niXFATTA T > ATTV TTTRSDAY" APTCTL 14. THE CITY. The Omnlm Medical society holds Us nnnunl mcotini ? nt the Paxton cafe this evening. Do you wnnt to rotnln the bonuty of A yotitliful complexion ? If so , purchase n. jar of Spanish Court Cream , sold by nil druggists. ' The tcinpcrnturo ns reported by the 'local ftlgnnl service olllco was 111 follows : At 7 n. m. , fid0 ; nt 10 n. in , , 60 ° , and at 1 p. m. , CO0. The case of the State VB May Meyer , cliarpod with nfesaultlng Cora McAllls- tor with Intent to do great bodily Injury , was au'aln continued In the polfco court yesterday afternoon. There will boa special meeting of the Omaha Veteran Firemen's association at their hall on Tuesday evening to make arrangements to attend the funeral - oral of their late brother , Fireman Carter - tor of the paid department. "An ounce of provcnUon Is worth two or thco pounds of euro. " Origami saying slightly changed but none the less truo. Don't wnlt to bo tnhon down with " 1 a grippe" but use Hnllor's Sure Cough Cure , tiio most thorough prevention of this dread disease , when tnkcn In conjunction with Iliillor's ' Uarsanarilln and liurdock , that has over boon introduced. Loans of 91.000 to $50,000 made on cholco improved city property. Low rales. No delay. Central Loan & Trust company , 1203 Fnrnam st. UUG1NO Ul-.FOH.MS. Tito Council to Consider a New Garb- n > jo Ordinance.- An ofTort will bo made at the council meet ing tonight to amend the present garbage ordinance. Members of the council committee that has had this matter under consideration for some tlmo will make a report recommending very radical changes in the ordinance icgu- lating the garbage business. They claim that they have very carefully examined the defects of the present system , nnd state that they can prove to the council that many flagrant violations of tlio orJinancohavo been committed bv iho oflleials In charge , nnd further that the city can save at li-ast fO.OOO a year by adopting a plan that will bo more satisfactory than the one now In uso. One of the committee In speaking of the affair said : "Tho city Is paying four men $ C 0 each for doing nothing except collect fees for the garbage master. Then wo pay $2,000 a year for hauling ucad animals , and tlio gar bage master pets a big slice out of that. Wo have a proposition from a responsible party who will give a bond of $10,000 nnd a bonus of $ oOO for the privilege of carting a\vny dead animals for nothing. Ho will agree to take them three miles from the city limits. "On the gurbngo business , wo propose to place It In the charge of the chief of nollco and to lot the work In districts , fixing a scale of reasonable prices and lenuiring garbage men to give bonds to properly tend to the business in their districts. "Wo want to got the matter finally settled tomorrow night. " Tlio foiiimlsqloiiorH Arc Klckinir. The county commissioners and the city garbage master are preparing to lock horns over the cesspool at the county hospital. The garbage master Insists that'tho cess pool Is a nuisance nnd must bo cloanca nt * once , alleging that numerous citizens In that vicinity have filed complaints with him , In which they charge that there is a rank odor constantly arising from the place , lie states that the entire amount of Jlltu from the hospital is discharged Into the cesspool , and that overflowing It runs down the valley to the great disgust of all of the people who live along the licit line tracks. The county commissioners take a different view of the situation and state that the pee ! Is filled with water that runs in from the surrounding hills and is In no wise offensive They also claim that the garbage master Is hunting a job by which ho nmv feather his own nest , and in this connection they cite tbo fact that some time ago one of his men was hired to clean the cesspool. At that and sent In a bill of $ MO , leaving the cess pool in the same condition as when ho commenced. In addition to this they state that ho emptied his wagons only a few rods away and into tlio same ravine Into which the overflow