TTTR OMAHA DAILY BEE rUESDAY. APRIL 14. 1891. HOW THE FIRE WAS STARTED Origin of llio Partoa Hotel Blazs Pretty Definitely Traced. CAPTAIN CARTER DIED FROM HIS HURTS , IiiIrrnnI Injurloi Received In the Crnsli 1'rovo Kntnl Condition of the Oilier Men A Hot- ton Wnll. The icono of the last P.ixton hotel fire was visited yesterday morning by thousands of people. The work of repairing the dnmngo was begun at an early hour , and the proprietors served supper last night bs usual. The guests of the hotel were sent to the Murray for their breakfast and dinner. It was found that the flro originated from the flro box under the toaster and cuko tablu. A live coal had apparently fallen against n thin wooden partition near which the toaster ntood , and had Ignited It. The room wns kept very warm and the wood was llko tinder. Tbo lire then communicated to the felt wrapping on the stcnm which meat s it wns convoyed directly to the celling. The blnzo spread rapidly , and when No , II chemi cal arrived it seemed to fill the kitchen. A window opening on the alloy was burst in and the fireman entered. It was not then known that tbo flro had penetrated to the second story. No. " hose company laid In n line of hose to the kitchen , but did not throw any water , as the chemical was doing good work , and scorned to have the flro In hand. In u few minutes It scorned to those In the kitchen that the flro was entirely out , but from the outsldo came the word that It wTis raging In the upper stories. Then li's ' hurriedly took thotr line out- fildo ami the fatal ladder from No. 'J truck was raised against , the west wall. Mulvihlll was at tbo top of the ladder and Captain Car ter was nt the bottom , with Downs and Me- Gulro between them. As the great mass toppled outward it cleared the men nearest the wall , falling upon Carter with terrific force. The thirty-five foot ladder was smashed to kindling wood and all went down together. The few loose bricks that fell as the main body of the wall broke struck tuo ether mon , but they were most severely Injured by their fall. Captain Carter's Dentil. Captain Carter died at his homo ntS22 Harnoy street , at 0-15 : o'clock yesterday morning. Ho was conscious for some ttmo before his death and seemingly suffered little pain. His first words after recovering his senses were to Inquire If any of his mon were hurt , or If ony other monibors of the department were Injured. Ho said that ho was not badly hurt and thought that bo would scon be nblo to bo out npnin as usual. Ho was fearfully cut and bruised on the back of tbo head and there were numerous discolored places on his body. Concussion of the spine had resulted lu the paralysis of his lower limbs and lower portions of his body , and ttiero wns n severe Internal homorrhngo. Ho passed itwuyquietly , surrounded by friends and members of his family , k'i'lio coroners Inquest will bo held at 2 p. m. . Wednesday lit Heaffy's. Captain Mlchal Carter wns born In Clayton county , lown , April 20 , 1858 , and \vould con fiequehtly have bcon thirty-three years o' ' ngo noxt'Monday. " Ho came to Omaha vrtilli still n lad. and was for a number of years employed nt Ilcr's distillery , where a brothe .Henry Is still employed. Six years ngo b became a member of tbo flro department , anil wns stationed first at No. 8's old house on Sixteenth street. Ho subsequently was - tniasforrod to No. 1 house , where ho drove the cart , and later drove No. 2 truck , from which position bo was promoted two yonrt- ngo to the captaincy of No. 2 company. He was married ono year ago tomorrow , and his young wlfo and baby survive him. Ho was n thorough fin-man , and carefully Attended to his duties. Ho was ono of tli most popular captains In the department nm always enjoyed the confidence and good will of his mon. All of the cnglno houses have boon draped iu mourning as a tribute to tbo memory of Captain Carter. Mulvlblll was resting quite comfortably nt his homo , nt Ninth and Haruoy , yesterday. Ho wns very sere , but said that ho did not bollovo that ho wns hurt lntcrnally.