\/.t \ / TTTTC OMAHA DAILY MONDAY. APTITT , fi. 18m. OF MEREST TO THE FARMER. The Crop Outlook Discussed la all Its Va rious Phases , INDICATIONS OF GRAND RESULTS , KnJflr Corn nun rayinjj Crop Trent- ilicnt of Worms In IIoji How to Orow 1'otntocs Farm Note ? . No crop hns boon grown or gathered in the lust ton years which has boon watched with such Intense anxiety by the business world ns will bo the crop of 180) ) , Rtvys tlio lowu Homestead. The elements that nro peculiar in the sltua- tlon are mninly two ; the fact that the country IH bttror of food products of all kinds than It hits boon since the wtir ( when the amount of food consumers , man and beast , IH taken into considera tion ) and tlio fact that there la an un- tmunl difference between the price of food products in the crude form and the finished products in the shape of meats. It is but a year slnco the amount of grains of till kinds peeking a market was so great that there was a general cry of overproduction. Low as prices of stock were thov furnished a bettor mar ket for grain , and especially corn , than the commercial centers , and the result was ti vast increase of hogs. The drouth of last season , cutting short the corn , oats and wheat crops from one-fourth to one-third , has compelled the farmers to feed this high-priced corn to hogs , -vhlch , by the very Immensity of tliolr numbers and the necessity of rushing them to market , has dopi ossod llio price , and the result has been the depression of all moat proo ducts to n point that has Tobbcd the stockmen of all the profits of. the advance in small grains. While the last has been a good year for farmers who had good , or oven fair , grain crops and sold them in a crude form lor shipment or homo consumptionit was not n good year for the farmer who , to continue his sys tem of farming , must food lilft grain nml hny to stock which ho wns compelled to sell at a low price. In about six weeks or less stock will bo on grass and stock farmers will breathe more easily. If the crop of grain and grass for 1891 should provo u good one , there is a fair chance for all classes of farmers to mnko money. If it should bo another ycnr of short crops , the ovor- markotlng of stock and seeming over production must continue , and with the usual result of low and unprofitable prleeH. It is therefore to the Interest of farmers of every class to strain every nerve to produce a full crop of the grains and grasse's , There is every indication now that the acreage of corn will bo very large. The eamo may bo said of flax , and a largo per cent of this will bo grown on now lauds. Haws lands in northern Iowa , and wo presume the same is true over all the natural llax region , having been passing out of the hands of speculators into these of actual cultivators very rapidly , and there will bo in this a large increase of the total acreage. 'Iho in crease of corn acreage will como from the plowing up of old pastures anfl clover fields , and this will bo to a great extent equalized by the seeding down to grass in connection with spring grain of largo areas in western Iowa , Nebraska and Kansas. In southern Iowa and in Missouri and Kansas winter wheat has encroached on the lands heretofore sown to oats and spring wheat , and if this should bo in good shape by May 1 , there will bo a decrease In this respect both in spring wheat and oats. Wo have now reached a point when there can bo no great increase in any" kind of grain except flax sown mainly on now hinds which does not involve a decrease either in some ether grain crop or in pastures and meadows. Any im portant decrease in these involves a decrease crease in the number of farm animals or else an improvement in agriculture , which can at best bo but slow. There can therefore , witli an average crop , el even a crop above _ an average , bo no ovor-nroditotlon this year in any line , nnd tlio farmer can plow , sow nnd reap with a hotter promise of reward than for many years past. Ot her industries will watoh the crop "of 1891 with an interest at least equal to that of the farmer. Railroads tire pray ing for a big crop as they never did be fore , and if their prayers are availing' with that Power that orders ) all the sea sons , the barns and corn cribs will bo filled with plenty. Manufacturers and distributors are equally concerned in the magnitude of the farmer's crop. In fact , national prosperity for a year and a hall to