Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Shannon's Lambs Ojuldn't ' Loan Tvo Games
Straight to the Farmers.
Alticrlenn ABH irlntlon' ' < 'lintnplinnJilp
Opcno l wlin n Uuili I.lncoln'sini-
cjolo Cimlrst Gels Iiilpicstlnu
Oilier hii > i tln-c News.
, Neb. , April S. [ Special TclORram
loTiir IJisr. ) The l nnncr * ' Alliance team
inaugurated the season on the homo grounds
this afternoon with its second panic -with
Minmiou'H Lambs , and a very enthusiastic
crowd of probably ono thou nnd cr moro
was on hand to "soo the Oninhogs slithered
nil over the diamond , as Duvo Uoivo prom
ised they votild bo But the concourse vas
sorelj disappointed , The visitors weio on
their mettle , and put up n irnmo that few
trains m tao country could beat. Thov
hnttod and fielded nnd mil bases , nnd
couched , ns If it woio in the mlddlo of the
Fcason , Instoid of their second game , nnd
dosplto the fact that they fell fir in the rear
in the llrst tniir of tno came , they wouldn't '
hay die , and pulled as prettj a yamo out ot
the furnace ns u fan e\ei looked upon. Klnn-
neil and Omaha mav well 1m pi nud of the
iigKrcjrnt ion that represents them , and if they
don't hustle alt for tha pennant them Is iioth-
JrtK 1" looks
following is the score-
All. II. Ill Sll. S1I. I'O. Alit
Hinnnon. 'Jb I 1 0 I 1 .1 5 0
Twin IMJII. ir n s : i i 01 oo
llullUnn. c. 0 ! ! : i 1 0 3 0 0
Hltrllir , If 41 01 10
40 OH
lit nun , ur . . . . r , i 02 oo
AValsh. KS tO 01 30
3 > onnilly. ' ! ! ) . . 41 01 03 0
KltuljorK. p A. If. . 1 0 U 0 01 BO
Tot il r,0 13 B 1 27 18 1
AH n. in. en. sn ro. A i
Ollno , rf 5 ( I 0 0
Kiiyiiiiuul , II ) . . 5n i : i o 0 0
Jt JW\SS. n t .1 o 0 3 3
Ilnrkilt. K r > u B o 0 3 0 0
Jrwln Hi 4 1 1 0 0 10 o o
I'altdii , ef . . . . 4 o 0 I 0 3 0 0
Tfniinoy. X'b S 0 o r .1 1
Wilson , o . . . . 0 1 0 J 0 1
CVDiy.p 0 1 0 0
Total. 41 7 IS 3 0 SI 11
Oinalm 0 0 0 0 II 3 2 0 * -S
1 J 0 J 0 0 0 1 0-
oliriti'l'or/ I Itiins scored olT
OMiy. ) I. Iliiscsnn Iinlls oil l.ltiljorx. 3 ; oil
'rwl.ln | ( u- | ( > irliiy. ( ) ) l St ruck out , liy r.ltil-
jMir. . ! : liy I wirc'julli ' I hv O Hi > . I. ruo-luso
Jills , Itu\iniuii1 , ItnrlTpltr J ! Wf. ll.illUui.
'I'wItelic-U.1 Wnlsh 'Ihior-lnsi lilt. Uivniomi.
Pulsed lulls \\llson.l \ 'I ltu < > of gai'ir-/ini ; ' >
liour in < l forty-lho minutes Unilri,3 | ) ,
mid rnillley. _
i M tt'.t & > N < > n
Ttow nt St. Louis and
ST. Kot i , Mo. , April i > . Twenty-flvo
hundred people today attended the opening
Kaino between the ijrowns and the Cindu-
l int is After thu ninth inning Cincinnati
Irlodto delay the game , allowing the Hrowns
to score olRht luns , lloof them eirncd. The
umpire ' ordered them toplaybnll , but thoyto-
1'used , so ho fjavo the game to tno lho\\iis , S )
leO Tlio scoio stood at the end of tliejnlnth
inning 7 to" .
I'nii \ ri I'HM , Apiil 8. WashhiRton won
ti.uopcnlninK tame after an liitorcbtiug con
test Athletic , 8 ; Washington , SI.
lUi.TiMoni1 , Md. , Apiil 8. The Ametlcaii
nasoclntion season opened hero today. IJaltl-
mmc , 1 ; lloston , 7.
LoaisMil.u. Ky. , April S. The association
cliamplons , in opening , sot a pace for other
clubs by snutchiiiK victory fiom defeat.
Louisville , 7 ; Columbus , ( > .
LtvroiA , Neb , April 8. [ Special Tela-
Bnim to Tin : DEC. ] Muckctt is still ahc.iil
In the blcjclo nito. Clnrk nttomptcu to gain
tholjipho lost the llrst evening , but was
thrown fiom his -wheel by n collision vvitti
" \VcrU. Although liudly bruUecl ho inouiited
Ills bicycle nnd soon nude up for lost tlmo.
Some splendid spurts weio made hy "Weit/ ,
IVloirs nnd Flesclier. .Mockett , however ,
hccini to have n vast fund ot reserved force
nnd hi * competitors exerted thcm&olvos in
\-nin The six liouw rldinp shows the follovv-
Miles Laps MIlOS. 1IPS.
JVIocKott .10S 11 Wortr . . ll'8 It )
Clirk . 108 rioschor. 1U8 10
108 10
A rabnlniiH Stronlr of 1'uro Gold DIscovered -
covered lit Uliili.
SM.T LvKi' , Utah , j\pnl 8 ISp ci.M
U'elcgranito Tin ; DtE.J A wondertul strike
is repotted from Deep Creek comity. A gold
lead has been discovered , cirrv ing a shoal :
of oto assaying 13IJ3 ounces of gold , or
SJ71.317 to the ton. This strike was made by
a piospector working for L. C. Kirrlck and
1'ranlc Knox. The man found the float on a
prev ions trip and told ICcmlck about it. The
latter outlined him and pave ditections that
n thorough search bo made for the load. That
was about t\o weeks ago This moininy
iiovv.sns iccelvcd that a vein had boon dis-
tovorcd. A sample of the nxlc was sent In
\\lth a description nf the find. It ls quart/
literally filled with puio uold. An assay was
made fiom it with the result that has been
Klvcn. A piocu of the rock , about as l.irgoas a
lien , wnsgiound tip nnd from this a button of
Kolu ! > 00 line of the slzo of a No 4 shot was
accuied , Thueln U several feet wide , the
lich streak being from font to seven Inches
in thickness. 'Iho ' streak hns been traced 100
feet nnd era nf the kind sent in can ba picked
out of it nt nnv point selected at random.
'Iho location of the strike Is on a line of the
Deep Cieelc i oid near ttio boundary , between
Utah am1 Xm ada.
Xnt Guilty ofiliillnt Slnninur.
