10 THE OMAHA DAILY' BJBE , SATURDAY. APRIL IX , 1891-TWELVE .PAGES. boon abandoned. Ho will remain In tbo far west nail develop and trot Mr. Corbctt's voune boraos by Guy Wlluei nnd Sable \Vllkes. It-was originally Intended that Iio should tnako a campaign on tills side of the HocUy mountain * with Hii7cl Wllltos , Silver V , Vldn Wllke * nnd ono or two others tlmt could RVO ! any horse In their class n good argument. Palestine will not KO Into the Louisville derby A horse owner hoi told a Courier- Journal man ! "TUcro will bo about ten hones In the derby. In my opinion the fol lowing will run : BnlKowan , Tom Honors , Tom Mackln , National , Hlirh Tariff , Poit Seoul , Kliigman. Hart Wallace , Harry Kay , BatiL'iilno. If It raitu Dalgowan will win. If It don't. I think Kli'Rtnan , Tom Ilogcri nd Tom Maokln will have n fighting finish. I licllove KltiRnmu will win. " Hornco Vf , Brown , formerly of Buffalo , flrovu IIIH maiden race In Kuropo nt Ncullly LovalloN , Frnnco , on the grounda of the Trotting Club do I'arU. Mr. Brown drove the American rnnro Mlstv Morning (3:31) : ) In. nn Intorimtlonnl race , dlstnnco 3,183 meters ( sevcnty.llvo yards less than two miles ) , and was Ixnton by the American pclalnKTom AJIon (2:2J ( : ) , tinbhlng second , with n hnndl- cap nt tbc start cf llfty yards. Misty MornIng - Ing trotted the entire dlstnnco in fiI3 : , ever a very heavy track. The only advocates of winter rncing nro three tlio gamblers , pure and simple ; own- era of the poorest closi of thorotiehbrods or I these which have broken down and ere use less on tlio big race courses , and breeders who wish to llnd among a class of owners 4 who cannot afford to buy peed horses pur chasers for stock thnt Is , for one reason or another , for from Qrst elas , nnd fit only to wade through the mud nnd slusN of a winter race track. These tracks cortnlnly Jo noth ing to Improve the breed of horsra : they do very much In bring a great sport Into dis repute" Buffalo Commercial. . Dr. T. W. McGinn , who claims to bo the Champion horse turner of the world , will : U- tempt to tame a horse said to bo the most vicious In existence" , with the aid of the champion lady balloonist of thn world , Miss Nolllo Wheeler , at Urand Uldxo , La Snllo county , III. , April 1U. 'j'ho horao Is n stand ard bred stallion nnincd Julius , valued nt f 1,800 , , but so savauo thnt his owner was glad to sell him to L > r. McGinn for $100. Ho Is now at Inrjru on n thrcc-ncro lot anil no ono can got near him and hope to llvo. The horse tumor has engaged Miss Wheeler to muko an ascent and drop -4,000 fcei to within reaching distance of the snvngo brute , wbon slio will throw a lasso over him and turn him ever to Dr. McGinn. A largo platform has been erected for spectators. It is thought that there will bo n llfo and death struggle between horse and man , ns Dr. McGinn says ho will lese his life or subdue the nnlmal. Probably th'o most unique character on the turf today H "I'lug Hot" McCarthy , say.4 the Now York Continent. Ho drifted across the continent u few years ago with two or three fair-class horses and was soon tlio talk of the snorting world. With the conlldeuco of Sam Bryant and the cuteness of n George Forbes ho was not taken In by the Philistines , but took thorn In. Ho got the sobriquet of "Plug Hat" from the remarkable plcco of head- gonr which ho traveled nrotnid in. This lint , u nightmare In itself , McCarthy looks upon a a fetich. Without tlio hat ho Is nn ordinary-looking Canadian. It Is n whlto beaver thnt has passcu not unscathed through many campaigns. It Is brushed the wrong- way nnil is so awry and scarecrowlsh thnt tliti people of tender susceptibilities hnvo the creeps on .seeing It. But that unsightly , ungainly thing Is the pride nnd joy of McCarthy's hfo. There is n tradition that ho once wont to the tnick without It and got cleaned out. That was shortly lifter ho came cast and the first blasts of eastern ctlltuio began to nffoct him. The ono oxxricnco | was enough , however , and soon the old hat was resurrected mid put In Its usual place on tlio head of the reigning member of the McCarthy dynasty. Mr. Mc Carthy would not bet counterfeit money on a horse If ho were minus that tlio. 1 fllnvrmeiitH ill * tile PUSH. Mike Donovan Is to break Into tha field of. lotturs with n book on the art of boxing1. Frnnkio MoIIugh wants to meet Dlxon , so ho claims. If you over do , Frunklo , bo sure you have an ax with you. Jim Hall , who is on route cost , will stop oft at Ogdcn ana spar George Kessler , the Marino's vanquisher , six rounds. Andy Bowen nnd Billy Mover are to moot at tbo Olympic club In Now Orleans , May 10 , for a3,000 purse WOO to the loser. Moso Gunst has his stomach lull and will back no more prizefighters. Ho has oven re fused to hold stakes for the Fitzslmmoius-IIall match. , Duncan Harrison Is tolling the people in "Frisco that John L Sullivan will second Corbott when the California ! ! moots Pete Jack son in May. LouU BczlnabCincinnati's - , doughty light weight , was shot twlco by ono Uugan Mn a saloon fight a wcolc or ten days ago. and hU Ufa Is despaired of. Tommlo Wurd was knocked out In just nlno minutes at the Audubon club In Now Orluans last week. Tommlo Wnrron easily van quished him in a thrco-round mill. Patsoy Kerrigan did up Tom McManus at Hot Springs the otlier night too easy. Mac went clown and out in tha sixth round. H. B. Collins of Philadelphia acted ns refereo. Dlxon broke the little linger of his left hand on Cal McCarthy's head at tha Cribb club fight. Dlxou'3 lists have won him $10.000 in stakes and pur&os during the last llftcen months. Jimmy Kcnnard , the St , Paul kin who en gineered the Bronuau-McMauu'i fake , is now iu Dunkirk , N. V.but will soon go to the Oc cident In search of lucre aud fame lucre moro particularly. Tha Queensland giant , Dick Paruor , who Is a little fellow only savun feet tall , whipped Jack I'ovoy the other day. It , was his first fight and ho won easily. Australians think \arkor would ba abto to spauk Sullivan. "Smith of Davenport" knocked out -Ed I K.