Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1891, Part Two, Image 9

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Men as Well as Women Can Ifave Bargains at Special Sales.
Robinson & Garmon Stock ' an & Deiches Stock
$30,0 , O'O wortji of Men's Furnishings $ 50,000 , worth of Dry Goods , Cloaks ,
and Boys Fine Clothing. Etc. , Etc.
x \ J " " ' ' *
From these two stocks ive offer unprecedented bargains in every department.
Clonkp , Suits , Wrana , Jo'say , Etc.
From the Hoyman & Doichs'
To facilitate the rapid sale of this
stock wo have arranged on separate
tables I ) lots , coniprisliif , ' suits , cloaks ,
waists , blouses , jackets , etc. ; tomorrow
morninff vo eommourc the sale , a roK-
nlar cloaninjr up sale , with prices lower
than over before !
Table No. 1 , all at 5Oc.
Consists of ladies' jerseys , blouses ,
waists , etc. ; choice utoOu.
H. & D's pr'co 81 to $2
Table No. 2 , all at $1.
On thin Uhlo vvill bo found ladies'
jackets , ladies' jerseyschildren's while
drebscs , etc. ; nil at 81.
H. & D's prlco 83 to 84
T able No.S.all at , $1.50.
At thta iirico there is a { jrcat variety
of extremely handsome ladies' jerseys
nnd llnnncl waists , etc. ; woolTcr choice
of tholotutSl.rx ) .
H. & D's price 84 to 85
Table No , 4 , all at $2 ,
This table is entirely devoted to the
iliiebt qualities of Indies' black jorsoja ;
choice only $2.
H. & D's price $6 to $7.6O
Table No. 5 , all at $3.
ConsiHtinp of ladies' waists , bloufccs
and jcr&ojs ; only sf.'J.
H. ScD'B price 80 to $1O
Table No. 6 , all at $2.
On tliis table wo have arraiijjcd ladles'
French nutino SOURladies' ' Scotch yiiij- (
hiun suits , etc. ; all at $2.
H. & D's price 85 to $7
Table No.7 , all at $2.5O
Misses' woolen suits , iniHsos' white
suits and children's white suits ; all at
H. & D's price 86 to $8
Table No.8 all at $5 ,
Ladies'Wool Suits.
Lndios' Scotch Gingham Suits.
Ladies' ' French Satino Suits , only $5.
II. & D's price S10 to $12.
Table No. 9 , all at $3.
Children's Cloaks ,
" ' " " . . ' . - .Capos . _ _ IJt
. Ladies' Cnpos ,
Ladies' Black Wraps ,
II. & D's price $5 to $8.
Marshaling the .Ball Players iu Battle's
Stern Array ,
Notes About tlio I'ti s Whirling
M heels Iluof-IIcntB ami
CrnokH From tlio
Champions , unlike the brook , do not ( low
on forever. J. A. U. Elliott , the pet of the
wast and Kansas ( 'Ity particularly , has had
repeated tumbles recently , and ho is about
the sorest man In tlio country today.
As has always been held in these
columns , tlio crack trap shots
of this country are so numerous and so
evenly matched , that ono Is apt to ho cham
pion today and at the foot of tha class tomor
row. Again , as Alphabetical Elliott's case ,
one man may have a streak of good luck and nil comers in successive mutches for
da ) s and weeks and months , hut like thu
pitcher who gods to thu well once too often ,
the break is bound to come.
Kiank Parmolco now feels moro coulldenl
than ever that ho can boat Elliott , and his
chiillcngo will bo shortly forthcoming.
Hut as to Klllott and Ids * recent reverses.
Ilo was defeated hy botn the Klclninun bovs
in Chicago , and his overthrow hy Captain J.
L. Httiwer of the Quaker city was most sig
nal. Not one ot the snrlcs did Klliott tuke.
Thu western mui : was considoicd so sure a
winner b3 his backer , Mr. W. H. Cunnon ,
that before the opening match ho offered to
bctlNXto ( ) $ . ' ,000 that Brewer would not
win any of the throe races and it was not
accepted. Klliott was outlassod from the
start , totlnisti In the tratcticsvlth Brewer ,
nud tils most sanguine supporters will hardly
euro to back him against the Philadelphia ! )
under such conditions an governed the
matches In question. Vrunk Klulntz , who Is
behind Brewer , offered to give Klliott an
opportunity for another match , Monaco
boundary , for J.1,000 ii side , and a friend of
the Kansas City man was deputed to cnrrv
the proposition to hint. There I * scarcely a
prospect for such a mcov Klliott is a good
shot and gained many frli-nds by his gentle
man ) vdomcnnor. Bruwor.s bulldog Jaw was
clinched on tlio afternoon of the last match
until it was Impossible for him to bo beaten ,
and then every time lie came to the trap his
tongue , which Is us cutting and reaches a
vulnerable spot as accurately as the loud of
his gun deals death to the birds , was turned
upon Elliott , Cannon and his fneads.
When it was lirpos.slblo for Elliott to win.
