THE OMABA DAILT BEE : SATODA % . APRIL 11. 1891. TVYfiLiYJ ! FAGE8 8PEGIRL NOTICES. . " ' "T'lJVEItTlrT.MKTJT ? fortliriwi column 1U .iV. l > p taken until JJWO p. in. , fur the cvenliic rdlt.lonand until Hltip. m. , for tbo morning tion nnu SCSDAT HER. ATI" ? Adterttftni-lil'ir'nt'lil * J rlmrrr-a ( ff.r . nt Ho n te of 14 rpnts t > t r if n : fort ! f fl * t tnMrl cm Mid Irrnt n r ord for rnili Hut-Mijticnt it -ttlon. . Mid fi.W per jlnr Kf tiHMitli. 'NOKlvfrtUcmiMit taken for low tlinn .Runts for tin- flirt Insertion. 1MTIALH. flturef , lyiubols , eucountcaoh i Hfiic von ) , ITT3 fplH > E a1vrrtl rtncnt < must run orm'-ccu- -1 Uvt'ly uiid under tin rlrruniMiinci-i will tbt-y ! > < tnkpnor discontinued by U'k'jiliouo. "OAlttlL.hnd'iertUlne In tlio > . columns and 1 litnlnc the ir HIIBHITS nadrcKfd to a"num- luiHl litter In cure of Tun linn. lll rwclto n jii Irrul ihcfk UM'tmtdf tln-m to eel lln-lr lrtt T Aiimen * will lie ari \rrrd t only on lirrM.-tiUMcin nf tlil clu-ek. r-iirlose uiitwers In envelopes propcrlv fccidnfcxod , A 1L nclvi'rilMMiiontB unfcr the licnd of J.speMal JsotJres" nrc rmMMinl In IxttJi 1br iiuirnlns Btid c-vinlric caltloniof THE 1IRK. the circulation of wlilrli accrpputriunorrtlian to'On jmpfr dally , und clvc * the m1-\crt ! or the benefit not only of tlinlnrcorlrculntlon of Tirr. Illl. Jri Ctinnlin. Tut nlMiln CouncilIllufTH , I Iriroln and otlu-rcitlcH undtowtxln tbonuM BRANCH OFFICES. AdvcrtlRlncfor tht o po'timnHRfll ' r e taken cm t IIP abtne condition * , ut the followlnebiiM- HI-US houses wlio urenutliorlred to tnke special not ltr . ut the Buuiu tutes uicunbchad at the m n 1 n ofll op. c orrii OMATIA niiANcn N. Strfet , LIMer llloi'K. TOHN W. lIKLIvMinrrnaclft , K3South Tontb t > Mrcet , - A F.1 > T > Y. Ftatloiiers und Printers. CIlAf-r ICth Btrcet. ' HhnrmacUt. 2113 'S rut n I n gut rot U _ W.rilT | S , rharmaclst , K4 Nurth 10th . ft reel. AV PAUR Mmrmacist , IT19 Leavcn- GEO Ptreet. W and Fumatn. SITUATIONS WANTED. J ortafcn , ( r , tcr topof ftrrttaluinnan \"lrANTrf-i ) > osltlori by routic married in Hn ' v OKI ) In cmeerj' orrlRftr'torewIiori'eiiercy , liinuMry and lionesty will bo appreciated. Hf f en IIPI. " * Adcln .T ii. : llec. Midi III * _ ln > OITlON by lady Ficnojrrapher. best of JL refcrt-neesfurnlshod. Address II C7 llec. 774 iy _ VX'ANTTD-roRltlon by nn ox erlenc-ed * enslilcr wltli No. 1 rcfcruzicfh , Addresn.1 7. lice , _ W-ll "V\TAN"TT'.T > -A position n eonclnnan in prl- T nt < < f 11 mil v. llest of city refcreiiee * . Ad- fl rcs 1' . ' 'A , Ike olllcc. M72 , . II * i In private family ns coueliinan. Address J. IT , ate MMVUKI. , fi'Ki ' 1ft * - \ \ ANTI.D-Iiidoor position : my cmplover * * can ret the line of about 8.1,10 without : n- t , Address 11 M Ito ofiltM * MGil 32 * \\J ANTnTl SltunlloiK for coed clrls tny ' wait Ins rooms lire alwny full from I a. n. tofijv in. , ( 'nnndlan rinplojmcnt ollicn. I'miiloyment llurenu Established OMAHA tl.vcartw 'Iel.1112. 11 > N. ICth. near CHJI- ! Icil n\e. . Male and fuiuale help constantly on hnml MW AM * WANTED-MAUE HELP. Ftiriatft.ctri < eet < > p < > f first ( oluninon . . - -r..nnrrn- - - . - . - - _ _ _ _ - . - "lA'ANTrD-Sfilesmun to Kell lipht nine rods ; > ' I'xticrlenrad. Apply Hdw.A. l"oy.fc Co. . st 4t b i-treot. Clnclnuatl , O. MT02 r * Salesman ho vWti retail eouu- ' trjtriidc to mil manufncturer'sllrieof . ' , flannels cassliueroH , dain- > islvN blanVels. as n sideline' , on eotnmi'-'ilnn. Bontli I'hllndolplila Woolen Co. , llox 1M1.1'hll- iiclt'lphln. MT1I2 11' 1TIIEXTIOE wanted for lilnclmnith trade , k- Apply to Sol FpunL-lcr , Scnuuer , Jvob WT1I7 54 * . ' . The bo t Miller on the Afir.NTS'Itonania. market , E er } family uses It. lt l Far- naiu.froinSa. tn. tolS in. MJO 11 * T AI > V orRontlemiui competent to do peed -I-J editorial vork. Address , in own hunrl * w-rlllnt ; , glxliiK experience , oto , 41U Koobuild- in B. JlslG ) 12 * "V\7ANTKD Salesman for our n : w family * > ntliiBot the world , containing 315 puces. Plre llxl-4. giving the new census and all re cent changcn to date ) . There is nothing to lie compared with it. It sells nt eight. Address Atln UepUof Itani , MoXally&Co. , Chlcuso , Jll. M ! < o : , 12 \\rn Ol mi agents We money in exclusive - territory. Our now patent safes Boll at Right In city or country. Ne-w agents first In firld act imlly ccttliiR : rich. Oneucvntln one. nay eli-nri'dSbfi. So can you. Cutaloguo free , Alplnn Safe company , M-U71 Cla.rk street , Ciiidiuiiitl. O. w , . ready Most -wonderful udrcrtlnlni ; -i-1'i.iclilne the world basever known L'iit- titfil. " frrlls tocxery inrrcUiiut. Steady work , llciinv. EticlOBO ktuinp. Arc J. MIR. Co. Hn- clnp. WK 7bS-ll * ( HNTS wanted for the Manhattan Life * - Ins. Co , io represent In nil larco towni In iteHatesof N 'bmskn and rvilorutlo. Liberal oontriu-tn offered. Addrevs > ; a ; Kl nudl8 : ! ( llco bulldlnc , Oco. IM'iirisb , gen. ra'K'r. for N - and Colorado. C70 " \\7ANTED-A peed tailor , by Tlieodoro ' ' Dolt.aaiiCih street , boutli Omulia. 7H 11 " \V ANTED 3 Rood capable taeu. Apply to M ajaSo.istlifclrect. llTijll * \\1 AIsTKU Men to travel for our Canadian " \V A NTKI ) Men with Rood reference at Wet- ' ' ropolltun M'fB Co. lUfti llon-urd ft , 1M-A 25 " \VANTED Good ciinvti ers at tbo Sinter ' ' buwlnKMucliino olllco , IMS UouElan U T \VANTED FEMALE HELP , Fo > rntcictc. , Kftttip ojflnt column on UiM payt \\TANTEf ) Olrl for Kcner.-il homework In t.iniill family ; good wupea Airs. Unltrr , i.-Ui\Valnut : avenue , uear hcliool lioui > . M'nl- until 111. M807 li * \A7ANTEI ) An unnuirrlod lad v or widow ' vItb not moro tbunouo child as house- loetier for elrtcrlv widower nt Colorado Address J H. llec ofllte.MS0911 MS0911 * "IV ANTED A jotirg Indy to keep hou c for ' -widower ! no objections to a youn ; wl'low ; Indy mun bo neat nnd peed looUtn : . Addr.-hs II. K. 11 , Nebraska City , Neb. 7riU-10' VAKTEI > Olrl tor general lionsowork , 1 KfMHlvraKojjja S 10th sU AVANTEI ) A competent cook and limn- ' ' dress In small family , reference required. Buullmcttrurmr ; wth uud California f Is M 7CS B \V ANTEt > Oood girl ; small family : 833 ? 