Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1891, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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8 pieces Black French Faille Silk ,
Black Faille $1.15. warranted to wear ; a special bargain
& GO. . . . . .
KELLEY STIG-ER . , gain at $1.16 ; worth $1.88.
, , ,
Extra heavy iron framesilk twist
in Black Grenadine.
COR. F ARNAM and 13th STS- .
Attrractive Bargains in Desirable New Goods. Black Hcrnaine. Very at fine $1.25 all and silk $1.SB. Hernnine Grenadines
29c , 29c. 29c ,
Suinmor Flannel In grey imil tan mix
tures , very doslrablo all wool , double
width , ruitlly w-orth 40e , bale price
29c. 29c , 29c ,
AU Wool Novelty PlaiK401ncliPS ( wide ,
others olTor ihou'i as cheap nt 50c ,
Our price 45c.
Camel's Hair Cheviot ,
50c , 50c.
In tans , drabs , greys , brown , etc. , worth
Too ; Mile price
5Oc , 5Oc. 5Oc.
Novelty Plaids ,
In the new , stylish effects ,
\Vould be good value nt 85e.
. , .Ill MMIIIMI I UMlllll
U j
Stylish nnd in great dctnatid ,
$1.12 # ; worth $1.35.
Our stock of Kino Dress Goods , In
solid colors , in the following weaves ,
vi/ :
Silk Finished Henriettas ,
Foule Cloth ,
English Serges ,
French Mixtures , Etc ,
is . .no most complete over shown in
Omaha. All the now shades of drabs ,
Hlntcp , tans mul browns so desirable thia
Boason. Velvot.s and trimmings to
In new tan and drub shades ,
At $1.15 and $1.65.
. In black grounds , polka dot , etc. ,
19c ; worth 250.
Uelraaka Alliance Leaden Convey Wrong
Impressions to Constituents ,
Senator Mniidcrson Calls n. Meeting of
tin ; ilolut Committee on PrintIng -
Ing to Sec About Iluduc-
Ing Kxpcitsca.
BtwnAuTitn BCK , )
fiii : i'ouitTr.r.NTii STKHBT , >
WASIIISOTOX , D. C. , April 4. )
Word has been received hero to the effect
that CoiiKrossman-olcct ICcm nnd his other
farmers' nlliaftco associates in Nebraska are
trying to mnKo the farmers of their state be-
llovu that all they have to do to got a few
olllcos Is to nsk for them , Already pet !
tlons for the removal of republican
postmasters and the appointment of third
party men ns their successors are In circula
tion , nnd the alliance members nro busily en
gaged In propagating tbo Idea that they have
influence with thu administration which will
result In colling their constituents good
places provided they are properly endorsed
by other alliance people. This state of affairs
con lend only to disappointment and annoy
ance for all who nro foolish enough to listen
to the members. Neither the Nebraska
members-elect nor any of their confreers
from nny section of the country have n part
icle of influence. The patronage of Ne
braska Is within the control of thu two sen
ators , nnd no ono who tins not tbo endorse
ment ol ono or the other of them has the
faintest chanre for appointment under the
present administration except in the depart
ment service , where the civil service com.
inlssioticrs control under the law and regula
Senator Mandcrson , who Is in the city , has
called a meeting of the joint committee on
printing for the 17th lust. , when the subject
of printing nnd distribution of
oniclul documents , will como up fern
n thorough and extensive considera
tion. The meeting is in accordance
with tno special resolution of tbo last con
gress , and promises to result In tbu stopping
of considerable wnsto In the printing of pub-
lie matters. Vho committee will examine.
Into the numbers printed of the various docu
ments , reports , bills and other papers pub
lished by order of controls , mul they will re
port a bill to the next congress making sMeh
reduction In the numbers , cost nf
priuthiK nnd such changes and reduction la
the distribution of these publications as they
think will ho expedient. They will also In
vestigate the printing and binding for the ox-
ccutlvo departments executed at the govern
ment printing ofllre and mnko reductions in
these Institutions. The whole duty will bo to
reduce tlio cost of printing and distributing
nil ( iocumcnts of n public character ami pro-
part ) a bill In accordance with the result of
their InvestlB'itions.
The postmaster general today appointed
J. McCaullff postmaster at Aredale , Butler
county , Neb. , vicoJ.V. . Beecher , reslirncu ,
John P. Spccchcr nnd Ueorgo W. Mankoy
of Nebraska have received permanent ap
pointment ns clerks ns ? 1,200 , in tbo record
ana pension division of the war department ,
I'r.imvS. HKATII.
s/.l V (1 , C.VIIM.V.I.M.tKA'H. .
They li"tious Kteaiushlps , Tclccrnphs
nmt .Mail FncilltlcK.
AVAMiixoTOx , April -I.- Jay Gould and his
FOII Ucorgo hud a long conference with
Postmaster General \Vanamakcr today. The
question of the I'iclflo Mall steamship line ,
of which George Uould Is president In con-
uectlon with the nc\v subsidy
act. was discussed. Gould stated ho was
willing to guarantee that whatever moneys
* > djut bo KruutoJ tbo slcttuuhip
Some very special offers in this
department :
Canicl'i hair cheviots , a styllib and durable
iibric at
Silk flushed lii'urlcttu. nfc'ieatbarsaln at
our siiiit-rlliip II < | ii.illty licnrletta , 4G-liicbcs
\Ule. now hulling at
I'uro mohair brllllantlnu. worth Me , 40-ln
uldc , at
r.xtr.-i line nun's veiling , perfect eye , re
duced from TJr ; 4u-lu wide , no * '
All our T.'ic fancy wravos , this so-xson's
( tylus , I'ronoli pioductlon- , now
Finu all wool Frt'iich serge , < 0-ln wide , now
Our inourninc department is replot.o
with all the now litTectsand plain goods.
