Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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    TII io OMAHA n/vrr/Y HP/PI srxmv Ai'im , .1. i.sni. KTVPRWV
> . II. IMf
Kjlrnnrillnnry Hnlo of Corirtfi Mon
tiny no IVr Cent DlHCiiinit from
Jmvo too manycorHolfl anilhavo
decided to toll tliu following splendid
lolnt Just Jinlf what everybody etaouHks
lor them. They will bo placed on unlo
Monday find will remain on milo all week ,
or till nil aroHolil.
Three dlfferfjiitHlylos French woven
corn stH * ! . ! , SI. M nnil V2.W. Tliroo
< llllrnnt ) stylet ) of r'ronch woven nurnery
Jl.X ( ) , ! I.W : mid tl. W.
Dr. Warners nunwry tl.'W.
Four different styles C P t2.00 , ? 2.r,0 ,
n 25 1111(19 ( 1. W ) .
Three Btylos I' I ) * 2.fiO and W.1M.
A lot of odd eornolH of Madam Warnerf )
aUI.lMaml thcj YiillHU at S12.00.
U'o will tnko jiwt half of those prices
to close them out.
Wo liavo BHO u lot of ohlldrcn'n hhort
droH oH tlio roi'nlar iirico of which Is
tl.2/1 , wo will close them out on Moaclny
al ! / > < : , alHO a lot of IndloH1 mlHscH' awl
chllilrun'H underwear .Hid ladles' ulcirtH
In filll < H , untooiiH , hrilliantiiHM ami
Hal Inn clotliH , which wo can oiler at
On Moniliiy alco special finlo of oin-
hroidcrioH , all now ( jowln ; IIHO ! on Mon
day our now Htock of laillcH * liOHlury anil
underwear ( it Hiich prlcun an never huvo
boon won here ; aluo our now Hllks , our
now black gnoilH , our now wawh tfoods
and our now luces. No Hiich uloolc of
now ( , 'oodti him ever boon Hliown In thin
market , Look at thin extraordinary
Halrj of MIIOIIH. tnblo clotliHinul imnlciim
and hud Hproiula that wo place on Halo
IminoiiHo clearing bale of flno and
medium linen coimlHting of tiiblo olotlm
mid mipkiiH.
Tlio Halo will bo hold on our third
Moor. .
Tomorrow , Monday , wo will ImiugiV
rate tlio { rruntcsl Hiilo of tabloclothrt and
imnldim over hold In tlio ,
TblH wale will only liiHt for ono week ,
M ) do not neglect tills opportunity to
buy line linoii for only tlio coat of tlio
cheaper tfradoH.
Owliitf totliobiok of room and the Im-
moiiHo Htocle on Hale , wo will HIOW tlioin
on oui'thliil Moor where moru room anil
IMo best of lirlilcnn ( bo obtained ,
Wo can only mention u few of the
many linrgaliiH.
fiO hotw bleached danuiHk cloth , 2 ! yanln
lon < _ ' , inns do/.on 5-H nnpldimto nmlcli , for
thiHwilo wu will olFor Ilium at HM ) per
cot.Vo defy you to mutch thorn lit loss
than $7.00.
/ > ( ) S IH cloth II yanltt loiif , ' , do/.oii fi-8
niipkliiH to match , $ G0 / > pur hot , worth
fi ( ) fcots cloth 21 yards long , Ti-H
to match , } ( > .2.r > per set , worth -iO.OO.
WoalaoHlmw a bolter { 'riuln at $700.
$8. ( Ill up to HI 5.110 per not.
LY ( 'II KA1' . In connection with the
above wo will place on wile our now
Hprlnj. Htoclc of John S. llrown & SOIIH' ,
Holfnst , HneiiH , coniprlHlnjj Hiieh now
patterns IIH tbo arum Illy , ivy Hprlfr ,
I'Yoncli ' Hpritf , Christmas roue , wafer
wpol till Ip and a hoot of other patterns.
" \Voeiirry tboin in all lengtliH.
Should wo be Hold out In any length
you may dnniro wo will order It for you
at the same price IIH when wo had it in
\\'o carry tboso elotlm from $1.00 up to
$21.110 per doth , nupldiiH from $5.00 up to
$20.00 per do'/on.
' Over ono Mmdred odd eloths will bo
closed out at nearly half price. You
will Mud all { jradefl of linen in this lot ,
from the medium to the very llnest.
Hoiiininber thlnmilo taken ] > laceon our
third Hour and will continue for ono
Wall orders given personal attention.
13rfl ) Sl'llKADS.
Just roi'oived anotlior Bhinmont of
MiirhullleH hod HpreadH. Wo will again >
Hoil tbiHlot nt our former prices , but
thia IH positively the hiHt wo ean yet of
100 full H/oil ! bed spreads at $1.-18 ,
weld everywhere forxf-00.
KM full fil/ed outline Marseilles at
$ l.lS ) , well wortli &I.OO.
100 full Hixcd { , 'enuino Marseilles at
S-U.2. - " ) , worth .ftl/jO.
1(10 ( full Hi/oil yonulno M'irsoillcs at
$2.75 , worth $1,00.
Sue our bettor Rradof ) nt SU.OO , $ : i./)0 ,
$ . ' { .7r ) , $1,50 , $5.00 , $0.00 , $7.00 , fRUO ,
ft 10.00.
Wall ordorst filled.
Lndlcswlll bo interested in the fact
that a now millinery store IB to ho
opened on Tuesday next in the Pajtton
hotel building , ut 111t ! lAirnam btroot ,
Ijy two IiulioH from the , east. The now
linn is Dunhiim & .la in OH.
IIAYJHN ; iiuos.
Dcpiirliiutiit 'Moiidny.
All tlio odd lots and broken from
the KiHiimn Htock must busold.
MOII'H fine hand \volt ealf and kangaroo
roe shoes lit $5.00 , others ask $0.00 to
$ ( ! , ) .
Men's line calf Goodyear welt Hhoos ,
$ : i.Mt.
Men's line ciiHOuculf COIILM-CSB shoos
$2.r.o . ;
Men's line H calf congress shoos $1.7.ri.
a pal. tip oxfords $ > .
1 line turned sold , oxfords ll.-lfl.