Cannon stood near the score , the picture of
dejection. Ills three thousand and odd dollars
lars luul taken wings and llown to Philadel
phia. As Brewer stepped up to shoot he
turned to Cannon with a sneer 011 his sinister
f.ico and said : "Have a shot , Cannon ; you
might as well enjoy youiM'lf. " Cannon
looked at the distant tillU and sulil never a
word In reply. Jlre\rcr made a beautiful Kill ,
nnd as tie turned to walk uwny re
marked to Cannon : "Ilow'a that Jer
sey man to doyl" meaning himself for
Brewer was bora in southern Now Jer
sey , the cr.idcl of trap shooters. When
Bruwer had killed his eighty-eighth bird bo
nalil to Klliott , to whom no had not spoken
previously ; "Will you shake bauds wltn mo ,
Dim I"
"No , thank you ; I'd rather not , " was
r.lllott'n reply.
llrcwor' tone was friendly , but when
r.lllott refused to accept bis hand tbo blood
mounted to Ins very forehead und he retorted :
"Well , 1 don't know but you're rlgnt. I
don't think I'd cam to shake hands with you
p ! you'd donn mo up as badly as I've ' donu
you , " EIIott ( had evidently not forgotten
llrctu'r's sneering remiuk of Tuesday last ,
New Spring Garments
A great many Sprinp Novelties in
fnckots , Wraps anil Capes have just
> COM received and will bo placed on
sale tomorrow.
Ladies' Spring Capes , $15.
Now goods , elcKiiiit styles , nud all tlio
litest fashionable shades.
Ladies' Spring Capes , $25.
Those are ull Parisian nnd liorlin
N'ovoltles nnd worthy your inspection.
Ladies' Jackets.
Purls nnd IJorlfn Novelties . just
opened ; no two alike , ranging in price
From -$6 fo fijo a Garment ,
Misses' Spriniy Jackets.
Jaunty , stylish garments in great va
riety , splendid selection of colors.
Prices range from $2.50 to $15 ,
Children's Reefers.
A largo purchase divided into three lots
LiOT 1 A.T SI. GO. '
L.OT 2 A.T © 1.76.
LOT 3 A.T St2 SO ,
Ladies' IJlack Wraps , $5.
Wo are determined to close out the
entire stock of Iloynmn fc Uoiches' '
Wriips , in both plain and beaded , and
shall offer tomorrow the complete ntuck
at $5 a pnrnient. 11. k D. sold them
from$10 to5. ; !
Hey man & Dciches' Corset Stock.
Great bargains for This Week.
Ferris' uooii sense misses' waists OOc ,
II. & D's price $1.
Forrls' good souse children's waists
50o. II. & D's price 7oc.
Gossitnor summer corsets fiOc ,
H. & D's price 75c.
Sea breeze summer corsets Too.
II. & D's price $1.25.
Ferris' good sense nursinc waists ,
white and drab , $1 ,
H. & IVs price $1.60.
P. D. 004 black cor.sots & 5./50 / ,
H. & D's price $5.50.
P. D. 501 black corsets S.'t.oO ,
H. & D's price & 1.50.
P. D. Marguerite cornets , white
und black , & 2.60 ,
, . , . , H. & D's price $3.75.
„ „
SXC..O.'Jblnclc/Batccn / corsets Slf * u 4 A
< - * - n. & D's price Sl'.SO.
S. C. C. white saloon corsets $1 ,
11. & D's price $1.50.
The entire stock of French woven
corsets all at OOc ,
II. &D's price $1.23 and $1.50.
when ho told Cannon to "go west and get
anotter suclter. "
Kimmiico of a Dull I'liiycr.
Sum Lhnigan , the ball player , who was
with the Oakland team last season and led
the California league in batting , is beinc pur
sued by an Irate wife , who says that she will
follow him to the end of the earth If neces
sary to apaln cl.isp him in her arms. It
seems that last year among many conquests
Duugan made In Oaldund was a Miss
Mamie Hodcard. She became wild over
him and nt last was Introduced to
him. After the season closed Dung.iu went
south to his homo nt Santa Ana , but com
munication between himself and Miss
Bodgara was Hunt up. She sent him many
dainty perfumed notes. Finally the marriage
of the couple was announced and It created
no great surprise. Two hours after the nmr-
HngoDungan left his brhlo and journeyed to-
Santa Ana , wboio ho had an interview with
his parents , who are well aid favorably
known and rank among the leading families.
Sam Is a collude graduate and was tbo idol of
his parents. Mrs. Duiman also journeyed to
Santa Ann. Sliadldnot go to the home of
tlioDuugans , but went to a hotel. She is
a most pronounced brunette , rather po-
tlte , and li reported to mivo a tamper. Tlio
couple hail parted , nnd the nous of the
.sciurution soon iiccamu noUcd around. Mrs.
Dungan consulted a lawyer to have tier
"hubby" restrained from leaving Simla Ann ,
but the heavy hitter eluded Ills .VOUIIR wlfo
and started for Milwaukee , giving Ids bride
tlio slip at Orange , she buing on the same
train with him that far. Why Dungnn de
serted his briiiu Is not known , unless It was
that ho heard of a story to thu lady's ills-
credit. Ills wlfo Is very iniil , and has de
parted for Milwaukee in quest of her hus
band. Thcro is going to bo a recKonltig when
they meet. Uungun has signed to play with
thoAIllwaukecs this year.
'J III-IM : of a Kind.
An advance copy of Spalding's League
guide for the current was received sev
eral days since. It is tbo prbtotyjio in form
and appearance of last year's volume , but
with an additional lOUpagfyi. It Is a veritable
encyclopedia of all that Is useful ami enter
taining to the luso h.ill enthusiast , contain
ing just the llgurcs and facts that are most
frequently sought for , and without which
months of research would fall to dcvclopo.
Its now feature is a graphic rocountnl of the
thillllng campaign of last > oar , the remark
able games placed , and Incident nnd accident
in the various basu bnil camps , all accompa
nied with pertinent editorial comments. The
book is Invaluable , as apparently nothing has
boon omitted that Is calculated to Interest in
struct , and calfy , covering a period of twenty
seasons or morn ,
The sporting editor is also Indebted to P.