como depends largely on the promise nnd performance of the crop odS'Jl. ' Kittllr Corn. Two years experience with Katflr corn has convinced mo of its great value , writes G. A. Lnutlo in the Kansas Farmer. Under the' most unfavorable circumstances of planting and culture , where corn would have failed ontirolyit has boon a paying crop. It will yield a larger return for labor on poorer soil than any crop of which I know. Any soil that is worth farming at nil will do. Prepare as for corn , but the surface should bo well levelled. Plant April 1 , if it can bo done ; if not , as early as possible before Juno 1. Drill with corn drill three pounds per acre. to oDtain best yield of eocd. To obtain the best yield of fodder and a good yield of seed , four pounds may ho used. Cultivate as taste nnd time admit ; the moro thoroughly the better , but unliKe corn , it will not bo a failure even If neglected. Wo cut with a I'roston corn-cutter. Two men cut and shocked three to four acres per day. 1 estimate forty bushels per aero , can bo easily raised on ordina ry Kansas upland , and that if well plant ed and cultivated It will never fall much short of this yield. I bollovo It would pay best to top the heads and thrash when well cured and convenient. The standing- fodder can , after it has been topped , be cut with an ordinary self- rake machine nnd shocked as corn , \ory largo shocks being best. i The fodder Is undoubtedly the bcstand most abundant produced by any crop I ! which has any value ns a gram producer. Compared with corn fodder , It 1ms these s' ' advantages : It stays green until killed by frost , thus giving a longer time , and ! cheaper labor to cut It ; the stalks are l shorter , but have fullv as much foliage , consequently there Is loss labor In hand ling : ft does not break so badly in dry , windy weather ; it keeps much better in shocks ; and last , but not least , it will yield three times tig much feed per acre. I cannot BOO any indications that the grain is inferior to corn , except when fed in the fodder to cnttlo , when it IB very .imperfectly digested. Having plenty of liogd with the cattle does not entirely remedy the loss , ns it shatters badly , and the seed bolng so small , there Is necessarily BOIIIO waste from tramping In the ground. The remedy plainly is to thresh and grind it. Fed to hoga whole , it aoosvory wol 1 , but would probably bo better if ground. Four well-grown pigs , three months old , wore fed on Knlllr corn and water ex clusively until they were eight months old. They wcro them put on our corn nnd wutor. At nlno montliB nnd twenty- suvon iluys they were marketed , weigh * Ing 347 pounds cnch , nnd were by Jar the best looking hogs I enw IUJIOHB n la rgo number sola In Chanuto that day. These hogs were novcr cotiflncd in a small poti , however , but hud plenty of green food. I now Imvo a lot of pfgs on ono-hiilf food tl.nt nro equal to any corn-fed pigs I know of. I Imvo no hesitancy In urging the planting of this crop ; but especially should those plant liberally of It who nro BO situated as to not rnlso Inreo nnd pav ing crops of corn with any rousonablo certainty. Worm * In llofl. It is generally consldorud that , no class of domostlc animals Is troubled so much with worms as hogs , nays n writer in the Nebraska Farmer. For this rea son many-consider It good mlvlco that when the hogs seem to oat well and yet ilo not thrive , it will bo safe to doctor for worms. \ The principal syn 'Urn' ' are a voracious cious appotlto without a corresponding pain in ilcsh. In many cases the animal couirhs , runs restlessly nb'out and often utters squeals of ) > ; iln. The best remedy is turpentine , which can bo glvon In milk or slop ; or kerosene glvon the same way will usually destroy thorn. As with nearly or quite all ether discuses with which hogs nru allllcted , Ills easier us well as more economical to prevent than to cure , and with worms the easiest plan is to see that they have all the salt they can cat. If hogs are loft in a place whore they can help themselves to salt and ( ashes , there will usually be very lit tle trouble with worms. However , if the turpentine frills to plvo relief , give a third of a tonspoonful of sanlonluo every night and morning for two or throe- days k their feed. It will usually thoroughly destroy < ] i the worms ; this should always be , followed by a bri&k cuthartie , or it can bo given In castor oil with good , re