Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1891, Image 1

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Efforts to Count Ont Oblcago'ii ' Republican
Hnllot IlnxPR "MiiHlitn" After Itunoh *
inutile Oily Hull Itarefaucd I'cr-
Iietratloti ol' l rnndH CNur ed
In tlio Courts.
Cuiano Orncr ; OP TIIR fJr.n , I
UIIICAOO , April 8. l
Tno republicans have undoubtedly elected
HeinpsteadVaslihurno mayor of Chlcairo In
splto of the defections to tbo assistant demo
cratic ticket , otherwise styled 'citizen's , "
nnd the desperate tactics of the Civ pier gnnu
nt the city hall. The republicans also suc
ceeded In electing a city attorney and clerk
and probably tbo treasurer.
Moro barefaced nianlpulatlonsof th returns
liavo never been liuown than those practiced
last night and today by the desperateCreglcr
' fnmlly trust" ping. Itoturns from a num
ber of strong republican precincts are still
"inlssIiiK" this evening , nlthouch It
Is certain they have noon brought
into the city ball , and the democratic
organs , after conceding all day that Wash-
burno was elected , como out this evening
with extras , crying that "fraud" has been
discovered and that Mr. Crogler Is elected by
a "very slight plurality. " They fall to ex
plain that the fraud Is la the ofllco where the
returns have been secluded from vlow over
slnco they were brought In last night. When
the returns compiled by export accountants
of the city press showed Washburnc's plu
rality to be over H.OOO , the city hall people ,
who had boon very much alarmed since early
in tbo evening , suddenly sent out word from
the comptroller's ofllcu that V/ashburno's
Plurality at that time wns buih'M. At 1 : KOa.
ai in. Comptroller Onahan announced that Cre
* gior wns elected by a plurality of IWJ , whllo
the city press returns showw "Wttshburno's
plurality to bo litI. )
At UiMO , however , Onahnn suddenly dis
covered o mistake and hurriedly gathering
up the tally sheets ho and his henchmen ro-
tlrcd to n private room , announcing thnt "no
more returns will bo given out tonight. "
The democratic papers , tired of this at
tempt to btavo off the Inevitable , made nn In
vestigation on their own account and came
out with extras accepting the correct llgures
nnd conco-Iing the election to \ \ nshburno.
This afternoon , after hard work over the
tally sheets , Including the "missing" pre
cincts , which are probably locked up in tlio
mayor's ofllce , Comptroller Onahan an
nounced to Creglor's organs that they had
discovered that many votes cast for Klmor
AVashburn hnd been counted for Hcmpstead
"Wnshburno , nnd that these errcfrs would
' ' ' ; ! . " plurality.
probably elect Mr. Ci'cgicr by - >
They done explain how they made this re-
mar'kablo discovery , since they are supposed
lo have no access whatever to the ballots , In
fuel It Is the last desperate effort to falsify
the returns and count Creglcr in by hook or
crooir. Ilo Is credited with having said to
ono of his henchmen this afternoon : "If the
republicans succeed In getting mo out of the
city bull for two years to como they are
daisies. "
There Is no doubt that n scheme Is on foot
to "doctor" the returns before the election
commlsaloiiors begin their ofllchil count , and
the republicans are straining every ncrvo to
defeat the ringstcrs. Chnlrmun.Nro of the
republican i.cnmpaigncohimltteewcntrbeforo
the election conunls8l6n"thls afternoon , and
ascertaining that several ballot boxes hail
not been received , ho asked that two guards ,
representing the republican party , bo
allowed to remain In the ofllco and w.itch
these boxes wlien they were brought In to
pici'ludo the possibility of anyone tampering
with them. Commissioner Henley thought
the idea good , but tlio democratic commis
sioners objected , and Mr. Nye carried the
matter bnforo County .ludgo Scales.
The commissioners decided to hold n con
sultation withHulgo Scales this afternoon
before giving a reply , and finally agreed that
two men should bo permitted to remain in
the vault room until the oftlclnl canvass com
mences tomorrow. As additional precaution
the combination was chanced on the safe
containing the olllcial returns.
\ Subsequently Chairman Nye asked that the
, Judges of the Fiftcontti precinct , Twenty-
ninth word , bo prosecuted for refusing to
admit Anton Pophal , challenger of the repub
lican and citizens' parties , to the polling
room. Nye statou that of BUS registered
votes In thnt precinct 5UI are shown to have
voted , a strangely largo proportion , and of
these SI'J nro recorded for Crolgcr nnd only
hiic for HeiiipstendVashburiio and sixteen
for the other three candidates. Ho said hn
had strong suspicions that fraud had been
resorted to in several precincts , and ho was
engaged In ferrotthig out the perpetrators.
I'ATSI'.V l'Al.l.OS'8 CHIOUIO C.I Hi : KM.
Patsoy Kallon , erstwhile of Omaha , cele
brated election night by getting moro or less
Intoxicated and nt4 o'clock this morning shot
Itiirtondor Frank Qulnn of the Palnco hotel
bar la the leg. Pnllon , accompanied
by a friend , got into n mmrrel with
another man and the bartender ejected
him. Fallou then went across the street mid
hogan firing at the saloon , nnd when Qulnn
came out shot him In the fleshy part of his
leg. Mr. Fallen then withdraw and the
police have been too busy looking up votes
for Mayor Cregior to disturb him thus far.
wr.siiiuv rnoi'i.n ix cmouio.
Among the western people in Chicago today
were the following :
At the ( .Irani ! Paclllc-C. . Hull , M. C.
Morley , Omaha ; J. II , MrKntght , ( Jreat
Falls , Mont. ; Mrs. George O. Wrlcht ,
fioorce OS. Wright , Jr. , Ues Molnos ; Joseph
Lawrence , J , O'Donovan Hossa , Mrs. Will-
lam ( lordon , Sioux City , la. ; A. K. Leo ,
Vorn.llllou , S. U. ; J. H. Oaylor , Butte ,
At the Hleheliou J. D. Turner , Des
. Molncs.
. * - At the Auditorium A. C. Lnbrie , OJrnnd
Forks , S. 1) .
At the AVelllngton A. M. Graham , Omaha.
At the Palmer Charles Young , Castle ,
Mont. ATKINSON. . ,
Hit Til C'1/.ll.Tl .1 VIVTOUV.
Ilomilt of tlio Chicago Mayoralty Con
tent Still in Doubt.
CHICAGO , April 8. At midnight tonight
both republicans nnd democrats nro claiming
to bo victors in tbo exciting election for the
mayoralty. ICach side , however , had prac
tically minimized its claims to a plur
ality of two or thrco hundred , The
nfllcml count , to begin tomorrow ,
is awaited with impatience , The
democmt-s nut forth the assertion that manj *
votes for Klmor Washburn. the citizens can
didate , were counted for HcmpstcmlVnsh -
burno. On tbo other hand the repiiblloins
protest that in ono precinct nlono at thn.
stock ynrds over a hundred votes were de
posited for names thnt were refused regls-
ratlon and thnt some of the names nro
tnoso ot persons who have been dead for
weeks or months. In this particular iiro-
olnct , it Is charged , affairs were so manipu
lated thnt every Judge and clerk without ex
ception were democrats , and the plurality
for Creglcr was something abnormal. Not a
few people tonight were inclined to believe
thnt the many alleged mistakes nnd changes
in estimates were In the Interests of the
gambling fraternity and were designed to
ulvo certain big bookmakers u chance to
bodgo out on their beta.
llnrrlHon Itotlros.
