THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE : M&NDAY , APH1L G , 1891 , THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL. BL.UFFS. OFFICK : No. 12 1'KAHL STKEET. v""pe'lvered by Carrier In nny part of the City. \ * / II. W , Tir/rON - - - MANAOEll. TELEPHONES ! Buenos * Oflico , No. 43. Editor. No. ai. JUMHt MilSTltty. N. Y. P. Co. Council HlufTs Lumber ( Jo. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , SO I Snpp bloik. Onultto Hock Spring coul. Thatcher , 1C Mf.ln The Otnalin wheel club vtsttod the Bluffs yesterday. II. E. 01 rim loft yesterday morning torn two clays' trip n Kansas. nebular convocation Star chapter No. 47 , Koyal Arch Masons , this evening , 8 o'ctuck Hhurp. AH Hoyal Arch Masons in good utand- liitf nro conllnlly invited , MM. II. J. Oallttgher , who has been visit ing her parents , Mr. tind Mrs. Henry I'ov chol , on Willow avenue , for Rovcral weeks past , leaves today for ho homo la fort Nio- brurn , Nob. The county supervisors hold their regular Atinl session today. A number of Important subjects will bo brought before thorn for con sideration , mil on K others that of a law library for the court house. | It is stilted tlmt President Harrison will pass through Council Bluffs about May 11 , cnrouto from the Pacific coast. There I * tolls among the himinoss men of polling no a bnmjuct for him In case ho euu bo Induced to stop over for n few hours , ' -Mrs. WlUielnilnn Gelso dlod yesterday morning nt the residence of nor dauRliter , Miss Loulu Kock , of East Plorco street , nt the ago of seventy-two years of la grippe. ' ' tomorrow niter- 'I'lio tunural will take pmco noon from the iuto residence at - o'clock. The hlcroulyphlcal puzzle which appeared In the Into edition of the Vestal Guide , sue- cocdrd in bringing out IB ! p'-oplo who were ccrtnln thev had the right solution to it. The solutions will ho opened today und the result of the contest will bo announced to the public in tomorrow's Hun. The result of the voting upon the prirrs which wcro to bo awarded to ttio various contestants by a vote at the Catholic bazaar , wns an follows : Most iwpulnr county ofllclal , ShuriiT .Inmcs O'Neill , sold headed cuno ; most popular traveling mnn , ( J. K. Kced , grip ; most popular youiiK tody , Miss Eva Itfeschcmlorf , nocUlnco. O. P. BIlKL'r , atulnst whom some serious charijcs worn made several days ngo In u po- tltlon which was lllud In superior court , states thnt all the charges nro falso. In regard to the chafes of forgery which wire inado against W.V , Ullger , ho state's that part of the notes were slfrncd by W.V. . Ullgur. with his consent , and the rest by hlmsolf. Ho denies that thcro was any fraud or deception of any kind in any of the transactions. Do you want an express wagon or boy ? KiiiR up the A. D. T , Co. , telephone 170 , No. 11 North Main street. J.C. nixoy , noatlns ? , sanitary en gineer , 2ft ) Morrlam block , Council Blutts Fruit farm for sale on reasonable terras ; within ono and one-half miles of the 1' . O. ; nil in Voarlnt" good buildings ; possession Riven at onco. Cull on D. J. Hutchiiisou & Co. , til" Ilroadwny. Opaque foil window shades ! V5c each , with fixtures and nil complete , ut the lioston Btore , Council lilulTs , this wcok. A CUEAT SlMSCIAh TK.XIN. Txveuty-Klvo Car Ijimdn or Mnsslllon Machinery Un'Holl & CO'R Third Annual Shipment West. A special train thnt is attracting national importance will arrive la Council Bluffs Wednesday afternoon about 3 o'clock ' over the Burlington rand. It h n solid traia of twcnty-ilvo cars , from MassillonO. , enrouto to Portland , Oro. , loaded with farm machin ery from the Musslllon factory of Hussoll & Co. It loft the factory Thursday morning over the Wheeling A Lake JSrio rood. The train is gaily decorated , anil between Mas- slllon mid Council Bluffs only daylight runs arc boliip ; made. After its arrival hero It will bu consigned to the Union 1'aclflc , and then t will bo whirled westward day and nipht until it reaches its destination. It is ono of thn Inr t iiml mrwt nvnflnMvn amimiuuia of uiu lurKwnij mm uxjmuaivu goods ever sent west , valued ut nearly $100- COO , Iho freight bill alone amounting to $10- 000. Besides the railway ofllcials anil promi nent men aboard the train will bo uccompan : led as far as Council Bluffs by Mr. N. S. Russell , the senior member of the company nnd Secretary G. M. Russell , who will spend some time In the city looldnir ' over the west ern branch located hero and , for many years In ehargo of Mr. E U. Harris. They will ac company the tralu no further , aud. after In specting their property hero will return \ homo. It la probable the board of trade will . make some special effort to entertain and In terest them. The train will remain at the local depot of the Burlington for hours und will at tract many visitors. The shipment com prises all kinds of asrtcultund Implements , but largely trnotion enulnoi nnd threshers. This is the third train the company has sent out loauod exclusively with the world famous Mimlllon machinery that has boon sent west and it is the best possible evidence of tha solid and over increasing confidence of the farmers tn the sterling qualities of the ma chinery. A few year * neo the company was content with ? inclo carload shipments , bnt now the demand calls for special trains. Wall paper. 