THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY , APHIL 7 , 1801. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , ho Easier iVcling All Around in Commer cial Circles , r \ DISCOURAGED BY GOOD Y/EATHER / , Ucollno Intlio Price * of CoronlB 1'rovJdloiiH , with Oultlo Values and llogfl OmcJtno , April B.-tSpeclnl TcloKram to Tun /ItR-l-Thoro wns an easier f collnx nil around In the commercial circles this inornln ! : . Chl- ! caRe wrathcr was not Improved , but in the went , noi thwcst and abroad the signs wcro much more springlike. The thought of bright , clear , warm wonthcr caused a weakness in all grain market ! because It will soon wlpo out the bull nrKtiniont. Provisions opened lower also , with larger receipts of hogs tliiiti were expected at the ynnK Harlysilcs for May were as follows : Whout , M.03V. . to tl.02Uo !'A to Jl 02. 1 corn , Mlie , to Cfi'ici ' oils , M'-ic , to XlXc , and buck to tOJici pork , I1S.40 , to Il-Mtt ! lurd , M.G3 . , toW.GO ; rlhs , r > V > . trade lud u llvc-ltr ilny , and Inflit- cnocsiiiul tndo vvcro nil against tlio market. There was n sharp drop In prices ut the opcn- InK. followed by nrilly and n stubborn mar ket for tin hour or so with a furl her drop In prlcesnbout midday. The cxlcntuf tlm bicak fiom Iho close on Saturday until about 1 o'clock lod.iy ns 1 % for May nnd IK for .Inly. May opened at tl.02J and I.OHi nnd at the tunu inniiirnt Bold ut 11 OMi Iotl.fl2'ito ' l.WU ft second time , nnd off to ll.O. , July sold it 11.01 toJI.OI'Uo Jl.OO'i. ' There wns a rally from Ihuso prices later nnd nt 1 o'clock May was nlIU ! # and July at $1.01 , with bolli months Just lo under tlio close oniituidty. Two bearish Influences of iho morning wcro the wcatlior and cables , Liverpool public cables were lid off on spot and 'id oltou vvhcit futures early. Moro ( a\oriblo wonther In Kiiglnnd and Kr.inco wns given as the causeWhile Culc.lKO was ttlllwctanil cold wnen trading begun , the dispatches said the west and northwest hart wanner weather with roil sprliiR-lIko condi tions In sl lit. Them wis very fito olTcrliu of wheat by holders and equally as free sellIng - Ing of shottliy the hoar oleinenl. The niarkot wnsbesKod ( or a while nflur thf first break hy the "put" price mound Sl.aJH'SI.OSK. ' Tdo whcit inovciuent cut less of a lUuro Hiin usual In tlieplt. Minneapolis and Diiluth had 3J4 cars , l > ut this nns for forty-eight hours. The rccolntd hero wore away over the osll- 111 u to , but still very sm ill , atl7cnra OhlciKO showed 1G.VXO bushels tiUon from the store Into vessels Minneapolis decreased utocks 41,000 bushels , and New Vork Increased In Ko. 2 red 41,00) bushels. In the visible supply , the ropoit draggled hi HO as to Itcop tr.ulo In doubt. The belief nt midday wim that there would ho a decrease of 4)0t ) > 00 bushels , but the ofllelul fie u res , nut up at 1 o'clock , showed a dccro.isoof 280,000 Ijusli- cls , iijrjliist 2iOOD bushels dcirniiso a yen- BKO. Now York n > | ) orted ten bout loads for cxpiirt nnd toino c ir oosnlso voi Kcd for Au- cust shljiiicnt. I.Undoii repotted u drop of Od for California wheat for jiromptshipiiicnt. I'arls wits lilKhoi on wheat and Hour. Besides eeueril soiling cirly , I.lnn , Ocddos and Olf- ford sold frooly. Utuiii A , Co. ere bullish hut not heavy buyers , Mllmlno bought Miy nrouiid the bottom. Tlio rally which stuiled before 1 o'clock curried Hay to $ I.L"a ( and July tofl.OPa a few inliiuli's before the clo c , t'nrls and Ilerlln cables c uno In so strong thutshorts In wheat were afraid to ( lay over thu brcik lu the inarKet tomorron. Thu mil v was n remark ibly stioiuoiiu and carried Sluy wheat to tlio liUli point of the day at Sl.tll'i and closed ut tl.OJ'i. ' July tnuvcd up loI.02'4 and closed iitfl.OI'i. I.ocil Btocka of wheat lucre -od 4.N.OK1 bushels and dcoreasod 218 000 bushels lu store. April wuuquoted lo under Mny. Onthocuih May wheat privileges sold atjiul .mil Sl.tU's for puts , nnd fl.O-l and fl Ol' ( for c&lls. 'riiowonthcr and Its probiblo Inllueiicoon Incioisliis and lintirovInu the tiuallty of rc- colptsvvns a blit bearish Inllui'iico lu corn. vVIihwheut nnd poil < markets also weak. It was very onsy for corn to decline Hie. When the other markets showoel a rccovury , lion over , com soon re gained half of Its oarlv loss Siimplo Kindcs were weak and ofl lo or nioro for Bi'.tunliiy. 'Iho action for the Ic.idlnc mouths was as follows : May opened around W > and rallied tou > ) { o. July Mild utOO c nniKij'io at C7c , dUl ns low ns C.Vie and the open- Iiid , off to G2V5O anel milled to Mic at 1 o'eloclf. Corn closed as follows : April , W c ; MayWif cj.Inly , ttPjc. llipsoprices were ? tc toljoundortlio close Saturday. Tholocal stock of corn liicrcasod 17,000 bushels for the week. Mi y corn piivlicccssoldattHV antU' c. Tliootils inarUctbhowcd u niodor itoamount of trading today.opening up from 'io to > , o under Hutiiiimj's lluurc. After declining a Bllsht frnetlon tlio miirkot rocovoietl hiimc- irhutou the si length of the visible supply llg- Uit's. and elosod Ktciidy. li. i'oivlorclosod out nearly all of his loin ? on May delivery. 'Ihit option opened atai' c , sold down to M.'fio anil up toM\Cu liefeiro Iho close. Juno was mostly nominal. bcltiK quotublo from 02'o { to W'Sc. and closlngat llio latter annlunt. July hold fromMe down to ' ' " 5)'fic , and closed at Aiieust wasiiulto stroni ; , and actho soiling fn > m IT.SctollS'ie , andcloshiuut J8c. Septem ber closed utir : > ! . { , Rlrss porK opened at Irregular prices and at declines of 10o to Ifxj fron aturdiy. The market wnsliou\y from the stnrt. ami iittho dcolhio Slay sold at Sia.OT'J ' , July il"i ) , bcp- tomberSt'.OT'l. ' oribout40e under Saturday's flRurcs. There wns a rally toLV2J ! ! and IIJ75 for.Mey mid July it tbo close , rard closed at 60 to 75c ! lower at $ J6'V4 and # tlt for May and July , after selllui ; down to S0 15 and } B bO for the same months. Kills closed about steady ntJOOO for May and Jil.KJ for July. I'UICES _ CQM > ioiiiTr.lpoii. | ) | High | | Cloto. WHBAl Mill 1 U2J i m im Jul ; 1 U ti mCi 103 liny er ; OT iU July OTen , 2 OATH- MH M7 < July I'OIIK Mliy 12 40 12 40 12 W 1230 1210 July 1. 