Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Lively Ec-Openlup of Business After the
Ilcotioa Holiday ,
Corn Vnltics Wuro Illfjlirr , but I.tvo
Stock Traito U'ns Hlo\v nnU
UnnntlNfactory nnil
1'rlooH Ijcnver.
CntOAno , April 8. Tolcsram to TUP.
UI.E ] Tin ro win : i llioly rcoponlnK of busi
ness on tlio bo inl of trade , following tlio oluo-
lion holiday. Conditions cliiuiKi'il onouili In
forty-ulRlit linurs to put trailu In a nurvous
uoiulltlon. uponcil very nctno untl
vnry troiiic. Corn started nuarly lo up for
Mny. ling proiluuM wuro up too to 2UU on a
ImlMx'llovod rntiior that tliu Uorinm cm-
Ijnreo um to Ijo llflul fioni Ainorlcin li n'
products. May Kales the first hour wuro tis
follows : Wlip-il , 1I.OIS , to tl.O'i , tu 81.04 V. to
II.OIU ; tnrn.CT'K1. ' oirtoOOSc' ! oal , SIcloKi'lci '
polk , J12.M. to H8.C7 f , to ! I2.r > 2'li ' lure ] , SO.G'ij ,
tojfl. ! 'i , to so ? ; ' ; ribs e o * > , , to jao'i. '
i 'llioio as iigri'-it wlii-nt intirkot toilay. It
atniti'il w.tli . n flmry nnil > cry strong nt
liir'hc'r [ irlL'os. This brought out a meat ( loud
of lone wlioat biuiKlilon Jloiuliiy The niar-
kctyU'lilul pirtly under this for u tlinc , I ) tit
1 all r bull MOKslKc'iimociy dcolilud und tlio
innrkot bo-aino bro id nnil htron atf iln , nnil
Homo of the heaviest short lallcrs were forcoil
to buy In their limit. Thoruvn < a strong
iinilrrtuno ixt nil tlinci , and thuro nuru but
oncor two llcmsuf bear news , wlillo ttuatliul
cables , uluir.incui , c.isli s ilc-i , nnil fresh
uxport bitslncHS sasu liuyors iniiuh oticoiir-
tixununt. Public o.iblos o.irly wuro linn ( or
spot whi'.it and Jjil up for futures. Tlio
oitlior was colil hero , niul It win ruportod
cold aliro nl. Sin 1'iMnilsen w is II : 111 pur
cental mill icputtod wondarful oontl-
niiutal ( loin mils. At the sanio tlmu
them wa'i t ilk of llbural export
biisinusstt > > o r YutK. Tlilw stirtol tlio nur-
hcl with : i sh irji up turn Tliun Uitsiluii and
Indian shipments HITO K\OII | nt about 1.UJOOJ ;
Ijiishols foi tliLMVuuk to tlio United K'iii iloin
and tlioioiitliirnt. iiKaInst2,8IOOOJ linsliolo the
wci l < iicvlou ) , Hi ulstiiut rcpoi ts ducrori.od .
htnoUs cist of tin ) Koiiklus STI.OOJ hiisbuls
Thcro wire f.ivor.ililodhpitulios iiliont scud-
InK In tlio nortliucst. This and the cie.'it llus-
slnn shlptiionls liclpctl sollln , ' on tlio curly
InilKo. hiiturc.iino expert clc.irancus leicli-
ln'G. ( > , IKXIIiisliulsofheit \ and r > 7,000 | > iul.iKc's :
of llonrfruin Now Vork and ll.iltltnoto. On
tupofthN Ililtlinoru rcpDitoil ! . " > bo it Iniiilu
\MII l < cil for rxpoit , Now Vorlt ropurtril fioni
" > to , U boat loads uorKeil for c\-
lioi t , rlil"llv nn uililo : ai optiini i's
for August nnil Scptoinbcr slilpnieut
Nun Oilo ins cliMted 2VOU bushels for I. hur-
tiool. In tills niatU't It U roiiorti'd that W.OOO
ui 'inof sprliiK nnil 7 , ( HXi linshols of vlntcr
nlKMit ni'intoiKiil for eaMoin shipment.
Iirobulih by I iUi > . In tlio pit tliuro was
nb-oi ntlon of ollerliiKS which could not ho
traeeil. Uiidiiliy and I'ardi Idxeuiueiodltutl
ltli InivlUKury heavllj to cniur slim t siles.
'Ibo olTnliusxvuruli'il liy Parniiin and lllooin
I'M ly , niul Inter liy Mltcliell , ll.ixtei. Guildi's.
I.lnilblooin. ' cliwnil/ and t > . V. \ \ ldHTlio
action uf tliiiinaiKi't up to 1 o'clock , foi li'ad-
Init inoiillisvas as followsMaj ononid at
Ill'l7 ' , in ilUVt.siild to tl.OI'i ' , to 81. HIV to
HOP , , lo $ IO" > J , to 81.15. to iflOV'j. Juh
stnrtul at 111) ) : ' , , to ( I M" , sold il.0.1. to
flOPi , to Jl UJ' ' ' , . to JI.II4 at 1 o'clock.
New Veil * hud n stton } ; and exoltul nmiUiM.
Mlnne ipolls luported o.isli.licat iiuleUly bold
nt SlOI'i In * 1.0I KorthiM'st luci'lptsMTU
Modotuto , und i alii was promised for tonUht
AMi ( > .ilsold at tliu hlKhest nrlccs nf the day
Just befoMi tin elnsn und tnuc'huil furi'i for
May -mil III.3 , for . ( ulj . Tlio dosti Mas ut
II iifi ? . seller for May and JI.UI'i ' bid for July.
Airll was quoted with July , it thu close
I'hccoi n ni.irlicl did not possess Its ennui
Inti.'rcst. lonsliIorltiK Iho activity and \vldo
range of pilci's cuioially on the Hour. Tim
action wis i.uiuli Ihu s.iino as that In uhoal
'llio stirt was nt'fo to Ic up from Monday's
i lose , followed hy a ileeliledly easier
fc'ulhiK anil loner pi Ices , and this by
a strona rpcou-ry Into In the day.
Mny sold at ( ITu to df'ic at Iho stnt , yi | > | ili > il
to i ii'i' . anil at 1 o'clock
> inntod up toVo ( \
July sold .it RPMo to lilu at the opening , oil to
C.l4o and liofoio th eloo '
up - > o to lil'iu. Coin ut
the c'loso. eoniparodvltlithocloso on Monday ,
was tip \a ii-spcotholy. At the c-loso the olalnitMl that May sold on tlio early
mill laic bul.'o nslilKli as 07\c for July , and
alsototiolicilM r. April \\ns ijiioled 11 ii7'4e ,
to fiT'ie. to 0j ( c , to O7 c. Jluy puts. Wu !
CiillH , lih'ii' .
Tlio outs nitilipt wrissoveriied today liy the
nutloaof the Iii.iillnx cuiouls , wheat and eorn
ThoinaiKet npuncd up about 'io alio\eMon-
( lay'sc'losliiR tlKures , decllni'd Me , ruco\crcil
on thostienjitli of coin , seoicd an aclvaneo of
fully lo and elrsi'd flnally at about tlm
ton prices of the day. May dtillxory
nponid iitnio , sold down to fil'/Je , up to % 4'Se ,
anil rloscd ut 'ilVo. . .Innovns quiet and
raiiKid froi' < ? BO'I ) ; c under Mny. , lul > sold
from lie down to.Vl'ic ' , up to RPie , and closing
ntfil'/ie. ' Aiiuiistopi'iied atlhSiU , wc.iUencil to
! ! " 7 e. liardeni-d up to t > \u and closed ntlW'ic
Sopleinboi ruiiKOd ftoia J. > c toiLVic , closing nt
tin1 outsldo pi Ice.
Theslieiuth In proxlslons at tlio ojienliiK
Wilson tliu Koneiiil Dellef the talk of a
recall of tliu edict ag.ilnst the ailinlsslon nf
Aincrliian pork to tiLTinany was Kinulno , The
Inilpe had just cotton nicely underway when
lloilln culilo iiihlcos to tuo or tlnuo houses
Ktatdl that tlio story was without foundation
and Unit no olllulal action w ts uiobablc.
