THE OMAHA DA1JL.1 . BJEOD : FKIDAY , APBIL 10 , 1891. THE CITY , The stnto phnrmncoutlcnl convention will bo held in Bealrlco on May 20,27 and 2S. The Police Rollof association , which was to hnvo hold u mooting lust night , adjourned to moot on Friday overling next , The funornl of Mrs. Sulllo Miller took plnco yesterday afternoon from Eleventh und Capitol nvonuo -Laurel Hill com es lory. Judge Holsloy dug up an ancient stoicotypo pinto yesterday mornlnp mid struck oil nriothor copy. It road : "John Pcol , vAg , thirty dnys. " Cnptnin Mostyn of the police force loft lust night for .Toilet , 111. The cap tain ROCS to bring back u prisoner from the Joliet ponltonilnry. It coats money fora man with nn iiply phiz to carry a pun , and Kd Strickland won't ' try It again until hia board bill at the county Jail footH up to $120 and costs. The cnso against Frank SatiltorTenth find Bancroft streets ; charged with soil ing liquor on Sunday , was tried in po ll co court ycstordny afternoon and the defendant was acquitted. Four cars of sugnr wore received at Iho customs house , two for Allen IJroth- ors and ono each for IMcCord , Urady ft Co. and 1'axton & Gallagher ; ono car of tin wr.s received for Armour , Spanish Court Cream prodtino ? u smooth , soft complexion and keeps the uldn cool and refreshed in munincr and jnakos it proof against the cold winds of winter. Sold by all druggists. J , W. Slanflold was arrested by a deputy - puty United States marshal yesterday for Bolliiif , ' liquor In Council lilulls without having n government stamp , llo waived oxnmlnatlon and was bound over. J. , T. Collins , who Is wnntod In Denver for highway robhory , was nrrostd Wed nesday ovnning by Detectives Ha/o and Kills. Collins was taken to the police station and charged with being a > fugitive - tivo from justice. Ho will bo hold to await the arrival of the Denver ofllcors. The stone pavoinont on the west t-ido of Fourteenth street , south of Chicago , is In u very condition. The earth in an old bower trench has caved in , and a heavy vehicle passing over the .spot hm turned a larto number of the paving stones on end. The place la highly dan gerous in the dark , The f'liiornl of John Borcliors , who died at St. Joseph's hospital of pnou- inonln , took plnco nt 2 o'clock ' yesterday afternoon from Maul's uiulort iking rooms. The deceased was a team ster In the employ of Fred Krug , and for several years had driven a handsome pair of largo black horses. In accordance with his requont , these horses , behind which ho had sat for years , drew the hoarse that bore him to his last resting phico in Laurel Hill cemetery. Fora few dayscommencingtoJnorrow , wo offer Bonio rare bargains , of which a few are as follows : Gents' shirts , nmdo of flannel , tennis , Jersey , sateen , Madras cloth , worth up to $1.2.5 , your cholco for JiOo ( you can see thorn in our window ) ; our 5)0c ) fur stilt hat is sold by hat stores for $2.00 ; the biggest simp over offered by us or any other house is an all-wool black cheviot suit , sack or frock , for $ fl.75 ; n dandy worsted suit wo will.soil you for $7. SO ; the next bargain is our $10.00 cassimoro suit ; la pants wo can show the finest line in the city ; prices range from $1.60 to 80.50 ; wo will save you big money. The spring overcoats which wo oll'er during this snlo for(5.5C ( are sold by other dealers for $12.00. Wo carry the finest line of Prince Albert suits In this city , and our prices bring thorn within the roach of everybody. .Also boar In mind that wo nro head quarters for overalls and jeans pants ; wo carry the largest assortment In the city ; overalls in extra long or extra big Hlzcs without extra charge. All wo nsk is a call , Wo don't consider it any trouble to show you goods whether you buy or not. People's Clothing House , Douglas street. Don't Fool Well , And yet you nro notsick enough to consult a doctor , or you refrain from so doing for fear S'ou will alarm yourself and friends wo wll tell you just what you need. It Is Hood's Barsnp.u-llln , which will lift you out of thai uncertain , uncomfortable , dangerous condi tion , Into u state of tfooil health , coufldonco find cheerfulness. You've no ideiv how potcnl this peculiar medicine is In eases Hlco yours. Mr. J. AV. Sweet of OnoidaCo. , N. Y. , is In the city. This being his ilrst visit to the mcoropolls , hu was agreeably sur prised to ( hid in Omaha a city of such magnificent nroportions and metropoli tan splendor. Mr. Sweet is inoro than his name Implies. Ho Is the general ngontof the Oneida Co. , N. Y. , Fruit Vlnogni uoimmn.v , nnu IB nero wiin mo view 01 establishing a western agency for his goods. This is another evidence ol Omaha's great attraction as a commer cial center. There is no doubt but Mr. Sweet will succeed in placing his popu lar goods with one of the entorprisinj ; business men. Notiqo. Comrades , members of the U. S. Grant 1'oat , 110 , 0. A. H. , you are requested to moot at 2 : ; ) p. in. today , April 10 , 1891 lit , ' ! 