Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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C 111CF : No. 12 1 FARL STREET.
Pcllvcrcd by Carrier In any part of the City.
Business Onicc , No. 43.
Night Editor. No. 23.
N. V. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , SOI Sapp block.
Genuine Hock SprlngcouL Thatcher , 10
- All Saints' guild will give a social this
evening nt the Planters' hotel for the benollt
of the chnpcl ,
The Cnthollo Young Ladles' society will
give an "S" supper Thursday c\cnlng , April
10 , nt Hughes hall.
Frcaerlch ( Jroen nnd Mary II. Snow , both
ot Marlon , 111 , , were married yesterday after
noon , Justice Cones officiating.
Encampment No. 8 Union veteran legion
will meet nt their hall on Pearl street this
Tuesday evening. Punctual attendance. Is
Marriage licenses \vcro Issued yesterday to
Edward IIapau. < ind Mnrpnrtcr blms , both of
this city , and to William McGlnnis and Mag
gie O'Connor ' , both of Weston.
U. N. Whlttlcsey resumed his old place on
the Giobu yesterday morning. Mr. P. E.
Spencer , who has occupied the place for the
last few weeks past , is transferred to the
Emma , seven months' old daughter of
Claud Schrocder of Hn/cl Dell township ,
died jestorday morning of croup. The
funeral will tnko place this afternoon t.t'J
Sheriff O'Neill , who has been contesting
the possession of the Hotel Gordon with Mar-
bhal Templeton for the lost two days , gave
up the Held yesterday , being advised to do so
by the attorneys who had levied the writ of
Judge II. E. Dccmer sent n letter to the
clerk of the district court yesterday morning
from his homo in Rud Oak , staling that the
li 'iilth of his wife had Improved somewhat ,
b t hu was not well-enough for him to leave
li''i' ni t rot cut. There will bo no court until
to c. row irornlng.
Thu light between Rnodes of Avoca and
hiac o d of tills city will take place at South
( Jnmtm on thu51 h. It Is mi event which Is
being looked forward to with n good deal of
interest by local sports , as both of the pros
pective combatants are In active training ,
and are making all duo preparations for the
The Council Bluffs sausage factory , which
has been doing business on Broadway Just
nbovo the Ogdcn house , was closed vester-
day afternoon on a landlord's ' writ of nt-
tHchmcnt which was issued In superior
court on petition of Iho owner of the build-
Int. , Mrs. F. D , Webster. Lund & Hanson
wcro the proprietors , and the amount for
which the attachment was issued was t 10.
The attorneys for Mrs. Webster were West
ft Wheeler.
The city schools opened yesterday morning
alter n week's vacation. Tlio attendance
was light and some of thu members of the
uo.ird are ot the opinion that they nindo n
mistake in opening so soon. A large number
of thu children are still sick with the measles
or grippe , and Mill more are under quaran
tine , bo that lor u week or two nt least the
attendance will not bo anything like what it
should be. It Is the intention , however , to
CO on with the work and trust to the ability
of the stay-at-honlus , to HIIIKO up what they
have lost when they return.
In police court yesterday iiornlng Clifford
Clark and Nelson Egbort , charged with the
larceny of four boxes of cigars from the
Hotel Gordon , were granted a continuance
until this morning nt their request.
Ocorgo Tracy , charged with drunkenness
and disturbing the peace , was lined $10.bU.
William Tucker , who was released Saturday
morning after being arrested for drunken
ness , upon his stating that he had procured a
ticket for the east and would start for that
part of the country Just us soon
< : % bo was let out of jail , turned
V ? ) before his honor once more , with a largo
place of Ills head gone from a spot over his
right oyo. He had also lost his ticket , and as
ho was unable to get out of town , ho was
given J10.10 worth of credit for board with
the city marshal.
Our spring stock Is now complete. If you
want to bo In style call at Keller's , the tailor ,
U10 Broadway. _
Housekeepers , sco our line of table linens
from " 3u up at the Boston Store , Council
Bluffs. _
Housekeepers' week at the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , la.
When about to build don't fail to set prices
on lumber of The .ludd & Wells Co. , 813
Broadway. Telephone ! W7.
1'JEHSO\AI , V.I U.I VIt.4.1'llfi.
John Wllch bus returned from a visit
to Schuyler , "Neb.
E. L. Shugart starts for Colfax today ,
where ha will spend several days.
Samuel Ktnyro of the city engineer's office
left Sunday night for Uockford 111. , for a two
weeks' visit ,
F , M , Uaultand wife hivogono to Chicago.
Lucius Wells has gone cast on a week's
business trip.
Mrs. G. L. Martin has returned from Gnl-
vcston , Tex. , where she visited her daughter
for the past live weeks.
Hon. William Gronoweg loft lust evening
for Ottumwa to attend the funeral of the
late Senator P. G. Bulllugall.
William Unell starts tomorrow evening fern
n visit to his old home In Birmingham , Eng-
liuul , which ho has not been for twenty-thrco
Mrs. Mary Wlnclngcr , who has been visit
ing friends In Omahu and Council Bluffs for
the past week , leaves for the Capital City this
Mr. ana Mrs. Will Stone have returned
from their bridal trip to the homo of Mr.
Stone's parents in Fremont county and will
reside in the Bluffs.
Thomas Bowman left last evening for Kan
sas City , whore bo will attend the western
commercial congress , which lasts live days ,
commencing today.