This caused a brealc of l"e In pork
and lOo In ether pioducta from thu
early ailMince , l.ator , honevor , tlio
strength leluinid , hlici ts were seated Into
bitiln . outsiders ItotiKlit fieoly , und In the
goni'ial demand forsttiir prices worofotccil
up at thoc'loso to thohltrli points for tliodny ,
and "showed nalns o * in Moiuliiy'H close of L'T'.o
for ribs , : ' for lard and r > c for inoss pork ,
a rental kably iinlfonn ad\aneo I'ork sold at
flSW tutl.MlT' } , to U r.l , to * l 77'5. to * I2 70
for May ; * > < K ) , to ri.l 'JJ'i , and uloslin ; at
IKJ > , for .lulj : heptentlJir , J1IWJ Laid
started at.1u to lOo higher , noted with pork ,
andelosed at .lOo OMT Monday , at $110) ) and
7. ) for May anilJnly. Itlbs clnsod at fi'ii ! ,
10.CO and JU.b"'i ' for May , July and September.
I'litcns AT cini'Atio.
Showing tlio ofllulnl lopoit of tlio r.tiiKO of
prices as ttltcMl to Cockrull Itiotheis.
roMMoniTY I eii'it ) | | null | ICIuiu
"iin AT
July U7H WM-M
usMnr ra rev u d
July. . . . Ul UM IS'i
OATS Mnr. . . . 61
NntcH and
Ditliitli icc'clpts , 101 ems ofboat. .
MlitiioaiHll roci'lits | I'Ocarsof
C'loslnl.nnilnii c-.iblus : dl upon ousli
nndlkt i. . n Mar ,
' . sliljiiitunls of client foi this
6liii,000 | liiislu'lj.
OUinr.iitiM'sof Hour ut Now York anil llnltl-
inoro. 'C.UW incUnci's.
I'rlvnto l.nniloiicabluVlic : nt , iirouipt sliltt-
ini'iit Ilil ItlKliei ycsturilay.
KocolpH fur thu tuo cl.ijs nt eluxnn primary
points kM.lXKI ; sliliiitc'iiH | , i'Ol.lHH )
lluU'lilnsonnitil Mc'L'iirnili'K fc Co solit u
emit ill-ill of July nltoitt rt'L'ontly.
Thu I.OIKIOII Kc'iuioinlsts lys thut Knrono IH
wo bmhiiuito ! | ! lust your.
liiKfablit : ll\iiriKKl Ijil up on all vhriit
't ; nlhii 34il up on corn futures.
llcrlln on nil's n unit's an ml vniico nf < y in irlc.s
on April nml .May anil J4 on hoptumlior.
CU'iiriincL's HI four IHU u yo tonluy : Wheat ,
StUKS ; i'orit.M'Ju7 ; oitivj ij Hour. I\IU7.
llrus > . ( < l < t culilui .Mtirl > ct o > cliuii | all nhoat
OuViotl tiliuojt it'K.tnllusj of prices.
HriulHlri'iit inul.t'S the iluoiuiisu In wln'iit.
wcht of tlio'UT.OU
. . . . foi loth
rnrlsr.ililot Wlient nnil Hour firm. AVIicut
emit. 11 no , hlghur , I'lour iW to 40 uoiitlinos
hlK'ltur ,
Onohuniliril cars ofliont were hold nt
KaiiKiis City Tor expert toiby , ImnicMllnto
N'"w Vorkmysi There IIIIH ln-on nt lonst
.W.WXJInisholsof wliitiit nnrki'd hum today for
Jnlv und An.'imt slilptnvnt.
It Isi'Stintaloil liy sonio when nil wheat Is
loadoil that lius U'i'ii olinunruil nt C'lilciiuo
that tlii'rolli bol.lio.oui Intsliul.uilotit. .
lIuurbolun'iic'uLli ) : OlT const \ \ lioat tlrninr ,
rum , none olleroil On | iisi.noUiutit ! llrni ;
corn Mi'iitly. Mark wlnnit llrni ; coin
Hun ; Hour linn , Tri'm-li inurkcMH uc-norully
ilt'iiri'r. Weather In KnitlaiiitcoUI. Liverpool
H > ot wlieutslroitKI com tlnucr. No , 1 Callfor-
nlft who it. 81 TV'dt Wnlla Wiillu , fH .IStjIj red
flntiT. M4il Mvurpool , I2-.W p nit \\liont
firm and
Ilcporlud Hint I20.UCO litis'icls ' ot wheat
worked nt Chlcujto for iltrei t export on tlio
oiiciiltiKof navigation , of wlilcli M.WO Is spring
nnd 70.0JO winter.
SU LoiiU rerelptsl Wncat. S ,6 ! : corn. fi'WOj
enl * . J'i.175. Sune day n yi' ir UK"lictit ! ,
C.RITI ; corn. UVi7 ( ! otiti. io.OlW. Shipments :
Vr'lirilt..U.iWO ! coin , 40,000 ! oaH , 13.1XXI.
I'lilc.iKO rc-Lulpts for tnoilays ! \ \ liout. 46ffn
bushels ; rorn , V'U.'SI Ltistlu'lai oat" . S49.17S
bushels. .Shlpinunts : Wheat. * . . ' .8'J1 hmliels ;
corn , IV , fim bushels ! outs , 2I4.UV1 buslioli. Ks-
tltniitod for 'riiursdiiy , cur lots : 'Vlic-nt , 4J ;
corn. M ; o.its ,
. . _ „ . . . ft Co to Toncray A llryan :
Wheat has been uctlro from the open
lim until tlio clo'O. No special house or
Individual was prominent as buj ersorsollcrs.
Mny opened nt I LOW. sold u to tl.O'i and sold
oir to Jl 0 j. und iiKaln advatited lotl.OVi.and
closes at fl.O" > U. Cables nro strong , the conti
nent leading as buyers. r.iiKllh maikcts are
now on a p irlty with Chicago nnd there has
been considerable purchases for Immediate
shipment front here. ThOHoa'on Is backward ,
the KronlngcropninklnK no process so far.
This , with foreign demand and sm ill stuouis
In tlio Interior , Rives strength and
may Klvo still higher prices. If thu clcmund
fet shipment continues higher prices must
follow until the Kcntlmcnt changes. It will
piy small profits to buy on bicatis The Undo
In coin has been Inrior than for many days.
M iy opened at lii'tc. kold off lo l > < 5io ( and
closed at r,7'4c. ' The old hull p'irty Is still
bearish. In provisions p ickers haxe done llt-
llo and the outildo buy I tiff has been cornl.
Hifntfth In Mho-it and com with bcttoi prices
for lie s , the ptodiict will follow.
\V. 0. McCormli k it Co. to T. 0 S\vart/ &
Co. 'I ho boom In whoit of yesterday was
followed by a further advamo today ,
With the exception of beitltlful spring
like weather all o\er thin country the nuns
WHS imlvorsilly bullish. Liverpool noted an
advance oft penny. Ijindon an advance of 0
pence , Berlin an ad\ancu of 4't marks on
April and M iy who it and . ) ! maiks on fcep-
teniber , while I'.irls hinught up the ro tr with
and advance of 40i'eutlmi's on lloni and a cor
responding advaiue In wheat New York re
ported export sales of IN toads with more In-
itllied | for and likely tobo sold heforo the day
wasovet. At Chicago 110,000 bushels we i a taken
for dlrce't export as soon as n it igallon opens ,
Now " .orK loporlid he ivy cle if.lines of Hour ,
Our looal beats line fought haul lohold
prices , but their clli its uoro useless In the
face of the mass of bull news. Thoinukut
closes strong and If the fm els'ii news eonllnues
of the same'fo\el a further advance would
not surprise us. Corn and oils H Is evident
thaUhe cdco Isolf both of these deals , al
though sympathy with the advance In who it
has sustained pilecs tol.iy. The ntescnt line
weather will ce'italnly hie'rciso the roielpts
.mil ourc.isli market shows a marked lack of
anxiety on the part of bnyeis. "At- are decid
ed I j Inclined to the short , side of thu July
option In both corn and o its. Provisions
opened higher on liglittceelpts of hogi ) . Theio
wi'toa ntimber of uidni-s ( in the market lu
ll mud by the Idea that ( icim.iny would re
move her embargo em IIOR products ,
v.ito cables ftom reliable ( icrm in sources
state that no su.'li removal Is pioh.thlc.
Tow.uds the close the finned In sym-
pa'hy with the adv.uieo In Krdn , hut May
lliliildatlnn Is L'nlug at such a r ito th it wo
haidly believe It possible to sustain prices
dining thonoxt ten days. We are , however ,
bulls uu provisions and advise buying on till
Weak spots.
Kinnetl , Hopkins X Co. to S. A MoWhnrtcr
Stimulated bv strong cables and exag
gerated tepoits ot export business , the boats
whoioldso freely on Moud iy nt the doc-line ,
abscubed the olTciliigs most ravenously when
the bell struck this morning. 'I ho advance
yesteiday In outside maikcls during our holi
day had whetted their appetites and they
were clamorous buvors. 1'rlcrs eased oil
gradually.if toi the shoits hud filled up and
this tempted them to put out fiesh line * .
