Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1891, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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flilvor Anniversary of the Grand Army of
the Eopnblio's Birth ,
nnd Metnbcrislilp of the Touts
or the Country Plunn for 1'rop-
erly Observing the An-
* It will bo twenty-five years tomorrow stnco
ths lirst post of the Grand Army of the Ho
public was organized and all over the land
the bravo men who wore the blue In the hour
of thrlr nation's peril \vlll join in a celobr.T
tion of the silver anniversary of their beloved
order ,
The Grand Armv of the Kopubtlc was
founded by Ur. U. Stephenson , who was a
urgoon during the war of the rebellion In
the Fourteenth Illinois regiment. Ho was
born In Illinois In 18'i3 nud served through
tbo war and died at Hock Creek , August at ) ,
1H71.Tho early history of the Grand Army Is
largely n matter ot conjecture. All the rec
ords of the early da\ have been lost and the
only history of the Inception of the order is
that Captain .lohn S. Phelpi of the Thirty-
Eccoud Illinois Infantry , who was the llrst
person to bo admitted Into the order and who
was mainly If not solely , instrumental In
Biircudinj' tbo organization.
Ucforo the robulllon ended nnd the army of
volunteers was disbanded the warmth of as
sociation ongcndoio'i by long service led the
vctuiansi to consider the question of contlnu-
Cngtho comradeship nnd a number of orgiin-
.Izatlons were founded with that end In vlow ,
Nearly nil of these wcro short lived.
Among UIOBO who gave much thought to
the Idea of iiorpetuntirig the associations of
the war period was Ur Henjnmln Franklin
Ktcpberisou. Ono morning in February IWji } ,
there were sitting InDr Stcphenson's of'
lice , In Sprlngllold , 111. , Ur Stephenson , his
two partners , Drs Allen nnd Hamilton , ax-
Burgeons , nnd Captain John b. I'helps. Dr ,
Kt'-phonsou romaikod that bo hail a plan
which wouldinovo , the country In response
to Imiujrirs from Captain Phelps ho produced"
n roll of immusciipt containing n cmdo
ritual , This was looked ovtr , but nothing
further was done for soveinl days , when a
mooting was held and followed hi several
othoi.s , at which alterations and additions
wore made to tbo forms drafted by the
The ritual was taken to Dccatur , III. , by
t'uptuln I'helps , to the olllco of thoTilbunc ,
loth proprietors of that paper and nil the
compositors being old soldiers The oath of
the order was administered to nil of them by
rnijtAln I'helps and the work of printing tbo
ritual was perfoimed.
The mission of Captain I'helps soon be
came known and a post was organized ut
Dccatnr on ApiilO , Ibdti , with Colonel Isaac
C. I'ugh as commander and Captain M. F.
Kunan as adjutant. Tbis post was known as
'N'o. 1 , ami from Its organization dates the
birth of the order.
ComraUo 1'helps was appointed organizer
and traveled through southern Illinois organ
izing posts , Oigaiil/ciii weio appointed in
other states and before the end of I'M. the
order had extended Into Indiana , Kansas ,
Minnesota , Missouri , Ohio , Pennsyl
vania , Massachusetts , Now York , Maryland
and Wisconsin.
Dr. Stenlienson assumed the command of
the organization In May , IMii ) , and u call
for a convention was Issued and signed by
several ox-soldiers. The convention mot
July I'J , IbOO , in the hall of representatives in
- , , . . the old stnto house nt Springfield , 111 , nnd
" { v. jtnuin the llrst department. Unit of Illinois ,
> v - . -.vas formed , with ( Joneral Palmer as depart
ment commander.
On November 13. 180(1 ( , the llrst national
encampment was held at Indianapolis , 1ml. ,
with representatives from cloven depart
ments. General S. A. Hurlbut was madu tbo
llrst commnnder-In-chiof and Dr. Stephcnsoa
the llrst adjutant ironfcral.
In thu llrst four yuara tne order grow mar-
vclonsly and then declined suddenly , until in
18T1 lu tho. control west It had almost wholly
dUappeaicd , nnd but for the departments In
the east uould have faded out of existence.
'The low water mark of most of the depart
ments was roachcd In the years Intervening
Between 1871 nnd 187(1. ( In 1878 the total
membership was : )1G10. ) In the following
year there was a decided Increase nnd since
the administration of Conniaudcr-in-chlof
Wagner the order has steadily maintained its
course to the piosent high point of success.
The last report of the adjutant goncrnl,8Ub- ,
mittcd nt the national encampment nt Boston
Inst Aucust , nhowod a grand total member
ship of ir > " > , r > 10 , on .ImiolJO. Ib/JO. There \\oro
nt that ilnto forty-three departments ana
7.171) posts.
Thu death roll In the order Is very largo nnd
it Is only n question ot n few jears when the
Ui mid Army of the Hcpubllc will bo a thing
of tbo past. The luon who Lomposo It are
. nearly all past the meridian of life , nnd the
N. majority of them are suffering from the
\cflTect3 of H omuls received In action or dis-
ciuo contracted In the service. During the
year ending .luno'H ) , IbOU , the total number
of members who wore called to Join the silent
mnjotlty wns , 5,17(1. (
The membership has increased rapidly dur
ing the past few years , hut them is a'limit
bcjoiul uhleh It will bo impossible to go , and
" " * " ' 'When tbnt Is reached the decline \\111 follow
rapidly. In 18S7 the membership was -5-tlti ,
and this has Increased vary rapidIv , the larg
est increase being during 18S3 , when 80,745
members were added. During IbS'J ' the In
crease was ' -J.r , Ult.
The commnnders-ln-chiof of the Grand
Aimy have.been as follows : S. A. Hurlbut ,
John A. LoguiiAmbrose K. BurnsUloCharlos
Devons. John T. Hnrtrauft , John C. Uobln-
son , William Krnslmw , Louis Wngner ,
George S. Merrill , Paul Vnndervoort , Itobort
It , Heath , John S. KounU , Siunuel K. llur-
- dotte , TAiclus Falrchllil , Willlium Warner ,
Uussoll A , Algcr.
The department of Nebraska was organized
in 1877 , nnd at the beginning of tbo present
year comprised 2. ) posts with 8,137 members.
Tbo coinmandcrs-ln-chlof of thu department
of Nohrasknhnvo been as follows : Paul Vnn
dervoort , James W. Savage , John C. Douncll ,
A. A' . Cole , II. C. Hussoll , K. H. Wilbur , S.
J. Alexander , H. K. 1'nliner , John M.Thayor ,
"W.C. Henry , H. II. Morrison , T. S. Clnrkson.