S. C. Sheldon of Creston was in the city
yeUerdny on business. Ho states that elab
orate preparations nro being made for the
blue grass palace ut that place next full , and
that It will bo u much larger affair tbun It
was last your.
Housekeepers' week at the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone H3. High
jjraJo work u specialty.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Juice
tablets. They uro delicious.
Got your wall paper ut the Boston Storo.
Why pay double the price you can get it for
nt.tho Boston Store. Council Bluffs ! All the
way fromU jOU roll.
* Kleotlon o
The election of ofllcers of the Young Men's
Christian association was held lust evening ,
The first part of the evening was taken up
with a musical programme , which was ad
mirably rendered , and highly enjoyed by n
large audience In uplto of tbo rain and mud
that bold Huprcnio sway out of doors.
After the programme the audience dispersed ,
nnd the ncttva members of the associa
tion got down to work with the following re
sult : President , W. W. Wallace ; recording
secretary , J. M. Ouslor ; directors , U. F.
Shearer , Fifth Avcnuo Methodist church ;
Jiuncs Mortenson , Christian church : H. A.
Bnllengor , Berean Baptist church ; Olio
Christiansen , Scandinavian Baptist church ;
W. A. Got'brlng , Trinity Mithodlst church ;
W. S. Homer , lirst vice president ; F. A.
Shaver , second vice president ; Ur. M , H.
Chamberlain , treasurer.
Do you wont an express wagon or boy I
Hing up the A. U. T. Co. , telephone 179 , No.
Jl North Main street.
Got the prices on wall paper at the Boston
tore , Council Bluffs.
J.O. nirDY , steam ncatln ; , sanitary en *
M Mo r dam block , Council Ulufu
Livcrymau Echluter Takes French Leave of
BU Many Creditors.
Ho Has Swindled Nearly Everyone He
Met nnd Gnno ' .vlth Another
Mnn'H Wife How Ho
A. Schlutcr , who has been until the last
day or two the proprietor of a livery barn at
010 Broadway , Is missing , nnd there are sev
eral parties in the city who would Ilko to
hear from him. Ihcro have been
rumors for some ttmo past that his
business was not conducted on the best
of business principles , but thcro has
been nothing upon which his creditors
could resort to extreme measures , until Sat
urday night when ho left town apparently
lop good. Ho took with him Mrs. Yount ,
with whom ho has been living on Park
nvcnuo for several months past. The woman
it is stated has n husband living In Sioux
City. His Illght was not discovered until
yesterday morning.
Ofllcer & Pursy own the building on lower
Broadway whcro Schlutcr has been doing
business. The property was leased
until next July , but last De
cember thu landlords became restless over
their tenant's failure to pay rent promptly.
They threaten to pusn him when ho Induced
Dan Carrlgg to sign tbo lease with him.
Cajrlpg in this way became to all intents and
purposes the lessee of the building , nnd
Schlutcr the sub-tenant. When Cnrrlfig dis
covered that his protege played him false , heat
at once sot about protecting himself ,
nnd had n landlord's writ of
attachment issued , for K y , to secure the
unpaid rent.
Yesterday afternoon a further complication
arose when the Citizen's State bank , by Its
attorneys , Messrs , Sims & Saundcrs , served
a notice on the city marshal that they hold n
mortgage on the establishment for S'-.MX ) . It
is s > t.itea that for some lime past Sthluer has
been quietly disposing of his horses , wagons ,
and mules , and the result Is that thcro Is not
enough to satisfy the claims of the mortg-
a ; ces.
Creditors are looming up by the do/en. L.
Seybcrt , the propriotorof the Ticmont house ,
where Schlutcr formerly boarded , mourns
his departure tOGO worts. Of this amount
* U'r < > is for n board bill and $500 for a loan
which was made to the boarder when ho was
in better circumstances. Schluter bad n con
tract from the city for the grading of Lincoln
avenue , ana the men who worked for him on
that Job are left In the lurch as to
their uay. The amount of the shortage In
this item being several hundred dollars. A
part of the bill was to bo paid by the school
boo rd , and this sum was allowed to him by
the school board nt its lost meeting. Schluter
neglected to draw the money and it was at
tached yesterday afternoon by the Citizens'
State bank. Besides these , there are al
most innumerable smaller bills unpaid
in various stores about the city. Ono
of the first evidences of crookedness
tnnt became public ' .vas n business
transaction which Schlutcr baa with
n party frcm St. Joseph. The St. Joseph
man brnnuht ui > a number of mules to bo
sold. They wrro sold by the proprietor of
the barn for fsOO and Schluter , ft is claimed ,
pocketed the proceeds. A. J. Popploton of
Omaha was the buyer.
Tnoiqucstlon which will have to bo set
tled between the bank and Carigg Is whether
the mortgage or the landlord's writ of at
tachment takes precedence. Cnrrigg states
that ho has examined the records nnd has
found that the stock was moved lut the
.stable August 3 , while the mortgage was not
filed with the county recorder until tto Oth.
Ho claims that on this account his claim is
prior to that of the mortgagco.
Carpets , furniture , stoves , tinware , crock
ery , In endless variety on easy payments at
Mandel & Klein's.
DO pieces curtain scrim nt the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , for4o n yard.
Best cured , odorless , hand-picked live
gceso feathers for TOc at the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs.
Seed oats , com. millet and seed potatoes ,
garden seeds of all kinds , at II. L. Carman's ,
MO Main and 501 Pearl streets.
Ho Likes the Water.