C , Klohtcnfor a copy of tlio Sporting "Life
Guide , the initial murmur , which iu slzo and
looks is a counterpart of the official guldos of
the league nnd association. It is another
admirable volume of reference in giving the
statistical records of the basubalr world.
Mr. Ulchter , editor of the Sporting Ufo ,
compiled the book himself and a very com-
iilcto mid Impartial Job It Is. The 1'laycrs
league , whose cituso was earnestly espoused
by the Ute , U treated with the same degree
of Inijiartialltr that marks the pages
dovotcd to tlio National league. H Is bright
and newsy , Illustrated with cuts of tbo
compiler , the premier moguls of the sport
and imminent players.
Al Heach's American association guide
U also hero , and wlillo the reading matter
U noticeably curtailed , It Is ropluto. oven
fuller than the others , with Important records
and llgures of the minor bodies. The fan
who buys thcso three volumes and studies
them , ought to bo oblo to go through tbo
season with but few error * .
dinner ( if trio Crank.
Aud they rail this gentle spring.
Hilly Klusmau goes to Seattle tills season.
* Now for the tap of tbo bell and they'll bo
off ,
Billy Greenwood applied for a poalsb with
Underwear ,
Iloynmn < fc Delohcs' had an enormous
steel ? of these goods , and during the re
mainder of tills week wo propose mak
ing prices that will sell thum quickly.
II. & I's $1.00 Gowns reduced to OOc.
II. & D's SI .1)0 ) Gowns reduced to $1.00
II. , t 1/9 $2.t5 ! Gowns reduced to $1.00
II. & D's W to M Gowns now J2.00
II. & D's il.oO to Jo Gowns uow $3.00
Corset Covers.
IT. & D's ! )0o ) Corset Covers now lfc )
II. & D's 50c Consul Covers now JIOc .
II. & D's Too C'qrhot Covers now -I'm
II. & D's il.So C'orjot Covers now 7"ic
II. iVs D's $1.75 Corset Coveys now $1.00
II. & D' $2.50 Corset Covers now $1.50
II. & D's Boo Drawers now 2oc
II. & D's Too Drawers now 45c
II. & D's SI.2o Drawers now 7oc
II. & D's S2.00 Drawers now $1.23
II. & D's Toe Skirts now -15c
II. & D's $1.2o bkirts now 7oc
II , & D'a * 1.7o Skirts now $1.25
II. & D's $2.7o Skirts now $2.00
II. & D's $4.0(1 ( Skirts now $2.75
II. & D's Ki.00 Skirts now R8. " >
II. & D's $7.00 Skirts now Jo.OO
Children s Gossamers.
II. & D's $1.25 Gossamers now 85c.
Infants Long Dresses
II. & D'a price SI.00 , now f 0c
II. & D'H price tl.GO , now 7oc
II. & D's price $2.00 , now $1.00
II. & D's price * a 00 , now $1.50
H. & D'H price JS.30 , now $2.50
H. & D's price $0 to $10 , now $5
Infants Short Dresses
H & D's price -60c , now 25o
H. & D's price $1.00 , now 50o
II. X D's price $1.50 , now 800
II. & D's price $2.50 , now $1.25
H. & D's price $3.50-uow $2.00
H . & D's price $ < i.OO , now $3.50
II. & D's price $9.00 , now $5.00
the Omahas , but was Informed that the team
was lull.
The MInneuaoHs hall team is practicing at
Kansas City.
Sioux Cltj has a pretty good baseball team
for a starter.
Wntklns will he saying next that ho didn't
release Mains.
Johnny Sowdors Is something of a "song
end dnnco'1 man. \
Kansas City has " six pitchers under con
tract at present.
Catcher Grant Brlggs has signed with the
Fort Wayne dub.
Donahue is the only Kansas City man that
hasn't come to time.
Elmer Foster , 'tis said , Is trying to get his
rclcaso from Chicago.
Gil Hatflold says hois going to make a
great record this season.
Kansas City will not get Dwyer after oil.
Ho will go to Cincinnati.
Is Dave Ilowo going to play hnll or not !
That's the vital question.
Tomnoy , into of Louisville , will make a big
hit in the Western association ,
Sioux City and Kansas City are having a
qulot row about exhibition panics.
What did Minneapolis mean by releasing
CnrrolH Ho la a rattling good man.
Larry Twitched Issuro to ha a favorite
with the patrons at McCormlck p.u-k.
Killed had better siirn right where ho Is and
let the American association people iro.
Dave Howe will show the Lincoln enthu
siasts that ho has secured a bang-up team.
Kansas City has signed gentle Willie
Mnlns. This gives the "champions" six
"Watty" will stick to O'Kourko. The Millers -
lers say that "Watty" did some slick work
in that ease.
Manager Cushman la after Elmer Smith ,
and says ho intends to have him bcfoio the
board of control.
Charliis Itennott has loft the wilds of Kan
sas , whore Uo has been hunting , about all
winter , for Boston.
Too Miller , of the Minnies , has been dub
bed "Old Lavender , " Ilo is the most popu
lar man in thu team.
The Denver club hus released pitcher
Montrose Neves without a trial and has still
u small army on hand.
Minneapolis is afr.Ud of Kansas City and
Milwaukee , and Kansas City and Milwaukee
return the compliment.
Harry Lyoils , whom Shannon wanted to
I sign , has been boohed by Frank Solee. Seleo
1 sees wnat Shannon saw.
St. Louis finis arc kicking and want Chris
Von dor Aho to restore "Yank" Robinson to
his old place at second b.iso.
