Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Cri ? ICE : yp. 121K-A.HL STREET.
Delivered by Carrier In nny part of the City.
11V. , . Tlf/rON - MANAOUll.
nuslncss On'cc ' , Xo. 43.
NluhtlMltor. No. 1.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council IJluffs Tvimbcr Co. , conl.
Craft's chattel loans , ZM Sapn block.
Genuine Hock Sprlngcotil. Thatcher , 1C
Special meeting of Calnntbo n-uembly this
nftcrnoon nt'JiW. Uy order of thoC. C.
A ninrrlnpo llccn o was tailed yesterday to
UCOI-KQ M. Whitney of Council HlulTs imd
Amanda Dlotnch of Now York.
The secret degree will bo conferred on
members of Travelers' union In Scottish
Kilo hnll over Percjjoy & Mooro's thli even-
ini'nt70 : : ! i > . m. sharp. Entrnnca on Pcnrl
A concert was given In the rotunda of ttio
( Irniul hotel lait oxcnliitf , by Dulby's orches
tra. Anvpo \ number oficoplo were nttraeted
to the hotel by the music , mid a delightful
evening was spent.
District court ndjournod yesterday after
noon nl 8 o'clock on account of a telephone-
inessaKO which was received by Judge
Dcotncr , stating thnt his wife was very 111 at
her homo In Red Oak.
Mnry. wife of .Jamot Slnvln. died at 4
o'clock yflstcrdav morning of In grlppo , at
the nvo of Hlxty-slx years. The funeral will
bo held this morning at S o'clock from bt.
rruncls Xnvler's chtiruh.
tncctltiK nf Excchlnr lortgo No. 250 ,
Ancient ! frco nml Accepted Mnsoni , tins
r cvonltn. ' Tor worlt In the third degree. Koc-
lilnr nicotine Monilny cvunlnir , April 13.
Vlslllni , ' brfltbrcn corilinlly Invited. Uv order
of the W. M.
Special communication of Kxcolslor ledge
No. Wti , Ancient Kreo nnd Accented Mnsons ,
tills ovcnitiK , Anrll II , for work In tlio third
decree. Rlattor Musotia In Knoil stnntllntr nro
cordially invited to iittcml. Uy order of
worshipful master.
Tlirco new arc llslits have been located by
the Council Itlu Us ( fas nnd electric ll htcom-
pnny nt the following pliu-cs : Jndlun rrcolf
bruise. North Sixth sticet ; corner of Knep-
per nnd Damon streets , unit thocornerof Six
teenth street and I'Mfth nvoniio. The Unlit
on Sixth atieut hni already btcn startctl up ,
mid the others will ho ready In a day or two.
A suit wns llloil In the superior court yes
terday by Docro , Wells ft Co. , n nlnsl the
city nml the city treasurer. In which it Is
sought to compel the city to pay two Judtf-
inoiits wlilch , it Is tillcfrcd , were obtained
npnlnst the city bcforo a jtistlco of the peace
In Onldtind. Onoof the judgments Is for J-110 ,
with eosts amounting to Jitl..H ) , ami the other
forwith costs amoimtliif ; toWl.HO. U'ho
plulntllTs ( Icinaiul a writ of mandamus to
compel the treasuicr to pay over the money.
A tclPKram was iccclvcd yesterday by the
local ofllccra of the Kiremon's Tonnmniont
nssodatlon , stntlnir thnt quarters had been
reserved for the Hluffs delegation nt the
Grand hotel of Cedar Knplds durimr the
tournaiiientlilrh Is to bo held In that city In
lime. 11 nlso stated that Avoca. Andubon
nml other towns In this viclnitvould ho
represented , nutl that present appearances
iudicato that it will bo ono of the most sue-
cossful nlTidrs of the kind Hint lias over been
held In the state.
Wall p.ipor.
c a roll. Hoston btoro ,
Council llhtlls.
Curtain poles with brass llxtnres and all
complete. 10c each , at the llostou Stoic ,
Council muffs , tblb wook.
Our line of carpets nnJ parlor furnlturo
xvlll hcnr Inspection. Wo c'lilm ' the largest
block in thoulty. Maiulcl & Klein.
Opaque felt window shades .Tic each , with
ilxluren nnd nil complete , at the Boston
Store , Council UltilTs , this wcclt.
Snupart fc. Co. carry largest stoclc of built
Held , garden nnd Mower seoils In the west
Catalogue and samples by mull.
The Fnlrtnountfio cigar at the Fountain.
ML window shades 33o each , with
fixtures and all complete , at the Boston
Store , Council IJluffs , this week.
t'JBKSUXAl , J'.l K.I tiltA I'ltti.
Mrs. 10. . Hetzcl of Avocn Is in the city.
. Donald Mncrno , jr. , is homo from Ann
Arbor for the spiing vacation.
Mrs.V. . T.Vllklns anil daughter are visit
Itif ? relatives in Hillsilnlp , Mich.
I ) . A. Benedict loaves thU evening for
Sioux City with n view of locating there , if-
business opens up satisfactorily.
Mrs. Anna Palmer anil son loft for Minne
apolis where they will inalto their homo In
the futnro with Mrs. Palmer's daughter , Mrs ,
David Hyor.
Mrs. J. W. Tomploton of Kosctlalo farm
loft last evening for Chicago to attend the
funcrnl of her mother , Mrs. Ilanna , aped one
hundred and ono years.
Mlsa LaurnP lleninKor recently extended
hershorihand notes of JiulgnShims' Instruc
tion to the Jury on the case of Grant vs the
Union Pucltio , and upon rocclvhiR the tyno-
wtltton copy of over twenty pages Juilca
Shlrns wrote her n very conipliincntnry let
ter. U ho Judge Is n > very rnplil speaker , and
ns ho stated in his letter of acknowledge
ment , it is almost impossible for even expert
reporters to take him correctly. Ho pro
nounced Miss I'llcklnper'a report the most
accurate nnil satisfactory whlcn ho had over
All Chinese goods at half price nt Jim
Lung's , yes Broadway.
Curtain poles with brnss fixtures nnd all
complete , lOo each , at the Boston Store ,
Council HlulTs , this week.