sults. Hints on I'otato Grovvinir. C IAHA , March 28. To the Editor of THU HUE : I would like to reply through the columns of your paper to numerous inquiries from all over this state about seed potatoes , their culture , cutting , planting and varieties. Cut your tubers three days before and in some varieties more , before planting. I prefer lurgo tubers cut with two or more oycs in each piece. Cut as near round as possible , as a small round piece has inoro substance than a largo llat piece. With early varieties plant your pieces fourteen inches apart and no more in every third furrow as you plough your land , taking good care to have your droopor stoop his back and slick the pieces in the side of the furrow securely , so the team will not displace the same while walking in the furrow , and not more than Uireo inches doop. After planting do not disturb the soil by bar- rowing or otherwise until you can see the rows of vines above the soil. Then harrow well , the team being kept astride of the drills. D.on't . ' bo afraid of harrowing or injuring the young vines. Late in the evening or early in the innrnlnrr when the vines nro closed would bo the best time to harrow. In ono week or less after harrowing take a corn plow and po through the rows , throwing the soil well up against the vines. It won't hurt If _ , some of the vines got covered. They will soon , como up again. Keep ploughing until the vines got so largo that they cover the ground. In the matter of varieties , there is not at present nn early potato which yields BO sure n crop as the early Ohio ; that is if scad is raised in some soil different from that which you havo. I never hoe or pull weeds in a dry time. Pull weeds while ralnincr. Lake potatoes don't do so well in Nebraska any more. Early or intermediate vari eties are the surest crop. Lake pota toes require to be planted further apart than oarlv ones. Drills should be about three foot and no less apart. A potato that has boon nearly frozen in a pit or collar never makes good sized potatoes. But potatoes that got heated in sacks erin in a heap or that are exposed to the sun in the Hold nro not good. They will all grow , but the sprouts will bo so delicate that the vines will bo the sumo , nnd n small vine Indicates a.small potato. I change my seed every two years. If your land is rolling change seed with some ono for potatoes that were raised on low land. Seed from the north will do bettor than seed from the south or east seed from the west will not do well. I plant iny crop early , intermediate and late , on account of the uncertainty of the rainfall. I grow on an average of forty acres yctirly and I have notliiid a poor crop for the past eighteen years. 1 have no trouble with the the potato bootlo. I use pavls green , ono table spoon full , well stirred in two gallons of water and Bprinklo it on the vines in the heat of the day , with a bunch of feathers tied on a stick. I wait till the young beetle 'makes . .his ap pearance. I don't trouble with the old ones , as they do no harm. Keep your water well stirred. If you poison it too strong it will injure the vines ; if too weak , your labor goes for nothing. In the matter of cultivation in a dry season. Hat drills will do bettor than those that are drilled up. Some varieties ties of potatoes grow down deep , and some near the surface. Some soils will do to hill up , and some will not , but as a rule I hill my drills , for by so doing * hill all woods and grasses. Potatoes in the fall should bo taken up If possible dry uud put in pits for two weeks before removing to collar or for shipping. JAMKS WALSH. Cheese Knctories. MONHOK , Green County , Wis. , March 23. To the Editor of THU BKU : I re side at Wescott , Custor county , Nobnis- - ka , but being hero on a short visit , ] think I can glvo your farmer readers in Nebraska some points that might benefit hem. This county is In the southern tlor of counties in this sttito and loss than one-fourth the size of Ctistor couti' ty. The leading industry here is dairy ing , every farmer bending nil his ener gies to produce the largest quantity o milk , which is sold to cheese factories at from 05 to80 cents per cwt.for the spring nnd summer months , nnd at $1 for the winter months. The past winter having boon mild many factories have boon run nil winter. The milk IB made up into Swiss , brick , limborg nnd American chceso , nnd is shipped to all the western