Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Business on 'Ohaugc ' Brisk with Grain
Generally Higher.
Corn niul I'rovlsloiiH Scored n Sllclit
AilvnncoVlillo Cnttlo Sold nt
the Highest Figures Our-
Init t'to Your.
CiTtCAno. Airll | to Tnit
IlEK.l-Ilii'dncss started quite brisk on the
board tif triulc , with the 'grain markets gen
erally stroiif ? nnd lilKliernnd provlslonssteady
except pork , wlilcli wus nt a decline of fie to
lOc , Darin ? the first hnlf hour the situation
vrai reversed. Wheat yielded on free nailing
and pork lose liio from bottom prices , lloforo
the end of ttio dour wlieat milled and with
corn muvod to lilslior prlcci , leaving the
whole list of the markets strong at 11 o'clock.
May Rales early were : \Vhcat , $1.05 to $ l.01'i ,
to $1.03 ? ; . tol.o3i. ! totl,03 ( { ; cornC'ic toGSo :
oati.fiUic toMJfc : tmrk , $12.5 ! ) to $12.00 : lard ,
10.72 to $ ( ! .W ) ; rib * . $1.13 to $5.20.
An hour before the close of the marUot to
day the ni'tlon In wheat Indicated manipula
tion 11101-0 plainly than at any previous tlmo.
The visible supply statement was the
feature of the day. Nearly all points
reporting stocks early gave a liberal decrease
for the week. A yearaxo the decrease for the
country was 07(1.003 ( bushels. At 11 o'clock to
day the popular estimate wns for a decrease
of roo.oco bushels. At 12 o'clock It looked llko
n 200,000 bushel decrease. At 12tO : : o'clock the
figures went up. showing 1,000 liushels Increase.
Ten minutes later , Instead of a break of Ho
on the disappointing report , prices touched
the highest nolnt of the session up to that
hour , and showed a net advance over the close
of Saturday of l'4o. ' The action up to 10 o'clock
for the leading months was as follows : May
opened l.05. sold toJl.OI'j. lotl.OSJJ. tol.03i. !
to Ji.avj , to ti.ovj. toSl.M.'j. July , $ i.oi1j : , to
II.KIU , to $ i.oi'i. : tol.oi : , < , . to $1.01 , to JI.044' ? ,
tofl.DIU' There was a goodly mixture of both
bear and and bull news on the floor. To begin
with , early Liverpool cables recovered from
Batutday and were linn for spot and'futiire ,
while London was M elf on California
cargoes for prompt shipment Liverpool
moeki Increased from H70OuO bushels to 1,120-
000 bushels .since April 1. Later In the day the
tone of private nation was quite strong. 'There
wore foreign buying orders reported from
New York. Odessa advices reconfirmed the
damage to the Russian crop. Liverpool closed
&d to ? .Jd up. Paris closed slightly easier for
wheat , butiM centimes up on Hour for May
und 1 frano and 20 centimes higher for April.
Antwerp was IM centimes hlghor. In domestic
news tliii receipts at Minneapolis were 201
cars. Chicago U2 caw aml'Oiilntli 05 cars. St.
Louis received If..OOO bushels and shlppod 132-
000 uushuls. Atlantic ports cleared but little
wheat , but Now Orleans cleared 13)WO ( bushels
for export. M llwaukee reported ' .0,000 bushels
of cash wheat sold at ijo over May. Dis
patches from the northwest complained
of cold winds and delayed seeding.
Country elevator stocks In the nortli-
west were given at. J.SOO.OOO bushels.
Minneapolis public stocks decreased 80,000
bushels and private stocks decreased 140,000
bushels. The best buy Ing of the morning was
by H. V. Wlilto & Co. , Mitchell ft llulmlinlz.
nnd the brokers for some oae who was ab
sorbing May wheat , llutchlnson , Itoche and
others sold July freely. The support to the
market late In the day was somewhat rmnark-
ublo , Just before the eloso Secretary Stone
reported a correction of 111,030 bushels too
much reported from St. Louis , making the
visible simply a deurcaso of 140,003 bushels
finally. This had little oll'ect on prices.
\Vbeateloscdstrongat ifti advance of Just lo
from Saturday , at Sl.uri'i. July was up lie ! to
H.O.V. . ilnd tlio high prlco was given at $ I.UIa.
April was ipioted at tl.OI9 ! to $ I.04-U' . Chicago
stocks Ini'ieased : i7UUUO bushels ulloat and de
creased IM.djo bushels in store.
The range of corn for the day in the various
months was as follows : May. 07io ! to tl'JSSu ;
June , C5io ! to C7ci ? July , ( fl ? c to ( Ik ) ! August ,
Ole to G.vo : September , ( UUo tofll c. The
closing prices for the loading months were
6J ! ) o for .May , and C'lUc ' for July , or about 1 !
ever the close on baturday. The rocelf
were "CO earn ; for tomorrow the estimate is
UOJ cars. The local stock Increased for the
week 480,000 bushels. The visible supply for the
week has decreased : KI. X > bushels. The sharp
ndvunco was much like tliat of a few weeks
ngo. Cash corn was higher and In demand ,
nnd holders of long corn In the pit did not re
lievo the wants of the shorts until thov run
prices up abuiitc. . Corn puts sold at CSKo
nnd puts atTUyc.
The oats market today was strong nnd
active , In sympathy with wheat nnd corn , and
closed ? o to le nbovo Saturday's closing fig
ures. May delivery opened up at M'.ic ' de
clined to 54"ie. recovered und . ad
vanced to 5. > c. at which amount It
closed. June sold from 54o down to
Kl'ic , but closed firm at 54jc [ , the top nrlcoof
the day. July sold from Slic to 5JVc , closing
at 52Jc. August sold from 38Uu toilOc , nna
September from aTi' o to Miie , both options
clo-ilne at the outsldo figures. The visible
supply figures showed an Increase of 48,000
bushels. The Inspected receipts were 110 cars ,
of which 57 cars were graded contract or better.
The shipments amounted to 11,1 : : . ' bushels.
The provision market was somewhat qulot
early , with prices lower than on Saturday for
jiork , and steady for ribs and lurd. Hrst
prices were the lowest of the day. The ud-
vance appeared to bo largely In sympathy
with the grain markets. The buylnz of ribs
was led by Uyun & Co. This proved to be the
strt'neest product , with an advance from
Saturday prices at the close of l : Jr. Pork
and lardwcro up alike T'Jo for May am ! lOcfor
July. May pork sold at SliM , to JI2.70. to
W.H7 ! , : July. J12.fl.-i. to Jllla to $1:1.10. : Lard
sold up t M.85 and 17.15 for May and July , and
closed M. ! H and J7.1'-Hibid. Ulbselosed uttho
hleJ.est prices , at SO.W15 for May and W.KS5 for
Showing the range of prices in the loading
options , as reported by V. O. Swartz & Co. :
Noti'H nnil
Diilutli rccnlpta of wliuiit , OS curs.
Mliinuniiolls ruculptn , SOS ours of wheat.
8t. I < OIIK. | llecoliitH , wliunt , IK.OOO ! corn , 132-
000 ! .oiilH. 45,000.
8t. Louis HlilpmoiiU : Wliunt , 150,100 ; corn ,
07.00) ) ; outH , 10.UOO.
Kstliiinti'd recolpts nt Chlcngo Tucsilny :
Wlii'at , IM ; corn , UM ; outs , 1(15. (
UlilvitKO lioiirtl ciililo qiinipH London a < t.
lowur on wlu'ut nroniiit Klilpmcnt.
VUllilu Httuply of wliunt , IIICIU.ISP , 100,000 ;
corn , ilooruusiX'il)00 : ) ; outs Inuiuuso , 48ouu.
A inussiiuo from Diilutli Buys tlio export
biiNliifss of toUuy la liniuunsu , tlio largest of
tlio your ,
Tl > o Illinois wcukly wciitlior crop report
! \ys bprliiK work uiul hucdhiK Kunorally In
proKrt'Hsltii ; llnuly.
CliU'iiKO receipts : Wheat , SI,5S ; corn , Ifll-
000 ; OtttH. 14',49U. SlihiMiuiits : Wliuat , lO.OXUt
corn , 13IW ( ; outM , HI.ST.I.
OhlfiiKO hiiyHt K.xportur.i have been the host
liuyors of wheat at St , Louis. Russian crop
( liimaKocoiillriiiod and nioio sorlcins tlinn tlio
previous ruport. H tl whi < al nolu liuro todur
utfl.oa ; May , tl.l&U.
llourliohtu'M oablu : Off coast wheat linn ,
corn nothliiK olUirud , Un PUSIUKO and for
tthlpintuit wlittat llrniur , corn stronit , .Murk
Lunu wliuiit Unit , corn turn fU-tircr. Krnch
markets tlrtn. Llvorpool wliunt snot tlrin ,
corn Mtroni ; . Iiidnui slilpniuuts to United
Klnuilom anil continent , W.5JI cimrtors | ; last
wut'k , lt ! . , ' > UO ( | iiurlLTs.