"I am very sorry to see Mayor Macrao take
the stand ho has In regard to the city water , "
said T. J. Evans yesterday afternoon to a re
porter for THE BEE. "I have made a good
deal of use of the water this spring and I can
say truthfully that I have never seen any
thing so good for the purposes which I have
used It as this very water that the mayor
condemns so strongly. 1 have watered my
front lawn on Oakland avenue all spring.
My next door neighbors have used ordinary
barn yard fertilizers to bring their
gnus up to time , but thcro is no
comparison between the two. My
grass is decidedly the best on tbo
avenue , and the only thing I have used on it
in the way of n fertilizer la-water from the
waterworks. The germs of different sorts of
things that cuter into Its makeup seem to bo
Just the thing to make the lawns take on
their spring hue. Drinklngl Oh , well , that
is something different. I wouldn't advlso
you to say anything very much about this
water as an article of diet. Everything , you
know , has Its place , and the water from the
Council Bluffs waterworks has its place , but
It Isn't on the human stomach. No , Its very
good for grass , but not much good for
people. "
50 pieces curtain scrim at the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , for -lo a yard.
Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within ono and one-half miles of the P. O. ;
all in bearing ; good buildings ; possession
given at onco. Call on D. J , Hutchinson &
Co. , 017 Broadway.
Fine castllo soap , 0 cakes for C5o , nt the
Boston store , Council Bluffs ,
Housekeepers , sco our line of table linens
from " ; io up at the Boston Store , Council
All Chinese goods at half price at Jim
Lung's , 80S Broadway.
It Is stntod that a bogus agency for the
enlargement of pictures has commenced oper
ations hero , nnd has already succeeded In
deceiving a number of unwily ones. The
headquarters of the affair Is given as 1805
West Broadway , and the numo of the com
pany Is the Superior Art company. There Is
no house on Broadway nt the number given ,
and inquiries at the other houses lu that
vicinity have so far fulled to urlug to light
anyone who knows anything about the com
The plan consists in soiling a certain num
ber of pictures for Jl each for the purpose of
furnishing samples of the work done by tbo
company. After the purchaser bus paid tbo
required $1 the cgent disappears and Is heard
of no more. Since his departure some of the
pictures huvo been comirg in accompanied
by bills for unywhoro from ffl to $ JO , accord
ing to the btylo of frames ordered Quito a
number of people have been swindled In this
way. _
Ladles wishing to ill themselves as trained
nurses will tlnd an excellent opportunity for
studying bclentiilo nursing at the Woman's
Christian association hospital , corner of Sixth
avenue and Ninth street , .
Shugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk
Held , garden and Mower scous lu the west
Catalogue and samples by mall ,
The Falrmount 5c cigar at the Fountain ,
Heavy twilled crash toweling at the Boston
Store , Council Bluffs , at 3o a yard.
Tlio Cltj'u Anmvrr.
City Attorney Stewart filed his answer
yesterday morning In tbo superior court in
the case of DoercVelU & Co. vs the city nnd
the city treasurer , L. Klnnchnn , which was
commenced last week for tbo purpose of com
pelling the treasurer to pay a couple of Judg
ments which wcro assigned to the plaintiffs.
The Judgments wcro rendered by a
Justice of the peace In the cast
end of the county. In his answer
the attorney claims that the justice who
rendered the Judgment resided cast of the
west line of range -10 nnd had therefore no
Jurisdiction over the case. The statutes pro
vide that the 'court ot Avoca shall have
original nnd exclusive Jurisdiction over all
coses which may arlso cast of that line , nnd
If the case should bo appealed It would bo
appealed to the court at Avoca. thereby giv
ing It Jurisdiction indirectly that It did not
have directly. The case will probably have
n hearing today.
Sweet substantial sundries served steam
ing by the Catholic Young Ladles' society
Thursday evening , April 10 , nt Hughes' hall.
FOR RENT A now fl-room dwelling
house , cor. Broadway and Sixteenth street ,
also an II-room residence on north Scott
street , both houses nrc conveniently ar
ranged , and beautifully located with largo
yards and lawns. J. C. Doll avnN.
Spiritual "rrvlc'cs.
Prof , nnd Mrs. I'crliins , lecturers and test
mediums from San Francisco will hold meet
ings in Good Templar's hall , Archer block ,
Broadway , Council Bluffs , Tuesday , Thurs
day and Friday at 8 p. in. Skeptics Invited.
Dr , Scott's clectrlo corsets , sold every
where for $2.00 n pair. Boston Store price
fl.SS , Council BlulTs. Every lady ought to
have a pair. \ \ orld renowned.
Housekeepers' week nt the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , In.
Fine castile soap , 0 cakes for 23c , at the
Boston store , Council Bluffs ,
Sellers of Oleomurccrlnp.
War has been declared on the sellers and
the users of elcomargerlno. George C. Tup-
pcr of Osage , the state dairy commissioner ,
has been in the city over since Sunday even
ing looking up the olcomargcrlno business ,
nnd the result of his investigations was the
arrest of the proprietors of the Model restau
rant on Pearl street and the Council Bluffs ,
located on South Main street. They were
taken before Justice Hammer , where a war
rant had been issued charging them with the
violation of the law which requires all
restaurants nnd hotels using the
bogus butter to proclaim the fact by the use
pf signs , which uro to bo stuck up around
t'.u lo rooms. Both proprietors pleadeil guilty
to the offense , and wcro lined $10 and costs ,
Mr. TuppeV Is still In the city and will remain
for a day or so , and in that ttmo expects to
get hold of anumber of others who have been
violating the law. It is stated that thosalo
of the article Is much more nearly universal
than Is usually supposed to bo the case. The
'commissioner has visited a number of towns
in this part of the state during the past few
weeks , and has brought many offenders to
time. _
"tf" Supper.