A little bad blood between Milwaukee ,
Kansas City and Minneapolis will make
things lively among the leaders.
Billy Hnwes , bettor known out this way as
'Whoa Bill. " Is secretary and treasurer of
ho Lowell Now England league club.
Sioux City has at last released Wild Dill
Widncr. ' 1 hey don't exactly know where
Bill Is but have let him po alt the samo.
Pittsburg may retaliate and whun Jack
O'Connor gets on Pennsylvania soil jug him
for receiving money under false pretenses.
Manning will both captain and manage the
Kansas City team this season. Last year ho
shared responsibilities with "Hick" Carpen
Baseball Is healthy out on the Pacific coast.
The two frames on opening day in the Call-
fornla league drew over seventeen thous and
Minneapolis always did think that Kansas
Cliy was trying to throw second place to
Milwaukee. They caino within one farao of
doing it , too.
Qwney 1'atton , of Lincoln , played with the
Brockton team in 18b5. Brockton was a member -
bor of the Now Kngland league and McUun-
nlglo was manager.
Kid Baldwin is on his uppers and now
swears that ho ulll hereafter live a tcmiior-
uucollfa The Kid is rather law with his
uoblo resolutions , ant ] ho made the same
Dress Goods
Hcyman & Dcichcs *
Largo splendidly assorted stock bolnp
cut up very rapidly , for tomorrow wo
shall otter :
5,000 Yards Royal English Serge
At 5c Yard.
Good width and comes in the follow
ing shades : Cardinal , licht brown ,
seal , French gray , nnvy , gobelin , myr
tle , rose and black. We inivo only
enou'tfli to lust for one day lit this price.
Come early.
Fashionable Plaids and
Stylish New Stripes.
II. ft D'sSOo quality , tomorrow 10c.
II. & D'.s 2oo quality , tomorrow 12Je.
II. & D's : io ( ) quality , tomorrow 15c.
II. & D's 35c quality , tomorrow 10c. !
All wool French Sorfrcs.
II. & D's7Se quailty , this week -He.
Gortnnn Satin Houretto ,
II. A. U's 11.25 ntmllty , this week G2Jc. !
Stripes , Checks and Plaids ,
11. t D's ( IV quality , this week 4"c.
Twilled Sacking Flannel ,
11. & DpiA ; quality , this veck Sc.
Colored Camel's Hair , ,
11. & D'ad-un/uullty , this week 41c.
Silk Finish Henriettas.
46 inches \\Idujitll colors.
II. k U's 11.23 qimllty , this week 83e.
Now Japanese Sllk3 SI.
27-ln wlllu. beautiful iiattcrns
Now Wiish Silks $1 ,
Mn , ncn anil chnlco designs.
Black Faille Francaiso Silks $1.11) ) ,
24-ln'nidc. ' H. k D'a price } 2.
Black Faille Franca se Silks ! )0c. )
20-ln wldi ; , H. k D's price * l.i5. :
Black Satin Rhadaniot , OSc.
VO-hrwIdo , 11. k D's price $1.
Colored Surah Siilfs 60c ,
K-lit jlilo , II. AD's price ? 5c.
Colored Faille Silis's feSc , . .
21-luiwldo , H. k U's price 11.50.
Parasols anil Sunshades.
2oO in n grout variety of colors , all at
$1 each ; II. & D's price was from $2 to
$2.50 each.
lircak when ho was about to get married.
Kid will now pray and pin his faith to St.
Paul something Minneapolis will never do.
When "Old Cy" Sutcllffo and Larry
Twltchcll clasped hands last Monday , they
felt the concussion us far cast as Milwaukee
and west in Denver.
Ouffney has ut last accepted his appoint
ment to umpire in the Western association.
Ho sent his letter of acceptance to President
Krauthoff last week , t
It is intimated that Gus Schmolz has been
after D.inny titcarns , ndvlsliiR him not to
sign. Stearns will bo on first base for the
champions Just the same.
Umpire Gaffuov has accepted his appoint
ment to the AVcstom association anil has
notitled the Wostcrn-oniciiils that ho will been
on deck when the season opens.
The Cliicncoet play an exhibition game
hero on Wednesday April 15 , the aay before
the opening of the championship season an
ill advised move , to say the least.
Manager Manning doesn't believe in carry
ing a substitute iutlcldcr. Ho thinks it weak
ens the nerve of n player to think that ho is
liable to bo taken off ut any time.
As the Western association is not RoitiR to
plvo up Van Dyke , those American associa
tion papers' headlines about "UnekUown , "
"Cruwllsh , " etc. , should como down.
Captain Anson and Coonoy boat the Den-
vcrs lust Wednesday If ) to 3 and if it hadn't
snowed Icebergs they would have doubled
those figures. Five niulngs were played.
Fred Smith , who is assisting the local man-
ngcinent lii getting up the score card , will
look after the club's financial affairs this sea
son , when the team Is playing away from
CentcrHelderJItn Burns.of last year's Kan
sas Cltys , has been Decollating with the
Athletics , but will probably manage and cap
tain thu Qulncy team , of the Ililuols-Iowa
"Dud" Ulnrkohns been practicing Indus-
trlously and says he'll show a few dubs that
his record last season after June was not
that of u man who had outlived his pitching
usefulness. j
Columbus press agents are very smart.
They have already notlllcd Klmer Clovelnml
that ho will be tired when Charley Heltly
conies back 1 That's a.real nice Incentive for
Cleveland to play good ball.
.lust two weeks from Thursday next and
the Western association will lire Its llrst
championship llrccrncKor , which Is fully two
weeks too early , the weather and numerous
other things taken Into consideration.