'ritoillroctorof Donno uollvce , Crete , says :
The U'liipuraturu for tliu past week has uuun
KOiuuwhat bulow the nvorago for this soiison
tif thuyoar ; no ruin full uxcupttltirlnxthu last
twoortlirutiditysaiid thi-n only u trucu. ux-
oupt nlonK thoiiorthorn iJordiTsof thu status
Biiiishliio aliont thu avuniKtV. Thu sniison opens
ntillolato. Frost Imioimit of the ground In
tliu iiortliurn part of the stiito. but Hiuull uraln
Isliiilf own In the ci'titral part ; a very lurijo
amount of sooillns tms IK-CM Uono tiiruuKhaiit
southern Nubruskn the nust wi-ok. I lognitnia
ID uvnryvfliurti In oxccllent i-omlltlon , with
plenty of mo uture from the woltlnti of the
jttto HUOW , wtiluii itlll rouialni lu diltu In tbe
north. Warm , nnnMilny wcatlior Is now
ncctlcd , Which If nrconipntilvd liy light rains
would hasten thn starting of Rrnss , mticli
nececd ovury where on account of the scarcity
of feud , Kail sown raln Is reported as In the
bcstcon'dltlon for many yours.
. ft Co. to Tracy & llrynn
Whrat opened nt tl.OIKUI-OIV with n
KOOI ! Ronornl donmnd. sold tip to for Mny
and closus nt ll.ttV.fOl.lfi.S. Cables como
stronir from tlio Unllcrt KliiRdoin and the con
tinent. The demand for cnsh wheat for ship
ment Is good ! consldciralilo Inquiry froni for-
olt-n hon < ics. particularly for line quality of
No. S red. Tim vlslblo supply was expected to
show ndrcrciiso of 630.003 bushels , hut Itshqws
only 14'MXX ' ) bushels , which Is lltht ? for the i sen-
son of the year. Tlio srowliiR crop Is ttlvlng
proalpromK The futttro value will bo In-
llncnued somu by nno weather , which Is about
due , but until foreign advices change In tone
puruhascN uiiidu on weak market will pay
moderate prollts. Corn opcncn at GsSo for
May , sold up toCO c , closed at C9ic- ! The de
mand for the dally arrivals Is very good , sol-
line as hlh | as 7Ic to | ? o to the elevators. I his ,
with the old bull party nitnln In the market.
makes It nervous nnd erratic. Duly. In sym
pathy with corn , are active. 1'rovblons moderately -
oratoly active ,
\V. G. McCormlok & Co. to V. C. Swartz ft Co :
The wheat market has been fairly active and
1ms shown strength during thu entire day.
The eausu of tlio strength Is n mystery. He-
ports from , the sprlnc planting were better
than they linvu been , nnd London re
ported bv ptibllo cable a decline offal. Tlio
vlslblo supply showed u decrease of only 140.-
000 , which was less than had been predicted
last week. The only bull news on the lloor
was a repetition of caulcs received two weeks
ago as to damage to the American crops. Outside -
side trntltl has been comparatively small , the
market being left ehlelly to local scalpoM.
Hccelpt.s at eleven primary points wuro2 0-
00) ) ; shipment ) , 7 .t 0. Tim close of thti mar
ket was strong with Indications of : i higher
openlni ; tomorrow. Corn bus liceu active ,
Blronj ? anil higher. The key to the situation
being a heavy demand for cnsh. No. H yellow
Is said Imvu sold tit Tl tents. Oats followed
the lend of corn , nit hough with less active
trading , The cash demand was moiturately
good but did not show us much urgency as
corn. Provisions allhouuh not active Miowed
a quint and Increasing strength. I'lireliiisi-s
on soft spots fiom this on are likely to pay
nlcu ptollls.
< , ' //iC'.l IIVK NTOCJi 3I.IUKET.
CitiCAno , April III. [ i-peclal Telegram toTnr.
llin.Cattle : ] About everything at all desir
able In the steer line was sold out nt tin early
hour and nt tlio highest orlces for the year so
fur , quality consldeted. I'or paper , thu prlco
did not look su high , but thoadvntico wns In
thu quality. Canning stock shared In the up
turn , and about everything In this line was
sold out early. Little or nothing was going on
In the Mocker and feeder trade. The follow
ing am about the current range of prices to
day : Extra , I.IJOO to l.SOJ pounds. M.OOtt'Ui ;
prime export M.7iO.UO ! ; rough export , 5.2. ) ®
5.CO ; good to choice , 1'i'iO to 1,500 pounds. } j.SO ! &
5.75 ; medium to good , 1,150 to li50 : pounds. J5.00
® 5"5 ; common , 1,050 to 113) ! ) pounds , M."i@4.75 ;
fnt pony Ninooth. 1.IUU to 1JIJO pounds , $4S.i ®
ft.W ; choice hi'lfers. ( I.OU@4.U5 ; good cows and
heifers. f.l. ! VQi.75 : ; fair to good cows ,
MX ) to ! ,050 pounds. FJ..VK&I.UO ; com
mon to fair cows , JI.75S2.2.1 ; poor to good
bulls , 000 to 1'iOJ poundt , f.03'JJ2.75 ' ; choice to
fnncv bulls , l.MX ) to a.WK ) iioiinds , Kl.noi l.OO :
stock steurs. ( H)0 ) to K)3 ) pounds , tJ..VXiri.OO ; feedIng -
Ing steers , KV ) to 1,350 pounds. KLS.ViZ3.5J ; vonl
calves , 1UO to IICK ) pounds , JJ.M(2J.OJ ( ; milch
cows , per head , $15.0010.00.
Ilooa The market opened stoudy , but
closed weak and f/iilOu lower on nearly nil
grades. Hough and common , $1.5'J4.70 ; pack
ers' , W fett- > .IU ; pttmu heavy und butchur
weights , t5.1.V35.i'i : light. ? J.U3't6J.15.
Nr.w YOIIK , April I. ) . [ Special Telegram to
TUB HUB , ] The buoyant feeling which per
meated thu money centers of this country last
week has crossed the Atlantlo ocean and Lon
don has become Infected with It. Thu Kn-
gllshmen ate optimists on foreign se
curities In ceneral and In American se
curities In particular , and less favorable
Indications than those which developed hero
last week would bo sutllulcnt to iiinku them
feel bullish on our stocks. The London mar
ket for Americans was strong this morning.
The Now York stock exchange opened strong
and prices advanced rapidly In thu early deal
ings. lly 11 o'clock nearly all thu active
stocks were 1 point nbovo Saturday's closing.
Trading was only fairly active.
London purchases In our market this morn
Ing were estimated at 250,0'JU shares , princi
pally St. I'anl and I'nlon I'
stocks , with Atchison , Louisville , Ilurllngton
ft Qulncy , nnd Wabnsh preferred , were the
strong features of the day. The Atchlson's
strength was partly duo to the Increased
gross earnings for March. These were pub
lished on Saturday.
Uold to the amount of $500,009 was ordered
for export to Berlin by Wednesday's steam
ship. Everybody understands that these ex
ports of gold to liorlln art ) not In settlement
of trade balances. They nro on account of
ONO or two things. They are either on account
of the present financial disturbances or of ap
prehensive political dlsturbances.that Is , a wur
between Franco and Hussln on the one hand
and the triple alliance on the other. Tills lat
ter theory U gaining adherent ? on Wall street
every day. Many things seem to Indicate
that the Qcrmuns are hoarding u stock of
gold In expectation of hostilities. The Ger
man selling of Northern Tacllle stocks seems
also to Dear out this theory. If seems possi
ble that the Germans uru paying u .slight
premium for this gold , but the Imperial bank
of llerlln once before explained that It docs
all Iti Its power to facilitate Importation of
gold. As soon as notice ts received by cable
that gold has been shipped , the bank pays the
amount to the consignee charging no Interest
until the arrival of the gold.
Stocks. I Upon. I High. I Low. I Close. | Bat.
W. &U K. . . 73
Hocking Vnl 24 K 2A
Krlo SO 2U 20 20
Canada Su. . SOM SI 67
LAN 78 SI79H 77
(1C. C. B2K tax
Mo. 1'nc 70H ro ) 70HJ
Union 1'nc. . 47K , ! < 47W 47M
N. 1'nc. pfd. < SW U9' <
N. 1'nc. com , ZH 211
(1 , . AQ. . .
