THE OMAHA D-ATLY BEE : .JVIO DAY , . .APE/ . 189 ] , SPEGlflL NOTICES , " " A ri % rT TI5KM KXTS for the w f-Homns will XX > r laV n until 12.30 p. tn. . for the evnlr c rd'Hon ' and until f-'ap. m. . fur the raornlnz tfl.t.on ind TMDATliBE. rpEUMS Cash In dranr . "DATE0 AdrertlscrtieflU on this pare-wllls J. eh rp < J f r at the r t of 1H cent * per wor 1 fnr iheflr tln enlon. nodi cent per worJl fr > r pnrh Mit tqacat Inwrtton. and M.SO per llnr jxrti 'With. JioaclTerttaeraent taken fer lr * thin r3 cents for the flnrt Insertion. TMT1 ALS. fi cures nj-isbols , etc. , eoanteaeh J. an . . .TIPword. . rpnF.t"E nflrprtlwroent * mint ran eon ( f J- J. lirily ami under BO ciirumjune * * will " 1hv ' * tJikFnor dlwontltmudby telephone "IJABTIIJJ'wJrertKttjffln ihew column * and JL havlnc llieir ti8wers ddn".tw > < ] to a-rmrn- Urpa It ttt rln esre of THE Urn -will reeelre a t r tfrf-d ihi k to enable thfm to pet their lc ttr . Am * era lll bo artlrewd only nn rre .fnt tl < , not thl check. Inclose answers jnrtivel pe * pmperlv d < lre ed. ALL adTj-rU'K'raenti under the head of "pwial Notkvs" arc publish * * ! tn bf > th the morn 'Bland erfnlnK edltlon ofTHE HEK. the circulation of vhlch accrfpatrnmorctlmn KLfiCk paper * diHy , and elrw Ui drert' ' er the benefit nnt only fit tbf Icrpe circulation f THK Use in Omnha. but lsn In Council ninflX Mt.fom and nthcrelt < < ji and town * In Advertising forlhe fo'nnin * will be taken on the abovp condition' . at tbe followlnc busi ness houpe wrm arenutborlred to take spec'sl notice * . at the some rates as can I * bad at the innin office. * COfTH OMAHA UBANCH ClTlCE-No. N i-lroet , Lifter lUoeit. JOHN W1 HELL , Pharaaeiit.fta.South Tenth tl street. C nr k EUDY" . Stationers and Printers , 1U South let h street H. rAUXSff01t.TH. I'baniiitcJst. 2115 Cunilnt street. _ _ Tr J HTGIIES , riiarmnelst , B4 North IBth . st reel. GEO W HA Kit , rbannncisu 1715 Loaven- worth street. T.T t OUEs' PHARMACY * . Mth and Farnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. For rate * , de * * ( op o'Irit ( : wiliwnn on "WAN TO ) Situation as booVperor any > > pine ? of trust ; good reference1" . Art- drvs-i 0 flfi. lice. J1M1-7 * T\7 ANTED Situations for rood girl * : my ' wait Ins rooms arealways full from P a. m. toCn. rru C'anndlan Employment office. 314' , ? . isth. Telephone fM. 310 OMAHA F.mpioyrnont "Murean-Establlshed 11 jc-ars. lei llli 110X. 10th.near Capi tal are. Male and Ivmalu help constantly on hand. M-WAIF WANTED MALE HELP. Fur ralr-t. etc. . utttttp offrrt columnon \\7ANTEIl-rcrmHnent offlrp awlitnnt : snl- * ' ar.v f iO : railway fnlrpaid her : enelo&e stamped envelope. Slanaser. Lock Hex KB. Chlrajro 5115 * . _ , . . _ lnsle butcher -who > > speaks and German. Address lock box M Shtiluy. Iowa. MS 7 * "V\rANTED Youncmen of neat ancearanre to act us salesmen ( outkldo ) at JKrt .V. 11th street. M528 C' V\7 ANTED Falfsinen on salary or commis- 1 slon Ui handle tbo New I'atent Chemical Ink ErnMne ; I'iricil. Tbe createst selllnsr novelty ever produced. Brases ink thoronch- 1 y in two seconds ; no abrasion of parr. 'JOO to 5liO TXT cent profit. One airent's KU.ICS amouiitd to tcKOln Elx days : another PS In two hour * . Wo want one enercetie ceoeral agpntfor aacli state and territory. Sample by liuill 35 et For terra * uud full particulars nddrets The Monroe Eraser Mfg. do . La CrcwMVii. . " 515 6 * "V\TA > TED Three rood paper banccrs at once. Ceo. W. Losey. lll'earl BU , Council -Bluffi. \K7ANTED Gentlemen solicitors 23Doutrlas _ V block. M4MC * T\7ANTED Active solicitors for a proini- ' ' nt-nt building ana loan company ; new , plan ; Rood piyto : richt men. Call oraddn-ss 101 llec bull dint , Ontaha , 1 to 2 p. m. i4 i * "TV ANTED Men totrarcl for-our Canadian nurscric3.iloneA.V\'elUneton.lludlsoaWls diMjIouted , 13 per V > 1,000 paid. Malena Co , Warrior1 * Mart. Pa. JI147 AD * \ " \ ; ANTED Men with good reference at Met- > > Topolltan MTg Co1009 Howard st. st.mAH \TA.NTED Coed canvassers at the Singer Sewinc Machine oUice , 1513 Dougla&t. . CS3-A-15 WANTED FEMALE HELP , Fcrratadc .itetopoffint rolunm on Vtis page \\rANTED-A coed elrl for ceneral hou e- work In small family , 601 S.'lHh st 472 4 * V\7A.T < TEL1 An experienced cool who is a Rood laundress. Apply at 1724 Dai en- port st , yea i * "T\TAIS'TEI > rermanont offlce assistant : sal- i nryf7r > 0 ; winvay fare paid here : enclose Belf-nildrc''sed stamped envelope , iianarer. Lock Box .VE. Chicoso. Oil 6 * "VOA ITED A oomi > etnt cook and laun- ' Crust. German preferred ; references re- qulrvcl. Southwest corner UOth ami California trwafc S15TU r * " \ \ 7ANTED-Cood clrl 'for ceneral houve- work. 191Z South llth street. M5797 * competent , good plrl to do 11 hou ework. washlnpr and ironins fur fam ily of three. C4 South 17th street. M41K ) E * \ \ * Girl for general houseworlt. 300 Vt J - " * Mi L WH6 * A.NTIvD-Lady Bollcltors , 23 Douclas ' block. BHC40 \ A rTEn-OIrl for kitchen and laundry work. 1130 S. 29th it 4 FOR RENT HOUSES. For ntltt , etc. , ire top ofjlnt column on Utit T7IOIJ KENT Small house -with croundi for -A ? Harden purposes. Inquire 1001 Vlnton. T7K > R. HEXT 3 room liouse 2"and California -L1 itrett. Inaulre ilO S. 31 and Half Howard. "CM3JI11EXT New one story six room bouse , - ! ' boaulirul location , cellar , city water , nnr car line , north part rlty. Inquire cornerlMh nnd Lake. E.(5. ( Glenn. M4U30'- TOIl UHN'T chonp A half pure of a ne 6- Jt. room house , > . E. corner Ctli and Maple Btret'ta. M57e 7 * . UENT-S1 x-room cottase. 633 S. list &t - _ H-roon aid one 7-room hou > e , near lllch school ; modern con- . . . TcnlencTs. The O. F. Part' . Oo. TT'OK HENT-Cottape , six large rooms In per- J3 feet rondlUon ; eT ry conienlencr : larre jartl nd shades one block trom cable. Ad- Tj > i lt HENT Beautiful six room corner flat , JU newly paptred ; desirably located ; every conVBiileuce. L. & SViuner , 1014 Farnam street- MW. 0 T OU KENT ? nlendld fotirtver room bouse , -L1 clo f to business. L. E. tklnner , 1U4 1'ur nnm street. MW TjlOIt KENT May 1. 10-rooin liouse. centrally -C lofiitfrt. modern Imrmvcnjcnts. InquLro 712 N. JWli s-t. 4U3 OC12 'aiiltol avenue A nJoa 7-room onttire -J with bath. Inquire 2Ms Caoltol aiennn . * _ _ _ yaoT FOU r.r.NT-Slx-rooni house on cablfi , oed j-ard , burn , ts. ; only li tSS N. 29th st. TTitilt IiRNT 5 room i-ottuse 1 3"N. 19th St. , Jliouse Is. newly pspend und palntud and is in fir t olaniroualtiuu. Apply PO U. liardy 1310 Farnuni 1.1 , 'Ml TJ'OR UEST--room flat , I-anye bloot. En- . .1qulro attuildliic. ueso-latli st. t7S o IPO . tenement hon * - . flaw nd ' stores -n-uutttd fnr cuitomrrs lift for rent , ! uleorpxrlianpp. Kith H. V. lliuger , ground i floor. 