Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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* A ] ? \ Hd ISKMKJ.T' * for Iliexo columns will
ho tnkin until U 0 p. in. , fortho evening
ci'ltlrti. nnil until M Op. in , , for the morning
f i-illfiti nnd ' I'.NDAV llf.K.
rpl KMS-rashln advance. '
1JATTSAihcrtUcmcntson thfs pncowlll'.o
Jlcltarired for nt tinrnte of IS ccnt per
word fur tlio first Insertion imd Icfnt per word
for cnili mil Kitii | Mt Inm-illon , imtl { I ' * > pir
, line net tnniitli rvomUirllHctncnl tiiU-n for
lefstLnnl" ! cents for the llrnt Insertion.
1M1 IAI. " figures , symbols , tic , , counloach
flHciiin word.
rplll HK nilvrrtUrniPiit * must run coti ccit-
JL tlMly mid tinder no elrcnmstnnces will
they lie tnkt n or discontinued liy telephone.
"IJAin IKS nihcrtliltiR In those columns nnd
J h nlnir their iinsuprsstutlrfned tnn"nunt-
1 ( ipl It tier In curt1 of Tin1 IIVK. 111 tvvolMia
I an \ < nil cluck tn < liable tlipni to pit tholr
] iih > r . Answers will bo ( lellurcd only nn
jncsi ntatlon of tlili cluck , I nclobo unswcrs
in i \ilopis propcrlv aildlCHsid
A \il \ , tidvprtlM'inentB tintJcr llio licnd nf
" pielnl fsotlcis" nro published In lioth
tin * in ornln nnd eu n I HIM d It Ions of Tin : llir ,
thec licnliitlnn of whlt-M lurrcBntcHlnnrotlian
10X ( ( papers dully , nml fixes llio nihorl'ser '
the iK-ncllt not only nf tlinlnrPclrculiitliinf (
1 UK 1IM. In Oinnlm , hut nlo In Council IMnlTK ,
Lincoln nnd otlierelth-H und tintim InlhiMUit
AilvorlMnsfor tlicv ro'titun-itvlll ' 1m tilicn
nn tinn1ovi > rriiiillllon , ut tint followlns Iniil-
IH S lion i's who nrenntliorl/od to tnlicsperlnl
notice" ) tit the sumo rutus UH etui bo had at tlio
main nlllc * " .
SOl'TII OMAHA nitAsrii 11 ricn-No.
KJI : N Street , M < turllloi-k.
"TolIN HULL , l'litinimelstrB ' ! J-oiith Tenth
t reef
CHASE .V I'DDV , Ftntlonrrs and Printers' '
nil'i : > nthintii.trutt.
H I AltNStt'oit II , I'hnrmsidst , 2115
( iiinlnefttrciit
J II t'OIl KS I'hnrmaclst , C'Jt North ICth
OHO \V I'AIIII , I'hannaclst , 1713 I.cavcu-
vrnrtli streot.
t'UllI.fe' I'HAItMAcV. 24th nnd larmm.
Io ) rato. flf , tfftnpnf firtt cnlnmn nn till * jwr/e.
WAMTD-Posltluti by n Indy stenoe-
rnphi-r Address .14 , Ilcoolllec dl' ) I ) *
\\"AN'rri"lly ) boy of 10. with sonic ox-
i m-ileiice , tilnco to do draughtlnc. Ad
dress J ) , IItu olllee. M 731 10 *
\\TAXTip A position as roiclimnn In prl-
it > .ite family. Host of city reftrenres. Ad
dress r.8 ! , llio olllee. M7'J ) 11 *
Sri I'A'T'ION wnnted by tlrat-clnei baiter of
IK years'experience Uando nny Kind of
woilt. Country preferred. Add. Trunk Man
ser Lincoln. Nob. 700-y *
AV 7ANTri-roiltlon ) In private family ns
coichnmn. Address , ! . 1',2UC.'Smvard
r , % 10 *
\\7AXTni ) llnu o clfinlng or waihlncout
' or nt homo , plain sow I in : . Mrs \\\7 \ \ \ , Ann
l.yon I.V.t ) Lot-list street , refer to Mission irv
' . i-b *
\ \ ANTLD I minor position : my employer
em Rut the nso of about fkX ) without m-
teiest Address II CI lleootllio MOM 10'
T\7 AN'l'i ; ! ) Situations for coed Eltls ; my
i uiihhig rooms are always full from ft a.
in. Infill , in. Canadian Kmploynicnt ollleo.
! I14 > , S ir.tb. Teltplionef84 , U10
V 7OMAN wants to downsblng nnil Ironins
bj thodiiy RWSSIllist CI'-8 ' ) *
OJIA11A Pniplovinrnt liiirean PstablMicd
IIeiirM. . Til III.1 , lit ) N lftli , near C.ipl-
tel a\e. Jlalo and fenmlu help constantly on
lianil MM7A1.1 *
r r toffs , cte. , secti > ] > of tnt column on thtiprtge
AtirN'rSwantid for the Maiilnltan Life
Ins. Co. to represent In all larao towni In
the states of NebiasKa nnd Colorado. Llhcral
rontric'tsiiirnroil Aildicss No. : : Winnd .W Heo
hullillii ! ; . ( ! i'o. I' 1'arisb , gen. in'g'r. for Ne
braska ami Color nlo. 070
VVANTI'DTotnei'ta first class sewing ma-
'I iblno man to KO "a the ID id with me. c > \ -
ronses pabl Address II L4 lleo ollleo. MO.V ) 0 *
' \ \7ANTIID : i Rood caiiablo men. Aiinly to
> V Jl fo. 15th btrout. M7i > 11 *
'ANTKD Jlcn to tm\nl for our Canidlan
niii-s > erles.fatoaeA.A\elllnitonMidsoiiWls ! )
" tANTLD Clroiihirs dlstrtl > nted. S3 iior
t 1,000 paid. Malenu Co , Warrlor'p Mark.
MI47 A _ '
\\f ANTKf ) lien wlthgoodrefereneoiitMot-
t ropolltan M'f'B to. . 1WJ Howard st.
UI-A r >
" \WANTKD Good canvassers nt the binder
' i ti- wing Machine olllee , 151S Douglas st.
7"oi ttftsdo.,8 ( loj ) offlrit coliinin on f/ilj /
"VVANTI'D yoiiiiRlnrtyor Rlrl to write ,
T also a typewriter or stcnoariphor. Uood
xtrnily poiltlon Call day or oioiilin ; ISIll
l > niliu ; street. Jos. Jleyors. JI72U U'
"V\7ANT1.I ) A nont plrl for cencrnl house *
T ork Oornian. lann ) or Ilohoml in pie-
furred. 7VO So Kcl ! , 11 w cor Louenwoi tli
tliJir.'l U' '
G IKL wanted for genoial I ouscwork at 2i 2
Davenportst. 715-10'
VAfsTKI ) A Klrl for general housework
In a fainllvof II ; Gut man picfotred In-
qnlro IIIDS Jtith st. ? a It
\YANTIU ; airi , msjoo caiifomia.
cos-s *
Ii1llSTla ! ss wnistand skirt llnlsheis , also
one ) apiirentleu ulrl. iMIsa Jllnnlck , 1721
Leaieinmrth. 07.1 h'
7ANTHl-A Klrl that goes to school to
> work for lur board in family of two Ad-
eM II UI , lleo ollleo. 074 if
V\/ANTii-Cood : phi ; mnull family : Ktt
TT ( ieoiglii a\c. (8 ( , Stfth st. ) , ? blue It soiith of
I.eav enwoi Ih. 701 Jo *
\ \ J A M'ii : ) Milliners , a nrst-clnss ipe -
f itemed saleswomen. Jo > ee , 1CUU Douglas
\\7ANTin : A coed cook at No. SHNlOth
i sttett , 1 in mod I , iti'ly. GS1 b4
\VANTI'I1 t"rl f"r hoiiooworlc. 33rd nnd
' Hurthtrects. Mrs U. 8 lleniiwn. GTIM )
"iVANUM ) A comiictont oniati nscooic.KO
' ' a nio.tth. Mrs. Oluunbct.s. 4011 Noith 4th
" \\'ANTii : ) Olrl for general housuwork ,
' ' ( food w i to rl ht jiarty. fcoutheast
corner ath andjoncshth. 4SJ-S
NHATiMrl wiintodfnrironenl housouork.
. W P. Mootzil. l 'l S 2th ( st. W)7 )
I'm nttc , rte.tccti > pnfjliiilti > lwnin > iitlil * jtage
H' " HKNT-Aftcr May 1. flno house , 13
J- looms , ui.M'urkatu. ; nil moiloin tomon-
lenjes. good stable , nccomtnodntliiK : i horses
anil tune.iirlages. House mav Inboennt nny
time I or tnrmi. etc. , apply to olllee , 3.'J Ileo
uulK or residence. lO.'l Purl , uve. , John ( Ji ant ,
HUNT S room house , elty and cistern
water. InrjulrolO-JJ touth hth street.