CHICAGO , April S. Ux-Mayor Carter 11.
Harrison this afternoon announced his
permanent retirement from political life.
.1 lo proposes to leave Chicago for good and
cither travel or go on a farai. Concerning
the tactics ot the Crogler whig of the democ
racy ho said : "It was la line with Its action
for thu past two mouths fraudulent , Intlm-
watlou , corrjptluu uud disgraceful. It was
a revelation to it.o , forl hud novcr before at-
tomlcd tlio polls In the hoo.Hum district.
Wilder and more ungraceful orgies , moro
besotted savagery and open appeals to buy
ers ot votes coulit not exist In the most Ig
norant of the southern plantation districts. "
Women In Politics.
ATCIIISOS , Kan. , April 8. ( Special Tele
gram to Tnr. llur. 1 A larger percentage
than usual of the registered women vote of
Atchisou was polled at yesterday's munclpal
election. There were 259 registered , and 211
voted. 'Ihero were two reasons for this.
First , ono of the candidates for mayor caused
n largo number of negro women to bo rcgls-
istcrud ; and second , the female school teach
ers turned out to elect special candidates tor
the school boardrbecauso they do not llko
the present superintendent of schools. While
the women wcto very active In voting , thuir
registration this spring shows the usual fall
ing oir. Four years ago whmi the "municipal
suffrage law'llrst went into affect the total
registration was 10 per cent women. A year
inter It wns ng.iln 111 per cent. Last year it
was 1U per cent. This year it was 10 per
In Minnesota and South Diilcoln.
MiNxnu'ous Minn. , April b. Keturns
from municipal election ! * In Minnesota and
Dakota show the following results : At
Stlllwatcr.MIim.the democrats elected mayor
and one alderman , the republicans city treas
urer nnd two aldermen ; In Fergus Falls "no
license" was beaten ; In Albert Lea the coun
cil is evenly divided ; a republican mayor was
elected nt Farlbault , with two democratic
ami two republican aldermen. In South Da
kota. Wntertown gets a democratic mayor ,
the rest of the city's ticket being republican.
At Huron the republicans get everything ex
cept nolico magistrate.
Senator I'aliiicr Tnllct.
Si'mxnriiu : ) , 111April8. , Senator Palmer ,
when seen this morning , discredited the re
port that llempstead Washburno was elected
mayor of Chicago , saying ho had Information
from that city which' indicates that Cregior
carried the election by a small plurality.
This report ho said was not ofllclnl , but from
a very reliable source. Ilo declined to Uo In-
tcrvl'jwed further regarding it.
St. l.nuls Council DiMiiourntlo.
ST. Lor IP , Mo. , April 8. The city election
passed off quietly. The complexion of the
next assembly is democratic , the democrats
having elected their entire ticket for the city
council , which stands 7 democrats to 0 repub
licans , nnd of the J3 scats hi the house of
delegates they .securedIS , while the republi
cans have Id. tbo Independents not Dung suc
cessful in a single Instance.
Ah mt Kvcnly Divided.
ST. Lorn , Mo. , April a. Hcsults of the
municipal elections yesterday throughout the
stnto shows that the victory was about
evenly divided between the two parties. The
municipal election nt Belleville , 111. , resulted
In favor of the democrats , In East St. Louis ,
Stevens ( deni ) , the present incumbent , was
re-elected mayor.
ItapuhlicaiiH Carry Kansas.
KANSAS CITV , Mo.-April 8. The result of
the election In Kansas yc.sterilay , as shown
from the latest returns , Indicate that a ma
jority of the cities and towns wcro carried
by the republicans. With tno exception of
Kansas City , Topeka and Leavcuworlh the
women vole was very light.
, 'V Mexican Vice President.
CITV OF Mexico ( via Oalvcston ) , April S.
There are many rumors prevailing that con
gress will create the ofllco of vice president
of the republic , but iionoof _ them can bo
'traccfl , nmUlio government authorities will ,
' ' " * * - ' 'lt1" * *
give uo'iiiformntlon'onHho subject.1
Florida's Lusslslnturc In Session.
TAi.iAius5in : , Flu. , April 8. The legis
lature organized yesterday. The governor's
message , submitted today , recommends a
liberal appropriation for the world's fair.
Maryland ItepiililiijiuiH Sleet.
JVu-TijioitB , Md. , ApnlS. The republican
state committee assembled hero today to
adopt a constitution for the government of
the party In Maryland ,
Hot Contest at Dull as.
DALLAS , Tex. , April 8 The municipal
election was hotlv contested. Connor ( ind. )
the present mayor , was ro-cleetod by a small
Strantro but True.
LITTI.K HOCK , Ark. , April S. Little Hock
elected the democratic ticket nnd returns
from points throughout the state Indicate the
general success of the democrats.
Denver Kindlon Figures ,
Dr.xviu : , Colo. , April S. Complete returns
from yesterday's election glvo the following
llgures : For Mayor , lingers ( dcin. ) 1"09S ;
Mllburn ( rep. ) 7.MS.
0. , April S. The official
count gives Mosby ( rep ) , for mayor , WS
UfiR AG.llMST ll\'K HVXOltKO.
A Nej-ro Slob at Kaiis.ia City , Kan. ,
Stood Oft" by n Single Gnai-ii.
K\NSAS Crrv , Kan. , April 9. 13 a. m. A
crowd of 500 negroes attacked the county Jail
a few minutes ago with the Intention of
lynching William McCoy , who brutally
murdered his mistress Nelllo Magruder last
Sunday night.
nn attempt to lynch McCoy was made last
Monday , at the tlmo of his preliminary hear
ing , but the prison was so well guarded that
the attempt was abandoned. The sheriff
concluded that the excitement among the
negroes had subsided and the precau
tions had been relaxed , The attack tonight
was totally unexpected. About 1 o'clock a
crowd of nocroos gathered In the vicinity of
the Jail and quickly made a rush and brake in
tbo outer door. The portion of the oulldlng
partitioned for the Jail is separated from the
other part by a stout iron door. Only one
guard \yas on duty , but ho threatened to
shoot the llrst man who approached the door ,
nnd the lynching committee , after a lengthy
parley , once moro adjourned , A largo guaril
has boon placed on duty to preclude the pos
sibility of a further attack ,
It A 31 fiJI.ll'lj Htf.lltJt VU03I ,
Heady to Answer for His AutH , aud
Dtius Not l-Var.