12 South 18th street , to tuko part it the funurul services of our late comrade Daniel K. Ktmball. Hy order ROUT. S. WILCOX , S. V. C. IIA.UMI412VS 1I.YSB.NKS * ? . Kiln Ilulsky's .story of n Mail's Miss Kiln Hufsky has lived twenty-nlno years , but in all thnt tlmo she snya she novc aw so base n man as C. Unumlcy , the liveryman ' man at Seventeenth ninl St. .Mary's nvenu'o Bnumloy has been twice married , but JUrs 11. Js'o. 2 is wlfo In nnmo only , as she stead lastly refuses to Hvo with her llogo lord. Miss Hubby saj-s that Baumloy promisee to iiialto her wlfo No. ! ) , but ho fulled to do so anil she Is very anxious to have the ceremony mony performed. She Is In a delicate condl tlon and ullejrcs that Itnumloy offered to paj VJto expenses of n criminal operation , Shi refused ana ho snltl ho would have noltilni. more to do with her. She called tit his residence , 207 South Twenty-fourth street , lute Tuesday niirh and sat down upon the porch to'walt for liaunrtoy to make his appuaranco. She was taken slok , and ahout thi\t tlmo Uauinloy's son came homo. Ho iltd not Unow her , am as .sho could glvo no account of herself , ho callc-d tha patrol wagon , and she was tnkei to tha pollco station , , \vboro she was glvei medical attoiulimce. No charge ) was mtuta ng.ilnst her , aud la the morning she was nblu to KO. tito charges Ilnumloy with scdurinp her nnd now ahc wants him to make reparation Whit a debt ol Rratlludo tlifl World owes to such men us Dis. Aycr uml Jomior ttio latter for the givat tiUcovcry of vaccination , and the former for his Extract of Sarsnpar- Ilia the best of blood purltlorslVno can Mtunato how much thejo discoveries have benefited the race I _ n P' jlf//j Aw I0ir < > r ( wider tltticail / , Itlnnal line ten ctnti. , , „ . - „ . . Laura , ncod SO year * and 7 n onOis. daiiK'itor ' of Mr. and Mrs. 1'hUlpI ) . lllrscli. * . ' 4th btrcot between K and b streets , died ot consumption uta o clock Thursday raornliiR. The fiuioral service * wl I bo held nt "bo. . rcildoncfl ot the bereaved parents Krlday ufUrnooiiat''o'olook , inUrinont at Bl.Mnry' * oomctory. The nmny rloiidjof Mlii Ulnoh will yuipathUi > vfitlituo af- " ' ' 'ly. IE DIED BY HIS OWN HAND , David E. Kimball , the Well Known Ticket Agent , Commits Suicide , FIRED A BULLET THROUGH HIS BRAIN , Xo Can HO Assigned fur the Tragic Kndliitfol' n Jinny Mfc-Mr. Kim- hall's Career The Coroner's Vcnllut. lixprcsston ? of surprUo and regret nro icard upon every slao yesterday because of ho sudden mid unexpected death of David 11 Cttnball , the tlty ticket neont of the Chicago Nortliwestcrn railway company. Mr. Kimball died by bis own hand , and to mmreds ! of friends the shock came with stunning force. To the many acquaintances who had been jrought in dnlly business contact with him 10 bnd given no Intimation thnt hocontem- ilntcd such a tiling , and It was only with .iioso whom ho hnd been most intimately issocUtnd lit Ills ofllco who had even no- .iced for some time past that ho hardly scorned himself. Kven thcso hail not the faintest suspicion thnt lita slight dorango- ncnl would load to his death , supposing that it would gradually away. None were [ iropar"il to hear of the sad ntTuhyinJ all were da/.oil and bewildered by It , Mr. Kimball entered the Turkish bath rooms under Uoyd's ' opera house a few min utes before S o'cloclc yesterday morning , nnd told the nlpht ( assistant , A. .lolinson , thatho wanted to llo down for a little while. Ho wad shown Into n side room , but complained that It , vas too light , and was shown to an other loom. Johnson turned way , and had just picked up an armful of blankets when ho Heard thu sharp report of a pistol coming from the di rection of room No. 9 , where ho had Just left Mr. Kimball. Smoke was pouring out , and ho riistiud through the partly open door lo Hnd Mr. ICimball's lifeless body on the 11 nor. In the obscure light It was impossible to toll just what had taitcn place , and utter hastily sum moning a physician a light was secured. Then ttie full truth dawned upon the attend ants. ants.Mr. . ICimball was dead , and powder burns and splashes of blood upon his left hand bore silent testimony to the fnct that ho had IIroil tbo shot with suicidal Intent. The used iiS-calibcr Colt's ' weapon wni a - , iiui the heavy ball had passed through the [ lead of the deceased , chipped a piece of [ ilastorlng from the wall and fallen back .ipon the eot underneath which it was found. Air. ICimfall had apparently removed his overcoat and at once raised the revolver to Ills lolt temple and llrod whllo In a standing position. Death must have been Instantaneous. The body fell upon the edge of the cot nnd then to the floor , where it remained until Coroner llnrripan ordered its removal to Burket's ' undertaking rooms , where an Inquest was hold. hold.Tho The jury returned u verdict of suicidal shoolinp. The deceased was born in Racine , Wls. , May " 0 , IB 10. While yet u youth no entered the employ of the Chicago & Northwestern railway company at his native place as a tele graph operator , but left that enter tbo union army , In which no served dur ing the war. At its close ho again entered upon a railroad career and for two years was agent of the Union Pacific at McPherson , now Maxwell , Neb. lie left thcro to enter the employ ot the Northwestern , and had been connected with that company continuously since 1S09. both in Cooncil Bluffs and Omaha. Ho was ticket ngpnt on the cast bank of the Mis souri when the road ran down to the rivet's ' edge , nnd after the completion of the Union Pacific l > ridge was stationed at the transfer. Ho was later ticket agent at the Council Bluffs Broadway depot under Joe Arthur , and was transferred from tbero to tills side of the river la 1873. For a number of years ho was connected with the Iowa pool and was In the tripartite otllco in this cltv. cltv.When When the pool was dissolved ho again became - came solely Identified with the North western , and was made city ticket agent for that com pany in 1ST5 , since which time Ho had held that position. The deceased was in his forty-sixth year , nnd was ono of the oldest ticket agents in the city. Ho was of a quiet nnd somewhat reserved disposition , but was withal n popular and very thorough railroad man. Hu had u coterie of very inti- mnto friends by whom his friendship was valued and appreciated. The deceased resided at 312 South Eigh teenth street , and leaves a wife and ono daughter , Maud , lie was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic nnd also joined the Masons