1J10 lfarunTa. SJCaSS" 1 ' il'NT 5 rooms , one Hoar , 172 ! Jaf Uon | - - - 3J7 AM'UIICU of S-rooiit hou i . city water -md li1h , 120 ncd unwards. Alw cotUccs and Hats , llundy i'Coin4 Capitol avenun. ISiiruwu tiunulnc. voritr : < t flccint apirtoientc cf 7 and a room-v , tiatli , tcltobcBk UFpllcd Tvlitj raiisck nii bullcrt Lkdle * are Invited to lni > oct xUeso apart ments. Koffrcncc * wllllc rcqulreU , Jvoquiro Oitizcnt * liank. * wt ICetchaui bausr , Attbtsor. . Ivjin. , 43 roomb. LnauIraC cr * ' .V Dculdinu. Aloli- [ 5 ! . J HTJ9 tUl Ttoi. ) ll a ll' xti. < ii block. : FOR RENT HOUSES. _ Farratcn.tit trtt > p n > trtt nltt-nian ( Al p j F ST-moro IKOVVW. 1'th and Vln- ton. ti < I > 1 and UtidwHl. with all iMdenieoaTrBieDre * . ttV Addrrs * J. U. Jofeaitoti , < H 1 > ' . Y. Life tnUWIa ; . H 01"tfT fur rent It-room Bo * nMidrH In- provMBeit . corner anh d I > odfB. pos- kin pitta immediately. Baqalre 4B Patton - ton bieet. M. L. Koodtr. FOIl RENT Affcw April 0 S-rnoia too 0 In rtocl rejHUr. Oily and rt mn water In cluded : cwt rs et reflteci.Cu per month. 1411 fr-e Tenth aregw. jM FUU 1CEXT Ftttir C and 7 mm flits with bath , not -water , etc : pi rod tn-et. near bti loess ; all iBprTemea'i : onlr ) SB per mo. Beffreneei reaulred. Tta * MendelarestMient Oo.4K Hco .uildlHg. 312 T r TOU wink 10 rt-ni a hrniw OT store see U. K. f , ( ontineotat lilo U. 211 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS F urratci.rtc.rttajiafJirltt > liininimUili " IfKliY furnlsbed rooia at aw N'.ISd J.- > IOH BENT FurnWicMj root.i ; prfrate faml- ljr. lUfertnces. 3)IS ) Cais st. 37M "T70R JlENT-DesIrable nppnrtraenLs for - * - * Jgktboa ki-epIne. Isth and dark streets. pn : > IS Kn rooms for light -f\K. IKAKLEfurnished room for rent , 1921 JLy rb cto Btret-1. fiM TT-OIl JtEXT-N'ieely f arnl hf-d room with all -E modern conveniences. JJ2J Cilifornln. street- M frOG * T AKGE south Iront ruom furnished. 11O4 room -wlib modern eonvcn- Jeneesivrlthor withoutboJird. 1611 Itoucla 7 6 A9 * T AKGfcsoath front room with alcove : raod- JUern ronvenli'iut ; utotor and cable. 'MX > Hurt street. 407-7 ST. CLA1R Europenn hotel , -with dlnmc rnniu ; rt am b al In all rooma. 13tli and Dodpe. gpeclal rates by t ? k or month. 31C "p-OE HENT-FnrnIsUexl rooms 3007 Douglas " | ? KONT room withtileorp , curtain * , mantel. JL beat. pas. btith , I closets lor ! centlpmen or man and ifc , (1C ( per month. 1VT S. 24tb ft. 315 TTIOE BENT-Nlce rooms , steam heat. 1719 JO IavcntK3Tt street MZTiall * _ "C10K ItnXT-Onelarr imd one small room at 21W ( L oufla.s street. " - TiOi : KENT-KarnUbod : ooim. S15 Burt ; t. JJ _ 104-a24' "T3UJ LMA.N house , 1310 Dodce street : for JL food board , nice roomi. modem ronvenl- enctti. rates and location It cannot FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. TurratuctcKttopofJirtt column on Oils page "ROOMS and board , 21U5 Douglas tA. - M KG-ll" front rwoin , east T > ay window , modern eonxenk'nces , choice location , toard lfdtilrra. . 7isN. l&th- M 57C11 * corner , rooms ; first class JLJtabIei ! reasonable terms. .12 > . IWh .treot- "T\n5IKAllLE room with board In small fam- JLJ iijr. nicely situated In modem residence ; 2130 Harncj street. Ml'iC ' * lOK REJ\T "Nicely furnished rooms and board. The Fii'nzer. 11C rs' st. 4-1-9 * T71UOX T south room , first-class board , 1814 J-1 Dodge st. ; 5 ! > ? OUIlE T-An eesa ! tlr furnished front J-1 room nd Ijedroom connreted toRetber , with use of piano , UrrDodpeEU 415 7OK REIIsT A larRc , finefurobbcd room i : with board , ton man and wife. Thn most pleasant part of clly and private faujtly : no other boarders : refiienccs. Address D 47 , L'oe. rpWOpleiisiint rooms , connectin ; with first -L class board. 185 ! Chlcaco. 3131s U' rooms and tkoaro , 1D2J Dodpe. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES. Forrolci , fte.feftr > pof fnlcoltmn : UENT-Ono half of t-tore , 112 Doujrla-s. JM6JO-I1 S Ll'LENL-lDflats , andsUJrcs. 113iN. ( ISth st il C' T71OK KENT-Tbo 4-story erick bulldinc. wich Jor Itiioyt power , tonncrly occupied by the Bee Publishing Co , W16 rarnain t. The build ing lias a fireproof cement basement , complete steam beatiuc fljrtnres , water on all the floors. BIB. etc. Apply at the olBce of The Bee. 915 T71OK KENT Or sale , my butldlnzon Jones I1 st bet18th & tlth. O.A. LJndquist , HlCSljtli. a STOKES nt 709 S.lCth : steam heat furnisnefl. Thomas K Hall 311 Paxton block. 19 TVESK room , * 15 ; Star Loan nd Trust Co. KiS-ASO FO-HiN T WAREHOUSE. For ralat , ctt , nee top offrtt column on tlili pacts. "fnOR UE"NT Brick warehouse , to stories ; JHlsh bit-emt'nt , hydraulic elevator , track- aj ; best location in city , A. C. Powell IZ1 ! FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. For ralat.ttc. , uettop offrtt column on ri AEDE'N FAHMS to rent. T. Slurray. M519 RENTAL AC3ENCY. Trmt/a. rf m ( op of frt column m tJili nfiae. TT E. COLE , rental aencyContlnental tolk. WANTED TO RENT. Tor rates , fit. , fee top offrrt column enl l * INGLC pentlcman desires root" nnd bonrd , ij inodt-rn conveniences , in privtte family. Addrrsi. with particuUrs , H. 44. Ilee. MKTT ( , \\7AXTEI > Torenthoui-eof : about 7rooms. > T modern fouveiilcnci-s. gcvod loeat ion. W , F. VailU 123 Tarnaia st. 4-fi WANTED Forniilicd Bouse , seed location with modern Improvements bjr gentle man and wife : nu cblUlrun. AnHiter It , P. O. itox410. 377 Ji VTTAJTTED By May 1 , a 9 to 12 room bouse > > with modern conveniences ; one with stabe preferred. Near business center. w house not wanted. Addrvni , J. L Brandels , 111 So. lOtli it. ( 0 FOR SALE HORsES WAGONS ETC. For rate * , tk nee top at fmt rolu nn on thto paje. r ElRAnL"Elioi oana ph eton for sale very \J cheap. Will Mill separately. Inquire at stable s. w. oor. Chitaro aind llth streets. WU 7 HOUSES for sale. Stallions In service at fUllwaterstoeJc fnrt i. bend forcatalor'te. C. J.KendalL room 40S Ilro-wu UtU'.dtoE. Omaha. iM ill POU SALE A coed phaeton. BoosiC , 3U5 rarnara ft. 479-8 TTORSESand raule < ! , cii ihor easyrinymenU. JJ-Call or address Hawk yo lav. Co. room H Dcujjlas hloek , Omalia , Neb , t4 ! _ 'Ij Oli faALC l heap , waeoa and double work . A ? liarnesi or will exchange for buekbowrd , aliocooiinae l ruKy. . ch ap. 11 E. Cole , Coptlccotal building. SOI JT1AKUIACE. t am wa on. liorse.coir. Oaslu V'Uieap. folonet Uutlcr.lSJa Farnam. Msl5 FOR SALE COWS. Forne ( , eh uttlajtafllivt rolumtion HAVE alwaTion hand a lot of first ca s mliohc'owsfnr ijloorwill trade for dry otit-sit turn. S. E. corner 19th and Leaveu- Y-orth. S.J Montgomery. FOR SALe FURNITURE ETC. Farratatcc. tt'lop offrvtectiAmnon tfid page. _ - - - - - - i - T"T * < On SALE One wnrdrobo folding btrt. one ' Jniarl > ! etop walnut bedroom > tt- one MiiKle burner Kaiwvue , a fine cultajr. new Enoyclo- nn > dla liriticiilra , Whed. , I'irols. , H value oar cu ti. Call at 1"M N. 19Ui ttmet. 