Later there was a lenewal of bullish Inlulll-
goiuo on which the market advanced about 2
omits for lulv and 1 ce nt for > Iay. Dhotis
wire again the prlnclp it buyers on thti latter
buk'c and lotus took prollts. In
all forms It Is s ild about II0 lo ids had been
taken at the seaboud this \\cok feiroxpoit ,
meist of It for latu summer shipment , The
latter Is of course lliblo lo bo resold. This
w 111 depend on cltcunistanccs. It is like one
of .lay Uould'sdlv lilonds , not sale to count on
until p ild. There Is apparently too much
push and Ilionorks o\oi this alleged export
business It may result In smdl shipments
this month or ne\t. hut the hulk of
the en aictnent. If shipped at all , will
conn ! ftom the tiovt cuip. and until It
IH known what the next harvest Is It seems
piem itiiru to advance prleis now on possible
shipments In toptomtior Wo aic having a
Hplendld scalping market and trulors who do
nut lose their heads and who will buy only on
crond hieiUs and sell only on uooil rallies will
Und dealings quite satisfactory. Com and
outs II.IMI had no pai titular Individuality
today , lliov broke down heallj when wheit
declined and tecovered In sympithy with the
leader In speculation. Less anil less conll *
clnnco is belli , ; shonn In tliesu cere ils and
there Is a moiogeneial disposition to sell on
the rallies both for long and shot t account.
The waim. crowing weather Is likely to havn
a inoro decided etlect on them than on who it.
There was no disposition to sell provisions to
day , neither by holders nor by specithitois.
fora decline o It was th it wo had a stiong
. . marketnithout much buying. The
nilMinto In wheat some cllect and also
prolmhly an article In a morning paper s.iylng
ih it If German restrictions were not yet re
moved they soon would be. We have had two
days of sunshine , but It his not dispelled the
dull feeling In the air , Thu mat kot eloso 1
steuly at abxiit thu top It Is nertotis and
lliblo to udvincu on a slight stimulus we
CHICAGO. April 8. [ Special Telegram to TUB
HFE. ] UATTt.h Ti.ulo was again slow , disap
pointing and unsatisfactory fur salesmen.
The receipts show a fnlllngoirof 0,010ns com
pared with hist week , but that fact In no way
seems to stimulate the demand or prices. 1"\-
porte'rs weio practloally out of the , and the beef trade lomalncd In-
dllTerent huj crs. lllg steers were p ntloiilarly
slow , as neither the qiiallly nor pi Ice seemed
tosult bnyeis llntuhcrs' stock sold fairly
actl\ anil at a steady range of prices In the
stockcrand fecderllne business was light nnd
prices standv. Onoof the lotsof e-\tr.i stours
sold at WOV1.25 ( | ; Rootl to choice , ! 300X2FiW ! ;
medium , $ I.74M. 1 > 3 ; eotiiinou , M.7 K&I,23 : cows
and helfor-s , } ; .r > @IOJ ; slookots , $ . ! 2 * 1.00 ,
Hods Ituslness was ngiiln fairly active ,
with little or no chnmio In values ascompired
with yisturdny. 1'aeUers bought spailtiKly ,
and hhlitpi'isb irely their usual mini ho r , jot
neiiily eveiythlng was sold , the general nini-
kel oloslni ; steady , liou.'h and common may
bo unoted at $4/ > n4.70 ; paeKuis , i I WKIi'i fl.i ;
prime he ivy and butcher weights. $ " > .2Vi5.41i ;
prime assortd light of ll > 0 pounds avoragc ,
S.'iOOfW.'u ; others , $1.50100 ; pigs. sf.J.00 and up
S TO Cli5 A\H7 iro.JtS. .
Konnott.llnpkhis > ° , Co. to S , A. MoWhorter.
A Cainiiiiick broker said at the Wlndsoi last
cveiilii. that them was no doubt about the
fminorliatliig sold out his Northern Paclllu
stock and now he was doubtless out of
them intlrely. Ho didn't know or care
whether the thrcn Uoutscho bankurs of Ilor-
lln had withdrawn their support of Vlllard or
not. Ilo hlmply knew that liquidation of late
hul : been constant and free , and that was
enough for him to know. The feeling last
nl ht on the whole was that the market would
tirobahlv further iccedo this forenoon , simply
btu.iii'o fiollin , ' and liquidation had
been he.ivy , but desulto this fact the closing
was not weak. The story that Cot nelius Van-
deibllt was going Into the fat. I'aul boird of
directors was donlud yesterday hy I'lill
Armour and Dopuw. The gruiKor family ol
ro.idsnro In iinothur row this mot nlng , MIH.JS
the Chicago Tribune , hi cause the llnui In tint
le'glon have been ordeicil by the Joint com-
ntlttce to boyeoitChle igo \ , Alton tickets , or
biiKg.iKO e'hieks , beeniiso tiiu Alton continues
to piy commissions. 'Ihu New York Central 7 1
earnings ciino out last night for March , tliu
iimulcr hliouliuan inoieiiseot 111,0.A ) but a
decrease for nine numtlis of } L3OUJ ! The
Itome , Ualertonn I'v ' Ugm nsbur earnings
beiran to beeounted Inon Mnrch \ \
Thestouk miirkut after a 1 iir-'uld move early
hi the day with surface indications of a ten
dency to reaut downward horamo nioronotUo
dm Ink' the afternoon and Miry stioni ; ht ,
I'aul has ele.uly been the lender of thu mar
ket and ItsstieiiKth nml the conllilemo witl
which It his bom bought Is duo to the changer
sentiment during the d iy The HoaUncss 01
Norlhein I'acllle yesterday and early this
morning together w 1th the announcement tint
the roads In the Western Tr.iillo issoolation
hud iitoelalmiMl war amilnst Iho Chicago A ,
Alton , because of thu hitter's ref us il to aban
don thu paynu nt of eommlsslons , had much
toilowlth Iho bearish foulltu t ) which we
hmoioferred nsoxUtlng at lhoop > nliu The
Ilistof tlu-e ciitise- . was lemoMMl nuout mid
day , the pusmil axilnst Noithurn I'aolllo
lunhiiJcensi'd. and the stock to ieco\or
( loin Its depress on Thu oiiteonie of the
movi > tn ntto boycott the riilcnjio A. Alton
eaiinot b-JcIi ) irly foresoon. ThlsNof doubt
ful hgallly and wo-ild
not probibly he HIIS-
talnc'il Ui the I'ouits If It could over bo brought
( Mm lasiiu It Is iinfoi tun ito , lo iy the
east of It. any trouble of the
u'nl1..K ' . . " ' "I'l e'omo up when to mud
Hltuitlon. ' ' ! Hl-1'f.1l.1.V..9-.l.l'-.V. , ' ' ' ' ! ! ' | ' stocks ' " ha " ' ra .iy
boi'ii troiiir. TlioHtnetls Inollneil to
t hut the now leloeted mayor of Chicago It
frle'iidlv to the L'ltlcico KIS
compmy an
tun erhlsadinlnlstratlonentloits lltlRiitlim
will bo abandoned. 'Iho theory Is C'hl-
men bought lonlfilcntlj' . .
ItellitiMluiulso hiiMibeen strong audri e-o\ .
ered from the decline of > ostorday which
seems to liiivu been only a national reaction
In thu trend of prlees upward. The markil
elosul iirm at about top nrloes. Money easy
at : .I'i : i > i percent , Total sales . 'Jiv.osT. '
London closing prlcerii Northern 1'aclllu
preferred,7t'4. decrease 1'i ; Jlrlo , iii'i ' ,
ero'iso . i j LnKo Shore. 112 * ! , decrease I ; Loula-
Nashville , 77'i , nd > auco ; fat , I'aul
r > OV | , tmrlinnuod ! No\r York Central. 10.V dc-
croiiso ! it Heading , 10)i ) , decrease Ul Atchlson ,
o the closing quotations !
tr a it roslttcro.l . . .l ? ; Northern Pacific. .
U H Is coupons . m ( to ( iraferreil
I' S IH < rtMlstcrol IW O.N AV
i ; H | t"scoii | > oni It * ' clnttrofiKexillT ) .
I'ncinclis of'i'j ' 112 Now York Contra ! . .
Contra ! rnclllr . , . TJ < I' . . I ) A It
rhlcnuo.v Alton . . . .lai Itock lulnnil
Chicago , MurllnKlon U..M ASt.1'
A ( julncr S.\ ' ( liiireforr | l . . . .
I > MW lob'i St , i'nul XOmnbn. . .