\ McGuire and Downs nro getting along well at the hospital. Downs had boon out of that institution but n week , having boon laid up with n fever Tor nearly a month. The Wall Was llotton. Several builders and contractors visited the scene of the flro yesterday' and made a careful examination of the walls that fell In soon after the lire had started. All of thorn pronounced it a very bad job and con ' sidered It remarkable that it had not fallen of Its own account. Tbo wall was but eight inches thick and was built without nnv , con nection with th6 cross walls. It was anchored . bv Iron braces to the wooden floor beams and i uio laiior uurncu on iuu wan wu uu- soiUtclv without support and fell to the ground. The wall was built In 1885 , before the creation of the ofllco of superintondniit of buildings. The Kitchen nnnox is the ola Herald 'building and the room now usoa ns the kitchen was then the boiler room. It was a three story structure , nnd the fourth story that was added flvo years ago was whore tlio trouble was. There was a vigorous Uick made ngainst It , but tno ownera managed to push it through : The Insurance. . The insurance on the hotel building Is as follows : Company. Amount.l Qucon , Enclnml 8 2,500 St. Paul , St. Paul 2,500 Transatlantic , Hamburg 2,500 American Fire , Philadelphia 2,500 . /Ellin. Hartford 4,000 , North British " , London 4,000 Hartford , llnrtford 4,000 Imperial , London 3,000 Homo , Now York 5,000 Northwest National , Wisconsin 2,000 Plro Association , Philadelphia 2,500 , Lonuon & Lancashire , England 4,000 Koyal , England 7,50U National , Hartford. . : 4,000 Anglo Nevada , Cal 4,000 Fireman's , Now Jorsov 1,000 Lancashire , England 2,500 Mechanics , PhllaUolphia 2,500 Phonlx , Brooklyn. . . . * ; 5,000 Pennsylvania Firo. Philadelphia 2,000 Gorman-American , New York 5,000 Commercial Union , London 20,000 Security , Connecticut 7,500 N ow York , Now York 2,500 Mechanics & Bulldnrs , Now York. . . . 2,500 Buffalo German , Now York 2,500 Hamburg C'lty , Now York 3,500 Eagle , Now York 2,500 Liberty , Now York 2,500 North American , Boston 2,500 Delaware Mutual , Philadelphia 2,500 Standard , Kansas City 1,500 North British , London _ . 4,00(1 ( Total , ? 12.-,000 , The old Herald building , adjoining the Pnxton is insured us follows : Imperial , London $ 3,000 Pennsylvania Fire , Philadelphia 2,500 ( Jrnnito State , Portland r ,000 Phenlx , Brooklyn 2,000 Total ' . .HI-WOO The furniture of the hotel was insured for 150,000 , as follows : Sun Flro , ofllco. England 5,000 Merchants of Newark 7,500 Firemen's Fund of California 7,500 Continental ' ' . . 6,000 Springfield. Moss ' . . . . 1,000 Pnonlx of New'York , 2,500 Pennsylvania 3,000 Queen England . ' 2,500 Norwich Union 2,500 Conncctlout : 2,000. American of Philadelphia 2,000 British America 2,000 Insurance Company of North Amor- lea , . , , 2xx ( ) Govman-Amuricnn of Now York 2,500 Granite Stutoof Now Hampshire. . . . 2,500 Total * 50,000 Wlioii tlio Wall \Vna HtiHt. * " "I know It would como sooner or Inter , " declared - clarod Jim Stopiionsou yesterday afternoon , M un stood gazing at tno fatal wall. "If I and hud my way that ton story would never tuveeono on thoro. When I was In the council about ton years ngo Dr. Miller and othercntno In with a communication nMtltiK to bo allowed to run the walls of this build ing uti another story nnd I protested ngalnst It ns vigorously ns I know now. I told them nt the tlmo thdy were llxlng up a tire trap , but thcro were too many on the other sldo. There were onlv twclvb members In the council nt that tlmo nnd I wns j then representing the Sixth ward. When it catno to a vote llio pruyor of the petitioners was granted by n vote of 7 to 5. In those days tlicro wns no building ordinance nnd no building Inspector , nnd all that builders had to do was to satisfy nny mis givings that might exist In the mind of the flro department. I predicted nt the tlmo that the wall if built as proposed would fall some day and hurt someone nnd n suit for damages ould bo the result. So far