Itock Inland lilW
I ) . , I. . & W. . ! > * < ;
Am.Hug.ltf. "
New Kngl'd. S9 88 as S"
Itlch.Tfrm'l 17K 17K 17M I7
Atchison. . . , I0 i I OX
Chicago Una 4611
No. Am
BIWer IP7W OTM fl-
The following are the closin ; quotations ;
U.S. 4s registered..m ? ! Northern 1'ncltlo 2.V > (
U.S. 4 coupon 12- ! ) ] do prclcrred. ' . IWV
U.S. 4K < registered , 101 ? { C. . N. & W 107H
U. B. 4 s coupons..lOIJf tin profit ( :
1'actllo Us of'Hi 112 New York Ventral. . . , 102U
Central I'nclnc liUH I' . , I ) . AK 21
Chicago A Alton U4 Hock Island 7JW
Chlcngo , Ilurllngton U..M. A St. I' CO
AUUInoy S5i < do preferred 112J4
I ) . , LA W ISkiM St. I'nul A ( ) ! unlm. _ . WA
IlllnoU Central t > 7 do preferred 84
I. , U. AW Union I'aeltlr < ; i
Kansas AToxim. . . . . . 1SVI W. . HI. U& I- w ,
Loko Shore 1IOM dopreferrod luji
Michigan Cunlrul. . . , m' ' ? Woilirn Union U1H
Missouri 1'aclHc. . . . . litrtd
MONEY ON CALL Easy ; closed oirered at I
I'IIIMK MEHCANTILB 1'Ai-Kit 57 per cent.
* " " ' " " X y"
day bills , $ l.hS4' ? ; dumiind. *
Mlnln < C
NEW YOIIK , April U-lHpujlal Telegram to
Tun IlBiil-TIm ftjllowlnz are thu mining
stock quotations :
Deadwond T 1UO ( loiild A Curry BOU
lloiueilaku 8I.S Horn hllver uu
Moslfim I1HI Onlarlu 3MUO
Oi-flilental 1(10 I'lyinoiith iso
Hlorrn Ne i. . . . : I1U Hlnniliird I2i
Union Con Klli Vullnw Jiickt-t aid
Cllfl'tM ) Oltll | > IIH.
NEW YOIIK , April IX-lHpuclnl Tuloiram to
TUB HBK.l-CoKniK-Ootlons openetl stently
and unchanged to 10 points up , ami closet !
Bteutly ami unchanged to 15 points up. The
Tlio VlHllilo Supply.
ClHCAOO , April 13.-Tho vlslblo supply of
grnlii , as com piled by the secretary of the Chicago
cage board of trade , U an follows ;
. . . IliiBhels.
} \hcat . L . ' , : uitxx )
Corn . . ' .SIS.lKX )
. ssmooo
. . . ,
Unrloy . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . „ . . . . 1.010.0JO
CIIICAOO. April 1:1 : Wliout Clofo Firm ;
Us Mliy'
Co -Steady ; cash , f. 370ci May , COJio ; July
Oats-li'lrmi cash , 5le ) } ; Mny , 5o ; July
Hye-'KIrm at SfiVliU'Tc.
llurloy t'lrm nt7Wi Oo.
1'rlmu Timothy ll.Vtvai.J7.
Wlilsky ll.IO.
Vorlc-btoadyi * cash. 112.60 ! May , ll2.C7Ji !
yi lti.tu *
Lanl-Stendyt cnsh , J6.7SJ ! ; Mny. O.W ! { ;
July. f7.KKT67.UMJ.
Short Hlbs-Hlondyi cash , M.150.20 ; Jtuy ,
o.7i ! ; July , ItUO.
KInur 1'frin and unchanged.
Hulk Meats-Shoulders. fs.ooit5.lO ; short
clear , LV4.Vit.VM ; hort ribs. MM.
Iluttor UiichrniKed.
Uucliaugcd ) Uoavjr und light crocu
. . . . .rcon tailed , 4Mc4U : salted
nlk , IVot green BAtted calf , 8c : dry Mint , 8ci
ry salted , BO ; dry calf. MlOo.
Tallow Unclmngod ) 1 , solid packed , 4c2 ! | ,
lie : enko. 4 { o.
Cheese rirml full oronrn Cheddars. llHSO
'ic ; Voting Americas , 12l2Moi Hats , ll ! (
Eggs-Easy : frcsli , 12QI2Se.
Itoculptft. Shipments.
lour H.noo 7.000
Vlieat , bu 54,000 BflOJO
'orn , fin 101,000 103,000
lats , bl 10..000 81,000
NEW VottK. April 13. Wheat Ht-cclpts , .Tl.COO
inshelsi exports , none : spot KUUa higher ,
losing llrm : No. 2 ml. In elova-
or : $'i.lou In store : $ L2i > < iM.2i ? ; f. a b.
) ptlons closed strong at 1'JOl'ic ' over Satur-
ay ; No. 2 red , May closed lit $1.13.
Corn Ilccolpls. 110,800 bushels : eiports , 2,150
umbels ; spot to blKlicr ; No. 2. 70H80o In olo-
atort tile afloat } ungraded mixed , 7M.3lc.
) pttons lS2o { ( higher , closing llrm ; April ,
Outs ItceelpKr.SOM bushels ; exports , none :
pot flrm und Ulo blither ; No. 2 while , Cli56 ?
lie : mlxctl western , ftjffld'-c : wblto western , ill
tflOc. Options stronger ; May closed uJ.OQiu. !
Sugar Kaw , llrm , but quiet : rollneo , flrm
ml fairly active.
Petroleum United closed. May , 73c.
Etrgs Stciuly : western , 13c.
I'ork-KIrm atii.r : > 014.uo.
Lard Stronger : western steam. 7.00.
Iluttor Htcady : western dairy. IMW.'o :
vcslcrn creamery , 212Tc | Elgin. 27c.
Cheese-Firm : skims , 6410c. !
ST. Louis , April U Wheat Strong ; cush ,
l.nujj ; Mny , li.oo ? ; .
Corn rirm ; cnsh. CS'Sc ' ; May , Cii' c.
tats ) Strong ; cash , .We ; May , iiliji- .
I'ork nrmer nt f U'.AUOI- ; . ? } .
Lard Steady at M.M.
Whisky111. ! .
Mutter Sternly ; creamery , KJ ® " " > o ; ilnlry , 18
, April HI. Wheat Demand for
wheat goodrat atlvanco of KBIUo over Satur
day , Kecelnts of wheat , 'M curs ; shipments ,
Ki ears. Close : No. 1 hard. April. JI.07 ;
in track , fl.07i ! ; No. I northern. April , tl-IIJ ;
May. fl.KIf ! < 3l.u4 : on track , tlMU\.t'\ \ ' \ "
lorthern , April , $1.0' ' : on track , $1 OU'/tGl.oaii. '
MiiiWAUKKK. April 111. Wheat rirm : No. " .
prlmr , cnsh , $1,01 ; Mny. 1.05j ? ,
Corn Illghur : No. : i , 70',5e. '
Oats-KIrm ; No. i. ' . white. WUtSWTft
Provisions Klrmj pork , May , $ li.70.
CINCINNATI. April 13. Wheat Stronger. No.
red. Jl.uuauo.
Corn fctrong ; No. 2 mixed. 74c.
Oi.ts Sturdy ; No. - ' mixed , 5Se.
KANSAS CITY , April 111. Wheat Mnrket ,
itrongur : No. 2 hard , cash , ! Bc.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2. cash , ( i.' bid.
Oats Stronger ; No. 2 cash , .Y.Vic bid.
Ii\K STtHlK.
CIIICAOO , April la-Cattle Kccelpts 11/00 ;
mnrket hUher ; steers , common to e.Mra. $1.50
WI.L"I ; ; cows and heifers , $ .oo.50 ) ; eanners ,
Hogs Heeelpts , S.1,000 ; nmrkut wcnk ; rough
and common , $ l.5l.7u ( ) ; packers H.tiifi.ri ; ( 10 ;
iirlmo hi'iivy nnd butcher weights , $ J.I. ' > iJ.'J."i ;
light , J4.0JS.IS. !
SIIKKP Uecelpti , 10,000 : market steady ; na
ive . ' "i.2j33.73 ; westerns , $5.fiJ5.73 ; lambs.
ST. Louis , April 13. Cuttle Hecclpts , 1.500 :
shlpmentH. j market higher : fair to
faney n.itlvo steers , $4.IO5.8J ; stookors and
feeders , $ : i.OO@4.K ( ) .
Hogs -Itecolpts , 4,330 : shipment ? , 1,700 ; mar-
< ul steady : heavy , $3. Xt .23 ; mixed , $1.5 ; ®
-10 ; light. $4.7534.00.
KANSAS CITV , April l'J.-Cattle Kecelpts ,
' ,050 ; shipments , 250 : market Htrong ; steers
W.T.Vii.i.25 : cow.s. $ I.754.35 ; slockcrs ami
fenders. $2.254.25.
Hog-i-Ueeelpts , 4,300 : shipments , OJO ; mar
ket strong ; nil givides , $ .l.wffi3.03. :
O31.111.1 M.1VK STOCK ,
OMAHA , April 13.