Jack Kowo la to receive more money from
Lincoln than ho got out of tha fluffulo
Hrothors. There Is nothing small atiout the
salary list down at thd capital , but Oh my I
What a howl will gojip about dog days.
' Kid" Nichols has left Kansas City for
Boston. He says thd ' 'bean-caters are going
to win the pennant and then ho and Herman
LOUK will come out tjcst for a world's ' cham
pionship series and show how it was done.
The Minneapolis club ha * issued invita
tions to 1,60(1 ( ladies to attend any of the
championship gamej.Jn Ailmieapohs hot woo n
May H and Muv'J. . Omaha doesn't have to
invite the ladles ; they turn out without
New York's Glnjjts took sweet revenge on
Now Haven at the polo grounds for the scare
of last Krldiiy. Thvro wcro 1,83(1 ( people out
to sco the came yesterday , and Now York
won , -J to 6. Uusio struck out nineteen of
Hurnlmm'rt men ,
"Dutch" Shoch , captain of the Brewers ,
lives IP Fruukford. a 1'hlludelnhla suburb ,
and before ho left home his neighbors gave
him n big blow-out. It was a lone walk to
Milwaukee , and his friends all realized the
necessities o ( the CHse.
Tommy Poorman , who Is mentioned In the
Old Testament , has been down with the
grippe at Milwaukee , and at ono time it was
thought he must go over the divide. Ho Is
mending , however , and hojxw to be able to
play by the time the championship season
Cannvan , a Bostiu youngster , said to bo
promising , has been signed by-Julian B. Hart
for Cincinnati's association pets. Mulford.
Yes , Jimmy is the most promising player lu
Special Sale of
Hemstitc'd Linen Sets.
8x10 II S sots SIO.US. worth $15.
8xlU II S sets 811.09nrtli $17.50.
8x1-1 II S sots 81l ! , worth * iiO.
4-4 II S cloths $1 , regular price $2.
5-1 II S cloths $ ; t , regular price $5.
II S pillow cases $1.09 ,
regular price $2.60.
II S pillow cases $1.5)8 ) ,
regular price $3.00.
II S pillow cases $2.f > 0 ,
regular price Si.00.
II S linen shoots $5 pair ,
regular price $ S.
0-4 tapestry covers 81.0 ! ) ,
regular price $3.60.
8-4 tnpchtry covers $ ± 50 ,
regular price $1.50.
10-4 tnpestry covers $3.2o ,
regular price $0.50.
12-4 tapestry covers $4 ,
rcguhir price $7.
4-4 chenille covers $1.25 ,
regular price $2.
0-4 chenille covers $2 ,
regular price $3.
8-4 chenille covers $1.50 ,
regular price 30.50.
Damask Towels 25c.
100 doxon of the largest , llncst and
best towels over offered at this price ;
worth 3"ie ouch.
Shirt Waists 69c.
Robinson & Garmon's entire block at
OOc ; all sixes andplonty of them. Those
are fast colors , being made of Garner's1
standard percale.
SIlUoiulH , patent buckles mid best French
veil. 15. .V ti's prloo Me. '
MKN'b THOIC i-OAUKS : tr > c.
Mniloot stylish now spring silks and buck
lined with KoodKutln , a regular 5'Jo ' scurf ; wo
shall soll-them for JlSc or It for Hit t- .
83 dozen , nil wo luivo mid all wo cuu got at
tills price ; tlii-y : no worth 7 ! > c ? u pair.
MKN'S SCX'KS lite.
00 ( l)7oii ( ] ililn : mid fancy colored socle ! , odd
pairs frum tlm Uoiiliienn &Giirinou slock , all
In ono lot at lOc ; they are worth troin 50o to
do a pair.
the country Ho promised to play with
Omaha at reduced rates , hut now promises
not to. -
Ken Mulford tells the following good ono
on Kid Baldwin who will backstop for St.
Paul this season : "When Cleveland wont
into the leaciio mid cam do wn hero to play
the Heds Kid Baldwin was In a sarcastic
mood. Ho took delight In teasing Cnl )
Strieker. 'Why yon follows ought to feel
swelled up hecauso you're ' In the league , "
shouted the kid. 'You couldn't have got hi
If Cincinnati had wanted the place. You've
got a nerve there , Strieker , to bo playing
bull. You're ' too old. Why , I'll bet you'll
bo driving a hearse before fnll ! ' 'If I do , '
rotortnJthe Cub,1 'vou'll ' bo in it. " That
settled the ICid , and ho subsided. "
Down in Hot Springs on Saturday the Cin
cinnati languors wore booked to clvo St , Paul
a lesson in the art of playing ball. Rid Mc-
Phoo and Bug Holllday wore the only Heels
In that stcamatory. but they went out gun
ning for talent , scraped up a nine , and 500
people saw BUK and Bid's ' combination defeat
Manager WatWns1 tribe of Saints 11 toO.
Over the wire to Tom Loftus came the whis
per : "Cincinnati won Its lint game. Mo
Pheo mid Hblllday great favorites.
Whoopee t11 This modest dispatch came
from Manager liassctt , who controls the
grounds. Mecldn and I Jam borough pitched
for Cincinnati and Dulton and Hart wcro in
the box for St. Paul , Hen Mulford.
All Alnnl the Amateurs.
ThoEdenMusecs will again hold the boards
at Lake Manowa this suminer.
Thompson , Lucas and Vnn Arnaiu of the
Musco team have offers from minor leagues.
The Nonpareils are busy enclosing their
grounds , mid ill probably open the season
with the Kdou Museo team.