1 C.t.orela ave ( S. li'th dU ) , J , block fcouth of Lcnv < 'ii\'cirl Ii. 7114 jj \\ An experienced milliner and HuIi'jIady.iilMj iiKlrlto learn millinery. AddithsMUa Allcu Ikuack , IBIS rarnam street. HI 7Mjji \\TA TF.I > A flr-.t-cluiis Indy ' ' als < iuct as pushier ; iim > , t fjlAe best of referi > neeii ; xteadv employment to the right PITVIU. AdUrttes Lock HOJC 16,11 OOIHT , Ni'b. 7M1C * \\T ANTKI > Pour ladles to copy J. ll.Sinlth'8 t aimuha vorL > on book-Lerplng. Address Geo. \ . Kllno , Council lllufis. 74511 * AV 1rA\Tll ) > Olrl for general housework , AVT 2100 Uic-iut street. 730 10 * \\T ANTHD A neat cirl for e Miml houst- " work. Gprmixn. lnne ) or Holicm'an ' pro- f w red. 73 bo : Sd , u w cor L.cuon ort li. li.JilTSJ JilTSJ tl G1HL wanted for general I cuwswoik nt 202 UavenportBt. 715-10 * "VV"ANTKr > A competent woman atrooc , 120 ' u month. Mrs. Cbambxint , 40J-4 North SUh ft i ret. M rao-iS * NKATpIrl wanted fir cencnvl liousevork. A MrV. . K iMoctael. IS. ' ! S. Mth ft. m For Tnfft.rtf , , Kttop offnt column UN IM * jwjc T/OK IirXT-Fevrral P-rooni liouetitS A' J. U.Tut * , > , I'luuiU-r ( . oxinuprro. _ _ _ MTWuill * lIKNT-KU'Sant h-tnoia noii TIll modern lmpro\e jiii-nlt. , t o fl.Tcrs corm-r in id Cliicngo. Aiiplf ut ii" : ! ammn it. 7TJ15 _ 5 jon' Kh to rent alionto or bton < > ec 11. H. , Cim tint-lit al block. 3U _ Ii > C Jt IvKNT lloiiutlful 0-room house , pleas- * a'it locat ion. oue blpek fMiii nwlor line ; oooi'rn lmuro\eiuentci rlclit partjr umv * rrnt deslrod. Ji. Q. Utclvoa , OttX V FOR RENT HOUSES. rorraltt.ctt. Mt top //lr tolumn , nn thti prz0 llOlSC'inttol ' avenue. g-roora ootUco 210 No. J 26th. ft-room ootupo. luq. tif18 Capitol ave nue. Mi'.i'jiull ' * IlKNT-Two nlpo bouses In FOU I'lace. lltfkH. X. Y. Life MfOS 1 ! ' , I FOH ItnjsT-Houwof 8 roon > s corner of 35th und KrwhUln titd , soft aud Imrtl watrr in llif Kltrlieii.batli.tiewlv psjitre > lfi'UiK'rtnonth. ' John llamlln.917 g. 131 h tU OC4 J quire fcatnoel llurnw , 181S I'urnain f-trcot. MT3S 11 * Poll KFNT-S-roorn hou > , elty nd cistern writer. lift. o Mnnll Intnlly : reference re quired ) corntr 15th sud I'actUc. It. n. Cot on. 742 11 FOIt RKNT-lIrmif. ; all kind * . Ghcusa call. Hutidr & Oo 3CU Capitol ave. 7(0-tnS ( FOIU'.n.NT 5 rooms , one floor , 112 Jackson blreet. 317 llrown biilldlnc , fornrr ? 4th nnd Cumins , oleeant nimrt.ini'iits of 7 anil 8 rooms , Imth. kit < 'bens j-ujnillcd lth TDUKCS mid liollerv. l.iidlcs nrn Invited to ln ) M'ct these niart- | tiKMits. ICofereiieehvlllben iulred. Enquire Citiwtis1 Hunk. 4 tnl P011 IfnXT Muyl , lO-rooni houir. centrally lonit kl , tnodoru Itiiprovomeiits. Inquire 712 .VIDtUst. _ 4TO hfiitetl flat lit TOO S % ICth. Tlios. T. _ STHAM ; ai 1'iixtun iiiocu : _ aia HOl'Sr for rout ll-roomlioii'.c.modern Im prove nientt. corner Mltli and Dodce , IK - cusslon rHenliutnedlatoly. Knqulro 4Ull'ax- ton block. M. L. llocdur. tha oil"KrNTUelllnc. . ! Ktli and Podpe , 10. 2 Mrcs. Ictli mill l uke. i-urh 130. 1 More. ] lth : md CntilUil. J.T. . Hi I'd A. Sclliy. R 13. iKjitid of trade. C79 FOJt HKN'T-An F-room bouse , | : S.f > 0 per tjio. Inqul rclUS S. 271 b Mt _ TTil 1C * -OH Jr.NT-A room pott SRC 17T1N. ! 0tli ; t. , liouso Isiicnly pappied and painted and Is lt < fli t cla > - roiidillon. Ajij'lJ' to II. llurdy KtliirartiiiiuM. 'Ml _ cdttjicrs li'tieiiit-iit bouse * , flati and 100 wnntPd f r tuMoin r > i list , for rent. t-uleor fsdunct' . with K. I' . Ulugor , pronnd flooi ir.lHrarniun. JaOaiS * _ FOI ! HINT- One 11room and one. 7-rootn lieu o. near llleli i-cliool ; modem eon- venlencfs. Tlio 0. 1' . Pa\ls Oo. - Wi KHNT A"fTor Mny 1 , flno ho > .e. 13 inm. HIS I'ark uv .j all modern eoncn - lonee , peed H able , neeominodatliiK II liorses and l o onrrlaces lloii'-o mav lescin ) nt nny time. I'or terms , dc. , apply tiollicc , U1 Hei < bldK or residence , 1021 1'urk u-vo. , John < ! raiit- Md-tO-14 rr-KOOMflat. rtMitCiO : will liilne InKO rent : ' " cash If security Is furniture l' > , not unv Mitliclcnt , Co-operative Laud and lot Co. . SI5 N. IClh ht. 70-10 _ riKNT After April G ( Unioni liouso In FOR repulr. C'ltjand cistern -wnter In- eluded : hewerace : rent t .00 per mouth. 1411 Seventh aieniui. 8U1 HIST Vour 0 and 7-room flats with FOIt . hot water , etc- . ; paved Mroct ; near business ; all iin pnivenn'iilB : only f-Tfpcr mo. Jlefercne-p * required. The Meade Inviitmrnt ( Jo. , 44' ' lleo lu 1 1 d I tic. U12 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS For rates , tit. . 'rcl p ffrtl ( < y > luinn on lhl > j > nt/ / ! . li-eiy furnlsii'd flout i-oom. 1007 Douplas. Msll-12 * IIF.NT Newly furnished front room. ground floor , for 1 or " gentlemen , f-7 South Itith itieet. MTTOK * T" ATIGi ; .oath front rootn. furnislied. 11M4 JLJrarnam. 732-10 * TC10K I1HNT Nicely fiirnlsliod room in prl- Jvato ? fiunlly , iippoMtehlgti school Ar > plv 2KH ( > llaveniigrt - " TTU'UNlSlinn nnd untarnished rooms for - * - it'Dt ; modern conveniences. Oil N. iMn. Buy-12 * KlIiONT room with ulcovo. Inquire 2S01 -E Douglas or 211 S ir.tb. 7TO-1C * rooms , llflgo. SJthbtrecL Lnrio PriJXISIinn 7 4 IB * T OK KENT rumlsbod room : prlvatn E family. Kolyifnct * . 311S Ca = * st. 710 11 * T AUGE nlceljfnriiisbod roora. nod rn con- vcn tnces. o gen uincn. . - ' J 0'n , T AHGL south frontrroom vrtth alcove : ruod- JLJcrn ronM'ulcrm's ; motor and cable. ZiUU Uurt street. 706-11 bent furnlf-bed rooms , coiner llnh STEAM M > . Til li T7\OU 11ENT Parlor and bed room furnished , -f southern and eastern exposure , strictly flrst-el' si private family : references. Address - dross II 05 , lleo. ( KK ) 10 * i furnl&bod room for rent. 1H21 JChlcaco htrett. .ViC TJIOIl IlEXT 1'urnlshed rooms , ICOTDouglnt 814 TTMIONT nmnt with alcove , curtains , mantel , -L heat. cm. bitti , S closets , for 2 gentlemen or man aud wife. SID per month. 