The Cnthollo Young Ladles' sorlety will
give an "S" supper on Thursday evening ,
April 10 , at Hughes' hall. This is not n
"snrlo" nor a "sell , " but n "solid , substan
tial supper stylishly served. " Admission ,
including supper , UT > cents.
50 pieces curtain scrim nt the Boston Store ,
Council BlufTs , for 4c n yard.
Best cured , odorless , hand-picked live
gccso feathers for TUe at the Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs.
Best cured mixed odorless feathers nt the
Boston Store , Council Bluffs , for3Sea pound.
Heavy twilled crash toweling U the Boston
Store , Council Bluffs , for Sc a yard.
Best cured mixed odorless feathers nt the
Boston Store , Coui-cil Blnffs , for GSca pound.
Cannot Withdraw.
Thcro was a rumor on the streets yesterday
day that Justice Pattou had decided to re
sign his ofllce , provided the parties who nro
trying to push him to the wall would let him
alono. Justice Patton could not bo found all
day nnd none of bis friends could or would
say whether the rumor was true or false. It
is u fact , however , that a certain individual
visited some of the persons who have taken
the load in the prosecution nnd. asked them if
they would bo willing to drop
the proceedings if he would re
sign. The parties who were thus
approached replied that they had no
power to drop the proceedings even if they
had the disposition to do so. The county at
torney has received his orders from the
board of supervisors to begin suit against
him at once and the order -cannot bo taken
back without the calling of a special meeting
of the board for that purpose , and that is out
of all range of probability. The grand Jurj
is not at all likely to ignore the case , aud will
tnko it up as soon as it can bo reconvened.
Two of the number nro sick at present and it
is not In session.
Get your wall paper at tlio Boston Store.
Why pay double the price you can get it for
nt the Boston Store , Council Bluffs I A'l ' the
way from 3J4c n roll.
Ur. Scott's ' electric corsets , sold every
where for ? 2.UO a pair , Boston Store price
* l.'J3 , Council Bluffs. Every lady ought to
huvo a pair , \vorld renowned.
Driesbach has removed his candy store
from Main street to Ull Broadway. Ho has
fitted up an elegant place nnd Is now ready
for business.
Flrat Dinner of the Sundown Club
an Informal HIIUUPRR.
The first dinner of the new Sundoivn club
was given at the Paxton hotel last evening
nnd proved to bo not only a delightful In
formal , but highly successful affair.
About eighty citizens , representing the
business and social life of the city , were
present and the occasion was all that the
promoters of the now organization could have
.1. R. Buchanan , general passenger agent of
the ElkUbrn railroad , presided , and Rev. Dr.
Duryea nnd Judge J. R. Clarkson word the
principal speakers of the evening. The topic
of discussion was , "Should Election
to the Senate of the United
States bo by Popular Vote. ' . ' Both
gentlemen ngued for the normative.
In speeches which wore well received. The
discussion brought a few words from each of
the following gentlemen : Messrs. Marple.
Gurloy , Kiliwtrick , Hoaton , Hitchcock and
Mahoney , discovering a very general senti
ment against the proposition.
The dinner was excellent nnd the good feel
ing general. All present wcro made to feel
at homo nnd everybody agreed that the club
would prove a success.
Among the well known citizens partici
pating wore Guy C. Barton , William Wal
lace , N. V. Morse , George W. Logan , (5. M.
Hitchcock. R. B. Peattlo , Judges
Hopowcll , Davis and Jrwln ox-Judgu
Clarkson , J. R. Buchanan , T. S. Clarkson ,
R. R. Randall , T. J. Pcnnoll , R. B. Guild , C.
J. Green. C. F. Bieckcnrldgo , T. J. Mnhoney ,
E. W. Slmoral. W. H. McDinrmid , D. H.
Goodrirh , \ \ . B. Curtis , Chnrlos H. Morplo ,
J. H. Wilbur , F. R. McConnell , Thomas ICll-
putrlck , F. P. Klrkondalo , W. F. Gurloy ,
Frank T. Ransom , Clement Chase , Dr.
Hc.iton , II. Lourie , J. H. Mclntosh , Warren
Swltzler , E. S. Gutch , W. L. McCngue ,
Elmer Frank and a large number of others.
Ono of the tenets of tbo club Is "no late
hours , " and the company therefore dispersed
a ( 10 o'clock , but not until some good natural
fun had been poked at Postmaster Clarkson
the only guest present In a dress coat.
The delicious fragrance , refreshing coolness
nnd soft beauty imparted to the skin by Poi-
zoni's Powder , commends it to all ladles.
Glittering rrnspectH Discussed ly the
Hoard ol' Trade ,
The regular monthly meeting of the board
of trade was held last night , with n largo
number of members In attendance.
The secretary read a long letter from the
Pennsylvania tourists , In which tho/ spoke
In very high terms of the entertainment fur
nished them while. In this city ,
The resolutions relative to transportation ,
adopted by the National Transportation asso
ciation were read and rquurrcd to the commit
tee on transportation , j |
The request to scud ilrttijitcs to the Trnns-
Mlsslsslppl congress thqt , roinvonci In Dcn
vcr next month was proicnfccd and the presi
dent instructed to nppofn.Wrn delegates to
attend such convention .President Morton
Is authorized to appoint Vmsclf chairman of
the delegation.