some years npro. but had not nf- JHIatcd with the order In this city. Tlio arrangements for the funeral are not yet completed. "Something Just ns Good. " "My horse was badly injured. I called for 'Ilallcr's Barbed Wire Liniment ' , my drug gist was out , but sold mo 'something Just as good , ' now my horse is a cripple , while my neighbor , whoso horse was Injured as badly us mine , refused nil substitutes and bought a bottle of 'lluiler's Barb Wire Liniment , ' and his horse is sound nnd well. " Insist on netting the genuine all druggists hnvo it. April AVontlicr 1'redletlons. If a peck of March dust IB worth a king's ransom , and April showers bring forth May ( lowers , is it not right to pre dict thnt every day In every month the oloclrlc-lightod , steam -heated , vostibulcd limited triiins of the Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul railway will continue to run on the short line between Omaha and Chicago. The electric reading- lamp In every berth of their palace slcoplnir cars IB their own patent and cannot bo used by any other company. Ticket otllce , loOl Farnnm btroot , Omnhn. \VIIjIj LiUAKN TtiJjIK FATK. Candidates for 1'rnmntlnn Will Meet This Morning. The following non-commissioned officers who took the examination for promotion will meet at 10 a. in , today in the court mar tial room nnd bo Unformed by Major Worth as to their standing and whether or not thov will bo recommended for promotion : Sergeant W. M. Morrow , Sergeant H , F. Ilnrdnway of company C Seventeenth infantry ; Corporal PhillipHaw- * lay , Company II , Sixteenth infantry ; Cor- iioral William 11. Morford , Company C , Twonty-llrst infantry , Tim young men said yesterday thut the examinations had been quite difficult but they hoped to pull through in good shape. Captain liny expects to leave for Fort Washalile , AVyo. , In com pany with J. K. Moore , the post trader nt that garrison , who is now stopping at the Paxton.Vashaklo is 150 miles from the railroad , but Captain Hay say * there is the best fishing and hunting up thcro that can bo found any where in tbo United States and the climate is almost per fection. First Lloutonnnt Matthias W. Day of the Islnth cavalry has been assigned to duty ns commander of Troop A. United States In dian scouts , nt Pine Utdge , relieving Lieu tenant Cny ! H. Proiton , who will civo his entire attention to the Urulolndian prisoners of war , ' 'Avoids Ilalr Vigor is a most excellent preparation for the hair. 1 speak of it from experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hnlr , and makoi It glossy and soft. The Vigor Is a sum euro for dandruff. " J. W. Bowcn , Editor limnilror , McArlhur , Ohio. DceUlftit in l-avor ot the Chicago , Mll > vnnkoo& St. 1'uill fly. The now Palnco sleeping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Hy. , with utcctrlo lights in every berth , will continuo to leave The Union depot , Omahu , at 0:10 : p. in. , dally. Passongora tiikinif this train avoid transfer at Coun cil LihilTs , and arrive in Chicago at 0:80 : n. in. , in ample time to make all eastern connections. Ticket ollleo , 1601 Farnaiu street. P A. NASH , J , E. Pnnsrox , General Agent. City Passonper Atfout , WANT TO K1ISI2 IT. Mr. O'KccfTo'i Scheme for Enlarging ttio Court 1 1 dine. Chairman O'KoofTo of the board of couaty commissioners has a scheme. Ho has hold a session with Contractor Coots and has about cotno to the conclusion thnt the court house must ho enlarged. In speaking of this matter ho said : "Together with Mr. Cools 1 hnvo inado a thorough examination of tha building and hnvo concluded that some important Improve ments are necessary. Looking to the accom plishment ot this end , nt some future mcot- injf of the board I shall ask for plans nnd details - tails for putting two stories under the present structure. "My Idea Is this. I would In the flrst place , bring the court house block to grade , after which 1 would take out the present basement and in 1U plnco put In two full stories and n sub basement. This would ru- tnln the present symmetry of the building and glvo us plenty of room for years to conio. "Regarding the disposition of rooms. I woula use tuo floor now occupied for omco purposoi as court rooms and put the county olllcos on the two floors below. The stair ways could all bo taken out ns elevators would bo used in their stead. Where to pul these has always boon a vexed question , but that Is now solved , ns it is not necessary to run them up through the center of the court. An exami nation shows that a hotter plan would bo to remove the closets and use tbo space for an elevator chute. * "Tho cost has boon considered nnd I nm pretty confident that It would not take more than SIM.OOO to mnko nil the improvements ot which I havospokon. "It is true that xvo have not got the money now to go on with the work , but bonds can bo voted and M wo have got to do this sooner or later , I am In favor of going tthcad as soon ns possible. " It Is very Important In this ago of vast ma terial progress that n remedy bo pleasing to the taste and to the eye , easily taken , accop t able to the stomach nnd healthy in 1U nature nnd effects. Possessing those qualities , Syrup of Figs Is the ono perfect laxatlvo'nnd most gentle diuretic known , Tim AdvcrtlsliifjCommlttoo oftlio Ex change Taking It ISusy. At the meeting of the real estate exchange yesterday morning the members put In most of their time in protesting against the inaction of the committee ! appointed at the mass meet ing in the exchange rooms n month ago. The exchange has delayed action in the matter of advertising Omaha , think ing the committee would do some thing in * that direction. Messrs. Hicks aim lionson , the representatives of the cxcnango on the committee have been importuned to call