnner'and 45 per cent at the latter place. Notes About tin ) City. Mrs. Holmes , wlfo of Dwight L. Holmes , is quite sick with ijuiuzy. James Craig of tlio G. II. Hammond packIng - Ing company , has returned from Chicago. Miss Fuiinlo Xoblsh , who has had a serious sick spell for a month , Is enough better to bo nbout. Mcsdamcs Frank I. Leo nnd Frank Puck- ett have gone to Mattoon , 111. , to spend n fortnight visiting relatives and friends. Bernard Flood , one of the active members of Court Maglu City , No. HIS. Independent Order of Foresters , has gone to Chicago. Superintendent J. C.Collins is laying water mains to and making connections with the now buildings nt the Cudahy packing plant. E. S. Goodcll of the yards , yesterday re ceived a telegram Infounlng him of the seri ous Illness of his brother nt Western , Mr. Goo Jell started at once , for his brother's bed side. side.On On account of the light receipts of stock the packlncr house managers are laying off lurgo numbers of employes. Even oillco em ployes have been given a vacation without 1'ay. 1'ay.Tho The case of Gllchrost against the city for $15,000 damages for pon.pnal Injuries re ceived by walking over tno bnnic nt Twenty- fourth nnd I' streets , Is on trial iu the dis- ti let court. W. F. .Lukcns , the popular basso of the Crescent Qimrtotto club , has received a tempting odor nnd has gone to Chlcaeo to ac cept the position. While hero Mr. Lukens won many friends all of whom will regret uls going. The committees have secured funds enough to warrant commencing work on the now Presbyterian church. Tlio work of grading the lot will bo ilono just as soon as City En- Klnnoer King drives hi- * grade stake nt Twen ty-filth nud J streets. The sport Ing community Is nil ngog over the slvround prli-o light tonight in Howloy's bull between Jim Hlijhtower of Omaha and Barney Taylor of this city. The articles of agreement call for Hlghtower to knock Tay lor out within six rounds or lose the Jioo pot nnd the entire gate receipts. Taylor's friends nro numerous and confident , nnd they point to Tnylor'H unbroken record of victories Thus far Taylor has not mot a man able to put him to a test. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Kisors. Best jittlo pill ever made. Cure constipation time. None equal. Use them now. every . i .V.VM HA VKJIEXTS. The entertainments that are belnc given every evening thN week nt the Grand opera house have created the greatest possible In- tercst. among all who have attended the samo. It h an entirely now and wonderfully novel means of pleasing people , and nothing like It lias over before been seen in this citv. Much Uns been written of hypnotism , but' Illustrations of Its workings have never be fore been publicly demonstrated In this citv until these series of entertainments were an- uounci'd. The hypnotized subjects obtained during tbo evening \\ill play hall , give an Invigiuarv dog exhibition to perfection , snow ball , change In a few seconds from the sensation of c&lrcmo cold to the other extreme of heat , and well bo afflicted by itching and ncarlv ex plode with laughter nt the will of the person by whom they have been hyp- notlzed. No fuvo comedy , in fact , no entertainment that bus been given In Omaha nt either theatre this season , has caused so inui'h fun , mirth , laughter nnd mer riment as these L-lvoa nightly nt the Grnnd clurini ; this woo ! ; . The people in the nudleiu-o Iniigh until their sides ache. Thu prices of ndmls-jion are pop.ilar , ! ' . " > cents for the or chestra and 25 cents for thti balcony. Child ren uro admitted for 10 cents. Lo Petit Freddie , the 'famous Lilliputian thnractor artist , Is the leading feature at the Uilcn Musco this week. This child artist Is perfect. Ho speaks six lunguiigcs fluently 11 nd can ting songs in eleven different IntifTUf * . Hli character Impersonations nro ll/o llko and real , especially his Impersonation of Billy ICmcrson , the mlustrol. Freddie la bit eight ycare old , but hni traveled all over the frond. Ho U \TJiicior. . In other parts dt tbfl hou. o now and attractive features uro ADAMS \VAS \ A HIGH ROLLER , His Peculiar Money-Making Schomoa Landed Him in the Penitentiary , WILL ANSWER FOR AN OMAHA OFFENSE. lo Tolls ft Queer Story of tlio Method Tnknn l > y the Hook Inland Sheriff to Scotiro Ven geance. Eilwnrd A. Iso , nllos Charles Adnms , the nnn : brought baclc from .follot by Captain Mostyn to answer to n charge of forgery , ells n story that pyts the ox-sheriff of Uoclc , .sltttui . In nn unenviable Htjht , mm U Is cor roborated by Marshal Miller of Hock Island and Captain Mostyn. The story Is a long one , but It Is told by Isof < substantially as follows : Ho was the son \vnll-to-do parents In nn eastern state , ntid was sent to Princeton to complete his educa tion. About tlirc-o years ago , when the hud re his senior year , his father mot with lit reverses and lie was compelled to abandon his colleeo course. Shortly after ward u severe attack of nervous prostration loft him with 11 most pronounced impediment III his speech , but lie started out to earn his living. 