\ng \ of Dubuque , la. , in two rounds. The citizens of Tom Loftus' village thought Smith was Tommy Hynu In disguise , but they were wrong. On the night of ICing's ' defeat liyan was the bonoflclury at n Chicago enter tainment , whcro ho put ou tha gloves with Dannie Nocdham. Jim Covbot , who Is to moot Peter Jackson next month , commenced training in earnest lost Monday. Charles Stenzol , his manager , intends to keep him down to hard work nud he will bo well assisted by Billy Delaney , who trained him for his light with Choynskl. Jackson U trnlutnir at .Too Dievei' place , and is already in llrst class condition. All that bo needs to bo careful about Is the Iccapiug down of his weight. It is already conceded that the bnttla will bo a fierce one , and that the man who proves the victor will have to glvo as well as to receive sorao pretty hard punishment. _ All Her t of A national cricket Icnguo Is teally to ba formed. Hello Hclkcs defeated Percy Stoua In a lit- tla target argument 01 to CM. Captain Bob Cook Is training tha Yala crowon the Schuylktll this week. Harry Damn has challenged Peter Priddy , Piturmrg's fast man , for u tbroo-mlla raco. Thcro were over six hundred does on oxhl- bltiou at iho Now Kntrlnnd kennel club's bench show at Boston lust.wcoK. Bert Schcllo rdofcntod James Morgan , the southern wrestler , at Memphis in two straight falls cutch-as-catch-can. Tom Connors Is willing and anxious to rnako a match with GrcokGoorgo. Connors buys ho will moot MulJoon , catuh-as-cutch- can stylo. "Cincinnati Cribb" is the nnnio of a Den ver bull dot ; that chawed , tha Ufa out of "Salt Lake Poto" Iu a tight in a Colorado pit , this \vook. A Cincinnati girl who culls herself Miss Woyfortwou u six day's road sculling match nt Lynn , Mass. , lost week. She Is In Phila delphia this wook. Some of the friends of Charlas K run to want to back him to ' run a 100 or ISO-yard dash with any runner of Kentucky or Ohio for from * T5 to g QO a sido. Joe Hlgglns has challenged Tom Mclucrnoy to meet him in Cincinnati in n catcu-as-oatch- can match for $100 a sido. Hlggins stipulates that the mutch ba bold in private with ten spectators on cucu side , Nolllo Illy won a novel dog race at Ches ter. Pa. , this week and iho now wears a gold collar. The course was ever a uindor track 00 yard * long. Nolllo took tha first , uud third hcuts and Bcislo tba second , J. A. It. Elliott l tolling hU Kama * City frionda that be was not "in condition" when Cupt , Brmvor beat him. The o iburiuhootors cannot lay It on tbo umpire. There Is where "iUiony" ballplayers have the beat of thorn. Six , foolish clUrous Indulged iu a queer contoatnt Detroit last week for * $300 prUo. They tnod to go lurough six days without sleep. The contestants wcro Townsend , the old .six-day walker : Cunningham , ship chandler : Stevenson , Now Orleans , steeple tttlntor ; Watson , upholsterer : Hunt , stcatn- bent clerk , and IJowerman , hotel night clerk. Cunningham won , but Is now on the verge of Insanity. KURCIIO Carter accuses George Slosson of whispering through his Dunlap when ho calls him "a newspaper bllliardist. " Carter soy : "Why , I have won llrst prlzo in the loit three tournainotits I have played In In this country , and I certainly can't pot a reputation by de feating tlrst class experts unless I can got them to play mo. I have been trying for three ypnrs to ( ret on a match with Slosson at cushion carromi. " SPOUT ON IIIVJill AND PKIIUK The nircls tlmt Are FttrnlahliiB I'listlinn Tor tin ; Gunners. LnxtxoTox , Xob. , , April JO. Sxiclal [ Cor respondence to Tun BEE : Tito sportsmen are now In their glory , as the wild fowl are hero in unprecedented numbers. The geese nro cvcti moro numerous this spring than they were last year. They fly In myriads ovck1 the town at morning and evening - ing , their weird "honk , honk , " sounding like a last melancholy remnant of uncivllizntlou. They urn resting midway on their trip from the south to the Canadian lakes , where they will nest. For about six wcoks , Doth In spring and summer , they linger in immcnso Hocks along this part of tlio I'latte , whoso wealth of sandbars they appreciate. Their tlatlv habits nro wonderfully rturular ; nt day break they Ily to the Hold ? , three or four miles distant , and feed on the grains for an hour or two ; then they return to the river ami stand solemnly on tno sandbars. Ono never sees them swim , although they sometimes unbend sufficiently from their dignity to wade In the water. An hour or HO before durlt they again seek the Ucltls to obtain their supper , and that accomplished they hasten back to the river to pass the night. They seek no shelter , but sleep as they hnvo stood all d y , boldly out on the open burs. They appear to lead ordojly , well- regulated' lives , and countenance nothing frivolous nor trifling In their circle * . Wild ROCSO nro "geese" In mime only , being among the wariest ni'd most sagacious of birds. The most popular way of shooting tbom Is from a Wind behind decoys. Thu blintls nro variously constructed according to the local ity. In tha Holds the sportsman frequently digs a hole largo enough to contain his body , cts out his