441 4 4e 'K ' SALU 1'urnlturB tn 7-ioora house ; house for rent ; opp. litiiscoai park , north. All Modern vonveuicTicrf. Iiiculro Lee h..V b itnd Leaven ncrth. Ci - TTIDRNITUKE bought , eoiO. tlorwt W lls , JC 1111 Farnatu street. "TT10R SAKn Cwuplcte set of drue tor fli- J tore * , th ow tas s. ctr 1' . OL to J71 S3 ' " DBESSMAKING. TVr r > < te .r e _ tu Ion u' flrtt coiumn on tnu p.m T4 < NOACrMK.Vr5 toJo dressn-aklnjla fasi- , e * s n u y , " ' "sJS'aj. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Fer rala , ett tee tap o ? flrrt BE urr and rail on us bofor * narchivslng a pltoo or orjan. a we will * tre yea BKinf-y. Larrp t stock , lowest prices and ri ettern * Mai Mejfr A. Ilro. Co. 51S6 BOTEHY fixture * . Hutclilnson & ilT 6 OAI.L nt onre and secure n. hanrala w Bud and organ. (2t ; cottace queen orcarLMR. _ . Sterling orran , R ) : Clonjb A arrcn , * ll Newman Ilrc - ortan. IM ; Eftejr organ , fid. 1'alace orsn. $ ja 11-aiMejeri IIro. Co. 813 fi nIOIl SALE Cheap " rnall 1H storj bam. Dr. J Jones amh a ad California sts. MffC * 7 HAVE a few new piano * for sale a-wfallr .leheap. as 1 ba e cone oat of the pUno busl- ne * < s > . . JonVon. Farnatn and Itth ( . 342 OPEflAL , bana1n lr hand oreano. ( J AVe hare H Uice number of ( tandard , prlcen rsnclnr f rotn fS to IM ; Tforth double the price. Miuc Meyer & Bra. Co. 213 C IF you snt to f ell or oschanco dty prop erty , farm * , wild lands lite stock , oank or othtTitockscr nierchandlMi , see E. F , Rlnct-r. rrou nd ft oor , 15 1 9 Farnam. I2 iS WANTED TO BUY. For rala , rtt , lop of frit colum nontltU page. KOLLEB Top Pesk-Wanted to buy. 41 ! > Bee bulldlnir. 30J-4- \\f ANTEI > Gentleman's thoroughbred rid- i * luc anddnvinK liorse. KlcUard C. 1'at- tcrson , 9J7 > cw York Life , 4.ts-4 out - fit ; a. > one ire crusher for power * ! Ad dress , j : Box 413. Yankton , S. O. a-9 4 * \\/"A\TED To buy a S3 II. P. automatic en- t mne ; want to seller trade a M bol mill. 218 S 24th tt. 5141C * VT"AXTjD-tock : of men'sclothlns or kiots ' and shoes for ( jcxxl real estate and cnsb. Ad dress 13 23. Bee. 413 C MISCbUANc.OUS. ! For rates , etr. , tec tap offnl column on thtt pa0r. T\TJ. I1ATFIELD. F E. cor. nth and Dourlus -L/sti. 1'ractlce limited to diseases ofwomen. . M SO ) Mi * [ F you have any second hand clothes to fell , call or address , KoJlsh. 215 . 13th street. street.M1M4 TT11OL.STER1XG Furniture poll'hed and L mittros > es renovated. 1'eterson , 113(1 ( N. 1-th St. 419 14 * WANTED Uenewali and subscriptions for The Ladles' Home Journal. Jll s E. C Horrtll. Mil-Farnam street , Omaha. PIMA30 " \1"Af3AOEtreatnientelectro-thermal baths. lU-walp and hair treatment , manic-tire nnd chlropodlit. Mrg.I'ost,319i ! S. Utb.Withnell blk , bou e mover. 513 South 17th street , aad tia South Kth avenue. UB-May 2 ' \\J ANTED Two ponies each of tbo mornlnc ' and erpnlnc HEE of November 3rd and one copy of the mornlnpof flppf inber t'nd and three coDli'So ! tie evcnlnsr of December Llrilia nt the Keeoffice. ii- FINANCIAL. For rates , tit , , net top offrvLevlumnonUiltpagt. FJKST and second mortR-nss loansonUmuha proi > ertr : also on farms In eastern Ne braska. Alexander Xoore. 4J1 lieebuildlni ; . 4U5 5 * FIRST mortsaf . " on vacant and Improved cll.vproperlv. County and city warrants wanted. V. JL lUchardson.tls N. \ . J-ifa. : iCl /1UATTEL bank. 319S. 15th st. loans money V/on chattels or collateral at ruasonu tile rate * MONEY to loan by B. F. Masters on chattel and collateral securities for any tltuefron 1 to 12 months , lu any amount to suit bor ro-wer. Lojns made on household roods pianos , or- pans , horses , mules , houses , leaMis , warehouse repelpts. etc..Ht tbe lowest rates possible with out publicity or removal of property. My loans sire so arranged that you can make a payment of any amount at any time and reduce both principal and interest , If you one a balance on your property or have a loan you want chanced , I will pay It at ! and curry it for you. It you find it more convenient call up telephone No. 1U1 ( and your business will be arranged at botne. Wonevalwayson hand. Nndelav. No pub licity. Xaw.t ratefa. B V. MaM rs , Uoom 4 , Wlthnell bllu 35th and Unrneysts. \ TOIJTGAGES placed promptly upon Omaha ITJ. business property at lowest rates. Loans made on approved collateral security. Not * * boncht. frchouland municipal Iwids necotl- ated upon -very favorable U-rnis. Klin ball. Champ & Kynn. rxG Furnam st- SO nl5 " \rORTCAGE loans wanted. HcCaEUB In- -JJLie tmcnt company , TGI MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE Forralcr , tie. , tatop of f.rl column on thin pagt MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Ml S. 13th street M383A3U * "AT OXEY to loan on improved city property Jl at current rates ; funds on hand ; ire de lay. Gtxx F. lllust & Co. . 4J01 Uamfte blfl'R. C.n. . A. a M. Authon.r ! 13N.y.Llfo bulldJns . lend money on farms in rholco counties in Nebraska and Iowa , also on- Rood Omaha resi dence property ; lowest rates ; best tcrm.s ; no delay ; money ready. Titles and values passed on Lere 'JZi "DUIL.DINGIoans6to7 per cent ; no addl- JJtlOHal cbarses for commission or a.ttorney'5 luck. W. B. .MelVle , Hrst National bunk bld'c. - se _ _ "l\rONEyto loan on 'city property , eastern IjA Nebraska and it estern Iowa farms ; lowes.t rates. 1.1st your property for sale or exchange -with E. F. liiuger , ground floor 1519 Farnam. " ! \f ON'EV to loan. Midland Guarantee nnd -UJL Trust Company , 1014 Farnam street. M7W "T\rO Eron hand to loan oa improved or un- jJJL Imorovod property. Chus.V , Kainey. Omaha. National bank bid ; M4 21 1 > " * \f OA EY to loan On real estate. Installment JJL inert : new plan ; eu r monthly pay ments. For full particulars call on or ad dress "United States Loan t Investment Co. , rooms GUI and Iff- Bee building. Oinalia , Xoii. M2U7 A8 0 I'EK rent fir < tmortpafeloans , tt. C Patter- I fon. t 7 Ntw Vork Life bulldinr. 7U7al" * \ONF.V | to loan on Omaha property. Fidel- JLiJltjTrust company. UH ! Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Furratici-c. , tie toy of Jlrst column on Oil * page. "pifvATK money to loan. J. D. Zlttle , 914 JN. . Y Life. M STORAGh , Ferratect , tetopofjlrxt column onthu page. /CHEAPEST and best ntorase for furniture. V/yVelKllllr'arnamst. i7 njEi-T tmrkaco nnd itorace buildlnc In JJOrnaha , Vnlted States government bouded _ _ HouROhold seeds Morea and cared for. Lowest rates guaranteed.V. . JL Bu , h- man. ICU-IUIS Loavcnworlh. aa STOItAGE of household coeds ; clean , dry place , privately ttoredterms moderate ; e also storeoUncs during tbe summer , we will jrct them from the bouses and deliver thoin In tbefaOllncoodtrlm. TeL UX. rffl7 Douglas. Omaha Stove Hepalr Works. 