THE OMAHA DAILY J3JEE ; jCaUKBDAY" , APRIL 9 , 1891. SCHEMES TO BEAT THE COWS , Hans for Supplying Butter Bujera with a Bogus Article. PACKING HOUSE DAIRY PRODUCT , I low Ilir Gentle ICInc Suffer Through a Combination of Mtm urn I Mo di In cry Helling Olt'o- margarine. Thn nvcr.ifjo American cltl/.on Is the least V > > notional nbout what ho e.its , but ho bases lilt approval or disapproval of the various article. " ) of diet as much or more upon their nnmo 11 * upon their quality. IIo takes great delight In butter If ho believes it to bo the chalet * production of a genuine country dairy , but Its counterpart , butlerlne , tindn no place upon his tublo , If ho Icnows himself. Still , be tween the product of the packing liouso dairy and the gt-nulnu nrtlule ho can ills- thiftUlih no dilTutenco through any otio of tin ) four senses touch , taste , sight or smell. About three years ago , boioro the govern ment Interfered in thu matter , and which might bu aptly termed the golden ugo uf tbo buttcHno trade , this combination of cottonseed oil and and nnlmul fill found ill \\ay to the tables of the rich and poor alike , nnu was universally oaten and | > renounced good , or minor was pronounced to bo genuine butter. When the law-makers of thu country uecided that every American citl/cn had the rich ! to liuow what ho wa.t eating and passed laws cotnpolllnir. tno stamping of every pacltngo of avtillclal butler with its true tinmu , so that no mistakes could occur , butterino and Its sister , oleomarg.irine. were disgraced In the eyes of the eating public. For a time dealers found so little demand for It that the majoiitv ceased to handle it altogether. Oraduallv , however , the pro prietors of hoarding-houses and restaurants discovered that there was nothing in the law compelling them to label the contents of the butter plates on their tables and that their patrons really preferred the Imitation to the genulnonrtlclc , provided they were notawaro of its true name , and the trade commenced jilcUingup again. Lnstcur only slxrotall dealers In Omaha took out government licenses to sell artltlcial butter , liach of these dealers had to con tribute to the revenue of the country $1 per month , while the three wholos.ilo Omaha and South Omaha contributed ยง ( ) n month eiteh. The number of retailers taking out licences has doubled in the past month , there now being1 twelve in the city and nine in the statu at largo. Just what pro duced this sudden boom In the buttorino business is something of a mystery , though it may bo surmised that It Is caused by the unusually high prlcoat which gcnuinobutter has hcen Helling. Thcto are some people , howeverwho arc in n position to know a goou deal of what is going on in the rutalt trade of the cltv , who claim that some of the ( grocers nru falling ; back into the habits of deception learned before the government ppssccl the present strltiirent laws. They claim that the buyer of but- tcrlno Is not always awnro of the trun nature of the nrticlo which ho purchases. They do not accuse any of the jjrocera of telling their customers that a certain article Is better when It li not , but rather of neglecting to tell them that it is not butter. It ran be seen at a glimcu how easily ttio deception can bo marked. The grocer sets ) out several packages of butter , and among them a package of butter- Ino. A lady approaches nclerlc with : "Ilavo you any good butterl" and is promptly ehown a package of the genuine article. She Immediately spies the other packages , and with true womanly curiosity must sample each before making her purchase. As ngood nrtlcloof buttorino both tastes and looks bettoi than the average country huttor of Nebraska , besides being cheaper , nine times out of ton she will order the butterino sent to the house , supposing it to bo the genuine arti cle , as the clerk neglected to explain the < llTerence. ( At the supper table she re gales her husband with nn account of what a bafKaln she struck In butter and ho unsus pectingly spreads his bread thicker than