Km It farm for sale on reasonable terms ;
within ono and one-half ndlos of the P. O. ;
all in tearing ; good buildings ; possession
given atnuoo. Call on D. J , ilutchlusou tt
Co. , 017 llroadway.
Do you want an express wntjon or boy ?
King up the A. 1) . T. Co. , telephone 170 , No.
11 Isorth Main street.
Court Jio\vs.
Chnrlos Dunning and William Honors were
in police court yesterday morning charged
with disturbing the poaco. According to the
story which was told by the two men , Dun
ning htul had n horse during the past winter
which hail been loaned to him by Hogors.
Dunning wns driving up Broadway Thursday
nftorncon when ho met Kogors. The latter
thought ho was taxing too rapid a palt and
ho called n halt Dunning indented thU In-
terfoivnco with bis personal liberty nnd a
light was soon In progress. They were each
lined * 15.70.
I'erl Hovcnt , a dealer in "nlcoy bannn" and
o lineal decendant of Julius Ciusar , was lined
J15 ( M ) for peddling without a license.
II. Jnbok wna churKuil with being n
vagrant. Some of the pro | > orty owners on
Porrtu strcol claimed thnt he , In company
with a frioml , hail sought to obtain n living
by beggiiiK from house to house. At every
pliico whom they did not meet with as warm
it reception ns they had hoped thov would
scolc to vent their disappointment by kicking
In the door. Ills case wns continued until
this morning ,
Our spring stock Is now complete. If vou
want to bo In style call nt Holler's , the tailor ,
! 110 Broadway ,
Outing llatiucl roinnnnU nt the BOSTON-
Sroiir , COI-NCII. nuurrs , this xvcolt 5c a yard ,
lOu nnd l- '
The finest display of onyx fast black
hosiery Is to bo found nt the Boston store ,
Council UlufTii , this week. All grades , from
the cheapest to the finest bilk.
Carpets , furniture , stoves , tinware , crock-
cry , In endless vnrloty on easy payments ut
Maudcl & Klein's.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 80 Pearl street ,
roxl to Grand hotel. Telephone 115.
fc-rudo work u specialty.
xu.'HTi * piunt r/\ii\trif ni ITPO
Jnstlce Pnttoii's Pcouliat Fee Bill AttracU
Much Public Attention ,
HeVn Not In tlio Ilitslnoss Tor Ills
Jlenlth tiiul llc'.icvcil In Charg-
liiK What ttio Tr.illlo
Would Itcnr.
The llttlo room off the county auditor's of
flee was crowded yesterday morning when
the supervisors opened up their session ,
which , It had been announced , was to bo for
the express purpose of Investigating some
rumors of gross crookedness that hnvo boon
multiplying ivlth considerable rapidity dur
ing the lust few days , ngalnst Justice I'atton
In connection with the affairs of his ofllco.
Some of the chnrgoj that hnvo been mndo
against him were given In ycsterdny's ' BKE
nnd according to an Invitation , widen hud
been extended to him , to bo present
and glvo whut Information ho might
hnvo nt hand on the matter , Jus
tice Pntton took his place fn the
center of iho room with n face very rod nnd
n manner very excited , nnd prepared to meet
tbo shower of Interrocatorles that were soon
to bo hurled nt hh head by County Attorney
The llrst tbtng that happened nttcr the
board ( jot down to business wns the uno
placing Chief of Police Gary , Ofllcor A. J.
Wyatt , Justice \V. W. Cones and Samuel
Haas on the stand. Various < ] ucstlons were
put to them nil , but no information was
elicited from any of them thnt would lead to
startling results. After the chief of uollco
hud been questioned and cross-questioned at
KOUIO length with a view to llmllng out , If
possible , whether or not theto had been n
bargain entered into between himself nnd
Justice Pulton , the object of U'hUtins to
declare n dividend on the city funds , nntl in
reply to all the questions the chief had niain-
tamcd a discreet and clain-llke silence , ho
was ordcicd to depart nml Justice Pntton
was called to the stand In his own interest.
Ileloro the questlonine commenced ho said
he wanted to make n short statement with
regard to some of the charges that had been
published against him in the newspapers ,
lie stated that n churgo hud been made
ngalnst him that ho had entered up both a
dismissal and a Judgment leo in n number of
ca-cs. Hn then referred to a number of cases
whuh ho said ho had selected at random
from the docket of his predecessor , In
in which tlio same thing had been done and
the fees charged had been allowed by the
board. IIo thought ho was doing right when
ho followed in the footsteps of foimcr Jus
tices. Ho asked the county attorney if this
had not been done , nnd was nnswered by
Organ that ho know nothing about former
i-nscs. Ho also recited a case from the
docket ot Justice Siburwhcio there was a
trial too and a whole lot of continuances
charged for , and said that oatof all the fees
in the case. > 1I'JO ) wns for Deputy .Marshal '
Fowler. I These fees were allowed. The
records of the board weio produced nnd it
was found that Fowler's fees in ttio case re
ferred to had been rejected.
County Allotney Organ at loncth com
menced the questioning. The result of it was
substantially ns follows1
Ptitton admitted nt the start thnt hu had
often entered a fee for the dismissal of n case
where the defendant could not bo found , and
ho had done so.nol fortho puiposo of robbing
the county , but because ho honestly thought
ho wns entitled to It. His nrodeeessors had
been dcnolt.wlth probably nota single excep
tion , end their bills had tuvnjs bcun allowed.
Ho took his cue from them and thought ho
ought to tnuot with the same reception from
the board.
A number of cases \\eto brought to the at
tention of tlio Justice in which ho had tried
ccitain parties who had been arrested on the
same criminal charge at the same time , hut
ho had taxed up costs ns tluniL-h they had
tried separately. Ho was asked what be had
meant by such n proceeding. IIo said ho
was not running a high-toned court
llko that of Judge MiOco or Judge
Uoemor , but ho was in it to earn
his living , and ho had entered up the costs
with the distinct purpose of making them us
much ns possible , cr , as ho stated it , "to in
crease the emoluments of his ofllco. " The
salary connected with the oftlco was small
enough nt best , nnd lie would not think of
giving n clerk of his as small a salary ns he
was gottluc1 , qvcn when nil the perquisites
were thrown in.