ns the llrst part of it is concerned my prediction * as como true , nnd the rest of it will follow very shortly. My conscience Is clear on the sub ject , nnd I nm very glad that the responsi bility for the accident does not rest upon me , cither directly or Indirectly. " llOir OLtt AUK VOl/T Persons eighty years old or over , who nnvo resided In Omaha for some tlrao , nro respect fully requested to correspond with the under signed. Residence "should bo stated. Sub jects of mutual Interest will bo discussed nnd n society of genial spirits may bo organl/ed. .Addtoss H. J. B , , Uoom 000 , BEE building , 'city. KYi'UKhSlSl ) US SOIUIOW. Jcntli of Captain Cnrtr Commented on by tlui CommlfiHlonurfl. Mayor Cushlng and Commissioners Hartman - man , Gilbert and Smith were present at the meeting of the board of flro nnd police com missioners last oveninif. The matter of pur chasing a wagon nnd harness for the assist ant chief of the flro department was referred to the committee on property , with power to net. Chlof Qalllgan's report condemning the proposed engine house site at .Twenty-ninth nud Spauldlng , because It wns the old bed of n crock , was approved , and the slto diagon ally across the comer , which was offered for the same purpose , was referred to the city council Tbo report of President Graves and Secre tary Dempsey of the Police Uoliof associa tion was received and placed on file. It showed a balance in the treasury of $ 'ifi7i.4S. ) The association recommended that hereafter sick benefits date from the time the name of the beneficiary is stricken from the city's pay roll ; that death benefits bo changed from jOO to fl.OOO nnd funeral expenses from f.)0 to 4100. The recommendations were placed on fllo until such tlmo as tlio associa tion amends its charter so as to cover these points. The appointment of George Lucas ns spe cial policeman for the Nebraska tlio and pottorv company was approved. Tho' board passed the following resolutions regarding the death of Captain Carter : Whereas The board of flro and police com missioners have Just loainort with profound oninllnns of grief of the Mid ( loath of Captain Oartorof eiiRlno house No. 1 ! at last nlt-'ht's Ilic. whllo In the heroic attempt to proti'ot llio property and lives of others ; tlioroforo. bo It Uc.solvoil , That In the duntli or Captain Car ter tno flro department has lo < t a very faith ful and iisofnt member , nnd that , In the opin ion of the board , tlio entire city mourns his untimely death , and Hi-solved , That each member of this board tender to thu Inn-caved family his most hcatt- foltsympathy , and that those re-solutions bo spread uiion the records of the board nnd that u copy of the sanio bo sent to Mrs. Carter. Chief Galilean was Instructed to have the onglno houses draped in mourning for the next thirty days , nnd iho board resolved to attend the funeral In a bodj. The chict reported that Fireman McGuire was up and able to ho around , but that Fire man Mulvihlll would probably bo laid up for a month. Mayor Gushing and Messrs. Hortmau and I Gilbert reported that they had spout most of t Uio day Investigating the charges against the flrd department , and Cblof Galllgau in particular , It being alleged that ho did not b arrive on the ground for na hour and a half E after the lire broke out ; that ho was drunk nnd that the flro was i very poorly managed from the start. The committee said the charges , were abso lutely without foundation , nnd were sur- prisod that they had boon put in circulation. They thoupht that , the flro was admirably managed and that It was owinu to exception ally good > work that it was beaded off where It was. In executive session all police ofllcers below - low the rank of cnptnln were ordered to pre sent themselves before the city physician before fore next Monday for physical examination , nnd the physician was Instructed to report upon them nt the meeting of the board next Monday night. For years the editor of the Burlington Junction , ( Mo. ) Post , has been subject to cramp colic or His of indigestion , which pros trated him for several nours and unfitted him for business two or three days. For the past year ho has been using Chamberlain's colic , cholera and diarrhaia remedy whenever oc casion required , and it has invariably given him prompt relief. 