PiuiAnKi.riiu , April S. [ Special Tele
gram to TIM : DIM : . | A telegram from Ogden -
den , Utah , this afternoon reported a demand
upon lov. { Sam Small to account for funds
collected for the Utah university , for which
ho Is president , "When nsKcd about the mat
ter Mr , Small replied :
" 1 nm ready to answer to my authorities
for all my acts. I have done nothing wrong ,
have notning to conceal , Invlto the utmost
public scrutiny of all I Imvo done and fear
nothing lu the result of bucu investigation. "
Tor Omii/in / mill ndiiify LtuMniln.faUan-cd
I'V ' fair ; rtluMlii confer.
Far Sebra&a J > tuM minor inuiv , * 'n fIi- (
I'ocDICII / Itiifn ; iriiub till/Una \rtttcrly \ ;
lau-er frmpmilure.
Kor South /J.ifcofd Until or mioic ; tiorllnrol-
ii'fnd * ; colJcr In fi lci n i/oi Muii , u-aimcrln
Her Husband Ijivoi In Omaha.
DUNVEK , Colo. , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : lift : . ] A Hohcmlan young
woman named Marlza ScruknvlzVDO hat
been keeping house for her brother nt I'uoblo ,
was totally burned there last evening by the
explosion of a liero eno can while she -was
building n lire. Her husbaud Is living in
Omaha ,
A Plattsmonlh Boy Losajs His Lifo la an
Attempt to Gross the Eiver.
Close of the Grand Com mimicry Ses
sion at Kcnrney Klcutlun ol'Of-
llucrs Sranjo : Death of
an Aged Couple.
Pi.m MOCTii , Xcb. , April 8. [ Special Tel-
CRram to Tin : Br.n.l This mornliiK lieorgo
V. Linden , the clerk of the Hotel Klioy ,
started on a hunting expedition and at
tempted to cross the Missouri river in a small
sktiT , accompanied bv two boys , PranK
Gustafson and .lohn Flaherty.Vhen \ In mid
stream the boat capsized and throw tno occu
pants in to the water. Linden grabbed Ous-
tafson nnd assisted him to set onto tl.o boat.
Flaherty thought ho could reach the shore by
swimming , but ho sank nftern few strokes
nnd was seen no more. The other two were
rescued by Forrvman Peterson and his son.
who witnessed the sad accident. Linder did
all no could to save the unfortunate boy , but
owing to tlio llcrco wind blowing and thoroughness
roughness of the water his efforts wcro un
availing. A searching party tried toiecovcr
the body of Flaherty , but were unsuccessful.
Xi'brasUn Mr ( in Ights.
KHAIINKY , Neb. , Aptll S. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bii.J : Tbo grand eotnmandory ,
Knights Templar of Nobrastai , closed Its
session at noon today after one of the most
successful meetings in the history of the
order in the stato. This afternoon the visit
ing Sir Knights were taken over the city In
carriages and they all expressed themselves
as well pleased with the city. The next meet
ing will bo hold at CJr.iiid Island.
The following oIlleiTs were elected : i.ouls
II. Korty , Oinulia , ( 'rand commander ; Edgar
G. Salisbury , Beatrice , deputy grand com
mander ; .Iomi B. Moore , U rand Island , trrnnd
generalissimo : James A. Tullcys , Hod Cloud ,
Brand captain general ; William T. Whit-
marsh , ftorfolit , grand prelate ; Charles I ) .
Finch , Kearney , grand sen lor warden ; It. P.
K. Miller , Lincoln , grand junior warden ;
.lames S. Franco , Omaha , grand treasurer ;
William H. riowcn , Oimitin , grand recorder.
This evening most of ttio visitors left for
their homes. The nieetliifj was a most cu-
Joyablo one to hosts nnd visitors.
I'lno Clmutatuiun ,
LoxoPixi : , Net ) . , Amll S.-Spcclal [ to Tin :
Br.K.l The 11 tth annual session of the Long
Pine chautauqua will bo hold August t to 11)
The grounds are the most beautiful in the
state. The management will do nil they can
to adapt these natural advantages to the con
venience ar.u comfort of the multitudes who
attend Thoprou'iMinmothls
season will bo fully up to the standard of
oxcellcrcoof previous years. The best talent
In this and other states will bo employed , In
cluding several teachers and lecturers of na
tional reputation.
Among the features will boa normal union
for the instruction of children In a systematic
study of the bible : a literary and scientific :
circle consisting of n series of lectures on
American history and literature ; a depart
ment under the Womans' Chrlstlaa Tcinner ,
aneo Union ; lessons lu natural science ; a de
partment of music , and the evenings will bo
devoted to a great variety of interesting en
- * * " ' '
N Guovn , Neb. , Anrll 8. | Special
toTiiKBnn. } The Grand Army of the He-
public celebrated Its twenty-fifth anniversary
at the opera house last evening. The build
ing was tilled to its utmost capacity. The
celebration was under the supervision of
1'ost Commander II. 1'ryor. lion. William
P. Seiirles addressed the old soldiers In an
appropriate and concise manner , taking the
old veterans back to the days whci ttioy took
their lives In their hands and went forth to
do battle for their homos and country. The
young ladies in costumes represented the
thirteen original states. A bounteous repast
was then served by the ladles ot Newman
Grove nnd vicinity to over two hundred per
sons. The entertainment concluded with a
dance. _
Not Parted In Death.
AixstvniiTii , Nob. , April R. ( Special Tele-
cram to Tun Br.E. ] Mr. H. S. Potter and
wlfo , two of our oldest and most beloved
citizens , died Monday morning of pneumonia
superinduced by la grlppo. They were
eighty-six years old , were married In IS41 ,
never had any children , and Jlvo days bcforo
their death took tothoir bed together where
they died within about three hours of cacti
other. They wcro burled together today.
i : , Nob. , April 8. [ Special to Tin :
Ben. ] Vordlirro gives promise of consider
able building the coining summer. Among
the substantial improvements Is a fine largo
hotel , which will bn commenced In a few
days , One ot the llnest livery barns In the
county has Just been completed. The now
roller mill is turning out a superior grade of
Hour and Is drawing trade from a long dis
tance. _
Played Around a Train.
KRAUXKV , Neb , , April 8. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tnr. DmToday ] Freddie Dclsch-
nor , n snvcn-vcar-old lad , while nlayine about
a moving freight train on the Union Paciflo
fell under the wheels and escaped with a
crushed foot. A part of the injured member
may have to be amputated ,
A Sadllun Dentil.
BciTincn , Nob. , April S. [ Special Tele
gram to/Tiic IUi.J : Mrs , O. A. Salmon , wife
of O. AT Salmon of the firm of Salmon &
Kniney , died suddenly this afternoon of heart
dlsoaso. The deceased was widely known
and highly esteemed in this community ,
Worklnti on the Niv.v Court Him so.
Pi.ATTSMorm , Nob. , April 8. [ Special Tel
egram 10 TUG HUE. ] mo suo-contracis tor
the excavations , stone and brick worlcof the
now county court bouso were let today to
local parties. Work on the excavations will
commence tomorrow.