Svi/rLuti : CITV , Utah , April 8 [ Special
Tclonram to Tin : lliu.J W. J. Allen , a
former resident of Denver , hat > been on trial
in this city for three days nn the charge of
Htufllngtlio ballot box at thu lastcitv election
for school trustees , nnd tonight the Juty re
turned ovordlct of not gulltv. Allen was n
member of the jiolico force of Denver nt one
tlmo nnd was 1 itor n mcinbci * of the saino do-
pirtmcnt at Lcadvlllo. Tlio tilal was Insti
gated bj one of the sons of Hrigham Youiigr ,
uusonoof thocnndUhtes.
I'mn Younjj Ilolr.
New YOIIK , April 8. Another feature of
the controversy over the child of Kaward J.
McMahon developed today. While McMnhon
was in the probate court answering the rule
why n guardian should not br appointed , ho
was nirested 011 warrant swoin out by Mrs.
lioso Coleman , fonnor ntirsu of tlio boj ,
charging McMnhon with administering jiolson
to the boy with Intent to nmtdur , McMahon
strenuously denies the charge nmlsii > slL Is
brought for \\\a \ \ \ purpose of taUng tlio child
nway from him. A struggle botwcpa the
father of the child nnd his maternal grand
mother hns been KOlng onor some time , each
charKing the other with ivantitiKto got pos
session of the boy who is a direct heir to n
An Ostrich Snip.
ANAIIKIMC , Onl. , April S. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim IlSE.J-Ono hundred and sivty
tno ostriches nt the California ostrich farm ,
near Anaholmoero Hold at private silo thh
nltemoon , forW.OOO. The birds wcro assessed
nt eil.UOO , and wore claimed to bo worth $ 'JO , .
000. Tha buj-ors am a local couipanv of caul *
Ullsts and aK'CuUtors. |
Slnmlorrd by tlio Sutrnr Trust. ,
AMIANV , N. Y" . , April 8. Uefoio the son
ata committee investigating tnisu today
Jlenry Gray , receiver of the North lUvor relining -
lining company , said ho ha-t boon grossly
abused by the sugar trust , A certain person
ramo to him some tlmo ago with n uic-ssnce
/ram an attorney for the trust to the effect
thit If Gray wanted to nnKo n nrofltiblc
thing nut of the receivership ho should see
the ofllccM of the t rust nnd cgrco with them.
otherwise he would get nothing The state-
mcnt of the trust attorney that ho ( dray )
had speculated In sugar was a Ho.
Ilia tt.lMU'HF , IT
Plrnt Dinner of ttio riiul | > lltnu Clnli
, Mass. , April H. The largest po
litical gathering of the Kind held m Boston
for jcnrs-tho first nlnnor of the republican
club of MasMohusoHs wts h"ld in Music
halt this evening Covers were hid for 310 ,
bosldus guests and speakers. President
Kogor Woloott presided , nad among the
prominent KUO * ' ' were Secretary of the Navy
Tracv , Lieutenant Halo , Congroismcm
Walker , Ledge , ( Irconluigoatul Morse , ox-
Oo\ornor Amos , Senator Aldrich , ex Oov-
crnor Hnckettimd General Banks. Sccro-
tnryTiacy in his speech paid a high tilbute
to the lopiibllcui puty and ( lie present ad
ministration and dcfcMtdad the Flfty-flMt
conciusx ncalnst the chivgo of extravngaiifo.
The secretary then gave a detailed account
ol the work In which the navy department
w.n tit picsunt GiiKivft ! ' ! and c'oncludel ut
follows : "Ono hut | > oitit in navnl uffiira
icmaitis to be considered the question
of the fmptovmcnt of liboi' at imvy
iarilH. Tor llfty jcnrs this has boon
n weak spot In tha naval administration.
Whatever tlio party In eontiol of the govern-
incut. It socins hitherto to Invo been povvor-
le to exclude political Inlluonco In the otn-
ploynicnt of nnvv jard labor It is not
enough , nppirontly , that mechanics and
workmen in tlio ifovirntncnt shops shoulu bo
rcputjlhins or democrats , thov must wear
tlio colhrof tbo bosses vvbo run the locnl
political machine. Tlio pmrilco is n source
ordunioinli/ntlou to any party thu attempts
to stop It , destructive to ttio KOV eminent ser-
v Ice nnd dcbnuchin to local nnd national poli
tics. Ills an ulcur to the nnvnl ai'.ininUtra-
tlve svstem. nnd I propose to ctit it out "
The sccrotarv said the details of the i\'A
tern bo pronoses to adopt nro belnp prepared
nnd in a short tiniovvill ho in full opei.iUon
Tlio cssentinl foatutcs , as applied to n.ivy
j ards , nro I'll st The appointment ntc.ich
jard of n registration boird toies'stcr ' nil
nppllcants forotnplojtncnt in the department
of unskllleu hhor , to he selected as required
on tliopiinciplo ofllrst conio llrst served
with referenceonlv to uuny or navy veter
ans or men having fiiiillics to support. See-
oml KcgiHtrntion of applications for po
sltlons of skilled labor under the same rules
of preference and employment on trial ac-
coidinKto incrlt-s. Thlid The selection of
foremen upon competitive examination The
bonrd will consist of ofllccrs o' the navv on-
gnircd It. eonductinif the worlc oftho varita.
The secrotarv added thit , hav hitf begun in
this way , bo docs not pioposo to stop until
the principle ot" efllclciuy and worth is the
only test of navy jnril employment Ho Is
satlsllul the plan can bo carried out so It will
ictnovonll suspicion of machine politics from
the tiavj yiuds ; that economy and efllcionci
of work will bo promoted , \vhllo the com-
mtinitj will bo sinotlint the nnv > ymdin its
inld > .t , iimteid of bcintthu focus of local
iiolltlcnl Intilxuo , ha pHcoof cinplovmcntof
a body of independent and silf-rcspectini ;
workmen , vvhoso only reid to promotion lies
in Kood vvoik "Wliethrr tbo pi'aent civil
scrviCOJ ivv is the best thit could bo devised
to iniprovo tbocivil service of the country I
do not know But I do Know fiom personal
obioivntloiiln m > own department per-
ions appointed under tlio sjstom nio moro
IMcicntas a whole than thoseselected under
any sjstoin of patroniiRC , and I know foither
that no rcpuolican cluirgod with tlio re
sponsibility of ndiniuisteiliiB ono of tlio ureaU
: \ecutlvo tlcp n tmctits of the government can
1)0 tnioto himself , to the faith ot tbo icnub pirty or to the people if ho fills to
ernplov anj nnd all mentis vvitbln his povver
toolovate. panfy and lender tnoro cllleicnt
the civil sci v It o oftho country. "
Mr. HoRor U'olcott , in the course of ids
speech , said "Tho republican paity must
Hilly to its stindnrd the recruit nnd drum out
the mercenary 'Iho loss of thousands of
votes In this state was duo to tlio Pcnnsylva
ninn who Is still chairman of the national
committee. The kind pf personalities that
seeks and icquhcs what is called 'vindica
tion'is alvvajs nt the expense of tlioptnty
iind Is a blunder when It Is not a crime. "
.i nox cosTHt ) mu s i\
Italian Convicts and P.inpTS Not DP-
sir.ihlc Citliis. .