4 double rolls for ftQc. Boston store , Council Bluffs. Ladles' Jersey vests , S c each , nt the Bos ton StorOj Council Bluffs. Outlnp flannel remnants at the BOSTON' SIOIIK. Coi'son. BI.UI-FS , this week 5c a yard , lOo and l3lfo ! quality. Curtain poles with brass fixtures and all complete , I9c each , at the Boston Store , Council Blufts , this wcok. Our line of carpets and parlor furniture will hear Inspection. We o'ulm ' the largest stock in the city. Mundcl & Klein. All Chinese goods at half prlco at Jim Lung's , ItOS Broadway. Finioral of Jo'in The funeral services of the late John W. Kllgoro took place yesterday afternoon from the Fifth avenue Methodist church , Rev. C. \Y. Brewer officiating. The church was ( melted to Its utnioat capacity by the friends of the deceased , and a most Impressive scr- vlco was holtl. The members of Ahi Lincoln post , Orand Army of the Republic , were present , and all ttiat remains of the veterans of the Mexican war. The old soldiers fol lowed tha body to the grave , and at the corner of Headway aud 1'oarl strcot they were joined by the Woman's Uollof corps , Our sprhiR stock Is now complete. If you want to ho In style call at Ucltor's , the tailor , UIO Uroadwuy. _ OutlnK flannel remnants at the group , COUNCIL Hi.urrs , this week So a yard , lOo and 13J c iiuallty. WAU. PAPER. 1I04TOK STOKE. COUNCIL 1II.UFFJ. Who Siys Mont IH Going Up ? Moschondorf don't say so , as the following prices will convince you of : Portornoufo steak , l-J < c. Sirloin steak , I'-'Ko , Hound steak , lUe. I'rinio rib roast , lOc , Shoulder roast , 7c. , ' v I'ork roost , So. 1'ork chops , too , Voul , 7o to 12Wo. Mutton , Co to 12) < c. Shoulder steak. Ba Sausaea of all klndr , 6c. Dust No , 1 bains , Uc. Host N'o. 1 bacon , Ho. Hest No. I lard , 10a IJest Fa 1 salt pork , Be. Olco. auil butter , Ibo uudSOc. Curtain poles with brass fixtures anil all complete , 1'Jo ' each , at tlio 13o > tou tjloro , Couucll Uluff ) , tub week. SEWS FROJI COUNCIL BLUFFS/ Entertainment Which Tonight's ' Council Meeting Promises Those Who Attend. OFFICES AND CANDIDATES FOR THEM , MunJi Interest In tlio Uliolcn of n Fife Olilrf and n Deputy Ctty Clerk Oilier Matters oT Interest. The city council will meet this ovcnlnR. Considerable interest has been excited among the citizens In regard to this meeting , from this fact that tonight Is the tirno whluh is llxed by law for the election of street com missioner and chlof of the fire department. It Is probable tlioro will also bo an attempt made to elect a deputy city cleric. There is a great deal of uncertainty con nected with the results of the election , and no one would lllto to look through the dim ness of the next twenty-four hours and see what is going to bo done than the candidates for the position of chlof of the flro ilopu-t- ment. Tbo contest bos prncllcully nar rowed itself down to one be tween two men , Oliver Hague , and Frank Levin , the present chief. Levin thinks his chances era us good as nny one's , blithe does not believe a majority of the counclhncn arc pledged to support any ono In particular. It ii stated thnt four of the al dermen have agreed to veto for'n ' , though none of them have given him nny uledgo that they would stand by him to the bitter end. James Bradley , electrician of the lire de partment was in the race early in the season when there was some talk of raising the sal- aiy to $100 per mouth , but when It was de cided that there would bo no change In the salary ho cnmo to the conclusion thnt ho did not want to give up his present & 0 Job for ono whcro the responsibility and worlr nro much greater and the pay only a trlCo over half uOituch more. An attempt will probably be made to elect a deputy city clerk , but Mr. Stephen-son states that ho will not bo the ono to spring tha subject on the council. Ho proposed the name of his son as his deputy at the last regular mooting of the coiincll. but his choice was not ratified. Since that time the matter has boon allowed to rest. Mr. Stcphenson states that hu has examined the ordinances , and bo Is convinced that they will allow him to select his deputy himself , and that the council has no right to refuse to ratify his choice except for causa. He is under bonds to the city to the amount of $18,000 for the correct discharge of his own duties and those of his deputy , and under the circumstances ho thinks hoouphtto have the riuht to say who that deputy shall bo. Ou the other hand , it is stated that some of the members of the council have friends whom they want to appoint , and they stand ready to oppose any choice thnt the clerk may make , unless the candidate may bo of their own choosing. Ills not likely there will bo any election until the dend-loclc Is broken and the clerk-mid the members of the council come to a satisfactory understanding. Alderman Wood has resurrected a scheme which comes to light about once n year , and will nsk tb/ > council to build an addition to the city building and to put therein a vault to hold the vnluaolo papers that are now left' lying around the ofllccs ready for the burg lars and the fires that never como. The ad dition which It Is proposed to build are to DO largo enough to contain oftlccs for the mayor , engineer and assessor. The city Is now put to an expense of over forty dollars per month to provide these ofllclals with suitable oftlccs , and it is claimed that the saving of runt will soon makeup for the added expense caused by the building of the addition. The police department will probably bo up for discussion. A move is on. foot to cut down ttio force , and it is stated , though not oniclnlly , that the cut will bo made. Drs. "Wood bury , dentists , ; ! 