Lndlos' line doiiKola huttonslioosi20.
Ladies' llnodonuola pat. tiiishoosifU.Ga
Dry ( , 'oodH and shooH ,
i * -
JIn > ( lon UiotliciV lint l > itiirtin | iit.
Tho.J.U. SlotHon hat $ ioorthW.OO. ! ) .
The HOHH lmtl.f)0 ) , worth $1.00.
The Hefnal hat : * I. ! ! ' . ) , wtirth $ : j.50.
The Tlcor hat $1,15 , worth $1.00.
The host hat in the world $ \2T \ . worth ,
The Gilt Ktl ( jo hat ( Hjjlit colors ) $2.25 ,
worth $ .5.00.
For Monday's sale only.
HoysWantod 10 boys wanted at A. D.
rjCo. . , 10 ! ! J Douglas , fiood wagon.
J. IS. Ilotrlulcunihltect ) . , 0JN.Y.Ufo. (
- ' *
Now wull map of Omaha and South
Omaha for bale by Mulr A Utiylord ,
room 1 , Hoe building.
Snrlniand ; Sumnior opening Thurs
day , Friday and Suturd'iy , April It , 10 ,
II , Ilrlng your frlonds. All are invltod.
Is'o. Cunlt * . lM. . Sohmlull & Co , , 1522
Dou ltw.
A Knot \Vortli Knowing.
The Iliirllii ton IH the only line run *
111nj ; through i'lillmiinslooplni'carsfroiii
Oimihu to DoadHood. TriuiiH leave
Omaha dully at 10.2.5 it in. , arriving ut
Deadwood at noon of the following day.
Takotho Ulltl'orn line for Deadwood ,
Hot Sprinirx , South Dakota , Douglas 1 , '
Onspor , Wyoming , Hastings , Harvard ,
Tom , David City , Superior , Uonova ,
1'xotor , Seward , Lincoln , Witlioo and
1'Voinont , *
Turkish bath rooms , IBth and Karnam.
KUnatior , Purdun k iOUassor , iiron's.
O.S.Uaymond.lowolor.roinovod . to torn- I
l > oniry location , NK. cor. Doughw , t 10th
i'lno cftrrlngos , doaintui'a roponltory |
Grand Special Ealo of Fine Dress Goods To
morrow ,
One Hundred IMcccs All SlIU Colored
Hurnli Hlltc , 'Me a Varil ) J7-
Inoli Illaek Hur.ili Hltk ,
IHo a Vnril.
UK ) Imported I 'cralun drewa rebus , eon-
of the lato-it no voltlcH In malarial
and anpleqiie tri tinning In tiii'ol elleot.
fl yards In each ilrow , bosldoH trimming ; ,
only % . ' } .tO ; worth mi to . * 10.00.
I B' ' ) unmade druti ui , 10 yanh in each
dresH , cuiiMistlntr of double fold Hmjlluh
caHhtnoru , illuminated stripe , diagonals
and Anyora homespuns at USe for entire
L'utiKulo drosH pattornn of elite finish
hunriottaH , ID Inches \viili > , all the load-
lnf ( Hhndos , 8 yards In each pattern , for
10 ulctfant untnado drcsncs conslfttlng
of hlyb t'rady Scotch cheviot , two tone
stripes , polka-dot ollect overshot stripes'
at $ I.'IO for entire pattern.
" 1 unmade dresses in the finest /32-Inch /
I'VcMch foulo serges in now grays , now
tans , now rose , now blue. 'J'lio iroods in
thuHo patterns worth $1.75 a yard.Vo
olfor tlio entire unmade dross al $0,75.
18 unmade Bilk dross patturiiH , con
sisting each of 1 < J yards of heavy lustre , ,
faille. fmnralfio and Lyoim silk in hlack
and ail newest uhade.f. Phis silk Is war
ranted and soils for $1.75 a yard. Tomorrow -
morrow f 1U.75 for entire pattern.
) for tlilb sale ! ) ! o a yard ,
quality 8lllHial2Jc.
IMIM rnoiK : WIL , ! . , .
\Vri < lo spring Hiiitiii'rH in ( fray and tan
mlxturea , lOoti yard.
( ' 'inequalitylUInch body cashinore ,
2 lea yard.
All wool French cashmeres , : t7jo a
Hif'hoat novelty plaids with tufted
wool olTcctH , ! ! ) ( ! a yard.
.Seo our all wool imported ciisbmoros
at fit'e ' , 050 , Toe , Hoc. For values they
cannot bo equalled ,
See our spei-lul ofl'orlngs in fancy
black goodu.
Ono lot iSIMnc'li wide , Hplondid stylcH
American s.-itcons go at Sjc , worth 15o.
Ono lot , most olleotlvo styles , Prunch
sateens go at 10c a yard.
Onoeolid CIIHO the llnest imported fs
black lienriolta sateens , iilc ; worth
Our trade laaticolt was a triumph for
our mlllinory dopartmonl , Visitors
wore deliyhted and ama/.ed at the won-
oerful collection of bonnets and hath
every ono a novelty , For Monday
and next week wo will oiler
gomilnu Krench bonnets at $1 .00 and
$ 0.00 , which wo will copy so that you
will not. know which la which. The
copies will cost you $ " > .00 to tt.OO.
Our TJroductlons of exact copies
of patorn hats will hu shown
In fifty ililToront colorings. Prices$2.7 ! ) ,
to $1.60 , Thoui-ands ot now shapes in
Mihins , fancy straws , every style of
beauty. Prieo , Me1'Je , 0Jo ( , Otic. Wo
challt.'titfo eoinpavlsoiiB.
Uavo you seen our stock ? It is a. wonder -
dor ! Hundreds ol jaekots , hundreds ot
capes , hundreds of wraps for ladles and
missc.s , and hero are the prices.
Bin/or j'lckots in cloth , nil colors , with
cord and tassel , $1.JO ! to $1-100.
lleefor jackets In plain and fancy col
ors. ( ic ! ) to $7.50.
Stylish capes In all styles , $1.60 to
I-aco capes In hundreds of styles , $2.00
to $10.00.
III South lOlb Street.
