THE OMAHA DAILJT BEE : HATl'RDAY , APRIL 11 , 18in.--TWELVE PAdES. llrst lord of the treasury , announced In the commons today the names of the gentlemen appointed as members of the royal labor com- Inls.Mon. _ _ _ IIMAT ItU'iVIHH'lTY / ! < ! . Onmnlcn I'aporH Cninplnln at Ihelr Oovcrninonl'H Nun-Action. lUrirAT , N S , April 10-Tho Kingston , flntmilcn , pipers otttcily complain that the povcrnwnt does not take prompt steps to so- euro the cdvnntagos of the reciprocity clause t > f the McKlnloy tariff. Notwithstanding the recent visit of the Canadian flimnco inlnlstor nnd the fact that the iinustlbti In lalng dis- russedwith the greatest Interest In the liar- Undoes , Trinidad and Guiana , not n word has been spoken by the Jamaica government erIn In the legislature. Kweeplnu I < lliernl Victory. HAI.IPAX , N. S. , April 10Tho liberals \vrni a sweeping victory In t'llnco IMwnrd's Jslatid yesterday , i'our members , three of whom wcro supporters of thn Rovcrnmcnt , designed their scats In the legislature to ho- tome candidates for the dominion house of c ominous The election resulted In four opposition - position candidates. 'Ihls defeats the gov- t rnmcnt nnd will comiwl them to either ro- hlgn or dissolve and make a general appeal to the country. _ Our 'Irealy with Kpnln , LONDON' , Aptll 10.- The Times correspond ent at Madrid says ! Complete reserve is maintained in regard to the treaty with America , but It Is believed that America Rrunts the broadest concessions- regard to hugar and other Cuban products , uxcopting loineto , which for tlio present Is outside of negotiations. _ Kixod thu Cnnfcrniico Date. Orrvwt , Out. , April 10. A dispatch to Iho governor general has bccnioccivod from Washington nnnountlng that Secretn'1 } ' Illalno has fixed Monday , October U. ns the ilato for the reciprocity confcience. This is acceptable to thoOnnndlan government. 1 Iio iNi\\H Coiillrineil. LONDON , April 10. A dispitch from the viceroy of India confirms the news that Lieu tenant Grant on Apiil ll lomilscil 4,000 Mnnl- 1)iir ) unlives armed with guns rotirtccn liiltlshvero killed and twenty-seven wounded llelielllon in AljjHsIni I. Ho MP , April 10. The Tribunn publishes MiMsovvah advices that the inhabitants ot tlio Interior of Abjssinla have risen In tobel- linn and pla uo nml famine are rife In that colony. _ Tluj ficner.tlH I'riteht- . BLIISOS Aui's , April 10. The suspensloa of the port \voilcs Is imminont. 1'ourteen generals have signed n manifesto ntnlnst tlio JMltio-Koca coalition. 'J'lilrteenlt lied and I \ venlyoninled. . //VNVtiiAK , April 10. An explosion oc- ruuud today in a powder mapnzlne adjoining Iho sultan's palace. Thirteen wcio killed and twenty wounded StPplicn'H LONDON , Apill 10. Judge Collins has been npiKilnted to sncce ° d Justice Stephen in the high court of Justice. jtv > srj * . \ / ; / > rut : riAi' Couiir of Ohleaso'fl Vote to lie C'om- inencod Totln\ . Cincvdo , April 10. Giving to the absence of Attorney Sugg the hoard of election com * misslonoH postponed the canvass until to- nionow. Both republicans and democrats routlnuo to charge c.ich other with fraud In n moro or less definite way. Colonel Njo , chntrm in of the republican cimpaign com mittee , accoinpinicd iiy Htite Attomcj I ongonecUor , today applied to Judge Tuthill lor n bench wai rant for the nncst of Dennis Shiohnn , n cloniocintlo Judge of election , who is sa'd ' to h ivo broken open the ballot box after the polls w cio cloiod on election dav The Judgont onrn Blgucd the warrant sunlit was given to n deputy bhorilf to soi ve. Hx-Mavor Harrison has Joined forces with the republicans in the fight against Cregicr beforetlio election boiud. Ho tallied vigor ously about tlio fuiuds porptlrated by the Cieglor foices nnd sujs hu will sulwciibo liberally to fonot out the alleged frauds nnd punish the POI potvators. Sillily Tl ST. Pvui , Minn. , April 10. The McHnlcs nnti-tlghts bill , which passed iho souato yes terday , Is now In the hands ot the house judlchuv committee , having boon referred to that committee after It had been considered by the committee on education. Today J'lcston II. Clniko nnd Manager Scott of the Wotiopolitan onem house extended nu in vitation to the members of the house of rep resentatives to attend n performance of iho extravaganza , ' Crystal Slipper1 tonight The invitation was promptlj accepted and oil t of 1H mombeis over a hunuiedvoro present to study the question of "tights" voisus skirts on the stngo befoio voting on the bill. Lookw ood's bill , piohiblting tiusls and pools , passcit the boiuo this ultornoon by a vote of 07 to 1. _ lUioilo Isliind UepublioaiiH Secure. PnoviitFNCi : , 11. L , April 10. The republi cans have a mnjoilty of oiplitccn in the next BCHttto and thitty-two in the house , and In grand committee twenty-four , moro than nec essary to elect general ofllcors K\-Govci nor lloavnr Out ot" 1'ocTcot. lUituisituiio , p.i , Apiil 10. The house re fused this morning to concur In the amend- mo. ts reimbursing ox-Governor I5civor for money expended at Johnston n * after the Hood. _ _ f'Olt THK .N.ILOF Jl.lltMOXY. Adopted by the Council ol thu Iiisli National Iicagnc. CiNcisviTi , O , April 10. Tlio council of the Irish National league of America ad journed this nftoiuoon , subject to the call of the president nftor adopting the follow Ing resolutions : Whereas , The executive committee of the lilsh National league of Anioitza Is without , ndvlcus tiom the Irish National loiguo at Dublin , and u question is picscntcd requir ing nn intrichango of vlovvs with Chiules Stow nit I'nnioll , president , ami Timothy Jlarilngton , secretary of Ihe last named 01- gunlzaliair thorelore , bo It UosoUed , That the picsidentnnd sccrotary bolnstiuttcd to eori-osi > end with Parnell and Ilniilngton In rofeicncu to the nmtlui nforo- jiuid. and especially the letter of John Dillon , reielvod and laid bofoio tbo committed ; that ttio president bo authoil/cd to suggest