111he After working for a while as a bookkeeper , he went to Long Hr.ineli and began playing the races , but ho placed his money on the wrong horses , and before long was doiul uroke. ) Ho foil in with n man who claimed ton DO an actor , and this Individual proposed n scheme by which they could make some money. Iso was iu n condition where a money making scheme looked very attractive , mid nt once entered into it. lie was sent out as advance agent for the actor , nut ] the game was for the actor to forwnrd a check to his agent In care of some hotel. When the agent arrived tliero the check was InO' waiting for him. and the hotclkcoper was expected to cash It In anticipation of securing the wliolo company for his house The scheme was successfully worked in 11 ilthnoro , but nothing has been heard from the authorities IKOl that city regarding the matter , and It is not known to what extent it was worked there. tln Iso struck Omnhn about fifteen months ago ) and stopped at the Windsor. Itvas noi long until ho had succeeded In having two chucks cashed by Messrs. Prince & bchlank , nnd then came a day when the advance agent ntdi disappeared and with him Sol Princo's ? " > overcoat. \ The thing that galled Prince waste tc think that ho had insisted on Iso taking the coat. Iso was having his own coat ( cleaned , and ns it was a raw , chilly nay. Prince would inC allow his guest to go out without proper covering. ( The coat was recovered by Cup- tain Mostyn when Iso was arrested in .Hock Island n yoir ago. Iih It Is because of the occurrences following his arrest in that city that Iso is filled wltti Indignation , and the local authorities uro n llttlo bore on the same point. Sheriff SIlvls entertained n spite against the Ne braska authorities , nnd Iso was made to suffer for It when that ofllclal made rth his potty attempt to "got even. " iso had lloated two of his checks there and trieil to work off another when ho put up nt the Negus hotel in Hock Island. The pro prietor coulu not cash It , but Iso was arrested by Marshall Miller nnd held as n fugitive from Justice to await the arrival of nn Omaha oflicor. 0V Captain Mostyn secured requisition papers , which were forwarded to Springfield and then to Uock Island where they were in the hands of the sheriff when Mostyn arrived. Miller wanted him to have the prisoner , but as there was an unfiiendly feeling between MiHor and the sheriff the Litter opposed it , and endeavored to have Negus illon complaint ncninst Iso so that ho could bo hold there. The ] landlord refused , holding that thcro was no case against Ise , but the sheriff prevailed nI the uight clerk , a young fellow unmed Ulum , who knew nothing about the cnso , to sign the com plaint. When the prisoner was taUen before the police magistrate , that ofll- cial severely scored the sherilt , saying , "You have held this man for eleven days without illlng t a complaint , nnd now when this Ne braska oflicor comes for him you rush In hero with this complaint. I will have nothing to do with this rotten affair , " and ho tore up ttio com plaint r before the eyes of the ofllcer. The sheriff hustled the prisoner to a justice shop across the street whore a noiv com plaint I was filed , nnd inside of ten minutes the defendant had waived examination nnd been I held to the district court in the sum of $ S . ' > ,0)0. ( ) The sheriff provided Iso with nn at torney t and on advice of the latter ho pleaded guuiy to a cnargo 01 an attempt to utter forged paper , being given to understand \ that the ponaltv would bo thirty or-sixty days in jail. When ho was ar raigned the stato's attorney was so drunk that ho could not appear in court , and the do- fondant's ' attorney was so well corned that no addressed the court without rising. Another attorney had to bo pressed into duty to rep resent the state. To Ice's great surprise ho was told that an attempt to utter worthless paper would receive tlio same punishment as in case the attempt had been successful and was sentenced to a year in the penitentiary. When Captain Mostyn de manded to know why ho had been treated in that way , the sherilt explained by saying that he had to go to Nebraska once after n prisoner , and ho wasn't treated right , and