Two ladles from the east , under the
llrm name of Dunham&.lames , will open
a millinery establishment atMlIlFarnam
street this week. Announcement of
their opening Tuesday la made in an
other place on this page.
Dr. C. II. Paul , dentist , has removed
his ollico to (10(1 ( ( Now York Life building.
A. Strong hoari Company.
C. E. andC. M , Anthony investment
bankers of this city and 1'oorla , have
incorporated under the name of the
"Anthony Loan and Trust company , "
with : i pnviont capital of a quurtor of ti
million dollars , but with the power to
increase the name to ono million. The
olllcors are Chnrles E. Anthony , presi
dent , Clifford M. Anthony vice presi
dent , George \V. Curtirts sccrotary and
Olllcos will bo maintained la this city
and 1'oorla. Thjs Una's business was
established twenty-live years ao ( , nnd
tholr carelul and ( ironipt methods liuvo
gained for them a national reputation.
'I'ho ' location of tlio main ollico in
Oinnhii adds another strong financial In
stitution to this city.
s tlio Oulj Chop MOUHC Hiolor
Ili-lil to Court ,
'J'lio chen house rioters' ' cnsei occupied the
attention of tlio nollco court all day yester
day. Thestutu roatoil nt 10 a. in. nnd the do-
fonsu oc-cupleil tlio rest of tlio day. All the
\vitnessosfprtlioilcfoiiSQtestllloil that Oftl-
cor Newman staiteil tlio affnlr. The wit
nesses all swore that Nc\vnmn nnd the two
men with him w-cro told to po to tlio kitchen
nnil Rot whut tlioy wanted to cat. The ofll-
cor then started tno row by using profane
laiinunnotoMr. llopowcll.
All the testimony wont to show that 0(11- (
cor Nuwimm dlil ilraw his revolver nnU lire
tnroo shots wlu'ii ho entered the place tlio
second tlmo. This was In direct contradic
tion to Newman's tc'stlmoay.
The civso was ftubnilttcil to the jury at 4:40 :
p. in , without argument by the attorneys on
u I ill IT side.
At 7 : lf > o'clock the jury returned a verdict
of not guilty unit the prisoner ; , wore ills-
Mattliowi , bettor known n ? "Sheeny
OeorRO , " was bound ever to the illslilot
court nuil hold In ft , 000 ball. HcliiK unnblo
to procure the required iiinount ho was taken
to the county ] all ,
It Is tboiiKlit that Matthews Is tlio man
wliostriickOfllcorllousorwitli tbo ax
and consequently liu wns held.
TLiiro were riunors to HID Pltoct Hint complaints - |
plaints will bo Illou by Mr. Ilopowcll
Inir Olllcor Nowuinu with jwrjury , assault
and intent to lilll ,
R J. Davis , heavy hnulliifj , lltband ,
Jackson , Andieon'si Safe Works. Tel I
Lridioa visit llllss mlllnery parlors and
Bootholatoht Imported pattern huts.
Nollou or I > : HI > IUIIHI | oC CO'I'arlner-
Notice is hereby pivon that the co
partnership heretofore oxlHting under
the llrm niuiio of Markol A' Swobo , lu
this day dtHholvod hy inututil consent ,
Mr. Markol retiring.
All debts owlntf hy thla firm will bo
paid hy Thomas Swobo , and nil credits
duo mud llrm must ho paid to him.
Signed. J. MAiiicnr , ,
OMAHA , April J , IS'Jl.
Solomon's Dubnqna Stock at Stonohilla
Itndly Itiiriicil ( Joodi Oii ! > Tcntli Tliclr _
Viiliu : liiully Stnokcil ( < < > < > ( | H Otic *
Tenth Tliiilr VnliiB She tln H ,
NotliiMH HmoKcil.
Monday wo place on sale from the
Block of Solomon Urn * . , Diibiiqtiu , "In. ,
the finest lot of foods damaged hy lire ,
Hitioko aiid.watur over sold over a counter -
tor In Oinalui.
Smoked hosiery 2jc , lOe , 19c and IMc n
pair , worth tin toSl.oO.
Smoked and burned lace Ic , < 3c , Itiu a
yard , worth up to COoa yard.
Some of this lace li pure silk.
liurned and smoked embroidery 2o ,
Ic , 7c , lOe , lee , worth up to 7fic ayu'rd.
I' . I ) . , C. K , I. C1. , Dr. Warner's and
celebrated inaliCM of corsotw , slightly
stnold'd , at i'lUo to 7og , worth from SI.00
to * . 'UO.
Lot of linhifr L'Jc , worth I Do.
J ot of shooting at I3c , worth 30e.
Lot of roinnnnlu of line challh " ? c u
yard , wortli lOc ,
A 1'AIU , WOflTH UI' TO i'I.OO.
What wo haven't In tills Htock iu not
wortli luivlriL' .
Smoked and burned dress trimming
i'c ! and fte a yard ,
Also a lot of silk fringes worth up to
$2.00 per yard.
Lot of smoked rushing Ic and / > c a
yard , worth up to 7oc per yard.
Lot of ribbons (5e ( and lOuu yard , worth
up to "flc per yard.
Lot of boy's waists lOc nnd " 9c , worth
up to $1.00.
Solomon Rim , flno shirts laundered ,
Bllyhtly ! smoked 17e to oOc , worth up to I
$ I.r,0. |
NlKhtslilrts/iOc / , worth W.OO. Smoked
draperies 8c , worth .Vie.
A lot of children's ' knit skirts and knit
undurwenr lOe , worth ' 10o.
Silk thread , IJc spool.
Linen thread , lie spool.
Silk twist In black and colors , Ic a
\Vo have a biy lot of stuff which wo
never carried before In this stock , which
will go ehoap , oil cans , wbcars , baseballs ,
hlackiiig , and all such stiill' . must go at
any price. Needles , Ic a paper.
( "OHIO early and avoid the rush.
Kuinoinber the only lire sale In Omaha
Have any second elass newspapers any
thing to siiy about tlio above Halo ?
IHJandllHS. 10th.
Salesladies wanted.
Apportion tinDocket ;
for 'I'llIs Term.