the good otllccs of this organization ns arbitrator w 1th a \ lew to a restoration of harmony and n reconcilement of all differences in Ireland , that vo recommend n national convention iu America , to bo hold not later thai. September , 1&01 , ut Hnltlmoio , and the president is hereby Instructed to request the presence of J'urnoll nud of the I lish members of parlia ment at such convention A resolution was also adopted ox pressing sincere regret ut the Illness of Hou , John U. Armstrong , now Iu Ireland. World's Pair OIllo-rK Kleuteil. Cmcvno , April 10. The world's fair di rectors tonight chose ofllcors for the ensuing j oar , James W. Hcott being named \o \ suc ceed Lyman J. Gage as president , Thomas H. Hr.vnn as llrst Vice president and A. 1' Seoberger as treasurer. Mr. Scott , \\lion informed of his election to the presidency , declined to accept it. No other person w iis named , howc\cr , us the directors hope Scott v 111 yet accept. I'ntnl I-'ight Over NEWI-OIIT , Ark. , April , 10. News of a bloody affray In a- stave camp near the Junc tion of the IHnok and Current rivers has just reached horo. Light men Indulged In a free light , two bolng killed and two more proba bly futally wounded. The tight suited over slon of Jut' of whisky. the ] K > 3sc : > a Supposed Double .Mnrclor , WACknsiu , XV1 , , April lO.-Lato touleht Chrlstlun I'rolsH , aged seventy-five and hi \vifo , ngod seventy-three , were found lying nearly naUoJ on tlio lloor of their homo. The wife was dead nnd the husband dylnt. fc > un- posed to bo double muixitr. APRIL RETURNS ON CROPS , Soasou Oenorally Favorable for Seeding Over the Winter Wheat Area , ' FEARS REGARDING THE HESSIAN FLY , Percentage of hosso Among Kami AiilmnlH in VnrloiiH Stains In * vcntors Pay a Visit to Mount Vermin. WA HINOTOV , April 10 , April returns to the dopnttmcnt nf agriculture innko the con dition of w Inter wheat WI.O and of rye W I. The seasoa for seeding was favorable over the whole winter wheat area , the soil tjcner- ally easily worked , the seed bed prepared with unusual cnro and sowing followed by gcntlo rums sufficient to properly pack the earth and Insure prompt and pofcct germina tion. .Suitable weather ai.d soil conditions enabled the fnrmcis In the Ohio valley states to put In a full breadth under entirely favor able cltciimstnnces nnd proper combinations of sunshine nnd moisture , which continued until cold weather sent the plant into whiter quirteM with a sturdy growth nud good color. In poi lions of Kansas and Nobinska the prolonged droulh last summer extended Into the period of seeding , Interfering some what and rcndcilng gei munition slow , but seasonable weather during the late fall and early winter was suHlcient to offset Iho dls- advanlago of the Into start Tlio cntho sea son was favorable in California , while in Oregon the dry seed bed teccived moisture In tlmo to secure good though late grow th. The weather was generally mild over the whole niea , and vvlillo the Hiiowfall was com paratively light , it came w lien most needed , protecting the plant dining the cold est weather The Hessian fly , which was fcuied In December in the central west , Is jot In abojmiou , but the presence of the pest Is noted In many localities and serious injury may follow should Iho earl ) seaboii piovo favorable to its development , The general au'iugo for condition is the highest repotted for April shieo iss.'and Individual stnto averages nro ictnnrlmblo for their unifoimity It is li ( points higher than lust vear and : i above the icturnsof 18SSI The hlfli April condition does not Insure a largo j ieid , but it indicates a stiongth and vitnhtj which would enable the plant to withstand more than the ordi nal j vicissitudes of the season 'Iho aver age of condition In ttio piincipal states aio Ni-vv YorkU ! , Pennsylvania , 1)7 ; Tennessee , ! h Kentucky , OrOhio'N ; Michigan. 01 , Indiana , ( C ) , Illinois , OT Missouri , IM ; Kan sas , ! I9 , Cnlifoinh , 0 , and Oiegon , 07 Ho- turns make the percentages of losses among fnnri tinhmls during iho past year of horses l.Tcattle , I , sheep-1 ; swine , 84. The per centiiRO of loss of cattle is slightly higher than repotted In ISSb nnd l S'i , Hie scaicitj of fcuil swelling the llgnros In propoitlon In Kansas and Nebraska. The losses of sheep nro smaller Hum usual on account of holler caie. while loss diseiso thin usual Is repelled - polled among svvlne , though there Is a heavy loss in the loglonof inst jeai's crop failures l > l111 : i'l n i , icA x r A G HISS , Colonel Olinso of Oinnhn Presents a Ilepoi't im t Inn nml scope. \VvsniNroN ( , April 10 The cential com- ir ittco of the pan-iopubllfan congress paid n visit to tjio white liouso this morning , headed b > Jticlge Ainaux , who tnado a slioit address to the picsldcnt , outlining the work aecom- phshed and contemplated bv the committee. The president nmlo n brief response , oxprcss- imr his Intoiestin the movement nnd snj ing tlintwliilo ho could not speak olltciilly with out llionulhoiity of congress , his own tool ings always have been iu spmpalhy with all movements directed toward the enlargement of human rights. Within the last few years , ho said , tlio nations of the earth have been binught toundcrstand each other better , Im proved methods of communication had uionght them closer together nnd had stiengthcnc't the bond of friendship and sympathy. OTho Rcnoral committee of thoproposcd pan- republican congress to bo tield in IS'U ' held its second regular meeting today. Champion S. Chase of Omaha piesented ttio repoitof the committee on plan and scope audit was unanimously adopted Tlio executive com- milieu loported a resolution providing that a committee of J00 ! bo incorporated as u humane freedom Icngno to continue as long as there is wet k for such commitlcu to do. The purpose - pose of Ibis league Is to suppnit , maintain nnd biing about the pioposcd congicss in Ib'H ' It is empowered to establish blanches in cich stito to further the cause. Nolii.iHka anil town I'ensioiiN. WVSIIINOTOV , Apnl 10.