deem 3 , and then proceeds to en joy his damp and cramped quarters until a Hock alights to Inspect their lifeless proto types. Occasionally a screen is. constructed of brush or corn stalks behind which the hunter Is more comfortably ensconscd , if not so thoroughly hidden. On the river bars screens nro In variably re sorted to ns holes quickly 1111 up with water , ( jtinny sacks nro used on account of tnclr color harmonizing so closely with thnt of the sand. It Is so nearly impossible to npflro.tch geese closely thnt they nro almost invariably shot on the wing. Before they becorrro fa- millur with decoys they are rendllv nttracted toward them. Tin decoys , the kind most In use , are Hut ; thcv look like gecio from the side only. The Hock ( Has toward nnd around them but when they hover directly above the decoys , lookimr down vertically , the latter appear to bo gone. The pceso are confused and Ily back and forth si number of times , attempting to solve the phouomcnon. As a couscqucnco'hunters nro sometimes able to shoot half a dozen times at the same Hock. But after a tow such experiences the geese become used to the ilccoys nnd the instant they p icrcelvo that tho. Hock on the ground has disappeared thoywaro frightened and away. On the sand-bars , whcro the gcoso stand all day , very successful shooting is dona by two hunters acting in collusion. Ono re mains behind n blind with decoys adjusted , and the other passes along the sands firing nttho birds wltharillo. They rise frightened , but are attracted by the demure decoys. A hundred iu n day is not nn unusual number for a couple of men to bag in this way. The physical discomforts of hunting geese nro greater than with other game ; one must Ho crnmiwd In the same position for several hours with the absolute certainty of contract- lug a cold or rheumatism from contact with the damp earth. The number of successful shots is less than with smaller game ; if a man gets u brace of geese in an hour or so ho docs well , where , with smaller birds , ha would bo expected to bag a dozen. Thcro nro three principal varieties of geese : the Canada , tha white brant aud tha speckled brant. * All are shy , and all lire afraid of tin decoys , but the Canada geese is thn most dlfUcult to shoot. It is a mag nificent bird ; his color is gray with n white collar under his throat uu'tl reaching to whcro his ears would bo if ho wcro built like a man. Ho weighs from eight to fifteen pounds. Tha white brant is nearly white , the tips of the wings being dark nnd weighs from llvo to cloven pounds. But the speckled brant Is n beauty , n sight to delight/ the eyes of any hunter. Ho is covered with glossy , bluto-colored plumage , speckled with white on the breast. OpinionH vary regarding the delicacy of the ilesli of the wild gooso. The speckled brniit is the choicest , but none of them nro extremely tender. The flush should bo bruised thoroughly by a beefsteak pounder , parboiled for three or four hours , or until tender , and then browned in the oven. A sort of third cousin to the geese Is the crane. Ho arrives in Nebraska about two wcoks later and prolongs his stay accord ingly. Thcro are two kinds of them , tha blue , or sand-hill crane , and the white crane. The latter is the Inrger. They move In Hocks of from four nnd llvo to twenty-five or fifty ; their habits of feeding arc similar to these of tha gecso. Tha cranes are peculiar creatures ; they fly higher than geese ; sometimes - times they bocln circling , for amusement , anparently , going round i nd round , * each ctrclo higher than thb last , until they ara lost to sight , but .yelling all the timo. The westerners say 'they "holler. " The noise they make is incredibly loud , often belncr hoard for four miles. Their strange cry can bo heard when tha bird Is flying too high for tha unaided eye to detect It , Tha crane , was obviously intended to "holler" for his wind pipe rolls and curls around his wlsh-bonn Hue the convolutions'of a French horso. The flesh Is not valuable as food. It is tender but possesses n peculiar sweet flavor disagreeably suggastlvb of toads and young snakes. The breast is composed of dark moat aud tha legs of whlto. They stay nround the snnd-bars mostlv like the gocso , but wade out moro Into the wntcr , as their prodigiously long logs adapt thorn to , do. Thcso birds swim , in the south and cast , hut they never attempt that mode of locomotion in western rivers. Another bird found in largo numbers on the sand bats is the duck. There are moro varieties of them than any other ono bird. Tliov pause hero , while migrating , and every kind , tha salt-water ducks alona oxcoptcd , is represented during the spring nnd mitumn. They como.by thousands , varying all tbo way from the choicer mallard to the humble mud- hen aud sbytepoku They are light-headed and giddy compared with the stately gocso ; their habits are very Irregular and they fly alxiut from stream to pond and from pond to slough , being very Indefinite In their ideas about the proper hour for returning to the river. They pnssess the mcrjt of being easy to shoot but a retriever la necessary to secure them. A dainty bird that arrives In large numbers about the mldnlo of April H tha plover. There are two kinds , the prairie pigeon , which Is very shy , and the Greater Vollow Legs , not so shy. Thcso pretty little creat ures arc about the size of , nuall. The plumage - ago is a soft brown gray with white breast. They go In pairs ana are partial to newly burned ground , hundreds ot thorn belug found on a burned patch of 40 acres. They are afraid of n man on foot but are not alarmed at the