Stricken with I'nlsy.
BKITIIICE , Nob. , April 8. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tins BKE.J Word was received
hero today that Hon. Perry Walker was
stricken with palsy at his homo In Odcll Sun
day evening. Ho still lives , but h in a
critical condition.
Court Ailjiiurnrd.
AIXSWOIITII , Is'ob. , April -Special [ Tolo-
grain to THE I3ic.l : District court adjourned
tonight after an eight-day sesilon , Judge M.
1' . Klnknld presiding. Ono hundred civil
aiut eight criminal cases were disposed of ,
XKitJtAstf.i run\s Nciiituit.Jt.
A. DcHtructiva FI ro nt Tobias nml An
other at Wymori ! .
TOIIUS , Neb. , April 8,1 Special Telegram
to Tun HcK.l Moro than half of the business -
ness portion of Tobias was burned this after
noon , the lira making a clean sweep ou both
sides of Main street from the Hurlingtoii
depot to the First National bank. The follow
ing are the principal losers : i lpplncou , t
Is'ourd , building nnd drugs ; Hudrlch , saloon
nndlco house ; A. White , meat nmrkot ; A.
Brunei- , dwelling and harness shop ; MM.
Mitchell , boarding house ; J. ICrlsl , black
smith , wagon shop ttm\dwelling ; Jnno Strat-
toti , Ollvo hotel building ; C , Most , saloon
building : Mary Holland , building ; Mrs. Hur
ley , building ; T. U. Callahan , buliump ; Mrs.
Connell , building ; W. A. Sunders , building ;
S. Q. Einjiry , building ; M. D , Uadaell , build
ings First National bank , building , badly
ilanmgodV. ; \ . At , Wallace , general merchan
dise ; William 1) ) . Carter , uru ; C. S. Fluke ,
meat market ; UK. IJathvvcll , confectionery.
Tbo contents of the OllVo p(0tcl ( nro a total
loss. .
His Impossible to glvo the ntnount of each
individual loss , but the total will foot up
about $30,000. , The flro originated in the
Ollvo houso. Tlio wind wns blowing n gale
and Ml efforts to check the flames proved
fruitless , until It reached the First N atlonul
bank building , a largo brick nnd Iron
structure which stopped its further progress.
Klront U'vinnro.
WrMonr , Neb. , April S.-ISycclal Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] Between 13 and 1 o'clock
last night flames wcro discovered pouthiK
through Iho roof of M. Leach's ' architect
ofllce. An alarm wns given Immediately anil
n largo number of citizens were soon on the
scene. Mrs. JlcClrsllaml's building ndjolnlnc
the ofllco was soon on llro. Olio of the lower
rooms of the McClellnnd building was used
as a harness shop by Henry Sebmltz nnd tbo
other one as awlnt stiop. The upper story
was used as dwelling rooms by four small
families. The inmates were aroused and
cverj tlilnu carried out that could ho in the
short tlmo before the rooms wore tilled with
douse saioko. The hose va brouclit out nnd
attached to the hydraiHs and two streams
wcro soon playing on the building and by i !
o'clock the Ih-o was extinguished. It Is bo-
lleved that if it bad not bton for the tin roof
which kept thollamea fronumrating out the
greater p.irt of the business blocks would
have been burned.
The losses nro as follows : Mrs. McClol-
land , building and furniture , § o,000 ; insured
forlr > < . )0. ) M. Leach , building , architects'
tools , plans , drawings , etc. , S1r > 00 ; building
nnd contents insured for 87.ID. Schmltz'
harness stock sustained daimgos to the ex
tent of not less than $5tM ) ; Insured for { TOO.
Mnst. nf Mm nlntliini ? mid fiirnll tivn bolnnpinrr
to these living lu the urpor story were de
stroyed by Iiro ncd water. The buildings
will bo rebuilt.
Hcsldonco Hunted ,
HC.VTKICI : , Nob. , April S. [ Special Tele
gram toTni : llnu. ] The residence of J. W.
Clraham , four miles southeast of this city ,
was dcstroved by llro tins morning. Loss ,
f..OOO ; Insurance , STOO.
The l''lro JJecord.
Dwnxi'our , la. , April S. The Hell clothIng -
Ing store burned early this morning , mid a
stock of shoes owned by Nowbery & Co. wns
also destroyed. Loss , S3S.OOU ; fully insured.
An Anxious Mother Discovers the
Jell > rry nf llor Son's ( Imvo ,
Dns MOINC.S la. , Aprils. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; Br.i : , ] Urr.vo yard ghouls are
evidently at work in this vicinity , the family
of T. O. Wtnslow bavins Just discovered that
the body of a son , Johnny , which was placed in
the Avon cemetery , seven miles southeast of
town n month ago , has been removed.
Mrs. Winslow had a dream a week ago that
men wcro stealing the body of her son , and it
made such an impression on her mind thnt
she told her husband. Ho and a trleml went
to Avon Sunday nnd found that the grave had
beetn tampered with. Tlioy dug down and
wore horrilled to find an empty coftln.
Steps are being taken to find out the guilty
parties. _
't * H' y Uauditfl.
BITW.IXOTOX , la. , Apr'1 8. [ Special Tel
egram to Tun Bii : , | Charles Shontz , Charles
Smith , Knight , Alfred Anderson ,
Frank Zncbmyor , John Bontrum and Hank
Uisso are in Jail hero churned with burglary.
They are Burlington Boysjagod from eighteen
to twcnty-ono and tfiivo bton ? secrotlyorgan v
izod as a1' baud of robbers" ' for two years.
Their pilfering has boon numerous and
costlv. The irrand lurV Is Investigating
thorn. . Detective Gray bf Chicago bagged
them in the act of robbery.
Sioux CIly'H Cnltlo M.irlcet.
Sioux CITV , la. , April 8. The Journal
states that the reports sent out regarding the
wholesale starvation of cattle in this section
by reason of food shortage nro absolutely un
founded. There is splondla hay for sale both
m the city and country , and the present con
dition of the cnttlo market indicates any thine
but eagerness to sell. Prices have risen from
30 to W cents during thu past week , and nro
now higher than at any time during the past
Fort Dndgo Failure.
Four Donau , la. , April S. { Special Tele
gram to Tun Bcc.J Oavld Holdorman , pro
prietor of "Tho Fair , " dry goods store hero ,
mudo an assignment today to W. 1) ) , Mesor-
voy for the benefit of his creditors. Ills
liabilities amount to $ , r > ,000. Amontr the
principal creditors are the following Cl-icago
dry goods firms : Schloss & Ochs , J. H.
Walker , Marshall Field & Co. , L. Simon &
Co. . I ) . M. Pollock & Co. and.i. McL'onvlllo
& Co. The assets will not exceed $ . ' ,000. ,
KcltornteH ItH Charptn.