MOO 110 *
JJ10U UKN'r-7-rooin Hat , I.aico building ,
J- cornel ; tilth and Jaokon sts. 711 II
i : HI.NT Verydeshablo 14 room modern
bilck < lv > illlng , near Trinity church ,
may bo rented after Jlay 1st in eonnoelton
w Illi another house of tmmo sire , sultublo for
llrbt-olnsi ftmilbo : irdlng housoj rent niod-
eiato. ' Insiiltablo tenant. Nctheitoii Hall. U.
SriTAM heiited Hats atTW ) t > . jcth. . r ,
Hall. Jit TaMon bloc It. .u
HUNT A ten room IIOUMI nunUrncon-
-\enlences with barn and larRO yard. Ad
dress II 7i ) llee. C37U'
EUl hh for rent ll-ronm hoiifo.modern Im-
nruMMiient1 ! , corner -"Otli nnd Dodge , pns-
nc'sslon clen liiiniedlatoly. Kmmiio 4QJ 1'nx-
ton litocl , M. I , . Kocdor. 1
POll Itr.NT-IJwelllng.lfith nnd Doilgc. tlD.
1 store * , uth and Luke ,
1 fit ore. Uth and C'aultol , K > > .
Uceil A. Selby , 1C IJ , bo in ) of trade. TS
rillllJ K'etc'lium bouse , Atcblson. Kan. , 45
-L rooms. Inquire tleorgo W. ( ionldlin ; , Atoh-
isou , K'an. -I1 !
II' yon wish to rent u house oritorusco 11 , 1'
: Cole , Continental blook. _ 311
"l/OU ItLNT-Ono 11-riKjni nud one 7-room
-1 lioiiie , near llluli ( .chooli tuoderu 1.011-
> ciiloiKCi. Thn 0. 1' , Diuls Co. JW
TUU | UKNT S ro-ni ) coiiKO 1H1J N. 10th s.
* house Is newl ly papered and painted and Is
in llrst class con dition. Apply to II. llurdy
lJl' ) 1 tirniiiust. Ml
_ _ _ _
HI NT-5 rooiim , one lloor. 1713 Jacktmv
trieu JIT
, , teetnpof lint folnmit nnthti pig
IjlOH HKNT-Iloino of 8 rooms corner of SHli
J. imd Traiiklli' ts , otand [ hard water In
the klti hen , bath. nowlr piMredJ.W | per month.
John lliiiMlln.'JlTS , l.lthst. GUI
100 cfitttipe' . Irnciiient hntises. flats and
J MOIM w Anted for customers list for rent ,
MIIC or oxrlmnitc , with K. I-1. Klnpcr , pround
lloor. IMP rninain. KO i'.a *
lilOIt ItP.N r-IO-rroin honsp. mi Ted ) o In-
-L quiteSaiiiuel Hums , 1.113 r.irnain HI reel.
TN Ilrown Inilldln : , rornor Slth nnd Ciiinlne.
J eli'trnnt npirt mints of 7 nnil 8 rootnx , luth ,
klteliens supplied with rmiKts nml hollers.
l.adlcs are Invited to Inspect these npirt-
mi-ntB Hofcrc-nccs w 111 ho riqtil red , ntuiulro
Oltlrcns' IJ-ink. 414 in I
Jlnj 1 , 10-rootnhousc.centriIly
located , modem Iniprovcmenta. Inquire
712 M , lath si , Wl
O\l \ HI.NT After April 0 fi-room liouso In
KOOI | repair. City nnd cistern water In-
chulrdi tH-wcriiKOi rentI".OJ | or month. 1411
NT 1'our 0 nnd 7-room nuts with
bath , hot water etcpriud ; street ; near
buslncts ; nil iiiiirovcini ] nts : only IJ. * > per nux
IlefiTineos ri < iiilri < L Tlio Jleado Inv cstmcnt
to. , 44JUeeLulldlnK. : iU
I'or rate * . etc..rcetipnfflnl culumn nn f/ifs
nnd iinfiirnlsliod room" for
rent ; niodorn lonvunlcmu" . Cll N" . bin.
HUNT rurnlshr-d jooini private
family Kefennces L-Ollt'assst 710 II *
JAIIUK south front room with alcove ; mod-
A-riiromcnlonccs ; motor and cxble , JJOS )
Ihtrtftttoot. 70b-ll
KTIIAM heat furnlihtd rooms , corner lUth
and Jackson sts 711 n
r Three nicely futntshod rooms
with boird. iNc > . 171JUapltol i c. MG'Jl ' 1U *
AK ( > n nicely furiilslicd room , model noon *
a. fortwo Kcntlenieu ; JUD IS L'Jinl.MO
' rooms for rent , furnlsilicdor unfur-
nlsliod. llllOC'-ijiltalu voimo. _ b2-i ! *
" 17 > OlUr.NT ! Parlor nml bed room furnished ,
J- southern and onstcrn exposure , strictly
Irst-cl'ss prlMitu family : tefereneos. Ad-
Iressll 0lice. . CTO 10"
D LSI UA1ILK furnished room for rent , 1021
ChlcncostteU. M
room with modern ( onven-
Icnceswith 01 without , boird. llill Doutrlas
710 At)1 )
T. CLAIU European hotel , with dining
Jrooin ; stenm heat In all rooms , nth nd
" ) odse. fcpcelal rates by ueck or niontli. = ,10
CTOlt 1JLM' riirnlshcd rooms , 1C07 Doiiglns
PHONT room with alcove , curtains , mantel ,
heat , uns , bntli'Jclniets , tor'Jijeiitlemeii or
ail and wlfo , Jlfipor mouth 107 S 24th st.
T710K UK.NT Moo rooms , stcnm bed 1710
-i ? l.icnport ) street. M.VJall *
"IT'OU Itr.NT One lareo and onestnnll room
JL1 nl310U DoiiKlas stieel. 4J7-b'
1 : ooni3. i. 2.
lOI-n''l *
1JUI.LMAN house. 1J10 Dorlfta street : for
peed bo.iid , nlco rooms , niodern tonvenl-
oiucs , latesand location Itcannotbo e\eelhd
I' , fcfoi of flrtt column on tlili
"JTlOIt unXT Ilimm with board , per week
J-1 iiifi rarnam sti eel , JIGOO II *
ri-UVO iirnlshi'd looms with board by man ,
JL wlfo and J small chlldien. Addiess 11,7. ' ,
Hee. M7L-J 10'
171011 ItrNT I'lirnlslicd rooms und boird nl
t ? $1 poi \vuok , 111 t-o 20th st. JlGSt 10 *
ONH nicely furnished room with hoard ,
modern uon\eiili-iicos , two pcntleinen or
man and wife , boutbciist corUTitb and llarne-y
board , 2105 Duuqlasst ,
Mr.OJ-11 *
"ITIUItNlSUKDftoirliooiii , east bay \vlndon ,
JL ? modern convcnlincos , uholco loeiitlon.
board If desired 7/j ) N. 13th. Jf [ > 78Ii
1TIOU KIINT-NIccly furiilshrd rooms nnd
-L bout d. ThDl'ionztr. llbN.astlibt. 4ai-'J ' *
ltONTsoutbrooni , flrst-elass board , 1811
"T710U ItE.NT An oh-Kantly fiirnNlieil float
- * - room and bedroom connected together ,
with use of piano , l.'l * DodKo st. 41
"TOK HI.NT A larsc. finely furnished room
* - with toard , to a man and lfo Ihn most
pk isnnt p.ii tof cltynnd prl\at family : no
other boarders ; references , Address 1M7 , lice.
TPUHNISIIED rooms and board , 1DS1 Dodge.
-L BrT-al'J ' *
I'oriafc 1rfc.,8f < f < iio//rstoliimn on this
] ? OU HUNT 4 uiifiirnlslicd rooms.fiiiitable
J for housekeeping ; modei n liiipro\iincnts :
low lent 1701 Webster street. Jli/G
HI.NT Hoonis , unfnrnlslioft , o\or my
Htore. btoot/ol , IUI Howard street ( W7
rorratcctc.ttcti > ) > nf jlistcntvmn un this
TT10U HKIS'T A , store nnd two rooms , 2 > 4
.L North IHIh bt , Inqullo 621 S. llltli neT
T OU Iir.NT-Tho three-story brick bnlld-
Jln > r , 1110 DoiicLisslrcotsultaMo for whole-
s\lo puiposes , Jlio per month. Olns , Kiiuf-
iinnii , IM Douglas bt.
FOll IlENT-Ono half of btore , ir. 2 DouKhs.
M -
nilOK UENT-Tho 4-story brick bulldlatr. wltl
-L or without pinvor , formerly occupied bytho
llio I'ublishln Co , 910 rarnam t. The build
ing has a IIleproof icnienl basement , complete
steam he itlin : llMiues , w itor on all the tloors
Kas , otc. Apply at the otllce of The Uee. Uk
TIIOU HKNT-Or sile. my bnlldliiKon Jones
Jl1 Btbot. . 10thi. llth. U.A.Llndiiuh > t. JIOblMh
STOItr.S at 700 S. ICth : steam heat furnished
Thulium r Hal ] , ,111 I'.iUon block. .ill
\1CSK room , t5 ! ; Star Loan uud Trust Co
' & 3J-AS
rorratci.etc. , tec top of flitl colwm im I/if / *
TTOUIiNT-ltrlck ! ! : wanbouse , two stories
JL' hlch basement , liydrnullu duvntnr. track
URO ; best location la city. A. ( J. Powell . ( * - !
rpricifnc.irefaio//lnl ] column onI7ifenacre.