over nnd swallows It with a relish that would do Phil Armour's ' heart good if ho could but sco it. it.To To ho sure the law says that every package of buttorino sold by the retailers' must bo stamped with its true name and the name of the itealor selling it , but it is so easy to use tancy colored paper , and Ink so nearly of the same color that the mark of the stamp is not likely to bo noticed. Tnen , too , the butter is usually sent up to the hack door xvhoro it IB received by the hired girl , who casts the paper aside , nnd who , oven should she hap pen to spy the word "buttoriuo , " would think that it was the American way of spelling "butter. " Soinn of the grocers of Salt Lake City , ac cording to the press dispatches of a day or two ngo , were detected in belling packing house butter for the genuine article , and , ns the law is very strict , have gotten thorn- solves into serious trouble. It may bo that no Omnhn dealer has gone quite so far nnd that the charges against them have bocn put n little too strong. Dealers who nro living up to the strict re quirements of tlio law have taken an Interest in the matter and some fuu may bo expected If any violators of the regulations are de tected. Aycr's Hair Vigor is a most excellent preparation for the hnlr , 1 spealc of It from experience. Its use promotes tlw growth of now hair , and makes it glossy and soft. The Vigor is a sure euro for dandruff.11 J. W. Bowrn , Kdltor Enquirer , MoArlhur , Ohio. aiOUH Fllll"HYDKA.XTS. . Tlioy Rlny Ilo Ordered Under tbo Newly AmoiitlcMl Cliartor. "With thu amended city charter there comes a provision that the levy to pay the rental on flro hydrants may bo increased from 1 to 41 $ millswhich , on an assessed valuation , menus that 1W new hydrants can bo set tuis year. There promises to ho a great struggle among the councllmen to secure as many hy drants as possible for their respective wards , hut in tnis they are liable to meet with some thing of a backset 1'residentLowry , of the council in speak ing of hydrants said : "I am determined that no want shall hnvo more than Its share , mid lor this reason 1 think tlioy should bo appor tioned la the same manner as thu crosswalks. Wo know just how many wo can have nnd for this reason 1 shall insist upon n fair nnd oipiltablo distribution , without fallowing favors to any locality. "Ills the duty of the council to place ono or two hydrants on WestLeuvenworthstrcot. Tills will carry the main to the Catholic cemetery , where it was promised months ago. "Clifton Hill is without water nnu in jus tice to the peoploof thatcommunlty hydrants should bo set there and the mains ex tended to that thriving suburb. Again , I expect that Druid Hill will secure some hy drants in order to secure an extension of tuo main on Spauldlngstreet. "Hcsldcs these there nro many oilier sec tions of the city where water Is needed and I think \\o will ilnil no dlDlulty In locating 100 additional hydrants. "Klght hero I want to sny that last year the fund was run down so that only $ r.50 remained in the treasury nnd this year wo ought to provcnt such n raid. Wo ought to keep some money on hand so that In case hydrants nro needed in the busi ness portion of the city they can bo placed. " The niombors of the council committee entire tire nnd water ngrco with Mr , Lowry nnd think that the hydrants should ho appor tioned to the ward. At the present tltno there are 1UU hydrants located , on which the city pays a rental of f7tKtO ; per annum. Last the -I mill levy raised a fund of S7-I.OU ) and this year the amount will bo Increased to about ? Si,000 : , whleti will leave ubouttlO,000 available for new hydrants after all rentals are pajd. " Ko griping , no nausea , no pain when Do "Wilt's Utttlo Knrly Itlsors tire taken. Small pill. Safuplll. llest pill. filroct Cur Contracts. Contracts have been lot for supplyfrrfi the material necessary to construct the Dundee 1'lato nnd lent ) > ou Place street car line , and } u all probability the Henson Place line will pimply bo an extension of the road from ' " > umleo I'laco northward instead of running through Clifton Hill , although the latter fouto Is still in contemplation. It is said that property owners along the Military road uave boon negligent about offering to assist in the construction of the line by that route , so the projectors of the road nro sooklnpr an other route , and the Dundee I'laco route ap pears to ho the most practicable. III AT KOAI ) FUXI > . CotnmlBslon era nti dCnunulliMcn Qitarrcl Ititf Cver It. The pleasant relations that have hereto fore existed between the members of the city council nnd the board of county commission ers nre liable to bo slightly strained In the future. It all comes nbout on account of tha road fund levy that the commissioners made last January. For tins purpose the board last year made a 4-11)111 ) levy , which raised SlWi.OOO , of whlcti sum the city of Omaha paid nlno-tenths and received less than one-half. This vcar the levy was reduced to 8 tnllls. which will ralso a fund of ? ir.OOU , , and out of this sum the commissioners propose to lot the city have ! ( ) , < XK ) to ho used within the city limits In grading down the Douglas street and St. Mary's uveiiuu lulls. Chairman O'KeofToof the county board la cxpicssingnn opinion saidVo : h.ul rea sons for not placing the levy nt 4 mills. Lint January hen wollxodthu levy the IcRisla- turo was in session and wo were ufrald of the Dhuglos county delegation and fcnr- ing that they woulu work some law through by which they would sccuro the expenditure of the most of the road tut within the city limits , wo decided to'cut the lovy.Vo " \Vo \ have constituents to plcnso nnd if wo had levied a tax that would hnvo raised SIM.OOO and the city had gobbled up the whole of it , you would have heard nn uwful vnll from the country precincts. "As the matter now .stands , Omaha will get her share of the tax , as will South Omaha , riomnuo and the country pro- I nets. "Theso precincts pay their slmro of the tav , nd there Is no reason why they should not jutthnir just proportion of the money. "Last year the city could have had . " 0,000 ) f the 5100,000 , , but as It failed to do the pay- ngas It agreed , It received only nbout $ ; r > , - uo , hut this was no fault of ours. "I supiwso Omaha will ask for one-half of .ho $ " 5IXX ) available when the taxes are col- ected. hut site will not get it , though July 1 , vo will Issue a warrant for S.'i per cent of the city's shine of the levy and the council can use that amount for any purpose ltdosltcs. The b.ilanco wo will pay when it Is collected. Councilmcn Spccht , Usthoff and Morcarty lad n word to say regarding Mr. O'KeelTo's ' statement. ICach man was been and they all voice the statement of Mr. Moroarty , who said , "It is evident that the county commis sioners want to hog the whole thing. Omaha with her 140,000 people pays nine-tenths of the tux of the county , nnd it is an outrage for that board to levy a tax of SZo.UOO , and appropriate * 5,0ll ) ) of the amount when it will beef of no direct benefit to the city. "U'o want n square deal and nothing More. If the commissioners would ( five us one-half of the amount wo would bo satlslled. The most cowardly thing Imagln.iblo was tbo cutting down of the lovy. livery man on the board l < now that to put the streets in passable condition would rcqulro a levy as largo ns was made last year , but to spite the city , at the January meeting of the board the members reduced the levy 1 mill , giving1 as a reason that they were afraid that some bill would bo passed enabling us to scoop in the whole sum. sum.This Is not only bosh , but It Is the most flimsy excuse I over heard of. The facts nro , the commissioners intended to do us all the harm possible and reduced the lew out of pure cussedness. "Ono thing I want to snv , and I want to make it moat emphatic. Wo will demand ono-half of the road levy , and If wo do not got it wo will see that the outside precincts of Douglas county never elect another county commissioner , "I'ooplo may think wo cannot carry out this plan , but