Illinois Contrnl \j \ clolircfprroil
I. 1 _ II 4\V Union 1'iicinc
Knn ni .V'lntns . . . . U W.St. I. A 1'
l.nkoShoro Ill iloproferroil
Mlclilvan Central . . W ] \Vo9lcrn Union
.Mls'aiirlt'acltlc . , M
Mo.ver ox Cit.ij Kasyi closed ofTercd at 3
HTEiu.tNd RtttiANOB Quiet , easier ; sixty-
day bills , II M i demand. jt.Wj.
CofToc OptlotlH.
Nnw YoitK , April 8. ISpeclal Toloram to
Tun UEE. ] Corrcu Ootlons opened barely
steady nnd 5I5 points down ; closed gtcaely nt
10 < iIWpoints down ; tnoro ncthc. The snlcs
were illSCO bass. Includlnx April. JI7.COS17.r > :
Mny , ? lflKXai7.C5 ! ! Juno. tll.70 ( in..0 ! ! July ,
Jl ( . . ® in.r'i ; AuititHt , Jld.lftitKl.n ; Seiiluinber.
JIS.Wnl.1Wl October. JI5.KX0I3 H : Deceinbor.
fll.T l.10. Spot lllo , dull anil easy ! fair
cargoes J2J.OO ; No. 7 , J17.67' ' ® 1S.OO.
rtliiiltiR Quotations.
NEW VOUK , Aprils. [ ypoulal Tolc'rani to
Till ; IH.Kl-Tho follo.vlu.j are thu
stock quotations :
Allco 110 Homc'Stnke H ?
Ailinis Con . . . IN ) Horn Silver .WJ
Iliiri'knCon ttl I'lyrnoutli 1SJ
Coulil A Currjr . . . M ) Stnmlnnl I-M
I Iain ami .Sorcnm 15
CniOAfio , April . Wliont-Cloio rirm ;
push , JI.OI'5l6j'4' ' May , fl.OiUttl.OJ1ij July ,
1 ol > 4.
Corn Steady ! c.isli , 0757-IBC ! May , C7"t ®
C7'te ' ; July , < ; is c. *
Oils Muadyj cash , M'Je ; Mny , 5l'ffi34lic !
Jnlv. 51 V1.
lljo- Nominal nt SfiUlSflijc.
llarloyNominal at 7Sc.
Thnotliy JUII. ' . ' * > .
I'lav- } ! . ' . ' ! ' } .
Whisky Jl 15.
fork-steady ; cash , $1302'5 ' ; May , flS.771' :
Juij. triai.
Ij'iiel Steady ; cash , $65 < ao60 ; May , SO 90 ;
Juh , sr'-U
bhort UlbsSteady ! cash , Jfi.10 ! Jiay. JOSJ'J '
< a < i r , ; Jnlj. ! fl-7"atiW ) .
I'lniir lit in anil unchanged ; winter wheat.
Wisconsin trnl ltts. : to3l 40do | eh-ar. * l llMi
4 'JO , hprltiR , illnnisota haul patents ,
SiOC5IO ! soft p'ltont , $ KVit-MW.
Hulk Me.its blioulileis , S.'iOiXiW U ; short
cloir. fatoatiri ; short rllx , $ ( ! 0'i .i.10. ;
Butter Lower ; creamery , ITfcMIc ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm : full cream Cheddars.
ll'ic ' ; Hals , llQI''cs VOUIIK Americas , l
KiiL's-Weak ! fresh , 1 31 Ic.
Hides Steady ; he ivy RICOH salted , Co light
, rcen salted , & * iclic ; Ktecti hides , 4' ' > ( ift" > :
s-ilted bulk , 4Jie ! ureen salted calf , Sc ; dry
Hint , He ; dry salted , uae ; dry calf. 8&0c ; dea
cons , Wo o ich
Tallow Steady ; Now solid picked , ijuotablo
KccelptR. Shlpinents.
flour . 2.1.000 100M )
\\heat.bu . 47,000 MOJO
Corn , bit . 2IVOOO rl,000 , !
Oats , bi . 219.003 ' 'li.OOO
NnwYotlK. April 8.lioat \ Uncclpts. 4I.POO
bushels ; n\pnrts , - ; spot higher ; No. a
led. il l7'ffl.loiB ) In elevator ; Jl/JOli'SI 20S { ; il..Vttl SI * ! f. o. b Options udnncea
© ' e'i closed Him ; No. 2 rod. May closltiH at
Corn Kccolpts , .8,000 bushels ; oiports , 2.ROO
bushels ; spot weaker ; ? i ) - ' , 7SJfr78iC In cle-
Aatot ; PiffiTll'io ' alhiat ; unuiadod mixed , 77 ®
SDe. Options closed llrni ; Jl iy elosuu 74'sc.
Oats Itocelpts , , ( , OJO bushels ; expoits , ISO
bushels ; spot steady ; No 'J white , ( iJ'ifijn.'c ;
mixed western , o7RUc ( : Hltlto ncstern ,
Options stroiiRor ; May closiiiR at .ril" c-
biiRar It.iw , firm ; iniiscovailo. bO ti'St.-c ; ;
rellneil firm ; confectioners " \ , " 4nKc.
1'otrolnum United elosud. May , 7JO.
I'jRsVe.ili western , 1'i'iC.
Poik-lIlRlier ; now moss , tl I S ail 7. > .
Lard HUhnr. strons : western steam , $7.00
bid ; May closed at J7.07.
Ilntter About steady ; western dairy , 12 ©
! u : western creamery , JIS'-'jc ( ( ! ' ; Ll ln. 27.
Cheese I'lrtii ; sklmu , ( i'ic.luo. ' ( {
ST. Louis , April a Wheat Illzhor ; cash ,
tl.n * . ; May. $1.0- ) ' . .
Corn MtrotiR : cash. CSc ; May. CO c.
Oats Dull ; cash , .Vi > Jo ; .May , MUc.
Pork-PIrm at $ l..2jjJI. 57W.
Lard-l'irm at $ K17J.
Whisky Il.ld.
Hutter Unchangodj crcimcry , 212Cc ;
dalty. 2JS21o.
MiNNCAt'OMS , April 8. Wheat Sample
nhoat strong with Rood demand ; poor
K rail OS Mow. Receipts , 170 cirs : ship
ments , 43 cars. Uloso : No. 1 turd. Apt 11 ,
ll.Oti ; on track. } l.un > i < ! il.U7 : No. 1 northern.
April , mn ; May , $ l.ut > s ; on trick. JI.Ol ®
l.U4i ! ; No. 2 northern , April , $1.01 ; oil track ,
KANSAS CITV , April 8. Stcaely ;
No. 2 hard , cash and April , OJc bid ; No. 2. red
cash , H-Sc bid.
Coin Steady ; No. 2 , cash , ( ili33'5c ; April ,
C.PsU bid.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 cash , KJ'jc ; April , 53Kc.
MiLWAUKbR. April R Wheat rirtn ; No. 2 ,
sprln/ and c.ibh. it Oll 03 ; .May. $1.01 ? .
Oorn Klini : No .1 , ( W'ie. '
Oats-KIrm ; No. 2. white. Va.
l'ro\lsloin-CJulot ; pork. May , $12.73.
OI.NCI.NNATI , Aptll 8. Held higher ;
No. 2 red. tl.08.
Corn HlRher ; N'o. 2 ml\ed. 7i'jc. :
Duts btroiiR ! No. a ml\cd , 5S 4e.
lavFiti'ooi. , April 8. Wheat rirm ; domain !
fair ; holders olfcr si.irhily | ,
Coin Finn ; demand fniprotlug ; mixed
western , Cs l"id per cental.
1,1 vi : STOCK.
CIIICAOO. April 8. Cattle Receipts , 11.010 ;
market slow and .steady ; steers , extra. { 0.01)54 )
fp.'J" > : common to choice , g.l..V& * > ( K ) ; cows und
he-lfors , J'.VKai.UOj Btoikors , $ .VJWi4 OJ.
Ilo s Kocolpts , 20,000 ; market fairly nctt\o ,
steady ; longhand common , * .5J I4.7 ; pi line
lii'.iyy and butcher weights , $3.2.va5.4o ; llKht ,
$ . .ri < i& > 20.
fchi up Receipts , 7,003 ; market nctlto and
Kteiulv to a nhailo stroiiRarj westerns , f4.bOI5
C.tu ; l'c\ans , } jOi > 3-'J ; ; lambs , $ luOGGO.
ST. Louis , April S.-Cattlo Receipts. 1,100 ;
shipments. : nu ; market steady ; fair to
faney nitl\o : steers , $1.00 ® . * ) 00 ; stookeis and
feedois'hlxai)0. ( ) .
Ho s-Heeclpts , 5,230 ; shipments , 800 ; mar
Ket stouly ; heavy , * J.Ooa520 ; niKcd , $4. CO ®
5.00 ; llsht. * 4.&Vil.lW.