-Soecial [ Telo- gramtoTiiR Hi r. ] 1'enslons were granted today to iho following Nebraskans : Originil James McIJildc , John S. ftowcll , Jesse llrovvn , Watson T. Itogers , August AInitz , Konrad Ualm , Thomas S. Curlilcht , Samuel McConmiughoy , Andrew O. IJuell , John Douglas , Joseph N. White , Arlington O. Ashley , Oeorgo I1. Snunor. Increase War ren (3. ( DHvvoith , Martin Unnls , UobertMc- Brook , Klijah B Newlin , Samuel W. Hud- deston , Aleijah Lnno , Ira J. Skaul. Holssuo Nathaniel J. Ucachley. OriKlnnl widows Lll/abeth , widow of llobson Parker. Iowa : Original invalid Zina U. Knight , Henry Bookman , Jonn Bates , William A. Stoclwell. Atkinson Uupp , Kufus H. Newell , Lymnn M. Ajers. Navy Hobort niliott , Morton T. Bryant , Joel W. Uleknell , Alficd Baker , Heuben Bcachlor , John T. ( loaling , Trcdeiick Wendt. Abiuhum Uarrett.Liastus Colton. William Stir , AdelbortB. Clmpman. Additional James DUon. Increnso Mnrttn P. iMcCrcary. William Garvor , Henry Sat- louco. Holssno-Niilhanicl Wr. Willlncr , John Qulnn. Mexican survivor 7Prank L. OrifTov. Mexican \\idow Sarah A. , widow of William W. Kiddles. Inventors Visit 51 1. lYrnnn. WVSHINOIOX , April 10. Today being the 100th anniversary of tbo establishment of the Ameilcan patent system , the delegates to the patent coufcienco celebrated by a v Isit to Ml. Vornon. Returning to tlmcity fiom Mount Vernon , Dr , Toner delivered nn address upon "Wash ington-ill an Inventor nnd Promoter of Im provements. " .Follow Ing Dr. Tonei's ' inter esting hlstotlcal sketch cuino an nddiess from ox-Koproscntativo VUitlerwoith on "In- llucnco of the Patent Svstotn on tno Pios- perity of the Countiy.1' When the clly was rcarhca the party went to tliu wtilto liouse , wheie , nt H.V1 ; , Iho Inventors were intio- dureil to the nresldont. At the mooting tonight the National Asso ciation of Inventors was formed nnd a con stitution adopted. Dr. ( lulling was cnoson president and Oaulner II , Hubbnrd of Wash ington , Prof. William A. Anthonv , president of lliu Amoi lean Institute of Elcctrlo Hn cincoi-s , 'Ihomas Shaw of Phlladolphlii nnd Hon. Benjamin Uutterworth of Ohio vice presidents. _ _ 1 ho Invalids at Washington. WASHINGTON- , April 10. Atlornoy Genera Miller Is much impioved. Ho icsumod his duties ibis morning. General Uosecnins slept well last night and is much Improved today. Genoinl pinola passed an uncouifoi table night and is soumvvlmt weaker today. I'uneral of Cenninl Albert Pike. WV-UMNOIOV , April 10. The funeral o tholato Albert Pike took place today and a the request of the dead Mason \ \ as market by simplicity. Treasurer Huston's ' Hacuensor. WvsniNorov , April 10. It Is now prac tleally ottled thatE. H.Nobockor ot Indiana will su-ceed Huston as United States tivj urer. _ Opcntul the ItlilH , WvMiiNdtov , April 10. The secretary o the treasury yesterday opened bids for th sltfl i lor the public uulldlnc ot Sioux Falls "VVIII I'laj on 1 heir Anxiety. WKIHNOTOV , April 10. The Evening Sta sajs : "H looks \ cry much us though thor would bo a conference between the United State * and Canadft on seveiul topic * abou bo nlddlo of next October October 13 lias iccn agreed upon as the date for the talk n trade iclatlons , and Blnlno , It Is ndorstood , has dotcrmlncd to utltlza the nxlety on the part of the Canadian dmtniitrntlon for reciprocal nrrmgcmcnts o good ndvnntago In bringing the Uehrlng tn problem to nn Issue , it Is believed that ho secretary will bring the representatives f nnulnnd to thu dilemma of either abandon- ng the question of reclprocltv or tanking omo ort of an ml vance to winds n settle- lent of the seul problem Pnuncofoto Is un- orstood to bo using his good offices with the ionic government. " SIT/M cic. City Takes Hie. Second Gnmc with I'nsc. LIVCOI.V , Neb , April 10-fSpcclnl Telo- ratn to Tin : Bci.J : In the battle on the ilnmond today Sioux City's baseball nine iirued the tables on the victorious Senators of yesterday , and beat them by Just one core , the record being G to 4 la favor of Sioux Clly. It was n game which Lincoln should have von. bhu outbUtcd her opponents and made ess orrois , but the enors made wcro costly nnd cave the game to Sioux Clly. Only even Innings wcro plajod , as the bloux City ilno wished to leave on the 0 o'clock train. [ 'ho score wus : .Ineoln . 3 1 tjiiv . . . . o i a o o o s-r > HIIIIIUU ; th ? Wind. LINCOIV , Neb , April 10. [ Snoclal Tolo- nam to Tun lht : . | Although Bohanan's iall ranks next in size to iho Omaha Coli seum among iho public places of rosoit in the stale it was almost too small tonight to hold ho Immense crowd that gathetcd to witness ho great blcjclo inco. Mockett has found a nitch In Menis. Although Mocicctt niado several splendid spuits , Moars invariably followed suit , and the bjkers nro still In the s uno position as last night. The score : Mlles Mllvi. l.nps Sloe-Kelt . i a 10 i'loseher 1SJ Mcars . . IK ! 10 Uhuk . . . IS J 7 \\VH7 . . IS ! 0 King Kol a Winner. ST. Lorn * , Mo , April 10 [ Spedd Tele gram to Tin : IlKi' . ] St. Louts was out- ) lajed all around today Although Iho Jiowns played n fair up-hill game , after the thiid inning , they woio unable to overcome Cincinnati's load. The features of the gumo were tlio hatting of Kcllov , the fielding of Cincinnati and the good woik of the two llchcis at critlnl stages of tlio game. At- xminnco , " ,003. Score , st Louis . . .0 0 0 1 5 S 0 1 00 'Iiielnn ill 2 0 I ! J 2 1 0 0ll Uiisihlls St. Louis II , Utiieliiiiiiti II. I'nois -"I , bonls 1 , Cinelnnntl 4 Untlerles-St. i/nuls. Neal and Hojlc1 ; C'lnelnnatl Uver mdIColly. . Nf r hwcstern Ijeagm1 Orjjn it/oil. Tot i no , O , Aptll 10. The Northwestern Bisobillleague , ombinring Toledo nnd Day ton , O , Dotiolt , Grand Knplds and Buy Citj , Mich , Tort Wayne and ttiunsvlllc , Ind , and Peoila , 111 , was organl/cd hero todnv V. H. Ketchnm of Toledo was elected picsl- denl The sc hedlilo embraces l"01Kamos and Iho season opens Mav U Von der Ah"Mind. . ST. Lot i , April 10-Mark Baldwin , iho Plttsburg league pitcher ill sue President Von der Abe for f'0,000 , alleging malic ious prosecution The suits biought ngninst Baldwin by Von der Aho weio dismissed for want of prosecution. IUK All < > . \ ItOl ( 'It TT. The Olllclnln Do Not Regard it ns n Serious Mntter. CincvdO , Adril lO.