Other cases were brought up , In which
Constable Austin was represented as the
person malting the arrest , when in fact the
arrest had been mndo by a member of the
police department. Pntton snld that ho had
done this because the county would not have )
to pay nny fees if the urrOht were made by n
policeman , and he thought that would
not bo exactly fnlr. He thought thnt as
the county was there for that purpose , it
woufd bu throning awnv n golden opportu
nity not to mnke It pay for all the services
which could in any way bo performed by any
of Its odlcers. Ho had asked the county
attorney to instruct him in the matter of fees
nt the time when he took his oath of ollicc , but
thnt ofllcinl had neglected to do so. Tno
county attorney snld thnt thostatutoflxcd the
fee business in such iiuinistalcablo terms
that ho did not think It necessary to give him
anv moro Information In regard to the mat
ter. Patton suld tnat it ho had made n mis
take In thjs particular it had been through
Ignorance , nnd ho was willing thnt that part
of hi ; ; claim should bo stricken out.
Patton admitted , too , that ho had been In
the habit of taking up fcos regularly when
ho hud simply heard the statements of facts
by the interested parties , ns though ho hail
given the cnsu a complete trial. He consid
ered this a trial. Just as much ns though ho
had called In a dozen witnesses.
In reply to the charge that wns mndo thnt
ho ( mil charged up fees to the Bounty In favor
of city oftlcers , wno hud never anpcr.rcd in
court , for the purpose of testifying , he
stated thnt In those cases the olllcors had
been served with subpumas , nnd were on
their beats , or at places so close that they
could bo summoned at a few moments' no
tice If wanted. Ho thought they were as
much entitled to their fees ns thouirh they
had been lonltng around his olllco waiting lor
the cnso to come up. In boino cases the trial
fee had been charged when the case had been
sottlca by the parties before it came to n
trial. In tbocaso of Kthclda Kisscll and the
Klsscll boys , who were charged wilh stealing ;
Jewelry from the Grand hotel , the defendants
were discharged because the attorney for
the defendants stated in court that thcrowns
no evidence ngalnst them and usked for their
discharge. 'Iho justice himself hail in the
meantime tallied with the Klsscll girl am
had learned from her that she- would noi
stand by her statement made before the nr-
rest of her brothers nnd ho had dischargee
nil the defendants nnd hadcnterednochiuges
for n trial in each caso.
Patton said ho thought justices should have
n good Ueul of latitude. If the construction
of the statute were left to them , of course
they would construe It liberally as it nppllei
to them. Ho was not runnlnc any superior
court or district court and ho wanted whn
there was in the olllco. Ho would rather have
cases before him settled than to hnvo then
coma to trial , He thought it was better for
the parties to agree and settle tholr differ
cncosthan to continue tho. quarrel.
In the afternoon Judge McGee was the
llrst to bo put upon the stand , IIo stated
thnt ho had never sent unv cnses to Justice
Patton , or any other Justice for trial , oxcep
when it had been taken there on a change o
venue. Ho had no porsonul knowledge o
the members of the police department ovei
having tnkcn any cases to the Justice courts
that should huvu been Jtrlcd before him , ul
though ho had boon frequently Informed thn
Mich was the cnso. lie dented the charge
that hud been made ngalnst him thnt bo hat
refused to take charso of the polleo court
nnd the only thing thnt had ever uccurrot
thnt could bo construed Into Uch a refusa
wns ituring the preliminary examination o
W. H. Covcll on the chaigo of obtatnlni
monov under false pretense : , . He stilted tha
nt that time hu was rushed with other mnt
tors , and ho tola the uttornoys that in crlm
Innl coses of minor importnnca he ufshtu
that where Midi n thing coult
bo done , they would bring their
sul us Doforo tno Justices , in order
that his tlmo might bo left frco for moro 1m
portant affairs , lie stated that ho had neve
had any agreement with Justice Hamine
whereby the casts of the police court shouK
bo piled up against tog couuty. Justice
Inmracr had been called In by the city tnnr-
hnl during his ( McUeo's ) sickness , nnd upon
iln recovery ho asked Hammer to take chat-go
of the police court for another week , as ho did
not yet feel strong enough to undertake the
ask himself , Justice Hammer consented , ns
a potionnl favor , but it was understood thnt
here should bo no bill taxed up to the county
'or ' his labors ,
Frank Kane was put upon tlio stand , and
estllled that ho had been arrested by Consta-
> lo Austin at the time of the disturbance nt
the Fifth nvcnuo Methodist church.
Marshnl Templcton stated thnt ho hnd
icvcr testified in Justice Pulton's court , nnd
as to how tbo returns happened to be made
crediting him with tO.CO witness fees ho
could not tell ,
Deputy Marshal Fowler testified In much
the snmo way , ho having been credited with
.hrco witness fees thnt , so fnr as ho knew , ho
had never earned. At the beginning of
Justice ration's term of oftlco thnt gontlc-
man had inked him to send him all the busi
ness ho could , saying ho would make It right
wllh him , but ns for nny agreement between
Justice I'atton nnd nny of the city ollicers
whereby the city rases should to brought In
Iho JuHlco courts rather then bcforo Justice
McCleo , ho knew nothing of It.
t'antnln B. L , . Martin of the police force
testified In the same strain. Ho stated that
ho had arrested Fred Klsscll when the In
formation was tiled charging him with tbo
robbery of the Urand hotel , and how the returns -
turns cnmo to bo mndo stating tht the arrest
hnd been made by Conslablo Austin , ho could
not say. Nothing hnd ever been said In his
presence relative to the taking of city cases
to Justice Patton. '
Ofllcor O. E. Dcswick stated thnt ho had
mndo the arrest in the case ot ilcrt Poland ,
who stele ? 90 pension money from his father.
In this case too the arrest hud been entered
up fn Austin's favor.