approach of a carriage. Three or four men drive out for-an hour's shooting land , tiring from the carriage , kill 50 or ISO in that time. They rest all over the northwest. The flesh of the plover is dohcata and delicious lit flavor ; they are extremely easy to shoot , their flight being slow and waver- ng. A. E. White brant nnd speckled brant are mis nomers. There nro no brant In this country. The birds referred to ara tbo snow goose and whlto fronted goose. Sporting Ed. Drank , n Quurt of WhUky ami IMcil Leslie Ellis ttt Bnngor , Mo. , drained a quart bottle of whisky without tnkincr tlio bottle from his lips nnd aiod the next morning. It is said tlmt Ellis' com panions , who wagered thnt ho could not do It , loft him six liourtr in un uncon scious condition before calling the doctor. Boston Transcript ; "How do Henry and Ms wife get along together I Are tha rela tions between them pleasant ] " "Quito pleasant , excepting , ft course , a mother-in- law and a uiulaua au ut. BOOTH RESTS NEXT SEASON , What the Theatrical Profession Tinds to Interest it , EMMA ABBOH'S BEAUTIFUL MONUMENT , lorcmciifB or tlio Member * of the Ijyrlo Profession Ijntcht Now York Successes T/io / Son- son or German Opera. Kato Castleton Is 111 In Philadelphia. Eilon Terry ha * boon wrltlhg her romlni- ccnccs for the Now Ilovlow. It Is now thought that "Hcllly nnd the 00 , " Harrison's latest successful play , will un until way In July. Ada Rohan was the Into General Shornmn'a avorlU ) conicdionnc. 'i'lio general was a rare ] udgo ot good acting anil good actors. The London Standard says "Ivanhoo , " Sullivan's Intcst opera Is the most Imposing pcctticlo thoEnglish stngo has yet wltnussod. It Is reported that the Marquis Gullllniio aprnnlcu del Grille , the husband of \dcluldo Hlatorl , died at Paris a low days gO. gO.Mario Marie Van Xnndt , notwithstanding the nt- cmpta to bring her Into unfavorable uotorlo- y , Is still sHiglng with great success In Kus- la. Divorces of Ida Mullo from Ben Tuthlll , , nd Annlo Sutherland from Dick Carroll are s wcot morsels under Dame Gossip's tanguo n , t present. Jerome 1C. Jerome will canto'to America acxt spring to superintend the production of ils now 'play , just completed for the Now York Lyceum theater. A London crttlo says that Henry Leo dis guised himself so much and so often as Noir- Icr In "Monto Crlsto" that at lost ho has suc- ecded In becoming a nonontlty. Sybil Sanderson , the Amorlean girl who has made such success on the operatic stage f Paris. Is a prcttv hlondo , woman , with a rank , open fuco and limpid blue oyus. J. ( Jheover Goodwin and AYoohon Morse ure writing an opera for DoWolf Hopuof. The sccno Is laid In Slam and the present Mile , which Is , however , subject to change , 3 "Wang. " M. end Mme. Plancl sailed for Franco last Saturday to fill n number of European en gagements during the summer. Tlwy may possibly return next season wltb. concert company of their own. Mr. Hillary Boll , the well known artist ind journalist , has just been appointed dramatic critic of the New York Home Journal , a selection which cannot , help but rove bcnollchil to that excellent literary and cIoty journal. The now comedy company being organized by Marcus Mayer and George \V. Loderor , vlll bo headed by Charles Dickson , and it Is , ho Intention to make it the strongest organ isation of Its kind in the country. It will bo seen In Omaha In September. Dr. S. Jadassohn , llrst professor of Leipsig conservatory , has been engaged for a term of three years by the Now York conservatory of music as instructor of harmony , counter point , composition and the pianoforte. Ho will occupy his new position next fall. Teacher of declamation ( to scholar ) Now repent after mo : Sink or swim , llvo-or die , survive or perish Scholar , ( intorrupt- incrj Ratal A sinker doesn't swim , a liver ilocsn't ale , and a survivor doesn't parish. Take something that has got senso. to it. Emma V. Sheridan , the exceedingly clever eading lady of the Boston museum , it is thought will not be seen with that organiza tion next season. Much of tno unsigned chit-chat which appears in the Now York Sunday and daily' papers comes from her ready pen. Mr. Clinton Stuart has completed his comedy - ody for Mr. William H. Crane uud turocd it over to the corned Ian , who will try it on the road In the fall before going into New York. Mr. Stuart is now under contract to write a comedy druma for Mr. Cliurlcs Prohuian's stock company. Mr. Nat Brlgham , who loft Omntm 'with tbo avowed intention of giving up music in pursuit of the mighty dollar locating In Salt Lake City , has yiuldod to the Reductive charms of the footlights mid will give the people of Zton an apportunlty to hear how ho sings ballads April -S. ! The theaters in Japan have a novel method of pass checks which are positively non- transferable. When n person wishes to leave the theater before the close of the per formance , with the intention of returning , ho goes to the doorkeeper and holds out his right hand. The doorkeeper then with a rubber stamp imprints on the palm the mark of the establishment. During the season of Gorman opera at the Metropolitan opera house. Now York , just closed , the receipts footed up $106.031.75. "Tannhnuser" and ' "Lohengrin" proved to bo the popular operas , each having been given seven times , the former netting $25,145 , the latter $ 2,103.1 ! . " ) . The attendance during the season numbered 104,423 , un average of 2,417 at cacti of the sixty-seven performances. During the season seventeen operas wore produced. The prospects of Gilbert and Sullivan again rallaborattng In bringing