Youic , April 8 [ Special Telegram
to TUB But J The controversy between Sup
erintendent oflmmigratlon vVobbornnd the
agents of the steamship Iniretiva , which
biought to this port a number of underdrablo
Italian Immlgi ants , Is notyot ended. Colonel
Webber Is determined that the i mtmgrants
shall Do convoyed back on the steamship that
lauded them and nt the expense oftho ves
sel's ovvnois In a slimp letter the agents of
the Inb-otlvnsaj'that the superintendent had
no right to crowd the nmlcsitabto immigrants
b.ick on their vessel without piopor notltlca-
tion. The agents iinvo declaied that the
Inc/tiva Is not going back to
Italy , and that thov will not bo
tosponslhlo for their return unless
the Immigrants mo retained ( it the bnrgo
until such time as the nL'eiits mn read.v This
dotermlnatlon on the part of the agents Ins
aroused Colonel Webber nnd ho 1ms laid
down the law on the subject Colonel Web
ber adds in his letter : "It cuinot bo that
the nuthoiitlcs of a foiolyn alms house or
prison may plaeo the Inmates thereof on a
ship destined to this country , which vessel
was not to bo relumed to the pent whence
she came , nnd that such convicts orpiupers
might be folsteu on our people on the ground
that the business orothor Interests of tbo
steamshlu compinv have mndo it necessary
for the vessel between other ports. "
The In Uotlvn cleared at the custom house
today for Lisbon.
The Italian societies hoio are deeply inter
ested In tno controversy. Physicians have
ovammecl Mimeof the iinmlcrants in the In-
tores.1 of the societies nnd they have nvotied
that none suiters from cither disease or
poveity. Tvventv-foar Italian immigrants
vvholihdeiUiom the steamship Bmgundia
yesterday were sent bick to the steamer
todav by the buget ofllco authoiltles The
immigrants had contagious diseases and wcro
without tncins ofsuppoit.
I'usInosH Tronhli'ft.
LiiACVSTiit ! , Ta , April 8. Uxerutlons for
$00,500 were Issued today agilnt > t Ilyros &
Co , lumber dealers and saw mill operators of
Columbia. The members of the Him siy
they have assets of ? 14" > , oou.
A'nothcroxpcutlon for $100,000 was issued
this afternoon against tlm lirm
LONPQN , April S. Lovl Ihothors , dealers
in vv airs here , with bmncli houses
In Paris and Constantinople , have failed. 'Iho
linn's liabilities are estimated ut fUS.UOO ,
as c'ts , "
MPMIMIIS Tenn , April 8. Toof , McCovvau
t Co , wholesale grocers and cotton factors ,
assigned tud.iy. Liabllltloa , I O.OOO , assets ,
A. ( inod Itako Oil' M
KOCKVIIIP , Conn , , April 8. iMis. Lillian
llnll , alias Clcnuniiiic St. Gecrgu Hay , vvn.s
arrested at rilllncton todav , charged with
the fraudulent use of the mulls. For the
pastfoui months laigo q nan ti tics of mall
matter have arrived hcio from nil paitsof
the United State * addressed to Clcmontlmi
St. ( icorgo Hay , In reply to a letter appear
ing In the Hnusowifn and other Joutnals ,
niaklnp a pitiful np | > cil for charitv. The
mail inntter was taken out by Mis. llnll ,
who is lecturer of the Ellington ( jraugo and
a prominent society woman.
Interstate Minor- , and Operators
Pmsinao , Pa , April 8. The Interstate
miners am ) curators spent the day dlsruss-
ing the eight-hour question , and all indlca
tions are that next month will sco 7S,000
inlnora inOhiovnd J'ennsylvanin n.uit woik
unless their demands aio granted or a com
promise offeotod. They wcro met today by
tint-footed stntcmoutH from scrotnl operators
that the eight-hour duv will not bo rouccdoc !
and that n shut-down Is inov Itahlo If the men
refuse to modify the demand. The battluwil !
bo romevvea tomorrow ,
thu Ile ( > n ,
CniOAOo , April S. Tlio executive commlt-
tflo appointed by the recent conx-cnlton ol the
Association of American Agricultural Col ot
Ingcs and Experimental Stations , held at
Champaign , Til , , for the purpose of securing
a oo-oporativo station exhibit nt the world's
fair , held a mooting1 at the Sherman house to
day. Plans -wore discussed and totters toad
fiom nil experimental stations expressing
hearty approval of the Idea.
Largo Bodies of Troop ? Sent Out to Guard
the Frontier.
Hcntly to Itopol a KuRslim Invasion
Unoknil l > y Orrinnny Ilia
I'ono uu Iiilxu * mill
Loviiox , Anrll S [ Special to
Tim HUM ] A. Vlonttn di | ntch si > that
tlioAustihm Rovotumciit , not being reas
sured by HMsla'1) ) dorlal of its uiifilciicllvdo-
Mgru , hns nlrc'iidv coiuontintcd lingo toodlei
of . . troops nt Oiitropol aud 13roily to watch the
Gnllclan : : Iionticr. ThoTenth corps , under
KelnUtulcr , has been reinforced by a portion
of the Phst corps , and Prlnco Wiilndlsih-
Uroctz of the iirvcnlh : It wutchiiiR the
frontier will n lareo force of cavalry. Count
Hiirtcnan , forinitly 1'rlnca Alexander of
Ikilgatin , vvho isnovvnn ofllccr in the Aus
trian service , HIM , it is slid , been called Into
consultation nt the war ofllco with a
viuvv of utili7lii his services in an
Important com mind , 'Hie Austrian imthori-
tlus liivo great coutldcncu In thu abilities of
the prince , which were luovca In tlio war be
tween Sorvla mitt Bulgaria It is snld Hint
the Anstrlin fjovi'rnmont 1m important se-
cvatlnfoiinitloii from Kusshwhich is llio
bails for the wirlikp precautions Appar-
cntl.v by some untlcrstandincr with Austriii
Germany Ins suddenly begun to increase Its
forcei near the Russian fiontier , and to
hastin ttio completion of works Intcndea to
facilitate the transportation of troops. All
liuilc.itions go to show that a. Kussian In
vasion would bo mot bv fonntctnblo nrmlcs ,
whether first directed against Austria or
CSerm my , or both countiics at once On the
Ptcnili sldo Gurnuitiy has a series of foils
that could not f.iil to delay an invasion lonp
enough toglvo ntnplo tlmo for the concentra
tion of an anny.