80 \2 \ 80 14 111 1275 llius- Slny 5 115 o to SUO II 00 LA mi- May 0 C. ! ( 0 C21 GWtf C70 July AT ST. LOUIS. COMMiiiUTrOi | on IllUh | L Cloio I WllfcAT May. . . . 1 01 > ( 1 04 104 1101 July. . . . 80) ) , COIIN- COIINM r. . . . OATH- C4 61 (4 (4 MR Notes and Dulutli receipts , lit ) ours of whoat. Wlniioapolls rocelpti. 203 uuraofvhoat , Estimated rocolpls of IIORS ut Clilcngo Jlon- flny.'S.OOOIioinl. ' KiinsiisUlty receipts : Wheat , 40 cars ; corn. 00 ; o.its , U earn. St. LouU receipts : 0-1,000 hushols of wlicat , 10,000 husliols oorn , ai.OOOlJusliols oats. OlilcnKO eir lots : \ 47 oixrs , 27 No 2 ; corn .7 * curs , 47 No. 2 ; oils IU ours , 63 No. S. New York clatiMncoaVhent. ; . 8I,7.'J bushels ; corn , J.UO liuHiirUi oils , 1W busliuls ; Hour. O.WM uai rols , u.lMbtioks , St. I.ouUshlpmouts : ulioat , 21,010 ; cornU- T50 : outs , ! W,000. Visible supply ofvhoal \ ilo- cruiso. 'XMM ) ; corn dccrotiNo , Ji'.OJO : ont clo- cii'iiBO. i&lfM. hust London eahlvs low or , l' Jy Jd olT , Ksthiuitod cnra nt Ulilcugo TuesJay. who it , i"7 : coru.W . ; ems , 19J , Ihcrbolun'H calilo : Indlnnshlpmcntsnliont to United KliiKiloni li/iNniiniti > rsi lust wcok ) < 0,0co < ] iiiirtcrHi to cuntluont SU.UOO s : Instwook lO.tHKI ijuurtirs. Oarpoes oil coast qulel , 11 nil. Corn iiothli oirurlnK On IMH- BaKotind for Hhlpiiifutwlu'ut llriu. lurnqulot. MurkiUH iiru linn , Weiilhoi.ln l.'nslancl unil 1 < runeo aprliiKlll-e. idn - LUerpool wheat nnil corn fipot hi iiioilorntu iluinuud. No. 1 California 8s ; d ; AUIIuUllu ta MAnierleiin \ rod \ Inter Ps Sd. ( I-ojiui A. Ca , to Toncrny A. Ilrynn : Uliu prtbsuro to sell nt tlio opcnlue wnd urgent anil silosviro iiiiido all the wiiy from M.OJ' , to jl U'-'H. Tlio ciOMs were nt il.ftl i. Eiirly I-l vorpool cublos worn duprtgiod with lower prluos. The Into Llu'rpool ones uro stviullur , hut nil contln- ontnl mhlces aru lutlier onlieut mill Hour. ' 'J ho export iltuuiiiid furred who it isitoocllioro unil nt Aew Vork.ullforblilpniont to thu ether bide. 'llmUx'al ( eellni ! Is oeiulali liooailbo of tlioliualthj appeiiruncuof the trrowliiK cn > ofP nlthouKh it Is from two to tliroo neoks Into. ThuttiMillior toiluy la uprlnsllliH. prodlclloiiu fortouioiiow unni \VItlitiuistiliio \ wheat will soil lower InOopoiHleiit ot forolKii cnbios ami higher lirlcHH , unless wo luivo n hotter do- luiintl for IniiiH'Uluio shipment. Corn ae punluky ntthoopeiilnit , Atiiy opcncil ut 07c , t > ohlilo\Mi toVl < iu and oloMH at lid/.c. OatH luorohtuiiilylllillulit fhiolmitlons , July Mid at Me to.M'i ' o i'rovjslonsito \\enk from the oponhip ; totho ole o. I'noken were f rou lell- t'rs. I 'or the iuiniedluto future \\o look ( or lower prices A. II. Jaqulthof tlioOmulm Kletator Coni- ' uaiiysuyai "Acdir llimto circular lot t > M sent out ny us April' ' to our iiRi-un nnd denlora over the line of the Union 1'aaltlo road lu NclrasUa we gleau tUo followluK : " The farmers uro feeling qullo Jubilant o r llio fait that they uro ijoliu Into thl season with the ground nioro thorough * Iy satin sited with moljturo limn It has tiien for years. All admit thnt the season Uti llttlB late , but with fine weather Iho mafl JorityufthoMctlinitwlllliodono by April li in the mm them purl of the stale there will bo a material Increase In ttio aercaKo of wheat , tlr : uliout IV ) per cuiit. oats about 1 * > per cent tnd corn [ > per cent. In the central and north * ern 7 > artof the Htalo the Increase In wheat will be about I' ) percent , oats decrease 0 per cent and corn Increnso nlwut II per tout : flax will shew comlili-rublo dccronsc , as will also otlior grains not nan cd. In proportion tp this nmcuntof c-orn , whotit nnd oats marketed dlni'o Anr. 1,1W to dnto , the amount held back In farmers' and dealers * hantls thnt will go forwnid. Is oats about fi'i ' ucr cent , wheat ft'i ' per iontcnrn about 15 PIT cent. AH Iho season Is ul ri ad v Inle. the rucchitB from farm ers on account of beliuj busy will bo very light throughout this month. No think nil Iho oat and wheat to be mnrketrd will bo rocjuliud for western and southern shlimipiit. ' " Ifcnnctt , llouklnsfc Co. to S.A. .MeWhortor 1'ho torrent of liquidation th it sot hibutur- day wnsmorn violent thanevrrat the ouen- Ing. "Tuts" checked It foran hour ortffo and Ihen the prleobrokoMinrply toII.02 for May unil JI.WU for July. At the bottom the-ro was evidence of the surno jood buylnu that has nppoiircd on former slnrp brciKS , Shorn wcro al o buying frocly. bnl that class of hears that eoltlom soli except on istiitiip ere conspicuously netIvc. They put out Rnoil lined rlirht on the bottom. It wns thclrbiiylng lulo In the session tlmtt'iitiwd the ijulck rally. At the clone the market looked well evened up. With nny pronounced bullish Inti'lll- BIIICO Itoitght to dosonio better Wednesday , tint wo tidvlso sales nn all gotid rallies , bu- llpvin , ' that tlio situation Is dally growing wcakertind Unit the spceulatlvo sentiment which has herotofoio sustained ptlces w tcnncloitsly will yield to warm wuither nnd tin ? Iliitturingutitfiiok for the next crop hero and an Improving outlook abroad , lu corn nnd o.its the market wus heavy most of Ilia "csslon. A good deal of limn stulTwas sold un slop loss orders. There was a ulos- ing rallv on ( OMjrlng by slioits and sumo f"lr , Investment bitylnt ; , out thuout'oolc Is not encouraging for holders though pur- ihnscsnii slurp breaks ought to ho proUtnblo for a turn. Provisions opened lower and vveio \uiikinost ofthodny. I'acheisworo selling. Iho market rallied on n probably bonus ills- pitch that Germany had removed the ic- strlcllons on ptuvlsloiis. K\ports of pork nnd bacon show aliand ontoliici 'nso ( > vcrtho cor- icspomlliijr week last year. On hotter weather lower prices aio e'pectcd for grain and pto- vlslons. W. 0 McCormlck.t Co to T 0. PwnrU & f'o. The beautiful vveiilhunimlo our locilvhett uporntors very be.ulsli. especially ns thesis- ml surtlco rcportcdthat It oMciuiud tlirongli- out tliewoht. aiKlciblcs loported much Im- tirovcd wuiuhcr abroad. J hurt suit was very liuo uelllngby