about D'Oyly larto productions , nposslbility which was ecently looked upon as being almost a contract entered into , is now believed toliavo ended in what it begun smoko. The friends or both say that it Is impossible to bring the two former friends together again. Mr. Gilbert , In addition to his severe misunder standing with fair Arthur Sullivan , has also had a row with Alfred .Collier. Humor says that Bernard Dyllwyn , the baritone of the Kim boll opera comtque com pany , is to marry Mrs. Jenuio Klmball , the mother of Corinno. It further saynt "Tho nuptials will take place at the end of May and the honeymoon will ijiclmlo a trip to the European cities of importance , where the happy pair will combine business wltb pleas ure by keeping on eve out for novelties for next season. Mrs. Klmball is noted In the theatrical world for dor nptitudo for stngo management and the success of Corinno's elaborate productions Is wholly duo to her en ergetic and skillful direction. Next season the business end of the show will bo In charge of Mr. Dyllwyn , and this will glvo Mrs. Klm ball on opportunity of devoting her entire tlmo to the stugo , the one thing which she has long craved.1' ' The handsomest mortuary memorial ever erected in uny cemoicry in. the state of .Mas sachusetts is now In process of construction and \yill bo oroctcd In the beautiful Oak Grove comctery of Gloucester , to mark the 11 mil resting place of Emma Abbott , the fa mous opera prlnm donna , anil hor'husband , Eugcno Wethorcll. The memorial is of the Gothlo style of architecture , and its total height from the ground is ttfty-soven feet. Five massive granite stops load from the ground to the lloor of the cnnopy. and under this lloor the as hoi of .the famous songstress will bo placed. The Interior arrangement of the tomb Is novel , The lower compartment rontalns the casket in which lhq body of Mr. Wothoroll Is encased ; this in turn Is enclosed In a catacomb rccoptaclo o'f pure white marble , hermetically scaled , on top ol which will bo built a unique Columbarium to receive the ashes of Mrs. Wcthorell ( nco Abbott } . The heavy slab of Qulucy granite composing the center jilcco ot the floor will securely seal the receptacle. From the basa up the memorial is to uo of selected Westerly granito. Tba carved plllats supporting the the three sections will bo highly polished , wjillo the remaining decorative worli is to bo carved In the rough , In high relief. The apex of the monument will bo crowned by a carving of the Lamp of Life , Another Omaha boy is rapidly climbing' the ladder of fame and , unless all signs fall , gives abundant promise of occupying a high place In the world ot music. Reference is made to Mr. Frank Iladollett , who held the position of collector for the Omaha National bamt , for several years but Is now a student at tha Now York con servatory of music , where ho is taking lessens sons on the lluto. Mr , Hifdollott studied harmony and counter point with Prof. Bao- tons of'this city , but. had no teacher on the ilutn , the instrument to which ho Is giving attention , until ho entered Prof. OJtorloo's class at the conservatory. A Ithough ho has boon at the conservatory only since January , ho has appeared In two concerts , onca as a. soloist , In which he made a remarkable tilt. The following extract froma letter fron Mrs. Jciuuiotto M. Thurbor , the president of the conservatory , to Mr. Kawara Uosewator , editor ot TUB Use , U a graceful compliment to Mr. Dadollott. who gave atmrtdsnt proralso of making an artist wtcn , ho with the ' played StryU-cn-blaas-Lui' club of this city. Mrs. Thurbor aysi 'Wo have here in the con ervntory a young man who has made remarkable progress as a lutbt. Ho was n clerk in one of jour bank * , ilthough born in Council Bluffs. If you mvo any more such talent I want It , Ho is n great credit to tbo conservatory. Ho is first llutlst of the National Conservatory or chestra nnd t am going to got a position for ilm outside. " Kdwin Booth terminated his season last Saturday afternoon nt the Brooklyn Acade my of Muslo under circumstance which wilt nako the event notable oven in his remarkable - blo career. "Hamlet" was the play and there vas n prevalent Impression throughout the louse thnt It win his last appoarnnco on the stago. When the curtain loll on the last act dero was a vociferous call followoU by a per- ect storm of applause. The green baize ascended , and revealed the actor , a second citluvas made accompanied by cheers and wavldc of handkerchiefs and this demonstration btilagkopt up Mr. Booth was ? ompcllcd to apptfrir for the third time. When 10 came before til * curtain there wcro crloi ot "speech" niiiiL-Wd with the cheers nnd plaudits and tlio'ilctor whoso disinclination to nnko , a speech Is jirovorbiiit overcame his na tural reluctance nrfd with evident feeling spoku as foliowsj'"Ladles and Gentlemen : ' . can only say whnt I have said many tlmo > > eforo tlmt I thKrik you for your kindness. . am not going id-say good by for good. I in- end to rest noxtiyoar for tbo bonellt of my icalth , and. 1 export to appear before you In ho near future. L again thank you , and hopa twill not bo for.tholast tlmo. Au revolr ; lot adieu. " Thonuditors became wildly on- btislastlc , and niAny of them , instead of pro ceeding homeward' Immediately , lingered to vntrh the tragedian leave the theater. iVhen Mr. Booth had dressed and stopped " "rom his room ho found his support mid the attaches standing in a double line to greet ilm. All shook hands with him , nnd Miss 3crtrudo Kellogg , who was formerly n mem- ier of the company , stopped forward