The Gctmnii kaiser Im laid out n personal
pro'uimmovliidi nppatently docs not take
into account any e.irly dcclar.itlon of hostill-
ties On April "J liu Is golu \Vuitburg
for some black cock shooting , anil after
spending i fcnv days there ho will proceed on
a visit to Count Goorse. in Upper Hesse , to
shoot on his estates. The emperor will not ,
as has been expected , go thmico to .Alsace
Loiraino If ho piysn visit to thcso provinces
at nil this season It will not bo before hop-
totnber. It is to bo noted , however , thnt
tAviio as imnv oniuciM have boon detailed as
durlnp tholcuisoi's shootiiiRtrip to Silesia as
incssotiKci'3 to cnvi $ any infortnatioii from
thoclmncellor to the Mitsur during the nb-
icnto of the latter fiom the cipltal , Btato so-
jiots not being iuttusted cither to post or
THE T.IJ.K A 'J' ItOJIi : .
The Chamber of Dcjmtms to Con-
siiler flip Xi'vv OrloiiiiM Cawc.
IloMi : , Aprils ThoMqsngoro announces
tliatupon the reassembling of the chamber
of deputies , the pioimcr % vlll submit tlio cor-
. csponu'eiico OMhangod between the United
States and the It.iliin government on the
subject of the Ne\v Orleans Ivtichings. Jlany
vvelllnfotmod people hero declare that the
? , vm rucnll incident iras precipitated to
iffoid the Italian iiiinlstty reasons foi its
lullure to effect the piomlscd inductions in
tio.inny , navy and other national expend
Italia , today expressed the opinion that the
Americans hmo out ono God their sttoiiR
box It says fuither "In this strong box
ono muststrilto them , domauding the
possible Iiidomtilty. "
A l'n | > : tl llnoiitiiont.
IlovtK , April 0. [ Speclol Cablegram to
Tar Br.r ] Preparations for simultaneous
distributions of the forthcoming pipal
encyclical , 011 labor and socialism , are pro
gressing. Tlio document Is being translated
Into all hnguauos. A copy wilt ho forvv aided
to the heads of dioceses throughout the
vtoild. The encyclical will bo formally
issued on the last day of April or thollrst
dav of May. In its composition the holy
father has sought for iiiiforrmtlon , ndvico
aud guidance from Caidmal Manning of
England , Cardinal Moran of Austialla ,
Cardinal Gibbous of the United States , Arch
bishop Walsh of Ivchnd , and Cauilnal Larn-
gorio of Africa On their icports
of the Industilal and sociil situation in
their respective countries the conclusions
of the tncjcllcal are based The llrst part
oftho document is ahistoiical lovicvv of the
nttltucloor thocluirch in the past toward
vvoiken Tito second pat twill set lorth thu and labor ( luestions of the day. the
piominenco thov Invo assumed , and the
necessity the church Is under in dealing with
them. 'Jho ' thlid part will lav down a policy
which the church adopts on these questions
The hoi ) father in this document does not
enter into details , but confines himself to
generalizations In an eloquent passage at
the close ho warmly exhorts the clergy to
wai nil vsj nip ithi o with all classes of vvork-
cis. 1 ho question of the limitation of daily
labor is lott to be settled by committees
vvlieio It arises , according to local needs and
The Cznr Indignant.
ST. Pnr.usnLiia , April b [ Spec lal Cable
gram to TUB Iu ! : . | Tlio cvar Is loportcd in-
dlcunntat the action of Grand Duke Michael
Mlchaolovitch , his cousin , vvho has contracted
a private imrriago at San Kemovlth the
ComUCbsoC MctoniDorg' , dauehtcrof thoduUe
of Nassau. It is said that the anger of the
autocrat has led him to ihooxtiomo of cans-
iui , ' the name of tlioijrauddtilvOtobo stiicken
from the rolls of the Ki slnn nriny , and or-
tleriiitfof the cUinimtiou from the army list
the titles of icglrnents named for the grand
duke and of vvhiHi ho is colonel. Tlio mar-
nago Is said to have been arranged at the beginning
ginning of the season of Kovclra notwith
standing the disapproval of the czar.
Jjo.uletl Tor tlio Oznr.
Loxnov , April b , The Tologuph's corro
spondcnl at St. 1'otcidbiiu siysAn at-
tcmpl\\os nuulo on the ear's llfo Monday ,
but thouttumiit frustiatcd. It was a
Russian holiday and the czar uiul ivurlini
went to review the Imperial Biiards opposite
the palace of lir.ind Duke Nicholas Invita-
tionsj wcio sent to a limited number of per
sons. A man \ \ ith a sallow coniplo.xlon and
of the southern tyiv ) was among these admit
ted. Ho took a place llvopaeoa distant from
the plnco where the czar was to stand. As bo
con tinned to wear an overcoat ho was re
quested to remove It , but declined on the
piound thatho wasafruid of the drauhgts ,
Ho was arrested and taken to prison , when n
i-ovol\ oiid a Klobulo supposed to contain
jiolsonwns found in his pockets. Ills name
IlnCiiHrd to toast
LOMIOV , April S. At a dinner given bj
tuoD < Non Congregational chuich at Tavls-
toclc , Dovonshlrc , n sensation was caiued by
tno presiding mi nlstcr. Kov. Mr , Da\U , t\ho
snld ho could not propose the toast to ' The
Queen , " and ho would tberofoio call upon
Ilev. Mr. Johiibon to perform that task
Davis cddod that ho ( Johnson ) might also
toast tlio prlnco of Wales and all gamblers if
ho chose to do so. Johnson consequently
jnoposed the toast to "Tho Queen , " saying
her majesty baa no moro loyal subjects than
the dissenters , 'i'hcrounon the assemblage.
with the exception of Hev. Mr. Ta\ls ) am
\\ifo.roHo totncirfoct and .sang thu national
authom , "God Save the Queen. "
n U'urknicii.
MUMC n , April 8. A nuinbor of unoraplojei
Raxonsundllavarians todiy nttacUoda gu
of Polish -workmen engaged in laying a cable
at Hof , Binarla. A llcrco light followed
during tba protjross ofhich tweuty-lho
men , some on one sldo and some on thu others
were more or less seriously \vouuiloil. Troop-
wcro eventually sent to the scene of the Uli.
turbauco aud manaiod to rjucll taet itUorJcr
( ) > cr < iinuu.
Duiiuv , Apiil 8.At the flrst public meet
ing of the National federation yesterday It
was aunouiued that the account la Jehu 1)11
en's name lindlwn ov nlrawn to the extent
of $1 " ,1X1) ) uud tlvixj uero other urguit lln-
bllltloa to the nuivnut of SIO.lWO. It was con-
wiurntly resolved , to mil upon McCarthy
mil I'nriell to nniiicdlately rolc-aso n sum
from the fundhdu h 1'nrls sufllcicnt to meet
irescntnnd futuio Liabilities.
Prince 'Nnpolrou'x Will.