OATTLB Estimated rocelots of cattle 1,100 , as
compared with 1,1114 Saturday and l.IJMi
Slonday of last week. Tliu market wns active
anil 310c hlirher on the best grades of beeves
and butcher stock and strong on others , recit
ers are quiet and unchanged.
lions Estimated receluts of hogs 2.200. as
compared with 3.40'J ' Saturday and 4-.U17
Monday of last week. The market was
active and steady to Tie lower. All sold early.
The range of prices paid was $ l.70W > .m. the
built selling at $ I.K3 ® . " > .00. Plus. K.W&IM ;
light-lights , $ ; i.50 4.MlIght$4.704.0-lieavv. : ;
$4.KV33.10 ; mixed , $4.ava4.U.'i. The nvcrngo of
the prices paid was $ l.fW , ' , as commircd with
$1.1)3 ) Saturday und $4.54 Mondiiyof last week.
SilKW Estimated receipts of sheep Ml , as
compared with 2.2)4 ) Saturday and lif- Monday
of lust-week. The market was active and
llrm. Natives , $2.73.50 ; westerns , J2.00@5.50.
Stock Itccoints.
Estimated Today. Olllam ) Saturday
Cattle. . . 47 cars , 1,100 Cattle. . . & ! ) can. 1.314
Hogs 31 cars. 2,2110 HOES. . . . 40 curs. U.40U
Sheep 5 cms , 831 Sheep 11 cars , 2,201
Highest and Lowest Sales of Hogs.
Today. Yesterday.
Highest $5.10 Hlirhest $3.10
Lowest $4.70 Lowest 4.70
Disposition or Stock.
Showing the number ot cattle , ho ; ? and
sheep bought by the packers and oilier buyers
on the market as shown by the books of the
Union stock yards company :
Iluyers. NO.
'wlftitCo U88
TboJ. ( 11. Hammond company 232
I'lio Cudahy packing company 21
The Omaha packing company 7
JlitpporH , feeders an ( other buyers C02
Noftovor 48
Total isis
The Cuduby p'aoklng company 1,200
The Omaha packing company 48.1
iwlft it Co avj
ThoU. II , llammond company ; iv >
> hliors | | ) , feeders and other buyers 121
Leftover ; >
Total 2 037
Swift ft Co 4S4
The Ciiduby packing company 287
Itcirosuntativu ] Sales.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av , I'r. No. Av. 1'r.
1. .1070 $ ' 1 73 10. . 1112 $3 00 117. . 1270 $3 43
7..1U37 IIK5 S0..10.S2 500 13..KIWI ft 45
1..1IIO 450 ( XI..12.0 510 71..141(1 ( 550
2. . MK 450 20. .1112 510 : II1VI ! a so
20. . CS : > 403 2J. . 1114 r. 10 J57..127U 550
21..1114 470 20..1170 515 - 0 | :1A5 : BBS
3..122-.I 475 20. . 1238 K 23 11.1241 ! ) 5(15 (
l..iKO : 475 12..1230 523 2i ) .13(4 ( 570
10. . 881 475 10..10SU 5 ItO 1J"Hua 5 BJ
17. . 1194 500 38. U'CO 535
3. . .r > 93 $3 85
3. . 757 150 1..1050 300 10..1027 300
1..100J 200 2. . hOS 303 1..105370 )
8. . TM 200 1..10IO 325 3..1140 1170
1. . 1)10 ) 200 14. . 700 325 2..1125 383
7. . 878 210 2..1180 325 1..1500 400
1. . 890 215 1..1SIO 323 1..127U 440
1..1010 240 1..1170 325 1..14110 500
1..J140 250 19. . 002 330 1..1270 545
1. . 022 250 0. . K 350 18. .1020 3 RO
15. . 0112 3 25 1. , 830 3 55 57 077jun
3. . 707 3 40
1..1IOO 225 1..14IO 283 1..11110 .175
2.,1510 253 323 1..1930 440
1..1520 2 75
5. . 530 250 5. . COS 385 1. , 050 400
I..1 320 323
1 Rprlnticr. $23 C
I milker. | . ; nou
Icownndculf " 4 u (
I and calf
cow % ni
1. . 270 2 00
No. 'Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr
52 131 120 $425 78 212 200 $4 W )
3 2l * > . . . 4C3 1)0 ) 20-t 40 4 IIJ '
70 14 ! ) 80 470 75 11W 40 4 110
70 llll 120 475 57 1104 SIM W
Ii5 171 BU 475 62 201 120 DO
1)0 ) 187 410 473 CO 233 270 00
71) ) 1K1 200 475 75 211 SO ( r-i
118 2112 1M ( 4N > 51 2(14 ( 120 fii"
59 221 IIU 480 81 ! ! 17 1IU 03
28 210 40 48(1 ( 57 210 ICO 05
43 107 120 480 59 .MO FO 115
75 191 103 483 go 4 U-J
03 171 ICO 483 C9 218 SO 4 US
43 2-.T5 ICO 4 85 72 2l l 2)0 ( ) 500
83 200 120 .4 NS 05 " 7,1 , JW ) 500
oil 207 80 4 85 BO..243 - fiCO
75 200 120 483 67 210 120 f,00
67. . . .254 OU ) 485 70. . 201 _ Qio
CO 203 ICO 4 83
11(18 AND HOUGH.
2 220 2 00 27 S5 275
No. Av. pr
4 western , tailings . ,117 fa
201 westerns , owus , , . . . . . 81 4
82 westerns , wcthurs . , . K'J 5 3
8:1 : westeriiR , wethers . m 5 ;
221 wckturn luiulis . . 76 0 ( X
03IAHA. lyjlOt.KH.l K JI.lltli.KTS
CorFKR-Orecn-nio , 22O24o : Jnvn. 27c
Mocha , > o. Itoaslctl Artosa 20 1-IOc ; > lc
Lntighlln , XXX.X , 20 l-luc : llunola. 20 l-loo
Ueruiun , SJ.Scj Ullworth's 2Ccj Lion , 20 MOo
, 3iP | O. 0. Jnvn. 20c.
JolToo csscnco-W croV boxes , ll.n.V I.W ) | chic-
"X'uTS-i'o'r poutuVTiAlmondfl , ISo : Ilruzlls ,
.Tc ; filberts , Hie ) p&nD" , I3 > itl4et walnilln , I. > o :
peanuts , fancy wlUi pCn ! riiusteil,8f.
SALT- Dairy , 280 Ibsilnbbls. bulk , I1.10 | liest
prndos , 00 S * . 12.401 "Cost grade. 100 , l- .
icst grndc , 28 IOs.K,40 ! rock salt , crushed ,
„ I'Ai'Ktc-4-I.'cr II ) . best straw ,
o32x4. ! l\edry ; goods , 4 o : extra rtnallty
nanllla , Ciicj manlllii tea , 12x19 , lie , dark rag ,
mrdwuri' . 2t'c. ! i -i , . , .
Olt.s-150 prime whltP.Oc : I.V ) water white.
Ujo ; headllaht. lit ; : 74 gasoline. ll'Jc. Oil
cans-1 gal. $7.00 ] < ai.25j ; 2 gal. $3.7.ViW HO ; ft gal.
. .
SODA Packages , 50 Ibstobox , SV ! kegs.
oloim , 2.VTU50 ; 2-lb package tlust
j > .M . r. * .jiit.A - ; * " Per gross " " F ru/.iui Itir C
tins.MO.OJ ; meillum tins. $ J7.0o ; smiill , $15.00 ;
other makes , wood , $3.5'H.50. ) . ,
Hi.ACKiNii 3 doIn box , 30"jo : ladles shoo
43e < fttl.00i steve polish , per gross ,
. . .
KI.UINO Liquid , 4 07 , 3 doz In box 0)c5ll.73i )
8 or. 3 doIn box , J1.50.75 ! dry. small , 25oi
surge. 45c.
SPICKS I'cppcr .Singapore , sifted , IWSlOo ;
hnt,22c : allspice , I0c : cloves , I'cnang , select-
: d , 17ffJ10c ; cassln , Chlnn , 4-lb mats , Oc ; nut-
ncgs. No. l,75c ; mticussor , 03ui pickling spices ,
10-11) boxes , 8.1c.
CiiOftOl.ATi : , Kic. 12-lb boxes. 3ia.:5c ( : : Ger-
imns ocl,22S2laeocoa ; , 3 © iocs Iliomi' . : r.'c.
COCOA.MIT 15-lb cases 'i ' anil ! i-lb pack
ages , per Ib , lli < a.27c ; bulk. 15-lb palls , 23o.
UMVKfl Qniirts , portlo51.00 ; pliltn , per doz.
I2.W | bulk , per ual , 11.20. Olive oil , ! i pints , 2
lo/ PIT ease , Jl.ff < Ti.20. , , ,
MAi'i.iiSmiAiiI'or lh So cakes , 30-lb boxes.