now runs. The members of the county board do not object to tbo cleaning going on , but state that If the city garbapemastcr Is allowed to do the work ho will bankrupt tlio county , as ho will continue to haul away water which will run back Into the cesspool as fast as Ills dipped out. If this man would permit them to do so. they state that they would hire teams and cleanse the place at once , but If an attempt Is made to do so , they stale that Morrissoj- will appear upon tbo scene and threaten their men with arrest. At the present time the county surveyor is ' at work on an estimate showing the cost of constructing an oightcon-lnch sewer from the hospital to a connection with the 1'ark street sower. This line , which is G.OOO feet long , will cost close to JS.OOO , of which amount the countv will pay more than one-half. Chairman O'Kcoffo states that as .soon as the city council passesun ordinance creating the sewer district the county will begin work upon Its portion of the sewer , but under no circumstances will bo submit to allowing Morrlssey to empty the pool at the rate ho charged upon u former occasion. Loading doctors throughout the country ere recommending Hnller's ' Snrsnparllln aim Uurdock , as a blood purltlor and to build up the system. AXXOUA VEXEXTN. This morning at 9 o'clock seats wore put on sale at the Doyd for the en gagement of Milton nnd Dolllo Nobles , which opens tomorrow evening and continues for two nights. Air. Nobles writes bis own plays exclusively and ttio two that ho and his wife and supporting company wll ( " present hero are as uood"as any ho liusilono. Tomorrow evening "from Sire to Son" will ho played , nnd Wednesday evening "Lovo ana Law. " Mr. Nobles' company this sea son Is superior in point of merit to any ho has yet employed , On Thursday , Friday , Saturday and Sun day next Monroe and Klco , the well known comedians , will play the Html engagement of "My Aunt IJrulgot , " the popular farco-cotn- edy that was seen hero Iribt season. These comedians separate after their Omaha en gagement. _ _ _ Tbo "Uaco for a Wife , " a play highly recommended by eastern critics , but now to western nudlonceswill bo presented atUoyd's on Friday , April 34 , by n local company. Dr. E. B. Davis will commence at the Grand this evening a series of psychological entertainments , which will furnish no end of fun and amusement of a very varied char- actor. These entertainments will bo con tinued every ovonlne this week , with Satur day matinee. Pure fun is guaranteed. The subjects whom the tbo doctor operates upon ' furnish an endless variety of the most laugh able hallucinations. The exhibition Is truly most marvelous and amusing. The price will be , for tbo orchestra , JW cents , balcony , 'J5 cents , and children IB cents. No reserved seals are sold. The box ofllco will bo open after 7 p. m. . Little Freddie , the hlllputlan character artist late ot Ilydo'a burlosouo company. Is the 1 adlng feature at the Eden Museo this week. Ho Is without doubt the cleverest child specialty artist oa the vaudeville stage. The Milanese minstrels Is another feature of exceptional merit , nnd their farcical happen ings convulse all with laughter. The Span- Isu tioubadorsds on Interesting musical feat ure. Tlio Logans , comlo sketch artists , keep the audiences In a good humor with their witty savings and pleasing song * . Jot and I'et , tuo Leopard children , arc genuine curl- Qsttles. and TarJey. the armless boy. Is a won'dcr. Ho Is but twelve years old , yet writes , paints , draws , and does Innumerable things with bis foot. Whale Oil Gus , the noted whaler , delivers an Interesting histor ical lecture on whaling in tno Arotlo ocean nt each performance , The CJ. S. government are using largo numbers bors ot the Improved Howe scales. Bordea * Solleck Co. , agents , CUlcaKO , 111 , Stock Shippers Accused of Violating the Ilutor-Stato Oommerco Law , RAILROADS DOING BUSINESS FOR FUN , The Western FrclKht Association Takes n Ilnncl A Woman I'ols- oned Drnnk Coiicontrntoil Lye Blnula City Notes. The railroad ofileltA ) , the