and dsscd him. Her example was followed by Irs. Beaumont Smith , wlfo of the leading uvenllo. Upon opening the slaire door the .ragcdtan found a crowd of about a thousand , wrsons waiting for his appearance. In his inrprlso ho stepped buck , but recovering ilmsclf doffed Ills Imt in recognition of the cheers that greeted his advent. Police- nou cleared a passage to his carriage , which itood some distance down the street , and ns Mr. Booth slowly passed through the crowd many people extended their hands. Ho clasued the outstretched palms of n few , but lad to stop nt tlmt. Ono attempt was mndo ) y enthusiastic admirers to unhitch the lorso , but it was stopped. Mr. Booth then stepped into his carriage , nnd amid cheers Hid moro waving of hats and handkerchiefs no drove oil. Tluitcttlol It. I wns nlono on the back vornndn of a oorpia hotel when I heard 'tho cook , who was cutting moat right holow mo , call to a boy , and as tho. latter arrived and asked what was wanted , says a writ er in the Now York Sun. The cook said : 'Julius ' , I Want yo' to kerry dis yore loto down to Mary Ann Williams , an' ib it to her on do sly.1 "Donn * lot her fadder see It ? " "No. " 'Doan let her uiuddor sco it ? " "No. " "Doan' let her bruddor Jim see it ? " No. Yo' snook around dar till no- jody sees you. " "What's in do note ? " asked Julius " YTo' nohhor mind dat. Dat's my blz- ! iotjs. Yo' joss tfo "long : , an' doan' stop on do way. " "Axin' Mary Ann to dun Mnrry yo ? " quizzed the hoy. IIul What yo' talkin' 'bout ? Boy , t'll riz fuss wid ' if ' a biff yo' yo' git too smart. " "Wall , I wanted to dun tnlo yo sumthin' . ' ' answered Julius. "Yo'doan1 know nuilin' . " "Yes , I do. " What yo' know ? " "I dud seed Sam Plowors an' Mary Ann Williams gittin' mar'd at 10 o'clock dis rmuvnin' by Elder Comstockl" "Shool" "It's " dun truo. "Yo' seed all dat ? " "Sartin. " . . . . ' - "An' sho's'dunonar'd to Sam ? " "Fur shuro. " "Don dat settles it. Gin mo back dat noto. Dat wits'a prcposiahun to dat gal to dun ainiato her" affexuns wid do under signed fur do term of her natural life , but if sho's had.do consanguinity to pick up wid wioh a nf gcr as dat Sam Flowers withdraws do moshum an' lay ? do sub- ioct on do table. iBoy , yo' git dat odder ham out of do stohouso : , an doan' bo all day , noldor ! " < v ote. Just nt the top of a long hill , as wo had stopped tho1 horses to breathe , n farmer cntno up , says a writer in the Now York Sun. Ho was at least sixty- live years old , bo'ng ' very gray and wrinkled , and ho was so decrepit that ho had to use a staff. "Say , you ! Have you soon anything of my son Pete along lioro ? " ho called , us ho stopped by the buggy wheel. "Wo haven't mot nnyhody on foot this morning. How old is ho ? " "Bout 12 , nnd bix foot high. " "Whcro was ho going1" ; "lie's run away. Packed up his duds nnd slid out afore I got up this morning the ungrateful rascal ! I didn't hello llo vo that of Poto. " "Why , ho was of age. " "Mnlces no ditToroncol I allus kept him at homo , nnd-nllus mean to. He's bin gittin' hoard and lodging right along , and last summer I lot him sell a whole sheepskin to a peddler alid keep the money. He's -got to come back or I'll know the reason why ! " "You can't bring him back , can you ? " "Can't I ! Don't you licgor that I can't ! I think ho took the next cross road and mndo a boo lin fur Spoonors- villo. I'm right on his track nnd I'll toiler1 him up. When I lind him I'll take both hands hold of his collar like tills and I'll rattle his jawbones like this and I'll ' lay htm on ills back and lamb thunder out of him for about fifteen minutes. Then I'll walk him home , and you ortop bo around and see them stumps grubbed out and them fail fences mended I Can't brliifr my son Pete back , oh ? He's of aigo , oh ? Guess you air strangers in thcso parts , and never hoard of ole 'Squnr'Tyler ! " "Well , wo wish you luck. " "Thanks , but I don't keer fur wishes. I'm sartin to flnd Pete , an' by the grout whlto ox I'll continor to wallop him fur ten minutes after he hollers 'nulTI Good dtti' ! " 1'entlicrod Hamnritnn. A remarkable case of sagacity in a seagull was recently noticed by a num ber of people at Astoria , Ore. Several weeks ago somebody shot at a largo gray gull , breaking its wing , Since then the crippled bird has been around the slips and wharves , continually mak ing frantic efforts to Ily. Ono day the ebb tide loft it roosting on the slip , making piteous calls to its more fortunate com panions who wore sailing round about , floating in beautiful circles and executing all the pretty movements thnt only a Bongull can with two perfect wings. Suddenly a big whlto follow with gray" trimmings darted down and picked up n morsel of food that was floating sea ward. As BOOH.us ho secured it ho How to tha slip where the cripple rested , and deposited the morsel In front of his loss fortunate brother , proceeded to dine , of fering no objection when the cripple partook of the food , but making a vigor ous attack on any'of ' the other gulls that attempted to coni6 near. IluodooH of Yollowstniio Ono of the wonders of the National Park of the Yoltof sUmo are the barren nnd oddly shapoil rocky columns known ns the "Hoodoo " bpcauso of their ro- sorablanco at uiUntntico to fantastically drosscd human bolngs. Hoodoo moun- TIME'S UP. . The season is here , and the "weather is out of order , One Thousand Handsomely made up SPRING OVERCOATS , our own manfacture , embracing all shades and fabrics. There's but one season for them It's the present ; make your selections quick. Our now-a-days price -won't stand in the way. Our line of