ho hud been waiting for an opportunity to play back the some way. Another reason was that it was n matter of dollars and cents with him , ns ho got so much for feeding the prisoner , and a certain sum for every ap pearance incourt us well ns a mileage for taking n prisoner to the penitentiary , and ho wanted all ho could got. The Nebraska authorities did not kick about the matter , but concluded to have the pris oner just the same and Captain Mostyn was on hand to receive Iso as ho loft the doors of the Illinois penitentiary. It was on this second trip that Mostyn learned how Iso had hcon "kangarooed.11 Iso will plead guilty hero to the charge of forgery and endeavor toihnvo the court take cognlzanro of his full story. Ho Is an intelli gent young man , and says ho wants to turn over u new leaf. One term has convinced him that ho wants no more of that life , and ho is confident that ho has suDlcicnt ability to support himself in a straightfor ward manner. While in the Jollet penitentiary ho was the record keeper nnd devised a complete now sot of record hooks greatly simplifying the hitherto complicated systom.and . straight- encii out the old records of the 'JOTltJ ( prison ers that had been confined in the Institution , as well as of the 1,41(1 , ( convicts who were tlu-ro when ho left Ho Is an export accountant nnd line penman , nnd ns his crookedness was nil committed within ono year , ho docs not wnnt it to wreck his whole llfo. For years the editor of the Burlington Junction ( Mo. ) Post , has been subject to cramp rnllc or ills of indigestion , which pros trated him for several hours and millttod him for business two or three dnys. For the past year ho has been using Chamberlain's colic , cholera and dinrrhua ) ivraedy whenever oc- ctslon : required and it has Invariably given him prompt rolluf. 25 and CO cent bpttlci for sale by druggists. April W outlier I'r-oil lotions. U n peck of March dust is worth a kini'ri ransom , and April showcr& br-lntf forth.May flowers , is it not right to pro- diet Unit every clny in the month the oloetrle-lightod.steam-heated.vestUniled lirnttril trains ol the Chicago , Milwau- kco & St. Paul railway will continuo to run on t no short line between Omaha and. rhlcaco. The oloctrio reading lamp In every berth of their palace sleeping cars Is their own patent nnd cannot bo nsod hv any other company. Ticket oIlU'c , 1601 Farnuiu btrco't , Omaha. Mortuary. Mr. Prank Stocltdult- , the child of Mr. mid Mrs. .lames Stockdalo , 1MO north Twenty-second strcot , died nt 820 ; tUU morning of la grippe. Ho was twenty years old the y.'d of lnil month , and was a very bright and piomlMng young innn. At tint tlmn of his death ho was in the employ nt the Omaha National bank , Announcement of the funeral will be plveu later. The best anil cheapest Car-Starter is sold by the Hoi-don & Bollock Co. , Chicago , 111. WHu It ono man can move a loaded gw. HOUGH ON IIOAD 11OUSJJ' . Provision of the New 1-nu- "Two-Mile" KnlooiiH. The houses and saloons that for years mvo flourished in the country adjacent to the city limits by nnnunlly contributing the sum of ? ir > each to Uncle Sam , must now close up shop or help enrich the county general fund , At the present time thcro are live of these places located upon the disputed territory of Cut-Off lake island , three upon the shores of Florence lako. two near Swift's ' lea house , two on West Cumlnp street , two at Hu&or's park , ono on Saddle ctcck near the poor farm , ono just west of Fort Omaha , nud Uvo on the Military road. Some of them have been quiet and orderly places , but others have bc ( > ii dives where the worst characters , both male and female , have congregated. From many of these plrccs men have returned with sore heads , empty pockets and their limbs tied up in bandages as evidence of the cutting nud shooting affrays in which they have engaged. The itlca of going oui of business has boon brought about by a bill passed nt the recent session of the legislature , which provides that the county board of cnch county may grant license for the sale of malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , If deemed expedient , upon the application by petition of thirty of the resident freeholders of the town , If the county is under township organiza tion , and if not under township or- guniratlon , then thirty of tlio resi dent freeholders of the precinct where the sale of such liquor Is proposed to take place , setting forth that the applicant is n man of respectable character and standing and a resident of this state , and prayirfg that license may bo issued to him. Such applica tion to bo Hied In the oflloo of the county clerk