-Tho Alton officials are very cheerful in tbo face of Iho bovOtt. At a conference today they decided to stand by their declared policy 'Ihey suv they have assurances from four eastoin loads that their tickets will continuo - tinuo on sale. Besides , thcie is largo let rl- tory south and west in which the paj Ing of commissions is not prohibited and the Alton's standing will bo Improved with ticket agents In that \lcinity. It v ill have no trouble la continuing to do business in Indiana , Ohio and Michigan , so , in reality , the bojcott is not so feorlous. The Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City , and Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul roads aio encaged in a lively war on passenger tatos between Dos iMoincs anil Dubuquo. The Western Passenger association authorized special rates to Iho Giand Army of Ihe Re public encampment nt Uubuquo next week. The lound tup rate between Des Molncs ana Dubuque was fixed nt W.40. Tlio Kansas City reid has a direct line nnd thu St. Paul formed one by lo-oporatlup with the Des Molnes &Noithoiu. The Kansas City line , feeling that this was not legitimate , letiuccd the rate lo f. , , and this was manipulated by purchasers of laige blocks of tickets , so there was a further shiinkagc The St. Paul appealed to Chairman Flulev , and was allow od to make a rate of f.1. Thu Kansas Citv today ictuined with n rate of $ J CO , which ma ) drop to * 1 tomoirow. Ilc.lcried the Proposition. BOSTON , Awrll 10. A committee for llrst picfericd stockholders of the St. Louis & San Francisco railway company tcjectod Iho proposition of the Atchtson , Topekn & Santa Fo to exchange new 4 per cent bonds of the St. Louia iSc San Francisco for its flrst pio- ferred stocic. Against the Northern I'aeiflo. HBI.FVV , Mont , April 10. Judge Knowles In the United Stales court today decided the case of the Northern Pacilic railroad Can non ot al , viuunily in favor of the latter The suit involved the title to 1 mds valued at ever * 500,000 , within the city limits of. Helena. Know Nothing About ft. KKW YOIIU , April 10. Ofllcials ot the Northern Pacllle road when asked about the report that tlio load offered to sell its lines in Manitoba to the Canadian Pacific , said they know nothing of It. FIGHT ro A Cok Strikers llcsnlvo to Prolon K thn Struggle. SCOTTPVI r , Pa , April 10. It Is now cer tain that the coke strike will bo fought to thu bitter end. Ihls was the unanimous de cision of today's ' stiikers' convention. Sec retary Parker In his report rovmvvod the stilko situation at length , cutlcishig the operators sever civ for their actions in an nt- tempt to deslioy Iho organization by posting up a sliding scale. In tlio afluinoon the convention was addicsscd tiy soyerul prominent loaders who were picsent. National President Itao touched on the eight hour day and said all the other minors in thu United Stales would bo w lib the coke icgion sti liters on May 1 in tills movement , nud than it would bo recorded a national tight instead of a local one. Ho assured iliem of all possible financial support. licsolutions woto then adopted that the delegates stand Hi in until n satisfactory settlement - tlemont is mnJo. The convention then ad- Joinne < l untillomoirow 'Iho Tilck companv ronoit accessions to their woiklng foico nil along the line , but the Morovvood force has diminished. Labor bodies are holding an Important conference at thu Scottdalo house tonight and mass meetings nu uting hold elsewhere. The sinkers , are Jubilant tonight ever the report thnt Governor 1'attlson has ordered iho nighlccnlh regiment homo lomoriow. The Tenth will roninin but a few days. Captain Lear and his deputies have boon released in bonds of t.1,000 each. Drovn tlm Knldi-is Awaj , UIII.UMIIno , Pn , April 10 , At Whitney's ' wotKs , near Lathiobo , this aftoinoon 'JOO strikers , accompanied by their ' .vlves and chlldien , made a laid on forty-five men nt work. The w omen and ( hlldren led the raid. The clerks nnd oflleo employ us enmo out of the ofliees with Winchesters iu tlmlr hands nnd drove the raiders away. No one was hint. N 1'itlNhiiri ; < nrpentoiH to Strike. Pirrsiiuno , Pn , April 10 , It has bcoa dollnltcly determined that on May I fi,000 cnruntors In the Pittsburg district of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of North America will cease to work until tbo builders coucodo the eight hour demand. BALFDUil BS8S THE CLOSURE , ! a L _ ; Tyrannical Taotica-for Shutting Off Debate on ! % | Land Bill , jtli PROGRAMME OF THE OPPOSITION , 1J ( Close Scrutiny of tlio Imltnr Coinnils- stun Stuiwsl | t to llmo llccu ptlghy till' ( Jov I'F.uiiiciit. t < Olt > u Xew rnl > . LONDOV , Apill 10. The government , hav ing succcoilod in rushing the Irish land bill through the llrst stng03 when tlio Irish party wns fighting on tno ( lucstlon ot leadership , shows n determination to follow a similar policy with tlio bill In committee. Bnl four's nctton In using the weapon of closure to abridge the debate on the first clause is ns nn application in tlio piescnt gov- crtnnont has given. Gladstone hold n con ference todav with several McCarthyites on the line of opposition , nml thu result ot the mooting promises to icstoro concerted notion among the oppositionists , o\or. man lighting un his individual responsibility Summed up , the liberal amendments upon which the strupplo will proceed for several necks to como Include opposition to the use of local funds ns a guninntoo for low ? , objection to the tcnnnts insurance fund , to