07 3. iUb st. 315 TT10U Iir.NT Meo rooms , steam beat. 1719 -U Davenport street- M27IttlI * "nwil liENT I'lirnlbhed looms. L213Ilurtst. . 104-1124 * _ Ill'M-MAN house 1310 Dodco street : for good lioard , nice rooms , modern conveni ences , rates arid location It cannot be ex celled. ten uln * _ FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Torratct , etc , , mciopofflnt column on Uifn page , rilHE St. Clalr European hotel , cor. Kith and JLDodge , will hereafter make low rates for rooms by the veik or mouth , either with or without board. 71 TT\OU \ IlEXT Room with l oard , 3 per v eek. -U 181C 1' street , MOM 11 * _ "M1CELY furnished rooms all modern con- - ! - > veuleneeB and first class board ; 2.TJ3 ? t- Jlary's n\c.nuc. 733 15 ST. CLAlIt hotel will hereafter furnish rcE- ular meals by eek at moderate prices. 7S3 _ EOOMS and board , 2105 Douglas st. M r.02-11 * _ "I7IUK > "IPHEI ) front room , east liay window , 1- modern couvoiilenres , choice Ineatlou. board If dilred708 K. IKUi. M r > 70 11 * FOR UK.NT A large , finely fnrnUhcd room with board , to a man and lfe. Tliu most pleasant part of city and private faintly ; no other boarder * ; references. Address 1)47. ) llee. FUKXUHKD rooms and l > oaro , 10J3 Podge. fcrr-aiu * _ FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNIHED Furratct , rrtec ( ( op { tfflrrt column ontlitx jiige T7\OK \ HEXT I'art of a good house , 5 rooms J tLt , 22111 Callfornlu ht. _ 744 11 * T710II lir.XT 4 unfurnished rooms , suitable J- for uouHolterpInK : modern iniproreiuents low rent. 1704 Webster street. MG8 ! FOll KENT ItooniR. unfumUheQ , over my stole t > toul * l. liaillonard utrect , C07 BOARD ! NO Elonucr Slirrman 7Viac/.rm in Ktw Yiirh JtceorJtr \ATANTEI > Two Iwarners. Call B34 N. tilth * lcfcrci ! > ccs required. Table first elass. MNK-13 _ FOR RENT STiDRES & OFFICES. For rod * , etc , , tettup of Jtrot rolrrnti on l l jtagt , FOU IIKNT A store nnd two rooms , 22- North lUth bU Inquire KM K2tlthate. M lOK RENT llrtek store room In one of tbo -I-1 lxst locations lu tbo elty. Address , .1 ! > .Ii ! . "IfOU ISEXT-Tho three-story brick build- ! Inp , 1110 I > ouclu > . street , sultablo for whole sale purno-es , flio pur month. Clias. liauf- inaiui. I'M Oouglas t-l. CG2 JTIOK KENT-Ono half of Hore. M 520-11 "iriOK KENT Tbe 4-story brlrk bulldlne. with -I-1 or without power , formerly occupied by tlio llee Publishing ( to. . DIG Knrnum nt. Tlie bulld- liiE has a flrojiriKif cement bnieuitmt , coinplcto ( tram beatluc Usturet , wntcron alltlic DOOM. cas. etc. Apply ut the ofllce of Tticlleo. 1115 poll ItENT-Or sale my bulldlugou Joi es -L1 kt. bet lOtb A lltli. G.A. LlndquKt , ! ' STOHESat 7WB. 10th ; hUam boat furulsiud. Thomas F. Hall. Jll I'uaton block. M > " 1AESK room , ID ; Star Loan and Trust Co. -L/ K5-A20 FOR RENT WAREHOUSE. Fur ratrt , rtc . l j > o/Jr i rolurun on tliU page. "I7 on KENT llrlcV arlioUi.o , t o Btorle j J-blKh tiat-cu.fiit , hydruutlr elevator trurk- uje ; bt t lucuUoa in city. A , O. 1'OKe-li. Kl FOR RENT MISCELl.ANF.OU5. Tor rattt , etc. , tre top ofjlrtt column : lAK > lStor nt. T. Murray. GAIlDi MD10 RENTAL AGENCY. _ 1 trrratn , ftr. . iff top of ) r J column mi tMt r > i < K- J" E. COLL , rental agcucy.C'ontlncutal blk. L < tll OR SALE HORSES WAGfJrTsTTCT "orralfJi. ctr.trr top of Iml totumn on t7i ( * JIIDC. TtOlt SA.LE ? ever l head of work horsi-s - cheap , nlso two fine drlvlnc : mares to trade or work teams. AV right k Luuuury , lOfll Io ! r- roiit M TTi-ia * A younc driving hort-e cheap. A. 1' . Tukty. > cw Vork Life. _ M718 Poll SALE Handnonie , Now Vork hand made. Munrc bo * buger : nM-d one u n- n r. T. .kttlmou , 1'nclflc hotel department. th and .Touei. GG for sain. Stallions in service ut HOUSES HtlUwBterstocIf farm , tend forcatalocno. U.J.Krndall , room 4X ( ) Urown building , thnahn. ; . * and mules cash or ca y payment" ! . H0i.cni ( . address llaivkeve Inv. Co. room in , Jouglas Mock , Omalin , Neo. IS4 CTOU SALE Clieiip , wagon and double work J haruesior will cxohma'P for uuckbonrd , also rood side hnr bugcy , cbeun 11. K.Colo. Jontlneutal bulldlns , ! H1 , team , wngon. horsecow. Cash. Wl'bcup. Colonel llut.ler.lS2a I'arnatn. Mbl5 FOR SALE COWS. Forralr * . etc. , necfojornt / rotumnon HAVK always on hand a lot of flr-t class mlleh cows for sale or will trade for dry ) t > e at tinrn , S. K. cornerll th and Leaxeii- iJ Montgomery. M430 Mis * FOR SALE-FURNITURE ETC. T riafc .etr ret tojiof tint column on t T7 > 0n SAL ! ' t omplete set of drug store flx- * - > lures , show case , etc. , I' . O. box a72 a'J2 FOR SALt MISsCELLANEOUS. For rates , etc. , fcttop of/rnl cotumnon thtsp.Tfjc Fdl ! SA LE Good seed ont any quantity. 11 T. Clarke , room 111 , Board of Trade. Omaha. 7M > IT you want to sell or exchange city proj > - city , farms , wild lands , live stock , oank or ) t her stocks or iiierchundl'io , see E. I' . Itlngor. pround floor , l.Mli 1'uriiuni. V22aiJs * " " " ' "V/ANTED l"6""BUY7' r or ratcjt. etc , , trctop of Jirtt columnun FrUJslTflSE. etc. , bought and sold. Uinahii C'lty A union Co. , S1U S. 12th , between 1'ai- uam and IKiuclns. 77G 1C * I'RMTVltE bought , sola , fctorod. WelK 1111 riirnam street. " \\AXTED To buy bnrber shop in small > t town > L I' . Hannlster , I.asex , 1'iico eounty , Iowa. 701-ia "WANTED To buy u.'OH. V. aulotnntle engine - ' gine ; want to sell or trade aM bbl mill. Win. Laldas , L'lS N L'4th t > t. 514 10 * faTORAGt. F'orratcf , ett. . Kcetop nffnt rolumn nn fJm pagt , f \ \ \ r.I'EST und best ntorapo for furniture , ' 1111 rariiiitn su BET trackag and storage bulldlne In Omaha , 1"nltod ? tute governnieiit bonded wimhnuse. IIinsclinlfl conds stored lindenrf-d for. Lowest riitc * Guaranteed. W. M. llusb- iimii , 1013-1013 Leal en worth. I 9 STOUAOE of household Koofls ! clonn. drv place , privately ttorod.lerms inodcrato ; we also stoic-stoves durlnc tbo summer , vie will pet them fioin the bousi" , and deilvor them In t bo fall In good trim. Tel. JJW. ia)7 ) Uouglns. Omaba Move liepalr "Works. 