GAltDKN' G acres forrent noarclty , Co-
Upcratlvo Land aud Lot Co , MZ N leith st
QAltDUN I'AUJIS to lout. T. Mutray.
] 'orratei , etc. , tee tiipof first filumu rm l/if /
\\7AMTD rurnlshotl house , 7 or S room-
M with modem coiuenlences for si
months Aihhoas , Koom5 , Ciol htoii lilock.
MWJ 12
AXTAM'KD A small furnished house o
Ti tlucoor four room Hat. Address. ! 1 , lloo
" \\TANTKD-Two furnished moms , wit
ii bnird , foi thrcn pen-ons , In prhuto film
llv. Adlri's ll d * . Unit nOU i > . MLsIl l
WANTKIror llsht liousokeculnqr. 4 un
furidslnd riniins , no children Addres
H71. lice. 717-10
ON Lor two rooms , furnished or tinfninlshoi
conveniently located , with board for mai
and wlfo In prl\ato family. Uoforenccs o\
chaimid. Address II 'JO , lleo. 0518
WAMTD An unfurnished rooni.centr ill
located. Address II ftU. lice otllco. Olfi-t
" \\TANTnrv-Torent boohont about 7 room.
ii iiiiKlernioucnleiiccs , good locution , W
1' , Valll , lU'-'J I'lirnnni bt. 4s.
\\rA.NTLU-HyMnylii0tol2 room house
Ti with nioduru conveniences ; uno with
stable preferiod , Near Uiislncsi center. How
house not wanted. Acldrotw , J , It UruiiiloU.
lit So. ICth bt.
terrain , tie , , tee fop nf fnt fcluinii on thti jxioa.
HK. COI.h , rental ugcncy.Contlnontal blk.
' , ete sct ti'pofflnt cotiinn on thti page.
"pAT'KNTluvir.voManrliinllrltors , 0\V. SuesA
J Co. , lleo Imlldluir. Oiualu. It ranch oUlco at
\Yakbla.tou , U. 0. Comultatlon fr o , UJd
"orral , ete.n lo } nf flrttcolumn onlAfu
771011 SALRA younc driving horse clicap
JU A , 1 * . Tukoy Now Tork I.tfc. M718
SI'AN of nlcpdrlver . siirry nnd iilinctonfor
. unle. ( . 'o-Oiiotfttlvo Land arrl Lot Co. , 201 N
' 0th street. ffit-g
171011 SALK-llaticlsoine , New York hnnd-
JL ? made , nqunro box nnntyt used ono sum
mer r. 11 Salmon , 1'aclilo hotel department ,
tli nnd Jones. 010
] _ IUisr.S : for sale. Stallions In or\'coat
I "tlllwntorstoukfiiriu. tend forcatahvuo.
l.J.Keudnll. room -tOJIlrown building , Omaha.
TTlOIt SAIiK A Rood phaeton , lloom C ,
JU rnrnim st. 4
T-l OIISKS nnd mules , cnslior cany inyiuont's.
-1 I Call ur address llawkc'yu Inv. Co. rooinil-'l.
Douslns block , Omalia , IHIU. ! U4
TOU SALF. Cheap , wagon and double work
L ? harm-si , or will cxcluiniro for hucUboird ,
ilsoKoodsldolmr bugty } , cheap. 11 L. Cult' .
Jontliu-nlal liulldlni ; . Jill
OAUHIAUF , team. agon , hotsp.covf. Cnili ,
Cheap Colonel Hut Ierlb2l 1'arnam. M8I3
1'ornitct rtc. , icetojinfjlrtl rotumn on
HAVT1 nlvrasoii hunil n , lot of first class
milch eowsfor salver will trade fordry
onesnt barn. H. 12. lornerlOth and Len\on-
, sorth. i > .J Montuoinery , > I4 ) Mis *
' ( ii rnlM.elc. , rre top of flist column nn Hits
"troll SALT ; All the furniture , cte. , of a
JL1 boardlng house , 2iO , lnnultoltrj.1 Dodjre
AUCTION S-ilo-fBl rarmni. iiturday ,
A pill II. Household furnllnrisete.
irOU PALr-riireo Urus-iols caricts.iiearly |
L1 now. 1 , \ \ . Miner , Urand opera House ,
, CC.1 0'
TirnMTinti : bought , sola , store ! Wclli ,
. 11111 .iiiiiini sticct. ; u ?
"TTtOIl SALK t'omplote set of drugstore. fl\-
- 1tu res , show CUM-S. etc , l > . O. ho x 172 .Ki
' , etc. , ter top nffinl enluinnontlitipige ,
If Oil A77r-48 Victor bicycle , _ 3a AdiTress
11 W , Itee. C1W
T71011 SALT ! eheap A sur\oyor and incl-
JL1 peers outtll cimipletP.V & ] . . ! : . ( liirlc'y
elty engineers and sin \cjors transit compass
four polo chains , Mcil pins , platting and In-
htruinenis. All nnrly now , nsnl only two
joirs. Warranted cot net In every pirtlc'n-
lir. Tor full ( test rlpt Ion and pi ice address ] (
A. Uussell , llriicldjtllle , 1'agu touiity , IOBJK
U" T 6 *
[ V you want to ell or pxclnnco elty prop-
ertv , farms , w lid lands , lt\ stock , lunkor
other stocks or ruerehiinillse , see K. 1' . ISItiKer.
ground lloor , rut ) r.irnam " . " 'nllB'
1'orratfi ctf , , trt tiipof first roltimiioii
AXrAM'ED-To buy barlier shop In stiiull
ii town M. 1llannlster , Ks'-ov , I'age
count } , Iowa 7il-ll ) *
\\T AN mi-A llrbt-el iss resldcme lot , will
i > p iv * to * ) , iOO for the right thing Ad-
dress 115I I tee. ( XKJ-S
T\7'AM'KI ) Tobuy alO-rnom modern dwell-
< i Ing In good locution . < . itlilu I'i ' lullisfrom
1' . O full lot desired ; will pay fiom $7.000 to
JOUP. ) 1 crms about 14 c , bh. Address box II
,11 , Uee 001 a
n.B II. P. automatic' en-
u-ino : nint toMill or ttado aM l > bl mill ,
\\m. \ Lildas,2lb NSHlist. MJ 10'
I'or rates , etc..tec top nfflrst roliiHiri on f/if j > jyc ,
kll. IlA'ITinr.l ) , . i : cor llth and Dimpli *
'btb. 1'ractlco limited to diseases of women
M5U M. '
"VTKW em ploy meat bureau , room 40. Ifilh anil
-s liodg > , iipposlta llnydcn's. Wanted ID
cool , s , 11 Kirls for general housework , sceoml
i. housekeeper. 71b-S *
fPIIK Kraal hat cigar rack SUM'S bieiklns
1 elKnrs. Mckel-nlatcd saniphWe Write
for terms. Promts .S , CoKatet.l'lilladdnhlr.
677 11'
FT j-oa hiiMi any second Iriml clothui In tell ,
L callur uddieas , Kullsli , UlJb. Ulh street.
U rurnituro polished und
ni.itticssos Tunovatid. Poteison , 11 n N
st. 411) ) II1
" \\7ANTKD IJenewals and subscriptions for
i 'llio Lnillcs1 Homo Joiiiiun .Mlisn.O
Morrell , 11)14 ) r.irnini street , Uinaln. MS-AJO !
" \ | " AsSA&lHri'itiiiont.olectro-tliirinalbaths ,
I'J-scili ) and linlr treitmunl. niinh-uro nnd
chiropodist , JIis Podt'J19Vi fc. ruli.WltliiiGll blk
ILL1SCOV. house mo\er. MI South 17th
street , and S1J buutli 'Hh uenue ,
WANTED Two copies each of the rnornloj
and otonlim ULK of Noxembor Jrd anil
on o copy of the morning of December 2nd nnd
lliri'oioniesot tto excnlnj.'of December l.lh'io ' ,
at the lleo olllee. 97S
Fur latts , etc. , KM lop o//lr ( rolu inoit tMi
inort' aRes on vacant and lnipro\oj
Jelt ) projierty. County and city uirinnN
wanted , r M.ltlolmnNon.818 X \ . Mfo. : M
bnnlc , , ' ! 10S JStli st. . loans money
V onclxitUlsorcollntoralut leasotiablo rate-i
MO.Vnr tu loan by II ! ' . Jlasterson chattel
nnd socmltlesfor any time froi i
1 to I. ' months , In nny amount to suit bor
.Loan * nndc on household goods pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , linnics , fca c * warehouse
receipts. otcnt the lowest ritesposilhlo wltli
out publicity or ruiiKnal of projinty.