the proposal to levy the amount of ntiy deficiency on county rates mid to the exclusion of Kin/Ing fauns from tlio operation of tlio measure. None of these ninundtncnts nro ncceptnblo to the government , mid nftcr much talk each will bo defeated In tuin. Close scrutiny of the t > orsonncl of tlio labor commission confirms the bullet that the government ilofs uot intend to permit , the hazardous ques tions ns to the basis of the relations of labor rind capital to bo considered Houghly classified capital has fourteen roprcscnta- tlves nnd Inbor thhteen Tlio ladicals and labor members ot the commons complain that the list contains only six genuine labor lepie- sentathes ngaitibt cloven IniKo cinplojers , whilst the sjinpithlcs ot the other inumbon nro on tlio side of capital. The notnblo omission of ngih'iiltural trouble * and the lib- son co of allusion In terms of loferonco to ttio Inml question stamp ttio conimisslun ns ttio creation of n cabinet of Inndlords. Whntev cr \\oik is done will apply to immediate lomodlul legislation of n practical cbuructoi Mr O'Shca U unwilling to ro enter pitlln- incut cenlth u ciiunco of resuming the Icidctsliln of the antl Pnrnr llltcs. Thu stiugglo is too ninth embittoied The persistent nsscitions of tlio Pnincllltcs that the bishops noxci dcvlaied ngilnst 1'ur- nell until Gludstono's letter \\i\a published Imolodto the pioductlon of iinoto fiom Aichbishop Loguo to the administrator of the Ai rough diocese , dated four da\s prior to ( ilndstono's action , in which the archbishop snjs. " 1 nn : horrified to sto the resolutions insuppoit of Mr. I'nrnoll supnoitecl bj the piiesta. I took It for gianted that the pilcsts would nwncnr on the platform It Is bad enough i for lay Catholics to condone suth rascality , but in puests , the bound giuu'dhns of mor.ility , it is in- tolernblo" The into nppoarancoof Aieh- bishop Loguo's ' dechtatlon Is explained us duo to the fact that the ndmlnistiatot * himself took pint In the I'ainoll mooting which the archbishop denounced The cannid involunp Miss O'ShcT ' and Parnell lias icnsou to bo heird. Parnoll comes to the commons direct from Biighton. Captnln O'Shc.V oontinuos to rosldo at the nest end of Brighton. Mis. O'Shen ' is still at tbo west cud , nihlchls now known ns 'Tiro escape toraieuV' ' She diivcs out with Parnell. Gladstone , hnying tocon privately nskcd foi a stuteuient iu replytoPainoll'a cliiupa that Gladstone gtivd-au Intoiviow to Ameri can dynamiters ut IIa\\ardcn , ans his denial alone ought to suflh o § Uonscnati\o paper * have exhumed the correspondence of 188(5 ( , in which Mr. Glad stone tells Mr. Bill four that ho has authentic information , not fioin Mr. Pnrnell , to the effect that some power behind Air. Parnoll would resort to violence or outiago unless homo mlo wns pointed. Tlio conservatives connect this lufoimitlon with Mr. Glad stone's secret knowledge that certain Ameri can extremists , who could not either bo Mr. Atkinson or Dr. O'Uellly , wore Uslt- Ing England in ISb' ' ) . Cable dispntihqs , turnover , enlightening the public ns to the high character of both Mr. Atkinson ana Ir O'Kcilly sufficed to defeat the tonsorvatives In their efforts to inako capital out of the iu- cidont. Trials of the system of mobilization are nrocoudltif ! in Trance on the Herman frontier ana in these movements tr.iliis and tuiis- ports nro being employed in exactly the same manner ns they are used In time of war. Lord Handolph Chuichlll had a run of luck at the city and suburban handicap on Thurs day. Ho backed Colonel North's horse. Nunthoipo , Ti to 1 against nnd netted the sum of JWi.OOO. Ho did not back his ow 11 horso. Another OIIB of the Features of iho Immigration Nuisance. Nr.w VOHK , April 10. [ Special Telegram toTur. BnJ Another one of the beautiful features of the Immigration nuisance has ap peared. A case of spotted typhus of the w oi-st kind was developed yesterday among the patients in the Elizabeth , N. J. , hospital. It greatly alarmed the medical staff. The pa tient , u I'ollsh Jew arrived from Ilninburp two weeks ngo nnd boaulcd In the Polish colony on Pine streot. The bonid of liu.ilth notified and the patient was tinned ever to the state nutkoiltlis. It is olo\oa jears slnco u similar case was found new. Illinois G. A. U. Di ( HUH , 111. , April 10. The encampment of the Illinois dopaitmcnt of tbo Army of the Republic adjourned today to meet next year In Springfield. The following otllccrs wcro elected : Commander , Iloraco S. Clark , Mattoon ; senior vice commander , Ivory II. Pike , Bloamitigton ; Junior , S. G. Burdick , Centraha , mcaitnl alroctor , P. Loon McKlu- noy , Molina ; chaplain , W. J. Kutlodgo. Petersburg. Comrades of the department wcro urged by resolution to contribute at once to the rnomoiial hull to bo elected at Decatur Tlio resolution offered by Majoi niodgott of Chichpo , nppiopiiatlngSlOO to the confederate sohlllrs' homo ot Missouri , was not adopted bochhso tlio order has its ouii destitutn to cnio for. but tlio spiut of tlio losolutton 'colutneudod ' nnd the cliar- ity nppro\ed ns win thy. A resolution w us adopted providimr , foiltho election of a monument ment to Govoiiiof Kldinrd Yutcs at Jack on- villo bvoluntcer Huoscrlptlon. The Women's UoHoI Corps elected the fol low [ UK onlcors. 