The district court , Judees held a meeting .
yesterday afternoon to lay plans for dlspos- |
ing of the work of the balance of the term ,
but were met n-itn the fact , that the commlsb
Hloner.s nave failed to provide quarters for
the additional judges , so that tbeir delibera
tions v/ero not far-reaeliing. However , most
of the judges will bo actively engaged until
the May term.
. ihvino will , . , . . . , . , . . _ . T ,
go to Washington and
Hurt counties , whore hu will .spenil thobal-
unco of tlio month.
JudRo Davis will not qualify for a couple
of weeks nml consequently will not do much
judicial work until May. ,
Monday Judge Donna will take up n qaso
that was hoard licforu him ut a previous
term of court , lifter which ho will relieve
JuJgo Wnkuloy , Who devotes tbo greater per
tion of the month to preparing decisions in
cases that have been heard during tbe pres
ent term.
JU < IKO l''orgu < on will talto up Jud/o / ; Doano's
docket anil preside over It until adjourn incut.
Judffo Kstollo will talio tlio erimmal docket
ami dispose of all cases that nro ready for
trial. '
With the opening of the May term all of
tbo courts will bo in ( ml blast , though ono of
the Judges will devote most ot blstimoto at-
tcndlnu' to outside business.
The question of bailiffs and stenographers
wns discussed , but as there will bo no in-
crc.iso In the number of courts , it is more
than likely that the appointments will not be
mndo for some tlmo.
Hon. A. .T. Poppleton has purchased tbo
Exposition building and will probably con
tlnuo to use the building as a tlicntcr.
Ilishop Newman lectureil before tbc
Omaha Touchers' association nt tbo hlen
school yesterday on "Tho Mission of the
Scholar. "
Tbo monthly meeting of the real estate ex
change was not hold yesterday afternoon ,
there not being enough members present to
constitute a quorum ,
First Presbyterian church Kev. J , M.
Wilson , pastor of the Castellar Presbyterian
church , will pi each at 10Mn. : in. No oven
ing service.
A married woman HvliiR on North Six
teenth street mailed n postal curd to tbo
Louisiana lottery managers , asking for In for-
illation I'onceniliiK the drawings , Tlio curd
was answered by a postofllco inspector , who ,
considering extenuating circumstances , ilu-
cliuod to cuusu the woman's ' arrest.
A brilliant'solar halo of proat dlstinptncs1
nnd perfect form with a radius of about t ! ( ) =
was visible for about two hours at noon
today. Tbo color was white. Two sundeRs
of prismatic colors were visible at sunset.
In tbe phllosoimy of tlio ancient weather
prophet thcso phcnoincnas indicate cold
Tbo Inquest over I-'rank Iiyland , who died
under suspicious circumstances at bis homo
in Benson place two weeks ago , was con
cluded nt Ilcafoy ft Heafoy's yesterday. The
Jury founil that Iiyland came to his death by
aranito poisoning , but where , when , or by
whom the poison was administered the Jury
wore uuablo to determine ,
Try Peacock nut coal ; $0,00 per toi
delivered. A. J. Meyer & Co , opp. I' . O.
New Millinery Store Opening.
Dunham & James announce their
spring millinery opening Tuesday ,
Wednesday and Thursday next in tbo
I'nxton hotel building , Mill Farnini
street. Now llrm and now goods.
Dr. SussdorIT , 1S01 Fnrnnm , specialty
dlbcasos peculiar to women.
Card nl"riiiiiiKH.
\Vo tender our Blncoro thanks to al
our friends who romoinbored us BO
kindly in our late bereavement , nlso to
the AiH'-lont Order of Hibernians and
tlio young1 metis' institute who so generously
ously curried out our wishes , wo fee !
truly grateful.
\V , T. Seaman , wagons and carrlnycs ,
Ilelln i& Thompson , tailors anil inon's '
furnibhovb , 1(11- ( Far num. Spring styles ,
Children's trimmed Pallor hats lOe this
week at Ullss' , 1510 Douglas street ,
April XVunlher I'rt-il let Ions ,
If a peck of March dust Is worth
Idnp'a ransom , and Aiirll showers bring
forth May flowers , is it not rlffht to pre
dict that every day in every month the
olcetrlo-llghted , steam-heatedvcstlbuloit
limited trains of the Chicago , Mllwuu
koo & St. I'nul inilwny will continue to
run on the short line between Omaha
nnd Chicago. The bloctrlo reading
lamp In every berth of their palneo
Bleeping cars Is tholr own patent and
cannot bo iisod by any other company.
Ticket ollico , 1501 Furimm Btroot ,
At the OO-Oant 'Store , 1310 lamam
Vi'o Are Ilnotnlnx Trni.o AVItli .Match-
ICM PrlooH V > 'n Keep Uvcry-
Hco IfWo ! Don'l ,
A few loft of the $1.OS chamber sots ,
worth M. h they've } gene llkr > wildfire ,
So have the * 2.1)3 ) , tea cots of 60 pieces ;
everybody auks li.OOfor them.
Sales In our ionelry department are
growing amazingly.
< lOo for hunvv rolled plato pins , wortli
up to $1.00.
150 for child' gold clm od rings' ,
T > c forsilvered hairpins , worth SHc.
lOc for extra fancy hair piriH , others
ask < 30c.
C ! jnls' rolled plato vest clu
Fine silk chains , Me.
Gents' scarf plus , JiV ; , worth up to
Lots of goods movingIn our silver
ivare department.
ITeiivy plated toasponn ? , Ofor li'ic.
! orks and tablespoons , . ' { for Hoc.
Tinware at oOe on the dollar of autiml
Woodenware nl the bare cost of the
Ilnrdwaro at less than the raw ma
terial Is worth.
Feather dusters 2.3c , worth COc.
J argo tubs -Vie.
Wringers * 1.M , worth $ -1.00.
Tea kettles iKo.
Boilers TjSc ,
Mrs , I'otts sad Irons $1.35 $ per sot.
A splendid pillow sham holder 2-jc ,
\vorthil.00. \
Wonderful values In haby ,
lilcturo frames , pictures , easels , fancy
m ; oods. ladies' shopping bugs , etc.
The world famous Marion Ilarland
ook book Monday with every $1.00 pur-
hasotnoiir houho furnis < hliitr depart-
munts. THE 1)0 ) CHN'T HTOHH ,
IHl'J Furnam street.