The coinmnndcr-ln-chlef has Issued an
order to nil posts in llio country directing
them to ceiebruto the anniversary of the
order in an npnropilato manner. In compli
ance with thU brdor the pasts of this city will
give open ontortalninoiits to which the public
nni linked. These entertainments will bo
intcix-allng , nnd will consist of addresses ou
the ojrlgin nnd objects of the order , history of
the various posts and miscellaneous ad
dresses , interspersed with music.
"Thank You , Johnny. "
Our brigade was changing positions nt
Btoiio Ulver so as to cover the exposed Hank
of another brigade , when I suddenly sank
down lu a heap , suys an old veteran la the
Detroit Tt co Press. lean rctnomber of fallIng -
Ing , and It seemed to mo as If I fell a distance
of fifty feet. I also heard n fnr-iwuy volco
Baying :
"Forward , men forward I Steady on the
right ! "
If the missiles which struck mo bad reach
ed n vital spot death would have conio with
out pain or consciousness. 1 sank nwuy llko
one going to sloop , nnd the roar of battle
lulled rather than disturbed mo. I think it
was ns much ns twenty minutes before I
came to , and the light hud then gone down
the ll'io to the left , and it wns comparatively
quiet where I lay , I had boon hit ! The
thoucht gave mo n , sudden shock and cleared
ray mind , Where had the bullet struck mot
I felt no pain , and for n few seconds hoped
that I had only boon stunned. Then I lo-
rated the wounds. One of nrngc's shells
lind exploded near by. U must have boon
charged with special reference to my case ,
for three * f the bullets itcoutaincu struck mo
in the right leg , the left shoulder and the
right hand , respectively.
lly niul by 1 sat up. I was week and thirs
ty , but I full no pnln. Thcro were fourdouu
iin'ii in front of inn and two on the liifl uiul
ono on the right. Of the seven , four were
* federal ! and men of my regiment , who hud
bnen killed by the same Mivll which had
wounded me. I could no MHS behind me , of
course , but I heard two or three wounded
inon groaning. Fortunately , I tmd a canteen
of water , and mv wounded hand gave inn no [
PAIR at 1 iifttd it up ana drauk uiy tilt. I had 1
Just worked fclong Into ft hollow spot , where
I had a rest for mv back , when a llctco lookIng -
Ing fellow , whoso drcii showed him to bo a
tcnrastor or a camp lol' nvcr of some sort ,
came out of a clump of bushes about ten rotU
away. Illi object , as I suspected nt llrst
glance , was to rob the dead.
It was very seldom that OTCII the worst of
the army bummers had the cheek to play the
ghoul in broad daylight , and that with Hunt
ing still going on , but this fellow went about
it ai coolly as ycu please. Ho went throagh
the Dockets of every dead man in front of me > .
getting considerable plunder from each , and
when ho had finished with the last ho came
over to me , rcirnrded mo with evil eyes a mo
ment , nnd thun asked :
"What have you gotl"
* "About $10 In tconoy. "
"Shell out and bo d d quick about it ,
"I can't. I'm hit in three places , and the
money Is In a pocket under me. "
"Hand It over , I say "
"My friend don't bo rough on a wounded
man. If you'll raise me up I'll ' try to got It
for you. "
"Raise 1" he growled. "I know of a
way to get It without so much trouble. "
Ho hadn't far to look to find n loaded mus
ket , and ho picked It up and raised It to hi.s
Bhouldor , nnd stepped forward to put the
muzzle to ray head before hepulled tbo trigger.
Tha Infernal ghoul meant to blow my head
oft and then rob mo ut his leisure. I saw it
In hH eyes as plalu as day I believe his lin
ger was on the trigger when ho suddenly
suiggured back and fell to the earth , the mus
ket hoing discharged In the air as ho fell. I
also saw the bullet ns It struck him. It hit
him In tbo center of the forehead , andsccmed
to bo enveloped In smoke as It struck.
"That's what 1 think of him. no matter
\\hicb side ho belonss tot" called a volco behind -
hind him.
I know by the voice ho was a confederate ,
und I called.
"I that you , Johnny 1"
"Yes , that's me , Yank I"
"Did you shoot that fellow ! "
"There ain't nobody else around ycro as
could hevdono It' "
"Thank ye , Johnny 1 What regiment do
" '
Hut I couldn't linlsh. I fainted dead away ,
nnd when I came to 1 was being picked up by
the ambulance corps und was suffering such
inln thatl forgot nil about my fnend. When
I-dld ask for him ho could not bo traced , and
to this day I have not le.irned his imuio.
SOUTH T/.1I/.1.
No Cholera llojjs.
The report tmblished In Seattle , Wash. ,
papers that ( ings bought at the South Omaha
yards and shipped to Seattle had the cholera ,
must tic all wind , as thu UO H shipped to Se
attle wcio bought on the market" by Seattle
pirtles and wcro good , healthy hogs when
shipped from hero. As the hogs wore
shipped from hero several WUOKS ago , It Is
doubtful If the diseased hosrs nro the same
ones shipped from hero If thay weio the
same , they must have been kept in cholera
districts slnc.0 leaving hero aud thus con
tracted tbo disease.
houth Oiiiiilia Social Club. club has elected
ofticers as follows Hurry C. Miller , presi
dent ; H. A. Carpenter , vice president ; 13. A.
I'enrco , secretary and treasurer.
NotPH About the Ulty.
City engineer W. Scott IC'ng ' has gene to
The Hohomlaii dem ocrats will hold n politi
cal meeting in National ball at" o'clock this
William I. Stephen of the commission firm
of Hamilton & , Stephen has gone to Spoon
lake to shoot ducks ,
John Ilostlo of Auburn , the veteran stock
shipper , was m both Friday and Saturday
and topped the market both days.
Thomas J. O'Nell , the candidate for coun
cilman In the First ward , wishes to correct
thu impression Unit ho la the Thomas O'Nell
of the Third ward.
The -Dutch. Scandinavian Rohemlan
voters of the Second ward will hold a political
meeting in the hall , Nineteenth and H streets ,
at 'J : UU o'clock this afternoon.
"Tho South Omaha stockynrds , " said a
prominent commission man , "aro the clean
est yards at any largo packing center m the
United States , nnd it is all duo to that man , "
said the commission man , pointing to Super
intendent Frank II. Boyd , ns Mr. Boyd
passed. "A moro Industrious nnd yealous of-
ilelal I never know. Mr. llbyd la the right
man In the right place. "
M'JSl'l'JEitJlXAT ttHOI'S.
