THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAYS APItEQ 5 , 1801-SIXTEEN PAGES. 5 BROTHERS' * ' PRIC LOOS li n Every Item a Star Bargain GOME SER HOW THEY RUN LINEN DEFT. The Eiscman bankrupt stock must go. All the cotton crash from the Klso- mnn stock reduced to lie yard. All linen bleached crash 5c , Gc , 7c , 8c , lJc ( and 12c } , Kxtra heavy twilled blenched towel ing 150 yard. 20 Inches wldo embroidering crash ISe yard. 60do/.oniL\50 ! blenched dainnsk tow- ols 250 each. S.xlO fancy bordered lunch cloths re duced to 31 each , Elaeinan's jirico wns 11.70. 8x10 lunch cloths , Chinese centers , now $1.12. ) each. 8x111 lunch cloths 31.15 , Kibcniati' ; price was $2. $ C-l plain white lunch cloths GOc , worth $1. fi-lwhito lunch cloths , two rows ol open work , cut down to 75c , rHsoman'a price wns $1.47 each. Hemstitched nnd open worked tray cloths , alto open work nnd fringed traj cloths reduced to 6Ue each , worth 81 oanh. Llondny wo will offer all the fine Marseilles bed spreads , nls ( double faced spreads , fine imported colored spreads from thoKibonmn bank rupt stock at prices lower tuna ever Soinu arc slightly ( tolled on outside ed ges and they must bo sold. \Vo Imvo nlso from the Else-man Block a btcr line of fancy and plain 'white Hemstitched Scarfing wnich must "bo sold. Special bargains In line silver blcach- od liorinaiiTable Linens nt Too and 08c yard. CO-inch bleached Table Linen , all pure linen , 20oyard. fil-in oh Cream Damask , IScynrd. .Fringed Nnpkins U5o nnd 50c dozen. Extra nuality 5-8 blenched Nnpkins at fcl. The best napkin forl you will find in Omaha. Jewelry Dep't. Gold filled hunting stem wind watches n , Springfield or AValthnm , $10.95. II karat Boss filled : case , warranted years , with a D. "W. Baymond or Appleton Truey movement , $2.50. ! ) Klcrin , Springfield or Wnltham watches with Duehor silvorlno cases , Liulies' 1-1 karat solid jold hunting case , stem wind watches. Klgin , Spring field or Walthaui , fully warranted , $21.50 ; worth WO. Fine nickel alarm clocks COc , worth "Littlo I-ord Fauntloroy" C9c , worth ei.50. An elegant 8-day bronze clock , posi tively $7.r > 0on sale at $1.05. The best rolled pinto hair pins 29c per dozen , worth $1. Ladies' line rolled plate stick plus , the latest novelty , IWo. Host rolled plato brilliant car drops , 2"c ; worth $1. Klu ant now style hair ornaments 2oc , \vorth 75c. Gouts'lino rolled plato patent lover cull buttons 19c. Honors' knives or forks 31.45 per sot. Holers Bros' J817 nickel silver tea Spoons . 'Vic ' per sot. Solid silver thimbles 15c. Drapery Dep't. Colored scrim 71c , worth loc. Plain scrim UJc , worth Gc. Fluent art satin lUc , l ic and l worth 17e to 25c. Polkadot drnpcrios ICc , worth 20c. Scotch satlnos 12c. } Door mats 35c , 40c , 60o , 55c , C-w and Too. \Virodoormats95o nnd $1,05. Smyrna rugs UOc , $1.25 , $1.75 and 3.75 ; worth $1.25 to * , Chinese lloor matting 12c } , 15e , 18o Dtul 20o. Splendid styles In chenille curtains as Jew as )2.7 < r > iinir. Special siiio on Inco curtain8 at 55c , CSc , 76c mid up to $15 n pair , U.'ho heal bargains ever offered. llrnsj trimmed curtnln poles free with . every pair ot curtains at this Hale. " Immense variety of window'shndos In ill grades and mounted on self-acting ] iring rullorrt , as low as 17o pair. 117stylcssllkand wool fringes. If