llttlo and blK traders and n very we lie market Uiiouithout the day. The only rcictlonnf nny iniportaiuc was towards t ho close , and this was mused much by the of hlioit whuatkDld cirllorluducfil hy = oincwhat hlKlicr cables frytu I'.irls nnil Ilirlln. The curly cables from London nnil Uvcrpool wcro vcilf tind lower amid Id not Improve later , liccolpts atchnen primary pointsi\oro \ tCI.OOO. shipments217,000. Thoilc- crcnsoln thovlslblo supply was only2bOOOJ , which Mas a disappointment to ( ho bulls. THbl\ loads wcro roixiilid tiken from New \ orlor export , Tlio elosa Is taiio | and Indlcilca that wheat Is a silo for tlio pruscnt oa till /bulRcs. In corn and outs the prospect of clearing nciitlur tnnkoa \ \ oopcnluB \ \ In hotli articles , buyers ho I n scarce a ml stop ordois nitiucr- ous. J-liotts hoimliton the ( Iccllno onlho do- r-ruase \lslble.whlcli stimulated prices , llio close wnsiriubut | wo sou no roison to modify our bearish news nndatlvise.soiling the further fufuies on nny linn spots. 1'ro- UH Ions opened wcuk and sold olt < | iilto fnciy bcf oic'iioon Thollfiuldallonof the Jlay deal was tliu chief cause of. the weakness , bu\era showing Krent Indllleroncc llccelptsof lings wore Runil nntl p ickers lioldltiioff luft them In tin ) hands of shippers , llcforo the close there wan n Hh.irii reaction in prices on a telc- Krim from Now York , the truth wo cannot verify , that the Uermau troveriiiuuiitliiid de cided to reiuoio tlio prohibition of Import of AnierlCiin producls If this shonlcl proc true It will have i dccldcilly bullish liillncnec , othorwlso volook for lomowlut lower iirlccs. CHICAGO L.JL'i : STOCK Jl.illSClir. Ouirxno. April 0 [ Special Tolorim to THE DEC. ! IKTTI.F nuslnossopcniid rutlicr slow , yet v.ilupa ruled steidy , and towai d the close Iho ( lomand was bettor , but prlcos underwent llttloor no elm 1130 from first to List Some fo\v .salesmen quoted good stcors a bliaJo lower , but tlio bulk woroof tbo opinion \alitea were ahout Ilko tlio closj on Fjlilnv. Cow stoclc was steady from first to list , The top prices for prlino to oxtr.i stcora wis $170 ® t 8.8 ; ethers , < l.H5 tl5 ; coniiiio- ; , cows and holfors , { XH0015J ; stackers , k 403. 403.IToas IToas Early silos , especially of prlmo I heavy and peed stock , showed little or no change us compared with the cluso on Priclay. Hut toward the close there was a ahirptowu turn Of lOo lo IMo , ami the general market closed weak at u decline. Roiijli and common closed at Sl'i'iat.T.'iiiiiited ' ' and pao < crs , f4 UOI6 Mi > j nrlnio hoivy and butiher wolshts , $ j 0S ( > [ 5.40 ; llftlit , STOCKS AXO lfO\DS. Niir VOIIK , April 0 [ Special Toloiram to TUB HEH.1 The security niarkot. was very strong tliIs morning , strong without an appar ent or spoo Ini ro ison , except that the desire to buy ouhvelrhod thodoslro to soli. Thocscnpeof the wostorti roiels from the obnoxious Nebraska freight rate bill caused tlio flnanulul community to lioivo n mighty mlshty slirli of i-o let .ind to oomo tithe con clusion tint the financial aspect Is not ullo- gothorbad. Thlschan oln sentlmoiit and the manufac'turoof sharoj Is proba'oly ut the bottom of the strength ot tlio Htojlc miirkot. The testimony of tlio roprcsontatlvos ot the Amorloaii sugar roOntn company before the so-called sonito luvostlgatlii'committee ) nil tended to incrunso the opinion that there Is a plloof inonoy In the refill In. ; busi ness and thlaeausoJ the company's socurltlc.s to advance faster than uior. Clio siiar ro- flnorsoxuressthobnllot th.ifc the nbolls'i incut ot the tariffs on raw sugar will bo followed by a. widespread luarpisa In the consumption ot uuar In this country. This Is one of the Ideas at the but- lorn of the present advance In the prlco of suarsecurities. ; It Is to be noted that the flgurosdo not an yet Indlcti tunny very marked tendency of tlio Kind , Cliius Sorcckoln esti mates the Incroasoof sugir ImportoJ Into tlio country this year at only 50.0JO tons over that Imported during the sumo poilol of last jeir. ; Atchlson advanced \ - to L"J. Canada t'o.UH- crn fi to 5J , Cleveland , Colunibiia .V i-t. Louis to C1J . llurllngton & . Qulucy \ to U'i. Xorthwostorn ? lo lOG5 ; , St. 1'aul U to 57's. Hook Island 1 to 71'f. Lack iwannii ' 4 to 1.0'i- I.akeHiOro'ltollO , Lotllsvlllo & Nushvlllo 'i toTIY. North Amurloin 3 to 177 , Missouri I'aeitloVi toC8 , Now nnlana J < to U7 , Ho tidiiiK li toCi. ; ! Union I'aeilllo ' . to 6 , and Hlch- mondTuimlnal Hlo IT'i. The higher level iDf quotations naturally Induced some sales Dfo rou'.lzo and this oatiiod oricus to react , but only to n small extent , and at the cud of the first hour the market was qiilto flrm. The specialties , like Iho more uromlnont stocks , we're tietlve on the rlso with gains of a point or to in cases , London cibles announced the falluroof n banking honso long of spooIUties , and this nun supposed to account for the sluit'l8line s of Loniiun In responding to the rnnro biilIKh sentiment prevalent on this sldo of the w itni % . but Iho locil stock iniirKotilia not htopfor anything under the lent of the Industries nnd KmiiKcr prices wont spinning iipwatdt. . TrndhiK was nollvo ovorjwliere , Ivennott. Hopkins & Co. to s , A MoWhortor hutiirclajsiiiarliut Jiivvhlc-n thu dealings were larger than whole dayx have frequently resUtorod lately , si-ems to liavo neted llko iya tonic upon iho street. Commission ofllces wuru fill I of 01 tiers at Iho opetihw today imd buying ivlldnv long lias boon of u bettor ch idr nctor than before this j ear. Deallnirs have beeiidlstrlluitdovt'rnwhler ) ningoof secur ities and prices have steadily advanced. The market hns clearly shown lint thorn U a public willingness rns to deal hi stuoks vvhlch only needs sulllelent Inducement to tukohold. us It also shows that tnu nruvulllutr sentiment Is favoralilo to nn advance. The fnvoMblocrop advices from the whiter wheat countrv IKUO liailinucli to do with some en- eouruglng hiiylngof wcitetn siooks , eHpe < liil- jy1 aitl'oyiire sictoinpiiilofl by reixirts that the ground Is in bettor shuiiu for siniim-KIH- iiicr crops than usual iho , ncivy