Hove , April 8.po will of the late I'rineo
Vnpoleon is rounttkabl ) precise. In bis
hrootlons forthw fibteqtilos the prime fort -
t the piescncotlf his oldest son , 1'rlncii
Victor. Hoasks'tJiU , his roinnlns bo bulled
n St. Jorotno jcliansl , Chuich of the In-
i all ties , Pnrln , near the tomb of the Jlrst
S'lipolcon , unloaa Iho Bovcriiniont refuses
icrmlsilon , in vvlflch case ho deslnd that his
jody bo cnloiiiUeiJ la acavo caivcd out of
lollil lock on the Isles of Sanguluaro , In the
lulf of Ajacolo , "whoio my grave mav ho
wave beaten In lunge of my stornn llfo. "
: 'rincoN'apoleon upbraid < I'rinco Victor nsn
rebel nnrt totilly ignores him in tno disposl-
, lon of his prcDertv
The roidliiR of ttio will was a painful cero
nony. When the prwnpo excluding llio rest
of the family was reichcd 1'ilnco I ouls
o bis mother and frantically embraced her ,
cry inn , "Never , never , dear mother , wo nto
co-heirs " It is stated that ho will ndtioro to
its resolve , which ex-Kmpress Kugcno up-
il.uuls , to divldo tlio piopei ty equally nmong
bo mcmbcwof the ftimllj.
The federation.
Svipr , April 3. Tlio federation conven
\entlon has adopted resolutions that the fed
eral government slnll il\ and rontrolcustoms
and thit the present tariff shall rciinln un
changed pending the adoption of a umfoim
. .nrlffith free trade throuphout the fedcra-
ton. The proposal to dellne the consolidation
of the public debt on a basis of JE-10 per head
of population was rejected anil It was decided
, o lca\o ttiat mutter to bo dealt w 1th by pjr-
lament Tlio local po\\cis of colonial pailla-
iit-nts have not been touched , but there Is a
unvlso that In the event of laws clashing
.ho fedoinl parliament slnll prevail.
Similar to the "Mallu.
ROME , Aprils. Tlio tual nt Had of 17
members oftho .Mala Vita society excites In-
onso Interest. A few admit thit they
sounded certain poisons by order of the so-
doty under fear of death The evidence of
the informers caused gieat. excitement In
nuit today. The piisoncis shouted and gas-
Iculatcd to their fuonds In couit and the up
roar amounted almost to a riot.
Aruontlno's l.utoxt
BUINOS AIIIKS , An ill 8 The Atgentlno
cabinet has signed n decree suspending until
time next the payment of deposits in the
latioml and provincial bnnlts , and offering
depositors the option of takingmtcunl bonds
u exchange for their deposits. TUB govern-
ncnt's dccreoa unexpected , nnd has
created a bad Impression
llilrd < _ .la8s hports .Inllpd.
LONDON , April 8 During the time the city
and sulmrbin races wcro being inn at ttpsom
.odav the meinbors of two third class hotting
clubs located on the Strand iilleU the rooms
waiting for the immr-s of the successful
norses to bo announced 'iho uollco raided
, ho club rooms nnd inado a largo number of
rntinillui lilbprals A'letririoiis.
N. S , April S. Elections for
members of the Nova Scotia leiiistntuio
weio hold jestcid.iv in Capo Hroton ,
Antagonist ! and Hunts counties to fu > the
vacancies caused In thoresignation of liberal
mcmbcis to run In the Dominion elections
i'ho libor.ils carried all these counties.
S. yn QtiintoiiVim Murdered.
SIMI A , April a A letter has been received
lore from the leader of the Manlpurs declar
ing that Chief Commissioner Quliiton nnd all
: ns colleagues -\\howhro taken prisoners ro-
iciitlj at Manipur hnvo boon miiulorod
J'herclias been further lighting nt Manipur
and another British ofllccrasltillcd. .
Gormniiy APrald uriliinsln.
I3n IN , April 3. In consequence of the
Russian missing of troops on the Gnlician
and Sllesinn frontigro the German go\ern-
meat has decided to strengthen the eastcin
frontier carrisons.
Intimated a Uculro l
, April 8--Tlio Chronicle says the
marquis of Landsdouno hns intimated ado-
ire to lesion tho\icoiojship of India on ac
count of ill health and other icasons.
HlinolH Stockyards
inii ) , III , April S The house
committee on agriculture this evening heard
arguments on the question of stoclcvnrds
charpes by i-eprosentatives of the various
stockards companies of the state. The bill
under consideration \\os Hamsoy's which has
been ondorDOd by the Farmers' club and
which provides an ironchd schedule o maxi
mum charges , liu * Coj of the Union stock
yards , Chicago , ana Vlco I-'rosldont ICnox of
tholIastSt Louis j aids argued against any
reduction of clnrgos Mr Coy \\as very
forcible in his argument Ilo explained that
the stocltyaids company maintained a double
truck railroad from Utlfhton to tlio
yauls , nnd over this it does not cost
the shipper n cent to UniiMiort his
stock Xvot only this , but there Is a proat
deal of labor nnd risk in the ciro nnd man
agement of the stock nnd to cover all this
there were but two cbaigea made for food
and yatdauo. The complilnts wcro not
mnde by shippers \\lio understood things ,
but by small country shippers , who reasoned
by the mice of food and did not rcail/o that
§ 1 a bushel chnrccd for corn covered all
tho'o other items of expense In closing Mr.
Coy said that last year the Union stoolcynrds
were responsible for one-half the commerce
of Chicago One hundred nud fifty thousand
people are clothed and foil by tlio yards.
HJveiy bullock standing In the farmer' jaid
today Is woith SID moio to him bc-
cause of the existence of this market hcio.
"If jou leave usulonowo romaln where
wo are , but it jou pa-s such a bill as this no
will be dil\on fiom thostato. "
Allot- the Alton.
Niw Youic , A pi 11 h The clones at the
trunk line ofJlco today were bus ) scudluff
out formal notices to cut the Chicago it Alton
oft from through baggigo and ticket facili
ties The "scalpers , " are inclined to expect
a harvest of outside business as a cense
quence. Tilends of the Alton say the pres
ent movement will end as did that of hsT ,
which lasted about twenty months The
Alton people siv that diuniu ; that uontro-
vcisv tha passenger tratllc of the Alton was.
nearly doubled.
Daneo ol linntli.
Cincuno , April 8. William Brnriff peddled
tickets all day \estcrdny for Harrison. After
the polls rlo-cd hq , 9ut into asiloonory
hrppy and calloa for drinks Attenv mils ho
began uaneinir and ( jinging until ho was out
of breath. Ho is a viny largo man and the
Inrtcndor warned him to desist or hoould
hint himself , llranltlkopton dancing , tiow-
ovcr , nnd soon chopped to tbo floor and died
in a few minutes
SIN Fiuscisro , Call , Apiil S. C , P. Huntington -
ington , when asked nbout the rumored pur
chase by hliti of the Ohio Yalloy roau , run-
nlng fiom Princeton , It ) , to UvatisUllo ,
Ind , bald ho had bought It
I'reMilcnt iTorlaii.
niooMisorov , Infty April 8. Prof. Coulter
of Wabash college - today elected to tlio
presidency of the stnta unhersity to succeed
Jonlan , who has taken the picsldoncy of
St. in foul university.