719 ( \OTuD Storaee room * for esps and hutter. v/Also dry storace for indse and household peed ft. Haves reasonable , ample track-are , The NeU. Gold Storajo Co. , fcl.Vl7 Uoward tU Rm All CLAIRVOYANT Fnrraiaeic.tretopof flntniUinn rtnthii page. \T7ANTED-A11 should know Mrs. Dr.Ve IT San. tbe lady mind reader and fortune teller ; toll * past and future ; t > be Is the Ut ever here ; Is especially deep In all matrinion- nlal affairs and nirstorloDS disappearances ; don't ouy , sell or jro on a journey until you consult her : she can fortoll H * resultsla ; trutbful and reliable : perfect fcatkfaction ruuranteed by mail : send two stamps for il lustrated circular , 2 2\ortb Kth st , Omaha , * Trns.Nannie V. Warrenclalrroyant , trance iU.KDeakinz , writln ? and reliable bu&lne * uediiim , f our yean to Omaha. 119 y.lCtn. Zla " \fUS PORT , palmist fortune teller , tells ill pa t and future from the lines of the hana In old gypsy way ; ladles only ; f > o fl. S12 M A S AGE Mad air Uelzler. over BO S. Uth M 1C1-A6 * MASSAGE , BATHS ETC. Fur rala , etc , tte topo/fint column on Uit * page. * \fAf SAGE bath at Madame Smlth' parlors. - iU3J floor , 430 A ISOi ulreet. Ca-U" _ " \f ASf AQE-Stadam Delnei ; OTer on a. uth , JJL _ M ici-AO * COSTUMES , JADIES and rentlt'meu can rent tnn&qutr- &d tuiU at C = N. ICth cu I1C AII * BUStNESS HAhlCES. rtr. , trxtopof fnl column tmtliit pvn. CPLFNT1D chance fo obtaining e < talillsnc > < l Ojrrocory trade. K < y panleuian aadrew O Si Be * \ 41T 4' CHANCE ln life Jrme for men wi'brao- tal and ac'.ltB niH trltaout capital to rtry plfamajl a.nd profiUUi bu l > No drom * or cUTlo hy JTtkPM nped Addrrx * wiun tj ent Con t4i- - . Salom. Mais. stock ranch In eastern OoloradJv A'1' " " ' ' * ' " ' of water. finepa turace the yejtfrtumd , 1C. H. depot on theprptntsev l bour ie from Omaha. This propertr fan ! MJ purr lW or lenMtl at a o .r- pain. Address First National ban k. Vork. Xeb. F OB SALE The furniture of a 40-room hotel , brds , bfddlnt and all furniture in coed rendition ; al o saloon and all lUture * connected therewith ind limiard tables and all neee , ary e < jult > ni ntt Al > a lea e of t he 3-story hotel bulldlnt in wMrh said hotel. Mlixm aud billiard furniture and fixture s are situated , llutldlne tshenU > dby steam and llphted by electricity. KrerythltiC in Erst clus condition , A splendid bargain for the richtman. Kor further particulars call ou Back A : Campbell between 11 and 1Z a , m..rootn 405. > "ew Yorlc Life building , Otnaha , Neb. POU PALE A rare cbanco. A peed book , stationery , news ana fancy eoodn busi ness established in lS7CIna 2ilswurl river tofrnln Nebraska , populatloa. 11.UHO ; railroad shop * with & monthly payroll of KXXWO. be sides other Indurtrir * . btockcreatlyrpduced. i-tx V and Bxtnres valued nbout KasX Kcaion forwlllni , on acconntof poor health. For full particulars address J. 1' . Touns. 1'latts- motitb. Neb. M5S7S * A GOOD business man with about S.\000 can srctire a peed position on fAlarr and n larco dividend on his liiresttuent. Address II 41 Bee. 512 6' dj40,000 mercbnndUe-Omaha propertv will be Platen in part payment. UutoHIu m & > \ ead. reliable fire Insttrance , 15S4 Daugla . 517 C BRICK yard , complete and well located. * capm-lty W.OOO per day.tnodern machinery , - fur Oui ha-reale tat < \ . Hnteh- lnson & Wead , fire ln < oran , 1M4 5170 BARGAIN Profitable furnibhed flat , 22R N. JCth , M910 * FOU SALE Blaclnmlth shop , Ux > I and stock. Box 191. York , Neb. JI3M-B * TjlOU SALE Half Interest in an established JL ? steam laundry in CtaaLa. Address ll'JO Bee. 4XJ B "T710B fALE Lease and furallureof li-room -t } hotel in business part of a town of tn railroads. Reasons for selliop : ill health. Address J K lice office. Council UlufTs. MM1 SALOON for sale , only onp In the city. Ad dress M. Ii , Dunn , lone I'lnp. Neb. (07 alfr" Gl'.OCEHY stock for sale : doing a cash busi ness. Address F < 7 , liee. 31.719 A1P DO you wish to pet lu a coed business ? Buy tbe Conmcreln.1 hotel at Broken Bow. take part Omaha acre property. 407 TJ10R SALE-rurnlture and undertaking -C business in a peed town , with or without store buildlnc ; Dart cash , balance cilt edce paper or clear real estate : invoices about g3.UOO. Boi 94 Lincoln 4C3 FOR EXCHANGE. Forratf * , dc. . ttctop n ] first column on Hilt page. I WILL trade a peed equity in a hou1 * and lot in the most .tXTS4lblepartuf Omaha for clear lotsficresor rleur house and lot , Ad dress li 49. Kce offlce. 510 -To trade ior a stock of drups. Vex MS. city. . . J43 farms for-'Oruaha property J.G\ ' Cortelyou , 40. Chamber of Commerce. 217 1LEAS peneral stock of merchandise for .money. UoxSJj , FrankfortJnd. " ! I WILL trade peed eloiir lot worth fiOO and Uke pond uprlcht pin-no as part payment. AddretesFLS. Bee. 4Ti FOR SALE REAL ESTATt. I"orrattete. , fee tapoffirttrolumnantliUpaae. T7OU ( SALE"-Cholce wrner 24th strtet. South -1- Omaha : full husmcss lot , Jackson , near ICth. S. Bor 3H5 M7J4al7 * _ 7lVK-room bouRerto Orchara Hill , H.MB.IW - * ? each oa laonthlr payments. Thomas F. Uall,7nil'axton blk.- ' 30 "VTEBKASICA ajrrlcultfnral landi arc now at- - - > trnctlupr attention as tbe best flnunclil Iniest.inent , promlslnc sreat Increase In val- up i. 1 am prepared to offer larce or small tracts allow jirjees and ca y terms that must prove rtniuneratlve. Address or see T. S. Clarkson. Omaha. Neb- B1429G FORE burlntr or selling property consult ridellty lical Estate Co. , 815 N. Y. Life Imlldlnc. ao * " " " flOK SALE DrlsSs Place lots on motor line. -I ? Also acre property. F. M , Elchardson. MS > . r. Life blag. ; _ _ -J SO acres iino farmins land adjoining good JLNebraska town : nearly elear. IK ) acres ttnely Improved lund m miles from county soiit in Nebraskalightly : encumbered. U > 0 acres peed lixnd in Nebra > ka,5 miles from county seat ; 2,5uO inhabitants. llouwand lut in town in Kansas ; clear. Clear Int.In coed Nebraska town. { -room honse and lot , liarn. well and cistern. 1Mb street , Omaha ; sllRlitly encumherc-d. will trade forOtunha property and assume encum- branccs. H. E , Pole , Continental block. iOO EOK SALE-Extra barealn. Choice 00x120 , with bolldlnp ; rents floaoJ per mo. ; one bloc 1C from new i , 0. G. L. Green , liffJ , Barker - ker block. 