states , mining towns and the Pacific coast , whore it sells readily at remuner ative prices , The past boason has boon very succcssfnlnnd the four or flvu com mission men hero who have handled this choose have received over $ -0,000 oacl : for their work , which is not an cant Bum. Nebraska- farmers , it scorns to mo , should make at least what cheo&o IB con Burned in the statetosay nothing of Urn consumed in the Btntos woat of us. I ilnd on Inquiry that tharct Is about ono hundred and forty factories in this small county , with 'an average of MO COWB to each factory , with an output ot about fifty-six thousand pounds of cheese each yearly , which , added to the product of the largo milk condensing factory here , swells the receipts to over $1,000,000 for the yearly milk product of this small county. The president of the First National bank here Informs mo that fully the above bum pusses through his bank yearly in payment for cheese alone. I think those facts should com mend themselves to the attention of Nebraska farmers. Our stuto Is in about the same latitude ns Wisconsin , and this Industry cannot bo Injured by lullstorms or wholly destroyed by drouth , and when grass grows and water runs , ether things being equal , dairying con bo carried on successfully. Certainly winter dairying can be carried on moro profitably In Ne braska than In Wisconsin by reason of cheaper grain and hay , and climatic of- foot will'cut 110 llguro In winter. W. s. WKSCOTT. Aeritmlturnl IS.xpcrlntcnfs. The methods that obtain in the con duct of experiments by Sir John 13. Lawes at Kotlmmstoad , nnd under the auspices of the Royal Agricultural so ciety of Woburn , England , might bo profitably followed in this country. Those experiments are not mtulo on small plats , nor for n single year , but year after year the same lands , In largo areas , arc used for the same work until the results acqulro till the force and ac curacy of a mathematical demonstration. Ono result ol the barley experiments have been to show an averaged , produc tion on unmanured land , for seventeen years , of fourteen and ona-olghth bush els per nero per annum , while with com plete fertilizers the average production through the same poilod has been forty- three and five-eighths bushels per aero. Agricultural Notes. Ono advantage in sheep growing Is that they bring In money from April to August , often n season during which farmers have nothing to turn into money for current expenses. The objection to feeding fowls almost wholly upon concentrated foods , such as grain , and particularly corn , UOA iu the fact that it is not sulllciontly bulky nnd is too fattening. It thus brings on n con dition that Is not favorable to egg pro duction , nnd that also predisposes the fowls to disease. bow onlomeccu only on level land , else a heavy rain soon after planting may wash the seed out of the ground and so spoil the crop before It is fairly started ; and as onions must bo in early and up early in order to do well , there Is rarely a chance to replant. The land must also bo well drained , as water standing long upon it at any time during the season will prove most injurious. Canada is rapidly coming into proml- noncu ns a wheat exporting countrv. Out of its total production of 60,000,000 bush els last year 20.000,000 bushels were available for this purpose. It is claimed that the northwestern portion of British America contains the largest undevel oped who.it area now remaining upon the globe. Pruning trees and vines.in the spring may not result in any serious injury , yet it should bo done in the late autumn or winter , if possible. If done after the sap has commenced to flow there will bo moro or less oo/.lng wherever the knife is used. This will attract various kinds of insects that are always liable to damage - ago the swelling buds and tender foliairo Mrs. Winslow's Soootblnff Syrup for Cull- dr > n Teething cures wind colic , dlarrhcua , tc. 25 cents a bottlo. Dculfllon tn f'nvor of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'nul Ky. The now Palace sleeping c.xra of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. , with electric lights in every bortht will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , at 0:10 : p. in. , dally. Passengers taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil BlufTs , and arrive in Chicago at 9:30 : a. in , , in amplotimc to ranko-iill eastern connections. Ticket