OAHIIKI ) 111.4 NI.CK.
Nearly Sucuopils In
Harry II. Uo an , the young man who
forged the name of ( Jeer 'C ICcrr to nn order
onvhlch lie obtained a mouth's boprd at , tlio
liou-scof MM. I'ickerim ; , 101 Capitol avenue
and then \vcnl to Jail , i.s an enigma.
When his forKc1/ was discovered bo nt-
[ cinptci1 suicide via tbe morphine route. Ho
was duly pumped out. and a few dayi later
tried the starving act but wns prevented
from crossing the golden shore by having
milk forcfd up Ini nostrils.
After this ho iravouptho suicide idea and
dovotPil nisnttentioa tocoiifesslnir to crimes ,
the most Important of which was tlio killini :
of his sweetheart while ho resided in Peim-
sylvania a few yearn ajjo ,
yesterday ho startled the inmates of the i
c (
t (
Snturdny Is shavinir day In the county
bastllo ; , and while the prlsoacrsstiavoa fuiml
stands ' by to see that they do inselvos no
Ono of tbo men in the larso room up stairs
: md Just shaved himself and laid the razor on
the edge of the bathtub.
Hogcrs , who was In the room seized the
razor , unU as quick as a flash drew the keen
odfjo < over his jugular , inflicting a deep nnd
dangerous ; wound. The blood hpurted out in
an stream , but ltoffrs was not satisfied , lie
raibcd'hlrf ' arm to Inflict another HP-sh , when n
prisondr I struck hu hand nnd Knocked the
razor tn the Bother sidi3''of ' the room , while
HoKcrs , weak from the loss of blood sank on
a couoh , exclaltmngr "I have accomplished It
this time and 1- guess they ivill'tiot huag mo
for f ( murder. "
Thojailor was at once notified and while
ho tiphtly wound a sheet around Roger's
ncokto stop thoflo'v of blood a physiclin
was called. Upon bis arrival thu would-ho
suicide's neclc was stitched up , after which
he was tucked away in Ills bed ami u Riiard
placed over him.
Jailer Horrignn , who was nt Lincoln with
some prisoners , upon bis return lost , night
stated that ho hnsnHvnjs been suspicious of
Rogers nnd thinks that bis attempted sui
cide Is only a trick to get out of Jail. He
thinks the feilowls playing the insnno dodge
titid adopted this courao to cni'ry out the
plan , though iio cut deeper than lie Intendod.
ItoROi-s was placed in the case two or tlirco
days ago and since that time ha- * been very
illsiajrrceable and sullen. Before that tie was
allowed to range aboqt the largo room and
the corridor , but was detected In the act of
earr.iliip notes between the prisoners who
nro loclsed in the ca es. For this ho was ,
punished , and utoiico swore that be would
mnlco trouble.
All of the people about tlio jail are begin
ning to regard Rogers as a bad man and are
mere than half Inclined to think that muuy of
his fearful disclosures are truo.
Spring carpets , draperies and furni
ture. Orchard's ' , Continental blk. , 15th
and Uougbis.
has tbe largest line of millinery
and lowest prices.
I ii.xurlouH 'Irjivcliii .
The Hurlington train No. 2 , leaving'
Omaha nt 4:30 : p. m , and arriving in Chicago
cage the next morniiif ? at 8 o'clock , is
the favorite of the three daily trains , it
being a superbly appointed vcstibulod
train of Pullman 1'alaco
sleepers , re-
clInlriK ehair mid dlnhifj ears , pittornod
after tbo latest designs , iittcd up In
luxurious style and furnlbhed with every
convenience calculated to redound totho
eiifio and comfort Of the passengers
Train No. 0 leaves Omaha at Ul : ( ) p , in.
and arrives in Chicago nil p.m. next
dny , Has through I'ullman sleepers ,
chair cars and tllninj , ' car City ticket
ollico , l 2i ! Fariiam stroot.
Ccmhu > ndn Sniidnj , April 5 ,
TUB iwii mm co
ThoStroiiBest rcportolro coinp'iiiy In Oinulia
tills SIMSOII.
Sunday Miitlnru"Thu IVarl nf Savoy , "
PiliiOiiyMRlit- > ad's Ulrl. "
Clinngc of lllllir.x'ry IVrforinnncp.
Prices All ( inJImdtia buatn , ri'sorvi'd , : tO
cents ; ail Imlconyv seals , ii'snrvcd. till I'l'iit j
ualli-ry , 10 cunts. Hoshuut open Sunday at
.10 u. MI.
Sunday Matinoa and Night , April 5th.
I'reseiitlnj ' thonlrmiecst Ollnof ruOneil novel
ties , now mi tliu load.
- . .
Theltoxlcaa Wonder.
ljaulitio Bat.oliallor ,
Queuii uUittrlesqup.
TIA.MX.A. & AliNO ,
EiiKll'jhOrot ' squ s.
TliE 3-II51NRVS.
KulintJ katch Artists.
WiM. J.
And a chorus of l OperaticCorypbccs ,
1'ouular ' 1'rlcce , 25 , CO uud 75 couli.
JOHN Gi'iM ) univ
Not Only ? li'pt < < l ) ( \vn T i n
Hut ( JiM'M OIKMetier. .
At hlflstorb , r,121 N. 10th.
For Monday only wo offer :
G'ood bloacnod 'Muslin , only 8jc per
Host calico for 3jc per yard.
Good clriffhnni , 6c per yard.
Imperial ohalliosfor 3)c ) per yard.
Wo do not limit you to an you utility of
I these ] goodH.Vlien wo advertise a price
onvoo < l8it means that wo have the kind
and ( junllty named and nil you want to
buy. Hut rcmeinbor wo do not ofier
thc'O jrlee ) after Monday.
'lur ' giwds are all now , nuvcr saw day
light In Omaha Ixjfote last week , and
necessarily * of the latest patterns and
newest styles , Wo guarantee the lowest
prices. All wo ask of close buyers of
dry goods is acaroful inspection of qual
ity and prices ,
K.xtra quality outing flannel for 8ic
per yard.
See our whlto poods atiJe per yard.