25 and CO cent , bottles for sale by druggists. CHANGE. Striking Swltohmon Arc Very Quiet ! nntl Business GOCH On. The usual quiet prevails In the Burlington yards nt this point. A few of the strikers may still bo soon loafing nbout tho. depot and in the vicinity of the yards , but they make no attempt at intimidation. Occasionally one of the now men is Induced to quit , but the ompany keep nbout twelve men In each crow ; o there is no delay. Ono of the strikers stated yesterday that a : npctlng would behold of representatives from dl the organisations of railway men nt which l .imo It would bo decided whether there vould bo n general boycott of the Burlington. The Union Pacific , the Elkhoru. the Mis- ouri Pacific and the Ch'icago , St , Paul , Mln- . lenpolls & Omaha roadi handle largo num bers J of Burlington cars every day and a ro- } iisal to hundlo thes cars would mean l .rouble General Manager Holdrogo is In Lincoln .ooklng after matters there. "Soiucthinc pnst AH Good. " "My horse was badly Injured. I called for Hnllor's Barbed Wire Liniment , ' ray drug gist was out , but sold mo 'something Just IKas Ljood , ' now my horse Is a cripple , whllo my ielghbor , whoso horse was Injured as badly as mine , refused all substitutes and bought abottloof 'Hniler's Barb Wire Llnlmont , ' and his horse Is sound and well. " Insist on setting tbe genuine all druggists have It. with Forgery. Joseph Harvey , n carpenter , was arrested yesterday lomplalnt of Fred W. Gray , who claimed that Harvey had forged u chock for f5. The chock WHS cashed at McMnhon's saloon i , Harvey furnished ball and was released , to appear in district court at the next terra , Many persons who prldo themselves on their blue blood would bo far happier with pure blood : but , whllo wo cannot cheese our ) ancestors , fortunately , by tbo use of Ayor's Saranparilla , wo can transmit pure blood 1 to our posterity. \\nnt n. Motor on Thirteenth. The property qwnors of South Thirteenth street have called n mooting for Thursday night , to bo hold at Hnscall's ball. The ob ject is to try nnd induce the strcot railway company to build a motor line on South Thirteenth street , from Howard street to i N street iu South Omaha. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured ' by these Llttlo IMlls. CARTER'S TUcr also rclloTO Dls- trcsa from Dyspepsia. Indigestion - ITTLE. digestion and Too Hearty IVER Bating. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness , Nausea , PILLS. Drowsiness , Dad Taste In the Mouth. Coated Tongue. Poln In tlio Side TOHPID LIVER. Tucy regulate tfio DowcU. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , MAKING WAY FOR DICKENSON , Assistant General Manager Ilolcomb of the Union Pacific Stops Down. HAS TENDERED HIS RESIGNATION , GeorRoVcst Succeeds the Ijnto I > . 12. Klmlmll ns NortliwcMcrn Ticket t The Presidential Party -Notes nnd Personals. Assistant General Mnnngor W. H. Hoi- comb of tbo Union Pacific has resigned his position , the * resignation to tnko effect May 15. Mr. Ilolcomb itoted yesterday that ho had contemplated resigning for some tlmo , and his resignation had been sent In ' 'not very long ngo. " Ho declined to raiiko nr.y statement regarding his future plans. Mr. Holcomb's resignation strengthens the rumors that have boon current for some tlmo that Ed Dlckonson vvould return to the Union Pacific. This prediction has been made by TUB HUB , but has boon vigorously denied by Union Pacific ofllclals Tlio soiul-olllclnl unnouucomont made In yesterday's Ben that Dlckonson had quit the Baltimore & Ohio to take n position with the Union Pacific caused general rejoicing nmone the men nt headquarters and also among the men In the operating department and shops. Ono of the secrets of this feeling may bo found In the statement of n yardman