. Neuralgia ,
N. Ogdcn , Mich , Hagcrstown , ll ,
Mny 17,1890. April81 , IW
"A linlf Wotllo of "I anil others of
your Invaluable , my
medicine , St. JacoU family , have uscilSt.
Oil. cured tnoof rhcu- Jacobj Oil for ncu-
mutism ami rhou- rulgla and found It
knco. Uu tlio best hi n inx'dy | , cfluctlva
the universe. " cure. "
J. it. L. PORTER. Mm. AOKH Keiur.
rurthor Emlonco of the Succjss of tbo
Ntw Election Sjstoui ,
"ItVnrks Mko a Clmfin , " IB the
( Joni'iil l/'xptcsslon IiloonHO
or Nti'pimp , tlm IHSIIU
In Alan ) IOVVIIH.
Ilriiuov , Neb , April S [ Special Telo-
TiiR HEI : . ! Hebron yesterday wit
nessed ono of the hottest contested municipal
elections since its orginizntlon , and nothing
but praises wcro heaul for the Austinllan
ballot svstom , The iiulepcndont-hlgh-llcenso
ticket was elected , with O. II Scott for
nia.v r ; Con way Lcedom , clerk ; W. H.
IluBtics , treasurer ; .Jacob Hotidcrshot , police
Judge ; J. It. Klllot and J.V. . Hughes , conn-
cllmcn for the l- list \vard ; J. .T. Ilolcomb ,
Second ward ; Ueorgo Hunt , Third ward.
Thonntl-llccnse inonclpctcd nio II II Head-
lev , engineer ; C. M Hasten , Scconu nnd 12.
Khly U'hhd ward couucilmeii.
'Hie ( jiilelOMt Kvcillolil. .
OscroM , Nob. , April 8. jSpcclil to Tun
Utr.J Yesterday was the most , quiet elec
tion ever held m this village. It toole some
time to cot the now Australian billet svstom
in working order , but vv lion it was started
everything worked lllco n charmnnd all were
nlcasod vv ith it , Thcto was only ono ttckot
in the Held , although there was some scratch
ing and other names substituted nnd voted
for. Osccoln polled 17J votes. The issue was
license or no license , and the village wont
dry by U innjoilty.
rvien AnVlnaciM. .
CFVTKAI. Cm , Neb . April -Special [ to
Tin : I3i r I Ycstordiy's cloctlon icsultecl In
the success of the liccnso ticket by a small
plurality , except councilman in the First
ward , vvlicro the ant ! license candidate had 1
mjjoritv There wcio thrco tickets in the
Held , tlio vote on mayor standing : Scott ,
license , 11T ; Touts , anti-license , 101) ) , Hanson ,
icpubllcin , " The next council stands four
for liccnso and two against
It WorkoilVr > ll at
Cur , Neb , April S [ Special
Tcleuraii to Tin BIE | The Australinn bal
lot system worked like a chirm There woi o
two tickets iu the Held , the independent and
the peoples' ticket. 1'ho iviucs were clcnily
dolinod. Tlio people's tkket fnvoiod the
piesont efllelenoy of our publlo school and a
liberal administiation of the city government ,
to all of which the Independents were , if
nnj thing , opposed.
Pvvvsrr Cm , Neb , April S. [ Special Tel-
esram toTi'r Bisi'.J W. C Stirkey , cditoi
of the Pawnco Independent and the self-ap
pointed apostle to lead the Pavvneo county
alliance i to great nnd assured victory , voted
ii iI illegally I jcstcrday and will piobitily hnvc
an i opportunity to become bottei acquainted
with j thoAustinlian ballot system bcfoio ho
is through with it. *
\ Quiet Day.
Wumiiur , Neb , April 8. [ Special to Tun
DTE. ] The flection passed olt quietly hero ,
under the now sjstetn of balloting Two
tickets wcro in the Hold , the anti-occupation
tax and the peonle's ticket , the latter being
clectod by a treed majoiitv Not a single
error was made In marking the ballots
7h" Now i ) nti > m Iliidnrnod.
BV.MUOIT , Neb , \pril 8 [ Special to THE
Bri\l The election passed off very satisfac
torily to all. The new law is lioaitlly en-
dorsod. Some who were at fust oppoaod to
the law aio now Its stiongost advocates
Voting was not retarded , as many prellcted
The entire icpublican ticket ib elected.
Under the New 3
NI-.WMAX GIIOVB , Neb , April S. [ Special
toTui : BBP. ] The citv elec'tion passed ofl
very quietlv , according to the Australian
method The trusteed clectod for the ensu
ing yeir are \VUIiam T. Searls , Ilormun
Saare , Thomas , Ostcrguid , G. C Dlmock and
Charles ilinman.
Alh'on's ' f'j.-isy 'Jimc.
ALIIIOV , Neb. , April 8 [ Special to Tin :
I5i'i.J : Tlio city election passed off qiiiotly.
The Australian ballot law \\orlccd satisfac
torily. License or no license was the issue. I
License carried by a mnjoilty of six. Drug
gists' penults will not bo granted.
For lilcli i l
STOCKHAM , Neb , Aprils ( .Special to Titr.
DFK.I TLo cntiro hiKh Hcenso ticket Is
elected by a nujoiitj of 1) ) . The succesbftil
ticket is us follows J.I1 , Orosshans , J. W.
( hay , I1.V. . Hoffman , A. Grosslmns , P. A.
Kcvi.scd Itcturns
BKITIIICK , Neb , April b. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bur. ) The revised returns of
jesterday's election in this city gives Fogg ,
independent-democrat , a majority of , ! 'J ' over
U 13. Sherman , republican , /or mayor.
l J'lohihltloii.
N , Nob. , April 8. [ Special to Tun
Ilru.l Ono jcar of prohibition was ouough
for Donlpan A full license board vvos
elected. 'Xho contest as liccnso or no li
Temperance 1'copln Mo.fnico.
AiNSVVOimi , Neb , April S. [ Speclil Tele
gram to Tun BiF.-Our ] city election yester
day resulted In the election of n town board
pledged npuinst saloons. The temperance
people tvjolcc. _ _ _ _
A Tnnprriuion I' okct Illoctcil.
llM't ni It V.N CIT > , Nob. , April 8 iSpscinl
to Tin : Hit. -'iho I city election passed olT
von quietly. A republican temperance ticket
waj elected by n lurgo majority.
Iho Poopld VltMorloiia.