nnd upon payment into the county treasury of such sum ns th'o board may re quire , not less than flivo hundred ( $ . " ,00) ) dol- Irtrs for each license , and upon the cmpllauco with the provisions of tills net. Provided , such board shall not have power to Issue any license for thcsnlo of any liquors in city or Incorporated village , or within two 1 miles of the samo. Provided , In counties having 150.000 Innnhl- tants , the county commissioners may also issue license within two miles of any city in said count } ' . The law has caused consternation among most of the outside snloonlsts , nnd Instead of showing llghtjtho county commissioners have an idea that most of them will bo out of business , though some will take out their licenses , and make their places summer resorts - sorts for those parties who take a summer drlvo and a nip by the wayside. Tlio law will bo rigidly enforced , and those saloon men who will not peaceably submit will bo proceeded against by the county board. "After a varied experience with many so- called cathartic remedies , I am convinced that Ayor's pills give the most satisfactoay results. I rely exclusively on these pills for the cure of liver and stomach complaints. " John B. Hell , Sr. , Abilene , Tex. Sint : > POTATOES Early Ohio , $1.70 ; Early Rose , $1.CO ; Earlv Sun Itiso and Early Kvorotts , 81.40 ; Lfurbank. Prolific , ' Beauty Hebron. Pcachblow , Sl.-lO. Cash with orders. Poycko Brothers , Omaha. AVOUIjO AUOLlSIl 'EM. Tlio Mayor Dlsijiisleil with Street and Sidewalk ( Join miss ton cis. The mayor is not well pleased with the manner in which matters pertaining to streets are handled. His disgust grows out of the street cleaning contract. Yesterday ho said : "I am In favor of giving the contractor another ( rial and then if ho does not do his work , I think the city should hire men to clean the streets nnd charge the ex- Cense to the contractors' bonds. When the onii Is exhausted , th ° city can buy machines nnd do the work by the day , under the super vision of the board of puDltc works. Thla plan would certainly bo much cheaper and give better satisfaction. " While upon this subject , the mayor had a word to say regarding the street nnd sidewalk commissioners. "My Idea , " said ho , "would bo to abolish both of these oftlces. I would put these departments under the control of the board of'publlc works. Give ono mem ber the streets and the other the sidewalks , and make thorn responsible for their respec tive departments. If wo would do this , it would bo a saving of money and better re sults can bo attained. " Do Witt's Llttlo Early itiscrs ; best little pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bud breath. The Illustrated World for May , con taining Bougucroau's ' 'Return of Spring , ' ' as Injured by Warblngton , for sale by all news dealers. Wintered In tlio South. Mr. A. U. Dufreno returned homo last Saturday from a three months' trip through Florida. Mr. Dufrcne visited Jacksonville , St. Au gustine and a number of the prominent 're sorts along the St. Johns river. Ho then went to Sutherland , which is five miles from Jnrpon Springs. Sutherland Is nn Omaha colony , at least 'the grounds and hotels are owned by Omaha people , Mr. C. T Taylor being the principal stockholder. It Is claimed that the southern hotels all did a poor business the past win ter. Mr. Dufrone stayed at Sutherland about two weeks and says It Is a very pretty place and the hotel Is a line ono. The hotel has about one hundred and twenty-live rooms , Is well arranged and has most of the modern conveniences. Business was rather light at the Sutherland as well as at many of the other hotels. Upon leaving Sutherland Mr. Dufrono put In the remainder of his time sailing along the coast in a schooner. Ho reports being very well jilcascd with the trip nnd is greatly pleased nt the improvement In his health. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh.'Boo bldg. Ncbriiflkn , lowti and Dakota Pensions. WASIIIXOTOV , April 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BKB. ] Pensions were granted today to the following Nohrnskuns : Original Invalids Isaac N. Morris , John It. Jones , Oeorgo T. Davis , Clark n. Boot , Francis M. Barnes , John H. Groves , William S. Wolfe , Theodore GIorcnsTuTcl ( Snow , John Buhror , William McCroskoy , Fibrich Nissgn , Lyman Blowers , John Hnshby , Charles Moo , John Saxon , Andrew J. Folks. Iowa : Original Newton H. Smith , Grafton - ton M. McMillan , Sum A. Falor , Michael Ilittlo , George 1C. Covert , Chuuncoy M , Stroud , Myron I. Hartwcll.Charlcs J.Granos , Walter J. Maxwell , iGllbert ( ) . Berton , George M. Hock , William Tubbs , Henry Mullis , Bonlamln W. Payton , Jnraos U. Woshburn , Patrick Ilnnnon , Michael Hcaly , Jacob Waugbt , William Trail , 1'otor Hnrrott , Jlcurv L. Hevier , Hlchard H. Goyer , William Marshall , PntrlcK McManus , Joseph Good rich , Hubcn T. Ivlngman , Daniel Collins , Charles Maonnor , Moses Kwlns. Kustora- tions and increase Jacob D. Passage. In crease Hobort Dlckoson , Wellsby Crane , Joshua Spuln , Hobeit H. Davis , Ozlas Me- Nall. Henvv McICttt , Jacob Edwards , Milton M. Ford , James O'Caln , Thomas Williamson. lU'issuo Abram H. Pnrrl h. South Dakota : Original Osa Emmons , Houston Hussull , Alulon G , Spcnrln. Preston \Voodmanseo. Imsreaso Benjamin N. Smith. Hel'suo James Otter. MtEATllS. ft'nticfii of frt Idle * or ( < * i tinder thla haul , ftjtu touts ; f < ifi ( iitillKminl ling ten ciiita. iTlilJM LI//IO. nerd fi months , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. llonmrd Ilium , dli'd ul 8i : : ) o'clock this morning. The body will do shipped ut T o'clock tomorrow niornlni ; to Wusti.illu , In. , for Intoimont. Jury Gives tllnr * Verdict Agatnal tlio Km * b'lro Olllcc. Attorneys Hanaorn , Ourloy and Mnrplo are feeling exceedingly happy over the outcome of the case of Kdwnrd A. Ayorst against the Sun Fire Ofllco Insurance company that was submitted to the Jury yesterday afternoon. This Is the celebrated case noticed in run HER a week ago , oud which has been on trial over since. , It was a suit on nn insurance policy wherein the Sun Fire Ofllco insurance company , the defendant , sot up several defenses , among others , that the plaintiff , Ayerst , burned the property , the value of which was sued for in the suit. When the case was called the Insurance company's ' attorneys stated to the Jury that they would prove that the plaintiff , Ayerst , was an cm- bcrzlcr , mm that ho had been Indicted for cm- be/.zloment. On the trial of the case they produced ono witness who testified that ho had heard oho person speak hi a derogatory manner of the plaintiff. Inasmuch as the jury returned a verdict promptly In favor of the plaintiff , Mr. Ayerst , and nnsw 'rod every special Interrogatory submitted to them bv the court strictly In his favor , It Is presumed that this Is an ordinary case wherein a holder of a policy sues an In surance company , nnd It set up the ordinary defense of burning the property. Mr. Ayerst was formerly well known In Omaha , and the verdict of the Jury in this case is n complete vindication for him. The Jury was out forty-live minutes , returned a verdict for the full amount sued for and answered every In terrogatory In his favor. The amount of the verdict was $ li9. , : ( ! This verdict docs not settle the matter , however , as today Mr. Aycwt will file his petition in the district court and bring suit ngnlnst the Sun Fire Ofllco to recover $25,000 damages , claiming doluuiation of character in this amount. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for child ren teething , rests the child and comforts the mother. - , " > cents a bottle. Loans of $1.000 to $50,000 rnado on choice Improved city property. Low rates. No delay. Central Loan & Trust company , 1205 Furnam at , A CUV BTOKUI10US13. Necessary Protection From llaldH or I'ctty Pilferers. During the past few years certain parties have felt that they had an inherent right to pilfer from the citv , stealing lumber , tools and paving material. This has been carried on to such an extent that the councilmen - men have concluded to put a stop to the business before the whole city is carted away. Acting upon the con clusion the councllmon will build a high board fence around ono of the city's lots on the north side of Nicholas street , between Eleventh nnd Twelfth and use the place fora storehouse. ' They Got It of Course. Jim loh Jim I I say , Jim 1 Ycun comin' , mam ; what's er matter ! Why baby has got the colic ; lun down to drug store and get a bottle of Haller's pain paralyzcr ; quick , now. Klootad OIllciTS. The directors of 'the Police Helief associa tion elected ofllcers Wednesday night. Officer Houden was elected president , Of ficer Dillon vice president , and P. Ilavoy secretary. Sergeant Sigwart , Ofllcers Cusick and Key ser compose the auditing committee. Ser pcant Whalen and Olliccrs Dillon and Havey were chosen ns the conference committee- . The memorial committee consists of Ser geants Sigwnrt nnd Whnlen nnd Olllcer Dil lon. lon.Tho The next meeting of the association is sub ject to the call of the president. ProsjresH. It is very important in thin age of vast ma- crial progress that n remedy bo pleasing to the taste and tottho eye , easily taken , accop t able to the stomach and healthy in