BUHMNOTONla. . , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bin : . ] In tlio $10,000 libel suit
of Mayor Duncan against the Dally Hawkeye -
eye , arising out * of tholattcr's light against
the saloons and gambling Hells , durine which
it charged the mayor with permitting ;
ganbllng and other wrongful acts for n con
sideration , the defendant has Hied its answer ,
afllrmlng the truth of Its statements and de
claring Its ability to prove thorn. The case
is a very sensational oiw in its details.
An\ioiii to Die.
DCS MOINT.S , la. , April 8.-Specinl [ Tele
gram to Tnr. Bi5i : . ] John lletts , aged
twenty-one , of Wiuncgo , Kan. , attempted
sulcldo hero today by shooting himself In the
right tcinplo. At last reports ho wns In a
critical condition , No cnuso is known for
the deed. Ho came hero today to visit rela
tives and friends hi tho.vicinity.
Thai Cattla Disease.
MOXDAMIX. la. , Aprjl 8. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun lir.n.J Many farmers In the
hill country cast and sopth of hero are losing
their choicest fat cattle by some strati go dis
ease. The cattle may'bo well at night and
dead in the morning. Some have lost as
many as twenty head already.
llruken Diiiu.
DBS MOIXK& la. , April' 8. The of the
DCS Momcs water power company wns par
tially washed out last night by Hoods caused
by recent heavy rains , Loss , about $25,000. ,
Hoports from nil over Iowa indicate that
the ground is hi good condition and farm
work in full blast.
Soon to Drown.
BuiaiNflTOX , In. , April 8. iSpoclal Tele
gram to Tin : UKI- Two men in a skiff were
seen to capaizo and drown In the river Just
below the railroad bridge this afternoon.
They are unknown. Search for their bodies
Is going on. '
Terrible Kate ot * Tlireo Workm en In n
\ltrii-Glycorliio WorkH.
PETHOI.IA , Oat. , April , 8. Brndloy's nitro-
( 'lyconno works , half a mile from town , blow
up this evening. ilo\v \ the explosion occurred
will never bo known , as the three men at
work Albert Bradley , .Tamos Chambers and
1) ) . McUerinand were Instantly killed. The
side of the head and part of tholcgb of ono
oj them were found about flvo hundred yards
from thosconoof the accident. How many
more. If any , wcro In the building at the
tlmo Is at present unknown. The live acres
on which the building was situated Is liter
ally covered with small pieces of bonoj , nnd
the remains of the tlu-to already identified
could bo put in u bushel basket.
1'lnyod wllli .MatuhrH.
Toj'EKA , Kau. , April S. The young son of
John A , Miller , n prominent business man of
this city , was burned to death curly this
morning whllo playing la a hayloft with
Opening Session of tbo Gatheriug of Dis
tinguished Invontoftt
Proposed Treaty llctxrcen tnc United
Statesnna ! Sc\vI'omt < tlnnl Ma'lo
I'nbllo Soniu llottcn
'WASHINGTON , April 8. The openhiR ses
sion of tlio congress of inventors ami innini-
facturers of patented Inventions in celebra
tion of the beginning' of the second century
of the American patent system wns licit ! this
afternoon In the Academy of Music. Presi
dent Harrison and a lartfo number of promi
nent inoii selected as vleo prosldcnts of the
congress oceuricd seats on the stiiRO.
Thomas A. Kdlson , Alexander Graham 15cll ,
ttcorgo "Wostlnghoiiso , nr > ( Jailing nnd other
prominent Inventors wcro present. Presi
dent Harrison was Introduced as chairman of.
tbo meeting mid Hon. , lohn Lynch chair
man of the centennial executive coiiunitteo.
President Harrison snoko brlelly , snying In
part : " .My coiiucction with this nioctlnt ;
must necessarily bo very brief , nuil I can only
by my prcsenco hero and ttieso Cow words In
opcnhur and coiistitutlnp ; this intorestliig
conirress express my appreciation of the Im
portance and Interest of this occasion and
my hope that your gatherings hero maybe
promotivoof these branches of the sciences
and art In which you are respectively inter
ested. It distinctly marks , 1 thlidc , a eivtit
step In the progress of civilisationvlicn the
Uiw takes notice of propcrtv in the fruit of
tlio mind. [ Anplauso.J It cannot bo doubted
by any , I tliiult , tliat the securing ; of property ami highly vromo-
tlvoof the advance ot'oincountry m the arts
and sciences. [ Applause. ] Nothing moro
stimulates otTort than security In tbo result
ot effort. " Af tcr prayer by Kov. ] ) r. Suiidor-
laiul the president salil urgent affairs prevented -
vented his remaining nt tlio meeting , nml
a tier calling to the chair Secretary Noble tlio
president left thohnll.
United States Commissioner of 1/abor
Wright spoke on the subject of "Kelatlon of
Invention to Labor. " Commishlon of I'ut-
ents IMltehcll spoke on the "lllrth and
CJrowthof the Atnerlcati 1'atont S.v lein ; "
.Tnstico Hlatchford on "A Century of Patent
J-.uw , " reviewing the subject fro'm the time
when tlio kings of ISnglandgi'iintedexciuslvo
monopolies to various persons doivn to the
present time ; Kobcit S. Taylor of Kort
\Vayuo , Ind. , sioko [ on "Knouli-MuUing In
ventions of America , " and Senator 1'latt of
Connecticut closed ilio afternoon session
with n , speech on "Invention ani Advance
ment. " A reception was givi-a tonight at
the patent oftlco to visiting inventors and
manufacturers by Secretary Noble and Pat
ent Commissioner Mitchell.
On tomorrow evening tlio American Soci
ety of Civil Engineers will glvo a banijuot in
honor of their president , Otavo Chanuto of
Chlcaco. ITrlday ovcntng the board of trade
of this city , on bpbalf of the citizens , will
entertain tbo prominent visitors and tbo mein-
VJCM of the various com inItoes nt a banquet ,
whlcU will boglvount the Arlington hotel.
Tbo committee on badges , of which Mr.
SchuylerDuryco is chairman , has selected n
design for a modal , which will bo. inado to
commemorate this. cVent. The material sc-
jlectca Is aluminum , ar.d on the obverse there
will bo'ttfabslinilooi'tno seal of thoiutout
ofllce. On the reverse there will bo an ap
propriate inscription and the date of the cele
It is probable that in the hall of the ICn-
tlonal museum there will bo an Interesting
display of early inventions , whllo inventors
who are desirous of showing to the pu olio
their own pet invention will probably bo ac
commodated In some ball -which will bo
secured for that purpose. It Is expected ,
however , that If these who are Interested In
llj'lan machines , poipctunl motion machines
and other inventions of like diameter indi
cate their intention of making an exhibit that
this feature of the celebration will not bo
generally popular , anil it may not bu neces
sary toniaticany provision for It.
Ono of the Important committees in clnu'go
of the arrangements for the celebration is the
committee on literature. To thli committee
was assigned tbo Important duty of arrang.