we will fool them a trip.'o hnvo the votes In the city and wo will SPO to it that every commissioner Is elected from Omaha. " 'Soinrtldnj ; Just as Good. " "My horse was badly injured. I called for Hallcr's IlarbcdViro Liniment , ' my drug gist was out , but sold mo 'something Justus good , ' now my horse Is a cripple , while my neighbor , whoso horse was Injured as badly ns mlnn , refused all substitutes and bought n bottle of 'Mailer's Darb Wire Liniment , ' and his horse Is sound and well. " Insist on getting the genuine all druggists hnvo it. TJIK n. & M. smut : : . Ullieials and lineal Workmen Not "Worried Ovar It. The olllclnls of the B. & M. do not seem to ho greatly worried by the report of a prospective strlko among the switchmen at Omaha nnd Lincoln. Said ono olnclal : "Wo have very few , if any , union switchmen at Omaha , and have no fears of a tie-up. If the men strike there are plenty who would ho only too glad to 1111 their places , but I don't have the slightest idea that there will bo any trouhlo. It is true there have been several men discharged recently , on account of the general reduction in force , but the fact that they were or were not tnomburs of the Switchman's union had nothing\vhntovor \ to do with the mutter. It is the same in Lincoln , and it would bo the height of foolishness for tha men to stir up trouble nt this time , when there are so many men out of work. " A visit was mndo to the D. it M. yards and a curoful search made for switchmen who were members of the union , but if there were any in the yards they kept that fact re ligiously to themselves. Ono and all declared absolutu Ignorance of the contemplated strike and disclaimed any idea of walking out. More Consolidation. On May 1 the accounting douurtmont of the Union 1'acllle land department will bo trans- fcired to the general auditor's ofllcc. Hitherto nil matters pertaining to the land department have been solely under the charge of the general land commissioner , but by direction of Comptroller Mink all ac counting will , in the future , bo under the direct supervision of the general auditor. Them are live men employed at present In the land olllco accounting department , but whether these man will bo transferred to the auditor's oDlco has not yet been determined. Kiilrond : K. P. Ilnnun , general timekeeper of the Valley road at Toledo , Is In the city. C. H. Duxbury , traveling passenger agent of the Baltimore & Ohio road , is In the city. The .special train carrying President Harrison risen nnd party Is scheduled to arrive in Omaha May 13 , over the Burlington , on route from Denver to Chicago. Tno train will arrive in Omaha about noon , and will re main hero about three hours. W. 0 , Clements , recently appointed chief clerk In the freight onico of the Union 1'acillc , to succeed Drake O'lJellly , has riulgncd and states that ho will try farm ing for n while. The vacancy caused by Mr. Clomonts' resignation has not been tilled and _ , the duties are hoing performed , temporarily by K. 11. Wood , assistant general freight agent , pending the return of Mr. Alunroo , general freight agent. In 1H. O "Brown's Bronchial Troches" were introduced , nnd their success as a euro for colds , coiiqh * , asthma , and bronchitis bus boon uuparalleled. Mil. UIIiLiSON'o TUOUIIU13S. He Could Not fllnko a County Out of Omaha City. During the early days of the last session of the legislature there was considerable talk about the creation of the county of Omaha , to Include Omaha , South Omuha and a few sections of land tributary to thu two citlos. City ICncinccr Tillson was ono of thoprlmo movers. lie pointed to the county of St. Louis as n shining example of what was in store for Omaha , with Omaha county in ox- Istonco. Suddenly Mr. Tillson stoppoa talking Omaha county , but for what reason was not known until yesterday. It scorns that when the constitution of N"o- brastm was adopted , a clause was Inserted that no county shall bo created with an area less than 400 square miles. When the engi neer discovered this ho