storms hav ing saturated the ground ri to an extent un known rorye.irs. Another favui.iblo clioum- ii Btanco Is that the llrst of April has niibsod iiml the 80111011101114 usual its that period have boon nuulo without unydls- turbanco to the ' s10 money nmrUl , l-'urthormoio wesicnii legislatures have ndjournul or will soon adjourn anil whatever power they hud for harm Iseudod for Ihnyenr. t'hlciiiro. llur r- lingtun .V Uulncy has be-on a louder of the market , advunulnt 3 per cant on lutgo trans- iictloiu , ninny otwhluli no doubt wcro covor- liiunf HlimtH by traUits who have hcen sOt hoarlshly IncMlned for a Ion , * time. All vvnst- orn stocks hiivo syiiipjthlicd In the inovo . of "Q. " IndiibtrhillUnks hnvo afio shown o great strength unilor lurw tr.insaotlons. hUKHrauilUhtcuto tiabolngiuostproiiilnont. Thesostoeks , notwithstanding the r.ipld iid- viinco iiuide , show no disposition to rouctmul aroupiiarctitly mstroiu-ut thot-ip llguroi isle they ; were 5 or 10 no'uts ' lowor. Iho whole market closed in excellent shape- with un In- : dicatlou of fUTlhor liui/rovcmotit but It must not bo forgotten that the miirkot has been dull for a long time aucl that very likely uiuur trudera will think. It was to accept profits which mny produce a reaction. Money 1 II&H been easy at 3loa ! < per cent. Total sales .moiuimrc * . The following nrotho closing quotation * ! US 4a roistered . . .17l > f Northern I'nclflc fl 9 4o coupon ) , . . .In do preferred , , , u * . 4SircRt torotl 10) 0N AW . , . j u B 4 41 cou pom . . 10 ] doprefJ ( oitilf ) . . .1M I'.ctnonor M Ill New YorK Central , , . . 103 I Central I'ncinc t ) I' , I ) . AB . ! ' | rlilcnuol Alton . . .HI Hock Island . 7J , Chlcnso , lltirllDgton UM. , A 81. ! . .M. I t Qulney JUS do prcfcrrml . . . . . . .llOt DIjAW j . . . , . . . ,13(1 ( St 1'nul AOmnlu. . . . 21 , . Illinois ( t U doprcfcrrcd.ii , . . . GO 1,11 AW Union I'ncltlc. . . . i. . . l | K nsa UK \V,8t. It * I * . UkoSlioro , Hoc * . Mleulunn | Central. . . . \\citornUnlon . tl Ml onrll'n < ID . rau MoNcr ON CAtL.-nnsy | closed offered ut 3 ® n'j ' per cent. riiiVEMEiiCANTiLEl'jiiTit M18 per cont. , bTBiuiNci KxciiANOR-Qulct , llrmi Bltly- day bills , M'jS demand , $4.ta ! > . IMIniiiK Qtiotntldiis. NKW VOIIK , April n. [ Special Tnloram to THE lire. ] The following are the mining stock quotations : Allco 150 HomeBtnka Hffl Adam * Con IfO Horn Mirer 8M llodlu. 110 1'1'rnoulli , 1M Slunrtnnl. ' ' * " ' " " " " " ( loulil A Currr , . . . . 8J' > Illiilon Cori. . . . . . , . . . 3"5 llolonndr orcru s. . 2UO I Vcllow Jacket 875 C < ffco Options , NKW YOIIK , April 0. [ Spool il Toloram to THE HER. ] COFIIE Outluns opened barely steady tit tVK,1' ) points doun. nnd closed steady at I Mil ) points clonn nnd quiet. The sales wore „ " < , 5(0 ( InKs , Including Anrll. S 1 7.0 V3i I " . ' . " > : May. } l7otvai"iri : Juno. JI07rXtWr > 0Tiily , * ia45 Oltl.3. : Aneust. * KIVr61iri ! ( ; ycptombcr. ll\7S . . . . OctoberH5.1MJ15'X : December , Sit iKeO IttO. Spot Hlo. ( lull and easy ) fair cargoes 120.00 ; No. 7 , JlH2J@ie.J7IS. April 0. Whont Ole o rirm : i , $ IO.IOJ ; May. JUvai.OJ ) , ; July , J10IJ4 .IN. Uorn-Ptcady : cash , OO'io ; May , Uats-fcteaily ; cash , 52 c ; .May , KS'ia ; July , SO So. Hyo-Nonilnn.1 ut SGfiJS'c. llailcy 'Nominalnt 7ffi80c. Tlmntliy 1 tisy riiix-Stoidy i Wnlsky } l 10. I'ork-btendy ; cash , J12.CO ; May. $12.32' ' $ : July. $1875. Lard-Steady ; cash , J6.50 ; Slay , $0fl2' ' { ; July , Jlf ( Kl , Jijort Ulbs-3tcady : . cash , JiS3 ; M.iy. fo.OTSi < Sfl 00 : July , } i2MGOa.- ) ! . rinur-Hteidy : wltitnr wheit , Wisconsin FtriilKht" . * 4 KXt&4 4Ddo elcir. Jl 104.20 ; spilng wheat , Mlnnesoti hard patents , t5004W10 ; soft patent , tNV&xOO. Hulk Meats Shoulders , ( i OOtSTi 10) ) short clotir , WMOWlOi short rlls , JT > WT bS , lluttcr l.aslorj creamery , 10'JGHo { dnlry , . Cheese 1'lrm : full oreatn chrddnrs. ll'ic ; full cream 11 its. HOll' ei Young Ameri cas. 1231-JHc nLcss-'Weaker : fresh , _ _ „ iiTeles S t oui y ; ho ivy giuen salted , Oc light reon silted , S'jc&iic ; green hides , 4ift ! > : salted bulk , 43 o ! pieuns.iUcd calf , Be ; dry Hint , Sc ; dry salted , W37ci dry calf. bJc ; dca- cons. 5o each Talloiv Steady ; Now solid packed , quotable UecclptH. Shipments. Hour 10000 12000 Whontbu 21,000 33.0JO Corn.lm 110,000 80,000 Outs.bu 217,000 142,000 NEvvYoRK. April 6. Wheat Itrcolpts. S5.800 bushoh ; cxpoits , 81.700 bushels ; spot closed flrm ; lye 2'red , 81.10'41.1J78 ( in elevator ; SI.IUK nllout ; fI.IC itl.101 , f. o. b. Options declined I'nO-e , rcaclcd and advanced 7 > @lic ! o. red. .May closed : iH1.13. Corn-Uccolptsri.l00 bushels ! o\ports , n."iIOD ; spot opened lower , closed Ilriuj No. " , 7TO78 o In elevator ; 7kQ > , OtU afloat : ungraded JIJiArlt. W'/iftiSOc. ' Options sold oil l GJ'ic , recovered , closing steidy : May closed nt,27 u ( Jats-Hecolnts , 7J.OOO bushels : exports , 150 : spot lower : No. 2 vvhltor OJliSOl'Jo : mixed western , WQOIc : white western. 0305c. Op tions Mctuly ; Jlny closing at WJJo. SiiRar IJiiw , llrniur ; ccntrlfucals , 05 test , ll'jlB-llMGc ' ; iiiuscovicto , HU test , il'ic ; refined , flrm ; standird "A , " 47-lCc ; confectioners' A. " 45-10- . Petroleum United closed. May , 734o. Kirgs-hower ; western , IHc. 1'ork Kusy ; now mcs , f 1J2VJM175. l.ard Lower ; closing stc.idy ; western steam , W.bO. Butter Qulot ; western dairy. ICSSSc ; west ern creamery , 2l-To ; Klsln. 2i@, Uhecso 1 frm : skims , ci10c. ; ST. Louis , April 0. Wheat Lower ; cash , ! lOlaV. { _ . Corn-Higher ; easti , OTi'jo ' ; May. C3'5e. Oats-I oncr ; cash. ViVJo ; May , Me. I'ork-Lowcr at JliOO. Whisky Steady at 61.10. Huttcr I'lrm ; creamery. 2702Sc ; dairy , 20 ® MINKEAIOLIS. April 0 Wheat Cash wheat lower ; dull. Receipts for two days , : ilO cars ; shlptnents. 80 cars. OIosu : No. 1 hard. April. llOUVi ; on truck , $101 ; No. 1 northern , April , Jl.Ofl'i ' : May. tlCO ; Juno , Jl.dl ; on track , $1.0151101 ; ; ; No. 2 northern , April , D9o ; on truck , OO'iO. ' _ _ _ MILWAUKFE , April 0 Wheat Firm ; No. 2. sprlnz arid cash. ti9e : Jl.iy , OO c. Corn Kahlor : No. .1 , 57c. Oats-Kuslcr : No. 2. white. I'rovlslons-Euslcr ; pork , .May , 812J2V5. TjlVHU'OOl , April 0. Wheit StPiily ; do main ! fair ; holders oll'er moderately ; Oullfor- ulii. No. 1. 