Full regular balbtlgan hose at lee per
pair. Others will a k you Me for the
same hose.
Dressmakers , If you want , to save
money , got fJulld's prices on trimming' * ,
as he will Hell them on smaller margins
than any hotiM ) in town.
52 1 N. 10th.
OstholT block. Open ovoninga.
To ilin Pulil-u.
C. II. Smith it Co. , 101'itToward street ,
have this day purchased all goods here
tofore handled by mo nnd will earn a
full line of Brown fc Husiy's cabinet
loiter ( lies and indexes , .Shannon bill and
Jettor files , letter books , typewriter sup
plies , luotiiGograph1) ) and mipplies and n
general line of otllco specialties. 1 bespeak -
speak for them the favor of my form er
patrons. Very respectfully ,
What would make a nicer wedding or
anniversary gift than ono of tltosu "Har
vard" cut glass roe bo\sls or berry
dishes at Burns' . Just received.
AVA UMI20 'Ml Kill KAItH.
iJmlijo IlonniKoM'rcly Hcbakcs Soinu
Oni'iliit Xttorucyx ,
In handing down his decision ( 'rnntlng n
motion : to dismiss tbo case nf Hramlcs vs.
Kvans , Judge Doanc yesterday administered
n rebuke to throe Omaha attorneys which
they are not likely to forget very soon.
The suit uraw out of one for damages for
alleged injury to tbo reputation of tlio plain
tiff on account of a s'lit to recover a diamond
xvhlch Harry Hr.indes was charged withhav-
lut ? stolen from mi eastern man named Kvnns.
The Ulainond wns Jo mid anil the case dis
llvans died sooa after nnd suit was broiiKb' '
against his estate to recover on a note- for
$1,500 payable to Drnadcs anil signed by A.
C. Kvans. Messrs. Davis and Smith repre
sented Hr.uides and K. ( ! . Hess claimed to
rciiresent the Kvans estate
Hess attempted to collect ? . "iOO from L. C.
Kvans , the administrator of tlio estate , for
bis Rorvlccs. Payment wns refused and the
nmttcr placed In the hands of another attor
ney who concluded that the case was black-
niall from Its inception. Ho accordingly
( Hod a motion to dismiss which Judge Uoanu
A stipulation is on flic In the case in which
It appears that the defendant , Evans , agreed
two days before nil death to pay tbo Slf > 00
noto. It wns shown that Kvans was uncon
scious for several days before his death. The
stipulation is n reiid to by Davis iuut Smith
for 73randcs , and Hess forKvnns.
.luditu Uoanu remarked , IP handing clown
bis decision , that tlio proceeding wus a scan
dalous ono nnd merited disbarment.
Tbo h\r \ committee will lavestipato the
matter nna If the facts as set forth nro true
they will bo 'Invited to" engage In some other
line of business.
Dr. Sussdorir , 1501 Farnnin , treats dis
eases of kidneys , bladder and rectum.
Kui" ly.
Kvcrvono must know by this time that
the Chicago & Northwestern is the only
line running a solid night train from thu
Union denotat Oinahiulirectto Chicnirn. I
Lea vest ) : 10 p. in. Good train , sleepers ,
chair cars , diner. Makes all the fa&t
eastern connections at Chicago. This is
in addition to the vestibuled flyer out of
Omaha at-i.'i'tO p.m. dally , which a.irivos
in C'hicjirfo early next morning. City
otllco 1101 Piirnmn st.
Upright I'lniio fin-
On easy monthly payments , 7i octaves ,
rosewood case , stool and scarf. Great
bargain. A , JIospo , 15115 Douglas street.
Sherman it MeConnoll , proscriptlonista
and family chemists. lolH Dodge.
later m
nnd Tuesday Matlnoe
"Monday and Tuesday , April G nnd 7.
Klrnt nrpuararifo lioro Ililt voniiin of tlmt Irnglo
ciiiotlonal urtrt' ' M anil hiMititirul witiuan.
Iiilicrnow lil t' > il < nl plnr liy Allicrt ltiilan < l lln-
M'li , ( toilnili'il mi lh lUcs of .Nupuli'mi lluna-
lnirlt'inn ! the ICiiii'tfsa Jijivjililnu ) ,
8iiiiurtuil | | liy Wlllahn llnirlx n Nnimlcoii IJoim-
pnit and mi ( Airlluntcitiiiiiaii )
' Tliofi'HtiiHM'iiiro ' tnpurb' Till ) miiunllni ; of tin )
pluy iniiuiillUniit. I'rleua us imual ti'ntH un tulu
tMitiinlny itiurnliiu
WKD.NUSIIAV ANII TlintSD.M Aprllblli A Mi.
The World's ( irvntuxt .Muulcln-i ,
I'rlncoof I'rt'stlilUliMoiiM KlriL'uf Illuiionljlj.
Kiujn'ror iir.Mlrn.'Ica. Aliliul lif
.MidIlls I'lillio ini > truiolltin | comiiHiiir illrcct from
liM , lonir iincl Irliiinpliiint run nt l < h toij tlii'iitm.
Now Vurlc I'ltjr wni-ru for 100 iilKlils hli myxtiTltMi
| norforniimcM wuro lhi > talk nf tlio lu n A aiiKirli |
now uiJloi-tulniiUMit , Intriiilndnn liU lutpit wunOuJ ,
'KKOHINH. ' " tlio myntorlciiu "III.ACIC
AUT1 "AM.AVK ( illtl.B DIIKAM " "
KAIIN. ' IMi Orlcntnl I'uklr. iiml ( ithcrn
llnrilifotopon TuonilnyaC rt'Kular prlcui ,
. Kntiirdayai
, y with sat. Mut.
April 10th , llth and 12th.
TlieCVIclir.itcilCoiiieilU'iinoMlsH Vertionn
In her llrllllaiitMiixIcnl Comedy
Bupportrtlliy lior own Company of Comedy
ami Musical Talent.