President Harrison's contemplated visit to
this city. May 13. Wai discussed. Mr.
Wheeler favored the hoUHHg of a meeting of
citizens to make arrangements for the presi
dent's entertainment. This idea took well ,
nnd the president will nupplnt n committee
of five members to confer with citizens.
Resolutions thanking 'Secretary Nason , E ,
L. Fowler nnd General J3..F. Test for efforts
put forth In securing thoipassngn of the pub
lic warehouse bill wcro presented nnd
Colonel Champion S. Chasc'ontertnlncd the
board by describing a banquet that ho at
tended upon his late visit to Washington.
Ho said it was tbo grandest spread that ho
has over seen nnd that ho had the honor of
responding to n toast. Ho said that during
the present summer the Washington board of
trade will visit tbo west and will stop off In
this city.
Ho also said that beyond any question of
doubt n meeting of the pan-republican con-
press will bo held In this city next October.
Colonel Chose grew enthusiastic and sold
that if Omaha puts forth the proper effort
she can secure tbo general session of the
congress to bo held In 1SSKI.
Secretary Nason took up the warehouse
bill nnd explained Us provision to the mem
bers of the board.
E. L. Fowler spokeupon the features of the
bill and favored the opening of an exchange
not inter than August 1.
Major Wheeler thought the first thing
would bo to sccui-o warehouses.
Mr. Fowler said that the warehouses nro
nil right , as upon the law taking effect July
1 , all warehouses become public warehouses
and nro subject to the rules of the board.
Mr. Lobock understood that n good deal of
grain is sold by sample and thought the ware
houses will bo provided.
Tlio president will appoint n committee of
five to take steps to open n grain exchange
and look into the question of warehouse
facilities ,
Resolutions on the death of Phillip Von
Wlndhcun wcro read nnd adopted by the
Commercial COIIKI-OSS Delegates.
The directors of the board of trade met In
executive session yesterday morning nnd
President Martin appointed J. J. O'Connor ' ,
-lames Stephenson , W. J. Broatch , W. E.
Clark , Sam Cotner. L. H. McKcnno and II.
E. Palmer ns delegates to the western com
mercial congress that convenes in Kansas
City today. The delegates departed during
the afternoon. _
Agate bearing scales , coffee mills with foot
power , grcoers refrigcrotors , butter coolers.
Catalogue of Borden .t Sellock Co. , Chicago.
Enviable Opportunities Tor Summer
Excursions Offered to AH.
A tnpfrom | Omaha to Denver nnd Mnnltou
includes n ride through the famous Platte Valley -
loy of Nebraska aud Colorado to Denver , the
largest and most beautiful city of the Rocky
mountains and along the foot of the Rocky
mountain range from Dgnvcr to Mnnltou. The
panorama which is lalcj before the oyox > f tno
traveler in a Journey from Denver to Mnnl
tou. Includes la ono sweep of the eye 300
miles of mountain poakg , snowy range , foot
bills and cinons. Long's ' poau , away to tbo
north ; Gray's peak , the doiuo of the conti
nent ; James' peak , the Arapahoe peaks ,
Plko's peak , the most famous of all moun
tains of Colorado , and iiway to the south , -TOO
miles from the point of observation , thothreo
forbidden mountain tops known as the Span
ish peaks , are ail In view for a part of the
Manltou is the most attractive of the many
resorts of Colorado. .Lying . at the foot of
Plko's Peak and at ttyo entrance of the
Garden of the Gods , it iuvilos the tourist and
sight scar to the most'Vclhurkublo formations
and the grandest' , and most picturesque
scenery of that rugged range. Its mineral
springs and pure air glyo.ncw . Ufa to the de
bilitated. The Plko's Peak railroad , a
marvel of engineering kill , conveys passen
gers to' the very summit' the lofty old
mountain. From the too of Plko's Peak all
the great mountain peaks- -Colorado are
distinctly visible , while to the cast Its tree-
lined avenues at right angles , looking like n
checker board in the distance , lies the pretty
little city of Colorado Springs and beyond
the great plains of eastern Colorado. A
volume could bo written , Indeed volumes
have been written , of the glories of Manltou
nnd Pine's Peak.
A ticket covering this tour is offered for the
seventh largest list df subscribers.
There is no American tour which combines
a greater variety of scenery nnd n wider in-
tcrcst o the traveler than ono from Omaha
toSnn Francisco nnd Los Angeles , Cala.
The tr voler passes through the states of Ne
braska Colorado , Wyoming. Nevada and
California and the territory of Utah. This Is
the great bu sluess celt of the west nnd at
every step of the Journey something of inter
est presents Itself , whether the tourist bo
student , business man or merely pleasure
Nebraska and Its prairies ; Colorado and Its
mountains ; Utah nnd Its wonderful Salt
lake ; Nevada and Its arid plains and Cali
fornia with its Innumerable attractions , nro
all compassed In tills trip. Omaha , the most
prosperous city in the union today ; Denver ,
the queen city of the Rockies ; Salt Lake , the
Xlon of Mormondoin ; San Frandsco , the
golden gate , nnd Lei Angeles , the City of
Our Mother of the Angels , form a-string of
Jewels of rarest water.