commission men , the scalpers nnd shippers nnd the South Omnhn stockynrds ofllclals are In the midst of the merriest war that 'over Jarred lodso the rusty joints nnd shook up the old bones thereabouts gnthcrca. Said ono of the largest commission men and best informed dealer at the yards : "They are trying to ruin the commission men and business , wreck the yards and force nil the stock to other points. " Suld another man : ' The yards' oftlclnls nro ilchtlng wind nnd I can't unravel the knotty skein. " Fred C. Margley of Kansas City. Joint agent for the Western freight association , has arrived hero to regulate freight ship ments , nnrt to prevent , as It Is represented , the violation of tlio Inter-stato commerce law. Mr. Macgloy has appointed Mr. Cbnploy local agent , and the war is on. It has been n common prnctlco to reshlp stock billed from western points to enst- ern points after being sold hero on the original billing. This the railroad - road oftlcials claim is not only a violation of tlio inter-stntocommerce law , but Is defraud ing the companies out of freight charges. Again It is charged that billings from western points after the stock hnd been sold and consumed here , had been used to ship other stock froin this point east to the designation of the original shipment , thus getting the uencllt of through rates , when out Hied to only local rates. But a more sciious question has bocn raised and more trouble originated by agents of roads using thcso loopholes or legal viola tions to procure shipments at the expense ofothors. As for Instance : Every road has some favored freight points , nnd the ngent when receiving his bills for through ship ments on finding thnt some stock had been consumed , would go to shippers and offer the proportionate through freight rate from these favored points to local shippers. This cicnted local jealousy , and dually brought the U'oiglnng nssocintion to tbo front to take n hand. . Again it is claimed thnt the switching , loading nnd bedding Including the stnble car rental c. ts up about two-fifths of the freight , rates and with the additional cut of through rates instead of local r.ites , the railway com panies got little or nothing for huuliug the stock. Agent Chnploy has boon stationed nt this point with instructions to see thnt only the identical stock , shipped In on n through billIng - Ing , shall bo forwtfrdcd. And now there Is as much kicking as a herd of mules could do in the vards and the end no man knoweth. Sometime ago these aliened Irregularities were brought to the knowledge of the Western Freight and Trans-Missouri Freight association and nt the March meeting circu lar No. 50 , as follows , was adopted : Kcsohed , That the prnctlco of consigning stock from points In Kansas or Nebraska to Uniulin , fconth Otnuhu and Sioux ( Jity , and changing tint destination to Chicago , bo dis continued , nnd the parties who anticipate their block colng to Chicago shall consign sumo through : further , that all stock hilled Into Omaha , South Omaha or Sioux City ut local rules shall bo considered us local busi ness. In comnllanco with the ubove.olTectlvo April 10. 1891 , tliu prnctlcu of executing contracts for and wny-bllllng live stock Incur loads fiom points lu Kans is or Nebraska to Omaha , South Omaha or HIou\ City and afterward changing destination of the shipment to Chicago cage or other points cast of the Missouri river , must o.XL'uuto contract showing ultimate des tination , and the way-bills fur Mich shipments must show such destination. All shipments of live stock , car lots , contracted and way- billed to Otnahu , South Omnhn or Sioux City will ho considered ns local business , und fufl local tariff to the destination thus shown wjll bo colluded nnd retained. 