M. Shnugnessy stntcd thnt In the case of
the two boys. Murphy and Koper. who were
charged with larceny , he had signed two in
formations , but why , ho did not know. Ho
only knew that ttio two papers were drnwn
up by Justice Pntton , nnd ho signed bli
ntuno In accordance with the Instructions of
the Justico.
Justice C. A. Hammer was put upon the
stand. IIo wns asked why it wns that all
the criminal business had ucon done in Jus
tice Patton's couit , Iloiopiicd thnt ho did
not know , ovcept what ho had heard. Ho
admitted that it nearly all was done In the
Justice com I of Justice Patton's but lie
only hnd his own opinion , nnd that ho would
r.ttlicr not ox press. Ho corroborated Judge
McHco's statement ns to the arrangements
thnt it was claimed had been made between
them in regard to the police court.
Justice Cones stated thnt the only thing ho
know nbout the alleged combination between
Patton nml the police department was what
Olllccr Heswick had said ono dav. Ho was
talking nbout a certain criminal case that
was about to bo Instituted , and in the course
of the conversation ho said ho wns going to
lllo the Information in Justice Pntton's court
because he Imd to.
At the close of the Investigation the super
visors adjourned until this morning , when
they will take some action with reference to
the fee matter. It is thought the session will
bo completed by this afternoon , although
thcro is a probability thnt un evening session
will bo held.
Justice Pntton last night handed Tun Br.E
the following card :
( . 'ouxcii. lli.un-s. In , , April 10. To the TMI-
tornt TUB HKI : : My record in n miiKlstiatc
has been the object of u furious attaeU by cer
tain parlieshuhuvot.ikeii advuntnRO of mv
umvllllnuness to lie hninpoicil by party tli- . I
now wish , thiouvh thu columns of your paper.
to brand all tlio chtuucshleli lni\o been
riinrtc ngalnst me , and lliestntciiu-ntsln which
my chnr.iett'r as a public ollleers liusbecn ma-
lluncd. us nliMilntely ( also. A careful e\-
niiilniilliiii of mv do 'Kul shows an ullouancn
of lust $ > so In fees tn police otllcur who nclcd
In their olliulnl caimcliy nnd us witnesses In
my court. My own fees are fixed by law nnd
thvlr justice cannot bo attacked. I am con
fident I tun In the rlKht. and although the
public may lie Inclined to judge mo harshly. I
ha\o lhe atlsfnetlon of Knowing L n lined to
do the square thing , ut Irast. Yours ti illy ,
Ladles' Jersey vests , S jfc each , nt the Bos
ton Store , Council Bluffs.
Seed oats , corn , millet und seed potatoes ,
garden seeds of all kinds , at H. L. Carman's ' ,
fiOO.Maln and 601 Peurl streets.
at the
ItoHton Store ,
A visit to the Boston Store , COUNCIL
BLUFFS , will convince the most skeptical that
they nro hondqunrters for everything in their
line. This week they are showing bargains
in every department In muslins , sheetings ,
dress goods , wash dress goods , hosiery ,
gloves. The latest in spring Jackets and
Military capes , 1.00. ? 3.fiO , $4.00 and $5.00.
The I'cntli Hnll.
Mrs. Laura McUlwnln died yesterday
morning at 0:30 : o'clock at the residence of
her son-in-law , S. S. St. John , 171)0 ) Sixth
avenue , at the ago of scvcnty-nino years.
The remains will ho taken to Onkland for In
terment this morning.
John , son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Custor , died
yesterday morningtit4 : ! . ) o'clock of congestion -
tion of the lungs , aged nine days. The
funeral will take place this morning from
the residence 1511 Avenue A.
Anna Larson dicu at 5 o'clock yesterday
morning nt the residence of her brother , Attl
Sonlh Seventh street , at the ago of seventeen
years. Tno funeral will bo hold nt 3iO ;
o'clock Sunday nftornoonnttboScandinavian
Baptist church , corner of Seventh street nnd
Seventh avonue.
Albertcnn Wciner died at the ago of thlrty-
thrco years Thursday night nt 11 o'clock.
The funeral will take place Monday morning
at 10 o'clock from the residence , 108 Soutli
Twenty-third street.
Sarah G. Darling died yesterday morning
at 0:10 : o'clock at the ago of fifty-two years ,
of cancer. The funeral will occur Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of
her daughter , Mrs. J. B. Klshcl , 1SOO Eighth
Mrs. Mary Slnvln , wife of James S. Slavln ,
died of la grippe nt 4 o'clock ycstcrdny morn
ing , need sixty-six years. The funeral will
take place tills morning nt It o'clock at St.
Frauds Xavicr'a church.
When about to build don't fail to set prices
on lumber of The , ludd & Wells" Co. , 818
Broadway. Telephone 'JS7.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Juice
tablets. They nro delicious.
Wall paper.
4 double rolls for 30c.
Boston store , Council Bluffs.
The Contract Sinned.
The supervisors received nnothor visit
yesterday afternoon from the representatives
of the Woman's Christian association Mrs.
(3eorio ( Phelps , Mrs. L , W. lloss and Mr * . J.
B. Atkins. The ladle * stated that they bad
thought over the questions thnt had been
brought up at their last meeting with the
board with reference to the contract for the
pauper sick of this county , and had decided
to accept the offer which was mndo by the
supervisors. A contract .similar to that under
which the Sisters of Mercy of St. Bernard's
hospital have been working was drawn up ami
signed , the association agreeing to care for
nil cases of sickness for the county , in
cluding diphtheria and scarlet fever , nt the
same rates now charged at the other hospital.
An addition , however , was made to the con-
siipuiuuug uini uio association snouii
have ttio .privilege of taking the victims
of contagious diseases nwny from the hos
pital , they agreeing to give them the best of
euro. The addition of the last provision does
not change the contract , as thcro was noth-
l ng In it in the llrst plnco.thut would have pre
vented them from separating the contagious
diseases from the others. The object of the
Indies wns to hnvo the public understand
clearly that thomwould bo no danger to ba
apprehended from the keeping of the pMlonts
who are suffering from contagious diseases
In the same balldmi ; with the rest.
Outing flannel rcninanU at the ROSTOV
STOHK , Coi'M'iL. Hi.urrs , this week Bo a yard ,
lOc and 12'ac quality.