Tily loans nro soariangcd that jou e.inmnl > o
a jitiyment of any unmurit at any tbno und
reduce both principal and iiiteiiM.
lfyouo ua bilnnco on your propei ty or
hitvLuloan you waul chunked , 1 will pay It
ofr nnil carry It forjou If you II milt morn
convenient , call up telephone ) .No. IC.'l and
jourbuslne s lll tie arranged ntlioine.
Money nlntiyson hand , No del ly. No pub
licity Lowest utei II 1'MastoiH ,
Itouiu 4 , Wlilnicll blk. , ISthaudllarncy hts
MOKTt > AGl > plnctcl promptly nponOinalia
business property at lowest Mies. Koms
made on approved collateril security. Notes
bought. School and municipal bonds nusotl-
nted upon very fa\oriblu teriu . Khnball.
C'lianip & liyan , 1.03 1'arnani st. SOU alH
MUItTQAnn lo.ins wanted. MoOaguo In-
M' < tnniil company. 701
. etc. , * cdop of flmtcfiliiinn mithlst pugs
MUM.\ lorn on llrst inoilgiiRO real es
tate soeiulty Unltnd htatcs Loan ami In-
\ ihtineut company , UOI lieo building , Omaha
Neb JIT.M ml
IKourpropcrty Is already encumberedand
you need mure money , uo Uonou from
f Ituil to W.OOO for yon and taUeasucond niort-
BUBO. Alex .Moore. 101 Heebldg , COJb'
M ONCto loan on Impio\od Onuiliii real
estate , mwb. l.lth btrcot. Mtfi\AIO : !
MOSKVIo lonnoi Inumivofl city property
ateunont rates ; funds on hand ; node-
lay Geo. r. lllust \ Co..1)1 ) Kaluga bla'B.
OK. . . I ! . M AiitbonyJliN.VLlfo building
lend mono ) on farms In choice countlesln
Nebraska and Iowa , also on Kood Omaha resi
dence jnopoityt lowest rates ; best tirius ; no
delay ; money ready Titles und values pasit-d
on lit'io.
Bl'lLDINOIoinsOtoTper cent ; no addi
tional charges forcoiiiiiilsslonornttornev's
fees , \V. H Molklu , first .National bank blct'c
M ONHVto loan on olty property , oastcri
Nebraska anil westornlowafurms : lowest
rates. List your property for sale or exchange
w Ith C. 1' . Ulngcr. t' run ml lloor lil'J rarnam
MONFJY to loan , Midland Guarantee niu
Trust Company , 1UU r.iriiatn streot. M71W
M ONU Von hand toloanon Improved orim-
lnipro\oit proporty. Chas.V. . Knlnoy
Omaha National bank bldjt 544 M 1"
Ol'Kll centtlrst mortgagploans. It. 0 , Pattor-
ton , U07 Ntw VorkLlfu bulldinir. 707al
TV fONKY to loan on Omaha proporty. I'lilel-
J-'llty Trust company. 1611 lamam 273
I'or rate i , cte. , ste top of Jlnt cofnm'i on Hi la jwor.
ItT ATE nionoy toTes jTBTzittle , 0 ?
N. Y. 1,1 fo , il
for ratti.ttf. . ut top of Jtrtl foiumn n tnl * pnii
k , I ? ' ) Leavenwortli , has jug
rotunica from the c&st with the latest
aummor styles. 07i
ENaAaKJIKNTStodndressipnUIn ? in fam
Illoa lollcltcd. lilts Sturdy , Uliu llarncy tit.
'orrate * , tie , stetopottfti [ fplitmrioii thti paga.
A I'AUT.NT.U who will Vrotk cnn Rot n hnlf
. V. Intoipst In a well CKtabllilifd lire limur-
neobu < slne > ! 4. Not liiu h cush needed Ad *
rc-ssJ 2.1)01onico. ) . m M711IO'
I IIIKTY'Tworooiiircpifiohotel , nicely fur-
X nhlit'd. forsale ortfivilc. Jj , V , Cruin , 411
V. \ Life. CnlllTSl 4 CW
Foil HAM' The fiijftiltnro of n. M-room
hotel , lied ? , bedding * and all furniture In
oodcondllton : nlxa jtnloon and nil fixtures
omu-cteil tlieie" Itb iuv < l lillliar.l Tables nnil
11 necessary iiinlDincntP. iVKou lease of the
-story Imlol biilldlazr Innhich said hotel ,
aloon anclhlllhrd furiiitiiro andllxturos nru
Hunted. Itiillillnc Is Healed by steam and
lulilMl by vloctrk-liy. Ku'ryfliliiK in first
lass condition. A niili'ndld bargain for the
lulitmmi l"or furtlier pirtlculars call on
luck fc Cn n i iiboll botivpon II nnd u a. in . room
05. New VorU l.lfo bulldliii. Unilia , Net ) .
IT1 OH SAI.K llntcher's tcols nnd Ihtntes ;
- * - also ICT box , eheap : tixid locution : room
ents fort.'j periuontli. AOdresj II j | , Iteo.
B AKUA1N Profitable furnished flat-JM X.
ICtli. 5J910 *
FOR .sALr-lllacksintth shon , tool * nnd
Hock. Hot 101. York , Neb. Mnsi-9 *
TTOll SAIiK Half Inteiesl In .111 established
-t ? Meain laundry inUmnlia. Address 11 .W lire.
410 s *
"ITIOR SALK U-nvonml furniture of a-room
-JLJ hotrl In Imslnos part of a town of ten
rullrniiiK Irn ! > on for n'llliic. Ill hcnltli.
Address J IS. IUo otikc. Council UltifK M'tll '
ALOON fornle , only ono In the city. Ad
-JilressJI , K. Dunn , 1 ongl'lne , Nob. S17 allr *
CtUOOLUY itoi-K forsnli'i ilolnj u pn h Iii l-
I ness Aclilrps * TIT. llrp MV53 All *
DO j oil \vl lito vttlii : ifno < l liislnc ' y lluy
thu ( niuniri'liil hoti'l ut llnildii lloiv.
tnho iinrlDnialia IICIP iiropi-rtj. 4J7
SI.I. . -I tirnltiiii > nnd 11 nilert. 'tiling
lii"tiiss ) ( Inn coed town , \\lth ir without
toro bulUlliij * : Diirt omli lialuico pill uleo
) niir | or olpiir toil estate : ln\olces about
: UOO llo\ 1'Mncolii ) Wl
lu > iatctr..rtrti > pnt fti't column on thtu jni/s. /
"VA' UM od single f. dtor ami drlu-r
tolrideor toll ? WIN. York Life.
Life.M7.J7 0 *
TTOll Tit ADI. m ni'o The Ilawh-j htm-.e.
* - ' North I'latto , Neb.lll taki'cleiu land or
olliir propertj Addiess John lla ley Jsorth
I'latte. Vb ( , OS 1C *
[ ? OK lit A III M\-rr > ( im IIOIIM * . lnrii and
I chk'kcii IKIIISO. Miutli front , on teuanl st. .
> -oinonlcnt KI nioliir llni' \ \ orllifJMlut ;
liuvo vinilo uiuln for It ? Dinah I Hcil I'stntu
: ind'lrii < .t . < 'o,4 Hicbulhllirc COO
AM ni-li3oil ( ( ncMiiiibereil Oninlia iiiop-
ettyvp ; will gl o you tine rental pi opci-
t > clear and some c.isht no pupeily too bis
Torus too hancllo. AloMooie , 401 llio bide ,
tf.8 ( *
"V'KThrin In Nilii4 < , ka to trudofor
-i.'elty or town proportj , inoreliiiiidlso orllvo
stock , ( .o-Ouitl\u | ; I..IIKI and Lot Co..V > N
Kit list , CJt 8
ri'O TIlAT > r 2 irood IIOIIM - . lot and burn.for
I stooli fnriiltiiro or notions. Address lni\
218. Kljrln. Neb ( Jill *
nWIIiIj trade u cooiloqult ) la a house and
Ut In tlu > most ni'fi'sMliln put of Umuhafor
t'lpir luts ticri's 01 cluur houio and lot. Ad
illiss 11 to , Ike oldie. .MO
" \\rKlin\i1 firms IH-.U Oinaln anil DL-S
i' Jloliu-s , lu , toixi'lun u for pnod busi
ness 01 U'sliluiL-o piopcTty 111 Oniali u u III ; is-
suino Miir ) inortF'l.'t1 nnil lxi joit M > mecih.
Alex Moore , JJ1 UieblcU'i Wl h *
C I.HAlt faini for Omalia properly. J O
Cortelj on , 40. l liiiinbcr of Loninurci' 1217
CI/l'AN stock of inercli inillso for
farm and iiiuncj lu\ ! - ' . " > , 1'ratikfort , hid.
T H"tLI.trndo peed clou lot Horthf.VjO and
lal.c'iiiod unrlcht piano usnirt ntyincnt.