dropped his pot scheme , but kept the secret of his findings la his breast. PROMIOXS FOR GENERALS , Retirement of General Gibbons Creates a Ohanca for Younger Men. WHO MAY GET THE NEW STARS , General Kuj > or to Go to the I'aclflo Const Ills Successor In Doulit Seine Military Notes niul Gossip. ( Jeneral Gibbon , commander of the division of the Pacific , will bo retired on April 21. Ho will then bo sixty-four years old , the nzo nt which army ofllecrs are retired on three- fourths liny. Ooncral Stanley of the department of Texas , would bo the llnoal successor to floti- cral Gibbons' ' position In point of rank , Imt ns bo will rotlra next your ho doci not wish to move from San Antonio , and lie therefore waives his clnlm upon the promotion. Ueneral Kuicr ; , commanding the depart ment of Dakota , comes next iti lln ? for pro motion , anil will undoubtedly receive the ap pointment to succeed General Olhbon. This will necessitate another promotion. Tuo president will appoint someone to succeed General Iti'gcr and , o course , then ) are plenty of candidates. Among these already mentioned us prou.thlo successors to ( Jcncrul Kuper are General Forsytho of the Seventh cnvnlry , Cicncml Kautz of the Eighth in fantry and General Wheaten of the Second infantry. The friends of each will do what tlioy can to secure the appointment for the oflleor they wish to see promoted. Military Notes. Captain Davis , chief clerk of the Adjutant Icucnil's ' department is quite ill with a grippe. The train bearing the secretary and party will arrive hi Omaha this afternoon ahout4 o'clock , Thomai Hatterton , edict dork of the medi cal depaittnunt , who has boon 111 with la grippe , Is again able for duty. General lirooko , Colonel Hughes and Lieutenant Itoo left last ovcniui ? at G0 ! ! o'clock for Worth 1'Iatto to meet Secretary 1'roctor , General Hacheldcr and party. In accordance- with Instructions Iron the secretary of war , General lirooko has ap pointed the following board to examine men nt Fort Sidney for commissary sergeants : Lieutenant ColonolJohu S. I'olnnu Twenty- Jlrst infantry ; Captain Frederick H. 11 13b- stein , Twoiity-llrsit itifantrv , and Lieutenant rrudcriclc S. Palmer of the Twenty-first in fantry. It is not thought probable that Secretary Proctor will stop In Omaha longer than simply to make connections with the eastbound - bound train. Ho will have ample oppor tunity to converse with General Hroolto and Colonel Hughes repardltig matters In this department while on the way from North " I'latto to Omaha and as work "has not bosun yet on Fort Crook it Is not lllcely that lie will stop. Lieutenant Roc , one of General Brooico's aldes-do-camp , has received from the Society of Sous of the Revolution at "Washington. U. 0. , four beautiful gold badges , which come to him as heirlooms from the fact that his ancestors have participated in the Itovolu- tlon , the war of 1812 , the Mexican war anil the Ilobcllion , Lieutenant Iloo's great-grand father took part in the Revolution , his grand lather In the war of 1S12 and his father fought through the Mexican war and the great HcDollion. The board of examiners which has been in session for a week examining non-connnls- stoned rniccrs for promotion , will complete the work tomorrow. The officers comprising the board are well pleased with the work done by the young men who npnearod for examination. They are bright and ambitious and will probably stand well when the result is known. The papers will bo forwarded to "Washington and the result will bo announced in duo time from the headquarters of the war depart ment. In the meantime the younp : men will keep their courage up and their armor bright. SAIjAHY JJUUING S1CKN12S9. 