Domestic Dept. 7-8 wide fine Drown Muslin 3c. } LLyard wide Shooting Cc. . LL Bleached Muslin -He. Yaftl wide Cheese Cloth 3c yard. Yard wide Dloached Cnccso Cloth 6c yiird. Lonsdalo Muslin 18 yards forJl. New York Mills Muslin lOc yard. Utica Dloached Muslin lOo yard. Lonsdalo Cambric lOc yard. Half Blenched Muslin 12 yards SI. All the lending * brands of Muslin at less than wholesale jiricuj. Double width Pillow Case Muslin lOc yard. 10-1 Brown ShootingIfijc yard. KM ii-lunched Sheeting 18c yard. The largest stock of double width Sheeting in Omaha. The best assort ment to select from and the lowest prices. A full line of Striped and Checked Shirting from 5o a yard up to the best made. Alt colors In double width Cheese .Cloth , good quality. Double faced Cotton Flnnnel nnd fancy lig.ured Cotton Flannel 15c yard. Iinpoitod Cretonne , fast colors , re duced to loc : Wiseman's price " 3(5. ( liluc nnd Brown Denims 15c and ISc yard. Cottonado nnd Jeans in great variety loc , 20o and S13c ; less than hull of Eise- mun's prices. AU Wool Cassimcro from the Eiso- man stock now SOe ; liiseman'a price was 75o. Apron Check Ginghams 3ic. 5c nnd "tic yard. Komnants of Muslins and double tviuth Slicctlnir at loss than manufac turer's cost. It will pay you to look them ovor. BA.BGAINS IN WALL PAPER. Black Dress Goods XMnch plain blnclc cashmere .it lOo. 36-Inch puln Muck ciiilmioro ut 2Uc , SSc , iiOu ; awful cheap. " Fine silk fln'sh black honrlettus at We. 53o , 57c , ( Vtc , COc , 7Jo anil it ; no better value oa earth. I'lnest slllc finish I'ronoh wool hcnricttus nt Mf , HSf , and fl.l-ii ! brlns youraaniplo Tor comparison. lllnck nil wool flannels "So. lllnulc bniatluloth tJc ) to } . ' . ? . " ) . Illitck ( unuy n'0'i.vinil , reguliir prlcu ) I.G5. Kloffnut wool strlpui and plaids 1 jc , 53c , U'Jo and HTc. runoy chock hlauk serzosOJc. lllnck and white pl.-ilds lie , worn ? . " > e. Illuckanil wlilto stripes UV , 'Mv , 49c. CSu and 75c. COLORED DRESS GOODS. 40-lnuii all wool , In latest spring shades at II , worth il.50. 4'J-lnuli slllc flnlsli , nuw colorings , SSc , value J1.23. 41-Inch serge ? In all colors at 59c. All wool cuuhiiicru SITKCS nt Cc. ! ) English eiiHlirnuro IDu JOo. 2.V. 'JUu and 30c. 40-lnuh ll.'iniioH In nawusthliadus , Ifm nnd UOc. M-Inoti lluiuiols , iiuwest sluulos , 41o , OSaand Kic. 1'lalds and fancy dress Roods , 39c , 42c and 44c , Spkuullil now line colored brllllauttnca , "I- Incus wldo at39c. Bargains in Wall Paper. Ladies' and Children's HOSIERY. 100 dozen chllilrciiS fast black derby ribbed Itostumly-I''Ho per put r , worth 30o. Clilldrrn's iloublu knco hose , fast black , only 2Txr , rcjiicoil from Wo. Ladles' fast DlncU lioso , warranted , only 12Jo ! ; ior pair , KUcman'i price S5o. LadU's' fust blaclr lioso from tlio Elscman stock vrorth luc , reduced to' : . All of Elnoninn'R ladle * * fancy lioso wortli 50e , reduced to Ho pcrpiilr. Liulioa' extra lung fast block lioso worth 11.23 , reduced toOc. opera length. GENT'S Furnishing Goods Cent's niack Silk Slilrts worth II.roil roil need to 12.2.1 Elsemsm's fancy tundras , crcpu and flannel Ov rshlrti worth JI.T.I nnd $1 * . reduced totl. Vnur choice of KHemati'sent Im stock of I > ln- cn Coliirs only lOoeacli. Klsciiiun's-fnst liliiek one-half hose , Horns- dorf Dye , worth 400. rodifced to Sic EKcinnn's white dress