KANSAS Cm- , April 8.-Cattlc Ueceipts ,
2iO : : ; hhlpmi'iits , 1.400 ; m.irkflt steady to slow :
steers , $ I'ViiHOU ; cows , 4L73JS4.2 * ; stockers and
feeders. 2.2vatl.lO.
llo s Itccolnts , 10,501 ; shlnmonts , 7,100 ; market -
ket steady ; all grades , $ .I..Lj 4.H3.
OMAHA , April 8.
OATT K nstlmiitrd rocolutsof c.ittlo 2.000. as
comt ) ired with 1,911 ycstordiy and 1,0'Jl '
Wodnesilay of last week. Thu market was
slow and 10 to IV ) luaur on heaves , and active
and steady to llrm on butcher stoek. Good
feeders .110 In active demand at alron , * prices ,
with lessdeslrabloRrades steadv.
lions KsUmatcd tecoluts of heirs 4.000 , a' '
compared ulth H.l'.fi esluulay nnd .154
Widnesilny of last week. Thu market 'Mr
aetlvo and strong. to flu higher. All
sold enrlv. The of the prices uald
was $1 dn LO ) . thu bulk sclllm : at } l ( JVJJl K'I
1'lgs. $1 7"ut.l.7" > ; light-lights. tJ,7 * > ! &l. ' > 0 ; light
? 4 dO4.M ; lic.ivy , $ J.SiXBI. < U ; inl\oil , (4 U * > ® l.b3
Tlio iver.igo of the prices p lid was $174' . IP
compand with H.iiT'i yestutday , Jl .Vi Wednes
day of last week anil $1.1. ! one year ago today
' I'stliniitud recelnth of slieep , l.OM , ar
compared with 77.1 jesterd.iv and ( U * Wed nes.
dnj of last wool ; . 'Iho market was unchaiuoil
Nathest..7iS\IO ; westerns , Ji.lj ® ! ! ) ! .
of Stuck.
thu niimnur ot e ittlo , hos and
sheep bought by the p lekers and other htM ers
on the m irUut 111 Hliown b/ the boo cs of thu
Union stock yuid.s comp my ;
lluvers. No
SwIft.ICo . ; it
Tholi. II. llamniond cotnpiny .
ThuCiidahy paelchi' eonip my
Tlio ( Jin iliu p ickliu comp my li
Shipper * , feeders mil other buyers l.O'i
Lefto\or 101
Total 1,04 ,
Thu Cttdnhy pioUItu company St
ThuOmahii piokhu oompiny 7'.1
Hwift \ t'o 1,0.1
TliuC II , llauinioiil comp uty 17.
Shlppois , fecdeis und other bujers I..V"
Leftovei 10.
Total VTU
' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' "
The Oudahv pickhucomp'iny . . . . . . JR.
fchlppera. feeders and other buyers . . . . It
Total . . . , . . . . . . ,
Jleprescntatlvc ! halc-H.
No. Av. Pr. No Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1 tire tl 00 4 1IMJH1) 01 HKUIW
2 HVJ ; i 5J 1 l.'UO 4 f > J 111 HIM ) ADO
1 . lux ) U . * > > 11 1114) ) 4 M 2-s IViH 500
11. S22 il liO W 10b7 4 | > 5 IT 1S | ( 5M
1 . 0.0 8 73 5 MM 4 7U 'JO I''IU 510
2. . SOJ i 00 40-1.111 4 70 ia.UU 6W
2 1300 4 S 41fU2 475 42 ll"l 5271S
W 1121 441 'J lfes 4 SO 33..1237 540
0 , 1121 t tO -'U1l | | ( n 40
4 78(1 ( 1 C * . 10 IWfi 240 1 1070 .140
7 . K)5 1 75 IH lr.1l 2 W 1 10.10 II , ' > 0
l MX ) 175 3,1111:1 : 2110 i 1110 : IT * >
2. 150 175 0'tfiill ' 1100 14 1IJ7 3 SO
1. t0M \ ' tXl 1100 H..109I 400
5 RSO 200 f. 8-M M25 fi 1104 400
a t.j t > 2 25 P , . Rn ; i 23 s H"J 4 oo
8. . 7S7 2 23 10. 1(31 ( 'I US
nct.I , .
1347 103 2 > 1IB5 240 1. 1 70 .110
. . Kill 22. * . 1 .MID 2 ( VI 1 IBM 400
1. Itt ) 2 2.i 3.1120 275 1..1020 400
1. IMiO 2 40
STOCK ens 'AND ' Fr.EtiF.ii9.
5.000 3 r.O 13. . 760 3W ) 60. . 031 360
! ) . . 078 3 US
0.1340 200 1.1070 550 3..1C5J 300
UEIFLlia ,
1..11M 3 73
L. 140 } 2 23
sprlnecr ! ! " 00
cow and calf 21 00
cow and calf W 00
No. Av. ih. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
4 . . .210 MJ 00 2t > 244 120I7.J !
J I140 123 t3 277 40 4 71
1 . . . .20) ) - 4 ; 77 . . . . 242 J03 475
4 1110 40 4 II3 03 330 203 47 * >
7 W. H ) 4 ! H C7 . . . .2.-7 40 47ri
0 175 tO 450 f.0 'ill 200 473
2 . . . .M - 4 M II . . . .ISO 473
1 . . . . 1(11 ( 120 4 M 57 . . . IT ' ) 120 47 * .
r > . . . . .20041,0 , f ) 1113 l-'O 41 < 0
* D 100 IJO 400 70 . . . .20S 40 480
1 . . . 144 40 4 CO fit . . . .21. 2(10 ( 4 SO
.2 . . . . .01 120 4 ( fl ( > " -IS fO 4t-0
. . . . ice 41,0 2t am 40 4so
5 . . . .1111 M I W Ikl ar 40 480
. . . . fO 4(0 ( 71 a\ ) ) 4M )
| 181 1VO 4 ( „ * 22 . . .SSi M ) 480
U . . .201 HO It. ' . 73 'J2. ' 80 4fO
13. . . 177 200 4 ( Vi 0 . . . .2112 4 83
4 . .105 - 4 fi * ( U a.i7 SO ISO
7 . . . 11C I 40 4 ( . ' ) fit . . . , t7l ! 120 4 SO
1.1 . . . 210 40 4 Co 51 . . . . 'JIB 120 4 SO
I. . . .Hit 200 4 ( Ti 7.S . . . . 1 CI ICO 480
( .J . . . 101 100 170 fi7 ! . ' ! ll l-'O 482'5
8 . . 10.1 40 4 70 70 . . . .I. 12 40 4 81
" . . . ' . - JS 20) ) 470 40 271 4 ts .
2 . . .2iO IJO 470 ( . "t . . . .L"'l 80 4 S3
I . . ,2V ) - 4 70 77 . . . ! SM 201 48 , * )
* i . . . . ! ! > > 120 470 08 . . .a.17 120 4 h * >
1 103 lliU 470 ( VI . . . . 'Jlli 83 4 8ri
1 . . .I'll ' 1IX ) 470 M . . : iJ3 SO 483
2 . . .221 240 470 III . .i. ' ! > 8 4 8 * >
* i . . . .2.W ft > ) I 70 51 . . . 11 120 4S >
7 . . 247 210 470 71 "SS 40 4 > 5
( . . . .179 IJO 4 TO 71 . . . . ' 'KI SO 400
0 . . 21J ( 4 70 d. ! . . SiQ 4 IK )
S 2. " > S SOO 470 04 a" ) fcO 401
I ) . . 2IS SO 470 40 . . . : U > 410
9 247 IJO 470 07 IW2 200 4110
I lsU 40 4'0 51 aj'J bO 400
D . . . . 2JI 200 4 7J"
fins ANiinounii ,
0 OH 2M 11 00 275
: i . . . .10:1 : 200 i 270 4uo
4 b 2 U )
Vo. Av. I'r
4 westerns ewes . ' . . 07 $150
1 ( ) cisterns , owes 114 4 75
111 westerns , ewts f ) 4 2i
01 wpste'rnssctliers 1K5 5 03
4 westerns , uctheis 115 350
tlrooei Ics.
CO EH Orpcn-Itlo , 22@lc ; Java , 27c ;
dochi , 2sc. 1'uistod-ArIiH.i. 23 l-10c ! Mc-
UiUKliliii. XXX X. 201-Hloi Iliinoll. IB l-10u :
Jorman. 2'Jo ; DiUxoith's , Sou : Lion. 20 1-lOcj
oulovlu. 2bl-tOc ; Moclm , 'He ; O. 0 lava , tile ;
JofTca essence ' 4 jsto boxes , Jl.UJai.M ; chlc-
ory.7liCuliC. .