31C "ClOU A flne improved farm of 200 -L acres ; 1IK ) under caltlratlon ; shade trees fruit , windmill , wacon scales , etc : 100 miles west of Oiuuba ; KM per acre. Addres , G 4SBec. TTlOBSouthOraahaproperty business , track- -L aceorrttsidenc-e so t < itbe leading real es tate dealers In South Omaha , Ed Johnson & Co cor.S4th and Jfsts. M735 FOK SALVE Theme it comfortable 6 room modern house in the city , every conven ience , bath , cas. electric bells , furnace , laun dry , etc. Lam * stable , room for 4 horses , city water in ( .table , concrete floor , full lot in Lalf mile limit , convenient to 4 lines of cars , shade trees , eto I'rlee tla.OOO. Address F 23 , Bee Office. KA A GREAT Chance We have Just completed X nrranKements whereby youmuy seoure a roe < l house and lot on Lowe avenue , between Farnam and Cumin ? streets for lens than tbo lot is worth. Just think of it ! A. houM ? and lot ewt front on Lowe avenue , for 12.5OO. the lot Is worth C.GOO ; tha house and Improve ments test $ l , oa. This Is an opportunity of a life time to secure a coed home on one of the best streets In Omaha ut a great sacrifice. Tor particulars see star Loan andTrustOo. . first door N. y. Life. Office open etery night front 7 till 10 o'clock. 503 r "U1OH SALE Twenty bouses and fifty val - -l ! cant lots In Dundee 1'laca. The aristo- cratio addition to Omaha. Liberal commis sions to apents. Inquire of Patrick Laud Co. . room 240. Bee building. M 41010 * T7V1SE Stock Farm for sale. 1 have for sale Jtbe finest stock farm tn - fhe we t , conUin-'iOaiTesof ' fine land ' very , m'o acres un der cultivation. BO acres of tame erasn. 2JO arrea ot fenced pasture with runninnwater. . 'M > acres hay and pasture land with plenty of water , Flrst-cla bulldlnirs nearly new and In peed repair. They JUtlude twolarfredwell- Inps. stables for 500 bend of cattle. ith feed yard * attached , fuHr equlp od with feed trousbi and hay raclris , large lior > e barn , corncribs - cribs ; . hay sheds , ettv 'windmill and water tanka. liulldlnpa audited yards are sheltered by u.lare cotton wood grove on north and west sides , bltuatcd in Carmine county , TO miles northwest of Omaba Ui Hie famous ElLhorn valU'y.Bnillcsnorth of Vfest I'olnt , tbo county ( eat. and 4 in lies ca t of Beenicr , Prices nod terms sent on ' ippllcatmn. Address F. Sonnunscnein , Uest > I'olnt , yebra > l a50117 r H01CET-it > omcott4 e , 4nd and , wporner. easy terms.1- " Hutchmson&Vead. . fire insurance. 1521 Domrlas. 517 0 Poll SALE Ten oriSice lots and money loaned at G per co t 4.0 Improve sawa , in Popnleton Part and Saundorai. UlnioUaiuh's addition. Kicbard C. lltterson , 07 New York Life. * * * 410-S and Poaglas , JJO.OW. IOr .Kuhimnji , ' . ' TTIOU SA.LE The cheapest property In the i ! oity. on Lakektre-et , T roouii , Sa K ) . L V. Cruni. ill X V. IJfe. Oill 17J1. AIJ'JG SPENDID Grain and Stock Karm- ) acres , 380 aore (100 ( fenced ) under cultivation , 200 acres bay ind pasture land , fenced , 20 acre fruit bcarliis orchard : trees around wbole ftrm , 3 houses , 4 large barns , hay &heas. yards , etc. . corn-crlhs , franarr. Ac. , splendid vat r and ck > ! e to marUet-i miles to West 1'oint. the county boat of Cumins couuty. Touts a rare chauceto pet n. first-oils * farm In a locality that has never had a failure ot crops since the crasshopper plague. Thl farm will tM > ld wlih or without vtock and Implements. Write for full description and price * , enclosing eta/tap to F. Sonneascbelo. Wesc I'olnt. Ne- brastca. Wl-17 PAWNBROKERS. t'orrata , etc. , * cc topoffrst column on tfilt ) > 3ye F ; HEDWolle. a.a.oor.Famam&Uth , SPRING SUGGESTIONS AroJd draughts and sudden change * of temperature , Do not dt * * rd your warm Inter etetklsg too toon. It 1 > tetter to suffer a little Inoon- venlcnoethaa totakeeeKL "Urtneiaber that one 1 * e pe l Hy llaWeto conlr.Kit a bad cold or ohlll at this eatoti of tbe year. A coajrh or eotd pontractetl bft ep the sea- notts Is the most anixijins Und ; aoa may last tliruuch the sarataer. If you feel ucouclror colJ oomlnsjon. take a drink of parewhlsVcy at once. It will keep the blood In circulation and is Uio best lire- ventatlve agalast Ihedlsc-ates of the season. ) Ucmeinber that only rrnEwhiskey should 1 betaken. Unity's 1'ure Malt \Vblskey ha the strongest recommendation ] from the loading NclcntiMs and medical men. It is tbe only standard medicinal whKkry. Take no ot&er row your drucclst of procer. MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. i FVrratei.rteMttopoffirft folu nn on Wil pajs GEO. F. Gollrnlxyk. teacher of the banjo , with Hospo , 1518 Douglas. 59 _ BEPOKE examine the new scale Kimball piano. A. Ilospel , * > l3 Douglas. riAIIE Allen-Ketcharn School of Exoresslon , JLllCN th. ClassesbeinEfortnedIn Elocution , DclsartcbLakt5pcare , I'hjsloal Culture. LOST f"orraifteiritttopof1irtttfHumn on Ul T OST-FrMar , April 3. between Millard ho- -JU)1 and Wnshlncton hnlL a f-lirer bon bf box marked J. K. O. and with date insrrilx-d. Finder suitsvMy rewarded ou return of nme to Millard hotel office. 51S 4' f" OST A llsht oolorod crip contalnlnc piano -LJcatnlorues. wire , tools , etc. A suitable reward - ward if left at Max Jlpyer A. Bra Co 's. 51JC I OsT A Knight Templar charm with fire J-J diamonds : tinder leave ut C'brls Spocht * . 14th street between Jackson andJonev JH'/i HAIR GOODS WIGS , ETC. PoTrMtt.tlc ttttop ofHrtt column on tlil pagt. IE5T line balr coodi In westj lialr dressing. wlcs. swlulien , baiigN hair chains. et < u , a specialty. lnrlc < i. hair Foods and milliner , opposite pObtofSce. Ill a 15th bU. Omuba. 344 PATENT SOLICITORS. f errata , defect tapofflrit coumn an Viit pojf. JDATEXT"iaVrcrslTiia"solicitors , G. W Hies4 : JCo , Bee bulldlnr , Omaba. Branch otUce at ' , 1) ) . 1. Consullatiou free. Sd THfilK GOOD MO.VBV TALIC5. Omaha Business 3Ien \ \ ill Guarantee the General Conference Fund. The quadrennial conference of the Method ist church to be held in Mar , 1592 , will un doubtedly ba held In O maha _ The citizens' committee appointed to solicit funds for the entertainment of the confer ence "has almost secured the guarantee of the 135,000. The conditions wilLthere.roresocm bo complied with and the bishops trill undoubtd edly be pleased with the spirit , liberality and enerpy shown by the dtizens of Omaha ia raising this large sum of money in so short a time. Bishop Newman Is vrell pleased with the success of tun committee and said yesterday to a reporter for TOE BEE : "The gentlemen who are doing the soliciting : for the funds necessary upon this guarantee for the conference hare done excellent work. They are nil busy business men and vritb the condition of finances as they now are in Omaha. I think these pentle- tten have done rcmartably well. The matter has been taken tip by enterpnsinff dtizens of all classes and of various rclipious persua sions. " The securing of this conference for Oma ha is looked upon by business men as a rery- important step in the direction of establish ing Omaha's claim to beine the most conven ient and desirable city in the United States for the noldins of preat conventions. tions. The great advantage enjoyed by Omaha in Jhls direction is not fully appreciated by the people of the country. When several national patherinps have been successfully cntertaine-d in Omaha , then the central locat'on of tbecity and her ability to take care of larpe