J.C. Blxov , steam no.itln ? , srmltarr en-
Klneer.'JOJ Morrlam block , Council Bluhs
William Lewis , the veteran hackman , has
secured n monopoly of tno hack business In
Council Ultiffs nnd now has his olllco In the
now Grand hotel. All of his drivers comn
out today In elegant now uniforms. All of
his hacks and wagons have boon ruflnlshcd
auu his turnouts make a line showing.
Or a Whirl by Rail to Sii American Plcasttro
IT You AVnnt to Tnlco n Trip Tht * Sum-
inor Without KXII'CIIKC * , 1'nrtlcl-
In The le6's ! Match-
1cs Offer.
Arrangements hnvo occn effected by the
publishers of Tun BEB which enable us to
innko a novel and nltrnctlvo offer to parties
who are disposed to devote tholrttmo and en
ergy toward procuring new subscribers for
Tin : OMAHA WEEKLY BEE or Tun Suxnxv
BKE between this date and the 10th day of
Juno next.
This offer will bo open only to parties so
liciting subscribers In Nebraska , Iowa , South
Dakota and Kansas.
A careful record will bo kept of all sub
scriptions fownrdod , and the awards will bo
made without partiality.
To the person that A\lll sceuro the largest
number of cash subscribers for Tun OMA.IK
WIXKI.Y HEP. or Tin : SUNDAX Bun bcforo
Juno 10 , 1891 , will bo given rum : OP COST A.
ticket will include tlrst-elass passneo from
Now York to ICurono and return. This In-
ludcs also all traveling , hotel aad slpht-seo-
Ing expenses. The trip will bo made with nn
excursion pnrtv gotten up by Mrs. M. D.
Frailer of Boston , nnd will be In charge of
competent culdes. The traveler has no euros
whatever. The tour covers all the principal
countries of Europe Kn laiid , Germany ,
Switzerland , Franco , BelgiumItaly and tholr
prlnclnnl cltlos , Including London. Pni <
Brussels , Berlin , Homo , Florence , Venice ,
Milan , Genoa , etc.
The partv starts from Now York Juno 27
nnd returns to that city by September 11.
Taken by uny Individual nlono , this Eu
ropean trip would involve nn outlay of at
least $700.
Tor the second largest list of subscribers
wo offer a frco ticket from Omaha to San
Francisco and Los Antrelos nnd return.
Magnificent mountain scenery , tno Beautiful
Golden Oato , the land of sunshine , fruits and
flowers. "Who has not seen California wll
not dlo happy. " Travel is nn educator , and
to propurlv appreciate the vastncss of our
great country ono mustbco Its best features.
For the third largest Iht of subscribers to
the WEEKLY or SUNDAY Br.u wo otlorn ticket
from Omaha to Quebec and return. What
could bo grander than a trip down the beautiful -
tiful St. Lawrence in iiiid-suinmorl To con
template the beauty of Thousand Isles Is de
lightful. How much moro delightful to visit
them when in vcrduroclad.
And all this pleasure for obtaining sub
scribers to the WEKKI.I and SUVIIVT BKE.
For the fourtn largostlistof subscribers wo
offer a frco ticket from Omaha to New "i orK
Philadelphia. Washinpton nml return.
There nro no points on tins continental
greater general interest than thcso three
cities. An American , clti/on has not coin-
pitted his education until ho has seen the
scat of government. The persons and points
of interest in Washington nro innumerable
and to the intelligent observer a visit there Is
full of Interest. Now ' .York and Philadelphia
as the commercial nnd financial centers of the
country are always interesting
All this sight seeing and traveling given
away for obtaining subscribers to the
For the flfth larccst list of subscribers wo
offer n free ticket from Omaha to Niagara
Fulls and return. Ever since your childish
wonder was aroused by the description In the
old school renders of these wonderful falls you
have desired to see them Hero Is the op
portunity. A most delightful excursion nnd
ono without expense , given for securing sub
scribers to tlio WCCI.KY or SUNDAY UIB.
1 or the sixth larcest list ot subscribers wo
offer n free ticket from Omaha to Salt Lake
Cltv and return. The famous Mormon city
is fast becoming a Uuitllo city , and will In
tltno lose much of interest. Now. this sum
mer would bo n good tlmo to visit the hoom
ing city. Garlleld Ueach is of course in
cluded In the trip. This summer resort on
the Inko Is a delightful place to pass a few of
the hot milliner days. Why not secure a
numbc. of subscribers for the WEEKLY or
SUNDAY Ho : and tiiko the trip.
For the seventh laigest list of subscribers
wo offer n , free ticket to Denver nnd Manitou
nnd return. While n shorter trip thin any o
the others it combines many pleasant fea
tures. Denver the queen city of the plains
is always worth seising whtto the health
and summerrcsorw of Manitou nro delightful
Indeed. Health-diving , inspiring , restful
amid subhino scenery what trip could bo
more restful 1 All this pleasure for securing
subscribers to the SUNDAY or WEEKLY BEE.
Now what nro the conditions upon which
these tlckots aio given awavl The securing
of the largest list of subscribers to TUB
WIKKU or SUNDAY BEK. Noincwspnpcrln
the west is so well and favorably known nnd
solicitors hnvo alwnjs found it nn easy mat
ter to secure subscribers. TUB BEE'S sub
scription list , has always kent pace with Its
reputation and It delsres to add now names to
its long list of friends. Being at all times a
people's paper It makes friends with all
The subscription price of Tun WEEKLY BEE
Is $1.00 per year postpaid to nny place In
this country or Ounada , or IJ.OO If sent to a
foreign country.
Tin : SUNDAY BEE Is $2.00 per year , but
Omaha subscriber ! ) for TUB SUNDAY BER
will not ho counted In this competition.
Oot up a list. Hnvo your friends subscribe
for the paper. Sample copies forwarded
fioe on request.
Persons desiring to compote for one of
these prizes wlllploaso ay so when sending
In their first orders.
Remittance In full must accompany every
Two six months subscrlotlons or four
three months subscriptions will bo counted
as ono order.