8s 7d percental. Corn Steady ; demand fallen off ; mixed western , Gs lUd per contiil. KAMIAS CITV. April 0 Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 hard , cash and April , ula bid ; No. 2 , red c.ish , 07c. Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , cash , C3obld ! ; April , 6J'J'J c. Oats-Weak ; Ko. 2 cash and April , SO'jo bid. CINCINNATI , April C. Wheat In fair de mand ; No. 2 red. 11.07. CJorii-Ensler ; No. 3 mixed. 7.5 ! < 371c. Oats Klrin ; No 'mixed , a7 \Vhlsky-$1.10. . The Visible fc iipnly. CittCAfJO , April 0. The vis bio supply of grain , as compiled by the secretary of the Chicago cage board of trade , Is as follows : Bushels. Wheat v yj,4il,000 Uorn LVMI.OOa Oats 2,5I\UOO Uyo 4S.OOO llarley 1,2MOJO NT f * LIC. OIIICACIO , April 4. ( Jittlo Hocolpts. 1,000 ! ; markttHlowa'ndi steady ; steers , prlino tr.i. } ' > .70.V8" ; otliers. M.00 < a.i ori ; cows and holfi.Ti , , 8 ' . Iwa.f.Mi stoi Ker-5 , J.I IOKI00. Hogs Hecelpts 3J.003 ; iiutkct weak anil lower ; tough and common , } l.r > 0475 ; inlxed and puckers , JI'OJM'JTi ' : prlmo he ivy and butcher wel'htsn'- < ii340 : light. $ l.90S5a Sheep Rcooliits ll.dO ) ; niarkot sloudy and stiong ; natives * . f > CU'iJfl.l-'Vi ; westerns , J3003 5.75 ; Jam bs , 15 uttSO Si KANSAS CITV , April 0.-Cuttle Receipts , 1K ( ; shipniiints , U.HK ) ; market stoutly to strong ; steers , IJ.7. > ? 1015j cows , : ; htockers mid feodors. J223S4 l\ IIo -Ueeolpts. . 4.0JO ; shipments , 4,000 ; mar ket lov er ; all Kradc-H. W.JJ < 3 ' 13. ST. Louts , April n.-Cattlo-nocolpts. 1000 ; * shipments , JOU : market strong ; fair to fancy native steers , $4 00& > .4U ; stackers und feeders , * -i * Hoijs Receipts , 2,033 ; shipments , 1,700 ; mar- koL lower ; homy. $300&3.2jj inlicd , $1503 5.00 ; light , tl."O3l 70. j.ivz : srucx. OVIAHA , April n. OATTLB Kstlrnuted recolotsot cattle t,4 > o , as compared with 5.P ) baturdiy and (111 ( Mon day of last week Ho'ivcs wore uctlvo and lOo hlxhur , ether grades about sto uly. Good Iniichur stock was active nnd atronx. ( iood feeders uro lu demand ; some line westerns sold at $4.00. lions Ksllmatcd receipts ot ho s 2.GOO , as compared with OM3 biitiuday nd 2.7113 Mon- dayof lust weok. AlurltOt sto.uly to .Solowor. All ho'd. The mnge of llio prices tvild was } I4'JI9J. the bulk Bulling nt $4.SO < 34 80. I'lgs 11.73 ; llsjht-llifh I s.U30 Vi > ; light. { U ( ) 4 a."i ; heavy. JKOtSIW : mixed , { 1.50QI.80. I'lio luor.ico of tbu prlcu-t paid was ifl.OI'i. as compirod with tld'J Saturday and $145 M ) iidav of last week. 3IIFE1Dstlinutod receipts of sheep t\100. as compiifd with .U O .iturdar and 182 Mon day of last Hook. Tbo market was unchanged. Natives. S.5SJ.IOi ) woitcrus , ( J.50QIU5. XiUpOHltluu of Slnolc. Showing the iinniucr ot cittlo , lie s nnd sliuop bought by the packer ) and nlhur iiiivorj on the nriuot as shown by the bjoci of the Unloustoo yards compiny : OATTI.B. IJuyers. No. Thull , 11. Iliimiuond company. . ! , 155 The Cudihy packing c'Oinp my -5 ThoOmahip ickln ; ooinjKiny -0 Shippers , fuedors anI olhor buycv ) . . . . , . , 7 0 11003. The Oudnby paeklntr company 833 The Oinnlmiiiiuklni ; company , . 0-1 Swift .V. Uo . . . . . . . . . . .i 7U Thell II. Iliimmoml coinp.iny : iM ) hlilppois , fcc'dorsaiid other buyers I.01W SHEEP. Swift Jl On 602 Thol'udahy p.iekluKc'Oinp my Ill ThuQ. U. Iliintiuuiitl company 40 llrpresciitntl vu bales. STKEIIS. No. Ar. Pr. No Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. J3. . W5 J4. S3 10..12181J 85 2U..1107 J300 | 17 10 4 i ; M 111n 65 7 r.s r.sri ri rise 83 1G 1 IKS 70R .17 G7t 0 I 15 N j ' ' * * tiroccriep. COFFEK Green Hlo , K < Si"Ha ; Jnva , 2Toj Mooh.i , 'JSc. K < niti'd Arlosa , 20 l-lOo ; Mc- I.aaKlilln. XXXX. UT I-lOc : llunol i , i'O 1-lOc ; Ooriiian. ' . ' . "lO : Dlluortli's. 2Co ; Ijlon , ! iO I-10uj Cordotlii. L'01-lOo ; Moc-lm , aio ; O. U. lavn. 10u ; Coffee essence 'A gfo. Ijoxcs , I1.35Q1.50 ; chic ory. TS&H'sC. Nuis Per pound Almonds , 18o ! Brai'lls , lie ; Illbuits , Me ; pcciins , ! J < J8llo : walnut3,15c ; liottimts. fnncv wlilti' . Co : roasted. Bo SAt.T-Iilry. ! JbU Ibi lu bbls , bulk , f.MO ; best prudes CO r > , $ * .JO ; best grade , 100 Us. J-'iO ; bcstKnulo , 28 10s , $ , ' .10 ; rock salt , cru'bud , " ' "UA'KISO PowDEii-Hoyril , tltmo cnns , per do/ , OSc : M-ll ) cans. i. | 'Hbcaiu.f-i.M ; 1-lbcins " > .00 ; 1'rlco's , i-lb cans , tt. : i -lb cuns. - ' 50 i -Ibcin , J175 ; oilier KlnilH , l-lli cans , perdoz , 1.003 1KV WiiAi'i-iNOl'Ai'Fn Per 11) , licst Rtraw , r > t18 : ot.\44 : , 17 ci dry coods. 4Jios oxtr.i qinility , iiunllln , ( > ! ic : muullln tea , l.'xlS , 'Jo ; ihirk riK ; , larduaro , 2'io. n Oiis noprlmo wlilto. Oc ; l"ifl w.itor whlto /ic ; liotullljrlit , Ho ; 74 Riisollno. IIif. . Ol iins-1 Rill , ej.WJQJ.1 : 2 Bill , } J. 7 3.60 i 5 gal 1WX35.00. SODA Packages , CO bs to box , 5 c ; kegs , Jnpan , basket /lrod.20jr / > osnndrloC ; , | crtcn. 2oa.Vics Kunwnvdcr. 205'c ) : h breakfiisU ; t.VB73c : Young Ilynun , "OQ u ; OoloiiK. ! a45olb ; package dust. 15c. AXLB OHEASE I'or gross li'razlor's largo tins , t.GO ! ; medium tins. $ .27.00 ; small , J15.00 ; otliurintilios wootl fjV.SS.M IlrACK.t.Nn-'l do ? In box , : :037. : > o : Indies' shoo drcs < ilr.g , < Jc$1.00i store polish , per gross , $ . > .fj < 3Jr > 0. HudNO-LIquld , 4 OA 3 doz In box , 03e < Sl.75 : 8 o/ , . I doIn box , tl.503J.7J ; dry , small , 'J5o ; rse , 45c. fariCES PcprJcr-ShiBaporc. sifted , IMtlOo ; sliot , 'o : allspice , lOc ; cloves , 1' , sclout- ed. U10o ; cusbla , China , 4-lb units , Uo ; nut- ineKs. No. 1 , 7."io ; mauaisor , OJi ; pickling spices , 10-lb boxes , 2Jc. OIIOCOI ATE , KTC , 12-lb boxes. 343"c ; oor- uui suoeLi-JjaxUc ; uotoa , : t03IOc ; Jlroino , : Uc. CocoANUMlS-lb casts , ; * nnd H-lbpaokagos , per Ib , ! ( > ® S7d ; OilIK , 15-lb palls. 25c. OMVFS QtmitJ , per do14.00 ; pints , per ( loz.Vj ; bulk , cur Rill , SIX Ullvo oil , ! i pints , „ ' do ? per cnso , $1,505 ' , ' 0. MAPI.B hl'OAii-lVr ll-r ) > c cakes. 