1'rcMdont , Mrs. Mary Brad ley , Decatur ; senior vice. Mrs. D. 12. Sp lin ing ; junior vice . Mrs. Mary Ballanger. Chicago cage ; tieasuior , Mi ; * , Ada Carltou , Bloom- ingtou , chaplain , M\s , Tinloy , Qiiiucy. Jli > d Under Si ( iitnrnsninta , Pa.irll 10 Threochildren ofOxvld Carrollj died suddenly this week under suspicious circumstances. At the In quest ll was discofloiqd thnt poison had been given them. Two other children nro djlticr and nn nriest will probably follow I'nlHoneil by Wild I'lirsnlp-i. Dunois , Pn. , April 10. Great oxcltomcnt has been caused In this town by the almost wholesale poisoning of children by entltiK wild parsnips. Some dozen or moro children w tillo plaving in n vacant let found some roots anil ate them in mistake for true vege tables. Two have aheady died In tcriibio convulsions. World's I'.ilr IjailleVTronblcs. Cmctao , April 10. The socrotiuof the board of lady managers still holds the fort at the world's fair headquarters , determined to nsscit her rights as secretary of the oxccu- tlv o committee , to which plaeo said commit tee elected Miss Cook the other day. Miss Cozzons 8'iys slio has rocolvod telegrams fiom many lady conimisslonors , taking sides with her. A local caper snrs tlmt dliTorences hn\o for n long llmo rusted between President Mrs. Palmer nnd S'orolnry Cozxcns. The latter. It Usuld , ha * upon several occasions refused to sltn commtmleations milojs the pronoun " \\o" was used , refcirltur to lu rsilf and the president. Mrs Palmer , It Is re ported , has staled U ) friends , talking of Miss Ooizcns : "I cannot quarrel with her , and can only close the door In her face. " Tills trouble \lewedsorloiuly bv certain world's fnlro.llclals .Should Miss COMOUS mnku a legal llRht , ns Ins boon threatened , it will soilously Injtii-o the tnllueneo for coed of the board. Orshoulil the courts decide In her favor , thus nullifying the ctccutho com- inittco'.s nets , It would prat-tic illy result In tlisbHiding the board and t-iuso no and ot trouble. .ti * or r. T. ll.\ll VM. Simple Horvlccs In Aocoidnncnltli HlH WlHll lllOlll. . Biiiixin-oHT , Conn. , April 10 Huslncss is goncr.illy suspended hero and e\c > ry dtlzen is ; i\on an opportunity to piy his hist resnocUs to P. T. Biinuim. The South Coiigregatlonal church was crowded to suffocation and thou sands thutwora unable to Rain ad mission had to content themselves with viewing the fun eral cottcgo. The funornl services were simple , in accordance with the \\lsh of the Icceased. The services were eondiieted by lev.j. \ . II. Flshur , and Her. Ur. Collvor of Mow York dellvciocl a touching ndili-css. The display of pieces was boitttlftil. They \\cro too numerous to descilho and were contributed by friends from far ntul icar Tno will of the late P. T. Bninum was read at Marnnna iniiucdlntuly after the funeral to day. The wealth of the RIO it .sho\unan \ li estlmatod nt ever $ . " ,000,000 Ho ghcs his wlfol,000,000 absolutely and a * HWiO ) an- nultj lU'bcqno.ithcs to the Tlrst IJnher- snllst chinch of this clt > ? ! 5,0ihl for prohllng > roaclilnK and uthir set N Ices In conforinltj .0 the Inlth of Unlvcisallsm. boiiuoatlics Caiohno U Thompson of N'ow Yoik # 100,000 , Jltnton ll Seoloy , his grand son , S.IIOUO. In .hesamo codicil ho stitcs tint ho has no mnlo heir named Ilirnuin , nnd pio- vides that if Clinton II. Sceloy will change his naino to Clinton Unniuni Sceloy ho will gio him ? -i5OOJ The ronlratt between Darnum As Hailoy shall bo enforced nnd ! J per cent of his share in the show Is Riven to Clinton Bnumtn beoloj , n-ovlilhur holll devote suflkitiit time in the titeiest of the show to carry it on success fully if the sum ie.iche over ? 10,000 a year iho balance noes to the estito. To IVhs Elcnry Buchctolloof Demor , Colo. , ho ncs 7(15 ( acres of valuable land In Deincr. To Treasurer Tish of the great show is be- lueathed 2 per cent of the piollts , pun idlng iio remains , nt the end of flvo years in addi tion to his piusont s.ilaiv. Tlio roildunn cstnto after the piMncnt of ( he bequests is divided nmoiiK his chlldicn and grand- chlldien. To Tufts college he boqiicnthes f 10,0110 , nnd to Uni\orsahst sotietics and in stitutions , to hospitals and ns\liuiiH In vnti ous titles SAOOO'ls loft. Any contestant of the will is to bo cut off. The last codicil , dated Al.irch HO , IMM , pio\Idea that his executors shall complcto the now histoi ical nnu scicntifle societv building in this citj , the siino to cost $ IJ\OJO. 1'j op ISPS to Iln\o lnmntps KvNsCiTV , Mo , April 10.-Tlio Times lomoriow will siv. "Tho Amcricin live stock commission comuiuy , ng.Unst which the liyo stock oxclnngos ot the countiv ha\o been waging war for some time past , has de termined to fight to a finish. It will bocin the light in this city with a suit for $ riOJi ( ) , ) against the Kansas Citv live stock -hntigo for illegal expulsion , etc It is believed tbit n similar suit will bo begun against the Chicago cage exchange. Died Prntostintr Their Tnnnccncr * . COHMIIIV , S. C , Apiil 10. Gentry Hutler and Hampton Hutler were hanged at Sumtcr today for the murder of Captain .Tohn Mn.xcy in January list. Both narnostlv protested their Innocence ) while on the bcaflold and dls- plnjed mucuiclipkms fo\or. flnsiness Tioublcs. Pa t ApiillO. Daumganlncr , Eberman & Co. , teal and lumber , assigned today. Their liatillitles amount to several hundred thousand dollais "Cilvviu Kcermnn , onoof the same flun , nssicned Monday with liabilities of S100.000. Appointed Itcuci\er. PiTTsnnio , Pa , April 10. J. M. Pchoon- maltcr has been appointed receiver of the Co lumbia iron and steel company , with direc tions to lllo c , bond of S100.000. Cnmloinnort Murderer ST. Josnpn , Mo , April 10. Louis Bulling , sentenced to hang on Apiil 17 for wife mur der , escaped fiom Jail nt Savannah , Mo , by cutting the bars of his cell. Nut M Had a * l CIVCISKVTI , O , April 10 It turns out that the loss nt the btockyaids llro last night was oxnecerated It is now estimated that it will not exceed 0000. Ifriini the Half World. John Lindloy , Wilson Lindley nnd Dick Grandlor were taken out of Lottlo Leo's house ot ill fame this morning by Soigcnut Whalcn ana ticated to n fico rldo to the sta tion. The men nro chained with being sus picious characters , but It Is expected that they uro responsible for several potty biug- lories. Their cases will ho Investigated today. All the men haven bad reputation nnd Iiavo previously been befoi o the court. Nelllo Clark , a butnt district maiden , was arrested nt 1 o'clock this moinlnt ? by Ser geant Whnlcn for stealing n diamond pin from a soldier from Iho foit. CHEAT