ofllco , 1601 Farnam street. F. A. N-ASII , J. E. PKESTON , General Agent. City Passenger Agent. AN AIIMY OF UlUEHTYT. Strong Secret Military Organization to Mnko and Sustain Itojiublics. It will bo news to many to bo told that there arc COO men in California thor oughly equipped with the best arms and accoutrements , rcUy for the wqrd of command to bo passed around for thorn to rise nnd journey to San Salvador , says the. Chronicle. The "Grand Army of Labor for Llbnr- ty and a Republic Universal and Vigi lant" is the elongated name of the asso ciation which is briefly spoken of as the Army of Liberty. Its history is inter esting. The nucleus of the army was formed by the soldiers of Sheridan's command. They were sent to the Texas border , it was supposed , to aid in the re storation of the Mexican republic and the deposition of Maximilian. Their mission suggested the formation of a standing army , whoso aims and objects should bo the promotion of commerce , the defense of the rights of sailors , the propagation of republican ideas and an ovor-watchful eye and helpful hand for the destruction of monarchies and the overthrow of oppressors of any kind. Ono of the Incidentals of the ob jects of the formation of the association was the resurrection of American com merce , which England and Franco had combined to do away with during the war of the rebellion. This association is pledged to propngato republican ideas everywhere. Its members are of six classes. It has 1,600 branches allover over- the world , of which about forty are In the United States alono. There are 200 clubs in California and sixteen of these clubs nro in San Francisco. The classes consist of "students , " om- oraclng those who have given their no * crot approval of the objects of the army ; "comrades , " or those who have signed the rolls nnd agreed to aid when called upon , and who are guaranteed good po sitions wherever the army has control ; "commanders , " including those who have enlisted ono or moro raon , and so are entitled to precedence in the matter of appointment to public olllces. The fifth and sixth clashes consist of "sol diers of the life guard. " Those are military men who nro llrst called upon , and it is from them that the COO men now awaiting the word of command have boon selected. They are a well drilled , finely equipped body of men , whoso watchword is , "Help for the op pressed wherever found. " For nfow years after its formation the army foil into dlauotudo , but homo years ago it was thoroughly revived and has been in active operation over Binco al ways , however , In the sumo secretive manner. In addition to the many ob jects of the association are others of an indollnito nature , including the ultimate formation in the distant future of n world-wide republic which shall own and control all railroads and steam and sailing vessels and operate something _ like the Topolobampo colony. At i present , however , the most significant portion of the colony is Its military sec tion , which Is over ready to light for the principles which all the inombora are supposed to believe in strictly. Every * member wears a badge , con sisting ot a shield , from which la hung an empty scabbard , coitvoying the idea that the sword is always drawn in the cause of liberty. The shield represents the unity and strength of the republican Like Humpty , i s * * i r M . 'on the wall , FAII il e soaps h&ve oreat ; fall Wlp ? SANTA C LAUS SOAP Tfll your Grocer corses If/eir / way ; you mini have V1.AUS. ' ForFAIRBANK'5SOAP has corne b sky MADE , ONLV BV' form of government , nnd the letters "R. U. I ? . , " thouyli their moaning is sup posed to bo scorot , intiy rotulily bo inter preted ns "Aro you ready ? " Tlio ques tion Is supposed to convoy the Idou of otornnl watchfulness , as the answer is ulwnys nfllnnatlvo. just ns the ecubbard implies ulllrinutlon , in the absence of the sword , always drawn. No reason is assigned for the selection of San Salvador as anobjoct of commis eration except that ills n case In which a republic Is threatened with extinction from an ambitious neighbor. , A branch of the army was established in Omaha In the OO's , shortly after the close of the war , and some of the veterans - ans were active morabors for a short time , but as duos became heavier inter est relaxed , n-nd the local branch ceased to exist. Furthermore , it was not re vived bore , and the organization with the