1'Icn for Steady 1'n.y from a. School Ma * a in. "I am a school teacher , and I suppose you will think It awful for mo to say It , but I do wish you woulu roast somebody for mo. " The speaker was a modest and intellectual little lady who thus addressed a reporter for Tin : BEE. "I don't know for sure just where the blame belongs , " she continued , "but I sup pose it Is with the board of education. " \Vo can't draw pay when wo are sick. They used to allow us ten da 73 every year for sickness , if wo happened to bo sick , but now if wo miss a day our salaries nru cut down ] ust that much. Just when wo need the money the most wo are charged up with lost time. " "Doyou think ItU fnlrand reasonable to ask pay for work that some one else has to ho paid for ! " " "Yes , I do , If one Is sick. " "If you were In business for yourself and had several ladies hired , when one of them took sick and you had to hire some body else to do her work for a few days or a week , do you think you would feel like paying the extra employe and the sick person both for doing the world" "Yes , of course I would , " the little lady replied firmly , and then added , "but wo don't expect the board to par us during extended adsenco from duty. Wo would bo satisfied with ono da > every month , and I think wo ought to have it. " What It Cents Must bo carefully considered bv the Rreat majority of people hi hujlng even" necessities uf life. Hood's Sarsaparilla commends itself with special force to the greatmlddlo classes , because it combines positive economy with great medicinal power. It Is the only medi cine of which can truly bo said " 1UO doses one dollar , " and a bottle taken nccoidlug to directions will average to last a month. 'Ihu llivcr The signal service observer reports n very gradual rise In thq river it this point. There is now twenty-six and oiio-half feet ofvatcr in the channel. This is only eight and one- half feet above the lowest water known , that of IbUT , when tncro was only eighteen feet of water in the channel. Tito old danger line U thirtv-slx foot , but with the tills which have been made along the banks of the river It is probublo that the actual dancer point U several feet above that mark. lr. ) Dlrnov cures catarrh. J3eo bld'g. Wanted fur JCmliezz'omont. n. C. Craig , western agent for Selborling & Co. of Chicago , iminufncturers of harvest machinery , has Hied an Information against W. 13. Mead , an agent and collector who Is alleged to be short in his accounts to tbo tune of frOO. Iileail is in Kansas City. Extracts. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla , - j Of perfect purity , Lemon -I - Of great strongtli. Almond [ Economy la thoir-uso. ROBO elc.TJ Flavor as delicately and dollolously as tbo Crash rult. Humptv Jumpty ) _ cm ihe w&ll , so&ps fi&ve a great fall , v\7 \ SANTA CLAUS SOAP Tell your Grocer corses tljeir way ; jon muiluivc / "SAXT-l CLA U& " ' - g AIRBANK'S SOAP t fias come to stay MADE ONLV 0V Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , L40D DOUOLAAS S' ' OMAIIA , NEU. Tno most widely nnd favorably Itnownspec * Inllsls In the United Htntcs , Tholr IOUK ex- ocrluioo , rcinarkiible skill nnd universal KIIC- cos > s lu the tri'iitniont niul euro of Norvom , Chronic nml yiirnlcul Ulsnuups , ontltlo thesn oinliKint iiliyrtlcliuis to thn full confldoiicoot tlioallllctcd ovorywlinro. TliorBunrantoa : A OEKTAIN AND I'OSITIVK CUKE for thonwf ulffTuctsof onrly \ Iconnd tlio numer ous evils thnt follow In ll train. 1'ItIVATK. 1H.OO1) AND SKIN HISRASES spopillly , coinplolclv niul iiurnmiuMitly cured. NEItVOUS ilHIIlLlTY AND SEXUAL , IIS- OltDEUS yield readily to tliolr skillful trcat- ' " "I'n.ES. FISTULA AND 11KOTAI. U OEItS cunrantcod cured without puln or detention from l > uslno < j. liyDHOOEI n AND VAR1COOEM ? ponna- nontlr nnd Biiccossfnlly cured In every case , SYPniLIS. OONOKHHRA. OLiKKT , Spor- nintorrhcu , Soinlunl Wenknosi , Lost Munhood , Night Ernleslons , Hocnyed Pncultles , Female Weakness and ull dclloato dliordors peculiar to cither BOX positively cured , ns well ns all f unctlonnl disorders that rosiiitfrnmyouthful follies or the o\cc s of mature years. < ? PPTP'rin ? ! ' Uunrantood pcrnmno ntly O 11\1V,1 U l\L/riircd , removal complete , without ciittlnecuustioor dllattitlon. Ourcs effected at homo by patient without o mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. AQITPU niIT7 The nwful effects of OUlXL V UlXU , early vlcu which lirhiRS oriianlo weakness , destroy 1 UK both mind and body , with all Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured. TSPC RU'ITQ Address those who have Im- 1JI\0. 