Kt'l'Jt 1"/'I/J < . ' / / . I. V,7 > . '
New noiik'i , now ilnrirei , now miiHlc. new faces ,
ncwcuHtuinn , ii miylniii nml now tunny ltun >
ll.ini. N w ( uvollo Uy linmUiinio krlrl , tonutllully
coitumutl. 'I hi ) till of Iho OII < MI , Mln Jiirlinni'ii
new nin , "Wink Ihn Other Ko" and It'i tha
BniuuTlilnicOvur AiiMn , "
liyx ibvtti open TtiunJur ut renular pilcei
n.S' OY8TI3II ( llltlili ItOUM
f ltlle V Mi Inpim '
Opfiift Ijntllcs' Oyi-
Icr nnd ( Jrlll Itniitii.
Tlioro has nlwnya boon n cry that
Omaha needed a tlrnt-class restaurant
ono thoroughly rosuoctablo for Indies and
tfentmen alilce. Little iV McTagiici liavo
met tlio ( loinntitl for cciitloinen In their
oyater anil grill room nt loOU Purnam
Btreet nnd have an enviable reputation
for serving' overythlnj , ' in a first cla s
mnniior. They linvo if ! v opened un
oyster and prill room annex lor ladles
and ( 'nntloinenat JiOS South loth street
iti thu Darker building jutt boutli of
ITanium slreot.
The ladle.s' oyster nml prill room is
nontly fltti-d up and will bo conducted
hy these pentloincn in a thoroughly
llratcluss manner and they cuaraiiteo
the decorum will bo perfect. Any
pentleinan may feel perfectly ut en * > o
U > ere if accompanied by either his wife
or Hwcothciirt , as nlso may ladles who
are out shopping nnilNtop in the grill
room for luncheon.
Oystcruind shell fish are received by
express dally nnd served in every kno\s-n
Btylo and excelled by none iti
the In fact Little it MeTnyno
don't ' do anythlnf , ' by halves. Every
thing hut to bo jiorfcct with tlieso gon-
tloinon or it don't go.
Tlio Omnliii Coiiscrvatiiry
In the Now York Life building will com
mence lu third term next Tliimilay ,
April 0. Persons desiring to study
piano , organ , voice culture , violin , or
chestral Instruments , harmony , composi
tion , elocution , dramatic art. French ,
CJormrin or Italian at the conservatory
may register on or before the above
date. 1'upiln can cuter the conserva
tory nt any time although It is desirable
to have them coinmcnco nt tlio begin
ning of the term. Hotter instruction in
these branches cannot bo obtained in
this country . Lessons are giicti priv
ately and in class.
' Auction sale furniture tomorrow , 10
o'clock , 213 S. 12 , Omaha. City Auction
nf flf linen nricx < mlcr l/i/i / ( ltcadflftu
hail'titinnnl line ten tint * .
MBXGiiC : ) > IIT-Yoslonlnv at 5:15 : n m.
Olpa , dmiiilitvrnf Mr. and MH. Fieil titid Au-
UU'.ta Muneedolit , uutil 1 anil : IO diys. ;
l unurnl from u'sliN-im' . 1011 Kynur street , be
tween Colby and Locust , liitornicnt , I'prost
l iinn. I'rli'iuls Invited.
llt'KSIXO Iillk > , died Trlilay. ( it 11 n. in. ,
of Ilroiicliltls , aged 19 montlis. ruiu'r.ilSuii-
< lay , April 5. at'J p. tn. , from the icsIdenCL-
liurKrand-Dfirunts. .Mr. ami Mrs. Chris lllssl ,
northeast corner of lllli and Martini strcuts.
Ititerniunt at duiiral Hill cemutury.
lliXOi.V ; : \\Vilnesilny I ist. nt 10 p.m. .
Muurlco. nKcd ; )2yiiiN ) ' ; , son nf .1. II. and l.ll .a-
liuth ' Hc'iiu'L'ii. I'll in1 ra | from Musoiilo tiulhit 1
o'clock Sunday iiftrrnooti.
HI. .Jolin's lotlBC , No ! \ A. I , and A. M. , will
comoio at 1'ict'iiiasons li.-illnn Sunday , April
fl , nt 1 oVIosk sliarp. td attend tliu futieril of
our Into brother , Mniirlco Ih > nioii. Master
Masons of all thu lodiios are ruiiueitod to attend -
tend , By order of thu master. James II.
llrunur , secretary.
- >
\Vcro alive today and wished to see a
largo jiortion of the country ho discov
ered , ho would undoubtedly travel via
tbo Chicago & Northwestern , on account.
of the uniformly excellent equipment ,
fast time and sure connections which
prevail wherever tbo North western
Take tho."Old Sioux Citv Route" S.
C. & P. H. 11. for Sioux City , Huron ,
Pierre , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Uulnth
and the ontitc north and northwest.
A. Notable I-'ontiiie.
The Burlington route is the only line
from Omaha to Chlcafjoand tlio cast and
south whoso solid trains depart from the
Union depot , thus avoiding the Incon
venience and annoyance of transfers.
Secretary I'roetor Coin UK-
Secretary of War Proctor , who tins been
making a tour of tlio various military posts
in Texas and Adzona , will arrive In Oraulia
on Thursday and will spend ono daylutnls
city visiting th'ssitcof ' Fort Croo'r. '
uiio s K Tin : i'Aoiv
Tiuiiperlnir Hills tlio Ilnl
lint Ugtit Urillnanup.
Tbownyof coinK5tltlvo | electric light ortlJ-
n nn cos Is'tiard , a * the friends of the IJaliOU. .
ordlnnaco are beginning to find out. Al
though the ordinance 'os parsed by the
council Thunday nlpht It will not bo sent td
the nuyor for approval , ni the title PHR
mystcrloufljr disappeared nml bold why au
where It went arc matter * of conjecture.
The loss wa itl'covercd yesterday , when
soinoof tlio frtcuils of the unlhuincti vl lloU
tbo city clerk's ofllce ( o sta thnt It wai In
sluipo to no to tlio mayor and found that tbo
title patrohiit leui torn off. A cnroful
search Jailed to reveal It , ntul everyone in
tbo clcrlt's ollico professed tlio most profouiid
IptiOMiico nvanllnR It.