In the rear The back woods.
Qulnliio Is the only nlno in tbo field yet.
Usually In full dross The 300-pound man.
A fowl proceeding the promenading hen.
Cure for Insomnia Four rounds with Sul-
Red paint Is the kind that comes oft tbc
All men admlro pluck , but none llko to bo
A lazy man lias to work hard to find au
e.isy place.
Two Important measures Homo rule and
the foot rule.
Kaflles arc llkn horse wcos. THe favorites
generally win.
Now Is the rain of sickness and the dynasty
of pneumonia.
The men who really deserves a monument
docMi't ' need It.
The slave denier Is not the only man \vlio
sells his fullowinon.
Tnko from love the power to suffer and It
could novur speak.
Birds with bright feathers do not always
raalto a KOCH ! potplo.
A prison warden should not bo judged by
; ho company ho keeps. ,
Nothing keeps n stingy man from stealing
jut iho risk of the thing ,
The literary spinsters ot Boston evidently
belong to the Klasital age.
No man Is over oVercome by Uls troubes
who faces thoiu ono at a time.
The trnmtils like n railroad sleeper ho Is
renlly ndaptod to n road-beil.
It costs inoro to bo proud than it dee < * for
every thing ; else put togetbor.
'Tis bettor to have loved nnd lost , consider
ing what spring bonnets cost.
If nobody had a hobby this wotld would
soon beeonio. ah awful dull plnco.
Thq Anioricur. cltUon now carries his prlp
in his chest Instead of his Uanil.
A nmn may bo positive In his negative , and
so may a woman for that matter.
Like the oest politician , the best Jockey is
the ono who bus tbo strongest pull.
The Italian fruit peddlers are not members
of the Mnlla , tUoy are mostly Orangemen.
It Isn't good form to talk of one's iolf. A
woman shows her ajjo , but never tolls It.
Men who begin bravely nt the foot of i the
ladder are knocked out at the llrst round.
Whoif a woman , becomes a suffragist some
how she looks as though she carries a pistol.
Nlno women out of every ton would rather
have you praisa their Judgment tbau tholr
Perhaps you inlcht object to being a chim
ney sweep , but it soots the dusky imps ucll
"All's fair m love nnd war and on street
cars. " said the conductor as ho counted up
Uls fates.
To discover the virtues of silence , It Is only
uccuisury to associate \\ith these who nro
never silent.
Women may never bo elected to congress ,
but she will over maintain ttio position or
speaker of the house.
Losing one's temper is a circumstance
worthy of congratulation only when the loss
becomes permanent.
It Is curious about people -who cannot sleep
nlchts. They can always sleep through chore
time In the mornlntr.
Cupid's improvement on the old fashioned
arrow unscrews In the middle and can be
removed without pain.
"Somo people are carried away bya simple
air , " says a musical paper. This Is noticeably
so , wo bollovo , of the cyclone.
The saying , "XothlnR succeocH like suc
cess , " nnt probably Invented before the
mmk'rn "btismeis failure" svstem of suc-
recilliig was discovered.
Sarrasm Is nn ptTootivo weapon , but It acts
llkonboomorang when It is applied to his
landlady by thn youiifr man who U two weeks
bohliid In paying his board.
The most popular elft Ls
uow-a-days a rich
pkvu of uut class. Dorfllngcr's American cut
Klau AtaniU unrivalled in beauty and llnlslu
fcjoo tuitt tholr trade-mark label Is on ovoi-y
pioc-o. Your doulur bbould shoxT it to you.
Death of the Grand ( tonnnaader Southern
Jurisdiction A. & A. 8. B.
- - -
Short Sketch of the lAd of Thin Noted
TM/in lloynl Aronnuiii Kntcrtnln *
incut Votes From the Se
cret Orders.
Albert Plko , the grand commnnder of tUo
Scottish rlto of the southern Jurisdiction ,
died ot Ills home hi WaMitngton , D. C. , at S
p , m. , on the 2il lust. , after nn Illness of sev
eral months.
Ho wns born In Boston , December 29,1SOO ,
and was educated ( it Harvard college. At the
ago ot twenty-two he went to Mexico \vhoro
ho remained about n year , afterwards return
ing to the United States and locating In Ar
kansas \vboro ho studied law unil was admit
ted to the bar.
He sowed m the Mexican war nnd waa
brigadier general in the confederate army
( luring the rebellion. A3 early as 18(11 ( the
confederacy sent an emissary west to stir up
the Indians ngulnst the United States gov
ernment. This was Albert Plko , whoso line
physique nnd persuasive tongue \voro calcu
lated to draw about him the savages ho had
learned to handle during his eaily tlnys of
adventure Ho labored suc&'Mfully wlthtno
tribe * of the Jiullan territory , the Crooks.
Chlckasaws , Choctnws , Comanches nnd
Cherokees. The treaty between Pike and
the Indians is now In the national museum at
At thocloso of tha war General Plko set
tied at Memphis , where ho was editor of the
Appeal , later moving to Now Orleans \vhcro
ho pr.u-tJced law About fifteen year * ! io ho
removed to Washington wlii'so ho lived con
stantly until his death ,
Albert Plko II p t received Masonic light
during til * rcMdenco In L/ittlo / Hock , Ark. In
1S.VJ ho became grand commander of the
Scottish tile hodv , claimed to have been or-
gnnlrcd at Charleston , S. C , In 1M11 , ntid has
continued at the head of that body over
ill 11 CO.
( ipnoral Pike's reputation as a poet and
scholar it world wide and the ritual of the
southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish lito Is
largely from his pen. During the past tlf-
teen yearn of liU life ho has remained almost
entirely at his honso In Washington , In this
house Is the council champcr of the supreme
council of the where meetings were hold
Uvlco each year.
llio deatti of the commander was not
unexpectnd , as ho had been falling rapidly
for .several weeks. Ills successor as cmnd
commander has not jet been announced.
NnpoliMiit I. and JliiHimry.
The Fieemason's Repository contained the
following In icsponso to the queries 'Was '
Napoleon a member of the Masonic frator-
ternityl Is 'Napoleonic Masonry1 u part of
the legitimate craft system ! " :
"Our correspondent refers , no doubt , to
Napoleon the Oicat , who was inado n Mason
at Malta In .Tune , 17H. ( Ho did not , however ,
publicly Identify himself with the craft ,
though ho showed special favor to the insti
tution. In ISO I ho appointed his brother ,
Joseph Buonup.irte , grand master of the
.Grand Orient , thus making a significant ex
pression of his Interest In nnd regard for the
organi/atlon. In the year 1811 ! some of the
zealous partizans of the Napoleon dynasty
sought to make use of the name and power
of Masonry in the Interest of their desisns.