NUTS Per pound Almonds , I'cs Hrtrlls ,
Ic ; lilbt > rts , Lies pee-ms , llttillo ; walnuts , ir > c :
loumits fanov white , do : loistocl. 8c.
SALT Dnlry. 2M ) lln in bbK bulk , $ - ' 10 ! best
crudes , CO ! > > , SJ.40 ; best K ratio. 100 Us , J.,30 ;
icstciadu , 23 10s 8J.10 ; rotk salt , crushed ,
lUkiNO I'owuEii , illinp cans , per IOA
Ix.1 ! i-llcans. | il 13 ; H Ib finis , W.M ; 1-lbcium ,
' 3.00 ; I'rlco's. 4-lb IMIIS , tl .l > : Vi-lb cans. Jt.Vli
-lli' ins Jl.7,3 ; utbor Kinds , l-ll ) LMHS , per do/ ,
O I'AITII IVr Ib , best strnu , I3\1S
to.U\44 , l' ui dry Kotjds. 4 0 : p\tri quillty.
Manilla , ij'.ic ' ; tnanlllatca , UvI8 , Oc ; cliirk i.i , ; ,
OILS 1" > 0 tit Imo white. Oc ; IV ) water white
ll'ic ; headlight , : 74 gusollne. ll'ic. ' Ol
' .tns-1 gal , $ J003I.J' > i 2 gal , $ J.75 < a.l.bO ; 5 gal
$ J.VQ3.00. )
SODA Packages , CO Ibs to box , S' c ; kegs ,
' "
"TEAS Japan , bntkot flrcd , 20 ® " * < : ; bundrloJ ,
bro.ikr.i8t. J37.3g : VoanR Hyson , 20iJ
Co ; Oolong. 25QI3oMb package ilnsi , ] ' > c.
AXI.R OiiKAsn I'cr gross rra/lor's IIITRO
tins , $ .10.00 ; inudluni tins. f.T.OO ; fiiiiall , J15.00 !
otbor iniiKes , wooa $ . )305tS.r > o.
: i do ? Inbox , : iO7oe : liiOles' shoo
ilrcsslntr. 43oil.OO : slovo pollsli , pur gross ,
f J U G-f r > 0.
IlLUiNn-Llqnlfl , 4 or. 3 dor In box , 01c < Stl.n\ \
fez , . ! < lf/n ) ! box , Jl.riOiS'J.'i ; dry , small , 2.3u ;
Inrse , 4.3c.
SPICKS 1'ppDcr PliiRapore , sirtod , 13tJlflo ;
sbot. 2.'o ; nllsplec , lOo ; clovi'S. I'uiiang , soluct-
ed , 17l'les ejssh. Clilna , l-lb iniits. Ho ; nnt-
incKs , No 1 , 750 ! inacassor , ( jjt ; pickling spices ,
10-lb turns , 2.3c
Cuocoi.Ari : , HTC. IJ-lb boxes. JlftVtc oor-
innns\i.t. ( a.'lf/A o : cocoa. .tlXji)400j ) Itroino , : iJc.
COCOANUT n-ll ) cases , 4 niul 'f-lb packagus ,
per Ib , 10S.27c ; bulk , 13-lb p ills. 2" > c. '
OMVi'S-Qiiarts , per doz , S4 00 ! pints , per
do/ , * . ' .50 ! bulk , uor Bill. $1 20. Oll\o oil , 'i
pints udoiicrca'o , $1.50fl" > 20.
.M VPI.K bun Ait I'i r Ib 5o cakes. TO-lb boxes.
Hie ; 10oea' ' < es. : w-ll > boxes , ISiio ; l-lb bileks , : u
Ibs In box , pure , 14c.
lliii\is-5-tlo ) parlor , JJ 00 ; 4-tle. J2.75 ; 3-tlo
8J2.3 : : i-tlc. piiiln , Jl.Mi ; w.iroliousp , JJ.OO ; toy
81.2.3 : Mhlsk , 8iool ft *
bOAr Castllp , mottled , porlb. lOc : do white ,
purlb , 14c ; laundry honp , per 100 bars , $113 ®
5(0 ( ; sh.n Inp soap. VWr.3c ) per tloz : toilet soap ,
y LMiKrb per box , f > < ) ( QW.2.3.
AllI AC ( ) tIS GOODS Hurley , 4o ; ( nrlna ,
KCRS. S3 00 ; split pens , 2o ; urcen peas. 2c : out-
niiMl. bliln. f02r ; luir bills , $ .1.23iiyi4l !
macaroni , I2cernileolll ; , 12e ; s..uo iina tail- ]
nci , l/iid'ic ' ; Llm.i beans , ( iV1 ; ei re.illne , fJ.4 ' ;
llnkcu lioinlny , 3it' ! ! puail hominy , JJ.50 ptr
bbl ,
L\K I.Ottls'iierrnriicd , } ! V ) ; Kcd Cioss4.23j
American JJSSj S iponlllrr. $13 ; Murry War ,
J.'K ' ) ; Mar , scrubbing , $1.7.3 ; Olllutt's pow-
diMi-cl , $423.
MII.K C'oiidcnscd-naRlo , S7.40 ; Crown , fn.23 ;
Aiulo Swiss , $070 : Aiucrluan bwlss , $7.W ;
llUbliiml , $0.13 ; "Ulsl , " $0 w ) .
i\TliALTS-Lcinun. : 2 07. fl3eI.SO } : 4 07. $1 00
4.I50 : vanilla , 2 01 , B3efJfcO ; 4 or , Jl.2o3 .V > ;
Jiunilcaglni'er,4 ! 07. II.S3 ,
JlATCHi.fl 1'arloK 200 und 300 per box , S1.K ®
$1.70 ; siillburJl.l.-i3itu. ) :
( lAsm-Mlxtd , .ij-lb palls 8'J8'rc ' ; stick ,
8'5e ; twist stick , Do ; rtonih nilxcd.ri'io ; hour-
boiiiul stick , b'Jo ' ; Jar and uasu c.uullcs , 5-lb
boxes , TiBl'JIe : extra line goods. S.vail3c.
Hin s Shoo , PIT JI.2VQl.LOilaubers ; ,
73ctl Ol ; soruli brnsbos. iiOcffif-'OO.
] liuiEhiiMlxLd ) : blitl , l-lb puckaKos , 5o ;
einary , 41iu ; lionip , 4'iu ; anise. 13c. .
ii.hs lOlbs to box. OHci inlnlns , 10 ®
10'ic ' ; wav , lie.
ToiiACCO-I'lno cut. peril ) . tH2"o ; liluu. 22
(37 ( o ; smoking , a-JUWc ; fancy brands , ttc ) ©
Jl w
JIorAssKS-J ! bbls N. 0 fancy , per gal. 4C ®
48u ; choice. 40it4" > c ; good'Jsy. too ; Cuba , baking ,
2530cllacl : ) < slnin , H'Jo ; syrup. HI grade ,
bbls , .v ; li ! bbl , 2t > e ; 4-gul kc.-s , J1.J1 ; 2-pnl
kits , ( i"i.
OiiiLlt-l'or bbl , refined , $0 50 ; half bbl , $ I BO.
TWIMS OOUIIAOE , I'TC. L'otton twine.