who has been lu the employ of the company for years. "Ed Dlckcnson Is n man , " said ho , "who Is loved by nil the boys on the road. Ho .was more llko one of them than an olllcor , when ho was on the road boforo. Ho would never ask n man to do anything ho would not do hlmsolf. In a wreck ho would tnko hold nnu do as much as anyone , but when ho said n thing should bo done that settled It. What ho said had to ' , ' 0. " The clerks in the general ofllcos were well pleased but were rather careful In showing It. The general fooling scorned to bo that his coining would bo followed by a goueral shaking up all along the Hue. The Prrsldentlnl Trnln. The assistant general manager of the Penn sylvania railroad company , Gcorgo W. Boyd , who will have charge of the special train bearing President Harrison nnd\ \ party , has notified the Omaha roads that the presidential train will bo turned over by the Northern Pacific to the Union Pacific at Portland on the morning of May 7th , nnd is scheduled to leave Portland at 7:15 : a.m. nnd nrrlvb nt Suit Lnko ntu a. m. on May Oth. The train will bo side-tracked at Salt Lake until 8 u. m. nnd turned over to the Hto Graudo Western. It will pass over that road to Grand Junc tion , thence via the Denver & Uio Grande to Denver. The train will leave Denver on the evening of the lath via the Burlington , ar riving nt Lincoln nt 0:15 : n. m. on the Kith. It will remain iu Lincoln until 10 n. m. nnd arrive in Omaha at 11:30 : n. m The party will remain In Omnlm until ( i p. m. nnd will leave at that tlmo via the Wab.isb for Decatur - catur , 111. The train will consist of flvo special vcsti- bu'o ' cars , namely , combination car , chair , compartment sleeper , observation car nnd sleeper. These cars are furnished by the Pennsylvania railroad company and are models iu the way of equipment. " \VcHt Succeeds Kimhnll. George F. West has boon appointedcity ticket ngcnt of the Chicago & Northwestern to succeed the late D. E. Kimball. Mr. West has boon Omaha passenger agent of the Northwestern slnco 1SS7 and ono of the best known young railroad mon In the city. Ho is twenty-six years of ngo nnd began his railroad career as telegraph operator on Grand Trunk in 18SO. Ho has boon with the Northwestern since 188- , serving ns ticket agent at Murshalltown , Dos Molnes and Cedar Huplds before coming to Omaha. A ticket clerk from ono of the local sta tions will bo maao assistant to Air. West. Mr. U. H. IJItchlo , general agent of the Northwestern , attended the funeral of Mr. Kimball at Racine , Wis. , nnd will return home today. NoteH nnd 1'crsonnls. The regular session of the Trans-Missouri Passenger association convenes in Kansas City today. The third tour of the Pennsylvania rail road company will arrive in Omahu from Chicago at midnight Wednesday , and will proceed at once to Denver via the B. & M. . Mike Dorum , agent for the Burlington at Nebraska City , died Saturday. Ho has been ngont at that point for the past fifteen years nnd previous to that tlmo was with J. O. Phillip ! ol the Missouri Pacific as clerk. Ho was well known in Omaha. An excursion party composed of 200 Cali fornia people , onrouto to Boston and ether eastern points , will arrive in this city at 8:30 : p. m , Wednesday aver the Union Pacific , and will remain here for two or three hours , leaving via the Uock Island for Chicago. The Union Pacific will establish a stnpf line from the terminus of the Utah & Nevada branch to the newly discovered gold country , in what is known as the Deep creek region The line will bo in operation by Thursday of this week and will maltrt the trip from the railroad terminus to the farthest point iu thu Deep creek countiy In twenty-four hours. Dr. Blrnov euros catarrh. Boo bld'g. Hort Wheeler's Successor. It Is understood that It will bo some time before Judge Wakcley will appoint a stcnog- ruphor to fill the vacancy caused by the death -of Bert G. Wheeler. Bird Wakoloy will return from the south In the course of aya month or two , and upon his return ho will take the position. Until that time the other court stenographers will do the work. DoWltt s Llttlo early Iltsors : only pill to cure sick headache and regulate the ' Cnu&tit n Burglar. John Oliver entered Frank Swoboda's res idence at Sixteenth nnd Williams Sunday and stole two watches valued at 870. Ho was asS arrested with the stolen property in his pos session. Ho waived examination and was hold to the district court in * 500 bonds. lavoring Extracts. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla , -A Of perfect purity. Lemon -I of'great great atronuth. AlmcmI Economy"ltllo"'uso > Rose elc.-J Flavor as delicately and dollolously as the fresh fruit For Snlo Wntor HontlH. The village ofVhnor , OuniiiiB County Nebraska , IIM l § li > il water Imnds to the amount nf tUM ( Uvo bonds of tVXIoaoli ) . for the purpose of oxtendliiB tlio' water wurkH sysiom hi said rllluifu. The Ixinds nrorinted April 1. 1891. and duo In twenty years from datu of IJAIIP , optional af ter ll\o . Intutvat wivun per cent pur an num , nayablo nnnually , at Kountzo Ilio . , KcwVorkOHy. , , , Tim loud of trustees of said vlllnRo will rccrlvo hoalud bids on bald bonds from date up to7w : : o'clock p. m. , on the iTrti day of April IKUI , ut which tlmo the bids will bo opened. All btdd nd coininunlc-utloni to bo dlri'ctu.l to I * 0. KrluBcl , Village Olurlr , Wis- nor , Nob. Dated this llth day of April , 1801. L. U. KliiNOKt , , Villa o Clerk. u-ll-d-M. . * Both tbo-method and results when Syrup of Figs i8 tnkcn ; it is plcnsntit and refreshing to the taste , nnd nets' gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , headaches - ' aches and fevers nud cures habitual constipation. Syfup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto mid ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial m its elTecte , prepared only from tbo most healthy nnd ngreenblo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in GOc and 81 bottles by all leading drug gist& Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. ( QUISVILie. KY. NEW YORK , N. If. CaUrrh in a v < ry ihoit time ; H y Fmr from Ihret to Art E&r&ohe iniunlly , EOc p r Bottle , OirtctiOAt tMtdl. Before 'and After La Grippe Fortify the System BY THE" USE or SCOTT'S ' EMULSION orPure Cud liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES O3T1 T.TJvTE .A.TTI3 SODJV. It Increases the resisting power against Dlaoaso. Restores - stores to health and strength the debilitated. Heals the Lungs and Cures the Cough. Palatable as Milk. l-OU SALE 11Y AM , nnU(3OISTS. Tutt's Pills onnl > 1o tliodyspeptic to cat whatever lie vlnlic" ) . Tliry c' ii o tlio food toiiHslinllnto mill the Innly , give appelltf , uud DEVELOP FLESH. Office , 39 & 41 Park Place , New York. Forty-flvo hlchett awards hnvu been received by Seo- liury & Johnson from dif ferent International oxpo- sltlons for tbe eupcriorlty of their Porous Plasters nnd oilier Roods. Ilenaon'8 Piasters liuvo many com petitors but no rivals. iIt Is not n nostrum. Got the ( lenulne. TO WEAK MEN Rufforlnff from > oln carlrdocny , WMtlnp woakneiu , lost inanboud , etc. I wfll end avnluaGle treatise ( cal ll contMnlnj fuUpartlcalors for home euro , F1UCI ; of ohargo Asplemlld medical work ) should bo rcadoy Terj maa who U nervous and ilobllltat U. Aaarcrt 1'rof. F. C. I'O WMJIl , flloodu * , Couu The fit-ent French 1'pencrlittlon , Curei played out manhood , make Boclety a plea- euro and married life sntlstactorj. In hort U res tores that \ Italltr that l > i'1oiiK to n hcnlthy t'sniR man. H n pnckuno , or 3 for fi. Bent | > or mall , In a pl.iln Bcaled t-nvelopa from observation , on receipt ofprleo. Tlio Klnaler DriiK Co. . McCoriulcU A I.uml. l.csllu i Lusllq , Omaha , A. T ) , Kuitor , Council lllulla Scaled prooosals will , bo iccolvcd by there StuU ) Printing Iloitrd , nt'tlio ' ofllco of secre tary of stuti1 , ut nnvUmo [ before Tiiosdny , April'1,1891. ntSp. in. , for printing and blnd- liiK S.OOi ) copies puoli ofjlrio Kunuto mid lionso joiirnuU and 1)OUO ) coploi of thu tesslon laws iOf 1HH. gcnnta und lioukd joiiriiulb to