710 ftornce rooms for CKS imd butter. COLD diy storazo fornidse. nnd household pood- . . Kate * ; icasonable , ninplo truckngp. Tbe Neb. Cold fctorajre Co. , fel5-il7 ! Howard st , an All LOST Formic.ctc.nretopi > fjirstct > lumn on tlili page T OST Jliovn Spaniel puji. 4 months old : re- -U turn tolCll Douglas ktrect and .receive re- -wqrd. M7C7 li. " TT\OG Xost 1 riib terrier , mixed Mack and -i-/jello ? , short tall , llewuid will be given for return of dog to No. 1514 1'uruaiu street. ra 10 * FINANCIAL. Ferrate * , etc , tct top ojf.nlcolumn on tliti page. "T711UST innrtcape'i on vacant and Improved - 1clt3 * property. Oounty and city warrants vrunted. F. M.lUcbard-ion.falSN. Y. Life yea /CHATTEL bank , illB S. 15tli st. loans money \Joa chattels or collateral at reasonable rates TlfONKYto loan by I . F. Masters on chattel -lUand collateral securities for any tlmofrota 1 to 12 months , lu any amount to suit bor rower. Loans inado on household poods pianos , or- catiB , horses , mules , houses , lenses , warehouse receipts. etc..nt the lowest rates possible with out publicity or removal of property. My loans arc bo arranged tbut you can make n. payment of any amount at any time and rtiduoo botb principal and Interest. If you owe a balance on vour property or have IL loan you wont chanced , I will pay it off und carry it for you. If you find It more convenient , call up telephone No. IC-'l and your business will bo arraricod at home. Money always on hand. Nodeliiy. No pub licity. Lowest rates. K. r. Mnsterfa. Uoom 4 , Witbuell blk. , 15tb and IIuruey sts. ] \f OKTGAGE3 placed promptly upon Omaba UJL business property at lowest rare * . Loans inado on approved collateral security. NOKS bouzlit. bclaool and niuululpul bonds neRotl- ntcd upon very favorable terms. Kirn ball. Champ & Kynn. 1203 Fama-m bt. SOU aid "IVfOHTOAGK loans wanted. HcCuguo In- J-i-Lve&tment company. 7C1 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE rurrates , etc. . iteetop of Jint column onl/iis / pagt to loan on first inoitrage real es tate security. United htatts Loan and lu- eslmviit company , 001 lleo butldlnR , Umabn , Neb. MTai in ! ) MONEY to Loan Oruaha andSoutb Omaba , from MJO to W.OOO. Gerninn American n\- ItiKS bunk , Commercial National bank build- in ? . 747iiS ) " \IONEYtoloan on Improved Omalin real 111 estate , auy i. inb : street. Mr MONEY to loan on Improved city property at current rates ; funds on hand ; no de lay. Geo. T. Illust AL ; Co. , LI ) I Kamce bla'R. IllJ OK. & . C. M. AutJiony,31R N.Y.Llfo bull dine loud money on rarms In choice counties In Nebraska and Iowa , also on goad Omaha resi dence property : lowest rates ; best termno delay ; money ready. Title. * and values parsed on here 'M BriLIUNG lonni Cto7per cent ; no addi tional charges , for commission or attornej'k fees. AV. U , MelUe , Tlj-it National bairk bld'g , _ XS MONEY to loan on city property , eastern Nebraska nad we tcrn Iowa farms ; lowest rales. List your property for sale or exchange with E. IV llliiBtr , ground lloor 1510 rarnam. JSla''s' _ MONEY to loan. Midland Ouarantoo nnd Trust Company , 1C14 Vuruam Mroet. M70S MONEY on hand 10 loan on Improved or un improved property. Chus. W. Kaluey , Ouialia National bank bldg _ W4M 1 * 61'EII cent first mortgage loans. U. 0 , 1'attcr- fen , 1C" Nfw York Life building. 7C7al" TirONKY to loan on Omaha property , Kldel- Ht.lty Trust company , ltil-1 1 arnam , _ 27t rVIONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Forratcx , ftr. , tectop of frtt column onth ( > page. 1 ) lilVATE money to loan. j7 I > . Zlltio ? PU N. Y. Life. _ _ m DRESSMAKING. lor ro\trelr \ . rt'tnu of fir t mfumn HI * (11 ( jn7i " \l 1-S Mlnnlck , 1724 1/eavenworth , has. Jus ! 1H returned from the cast with the latest siimiuer styles. 072 2U * NClAGKMENfs to Jo drcftsu alchif In funi- lHo bullclttd. Mint Murdy. 2U10 lUrney u r > ( W ma * MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGET" rorrattitle Kul < ip ufjlrtt oilumn oril/il * pajs GEO. r. Gellt-nbwl. , teacher of the banjo , with lloape , 1S1U DougUg. 241 buying ; a pla.uo examine the new scale Klintjullpluno A. Ilosne.lM3 Douglas. COSTUMES. A.1JIKS iinfl ( i-ntlrnien can rent niaKquer- udt > uU at CTJ N. lOlb it , lib A11 * -nT5 RENT. for rnlrt , rtc. . Mt top Dfjrrt-vntumn on Into woven to clRhl-room \\7ANTrD--To rrntf 'T modern houoo with Intrn for two horses ; brlrk hou e prcfcrnsi ) trtiist b within ono black of Lonvetiworther-rarnaiii Ptreet motor I line : none but u > tnrhedAuou cg Fen lflpn > d | I IfaMsforonejfar wltb-prfcrllejc of two ; lltAt- c lass jK'rnuinent tenant Geo. W. Anics , 1507 I'arnjuu nt. _ _ 7S7 18 V\7ANTni rurnshe4 | liouie. T nr f roomi , with luoflern conveniences , for six months , Addrcn . Koolu & , Crelgbton bloek. MTaa 1C * _ j _ i K7AXTE.I ) to rent 4 nont roonm with mod- ' eriieonveulences , xwo of them front. 'wo gtntlemen friends. .7 10. lleo. 71M-11 * ANTED Sleara hoaiied flat ; would buy ' furnlt union tituo payments. Address J > . nee oHIce. _ _ _ 741-11 * - light lieu okecnlns. 4 an- furnished rooms , no children. Address I 71. lleo. _ _ _ 717ID * L\T ANTED To rcnthouseof about 7 rooms. ' T modern convenience * , good location. W. ' . Valll. 12SI 1'urnam tt. _ 1 5 ITTAXTHD-Ily Jlay 1 , n DtolZ room houno ' with modern conveniences ; ono with itnblo preferred. Neiir business center. IUiw ionic not v anted. Address J. ij Ilrandels 1 * ? o. ICth ft. Wfl BUSINESS CHANCES. "orrcffi , ftf. , rflopor8t rolumn on Dili page. P OK SALE A first class nnd well tiaylng bakery nnd cmoery Rtoreery reasonable or eash. oood reasons for selling. Tor par- leulars apply uj .1. lioenlKsteln. Norfolk. Nob. 14 * FtOltf-ALjE-CoinpU'te ' lianklnc outHt. con sisting of Moslcr A. Itnuhuiun safe , with louble time lock , counter , check punrh , letter iress , otllee stools , ete. value tl.Ouu. Will t-ell complete or teiiarntcly. Address J. 12 , Hee. J M7'.M1 ' * _ _ _ _ ninniifncturers. acres Inside two- mil limit. 