a meeting of tho-commit- tco in dollnnco of the delay of the chair man. man.Tho expressions of the members of the ex change were very decided against any fur ther iielay In this Imuortant matter nnd sev eral were In favor of taking Immediate ac tion , whether the committee did anything or not. not.A A general scarcity of houses to rent was reported. Several of the members stated that there had not been such a scarcity of empty houses in the city for tlio ln , < t four years. Ono member stated that ho had six applicants for ono va cant house. The Star land and loan company announced that n lunch would bo spread for the members in the cxcbungo room at the morning hour on Saturday. _ _ "An ounce of prevention Is worth two or three pounds of euro. " Original saylntj slightly changed but none the less truo. Don't wait to bo taken down with "la grippe" but use Hallcr's Sure Cough Cure , tno most thorough prevention of this dread disease , when taken In conjunction with Holler's ' Sarsanarilla and Burdock , that has over been introduced. BOUOHTON , THE UtTIlGLiAlt. Confesses to Robbing ttio Kurbnch Store. O nicer Kcyser returned yesterday morning from Lincoln , bringing back John E. Bouirh- ton , who is wanted for burglarizing ICarbach's cigar store a week ago. Boughton confessed , and said that ho had a pal named Charles Mitchell , known to the police as "California Slim. " He said the work was done nt 7 o'clock in the evening , and each carried away ten boxes of cigars. Both planted their haul and started for Denver. They hnd to wait an hour at Lin coln , and while thcro Mitchell "turned up" Boughton to the police. He sent a mes senger to the station with a note saving that a man wanted for burglary in Omaha was at the B. & M. do- pot. Boughton was nabbed but Mitchell kept out of sight until his train pulled out. Boughtou also said that ho and Mitchell were members of Ed Magen's gang. Mngeo is a house worker and served u term in the county jail a short tlmo ago for petit larceny. Ho is now in ICnnsas UHy , and Boughton and Mitchell Intended to got another member of the gang In Ocnver and then join him In Knw- town and work the south for the next few months. The Lincoln episode will somewhat Inter fere with Boughton's'plans. How many persons who suffer day after day from headache , know that almost instant relief is secured by using Bailor's Puiu Paraly/or'l j An absolute guarantee goes with each bet tle. Insist upon having it and don't tuko "something Just as good. " NOT COMING ! NOW. Mr. Gould Will Not Visit Omalin This Trip. Mr. Gould nnd party and General Manager Clark tire in Chicago and it Is announced that they will make a tour of the southwest lines of the Gould system. It is the general opinion of railroad ofllcials hero that the party will return to Now York in ttmo for the annual election of directors nnd not come to Omaha until after that time. The Gould party consists of Jay Gould , Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo Gould. Howard Gould , Dr. Munu , the family physician , and W. S. Mallctto , Mr , Gould's stenographer. The party travels in tbo special carAtaluntn. Mr. Gould inforniod a St. Louis reporter that ho intended to return from his inspection trip by way of St. Louis , which strengthens the Idea that ho will not bo in Omaha until after the election. A. F. linnks , traffic manager of the Iowa Central , with headquarters ut Marshalltown , is in the city , W. J. Hancock , formerly of this city , hut now general superintendent of the 'Wells- Fargo Express company at Now York , was in the city yesterday. General Alannuar Iloldrcgo of the B. & M. returned yesterday from Burlington. Leading doctors throughout the country arorecommcedingHnllor's Sarsaparllla ana Hurdock , as a blood purltlor and to build up the sj stem. Hcrt G. U'lioolcr'H Death. Bert G. Wheeler , the well known court stenographer , died at his residence , 70S South Thirty-sixth street , at 7 o'clock yester day morning , after an Illness of two weeks. The funeral will bo hold from the rosldcnco at 2 o'clock this afternoon , after which the body will bo taken to Malvern , la. , for inter ment. Tbo deceased was appointed stenog rapher to Judge Wakoloy lust January and served in that "capacity until two weeks ago when ho was taken sick with the measles. This disease terminated In congestion of the luncj. Deceased loaves a young wlfo , to whom he was married six months ago. De Witt's Ltttlo Knrly Risers. Cost little pill ever madu. Cure constipation every time. None equal , Use them now. C ilouol lialUngnl'ti Ilcinnlim. The romalus of Colonel P. G. Balllngal , a former prominent citizen of Ottumwa , la. , who died recently in Hong Kong , arrived In San Francisco Wednesday and wore taken In charge by David Hedge , a relative , who will escort the remain ] lo Ottuwwa. j 'TWAS ' Afid'osu OA.MJ. Sirs. Nolo nnd TTnrjo Children Nearly Mrs. Nolo and bar thrco children , residing atSOJS South Seventeenth street , narrowly escaped death byt asphyxiation Wednesday nlgnt. They rcttrcd as usual , leaving the draughtofn Imrdicoal burner turned on. i'cstorday morning they were not seen about the place and the nclgh- jora broke la the door nnd found thorn all unconscious , They wore ro- suscitatcd , but experienced a terrible SICK * ness as the rcsulttof the gas poisoning. Tnoy will nil recover. 