30-lb boxes , 13o ; JOe cakes. 30-lb boxes , ISlJc ; 1-lb bricks , aa Ibslnbox , pure , lie. liitouMS S-tloptrlor , f)004-tlo ) ; , $2.75 ; 3-tlc , RJ.2S ; 3-tIo , plain , Jl.K ) ; wiirchoubo , W.OU ; toy , ' . . Castile , mottled , porlb. lOes do white , porlb , 14c ; liuuidry soup , per 100 burn , $ , Uf > < & 5 dU ; feliu vlnt : soap. TOft'io pur doz ; toilet soap , a oukch per boji , 'ifli ( Sfc.1 ! S. I' AiiiNACtouH Ooons Uniloy , lo ; farina , Kogs. JVOO ; spilt peas , 2o ; green peas. 2e ; oat- iiii-i ) , bhln Jf5.2yjo.5l ) ! half bbls , W.av3a40 | Iiiiif.ironl.l2oennlcelll. ; . 1'c ; sa'-'o and tapi oca , MidVic ; Limn beans. 5' c ; uuroallnp , J.l.i4 ; llakcu lioniliiy. 3 0 ; pearl hominy , $3,50 per bbl , IAE fowls' perfiiine$4.'iORpd ( ] ; Dross , $4.S" ; Anierleiin $ J.2.i ; hiponlllur. $ I.S5 : MuiryWur , $ ! . < ; btnr , Bcrubbliig , $1.73 ; aillett's pow dered , $4.'J. > . MILK Condensed Easlo , ? " 40 ; Crown , W.2. > ; Anglo Swiss , J070 ; Aniurlcan Swiss , $7.00 ; Ululiluul , $0.1r " " > ; "Hlgl"ftJ.CO. KxTllAOTS Lcinun. 2 07. Mc&Sl 60 ; 4 oz , $1.00 < iU50 ! vitnllla , S oz , dVJ.60j 4 oz , J1.S5 ® . " > .55 ; Jamaica Klnpor , 4 or. $ ! , tC > . aiAiciifcs-l'nrlnr. 200 and 300 per box , JI.C3O H.70 , sulplmr. S1.1VJ.1 JO. OAMIY Ml\cd , : iu-lb palls , 8V4O8 o ; stick , 8Slc ; twist stick. Oo ; French nil\t'dll'iolioar- ' ; hound stick , 8to ! ; jar and case uandlcs , 5-lb boxes. lf > ® 'lc ; extra Una goods. fxTKiMO. llittiHiii 3-blioc , per do/ . Jl.tJl 10 ; daubers , 7 , " > c < ( iJl 0 l ; sei uli brushes , LOcfCfi.01. - Hull ) Si H > Mixed bird , 1-lb packages , Co ; canary. 4ic ! ; honip4'u ' ; anise. 15c. 40 Ibs to bov. filio ; inlnlnjr , 1C © lOi-Sc ; wax , lie. ToiiACCO-Klnocut.porll ) . SVBo ; plu ? . 23 ( TiTHu ; snioklns , Ztf&uoo ; fancy brands , OOc ® 41 10. BIotAS8ES 14 bbls N. O. fnnoy. per gixl. 4f > ® 4Bocbolce ; , 40 < 24'icgood'Ja.loo ; ; Cuba. bakliiR , ' . ' "VJiJac ; blackstrap , ltjJio ; syrup Bo grade , bbls , 20o ! US bbl , ' 'so ; 4-gal kegs , J1.24gal ; klts.07u. VINHOAII Apple cider , lOo ; double older , lie ; white wine , l-o ; triple btrungtli , 10c. hTAttcii-l'er Ib , 0 ® c. I'lk0iis-Medluiu. bbls. WOO ; small , tlO 00 ; gherkins , JI1.00 ; Iloston mixed , $12 00. IttCB Java , to ; choice , 6c ; fancy , Co ; head , . OiDEti-1'er bbl , renped. S3 10 1 lialf bbl. W fiO , TWINHS , CoitiiAoiJ. ' irc.-Cottou : twine , "Hlbb , " very line , U-lb'bnlts,22ccotton ' ; twine XX brand , U-lb baltjs , Irtc ; lioniii twin" , U-lb bales , Iho ; sail twine , l.0c : candle wick , li-'c ; 40-foot cotton clotlmsillno. l. < 0 ; 0)-f ) < xit cot ton clothes line , tl ( WjM-footslfml lines. J1.7ri ; CO-fou Jutr , tl > M Vfotil twines. 8 ,0 ; .Manilla rope , ail sizes from i-Jp to 1 In. 12o ; s'sal rojio. all sizes from 7-lito ( 1 In , hos "new process all blzet > from 7-10 to lln , 7H01 cotton rope , J4- \VooDENWAHE-PgrdpzOii-Tiiln. No- 1 , W M No . ' . IKI.IJ ; No. U , IJ.IOf kooler. oak Kraln , 5-ln ; whUo coilur , 4-hi , best , tl.2.1) ) pailx , Il-hoop. oak praliioiU 1(7.1 ( ; - ' hnoii , ll.fto ; byrup , JI.WS ; doHcll , * l,7" > ; p per , inotul hoop. tJ.W ; cedar , H brass lioopsjoi' ) J- nil i cd. r > .5U ; cedar , II brass hoops , o 2rU , J.03 ; eodar. J brass hoops. No. i striped , fj.00 ; cedar , . ! lirasi hoop , No 'strllied. ? 4 \ > ; horse , oxtr.i ho ivy. No. 1 , (2.75 ; neil buckets , 112.5. llutterwaro Tubs , usliJ-lncli , nernest. 7'o ; ash , 2-nch ! , 2 l.irjo size , per licst ; 4'ie : putter Imllcs , hard wood , 70o ; butter paddlcAtir spides , 70c. Washboards - boards hbiKlo , * 1.44Kfij.oo ( ; double , * 2.5KJU.2J. ! Clothespins 5 cross Iwxcs , COo. CANM.II ruuirs g ) lfoiuin Apricots. $2.5.1 © 2.61 ; pcaelios. jr.a..l 0 ! puurs , t..Mi2.70 : grades. < I6.VlBl.llO ; olierrlen , white , W.VK1W.7V cherries , bl ick.r.'S.'VQilO ; quinces. f-.W ) ; black berries. US5 : rnspliuriltx. HOJ ; itruwburt Its , MOOu ; rriiiitH.tJ.2il | goosebcrrloa.t-.i'i ; plums , UPK1 , * l.h.iI.Uli plums , gnun KURCS. II.K/iJ IIufitGrn caunod fruit-Tom IIOK. - berries , tlO ) ; cherrlosf 1.2331.03) ) pineapples , sliced. * I.VMZt2.40. DiiiKit I'limm Turkish prunes , less than liluls , ISOO.Oo ; iipphm , uvuporutcd , now rlnit , choice , IV ; uprlcotx , fnncy. In sacks , 2dei blackberries , new , Do ; riiBil | orrlcs. 25 Ibs to box.JUv ; uirrants. now,5lao ; Votli/l currants , oxtrn , In boxes , ( Hie ; peiichos , Oul. choice 17iic ; California drlcil prunes In IwWi < 0 seedlp'-s HiiUnniis , suck , Ifc ; iniisciitols , fli' . now Vuleiiclii.o ' ( : Uadnra , layer , H'jc ; lies , layirx , Hii-Vo ; citron , Inborn , 20o ; lenioi : ' ' OA'N.SE'II VcnKiA -Tomatoei 'J-lb , $1.10 tfii.a Cum Vtry line , * l Wtl.2.1 ! l-li ) sugar , Jl.nt 2-lb si-uidiird woatern brands , II U Miihlirooins l-lli Kninch. extra lino. 222.1a J Hi 1' , flue , luffli-'c ; Mb rronoh , ordl nary , Iftiaisc. i'eas 2-lbonrly June. 1 M ; 2-lb Marrow , stauUard Uruuds , U.lUj Mb soukcd 70o. I'ronch POM per cn o of 100 , H.WJW.OO porfloz. Strliiu bonn S-lb lilgh grade , Mo ) 2-lb wax bonus. KVo ; 2-lt ) trlnff bonus. 80c. Minn benni a-li | sonked. S5c. Iloston baked bonus .Mb , fl.uvai rxHweot iratntoos-a-lb Now Jorscv , fl.Vi ; y-b | okra nnd tomatoes , tl.r > * t a-ib okrn , Jl.ooi nspiiniRus 3-lb , KM ® J.7T > ; rhubarb , J-lb , ( | ,4J ; succotash , ( l.SUid 'nirrar-r. C. twin flat" , per Ib , 12)oi ) I' , a i OIIIIR Anierleiin , Kiel domestic Swiss , H)4c ) ; brick. 