Successful competitors for our European
trips arc advised to taltp their personal funds
with , thorn In the forni of a circular letter of
credit. It Is the only wav { or a torn 1st
abroad to carry funds. The Commercial
National hank of Onuihn Is prepared to pro
vide such letters of credit upon application.
Opposed to the American .
The solemn inquiry ordered by the
British frororiunuut into "tlio Amori-
cani/.atlon" of the English language by
tlio spoiling of "labor1' and "laborer" in
the census papers without the orthodox
"u" 1ms just beonconcluded. . Tlio
printorB , upon wlidtri it wns Bought to
cnst tlio entire bliimo for tlio outrage ,
repelled the charge1'with indignation ,
nnd culled for "tho production
of the oricrlnnr" manuscript from
which the "typo wns sot.
Thla was found1 nftor considerable
dillicuity and delay , ' nml the American
isms were scon there in their original
unblushing nakedness with thU olllchil
cndorsomunt "signed and approved on
behalf of the local government board by
Charles T. Ritchie , president. " As the
original feiimer is thus proved to ba 11
member ol tlio cabinet instead of homo
poor underling the outruyo will remain
AVhoro Kopoiillng is
An Englishman not long ago uston-
ibhed some American friends by saying
that ho hud the right to cist 400 votes
in a general election. lie spoke the
truth. As the head of n grout provision
linn , ho owned or leased throughoul
Great Britain that number of stores ,
agency headquarters , warehouses and
the llko. Wherever ho or nny one elbe
is a householder a vote accompanies the
A 31 Vtt EM t7VS. : .
Vcrnonn Jnrboau began n short'cngngoment
at thoDoyd lust nlgH in "Starlight" the nu-
dlonco being "Inrgoancl enthusiastic. "
There is llttlo in the play to command At
tention from a critical standpoint , It Is purely
n vehicle designed to Introduce n number of
specialty people In a roflnert var icty bill ,
giving the ipicen of soubretto3 an opportu-
ilty to display her versatility , lor J.irboau Is
vcrsntllo In everything thatshu noes.
There is n delightful flavor about the son us
she sing ? , suitgostlvo of the bouquet on old
wlna and her dances aru artistic to n degree.
The company supporting the stnr Is inailo
ip of several very bright people and n uuin-
) or exceedingly commonplace.
H. 0. Snow , who plays the part of Quaver ,
s very reminiscent of George Marlon In Ins
methods , although he depends upon his
ngiltty to n greater extent than does the
'ormer comedian. Mr. Snow , however , is
eminently satisfactory in the role , which Is
nn eccentric comedy uart cast upon broad
Ilndd Koss has ability In character parts
nnd makes a good deal out ol Micky Ural-
Charles Klrlto plays a Herman character
very pleasantly.
l.eonn Clarke , nn exceedingly pretty girl ,
Hays Lucy In a pleasing i-i'innor. The other
nembcrs of the cast nro emulated on the
louse programme , which gives them ijiuto
enough individual notice.
' 'Ayer's Hair Vigor is n most excellent
preparation for the linir. 1 speak of it from
experience. Its use promotes the growth of
icw hair , nnd makes It glossy and soft. The
Vigor Is a sure euro for dandruff , " . .f.V. .
Bowcn , Hdltor Enquirer , McArtlmr , Ohio.
Ono < i
Frank Morrlsscy , the sanitary commis
sioner , is very much displeased with the
actions of ono lohn Nelson , a garbage hauler.
Nelson secured the contract from the board
of education to cloin out some cess pools at
.ho Walnut Hill school , nnd in some
way ho succeeded In dumping the
thirty loads of garbage nt the Davenport
street dump without having to pay the usual
foe of ? l per load for the privilege of thiow-
ng the K.irhago Into the river.
Morrissey now demands the $10 , which ho
snys Is due him from Nelson , and ho will
probably brlnp tbo mutter bcforo the board
of education at Its mooting tonight.
J. W. was arrested Inst night by De
tective Vaughnn. Meal Is charged with
jrand larceny.
Sometime last fall he stele n watch and
chain worth M2 Irom J. C. Cnltm of North
Twenty-second street , and a day or so ago
stole an overcoat ftom Marshal Cummlngs nt
a Sixteenth street boaniing houso. The
overcoat was recovered by Iletectivo
Vaughan , but the watch has never been
found. Ncal is a smooth ono and Is gener
ally recognised by the police ns a potty thief
but usually manages to escape detection.
coi n in rivo.
U. Dorsey was fined $5 and costs In police
court yesterday afternoon. Doi" > oy assaulted
Llnebcck anil Scott , two now B. & M.
switchmen , niulshllo not injuring either of
the men , managed to get himself cared for by
tno police.
How .Minors < \ inline 'I l
The Astoi-inii Is authority for the fol
lowing1 story renafding life In the Coour
d'Aloiies : A good nwny Astorhms will
romoinber u swarthy Individual who was
hero last buiiuner with a huge cinnamon
bcarthathoexhlbitodon Astoria's btruols
greatly to the duliglit of the small boy.
The owner of the boar used to make
him waltz and go through abort of drill ,
and occasionally , when nickels wore sup
plied to make it an object , he and the
hoar used to have n friendly wrestle. It
was noticed , however , that the boar wns
muzzled and. hobbled , so that ho didn't
have u fair show. In the curly part of
Itibt full , in a spur of the Coour d'Alonos
in a now catnp called Muri ay , times were
a little slack and the boys were ripe for
anything in the line of fun. Their idea
of "fun" was a little dlftorent from that
of some folks , however , and so ono day
when the visitor and the bear showed
up , the whole cnmp turned loose and
howled. Alongin the afternoon , though ,
after they had filled the man's poukots
with four-bit pieces some of thorn
thought that it was playing it pretty low
down on the hear to handicap him in the
way of imi//.lo and hobble , and insisted
that the owner take oft" all obstructions
and go in in a sort of enteh-as-cateh-
can , in a regular old fashioned
wrestle with the bear. The boar-
kcopor demurred , but the demurrer was
overruled and the original motion pre
vailed by a rlblngvoto. . The boys in the
mining camp didn't propose to have ono
man , and ho a strolling boar bailer ,
stand oil the entire town , so they took
charge of the circus themselves , freed
the boar from restrictions as to teotli and
claws , and , amid hilarity , made a
ring , and while some hot on the bear and
others on the man , pushed the poor tie vll
into tlio light and announced that It waste
to bo ono to a finish. The result was that
in the third round tlio bear got mad and
wont for his keeper , against whom lie
had doubtless many an old grudge , and
so ehottod and tore him that "tho bubso-
quont proceedings interested him no
more. " It is but right to bay , however ,
that they gave him a good funeral next
day. Tlio bear took to the woods.