1 hko my wlfo to use Pozzonl's Complexion Powder bocnuso It Improves her looks and is , ns fragrant ns violets , All members of the Omaha Wheel club nro requested to moot at club house nt lilo o'clock p. in. on Friday , April 10 , 1891 , to attend funeral of deceased mem ber , Hurt G. Wheeler. ACCUSI3I ) OK ARSON. An limminoo Company's Cliarzo AgaltiHt , 10. A. Ayci't Court Noiew. The somewhat sensational case of Edward A. Aycrst against the Sun Fire Insur.inco company was called before Judge Fergusou yesterday morning. In this case Ayerst Is suing to recover the sum of fcl,003 from the Insurance company , The defense alleges that the plaintiff has Ijccn an Insurance wrecker fora number of years ; that three years ngo ho went to Sioux Falls , S. D. , where ho organized the Great Eastern Insurance company , which wont into the hands of n receiver. Aycrst left the town soon after , but was indicted forom- bo/.zllng the funds of the company , January \ " , ISb',1 , bo shipped his foods to Omaha , insured them in tlio Sun Fire nnd placed them in a barn nt 2110 Binnoy street , In Ivounlza placo. The goods were removed to the barn during the fore noon , nnd tbo same morning while Ayorst was down town playing cards the barn caught lire and burned to the ground. Aycrst brought suit to recover , and the company sets up the defense that the barn was fired in order to eot the insurance. Tho.easo of S. S. Curtis against the Coun cil Bluifs nnd Omalia bridge company was decided yc3tcnlaytho Jury rcturningu verdict of Sl.filX ) for the plaintiff. This suit grow out of the construction of the wagon and motor bridge. Curtis owned a lot on lower Douglas , Eighth street , and claimed that tlio building of the bridge rendered It worthless , as the piers nnd supports of the bridge have blockaded Douglas street in such a manner as to mnko it n'most ' Impassable. Curtis SUCH ! forl,0i)0. ( ) ) The defendants will take the case to tbo supreme , court. The case of the state against Harry , T. Sbaloy , charged With having forged a draft for $ li. ) ; " > , was argued nnd submitted to the Jury. Ton minutes later n verdict of guilty was returned. The case against Joe Dwycr , charged with murder , was called , but owing to the defense not being ready for trial , a continuance was granted until next Monday morning. In Jndgo Wakeloy's ' court the case of tire First National bank of Chicago agalnstMorris H.Sloman and others occupied thogrcaterpor- tlon of the day , Tha bank is suing to recover- on a judgment for 51,50-1 , rendered in Chicago five years ago. Fred Oiliphant , the young man who was acojscd of stealing the horse and buggy belonging - longing to J. II. Woods , pleaded guilty nnd was sentenced to ono year in the peniten tiary. T. B. McCrackcn , charged with the crime of larceny , pleaded guilty to having stolen $20 , and was sentenced to a term of thirty days in the county Jail. In the case against Cooper nnd Crelger , charged with having robbed Charles Nottlo- lon of$2 , a motion for a now trial was argued and overruled. The sentence of the court was withheld. Mansin Green , charged with having stolen a diamond uln from Edward Hustings , was brought before the court for sentence. HOP attorney argued for a now trial , and the case was taken under advisement by Judge Estcllo. _ No grlpine , no nausea , no pain when De Witt's ' Little EurlyUisers are taken. Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. WANT WOOLEV'S PIAOE. People Who tTlihik Tnoy Have n Clmnco in Sljriit. Candidates for the position of supnrln- tcndcnt of buildings in connection with tlio board of education nro already applying for the position which It is supposed Superin tendent Wooloy will bo asked'to vacate in the near futuro. A. N. Meals , a contractor and builder , for merly of Kansas City , is an earnest applicant and James II. Ward is after the place with all his energies. Members of the ooard nro not Inclined to encourage those applicants much , however , for they are disposed to give Mr. Wooloy a fair and thorough Investi gation llrst. If it Is proven that Mr. Woolov Is entirely incompetent then ho will bo asked to resign and u competent man will bo se lected by the board. Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh. Boo bldg. The Counly's Dependents. Poormastor Mahoney is happy In knowing thnt the number of people who have been on the charity list during the past winter is rapidly decreasing. While the severe weather prevailed during the months of February and March , 400 families were assisted by the county , but since the warm snell sot m this number has rapidly decreased , until at the present time loss than ono hundred nnd llfty families are receiving aid. These people nro ncnrlv all old staiul-byes and are helped the year round , they being cripples and widows who are unnblo to support thoinsclvos. Gcsslor'sMngioHcaaacho Wafers. Cures all headaches in'0 minutes. At all druggists " * > DnlleyVns Hun cry. "Sergeant" Dailoy , a well-known old timer got very hungry yesterday morning and be sought County Jailer Kerrigan to lock him up for awcek. The latter objected , and when Dniloy insisted Ilorrignn kicked him all over his ofllco nnd throw him out of doors. Dailoy grow indignant mid although ho was wearing ono eye on a crutch and his right log was in a sling he dared the daughty Jailor to como out and light , Horrienn had had all the fun ho wanted , however , and stayed inslilo , while m deputy sheriff chased Dailoy off the grounds. A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder docs such work. Dr. Lo DIIU'M 1'crlodlcal l'llln. Thli Krcnch rmucJr nctt itlrootlupnn the tiener- ntlto nrtcuni and curca Muppri'ialonof tliu mention. 'trllircoforfi , amlrnii lonmlltxl. tilioiildnot In ) usi'd during pri'ifnnncjr. JobboilrufKliU nna tliu imblla mippllcil bjr llooilmnn Drug Co. , Uinnha. K. J. I'orkuru nnJ llownrd iluyvr' . Huutli Omaha : U B. Ulll > aua A. IJ. fuller , Council llluiK. Spring and c SHIRTS TQ-D A Yand SHIRTS X SHIRTS - a Week More SHIRTS SHIRTS SHIRTS An Incomparable Sale of Shirts , SHIRTS SHIRTS At Matchless Prices SHIRTS SHIRTS SHIRTS SHIRTS llail So Many of 'Era. ' T i c fzm _ v SHIRTS M Had So Many Kinds. JX 1 cs u l _ 1. 