slilrtJ , Inuiulrluilworth II.SO , to lo elobcd nt 7. > c enoh. llsonlnn'ii unliiundrlod slill'ts.Xuw York Mills worth 7. > c , reduced to Me. All of nisi-rniin's fancy border lliion handKcr * cliloN worth " > c , reduced to I.'H. . Ocnt'i balbrlrtKnu iiiidvrnunr , slilrfs nnd drawers only ! i > o each , worth We. Ono lot of gent's f.uify llnlu drawers worth II.Mreduced tonic ouch. I'lsctnnn'i French Ualbrlggnn underwear worth Jl , ii'diiccd to G."c , 2f-lnehGlorln silk umbrellas worth U50 , ro- diict'rt to tl.5D. cut's seanilcg * onc-liiilf lioso , Wo per dozen , l > upcr collars Co jicr bo.x , worth SOc. HOUSE Furnishing Goods Hnrd wood folding wash bench COc , worth $1.75. The finest wringer made , $1.75. "Wash tubs 45c , washboard 13c. ' The Western washer , $1.50. "Wo also have the Western Ktnplro nnd the Anthony "Wnyne washers. 3 wln # clothes bars , 69c. A 0-foot hard wood , Iron bound , stop ladder 5'c ) , worth $2.60. Jelly moulds from 15o' up. A very line hatchet lOc. \Viro hanging soap baskets and coffee pot stands 5c. Parlor Pride steve enamel 5c. leather dusters 7c. IMrs. Potts' lint irons $1.1)5. ) IMadnmo Streotor's Hat irons $1.35. "Wash bowls and pitchers 58c nor pair. Chambers 26c. Cream sets , 20c. Extra butter dishes , spoon holders , creamers nnd sugar bowls , 5c each. Fine tumblers , 21c each. Vegetable dishes nnd platters , 5c ench. Decorated cups and saucers , 08c per sot. sot.Decorated Decorated dinner plates , 50c per sot. Milk crocks ! ! jc per gallon. Fine decorated toilet sets $2.35 , worth $ o.OOVo have00 different patterns to select from. A 100 piece decorated Wedprwood din ner nnd tea set $0.05 , worth $20.00. Carpet sweeper , the Fronshlp , 89c ; BissoPs , $1.75 ; the Goshen , $ 35. Lump shades , 5c. Stand lamps , lie. Tea stminor , Ic. Door stops , Ic. Tacks , Ic per paper. Tea and tablespoons Ic. Screwdriver Ic. Wardrobe- hooks Ic. Gimlets Ic. Steve polish Ic per paper. Mustard spoons Ic. Harness snaps Ic. Nutmeg graters Ic. . - Biscuit cutters Ic. Door pulls Ic. Milk skimmers Ic. Pie this Ic. Mousetraps Ic. Match safes Ic. Pepper dredges Ic nnd bronze lamp brackets oc. "Wine glasses 3c. Handled cups nnd saucers 3Jc each. Dinner plates 3c each , a flue on- graved. Blown tumblers 50o per sot , wortli $2. The Kinplre wriiigor. the easiest turn ing wringer rondo , sold everywhere for $5.50 and $ ( ! , our price $3.50. Is.this not cutting looan the prices ? SILK DEPT INVINCIBLE BARGAINS Printed China silk at 15c. worth 35c. 2S styles Chinn silk 28c } , worth Goc. Artistic patterns in China silk 37Jc , worth 87c. Black cros grain silks at Coo , worth 81.00. Superior quality pros grain silks at 7oc , 87e , * I , 61.20 and up to $2.2.5 ; value $1.75 up to $3.7o. Black French faille at 75c , worth S1.25. Bineic fancy weave armuro 05c , worth Sl-oO. Black silk twist grenadine nt 6Co , 05o 7oc,85c , $1 , 1.2.1 and $1.50. A splen did line nt unapproachable prices. Black China silk at 50c , worth $1. Black Ch HA silk nt05o , worth 91.50. Black surah silk at 50a and 6Sc , worth 75a to 90c. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CLOAKS , JACKETS and SHAWLS. Our stock ia now complete with the hruestand best line of Ladies' " , Misses' nnd Chiidrcn's Jackets , Blazers and Hoofers. Ladles' Dinners , in navy , black , tan , gray , trimmed in pold tinsel and black cord , prices $2.50 , $3. $ : t.0 ( ) to $15. Ladles' Reefers , in navy , black , tan , gray , prices $2.50 , $3 , $ ,1.o ( ) to 118. Wo nlso have a line line of Jackets with vest nnd rolled fronts , in tan and' black , $5.60 , $0 , $0.50 tofciO. A large line of black Jersey Cloth Jackets in plain tight fitting blazers nnd vest fronts , prices J2 , 2.50 , $3 , $3.60 to $15. Misses' Blazers , in navy , black , tan , gray , 11 to 18 years , prices $2 , $2.60 , $ J , iiS.50 to$10. Children's Blazers nnd Hoofers , in tan , btuo and cnrdiitlil , gold and silver trimmed , 4 to 1U yours , $1.25 , 81.75 , 32 , $2.50 to $10. In flints' Loner Cashmere Cloaksboau- , tifully embroidered in tan and cream , 81.75 , $2 , $2.50 , &Ho'Sl2. A fine line of Short Cloaks , in tan nnd cream cnshmcro , ulaid and striped ihinnols , in sizes 2 , to 0 years , $1.25 , 81.50,12 , $2.50 to $15. Don't ' fail to examine our stock of Ladies' ' Black Cash'mcro Shawls , Silk fringe , price $2.50 , $12.76 , S3 to $20. The largest line of'Ladies' Skirts nl 3flc , 60c , 75c to $5 ; ones-half of regulnr price. AJcomploto line of. Ladies' Waists for spring and summer In all the latest styles. -v , Bargains in wnllipnpor. . > JLACES A.ND EMBROIDERIES Hamburg nnd Swiss edglnfirs at Ic , 2c , 3c , 5c , 7c , 9c and up to iloo. Ono third nctunl vuluo. Surprising values in white and black 45-in embroidered Swiss and Hnmburg flouncinfrs.Uoc , 35e , 43c , 50c , 55c , 65o anp us to $2.25. , Torchon Incos nt 3c , 5c , 7o and lOc , actual value lOc tolWc. Machiuo made fine torchon 5c , 7c and lOc. lOc.Dozon Dozen .yards black silk Incos in nil styles , blade silk fiouncings and drapery nets at 35c , 45c , 57e and up to $5 aynrd. Splendid values. Millinery Dep't ' , This department never was so com plete , "Whore else can you find such a splendid arrny ofsuco exquisite Paris ian novelties and no two nllkov Look through the line of hate , toques and bon nets for ladies and children . Comprro prices nnu judge for your- bolf. If you can't find the style , the shndo or the quality of ribbon you dcsiro , lot vour first tnought bo to Ilaydon's Iib- uon Department , The latest novelties are comlnpr In daily and our prices , , 'arc unapproaclf - . , , - < Bargains in wall paper. Ladies' ' Knit Un- i iii derwear. < M ; Ladles' Jenny rlbled vf ( ! < j only 8c tiacli , o U Hlseman'ti price Mo Ladles , fancy Jersey rlbjwl vintu onlf lOc , Isi'iiian'n price 25c. Ladles fancy Swl < s rlljbWvcstsotily 19c , Elscinan'a price Mo Ladles' fancy SwUs ribbed vests only 2T c. > , Klseinun's price Mo Balanceof tlic Eiseman Stock on Sale Monday , Ladies' Gloves , [ jiul'eV fast black tiiffctn gloves only 15c , Ladles' fast black taffeta slotes onlv-Oc rrdiioutl frotiUOc r < alleV fast black silk glow * only -iOc , reduced fromTS Wall BOYS' Shirt Waists nUeninii'4 ontlro stock of Hoys' Shirt Waist , to bo put on suloTliiir-iluy for le < s that cost of iiiutcilal. Star , Mother's I'rtoiid utul Sun \viilsU Incliulcil In tills lot. CUcniau's DoinutVuSt worth 40c. rcduc > ud to lOc oaeli Klsenian's Tniipy Pcrcnlo AVnNIs wortli Me , reilut'iMl to 'J."u each Elsemun's Mother's Trlend W.tNt . north Ote ENeinan's I'aticy lied Porenle WnhUs worth ? 