lengthy nnd elaborate name has now no representation in Omaha. Spanish Court Cream is the now foun tain of youth , it imparts to all a young , fresh and clear skin , for sale by all drug gists. A Dmijjerous fe'omnamlmllst. Louis Franz , tno night clerk at the Grand , relates the dtory of a narrow es cape from the dream-wrath of a som nambulist , says the Seattle Telegraph. You see , said Louis , on old mining man took a room ono night , and some hours afterward its I was dossing behind the desk for I was tired I was startled by hearing footsteps shuQling down the stairs , I looked up and saw my friend , the mining man , with a six-shooter in his right hand. Ilo walked right over toward mo , his eyes staring blindly and almost starting out of their sockets. It is bard to toll what thoughts Hashed through my brain as ho approached. What could ho mean , and was I alone with a maniac ? > Ho walked up to my desk nnd took de liberate aim at mo. ' I expected him to follow the action with a couple of shots , nnd HO T ilnrlrrnil rlftwn linlifml mv ilnnlr and rang for the police. "Fork over that $ ; JOO , young fellow , " ho cried ; "you don't ' run in tny .cold . deck on mo and got away with the spoils. " Of cOurse I know the situation imme diately. Ho had Voon "done up" in .1 game oy eomo card sharps and , had boon dreaming the matter over until the operations of his mind led htm in his sloop to seek redress of his grievances. I don't know why ho tackled mo , but perhaps the man who worked him was good looking and was something like mo in facial appearance , I know it would take some moments for the police to arrive , and time was very precious just then. "I'll ' pay you tho. money , " I yelled. "Put down that pistol and you can have your blasted three hundred. " The minor lowered his weapon. "Como this way , " said I , and ho followed mo into the bar-room. Behind the bar was a big dish of water. I fumbled a mo ment with tho.monoy-drawor to deceive the murderous looking sloopor.and then , quick as a Hash I throw the basinful of water across the counter into his face. IIo yelled , dropped his pistol to the floor , rubbed his oycs a second , and then fully awakened , betran to look around. Ho bogged a thousand pardons when I explained matters to him , and told mo how ho hud gone to bed wishing that ho could get hold of the man who had played an unfair game with him in a ho tel east of the mountains. That minor invites mo out to supper every time ho comes to town and is one of my best friends now. But it makes my soft brown hair curl oven whoa months had passed since the occurrence , whenever I cogl- tale on the story of the ' "Bloodthirsty Dreamer or the Lucky Watorbasin. " April Weather I'rcdlctloiis. If n peck of March dust is worth a king's ransom , and April showers bring forth May Mowers , is it not right to pro- diet that every day In every month the olectric-llghted,8toam-heatedvostlbulcd , - , limited trains of the Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul railway will continue to run on the short line between Omaha and Chicago. The olectrlo reading lamp in every berth of their palace sleeping cars Is their own patent and cannot bo used by any ether company. Ticket oliico , 1501 Farnam street , Omaha. Apach'H Ksoapo from 1'rlson. Roman Chiquito , a'Mcscalero Anacho Indian , has boon attending the United States court at-LasCrucos , Now Mexico , ns a witness in a cafce against another Indian. Several yfidrs ago Roman Chi quito was sontonceili to a term of im prisonment in the' military prison for complicity in a mm-fler , although it was afterward doubted i it ho was an acces sory. Ilo was sent to Fort Loavonworth , Kas. , in company with several ether In dians , and afterward transferred to Fort Kiloy. Fromi thin prison ho escaped with one t'other ' in a manner that was always ajjnVstory to his jailors , through an Interpreter , lie told the story of liiH escape. Ho bays that , with his corripanion . ho had boon sent outsldo the prison walls with a guard to do seine work. Watching their opportunity they suddenly made a break for liberty , although their guards sent a shower of balls after them , they succeeded in getting Into a cornfMd un hurt , where they hid between the rows of corn and covered thonibolvos with loose earth and escaped the vigilance ol the soldiers , notwithstanding the Hold was thoroughly searched nnd they were sovornl times In danger of