These are all prosperous cities ; they are
all beautiful cities ; they are all wonderful
cities. Each ib romarUablo for some particu
lar reason. No two of them nro
alike In attractions and no traveler
can afford mUsing to sco each and
all. In the months of Juno , July , August
and September the prairies of Nebraska , the
Rocky mountains , the valleys of Utah and
ibo great Sierra range nro seen to the best
possible advantage. It Is the fruit season of
California , the sight seeing period of all the
mountain countries and the pleasurable part
of the vear for travel
The ticket ottered by THE Br.n In return
for the second largest list of weekly sub
scribers obtained by Juno 10 , IS'Jl ' , allows
stop-overs nt all points of Interest between
Omaha and Los Angeles. A week or it month
may bo spent at Denver vUittng the pictur
esque mountain rcsortsadjaccut and another
week can likewise bo enjoyed at Salt Lake In
hunting , fishing , sight seeing nnd bathing In
the great Inland sen. As much time as the
passenger likes may bo enjoyably spent in
San Francisco nnd other points in California ,
not oxccntlntr the lovely orange groves nnd
fruit orchards of southern California.
Niagara falls , the world's ' greatest cavar-
act , needs no glowing/description. It cannot
bo described. Pouring over a precipice 100
feet high , the Immense volume of water of
Niagara river , the outlet of the great lakes
finds its way toward the ocean. On cither
side of the river are trplendld views of this
tremendous watcrfall/abovo It and below It
and all about it are other scenes which have
attracted travelers from all parts of the
world. Goat island , the burning spring , the
whirlpool rapids , the suspension bridge , are
Incidents merely to n visit-to Niagara falls.
The field on which the battle of Lundy's
Lane was fought Is Within a few minutes
drive on the Canadlanrsido. The facilities
for visiting-all points ifllj interest on either
sidoof the river are superior. The regula
tions controlling accof.s , lo and from the sev
eral points now prevent the exorbitant
chariics which were formerly almost ns fam
ous as the cataract. Alday or a few days at
Niagara falls Is ono great event In an aver-
ugo lifetime , and no American should ever
think of visiting tourist resorts abroad until
ho bus seen Niagara falls. Ho can have no
appreciation of power , of grandeur , of awe-
Inspiring beauty , who has missed a visit to
this world renowned spot.
Kicking Didn't Count.
A Tennessee jiickunn bocnino terribly
enraged because his in us tor Imd bought
him u mate. Ho lot forth n bray so loud ,
so long nnd BO deep that It echoed and
ro-ecliocd throughout the surrounding
country. Pusblon and jealousy norvcd
him to ono Minremo and fatal effort that
cost him his llfo. A blood vessel burst.
The crimson tide could not bo Blanched ,
and the unhappy animal lay down nnd
If you docido.from wnat you have heard or
readthat you will take Hood's
not bo Induced to buy any substitute instead.
Don't ' Overlook
Our new arrivalsin , Sack and Frock Suits ; they're handsomer this
spring than ever. Prices , $7.50 , $10.00 , $12.50 , and $15.00
New spring shades , dark and medium colors. You can tell a B. K. &
Co. suit as far as you can see it , by its perfect fit and neat -appearance.
"It's Economy to buy 'Em , " they're made right , and never lose their
shape. $7.50 , $10.00 , $12.5O and $15.00 , places them within easy
reach , try one I
In Spring Overcoats , our assortment is extra large , you can select any
shade you want at $1O.OO , $12.50 , $15.00 and $18.OO , and if you want
something par excellent , and don't want to pay the Tailor's price ,
' We've got 'Em , " at $15 , $18 , $2O , 25 , and $30.
There's never a mistake made by buying garments \vell put together ,
and there's a world of comfort -wearing them.
Beautiful line of Children's Suits , always on hand , handsome styles ,
$2.50 , $3 , $3.50 , $4 and $5. They're very tasty and when seen on the
street everybody knows they're from
S. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas Streets !
EST Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
Animal Convention or tlio Omaha
United PrcHiijtrrlnni.
The annunl Sunday school convention of
tbo Omaha presbytery of tlio United Presby
terian church began a two days' session last
night in the Park Avcnuo Presbyterian <
The programme em Braced the following
topics : "Mission of the Sabbath School on
Behalf of the Neglected , " to bo opened by
Miss Lizzie W. Johnson of South Omaha ;
"Conversion the Cuief Aim ol the Teacher , "
opened by Ucv. George T. Scott of North
Bend ; "fho Best Sabbath School Organiza
tion. " opened by George U. Wallace.
The church was handsomely decorated with
plants nnd ( lowers in bloom and presented a
very Inviting appearance. Despite the dis
couraging condition of the weather there was
a fair sized audience and the topics discussed
proved to be quite entertaining.
Those present from nuroiui were Uov. lj.
Pioudfootof Albia , la. , Kov. C. C. ICylo anil
wife of Majors , Neb. , Mrs. It. II. Boll , Mrs ,
Jennie Wilson , AVilhnn McAllstcrof ,
Neb. , Rev. George T. Scott , North Bend.
There will bo a morning session of tlio
Sunday school convention today and in the
afternoon the Omaha Presbytery will meet
nt the same place.
Mrs. AVInslow's Soothing Syrup for child
ren teething , rests the child and comforts
the mother. i5 ! contsa bottlo.
Surprised tlic Pastor.
On Fiiday eveulng about fifty ot the con
gregation of the Cherry Hill Congregational
church surprised the pastor" and his wife ,
Hev. J. A. nnd Mrs. Mlliigan , at the parson
age , of which they took possession and spent
the evening in social enjoyment.