Ing the programme. How well they have
performed their task may bo seen by glanc
ing over the programmo for the various meet
ings. Tbo chairman of this committee Is
1'rof. ( ! . Brown Ooode , who , although a man
young In years , yetl.'i ' n veteran In sclontlllo
work. Associated with Prof. Ooodo on this
committee was Mr. Ainsworth 11. SpofTonl ,
the UUtlnt'Ulshcd librarian of congress , and
Mr. Llewellyn Deano.
In planning the details of the arrangements
provision was wisely made fora committee
to look after the comfort of visitors , espec
ially to provide facilities so that thev could
secure proper accommodations whllo In this
city. To this committee nil inquiries ro-
cslvcd from these who Intend to como to the
city relative to rooms and board are referred.
The committee has a list of places wbero
straniicrs can bo accommodated , aud
promptly -supply nil tbo information culled
for. Tlio chairman of the committed
is 3Ir. W. C. Uoilgo. .Mr. Dodge as far
back a * the year ISM invented a miichlno
for loading cartridges. It wns ailoptod bv the
government and with some inodlll cations has
boon used ever since. Prior to that time all
cartridges were Illloa by hand , lie has taken
out twenty United States patents and several
foreign patents , mostly on tire arms , seine of
which are in extensive use at homo and
abroad , notably the ox tractor In the Smith it
Wesson revolver. In consideration of his in
ventions the king of Italy presented a medal
to him and the king of .Spain conferred on
him the decoration of the Order of Isabella ,
tlio Catholic.
I Ionoy Is a highly Important factor In
enumerating the elements which contribute
to thosuccoss of such nn enterprise. It has
been contributed freely and goncrously on
this occasion by the citi/ens of this city , ana
a fund of about 3lt,0K ) ) has been subscribed.
The work of soliciting subscriptions was
done by a committee of which Mr. Joseph
1C. McCammon Is chairman. AVhllo great
credit Is duo to the energy displayed by the
committee yet they all acknowledge th <
great assistance which they received from
the citizens , who so cheerfully responded to
tnclrappeals. Tlio chairman , Mr. McCain
tnon , has shown In this uositlon , as well ns
In the others which ho has held , great exeo
titlvo ability.
Onthoultornoon of Thursday Fredcrlcl
K"raloy , Mi. I ) , , president of tlio natioiia
board of trade , will preside. The papers to
bo presented will bo as follows : ICx-Ucpro
sentatlvo llenjnimii llutterworth of Ohio
"Tho Effect of Our Patent System on the
Material Development of the United States. '
Octavo Chauute of .Illinois , president of the
American Society of Civil Kiifiinecr.s , "Tho
Idled ol Invention Upon the Hallroad anil
Other ftlcans of Intercommunication. " A.
II. SpottorJ , 1..L , IX , librarian United States
congress , "Tho Copyright System of the
United States ; Its Orlt'ln and Its Urowtli. "
Thomas Gray , 0. B. , II. So. , F. II. S. R , of
Indiana , professor of dynamic onjriiieorln ,
Rose polytechnic institute , Terra Hnute ,
' The Inventors of thu Telegraph and Tele-
phono. " Colonel F. A. Boely ot Pennsylva
nia , principal examiner United Slutos patent ,
o111co , "International Protection of Industrial
.Property. "
I'rof. a. P. J/mBloy , the secretary of the
Smithsonian Institution , will preside over
the meeting to bo heldin thoovonlag. Papers
Avlll bo read as follows ; \Vllllnni P. Trow-
brhlgol'li.D. ; , IJj.I ) . , of New York , professor
ser of engineering school of mines , Columbia
college , "Tho Hilect of Technological Schools
Upon the Progress of Invention , " Uoburt
II. Thimton. A.M. , LL.n. . J3oc. Eng. of
New York , director and professor of inoclmn.
lealonKlneorlng , Slbloy college , Cornell uni
versity , "Tho invention of tno Steam 13n-
pine , " Cyrus Urackott , M.I ) . , LL.l , ) . ot
No\v Jersey , professor of ptiybici ,
College ol 2mv Jersey , Princeton. "Tho
Effect of Invention Upon the Progress of
Kloclrloal Science. " Trof. r1V. . Clnrkc ,
S.H. , of Ohio , chief cl . . I'nlted States
geological survey , "TL filiations of Ab
stract Sclontlllc Kotonr . * \ 1'ractlcal In-
ventior , With Special \ * ! -VJnco to Chcin *
Istry and I'liysU-'s. " Mnl. ' . . Vcnco K. Out-
' \ A. "The In
ton , orJimnco department ,
( hioncoof hivontlon Upo < \ Itnplomuiila
nnd Munitions of Modern " " Vo. "
Fridaj' , April 10 , Is atinK - : V i'nns ' ° "
that day 100 years ago l'ret\ . " " Vashlngtoa
signed the law e tiibllsluri \ Amoricaa
iiatont system. The deloA \ wlllIslt
Mount Vernon , where an aii/W \ \ \ \ \ bo de
livered by Dr. .r. M. Toner \ 'K Is city on
"WashliiBton as nn Invciitol m u'romotcr
of lirprovemeuts. " Prof. Alci V nlrahaai
tell will pi-csldo over- the llnal . .Vutliiu to bo
idd In thu evening. On that occasion papers
vlll bo read us follows : \Vllll.mi \ T.Harris ,
oininUslonoi'of education , "Tlio Uclattonot
nventlon to the Conimunlcalion oflntelll-
leiH-o and the Olffuslon of Knowledge by
newspaper unit lloolc.1 Prof. Oils T. Mnson ,
'h.D. , of Vlrjjinl.i. curator United States
satlonal inusoiim , "ThoBlrthof Invention. "
) r. .lohu S. Hillings , curator United States
\rinv Medical inusouni , "Americati Invoiitlon
nd JMseoverle-s in Medicine , Surgery nnd
'radical Sanitation. ' I dwird Atkinson ,
'b.D. . LL , . ! ) . , of MaasiiehiisctU , "Invoiitlon
i its illTectsLT pen Household Kconomy. "
i\.l T1H\ .
V Hhliiit < m Tiikon by Sm-priso Soc-
ri'tnry I'routor a C amlulatr.
AVA'iuxoTON , April S.--Siiceial ( Tologratn
o Tin : Iiir. : . | The resignation of Senator
' 'dinunds took "Washington by surprise , not-
vithstandlng the intimation several weeks
go in these dispatches that ho would shortly
onvotho senate. It was nt the time sutr-
tcsted that ho woulil bo appointed to a place
n the supreme bench to bo made vacant by
lie resignation of "Allumlo , fno" Hrmtley.
Iradloy has long passed the age for rutlrliiK1.