5e. rcdiiL-oil to U'.lc each Klsciiuin's Mother's rrlencl WnKt wortli $1 , iviliii'tMl InMlu each Elsoinati'j Trench Flannel Waists worth J1.5O , rciluecil to Tf > o ciieh WALLPAPER. . , Brand now styles in endless variety. Not a single piece carried from last year. AU now , beautiful and attrac- tsvo styles , nt3p , 5c , 7c nnd lOc , It will pay you to get our pticos. Stationery Dept. To introduce this department will offer Belfast Linen Note Paper lOc quiro. Dest White Envelopes. 5c pack. Ruled Pads in best paper ! ! c , worth7c ; nt5c , worth lOc , and at lOc , worth 20c. / Paportorios in nil the best makes , ' , Hakes American Papcrtorios. AVnrd's' English and Irish Iinen , as well as "Whiting's well known make. Kindly examine thcso { roods , ntfic , 8c , lOc , ISJJc and lee box. and see for yourself. Bargains in Wall Paper. DRESS Trimmings AND Linings- This department never was so coni- ploto with all the latest spring- novel ties in trimmings , buttons and dress maker's supplies. Bargains in wal paper. "BBETONIA SDITINGS" Brotonia Suiting is 30-inch wide , fine soft finish Henrietta Twills , and sold only at Ilaydon Bros , in Omaha at 15o yard. They nro ono ot our loaders in wash drosa goods. Bargains in Wall Paper. Lining Dept. The larcoat stock of linings in this city. Everything In the way of Soilcias , Cambrics , Paddings. Crinoline , Canvns , nnd everything in the wny of linings at the lowest prices , Furniture Dept. Our business in this department is in creasing every week. Our very runs- on able prices anil the jrooil quality of each article Is satisfactory to nil our customers. Special low prices nil this wcok on bed room suits , extension lablos , center tables , bed louncos , Turkish loung-cs , mattresses , spring ! ) , folding beds , wire cots , children's cribs , kitchun tables and safes. You will liiul in nur furniiuro department nt very lo\v prices , oak paper holders for the wall , oak inusio stands , towel rings , liat racks. Sppclal * ale on pictures , ousels and looking ( lassos. Lr.rgo line of baby "carriages at prices which \yill bring the boat In the reach of all. Special sale on trunks and all kinds ol travuling bags , A. large line of fine blacking .c ases just received which wo place oii sale this wcok nt cost. You will 11 ml In our furniture department that our prices are very reasonable. If you wish to compare prices \\o \ are always glad to allow you our goods. The priced on suits , springs. mattresses , tables and all kinds of chairs nro us low as wo can possioly make them. Special sale this wcclconbccl lounge ? , Turkish lounges , sofas , upholstered chairs , folding buds auil cribs. \Vo will offer some special induce ments during ihocominir week. 0-foot table , $ . ' 5.8-5 ; cotton top mattress , best tick. $ .50 ; woven wire springs , $1.60 ; choirs , rockers .ind lounges at half price. You civn got a tirst-elass baby carriage uta lower figure than over be- fore. Sulo on trunks and valises. Toys Games AND Baskets- Took at this elegant line of baskets in every slmpo , style and Duality. Prices made to sell Very inexpensive games lot- the lit. 