13 ; lOe cakes , ai-lb boxes , 12iu ! ; 1-lh brluks , 3:1 :
Ibs In box , pure , He.
IlKOOMH A-llo p M rlo r , J 1.00 : 4-tle , ? 2.75 ; 3-tle ,
l2.8Si 3-tlo. plain , fl. 0 ; warehouse , W.OUJ toy ,
1.25 ! whisk , f 1. 00 ® 1. 85.
SOAP -Castile , multicd , per Ib , lOci do white ,
| > er Ib , 14c ; laundry soap , per ion bars , J.'
i. ( HI : shaving snap , WKi4r per tlo/ ; toilet soap ,
I cakes per box , fiOcSJ.-'i.
I'AitiNAcnot's ( loons Hurley , 4c ; f'irlmi ' ,
kegs. I3.0H ; split pens. Set gieen peas' , Si'i oat
meal , bill. " . K.2.t ! .M ; h.llf bbls , I3.2.ri4.40i
macaroni. I'-'n ; vermicelli , 12c : sago and tapi
oca , GUliie ! ; Lima beans , 54'c : cerenllne , $ .1.21 ;
llaked hominy , a-iu ; pi.'arl hominy , 81.00 per
bbl.LVK Luwls' perfumed , W SO ; Red Cross , l.25j
American , $ . ' 1.2.1 ; S.ipoulllcr. * 4.-5 : Merry War ,
J2.1K ) ; Star , scrubbing , $1.7.1 : Olllctt's pow-
tlered , tl.2.1. '
MII.K Condensed Kaglc , J7.40 ; Crown , W.2.1 ;
Anclo Swiss , Ji,70 ( ; American Swiss. * 7.iO ( ;
IlUhland , $41.15 ; "UlfM. " * ti.,0. (
KxTltACTS Lemon , 2 oz. n.1eAI.SO ; 4 O7. } | .00
a.'iOi vanilla , 2 o/ , Kiif..M ) ; 4 o/ , $ .23455.53 ;
Jamaica glncer. 4 o$1.83. .
MATCIICS Pnrlor. 200 nnd WO per box , $1.03 ®
1.7il ; sulphur , $ l.ivai.30.
OANDV Mlxotl , : w-lb palls , Bttf&sVct stick ,
3Jjc > twist .slick , lie : French mixed , I3je ! ! hoar-
hound stick , H'/jo ; , | ar nnd ease eantlle.s , 5-lb
boxes , 132le ; extra line goods. S.Tft')5c. )
lliii'snKS Shoe , per dotl.2SQI.3U : tlaubers.
75eSfl.OO ( ; Kcrub b rushes ( iOc0J2.U ( > .
Iliitt ) SKKD Mixed bird. 1-lb packages , 5o ;
canary , 4'ic ' ; hemp , 4'c ' ; anise. 15c.
OANDI.ES 40 Ibs to box , 9ic ! ; mining , 10 ®
lOlic ; wax , lie.
TOIIACCO I'lneeiit. per Ib. 2527o ; plug. 22
ff47bo : smoking , 82 < 3.03c ; fancy brands , OJc ®
81.50.MOI.ASSKS ! 4 bbls N. 0. fancy , per gal. 4G ®
c ; choice , 40 ® I5c ; good.88330e ; Cuba , baking.
2.i30c ; blackstran. IWl'Jie : syrup , 80 grade.
bbls. 2llc ; Hi bbl , ' Vo ; 4-gal kegs , JI.SI ; 2-gnl
kits , 07c.
CIDKII Per bbl , rcflncd , tfl.V ) ; half bbt , $3.50.
TWISRS" , CoiiDAdK. KTC. Cotton twine.
"Illbb. " very line , 'i-lb b. Ies 22o ; cotton twine ,
XX branil , li-lb bales , Ic ; hemp twlnulli !
bales , ISc ; sail twine. 2uo ; cnnttln wick. 280 ;
40-foot cotton clothes line , $1.40 ; 00-foot cot
ton clothes line , Jl.li3f ; Ou-foot slsnl lines $1.75 ;
01-foot Jute , $1.85 ; wool twines , n4e ! ; Manilla.
rene , all sizes from 7-10 to 1 In. lie ; sisal rope.
all sl/.es from 7-lli to 1 In , 8e ; "now process , "
all sizes fiom 7-lfl to 1 In , 7'4c ; cotton rope ,
> 4-ln , 15c.
VtNKOAH Apple cider , lOc ; double elder , 12c ;
white wlnp. 12c ; triple sttength lOc.
STAIICII 1'eiIb , 04 Sc.
PICKLES Medium ; bbls , $8.riO ; small $10.00 ;
gerklns. $11.00 ; llostoii mixed $12.0J
WOODENWAIIE I'er'dozen Tubs No. 1. $ T.30 ;
No. 2. $0.50 ; No. 3 , $3.50 ; Uculer , oak grain , 5-ln ,
best. $1.50 ; white cedar. 4-ln. best. $1.25 ; palls
3-hoop , oak grained. $1. < 3 ; 2-hoop , $1..V ) ; syrup ,
$1.75 ; dowolf , $1.83 ; phpor , metal hoop. $2.50 ;
eedar. 3 brass hoops , No. l , all red. J6.50 ; cedar ,
3 brass hoops No..2ri5d , , JS3.0H ; cc'lar , 3 Orass
hoops. No. l.btrlpcd. $3.00 ; cedar , 3 brass hoops
No. 2strlped , $4.3)Jiorsu. ; extra heavy , No. I ,
$2.75 ; well buckets. KU'5 , llutturwaie Tubs.
asli. 3-Inch , per nest , 75c ; , nslu 2-lnch. 2 largo
'filze. per nest , 45c ; butter Indies , hard wood ,
Tl'c ; butter paddles or spades. 7Uc. Wasb-
bonrtls-Slnglc , $1.402.00 ; double , $2.5'3.25 ,
Clothespins 5 gross boxes , OOc.
CANNED KIIUITS California Apricots. $2.55
® 2.0I ) ; poaches , $2.7 42.00 ; poaru , $2.30 8.70 ;
grades Jl.mffil.OO : ulicrrlcs. white. $ if > 02.75 ; , $ ; ( | utnccs , J2.00 ; blnck-
berrles. $2.2i ; raspberries. $ ; UO ; Htrawborrles ,
$2. ! 0 ; currants. $ ' . ' .23 ; gooseborrle.st2.25 ; plums ,
eggs , $ l.83l.kplums ! ; , green gages , $1.83 ®
1.03. Kastoru canned fruit 1'oaches , seconds ,
$2.20 < 32.10 ; npples. 3 Ib. $1.15 ; gnl. < > ' , doz In case ,
$ ! 1.75 ; gooseberries , Ilaltlmoro standnrtl , 2 II ) ,
$1.10 ; strawberries. $1.35 ; raspberries $1.50 ;
blueberries. $1.3U ; rol rnspbcrrles 81.5' ) i nlnek-
borfles. $1.K ( ) : cherries , $1.2. > ® 1.G3 ; pineapples ,
sliced , * I.232.40.
DIIIED KIIUITS Turkish prunes , less than
hluls , 1800 , Oc ; apples ovaporutctl , new ring.
choice , 15c ; apricots , fancy , In sacks. 20c ;
blackberries , new , Oc ; raspberries 23 Ibs to
Lox , 31c ; currants , new , S4o ! ; Votl/.zl currants ,
extra. In boxes. O'/io ' : peaches. Ca1. . choice ,
17ic ! ; California dried grapes. In bags , Co ;
scedlfss Sultanas , sncs ! : lOc ; mtibuatels lie ;
new Valencia , 7U11 ; Undura , Inyer , S'-io ' ; llgs ,
layers. U2Ju ; cltion , Leghorn , 20c ; lemon
peel , 15c. _
* Country I'rotltioo.
r The supply was very light of all kludsof
produce mid the market wns strong on most
Ktios The murkot was generally quoted at
12i@l3o ! . The supply wiis light nnd prices
firm , the best grades of countrv butter going
at 202ac.
Poui.Tiiv Chlckcns lOSlMe ; turkeys. 14l5c ;
ducks and geese , K'12 ; live ciilckcns$3.5DI.OO
per do/en.
SMOKED MKATS Hnms , sugar cured 12 to
II Ib iivurugv. llijc ; breakfast baron , sugar
oiirud , boneless He ; No. 1 hums , mirgar cured
13 to 10 Ib nvorugu , 0ie ! ; No. 1 hams , siiciir
cured , 12 Ib nverago , Oiic ; No. 1 liains , sugar
cured. 20 Ib average , fc ; skinned hams lOc ;
No. 2 hams , sugar cured. 7c : boneless ham ,
canvassed or plain , Hie ! ; shouldeis , sugar
eurctl , 0ic ! ; breakfast bacon , fancy tonuluss ,
Mio ; California or picnic hams , sugar cured ,
O c ; dried beuf hams , sugar cured , lUc ; bacon
short elt-ars , 7 ? > c ; bncon clear backs. 7 ? o ;
bacon clear bullies , fancy light , 8u ; bacon
short ribs. 7 ie ; beuf tongues , Hinokcd , lOc.