0 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High grade work a specialty. Carpets , furniture , stoves , tinware , crook- cry , in endless variety on easy payments at Mandcl & Klein's. When about to build don't fiul to get prices on lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. , 813 Broadway , Not n fuloldo After All. 'Sestorday morning at. about 11 o'clock a small boy with horror all over his face hunted up Oftlcer Crafts and stated that there was a man lying dead on the top of ashed buck of the government building with blood running ; out of both sides of his neck , which ho had evidently punctured .with malice afore thought. An Investigation was made. in the mean tiir.o n largo crowd had gath ered , in the hope of seeing a real live suicide. Sure enough , the man was there , lylnjr stretched out at full length nn the roof of the shed , and the crowd watched every movement of the ofllccr with the most fever ish interest as ho scaled the side of the building. The look of feverish interst changed to ono of horror a moment later , when the oftlccr struck the prostrate object n sounding blow on its feet , accompanied with a rather sulphurous exhortation to get up and out of that. The look of horror gave way in turn to one of profound disgust , when the supposed suieldoaroso with a sheepish face and looked sleepily around him at the crowd that had evidently gathered for his benefit. It was found that the young man who had caused all the excitement was Jasper Hinlloy , a stnblo hand. Ho had gene to the top of the shed to survey the beauties of the Sabbath morning , and whllo thus engaged ho had fallen asleep. His coat was linnd with red llannel , and as the morning breezes toyed with it the flannel was displayed on each side of his neck , resembling very closolv a large , voluptuous torrent of red blood. The crowd dispersed without delay , and flvo minutes later not one could bo found who would ad mit that he bait over been taken in by a sul- cido or anybody else. The finest display of onyx fast black hosierv Is to bo found at the Dostnn store , Council Bluffs , this week. All grades , from the cheapest to the finest silk. Shugart & Co. carry largest stock of bulk Held , garden and ( lower scoua in the west Catalogue und samples by mail. The Fairmount Co cigar at the Fountain. Opaque felt window shades Sic each , with fixtures and all complete , at the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , this week , Don't Like Coator. . "Why don't you touch the waterworks company up in regard to the alleged water that they nro dishing " to us lately I" was the query whloh mot a representative of TUB BKB yesterday afternoon. "I have drank some pretty burl water in Council Bluffs In my day , but I don't think I over before tried \o drink water that required quite so much chewing. It is enough to make ono sick to look at it , ana as for health , you may tell mo nil you please that Missouri river clay Is good for tha human system , but I shall still have my doubts. It makes me wrathy every time I sea my bill for water tax coma around , I am willing to do my share of speculating In real estate , but when it comes to taking It internally , I want to draw the lino. The only way I can ac count for the present state of affairs Is that the water works company is trying to work up a sale for some , now kind of filter. " And the respectable citizen stopped. Wall paper. 3fc u roll , Boston store , Council Bluffs. AVEKK. at the Itnslon Si < > , COUNCIL. BLUFFS. A visit to tha Doston Store , COUNCIL BLUFFS , will convluco the most skeptical that they are headquarters for everything in their lino. This week they are showing bargains in every department iu muslins , sheetings , dress goods , wash dross goods , hosiery , gloves. The latest in spring Jackets and capes. Military capos , J3.00. M.fiO , H.OO and t5,00. BOSTON STOU13 , COUNCIL Bujirra. SOME niQ FAIIO. Cnllnl tlioTurn nn n Safe Key llclilnil AVIiloli wns $ :12,000 : "Tlic buslnoHS nnd sporting llfo of the plonoors on the golden shores nnd in the 'glorious ' cllmato of California' was a fovorlsh one , " days Gonornl William Humphreys , an old pioneer , in the St. Louis Glow-Democrat. "To Iho 40crs the oldest things of the ofToto cast lnul tms od uway anil nil things lutd become i now. It was not nn unusual thing at J Billy Owens' plnco to sec umtin walk