1'luusu udvise Hhlppors , post , as required by law , und be governed accordingly. JAMES SMITH , Chairman Trans-Missouri Freight association , A test cose came up yesterday. Eight cars of cattle , IfiT head , shipped on the B. & M. from Ashland , Ni'b. , by Hogors & Perloy , were consigned to 1'nrkhust.HopperiSc Parker , Chicago , to stop off at South Omaha. When the cuttle arrived they wore locked up by the Union stockyard company , awaiting orders fiom the consignee in Chicago. The cattle were sold nnd the owner , who was along with the shipment wonted thorn released. The stockyard olllcials refused to open the pens and turn over the cattle unless the rail road ofltclnls would change the billing , which was finally done and the cattle released and turned over to the purchaser. Under the rules adopted and the action taken in this case , tbo Identity of stock shipped must be preserved from starting to arriving point , with proper notation of stop ping nt'South Omaha to entitle It to through- rate freight rates. t j Court Skamlin's Second Annual. Court ' Skandla , No. 22lJIndopendent Order of'Forresters , covered itself all over with so cial glory at Us second annual ball and re ceived as many compliments as the most zealous members could desire. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Nelson led tbo grand march. Good music and over attentive committees made every ono of the 140 couples present as hap pily entertained as a social devotee could do- slro , Among the Omahans present wore Mr. and Mrs. Ole ( Nelson , Misses Hulduh John son , Lottlo and Josie Stromborg , Ilulduh Erickson , Annie , Bessie and Tillio Nelson , Ida Peterson , Tilda Lindauost , Bcttlo John son , Ida Paulson and Miss Carlson and Messrs. Victor Phulson , John A. Johnson , Frank Burnmu , Charles Snyder , Nels Peter son , C. A. Edlln ? , Oust Gibson and Andrew J. Johnson. Good Templars' ICntcrtalnmciit. Magic City Lodge No. 100 , assisted by Llfo Boat Ledge No. 150 of Omaha , Inde pendent Order of Good Templars , will give n literary nnd musical entertainment In Ancient Order of United Workmen hall , Twenty- sixth and N streets , this evening. Took I'olson by Mistake. Mrs. Sweeny , residing nt Twenty-eighth and U streets , by mistake , took a lotlml dose of tincture of Iodine yesterday morning. Tbo prompt and efficient service of a physician saved the unfortunatewoman's life. Drank Cone ntrnt d Ijye. A young son , aged two years , of Mr. and Mrs. John Medina , Brown park , drank a big dose of concentrated lye Sunday night. Prompt relief saved the child's life. Koll to the Collar. An Infant son of Mrs. Irwln , Twcnty-sfxth and P streets fell from the sidewalk into the collar area way and was badly bruised , but not seriously hurt. Una Vice President Ab Waggoner of the Live TAKE YOUR CHOICE. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC S. S. S. CONTAINS NO MERCURY OR POISON OF ANY KIND. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE AND PERFECTLY HARMLESS. YET IT IS THE ONLY PER MANENT CURE FOR CON TAGIOUS BLOOD POISON. AND THK HKSULT3 OF MEHGUHY KVK.N IN Till : HANDS OK A SKILLFUL I'HVHICIAN , AUK TO 1K DUKADKI ) . IN THK HANDS Ol * TUB " I'Ol'ULACKIT IlKCOMUa EXCEEDINGLY DANOUllOUS : AND WHEN COMI'OUNDED INTO NOHTKUM8 UY IQNOIIANT HANDS IT 1IECOMKS Bogka on Blood aijil Skin dUcisea free. TUBSWirr BVECirro CON ATLIXTA , O Stock oxchnnffo has tcndcroil Ills resignation Irorn the cxcbniiKO on account of the unploas- nnt iftul jcopnrdlzltiK complications on the fihlpplritf nnd commission business questions. The rottlRnatlon of Vlco President WOR- goner , who Is ono of the oldest und most ox- touslve commission men at the ynrds nnil ono of the ronresontntlvo tnombors ot the ox- ohnngo , will bo regretted by every .member and wcll-wlshcr of the exchange. Nolrs About tlio City. Uobcrt E. Murphy of the Cudahy force has returned from Clilcngo. Charles foster caught a mnn trying to break In his candy kitchen Sunday night. John Schromok and Mrs. Mary Fleming , both of this city , married Saturday evening. Several children of Divvld Hobon have bocn sick with mcuslcs , and one child now has MKMltJlOllln. Sol L. Degon of the commission firm of K. , Becker it Ucgon and Miss Minnie Becker "mvo been licensed to wed. The Kpworth leaciio of the Methodist church Is preparing to give a series of enter tainments. The Jlrst entertainment will bo given Thursday