bodies of people begin to be understood. _ _ _ - . . The toalration Army. For unique originality in religious matters the Salvation army is unquestionably in the very front , rank. Daring the past week the army in Omaha has boon holdhap what they call "trades meetings. " The open air meet ings or evening parades have been character ized.oy the presence of all kinds of me chanics and tradesmen in their working clothes.Vhea the parade is ended and the in-door meeting begins the different trades men and mechanics take part announcing that "tbo Lord's " " they are carpenters , "the Lord's bakers , " etc. , through the list. On Thursday evening they held what was called an "all overthe shop meetinR. " AVben they entered the church on Davenport street they all took seats in the main body of the church. Only Adjutant Thomas the leader went upon tbo platform. He opened the meeting and began to call for testimonies from the bak ers and carpenters , and paper hungers In the congregation. As the workers testified they went forward and took seats on the platform until tberJ were nearly fifty member * of the army surrounding Adjutant Thomas on the plat form andtten a general jubilee was en- Joyed. The army is having considerable trouble with toutrns at Camp Xo. 1 ! on Cuming street. The meeting was entirely broken up one night last week by a couple of toughs. A Xcw Departure. Men hare a great many organizations that exist largely on account of their social privileges and enjoyments , but women have not so many societies of this Idnd. Consequently quently the church is to most women the greatest social organization wlthia their reach. The church sewinc circle , tne cnurch tea , the church supper have all boon the means of furnishing the ladies a vast amount of social comfort , The laaies of the St , Mary's avenue Congregational church have introduced a new departure in the line of sociability. On next Friday , April 10 , the Indies will give a breakfast In the basement of the church at high coon. The breakfast will bo for ladies only and will be served nt the reasonable price of 23 cents. The ladles are requested to bring their fancy vrorK with them and spend a so cial afternoon. There will be a short pro gramme ol music and recitation during the afternoon. - * Ayer's Hair Vigor is a most excellent preparation for the hair. 1 speak of It from experience. Its use promotes ttw growth of new hair , and makes it glossy and soft. The Vigor is a sure cure for dandruff. " J.V. . Bowen , Editor Enquirer , McA-rthur , Ohio. Sirs. Frank Butcher and her husband of CrawfordsvUle , Ind. , have been quarreling fora long time over whether their son , who has Just become of age , shall be turned nut of their house and left to shift for himself or not. The father insisted that be must go , would have the boy with her always. At a meeting1 of the "praylne" band , when it came Butcher's turn to speak he devoted his time to abusing his wife , backing up every assertion with a quotation from the scrip tures. Sin. Burchcr wept bitterly and fin ally left the houte , saving- sue would end ber sorrow by Jumping into Bugar creek. Two brethren pursued her , but the would have beensacoessfolln spit * of them except for a slip which caused her to fall. She was picked up bruised and unconscious. She has changed ber mind about suicide and Ults of oDt&iaing a divorce. De Witt's Little Early ftlsers ; Dcstlittlo pills for dyjpepsla , sour stomachbad | bre&th. A. TrcaiUe on Poultry To the Sporting Editor of Tn * But. Thcrolsne ocmpatlon move plensaat than the brrcdiag of thoroughbred poultry. Ills only r thwewho bave hnd the eiporlMce tbit know thi * . Thrtre Is much pleasure nu past- time for the fanejer In caring for his feul , re tbe poultry publications , where we t * oureelvw or the experience and success of the poultry world. After a bard day's work the usetoar goes home aad aroonpit bis fewli be forget * the day's work , cnjoyi a recrontkw filing tip tbe nest , boiea. etc. etc. , building castles how many cbicks he 1 * polnir to have and the nrices he expects to re- reive. All po to tnako up a pleasant and re- iBun riUre bobby. Instead of walking about UmTxajsornodo , tbe fancier ipcncts mot of bis time at homo reading and posting bin- self , and , let me say right here , it would bo well for wives to encourage their husbands in this hobby , nor should the toys be forgot ten. A boy who saves up bis monev for the purpose of buying fowls with a view of rais ing more should be admired. He is bound to be a coed business man , and if you will take time to watch his actions ho will be seen to cultivate tastes for larger undcrtakincs whicn In the end will land him a business man and a good citizen. How many hun dreds of noted and wealthy mer chant * , bankers , etc. , etc. , will t ll you thair first business transaction was the purchase of a pafrof bantams or fonls , and how much money thev made on them. Little trees make great oaks applies equally to the poultry fancier of a lew fowls for there are many wealthy men today who have made all their wraith in this business , and 'what man has done man can do , " and Omaha Is as good a place as 1 know of to commence operations. It la a great mistake to think that one muvt have a large place to keep & few fowls. A place of 12x12 is sufficient to have a breeding pen of largo fowls such as brahnms , cochins , Plymouth Hocks , etc. , provided you glvo them a Uttlo vegetable food and table scraps. Some of the r.rue winners at the eastern shows were bred in dtio" . There li no reason why the fanciers of this great city should not this com ing season pivo a poultry show cr celling all former efforts. Younp and old should Join the "Omaha Poultry Fanciers' Club" and swell the members. Al low your son enough to pet a start , but after he has worked hard all summer and raised a fine flock of chicks don't sell them to your butcher without consulting tbe boy tnd pocket the proceeds. Rcmu. Trotting Illo.-xl Tor Nebraska. Mr. B. H. Ileed of Genoa , Nance county Neb. , has two young stallions of exceptional breeding and flne individuality that will ba In the stnd at James Atkins' ranch this year , and the breeders of that section will be ac corded an excellent opportunity to avail them selves of tne best trotting bloo'd tne country affords. Courage , one of these young stal lions , is a bay horse , foaled in 1ST7 , bred by Major II. C."McDowell , Asoland farm , Lex ington , Ky. Courage is n son of that great race horse sire Dictatorstre of , , Jay-Eye-See , 2:10 : ; Phallas , 2:13 : , ; Dictator , 2:17 , and twenty more trotters and three pacers In tbe list. . Vakeo I4f > 0 , the other stallion belonrins to Mr. Ueod , is ny Vasoo , a vounp stallion that has suddenly sprung Into great popu larity by the sensational character of the first two of his performers that "have entered the list. His firbt performer was Ed _ Koso- water , two-year-old , pacinp , SriO * , the fastest . t\vo-.vear-old pacer till Manager made his . . mark ol 2-1C1 , In ls > 90. Valissa , a three- year-old daughter of. Vasco , made a record of J:19 In IStt ) , trotting- against Dr. Sparks. Her record was made lu the second and deciding heat of the race. Vasco is a s > on of Harold tsire of Alaud S. , 2OSf , and twenty-nine otbcr trotters and throe pacers ; also the sire of eleven sires of thirty trotters and eleven dams of twelve trotters ) . Vasco's dam was Vassar ( data of Valdemecr. 