Its nature nnd effects. Possessing tiieso qualities , Syrup of Figs is the ono perfect laxative and mos tgeutlo'diuretio' known. i Postal Olinn j John Li. Lyckholm , formerly chief mailing clerk In the' ' Omaha postotllcc , has been np pointed to the Omaha and Ogden line upon the fast mail , vice U. W. Yates , who goes to the Auburn nnd Lincoln lino. Lewis Harrison has been appointed mail clerk between Pacilie Junction and McCook , the position loft vacant by the death of I. W. May. An Ohio lady was so frightened by n snake that her glossy black hair turned white us snow. It was soon returned to its original color by Hull's Hair Henewor. WntitH tlio ! > . > JCi'led. Mr. Christopher Tyrrell , living nt 1112 south Eighth street , whoso son was badly bitten by a bulldog last Saturdav , complains that ho has had great difficulty In trotting the authorities to shoot the dog. The injured boy is now laid up in bed nnd will not bo nh'n ' tn pnt. nrnnml fni n xrnnlr nn t.ivn The promptness nnd certainty of Its enrol have made Chamberlain's cough remedy famous. It is intended ospocla ly for coughs , colds , croup nnd whooping cough , and Is the most effectual remedy known for those dis eases. 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists , Stole Ed. Jones was arrested yesterday upon charge of stealing ? 73 worth of cigars from Anton Hoagland of the Eighth ward. Jones was arraigned in Justice Hart's court and failed to give bonds. Howas remanded to Jail and the bearing of his case set for April 21. Many persons who pride themselves on their blue blood would bo far happier with pure blood ; but , while wo cannot choose our ancestors , fortunately , by tbo use of Ayer's Sarsaparllla , wo can transmit pure blood to our posterity. Zen and SopMn. Zep Barker has brought suit to sever the ties that for twenty-live years have bound him to his wife Sophia , /.up alleges that he has always been a poor man nnd that in IfcbO Sophia tired of sharing his poverty and started out to take a hand at making her own living. _ All ( or SIM or. How much rconoy have I cot in my bank ? Forty-flvo cents , stranger only want live cents more. What will I do then , stranger ? Wliyyou sooslstor has such a terrible cough , and people snylt will bo bad on her If she don't cct bettor -noon , and the folks toll mo Haller's sure cou'nb syrun will cure it right up ; so you sejo-tfivo cents ) Thank you , stranger. H'i Iliitton. The Omaha National bank Is the prosecut ing witness ima5-cont : larceny case in which Holso HoUnson and Harry Dee arc charged will ) steiling n push button attachment - mont to an clcctricbcll. The delicious fnngranco , refreshing coolness nnd soft bcantytimparted to the skin by Po < : - zonlli Powder , commends It to oil ladies. The folio wlngmwrriajo lloanwi WOM issued - sued by Judge Slilclds yesterday : Name ami mlilnw. Acre. I. liinu-s \Ynllnnd Omaha . ' . ' . ' > 1 Illiodu llmmon , Newcastle , I'a . : o Trunk H. lavl ) , Oiimlm . ' " - Driiinmond , Uniiilm . 1H PRICE'S Bakin _ Powder Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard CHEAP SUITS. - In advertising onr-immensc lines of spring clothes for metis' wear , we possibly have not paid attention ' to the cheaper grades of suits that our' stock demands , There arc a great many men vflioS ulw * can't afford to pay fifteen or twenty dollars for a suit , ' ' no matter how good the suit may be , Again/ there are men who can't afford to pay even ten dollars for . a suit.simply for lack of the ten dollars. Again , there are men who buy a cheap suit , wear it one season , sell it or give it away , and then bu/ another. Buying1 a CHEAP suit in most stores , means buying a POOR suit. With us its different * No matter how low a priced suit you buy of us , the suit will be GOOD , People often wonder wlicro we get stills to sell so cheap. Perhaps we "pick em off the trees where they grow , " Perhaps we buy- cheaper than the average merchant. Perhaps we're willing to make smaller profits than most stores , and , perhaps well , perhaps you don't care how WE get them , WHERE we get them , nor anything1 about /S ; /-/WKand / WHERE F < 9get them that interests YOU. Our buyer recently closed out several hundred " medium-priced suits. They will be placed on sale to-day in tdo lots. "You never saw the like before. LOT ONE Three hundred and sixty-four Men's Fancy Cheviot Suits , in two handsome shades , in sizes from 3-1 to 42 , cut in , made in style shape , and well trimmed : suits worth seven to nine dollars At Four Dollars and Ninety Cents. LOT TWO Three hundred and ten hanlsome Fancy All Wool Cheviot Suits , sizes 3-1 to ' 12 , in a half dozen handsome styles of