"Illhboiy line , "i-lb biles-"Jccotton ; twine
XX brand. U-lb bales , l < c ; honip twine.'i-lh
biles isc ; sail twine , 20c ; candle wick , 2'e ;
40-foot cottmiclothes line , * I.IO ; Ill-foot cot
ton olntlii" ) line. 416T > ; ( > 0-foot sisal lines. $1 . . >
CO-foot lutn , ll.s.i ; wool twines 84o ; Mnnlllii
rniie' . all sl/es f rent 7-10 to I In , 12c ; rope ,
all si7csfrom7-lito ( 1 in , ho ; "now proc'iss , '
all sUes from 7-18 to t in , 7'jo ; cotton lope , ' 4-
VI'M'IIAH Apple'clder , lOo ; rioiibleclder , 12c ;
white wluc , IJe ; triple strength , 1'Jc. '
.STAIICII Piril ) , , , ,
PIKCI.IS Medium , bbls. Js.oO ; smnll , ? 1000 ;
ghei kins , $11 00 ; Hoston mKeil. $12.00
\Voor IN\V\IIK i'e'r do/en Tulis. Vo. 1 , 750 ;
No 2 , JI5J ; No. .1 , JtV ) ; keoleroak grain , , vin ,
best. $1 51 ; white cedar. 4-iti. beat , ll.i'i , p nis ,
Il-hoop. oak Ki.ilneJ , * l 7"i2-hoi ; > i > . $1 'U ; hvrup , > ; douell , il.7i > ; | iapur , metal hoop. J..Mi ;
( ril a rI brass hoops , No I all red. $ iW ) ; cedar ,
.Ihi ass hoops , No. i uul , $ "iU ( ; cedar. A brass
hoops , No. Istilpod. f5HO ; cod ir.I brasi lmop ,
No. 2striped. $ l..ii ) , horse , e\tri lioivj. No j ,
} . ' .75 ; well buckets , j.23. ( llnttorw.iro Tubs ,
ash , .1-Inch , > cr noit , T c ; ash , 2-uch , 2 I ir.'o
size , jier nest ; 4'io : outter ladirs. hard wood ,
TOo ; butter paddles or hpades , 70eVtish -
boards Single , } l.lJfl.00 , double. W.S03J : "
Uloihesplns crit-s hexes , Wc. )
t'\NM.II 1'ltLTiTR < Jallfiimia Apricots , IJB3
132.111 ; } . ' .75SJ.'U ' ; penis , ( J.5 ® . > ,70 ;
grades , itl.hVIil.tifl ! cherries , white. JJ.WXii. . ' ) ;
cherries , bl.ick , f.'i.VtK''iO ; qiilnccs , J..ou ; black
beirles , tsya , raspbeirles , f IOJ ; Htraw hertles ,
fitlO ; currants , $ 'jr.j gooseberries , $ J.'J3 ; plums
eggs , } | .s.Vll.ti5 ; plums , giein giiKeH. il.KVfi.
11(5. ( Knsteru fanned fruit I'eaohcs. ' hoconds ,
8--'oa.l.AJ ; iippioJ , 3 11) , tl 1" ; gal , 'i doin c'hsc ,
M.75 ; goosehenlis. Iliiltlmmo htandnrd , 2 Ib ,
tl.10 ; strawImi lies , $1 , f > ; Mspbrrrlcs , 1150 ;
liliiehuirlf s , Jl ; U ; it'll inspheirles. j | M ; bhiek-
buirles , fl.ui ; cherries , tl Vul 03 ; pineapples ,
kllccd , tl.W&J,4J ,
DttiM ) 1 iicrrrs TmUsh prunes , less thai.
liliilM , IH'.iO , imi apples , e\aporat < 'd , now ring ,
cholec. l.'t ; apricots fancy. In sacks , 20c ;
lilnekburilis , new , tie ; raRpberrlex , is Ibs to
lo\.lc ) ) : currants , new , ft'Jei Votl/7l cm rants ,
extra , In boxes , O'toi ' peaches , eholce ,
17'ic ; California dried grapes In bags , do ;
seedhos bultnmis , MickH , lOe ; muse.itels , ( io ;
now Viile-iicln , 7io ; Undiira , hiyor , hiie ; llgs ,
layers , llii'JUc ; cltion , lon'liorn , 2Uc ; lemon
peel , 13c.
MIHTS 1'rosb Imnis , 20 Ibs. nv .f
fiealihams 1(1 ( Ibs avr' , , hHo : fiosh liann , f
Ibs , uvj { . , U'to ' ; fri-'sli slinulili rs 6' i % ; pork
loinsso ; i > rli tenderloins Ik' ; loaf lard , not
leiiikreil.pc ; sp.uu rlba , Oc .
I'OHK AMI I'hir-Harrcllid-Now mess pork ,
( U.OU ; uew prime tnus pork. Jll.W ; extra
irlinepork. ( II.00 : clear back pork. hcnvj' ,
' 11.7.3 ! clear back pork , tmniliim , } | I2. ' : short
cutrh-ar pork. I.'M ; pig pork , (1LM ) | new
extra moss bcor , J7.CO ! extra plate bcrr , J'VOO ' !
ilatclicnf , Koo : rolletl bonolo s boor , tuoo ;
.xmoltfts rumps , t'JOO ' : olioilltlcrclods , t'i.00.
Duv S\IT MIUTH Put backs. O'ie : loan
laoks.dHc : extra Rliorl eloars O'n't ' utlllus.
(1 ( ur.Vlb nv.CSc : abort ribs li'to ' : shall clcirs ,
iSo : limit ck'iirs , Oltu | shoulders , 5ci fosli-r
JllPlts , B'SC.
SMOKI-O MB\TS. Dry Salt Cnreil llacon ,
iotit ? clears , li' o : slioi t clears , 7c : extra nhort
cli'ars.d'tC ! belllus clear Btrlps. 7'4d bellies ,
clear ttldc , 7hc : thort ribs. OVc ; shuulders ,
BVic : fut backs 7ci lonn backs , 7' c.
SMOKED MIIATS Hani's extra light , 0 to 10
Ibs nxcrage. lOo ; liiiins , light. II to IJlbs n > ir-
iitfo. il'jo : lluias , medium. 14 to 1.3 Ibs ti\ur.igo ,
' 'Su ' ! heavy , 20 to 2 Ibs avuruge. li'so ' : exttti
mm j , 2:1 fo23 Ibs average. 8Sci skinned slle-
n , Ijlo'JOlIu average. UHc : C'atlrornla picnic
limits ti' o : N. Y , shoulders. liUc ; Iloston shoul-
lorsOto S HIH ii\er.igo , d'tCl boneless bam ,
' ! splt'ed boneless lolls. 7'luj broiikfatt
incun , , 5 u > 7 Ib tilps 8'ic ' : breakfast
liaeoii , rib , 7' e : beer tongues , 12c ; dried beef
itiins , f.otsW'tu : ilrlod hoof regular , to : drleil
iieef clods. 7'U" ' lean '
fancy backs , 7'nC. Spec
ial Hants , U to 1.3 Ibs murage , lloj breakfast
laron. lie.
I'liiin Imr IiAtin-llnst kcttlo refined ,
tierces , 7'4el bbl , 7" e ; half bbls. 73 c.
ruin ; IMIIII | Tleroi-s , 7e : bbln. 7Vo ; half bbl- > .
? itci fiO-lb tins , 10) ) Ibs eases. 7'ic ; 20-lb tlni , so
Ibs eases , 7\c : 10-lb iialls , W Ibs cases , 7-c ( ! fi
ll ) palls , CO Ibs cases , 7' u ; .l-lb palls , w Ibs
cases , bo.
HnrToj > ( iuiq-.t'wrot : ' pleklod , sugar cured ,
bbls 200 Ibs. JlsOOi half bbls , 100 Ills , $ ' 1.50.
I'oilKTovdt'rS-i-wlet pickled , sugar cured ,
llulf bbN. iiw Ibs , Jr..30j quarter bbls , M lb ,
IMMIIS * TONnurs SHoet-plcklcd sugar-
en red-half barrels. 100 Us , K.UO ; iitmiti r
rols , 0) Ibs. $100.
Sl'ICKU llOMILKSI I'lllS * lllCKS-Cool.Cll ( )
Half burrols. ! ) | , iM70 ; quarter barrels 40
bs , $ ; . ( X ) ; ulghth bariuls , 20 Ibs , tl K > ; kits , 1.3
fei-irW I'ltis1 ToNjuis-Cooked-llulf ( ) h ir-
relH , so Ibs , 1I1..30 ; iinarti r barrels. 4 p 'bs. W.OO ;
elclith binrels , 20 His. Hot ; Idls. 13 Ibs , fj.W.
Sl'ICl l > l/\Mlis'TMii'i ) -Conked Unit bbls.
0 Ibs , flO..O ! quiirlur I his , 40 His , f,5D , ; olghth
) lls , 211 Ibs. if.-- , ; kits. 13 Ibs. } J J.3.
I'll M.I I ) 1 IIII-K Ilbls 200 Ibs * 4 2Tii half bbls.
' 0 Ibs t-.OJ , quirtur hbls , 401bs , J1.UO ; ulghtb
bbls , 2il Ibs , MIO ; klls. 13 Ibs. We.
I'lCkt.rn I'lHs1 PhhT-llbls ' . ' 01 Ibs M 23j half
) llsM ) Ibs , $ J. 13j quarloi hbls. 40 Ibs * I23 :
elirhth bbls 20 P s. I5e ; klls. r , Ibs. dSe.
Sti'sAnr llolognn , 4e ; rrinkfurts or le-
iei\\urst , 7e ; loneuo 7'4ti ; blood , 4'ic1 ; Iher.
4'jC ! bond cheese. 4Hr ; I'ollsli. 7c ; aiiinincr
Niiusigu. Ue ; imrk sausiige , links , do ; pork
sausage * me it. In tin p ills , 3 > tc.
Otis TM.I.OW AMITIAIIIM ) : Pure neat's
uotnll.roc pot gallon ; puto neat's-foot oil , fi-
ril : cans , V > c pergalloni A 1 tullow , 5' c per
b ; steal lno , bo per Ib.