McConncll , who was with the Omaha team
part of last season , will twirl for the Musco
team and Crcightou receive him.
The am.iteur season opens today with a
game between the West Omaha and N. B-
Falconers on the former's grounds.
1 The Models of Council Bluffs have organ
ized for thu season , nnd will plav at the fair
grounds , and Manager Vundorburg would
like to bear from all teams.
The CniLQ team says Jack Carrigun ( alias
Jock Crooks the second ) will knock the socks
off the Consolidated Tank Line company's
and Omaha Coffee House teams this season.
Manager Luxvler thinks of taking the
' 'Freaks" to Salt Lake this summer , and play
there a weuk with local teams , playing in
all towns going out over the Union Pacific
and the same oack ovcrtho I ) . & M.
The City league will bo composed of the
following teams : The Crane Cos. , Eden
Miiboos , West Onmhaa and Nonpareils. All
four teams are stronger than over and a hot
light Is looked for. The "freaks" on paper
look like a winner.
jiical Spot-In.
The Washington City Kennel club inaug
urated its bench show at the national capital
last Monday.
Henry Homan and Bob Wells bagged 30t :
geese and ducks at Clarks last weuk in six
days' shooting.
Over twenty flvo thousand people attended
iho Duqucsno' Kennel club's bench show at
Pltuburg last week.
"Macon" says that when Tommy Ryan de
feated Danny Wcedhani , .Jack Uempsoy wired
the latter : "Two of a kind you and' I. "
Charles J. Menken , a Cleveland doit fan
cier , died suddenly at Pittsburg , Ilo had
eighteen dog * on exhibition at the show
Hose May HIvts , a thirteen-year-old Min
neapolis girl is credited with walking 1-UJ
miles at Chicago last week In a f > lx day's
race. She wants to match any girl of her
ago for (1,000 ,
Gem of the Season , the greyhound for
which Mr. Purbcck of Salem , Mass. , paid
$ .1,000 a few weeks ugo , carried off thirty
specials and premier honors at Birmingham ,
England , last year.
Adam Kcriicr Is the proud owner of a mag. .
nlllcont English pointer pup In "Jupiter
Bang. " Ho was purchased ut a good round
Robinson & Garmon's
Finest Qualities at Low Prices.
Full dress Monarch shirts $1.75 , G's price $2.50.
Monarch laundered shirts 91.2o ,
R. & G's price $1.75.
Monarch laundered shirts $1 ,
H. & G'a price $1.50 to $2.
Uulaundoreil shirts oOo ,
H. &G's price 75oto l.
Outing shirts , stockinet weave , M.7o ,
R. k G's price $ ( > .f > 0.
Scotch ihinnol shirts $1.75 ,
R. vt G's price $3 to $3.75.
Men's neglige shirts W.75.
R. & G's price $ -1.50.
All the high priced kid gloves , ' iniulo
hy Fisk , ( Jlnrk & Flngg , 'Dent
and Foster , all reduced to $1.60 ,
R & G's price $2.2. " ) lo$2.7o.
A genuine kid suitable for either
street wear or driving , only 4oe ,
K. & G's price $1 to $1.CO.
Men's halhripgiin ahirts nnd druw-
ern , French necks , llnished soaniR
5c ( ) , H. & G's price 7Cc to $1.
Men's halbrifgan shirts and draw
ers 7oc , R. k. G's price $1.2. ) .
Men's balhricgan shirts and draw
ers lSc ) , U. & G's price $1.15 and $2.
Earl & Wilson's Collars 16 2-3c ,
Holilnson k Gannon's jirlcu " * > c.
duett's Crown Collars lr > 9-3c ,
Hoblnsnii ,1 Gaimon'rt price ' . ' " > o
All Boys' Linen Collars 6 l-'lc ,
Holilnson ,
Earl & Wilson's Cuffs 30c.
lioblnson .V Uatinon's price 43o
Clnctt's Crown Cuffs 30c ,
Kohlnson & Gannon's price 43c.
ics and Hosiery ,
Lot 1 , scarfs and ties , at 29c ,
Itohluson & Oarmon's price 5Cc toT. > c.
Lot 2 , scarfs and ties , at 4o ! ) ,
Itoblnnnn k Gariunn's pri'ol. (
Lot S , scarfs and ties , ut 75o ,
Itoulnsnu k Gnrnuia's prloo JI.M.
Lot ! , scarfs and ties , at DSc , f
Kohlnson & Gannon's prloo $2.
Men's half hose lOJc ,
. . . , , .
Men's half hose 25o , wn
black , R. & G's price 50o.
Men's rain umbrellas $1.25 ,
R. &G'BprIcc$2.
Men's silk umbrellas $3 ,
II. &G's ' price $4.50.
figure of C. G. CSaycox of Albion , Nob. Ho is
black and white and comes from the best old
Knellsh strains.
Jack ] IIhtowor ( and Barney Taylor will
moot nt ( Jcrinanla hall one woolc from Friday
nit-'lit next for $ . " > ( ) a si ilo. Hlclitowcr has
contracted to Knock liurnoy out In six rounds.
At Wnjlitncton Kennel club's bench show
In the Irish setter class Clminplon Klldaro ,
although not In first-class condition , won the
challenge dog prize , defeating Maxa , the
Baltimore winner. Champion Winnie , H.
won the champion bitch prize.
Ir. ) W. J Galbraith , Captain Hay and the
writer , of this city , nnd Dra. Little anil Utah-
ardson of illooniflold and Chirks , respect
ively , wcro camped on Prairie crook.north of
Clarks , last woolr. XJioy bagged a carload of
ducks and geese a hand-car load.