Add ruijl-'W lieu. 47i
I'or lYifn , ctr , ncr tnpnf fnl c niirau uniht-t page
" 1 OST-Onoeiilngof April 7th. on . „
JJwortli between Pnelit eth and I'vvc'ity-
nlnth stieets u blnclt fnrcirrlito lobe. I'leiso
rctuinto 1UC8S. Uilh : i\onuo or uotlf ) bj lie t
nnd It 1111 bccalhil fen i 711-y
TOST-J- , ( cold ptltf. 'wjtli " 0. O. " cut
JJthroituli ; "Mothor" tin onu side ! uswl us
inarm ; reward if rctiirnid U > 1014 b lltlihtrcou
JOST A Knlclit ToinpUir chirm with llvo
J < lianiDiids ; tinder Ic > t\o at L'hils > ] > celil's ,
Dili stnot lictwoou Jackson and .lout's. M4'.n
I 'or ralti , > tr , ice ( op uffnl ctilitmn i n tliit iMf
FOltsVUFor r\chinse Tluoo tract ufo
. , ml walnut t lialiciImd In KentticKy of
" > H. LT ) ' ) and li'ucns I'aih. clcir of ( U > lit. ab
stract of tltln frini coif ! miii'iit. i.ish pik'n
{ Sp M acii cirAlIl trade for western piopn ty
and usiiiim'soiiM' lnuiiialn.ini.i > ; \ \ 111 ( leal only
with imiii'is < > f proputy thoin elxt's , no
awnts , statou hat > uu h i\ to ti.ulo Injour
IlrL litter. Atlclri"JI.S. . IJenii , Jiytoiiihln (
MS 0
SALr HU-KCIO f.uni 111 Illtchcoul.
county. .Vl > . ; prk-olSJ' . snbjoLt to inort-
KO of } - > OJ. IV ) ncres In inltl-
\atlon : 10 .nn-s tlinbor : an aerei p-istnro ,
fincod , riiniilnr w itor Sl.iOO lmpio\
Address Anna Ilartlson Coine.ll . , Nch.
SI'rMlIDOruliiiiiifl Stock I iirni-ROn aero- , ,
.ISUaeios (101) ( ) fenced ) under inltttatlon ,
" ( H ) , liiy nud p.intino luul ,
fenced. ) iioio frnlt bearlnK oieluril ;
trees mound wliolo firm. J duHlln , ;
l.iiiibPs4 lar.'O birns , Imy sheas , vni ds olc- . ,
ioti-erlbs , Krnuaiv. &e , splendid w.iti r .mil
iloso to inirUotnd'e > to U'ost Point , tin
eon lit j sent of Cmniiuioutitj. 'lldslnnraro
elianeuto tvt n llrst-el is- , firm In a locality
that bus inner u f illureof ciops since t he
arnsslioppcr plague Thlx farm will beMild
with or wltliout itoL-k and linpU'inciils.ilto \ \
for full don't Iptlon and pilei's , oiiclo-.lns
st.inip to I' . Sonnoiisclieln , West Point , Nt -
br.iskn. IKl-17
Tj" I VI.-roorn In OK hit a lllll. 51'iOD ( M
i-1 eiich on monthly piymonts. Thoiuia 1' .
Hull.Ill I'axton Ulf. 2CG
MO1USA.LR Lot 0. block i , Orchard Hill ,
JIVX ) . Slash , I-'J yoirs on b-xlancc.
5-room cotiauuand hlou fJ.MO , J,8W | casli ;
North Hit list. , t-nuth of Ohio and onolilorK
fioinciblu. boars Now Yotk Life. (7511 (
S or evchaiiKB for unlncunilioteil
lot llouso anil lot known and numbered
us tr > oi HrUtol st. I'rlei'JSLSM , on cisy terms
W.V. . blab imili , 1)11) ) N. V. Jlfo bids , Un-ti
inoll a A.LU Choice cornerJIth street , South
- 1Oiiiuli.i ; full hubinoslut , JacUson , near
ICth. b. lloxaacl J17)4al7 )
120 acres line fiiinlnz Innil iicljoliilnggooil
Nebraska liiwn , no irly eic ir.
lOliici.-s lluelv bn proved bind 2h miles fiom
count ) so it In riebraski : lightly encunibored.
li'O act e * peed land In NoliMiku,1 ! miles from
county seat , u'.r iO lulmblt.ints ,
llousu und lot In to n in Ivans is ; clear.
t' U > t In Kood NohrasUatown ,
4-roont limiio and lot , barn , well und cMerr ,
IGthbtroat.Umahi ; > < llx'litly encninhcnil ;
trade for Omiihn propei ty and a 'iiniioeneu
brunceII li. Cole. Cuiitliitntul block WJO
POIltAI.E Extr.i harsabi t'holco COx.lL'O ,
Mlth bulldhu ; rent UIOOl per nin ; m >
Mock from now I1 O , Mfll Green , HJi , IJur'
ker block. - , all
171OK SALi : A line liupimod farm of ' 'JO
JL. iicres ; 1JO tinder cultivation ; shade trees
fruit , windmill wiiKon ( SeiiliN , cte , loa miles
uestof Onuli.i. ; to per ucii' . Addrcs , U
I71OI ! onthOinihaproiifi > ty
-L n nor rosldonooiitotho leiillrrx reil ) S-
tatode.tlerH In South Oniahii , Kil Jolniion k
Co. , cor. " 4th anil N sU M J5
SAIiK The most oomfortablo 8 room
modernhouso In tlio city , overv con % oil'
loi.ce , bath , jtas , eleetrlo'bolls , fnrnnue , luuii'
dry , etc. l.-ir o stable , rtMim for 4 horses , olty
water In Mablu , ( inicroto Illoor , full lot In I.all
inllo limit , coiiM'iiliMit to-t lines of enrsshado
trees oto I'rlco fl'JOJO. ' > Addrosj K 3J , Hco
ollleo. . 40 ;
Stock 1'arin for pn0 | l liavo for Mile
tliu lineal stoclc farm In the west , contain-
lnsllX ( ) acres of vnry lln i html , .CO acres un
der tulthatlon , H > acres of tumo Brass , S ) )
nerei of fenced pasture with running water ,
l > t > ii acres Imy ami paiturn land \\ltli plinty ol
watet , I'lrst-cliiKs biilldln.'s nenrly now and
In KiHid ri'jiilr. They Include twoiiirgcilwoll-
Iii3 , itables forMO bead of cuttle , with feed
yards attached , fully oquliiped with fenl
troujhs ami liny racks , lurgohono barn , corn
er His. hay xhtds , utei , wind mill amivutcr
tanks , llulldln ; * and feed yards are slielterix
by alirKiicottoawoodgiiixuon north and % vst
sides , hltuutod iri Cumin. : eouiity , 70 ml loa
nortliwnstof Omahalu the famous Klkhorn
valley , b miles north of West 1'olnt , the county
heat , and 4 miles Cast of Hoemor , Prices
und terms sent on application. Address
1' . bonnenicholn , West 1'olnt , Nebraska , 501-1
5-HOOM houseJot S1\8J. fl.701 | nlsoC-rooii :
house , lot WjxSJ , s , e col. llth and Vlntoi
sts t..0e > 0. Ilrlckhoujo. loHlxfAn. e. cor. lOtl
aud Douglas , fJO.OOO. Mrs-Kuhlinan , 21i3s.iith
I710U BAIiH Aero property suitable for plat-
J- tine : oao tract , Ihfrty aeret ; onu of tlfty
ncrri , onaof forty acres , onoof nlno acroa : af
four-iullo limit. Omitha Itoal Lstiiti
unaVrustCo. , UiooUulIcllaj. Coitl
I'orratu , ttetrctopoSflnt column anlAiiaie | (
Tl' you wunt to > ell or oxehanKO city prop
erty , farms , wllil lands , UNO stootf , brink or
othot * stocks or tnrrchutidl o eo 1-1. Klnjor ,
ground lloor , l.MO i'ariiam , SSiSS *
| jlOItSAI < F-Twrntr houses nnd fifty va-
JL'cant lots In llunden L'lnrp. The nrlstiv-
mtlc xldllloti toUmalia. Liberal comnils-
Ions tonponts. Inqtilroof Patrick Land t'o .
room Slil. Hoe building , M UMu *
"IflOU SALK-Hrl s I'l ire lots on motor line ,
JL' AIVIIICTO property. 1' . SI. Richardson.SH
N , V. Life lilujr. IMW
? orratttete.KC top of flitt column nnthtejnge.
TlO know jour future satisfactory for the
lenjt iiionoy no to Mrs Mc\er , loJ N. luth
street. M7M 10'
A\7 A.NTKD-AU should Know Mrs lr ) Do
' ' Sun. the lady mind render und fortune
lollor : tells past and future ; she Is the best
'Mir here ; UuspociaLI v ilenip In all nritrlmoii-
il.'il nlTalrs nnd mysterious dNappcarancesj
lon'ttniy , sell or go on a lourno ) until yon
onsnll hen she can fortell Its results ; Is
tntliful nnd rcllalile ! perfect sitlsfaetlon
tunrantoed by mall : si-lid two stamps for U-
us tinted cheulnr , SJ .North llithst. , Omaha.