Hntohlnt ; Out Kvtclencc.
'Squire Langhorn of Uuchs countj' ,
Pennsylvania , fins made n novel tlecislon
in u ehiukcn-Btoaling caso. Patrick
O'Brien , tv colored man , 1ms been sus
pected of obtaining a farmer's property
surreptitiously. "Constable Kirkbriuo ,
armed with a search warrant , proceeded
to O'Hrlon's houso. The constable saw
lots of the footprints of chickens on the
collar lloor , nnd found a big heap of
foiithora in an outhoubcbut no chickens.
The constable noticed a small dish of
eggs , and took thorn ana O'Brion to the
'squlro's olllco. After hearing the ovl-
donee the 'squire was in u dilemma nt to
what to do hold tlio accused or dis
charge him : The prosecutor , in his tes
timony , showed that all the stolen
chickens were five-toed ones. As the
'squlro pondered over the matter ono of
tlio hangers-on in tlio odlcu suggested
to him that ono of the eggs found in
O'Brien's house bo hatched out , nnd if a
live-toed chick cnmo from it it would bo
conclusive evidence ol thu aeuuhcd's
guilt. The Vquiro sol'/ed the sugges
tion and , deciding to put it in force !
placed O'Brion iintlor bull to await tlio
hatching of thu chick. Several of the
ogRS luivo boon jilaccd under a hen in
the old 'nquiro'B barn.
Tbo Hoilen .Mini-nil I'uKtllh's ( troches made
tionilho Sodi'ii Springs , KrauKf ml ( lurmany )
for HOIIB TiniOAT , UATAUUIIS , Uounus and
Dr. Koch said : "A cough for which I tried
inony nthur medicines , uhlcli Imd not Hit !
hllnlitot olTc'Ct , soon boo mo better nnd has
now until uly illinappi'ared IhroiiKli usu of tlio
Nulon Mlnoral I'nMlllcs.
ThOKt'iiuli o Sodtm Mineral I'nstlllus must
huvu tlio and slxnatilin of Sir
Morrcll .MnuUui/li ) around tui'h b > \ . 1'rlcoMc.
National Bank
U.B. DEPoairour. OMA.IIA. NCJ
Capital , - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 , - oa.300
OHIceri anil Dlroctori-Kunrf W. Valet , I'roiliUnl ;
LuvrliS. lluuil , Vlcu.l'rmtlont ; Jniuu * W.SavaM , W
V. Jlnric. John H. Colllni. II. U ( Juthliu , J. N. 11
I'ulrlck. W. 11. H. Iluictie' , ciuhler.
Corner 12th ucl t'nrnam Sn
A General liunklnj Uuslacsa Transactor
SKIN and SCALP DISKASKS sue relieved in the majority of cases by
application of the Cuticura Remedies ,
and speedily , permanently , and economically
cured , when physicians , hospitals , and nil other
remedies fail , Cuticura Remedies are
the greatest skin cures , blood purifiers , and
humor remedies of modern times , arc absolutely
pure , and may be used in the treatment of every
humor , from the simplest facial blemishes to the
severest diseases of the blood , skin , and scalp.
I'lic great Skin Cure , instantly allays the most
intense itching , burning , and inlLunmation , per
mits rest and sleep , clears the scalp of crusts
and scales , speedily soothes and heals raw and
irritated surfaces , and restores the hair. Cim-
CURA SoAi1 , an exquisite Skin Purifier and Beatiti-
ficr , is indispensable in cleansing diseased sur
faces. CUTICUUA RESOLVENT , the new IHood
and Skin Purifier , and greatest of Humor Rem
edies , cleanses the blood of all impurities anil '
poisonous elements , and thus removes the cause. Hence the CUTICUUA R.KM-
LDIKS cure every disease and humor of the skin , from pimples to scrofula.
ttf" llmv TO Ci'RR DISKASRS or THE SKIN , ScAr | , * Nnlli.ooD"mViIcil free to any iJJresj , 6) ) pigt % 509
Untrue ! , so llltKlrations , lee Testimonials. A book of prudcM v.ihic to ctery MilTcicr.
C < TI t HA UEMRIIIES ate oJ ] evcrywhtrc. 1'rtcc , CUTIIUIH , 500. ! CUTICURV SoAr , a c.l CUTICIRA
RESOUUNT , $ i. 1'rrii.iieJ by 1'oriER UM.G AND CIIF.MICM. CoKroKUlON , lloston.
Tnrf ( V T-nillf\/ ? ' ' * Sll''ei' ' ' ' ' lyonj expression hen it c c penn l < ! n pull-
A -
- n _ , \rf > r i _ > \ / .
-vu J-yo iui caiuy fiej allj tHim-Cll , ( , ty. cutloura SoapincompiuUy
tlic jrcitcvt of Vin puiifiers and iKautificrs , wlnlc iivalling in delicacy anil lurpming in luituy tlio
most expensi\ of toilet anJ nursery io. l . tin only mtiitcattji toilet iMf an J iht tnly j > n < tutivr an t furl < 4
Infl-immation and clopK'"K ' cf > 'ie ' P"'C5i die cunc of rumples , 1)1 u Vli'iili , tO'.igli , red , ami oily iVi" , and tmi
luimoiiofinfantl anU chilJren. bile grcMcr lu3 ! the combintil ule of allolliet kui soaps , SuU e > ct > wher < .