Mr. Mlliigan closes the fourth year of his
pastorate with the church on May 10 next ,
and has presented his resignation to take
effect at that date. The church has been
unanimous In its support of Mr. Milligan
through these years and regret the prospect
of nts leavine. _ _
The promptness and . oruiuty of Its cjra
have made Chamberlain's cough remedy
famous. It is intended especially for coughs ,
colds , croup and whooping cough , and is the
most effectual remedy known for those dis
eases. CO cent bottles for bale by druggists.
Sha Wnnt- Alex Olesnii.
J.osio Johnson appeared yesterday before
Justice Anderson atd : had a statement nuido
out , nnd then she signed it , in which ono
Alex Oleson is represented as being the
cause of certain social irregularities which
will , in the near future , cause Miss Johnson
a vast amount of sorrow and shame unless
Oleson maUcs her his wife very shortly.
Oleson will probably appear to explain the
embarrassing situation today before the
How many persons who suffer day after
day from headache , know that almost instant
relief is secured by using Hullcr's Pain
An absolute guarantee goes with each bot-
tlo. Insist upon having It and don't take
"something just as good. "
Frank Dennta' Death.
The inquest to determine the cause of
death of Frank Dennis , the liveryman , who
died suddenly about ton days ago , was con
cluded yesterday. Prof. Mullcr testified that
ho had made a chemical analysis of the stomach
ach and intestines and had found no traces of
morphine or other poison in sufficient Quanti
ty to cause death. A verdict was returned
that death was caused by the blood clot found
In the heart.
No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do
Witt's Little Early Risers are taken. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pill %
The Wiiolloy Investigation.
The \Voolloy investigating committee mot
at the board of education rooms yesterday
and called a couple of contractors to
give expert testimony upon the bills present
ed for the corastruction of the Davenport
school building. The committee excluded
reporters nnd spent the cntiro forenoon be
hind closed doors. _
Do Witt's Little fiurly rtisers ; Dost little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
Army I'erscnialH.
Captain Uny loft yesterday for Fort Wu-
shakio , Wyo.
Private Michael Sullivan of company II ,
Sixteenth Infantry , will be discharged from
the service on July 21. ! _ _
llorst'orU'K Acid 1'lionplmtc.
Beware of imitations.
I'r.nii a Kluo.
Between -1:30 : nnd 5 o'clock yesterday after
noon a defective flue in the kitchen of Joe
Schiller on Eighteenth sU-cot between Clark
and Grace , caused $ . " < 0 damage. No. 1
chemical attended to the blazo.
Dr. Blrney curoa ciiturrn. Boo bldp ,
Oinnhn Should AdvertlHC.
W. A. Webster , who has been traveling in
the cast , in the interest of the East Omaha
land company , states that It Is important that
\Vhrn n by war tlcV , we giive her Cutorla ,
When she WM a CUM , the crittl for CoMoria ,
U'htn the become MU , the clung to Costorla ,
Wbeo § h lia J Children , iho e ve them Cutorta ,
Marcus' Clothing House
This is the lost chnnce the chance of n lifetime when you can
get your clothing almost for nothing. Damaged goods , perfect
goods , good goods. Everything at your own prico. Call at once , as1
this sale will last but a few days more the goods are closing out
very fast.
Marcus' House 54G Council Bluffs
Clothing , - - - - Hroadway ,
OK SALH-A. line family horse , 7 yuiir > old
this hprlii , nolchs 1UVI pounds , color
sorrol. llrud by Unhurt , MacOrPKor. Address
II. T. Uiittuiihiiuur , T to 31 lonrth street ,
Council Hlulfs.
Sri'lT.of furnished rooms for rent , 120 Glen
rPUUnb Tor Sale Catalpa , elm , maple and
-1 boxaldur. Will set out and cuiirantcu
them to prow , for Mo each. U. 11. Meyers ,
care Hue , Ooinu'll HlulTs.
T71OK KP.NT A good Ol-atro farm south of
JNcula at M.UU mi aero. Apply to Leonard
Everett , Council llhilTs , la.
FOR KHNT-Tho residence of J. W. Lalng ,
aiJCth street.
FUHNISIIKD front room on ground floor ,
ijulpt , pleasant neighborhood , two blocks
from Main street. mglo gentleman preferred.
Add i ess 1' S Duo ofllce.
$0,000 stock of general merchandise to e\-
uhaiiKC for a farm lu southwestern lomi.
Mast he good land. Johnston & Van 1'atttm
FOR RENT--I > wollliif ? house , 20J Fourth St. ;
10rooms convenient to motor line and cen-
cr of btiilnuis. N. 1 * . Dod'jo & Co.
HAVH cash customer for four lots botwocn
Jlst mid Mill sts. , hctwpon Avc 1) and 4th
inc. . J. 1' . OrrenslilulUs , Bl'J llioudwny.
TjlUUIT furm fur sale or trade , \\oll located
J- and all In bearing ; gooJ house and barn.
Will tnko some Rood city property , and good
tlmuglvoi. on balance. Call on or uddruss U.
J. lliiU'lilnson & Co. . 017 Hroadway.
FOR BALK A house and hirjro lot on easy
payments. Imiulro at 4V ( > I'ark avenue ,
Council HIiilKJa.
FOR KENT The Mc.Mahon block , 3 story
brick , with basement and elevator. J. W.