517 11 *
ASSAdK-Maihiu DU/.lirovorCll ) S. Uth.
( Ml o
If lit1 WAI.LACK. chirxoyjnt ! natnrilly
' i Kilted ; tells pist nnd future.lovi-trouble- ) ,
bsent friends. change * , traMil , business lltos
arniim strict , UH-i : . "
IVril" Nannie \Varrea.elilrvo\aiit.tranco \
L'JLsucikliu , writing nnd reliable business
medium , four ye iri In Oinaln. MSN ) HHb .Ed
Mils PtlKP. pilmlst fortune teller , tells
tnst nnd future fium the line's of the
ian < l In old gyp y wav ladles only , fee il r > 12
b luth WO A IJ *
'ordie. . ' , cfr.xc.'lnj ) of tint oo/iniiii / | ) < 10 ? .
Olir./Vl'I ' I' and hoitntoraRO for furniture
\\ilft. llll 1 jirii-iiiMl. 3.T
BIT trioUaso mid stoiijjo liulldlnz 111
( Jin 1)111,1'liltrd ) St ills KOU'rnnicut bonded
ri'liiiiKu llonselioldCDodf stond iiiulcirod
l ist riitiietiurint.ictl , U. M. llush-
of lioiix'liiiltl Roodv ; elr > iin ilrv
. ' . | irlMitolv storinlterms mndiM ite ; o
ilso storosto\ iluilnu t huiuiiniiur. no \ \ 111
put them from tlio l > au M nnd deihc'r tlieiu In
ho fill iniiuxl trim. Tel KB. 1.1)7 ) DoiiKluf
OmuliiStoMi licpilr Works 710
btonitfo rooms for oiis nml butter
city stoi iso for nidso mill household
rood'i K.ilct iiMson.iblo. ninple tr.uUauo
llio Nrl ) . I old StnragoUo , 815-st" Ilownrd l
Wl All
' . 'or rate * , etc , < ifHnt roliiDiu on Oil ) pn/j
GTO P ( lollenlKM'lt , tonihcr o ( the banlo ,
\ . i'U
BI 1'OKi ; hii > lnc a plami c-uimlno thu now
scale A. llodoe.lolJ Douglas
r'HK ' Allen-KeUli'im Sr-linnl of fxnrosslon ,
lltiX.-'ith Classes bc'lnirfonnodla Elocution ,
Delsirtc. fcl.aLesi-aio [ ) , 1'lijsleal culture
4) . ! aO *
! ' i tfiuiit.rt' ' . Mr top of III > ( ( vifirmii on ( ; m
t\'AN'rill If th's should mi et Uin ejo of
' * .lolui 1' . or mi ) onii thut I.IIOHH
wlu'ro hiIt Hill plns uclJri'S1. 1110 A. .1
. Mii'iiando.ili lowi. 702-S *
WANTl'lf YOUIIK ni in InwtirV In Klocoryj
MlaryfJ. * per month. I' . 1C , llnbcuck , HO'i
liowuid. 7 ! ) S'
/'orrnfc. * , ct"cct rfirst > column on
MAWJludixir Del/lei o\cr 010S llllli
( ASM C'
M hSAOi : Intli nt Madanio Smith's
lid lloorON l.Mh street.
7" > rrjfeflc , , sceloj ) offliat ruliininoii l/iln / pti
BUST line linlrconds In west ; lulr d ,
wlits switches , billys , h ilr clmliif. etc , a
ipoclnlly Iu\lei , lulr goods nnd nillllncr ,
ipponlto postolltco , 1113 Ifltli st. . Ouiuli i. 14
I'oi tnfCA.tfc. . scetititofjtrtttolwnnimthts
T(1iin ( : : Mohlc , b. o.tor. b'.irnuiiuVlltli.
JADirsand pent lemon van lent niisnncr-
ade suits at U."J . Ibth su 4Ui A II'
TIII : iniiTx
. plicod on record April 8 ,
n tunrr DEKOI
A \ \ 1iil-coc-lc ! to.Iosi < clilUzbroivli ] com-
liiiiijlotli. . blk . ! ( > , i-oulli Oinali l .
U d tlaik and wlfi ! to \ ( . l.iintij , lot I ) .
Insubof lll.l ( , Un 1'ont I'lueo ' . COO
11 M ChrMlo to Ic s sclillt ? In I'wlujr com-
piny , lot 7 , blk JOA and lot f , bile , Ui ,
.south Omalia 4o03
J ( ' 1 et/craiiil wife to.los Kroljcl , s 11 ft ,
lot l > , blk 1(1. ( I' V smith's add . . . . -.OJ3
O N 1'o.som > t at to U K Mge. o V ) ft , lot
liiind 7 , blk ll , lex . ' . ' ft n side lot win
Hist add to south Omaha 4.0nn
NVOCJamblui and wlfo to 1' A l.'ngllsb ,
und * : , lot-Mlontlolil add 1.2JJ
I II Il.urU andliusbind teA I'llrcnnnn.
lot ( - , blk . " > , I'otter > & C'obbbadd to
boulh Umalia . . 500
Italtbas Jotter and wife to Mrs rh < 'ii"-o
Iliislngw 23ft , lot.blk 11. Jelloi's.uld
to r-oiith Oiiuh.i 403
Oilah Kent anil u Ifoto Hmiio'iV-eliuik ,
jr. s SOft oi , lot 12 , blL 15 , Impr Asia
add. . . . . . . . . . 750
C U Ixibi c-k. e\ojutor , to G b llron n , tv \
' 4 lot 10 , bi > iln Valley . . . . M ;
J 1) ) Mouglier to Joseph sdillthroxvlas
( onipiny. lot,7 , hlliliVl. Mint Ii Onialia O.SOJ
Ilynin Itced nnrt \ \ Ifo to 1'r.ifilc Mnrnh > ,
lots IImil 1. ' blk I Keul's Ith add
i I'bu Islu-r and hnsbainl to G \ \ Ulhson
t'tal , w.'l ' ft lot ID and e 17 ft lot 11 , bile
7 , lledfuid I'lino. 2,000 ,
i I , belbr , trustee , to UKolone , Int.I ,
lillc I. \ \ lj tclby'a 1st udd to outli
Omaha . SM
South Omaha cnnipiny'to A W
llahcock , lot ( , , blk II ! , tinith Omaha. J.OOO
Same to II M ( iirKlk' , lot7 , blliV' , and
lots , blk : t.Vifcaiiio 3 no
Same to.I I ) Jlea hei , lot 7 , blki'i ) , s uno
bamu to \ \ ' II Uy , lot 11 , 1)1 ) Ic U7 ,
bime1 . . . . coo
Same toh.I " \\jiiiaii , lot l..aamo . . 000
Amos 'I hurlon to II N Atliorton , lot " ' ,
blk'-MN-sourl Aicniio 1'ai 1 ; 750
A Q WINon. special master , to J I' l > "lickt
lots , Plack's sub 405
Total amount of transfers $ 45,06.1
ItiillUini ; foraitu.
The folio.vinj pjr.niti wora lnuol liy the
nupcrlntcndentof bulldlns ycstoril.iy :
SlotSon. . two-story brick store , 503
Snithlimth street Sl"i,000
John L. Hill , onr-Mory frame cottajc ,
Thlrteonthand lljncroft streets . 600
John lj. Hill , otiPi-story cottaKC ,
'Ililrteuithiind llmcroft streets . . SOO
A U lllllrur. two-story fr iniedwellliiB ,
1'ort J-llftli nnd II Uiilltun stauts . . 1 ,
Tuoinhior pciiulta 450
Total .118,550
Oh , there was a smart merchant there itlll
nioa few ,
Ulio bought a. Hrnlth 1'romlcr ( peculiar b ut
true ) .
Aud hi j typewritten letters wcro somtiohad-
mlrod ,
IIo scooped In the dollars , and ttralgbtrruy
rctlrod ,
The Sml Premier Type-Wrllor Co , ,
OlUoe , 1300)4 ) F.raam Street , Omaha Neb
Both tlio method anil results when
Syrup of Pig3 is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , mid nets
gently yet promptly o i tlio Kidneys ,
Liver and llowcfc , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head-
nclica ami fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syiup of Figs ia the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced , pleasing to tlio tnsto nud nc-
ccptuljlo to tlio stonmch , prompt in
its notion nnd truly beneficial in its
eilecte , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and liavo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs ia for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by nil leading drug
gbts. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand \vill pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Sttf FAAbClSCO , OAL ,
HnKiiropem laio i > rpnnitlon | Impart * n ponly
impU-xlcin lunfci Ukp sprint nrntcr , lui leml or
luinnKlni ! UiKroilU-nt < urnmoil t IIPlip t In Aint-rlri
i''upu kiii > or Jfor ? 1 Sotit unywlicro propiilit on
roulpt of price or l * 0 1) Klnslcr brnuCn. I.e-sllo
A U'llnnii llnic ( o.Oinin : ! , A II Foster ,
Council Hill Hi.