1 , SHIRTS. Had Such Handsome Styles. AND SHIRTS SHIRTS Had 'Elu ' So Wcl1 ) Iadc- SHIRTS "ad Such Tony Ones. SHIRTS UadEin - So cjcap SHIRTS SHIRTS Flannelettes , 35cI5c. . PZiAIM" SHIRTS Outing Cloths. 4Cc , 65c , COo. ± " fr SHIRTS Saloons. OOo to $1.257 IrJ-iAIIPS SHIRTS , . ' SHIRTS Jersey Stocldiiotto8,7ocnnill. Cloths , $1 ami $1.25. , , - , SHIRTS wTro Madras , 1 no , to ft" 33 Elll. CHECKS - - SHIRTS Xophyr Cloths rGOcloS-3j- SOLIBS SHIRTS SHIRTS } to S3.GO Kinds. SHIRTS SHIRTS SHIRTS Look in tlie Window on the Corner. SHIRTS SKIRTS SHIRTS Nebraska Clothing Co. SHIRTS . SHIRTS , SHIRTS SHIRTS Corner 14-th and Douglas Streets , SHIRTS Summer Styles , Drs.Betts BBtis Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14OO DOUGLAS S OMAHA , NEU. Tno most widely and favorably known spec lallntsln tlio Unftoi Stales. Their lonp ex perience , rcmnilililoskill nnd universal suc cess In the treatment und euro of Nervous , Chronic nnd Hnr lcnl Dlsnascs , untltlo tliuso eminent pliyslclnns to tlio full conlldonco ot the aflllctcil oM'rywhcro. Tlioy ciiarnntoo : A. CERTAIN AM ) I'OSITIVR CUUK for the awful effects of curly vlco ami the numer ous ovlls tliiUfollow In Its train. 1'HIVATE. HL.OO1) ) AND SKIN DISEASES sppodlly. coniplntolv nnrt permanently cured. NKIIVOUS llKHlUTV AND SEXUAL IHS- ORDERS yield icuUlly to their sfclllful treat- moiit. 1 IIE9 , FISTULA AND ItrCTATj ULOF.HS nuirnntecd cured without piln or detention ( mm business. IlVDUOUKIjR AND VAIUCOOELK perma nently nml successfully cured in every case , SYPHILIS , GONOKIUIKA , GLErT , Spor- niitorrlina. bcinlual Weakness Lost M.'inhuoil , N'lilit Kinlsslons , Decayed 1'iicultles , I'cmiilo Weakness and all ilclloutu disorders peculiar to either sn\ positively cured , ns well us all fuiu.'tlorml disorders that result from youthful follies or tlio OXPOSS of ninturo years. W KM ( "Till ? U Guaranteed ntly O I I\1V _ < J. U 1XL. eiircd , removal complete , without cuttlnit , cnustio or dilatation. Cures effected nt homo hy patient without o mo ment's pnln or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. A 9TIRF nilP Tl' ' ° nwful effects ot OU1VL. . V UKL curly vlcu which brliiRS orcnnlo weakness , destroying both mind nnd body , with all Its drojclcd Ills , permanently cured. nf ? < HFTT Address those who Imvo 1m- \ L/l\ij , UU.11O ] ) n0l | | theim Ivus by tin- pruper Indulgence and solitary nablts , which lulii both mind and body , nullttlng them for business , ntudvor inarrlaRO. MAItKIISU MEN or tlioso cntorlns on that h.tppy life , aware of physical debilityquickly assisted. OTTB SUCCESS Is "bused upon facts. First 1' experi ence. Second Every cnso Is specially stualen , thus starting rUlitThird medicines are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each case , thus oiTcctlns cures without Injury , Drs. Betts & Betts , 1109 DOUGLAS STREET. - OMAHA. NEB FOR SALE. Wrlto for Prices nnd Samples. LIGHTNHR & I3ICKKUIAUPT , ROSOOB , S. D. A nr.xuiKK MICHOIIIICIII.IR ; : is uums GKIIM KllADIUATUIt Cures all diffuses liucnura It kllN tlio microbe or norin. 1'ut upnnd rotiillcd III fs , IJ nnrt 55 Uci , Ilio Intlpr 2 1-2 Kitlluna. hcnt nnr- where prcpulJon receipt of price , or 0,0. I ) . \\o Isiino n Kiinruntco to curt ) , 'llin public , trndo nnd Jolibon Btipullcd by IhoKliisler Driik' Co. , Omnhn. IN ALL THE WOULD THERE IS BUT ONE CURE DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It cnn bo jcUcii In u run of roOYo ur ten , or In nr. 'ttltt at food , without tbo fcnowlodgo ot Ibe patient , if necessary. It la absolutely harmlrua and will efleot perrnjnout and speedy aura , whether tliepatlent u auoderatn drinker orauilooboliow reek. 1TMKK I A.l.s. 1C operatoa 10 quietly ud mih > uoti otr- taintytUat tha patient undorKooe no tnoonvanlencf , and ore ha la aware , bis complato retortLrtlcd la IToatod. ISpajebookofpartlouliirarre * . 1o ! > < hurtol KUHNt CO. , l h AUoujlUDe.icl thftCumincUlo , ( r/-Tiad oupplled by llAKB. I311UC1I * CO , _ ud ; iJ UKP ON DKUQ CO. . Omul ! * OR. BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Full Sol of Toclh on Itiitibcr , for K1VK Dul.l AUK A iic'rfi'it dUunrnnlci'il , Tcclli oxtrnclml wllliout imln or dingor. nnl wltliout nnncslliollo. liolil nnil Ihor lllllnus lit lowpat rnloi. llrM o ami l'ro nVork. . Teolli wllliout | ilouii All worn ur- OFFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM ICnlrnnco , ICIli etreel clovalor. Open ovctiln ; until U o'clock. NEBRASKA. National Bank U.S. DEPO31TOHV , O1IA.HA , NSJ Capital , - - - - $400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 , - Oii.BOO Ofllcors nnd Dlrocton-Honrr W. Vntei , I'rosldont ! I.owli 8. lleeil , Vlco-rre iilonti Jaiuo W S va/o , W V..MoriB. John B. Colllni , II. U Cmbliu. J. N. U I'utrlck.V. . II , S. lluznei , caihlor , TI-11S IRON BAN 1C Corner nth auU 1'arnara till. A OcQcral lluukluj Business Trantacttl PIlOl'OSALS KOIl INDIAN SUPPLIES AND Tninsportutloii Dop.irtmuiit of tliuliitu- rlor , Ollleo of Indian AlTnlr.s , Watliliu'toii. AprlU. IhOI. Sonloil piopoinN. Indorsed " 1'ro- jumils for Ik'i'f , ( bids for beef ninsl bo milinilt- ted In sopiuato envelopes ) , hnc-oii. Hour , clotli- ItiK , or trniuportiitlnn , ute , " < ns llio uuspinay boi and ill reeled to the Commissioner of Indian AITalrx. No-t. 05 nnd ( \Vnostor i s-lroot , Now Yoilc , will bn rorolvcd until 1 p. in. of Tuesday , 31n.v5 , 1891 , for furnishing for the Indian scr- vleo about WJ.OOJ pounds bacnn , : HX .li)0 ) pounds beef on the noof , l,0oJOpotiiidsiiot ( ) beef , IKiO.OUO pounds beuns , 81,000 pniiiuls baking powder. UMliO.OOO pouncls corn. .ViO.OOO poiind.s ocilTi'C.10,0 0,0W ( pounds Hour , 110,0 OlmundsfeoU lO.OdO poti nds hard bread. 