stripes anl plaids , well cut , well lined , well trimmed , well made , suits worth from nine to eleven dollars , at the low price of . _ Five Dollars and Ninety Cents. TO BE EARLY , INSURES EXCELLENT SELECTION. Corner Fourteenth and Douoflas Streets. DPS. Belts & Belts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , MOD DOUGlA AS STHKHT OMAHA , NEU. Tno most widely and favorably known spec * InllBls In the Unltol States. Tholr lonp ex perience , ramarkuhlo iklll and umverHul suc cess In the treatment nnd euro ol' Nervous , Chronic and Surgical Diseases , entitle these eminent physicians to the full confidence ot the nllllcted everywhere. They eimriintco : A CERTAIN AM ) I'OSlTlVn OUHE for the awdil ofTects of curly vice and the numer ous ovIU that follow In Its train. I'HIVATE. 1U.OOI ) AND SKIN DISEASES speedily , completely Hml petiiiiinontly ruied. NERVOUS 1)EIIIUTV AND SEXUAL DIS ORDERS yield readily to their skillful treatS - S FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCERS ciiunintecd cured without pain or detention from business. IlYDKOOELn AND VARICOCELE perma nently mid successfully cured In every ease , SYPHILIS , OONORRIIKA. GLEET. Spor- nmtorrhon , Seminal Weakness , Lost M.mhood , Night Emission" , Decayed I > 'uciiltlo [ , Komiilt Weakness and all delleato disorder ! ) peculiar to either w > x positively cured , ns well us all functional disorders that result from youthful follies or the excvsof mature years. T P. 1 fT 1 1 IV 1 ? Guaranteed porinu n o n 1 1 y O I I\l / 1 U l\Li ciiied , removal complete , without cuttlne , caustic or dilatation. Ctir effected at homo by patient \\Ithout u mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A QTIPTJ PUNK The awful effects ol f\ . iJUIxli UUIVL - early vlco wlilc-h brlniM organic weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured. nra < J niTTQ Address those who liavo Im- LM\iJ. 1JL.1 IO puirod thcim Ivrs by Im proper IndiilKonco and solitary nablt * . which ruin both mind and body , iiiillttlnu thorn for business , studv or tmirrhiKC. MARRIED .MEN or these pntcrhiR on that happy llfo , aware of physical debility , quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS IsTmsefl upon fncts. First 1'ructlcjil experi ence. Second Kt cry cnso Is specially studied , thus stiirtiiiK rlKht Third - medicines are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit cnch case , thus effecting cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. NEB J i 1 i Dro's rorioihcal Pills. Tills French remedy nets directly UJH n tlio Koncrn tire or uns and CUTCH niipprt'gHlon of the monso * f.'or threu for f.'i , mid cnn I'O ' mnllcil Miunld not It UHi'd dtirlnK pri'Krmnrjr. Jobber * , ( IrllftflsH and til public Biipplled by ( locKlmnn DriiK Co . Uniihn 1 ! .1. I'oykurn nnd Ilonard Mesert. bouth OuKilm ; M. a. Kills nnd A I ) Foster , Council , Have you a Pittsburgh , Rochester a'Stti- , Duplex , or - clent Lamp ? - Do they work satisfactorily ? Do your Lamp Chimneys break ? You get the wrong sort ! The RIGHT ones are the "PEAUL GLASS , " made by Geo. A. Macbeth & Co. , Pitts burgh , makers' of the cele brated " Pearl-top " lamp chim ney , " which have given univer sal satisfaction. ° A ( j'KMM.Vi : MK'ltOlIB ICIM.UH Is Kllll ) HlillHM HUADIUATtm Cures nil ilhnuf.i hoc in-u It kills IhiunlcroUo or Kcrm. I'm iipiHid relullud In ij , (3 nmlfi nUe . tlie latter 1 1-2 trnlloni .Sent nu > - wlicro prepaid on reculpt of price , or C O l > . Wo Mine nKUnriintc'O to euro Tlio pulillr , tnido and jubljom biipillcd | b > thoKlnsler llriik'i'o. , Om.ilm , WBAILEYT Graduate Dentist. A Full Sot of Teeth on Uubbcr , for HVl ! Doll.Alf * . A perfcfl tlt irairmitoiw Tooth o lrai te'l ; without pain or rtincor nnd Hltiiouliuiaoathollrs doltl nnd Hlvor tllllni" nl lnweit ralm llrldt-onttd Croniiurk lentil _ _ _ without | ihiU ) All ttort wir- OFFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , IBTH AND FARNAM intrnnct : > , ICtli itrecl clorntor. Open e miiu mull 8 o'clock. Winslow Wilkes , The fastebt 4-year-old pacins atal'.lcm In th World , IlccordS II 1 ' - ' . nt Loxlnxtou. ICy , 3d liont.r-f Iliac * Willie * . < l m by Almunt " ' wl'l ' mike tli u un ft 1HUI at 1(101 ( Vliilon utriM't , ( imihn , .Sub. ril.AvJ.M "M .lib u.u.drcrnrn n nl 1 1 T I HASIIAJ.WOOI1 CAI'Sl'l.m nro til * Illl ill I A bvitnnd onlyuiptultK pri < n.rlt > J 1)7 | n runuLtf pUyiliUm fjr the mr ; ( Qouorbwk nnd dliclmik'on from tlia urinary uiiurllud uracqulrud. li.iJ per toot NO GURELt NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen jronr * export -n-a A rotnhr urn luito In in > d rlno nidtplomii heir li * tltl trailing wllh Itio creitest ticro < , nil Kcrron' . Chronlrniul I'rlviiti Dlioncs A pTuuinont euro tuiri ilnnl for C/itnrra Hpcrnmturrlirpi , lo t Manliooil , ' cmlmlA'ciknn < . Nlichl l.ooys , Iniiintuncr. Srphl Iv HtrlftiirB , and lldlj- oasci of the Mlooil skin an I Urinnry Or ; tin. N II I unnrintjo SVw Mr every 1 iinlartilu unit full I ] cuio n ui to Coniultatlon 1' . ' in lice llaok ( Alystorloi of I.lfo ) sent froj O.IUohourj U n. m. to3 | ) . 