" Continual dropping wears
away the stone. "
The continual breaking1 of
lamp-chimneys costs a good
deal in the course of a year.
You can stop it. Get Mac-
beth's "pearl top" or "pearl
glass. " You will have no more
trouble with breaking from
heat. You will have clear glass
instead of misty ; line instead
of rough ; right shape instead
of wrong ; and uniform , one
the same as another.
You will pay a nickel a chim
ney more ; and your dealer
will gain in good-will what he
loses in trade ; lie will wider ?
his trade by better service.
I'.ttaburir. Gto. A. M VCBETII & CO ,
j1 liiflrmltli" ! , Midi as
hnneln , u t-ak l.ilnt < \ - > and torpid
. .
HHI.P I mm m * ! m. w
hnvonspoolfln olTect > n thcsoorsrnn , stim
ulating tinin\v ) iUpi\ dNchiitK'
tS nnd liiipartslgoi - to thu v.liolo njhtcni ,
-1 Trinsportidlon Dupirtimnl of tlio Inte
rior , Olliru of 1 milui AIIair- . \V.i-hlniIiiii.
April 4 Is'jl , Scaled pi oposaKJudoiied "Pio-
juisalsfor lleef. ( bids fin hi.-nf must ht < siibmlt-
tul In rini'liij ) ! ' ! ) . baton , lloin , cloth-
IiiB , 01 tr.insiortitlon. ] ote , " 'as the case may
bei and directed to llio CommtsiloiiLrof Indliui
AITalrNos ll'i and t > 7 booster street. iNoxv
VorU.wlll berecohcd until Ip in. ( if Tuesday ,
Miv fi , kill , forfurnlshlm for tlio Indlnnsor-
\lco about IUO.OOJ pounds bacon , , t4.WO.OJU
tinnndsbeef on the Jioof , IAV ( ) 10 pounds net
beef , .Iiu00 ( ) ponniHboan3.hl.000pounds balilns
ponder. L'.IOOIXX ) pounds corn , ( ViO.OOO ixniiKl-
colTeo.10,0 0HJounils ( ] Hour. 1100 O p.iundsfei'd
lOOnO pounds h ird broad 10,000pounds hominy.
WXW pounds linl.ui ) li irnsls mess pork. S'lODO
ponnils oatmeal. Wtf.i OJ pounds oit . lll > .0)0 )
pounds rice , i..OT.O pounds tea , 117 , < M ) pounds
coirso s.ut , pyi.UM pounds line silt , .Ijil.OOU
pounds soap , I,1COXI ( ( pounds stiRar , iiniHlL'-
001 pounds Also , blankets , woolen and
cot Ion Roods , ( eonslsthiR input of tleklii ! ; ,
ITX ( ( ) jaids ; stiimlatd cullco , 100,01)0 ) iaiils ;
drlllliiR , i .VHX ) juriKj duck , fne from nil sl/-
Inn , yi.KK ( ) yaids : ilcnlnis MO.OOO yanls ; gln -
liuiii. .CIO.OUO yards ; Kentucky Jems. llnOO
\ards ; chovlot , 3.\D'0 yinilluown ; Hheitlnji
ilU.OiWyauls' bloiehod shooting. IVCO yanls :
lilcUoij shlrtln ? . 11.000 \ irds : calico slilrtlns.
SOOO ja ds ; wlnsej , 1,000yatilii ) , olollihiK , j-'io-
coiles , notions , hardware , incdlcil supplies ,
i > cliOdboKs ( ( , oto. and n lon llst of inlscillii-
neous irtlcles. Hiith as hirncss , plows , lakes.
tot Us ite. . and for about 575 wagons loiiulrod
for tlo M > r\ke , to ho dollcred nt f'hli uo ,
KansisOIty , und SouOlty ! Also , for such
W.IJIOIH as nfay bo rocpilreu , a < lapti > d
tn thocllinato of the Pnclllo coast , withI'al-
Ifornlii b lakes , delivered at San I'ranrlsco
Al o , iraiispnrt'itlim for such of tliu articles ,
Koodsand supplies may not ? bo ( ontract/-
ed for to bo dillvered at the A Reticles
ii.MvS ; s'ohL'flulos slioulii'tho kinds and
nuantltlcs of Mitwlstonco suiipllcs leijilliod
for c'aoh Aseiiey uiul ' ehool , andthoklndq
and ( luantllles InRross.of iillothrrgoodsand
nrtlulo4 , tojcthur with hlaiik prop Mils , con
ditions to bo observed by bidders , time nud
plaeoof delhory , tc'rnisof contract , and piy-
menl , ti.niiporlatlnii routes , anil all othur
nueessiry Instructions will ho fiuiiMitMl upoi
upplleilinn to the Indlin Olllei ; In U'asliInK
ton , orA'o fi.'i iinjfir ll'iristrr tfrctf , A'nv I'or/f ,
rlho ConiinUsiirh's of Subsistence , U. S , A. at
Chnycuno , Chloio , l.caveanorlh , O-naha ,
salnt Louis , ' * lint Paul uulbin Kranulsco.tho
I'ostinastonnt Mou > Olty , Iowa : Vankton , S
Dakota ; Ark mis is ( jlly. Cild cll , 'I'opukn
and \Vlohlta , ICansis , and Tnoson , Ail/onn
The rUht Isiesoni'd by the Koverniucnt ti
tojcctany and all blds.or any part of any bill
and tVsu proposals are Invited under proviso appropriations shtll be in ulu fur the
supplies by congress. Illds will bo openul at
llio hour and day uho > o htaled , and blddors
.in ; Invited to bo piesi'tit at llio opening
CKIITIHKII CIIIKR. . All bids must ho accoin-
panlid by crrtltlod checks or drufts upon
some United Matis lex ) | > hltoiy or thu lust
National 11 ink of Hun Pr.inclsi'o. Cal. . foi at
Icastllvo per cent of the ainouut of tlio pro
posal T. J MUllOATn.UoniinlisIoiior.
Scaled propoiiliylll bo rcoolicd by the
ft.i to Printing Hoard , at the ollleo of sceie-
tnryof statt , at nay lime lutfnro Tuesday ,
AprllJI. ib'Jl ' , iitip. in. for printing and lilnd-
In ' . ' ,000 copies ouch of the scnato and house
j < iiiriials and 0,00)copies ) of the Bisdoii li\vs o"
IM'I. ' Seiinto anil housn Journals to ho prlntei.
on l > ook tnpcr. two pounds per ijulro , ttnpor
loyal oet u\o form , Mimll plea typo , sl\-to
plea leutlu hotwecn the Ihu s , without unnec
essary blanks , broken pusr * or pira iaphii
blanks butwooti pioceiilln sof each day , and
lintwiuu dllloient mssloin < if ; thu saino
day , not tooxceed four pica lineP.IROS to In
s.iniiisl/D m journals of IM. binding hal
t-hei.p ,
e-shm IUWH to bo prlntiil on two pounc.
b jok p.ipi r , Hinall pluntypo , puffos to lies nun
hl/e nut fnriii as the laws of Itw-'i > vitb mar
Rlmil notes and ludov , bound In full hluep.
I'roposaN will aMo bn roctlved tit tlin samn
thneand plico foi prliitluulhc suiiteineeijuri
reu irts andeourtciilendois and for fiinilMh
Inji nil blanks , blank books and Plrritlais , In
oludlnj i o\enuo blanks roriuiied by the o 111
i-oii of the o-xocuttvo
- dopirtnicnt of tin1
state for a period of two years from date u
uontiuct ,
Kamp'cs and cstlniales of Iclnds aiidnnan
tltlyof supplies to b furnished can bo seen
ut the otllcii of Miuictaryof utiitn.
ProK | > sal < i must Htitu for what prlcn tin
blddor \ \ HI fiirnNIi all IIOOKS In this clnns pe
jKvgn and for all blanks and circulars Jic
Kach proposal niustbn uceoinpanled hy i
l > oiiil In thu Hiiinot tjuoo with t\io \ or mnri
surltles < oudltlonaI. that the bidder , will. In
cusoof awiitd. wlthlullvo diys after notlc
enter In to eon truc't todo thu work.
Blil in no murkcd "Proposals for Pnbllo
I'rlntliiK , " care nccrotary of state.
tiiilley and PIIKO proof for hiwaancl Journals
limit be furnUhed thoHeorot.iryot .State , and
all work to bo delivered In eood order free of
cost ut the otllco of the beoretarv of ht-uo
within ninety days from thn dutoof contract ,
lllilht torojoctiuiy or ullblds rcscrvul.
.1. 1' . IIn.uUtittoTreasiirer , j M'tto
T. II , IHSNro.s. Auditor of P. A. , VPrlntinz
JOIINO. ALLE.VtocrctaryofStuto. , t llnaicl ,
\tiirs OF Tin :
It. T , Martin of Itlttng City hns broken
tltrco ribs , which canto from ownlnsr n Melons
The rcsldottco of It. C. t-on don nt Ulysses
was destroyed by fire txs the result of n de
fective lluo ,
Itov. ( IcorRflWIIllamoi lias resigned the pai *
tornto of the 1'rcsbvtnrlniHliurclint Klobrarn
nnd removed to Mftcholl , S. D.