Ie has practically lived down his action ly
member of tbo electoral cominl'sion and
las contemplated resigning for seine time ,
t Is pointed out , however , that In a
pooch inado about a year ago nt
St. .leromc , Kdnmmls , who was chairman
f the Judiciary committee , violently opposed
ho policy of appointing to the bench any-
jody over sixty years of n ro. As ho is
oniethingovor flxty-thrco nml tin extremely
isird-hoaded Scotch Vermonter , It is not
> robablo thut ho would ui'ci'pt ' the judicial
H'inliio after his open declaration. It Is moro
llcely that hovlll retire enthvly from public
Ifo , as intimated In his letter. Tno purpose
of the sudden recall of Secretary Proctor
rom his western trip is accounted for by
Senator Kdmunds' aniioiinceiiicntas itlslho
irevallitifr opinion that bo will leave ttioc.ibl-
ict for a scat In the senate. There is as yet
'cry llttlo speculation as to tlio war r > or.'oiio
n the event ot Proctor's resignation.
I'ruposetl Noxvl'oiitidlaml Tronly.
" \VASIIINOIOS , April ? . The proposed treaty
vith Newfoundland , the suspension of ncgo-
iations ivgardlng which was ordered from
Treat Britain because of the protest of Can
adians , -was inado public today. It provides
that United States tUbing vessels entering
INowfoundland waters shall huvo the privl-
ogoof purctiaslnp b.iltoa the same terms as
Newfoundland vessels ; also trading ; \vlthout
any charge other than the duos levied on
Newfoundland vessels. Products of the fish
eries of Newfoundland are to ho admitted
Tree Into the United Slates , also the packages
in which they may bo carried. "Orecn" cod-
llsh are cxcoptctl from this. Duties are also
provided upon Hour , rlco. salt , oil , meats , etc. ,
imported Into Newfoundland from the United
States. Agricultural implements and ma
chinery , raw cotton , broom-corn printing
presses and types will bo admittcd'f reo when
I mported from ' the United States. This
convention was to take effect as Boon as ttio
lawn required to carry It into operation
should bo passed on both sides , to remain In
force live years from the time It cumo into
operation , and further until the expiration of
twelve months after either oC the high con
tracting parties Klvonotlcoto the other of n
wish to terniinato thesiuiio.
Unttcn 'ivitl lUipnlr.i.
WASHINGTON' , Aprils. About six months
ago repairs wcro completed on the United
States steamer Alert nt Mare Island navy
yard , and the vessel was put into commission.
It w s soon Tcpr.rtcd , however , that
the repairs were unsubstantial and the
vessel unsafe. There \voro also dls-
agreeable rumors about careless work
in repairs. The board of Inquiry has
found that Naval Constructor Foiistor was
careless In tbo supervision of repairs ; that
Master Shipwright Williamson was negli
gent in the performance * of his duties , as was
nlo Blaster Ship-litter Webster. N'aval
Constructor Fcaster has been released from
duty mid Williamson and Webster dis
charged. _
OiiiiiiiiiVtRt. .
WASHINGTON- , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB IJcii. ] Postmaster General
Wanamakcr and Secretary of the Navy
Tracy have decided to accompany President
Harrison on Ids "swing around the circle. "
I'i'ivato Secretary Ilalford lias not yet de-
clilod whether ho will boalilc to no , and will
bo governed largely by the eoniliMon of his
wife's health. Mrs. McICoo will also" proba
bly make one of tlio party , although that has
not been definitely decided , either. The
party will leave hero on Tuesday of next
week. _
Klncaid Acipiillcd.
WASHIN'OTON' , April 8. The jury In the
case of Charles 13. ICincald , the newspaper
correspondent , Indicted for shooting ex-Kcp-
rcsentntlvo Taulbco of Ivontucky In F'ebru-
nry , IS'JO ' , after being out nearly thrco hours
this afternoon returned a verdict of "riot
guilty.Vhoii the foreman of the Jury an
nounced the verdict rClncald heartily shook
hands with each Juror , thanking thorn for the
verdict. His friends warmly congratulated
him ou the huppy termination of the trial.
Huron I nva's Dlscoiirt-sy.
WASHINOTOV , April 8. [ Special Telegram
toTinilJr.n.j-A rood deal ot Indlmmtlon Is
expressed In olllclal circles hero nt the dis
courteous manner lu which Ilaron Fuvn , the
recalled Italian minister , acted in leaving
Washington yesterday. Ho Is the deau of
the diplomatic corps and n great stickler for
the proprieties , yet ho slipped away without
oven callhigon the president or a single mem
ber of the cabinet , tiltboiii'li ho had fre
quently shared their hospitality.
Secrerary ZVInnrc
WASH ISOTON , April -Sncclul | Telegram -
gram to Tnc nr.n. ] .Tamos W. Moore ,
the assistant secretary of state , this evening
handed to Secretary Illtdno his rcslfrnatlon.
Ho loaves the Htato dopartmcnt to accept the
ciialr of history and political economy at
Columuia college , Now York ,
Ordered to tins Coa < U.
\VASiuxfiTov , April 8. The war depart
ment ted ay sent an order to General Itugor ,
commanding tbo Department of Dakota , as
sinning him to the command of the Division
of the Pacific , with headquarters at Hai
Francisco , Kuger will assume command the
UOth lust. , on which dntoUoucral Glbbni
retires. _
I'alliircH Tor Tun Voarn.
AVAsiuxatoN , April 8.A statcmont isnuoi
by the census * ofllco jjlvoa the number of fail
ures In the United States for ten years end
iiiKln ISVJas bS,3 , , with llabllif.os of 81,837 ,
lioseuraim unit Hplnolalll.
" \VASIIINOTO.V \ , April 8. ( Jetioral Kosccran
IB contlncd to hh room with pneumonia. II
is much bettor toniuht ,
lieneralBpiuoln has suffered a relapse am
today is reported very III.
c ea I'roclunmt Ion iHHneil.
WAbUixoTOXAprll8. , The president thl
afternoon Usucil his Hohrini , ' Sea prodauia
tlou , It I ) lu the usual form ,
Interesting Position of the Muctlj
Married Dakota Professor.
fj Indians nt ItiiHolmil Agon oy
A Alunlcrpr Doutuil n A'oxv
' .1'rln I University 1'oaolirM
Siorx Fai. , S. D. , April S. [ Special
Telegram to Tun lkr..J 1'rof. A. 1C. Foster
of tills city , who Is wnutcil tiy tlio KuntucUlnn
authorities on tlio clmrcoof blg.uny , U mak
ing n light for hli liberty , ami today secured
a writ of habeas corpus from Judge Alkoiis
nt Clinton to restrain tlioofhVoH from inking
htm to Kentucky upon the requisition Issued
by Governor Mollctto. llo cl.iliin tlmt his
Canadian \vlfts , known us Carrie No. 1vm
n hermaphrodite nnd that ho married It when
ho wns only sixteen years of ago. CophUs
Knight of Newport , ICy. , whoso daughter
Minnie figures asvifo Mo. 9 ,
telegraphed to tlits point today to
Ills partner , ( teorgo MHliiiticss , to .spuro no
mot tor hi his efforts to secure possession ot
tlio bigamist. lAistor will linvo 1111 oxiuiuna-
tlou before the Justice In the morulmr , and If
ho secures an acquittal wlfo No. , l-'lnronre ,
of lA-ru , 1ml. , telegraphs that she will lodge
: i complaint against him and bring hint to In-
( llniiii. l-'Vlor , however , was great Ivchoerod
toil ay by rccelvlm'nows from Mini Ic.
who announces her love In umlylmMcrmsnnu
swears nlleglinmi to the bigamist , which Is
In strange contrast to tlio wr.ith of her fattier.