'tie t ones at homo. Also dolls , marbles , wagons , carts , bi cycles , largo kid body bisque dolls , 15e , i0c ! anil i25c. 20 marbles for 1 cant. Every boy wants marbles. Cat-gains in Wall Paper , in. Wall Paper. Corsets. Bprclal 100 dozen corsets , from the Elsomau Htock , only lic. ) I'l.scimm'H Ma cor ol , reduced to 29i % . Klsuiuiin's fancy uor > , ots , Htrlpud la black , Kolilor drali , onlynoo. rt'duccil froiu''ic. Dr. SehltlliiR's corsct-i reduced to T.Vj ciioli. Voiirclioleoof our entire xtook of Stadnm Warren's corsets , only'"icoiicli , French WO\PII corsets worth II , rcilucod to Wo Drug Department , Wriffht's SarsapnrllUi' < r)9c. Dr. Milea * Norvino 75e. Dr. Miles' Tnnio 7flc. Dr. Land's Family Medicine 40c : Liebig's Bool Iron \V ino 60c , Pond's Kxtraet , largo , 75c. Pond's Extract , small , -I0c. Hosford Acid Phosphate , Inrgo , 7 o. Hoaford Acid Phosphate , Hinall , 40o. Peter Mellor Cod Liver Oil OV > c. Woodworth'ijperfuino L o per ox. Colgate perfume 29c peroz. Kirk's perfume lUuporoz. Lady Groy iwrfumo lc ! ) per oz. Cologne , 10 oz hottlc.10c. . Colofrno , 8 ot bottle 2flc. Small bottle perfume 15o and lOc. Amonia , large size , Sc. Llubig's Extract ol Beef Jc. Alconafilycerino Soap HcakoB for 15c. Scon ted Glycerine Soap 2cn.kes forJOc. Klder Flowor8onp2 caked for'lSc. Pony Tran Hparent Soap 8 cakes for lOc. Capo May IJouq uot Soap 17c per cako. All other soaput reduced prices. Sugar Down Again. Granulated is jollinj ; in Chicnpo nt Ic. The mnrkots are pluttod every whoro. Itisknown on the Inside that the jobbers here stand In to even up for reckless buying. Wo nro in no i-oiiw bine nnd nro soiling 'J2 Ibs. Stand' nrd Cranultitod fop$1. It mayRO lower jut will bo no higher for seine time td come. Now Imported Olives 2."c per quart. Imported Chow Chow 15c. Imported Small Pickles lOeper quart , worth H5c. \Ve\vill \ \ sell you Inrjfc pickles flc po quart. Very line Imported llhvckborrloa lOo per pound. Very lltio Imported Kvaporatod Hasp berries , ' { ( ) c nor ) ) oiind. Imported Prunes SJc. Imported Valencia Haisins , very line , file. Imported Strawberry Jain I5c. Imported Hod llaspborry Jam 15c. 3-lbcan Cnhfornia I'cauhosUOc. This is the poach you o\ur bought. Wo sell all kinds California Hums 17jc. If-lhcan California ApricotsSOo. Imported Catcup loc per quart. Imported Knjjlish Currants Tic , Sweet Chocolate 5c. Premium Ghoooltito 17c. } Condciihod Milk lOo. Sut'nr Cured Hams 9o. Picnic Ilnms Oc. Honcloss Hani 'Jo. ' Dried Hoof tic. BolocnaSausnpro Gc. Liver Snusapro 5e. IToad Cheso 5c. Frankfort Suusage 7o. } " Full Uronni Cheese 15o. Rriclc Cheese Ific. ii'poundcan Blnekborrios 81o. 2-pounil can I'resorveiL llaspborrios , out up in su ai-syrup , 174c. 7 bars H. U. Soap Uoe. 7 bars Uomostlc Sonp " 5c. 6 bars Lace Soap 2oc. Wo soil nchoico Creamery Butter for 2lc. This you would pay yOofor in other plnccs. Our finest lovva Creamery we'll soil nt 2.o ! and "oc , which would cost you U5o and -lOu outildo ol our store. Our butter is first class anJ price ? lower than you can get elsewhere. BHRGRIN3 IN NULL PMR Torah Moire. " The only house in Omaha whore you find thin desirable und popular fabric is at Ilaydon Bros , TCoriih Moire is Imported Dross Ooods , fast colors. Finest wash goods In America and sold only at Haydun Brog in Omaha. Korah Moire is sold at 33e yard. CARPETS AND --LINOLEUMS-- ; ; Cotton chain Ingrain carpets at 27o , Me , ISc nnd 50c. Union ingrain carpets nt l.'lc , 47c and 55c. 55c.1'lxtra siipc r fine wool carpets 6. < icG7o , C3e , OBu nnd 7/5c. Sfilondld line body Brussels , Velvets , Axiulnietor and Wilton carpets. ' JJurguuia in wall pupor , iarsains. in all Paper. HA YDEN BROS. ; 16th and Dodge st