WACO , Noh , April 8. ( Special to Tun
Un I The people's ticket , or the whisky
element's ticket , as the prohibitionists called
it hero , was clocte l by ililgniajoilty. .
Pasiotl nil
TCKVMVII , Neb , April -Special [ toTni :
rp | The city election pissoil oft quietly
and the new Australian ballot law gave iron-
em ! sntlsfartion The ontlro nutl-llcenso
ticket was elected by a lingo mnjoilty.
it / / , / „ * Hit.'Mit.
ot1 llojd'H Aiiprouil of .Several
N'rvv la\v ,
Ltvcot.v , Neb , ApiilSpccliit < [ toTiiB
JBn-.l-Tlio following bills vvoie signed b >
Govcrnoi Uojn today.
Senate llio No 21'l , nn act to establish o\
perlinontil stations at CulbcUwon and
tula , Neb , nml Ihlug the control and
mcnt of tlm same
Senate llio No i-'Ou , an act to amend sectloi.
1 , of chapter fiO , of the compiled statutes of
1S87. This ntTocls the runnhiKjof saloons In
the two mile limit mid refers only to Omaha
Sonata file No , IS , an act to amend section
00 of in tldo a , of chapter 11 , of the statutes
of Ib'-O This Is an act providing for the or-
f-anl/ation , government nnd powers of
cities of tlio second elms having
nioio than llvo thousand Inhabitants The
orlRlnal statute Is amended to icid that "tlm
nnvor and council shall rnvopovuTtoboirovv
money and pledge the pioporty and cieiln of
thocltj upon Its negotiable bo'nds or other-
\viic onn amount not ONcecdlngSlOO.OiM foi
thopuioso of constructing or aiding In Iho
constriction of n sj stem of sowinipe. " Also
enabling iho citj tobonovv Sl-J'i.tXKI for the
constri.ctlon and opciation of a system of
\ * ntnt-.t nrU .
House toll No Wi , an act to provide foi
thosupjioit and inaltitt'tiance of the nilionul
guilds of the state
House loll No ! > , an act to amend the
ciinnnalcode , section I'-Ti of chapter I ft of the
statutes ot 1 7 , inaki'iK the following pro
vision If an ) poison bv fnlso ptetenses
shall obliln from another person any inonev.
oto , with Intent to defraud , or shall
fraudulently obtain Iho endorsement of an
other person on a note , etc , of the value of
§ .15 or upw.iuls , such poison mav bo itn-
ptitoiiodlu the penitentiary not moro thin
llvonoi loss thin one \Mr If the vuluo bo
less than f-W , the culpi It is subject ton line
of $ U'0 era thhty dn.vs' iinpilsoiimunt In the
county j ul
Scnutolilo No OJ , an act to provide fur the
depositing of state and county funds in
I ) inks.
Sen nto llio No 117 , an act to make the sell
ing or giving nwnv of milt , spirituous or
vinous llquois or intoxlc ttlncr thinks of am
kind whatsoever to an J ndl in not a cltl/cn , a
felony and providing a penalty thrrcfoi.
faciiatolilo No 11s , an act to in ike thu sell
ing or giving nvv.u'of Iiro arms , ammuni
tions , tu other munitions which cm boused
in llio arms to any Indian not a cltl/on n
felony anil provldim- penalty therefor
House mil J > o 11)7 ) , an act to consti net and
fuinish additional buildings at tlio Notuaski
instltutn forfieblo minded youth and malt
ing nnpiopriatlon theiofoi
Ilonsoioll No ( ) ) , act toauthoiiro the
stito ttvisuierto ti.msfci fl .Ts | Ml fiom the
ranitol bjildina tax to t ho geuti il ftnul loll No11.1 , an act authorl/ing'thi )
stito tieasuret to tiansfer $ ll.'iO , ! ' > fiom the
saline land stocky aid to the state getieinl
House roll No. Si > 1 , an act to provide for
the p.ijiuont of the expenses of the Ne
braska national guards Inclined in aldliiR in
the suppression of the lute Indian Insuricu
House loll No liTfi , an nit for the appoi-
tionincntof and designation of concessional
dish lets ,
& -
Southern I'nuHlu I lcotlon.
SINTIIVNCISCO , Cal. , April 8 [ Special
Telepiam to Tun Bic.J : At the annual
election of the bouthcrn Puclllc company
today shares lopresentlng a par value of
$ ir > ,000,000 , out of 511G,000,0)0 ( ) wcie voted and
the old board of electors was ro-eleetod as
follows C. I' . Huntitigton , Leland Stan
ford , Colonel Charles F" . Cioc-ker.S. T. Citigc ,
A N. Townc , J. C. Stubbs , W I-I Ill-own ,
W V HutitliiRton , 13 II. Mlllei. Thomas i3
Stlllman and Thomns II llubbnd The
olcction of this boaidof illtoctois insuioIt
Is stated , thoio eloitlon of Piosldcnt lluut-
Itiiftoii The latter piescMtcd a lopoitof the
j car' t > work and spoke favorablj in general
of the vcii-'s business nnd of the piospects
iluilng the coniinjjjear
In nn inteuiew this afternoon Pi csllclcnt
Iluntinizton said thoptcscnt trans-contlncntnl
agreement was not to bar other companies
fiom building to rnlifotnli , as it was slmph
a li.inioafricument , but it was a nutter of
$ "iU,000Oiil ) or flit ) , OUUK)0 , ( ) to build n copipctinu'
road , and theio was after all uiompaintlvclv
little tonnage transport over lone hauls. Ilo
stated that ho vv as offoied stock oftho Oic-
gen Pacific load at , 10 cents on the dollar bo
fete leaving Now Yoik , but tlidn't want it ,
Ilo had made no pmchoso of Santa To stock
foi a lout : time , but had exchanged borne nf
the oiicinal bt. Louis A , San ri.mclsco for
icorgnnUud bauta To stock. Local changes
have bu-ii gcnerallj honeilclal to the South-
em PaciUe bianch
Mr Hun tltiRton sild the companv Is only
waiting for the light of wuj to uuilil the
prosx > cctcd coast line in southcin C.illioinui.
lor ICmbey./'eiii nt.
KiciiMOM ) , Va , , April 8 Lewis Koolror ,
ono of the most prominent business man of
Hlehmond and for inanj years trcasutor of
St Paul's l piacopil church , was nttcsitod
today clmrgoa with the ombo//lcmelit of
§ 17,000 from an estate , of which for many
jears ho has boon agent.
Figures AccoinjnnioJ by Argnmonts Against
Enilrond llcgnlntion.
Tin ! VandcrlilltH Aj i'U to MaKu an
I'liinnt Alining I'licnmulvi's
. 'lut Iowa Crntrid'rt
Joint Hate.