So\crnl o' ' tliacounrllnicn are \\lllinp \ \ to
swear that the JM O was In place and the or-
( Iliinnco int.ietvlipn It wont Into the clerk's
liatnh Thursday nlRlit. Clerk 15 rove * merely
says that It "must Imve IWOH lout in tbo
sbunie , " as no onoc-utsIJi- ottlco touched
the p.ip'jrs. 'I'bo friend * or the ordinance are
not at all incalv-tnouthod about making
chaivcs of cornintlon , and loud In their de
mands fora I'lKlJ evannnation ,
The mysterious disappearance \ freelv
dlscusted liy the nieinln < rs of the cojiicil and
a > the mayor could not bo CJL pec toil to sifn (
the docttiueat in Its mutilated condition , it
was decided to Introduce a now ordinance
Tuesday night ami pimlt asiooiiasj osslblo.
Grilles' iMoliiui.
Half a dozen members of the city council
met at tbo council chaiuocr hut nl lit to
InlU over committee worlr , but they talked
only of the Halloa ordinance.
City Groves saM ho t ou ht It was
an out rape to throw all the blntno of loslnj ;
ttie tittlu p.ijo of the orJinnnco upon him nil- * "
bis ilemitlcs. Hothroatoncd to e.\poso what
lie c.illed "tho whole uiaierhandcil scheme '
If tbo blame was not speedily shifted to
bonicboO.v else.
Pre-skJcnt Uowry stated that the Ilallou
orillnatico hail been stolen from Councilman
Mailseu's house last Wednesday , and was
( liven to Coiincllaiati Donnelly tlio lle t day
by Mr. Uailou ,
The church society ol I-'irst M. 13.
chinch at their last iiifotliiKcleeldod to
iltivoto the llrst thlKy minutes of each
ao-slon torudiinontnl instruction. This
will alTord an clcirant opportunity toany
por.HOi ; wislun ; , ' to avail tbeinselves ol
Iliiile Acquitted fiMiu the of
31 u rd rrlii * ; Al
Tbo coroner's Jury empaneled to Inquire
Into tbo death , of William .Mi-M.innta , who
wns shot \Vnlerlootwowvcks atro
killed by John J Hailo , rnot nt .McUoVUiy t
Conroy's undertaking rooms yesterday after
noon Three witnesses ucro cxaiiiineil
Mr. and .Mrs. Hailo anil Marshal Coodwia
who arrested Undo after t he shooting.
The evidence adduced was such as to sat
isfy the Jurors that Mc.Mnnnislio held a
gun In his hand , was about to assault Hiulo ,
and that as ho had on pievious occasions
beaten Ilado severely , tbo latter bait reason
to fear lio'lily injury.
A vcnlict was rctiJruccl to the tffect that
McMannlseaino to bis ilcatli from a pistol
snot llred by .1 . J. Hade , who was at the tlmo
acting in self -do feu so. "
Dr. IJolinos , hotna'opatliist , suceessov
to the Into Dr. Dlnsmoor , Don gins bloclt.
Throe lloors filled with latest sprlnjj
novelties in millinery sit llli&s' ' .
Mnrrlaire lilcoiiHCH , \ I 1
Thofollowititf marriage licenses were issued
by .ludgo Shields yesterday ,
Nnmo and address. ABO.
I .lolin S. Mi'Donild. Omaha . 21
1 Lilly G. Knaiip. Otnulia . 18
( Kiulolph MUiiiiOiiialia . -I
1 jMa'ilo Intzi'ii , Uiuali.i . ' 1
\ Trod \ Wnsiiliimoa Counly . 20
I Mlnnlo lleltzmiii , D.mtrlascotinty . 10
I Claim Vi'cnor.lloiinliiL'toM . 45
1 Uliarlotlo Uraesoli , IlcimiiiKlon . 9
The following par.nlU were is i id t by the
nupcrhitcmlcntof buildings rcstorJay :
Mrs. J Jiilni , two-story frainodwullliiK ,
Klrvontli and Ailior streets . $3.000
Two minor permits . -100
Total .1 II.400
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlic Standard.
WILL. LA.WLEH , Moimgof.
L'trncr llth Farnam Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The first anil only troupe of Siiinoaii warrior ?
fever brought to this country. Their ehiof
'Atofua ' , lu tlio ono xvlio compelled IIH ! ,111011 to
pluiiffo into the M'Othiiif , ' waters durinc tbo
jfrent luirrlcano at Apia , which destroyed tbo
( I'criniiii [ mil American wir vchbclB. in Marcli ,
18S ! ) , nnil rescued the American uud ( jerinan
Bailors. Tbo Hainonns are niiteil for their
Kcnllun < ' . < > s tiiul { jronoro-slty. They liavo been
convert oil to the Christian religion. They wear"
no boards and laid hcadonro a scarcity. Ora
tory IB their chief ( , 'Ift and is highly pri/.ed.
Tuttooi nf , ' Is tnoir Hoiiluioss. These warriors
are all tatioccl ; They are thrifty nnd eeonomU
cul. This is the lirst troupe ever brought to
th s country.
They aniuso the pconlowlth war songs , wnp
dancc.s , knife jiijfyUnif and
The r'amiusLaujjli T'rovoknra.
In their high olnss comedy , /Vll 3iljlit.j
, , j1:5. . O , replete with SOURS , dancing and )
* ' , . > ' . local hits ,
The Greatest , Trio of Grotesque Dancers.
IN I'll nut PNigm : AOT.
A comical and urtUtlc series ofwoiulcrfiil foils coinlstlnsof elasticroiitottloii nets , lial npin1
Illll ,111(1 ( tlLllll' ' fl'Ul1 ! .
JOHN MA Due Tcutonlo Cousin . .I. , , . . . in Wn.M.M a coiixlniiitjratiiiii . . . . .I ! > . . . , , „ „ otDntcliVit \ ( | .
Thu Greatest Mrlol ; ami Hack Jumiicr In the
'I I I I'k ViVl IMA H _ > - ViUJJ
In their SuecpiBftil CoinloMHturo
A comlnil s.itlru un a. oiincnt iliainallo plnr.
An uvalnncheor Specinlty Attrnctions. Now Faces. New Pco
pie. Now Acls , Curiosities , Frenks , Monstrosities , Hnro ColnSp -
Palnttngs , Sculpture nnd Art. The Greatest Museum In the World.
Enph Saturday Children are admlttca to the Ijost seats free t\L