Ditv SALT MEATS Short clears. 7c ; long
eluars. O'ie ; short ribs , O. c ; bellies ,
clear backs , 7e.
I'OHK AND UKKP Mess pork ( now ) per bbl ,
$13.00 ; mess pork , per half nbl , $3.73 ; family
or back pork , per bbl , $13.00 ; family or buck
pork , per half bbl , $0.75 ; extra mess beef , per
bbl. * ! ) .M ) ; extra mess beof. nor half bbl , $1.50 ;
boneless pig pork , per bbl , 8,4.00 ; boneless pig
pork , per half bbl , $7.25.
HAUNAtiES llologna , 4So } ; pork sausage , In
link. 7c ; pork sausage. In bulk , 7e ; blood
Haiisugc. 5c ; liver sausage , So ; head cheese ,
Be ; smoked head cheese , O'.Je ; Wnlner or
Krankfurt. 7lic ; Knoblauuh sausage. 7ic ! ;
Pollbh sausage , 7ic ! ; tongue Bntisngo , 8Uc ;
summer sausage. Ho.
Thu above prices are for lots of 50 pounds
nnil Upwards ; n less quantity lie more.
PICKLED HEKK TONOUES llurrels , 200 Ibs
each. $18.00 ; half barrels , 100 Ibs each. $9.50 ;
ijuartorb rrols , BO Ibs each , $0.23 ; eighth bar
rels. 25 Ibs each , 83.75.
LAUD Tierces , strictly pure , 7ic ! ; pure nnd
kettle rendered , tierces , 6c.
U. T. Davis Mill Co. . high patent. No. 1 nnd
Cream , } 2.80 ; 111 ne O. full imUmU $ : > . .Vi ; Hnwk-
uyc , half patent. $3,40 ; special royal , patent ,
No. 10 , $ . ' 1.00 ; MlnnJsota patent. $ ' . ' .80 ; Kansas
hiinl wheat pntcnUi 82.05 ; Ncbruskn spring
wheat patent , $2.e < u
Oskamp's ready to rise buckwheat Hour ,
$1.25 per case of 631Mb naekiiKes ; buckwheat.
In bbls. N. Y. , $0.10 ; Excelsior brand. $3.50 ;
blap-Jack meal , $3.75-per case of 50 8-lb ptiok-
$2.50 ; Snowliako , $ aIO ; low grudu , $1.00 ; bran ,
t-l.'JO. ' > i <
l > OTATOES-Home''Krowii stock , $ L25j Colorado
rado , ti.3. % per bu. ' ,
I'm I'LANT-1'or do00 < a7.-.o. .
CAULIKI.OWEU lUit lOZ. $2.50.
Hl-iNACll-I'or bbl. $ itO.
LEi-ruce-ChoIco slock , 404Jc ,
HUTAIIAIIAK Michigan stock , per bu , COc.
HKKT8--l'or bbl. $2.ffKfW.OO.
ONiONH--fipanl8h , largo orates , $0.50.
UAUIIOTS-.l'er bbl , $2,25.
CKI.EIIV Michigan stock , 4043oj California ,
per doz , $1.00.
HWKET roTATOKS Choleo stock Is bold at
$4.50 per bbl ; seed potatoes , $3.00 per bbl.
HADIBIIES Perdoz bunches , 43o.
rAiisNH-s-l'er bbl , $ .1.00 ,
c'AiuiAnE 1'er lb,2iS5t2JiC.
CunuMiirus I'or doz. $ l.vnft2.00.
JlKLEitv KooTH-1'er doz. 75o.
IlEANB-CllOlcO block. $2.110.
Fresh Krtiita.
OiiANOES-NavelR$5.0ort5.23 ; Itlverslde , $3.23 ;
nuartound Ulveras , $3.00 ; Los Angeles , $2.W ;
1'lorldu russet , $ ; i.5o.
Ai'i-LKR-Hcarco ; choice stock , $ n.00 < i0.50 ,
nciiANiiKimicH Hull , v Cherry , $10.00 ; crates ,
Ft 50.
, At'nRiiR AND IliTH-0. R Jennings. 'Vw'1' ; ; > ' !
Kuksull Jennings , dis , 25 ; bit block drlll.Cluve-
land .t.Moif , , . , , us. 50
AJLSs-LlDuIugott , per Uoi , 88.23 ; double
blllnl , IH.OOi Hitnt'n , 19,23 ; Mpplncott's '
bronzed axes , $8,25.
liri.i.s-Llght , brass , hand , dls , 70c : ICcn-
ncky eow , ills , 70o.
DOOII Loi'KS. ETC. List prices as rovlscrt
December 30 , li < SO. lo-n 50-10 per cent ! pad-
n'Us , now list , ills , 70.
HOOKS Sargent ft Co. , harness list , CO :
wroimht staples and hooks and slaplei , 73 ;
Stanley's list , wrought H tuples , 75 ; hooks nnd
! yes , wlrosciow , 75.
LANTEUN8lluckryo , sr. , ! O.W : Iluckoyc , jr. ,
.U,0 , : llrllllaiil , V > .00.
MOLASSES ( IATP.B Stobbcn's patterns , dls , 70.
OILKHS-/.IIIC and tin , new list , < lh , CO.
IMCKH Uullroud. utl/o eve , ills. U ) ,
UIVKTS Wagon box , 8 | Iron und Jlnnctl , now
1st December 10 , 1881 , dls 30 : copper rivets and
iiirrs , 60. Flat head Iron , 70 < Tl7."u : round head ,
new list , blued , COcj Hut head , brass , new list ,
. ! > " > a ; Japanned , 1(1 ( coach , common or lug ,
Hliovr.i.s AND SPADES Ames' , ills IB.
TACKS" . llitAiis , ETC. American Iron eurnot
tack" , illt 80 : steel carpet tacl < , all kinds , 00 ;
i wed os Iron carpet tacks , all kinds , CO ; Swedes
ron tacks , (10 ( ; Swedes Iron upholster * ' tucUs
TO | tinned Swedes Iron lacksMJ : Amoilcan
ron cut turks , 75 : copper tacks , 60 ; copper
liilshlmr. and trunk nulls , 45 ; elgur box nulls ,
45 : finishing nails , 70 ; Iliingurlun mills and
timers' tucits , BS ; gimp and lace tucks ; 70 :
.Inned gimp and luce tacks. 60-10 ; trunk und
clout nulls , 70 : tinned trunk and clout nulls ,
13 ; basket nulK 35 ; uhalr nulls , 35 ; common
mil patented brads , 70 ; tinned cupprd trunk
null' . 30 ami 10 ; lohklng-irluss fuel's. 25 : pie-
lure frame iiolnls , 25 ; leather carpet tucks , 40 ;
.Irtish tucks , 25.
TAPES , MEAMIIIINO Amcrlnan. din , 33j. !
TIIEIIMOMI.TEIIS Tin ease , ills , 75.
TitAi'H ( Jame , Newliouse , dis , 40 ; game.
Oneldu pattern. 70 ; mouse , wood choker , per
dozen holt's , 20 ,
TKOWEM Unities' brick , ills , 10 ; Huston's ,
20-10 ; gunlen. net per doz. $1.00.
TiiutKS : ( Wuiehoiise , etc. ) , Howe's K. J. ft
Co. , ills , 60.
VISM-Parallel , Parker's ills , 10 ; parallel ,
oval slide , 'M ; saw liter * , Wentwiuth's''Oo.
WiiE.sciiKS-roc.s' uonuliif , 6'J : ( ilraril , CO ;
Agr. 70-10 ; llomls & Call's iiutent comblnullor ,
15 ! Alken , poi'Kot ( bright ) WOO. 3) ) .
IH.OCKH Stanley Knlu & Level Co's new list
MOLTS Common cnirluae , ills. 70-10 ; It. A E.
M'fg. I'o's stovo. dls. 4 i-lO : plow , ills. 50 ; mu-
chlnr. dls. 70 ; tire bolts , 50-10.
OASTiiits lied , ills. 5' ) ; pluto nnd shallow
rockets , dls. W ) .
llirrrrt Ilrass , wrought , ills. 'iO ; loose pn !
oust , ills. 70 ; loose pin , jupanned , ills. CQ-lii-to ;
loose pins , japanned , wrought , W ; Clark blind
butt * . 7A-IO.