In I nnd lay down a certificate of deposit for $10,000 on the ! icohuvhi llrst asked tlio * banker to cover hl bet. Without a change of muscle bunker nnd player would ubltlo the coming out of the ncc , and If the bank won ho qulotlv rnkcd in his $10,000 cortlllcato of deposit , laid it in liia loft hand drawer , und the man In front of the table wont out n wiser and a poorer tnnn to begin prospecting nguln ut Poverty Plat. "I once wiw a rich man como in and tiring of 'picking' along with $300 bets on a single card , ho nonchalantly tapped on the high card with his poncfl as ho said : 'Mr. Dealer , I'll just go yon on the high card my threo-story hrlck house , near the Palnco hotel , against your $20,000 , ' nnd drawing out of his pocket his deed , the bettor laid it on the two. 'Iono'siild ) the dealer , who waa likely to have a * 10,000 bank roll in his pockut and n reserve fund uf $100,000 In a small wife in tlio corner of his gambling holl. Quietly the otitsldo hotting wont on and nearly all the cards were outtho nco being the 'soda' curd and three ncos still in the box. The doud still lay on the ace. At hist , when king , jack and thrcoaces were the only cards in the box , the butter Bald : Hold , Dealer ! I'm d d tlrod of that r > co. It's going to split. I want to put my brick house on the king. Are you ngrcedV" 'Cert , ' exclaimed the dealer. Ho pulled. Outctuno the king , falling nt the right of the dealer. The bank lost. The man with the brick house won $20,000. 'How will you have your monoy'Bald Mr. IDenlor. 'Cheek , ' laconically answered the lucky gaiublor. The tloalor'a sldo partner filled out u cheek , while the game wont on. " "Billy Owens and Judge Jones were us eloso as the Sinmc&o twins to each other. The bond that bound them was a friend ship that only ended with the lifo of Judge Jones , who died with his boots on in his own fnro bank , killed by a cowboy who got the drop on him In a fight over u disputed bet. One night in May , when the gtuno 'run light , ' as gumblorg say , and Judge Jones hud played in a good streak of luck for a month , Billy Owens , Hushed with 'Old Otard , ' came back to from his pal- the faro lay-out sumptuous aoo of urn und sin. Walking up to his chum ho said ho said : 'Judgo Jones , this is a mighty moan game with these hundred-dollar pikers around the board. How much you got in that big safe over yonder ? ' 'Just 2,000 , in thar , old man , ' opliod tho. judge , 'and that's just 32,000 moro'n you've got the sand in ' ' your craw to try and win. 'An , that's your littlp gnmo , is it , old Texas never tire ? ' exclaimed Billy Owens , just full enough for a 'Ilyor. ' 'I'll just go you my check on the California bank for $32,000 , , cohl 'plunkors. " 'Put up or shut up , Billy , sententiously answered the Texas judge , ns his steel gray eyes , expanding wide , shone like two white diamonds. Billy Owens walked over to Iho gamblers' escrotoiro and ayoll regulated gambling place is never with out a table railed a'beerotary , ' whcro pen and ink are ready , and bank checks , without any particular bank's name , can alwnys bo found. The saloon keeper filled up a chock on the bank of California for & ! 2,000 and signed it up and walked back to Judge Jones. "Up to this moment Jones thought Billy wna foolin' . Ho was mistaken. "I'll bet this is the pot 0 , 7 , 8 against , your safe and contents. ' 'It is well , ' eaid Jones without a stnllo , pulling out a big safe kov from hib side pockot. and slapping it down hard In the pot. 'That represents my wealth , ' said dealer Jonos. All the other players ceased to watch the game. The third turn , as the key laid hugging the check for $ i ,0U ( ) , the six , seven , and eight spots came out of the box. "Busted ! by the everlasting jumping jingo ! ' yelled the Texas judge ; but d n my eyes , Billy , you are the very man I want to win if I must lose. " "Tho bank broke , and till daylight Billy Owens made it lively for the boys , nnd within a week , the judge , who closed his bank nnd wont uway. struck it rich in a placer mine , nnd opened up a now game more gorgeous than the ilrbt , in epito of ills landlord calling the turn on his safe key. " No grlplne , no nausea , no pain when Do Witt's LHtlo Early liisers are taken. Small pill. Safe pill. Best vlll. A Curious c'olnci lencc , "Speaking of coincidences , " Bald the man with the wooden log , as ho lighted a half consumed cigar he had boon cur rying in nn old handkerchief ; "speaking of coincidence ? , gentleman , I can toll you a very singular thing. I was going up Nlagar.v street , in .Buffalo , when I saw a man with a wooden leg on the other side of the street coming down. Wo looked across nt each other and stopped. Says I to myself , und says ho to himself : ' "That follow lost his leg at the battle I'm sinner ! ' " of Gettysburg , or a "Well ? " asked one of the group. "Wo looked at each other across tho' street for a moment , and then says I to myself and says ho to himself : ' 'I'll strike him for a quarter , und nn old comrade and fellow-sufferer will shell out. " ' "Well ? " "Very curious coincidence , gentlemen very curious , " continued the man , as ho puffed away ut his old stub. " Wo mot on the crosswalks. Wo shook Imnds. Wo struck each other for a quarter , but didn't got it. Wo were both dead brolco. Neither of us WHS in the buttlo of Gettysburg , or any other bat tle. Then says I to myself , und says ho to himself : * "Blast his eyes ! but ho's traveling on his shape and tolling a tale of woo , and ' associate with'nnd ! ho's no man for mo to so wo walked oil. I don't like coincidences there's In 'cm. " dences myself ; no money Fulilo Tor tin ) Alliance. Detroit Free Proas : Ono day u Peas ant drove his Flock of Sheep into an Inclosuro and was preparing to Denude them of their long and Heavy Fleeces , when a Ewe , which was the oldest of the lot , suddenly Objected and said : "I have long thought this un Outrage on our Rights , and 1 now Demand to betaken taken before the Cadi , who will give a Decision. " The Peasant , nothing loth , led the Ewe to the village , wher < j the Cadi ( who invented the Cadi hat ) was then receiv ing the Complaints of Ills Subjects , After Hearing both Sides of the Story ho Stroked his long Board , scratched Ills right Shin with his loft Foot , und replied : "My Decision is that the Peasant shall nor rob vou of your Wool. " "Good" ! I Know I was Right ! " chuck led the Ewo. "But I further Decide , " continued the Caul as ho relieved the Tickling In his Throat with a Cough Drop , "thnt the Peasant neither feed , Lodge nor longer euro for you. In fact that ho turn you out to Slilft for your olf. .If you are not willing to mnko him any Return ho will bo a wibo man to got rid of you. * JIOIIAU Looks now as if the Backbone of Winter - tor wan Broken. ON Weight Overcoat Sale- Beginning Monday we will display Light Weight Overcoats in cloth faced Melton5 * $10 silk faced Black Cheviots and Fancy Worsteds , which we have marked down to wlU sell at $10 , Nothing like them ever shown in Omaha , Made in our own work rooms , A backward season affords you an opportunity to buy fine goods away under price , See samples in show windows , , 7 1\ \ W 111 Corner 15th and Douglas Streets. THE LARGEST WEST OF"THE MISSISSIPPI. GRAND ARMY AMVEKSARY. The Order Will Celebrate the Twenty-Pifth "Sear of Its Existence. ALL BRANCHES WILL PARTICIPATE , Procrammo of the I > Tcrciso i A l- dresses "Will I3o I\ln < lo by Well Known Speakers Lincoln as a General. The Grand Army of the Uepubllc posts In nil parts of the country will today celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary or tuo lounuing ot the order and the posts in this city will have appropriate commemoration exorcises. All members of the order and of other or ganizations that have grown out of it , includ- inctho Women's Rcllof Corps and Sous of Veterans , are expected to attend and partici pate. pate.Phil Kearney post No. 0 will meet nt their hall at Port Omaha ; George A. Glister post No. 7 , at their regular headquarters , 110 Noith Fifteenth street ; Gate City post No. 02 , at Goodrich hall , and ( J. S. G raut post No. 110 , at 107 South Fourteenth street. Ueorgo A. Crook camp No. , 1 , Sons of "Vet erans , and branches ot the Women Hollof Corps connected , with the various Grand Army ot the llopubUo * poits , the names of which they have adopted , will meet at their accustomed places. Literary and musical and addresses programmes have been prepared dresses will bo delivered by well knowa speakers. Ijincoln as a. General. An interesting series of articles has just boon concluded In the Now York Sun on Lin coln as a General. Under the Initials of J. II.V. . , the identity of the author of the pa pers is disguised. But a significant thing in connection with this discussion Is the fact that the views therein expressed are prob ably in accord with these of Eaitor-in-Chlof Dana , whom it will bn remembered was as sistant secretary of war during the civil war. These conclusions were drawn in the closing paper : it is not to bo contended that Lincoln , whoso duties asjhead of the govern ment neccssarially confined him to the con trol of its military p ollcy , and as commander- In-chicf of the army and navy to the consld. erationof questions of satrtegy , or the pen. era ! direction of campaigns , had over ac quired a knowledge of tactics. Whllo it Is indubitable that ho sought to control the combination of mosses and their direction upon the vital points of the confederacy , agnlnst its principal armies , and lu this great branch of the military art developed a hliihor degree of skill than nny of his generals , it was manifestly out of his province to manoeuvre the national forces in the presence of the enemy. What would have been his success had ho dona this must always remain a matter of conjecture ; but considering tils mouesty , his perfect self-ro- lianco , his foresight , Ills wisdom , his wary and crafty nature and , above all , his unshak able resolution. It Is not to bu supposed that ho would have made a failure as n tactician. Ho roiiembleu Leo innmnyof his loftier attributes of character , and was his equal , if not his superior , lu such as uro possessed In common by all leaders of men.Vlth the same