Hcnco they founded 'Maconnerlo Nnpol-
Icnnn , ' thouah beyond Its form there was
nothing Masonic about It. The order
had three grades. the last one
having three subdivisions , nnd the
wholes Inner bearing of the ritual and
ceremony turned upon the glory of Napoleon
and the porpotiiution of his dynasty. Gen
eral Bertram ! , who accompanied Napoleon In
his exile to St. Helena , was the first grand
master of the older. Tor a tow years
'Napoleonic Masonry' wis well known ' and
oxcrci.scd considerable inlluonco tn'Franco ;
but It did not long survive. Jt perished with
the generation to which Napoleon I. be
longed. "
Separate and HiHtlnet.
A recent Kansas City dispatch Intimated
that'G. W. Vorter , high ranger of tlw Inde
pendent Order of Foresters , who is alleged
to huvo absconded a few dajs ago , Is sus
pected nf appropriating funds of the order
Those suspicions , It Is said , are well grounded
The dispatch also says that Porter , besides
being high ranger , was organi/er for Missouri
and Kansas.
Notwithstanding the nbovo statements ,
the Kansas and Mlssoutl Jurisdiction
of Foresters Is an entirely separ
ate one from that to which Ne
braska belongs. That of Nobiaska belongs
to the Jurisdiction having central headquar
ters in Chicago. The linances of the latter
Jurisdiction are entirely separate. The order
in Nobiaska Is growing , having now between
eighteen and nineteen thousand members ,
Several of the high officials are expected to
bo In Omaha next month , for which visit
preparations are now being made.
KiCfHiiiNoii'fc Hall.
The largo room in Freemason's ' hall , which
has been used for the sessions of the grand
ledge , has been fitted up In maguiilcont style
nnd will bo used for the meetings of the
Scottish rlto , oomandory and shrine. The
wall in the east has been decorated with a
[ minting of a castle which extends across the
room. AH of the stations have been hand
somely equipped and the floor carpeted In
bright colors.
The room lormerly occupied by the Scot
tish rite bodies have been turned Into two
council chambers and Hppropriately decor
ated. The blue lodge room will bo used en
tirely by the blue lodges and chapters.
Tli.-lr Thlril Animal Hull.
The third annual ball given Monday night
in Uowley's hall , South Omalm , by Court
Magic City No. 103,1. , O. P. , was the climax
of all the social triumphs of that popular
lodge. When the strains of the grand march
first broke upon the oar , an hundred couples
moved In rhythmic motion. Every member
vied with the committees nnd omcers in add
ing to the enjoyment of friends present , nnd
it is but Just to record the third annual by
Court Made City the equal of any social
ever given la the city The success was as
creditable to the committees at in accord
with tno order's sonial past , and ns gratify
ing to the hundreds present. It was a Forester -
- ' .
ester sui-L'oss.
Had go i > t * n MUHOII.
Uov Dr. H. M.Vharton has received a
Masonic apron from bouth Carolina , which
ho It to present to the muster of the ledge at
Jerusalem , says the Baltimore Sun. Some
( line a'o the Jerusalem ledge sent u gavel
made of ohvovooa to the South Carolina
Masons , who now send the nnron In return.
The present , n valuable one , Is of lambskin ,
Donlorcil with black velvet nnd f ringed with
silver. The square nnd compasses and the
all-seeing eye are stamped In gold.
I ) , of U.
Ruth ledge No. 1 , Daughters of Kcbokau ,
will gjvo another of their enjoyable literary
and musical entertainments next Saturday
evening. The committee of arrangements
has made elaborate preparations for the the
event and announces Its determination to
eclipse all previous efforts.
At Its last meeting Ivy Robolcah d egreo
ledge No. : initiated nlnocaudldntcs. Mem
bers of Colden link lodge were present uud a
social session was held , enlivened with ro-
fre-sbmonts. Early In the seosou Ivy lodpo
Inaugurated a scries of high flvo partlos.bold
nt the residences of tbo members each \\eek.
These parties have boon very enjoyable and
( i. A. U.
Tbo f ! rand army members in San TrancUco
are making elaborate preparations to hold a
May day celobratlon on May 1. President
Harrison has boon Inlted to bo present and
a letter from his private secretary to the com
mittee of urrnnuouicnU ttatea ttiat the presi
dent will makn a trip to the I'aciHo coast ,
but U unable to state , so far lu advance.
whether ho n III boablo o bo present them
on Mnjr 1. The celebratl'i will bo on a grand
scale , and will include Llcyclo drills , skating
contests , fancy dnnclng by 100 young ladles ,
nnd exhibition drills by-llX ) young ladles.
Red Cross cnstlo No 4 , Knights of the
Golden Eagle , held another of tholr inonthlv
parties at thu cnstlo halt ou fifteenth street
r'rlduv evening. The nltendanco was excel
lent and a pleasant trailing wns passed.
The castle U hi n prosperous condition and Is
Increasing In membership very rnpldly.
"A. o7u7lvT
The roomi of South JOmnhn ledge Xo.
CO , Ancient Order , , Ut.ltcd Workmen ,
were filled Tuesday nlaht with mem
bers and friends on ' 'tho reception ten
dered ( Jranil Master \Vorkm.\n .1. O. Tnto of
Hastings. Addresses uero nindo by Grand
Master Workman Tate and by Brothers Mc-
Uride , Turner and Alclnerny of Omatm.
.f n cob .Tuskolck and I ! . C , illlllkor wcro
elected delegates and Dr. James , A. A.
Kelly nud J. C. Graham alternates to the
grand lodge , which will moot m Grand
Islnnil , * Tiic duv , Mny IS. A splendid ban
quet was served and nn on Joj able social evenIng -
Ing was spent.
K. or P.
Good Samarltau lodtre , No , 97 , consolidated
Tuesday night with Nebraska lodgo. No. 1.
The former hml a membership of forty-scvoti ,
which will swell tbo total membership otN'o.
I to about ono hundred and twenty.
Omaha division , No. 12 , celebrated its
fourth anniversary last Monday night by a
dnnco at the Omaha guards' armory. There
was a Inreo attcndnnco and a very enjoyable
evening1 was passed. At the opening the di
vision , under command of Captain John liny-
ward , with Lieutenants D C Miller and H.