bo printed on book paper , two pduuds | Mir qnlro , supur | ) royal ootuvo form , smiill ulea typo , sl\-to plea loads between the Itucs , vlthniit HIIIIOO- i-ssary blanUs , broken ) i | tfs | or piirnsiuplm. blanks butwnun procooaiiiRs of each day , and botwei'n dlflerent ( Ks.sloiis of the bamo day. not to exceed four jucn lines , puses to IM ) same fllzo as Journals of 1S83 , binding half Hlii-pp. ' 1 30 Sefcalon laws to bo printed on two pound boolc paper , rfnmll pIclrtDie , papes to lie Name sUouiul form an the lavs of Ibrt with mar- Rliial notus and Indox..hoimd In full tilieop. armo Proposals will also utvrocelvod at the sanio tlmo and place for printing tlia supreme court reports and court oitlotlnfcrs nnd for furnlih- IIIK nil blankN , blank booka and clrnnlars , In- clndln : : revenue lilnuki miiurcd by the olH- cors of thu executive department nf the state for a period of two years from date thoof contract. Samples and estimates of kinds aim qmin- fitly of supplies to bu furnished can bo seen at thoolllcooft-ecietnryof btato. Proposalx must rtnto for what prlco tlio bidder will furnish all books In this class per page and for nil blanks nnd circular per hundred. Kuuh proposal tntist be accompanied by a bond In the Mini of t\ooO with two or lore Mirltlcs conditional , that the bidder , will , In case of award , within flvo iluy after notice cuter Into contract todo the work. Bids ID bo marked "Proposals for 1'ubllo Printing , " fiueseciotary of stato. lialloy nnd puno pnwf for laws and journals must be furnished the Secretary ot State , ando all work to be delivered In Kood order free of cost at th olllco nf the Secretary of lute within ninety Uuy > from the date of contract. IClKhl to reject uny or nil bids reserved. J. K. llir.t , , Ktate Treasurer , , .K.tnto T. H. 1IKNTO , Auditor of P. A. , J-Prlutlng JOHN U , A U.EM , Secretary of btato. 1 Hoard , upOdlbtiu AMUSEMlfiNTB. BOYD'S. TWO NIQUT3 ONLY Tuesday and Wednesday , April 14 and 16. Tilt : EMINKNT AUT1ST3 In the follonlntr pl r ! Tiio'ilar crenlne , Mil ton Noblci' mat and KrcatvM plaf , railed FROM SIRE TO SON. Alt thoiccncrr tupil In Oils production Is car ried hf thu CfinipnnT \VcdiiC9dnx evening , .Milton Noble ) ' poncrtill draui.t , called LO VEl AND s from ocean to ocean. llux clioct.i open Momtijr at reaulnr prlcoi. THE GRAND ' TONIGHT AND nVKHY NIHHT THIS \VEIMC. Including Saturday Mutlnee , DR. E. B. DAVIS 1'SYOIIOI.OOIOAIj n.NTEKTAINMKNTS and Wonderful Illustrations of HYPNOTISM. Popular prices , 15,2. " > itnu 3i conts. Ilex ofllco open nt 7 p. in. DIME EDEN MUSEE. Will Lawlor , Manager. Cor. lltli and I'arnam WK1IK OF AI'KIM.1 \Vhalo Oil On1. , a lomlnlsoncti fiom the ca. Tim Spanish Troiibndors. The Milanese minstrels , ( 'burins Diamond , hnrp nololst , Tins Ulonson Olilldii'n. mmK and ditnco artists , i Tlio I/OJIHIH , comic NkcU'li artists. Jut and ; 1't't. I.oopunl ( tlrls. ll\iin ) llros , and a host of varloty-tali'iit. .Nuw songs ; new dnndes ; now faces. DR.J. E. McGBEW , THE SPECIALIST. 10 Years' Experience. PRIVATE DISEASED Cured In 3 to 5 < lny without thoI03i of nn houn'tlma from biHlnmi , The most ubtulnto euro for (5MCKT nnrt all annoying illichnritoi over known to moilloul science. HVt'lllI.Id , nnnrMiitotl curolnft ) loM days The inoit nowcrful remedy yet known for a permit- nontcuro SI'lUCTimKoriuilnln rollovlnu thu blin der , cured nt home , without Instruments ; no cutting , no puln , no dilating. IX > M of Manhood or Woiknosi positively cured ; Innnnt relief. Skin disease ] ami funmlu tllicnuoi permanently cured Dr. McUruw'i fuicceii In the treatment of I'rlvnto Diseases Im niiverbcon rtiinlol | ! , nnd his prest nnnr of patients reaches from the Atlantic to the 1'aclUc. Hooks anil Circular * freo. Indies from 'i to 4 only , llth mil I'arnam "trouU Omaha , Not ) . Uiitranca oil oltuor etrcoU Medical aod Surp INSTITUTE. Kortho troatmontot all CimONIC AND SUHQICAr , DISKASUd. Uraces. Appllnncoifor Jeforinltl05inl ( Tru sce . Host Kacllltles , Apparatua end Iteiuodlos forauccosiiful treatment of erorr