1)1.1 10 puirod tliem1 l\es by Im proper IndiilptPiico and solitary nnblt" . which ruin both mind and body , iimlttlng them for business itiulvnr inarrliiKO. MAKItlKl ) BIK.V or these entering on that li.ippy llfe.uwaroof phyi > lcil ; debilityquickly usslstod. OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts. 1'lrit 1'ructleal experi ence. Second n cry ease Is simclnlly studied , thus Btartlni ; rlflit. Third niodlclnes are prepared In our laboratory cxaetly to suit each cuso , thus directing ouroswltliout Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA , NEB e and "Sir Fortify the System BY THE USE OF OlTure Co l Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES O3T1 X-I CB AtXE ) SODA It Increases the resisting power against Disease , Re stores to health and strength the debilitated. Heals the Lungs and Cures the Cough. Piiliitaltlc .s Milk. rou SAMMYALL : niiuooisis. Cn f.'it * F-iK'i } * . < iii -iT * > I > Cures playeiloiit mnnlioocj , innkoi society n plea- suru nml lunrrledllfo rtHfnclOrjr In nlicirt It ri"t. turcs tliatvltitllly Hint bfiluoiM to a hcnltliy JWIIIK man. ] f n itnckiio ) ; , 4 > r 3 foc f > Hunt per nnl ) , In n tilalii K'ali'il vnu'lopc from abiorvntlon , on receipt iif | > rl < : o. The Klmlor DruK'Co.i McCormlck A Limit. 1.1'nllo ' A Loillo Oiiiiilia , A. U , 1'ualur , Council llliilla | JUOI'OSA.S Dcpartniuutof the MI.iouri , olllco of tliu Chlof Qiiiirtpriiuistcr St , Louis , Missouri , Aurll 7 , iwil.-t-oaled pmopHjils. In trlnlkiito , subjoet to the usual Oindlt ( Ions will bo ro- colvod at tins ollleu and ut tlioollk-us of the Quartcrniustcrs ut the fY > tla\UtiK \ iiiiinoil Htu- tlDiis , until 13 o'clock , noun , contra ! tlmn. Jlay 7th , l'U ! , anil tlien opened , forfur- nhhtiiKaiicl < lellvi > rlii2 Wood , Coal and Oliar- nnd I.CUHII mid ut lleiivi'r , Colorado , t'ainptat ( iiithrlu nndUkUhoniu ' t'lty , Oklu- hoina Territory. I'ropotuU for ( loltvniy ut ether points will l > o Diitertulnoil. Illddors must stale tlio places \vhure tlioy propose to iniilco ilallvL-rk's. The ( ioteriinicnt re > crv * s the rlfflit to rujoct any er all bldrt , er to emit met for cltlior kind of supiilli' * . or unoli port Ion of onrh IIH may bo coii.lilcred for the heat inteituitot thu hcrvlci * . and toualNOBiich defects us are nut in conlllot with the law. I'nifereiiPo win ho Rlvon to nrtlclos of dnmostlo . produutloa or manufacture , condition ] of quality nnd price tneliidliii ; In the urlcu of foreign production or manufacture the duty ihcrrnn liehii ; oitul. | IllanU prupo- hals anil printed circulars jrlvlns full Intnr- inatlon will Do furnlshod upon uppllcatlou tothN tilli'ii orto the QuartvrinaMorx o ( the stations named , Kiiuiloposcontalnlni : iiropo- sals blimild bainnrknl " ' ' " "i'miiosalj far 1'uol. ntuinl addiussed to the iiiidcrtlKiicd or to the Ouiirterniustersof tliestiitlnns named ahovo. 0.V. . KOyrKll.Quiirlvriimttor. U H. A. . t'HJof Quart ermuster , iii-C-t-u-T'S-U-10-iu-S-O. DB J. E. , . . McCrHEW , THE SPECIALIST. 10 Years' r.xnoricncc. PRIVATE DISEASES Cured In 3 to 5 iinjn without tlioloss of nn liouri'ttnm frum ImMnosi. 'Ilio tnmtiibsoluto rnroforUliKKT nnd all annoying ilHuluuia'a over ktiuun tu mutllcal rclcnoo SVi'illl.lrt. iiwarrnntoj curolnM ) toMil.iyn. 