40,000 pounds liumlny , : w.OOJ iiounds laid , UX ) tmrrels muss porli , : . ' > .0D ( ) ponnim natinuiil , h'U.GOJ ' pounds'110,0)0 ) pounds rIu l ' .OGO pounds ten. 117,1'W ' ) pounds ooarso salt , KW.OOO pnunils line salt , : IHH)0 ) ( ) pounds soap , l.llO.urK ) pounds sugar , niuUIU.- 00) ) pounds liuiU : Also , bliuiki'ts , woolen and collnn Roods , ( consisting in ] iatt of llL-ltlnu. J(00 j-nrds ; Htandaid unllco. 100,01)0 yards ; drilling , . ' ,000 yuicN ; duek , free fiotn all sl/- liiri4.H)0 ) : ( ) yaulS ! donlins. W.txiO yards ; li'iin , IKiO.OdO yards ; Kontuekv Jeans. D.oofl vnnl'i ; uhurlot , L'"iWO ( yaulfj brown slii'otin S.jOOWynnls : blcachoci Hheetiiic , yards : hickory slilrtliiR , 1VJTO yards ; calico slilrlhiK , S.HiOya.ds ; nln--oy , 4.000 yatds ) ; clothltiR , pro- ecu le , notions , liiiiihvuio , supplies , sehnul booUs , utc. , and a loiii ? IKtof inlscella- nroiis articles , .such us harness , plows. riiKos , forks , utc. . and for about . " . " > wagons icnnlrod for tlio M'nK'O , to bo dellvcied at Chlcaso , Kansas C'lty , and SouClt ! ) ' . AKo , for such wagoim as niny bo rerjuliTd , adnptucl tntlioi'Ilinnto of tlio 1'aclllu coast , wltlit'nl- Ifornla brakes , dcllvorud at fan Francisco. Abe , transportation forsuchof tlio articles , pooils and supplies that may not be ooatiact- ed for to bu delivered at the AKi'iicles. inns MUST UK MAM : OUT CJN IIOVKII.NMKNT HUNKS. Scliuaules .shonini ; the kinds and nuantlt les of biilislstunco supplies roniiliod forc.iub AKenuy und ireliool. and tbo kinds and quantities In KIOSS , uf nil other u'ooJs , and artlclus , together villi blank propjsals , con- clltlons to bu obervi'tl by bidders , tlmo and place of delhory , terms of contincl. nnd pay- inc'iil , transportntloii routes , and all olhur necessary Instructions will finiiMied nptn application to tliu Indian Ollleo In Waslilnu- toner Ko. fij aiulCii Wiotltr tti-crt , A'uo Yoilt , TboCoinnilssai-los of Siibslstonco , U. P. A. at Cheyenne , Chicago , LouvoiiAtortli , Omaha , Saint Uouls.Salnt I'.iul.and San rranc > t cotlio ; I'ostmastersat Slom Olty. Iowa ; VanUton , S. Daliola ; Arkansas Olty. C'aldnell , TopcUa , nnd Wichita , Ivnns-is , nnd Tucson , Ailmiiu. TborlKlit Isrosoi-M-d by the Kovornmoiit to tojrct any anil all bids , or an v piitof any bid and those proposals are Invltucl utidor jirovlso appropriations sliall bo undo for the ( Mippllos by consrcss. lllds will bo opened at thu hour nnd day above slated , ami bidders nro Invited to bo pro-cut at tlio opening. CKHTIKIKII tiiKCKR. All bids iuu t bo accom panied by cnrtlllod checks or dr.ifts upon sonic United States Depository or tlio 1'lrst National Hunk of San Francisco , ( Jal. . for ut least Hvo per orntof the amonntof the pro- tios'il , T. .1. JIOHOAN. Coiilliilsslonur. A-Ptliatin _ No I ice. Scaled proposals will bo received by the Etato I'l'l-'tliiic Hoard , nt the ollleo tit secre tary of state , at any time before Tuesday , April 21. 1MII. at 2 p. in. , for printing and blncl- 1ns ? 2,000 copies each of the Donate , and liouso joiiiiiti Is and O.OOJ copies of the session laws of 1MI. ) Honato and house journals to bo printed on book paper , two pounds per niilro , super loyal octavo form , small plea typo , sl\-to pie i loads between Iho lines , without 11111100- cssiiry lilnnks , luokcn pases or paragraphs. blanks lictwoun piocecdliiRs of uach day , and between dllloiont sessions of the same da } ' , not to exceed four pica llne , paKCSlo bo hanie. i u as jjuinai ui 100.1 , LIUUIIII mui k"-s'lon laws to bo printed on two pound b > ok paper , amnll plea type , paces to bo sumo sl/o and form ns the ln\\s of Ibs'i with nuir- Rlnal notes and Indov , boiiml In full sheep. Proposals will also bo iccelvc-d at the hamo t line and plaeo f or prl mini : the HIIIII unio con rt reports and court calenders and for fuitiNh- InKall blanks , hhtiiK bookhand clii'iilais , lii- clndliif : revenue blanks lequued hy the olll- cois of the oxecutlve dcpartincnt of the htatofor a period of two years fioni data of contract , . . . , Sam plea and estimates of kinds and qiinn- tltly of hiippllos to bo furnished can bu seen at the otllco of K-cret a lyof state , Pioposals lutist fctivto for what pilco tno bidder will fuVnMi all hooks In this class per P.-IRO und for all blanks and cliculars per Iniiidrccl , , I'uuh proposal limit bo accompanied by a bond tn thu sum of $5,000 with two or moio hiirltlcs conditional , that thu bidder , will , In caseofawatd. within IIvo days after notice ontur Into contract lodolho work. Hlds to bu marked "Proposals for Public , PrlntliiK"carohCClotaiyof mate. ( Julley and IIIIKB proof forlawHancl Joiirnuls must bo turiilshud tliu t-ucrotary of State , anil all work to ho dollvc'i-ed In Rood older free of cost at the ollleo of the. Secretary of Hate within ninety diiy-l from Iho clntoof contract. , lilclittorojcctiiiiy or all bids resorted , .1. K. IIil.i.BtiitoTiLMisiiirur. I , , fctat , , ° T II , lU-.NTO.N , Auditor of P. A. , M'rlntliiR JOHN O. AU.UN , Sccietary of State. 1 ) Hoard. apOdlOtm rtfJANHGOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO. " the Wonderful Hi-roedy , H sold lth a Wrllte-mSimmnteo to cure all JJcnom UH- nkvt , tacll as Weik Memory , i/o of Drain 1'owcr. It uadachr , Wnltef ulncMi , Lost M or- hootl , N'crvousDeee , Lai- rltude , all drain and Doforo& After Uso. IOPH of power of tlic Photographed from life. Grncrs'.ho OrRini , In eor , council by ovtr-cif rllon , } ouldful Indrjcretlona , or the ejc klvc moor tobacco , opium , or Hlmulanu , ulilcli ul-Jmatrlr le'.d to inflrmlty. Comumptlon ana lD onlty , Tut up Inromenknt form lo carry In Uiovctt pocket. 