CHAIN Truce. C'i-IO-2 ' , per pair , net , 40c ;
truce , OU , Ainoiluan. j > or jialr , net , 60u ; Oer-
muii Imltur chain , list of December 31 , 1st ) ,
tils. 50-10 ; American bailer chain , list of De-
ecmber31. ItvMI , dls. 5'-IO : Herman cell chain ,
list of December 31 , Hil. ills. 50-.0 ; Iron jack
chain. 35 ; brass jack chain. 35.
COCKS Itrasi , new list , , luly 10 , 1 0. dl < > , 50.
COFFEE Mu.m 1'arker's board and box , dls ,
50 ; American ( Enterprise Mfg Co ) , tils , 25.
COMPASSES , IivilKli. ) ) , ETO Compasses , dls ,
50-10 ; dividers , ills. .V ) and 10 : callipers , ills. 50.
DitAwiNii KNIVES P. S. & W. Co. , ills , 70 ; ad
justable , ills , 20.
FOIIKS Hay , manure and spading , dls 00-10-
10 ; plated , A I , Itogerfc Ilios. , 50. .
Fiiurrs AMI JELLY PiiESHES-EnterprUo Mfg
Co. . dls , 15.
l''itv PANS Common , dls7J ; Acme , dls CO.
FAUCETS I'rtry : patent petroleum , dls , 50 ;
Enterprise self-measuring , per do/ , $30.00 , dls ,
25.FILES Heaver .V Dlsston's , CO-10 ; horse rasps
Holler llros. , dls. 50. ,
HAMMEIIS Muydolo , dls25 ; Alhu. ds50. :
HAUNESB SNAPS Surgonts. dls 70 ; Ucrmun
KNOIIS Door knobs , bronze , 60-10 ; door
minerals , tloor por. Jiipuncd , door por. plated
door por. now list ills. 50-10 ; porcelain shutter ,
dls 7o !
HATCHETS Discounts 40-10.
HAY KNIVES- Lightning , per doz. , J9.CO :
Spear Point , per do/ . , $ S.5o.
HoilSK NAlLS-Nos.4 5 0 7 6 0 10
Peerless , per Ib lie I2c 13o net
Norlhwestein. " at 25 21 22 21 19 dls20
Oliampion , " " < 25 21 12 21 19 dls'JO
Putnam. 51 20 23 21 20 1 ! ) 19 dls 10
KETTLE Hrass. per cent dls , 15 ; enameled ,
percent dls , 00 ,
HiNtJEs--Clarke's No. = . t. 2 and 3 , irate , dis
count (10 ( ; screw hook and strap. 8 to 12 , per 103
Ibs. 4Ue ; 12 nnd upwards , per 100 Ibs , 3'c ;
Strap ami T list. February 14 , 1S9I. 50 percent :
stun .urd D. A. , No. 5. 53.30.
LOCKS Cabinets and chests Cabinet , V.StF ,
Corbln , dls 2" > : trunk , ills ui ; Vale lock com
pany , flat und corrugated key , dlst.'ilj ; ,
MALLETS Hickory. 25pcrccntllgnuniviluc ; ,
23 percent ; leather head , 25 percent.
MEAT CUTTEIIS Enterprise , dls 23 : beef
shavers , ( Enterprise Mfir ( o.dlsV3. )
PLUMIIS AND LEVKi-s Stanley K. ft L. Co.'s
patent adjustable , dls 7o ; Stanley K. & L. Co.'s
non-adjiislablo. ills 70 ; pocket love's ' , ills CO.
PUNCHES Holt or drive , per doz , S..OO , $2.23 ,
$2.51. dls 50 ; spring , $2.50.
SAI > I HUNS From 4 to P. pcrlb , 'Jc net ; self-
healing , pi < r doz , $11.50 net ; Mrs. Pott's Irons ,
doul le pointed , dls 5' ) .
SANIIPAPEII llueder & Adamson's flint , 00 to
I'x23per { ream ; Haeder & Adamson's Hint ,
2 , 2K unn 3 , $5.75 per roum ; llnedor A : Adam-
son's slur , $4.23 per ream ; Itucder& Adamson's
emery. $ t.50ll.i ) > 0 per ream. List , 33JS off.
SASH Coin ) Per Ib Common , 15 net ; patent ,
18o net ; 11 Silver Lake hemp. 3Jc. U whiteoot-
ton. braitlcd , 28c.
SAWS Dlsston's circular , mill and cross-cut
dls 45 ; DUston's hand , panel and rip , dls 20-
SCALKS Howe , ills 23 per cent ; Iluffalo ,
percent ; Fairbanks , dls40.
STONE-Grlmistones , per ton , $10.00 ; grind
stones , mounted. "Sampson , " Nos. 1 , 2. 3 , $2.75.
$2.25. $ ' .CO.
WIIIE Hrass.'iOe and copper 33e
list ; market , bright COc ; market , coppered ,
50 nnil 10 per cent ; tinned , broom wlro./ ;
annealed fence , NCH. SaudV , per 100 ll > s. $ i(15 ( ;
Japanned Hurt ) fence. $3.25 ; galvanized barb
fence , $ .1.80 ; picture wlio , T , S. .t J. , dls. 20 ;
clothes line wire , galvanized , per o/ coil , $1.50 ;
wlro cloth , green , drab and black , per 100 sq
ft , $1.45.
post hole , per tloz , $ D.3Cl ; ( j'haniplon post boo !
augers. $10.50.
SASH WEIGHTS Solid eyes , per 100 Ibs , $1,20.
35 : ' Enterprise manufacturing company , dls
"STAPLES Fence ICoz , $3.25.
SQUAHKS Steel , dls 75-10.
' Ijinnbcr. '
Quotations are for our lots ou board cars at
Omubu :
12 , 14 ft
111 ft. 18ft. 20ft. 22ft , 24ft.
2x4. . . $1550 $1000 $ .11150 $1700 $ IR 00
2x0. . . . 15 CO 15 M 1000 1700 IS CO
2.\H. . . . 15 (0 ( 1550 11100 1750 IS OJ
2x10. . . 1500 1550 1000 17 fO 1803
2x12. . . 1000 1000 1700 IS 53 1900
4x4 to
8x8. . 10 00 17 00 18 00 18 00 10 00
HATTENS. WELL TmitNd. ETO. O. ( J. 24-lnoh ! ,
C3c : li\t : , sis , 3ilo ; 2-Inch well tubing. I ) . & M.
and 1)0v. , I.M.O , ) ; pickets. D. ft H. Hut , $22,50 ; I ) .
ft H , iquuro , $2J,30.
FllNdNfl-No. 1,0 In. 12 and II ft , rf , $19.00 ;
Mo. 1. 0 In , 10 ft. $ H.OJ ) ; 4 In. $19.00 ; No. 2 , 0 In.
12 and 14 ft , rf , $14.DO ; 4 In , $11.00 ; No. 2 , 0 In , 10
f t. $10.00 ; 4 In. $10.00 ; No. 3 , G In. 12 and 14ft.
$ UUO ; 4 in , $1.1.00 ; No. 3 , 0 In , 10 ft , $13.00 ; 4 In ,
$13.00. A. 12.14 and 10 ft$22.00 : 0. $17.50 ; n ,
12. 14 anil IB ft , $20.50 ; 1) ) . $14.50.
HOAIUIS No. 1 com , $18.50 ; No. 2 , com , $15.00 ;
No. 3 , com , $13.50 ; No. I. com. $11.50.
STOCK IlOAlilis A. 12 In , sis. $4H.OO : H , 1 ° . In.
sis. $13.00 : O. $40.0 ; D. $25.IX ) ; No. 1 commo/i , 12
In , sis , 10,12. and 18 ft , $21.00 ; No. 2. $18.50 : No. 1
common , 12 In , sis , 14 ft. $20.00 : No. 2. 617.50 ;
No. 1 common. 12 In. sis. IB ft , $19.M ; No. 2 ,
$17.00 : No. 1 common , 12 In. sis , 2J ft , $21.00 ; No.
2 , $18.50.
SHIPLAP No. 1 plain , 8 and 10 In. $19.00 ; No.
2 , $10.00 ; No. 1O. a. . 8 In. $19.00 ; No. 2 , $1B.5 ( ) ;
10 In , grooved roollni : , 12,14 and 10 ft. $1.50. !
FINISHING 1st and 2d , el. , 1 In , s'N , $ t.00.li4 ! ) ; ,
Ui anil 2 In , $49.00 ; 3d clear. 1 In. s''s , $45.00 ; 1'i.
Hi and 2 In , $17,00 ; A. select , 1 In , sVx , $41.0. ) : 1U ,
l'i and 2 In , $45.00 ; 11 , select , 1 In , s2s , $31.00 ; Hi ,
IK and 2 In , $10.00 ; C. bclcct , 1 In , M.N , $27.00 ; Hi ,
Hi und 2 In. $33.00. .