ROCKS-OF PURE COLD , Tbo Eo.'p Orcok Stnko Said to Bo tbo Eicliost Evar Kaown , EXCITEMENT OVER THE DISCOVERIES. Ore jAmnjIng Over Two Ilitnilro t Thousand Dollars Per'Ion A Jtnsh for thn New Kl Dorado. SALT Lvitr , Utnh , April 10 | Special Telcgrim to TIIK lUp.J 'Iho city Is Iu n fevcrot excitement over the recent dlacov- ciles in the Deep Creek region , and hundreds are loiving for the swno of the new Kl Dorado ovcr.v day. A stngo line has been opened from Stookton on the Union Pa cific to the town of Clifton , n sin ill camp nt tlid toi minus of the now railway , and the new outllls are Icavme every hour The locontstiikoln gold wai nmlo by n prospector In the employ of Couiicllnnti U U Knrnck , one of the woallhlost initio own- on Iu the west Some months ago Knrrlek employed his min to develop some mines thnt ho ovvnod In the Deep Creek icglon , nnd whllo grtibblni ; around In the canon be discovered n very rlcli i > lci'o of float which ho sent In and h id msiycd. The icsult was so astonishing that Karrlck told him to find where It came from and to devote all his energies to that end The float wivs fiom n formation very unlike that In the ncighboihood in which he was winking , nud When tlio voln was found It was n good dis- lance oil ami in tin entirely different soit of lock. It is lese quartz and Is "liteially lousy" with the nrccious stuff. Your cot re spondent saw todaj a piece of the ere which will weigh iiDout eight ounces , \\nlch is two- thirds gold 11 was nfompiiiton piece that the nssnvn * made from and the result as nnnouneed by J C. MeVitkcrs , olio of the leading nssavcis in the cltv , is gi\en ns 13,1'Jl nnd lWI-1,000 ounces gold per ton , or in money , $ .71 , III" H. The streak is from four lo seven inches thick and Is exposed for 100 feet. As a matter of course itvill not bo ox- pectcd to nay the otitlro distance as from this sample But it Is com oded by all the miners in this countiv to bo tlio bcut thing that has over been discovered In this section A-i sooa ns the result of the nisav was made known Kiriickdispitcho > l i wagon and monte to the scene , as mich n stiiUe as that Is too valuable to bo left unguuidrd 'Iho news spiend like wildliio and since dn > eveiv min nblo to get awnv lius rushed for Deep Green Mr ICairlek stated to jour tori csD'inttcnt todiv tint Iio would at once begin the work of shipping in the oie , nnd would haul R onairons to Stockton , where it can be sent by rail to this citv'jhero is absolutely no question but that the Deep Creek countiv is the uchest mining region In the vvholo United Status , and that Loidvlllo In its palmiest dajs nevet saw the time when It could the rich deposits of mineral tlmt mo found hero I'lftv live miles east ot Deep Clock is Dug Wav distilut , and Sam llilson , a minor who hni been woi King Ihcro for sotno time , jus- teulay brought In six toni of ore , which ho sold to A llanmier & llro , foi over f.\OOQ. \ At least .M ) new locations hive been made In slvvpoVs , and moro mo coming. One miner in Clittoii has a mine i few miles west fiom which hohas been picking gold oreouborros , and some that ho rcconllv suit In inn over 31,000 to the ton , while Ins lowest assa } was Ijnlint' A Kent. Svr.T LM.I : , Utah , April 10 [ Special Tele gram to Tin ; BHW | B Itioh nils , nhbor agent of this cit ) , is wanted In Hullo tor sw Indling forty laboiPis whom he Induced to go to iioithcin Jiontnni to woik on a lieti- clous railioad. If captured , icpoit sajs , ho \\illbol\nctiedby the outi igcd men , who mo said to hnvu nearly frozen in their at tempts lo reach Iho place whoio the woik was supposed to bo. Utah Natural ( > ns. SU.T L\KI : Cur , Utah , April 10 | Special Telegram to Tin : DIM . ] Vice 1'iciideiit Constant of thoAmci lean t'as com- pun ot this , city , leavoj tomorrow for Now Yoik nnd Boston to puichnso inncblnnry and piping. On his loturn woik will commence. ' 1 bo company owns 0,0K ( ) ntre-i for fifty jears. The corporation has a c ipital o * $5,000,000 The U orld'H Mining lOvl'iliir. SMTL M' Cm , Utah , Apiil -Special [ Telegram to TIIK Hi r J 'Iho r-ommittco ap pointed by the real estate nud mining c\- ch mges to look Into tlio \ \ 01 Id's fair mining exhibit mot this ifu > rnoon and pasted reso lutions slionglv conimending the entoiiiiso [ and urged the business men of this cltj to subscribe to tlio stock Humored Itig Itnilriuil Deal. Wivvii'in , Man. , April 10 It is stated hero that the Not them Pacific has offeied to sell out its vvholo system in Manitoba to the Canadian 1'ac.ilio railioad. It is ptobublo the offer will bo accepted. Mis. Wmslw'sSooothinif Svrun forChil dp > n Teething cures ivuid colic , dlarrhoja etc. 2" ) cents a bottle. Opened thn Oiclono Season. SniiMiHi.i.n , Mo , April 10 A ojclo'io is lopoi tea to have passed o\oi Nevada , Mo. last night. A number of buildimrs were de molished , but no casualties nio reported. cine I If you have Never Taken Hood's Sarsaparilla Why not try it This Spring ? It Purifies The Blood Cures Scrofula , Salt Rheum And all Humors , Makes the Weak Strong And Creates A good Appetite. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla S-old by all diuxulstn. ls xlx forW l > rep rod only by U. I. 110UD&UO. I.owull , Musi 1OO Doaoa Ono Dollar The peculiar requirements of a spring medicine are so pre-eminently possessed by Hood's Sarsaparilla that is by far the best for this purpose. We know that by it's Pecu liar Combination , Proportion and Preparation it possesses unequalled curative powers , and by its results it is con stantly proving its positive merit. Hood's SarsaparilJa t\pels : from the blood all the impuri ties which have accumulated duiing the winter , and also cujes scrofula , salt rheum and other severe forms of blood disease , inherited or acquired By its tonie and climmative qualities it .so assists the stomach and digestive organs that it cures dyspepsia , bilious ness , etc. It also gives such strength to the whole system that it effectually overcomes That Tired Feeling. Hood's ' Sarsaparilla ' llisliforr. 