HOSTOV , Musi , April 8 The ntiuunl
pott of tbo Chicago , Builln ton fe
lallrond was given out this mortiiiiK. No
inentlon Is intulo of tlio lUiilln 'toii kv * North-
em. Grots earning * , SJr0OlX , ! , opouUni ;
expenses , taxes , rental and Interest on
bonds , etc. , $ i."il'HHKj ' ( ) not ciinlnijs ,
SJW , ,000. Added to this vvi-io interest
dlvldotiils received nnd not land leteltits ,
inaitliiRii total of $ . ! ,51 , OiX ) , dividend ! ) paid ,
n per cent , f.ls20,000 , ! , leaving a dellilt of
'llio u'lKirtsavs : "bo lai o a pint of thu
country served by tlio companj's lines do
1 > emls on the coin ctop that am serl
ous damiiKO to tb.U staplu must
affect tlio business. The oiTett of
the bail crop will Ito onlj toinporar.i how
over. Our tnoro scrlnus iiitllcultles 101110
from laws vvhiih do not allow us to iu > Uusi
ness on business punciplcs The law pro
hlbits poollnir , tlio most fonvi'iiient
if not the only effective foi m
of associated action , and It lemalni
to bo seen vvhi'llicr any substitute cm bu
found to check the temlonev to unreasonably
low prlut which alw ivs prevail with hull1-
IKiidcnt action witlinut some nu th
oil of ollcctlvo 10 oiici.Uion conniot
iiiK llnfi 111111 become bankrupt
and in the end consolidate 1 hero are sl iiH
of a irrovvlnir Imllof. both In mnl out nf con
tint the Interstate ( ominotii' law
should boamomlt'd. I'ho law has cost and is
costliiR ( ho country millions of doll us and
that tno public can find It for Its Intoiost
to Imif , ' maint iln laws which niiiko that
jiroperty nnnccessiuily and 1111 naturally
lin/irdoiis and impioiltablo would seem im
possible. "
The Alum Not Disturbed.
Cnicvfio April -General
, - MnimKorChap-
pell of the Alton ro id IH not disturbed over
the boycott declared ntralust his line b.v east
inn lines because thu Alton 10fused to pledge
itself to piv no moio cotnmisstons Ilo snvs
the Alton did not p iv commissions fiom iho
tlmo the board of i tilings outer wont Into ef
feet until Apiil I. when Itvns cliscoveicd
that its competitors woio doing so nnd ic
bumud it. The Alton indulged unco boforu
to irot along for two juirs without the co
opeiatton of oaMtcin roads , and ho thinks
thov can contrive to live now. It will likcl.v
establish agent * of Its ow n In the east
I'luMdont Hook oftho Jacksonville South
eastern has icopcnod the C'liicago-St. I ouls
tioublo bv wUhdrivviiiK fiom the westoin
passongci assotlution His likely tint this
will result in the c.incollalIon ol the tiafllo
an ingomcnt of the Atuhlson.
A Viuiilci'lillt Amcin | ; rit ,
NPW VOHK , Apiil S. [ Special
to Tin : Urc.J 1'ho foinmei-c-Iil Advcitlsor
saji- ' * l'hu nriangonients nude by the
Vandai bills with the Kcadiiifj coinpiny li in
thonnturo of atounigc a 'icciuent by which
the I akoShoto load iKivuitogivo theKer.d-
ing SI,001,000 In now business for llvove.irj.
In letuin the Uc > iding ngiccs to ship all its
past-bound ov 01 the New York Central
to llutTilo Tlio UnultiiK Is to lecolvoan ad
vnnco of Jo cents pei ton In tolls anil Is to
allow a lolutoon freight locelved fiom the
IjakeShoie. The signing of this iifjieoment
isanothei indication that tlio VnndcrbllU
nro in full eontiol of llio Keadingioad"
I t.s.i mi' .
Nnvv YOIIK , Aptll S. [ Special Toleprnm
to Tin : Ili'u.l rbogcnetal tlmo convention
dosed a session in tnls city today 'Iho
most important business transacted was the
cluiifjlng of the boilj. It will heieiftor bu
known as the Anieikan liiilwnj .isMoilation.
If S. II lines was rlected president II l\
Hojce , genrril snpeiintiiiilont of the Ohl-
cugo , Kock Island iL I'M Itn * lallwny , was
elected vice piosldent. Iho oxcuutlvo ootu
mlttoe icnoitcd that IJTi.OOO miles of lonits
wcro i opt esontcd in the iiisoolatlon Oin > of
the anienctnients lulaptcd to tnilus iuk > j > Is
tint KI-CCII and vvhito llags shall bo cntricd at
night time as well ns da ) .
'IIn ; lwa Central.
Dis Aloivi s In , April S [ Spcchl Tele-
gum toTur Hi iTho i | Iowa Centitl has
ultlelnlly adviscd the inihv ly commissioner
tli it it has fully and completely nut into
effect the Joint rate oruci of October , Ih'W ,
on throiuli shlpmonls , tliosaino boingSO per
cent of ( hi * class A i.ito In pursiiuncn of
this iiotillcation ttio board hits ordoied ills-
mUsed nil pioceedlngd pending against tha
load tuiullngto m iko it en foi LCI the order
Tnls is llio lint trunk line that has cornoto
time. All other tiunk lines aio still holding
J'l o Gnat
of tlio genuine InipnrKid Idliann
Hulls "Malt Kxtiaet nsa toulcnutrl-
tlvu , has c.msi'd u ciotvd ot fruudii-
lent liiiltiilnt s to Ooinii Into tli mar-
l.ut llovv iroof them1 Tlio/muluo
his the blk'niitini ) ot 'loh inn Holt , T
DII the neck of uvory bottlu Hlsnir
fc Jli ndeliiin On. solo u unl b Ilnr-
c'l lysttect , Novv VinU.
Sp rng and
Iliil ! ! !
SHIRTS An Incomparable Sale of Shirts , SHIRTS
SHIFTS At Matchless Prices SHIRTS
SHIRTS Hid , So Many of 'Km. ' T . \ c fcv -n SHIRTS
_ . .
Had So Many Kinds. xx i c = > u o J. i
SHIRTS Had Such Hands m Slylcs. SHIRTS
SHIRTS H-Wl 'Em Si ) \ \ cil ) lulc. i SHIRTS
. . . . . * * Cloths. He. Cic. OOo. f
SHIRTS batoc'ns. ( iUo to Sl.iio. y- ' , " J. / .iJLI SHIRTS
Stocldnottcs , 7fioandl. VjrOt STRIPES
SHIRTS Jorooy Cloths , ? 1 nnd $1.- " ) . j-- . - SHIRTS
Madras. , ( . to-tj- Km , CHECKS
f lo $2' PIGURSS
t33.60 Ki nds.
SHIRTS Look in the Window oil the Corner. SHIRTS
SHIRTS Nebraska Clothing Co SHIRTS
SHIRTS Corner 14th and Douglas Streets , SHIRTS
" wxmmnm itttmim
Summer SHIRTS ; Stvles.