2'i foot eut. Owner. Address I 7. lice. M * * " ly _ _ _ _ _ 'r > HlHTY-T o room frninc hotel , nicely fur- JL nlshed. for sale or trade. L. V. I'tum , 411 K. \ Life. Call 1721 _ ( XW SALE The furniture of a 40- mom FOIl , beds bedding and all furniture In good condition ; also buloon ana all fixtures connected therewith and blllmnl tables and all necessary enulpmcntH. Al o a lensu of the 1-story hotel bulldlne Inhleli bald hotel , MI loon and billiard furniture and fixtures nro Bltuated. Bulletins Miented by stonni and iKhted l > y electricity. Everything in flr > t el ass condition. A ! . | ilendld bargain for the right nmti. Tor further particulars eall on luck i t'ampliell between 11 and 12 a. in. , room u : > . New York Life building , Omaha , Neb. f.7.1 11 * _ OR SALE Ilutclicr'B tools and fixtures ; also lee box. cheap : good locution : room rents for 625 per month. Address 11 M , Hee. AHGAlN-Profltablc fumlsbed flat , 3) N. B ICth. MOID * ! PALE Lpnsc and furniture of 2.Vroom FOI liutel In business , purt of a. town of ten railroads. Iteuson" for selling : 111 bcaltb. Addr ( s J IS. lleo olllce. Council JIlulK M'.Ml ' for sale , only one lu the city. Ad SALOON . It. Dunn , Lone I'lne. Neb. S > a7 nlli * ' Mock for sale ; dolug u cash busi ness. Address r 47 , lluu. M.VI9 ALT * PALE I'uinlturo and undcrtnklns FOU lm > s In n peed town , with ir without store bulldlne ; tiart cusb. lialance pllt ndpo paper or clear real estate ; Imolces about sa.WX > . ISoxK \ \ , Lincoln 4C3 FOR EXCHANGE. r < irrnf . cle . . tc c t op nj flrxl column on tfifn page. nXCHANOE-Ton acres elo-c to belt POII , lllcks first noorN. Y. Lifo. Otllce open evenings. i RIt < 0i : 12 peed stock of furni ture or genet ul merclutndisclll glvo clear land , eliv properly apd cash. 1'ariotte , S2 Houglas blk. : 77S U OK KXCHANGK-Clear farms for city property ; cottage Jil Nebraska town for clear lot or first payment on bouse and lot ; phaeton Tor canopy ton1 surrey. Hutchlnson. tel 1'axton. 74ii 1U * _ _ i : TliADH-or sa rThc Hawley House , Not th I'latte , Neh. , will take clear land or other property. Address. John Hawley. North I'latlo. Neb. „ ' TICAI > -Ix-robtn house , \iufn \ nnd chicken houf-o , south 'fiont , on Foward st , , con > enlcnt to motor line , worth 82.200 ; what uavc you to trade for It ? Omuba lleol Estate and Trust Co. , 4 BeobulldlnE. OW farms for Omaha property. J. 0 > CLEAR , 40 , Chamber of Commerce. 21 ? general stocl : of me rchandlie for CLEAN money. Box SB , Frankfort , Ind.1 953 WILL trade peed clear lot vorthKiOO and I tal > o coed upright piano as part payment. Address TM. IJoe. 474 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Jorratfsrtc. , nee tap of flrtt column ontltiejtagc. POU SALE Quarter soetlon lund , two miles from prlncfield , arjiy county ; eighteen tulles from Miutli Omaha , Johu J. Kelley. t-U Joseph , No M''ib w ! > * TTOlt SALL Lots 1 und 2 , blk 0. Briggs' -f I'laeo add. price Rr.OO. Enquire of G. U. Davis. St. Clalr European hotel. 782 "TTlOIt SALK Nice modem built house in JHaiiheom 1'lacn , eight rooms all lat est Improvements , splendid neighborhood , closu to motor line , paved streets , ete. A bar- caln If sold quick , illeks agent , N. Y. Life building. M7r > 7 12 T710U SALE 400- acre farm In Hitchcock - Acounty. . Neb. ; price 4800 , subject to mort gage of fsou. 150 acres in culti vation ; 40 acres timber : 'Ml acres pasture , fenced ; runnlnc water. 11,000 Improvements. Addruaa Anna Harrison. Cornell , Neb. IMP-IP * _ PEN DID Grain and Ptock Karm-OUO acres , S .WO acres (100 ( fenced ) under cultivation , -00 acres hay and pasture land , fenced , SO aero fruit bearing orchard ; trees around whole firm , a dwelling houses. 4 large barns , bay sheas , yards etc. , eorn-crlbs , granary , &c. , tplondla water and close to market 5 mtles toVcst 1'oliit , the county scat of Cumlng couuty. This Is a rare ebaneo to get a first-class farm in u locality that ban never had a failure of crops since the grasshopper plague. This farm will lie sold wlUiorwithout stock and implements. Wilto for full description and prlees , enclosing stamp to T. SouncnstbclnVcst 1'olnt , Ne braska. MM 7 _ 1 20 aeres fine farming land adjoining good JLNebraska town ; nearly clear. 100 aeres finelv improved land 2V { miles from county seat In Nebraska ; llchtly encumbered. 120 acre- ! coed land in Nebratka,5 tulles from county beat ; 2..VO inhabitants. llouV o and lot In town In Kunsas ; clear. Cleiir lot In coed Nebraska town. 4-room bouse and lot. barn , veil and cistern , IGth street , Omaha ; slightly encumbered ; will trade for Omnlni property and nssunie encum brances. 11. n. Oole , Continental block. IWO FOU SALE Extra bnrcaln. Choice 00x120 , with bulldlue ; rents lioaoa per mo. ; one block from now P. 0. G. L Green , II 'JU , Dar ker block. 34G FIVE acres for sale cbenp. Illcks. ' MSC4 12 " ] 710HouthOrr.abaproprrty business trnck- -U ape or residence eo to tbo lending real es tate dealers In South Omaha , Ed Johnson Si Co. , cor. 2Jth and . " FOIt fcALE The most .comfortable S room modern house In the city , every corncn- iecce. bath , gaselectrlo-htjlls. furnabe , laun dry , etc. Larco btablu , room for 4 horses , elty water in stable , concrete lloor. full lot in Lalf mile limit , convenient to 4 lines of cars , shade trees , etc I'rico flO.ODO , .Address 1" 23 , llee . ; EWR PALE or enrhatiRB for unlneumbercd L lot House nnd lot known and numbered iisITioy ItiUtol st , I'rioe ' flSQO , on easy terms. NV. . felabanch , BID N. Y , Life bids. FOU s-ALE Choice conifer 2-Jtli street , Poutb Omaba ; full business lot , Jack on..nenr ICth. S. llox 3aC , , JI7/4al7 * FOR SALE Lot 0. bhk'lt 8. Orchard Hill , It.riOO , < , , cash , l-Sycarton balance. 