evening , May II. The Ladles' Auxiliary society of the Epis copal church will tncot'Wediiosday afternoon nt ! i0 : : ! nt Miss Llzzlo Plorco's , No. JJ5I2 N street. " * A largo attendance is requested as "mportnnt business will bo transacted. A committee of Methodist Indies Is can vassing tbo city getting accommodations for entertaining delegates to thn general confer ence In May , Ib'.l'J. ' The reports of the com mittees must ho trade at the committee meet ing to bo held In Cincinnati , O. , on May 0. The entertainment to bo given this even ing by the wives nnd daughters of South Omnlta lodge , No. 00 , Ancient Order of United Workmen , to the members of that lodge , promises to bo one of the plcasuntcst of the fraternal gatherings held In the city tnla season. An elaborate literary nnd programme has been prepared and a \ \ one- man banquet will bo served. WAIID1NGTON GK'IS FRESH Alii. llic PJctiirc-Simslicr FuriilHlios Hall JnoV. . Dwycr's Onnc. Gary Judson Warulngton , the destroyer of the "Return of Spring. " through the kind ness of his friends , is now tatting a sniff of fresh nlr. Ho is out of Jail , and says that ho will go baolc to his old position of uook-Uccpor for Orchard & Co. When court eonvcnod.vestcrday morning John b. McCagtio and ( Jeorgo W. Wnllnco appeared before Judge Estello and entered Into bonds of $1,000 to produce Wnrblngton's body at the May term of court. The bond was approved nnd the young man released. The case of thostnto vs Thomas MuNnmee , who is charqcd with having murdered ICatlo Nichols on February 18 , was continued until the May term nnd the witnesses released upon furnishing bonds for their appearance. The following prisoners were arraigned and pleaded not guilty , after which they wcro re- ninndcd to jnll : John Ccdarqulst , incest , committed upon his daughter Cl.iru , Novem ber 27 ; James Hlloy , breaking Into the house of Eliza Lackey and carrying away $75 worth of property on February u'O ; Oeorgo Palmer , HosoMornn nnd Mrs. George Palmer , break ing Into a Union Paelllc car on March 25 and carrying away thirty-one gallons of beer. A question tnat is entirely now In the his tory of Nebraska courts was raised by Judge Schomp yesterday afternoon. The case of the State against Joe Dwycr was called for trial In Judge Ebtollo's court. Dwyer Is on trial , charged with having murdered John Connors in a Farnam struct lodging house February 11 , during a brawl. As soon ns the case was called Mr. Schomp , attorney for Dwyer , said : "I movc.for a dismissal on the grounds that the court has no legal right to sit for the purpose of hearing and determin inir cases. " The attorneys opened their eyes with wonder aud astonishment , while Judge Estello suggested that ho would llko to know by what right any person - son could question bis authority to sit on the bench. Continuing , Mr. Schomp spoke : "It Is ft well known fact that there is some doubt as to whether or not James E. Boyd Is the pov crnor of Nebraska. It has been alleged that ho Is not a citizen of the United States , and if ho is not , then in that case all of his ap pointments are illegal and void. It is true that the question of bis citizenship is now pending In tbo supreme court , and should that body decide that ho Is not a citizen then the judges recently appointed to the bench have no authority to huar cases. Shoulc they do so , and the supreme cisions that they have or may render would bo of no force. For this reason I move for a dismissal. " Judge Estollo promptly overruled the mo tion , and the work of securing a jury was commenced. Twenty-four men were called Into the box , but there wcro only five of thoin who had not formed or expressed an opinion on the guilt or innocence of Dwyor. Juror VossDurg was the only man who had not heard of the crime. Ho has lived In Omaha four years : has not rend the dnily papers and did not know tbat such a murder had been committed. In the case of John Cane , who was on trial , charged with having committed petit larceny , the jury returned a verdict of guilty. C.S.Raymondjowelorremoved to tem porary location , N.E.cor. Douglas & 10th Vlliis Located. W. F. Vilas , who escaped from Detcotlvo Dempsey at Ottumwa , Is under arrest at his homo at La Croose , Wis. Ho was located by moans } of a decoy loiter. Dotoctlvo Dompsay will go to Lincoln today for requisition papers and then start for La Crosso. Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of 'Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. ! , No other baking powder does such work. lanKurnponn face preparation. Import' a poorly complexion , looks Ilka aprliix water , no load or diuiiML'Inu Ingredient ; , warranted tlio ben In .America. 12 a package , or 3 for ti. hunt nnjwliitrc prepaid on receipt of price , or C. O 1) . Kliinlrr DruR Co. , Ixsillo A I sllo nnd Coodtuan Drug Co. , Oirmhn , A. U. Footer , Council UlurTa. " REMEMBER IS THE NAME OF THAT Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH , HAY-FEVER , COLD In the HEAD , SORE THROAT , CANKER , and BRONCHITIS , frlce 81,00. - Tint llotlltf , For Sale by leading Druggists. TOEP1I1KD ONLY HI Klinck Catarrh & Bronchial Remedy Co. 03 JACKSON ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. DLA.KH.DRUCE & GO. _ FRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE indpirnunintCURE'0'111 ' dlmiitoTrttymNARY ORGANS. Cur i whireothrtrttlminualli.FulTdirction Mllh aeh belili. Prlet , ont < ollir. Sec ilgnaturt ol E. U IANU For > By All Drugglit t CONTINENTAL. Look in our show windows for samples of Men's All Wool lot Sack Suits at $5 , $6 and $7. Dealers would be glad to close the whole lot at these pices. This entire lot was bought for 50 cents _ pn _ the dollar , and are retailed for $10 and $12 all over the country. Our sale of $10 Light Weight Overcoats will be continued Friday and Saturday. Don't be afraid of the quality. You can pay $15 in other stores for no better. Saturday , 250 more of those All Wool Cheviot Knee Pant Suits at $3.50. Drs , Betts $ Betts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14O9 DOUGLkAS STREET OMAHA , NEB. Tno moitwtclely < and fayoruhly known spec ialists in the" Unftai States , ' Their long ex perience , remarkable gUlll ana universal suc cess In the treatment and euro ol' Nervous , Chronlo and tiilrglcnl Dlsnases. entitle those eminent physicians to the full confidence ot the afllloton everywhere. ! They iniaruntPo : A CERTAIN AND POSIMVn OUKE tot the uwtal'effpctsof eflrly Vlco'nnd the nUmor- oti evils that folio * In Its ; train. ' PRIVATE. BLOOD AND'SKIN DISEASES speedily , comnlotolv nnrt permanently cuifid. NERVOUS llEUlLlTYjAND BEXtJALDIS- OKUERS'ylelo' ] > tholr skillful troat- , FISTULA AND'RECTAL ULCERS guaranteed cured wlthont pain or detention from business. HYDHOOELE AND VARICOCELE perma nently nnd successfully cured In every case , SYPHILIS. ' GONORRHEA , OLEET. Bpor- niatorrlioa.'t-cniliinl Weakness , Lost Manhood , Night Emissions Decayed Faculties , Female Weakness nnd all delicate disorder * peculiar to cither sex positively cured , us well as all functional disorders that result from youthful follies or the excessof nuitiiro years. sT P T n' IIP ] ? Guaranteed pcrina n o n 1 1 y O I IVlV l U ixl curcd , removal complete , without cutting , caustio or dilatation. Cures effected at borne by patient without o mo ment's pnln or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. A'sTIRF ' LUKI1 The awful ' effects of cnrly vlco which brings organic weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all Its dreaded ills , permanently cured. D ] ) RFTTQ Address those who have Im- JJ\O. ] 1)1,1.10 | rod them p ) Ives by Im proper indulgence nnd solitary nablts , which ruin both mind and body , uuuttlnu them for business , study ormarrlaKo. MARRIED MEN or those entering on that happy life , aware of physical debility , quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts. First Practical experi ence. Second Every case Is specially studied , thus starting right. Third medicines are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each cave , thus effecting ourea without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , A California Nerve Footj Makes New Fresh Illood and Fro- > ( luces Flcali. Cures AiiH'inlit , Scrofula , Und Circulation and all Impurities of the Blood 03 well u tbo ftiHowlnu Nerva Disease * . VI | ! Nervnug nnd I'hyslelal Debility , Vllnl Kxliuutlnn , Pre. mattiro Docnf , Trcmhllnir , Hy ( crln , Nrr- Toiid lleuilnclin , Lot * ori'ower In either Hex , Nurvotunean In any Innn. Cnlil llnndB or F 'Ct. Pain In the Hack and cither forms ol . Dr. Hobh' * Nerve Tonic IPIIIs bring the rosy tint of health to the ohnllow cheek. Weak , nervous people should take this Brest Life Renewer. Trr them , and you will Join the tliou nd ol bappr men and \voinon who dally bless Ur , HoDbfiirbli great work In their behalf. 'Jl.ey are ngarcoated. M ) cenu a ftal. for eale ty HSU'S HIBICIIt m , MOFJ..MI ruHSilWi Ml. FOH SALKiiJJ OMAHA. NUB. DY Kuhn tt Co. Cor. Utn & | ) OUEA | SI reels .1. A. Kulli A Co. C r Hlh & DounUi ftrcctB. A I ) , Fiintrr A Co.J Uuuncll Ilium , lu * . norplilne Ilnbll OIE c r.dinloto20 < Uri. Hopkrtll J.SI rHK 8L ll Don.O. HOTEL. yfiirrau , .Cor. i4th nml trarnrti , tnont HittMiintiallu coiiafrncfctf Hotel itttiltli * * in Omnlm. Hei'ci-Hl heam brick Jtre trail * rtinnlna from Itntcnifitt tu tvf. All the cclllni/H Hint floor n lined II M AnlieHtoH flra proof ittlna , tiuiklttm it iiintoHulMa to burn OtirAYre PMOIIIPM unit flro nlttrma throughout tlten onllilliitMrrim heat , hot atnl calMntater antt utiintMnelit everufoom. luble tinnttnxinvcit < IHJ/- ic/tcre. , B SXLLOWAY , Prop. HOTEL ion LtONJB. Corner 14th nnd Capitol Avonus. Just completed , has 100 room ? , thres Btnlrways , from the top to the bottom , has fine elevator and Jlnmnjr room service , I Ore proof throughout , flno billara rooms and the finest toilet rooms in the city. Larsa Sample rooms , Suites -with bath Jca. Cor 14th and Uaoltol Are. Street car service In alldlreotlons. Rates , from $2.00 to1.00 WEAK WOMEN Saio Yoiirscltpo. Ncrvn Means trlllcuro wcnkback , tnko nwnr tbat Kloomjr , IIrod fuellnir , th tnorrouiezUau > tlon , putroif * In r ° ur chcoki , brlKlilen our or" . t * JOU now life , anibtn tlon , appetite , lunko you tenfold moro attractive. Abiolutolr Jlarrale . burn , tl a box. poilpald. 1'auipUUtfree. NK1IVK HKAN CO . UutJalo.N. O1 Bold br Oooinun Drug Co. , 1110 IN ADVERTISING. For four cents In stamps , we will send 50art ! * tic suggestions for newspaper nd\ertisemenl , cards or circulars. Bright , lively , humorous suitable for every line of business. Prom sketches by our best artists. For merchants or businessmen in city or country : they are urcnt charmitur novelties that will add life aud char acter. Try Art in Adertising. . ALDEN & FAXON , NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENTS , en * fig tr. turt it. , CINCINNATI. 0. ONHUEY S3 Goodyear ffclt/ / ninjo of Calnklu ncr wldily n.hcrllsdl. Sol J cor ) where. ' 11lls U ( hooriginal t3 bhw.nml / thel > cit niailc. llonaro of 1ml- / tillom. 1'osltlvcly noncKdif % + ulno iinlcsi itanipcil onl" > / ? " ' * " " : iPiioo"'e ? [ "x c , ' J. ° JIEANS A CO. s/Syj $ ' g LADIES ONLY I cmtle lieanittlic mojt powerful female regulator ler * fectlyiife. Never fall. $ itx > npali. Send ac.ttimp ( ) foe particulars. Addren LION DKUG CO. , Buffalo. N. Y. V E SUBSTITUTES GENUINE HAS BUFF WRAPPER AROUND BOTTLED MADE ONLY BY PONDS EXTRACT co. , 7Q FIFTH AVE. , NEW YORK. NO OURRr NO F > A.Y. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Seventeen years experience. A rojuhr Kralnito In modiclno. m diplomat show Is still troittnr wit ! the irroitost Bucce , all Xorvoa * . Chronlcnna I'rlvnte Dhonm. A ' pjrman'jnt euro guiraatofl for Catar Spcrnmtorrliwn , Lost Manhood , Seminal Weakness , MulitLosios , " " ! . Impotency , 9Tillls. | Stricture , and oases of the Blood. Skin ami Urlnnry Orzans. N U. 1 guarantee iiwfor orory case I nnJortite and . a. euro. m. to Consultation 12m. free. Book ( Myjterlcj ot Life ) sent froj UJloa hour * 9 a. m. to d p. m. Bundoy . LA GRIPPE. TurkishTea taken. at night and occasional doses of Quinine , will relieve all pains in the bones , cleanse the system and mak you feel like a new person. Sure cure for liver , kidney , and nerve affections. 