14c ; Kdnin , In foil , oncb.ei.OO. CitAUKMts bodn , fict oyslor , 6'ies ' crontu , Hot Ringer simps 8)So ) ; 20 pur cent oft on 10- box lots. SiKiAit Orantilatod , ( Ve : cubes , CV c ; out loaf.S' c ; powdered , standard , ft'ie ; AXXX powilcrod , Go : ycllo\t O. 4iiut ranary , 4 ? < o ; MKbt extra C , C ( ) | coiitci'tioiiorV A.OXu. I'ro lslons. Kitrsii Mr.VTs-rrcslilitiins.COlbs. RVR. , 8' ' c ; fic liiiuii ! , 15 His. a\p , H7o { : frcsli hams , 1J Ibs. avg. , U'io ; fresh alioiilders , fi'ic ; pork lnlns,8c ; pork trndurlolns , I3oi lent lard , not rendered. Co : spare ribs , c > c. I'oitK AMI HhU'-Itiirrolled-Ncw nicsspork , ( CLOO ; new iirluiu mess pork , tl5J ! ; extra pt line pork , sil.oo : clear back pork , licavy , fit.75 ; ; clear baek pork , niolhiin. ( I12."i ; short cut clear pork , (12.50 ! plK perU , fltr > 0 ! now extra nicssbcof , f7.CO ; oxtt n plate beef , fl .tO | iilntu lioof , tH.lw ; lolled boneless beef , JJ.OU ; boneless rumps , fli OJ ; 'boulder clods , $11.00. DM SAW MrATs-l'at backs , o'.c ; lean backs , n v ; extra short oloirs. ( > ' o : belllus , 1(1 ( to 20 luav , 0'iU ! short rlbsG'u:8luU : cleais , t > 3io" loni ; clears , 0'iu | shouldora , 5c ; foster backs , r > a e. SMOKKII MKATS. Dry Salt Cured llacon , long oloars , fi ot Hhort clt'tns , 7c ; extra sboit clears , d cj bellies , clear attlps. 7'iei bolllos , clonrvvlde , 7Uo ; short libs , 0 c ; shoulders , f > Hc ; fat baokn , 7c ; loan backs , 7'ic. bvioKKUJlKATs Hams , extra light. 0 to 10 Ibs average , lOo ; hams , light , II to 12 Ihs nvur- UKC , ' { < ; Hums , medium. 14 lo 15 11m average , i > K iliunvy , so to' i Ibs average. li'Ac ; oxti.i heavy , 'J.I io'Ji Ibs nvur.ici' . 8"c ; hklnnedsllc- IIIK , IS to2i ) Ibs avornge. Ufc ! Oallfornhi plenlo liunii , O'U'JN. Yisliiinlduts.iifc ( : Iloston shoul ders , t ) to 8 Ibs uvi'iiigc , < ! * io ; boneless liiiiu , 7 fc ; splecd lonoli"-s lolls 7'tei breakfnxt bacon , clear. , " > to 7 Ibstrlps , 8'jjc ; breakfast haeoii , rib,7' cs boot loncues , iso ; ilrlud houf hams , sots , ! i3c : drlo I hoef resular , 80 ; ill led beef eIel- > , 7'4e ; funoj loan bucks , 7"i c. fcpeo- Inl limns , IU to 15 Ibs avornge , llu , breakfast bacon , lie , I'uiiB Lr.\.v I.Aitt ) Host KcHlo refined , tlerecs , 7ic ! : bbls. 7 e ; half hhls. 7 > ic. I'UIIK iMtin | Tlurccs , Tu : bbls. 7'Se ; hnlfbbls. 7'ic)0-lb ; ) tins , 100 Ibscasus , 7he ; 20-IU tins , w Ibs discs 7 0:10-lb : julls , OOlbstusos , 7Jc : 5- Ib palls , GO Ibs discs , 77 e ; H-lb palls , CO Ibs case's , 8 < - . llttp To.Nnins Svvcot plcklc-d , sugar cured , > ls , 200 Ibs. Jls.00 ; half hbls. 100 Ibs , fUA ! I'OIIK ToNOUhs hvvcct pleklod , siiRar cured , Half bbls , 100 Ibi , J'.vi ; quarter bbl , 50 Ibs , $ -1.00 , LAVIIIS' ToNfllihS Svvcct-plekleu sitgar- curid half bnrtels. lOOlbs , } 7OU ; ( intittcr bar rels , M lbs.t.OO Si'icni ) lloNFi.FPS 1'ios' llocKS-Cookcd ( ) Half barrels , hubs , iM 70 ; qtiuitcr hariils , 40 Ibs , J..W ) ; eighth b.irieN , SO Ibs , JIM ; kits , 15 lbn , $1,0\ Si'irr.i ) rios'ToNfitufi ( Cooked ) Hulf bar rels , < -0 Ibs , $11.50 ; quirler birreli. 41 Ibs W.OO ; clchtli barrels , 20 Ibs , UOO ; kits , lllhs. } . ' .W. SncKt ) LAviiis'ToNnuis-CiMkud Unit hhls , W ) Ibs. * 10'0 ; quarter I bis. 40 Ibs , M 50 ; eighth bbls , 20 Ibs. JL'.N'n kits n Ihs , „ ' . > . 1'icicr.v n Tliii'U llbls , SOO Ibi. J4 Si ; halt bbls P01bs-00 ; quarter bids , 40 Ihs , JI.OO ; eighth bhls , so ibs , noui kits , 15 Ibs SDc. 1'ltKt.Mi PHIS' I'BET-Hbls , 200 lb , J1 20 ; half bbls 80 Hi' , * - ' ! quarter bUK 40 Ibs , ll.i'5 ; clftlith Ubls 20 Us Cfte ; kits , li Ibi. Kic. bAUhAflh Bologna , 4c ; rrunkfurts or vvle- ncrwnrst , 7e't toiigtio. 7-4u ; ; blood , 4Hu ; liver , luisage. 12c ; pork sausage , links , Copork ; ansago incut. In tin palls , s'io. Oils. TAI.I.OVT AND fcTKAuiNi ; 1'u rene it's- ootoll , 53c per gallon ; pure'fi-f oot oil , 8- : iil.cnnsr > T > c per gallon ; A 1 tallow , 5'ic per b ; stearlno , 80 pur Ib. Country Produce. About Iho usual ' Monday's receipts were on alojesterday. ThoegK market was wnuK. ilthoiigh tlio slilpiioisliiivokeptstool.sprotly veil cleared up. There wns also a weak fool- ntt In the butter , although the supply was Iclit. The decline in eastern markets vvis : ho apparent cause. I'nrm bales vveie made largely at 12'c ' ( , al- hough some vvero reported us high uslJc. Ve-etaUles. I'OTATOFfl Homo gronn stock , $1.13 ; Colo- : ulo , ? l.u : per bu , 1'lK I'J.ANT I'cr doz , 807"io. CAui.m-ouni-l'ordo/ . SPINACH I'M llbl , $ . ' .00. LLTTUCB Choice stock , 40 < iJ43c. ItUTAiHOAS Mluhlgaii stock , per bu , COc. lit TS-l'or bbl , | -J.7-a.l.UO OMONS-Kastorn stock , per bbl , W.50 ; Span- sh , largo crates , $0.5' . OAiuiOTS I'crbbl , J2.25. * Cn.Miv Michigan stook , 40-45ci California , ior do$1 ( XL SWEET I'OTATOKS Choice stock Is held at 4.r > 0 per bbl ; seed pot itocs , fj.7.5 per bbl , KAUIHIIH 1'er do ? bunches , 45c , I'AttsNiis 1'er lib ) , M 00. OAmiAflE I'or Ib , 2i'u.2 ! ' c. rucujtunm 1'er do ? , fl.50iS2.00. OKI.KIIY HOOTS I'crdoz , 75c. llElNS Uholco stock. $260 IVosih Fruits. OltANnrs Navels , $ . ' > 00 < 3.i2o ; ilvorsldo , f l.2.i ; lunrte and rlveras , JJOU ; Los Angeles , { 2.50 ; . 'lorlda russet , 1150. AI'l't.nb Source ; cliolco stoolr , tO 03Q0.50 , JUiAiA GUAM s l'd bbl , $ l' CitANiu.iunia--llcll& Uhcrry. $ ln.OO ; cr.itcs , f4..V ) . OliAl'E rilUIT"l'or bo\ , $45D4.7& Fluur. R. T. Davis Mill Oo , hlfrh patent , .No 1 and Jream , $ i.80 ; llluu I ) , full pitcnt , { 2rv > ; llnvv k- eve , half p.itcnt.40 ; special royal palont , So 10. J300 ; Minnesota piteiit , $183 ; Kansas iriril vvhoat intent , t..Uo ; Nebraska spring vvheit piteiit , $ . ' 00. Os'cninp's ' leady to rlso bnckwhoiit flour , M..l per c iso of5t ) 2-lb nackaucs ; biicku hont , lu Mils , N. Y. , * O.UO ! Kxcelslor brand. S > > . . " > 0 : Slap Jack meal , $ J.75per case of 60 2-lb pack- Oninlia Milling Co. Uollanco nntcnt , $7.00 ; nvlnclblo patent , $ 75 ; l.ono .Star Miporl i- tlvc , $2.40 ; bnowfluke , W.OO ; Fanoy I'lunlly , g'h Gllman's Gold Modal , $ \80 ; Snow Whlto. Jt'.Mt Siiowllakc , W.IO ; low gr.idc , 51.00 ; biun , Mince HoNPV-Cholcc ! Ib frames , > S32c. ! LIMU , CFMKNT , I"TCf-On board oirs ntOmalri 1'er 1)1)1 ) ) Asli Gio\o Ilino , Die ; Ubainplon lime , tC > oQulney ; white , POcil.ou Is * Illocomt nt , $1.V ) ; Mllwniikco comeiit , $14" > ; Utlca cement , $1.411 ; J iiRllsh Portland cement , t.1 41 ; Now York plaster , J..2 , " > ; Mlohlgan plaster. $2 IKi ; Fort Dodge plaster , (1,05 ; white sand , I1 : P. liulr , per bale. 1 00 COAI , On board cars at Omaha Anthracite Chestnut , range and egg , W.2.1 per ton ; piato , $8.IK ) . , * r > .73 : Southern Illinois , W.MVnlnut ; block , &i.2.i ; Iowa lump , JJ. 15 ; Ipwa nut , 8J.C3. lliiKrt--rro7Cn hides , Bo ; No. 1 sreon salted hides , nyfttli' ; No. 2 Kreon silted hides , r > o : No. 1 green salted hides , il to 40 Ibs. faJfiRKio ; No. J green Balled hides , 25 to40 Ibs. 4 < ti)4c14 ) ; No. 1 voiilcnlf , 8 tolMbs , 7o ; No.2 vculouU 8 to 11 Ibs , ! Se ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 77 o ; No 2 dry Hint hides , 635u ! ; No , 1 dry salted hides , 5 ftlf-c. ftlfc.TALI.OW TALI.OW AND aiiKASt : Tallow No. l , ( ftJc ; tallow No. 2 , a > 4aHo ; grease , whlto A , au © Ilijc ; grease white It. IVS-l'-io ' ; grtase , yellow , 21 c ; grease , dark , BMo ; old butter. 