Gcoree D. Wnllnce , n iiroiulnrtit fnrinor
iioir Klslntj city , bctoinololontly In.
sane ni n result of nn nttuck of la grlpuiv
Dut Lnno , who drives the stnc o between
Itomorntul Wlnnebipo. hits boon arrested on
the chnrgo of robbing an Intoxicated stranger
of i-IO.
The contract hai been closed for the build *
IIIR of n normal unhcrsllv nt Superior. The
cliool Is to ho non-soitarinn nnd the main
bullJliii ; \ \ 111 cost $10.000.
Caleb Spencer , probably the o'alest ' mutt In
Cliy oounty , uled nt Pnltflolil , April it , nRcd
nlnety-llvo xeitrH O\\t-n Sueenov , also a
lesldentof Kalrllclel , dledtho snmo day , nscd
Tire started by ctndois from
badly ilatnnKCil the railroad brli
school creek , near Hntton , di-liuliik' trains for
ten hours. Ilarduoilc by tho'dttzcns snvcil
the structuto from total destruction.
The North Nebraska Hlph School Orator
ical assoclutlon at lit recent tncctltiK In Nor
folk , elected the followlii ) . ' olllcors : M. A ,
CourtrlRlit , l'Ialnvlo\v , iiroalilentV ; \ , U.
.luclcson , Uulnir , vlco ptc'ldont , ,1. A. Morn-
ber or , Norfolk , scciotnry nntl treasurer.
U'lillo Mrs. John Doxtiitulor , nn ni od
ldo\v of Ft lend , rctufiifitp lioino she
as ncdilontiilly tripped hy a loose board In
the si.dcwall < and fell so \ lolotitlv as to illslo-
cato one1 of her hips anil break the thigh
botto. ' 1 ho Injure Is so bail thnihor ixvovoiy
is evticiuoly doubtful
Information hni roacheil 1'undor that
Jnmon Illack , a constable on thoivscivntion ,
cot into a row wlthS Hionleo , nlso anltullnn ,
In which Urontco's slttillas cinckcd and nn
arm broUon. It Is liniwsslblo tollndont the
cause of tlio row , but It Is qulto probublo
that thov bud had n drlnU of "lliowator "
nWltllo the Janitor In the ConpreiMtlonnl
cluircn ut York \\is imlllnp down the larRO
chandelier to extinguish the lights nftor the
cHunliiKBonlco , tliowiru nolillng It to the
rclliiiK broke nnd the cliuiulollvr fell to the
Hoot- . The Janitor \vns struck on tlio hu.ul
nnd sccrolInjjiirvil. . but tliu lights \\otonll \
extiiiKiilslicd In tlio fall nail tbebulliltnias
sued ftotn destruction.
About January 27 of thli year , justboforo
the llrst hcn\y \ wnou- storm , \VllllnniKnyscr ,
\\ho ll\cs about tlvo tulles e.istof town , lost
aliognnd vas inuiblo to llnd nny tiacoof It ,
siys the r eich Wotld. The ether day , wlillo
onoofhls nrlghbonvnj dlcnInK a bay ritck
out of n SIHMV pile , wh it did ho Hud but the
missing politer. After n fast of foity-u\o
days the hog \ \ as still allo and able tovnlK
aioutid tuul cat. The nnlnial welched ! I71
IKJUIICS when it uas cnupht out In the bll/-
/ard , but when found was reduced to about
eighty or ninety pounds , mid is ox potted to
Sovcnty-onn nrlsonen tire confined in the
1'ollc county Ja.ll.
Com la ISurliiiKton sells lor 70 cents , oaH
Til cents anil hay glii per ton.
The dam at the nidora mills \ vadiuiagcil
81,000ortb by the recent Utah water.
A Dubucino nnd his - ivlfocro ucit.
tcnccd to tblity dajs in Jail for ilrunltcnneas.
Tlio plans of n Him of Ohio atchltcctsero
adopted for Clititidy Center's now court ,
Ta > lor Shank of Amelia sold his barley
crop the other day niut clcaicd the ncnt sum
of Sib per ncto.
William Kitpar died recently nt Charter
Onlc , aced nlnuty jcnrs. IIo had been a icsl-
dent of low.i since 1S51.
The Tnini company winch will put In a
brickjard at UboJc-i starts out \\lth a con
tract to in.iko (500,1)00 ( , ) brick.
Rev Mr. Limb , pastor of the Roono Pros-
hytciian cliuivh. Ins boon gum ted n vaca
tion. Ho will visit JCurope.
Atlantic has received notion from the post-
ofllco department \Vaihingtoii that it 11
entitled to a frco mail ttclivorv.
in. , T. nnRcnnun Is dead at Aloiulninln , need
slvty-nlno IIoas one of tlio pioncor
inoichiints and for many years postmaster of
that place.
\VallterNiinrodMillcr wns hold up
by t o tramps on the railroad track neur lox-
tor nnd robbed of his \\atch , atovohc-r nnd n ,
fo\v tcnu > in money.
There aio nine cliilimnts for the f.100 to
ward which was oflcred by the Northwejt-
eni company for the capture and conviction
of Conductor O'Neill's murdtior.
Judge J. IJ. Oraycr , formerly of Mount
Pleasant , and JudRO of the circuit eoiut for
sixteen years , died recently at his homo la
Cincinnati , where he moved In ISbl.
Clnrles Tovea was anc.stedat Otlutmvnfor
boa'.ini ; nnilturnlntr his wife nml children out
of doors. Ono child was deathly sick when
the father porfounod the unnatural deed.
Prof T holing of Dnrtlett tteatodto
a basket of nnciont eggs \\hllo rotuintnc ;
homo from a concert In company u Ith sev
eral jouncr Indies. 'J'ho whole party \vni Itn-
niorsed with the loua-smelllng scrambled lion
fruit. The poipctratoH uro not known.
.Toshh Hiechcnhacli , n voung mm living
with bis pircnts near Luther , accidentally
shot himself the other mornliiLr and died the
same ovcnlncj. Klechcnhaeh was lidin on a
linvraclr , ( 'olng nfter n load of straw , lie liad
a shotgun on the rack , which was about to
slip off when ho reached for it to Ueep It
from fulling. In some way the Klin was dis
charged , resulting in a frightful , mutilation
of ouo of his aims. The Injured member was
amputated , but the shock \\as too much for
his system nnd ho died soon after tlio opoin-
tlon was pel formed.
At the close of the collopo of the Ames
ngilciiltiml college nolittlo excitement wns
created over the expulsion nt the eleventh
hour of I1. K. Utvldson. The charge brousht
nirainst him wis that ho plagiarized his or.i-
tion , which \v.w delivered at the collo-jo last
tall In the oratorical contest , nnd In which ho
won second place. Amonif these who toolc
pait In the rontoat wns yount ; man by thu
nanio of Lorcjoyvlio won llrst plnco , and
repiesonted thu Institution at the Btnto
oratorical contest , wheto ho won fourth plate.
Mr , Lovojoy was fjrauuatcd from the college ,
nnd was considered ft very bright joun , ? nrau.
An Amei correspondent says It has now cotno
to light that Lovojoy also plngiai i/.ed his
oration on which ho received so many com
Write for Prices nntl Sninploa ,
Niitluo to Con ti in-torn.
Illds will ho roeul vi d hy the school boird of
thn Independent District oM'arroll , Iowa , for
thuorretlon of tno brick additions to the pi o-
hdld HulldOl IldllSI'rt.
I'liinsnnd ' HjjMilllc.iitlons will be on exhibi
tion at tin ollleo of the presldmit , C Il.lloofl ,
In Carroll , Carroll County , low a on the lOih
diivof Aptll. IS'tl ' , until the ' 'Uth day of April ,
Ilills to lie hoiled bids : thn hoard has the
rluht to loje-ct any orall bids ,
L'ont riutoi.s to furnish good nnd Kiini"lent
bondx. U , U. JliihFr , I'lesUIcnt.
Xutln * to
Notice U horoliy given that the f-chool
Hoard of District No. 1 , I ) iwson county Ne
braska. will lecelvobleU for tlin hnlhlltnt of a
Hchool hoiiHO In l.c\liut < in , Nebiaskrt. us | > er
ilhiic'cllleitltons on < llo with Mr. 1. ilt-
tenhoiiKo , Aiililteot , llnstliiga. Nohriisku , or
at otllco of lloird at Levlii ton , Nohriskii ,
bald ] > lnns r-an be * > ( en after A lull U , nnd blN
will bo rocolvidiip to 10 o'clock a , in. Wcdniis-
OH.V , Apill . li-.H. ' The Hoard rosurvon tlio
rluht torojoutmiy orall bids ,
liy order of btliool Hoard ,
alxlltni K M , 1 * . I.i'H.AVd , Director.