250 pack age. Sample for 2C stamp. Turkisk Cough Cure. The only cough cure that will re lieve cough at once and cure with a few doses. Take no substitute ; will return money if it doesn't cure the worst cough Price SQC bottle , Turkish Remedy Co. , O maha , Neb. NEBRASKA National Bank U. S. DEPOSITOItV , OMAHA , NH3 Capital , - - - . - $4OOOOO j Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - ea.BOO J Ofllccra and Directors Henry W. YntoI'roiktent : Lewis S. llTOd , Vlco-rresulont . . - ; Jumoj W. HavftKO. W V.Murso. John S. Collins , It. U Cu.lihu , J. N. U 1'utrlck. W II. S. Hughoi , cnihlor. Ttim IRON BANK , Corner 12th aud Knrrmmaii A General lluukin linsluc s Transacts I , . - - STHMA CUREDS \ ScbltfraenB'i Asthma Cure norer/ui/i to giro "i"1' nl > / la tbo wont CIM J Ininrrj com. I forUllo iletpi efftctl cures nh ra 11 others lull. A OT5r" ' * nut tliptieal. I'rlct. 60 c ( . and 0 , of lrntlits . ( or br mall. S . . BO ILOOD PURIFIER AND MAKER Is not ploaant to < ako , ns It Is cornier posed of all the modloinal qimlltlcflq that go to make now and rloh bfoo i J without compollinff the consumer to pay $1 A BOTTLE FOR ONE-THIRD which can bo bought any wboro fof thirty-flvo oonta a gallon , as all i aparillas am * BEQGS' BLOOJ PURlL'IERand BLOOD MAKER I composed of pure modioino , and i lows the purohasor to add syrupi wh'oh is advisoi when fflvon to children. If your ( IniKKlst doo3 not Keep it accept no Miustlttito , hut onlor Ulruot ( ram Uugca lftff [ - Co. , Id"-11)7 ) Michigan St. , Clilciixn , III. and ? tlioytlll forward. oxjircb3 prepaid , ono but * tic for $1 or six for $3. , * ' DR. BAILEY , Graduate Dentist A Full Hot of Tcctli oa Ilubtof. for I IVK I OIIAIIM. A perfeJ ] fltKunrnnlci'it , Tcctli extracted 0 irlthout pain or d nuor. un j , - ftlthou tnnnitlicllcj ! . ( iold uS ki nllvor Illlliii ! nt lowest rntoi , llrldno and Crown Work. Tcotli without ( ilutus. All work nur < OFFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM I'ntriinco , ICtb itroot olovator. Open oycnliigi until S o'clock. - ADVANTAGES ! OP BUYING- r'M-I-S-P-I-T-S- : : It would not pay tlio tailor to make up poor material ; therefore , in buying misfits you are always certain to got cloth that will give good satisfaction and long servfco. Tlion tlio tailor tnUob far more care with IIB ! work than ia bc&towocl upot factory work , where the idea 5s to blight the garment as much as possible in order to turn out work cheap. Another great advantage is that , among our fine misfits , you will find the half and quarter slzop , and really bettor Jilting goods than cart jound in establishments that deal in ready made clothing. Then by buying mibflts you are really putting in your pockol what the tailor looses , for you got us good as the tailor would make you for just about half what the tailor would charge. All alteration done free of chargoHo insure a good fit. SBARGAINS THAT SAVE - - PRIGElLIST. - -LIST. SUITS. OVERCOATS PANTS. K5 ( X ) Merchant Tailor made nt (12 00 yo 00 Merchant Tailor inudo ut 14 00 I2J 00 McielumtTullor miido ut . . . ' . ( ID CO t 0 00 Merchant Tullor mudo at 13 00 Its (0 ( Morchunt Tullor intiilo lit if , uo 'JO CO Mori-hunt Tailor niiido at II M 8 Merchant Tullor inudo 40 00 Merchant Tailor made at 1825 40 CO.Mcn/lmiit Tnllor nindo at. . . . II 73 CO ut 400 45 00 Merchant Tailor mailu ut M wi 45 00 10 00 Merchant Tullor made nt 3 OCJ Murchhnt Tjllor M 00 Merchant 'IVIIor inudo ut 23 50 Hindu ut WJ ( X ) 0' ) 00 Merchant Tailor mudii ut 8 00 U ) 00 Mcicliunt Tailor Hindu ut " 00 12 00 Morclmnt Tullor made ut M oi ) Mcrohunt Tailor lutulu ut . . . SO 00 CO OOMrrulmnt I'lillor inudo ut SO 00 13 CO Mcrulmiit Tullor mudo ut 71 75 00 Merchant Tullor mudo ut IB 00 70 00 MCI chant Tailor nmclout. . . 'JO 00 16 CO .Mtirclmnt Tullor mudo ut bV A perfect lit warranted , and nil goods sold on tholr merits. A puarantoo 1" < nory cnso just as represented , at tlio ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309.