J. Wells , executed n numbcrof tactical move
ment1) ) in an excellent inntmcr. The move
ments were made In exceptionally good style
and drew forth loud npplau o. There \\uro
eighteen men In line , ns follows : Hlght
guide , U U. Ilalcomb ; left guide.V A.
Stewart ; privates , I N. Gulll , V N. Fuller ,
K. N Drawn , J. U. Pedersen , A S Nell , U.
\V. 1'oasner , II. W. Miller , L N. Yates , J. V.
Cornish , J. Ktihl , William Kelley , II. 11.
\Vobor , H. Hornung , John Arthor , C. K.
Ilcnsnmo , I' . Mcssorschmidt Following this
drill Lieutenant D. C. Mtllerand Sir Knight
Henry Iroiimng executed the silent manual
In f.inltlcss stjle. Dancing was then com
menced nnd continued until a late hour.
It , A.
Union Pacific council No lOfi ! ) pivc a very
ontcitainlng muslcnlo nt Us lodge room in
the Continental building Init Moiutay even
ing. The loilgo room was crowded to its ut
most capacity by members , and their friends ,
ninong whom was n largo number of the fair
sex Tbo entertainment committee hnil pre
pared nn excellent programme , opening with
the overture to Martha by a soetioti of the
Musical Union orchestra , Following this
was a humorous song by Ed A. Cogloy
A pluno solo by JMIss O M. Westcnnni
was next on the programme , ant
was rendered in a highly nnuticd and pleasing -
ing manner. After another selection liytho
orchestra , the master of ceremonies nn
nounceU that owing to illness Dean Gardner
would not bo able to deliver the address for
which ho was billed. In place of this every
one was asked to assist in singing the rally
ing song of the council which was written by
the deputy supreme tegxjnt , .1. W Majnard
"Tho Clang of the Hammer , " n. vocal s'olo b >
IT L. Mowell , was the next number and wns
well rendered , It was .followed oy a solo bj
Mrs , C. 1C Urquhnrt which was loudly en
cored. bho responded * bv singing the
"Suvvnneo IJlvcr. " After another selection
hy the orchestra , rof-eshinentH were servei
and the door was cleared for dancing. Cards
wcro nrovidod for those , who did not wish to
dance aim the most successful cntertalnmcn
the council lias over given came to a close-
shortly after midnight.
nr. W. A.
A statement pppearect In this donartmen
on March 15 nhich crqalod an orroncou :
impression regarding tuo. Modern Woodmen
The statement emanated fro/n / a source f ron
which many Items for thls department hot
been obtained and \yas1 'considered reliable
There was no animus , In the matter , ni'far ' a
THE Bt.E\yas coneerqe'd'ind the f yowliib
exerpt from the report ot the headljnniker o
the order'Hated February 33 , 1891 , publisher
In the ofllclal pubhsliod for the Information
mation of all concerned ? ' '
Halanceoiihniid'Fol > .2 , 1&91 . $ 5.YWO 5s
Itoceivcddurlngmontli tfobruary. . . . ilO.Dau 80
Total . J 81,017 as
Disbursements durinz month 1'ob. . . 47,0m i DO
Ilulancoonh.iml rob. 23,1801 . 8 JOU17 3S
Itnlnnco ou hand Kub. S. 1K9I - . . 22,82(1 ( 4.1 .
Itocelveddurln ? month of Februarys 10,1110 41)
Iluluuco on hand Fob. 33 , 1S9I . $ 2t,0b8 10
Total iimoiinton hand Kcli ' . ' , 1B11. . . . $ 73,207 Ot
Itcu'lved from all sources during
I'ebruary . 40,7072" )
Oruml total . . . / $ in,9T4 2 ! )
Total disbursements during Kobru-
ary W,8t 81
Grand bihiiieorob.28 , 1B91 } UI,105 ) 43
Don't patronize foreign wines when you
can got a better ono at homo. Try Cook's
Extra Dry Imperial Champagne.
Ono kitten and three rabbits uero littered
by a Falls of Schuylklll , Pa , cat ,
T. C. ICennelly of Lebanon , ' S. D , , tbo
owner of the eight-legged calf , has sold the
monstrosity to a Chicago museum man for
? 1,000. , It had two heads , two tails and eight
A Kockport man has a cat which was
brought from Iceland , which has a perfectly
white fur and deep blue eyes. The most In
teresting thing about It is that It Is deaf and
An oak trco felled In Branch county , MichIgan -
Igan , the other day , measured 5 foot In diam
eter , nnd , "according to the rliigs on the
stump , was four hundred and ninety-six
years old. "
Macomb , 111 , has a colt with a nu man
head. The little animal Is a perfectly-formed
horse , with the exception of its head , which
U ns near like that of a , jnan as It could bo
\\lthotit being human.
J. Lewis of Arlington , Ga. , has a curiosity
that ho discovered while breaking up rock to
muke pillars for his house. lie brolco a largo
rock open , and in the center of it was found
embedded u turtle. Notallvu turtle , but a
petrllleil ono.
The Maryland stnto museum has been pre
sented with n potnlled oyster Mhich weighs
three pounds and nluo ounces , and is seven
Inches long , seven inches Vvide and twomches
thick. It was rocentlyJWt'kod up by one of
the dredgers , L-S
An unknown variotj-rnf aquatic bird was
slightly wounded and broucht aahoro ullvo
oy Daniel T. Nortliurfjpf Wickfqrd , R. I.
The bird Is the size of , pigeon , resembling
that bird in the formation , of Us head and
A couple of school boyaof Grccnvlllo , Ga
went out hunting and oim of them shot a Hy
ing animal which ho at/flrst / believed to bo nn
owl , hut after ho had shot it down and wont
up to it ho found It to bo a giuat curiosity.
In every respect it resembled a beaver , ex
cept that It had wings nod u couple of forked
hams. It weighed 1UV < pounds and measured
live feet from tip of ona kring to the other ,
\Vhiloprospoctiiig for'borax ' recently In
Salt Well \ . alloy , Cal.ffUr. Woodin found
some petrillod bones of nn extinct animal.
The bull part of tbo hip Joint Is nearly as
largo as the crown of adcrbyhaU The cor
responding bone of on ox Is about the size of
a hen's egg. Tbo slzo of the extinct animal
may bo inferredfrom ) this comparison.
Other parts of the ikclcton of the same ani
mal wcro found.