Spring Suits , in all the fashionable cuts , are stylish and are made up to hold their shape. Don't wait * on the weather , but avail yourselves of this general cut in the prices of new and desirable clothing for man , youth , boy , and child , all occasioned by the backward spring. Watch our show' windows for . ' ' " bargains. You'll see 'em. Money Cheerfully Refunded T/inn % Pn wbenfioods do not satisfy , IMtly & 1)0- , to IReliable Open Evenings Till 8 P. M , N. B Send for Illustrated Catalogue , nln lies about fifty miles to the sputh- west of the grand canon of the Yellow stone , and forms a iliatinct attraction by itself. Hijjh up on the side of the inoun- Lnln and obscured from view at a short distance , lies a low. lint tract , or basin , containing largo numbers of rocky pil lars , shafts and spires , worn into the most grotesque shapes by the action of the elements. The forms of animals , human beings , churches , and a mul'Uudo of t.nitnato and inanimate objects , can bo traced in tjio rocks , the variety being limited only by the imagination of the beholder. The storms of ages 1mvo worn deep channels among the rocks , through which the visitor wanders as in a. be wildering labyrinth. It is a. weird spot , and one never tires of threading its rocky mazes and gazing upon time's sculpturlngs. The Girl Who Swore. Chlbago Post : "You just ought to have heard her ! " ho exclaimed. "Who's thnt ? " asked the other man. "I don't know her name , but she is one of these amateur actresses. " "Well , what did she doV" "Wo were having a rehearsal of 'Broken Bones' up at the club. She came from some dramatic institution or other to help tho1 boys out , and didn't know well , I won't toll you his name iv way , up actoi : was going to bo present to coach us. Of course ho was intro duced to her , ' and then she be gan to .ask him questions. I believe It' must have boon the llrst time she had ever talked to a llvo actor. She asked him all about everything until ho was clean worn out , and when she capped the climax by bog ging him to toll her how to become a great actress like Sarah Bornlmrdt wo all saw ho had blood in his eyes , " "What did ho toll her ? " "Ho looked at her benignly , put his hand on her shoulder in a fatherly sort of way ho's not a young man and said : 'My dear , it's just as easy as anything , if you only have the secret. Mrs James Brown-Potter once olTored mo her Cleo patra jewels If I'd tell horbut I wouldn't. Now , you are a very nice little girl , I like your style , and If you'll promlso to lot mo bo your manager when you got great I'll toll you the secret. ' " "Welly" "Sho promised quicker than light ning. Then ho put both hands on her shoulders , looked Into her young blue eyes and said : 'Swear , swear like a trooper , swear till you're black In the face. Only swear. That's all ana If you do it I'll guarantee that you will1 bo a greater actress than Fanny Daven port. ' "Tho girl believed every word of It and thanked him profusely. Then the rehearsal began and all of us watched to see what she would do. It was plain during the first act that she was nerving herself to a 'groat ef fort of Bomo kind , and her faco' was lighted up by the glow of determination. Just as wo were about to go on for the second act she came out of her dressing- room , valked directly up to the stage manager and in a low , trembling voice , said : 'Mr. Stage Manager , this dress doesn't fit mo and I won't wear It. Ho there , by d n ! ' And then " "What Jiapponed then ? " "Sho wont back to her dressing-room mid had a good cry. " Elevation of a Capitalist. Hewer Sim. When ho wuz on his upoors An1 fust como Inter camp An' started on the slcin game , The people called him "scnmp. " Ho wuz kuowcd ns "Bunco Jim , " then An' they said It with a sncor ' But now bo hnz n bank account. * An" Iz "Jnmos Brown , Financier. " No Hurry. Now York Sun : Doctor You don't seem to improve ns rapidly as I could wish , young man. Patient No , I guess it is the nurso. Doctor The nurse ? WJiat is the matter with her ? Patient She Is only eighteen , doctor. IF YOU KNEW how easy it was to rid yourself of face pimples and blotches , you would take a few bottles S. S. S. and remove them. .HKU PACK IIKR r'OHTUNE. < 'I was annoyed fora joir with pim ples and blotches on the face. I con , suited prominent physlans and ute 1 different kinds of odroitisod raoJl- rinca without auy bcnollt. Finally I tried Swift's Specific , nnd the smooth- ncqs of my akin was completely 10- stored by tlio tise of a few bottles. " CiJA'tLonK RANUOW , | Thalia Theater , Xow York City. j teens o/l eiooo t/lo stiff DISCAUS / * . _ TIIK i.WifTSi-Ktii'to Co. , Atlanta , Oa. Drs.Betts&BBtts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14OO DOUGLAS STliElHT OMAHA , NKU. Tno most widely nnd favoraM y known spec ialists In the Unfto-l Stilton. Tholr lonit ex perience , romnrkublo skill and universal suc cess la the treatment nnd euro of Nervous , Chronic nnd Surgical Dliniw. out ( tin thcsn eminent physicians to the full confidence ol the aflllctcMl ovoiywhoro. They cuarimtoo : A CERTAIN AND I'OSITlVE CUKE for the awlul Pdeots of early vlco and the numer ous ovlls tlmt follow In HM tr.iln. 1'UIVATK. ItLOOl ) AND SKIN DISEASES spopillly. completely and pernmnrntly curod. NRIIVOUS iEHIMTY AND SEXUAL 1118- OHDEKS yield readily to their skillful treat- ' " { ILES , FISTULA AND IlEOTAL ULCEKS cuarantecd cured without pain or detention from business. IIYDUOOELE AND VAUICOOELE perma nently nnd successfully cured In every case , faVPHILIS. GONOHKHUA , GLEET. Sper- nintorrhea , bomlual Wcaknosi , Lost .Maiiliood , Night rmlBsloiiK , DecayedKucultlos , IViiKilo Weakness nnd nil dclluato disorders peculiar to either sopoiltlvoly cured , us well ns all functional disorders tlmt result from youthful follies or the excess of mature years. sTPIfTlINU Guaranteed pormune ntly o I l\l\ * > L U i\lj cured , removal complete , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures effected at homo uy patient without a mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. Tll ° awful "ITects of cariy Vlco whluh brines orcanto weakness , drstroylnu both mind nnd body , with all Its dreaded Ills , perniauontly curod. T R "s " RFIT Address those who have 1m- UJXO. DLil LO paired thcmf Ivei by 1m- ' proper IndulRonco and solitary nablts , wljlch ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for business , study or marriage . MAHUIEI ) MKN or these entering on that happy life , unaro qf physical debility , quickly assisted. _ OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts. KIrst Practical experi ence. Second Every case Is apoclally studied , thus starting right. - mudlulties ura prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit eacli case , thus effecting cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STRFPT. - OMAHA. NEB MOTHERS FRIEND * i l C. Aff \ EASY/ / TENS 7 ABOR .TO BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLA iau or MI oPUG sis re. PH ; NONE - PHL L NE COLDS IN Till ! HEAD , b one application. OATAHBH , in a very short time. HAT FEVER , in from 3 to 5 days. EARACHE , inatantly. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. FOUtiALK I1Y ALL IMUJGUISL'3. 1'rapnrcil only tiy tlio " . MI | ; > IUJNK co. . llarliur jllook. Umiihn. U. ? . A. TO WEAK MEN Battering youthful tha elTvoti trron from ol e rlrdectjr , watting wftakntu , toil raanbocxt , etc. 1 wUl t na Yuluablu Ucialx ) ( u-alol ) contitlalnt tall partlculAn for bom * euro , Fit I ! It of rhrgu A. > | ilaii < Ud medical work i Kbould bo rt > dif \ ercrj man wbo U tu-rrniti and dvlilliutnl. Aildrett Frofc V. V. VOWLKII , nioudui , C'OBA DR.J. E. McGBEW , THE SPECIALIST. 10 Years' Experience. PRIVATE DISEASES Curril In 3 to 6 ilnya without tliolor of nn houri'tlmo from bmlno-n. Tlio most nbwluta euro for ( ir.lCKl' nnil all annoylnR cllsclinrKm over known to tnuillcal tclcnco. HVrilll.Irl , nnnrrnntod ciiroln.lUtoMdiir ) Tbo mu t powerful rumoily yet known for n wirnm- nonteuro. 8THIOTUHH or pnln In r llovlnt ( Ibo blftU- dor , cured at benin , without InntrumvntM nooutttn < , no pain , no dllxtlnx. lxis or Mnnboodor Woaknoti SOBlllvoly cured ; IniUmt relief. Skin dlnnnBDi nml cmsl'j illicaio iHirinunoiitlT enroll. Dr. McOroWi succos.i In the treatment ot I'rlrnto Dlnpnnoi hai neverbcon equalled , nnd bin Brent army of pxtlcnti reaches from the Atlantic to tno t'aclllc. llooki nnd Circular ! free. I ullo from j to 4 only. 14th nnit Knrnam "trueU Omnba , Nob. Untrancu oa oltber troot For the treatment ot nit CIIUONIO AND BUUfJIOAl , DlSHASKd. Unices , Applliuicci for Deformltlivi an t TrusiccJ. Doit Facilities , Appnrntua tm ! Itonicrllui fur successful treatment of every form of dl eaia roqulrlmr Modlealor Hiirirlcal Trentmont. N1NKTY 11OOMS 1011 1'ATIKNrd , llonrd nnd Attenilnnco Il st AccomDiodntloni ' .Vast , Wrltn for clrcutiri on Doformlllca nnil Ilracos , Truimoi , Club Foot , Curva- turoi of tiplna , I'llei , Tumori , Cnucur , Cntnrrb , IJronclilUs , Inbalnl ! > n , Klectrlclty , I'arnlyili , ii : > ll- eisy , Uldnoyn , IllniM'r , Kye , KM , Hkln nnd llliHul , andanHiirKicitKiponulons. DISKASHS W WOMHN avpeclnlto. Hook 01 Dhonscs of Women Kron.Vo bnvo lately added n lylnK-ln Department for Woman During contincment(8trlrlly ( 1'rlvatu. ) Only Hi'llv bloMoillrnl Institute Making n Specialty of I'lll- VAT1J DIS15ASKS. Alllllood Dlcoasos incco fully trontod. Modlclno or Injtrumenti ont by mall or express seeurulr packed , no marki to indlrato commits or setvlor Una pcrson.V. Interview proforrod. Cull nnd contuU 111 orscnil hltory of your cnso , and no will send In lain wrnppm-onr 1IOUKTO .MIN KHHK ; upon I'rl vato. fapccldl or Ncrvoua Dt > o.i30i , wltbquastlunllit- Addn > s < nll Utters to Dr. A. T. McLaughlln , President Otlrand Ilnrncy btrcuts , Onmlnu Moore's ' Tree of Life , A ObllUerure fur Kidney nil.I I.tveiM oiuplfllnt * unit nil blood illneiuv * . J > i > o < lliay | to miller wlivn you can bo ruriMl liy uilnu Mouro't Tren of I.U'l IhuUruitt l.lfu Itttnioljrt 1'rlctill | > ur buttle . 1'ro- imml und put up * > T " ' J. H..Mooru. TKbTIMONIAF , : J.H. Moniir. nearPlr-Kor novcral jrciin mj wlfn hm bpuii until toil bfioruru pnlni In bur lirntl unil it iirni-rnl ilcpruiutim of tli'i wliolo njitxni , ( nn e'l ' l > r lime tivu klilm-r nml lorplit liter , Umuthi-r tili nun Uriiko. Two hutlltw of jrimr "Trviiiil UK' , " Inn liulpml hc-r vurrmucli , tuuln iicrniiinant cum t < urcil. Ynur mrcih ImHiAi ) In ( t ( lie trim Htimuntxir u mircr ( ul rmirilr. anil Kousatuncu tu tliu CIIUHH oIUliuuu. Vouratrulr. Vouratrulr.UKV.HIUIA.N PAUKIIH. tMllMMELl'llIA , Mo , Nor. 10,1 S ) Dr.J. II. Moore , Clik * < > Dear Mr Vuurlrceot Ilfarnmtiitiiljr to Imnil. nnil rU' ; tnrutul trial of It. 1 tuke plemurn In tnjrlim U Is all jou clnlm for It. If unyouu ilntititi tills ntiili' ' mi-lit , let them wrllnillrucl tonio. Wltli h < > st wl li i foryuu and your 'Iruo of Lite , 1 oiiiynun rul/ , C.M. Kl i. U OU1CK. Othcn la coinrnrlKin are rloiv or UBA.1) . muffrrlngtry WOOD'S ' PLASTER , It Penetra , llo- llrvio , Cure . All LADIES ONLY l'cinfcllle BiU > e MfMtpoweifb ! fcta V legultlnr V * ' . lf t | . fi.tKttlptM. Send K. ( tump ) tM pull"- ' , UON DXUG CO. . Uu 4lo , W. T.