There was a. weak feeling In the butter and
oKtfiimikitye.steid.iy. duo to the low prliert
it o\ all Ing at points Hay wasstiongcr
on account of the lluht leeelpts.
CJAMi : A good ninny ducks ate arriving , but
they nro still poor in llesli and not iniieh
soiU'ht afler botnu de.ilois are writing tlieli
eustomors that they do not want them. The
small and mixed ducks sell right around $1.00 ,
mil mallards fj 00162.50 ,
1'oui.Tltv Kocelpts were not heavy anil the
n.irkot fully steiidy. l.lvo chiekins went at
! l.30 < tM..tory ; clioleo , $4.11) ) ; dtossid tin keys ,
14fflU3o ; ducks and Keose. choice. fll12c
Hl'TTKii ' In one way Ihe market here Is In
peculiar shape. The average receipts do not
ippear to bo so M-ry hna\y , but e.islom miii-
iets are so low as to shut out the pacUeis and
shippers and that ls oakcnliiK the markit
icie A few of the choicest inuntrr rolls si-Il
ns high as20c , and occaslon.itlv allttlo abmo
that miirket. Ai ry l.usc piopuitlon of the
receipts lias to bo sold at l ( > @ | se ,
Kntis 'I ho marKet would have to l i nuoted
it U ® 12'4c. ' but the footing tusunK. . Tl > o
wayeastein markets tuo the slilpperiiould
lot my over lie at the outside , and wereIt
lot foi the moderate tecolpts pilecs lieio
would have to drop ( low n to that point.
IlAV 'lho market w.isallltlo Ilinier. good
my goln0'jcstoiday at * l.ioo0lfi.oOpoi ton.
\Vjct ille- .
1'OTATors Homo giown stock , $1.55 ; Colorado
rado , * l.i3per : liu.
I'll I'r.tM 1'ei doC17 e.
CAUMH ow i it Perilo ? . $ 'r 0.
Sfl.VAt U Per bbl. Jit 0. uti I holcu slock , 40 < S4ne.
Itt sloclc , per bu , OOc.
lli.iif"l'oi bbl. 4.73'HO
ONIONS-SP inisli. huge crates , J3.30.
CAltiiOTS I'ur bbl. $2 2.3.
C'l i.uin Mlohlgiin stoek , 404.3c ! C.illfoinla ,
perdiMOO. .
hHi.Er I'OT\TOI-S Choice stock Is held at
$4 TO per bbl ; si ed potatoes UOO per bbl.
lUmsili.s Perilo ? bunches , 45c.
1' UlSMt's 1'ei bbl. f 1(10. (
CAtiiiAni I'cr Ib ' . ' * /
, 2'4/e. !
Ciici'Miints I'cr dotl . 'iivfW.OO.
Ci.t.nv KOOTS I'ur do7 > c.
11EAN.S L'hdlun slncl , . f-2 la.
Fresh limits.
OaANCirs Navels , $ .3.00 .3 23 ; Klorsldc , $ : i.23 ;
Dinirtu and KUcius , $1.00 ; Los Angeles , S2..30 !
riorlaa russet , $ .1 .30.
Ari'i ns Scarce ; choice slock. JH noiW 30.
\MiLliliins Hell > \ . Chuiry , $10.00 ; crates ,
$4.V ) .
OiiAi'i : 1'nuiT I'erbox , $1 50.
fcTiiA\viniiiu.s : ( 1'er qt. .30e
U. T. Pavls Mill Co. high patent. No. 1 and
Cream , S.83 ; llluo I ) , full pitont , * - ' . " > ; Hawk-
eve , half patent , JJ.40 ; special royal 11 itont.
No 11) ) . $ .IJO ( ; Mliiiiosofi pitcnt. $ JH ) ; Kansas
hird wheat ] i itent , J..t. > ; Nebiaska spilnn' p itunt , $ . ' .l > 0.
Uakiiinp's re uly to rKo biickwhoit Hour.
$4.,3 pet c iso or 5D 2-lb i ) ickages ; buekw boat ,
In bbls , N. V , # 000 ; i\colslnr : brand. $3 so
blap Jack nioal , $ J 73 per case of 50 2-lb pack
Omabii Mllllns Co Kollanco patent , $100 ;
nvlnclblo p iteut , JJ7.3 ; I.ono ' tar buporl i-
tl\o , J..IOnowllako : ( , JJ.CO ; I'lincy riunllj ,
H. r. Oilman's Gold Mcdil. ? - ' W ) ; Snow \ \ lilte ,
$ -"V ) ; JMionlliike , J..IO ; low giade , il OJ ; bian ,
$ JI.OO.
CurruiitH ol
H. Hardy . \ . Oo. jobbers of toys fancy good" ,
house fiinilsliliii : goods , etu , f ° siul a
largo and valuable catalo'uo whloli la being
bent out to the rotall trade.
W. A. Cocl.rell a grain hiokorof Ht. I.ouls Is
the cuest of hlb brother ticoige C. ( oclucll In
this olty. The CoeKiull llrothcrs are hcsnj
buyers or Rraln , < loliM also a hiokeraco mil
com mission business They have ollleos at
Omaha , bt. Louts and Lincoln.
H'ESTEltX I'.tVKIAfl JSTf Jl / ;
Ihu 1'ricu Ctirrcnt'H Itovlcw of tlic
Civmvvn , O. , Aprils fSpccinlTclopratn
to Tun Bnr. ] Tomorrow's Price C'uriciit
will say ; Quito u largo dccieaso is shown In
westcin pacUltiK operations the pabt week ,
the returns indicating a totnl of 150,000 hogs ,
against ' . ' 03,000 the preceding week and 1'JO- '
000 last year , nmWiiR n tolnl of 1,310,000 since
March 1 , against lliO,000 ( ) last \car. The
lending places compare as follows :
Cltioi ISW-01 1833-W
Chlcneo BIO 000 "j-STO (
Kansas Cltr 1MOOJ IIOU/J
Omatm I.IIIWJ moixi
Milwaukee. . . . 4KIUO .t. , ou >
hi. houU . . . I.IOKJ fi.'WW
bullnnapolU . 4I.OUO , ! 701IU
Cinclnnntl . . . . : i7uiw ai.wj
CcitnrHnpldi . ! . ' > I U.'XKJ
BlouxCltf. . . . 31,000 H 0J
.Nebruskii City 0,000 , 17,000
J > Y-\JNO. H. LYLES ,
spccinc s. s. s. , otcPARTICLE or/nen-
CIFIC s. s. s. OF
D. H. KAIN ,
A. D. Boyer & Co
U-M Uxctmnito HulMln. ,
fuutli Umah& .
S. J , OofFrain , Sruiloy Huuter & Green ,
&GO. ,
yi l.'iclmntu HulMlna
SeUxcUanxa Ilulldlotf
UouUi Ouilu. boutli Omaua ,
The . Oollontler Irunswiok-B.Uko ) Oo. A. II. Porrigo&Oo.
nilllnnl mprohnnill n , All .Makes , All Prlcci , All
Mnlnon axturos 1'ntU ,
in , M S loth etroik
Omalia. 151 JDodgo Street ,
Omaha Eopublican Printing Oo. ,
Law Irlofi , bank uppllo > , nnd C'TCf/thlu la Ibo
prlntlnx Una.
IQlli ml loniilt Ktroi't .
Ackcrmnnn Bros. & Hointzo ,
Printers bin Jors , flectrotrpori , blank book nniui-
( nctiirers ,
till } lloirar.t struct , Onnli-u
Hugh 0 , Olark.
UenlWe t"rn Agent .
Dupunt'i apotllna Oun.
iHimlcir. Atlm hluhotplo-
live , llliutltuciipf u .
IJISIIorncj nroot.
Rector &WilkolmyOo Loo-Olark-Androosoa
Hnnlwaro Oo.
. Us
Car. lOtli anl Jaokion
1IC3-1I10 Itarndr trust.
Qoo. Oborno & Oo , , J. 8. Smith 6s ( k ,
CUB 13ti ) itrc l ,
IIM-1113 I.oAvonirorth * .
Oraihx Omnhv
Oonsolidatod Tank A. Booth Packing Oo.f
Line Oo , OjiUsrs , Ilih nnd cnuneil
Itcflnotl nnil lubrlcntlnt
Wholo-alo Caah CommiB lon Morohnnt.
Kllfln nmlVuilcrn Cruimory bo HIT , em nnfl
iluruluitf Unl. AilTunieion loti on truck , warn *
houioor nuturoBttuuk t to . IM uuU ISJO IUU < ( j |
Dcuver. ColuruUu.