2jtS ; ) , by Belmont - mont Jslre of "Nutwood , 2:1SS4' : , etc. ) ; sscond darn Venus by American Star 14 , The dam of Vakce U Ludy ( dain of Keno , S ; ! 1 ! , and prandam of Ed. Rosevater , two- year-old pacer , 2.-201 , ' ) by Mauiy's Taylor , son of Isick Taylor by General Taylor. Notes. ' * A. H. Billy" TownseaS says he controls tbe only ceanine captaincy boom ; all others are pneumatics. The C. T. C."s annual report shows a bal ance of . 3,100 assets over all liabilities at the close ; of ISM. The Octogon club talks of building- race track on the lawn of their now residence at Twenty-third nnd California streets. The Omaha -wheel dub's members will at tend ' -L-ucy" Dale's minstrel show at Coun cil BluCs in a body next Wednesday even ing. ing.On On next Tuesday evenius , April 7 , every thing will be settled to everybody's satisfac tion at tbo Omana wheel club's anoual elec tion. A. H. PerriRO & Co. have removed their bicyde business to more commodious quar ters and a better location at HOC Dodge street. A bicyde tour from Iiaara Falls to De troit will be managed by Clarence Smith this summer. The tour will leave the Falls on July 15. The Pullman road race , the great event of the west , "will be beld this year under the auspices of tbe Associated Cycling clubs of Chicago. The live-mile handicap road race of the " Denver EamblerJ was won by "W. W. White (2 roinutei and 45 seconos handicap ) , in 30 minutes and 40 seconds. There are rumors that the proposed tour of the English racing men to this country this season , under tbe management of T. A. Edge , has fallen through. Isext season the yew Orleans club pro poses to organize a fine racing team that will be sent to tbe principal racing meets , oil ex penses to be paid by the club. Toe woeel dub's hearts tourney is quite a .success and continues to attract large crowds of members. There were twenty-iix c testaats last Monday evening. The C. T. C. have touched the hearts of tbeir lady members by adopting a cloln for uniforms and appointing official tailors to make them at reasonable rates. Tbe L , A. W. would do Troll to follow their example , lr. Nelson A , Brandt of Johnston , N. y. , will start about April 10 on his transcontinental nental bicycle tour from New York to San Francisco. His ronte will be as follows : New York to Buffalo , to Cbicagt ) , to St. Louis , to Omaha , to Denver , to Salt Lake City , to Carson City , to San Francisco. He IntKuds to occupy about ttiree months in making the trip. Bicycle World. H is advocated for the first half of the rac ing season , at all events , the separation o : solid from hollow-tired safeties on the path. The handicapping of last season wits intoler ably farcical , and the cluhs should take tha bull by tha bores thij season and wherever they can afford it give separate handicaps for the two types of tires. There will be plenty of men with solid-tired racers on hani for another season and wise clubt will cater for them. Socially , tbo cycle Is a factor. Riders are notoriously clannish. They delight in pot- tine together and telllnfr of wonderful ride % fearful falls nnd balrbreadth escapes fron disaster. They talk "wheel" when they meel until tbo non-riding listener is compelled to move out of hearing. Thi fellow feelinp is fostered by the formation of clubs for riding and other purposes. In the east tbo bicvclo clubs are ( tinong tbe wealthiest of all * tbo athletic organizations. The Omaha kennel club holds its regu lar monthly moetinj : Ti.e day , April 7 , a the dub rooms , 212 South Fourteenth street. There will bo on exhibition two tm portations one a Daschnnd , tee other black cocker without doubt the best sped uwsns of their respective breeds yet scan In tliU city , AJ1 Interested interested In dopjy affairs are cordially Invited , -whether men ! ccrs or not. It is expected two of the mem Vers will read articles on tbeir specialties. As the riding season openi , the same old question , "What shall my meant bo I" recurs : with double force. Tbe oracle of the dub bouse finds himself In a more precarious po sition thar. ever before. He is looked to to give a deddod opinion u to tbe merits and demerits of the various styles of tires. To do this he must make statements which. If proved false , must topple him from tbe pin * xiaclo ivhlcb ho norr occupies la the eyes of hil clabmates another ihattered idol. All he i ? " do is to lock wise tmd be non-com- mlt&L A meeting of the executive committees of the Leirtio of Americas tt'hoelmau wia held on Mondievenineit Uio resldenoa of Presi dent Dunn , New York , There were present besides Preimeat Dunn , Second VicePresi dent G. Oarleton Bi rnSoc tiirj-Troaittrer Abbott Bnjiett and I. B. letter , cbtlnnan ol the road Improvement committee Th iMurue has determined to Rive special attcu- tkm to tbe natter of road linnrvvemect and will Issue constderabloIaformaUon on the sub ject durinp the year.VblIc \ no important business , outsulethe road Improvement HUGS- ttoo , wa * acted upt . tb * subject of new ar > - Ktintments was thoroughly di cus od. and it i pntbable that in Ibo cour o of a few days 'resMeat Dunn will nnnounw alibis new ap- xtiBtoienU. The winter season has closed , and the .ifinc , while accordini * to the poets being err bcaaUfal , is for ryoiers most anpleas- nu v practical in tbo way of soflcnlntr roi is eaaerod hard by ooaUoued frosts , and pv- np cartwheels and Irapcv wheels & cbanco > plar tbo havoc they generally do Ourinff lit lis season of tbeyeur wita our "aitrtiwavs nd bj wnrs. " Ol course thli dt ) e < not apply u tbe lew alas' very few-roods whicn arc a roinmot-sense and promptly attended to surface. Tbe > e thoroughfares stand out shitiltur Hshts preadulnc the po-ipcl of road reform and fhoxvinR that no matter how erere the weather may bo , or no muter hat season of the year It may bo , tbe coed oad , proporir laid and attentarely eared for , i one of the most valuable addenda * of ctv- ired life. Chlcairo , and consequently tbq west , has aeon honored by the apjrointraent by Presl- ent Ihinn of the I * . A. W. , of Charlm K. idall to the position of chairman of the : in ? board , in llou of C. S. ljjnoa. txnust DO admitted that the oQlco is a think- oss one , but is a rtrelty snre fact that Mr UudaU's appointment will meet the approval T many racinp men In tne Lenirue , nt least hose who know him. And , It may be re marked , be ls pretty well known atnons the bedmenof tie United States. Mr Kin- all was so acceptable as president of tha : hicaro Cycling club for l * fij that tht organ , ration saw fit to re-elect him by a majonty f every vote cist. Ho proved himself a vorker for the dub , and vdll , no doubt , fol- ow the same course in the new duty assienej im. He is a voup zran , but Is characterized vitn pnercy , sound sense and fairness , and while he is not as yet new to the Harness wo aink he Is likely to hold mor than one term t the head of the racing board. Tbo Bear- nps. . There aru still 114 log schooJbouses In Uinois. In all South Dakota's 06,151 school children hare Is not a colored boy or girt. The N"orwepian Normal college of Sioux 'alls , S. D. , is soliciting funds for a new uilainp. Philadelphia owns 210 school buildings nnd rents sixty. There are 114,300 pupils ia the ay schoou. \Vork on tbo Methodist Episcopal unlvers- ty at Ociien , Uuihwill be pushed as rapidly as possible , considerable inonev having bwea raised in the east by Her. J.V. . Ilill for this mrpose , The students of AlichlgM university are vorkinir hard to raise the $30,000 necessary o duplicate the like amount offered by oshua \Vatcrmaa of Detroit toward a jvmnai.ium building. President iarnes of the Pargo , S. D. , col- ego has returned from a successful campaign n .New England , having secured overRJ.lkK ) or the collcpe , besides negotiating- loan which \vill relieve its present pressing finan cial straits. Dr. Dorcrestcr , superintendent o-f Indian cbools. has made his headquarters in Slotix Falls. S. D. Ills work Is to superintend the rection of thirty or forty Indian schools on he reservation for which appropriations vere made this winter by conpress. The purchase of Ward's seminary by the resby terian's of Nashville , Tcnn. , has been cousutnmutod. Tbe amount , $7TiKU ( , has been aisod in notes and cash. 1'rcsbvtcrians will > egin at ouco to increase the facilities of the nstitution and to advertise the fact of its change of managers. The Northwestern university of Evanston , 1L , has announced an important departure. rifty-OHOfull now scholarships will bo cre ated , corresponding with the senatorial dis tricts to Illinois , arid the state senator from such district will have the rigrht of nomina tion to the Rcholarsnip , Tbe first graduate of the training school lOrntirsosat thoGarfield hospital in Washington - ington , D. Cli , Miss Margaret A. IMullan of Philadelphia , Durinc the year there will t > o a number of eradnates. who will recelvo tbeir diplomas sinprly , as in this instance , but afterward one annual occasion wlil be de voted to that purpose. There are at present thirteen pupils. A meeting of the pastors of tbo Catholic archdiocese of Now York was recently Ueld JQ consider the plans for the new seminary to jo built at Venters. The' estimated cast is $300X ( > 0. Tbo plans , as completed , call for a stone buiMngCOO feet long byOJ Jeet deeo witn class rooms and dormitories for 1,000 students. The stone to be used in Its con struction has been quarried ou the property. The main btiilainp : will stand on a plateau 325 foot atwve the tide wave. The official organ of the new language , Volapukabled , states that 1,400 diplomas have been issued thus tar to teachers of the uni versal language ; 307 associations have been formed and 445 public speeches made in the new tongue ; 3U1 business firms correspond ia volapuk. The paper also states as a remark able example of the ease with which tbo lanpnace Is" acquired that a younp lady pupil mastered the grammar in two hours , ana in two days was able toco rrtipondla volapuk. A bill Is pending In the Delaware legisla ture to establish and maintain a college lor colored students in agriculture and mechanic arts , to be conducted by three trustees from each county one democrat , one republican and one colored man. The state is to appro priate f 10,000 for tbe purchase of land and the erection of buildlnps , and one-fifth of the lorrill appropriation will be applied annu ally to tbs maintenance of the college. Poly technic and industrial instruction , with spe cial refcrcnco to Its practical application , will bo conducted by a full corps of pro- iessora. Senator Iceland Stanford says that tba memorial university to his son at Palo -Alto , Gala. , will bo opened for the freshman class at leas t ncort Octo&cr. He states : "When the university opens there will be accommo dations for about seven hundred pupils In the dormitories. My idea is not to build big dor mitories but to hiive twenty or twenty-nvo in eacn , thus making a sort of club. Tbo tech nical department of the school I propose to have more complete. The girls will be accorded the same privileges as the boys , so far as sex will permit. The university \vill not be frfa It hi been decided that better results can be gained otherwise , There will bo provision made for all sorts of free scholarships , and everything possible will ba done to help poor boys to get an education. The institution is designed mainly to bsaefit middle-class soople , though the sons and daughters of the rich will bo as welcome as the others. Jlo.ixvd die Uritisli. The late A dmlral Porter once played a oncer April fool's joke , when , as captain of How ard & Son's steamship Golden Age , ho en tered the harbor of Sidney , his fla s at half mast , in honor of the memory of Queen Vic toria , Tbe act will never bo forgotten by Australians or for that matter by any of her majesty's subjects who aru familiar witn tba frolic. With His Thumb , A b'jy l said to linre saved UK Netljf rtanrtj from Inundation. Multitudes have born saved from the Invasion of disease by a tiottle of jlyer's Sariajianlla , Tills medicine Imparts tottv to the system and strcnjtiieni every organ and Cl/iis oltti ? body. M I have LiUt-n a great deal of medicine , but nothing lias done ir.e so much good ai Ayef i Sarsaparilla. I experienced JU Iwne. Qcial rSucts before I had quite Ormlifit nni bottle , and 1 aai freely testify that It 1 tig ! best blood luedirlnn I know of , " L.V , \Vard , jr. , " ( Tooilland. Texas. " Confined to ou oflQce , as I am , from one year's eml to another , with little or no out- dorr ercrcite , I Cud trcol telp In Ayer'i Eanaparilia , vvlilih I have used for several yean , and im at present uslce , with excel lent molts. It r rabies me to keep anji ! at njr po t , enjojlng tlif bent of lieilth , " IL C liamri , Maiden , Mass. Ayer's ' Sarsaparilfa rnir-iiuo BT DR.J.-C. & : CO. , Lowell , l. i 5. WorthlUbcttli.