5-rooin eottaso and Vi lVt KJ , " ' ' ' * North iirth St."south 'of Ohio'aiid 'one block from cable. eear .UIi New Yor Life1175 U "IjlINEptock Farm for tale 1 have for salt ) * - the finest btoek farm In the west , ooutaln- 1ns 1,0 > 0 acres of M'ry line land , ; cu acres un der ciiltlvmlun , 80 ucrei of tame jrrass 2oO ac > rr > of fcnood pasture with runnlni ; water. IHW acre bay and pain ure land with plenty of water , Tlrst-ciass buildings nearly new and in Rood repair. They include twoiarcedwell ing , stables for MX ) head of riittle. Jth feed yuids uttochiid , fully equipped with feed troughs and buy racks , lurce her e barn , eorn- cnlis. buy sheds , etc. , vlndiulll and water tanl.K , HulldliiRSand feed yards are hbeltortid by ulurpecottonvood cnneon north and west sides , bituutud in Cununi count71) ) miles northwe t of Omuhu In tliu f&nious Elkborn valUy. mllot. north ofVwt 1'olnt , the county seat , und 4 miles east of Ileciuer. Prices and UTiui sent on apDllcatioa. Add rest. J" . hOBUDnkfuuInest I'olnt , Nebraska. Ml-l" house , lot H3xitt fl.700 ; alitoC-room iouse ot Wixft.1 , K , e. coi. llth uud Vlntoi sts f..OOO. Ilr iclc house lot 41x60 , n. e-cor. Kit I uud Douglas , 800,1X10. MntKuuttuan , L'Wb.lllli FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . rtf. , trt tap o/Jlrt column onlMtpaoe " CllliS tor sale , ucU. A1 T71OK PALD Aliooutlfol Mx-room hou p , full J- lot , splendid Utcatlon.ono block from motor Ines modern linproTrnimitvt only (3,000. M. O , laclcoa. BIB X. V. Ilto building. _ 765 FOR SALK-A nno Improved f n.rm of 200 litres ; 300 under cultivation ; tthndo trees , rult , windmill , vngon unties. etc : 100 mtles west of Omaha ; t.1 > j > cr aero. Addrcs Q l How , _ IIKO TK you -want to t.i-11 or o-xrhanee city prop erty , farms , wlldland * . lire Mock , bank or other stock * or merchandise scoE. r. Klncor. rround lloon. IMP Farnam. _ * " * ' * * ' - room liouso * In Orchnra Hill , i 1,503. 00 FIVEroom torn on monthly payments. Thomas 1" . loll. Til I' Um bile. _ SKi IEJi acres for sale cheap , lllcks. IS FOIt SALE Brlcc I'laco Inte on motor line , Alvi nerc property. 1 * . M. Klchurdson. 818 C. V. Life blag. W2 MISCELLANEOUS. rorrflfrii.dA , rr topoffirtt column on Wito page. IVOllcns nuptly. Advice "free. Address Lawyer , 34 Church street. New York nity. ii. DK. 11 ATTIELn. S. E. cor. Uth and Douplui ( ,1s. 1'ructlco 11 lulled to diseases of women. M f.M M4 TMX work. ciitt < ( r < i , roofltiR. spnutlnR. piping , valleys , tin lllnclp < . for peed work and clioam ( Jato City Tin Works. 215 S. litli. l > - twoen raruuinand Pouplus. 77G 1C * . prnt hat clear rnek suvci clsarMrki1jilaled siiiiiple1. . Me Wrlto for terms. I'romib A , Cu.Uuee § t.l'hllaJclililn. | 677 11' _ THOLSTEKINO Furniture pollslicd and miittrcsscs renovated. I'otor&on , 113ii N. 8th H 41U 14' _ " \\7ANTnp ItcncwaH and Rub .crlptloii for The Ladles' Home .loiuntil. J1K H. C. Slorrell. 1PH Farnani UieoU Omaha. MaS5AM tSTiO loan for ninety days Rood ' ehattc ) seturity ; will pay peed Interest to private party. J 8. lloo. 70t-12 TV T AS5AOK treat inenUelpctro-tliPrmalbathi. J-i-L trill i ) and hair treatment , maiileurc and USlDi , t. iJth.MltbucllUlk "VyiLLlSCOY. bouse mover. MS South 17th ' ' street , aud bl3 South ailli avenue. Ills-May 2.V "V\7 ANTED Two copies eacbof the morning ' unfl evonlnc Ilrr. of Xouunber Hid aim one copy of the momlnpof December 2nd and tinco cotilesof tLe evening of December 1.1HK1. ! at tliu lieu otllcc. UTS CLAIRVOYANT 1'orratcf , etc. , ta top of flrvt rolumn on fil ) page. "j\fll. and Mrs. Perkins , Coiincllllliifls. 22S -i-'L Hroadway. plrltual astrologer * and test mediums. MS1U 13 ri Oknow your futuie sutlsfactorv for the -L leiist money cotoMrs. fctc\cr. 4UG N. ICth street. MT20 11 * AVANTHD-All should know Mrs. Dr. Do ' San. the lady mind reader and fortune teller ; telii past and future ; she Is the best oxer here ; Is especially deep In all inntrlinou- nliil atl'ulrs and mj hterlous dlsnppearuncu : , ; don't tiny , sell or po on a .lourncy until 3-011 consult her ; she can foitell Its results : Is truthful and reliable ; perfect sntlsfaction cunranteud by mull : send two stamp" for II- lustratod rliculai , ± ! North 1Mb sU , Omiiha. 517 11 * MA&PAGK-Madam Dclzler , over 010 ? . llltli.C . M1W. WALLACn. clairvoyant ; naturally Clttod ; tells , pastand troubles , absent friends , cliunccs. travel , business litos I'aruaui street. 004-r.1 * MUS. Nannie V. Warroti. cliilrvoyauUtranco uoaklng , wrltlne and reliable business medium , four year.s hi Oniahu. Ill ) X. ICth. UlS MKfi. rOHT. palmist fortune teller , tells past and future from the lines of the liana In old gypsy way ; ladles uuly ; feed. 512 S. llth. ! M A 1U * _ _ 1VIASSAGE , BATHS ETC. Forratcf , etc. , tec tup of firxt column on llifspaoc. MASSAGE-Madun- . over till S. lath. MM C * _ MAfeSAOKbuth at Madame biuith'b parlors. M floor. 43JS.i : lh street. Kil-11 * _ PERSONALS , I'vrtcrtnt , etc. , ncr top nf Jirtt column on Oiut j > aye Old Are You-l'crMins Sl years old or HOW over , who have rosldod In Omaha for some t ime , arc respectfully requested to cor respond with tbo mulcrslpifd. Kesldcneo should bo stated. Subjects of mutual Interest will bo discussed and n toclcty of genial splrltE may bo orgiinlrea. Addruss II. J. 1J. , Uoom GOU. Hco building , city. HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. formfexetc.srr topofflmt column on Ml * pane. BK > T line hair coodsIn west ; lialr dressing , wlcs. swltclies , batiRs , hair fhalns. etc. , a spcclnlty. Davles , hair poods and milliner , opposite postolllee. 111 S l.Mh St. . Omuba. IU4 PATENT SOLICITORS. i , etc. , sec topofjirxt euumn on ( lib page "PATKN'T lawyers and solicitors , G. W. Sues & JCo , Hoc building , Omnhn. llrunch office nt Washington , D. C. Consultation tree. IK PAWNBROKERS. Tor raff * , rfr. , * cc topofflrtt column on Oil * payt FUHDMolile , s. c.i'or. 1'arnam i. llth. H43 TUB UBALTY MAKKKT INSTRUMENTS plaood on record April 10 , WAUIUXTV DEEM. Jacob Bernstein and wife to Lndwlcl : l'relldov ky , lot 14 , blk 8 , Arbor I'laeo ext If 4sO J W firlllitli. tr. to A H Aceeet al , lots 10 and 17 , blk ( c.\ilft ! : ) . IJaker Place. . . 