form of dlseaie requiring Medical or Stirulcnl Treatment. N1NKTY ItOOJiy KOU 1'ATIliNTS , Hoard nnd Attendance Heat Accommodations ' .Vast Wrlto for circular ! on DoforraltlOJ and llracos , Tnu'os , Club Foot , Curvn- turos of Bplne , 1'lles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrli , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Klectrleltr , I'aralysli , Kpll- ey y , Kldnoya , llladdor. Kye , Kar , Skin and lllood , nnd all Curcical Operations. D1HKABK3 OF WOMKN iiapeclolto. Hook os Msonies \Vomon Froo. Wo hare lately added n lyln r-ln Department for Women Iurlnt ( conllnoment ( Strlctlr l'rlvato.1 Only llullm- llo , Medlcnl ln. tltuto Making n Specialty of rill- All lllood illsoas'es successfully treated. Modlclno or Inxtriimcnti sent by mall or express eecurelr packed , no marks to Indicate contents or Bonder. Ono persona. Interview pruferrod. Cull and consult ua or tend hltory of rotir cano , and wa will send In Jain wrapper our HOOK TO MI5N FHKI5 ; upon Pri vate. Special or Nervous IJIseasoi , wlthquettlon IHt Address all letter ! to Dr. A. T. McLaughlln , President 0th und Harnoy Streets. Omaha. Moore's ' Tree of Life , A nnlllTornro for Klrtncjr and Liver Complaint" nlul nil blood illsoanos. Douiltpnx to nuflor when you can bo cured by utlnK Mouro'a Tree of Life tiiuOrcat I.lfo Hemwly ? I'rlcu * l pur bottlo. 1're- imrod and i > ut up by Dr. J. II. Mouro. ' TKSTIMONIATji Ifo I a hy u n- utrofco , Two-lmttlen of your "Tree of Mlo. " liM helped her very inucli , aniln pcrmnnunt euro It ii - jured. Your nivdlclno 1ms In It tbo irmi oleiiivnUof amiccos ful rt-nimly , mid Kuunatonro to thu onuses orououo. , . ( jn MAN , Mo. , Nor , IU , lit ? ) fir. J. II. Mnnro , OhlcaKo Dour Mr YmirTn > uof I.lfornmoiluly tn linnil , mm after n careful trlnl of It , 1 Uko ptoimiro In unylni utt Isull you cliiliu forlt. If uiiyonu doubts tills Mnto- ment. lot Ilium wriui direct loniu. With be t wlnhci for you Bud your Trixj of Ufe. 1 am yours truly , C * AI. Kni . FOR SALE. Write for Prices nnd Samples. LIGHTNBR & mCKliLHAUPT , BOSOOB , S. D. Xotlcr to Conti'Hetom , NotloJ 1s hereby glvon ilmt the School Hoard of District No. I , Dawmin county. No- braska. will iwelvo bids fur tin ) bullillni : of u school hniiKo In I.o\liiKUii , Nvbrnbki. : a > > pur iilansandspfcltiuatlons on fllo with Mr. Ht- | leiilHiiiho , Archltift , lIustliiRH , Nohraxka. or at ollleu of Hoard at I.uxInKton , Nobraska. bald plans can bo neon after April 1'i , and bids ulll bo rocnlvcd tip to 111 o'clock a. in. Wcdnca- day , April SI. JMtl. Tlio lloaid reborvoB the rluht to ri'Ji'i'l ' any or nil bids. Ily ordur of buhuol llounl. nMltiu n. M. T. Lm.Ar.ri , Director. /-10NTHACTOK3 AND MANOrAOTUHKKS v-/will llnd proposal ndvcrtNeiiicnts of Na tional , .Stale und Municipal authorities and of bulldlnc committees , as well as Important news of projected work. In all partsof the rnl- ted Hiatus and Canada , not olsowhoru nrnvl- ously piibllhhod , in TIIK KNUINKWtlNU KKdOUD.diriorto 1S87 ThuHaiiUary jnxliu : > nr ) , Nuvr York. Un ulo Tuusdaya In tills olty. at K. Wymuu'i. upT-U-i'l-Si Mr. Philanthropy "So you've been serving ms with The Dally Bee for two years , oh ? Well , 1 know of no bettor reward than an order on Hellman for u new suit of clothes , and when you got them I'll watch you son walk down the street toaethor. " And the above knee pant suit Is what the philanthropist bouahl at our store for § 2. We have lots or 'em In half dozen different styles ! He bought this kind of a shirl waist for 35c , A pair of lone black hose for 25c. A stylish ha * for 50c ; and the boy was dressed from head to foot for $3.10 , and looked better than most boys. The boy's father was surprised at the wonderful bargain , and we urned him out with a Corkscrew Worsted'Suit of Clothes like this for $12.50 , and had he taken it single-breasted , he would have got it for $10 , but he was tony : The liar he has on is his old one , he bought a better one from us for 95c , and we have 12 styles ol them in black and light shades , 13th and Farnam. ,