111 Sunday 111 MOORE'S LIFE A f ll Ti' etiie frr K'drry rn < 1 I Hn ( eni | < ln1nt4 nnd nil Ijloocl ilisuasct. Dooiltpiy to sillier nhon . oiii'in ! ho oiireil by uninx Mo irj i Tree of I.lfo Uii ) ( , real I.lfo llemo ly I'r1io > ir UJttlo 1'ro- ! > : ircil unil put up by l > r. J II. Mo TO. TJ-NmtONIVI.1 I.MIIIM : : > .V. la , Dec. in , ISfO. My Denr Mr. Mooie. I'or many yi-ars my wlfo 1ms been u cleat sufferer from the very \\oi.-t Kind of suk ! Jioadiu'lio. nnd has tiled : i eicnt ninny xo-ciilliMl lemodles , but ulthniit nny ( jood resultA ni'lsliborliiK minister. who liud beun crvully bonulltlod by It hlm- s-elf , suhlsed the 110 of your Tree of Life , bho iitonuo procured a bottlinnd now after fi month- , can conscientiously tOL-omiiiend It ns u valuable medicine wlili'h necordltiT to the iintiuo of thocasi1.I11 ward oil , sreutly ro ll vo or radically cmosleli heudiicho. J. W. C'ATIIf\llT , Pastor I'rosDyterlan Chinch. BSTJvniiisiiBLj isoa. . IJUSIMPSOM 1409 and 1411 Dodso St. , Omaha , Nob. -iiuntiitp ) : OK First Class Carriages , Thc.I.uadlng Stylt-s , The Lowest I'ricfls. VOUH 1'ATUOXAIJi : fc NEBRASKA National Bank U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA. NI2U. Capital , - - - - $400,000 Surplus Jon. 1st , 189O , - O .BOO oniceri nnd Ilrcctor ) "IIonry W Vnloi , I > ro ldonf. l.uwln a. Hood , Vlcu-l'roildunt , Jnnioi W SaTnk'o. W V..Morse , John S Colllm , It C. Uiuhln/ . N. II 1'utrlck W H S. HiiKhei , c.iihler THK IRON LJA.NIC. Corner I''th nud Knriumsiti A CJcncral HiiiiUIn , ' lllHlno Transacts 1 HOTEL. yiuvntii. < ' < : llth tinil lTiiriir . intltf matt unltKt nut till In roii Mltitvl IliilliUnu In Omulut. liftnibitfk / / < ! inillM riinii/n// [ IIHI'IIICIlt ttl flX > t' . AH tlK' O'llint/ floor * lim-il irltli Antn't i flra iirotif Ittliill , iiuiklntt It lini > oi > tllilH to Inii'it tjnlrh. I'fn't'Mciiiit'H unilrfl nlunim tlu-otiiilioilt tliu tiiitlillnit. tttcinn In-lit , lint unil I'olil iiiiti'i'.iniil Miinnliiinln crcr/yruuiii. Tallin tinnni'j > < ixxv < l tutu- ir/ic/v. 13. SILL.OWAY , Prop. HOTEL DELL9NE. Corner 14th ami Capitol Avouua. Just complotocl , has 100 rooms , throi stairways , Iromtho lop to the bottom , has fluy ' > .ovator and Uniting roo'n sorrioj , t f.rg proof throuahoiu , ilnu lilllarl rooms anJ the flnost toilet rioni In th * city. Largo Samjno rooms , Ku.toi wit'i Cor 14th anil Canltol Avo. Street o.irneririoo In ulKUroc lions. H.ttai. from SU.6O tn Sl.OO . _ p < jz a liuc'iui ; runifily lor all 111 I nnuiituiAl dliu'liurKon iii'J pr i ( ! > cn > c ol ineli A mt tain nirw for tlie tlebllt * lal tie wc'tku pocullar m wnnin. _ _ JpreirrllsltondfecUaM 'ti ' * THttomCHjuifii Co In rwiminrudlue It lo Nolrt J > r 1 _ . I'KU'U tfl.OU. ft SERIOUS DRAWBACK AT THE BOTTOM- * In your case , pcrhspv It m.iI - owing to vrrlUsiricnts faoily w/ittfa aud placed yor do not advtitisc tlirough ALDEN & FAXON , NEWSPAPER ADVEP.VISINC AGENTS , Cincinnati , Ohio. We cnn liclp yon. Formal introduction not necessary "justdtop us a line" telling us how much and \ \ lint territory. Give us nn idea fora starter , we will clve you a few pointers. United States" ' MARINE BHND Mention snlo nt MAX MBVI-IU'9. DR. J. E. McGrBEW , THE SPECIALIST. 1C Years' Expnrlriici. PRIVATE DISEASES Curcil In 3 to5 ilar * without tl0lonof | MM hotiri'tlm * from Lm lnuii 'Ilia niuit nbiuliilu euro furllliKUP nndnllnminylnirdliclmrKOi uwr known to mcxlloil filentn riVI'lUUri nwnrraiifocl niroln.'KHoM day * , 'I IIH mo-it powi'rfnl rcmuily yi-t I'liUirn fur a perm nvnlcure .STItllTl'llKoriuln In rollovInK tha lilail * dor cured nl lionia. without lii lruniunt < i nn culling , no pain nn diluting lAmnf M inhoodorYraknoi ponltlvulr cured , Init.inl rulltf hkln dl oi ai anil Innnlu il < ( m ( H peruinnonllr cnrul Dr. 5U-Jro ( > r'l rurTcxN In tlio troatniont or 1'ctvato DI OA OI hat norortionn i | iinlted , nnil lili roat nrmy of patlonU rcai lies from Iliu Atlantic l/i tiia I'/iolHo. llnnki n4 Ciicularj free Lmlliii from J to I only , llth nad I'arnam ilruott Ouulin , Nuu. tntraucc on cltliir itrcel UriitBd StaSF' MMRINE BRNO jonli on Sjilo nt MAX MliYKira. JOSEPH GILLOTI'S ' , STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PAHIS r.XPosiTIOH , 1880t ' ' < THE M08T PERFECT OF PENS./ /