1,000 A C Hiinebauph. ejitrx , to CV 1'lorkec , Jot 2S , Hlinobaiighriuee 509 A I ) Jones aud wife to Joseph Suhllts brewing company , lot B , blk 140 , Oinulm 73,000 Georce Lecee to G 1' Uussell , lot 10 , blk 14 , Cartage add 1.000 J 11 Low and wife toW 11 Khodes , lot 19 , blk 0 , Summit add 600 V E MrClure. to S 11 Lotovsliy , lot a , Mc- Clure'bhub 1,500 Llrzlo Mnhoncy toCharles Scllock , s 10ft lot 12. blk 13 , Eolith Omaha 225 R V Mattlee ct al to V B Ualdwe.ll , lot Hi , blk 4 , Ashland 1'ark 255 Vi'3 Paul to Central Investment eom- jiany , ILfl ft lot yinsub lot G. C'upltol add (10,000 ( John Peterson to J L Olt.on.lot 10bll : IS , Soutli Omaha 550 SJ Uood to Charles Sonoek , lot 11 , blk 155 , and lotll. blklil. SnuthOinabn 4,700 B J Scannell to t'V Wlchterman , loti , 1 and - ' , blk5 , itrownl'aik s.soo LSchroeder , tr. to 11 J Heauuell , lotsl ana- , bile S , Urown 1'ark n.v > Total amount of transfers S149"J5 Building i'eraiitt. The followlag permits wera lasuel by the Buperititeudent of buildings yesterday ; llugli llcOaffory , two-story brick warehouse - house , Mxleenth and Nicholas fctroets.S 4.000 I. M , Kussfll. ono and a halt story ad dition , rifty-thlrd and Center streets. ( WO SI. C'OMCllo , one-story frauio cottase , Twenty-t-eveiitb and Iturdctte strectn. BOO four minor penults 7oc Total $0.000 HOTEL. Murray , Cor. 14t1t titnl ifthf limit miltHtnutlnllii roii Jloti-l Jtnltiliiisi in Oiiictlttt. lirai'u bi'lrl ; Jirc > ftilln tinntlng Jram liiim'tiH-nt to rtnif AIIIP - t///iif/ nri fluor * Illicit irltk Anbrnton Jtre jirouf tnint/ , tanking it InijuinHlhlt- linrn Qti/rA . Fre ettriiiiru ttntl fire iiliifinn tlir < * iijlivnt the Onihlliiitttrain lu'ut , hot nnd rolil tratvr tnttt minnliliiflii cvrrvfvom , luMtsiimurjninteil titty. irhere. B. BILLOW AY , Prop. HOTEL DEKLON-E. Comer 14th and Capitol Avenus. Just completed , has 100 rooms , threa rtalrvaj-s , from the top to the bottom , hai fine olerator and diunmj room sorvioa , I fireproofthroughoot , fineblllari rooms and the finest toilet rooms in the city. Z.&rg9 Sample rooms , Suites with bath & 3. Cor 14th and Caoitol Ave. Street car service la Irom $2.JiO ta $1.00 DELICIOUS Flavoring NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla , - \ Of porfoot purity. LomonI Lemon - Of Btrcnjrth. Oranje > _ . , . Almond -I Economy in their use , Rose * \cd \ Flavor as dollcatoly and deliciously as tbo fresh fruit RfilLWRY TIME CHRP _ l > eiot | llith nn4Mn onVu _ Omnlia KM1"1 * " " . ' K.OO a ii l"xpfe i p in 10.05 p m Iowa N ftJMO. 111VK11. Arrives Uppot 10th nnd > l on Onmh . K C . ST .1 A C II Omnhn I > ppot Illtli anil Ma enl l nren I Cllir.\O. ( H 1 \ PACinC i Arrlres Oiunlin f I' fleix't. ' loth und Mnrrf St Omalia Leaves ( ' 111CAGO& NOinil\VJ > T > : itN Arrives . If I" , depot , luth and Murc.v M Omnlia 0.11am CuUuiuo iiprttim : I I.2U p m 4.30 p m . . . .VcFlitiulo Umllt-J . . . . n.M a m C..lfi p m lown Aemmniodntlnn ( eic Sun ' 7.W p in ( i 111 Ii in . . . Knitcni llror . . . . | 2.45 p in 1.4fi n niiiex.Sun Hunt I'nstEi.ii'ic.Mon.l ! T < U u in Leavi-s CHICAGO , MIU 4 ST 1'At'l. I Arrive ! Onmlm. HI 1' . clriHit , llllli end MarrtU I Omnlia. ft.iojiiu ( lilciuru Kxprenn . lur > a ui II.1S n ni < . . . Chlcnpo lixprosd I r 40 p in Jx-nven I OMAHA A ST Arrives Umnlia. | 17 P. depot , lulh nnd Slarer M . OninliR < .IHJliln . . . yu l < iiilB Cnimiiii Hull 7JMU p in MlO'ALLKV Arrive CMnnha Depot litli iinrtVflismr M Otnulia "IMPROVEMENT THE ORDER of tlie AGE" The Smith Premier Type-Writer , never fails to convince Uioso who in vestigate its merits , tliat it is the most durable , has the most perfect ulicrnmcnt , is the easiest learned , and has more good points than any other Type-writer on the market T&B & Smith Premier Type friler Co , , E. H. MA.THBW , Manager. 1009 } Farrmm Street , Omnha , Noh. mPEWRITERS THI3 PUESinKXT'S VISIT. Oinalm Slioulrt Make it Very Pleasant Tor tlio Chief Kxecntlve. Mayor Gushing is in favor of taking some stops to entertain President Harrison uhcn bo visits Omaha next month. In speakinc of tbo visit , the mayor yester day morning said : "It is n matter that should bo attended to at once.Vo should not be behind other dues In paying tribute to tbo chief executive , anil for this reason I shall call the attention of tbo council to this fact at an early date "I think tbo council should appoint a com- iniUco to act in conjunction with a committee of prominent citizens to outline iomo plan of action. "A drive about the city would undoubtedly bo the proper thinp , alter which a public re ception should be hold. "This will incur quite an expense , which should bo borne by the city , usually upon such occasions a few citizens hnva put up the money to pay the bHls.but . this Is nil wrong. " DoWltt s Little early Riser * : only pill to euro kick bcudacbe and rogulala the After a Stolen IVntcli. The police are looking for J. P. Keal , who is his brother-in-law with charged by - - stoal. ing a cold watch and chain valued at t5. . Tbe crimawas committed several months ago. and the owner of the property has been trying to secure evidence. He bus now ruc- coedtid find will prosecute hli relative for grand larceny , 30Vlfl 03tA.ltA. Vor President of the Council , The friends of John J. O'Roarko are quietly pushing him for president of the now coun cil. As Mr. O'Uourke i the oldoU member of the council , has the respect of his follow members nnd has the confidence of the people ple , his supporters expect little opposition to Lls election. The flub Itance. Twcnty-flvo couples last Friday eight en- Sored ono of the pleawntcst little social d nn res over given In the duo rooms. The Italian band of Omnhti fnrnUhod music The efforts of the committee were Hldod by each IHTSOU present to make an enjoyable oren * Inp for every lover of the dance. It wns a social success. Permits. Building Inspector D. V. Bayloss hns Issued building permits as follows : To Bolthns Jctter , a f UK ) barber shop , Tftlrty- flrM and Q ; J. Al. Unifier , o $ KK ) cottage on Tuirty.flrst street. Third ward ; J. W. Bax ter , n J.T.V ) cottage , K street near Twentieth ; Zorlo ZozllMlrH , a MOO cottage. Brown 1'arh ; Mrs. John J. Ihvyer , two cottages costing fViO ! on Missouri uvenuo iMitwoou Slxtwnth nnd Seventeenth MrwU ; K. U. ( jldoon , a $ (100 ( cottaro , Twentieth , l > etween 1 and Jny streets , ( JeorgoV. . Miussoti , an addition Twenty-eighth nnd H , streets , nnd Hownnl Meyers , n fl.'JOO residence T\vcnty-thlrd aud 1 streets. Couit SkntulluV SeoiunI Annunl. Court Sknndla No. 2JO , ludopoudont Order of Foresters , will give Its second nnnunl ball In Rowley's hall this evening. Than Skandla there Is no more fraternal body of gentlemen. The committee appointments arc as f allows i Arrangements -Mesirs. Ncls A. Lundgron , Charles W. Hklund and John A. Kelson. Master of eeremouies Mr. Ncls A. Luml- , grou. Reception Messrs. Swan Lnt > on , John Anderson and Ous Johnson. Floor * Messrs. John A. Nelson , John A. Johnson nnd Lars Johnson. Door Messrs. Charles \V Kklund , Edward I'etersou and Audrcw J. Johnson. Tbe ofticcrs , oommltteemon and members bavo becu quietly endeavoring to make Court Sknudlu's second annual ccllpso all previous efforts and Inferior to no bait ever given In the city. Notes About the City. Michael 'Welch of the yards has gone to Chicago. A tnbo of Rodinen will bo organized In this city noon. The police officers are on the scout of the Jctter SKfo-cruckcrs. Cieorgo Harmon bus removed from Auburn and located in the city. Mrs. Householder , wife of Louis House holder , who has been ill , is convalescent. Sujierlutoiidcnt James Viles , Jr. , of the Omnha packing company has returned from Chicago Allliam Boyes. mayor of Valparaiso , and his cstlmtible wife are tbo guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Tighe. "There is no use in trying to win in elec tions , " suid a defeated candidate for the board of education , "with the women ngalcst you. " Superintendent Frank H. Boyd of the stockyard $ has posted notice Unit , cm account of the udvunco of prices of gruliib , on und after April 15 corn and oats will bo charged at H per bushel. J. F. Hollowell of Grand Island , deputy grand comm.iudor of the Select Knights , Aurleut Order of United Workman , und Deputy Master Worman , Ancient Order of United Workmen , nro in the cit- making nr- rangemcuts to institute a Legion of Select Knights , Ancient Order of United Work men. men.For For a number of years I hove been subject to violent attacks of inflammatory rheuma tism which generally lasted about two months. On the first of this month I was attacked in the knee and suffered severely for two days , when 1 procured a botUo of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and It relieved me almost iufctantl.v. 1 therefore most cheerfully recommend it to those who nro similarly afflicted everywhere. R. D. Whitlcy , Mnr- tludalo , N. C , February , ISaS. Mr. Whltloy Is a very prominent mini in this placoand his disease was very widely known ns ho buffered such severe pain. \ \ . M. Houston & Co. , merchant * , Martindalo , N. C. SO cent bottles for solo by druggists. Decision in furor ol the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'aul Uy. The new Palace sleeping cars or tbo Chicujro , JMihvuukeo & St. Paul Uy. , with electric lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omnha , at 0:10 : p. m. , daily. Passengers taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil Bluffs , and arrive in Chicago nt 0:80 a. m. , in simple time to make all eastern connections. Ticket olllce , 1501 Farnani street. F. A. NASH , J. E. PRESTON , General Arjent City Passenger Agent. And the Ha by Is Dying. Annie Davis Is a very pretty blonao , with a pair of bewitching blue eyes , whose aim In life is to have a little of all tbo fun tbore Is going on in her immediate vicinity. Auuio was very popular among her small army of acquaintances and ilcw high. Sha had the most elevated kind of a time until about two months ago , when she suddenly retired from public view ana the haunts that hod known her knew her no more. It now transpires that her period of seclu sion was quite necessary , but according to the story told by Mrs. Maggie Brazil , it is being extended without good and sufficient reason. Mrs. Brazil , who Is a midwife at 1470 Hickory street , visited police headquarters yesterday morning , nud said that tbo gay and festive Annie came to her house on Feb ruary 14 and two weeks later gave ulrth to a boy. Annie stayed there until March 31 , when she loft to seek employment and has not since returned. The Infant is in a horrible condition from blood poisoning ana Mrs. Brazil is afraid that it will die. She wants bomo ono to tauo it off her hands , and also wants Auulo or her next best fricud to stop up to the counter and settle for scrvlcos already rendered. It is a matter of conjecture whether Aumo is still in the city or has loft for other flelds. Tbo authorities are debating us to what to do with the llttlo unlortuuate at the house on Hickory btrceU How many persons who suffer day after day from headache , know that almost instant relief is secured by using Holler's Pain Paralyzer ! An absolute guarantee goes with each bet tle. Insist upon having it aud don't tuke " as . " "something Just good. "Something .lust ns Good. " "My borso was badly injured. I called for 'Hallcr's Barbed Wire Liniment , ' my drug gist was out , but sold me 'something Just ns good , ' now my horse is a cripple , while my neighbor , whoso horse was injured as badly UK mine , refused all substitutes and bought n bottle of 'Haller's Barb Wire Linlmeut,1 and bis horse is sound and well. " Insist ou getting the genuine all druggists have it. Sir. ( Jonlil Mny Come. A telegram received by a railroad official this morning from General Manager CUirlc conveyed the Information that the tender wocld be in Omaha In a few days. The tele gram was teat from a point In Texas and aid not state whether tne Gould uarty would come to Omaha along with Mr. Clark or not , but it Is understood that this was meant to be conveyed. .nflGHES PROMPTLY