Idciitoiiixnl Caxi'y'H Mil ril I'l'iM * .
Sioux FAI.I.X , H. 1) ) . , April S , ( Spcdiil
Telegram to Tin : Him. I I'lonty-llorsos ,
the Uosobml Sioux Indian who la accused of
murdering Lieutenant Casey , was arraigned
today before Unltcil Staten .ludo Ivlsorton.
Ills attorney , .fuiigo .lohu Darns of Deadwood -
wood has not arrived , uiul the Sioux asked
the court to give him n day longer to plo.u ) ,
which was granted.
1'lcnty-Ilorsos Is u graduate of tlio Indian
school of Carlisle , 1'a. Ho iin''iiii..vo '
been a favorite of Jii'ir11' ' " ' 'ratt , who has *
charge of Unit .u.-.miition. llo Is well
1 ; ' Wj iL.-1 ' * wi'ltos and speaks F.ngltsh llko
Y"iilvo. "His father has for wi > i > l < s boon no-
citing funds ntnong the well-to-do ( numbers.
f the tribe to ralso inonuy for his son , aniV
t wouhl appear thiit a strong defense will bo
indo. TliM principal question coming up la
vhellier Itvivs murder to kill Cnsoyvhou
var had been proclaimed by tlio government
gainst the Indians. Tlio trial will begin ou
ext Monday. _
A llc < | iicst for Ki'M
VmiMti.i.ioN- . D. , April S. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun IJiiTho : : ] university openoU
.his morning with a full nttciiilanro. State
cgont lirandt , u'lio was sent hero by the
Late board to make the necessary urrango-
ncnts for the coiitlmiiinco of the school ,
uade n short adilrcss in the chapel. llo
latccl that , tlio financial condition of the
cliool inado it necessary to cut expenses
own as much as possible , and fortlioso con-
oniL'il not to hnvo any hard fuollni.s ; over the
uslgimtlon of seine members of tin faculty
lint would have to Do requested. Tnroi )
cslgiiiitlons wow callud for 1'rof. Kratz ,
jrmclpal of the normal dcpartmoiit , and
\rina J3. Honges , the assistant , and Mary B.
Allen , nsioclato professor of Greek. There
s strong talk of the discontlnuanco of the
school , but It , Is to bo hoped thut It will uot
13nlixt. 111 ; India MM.
Hosr.iuii ) ACIKXCY , 8. D. , April S. | Special
to Tin : HIM : . ] Lieutenant Uravo began to
enlist fj troop of the Sixth regiment today.
1'welvo were cxuniluod anil ten wcro on-
istcd. Most of these who have enlisted are
'nll-bloodoil Iiulluiis , though n fuw mixed
iluods hnvo applied. Tlicro will l > o llttlo
.rouble in trotting the outlro troop from Hoso-
jud. The young mcii are In favor of it.
Ilc.-ivy Wind at MitcVU.
Mn 1:111:1.1 : : , S. U. , April 8. [ Special Tele-
cram to'l'iiK lni : : . j A heavy wind prevailed
.his forenoon which did slight damage to
MilldiiiL'S. It was followed In the afternoon
l > y n Kooil full ol rain with some hail. There
ui'o prosiieut'i of moro.
A conference of Catholic cloritftncn which
will bo held this ovenltiK will be nltondcd by
[ irlests from about a dozen parishes.
An AiiH ] > lcioiis Spring.
Biot'X I'\M.M. S , I ) . , April 8. [ Special Tel-
ctfram lo Tin : llii.J Rnln began fulling herd
this inonilnjiancl ut9 o'clock thou'round wai
thoroughlv soaked. South Dakota has novel *
experienced a more auspicious spring than
Lho present one. Klft.y per cent of the seed
ing is sown and the prospect was never
boiler for u largo and bountiful harvest.
Denied a Now Trial.
. Iluiiov , S. I ) . , April 8. | Spoclal Telegram
toTni : Hr.i.l Fred llunilloy , found | ? Uty
ot the murtlcr of his father , Hon. 7 . T.
Hundley , in thn circuit court lioro two week's
ngn. has boon denied a now trial. Scatouco. .
will bo pronounced this weolc.
1'no , | ) In t ; a Itiiln.
CiiAMiuitiUN % S. D. , April 9. ( Special
Telegram to Tin : HKI ; . ] This entire section
of the state Is onjoyingono of the honvlest
rainstorms of the season , puttliiK the finish
ing touches to the already excellent condition
of the soil.
TCI Mviot Cokn Strikers.
MOUNT PI.CABANT , Pa. , Aprils.Tliosltuft. .
tloti in the colto districts Is devoid of excite
ment today. Notices of ejoatincnt worn
placed In the handi of constables today. Ton
days' ' notice to null will bo served tomorrow
on tlio strikers who iiro occupying the com
pany's bouses. Kveryono wlm will not work ;
will bo forced to seek a residence elsuwhero.
Thirty moro men were given wont at Moro-
wooJ today.
Mourns 1'nr Hrirniiui.
Conn. , April 8. Deep and
profonnu sorrow prevails throughout the city
today over the dnith of 1' . T. Harnuin. Flaes
iiro displayed at half mast and emblems of
mourning can bo Hcon ovorywhero. Ar
rangements are iioing ] > orfooUd Tor the
funeral , which will behold Friday afternoon.
lUiriiiini leaves his estate of S. " > ,000,0K ( ) by will
largely to his legal heirs.
New > nrlc CnnHilr.itor.4 lu'lclol ,
Ts'r.w VOIIK , April S.-Tho conspirators who
tried to iot hold of I.orlnn A. Hobortson's '
millions wcro all Indicted today by the grand
jury with tlio exception of Lawyer IJnkor.
Thoio indicted are Uyron Cohen. Juinos Das-
kcll , Howard lielcher and ( Jasslo Heleix
Hroukn. The llrst thrco are charged wllli
subordination ol perjury and Miss Brooks
with perjury.
CnnilldutuN for iCdiiinnils' Klines ,
Sr. Ai.iiAXit , VI. , April 8. The rcsigimtlon
of Senator ICdnumds was unexpected in Ver
mont and \\i\a \ n surprise to Ids constituents.
The appointment of his wiceosnor devolves
upon Governor Taso , us the legislature la not
In session. The candidates iiro Secretary oi
\Var I'roctor. Congressman 1'owvw aud ot.
Abniitlonoil tlio
Mass. , Apill 8 , The inorocca
workers hero Imvo docldod to return to work
nnd sign the iron-dud agreement. This ao-
tlon moans the nhandonineiit of the KnlKtits
of Labor unU a practical end to lu rule IQ