K I SY5S $ ? & , & : & ? * & 02 ® ' $ < , < V& /
Of. A. Scnoedack , Proprietor , Offices 021 Drondwny , Council
Bluffs and 1521 Farnnm St. , Omaha. Dye , clean nnd roflnlsh goodtj
of every description. Packages received at either office or nt thd
works , Cor. Ave. C and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
Marcus' Clothing House
This Is the last chnnce--the chance of n llfotlmo when you can
get your clothing almost for nothing. Damaged goods , perfect
goods , good goods. Everything nt your own price. Call at once , a3
this sale will last but n few days more the goods are closing out
very fast.
Marcus' Clothing House , - - - 546 UroaiUvay , Council Hluffs ,
Or Council Bluffs.
DiHEDTOtls-I. A. Sllllor , V. O Oloaion , R L ,
Shuniirt. H E. Hart , J I ) Kihnundsim , Ohtirtoi
JMlannan. Transact banking linl-
ne > Largest capital anil aurplui ot uuy
baiikln HouUiwuitorn Iowa.
The New Ogden Hotel , In Council Ulul's ,
has boon complotsd refurnished an moio'u-
Izeu througiiout , ana U now oin ol uxa owe
hotels in the state. It is located in th j bu > t-
nesiS part of tie city aul tin elostrlo motors
paii * the door every four mlnutas. Fira ai-
capes and llro alarms throughout th i b Jill-
ing. Steam heat , hot mil eotd witsr ail
sunshine In every room. Table uis irp i35 I
anywhere. R-Uos , $2.00 a day.
GEO.M. WHITNEY , Manaor.
Electric TPUSSBS ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
000 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
OITIOE. 07 , UisilEN03 :
Finle y Burko. TIOT. !
Attorneys- - Law
Offices : J. J. Drown Ilulldliig , Council Hlii ITs.
lotvu ,
I ) . H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Pastors'
Market Fixturas , Casing , '
Fillers mid HtinBago MnUorV Machinery. HI- )
iCJMulnat. . Cnunull HI mis. In. Also Uo.ilurj
n Illdev uiul
To Bee-Keepers
I curry n. full line ot Cookeopura' sui- |
plloa , includliif ; comb foundation , liuit-
oy knives , smokorfl , uoctlonu nnil nil
Bupnllos for the dlnry. M. S. HOOP ,
C20 E. lroud\viy ) , Council LllulTa , Jowu.
' \\7'ANTii : > UooJ girl for pt'iii-rnl liousof
i i work in stniill family , " 111 Willow a\uniRS
OH IIEXT The resldonco of .1. W. I.ainff ,
t moth street.
ANTPiD 2 nuin to work on fruit farm.
W South Madison .street , l > . J.Hinlth. |
ITlUUN'IbllED front room on cronnd lloor ,
'tUkl | : , | ili'Hsinl. ; iiolKhlioiliooil , two hlooka
from Mulii st icct , Hiiiulogentlotnaii preferodl
Address r f , Hcu iilUuu.
$ ( I.OtiU htoiik of gnnoral merehuiullso to ux-
cluuiKO for a farm Insonthwostdrii Iowa.
Must lie Rtioil land. Johnston & Van I'atti'n
WANTnn-Allrst elms hhlrt nollshor ntt
thofjlty Innmlry. : il North Mnln
blroct ; sloiidy work and need WHKUS.
. ) houseSffl Fourth St.
FOU Iir.NT--lwolllni ! , ;
11) ) rooms convenient In motor line nnd cun *
or of business. N. I' . Dodnu & Co.
HAYIiCiiHh customer for four lots bctwcci )
. ' 1st. uiifl Lfith sis. , tutwoi'ii Ave Hand Jth
live. . J. 1' . Qrecnahlulds , fill ) Urnnlwny.
IJMUJIT farm for silo : or trade : well Inuntcit
J- ' and all In lieurlir , ' ; goo I lionsu aii'l burn.
Wlll.tnkuhoinopxMl elty properly , und Kood
tliiMiulvoi. on balance. Unit on or addies-i U ,
J. IIiitchlnHon ft Co. . 017 llroadway.
"K1OII HAI.K A house and lur/n lot on easy
- 1p'lymcMits. . Itujulro ut 4M I'm I ; uvuiuio ,
Council IlliiIts , la.
TTKW ItiNT : Thn MoMiilion block , : i Btorji
-L' brli'k , with hasuiuunl und olovutor. J.Y ,
e , ! OI 1'enrl Htreut.
FOURALI3 A biirKahi ! now modern house
with all ihu Into liupiovuiiioiils , mivun
rooms : will soil on ua y iiiiyinuiils ; located on
the I'lfth nvuniifi motor lino. I ) . J llutuhln-
hun , 01 ? llroadway.
. or Uuut-3 inlon land , trlth
houiei , by J , It. Itlaa. 10J Mala U , OouaaU
Bluff *
.H. / / . M , .11. It.
Kyo , I'nr. N'fi u nn > l Tliruiit
Council Illutl.i , . - Iowa
Hold I'jros , cross oyei ,
pnlnful nnil wi'ik vision ,
cliiirnet'frooi Iho cnr ,
t.'trrh , lny funr , t
unil nil nuitn nml rlironlo
inri'i.lkiiH ot thu tliront it
ucliiltr \ ( ilnss iivi-1 ft-
ti-il wllliolit pnlii CluKui iiccurnlcly iiriicrlbeil I
illlllciilt < aniM , often curlni ; clinmla nuuralKln nn
lok himttndm. Huri-'lcnl oiuralloMS | , wlirn netim
nry , pnlnlo ip-ly purfiirmt" ] , ii iirn ! bint roHiiltl
Uilke , MiiiKurt-llciio l.ldck . , room 1 , found I Illuils , Iiv
Corner Main nn 1 Urnvlw-iv ,
De-alum In forol' n mil do'noitlo xuh'inx *
C'ollut'tlon nudu unit hitoroit yilj ou tl.u
Uupcwlt *
tlijihost cash prlco iinld for rntrs nnil
all ItliiilH of hurninnotnls.
Country dealers nnd morclinnta will
find it to the ndviuitngo to coinmunU
etito wltn ua before diHiiobliiK ol tholj
Union Broadway Depot ,
Tol. 301. Council Dlultb , la ,