mili tary education and experience thcro can bo scarcely a doubt that ho would hnvo equalled , if ho had not surpasssed , the fore most soldier of his tlnio. Of course ho know but little of logistics or the details of supplying and moving urmlos , but these are the purely technical branches of the business that any well instructed oni- cor can manage , and which were managed with extraordinary ability hi our armies : thus thov wore clearly beyond his sphere of duty , and may bo neglected la an estimate of his place la history as a military man. The work of Nicolay and Hay contains many dis patches , letters and documents , and many In teresting chapters , such as these relating to the "Trent affair" and ito the rebel cruisers , and also to the able administration of the navy by Mr. Welles and bis subordinates , throwing light upon LlmjrtLn's extraordinary character as the head of the government In a great military crikis ; but , to comment fully upon thorn would require a volume. No ono can road thorn dispassionately without reachIng - Ing the conclusion tlmt Lincoln was not only a great statesman , but hi a larger souse a great general , and a gvwatadministrator , the greatest that this country over produced with the possltilo exception of Washington alone. , The policy and plans advocated by him wll bear the closest and mojt , critical scrutiny. It has been shown tlmt uch otttiom as were fairly tried were successful , and it must nl ways remain a matter * of profound roRVOi that upon ut least two .supreme occasions in the country's history hiaurgent commands were neglected or dUoboycd. Thcro is no longer room to doubt that If ho had been per milled to have his way the cnoray wouli have been vigorously attackoa ImmedlaU-lj after the battle of Antlotam and the battle o Gettysburg , and that the chances were largely In favor of conclusive victory lu boll cases. Finally , In the words of Ralph Waldo Em erion , quoted by our authors , tt Is truly sold "Ho grow according to the need ; hU mind mastered the problem of the day and as tha problem grow so dli his comprehension of it. It can not bo sutcl there U any exaggeration of his worth. If ever a man wns fairly tested ho was. There was po lack of roslstanco , nor o slander , nor of rldlculo. Then what an ocoa slon was the whirlwind of the warl Hero was no place fur a holiday magistrate ' no fair-weather sailor , The now' pilot wa pinned to the helm In a tornado. In fou years , four yean of bittlo days , his ondur unco , lib fertility of resources , his iiminmn imltj. were sorely tried und never fount u anting , There , by bis courage , his Justice his oven temper , his fcrtllo counsel , his humnnltv , ho stood a heroic figure in the center - tor of a heroic epoch 1" Attention , Sol < llcrn and Sailors , Monday evening , April 0 , will bo the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Grand Army of the Republic. In com mon with all Grand Army of the Uepubllo posts in the United States , U. S. Grant post , No. 110 , will hold n special commemorative meeting that evening at its hall , 10T South Fourteenth street. All soldiers and sailors of the civil war , the Rons of Yetorns nnd the ladles 6f the Hctlof Corps nro earnestly urged to bo p'cseiit , both as a duty and a pleasure. The public also is cordially invited , Formal addresses may bo expected from Major Clarkson , Judge Benson and Judge Fawcott. Tuero will also be recitations and music. 1 hko my wife to use Pozzonl's Complexion Powder because it improves her looks imd is as fragrant as violets. At tlie Temple. At the temple on Ilarnoy street near Twenty-fourth , the L. A. C. E. , a literary society , will civo an entertainment on Mon day evening at 8 o'clock. A fine programme consisting of several vocal and instrumental selections by some of the best local talent Is to bo rendered. The lecturer of the evening will bo Kov. A. W. Lamar , pastor of the First Baptist church of this city. His sub ject is entitled , "Recollections of the South. " All nro cordially invited to attend , and will bo shown scats by the ushers ia attendance. It is very important in this ago of vast ma terial progress thnt a remedy bo pleasing to the taste and to the eye.easily taken , accept able to the stomach and healthy lu its nature and effects. Possessing these qualities , Syrup of Figs is the ono perfect laxative nnd most gentle diuretic known. SOUTH OT/.llf/l. First Communion. At. 8 o'clock yesterday morning at St. Agnes' church ono of the most interesting of bo services of the Catholic church wa * sol- emni/.wl. About forty youmr persons took their llrst communion , Commencing Wed nesday afternoon at 4:30 : o'clock the youths wont into retreat to prepare for thn solemn occasion. The services began at 8 o'clock with the Hov , Father Morhirty celebrating solemn ligh mass. The music for the occasion wns St. Clair's high mass In U. The choir consisting of Mrs. Kppos Cory , organistMra , Dennis McCulloy. soprano , Miss Minnie Mor- iarty , alto , Mr. Thomas J. O'Graay , tenor , and ftlr. William 1) ) . Perry , basso , was as sisted by an orchestra. Following is a list of the communicants : Misses Marv IcLaugblln , Martha Mikul- ski , Mary ICratky , Mary Newton , Theresa McHrldo , Joslo Corcoran , M.iggio Uvvycr , Cnristinu Eggor , Li/7.1u Lang , Anna Boyle , Mogglo McMahon , Hose Hughes , Mngeio Murphy , Lizzie Uouahuo. Mary Konnedv , Murv McKoan , Angelina Fitzgerald , Maggie McGulruk , Anna O'Hara , Mary Uarr , Nulllo Tighe , Bridget Brodorick , Theresa bullivan , Alice llicku.v and Lillian Swift and Messrs. Joseph O'llcru , John Gllltn , Joseph Carroll , William Newton , Timothy Sullivan , Uov Campbell , James Hood , Thomas Dcucy und Charles \Vinkler , At 3 o'clo-jk in tlio afternoon the children renewed tbcir baptismal vows at the sumo time Miss Cora Hooch was oaptlsed. Political 1'alaver. The meeting called to meet in Howloy's mil last night to take political notion attracted a largo crowd , but after an malca a long tail ( talc ) short. A man , after no has eaten a good dinner , may feel extra vagantly joyous ; Imt the next day oh 1 but ho is surly nnd { jrim , Ins stomach nnd liver are sluggish , ho is morose , despondent anu " out of eorts " generally. But ho may get a prompt return for hia money by purchasing Dr. Picrco's Pleasant Pellets. There's nothing like them. They are tiny Liver Pills , Bugar-coatcu , hut thorough in results. Ono Pellet ia laxative , thrco to tour cathartic. For Indigestion , Biliousness , and all derangements of the Stomach , Liver and Bowels , they work like a charm , and yon get a lasting hencfit and a permanent cure. They're the cheapest Pill , because safe and sure , -while- the manufacturers ' satisfaction urers guarantee they'll give tion , or your money is returned I You only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more ? What's the ttso ! suffering any more from these dizzy finells , the headaches and all ; make tlio attack yourself , with ono or two of these little , Sugar-coated Pellets , and they will do the rest. They are a perfect vest-pocket remedy. Purely vege table and perfectly harmless. By druggists. 26 cents a vial. THE G3&EA.T TIRE SAZ.E AT IsetiH colnpou. Don't miss this jjnmcl opportunity nnd Save from 5O to 75 Cents on Every Dollar , As thousands of ourchasors cnn testify to the extraordinary bargains. CAM , AT ONCE DKl'OUK IT IS TOO LATH. IUjrhost cash price paid for rajjs nnd nil kinds of pcrap niotuls. Country dealers and merchants will find it to their udvnnttigo to eotninmii- ciite with us hoforo disnoslnti of tholr * stocks. GILINSICY UEIOS. , Union Broadway Depot , Tol. 301. Council DiulTa , Ia. SCOH | ! Sfcda ! Scoils ! At Colo's hardware store , 41 Main street , you cnn got the best weeds. Wo boll in bulk and can prlvo double the seeds for tlio money that you can buy by tlio paper. Our seoils nro nil fresh and tested nnd recommended by local par doners to bo the host seeds obtuinublo. Full line of field and garden soctls. v 1HO1. Wo are the paoplo to flpruro with for your mount for this voar. With our ton years' experience in this line wo are prepared to olTor the best viiluo to bo had in this lino. It Is easy to got fooled on a bicycle. Our prices nin o from $2o to 8135. The celebrated Victor nnd Grant lino. COLK & COLE , 41 Main Strcnt. informal discussion it was decided to iuijouru to moot lu Rojvloy's hall touiRht. All citi zens are requested to attend , A well-attended meeting , undcfttood to bo la the Interest of A. B. llnloy for council man , was hold nt Nineteenth nnd H streets yesterday afternoon. , Candidate John J. Gorman has returned' from Ashland to loolt after his councilnumic fences. The candidates on the official ticket are : Vor city clerk John J. Kyati. For members of the board of education J. I ) . Jones , James II. Dulla Danlol Condon ami Frank J. Person. For councilman First ward E. B. Towlo , A. V. Alillor , John F. Hiehlmrl llllam M. Wood ; Second ward James H. Fleming , Joseph W. Sipo , A. B. Hnloy John J. Gor man , GcorRd W. Ball ; Third ward Jnha N , Burke , Frederick Bowloy and Patrick Heor. don ; t'ourth ward John S. Wnltors , John Henry hooehner and Jeremiah Howard. l a 12 writing. About 11 o'clock flro started in a dwelling house at Twonty-slxth and O streets , owned bv Al Jacobson. Tbo house was occupied by Gllson Ailums and family , hut nemo of them v\cro at homo. It was burned with all its contents. Mr. Adams' loss Is about $ OOU , fully insured. The Q. S. government nro usinRlarpoiium- bcrs of the Improved IIiiwo scales. Dordcn & Sellock Co , , agents , Chicairo , 111. PEKKOSAl , FA. KA tilt A Ji'ilS. 1C. K. Harden of Lincoln is at the Mlllnrd. U. It. Deeksnn of O'Neill is ut thoMhlurd. A. JC. Hilkon of Kearney , is at the Paxton. It. K. Krank of Kearney , is at the Paxton. J. C. Ford of Dos Molnus Is at the Del lone. R. U. Wilson of Lincoln is at the Murray. J. LBuUor of West Point ls at the Mur ray. ray.John Rccso of Broken now , Is at the Pax- ton. ton.V. . H. Woodurd of Lincoln Is ut the Mil- lard. lard.C. H. Dietrich of Hustings Is at the Mil lard. lard.P. G. Crentz of Hushvllle , Is nt the Mil- lard. lard.Theodore Theodore C. Koch of Fullcrton , is at the Paxton. Henry T. Oxnard of Giand Island Is at tlio Millard. , Jack 1 . Garrett