1'rci'ired ' t-oldby iilldriia-'Nts onlj by U. I , HOOD A. CO , Lowell. Mass. 10O DotJoa Ono Dollar O.t'11'.T AM ) blT.ADY , N i Quotable Chitimu In the H. iVM. . S\vlthiu'ii'n ! .Strike. The n. & M switchmen hold a mcetliiK Inst evening In Walter Ih-nndes' ( ilnco , WO , South Tenth street. The tneetliiK VIM strictly jirlrnta nnd no outsiders were ad mitted. i\ervUilnRwnsciuletln : the jnnln hint night. The Usual gunnl of nollco , In oh at go of SorpenntVhnlen , wns on duty , but thov did not antlclp.ito trouble of nnv kind. kind.The strikers npiranr to hnvo n pre.1t deal of Ryinpiithy fiom rnllrond niun nnd oiiUtldeis. Thora is ROIIHI possibility of the trotiblo Itroiullnir , but it Is hnriHv probiible Unit \lo. lonec will bo resorted to , us tlio mon nvo nil urged bv tholr lenders to bo cool nud c-ftit- tlons In nil tholr movement * Two Jl , V M. switch ctiKlncs were workr liiK lust ntKhl with fult crows of now men. l ivleht Is not dolnjcd to nnv oxtonu I'lio nttcMitlon of Urncral Manager llol- droRO of the I ) V M. , wns uilled to the In- toivlt'w with Mi Swoonoyostordiy. . Iio ntntcil that the Httuntlou was jircclsoly us hml lieon Hinted bofoic ; the toiil was mnldnp no light on nny orKiinlzitlnii of Its ( inrilo\es nnd no mon had boon discharged bcciiuso thov boloiiRfd to ntiy onmnlnitlon. " \Vlicn no reduced tlio foico n short tlmo nt'o , " ! > tild ho , "wo disehmfc'od iVliiic'iiuL Plnttsinotith nnd so\enty-lho at Lincoln Our pollrr wns to tcliiln tlm best men AIIIOIIK the illsctmiKiMl mem nl I iiiciilu were cloven switchmen who were mumbus of tlio SulUhmon's union. Whotlicrnuv of these ivtnlnod woi-o miMiibers I nmnot wiv , us 1 no\c'r Inquired.Vo mo liiuli.i : no trouble ut Lincoln ns the places of the stiikirs weio nil tilled without any delay vntidim is ( | Ulct here nnd our business is moIng along as usunl " Airt to the ynuis pi-ox > tl tlio coircctnoss of tbostntonmnt ooiiciMiilug Onmlii A soil turpohcoiiuin wns oiu'.utv in thojaixls nnd nothing biul been scon of the stiikers , nuiia > i.\c in AIIDS. I'nik ComiiiissloiKMH DIHCIISH Plans lor K\tiMiHl\o lniii'o\I'liiontH. | Thu park commissioners met jesterdiiy nf- torncon nnd spent nn hour in discussing plnns for n boulovnrd between Hemls nud llnusconi p.ults Mr llcnrv AV. Yules nnd Mi Chillies TinnerPIO jni-sont nnd luoscntod tbo scheme of following tlio rnvino fiom about Twonty-eiglit nnd CUIIIIIIK stieots soutli- waid to mid thioiiKli Uedlek's ndditlon , c-iossinp rnrmim sttcot nenr'lliiitioth sticet nnd following the coui-,0 ot tlio uivino on n i omul to tbocst slilo of llinscom pmlc Mr Yntcs hold tint .t line honlcwml could he constuictod nloiiK tills lento for imicli loss miiio > than to fol low tliu liifli ground out by Lowe suouuo. It would icqnlto agood of llllinp , but tlio bouluMiiti would bo so much boui'lll to tlio adjiiccnt jnopoiU tlmt much of the exnciiso might bo p.ild by piojioitj owners nlong tlio ronto Mr Tuinci nlsofivoicd the plnn mict of feiod some good s i.'gestlons. A commitlco consisting of Messrs Pratt. I.tiiiiiLDinnd Millani was iipiiointod ami autlioil/cd to innko a prcllinhiarx t > m\oy of the proposed louto for th' ' ) hotiluraul Tboboaid nlsodiscussiil tlio feasibility of constiuctiiiLMi bouluv.ud noilli to rioience , but owing to tbo unwillingness of some ptopcitj owneroiit in that illicrtlon to do unto the right of wiiv it wut > tlioiight bestnot to mike .111 \ dcllnltc mo\cinentin tlmtdlicc- tlon. bupoiintendont Adams was instructed to liuvc nstotiu walk laid nil aioiind tbo Hans com pivilllon He was Instiiictcd to ascci tain the cost of imn ing tlio old pailt liouse ftotn Ilaiisiom to Klmuond puk Thoimittcrof lo.isinp tbo now Ilnnscom park piillion to no.itoior for the atimmci w us postponed until nc'\t inc'etiuic. SHU'S A TAKTAIl. One Courtesan Almost Hills Another \ * III ) a I'nkcr. Dctcrtives Iln/o and Hllis in rested Mny Mo\ei jcsteraay nfternooii and charged her with assault with Intent to do uodllj Injury. Moyls nicsldont In tbo "bnint drshlct , " nnd has boon for a number of i curs. Some thing ever n month ago n woman named Cora McAllister came bc-io Irom Kansas Cltv Coia is also dissolute woman und took up her abode willi the Mojei v/oman. Innshoit time McAllister will nriestcil for not ] ) .i > itig her monthly line and was con lined in tlio count > Jail. ' ' with tlio cash 'J'ho Moyci woman came up and had Coralc'lcased. McAllister lotuined tu the Moj or domicile , gatlioied her dothcs togothcr and went to a neighboiinp bonso of ill fame. This anguicd iMoyer nnd .sho sought an intcrviuw with McAllister nnd ondeavoiod to i.iisoa low. PnllniK in this she utiuik McAllister .with mi lion poker fiaeUiiIng hei skull Thu woman w bo bad been beaten beriimo deliiioim and was sent to the pollen station nud later on romoud to tlio county jail as in * sano. She will no bion bt before tbo In sanity commission Unl.ij Detective lln/e josteulny obtained posses sion of the iron poker witn which the blous wcio&tiuck Dropped n le\vc ) . Mr B I'1 IlnvinomilostP vain iblo diamond fiom aring jestoiday nftciiionn The stone diopped out of tbo setting bomewbcro bo twcen the icsidonco of M r Ui.uiiit on South Twentj-tlflh a\n uo nnd his homo at 111 South Vhiilyoigl i iivemio It is dcsolbcd as n ihi Rill HI ly liautlsonio sumo and very vul uublo. HUH a New Desk , Clerk McDonald of the police touit is the proud possessor of n hrnn new antique oak desk. The now desk does not contain as much room as the old one1 , We confidently Recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla If you need a Medicine whicl Purifies The Blood Aids Digestion Cures Dyspepsia Sick 1 Icaclache , Makes the Weak Strong And builds up The Nervous System DC sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla Mil UY ill tlnuBlHts * l ; ix f < a n l'iepar , ( . . , ouly by 0 1. HOOD A. CO. , 1 uwull Muha 1OO DCB.B Ono Dollar