Charlie Daly of St. Louis , referring to the
oblivion Into which Jack Dempsey has sunk ,
says : "Tho defeated pugilist is the most
friendless creature on earth. He has his
wounds and bruises to nurse , loses his money
and that of his friends , is despised by even
the small boy , and altgother is thu most
wretched ol men. I Know : I have been
tl'oro. "
Billy Gibbs. formerly of Omaha , now
known as the Kansas demon , traveled from
Cincinnati to Ilunllngton , assumed the cog
nomen of George Bradley , and whipped out
Jimmlo Carr in the second round last Thurs
day. Olhbs made a $100 stake. Carr had an
iilen that ho was tackling a Iluntlngton ama
teur. The victim halls from Coredo , W. Vn. ,
and the sports who hacked him are wild to
pet even. Carr Ib a pretty good ono and not
in one blow that sent iho Demon toppling
under the ropos.
T. K. McKay , n member of the CulUornla
athletic club , was in the cltv several davs
this weok. Ho had a Ions conference ) with
Jacic Davis , which resulted in McKay's drawIng -
Ing up a challenge for Jack to lltfhc cither
Hilly \Voods , "vho Denver man , or .loo
Choyinskl , thoCnlifoniian , before the Cali
fornia club within the uoxt two months ,
McKay says the light would certainly he
made with one man or the other , and. Davis ,
on the strength of this assurance , will leave
for the coast shortly.
S. K. Larablo has sold Unnchoro , record
3'JIK. : to Colonel K. S. Hatch of Hannibal ,
Mo. Wo congratulate not only the owner
but the people and breeders of trot ting horses
in that vicinity where the "War Horse" goes
It Is the universal opinion of the horsemen of
this state that Knnclioro was the fastest and
gamest horse over bn-d In Montana. Ho trot
ted the last quarter of a mile ( which heinudo
luSj'JlJO in ICt .seconds-a 'J:18elip. : Ho has
loft some rolls In our country which some
day will do him honor. Mr. Larablo has sold
to Morris.I. Willlntn.s of Ottumwii , In. , the
very promising colt Dujo , sired hy Jay IMnl ,
the sl'o of Allertou , four-vcar-bld record ,
a13X ; , bv Cicorgo Wllhov dam by Tromnnt.
hy Hulmonl ; second dam by Humlot , third
dam by Abe , son of Abdullah. The Young
ster could trot a inllo In 2tO : ! last fall , at a
two-year-old. Silver State.
Apollo < ; iiib NOICH.
Hun to Council Ulufts today , 'J-.IIO p. m.
The three man club has gene up the spout ,
Porrlgo has moved into his now quartan.
Blendorff will make pace for the gang this
Smith was out of sight last Thursday
Three now members were admitted at the
1 asttrcotinp.
fcjlg. Osborno scored tdo llrst heai\cr \ of the
season last Similar.
Muntofering wishes that every day In llio
year would bo Sunday.
The Apollos passed the O. H. C. coming
from the Bluffs Sunday ,
Gross , the Tennessee greyhound , is helpIng -
Ing build the new city hall.
Hlcndorf and "Mully" will ride now 52-
inch Columbian this season.
Soldier Hubbarit fell from his wheel Inst
week and urono his collur-bono In two places
1'rof. Dally got the lueu into his head that
ho could runaway from Uoo Flosdicr going
over over to Blurts Sunday , but ho soon
Robinson & Gannon's Hoys'
Fine - : - Clothing ,
Boye' long pant Ohovlot Sultn 80 ,
R. & G'd pr o J $15 to $23
Bays' 3 piece suits , short pints ,
full dross , $12 ,
R , . & G'8n'io3$2O.
Boys' 3 pleoo suita. she t punts ,
worstod- id ohoviot * , $1O ,
B. < fc G's pr oo $10.OO.
Boys' 3 ploso suits , short pants *
oaaalmoro , $7 ,
R &G'aprioo$12.
Boys'2plo-o suits , SoDtoh pin els ,
til wool , $3.
B. < fc O'a pr 03 $5.
Boya1 2 piece suits , ohovio85 ,
B. & G'a pioo $1O ,
Hoys' 2 ploco suits , worsteds , $ O.GO ,
B. & G'u price $12.
Boys' 2 ploco dross suits , fl .o black
Wor tod.SG.SO . ,
B. & G'a prloo $12.
Bays' 2 ploco wuits , oor luroy , O'l.SO ,
E. &Q's price 87.6O *
Boys' Ext-a Sohool Pants , cord
uroy ohovlota , woratoJs nud
curslmoro , $1 ,
B. & Q'j price $1.60 to $2 ,
Boya' Ohovio- , Kilt Suits 83 ,
B. & G'a ' prloo $5 ,
Ohi dron's Bxt-a Kil's $ l.bO ,
B. &Q'spr.oo$2.60.
0-i'.drou'B Woi Btod P aid Kilts 82.50
B. & Q'B prio j S4.
Oh'Idroa's Broadcloth Kilt , 82.5O ,
B. &Q's p'loo Mi
Children's Pine Dross Kir Suita SO ,
B. & G's price 812. Jo say Kilt Sulti 86 ,
B. & G'B D-103 $0.
2-picco Jort-oy Pan s Sul s 85 ,
B. & G's price $ Q.GO.
Ext a Joraoy raai8$1.60 ( ,
B. S5G'ap-lco $2.25 ,
Boya1 Worstad Bloueos $2.6O ,
B. & G's prioo $3.75 ,
Bays' Embroidered Biousa * 83 ,
B. & G'a prloo 84.5O
Baya' Flannel Bl usoa 82 ,
R. & Q'B prloo 83.
Eoyi' S Ik BlouB3s $4 ,
R. & G'fl price 8O.50.
Boya' Figured Sli re Waists 70 ? ,
B. & G'a v co $1.25 ,
Boys' OamlxiOvWalaia $1.76 ,
* , i . . . * . R- & < * 'B prioo S2.75
Boys'D'.noS'Sli'rS Wolsti $2.25 , *
B. & G'a prloo S3.60.
Boys' Flannel Shirt WuUts 81.76 ,
B. &Q'K prca $3.
Boys' Eogl'sh Box Ooa'.s 88 ,
B. & G's prloo $12
found out ho had run against a very tough
unit' .