John J. i-'alvoy of the Atlanta park com
mission captured a few nights ago a remarkable -
able albino opossum with pink eyes and a
perfectly whlto coat of hair. It Is a rare
specimen of the genus 'possum , and was
treed about thirty miles from Atlanta In
north Georgia hy Mr. Falioy nnd Joel
Chandler Harris , both of whom are genuine
lovers of the old tlmo 'possum hunt They
wore offered ( M for it Dy a dry goods mer
chant as an attraction for his window , but
Instead have pro-iontcd It to the ioo nt Grant
park , where It will bo known as "Fahoy
Harris. "
Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh. Boo
Breezy Sporting Epistles From Sioux Oity
and Lincoln.
Their Corking Hall Tcnim AmiVlmt
They Intend to Do Tlio Turf
and Gnu nnd
JMIscella ny >
Sioux CITT , In. , April 2. [ Special to TUB
HKR. ] There has never before been shown
the Interest In Sioux City sporting clrdcs
that Is to bo seen hero today. Sioux Cltv is
the gamest town of Its weight in the United
States , Tlmt's the fcellnp hero , at least.
The chief nun of Sioux : City is to stop the
talk In some of the towns of the Western ! association about Sioux City drop
ping out. The Idea bcro Is that some-of these
towns will hoar something drop before the
Sioux Citrtenro gats through with thorn thi *
season. The Sioux City nssociatlon Is far
bolter oft financially than It bus ever boon
boforo. There Is a .nice subscription list to
start Off \\llli. The subscribers nro paying up
handsomely. If as good ball Is put up as is
expected mid promised , there will bo a good
mnnv lamer ducks than bloux City , from a
llscal point of view , In the association before
the pennant Is won.
The whole team is hero except "Strauss " and
Poorman. Hero is the phalanx , with the
batting order , as cortllleil by Manager" lluck ,
enhcrger :
L'oorninn , center Hold ; Scholbcck , short
stop ; Vamiyhe , loft Held ; Swartnooil , right
Hold , Morrlssoy , llrst base ; Nicholson , second
end base ; ( ieuins , third bnso , E.irl , Strauss
anil Crossloy , catchers , Slebol , Hurt , Dewald
ami ritzKernlil , pitchers , Hl.u-k , extra.
They call them winners lioto nnd conclude
that at least they are M strong ns the best In
the association.
Hero's a big assertion : "Thcro Isn't ' a
"lusher" on the team. If there Is ho wont't
last long. There ha\o been bums enough
harbored under Corn Ilusker uniforms nl-
rcudv to last forty years. Tlio boys must
keep In conditioner draw no salary. " That's
what Manager Bnckonbergor says , and
those who have looked him In the oyosoom
to be Impressed with the notion that what
ho says "goes. "
All tbo boys have reported hero In flno
condition-not an exception. Thcro wns
some doubt about Slobol showing up in
shnpe , but ho Is all right. \\illboheard
from this season.
J tls n , team of great b.iso nmnersand , if such
ecognized sluggers OR bwartwooil , Mor-
issoy , Sicbol. Poorm.m , Shclbcck , Nicholson
nd vntul.vko do anything good at all tboro
unlit to bo a regular procession .across the
Hart , who was taken In at the eleventh
lour from Lincoln , Isablg prop lu the box.
Vandyke's case Is bottled and ho has his
amily nicely settled hero. Tin : Him tientod
Sioux City handsomely in the Vandyke deal ,
'he Kansas City papers toasted us by the
olumn before thcv heard our side of thocuso.
S'ow they crawfish The Athletics of Philn-
lolphla have given up Vandyke that Is , they
ay they "don't want him. " They made a big
Ight for him.
Manager BuckenbcrKor denies that the
Sioux City salary list Is too high , or , in fact ,
my where us nc.iV as the salary lists of three
sr four other clubs In tho.association. "Wo
lave amassed great players truo. Hut wo
nro cunning and know "whoro to get them.
Jjcauso some otherclubs arc paying great
stipends Is no reason why they should take
t for granted that we "hnvo to start a na-
tlodal bank to piy our peoplo.
The team began practice List Wednesday
Lut has boon too cold for good results.
A big force of men nro at work Improv ing
bo grounds. They will bo put in elegant
shape. The Sunday games or some of thorn
nay bo played nt ItUersIdo park.
It has boon Impossible to get a down town
ground. However , improvements have inado
cti'ic car service all that could bo desired
to accommodate the public ,
The Sioux City games with Kansas City
are off. They wore to bo played Monday and
Tuesday April li and 7.
Sunday next the team will divide up Into two
nines \vith local players nnd havotwo games.
The team plays exhibition games at Lin
coln April ! ) and 10. Milwaukee April 12 ,
Omaha April 13 and 14. Thence they go to
open the championship season at Denver ou
April 1(1. (
The ofllcers of the Sioux City association
nro : President , W. II. Beck ; vicopresident ;
T. L. Foley ; secretary , Dick Mulcnhy ; treas
urer , P.M. Dorsoy ; directors , W. B. Hum
phries , Thomas H. lioycr , J. S. Browning ,
II. D. Hoogo. jr. , J. H. Bolton , E. L. Web
ster , James F. Peavcy.
Tne Sluux City driving club Is fnlrly divid
ing interest with baseball. It is a movement
which carries heavy capital nnd Is already
carrying out extensive schemes , among
which is the building of a mile track , club
lioliso , grand stand and stables for-OU horses.
The movement has been on foot for nearly u , but Its formal organization for business
dates back only six or eight weeks.
The oftlcers are : President , .T. I ) , Yen-
titans ; treasurer , D. T. Gllman ; secretary , U.
BI. Swan.
The location of the track , buildings , etc. , Is
nt Kivcrsido park , on the banks of the Sioux
river. . fcSSi
It has not been decided \vhothcr the track
will bo elliptic or idle-shaped , but , upon ad
vice of Dud Doblo , probably the former , and
upon the model of the Washington p.irk track
nt Chicago. It will bo the most beautiful
track in the northwest , nnd the Inducements
will be surpassed nowhere.
The plan Is to hnvo a meeting this fall If
preparations on the scale resolved upon can
bo completed In time. If not , stakes will bo
opened for a spring meeting.
Sioux City is becoming a notable center of
light harness horses , the big Williams ranch
being the largest.
A Sioux City horsa Jesslo Galnes , owned
by R. T , ICuoebs inado n record of 2:13
lust season , anil privately has shown 2:11. :
Among the gentlemen prominent in the
now Urivinc club and who bavo high speed
li ) tholr stables or on their stock farms
are the following : D. A. Williams , J. ! ' .
Peavev.J.V. . Hudy , W. H. Livingston , W.