'llio tiio t powerful ri'moly yet known for n pcrnm- ticntctiro bTKICTrunor imlnln rcllcrlnutlio bind * clcr curuilnt lie me without Irntrumciitii nn cutting , mip.'iln , iioillliuliu. J.o'-of Mnnhuculor Weaknoii positively cured ; Instant relief , bkln illauaioi nnil fpnmlo ( lIseftHoi perintint'iitlv ciirorl. Dr. Mcdrow'1 BUCCPHI In the trcntincnt of 1'rlvnto lllHoit-oi lint ncvorbocnvqunlleri , nnMMs cron nrmrof pntlonti ronclio.i from the Atlantic to tlio 1'nclttc. liooki nml Circulars frau I.utlloi from 3 to I onljr. lull mil 1'nmmii itrocti Umilia , Nub. ISntruiica oa olthor street. rortho treatment of nllCIIIlONIO AND SUHOICAr , 1I1S1CASKS. llrnccH. AppllnncoiforUoformltloi mul TruBscos , licit Fncllltlci , Apparatus rml Komcdlui forsuccessfiU treatment of every form of ill'erno lequlrlnn MoUlcalor Surglcnl Treatment. NINliTY HOOMS rXm PATIUMU lloard nnd Attcnilnnco. lle t Accommodations ' .Vost. Wrlto for clrcuhrs on JMformllloi iiml UnicesTrusses , Club t'uet , Cnrvn- Intot of Spine , I'llo * , Tumors , Cnnojr , Cntnrrh , llronchltls , Inhalation , Klcctrlclty , 1'ur.ilysls , Kpll * ( . ' ) > % KMnoylll.idilcr. . Kyo , Knr , Skin nnd Illnnil , iimlnllfiirKlc.iUiporntlonJ. DISUASKs Uf WOMIIN n 'poclnlln. Hock oa I > | ( O.T < U of Women Krco. Wo have lately ndtluila lylnu-ln Department for\Vomon Durlnu contlncnient ( Strictly I'rlTnto.1 Only llollix- MoMeillrnl In-lluito Jinking a Specialty of 1111- VATB II1SKASKS. All Blood ll unsosmccoafully treated. Medlclim or Instruments nont by mull or otproia ocuroly l < ackc d. no marks to indicate contents or nomlor. Uno pcrionrt. Interview pruforrud. Cnll nndconiult u or icnithltory of your on-e , nnd wo wilt fond In lain wmpporour HOOK TO MIJ.V l''ltiK ; ; upon I'rl- vato. Bpcclnl or Nervous oi , nltuquostlDa Hit. Addrcssnll Utters to Dr. A. T. McLaughlln , President tth anil Hiirnoy btreots. AND Is not plon = ant lo take , as it 5s com posed of nil the medicinal qualitioa thcitffo to malco now and rich blood without compelling the consumer to pay $1 $ A BOTTLE FOR ONE-THIRD SYRUP which can bo bought any wfcoro for tl.irty-fl.vo cants a gallon , as oil aur- aparillas aro. BEGGS' BLOOD PTJRI&IERand BLOOD MAKER IB composed of pure modiclne , nnd. nl- lo-wa the purchaser to add syrup which is advlaod. whoa glvon to childron. If your drusslst does not keep It no cop1. . suOstltiito. but order direct from Jlu''irs Co. . 1U'-11)7 ) MIohlBiiii Ht. , Chicago , 111. . tlioy will forwuru. ojfiiroii prepaid , ono tlu for.I or six D II. 1FKI.fK OOrifAl'U'H OIIIIINTU , CUK.UI , OK MAUUAJ * HKAL I IFIJ.H. Jl movpjiTan , Iliupli * ( Fiirlc * J U-H.MotU I'atcluii. J'jiBlinn < l tfkiu : " o\vry MrruUti on id * "a idtttc'tlun. It liiu [ Kuud Hie tefct of 10 tai-rf. and in 10 .i&iinlrmHp tiutelt tuUuviiroltlt * pn > | - vrly i mule. Ant it no ntunttifelt of . lady nftlivluiut ton ( atuttlcnll "At you , 1 r c mnif nil MJou- 'jCn ni'tt < lliO Ira t lianutul of all Iliu rl.ln i > iviira- | llon . " t'oroulebjr nil li'tvl- ' "i1 ; lunry Gwda Uual- omlnllm Unll lHtnln.C nacmfinil Knp/p"1 _ _ l't.M > . T. llUI'KlNHVf ' op'r.j ? Hix'alJongJBI. N. Y. LOSf'POfER Ncrvo llenns cure nil "Oiiinl wcaknon In cltlio * oz , nctliiKonniirvei , bruin , loxiinl ur nni < \n r- l.i-TKc'Uiin fur liupotuncr. ntiilillr ciinUilonii. lout memorr , l > a < ldre mi , uverilun to loelctr. (1 IMIX , ptMtpnUI hUhoxustV NKIIVK IIKAN t'd , Ilullnlo , N V , SulU br UooUreun Drug Co. , I11U Kutiium BU , Oiuuha. X-CMTSE US X-TOLLIKTG THE X-CELLEKTCE OP OUR , X-CEPTI03STA.I.LY X-QTJISITE X-EMPLAUY AHD X-CLUSIVE X-HIBITS , AS WE DON'T X-TOUT X-OHBITANT X-CESS , THEREBY X-HAUSTING OH X-TERMmATmCf YOUR X-CHEQUER , FOB , A This week we show you a new thing in the shape of 250 all wool , fancy colorings and excellent style of Suits at $5. The'arc worth $ S. Our $ S Black Cheviot Suit is better than any ever shown in Omaha , and more than halt of them are already sold. They can't last long , so be quick and come in and look at them. We shall have no more when they are gone. Our 95c Stiff Hat is as good as the aver age $3 Hat , and we have 12 different styles and colors for you to select from. Our $2 , $2.50 , $3 , $3.50 , $4 , $4-.50 and $5 lines of Knee Pant Children's Suits can't he beat , They are the hummers of Omaha. We haven't hy any means gone hack on our customary tailor-made , fine ready-made clothing , on the contrary , we have a larger line today than ever before in the history of our business , The Smallest Possible iipense for the Volume of Business Tells its Own Story. we CAK'T k ! Respectfully , At the Same Old Stand 13th and Farnam.