The paved streets are In hail condition anil
will need some repairing before they are lit
for riding. .
Klovoti of the hoys made a run to the Bluffs
Sunday. Holton was amout ; them , and had
his chest protector on.
Martin Is nunliip a broken let , ' In a hos
pital at Detrlot , ho was caught ploying wltU
an Oklahoma uycloun.
How about thill tcmiuupl Tliouglit it waste
to ho kept In the club room , hut it hasn't
been seen there since the tournament.
Heard Tlxloy had struck a barunln with
Flcsehor for Ins dog cart , nnd sent to the
Shetland islands for a team ol ponies , If so
Bood-ny bicycle , good-by.
Tim A. C. G. hold their first social last
Thursday livening at the homo of Henry Taff-
gcr , a very enjoyable evening was snout at
cards and other amusements.
Wortz , Fleschur and IMxloy have entered a
uWo-hour , six-liny race ut Lincoln for the
championship of the stnto. Now , i'lx , is your
time to'square up with Klosi-h.
The club uniform for 111 , will be , black Jor-
loy shorts and atouUlnps , a cap , mid u black
iroudcloth coat with the A. O. ( J. on the
right and Omulm on the ; loft lappcl , in silver
The ofticers for the ensuing year are : TOR-
eer. president ; Walker , vice-president ;
Smith , secretary ; and Fleii-her , treasurer.
The road officers are : I3lendorff , captuln ;
MuntcferliKj , lieutenant ; Icnm.m , color-
bearer ; and Wcrtbugler. .
\VliiKicriii' , ' or tltn WliL'i'l.
Captain Kinurson will lead tha wheel club
to Council lilullb today.
Jiiek I'rincu is nrr.iiiglng for a higslx-
days' meet at PltUiljurg. '
Livesay has his optics on the pruiidojitial
chair and loads tha race up to date.
Matthews is struggling to Hoop a darlc
honu for the picsldrncy under cover.
Morris knows who tha next treasurer will
bo , bin , won't filvo It away to anvoo ty.
"S. Jerry" I'ortcriiold will bo a candidate
forthoofllcu of captain and don't tail to be
lieve it.
Chicago claims the honor of producing tha
largest pulr of cyclers In the worldMr. .
Henry Oott weighs iVT pounds nml ids wife
tips the beam at UIT pounds. Thcro is hone
forCJihson yet.
OMAIU , AiirlUI'- tlm Hpoitliu IMItor of
Tin : HKH : S iiu will olili o u luailnr anil do-
elilo u hot by iminlnx Iho cities Uiut lniil uliiha
In llinVni cm uHiin-latlon In Iv li ( tlioyuui Omaha look thu pi'muit ) , 111(1 ( Uiuisu ; )
Ulty Irnii acini ) In Ihu Ucsioin usMiuliillou
prior 10 laiit year , If sohat vein ' ' bport ,
Ans. (1) ( ) Mllwaulioo , St. Paul , Minneap
olis , Sioux Oily , les Molnos , ht. Joe , Deii *
vcr and Omaha. 0 In IMS.
OMAHA , Mutch 31.To tlm Sinrlliis | Kdltot
of TUB HKI : : To clcclilo abi't lll vim jiioasp
answer In Kir.viiA 'H IlK.n A anil II pluylni ;
hliiKln hlgli-llv * ! . lioth tM a | ili > ci' , A bids
and miil < i > N high jauk , It miihtu low ,
\Vho wlnsy--W. U
A n si. A.
OMAHA , Ajirll y. 'tn this Spurting Tflllorof
TinIltK : : I'luasi ) IIIIKUIT tlm fiillonlug In
HUM hii.MiAi'H HKK : In n gHiniinf hluli flvn
points. A anil It Imvo : ti points , hid 1'J
and main ) U polntH , i ; nml I ) liavn fit
linliita und ninkii low.Vliu \ \vlns- AN DO.
Ans. U and U.
O t tiu , April ' . ' . To ihii Hporluu IMIIor of
Tin : lln : : A KIIIIIU of hlKh-thn , A .M. II 4i ) , li
IIUXH fnrH anil makes HI , A snu-s Juuk Who
WIIH- | | | . If , V.
I < ixiNiiTON : , Nob. , Aprils. To tinHnortlng
I.illtorur TilKllKKi In iigaiiiunr dice , flvii
niiin tlirowliin , lil li niuiioiit or onutluiill
Ilo , A thrown 8 , 117 , O7 , l > 0 , III ! win ) would
bo out In flrM ruti nil. or won Id tht < II MJ bo compelled -
polled tii throw oor'I'r.inU JlaUs.
Ans. A goes out , If the high man had
boon tied then you would ull have liud aa <
other dash out of thu box ,
Ie Witt's UttloKarly Risers ; best Mttlq
for dyspepsia , sourswmucli ,