bolng troud V.KI ) . JHght coming on , they loft their hW- ing-place and took up their journey of 1,100 ! miles toward , the t-ottlng sun , through a strange country which they had travel-bed only in stt'lft-movlng cars , and inhabited by whites who would rocognlzo thorn ns escaped prison ers and capture them for the gov- eminent standing reward. That tlioj succeeded without being scon by a single - glo poraou ehows the acutonessof tlio wild race to which they belong. Foi WANTED ft vwv B Of tit DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIES , ST. R.R.COMpANIE8eta , Correspondence solicited. N.tt.HARRIS&COMPANY.Bankers. IC-iG5 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 15 Well Stroot. NEW YOHK' 70 Kioto StBOSTON - . P. T. HUGHES , Wholesale Cash Commission Merchant. Klirln nnd Western Creamery butter , CFKJ and dura lent lard. Adrimeoicm lots on track , wnro- lioiisoor Instoro at bank rates. 132S and 1300 lOlli st. , Denver. Colorado. OK.VUINB M1CU011K KIM.KIt I KIDIl'S IIK11M I'.UAOICATOKCiiiAt nil ( llscunes Loc.uiso It kllli tlio microbe or norm. 1'ut upanit retailed In J.1. tJ iimlli Hlzcs , tlio latter 2 1-2 ( rnlluns , Sent any- wlicro prepaid on receipt of price , or 0. o. I ) . \\o J auo a Kiiarunteo to cure. Tlio pulillc , trnrtn nnd Jobbers supplied by tliuKliislcrDrueCo. , Omaha. " days they traveled on , ttiklnp- west" ward course , and only moving after sun- sot. Sometimes , the Indian naively saidthoy would "borrow" a white man's horse , and after riding hard nil night , turn the animal loose to bo picked up by its owner. With no guldo hut their in stincts they at last came in sight of the Rocky mountains and then Felt thom- Bolvos at homo. "While they were in tlio farming countries they lived'upon roast ing oars , which were rlp6 , but as they pot further west it became difficult to lind food. AH a lust alternative they wore forced to kill a pig and oat it , and pork is n m < ? ut which is abhorred and tabooed by the ApachoH. It was comparatively easy sailing after they got into the mountains , nnd after n long walk of moro than 1,000 miles , which occupied ' 'two moons"thoy once moro reached the confines of their res ervation , only to ho made captive by the police of their own people. Tlio agent at once reported them , but it turned out that the military olliuors in chat-go of Fort Riley had failed to report their escape , and word was sent back to the ATofcfifil wi pnani'trntfnn tlmff ( - f tt-incf \\r\ \ n mistake , us no Indians were missing , so Roman Uhiquito and his traveling com panion were suffered to remain among their own people and enjoy their earned freedom. Dr. Birnov cures catarrh. Boo bld'g. / ttUX , KItSGKH , KUX. Anna ir < mtUt\i \ Wttllama in If. 1 * . Ilecmder. ( The Soutnern Darky Improvising. ) Do moon nin brlto Au' mcr heart is lite , An' or got on mor Sunday rig ; Case I'm ' pwitio tosoo Sal , My own yeller gal , A ad clunsc in do hi lau jit ? . Whistles. Run , nlRKer , run"do , patrol lore catch you ; Hun , nigBor , run , doy's on do way. Dar is Pol nn' Buo An' Mary Jane ana Lou , An1 tlom putty gals o'er do way. I wonder Is 'cm ' all Will bo at ilo ball ! If doy Is , we'll datico toll day. Whistles. Hun , nlfrgor , run , do patrollcrs catch you ; Hun , uiKRor , run , doy's on dc wuy. fronts from ( lie kitchen : "Hold on , dar , niggor , nn' shot yo jlnb mouf. You hoop whls'lin' flat chuno bo loud an' do pat-rollers will have you unnin' fo' ' " day , she' null. If tint in Rpor Hud such a li As Uo gill wlint I calls my own. Don bo inlto whistle too , As ho skipt do bushes free , And feel aatha was mighty grown. Whistles. Hun , nlgpor , run , do pntrollors eaten you ; Hun , nigger , run , doy 'a on do wuy. Soliloquizes : "I'se mos'dur ' , 'case I hears do niggers or pattin' nn'or ' clappin' , an' old Dave's big banjo , too. " Here's a penny To know now mcnny Will crowd in dat ono room , An1 as doy all dance An" hop or bout and prance , Dcy'll send out a mighty pot-room. Whistles. Hun , nigger , run , do patrollers catch you ; Kim , nlgpor , run , doy's on do way. ' How cum dat chuno or runnln' so in my hatlo ? I heard Mara Joe Burnett say doy all was or gwino Iclu-kluekln down In do low part of do country dls worry nlte. Dnt'u how cum I to 'sist ' In dlst frolic , so I'so jist g\vino \ to pilch in , an' joy iniholf wid do ladios. " How Is yor all What's cum to do ball All drost in yor Sunday close ) i I bopo yor all Is well JToryero cut tin sick cr swell I c-.itt tell by do turn of ycro noso. Hun , nigger , run , Uo p.itrollcrs calch you ; Hun , niffgor , run , doy's ou do way. Dave , dat old chuno Is cr furst-rato cliuno Fur tcr tip do "tastlc to. " So pick on yor string An' lot do muslk ring. Oat's It , so now here wo go. Hun , ntKgcr , run , do nutrjllors catch you ; Hun , nigger , run , tloy's ' on the way. Soliloquises : "Gollyl how dls nlcrger is injoioln hlBsolf. 