C. McNamaw. H. J. Mcrrell , William Rob
erts , A. P. Nash. Fred L. Goowy , J. 1) . Yco-
mans , Jnmos K. Boogo , .T. F. Boogo , J. C.
fiooge , C. A. Davis. S. M , Marsh , J. C.lColly ,
3. K. Jliands , G. "W. ICingsworth.
From foO.OOO to trS.OOU will bo expended
this season on the driving paric improve
Tno Sioux Citv gun club Is thus onicerod :
President , H , llawman ; vice president , H.
Uoss ; secretary , AV D. Hagnn ; treasurer , K.
L. Webster ; directors , Joe Hcdscll , Charles
Selzer , Charles Lambert , Ed Stewart , Will-
lam teoch , James Gurtnan , John Deutscbelo ,
S. F. Ford. The club moots the second
Thursday of each month. The Lo Grand
diamond badge will bo contested for this
The Polo club of Sioux City , vlnch became
famous last season , has disbanded , as have
also those of Lo Mars and other neighboring
cities in which there are largo English
coloiiits. The tragic end of Fred Close , the
young i'.nglish banker , who lost his life in a
match gamu In Sioux City lout fall , put a stop
to polo.
One of the most permanently popular
sports hero 1s boating , the Big Stoux river
affording n beautiful couno , especially along
the Riverside park. Two magnltlccnt boat
houses are located thoro. The two clubs
liavo n membership of several hundred each.
The lost notable event was the inco be
tween ilanlan and Teomcr. A series of In
teresting water sports Is being outlined for
this season.
The Held and trap club , the wheelman's '
club nnd a dozen othar similar organizations
are not unorganized , but show thut they are
on earth for Business.
On Monday , April 0 , n six-day bicycle race ,
two hours a day , begins. Tbo contest Is to
be held in Dohannu's ' ball commencing o\ cry
evening at 8 o'clock. A special bicycle track
is being put In. The following bicyclists
have entered : L. Flcscher , D. AVcrts nnd
W. PUIoy , Omaha ; V. Ulllck , Fremont ; 0.
Kllllair , Grand Island ; C. Wears , Fullerton ?
K. B. Mackctt and C. Hell. Lincoln.
Jack Koivohas secured his release from tlin
Pittsburg base bajl team and has signed with
Lincoln to play second. Howe was on Pitts-
burg's reserved list , but the tlmo for signing
him expired Wednesday und Manager Diva
Itowo , his brother , succeeded In Inducing
him to cast his fortunes with the Lincoln
nlno. Uowo. bulling record last year was ]
,250 and his noldlug .5KJ1.
All the members of the Lincoln baseball
club are on hand rotidy for business. The
boys do not loom up In slzo but oneh has a
plomhd record in the baseball world. The
only feature In which they possibly are veak
is in batting , Uut otherwise the team Is
itrobably ns strong a 0110 nt there Is in the
western association. Mnnngcr ln\o \ Howe
speaks In mow emphatic terms than thnt nnd
Is positive thnt In n few mouths they will
hnvo n reputation tbrouehout the civilized
Catcher William Tr.-ifllev Is five feet sc\cn
Inches , and nolplu 170 pounds. Ills homo H
In Lincoln nnd tie began plajlng bill with
the famous Union Pacific club In istll.
During the pivst three years ho has been
catcher of the IJos Volno.s club. Ho rnnks
eighth ns catcher m the nssociatlon. 1 lo Is a
great sucrlllco hitter and splendid base
Jesse C. Burltett ts from Wheeling . Vn.
Ho Is llvo feets nlno , nnd weighs 1TO pounds.
In the Now York National league last jear
ho had n hatting nverajto of , ! M ! and fielding
, S77 Ho Is ono of the bast hatters In the
\ \ cstcrn association this year. JIo Is only
twenty-two years old.
Kdwartf Unnngau Is from Lowell , Mass.
Ho Is six feet high and wll proportioned.
Ho rankedflfthin tno association last jcav
in lidding , his average boiug l 70. His but
ting average was , ! Hr ) .
.John Irwin halls from South Uoston. Ho
is sU feet high mid weighs 111) ) . Ho has boon
on the diamond for seien years. Iast year
ho hau a Holding average nf .b'O at third
John Cllno is only 5 fcot I lnche.s hlph , but
liad n batting nvoingo of .SU1 last Jen,1 ami n ,
Holding nvorugo of .895. His homo Is at
Louisville. Ivy.
Hurry II llaymond Is from Sail lYnnclsco.
Ho is 5 fcot. ll'i ' , Inclie.s high and weighs 17A >
pounds. Ho has boon playing ball for llvo
years. Ho was among thu ncnnnnt winners
In the Louisville tcnm year. In 12J gnmos
lastjear ho made 140 base-hits , ninety-four
runs , twenty stolen bases , 10U saerille hits ,
the las named being moic than an > pliior In
any league last jeiir. Ills fielding uAcrngo
was Si
Jnck Koach has been pltcriliig for three
years. Ho is flvo feet nine nnd one-half
inches high and weighs 1 . " > pounds
JnmuH htaffonl is from Worcester , Mass ,
llolsllvo fcot cluht inches high nnd weighs
] ( > < ) pounds. Ho la considered n splendid
pitcher ami all around phucr.
Onon 1'atton Is from Cleveland Ho is
five feet flvo Indies high and weighs 15- .
His avcr.iRo in right Hold last season wns
.Ubll. His batting average was .Uis.
Park Wilson Is from Denver. Ho Is young
but Manager Itowo bclloves him to bo one of
the most promising catchers In the country
Buchanan , O1 Day and Itogors nro also con
sidered lemarkably line olajors.
New Process
"Gasoline Stove
Improved for 1891 ,
Uses less gasoline than
Any other stove.
Beware of imitations ,
Do not be deceived
By statements of other
Dealers who claim to
Sell the New Process.
The original and only
Genuine New Process
Is sold only by
Milton Rogers &Sons ,
Corner 14th .and
Farnam Streets.
Sole agents for Omaha
And South Omaha ,
Tlta Kffitt Frrneli IV ' * ri'/ijf/on.
Curus plarcrt out mnnliocxl , nmkos eofloty it | > lo-- |
uro unit nmrrloil lid ; snlUfiutory In jihiirt it restores -
tores thntlltalllr thnt Uulnniit to a licnlthr jaunt
m n J i a micknk'o , or 3 fur f ) Sc'iit | HT mall. In
n plain sonloil ciucloiM ( roni ubvrvallon. on rocolpt
nrprlcu Die KlnslorUriiK Co .McCormlck & Ijiind.