2-Jio ; beeswax , prime , 10Q20u ; lougli tallow , 1 ? 4C. * IloNKS IN CAH LOTS ONM.Y Dry buffalo , per ton , $1(1 ( OftfilS 00 ; dry country , blenched , per ton , tlo WitKW danip and meaty , per ton , JSOToIOW. These prices arc for bones weighed unil dolheiod In Chlcimo. ootr-Kunsas , Nebraska nnd Territory llnwaslicrt li'lna ' average 11 to 15 cliolco 15 to 10 ; medium average 18 to 20 , cliolco 22 to 24 ; quarter blood atoi.igo 17 to 20 , choice 20 to 22 ; cnarho average 15 told , cliolco IU to 28 ; colts and roiiKli average 12 to 14 , choice 14 to 11 ; seedy orburry U to 14 ; black I" ) to 17 ; bucks and \ory hca\y line 10 to 12 Unwashed comb ing and dclamo. Kino delaineAer.igo 14 to JO , tholcelU to 18 ; inoilliitii dulalnu avor.iRO 20 to 21 , oholee20to22 ; medium combing mouse 20 Io21 ; quarter blood eomblpg avoratfo 17 to IS , cbolcu 18 to 20 ; coirso combliu avoniRO 11 to 17. oholco 17 to 18 ; braid rtver.iKo 1J to 14 , cliolco IS to Id Tub wntilicd Cliolco 2i to avcingo 23 to 23 ; conrso 20 to 25. DO OU [ Use S. S. S. , when you nt o 1 a tonic. If yotidj not , youHlioulil. It s t'.iutaf- ' oe t nnd For Old People.bcht Ulood mudicllio M > mother who li a very old made. It lady , was ph ) ulcall ) broken Is pun Iy down. The use of Svilft'B vegetable , rtpeclflo (8.8.8. ) lias entirely co n t n 1 n- rcutorcd her health. IIIR nojiol- U. li. IIIMV oiinc , BOII of any flrcenvlllo , S. C. kind , ati't can b t.ik- sn safely by tlio most do let to child. I'oIt cures nil b'oud tioullos iioin in orclin ny fnco plinp'o to tliooist ( erin of cofilnglotiH liloud T.ilnt. tOOKSOH BLOOD 4//0 / / SKIDISE * SCS f/jfC. Thofavvift bpociflo Co. , Alhnti , Oa. Wholesale Cash Commission Hernhnnt. ICIuIn and Wcilern Crramerjr butter , ( inn am duielenf lard Atlvamaion loin on tnuk. ware humour nitoront tinukratei. 1SX mil IM loth it , Ueatur. OJlorado , OMAHA and DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. DIOYOLE3T The Oollomlor Brunswiok.Balko Oo. A , H. Porrigo&Co. nilliiM rnrrchnnrtHs , s , All 1'flcci , All Paloon flituroi 407. < 09 R loth itroot. 111 ! Uodje Street , BOOK BINDERS & STATIONERS. Omaha Republican Printing Oo , , Law tarlofi , bank iupplte < , unit erorlhlnz In U rrlnllnj linn. 10th nj Douglai tlreoH. Ackormann Bros. & Helntzo , rtlnters btnjerj , tlectrotrpord , blank book manu- factureri , 111(5 ( lloirnr.l itroet , Omrvhx BOOTS AND SHOES. BOXB3. DUTOHBR'S. John L. Wilklo , Louis Holler , Dmalmpnper box factory , Ilutchor1 nnit TncXorV 1S17-UU Doiulii Tools i Bnpiillos lloaf , Orders promptly flll9A linit V pheej ) < xMnizs. lll'J-1113 Jnck on HL W. T. Seaman , Variety WAGONS AND CAituunns OARPBT3. OLOTHINtf. Omaha Carpet Oo. , Gilmore & Buhl. Carpets , oil clothi , mitt' Manufacturers & Whole. tines , curtilncoods.ota into Clothiers , 1611 lll/J Ilnrnoy St. OIOAR3. OOAti , OOKB , ETO. HAHDWAR13. Kootor&WilholmyOo LooOlarkAutlroosoa Ilardwaro Oo , iU , Cor. 10th nl JacUon 1108.1110 IUtn r itrxt. Omaba. I FUR , WOOL , HIDES , TALLOW. " Qco. Oborne & Oo. , J , 8. Smith & 0 > , f tlsa. Dlhttrett , / lioa-lllt r.taTOnworth it. Omihn. Omaha. IRON WORKS. - -LI .nm. , . .ii , . ,1.1 Paxton A Ornnhn Snfo & IronWorks Iron Work' , Wroiirht nn,1 cut Iron Works , bulMlnnnotk , onjlnos , Mrtmit'rs flronnil bnrilnr br work , gen or a I proof * nfo , rnulti , jivll ffimilry. mnchlna nul Turk , Iron thuttrr nml blacksmith wor * . 0. 1 * . nro # < capoi ( ) An * llj.Miil I7lhsu onst Acme Iron nnd Wire "Wilson & Drake , Work ? , M'f ( tnunUr nue * flr Iron MJ8. , wire IClh suit brmi trool. Wkt box boilers , tivnki , old. ft * , lloolil , I'roprlotor. 1'lerco nnJ Ifih slrooti. LITHOQRAPHINQ. Eeos Printing Oo , lni , I'rtntlnt niul illnnk llooki llth nnd KownrilSti. LIQUORS. Her & Oo. , William Drst , Minor Mprchihti Wines , I.tiiors ( | nnd Cl 1112 Hnrner lrnet. . Mnnufnctur r Kcnnojy'i ears. Knit India lllttori. 1313 FnrnvnSt , R. K. Grotto , Frank Dollono & ; Co. | Importer nmt Jobbir of \\lno and I.Uiuors Liquors unit ( icnulno.Vo- 10--0 nnil 1071 tnrnarn St. rniln Clears 1'rlco lists oa pillc | tloa. IMo Uoiixlns SUcot. LKirscht&Oo , A. Friok 4t Oo. , \Vliolcsnlo T < IquorDeilcr Wbolcsnto I.lquorDcaleri 1011 rnrnim ' 'trc t. Ml-BOSS 10th U LUMBER. G. W. Douglass & Oo. John A. Wakofiold , lnu > orp(1AroorlrnnI'ort | Hanlwootl Lumber , lnnilCoiiClit.\tllw ! iikc llyilrniillc ( onionl nnd 1310 North ICth Street. ( JulncjrSblto l.tmo > OharloaR. LOB , Wyatt - Bullarfl Lumber llnnlivood lumber , wood CM | > t ami imrquBt ber Oo. lloorlnw. . tth nnil Douglas Kith > ni1 linnt blrcoti. Oatly & Gray , Louis Bradford , Mme , Consul , itn , ' : - Lumber , limp , coment.ota Cor Otli mil Iiijl i 2231)o\inl atrceU MILLINERY AND 0. A. Stonehill , I. Oborfoldor & Oo. , Millinery , Notions Importers nnd Jobberi Iq Cloiki , tit a Mllllncrr. 208iODitc ] : I3 South llth 110-1138. KUliSU , Omnlia Mrcct. MUSIOAL BTO MeTMeyor & Bro. Oo. A , Hoapo , Jr. , MTniTclcr rauslcnl ! ] tmtrumcnts , itpnleri , In I'lanos , Orcuns , Artist * * etc , , ICtc , rnmnrunnd ICth Iit3 Douglas btfoct. CEMENT AND LIMD. J. J. Johnson & Co. , 2188. 13th , Omnln , N'cb. OILS. | OYSTERS. Consolidated Tank A. Booth Packing Co. , Line Oo. Or tcrs , llsli nnd canned Hcnno.l nnj Inbrloatlnt KOOllS oils , axle gro iso , otu. 1803 Lcnvcnworlb. . J A. II Ulabop , Jlnn-Vor. PAPER. PLATINO. Parroll & Oompiny , Wholonalo minfactiireH Stovj lyrup , raoKuui ana vlnwirj , Manjfa tur'K itoronril atnr 217-219 Buutli 8th itreot STEAM AND "WATER SaPPLIE33