1'rtco II a pacUtBC , or 6 for | 1. With every f forilcr wo Klve awritlrn Ktinraiilun to curn or rufuiKl HID raoiioy. Scut by mill to any artdren ClrcuUrlrte. lontlon this papfr. Acldreti. HADIIID CHEMICAL CO , , Urinch Offlco for U. B. A. 417 Dearborn fitrirt , rillCAOO. I I.U roil AI.r. IN OMAHA. NCI ) . , 11YT Knhn & Co. , Cor , ISIM & Dotislas HU. J. A. Fuller & Co. , Tor. 14th * Don ' A. J ) . I'UMUT & Cu. , Council Illufta. XlttlcC tit CoHtl'llftOfH , Notice Is hiToliy Rlvfii that tlio School Hoard of Ulstrlct S'o. 1 , HIWM I eoiiuly , Nc- lirmUn. will rocolio bids for tlio Imllilliii ! of u Bclmol housu In luxliiaton , NcLrask.i . , us per plans niuUiiccllloatlons on Jllo wjlli Sir. KH- U'liliDiibO , Arclillcct. llMstlu 'B. Nclir.tfcldi , or lit ollleo of Ilimul ut I.utlnsH'ii ' , NohrasKii. bald nlanicaii bubcoii lifter Alilll IX iinil bids will bo rornlviMl tin to 10 ci'cloofc n. in.eilncs \ - Oay , Apill 82. Ib'Jl. ' The Hoard icscrvos the rlclit to roji'i-t liny or nil hlds , llyonlrruf olinn ) llnnnl. uUdlliu E. SI. I1.1.iir-iiANO , Dlrtctor. nn < t . I B - IU CdCJntTAIN IHTHtWOBlOWIlt A RUPTlinc nrKlvoroller llko"lr. I'lercc'w ' ilHciuitlo KlaMlo TrunH.1 ItlmarurfdtlioiiMnilrtl I you wmittbu lllhTi ! nilfolnit4inpi tortrttiraiiiihl ) ! t , > o. I. Maitucllo liltulli ! Trun Co. ( bau , Cfcl DR. J. E. McGKREW , THE SPECIALIST. 1C Years' Cxpcrlcnc i. PHIFATE DISEASES Cured In 3 to S dajs without the Inn of nn hoiir from 'Ibo muatnbioluto euro furl ! liFTl ; nnd nil nnniiyliiK illschnritej over known to moillcu clenro. bVlMIIMS , u warrantor on ro In 110 to W .Ini. 'Iho most powerful ri'iuoly yet knoirii fern iiormi- nontctiro t > TltlcrUUKurpnlnlnrilluTln ! llio Mad der , cured nt lintno , nlthont In ill-union tit no cutting , no imln , no illlntlnK. Ixi iof .Mimliuod \Vonkno \ ) > positively curoililnitnntrrlluf. Skin dlnpnioj nml fenmloillsoaHoi porntiinoiitlr enrol Dr. McUrow'i ' luccosi In the treatment of Prknto Dlnmiion hM irevtTbeen Ofimllnl ] , rinil lili jrrcnt nrnijof pixtlonu rmi-licH from the Atlmitlclo the Tactile , llookn nnd Circular ! froe. Inclloi from a to 4 onlf. lUli nml rnriiniu itruuU Uiuuli.i , Nub. ICntr.mcu on olthof ilri'ot. m For the treatment of nil CHUON'IO AND SUHniCAf , . MSHASKS. llrncei. ApplianceforOeformltloinnjl TruHnoi'9 , Host F.iclUtli'1 Aprmrntin mil Ho for Buccossf nl treatment of over/ form of tl lOqiilrliiK.Mudlcalor Hnritlciil Trcntuiont. NINKTx HOO.MS roll 1'ATIUNIH , JJonnl unit Atlen < li > nc . Hu t Accommodation * ' . .Vi'st.Vrllo for clrcnlnri on lloformiUos nnil llrncoi , TrnsiCJ , Club I'oct , Curvatures - turos of Spine , 1'llos , Tumor * , Cuncor , Cntnrrh , IlruncliItU , InlinlnlKin , Kleatrleltr. l"nrulil , Uill | crsr. UWnoys , Illiildcr , Ilyo. 1'inr , Skin ml lllooa. nmlallHirslc-nl ! < ! | ier lloni. IIIHCASICS OK WOMKH n npcclnlto. Hook oa Dljcnius of Women troo. WiT linvol.ttuly ndilciln Ijrliu In Doimlniont for Women During conlliieiui'iit ' ( Strictly I'rlvnto. ) Only Itelln- blu .MiHllral Inilltuto .Miklm ; u bimulnltr ot I'M- VATIC DI.SISA-ilX . . All llljoil DI'o.i'Oi nuccoinruny treniou , or Instninirnti nent by mull or vxpren sucuroly imckcd , no tnnrki to inilleiito coiiliuiti or nonclor. Ono poriona , Intcrvlow ( irufurrod. Call nnrt coiuull til omentl lilcory of your t-finn. anil we will Mend In hln wrnppnronrllOOKTO SHIS VllKtt ; upon I'rl- tntc. Bpeclnl or Nervous lil ou oi , wltluiuoitlonlljt. Alilro ( inll Uttorito Di * . A. T. McLnuahHn , President Cth and Harnoy atrcuts , Omaha. P COLDS IN THE HEAD , by one application. OATAREH , in a very short timo. HAY TEVER , in from 3 to 5 tUys. EAR AOHE , instoiitly. _ FIFTY" CENTS A BOTTLE. FOR SALE IJY AM * IlUOaiST3. ) ( I'roiiaroil only hy tliu : - ; ) ( | } . . llurkor lllook , Uinnha. U. S , A , > HOl'0. AI.9 KOHKUICL-IIKADQltAUTnilB X tinunt of thu Missouri , ollleo of Iho L'hlnf Oiinrtcrinaster HI , Louis , Missouri , Amll 7 , IS'll , Sealed proopsuls. In trlpllcuto , to tlio usual i-miilltlons will lioro- cotvcd ut this olllcu aud at the olllcuu oftlio Qunrtcriiiasturs at tlio follonlim named fitu- tlons , until 1'J o'cleuk , noon , cunlraliitiindara tlnin. May Tth , 1KU1 , nnd tbon oponeil , for fur- nlshlnxnnddellv ! ilhz U'ood , I'onl nncl Olmrr coal , durliiK the fiscal year U-eliinliiK.I ill/ lit * . IMM. ill 1'ortrt l'iivon irt ) h nnil Ulloy , Ports Konci and SHI , Okluhonia 'IVnltory , und. lo rt hupply , Indian Toriltory : l''oitH ' Lowlf and I.OKUII and at lionvcr , L'oloradu , unu , I'ampsat ( liithrlo nnil Oklahoma City , Okla homa Torrllory. Proposnlji for dcllvoty ab other points will bo ontertalnuil , Illtldorl inunt fctato the places uliorotli' < y propose to- miiku ilelltc'rlcs. The tJotnriiiiionl tohorvoa tlio rlsht to rojoot nnv or all hliU. or to conduct for iilthor kind of kiippllun. or uiiolx portion of 1'aclian may bo ciinslduieil tor Iho liest luturc tcif thoH'ivlce , und towiilvosuoit do feels as nro not In conflict wltri the Inw. I'lefuri'iico will l.n Klvuu to nrtlclr * * of domeitlo production or inannfaoture , ciiinlltloii.s of < iunlity and in leu ini-ludliii ; In thfl nrlco of fcioicn production nr manufacture * tlio duty thereon boluc ecnial , Illank prono- nilsand prlntcil olrcutars t'lvlii full liifor- matlnn will bo f urnlMiocl upon appllcatlorx tolhlstlllcu or to the iitiiiriiirina tors of lho > stations iiiuned , CnM-lupericontaliilni ; iirnpo- Bals should bdmarkul "PropOHnlK for I'uol. " at and addressed to the undmlKiiodnr to the OuarlorniiiMlersof tliestatlons iintncd abnv < rs-- U. W.I'O < TKII , Quartermaster , IJ 8. A. , t'lilot QuaiUrinastcr. jn-O-t-a-T-S-O-lO-m-S-O. SutTorlntr from the eiri-cti ol yoiitlitul erron mail who Ji'ntTvnii ami ileWlllut'-il , Aildttii 1'rof , V. V , 1'OAVIiUIIi "Hooilui , Count , nnnllTi s\NIUIW O t AIMI IK art tu Illlllll I A beat nml onlrc | i i4le prei , _ _ UUUU i n uvular plij-eliUui ur luo cur ; of Uanorlicen nnJ dlsvliuu " < > uui 'llu ' urlnnry i " uraoqulruO. t\M \ per box , ' " '