Squire , 301 1'oarl struct.
FOUSAIiE A bargain : now modern lionso
with all tlio late Improvements , seven
rooms : will soil on eusy payments ; located on
the I'lfth nvunnu motor Una U. J. Ililtohln-
son. 017 Hroadway.
FOR SALE or Uout Oanlaa land ,
houiei. or J. Rllloa. . 101 Mala it. . Oounoll
Bluffs _
Over C. n. Jacciucniln & Co. . Jewelry Flora
Medical and Surgical Institute.
Chronic discuses of all kinds and deform
ities spuclaltics. Nob. "Ml and ' 'UJ.l Hroadway ,
Council Illiins , la.
Omaba should do some advertising. Ho
states that Kansas City , Denver and most of
the western cities are making tremendous
efforts to attract people , but .sees nothing rel
ative to Omaha's advantages ,
An Ohio lady was so frightened by a snake
that her glossy black hair turned white ns
snow. It was soon returned to its original
color by Hall's Hair Honcwcr.
foots anil the Court Mouse.
John T. Coots yesterday began the work of
preparing the plans which will show the
elevation of the court nouso with the high
bank dug away and two stories built under
neath the present structure.
It will bo some three weeks before Mr.
Coots will bo ublo to submit the sketch of the
remodeled building , but ho promises that
when it docs como itlll bo a beauty. In
speaking of it ho said ; "My sketch will
sho\v the building complete on the trade of
Karnam street , and I think It will represent
a building that will plcuso the p'ubllc. It re
mains for the people to say whether or not
the building will bo built according to my
plans , but ono thing Is certain , it would bo
cheaper to do so than to go on and build
additions , as have been frequently contem
plated. "
"After a varied experience with many so-
called cathartic remedies , I am convinced
that Ayer's pills glvo the most satisfactory
results. I rely exclusively on these pills for
the euro of liver and stomach complaints. "
John 13. Hell , Sr. , Abilene , Tex.
AVaiitH Moro Unoin.
Postmaster Clarkson will In the near fu
ture recommend to the postofllco department
nt Washington that the registry nnd money
order departments bo removed to ho second
floor of tno postofilca building ,
The postmaster thinks with this change the
present postofllro facilities would bu ade
quate for tbo next live years or possibly
until the now building Is completed.
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 ,
DinECTOiis I. A. Miller , K. O. Oloason. E. L.
Bhuvnrt. K. K. Hurt , J. D. Edmundson , Uh.irlei banUInt btul
neis Larost capital and lurpld * ot any
bank In Suutlivroitorn lotra.
The New Ogden Hotel , In Council BluTi ,
has been complut3d refurnls'ieJl an mo Jo.'n-
lzed throughout , and Is no wont ofthabist
hotels in the state. It Is looate J In tha bu il-
nosspartof tioclty anl thi eleatrlz mitori-
pass the door every four mlnutaa. Fira J-
capos and ( Ire alarms throughout th j b ilU-
ing. Steam heat , hot and cold , vratar ant
Bunshlne In every roam. Table uaJ arpsnt
anywhere. Uatos , $2.00 adiy.
QBO. M. WHITNEY , Manaor.
Corner Main nnl Brmdwar.
Keillors In foroln an J do noitlo xa'.i IUT *
Collection made and Interest l > * ld on tl.n *
31. / / . . VItKltLI\ . It.
ISye , Knr , XOPC nnd 1'l.ront
Council Illulti , - - Iowa ,
here ujrc , cross ocs , |
pnlnfnl nnd weak vmon ,
enrncho , clenfnu s , dli- (
rlmrKCt frt rn thu uurs , rul
tnrrli , liny fcvur , nsllinri
nnil nil nuuto nnil clirunlo
alTi'dlons of tlio tlinmt n
| oclnUr ] Clntj t-rui ( It-
tot wliliont pnln. Ijl.iaxoi ncciirntuly preicrlboil In
( linicult iimus ottcn curing ctirunlc noiirulKla and
Men licnrtnrlia. Surulcnl operations , when neces
sary , palno ! < ly pprfurmod , mturliu l > u t rcnulttl
OIlicc , Shugnrt-llcni ) bluck , room I , Council llluOi , la.
Electric Truss93 ,
Belts Chast Protectors
, , Etc. .
< JOO Broadway , Oounoll .Bluffs , la
To Bee-Keepers
I curry ft full line ol Beekeepers' sup/-
piles , including comb foundation , lion-
oy knives , smokers , sections nnd nit
supplies for tlio nninry. M. S. HOOP ,
520 li. Uroiidwuy , Council HlulTs , lown.
Ilitrhcst cash price paid for rags nnd
nil kinds of scrap inotiila.
Country doulors mid murchnnts will
find it to their advantage to communU
cntu wltu us before , dispOn\iv of tholr
Union Urondway Depot ,
Tol. 301. Council UlulTri , U.
Sims & Saundcrsirir'ti'i ' 'irit ' fd
fiMlenil courtH. ItooniH .1 , 4 and a bhugurft
lleno block , Council Illuffs , la.
HI fhinilicrc Attorney at Law , No. 10
, J , UlltlllUUS , i > Ulri ! street , ever llunh-
null'a store. Ttilnphono No.VI. . llnslnes *
hours. 8 a. in. to 9 p. in. Council 11 lulls , In.
Fiuloy Burke. Thos. E. Oaiady.
Offlcosi J , J , Urowu llulldlug , 'Council llluff * .
Iowa ,