of Nebraska City is at the Millard. H. P. Snumway \Vakoflcld , is at the Millard. K. A. Brown of Nebraska City is at the Dellono , W. H. Savidgo of Pocatello , Idaho , is at the Paxton , M. H. Thorp and John L. Patterson of Ne braska City arc at tha Dcllono. J. N , Koonu , S. Schram unuT. P. Thomp son of Lincoln orout the Murray. Ben Parker and xvifo returned from the cast jestc-rday. They nro ut the Dcllono. Mrs , Cass Richardson of IlonnclUvlllo , N. Y. , Is visiting her sister , Mrs. S. W , Nilcs , Mrs. Mary K. Blcdlor and Mrs. W. J. Jones of Marljsvllle , Vu , are at the Pax ton. Mr. Ocorpo L. Ilarnoy of Boward , Nob. , inaniiit'ir of the Key loss lock company , is In the cltyIlo reports business exceptionally good. good.Mr. Mr. Frank G. Carpenter of Washington , the celebrated correspondent whoso letters have been a standard feature of Tim 13en , Is in the city , on-rnuto to Mexico. Mr. Carpen ter Is accompanied by Miss Carpenter , a sis ter , of Mnnsllcld , O. He coos south lu quust of mntcrlnl for a series of hitters , whluh will excel any of his former distinguished work. Do Witt's Little Early Rtsor * . Host llttlo pill ever made. Cure constipation every time , None equal. Use- thorn now , SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNOIL BLUFFS. AXTEnAllrst ohiss shirt nollslu-r at W tlio OltySto , mi liuinilry , IU North Mala slrout ; stonily work and Rood wages. _ JN houses for rent. Claries Mattel , M U4.Mntii8tiuet. > lioiiao.aXIVourtli nt , 171OU UENT--r cllliiR | JIDrooiiiM , convenient to motor lluu and c on er of business. XI' . loilo & Co. \ \ ANTKD-Mmi with small family to work ' on a gnrtlnn ; nn oxporleni'cil Rardenof nrofcnoil. Apply ( o Joliiiston i. Vuu I'attun , Kvoiolt Dlock. - trlrl for Kotiurnl honao- WANTGD-Oood . at Mru. 1' . M. 1'ryor , UU HlulT itrcou cnsh cimtnmor for four lots biitwccn HAVE unil2iitli ! . . Ijotwoun Ave 1) ) and 4th avc.J. 1' . OiroiislileldH , Cl'J liroudwn ; , IorPalo lhavo purchusoO a ( liio lot HAV liar , which I will null hyc.irload or In flinull iiuunUIUiH. Inavu orders ut No. 1323 West llroadway. H. Gold.ituln & Co. TfUOIT farm ftirsalo or trades well loentod JL' null nil In bunrlns ; t'ooil IIOUHO and burn. Will tnko some Rood city property , nnd good tlinoiivui. nn bulanco. Cull on or address 1) , J. llutuhliiscm A Co. . GITIIroudwiiy. TJ OK SALE A IIBIWO u'nd lnrn lot on cnsy - [ ) lyuiuiils. Inijulro at 4(15 ( 1'urlt avenue , Coiint'lf HluirH. Ia. \\r .1. LAPTKltWASSRU has moved his TIvarolioiiMi from ! ! > llroitdmiy toWJ Hroadwav , whoiolm will keep on baud u line stock of furmiL'o llxturoi. THOU UKXT Tlio MoMahon block , II story JL brick , wltli basement uud olovutor. J.w. Bqnlio , 101 I'oarUtrtiot. OR SALE A bargain ; now modern Monso with all tlu > late liiiprovoimmH , rooms ; will soil on misy paymmit.s ; located on tlio nrjh Hveiiuu motor lino. 1) . J , llutohla- Bun.lU ? Ilroadway. TT10H 3\LB or Hunt-Oar bn land , wltti X J It. lUoo. 1UJ Uiln it. , Oounolt Bluff ! CITIZEHS STATE BAffi Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 65,000 , TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS- . . . 215,000 Dm-TOM I. A. Mlllor , K. 0. Olowm , E. fj. Slnunrt , C. E. U.irU . J. U EMinundmn. Ohixrloa C. lluunui : Tr.miaot U.inking Uuil- nesi Lirost : and surntui ot nny banklii H mUiwonurn [ jwa. INTEREST ON TIM i DEP03I T3 , M. H. CHA.MBERLIN , NT. D KYK , ICAIl , NOSH AND T1IHOAT Sl'1201 AI.IST , Council Illulli , la. Alldlawejof the IIVI ! . KAlt , NOSKniicI TIlKOA'l treated w > ' .l > tlio uruntuil fcklllund onro. UATAKIUI. A8TIIMV and HAY KKVH.ll tronUJ with nmlnent KIICCOJS. BUltaiUALOI'KUA.TIONH , where nocemirr. Piln- lessly performed wltli tlio utmoit euro ami klll , nt- eurlnit perfect remits. VINKdF ( HjASSHS aoour- otclr projcrlboil , coirooting all rofritctlra "troublos , n < Mjroplo , llTlwopln. /Vitlalnathm ' , thin ran- ilcrlni ; nUlil o'Hjr , oloar und [ illulo-ii. OHIIO.VIO NKUIlAUilA mil HICK IIIOAUVJIIH , after join oflcrrllile xttTorlnK , no rollof , entlroljr curoJ. Oilloa , Hoom 1 , Shuuitt Uluck , over HOMO iCo.'iitora , Cuunoll lllulta , lit. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main nnlroT. . < ] wiv. COUNCIL. 8LUFFS , IOWA. Doalort In fnrotgn ( inJ donostlo xclnnt * C'olloutlon undo und lutormt [ laid on deponlu rinleyBurke. Thos. B. Omdy , BURKE & CASADY , Attorneys-at-Law I'UACTICIC IN TUB 8TATI3 AND KKDEHAti UOUItTB. Ofllcos ! J. J , Drown Building. Council HlufTj , lown , D. I-I. McDaneld & Co. , Butchers' ' aid Packers' Supplh ; , Markal Fixl'jras ' , Casing , Fplcos uud Hiiusax" MakurV Machliiury , R20. Kii Miilnst. , Cdiuiull lilulU lu. Also ilbalun n 111 < U' and OGDEN HOTEL The Now Ogden Hotel , la Council IIHiTi , Inn lioon completid raturnlshe 1 an mojorn- lz d throunnout , and i now ona of the bast hotels la the st.ito. It U locutuJln. tha bull. iiDsspirt of tiu ctty an 1 th olostrio mjtor.l pans tlia door every four mlnutoa. Fira captnand flro itlarmi-thron hoH tl > 3 bilU- Intl. Staain lioat , hot unlcm Id watar an I fmiiuhlnn in uvury riiam. T.abld uixsarpxssJ J anywhere. Uutos , $ < i.UO a clay , GBO.M. WIIITNEIY , Manager ,