A. II or O select , all 10-foot , $1.00 extra.
SOUTIIEKN YELLOW PINE 1st and 2d clear
flooring. 13-10 star , $21.00 ; 13-1(1 ( , $19.00 : common
flooring , 13-1(1 ( , $15.00 ; rift clear. 13-10 , J'.Uip
1st and 2d clear , ? colling. $14.5' ) : 1st and 2d
clour. ? celling , $1.50 ! ) ; 1st and 2d clear , cell
ing. $25.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , Ilnlsh , s''s , from 1
Inch , $27,00 ; Isl und 2d clcur , Hnlsh , 2s , fronilU
Inch , $ . ' 10.00 ; 1st und 2d cleur , Ilnlsh , s'-N. from Hi
and 2 Inch , $30.00,1st and2d clear , y. p. casinga ,
$ jl.OO ( : base , $ ' ! U.OO.
POI'LAH LUMIIEH 8-Inch and up , 1st and 2d
cleur , 1-lncb s2s , $3).oJ ) ; S-lnch and up , 1st and
2d eleur. ! i Inch mine ] , $2t.dO. !
SASH , DOOIIS , ETC. Tiir board , $1.51 ; sush , 53
per el. ; doors , .V ) per el. ; blinds , M per et.j
moulding , 5J per ut. : turret ! felt , per owt. ,
$2.10 ; straw board , $1,15.
while lno. $18.00 O
FLOOIUNO-A. 0-Inch , i > :
$29.M ; II , ( V-lnch. while pine , $30.00 ; D , $ . ' 0.50 ; K
G-Inch , while pine ( self-fencing ) , $ li.OO ; diop
siding , 60o per M extra.
SlltNflLES , LATH-Extra "A. " pine , $2.80 ;
standard "A.$2.43 ; extra "A , " eedur , Ji.fiSj
B-lncb clour pine , $1.00 ; clear redwood , $1.25 ;
"posTS-Whlto cedar , 0-Inch. Us. lie : 0-lncli
nrs. lie ; white cedar. 6 > , J-lnoh. , On ! 8-Inch
t rs. Do ; whltu cedar , 4-Inch round , I. i spill
oak.C. . . Tennessee red cotlar. nplll , Me.
MIss'Ellzaboth Morton of Nebraska City
lias roaumod her studios At Hrowncll bull
nfter an enforced ubsoncoof several weeks on
account of Illnc. a.
A. D , Boyer & Oo
U.W ICzvlianiiO Uulldlnff ,
Bouth Omaha.
B. J , Ooffnun , Biniloy Hunter dc Qreon ,
* *
' M Etchango uulldlng
Omaha Republican Printing Oo. ,
Law brlafi , tank luppltai , and overruling la lh
printing lino.
10th and Douxlti ilrcili.
Ackormtiun Bros. & Hointzo ,
I'rlnttrj , tinders , fluclrotrpcrJ , blook book manu-
fncturi'n ,
HIfiHownr.1 stroit , Omihx
Oharlos A. Ooo & Oo. , KirkcndallJonoecOo , ,
UKnttfacturem nnl job- Wkoloialo Manuf.iotur'J
ten , Affonli for Iloston Hub *
liroilownnl IvrShnoCo. , 110 * , 1101 ,
itreoU and HOC llarncT Hi.
Williams , Van Aor- W. V. Mono & 0o. ,
nam & Earto , Pboo Factorr , t'ornfrlllh
1 > 12 Ilarnor "trout , anil DouuliK U. . Umv
Im. .Merchant ! InTlloJ
Omaha , Nob. to call and onralno.
John L. Wilkia , Louis Holler ,
Omaha paper box fatorr , Ilutrhuri' nnd Packer * '
1317-1319 Donulu. Tools A Riiiplln | . lloof ,
Order * promptlr Illlol line A htep rasing * .
1I1C-1II8 Jnclnon St.
W. T. Seaman ,
Omnhn'a I.nrKOat Variety
Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Gilmore & Buhl.
Carpets , oil clothi , rait- Manufacturer' A Whole.
tlnen , curtnlnKooilt.ota Halo Clothiers ,
1511 Douulu straot. llto Hnrnor St.
Omaha Ooal , Ooko and Ooutant & Squires ,
Lime Oo. liard and foft coal ship
rtnrrt nnd soft ooaU pers ,
B. E. Cor. ICth anil Deaf 1203 Farnnm root ,
Ui streets.
Hulbert & Blum , P. II. Mahoney & Oo.
Ohio lumpHock Sprlrui , llard-Conl-Soft.
Eicclslor , Walnutblnk ,
icreencd nut , nntliraclto , OI7lre 81.1 N. llith nnd cor.
mlthlnff , Btonm. 10th nnd Douglas tit.
OIUcoSUS. 15th it.
American Fuel Oo. Howell & Oo. ,
Bhlppera and rto.itori la IKS. Uth street ,
anthrnclto and blta *
mlnous coil ,
Omnbft , Neb.
nth atrjjt.
Johnson Bros.
Nebraska Puel Oj. ,
tl < Farnam elroot ,
113 S. ISthstrool ,
Omaha , Neb.
Omaha , Nob.
Mount & Griffia , 0 , B. Havens & 0 < r. ,
213 S. KthstrojU IW-'Fnrnam street ,
Omaha , Nob. Omaha.
CORNir a.
Eagle Oornico Works P. Ruempinsj
Uanufncturersof rtalran- Galvanized Iron cornlcoi ,
lieit Iron Cornice. DorrniT window * , door
Window caps , metallo sky capi , llnlals , etc. Tin
light * rtc. 1110 and 1113 Iron nnd blato roofer.
UodgoSt. 811 Fnrnim St.
M. E. Smith & Oo. , Zilpatriok-Kosh Dry
Dry goods , fnrulj'jlng Goads OD. ,
goods , notions. Dry goods , notions , gents'
furnishing goods.
Cor. llth and Howard ots. Corner llth und Harnoy
Wolf Electrical Oo.
Illustrated Catilojua
1(14 Capitol Avenue.
Parlin , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo , , General western agent
Corner Jones and Dtb "ts. Skandln i'low Co ,
Omaha , Nch. 1349-13M Sherman nvo.
Broken Bow Roller 11. T.Davis Mill Oa. ,
Milling Oo. . 0. G. UndcrwooJ ,
OOlconnd warehouse , Manager nt Omaha.
1U12N. Itllh mruat. Cor. 8th and Jackson sts.
S. P. Oilman , Clemens Oskamp ,
M'f'g of reiuly to ralss
10H N. 16th atrejt Blap Jack Uuasl
rnkm In the world.
C.K. Ulack , - Mannzor. 1207-1215 8. TJth
Omaha Milling Co , ,
Merchant Miller.- .
OCicc nnd mill. 1313 North
IGth St. cot
Dewey & Stone Fur Ohas. Shiveriok & Oo.
niture Oo. , Furnlturo and Carpats.
Furniture and carpoti ,
1115-1119 Farnam street , 1200-1210 Farnam St.
Beebo & Banyan Par-
nituro Oo ,
Sucoossors to C.A. Iloebo
A Co. .
Kennard Glass and J. A. Tullor & Oa. ,
faint Oo. , 1 03 Duuiflu Strast ,
liOS-HU Ilarnoy itreat.
Omnbs , _ _
Oummmgs , Blake , Bruce & Oj.
117 and 819 BoutU 10th St. ,
Oninlm , Neb. Otnntm , Neb.
Paxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Roapke ,
705-711 S. lOtU ilrout , KD3-K05 Ilarnor
Omalin , Neb. Onmha , Neb.
D. M. BteolQ & ( b. , Sloan , John'on & Qi ,
VlU and I/cuvonworth
ttreol , /
itri'uti ,
Omaha , Neb. Omaha , Neb.
Allen Bros. , McOord , Brady & Oo. ,
llll Ilarnor dreot , ISllinntl
Om b . Not ) . Omaha , Nclirailta.
Tonoray & Btyani 8. A. MoWhorter ,
llrukcm , fralu , provUluin : ll'j lit Null Hunk , llrokor
nnd rtucki. III ! H. Hill I'rlvutu. wlic'K tu Nuw
til. 1'rlvnto wlro to ( . ' 111- York , Clilcnuo nixl h't.
add. Kl. Ixjiili unit Nuw I.ciuls. Umli Kraln
York. butiKlit for ull markets ,
Oookroll Bros.1
llrnkcri. 1'rlvntu wlro
to Nuw York , CliloKo A
Bt. l.ouU , Hpcclul ulU'ii-
tlon Klven lu irnck tJ !
on grain.
Hector & Wllholmy Oo
Hardware Oo.
Cor. loth anl Jackson ili ,
1106-1110 Harrier itr 9 ,
< imah * . Oin h Nib.
Wholesale Cash Commission Murnhnnt ,
Kluln nnil Wuitern Crearaorj butter CKIII an4
durelunf nrd. Advunuoion lot * ou uu k , re-
liuuioui , * itoroi , biac r U4. It. I
Dcurcr , Colorado.