I cello AI.iMllo , Omnlm , A I ) . Knutcr , Counclllllullii.
DR. J. El. McGrBEW ,
10 Voan * Exiwrlfiicp.
Cured In 3 to a dim wltbuut ( halonioan ( 'loin'tlmo
from tiu > lnui3 Tlionjoit ubiulute euro ( urOl.KKP
ami nil onnoylneilljcliurKO.i ojer known to motlleil
ulcnco. HVrilll.lrt.uwnrrnntea. curilln .VHoV ) < lnn
llio moil powerful remedy jrtt knuvn foraiiornia-
nentoure. rJTHICTL'HKor ptlnln rel'STlnuthe ' blul.
der. curort at liomo. wltlinut Initrumenta ; no cutting
no lllatlntf Ixiiui of'.Munliooit or VYpnknou
poiltlTclr curt-d , Inittnt roller , Bkln ctlieaion nnj
frmnlHUIipnMUi puriuamtntlr ( 'irixl llr. McCrovri
lUcrniM In tbo Irentment nt I'rlTilo Dliriioi IIIM
noertiecn i ? iu llert. ami Ills srcut nrrar of patlonti
mrlinslrom the Atlar.tla to llio I'n.-JUc. Uootv ml
Circular ! free ) l xilloi from 1 to 4 onlr Ktr > ni
rnrnum itroeli oniaha , NeU Kntraoco on oltlior
JtA POSITIVE i dp tminent CURE lor all
dlie mptl nbjNARYpRGANS. | Cuf i
her olh rUeilm nHillirulTdlf cton ! with oath
battle. Prlc , on dollar. S 8 ilgnitureol E. L
lia Kuropoan ( ac pri'imrntlon. Impart ) > pflitlr
comploilun , look * like iiirlnit wal r. no ieail or
damiiiilnj hujroJU.-nti. warranted tbebttPtliiAiuurlcn
H packatru. or for IV Seut anynhoro ( .repair ) on
recoljitor prl , or C.O l > . Kln.lfr Druk-Cu , lx > iHu
A lAi Ue u < ll jJininlrug Cu.Ou44litt , A I ) Koiter.
J CouucllUluOi ,
[ NO
COLDS IN THE HEAD , by ono application.
OATAHRIT , in a very short tinio.
HAY FEVER , in fioin 3 to 5 days.
EARACHE , instantly ,
rou SAI.H nV A.U , miutiaisw.
Prop-m-d tmly hy the
HIKNOMM ; MII : > IUIM : co.
Darker Illook. Omaha. U. 9. A ,
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tnomont widely nnd fivoiuhlv
Inllsls In the United Hutos. Tholr long ex-
porkncp. romurkililo skill uiul imtuMMiil mu1-
cess In tlin IrtMtmoiit niul iitro of Norvout.
I'lironlo tinJ Svirnleal Dlsmnes. t-nlltlo tliesn
eminent plijstclnns to thn full oontldonu ) ot
the nllllctpil nvi > rywli un They pu irui : IIMM
the nwful elToolsof onrly vleu and the iiuumr-
ousovlls that follow lulls train.
BntHMllly. onnml.'lcly ntvl ni'rniutii'nlly euriMl.
OHIiUSyl ) ; ld tculllyti ) thr-lr aklllful troat-
trunrnntiMMl cured without | nln or dotentluu
from liiislnoHs.
nvimot I.M : AND VAKirorKi-r
noiitlr mid mieciisfully I'urt'il ' In oturycuso ,
ntntnrrhcn , Si'iiilnil Weiikiiow , Lost Miinliutxl ,
Siidssloii" , Pucayeil I'neu Itlcs , L < 'cnmta
Ofn niul nil ilollcutu ( INirdcrs jH'cullar
Lo idther snx positively ciiiril , : m wullns nil
runrtlonnl ilKunlers tint rt'sultfrnm youthful
u i Mi'vsof iniitiirt ) yours.
v' \ < 'luurantcoil ' pcrniun o nt 1 y
\.b.u , , . , , , ( , rcnmviil coinnlatu ,
wltlinut cntlliiK rniistinor dllutallnu. Cures
otrrvted nt homo by patient w Hliout u mo
ment's jialnnr nnnnyaiien.
Tlin iiwfl11 rffocts of
, , . .iriytu | which brings
oruanlu weakness , ( l < " .tn > Init both mind mid
body , with all Its d raided Ills , pttinanuitly
ra rod.
rod.Rl'TTQ Addnss tlumo INIO ) hnve Irn-
. IJljl lo paired tlii-mf bis l > y Im-
jropiir Iiuhiliioiioo anil soil t.irv nililti. which
ruin hot h mind nnd body , unllttlng them for
Dmlncs . Atuil v or innrrlugo.
JMAKR1KII MKX or Ihoso cntorinR on thnt
! iippy llfe.awiuu . of physical dublllly , quickly
Ts basml upon ficts. First Prnctloil experi
ence. Second Kvcry euso IsBpoolnlly stuillod ,
thus Btsirtlng rlcliU Third int > dlcliips itro
; iropar 'd In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus effecting cures without Injury.
Drs , Betts & Bctts ,
For nil Dlsensos oftho Blood.
All Diseases or the Nervous
For nil conditiona of Catarrh ,
either local or general.
For Broneliitls , Asthma nnd
Lung Troubles.
For nil forms or Dyspcpsin , In
digestion nnd Liver Affections.
For Heart Disense. Brlght'n
Disease , Diabetes and all Kidney
For Piles , Fistula , Abscesses
and all Rectal Disenses.
For Scrofula , Syphilis and all
Specific Blood Poisons.
For nil Skin Disenses.
For all G.enlto-lh'irmry Dis
For nil Speclnl , Private , Inher
ited or Acquired Dlsensos of
either sex.
HFor Nervous Exhaustion , Con- ,
oral Debility , Loss of Vitnl Force ,
end every form of Physical
For nil Spinal A-ffectlons.
For Tumors , Cancers nnd Old
Sores nnd Ulcers , nnd. for all Dis
eases , Misplacements and Wofik-
Viesses peculiar to Women.
Consultation free. Treatment
fees low.
Omaha refer-on cos thnt should
convince every Investigator ,
Office and Hoceptlon Room's :
1)22 ) South ICth Stfoet.
First floor. No stairs.
Hours 08O ; a. m , to 4:3O : p. rn.
Evenings7to8' O , Sundays210
' p. m..only.