1 nopes do balance of you boys iu cr coptin do tuusik Ilk I li. Sinys : Now , Miss Sally , I hope yor won't dally Wid my fccllns winy moroj But put yor llttlo turns In my ruff ole pans , And ( leu wo'll clean up do floor. Hun , trigger , run , etc , From the kildtcn window : "Yes , yor better run , niggor ; run ! fnt do hull yard in full oh dom big-hoadod lilu-klncks , an' here tloy's com in rite in do house. " There wan a general scramble and rush lor the windows and doors , and aa they Cbcapcd throuj , ' ' ' the busliula thov were hoard urging each ether on wltfi the expressive , "Kun , nigger , run ! " Dr. Birnoy cures catarru , Boo bldg. OMAHA DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. BICYCLES. The Brnnswiok-Balko Oollonner do. - A. H. Pcrrigo&Oo. DlllUnl merchr ndli , AlUlakoi , All t'rlcci , All Pnloon Ottiiroi Part . < 07 , (09 s. I0tl > street , * Dunlin. III& loJio ! Street. BOOK BINDERS < Ss STATIONERS. Omaha Republican Printing Oo , , Lw btlofi , bank iupplle < , nnl eyof/tbln/ tbj printing lino. 10th nil Douglm ilroot > . Ackermann Bros. It Hointzo , Prlntcri , binders , tloctrotrpars , blank book manu facture r , IMS Ilownr.l street , Oinnhv BOOTS AND SHOES. BOXES. BUTCHERS. John L. Wilkio , LotiirHolliir , Dmthnpnptr box ( lolorr , nutchorV mid Packon1 1317-1319 nautili. Tools A BiiMpUs ! Hoof , Order * promptly flllod. boa & he ? ; > eixlnxt. , IHO-HISJi\ck oti Ht _ OA.BIUAGBS , BTJGQIHS , BTO. W. T , Seaman , Omi\tms I.iUKOit Variety WAGONS AN1) * CAHIHAO.K3 CARPETS. OLOTH1NQ- . Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Oilmord & Buhl , Carpets , oil cloths , rant- Manufacturer * A Wliol * tint' , enrlatn KooH ( , oM. i > nlo I'lothlori , 1511 Douxlnj stroot. limilsrncrSt. OIOARS. West & Fritscher , B. Tuclima i & uo- , Manufacturers flDoctRurs Manufacturers' Atfonts , jobbers oftnt \ tobicoo * . t'luri. 1011 Knrnnm street. 5033 Mill st. Otiinlin.Nob. GOAL , COKE , ETO. Omaha Goal , Ooko and Ooutant & Squires , Lime Oo. llirdnndioft coal ship- Hard fin < t aofto. B. K. Cur , Htll unil Hoar 190S Fnrniitn root , _ Ua itreeU Omaha Hulbert & Blum , P. H. Mahoney & Oo. Olilolump.llock Spring Haril-Coal Soft. Kicolslor , U'nlmittiloct , - crooned nut , nntliraclta , SIS N. Ifith and cor. talltilnx. ttonm. OIUcoSIIS. 15th tU lOtli nnd Douglas sts. American Puel Oo. Howell & Oo. , Jhlppern anil diMlen la anlhriiclto nml Mtu- SITS. Uth street , mlnoui co.il. ! 15 S. 15th street. Omnha. Neb. Nebraska Puel Oj. , Johnson Bros , , J13S. 13th stroat , [ U Knrnnm street , " . Omahft , Neb. Omaha , Nob. Mount & Griffin , O.B. Havens & Oo. , 213 a. Nth strait , lUXt Farnam itroct , OmahnNeb. . TKIWtltT , / H . , i"K llvr.tllnstlnncapi.fuie. mrttot. "GRAIN AND PROVISIONS , Tonoray & Bryan , B. A. MoWhorter , Brokers , Kruln. i.ru l.lcini 112 l.l.Nntl lltnk.Ilrokari nnditork. ' JI5 B Hth 1'rlvntn wln' to t Ht I'rlvntowlre ( u Chi York , C lilc n Ami Ht ituo.bt. Ixiuli anil Louis. ( Visli until Vork. bouiUt lor nil markets IIAJIDWAItM. Koctor&WilhelmyOo Leo-Olwk - Andrewaa IInrJvr.ua Oo. . it , Cot , 10th tel J.wUon llCt'lllO llfcrntfltrM FUR , WOOL , HIDESTALLOW. ' oo. Obonio & Oo. , J. 8. Smith i Go , , (13 3.15th / itrooU 1109-141 ] U.xvonitorthik Omitti * . IHON WORKS. Pftxton & Omalm Safe & IronWorks Ironworks , WroiiBht Him nil Iron Works , tnllUlniiffurk , MiRlnoi , ftlimuprs Pro itnilbiuilir I trftsn work. ( Onoritl | > roof ( . Tnulti , JilL. , foiimtrj , ninrlilno not oork , Iron nhuttira nni Mncfcsmllli work. O.P. tire t"dt > os. U. An * II ; . < treenlltli A Jncksonitl Acme Iron and "Who Wilson & Drake , Work ! , M'fc tut'UlM- ' ( Inns , dr tron , * rlrfiiin 1brM ' . < w'ki. & 128. ICtlJHreot. box boiler * , Umki , eta. rV.lluubl , I'taprlolor. 1'lerconnl l&thitrcotl. LITHOGRAPHING- . RoosPriuting Oo. ' i'Mna ' , I'rlntlnt nnd Illank llookj. lltli nnJHownnlSti. MUSIOAL INSTBUMSN'TS , ETO " CEMENT AND LIMB. J. J. Johnson & Co. , 218 S. 13th tlrooe , Omahn , Nob. OILS. OYSTERS. T