Also I'ricstly's plain nod fancy weaves.
A liirgo a'-sortiiH'iit of biiiidsoine styles h
mulils. clipfks , uiul stripes , 4'-ln wide , ut
\V'n display n line of stylish plaids und
stripes , our regular } ! . ' - Kcods , on Monday
Silk \Yarp Henrietta
In half mourning and mourning olTects.
under that net would boexpcnded In creating
now lines. The question of rates on govern
ment telegraph business from Julyl , 1891 ,
was also discussed , as was the question of
Increased mall facilities on the Union Pacific.
Telegraph tolls , however , was the principal
thomoof talk. Next Juno will be two years
since \Vanamakor tlxcd the schedule of rales
which the government should pay tbo West
ern Union for telegraph service. The "West
ern Union refused to accept these rates , but
continued to norfonn tbo service. The consequence
quence is that the government lias paid noth-
InK for its UHO of the telegraph since that
time , and the amount now duo the company
has reached largo proportions. Gould talked
the matter over with Wanamaltor , but no
definite conclusion was reached.
Oould ami his sou called on the president ,
Secretary Foster and Secretary Tracy ami
spent a s'hort time in the society of cacti. It
is learned that these visits were merely social
In character and had no political or financial
slgnlttcnnco ,
Approved I'aclllo nit ml Ijlslfi.
WASHINGTON , April 4. Tlio secretary of
the interior today approved lists No. US , 30 ,
and 31 of the Union Pacific railway. Lists
No. 23 nnd 0 contain respectively 01,338 and
7SS01 acres and cover lauds located within
the Saline , Ivan. , land district. List No. 31
contains 301,109 acres of land , located la the
North Platte anaBloomlneton laud districts
in Nebraska. These lands have long since
been sold by the railroad company to private
parties , anil the effect of these approvals will
ho to confirm , the titles of settlers and to
bring the laud within the jurisdiction of the
states in which they are located. The ut
most care has been taken not to ntiprovo
mineral lands , and this care , the secretary
said today , would continue to bo exorcised
with oven more vigilance as the lists cover
ing lands nearer the Uocky mountain regions
came up for consideration.
Weekly Weather Crop Unllotln.
WASHINGTON , April 4. The weekly crop
bulletin says : The season continual late ,
and owing to excessive rains , muddy roads
and cold weather little farm work lias yet
Decn accomplished In the northern states.
Cold weather bus retarded growth in the
states of Ohio and the upper Mississippi val
ley , but generally throughout , 'the winter
wheat region wheat , fruit und paslurngo con
tinues In good condition. The ground Is in
excellent condition In the spring wheat
region of Minnesota and the Dauotas. Ex
cessive rains also retarded work in Ken-
tucuy nnd Tennessee , where the season is re
ported from two weeks to a month laid.
Grass and wheat In these two states are
doing well , hut snow and the freeze of last
night will Injure fruit , as the lives nro re
ported in bloom. It is also probable that
damaging f rests will occur tonight as far
south as the northern portion of the gulf
tlio Miywnrd C e.
WASIIISIITOS , April 4. Attorney General
Miller mul Solicitor General Toft had a con
ference with the president this morning in
regard to the Say ward case , involving the
Jurisdiction of the United States over the
Bearing sea tUhoriesnow pending before the
Unltou States supreme court. Tlio return el
the United States juttgo of Alaska and othci
documents were briefly considered.
- ' "
Illntr SnyH Ho Wns MlHreprcsentcd
WASIIISOION , April 4. Ex-Senator Ulnlr ,
minister to China , was among the president's '
callers today. He confirmed the report thai
bevns going to Chl.m. Ho sold his sent !
incuts In regard to the question of Chinese
Immigration had been misrepresented by a
number of newspapers. Ho was willing to
stand by his record on that question.
Kavn Too III to Ijonvi ! .
WASIIISOTOX , April 4. Baron Fuva
though somewhat better' Is still weak nni
confined to his room. It Is impossible to tel
now how long lie will bo detailed iu Wash
lugton , j ,
Moro OITVrs of Volunteer * .
WASHINGTON' , April 4. Volunteers fo
service In the army In case of war are stil
coming Into the war department. Actin
Secretary Grant today received telegram
Reduced Prices
Hinek Japanese silk , SM inches wide ,
1 10. reduced from S > l.f5. !
Hlnt-l : Japanese stlk , extra quality. 28
nuhcs wluo , at SLIM , reduced from
! . : > ( ) .
IJluck Jnpaneso silk , very fine , tiO
nclius wide , at $ ! . ; { ( ) , reduced from
China Silks 75c.
100 pieces solid colored china silks ,
sxtra hoaw , in all the now and dosira-
) lo shades ; 76c , sold at other stores for
China Silks $1OO.
\Vc ollor the only complete stock of
China silks in black grounds with
whlto and fancy figures , also colared
grounds in the nq\v effects , nt $1 per
yard. Styles con trolled exclusively by
us in Omaha.
Black Surah 60c
6 pieces line blark silk surah ( ! 0c
per yard , yopd value at 75c.
fi pieces extra heavy black surah 7oc ,
well worth UOe.
We show thu latest styles in polka
dot , fancy striped and brocaded , and
hemstitched grenadines at popular
Wash Goods.
Mnzoppn Cloth This new and btyl-
ish fnhric in all the sizes of polka dots
in black and white. 35e per yard.
Grenada Stripe in black ; a pretty
and stylish material sure to bo popular
this season , Ioc ! per yard.
Ilonibtitched Striped India Linoa in
black , this season's novoltv , atoc and
Swiss Wo are showing the most ex
tensive line of dotted and figured Swiss
in the city.
Fancy scrim in now lace effects lOo
per yard , well worth 15c.
rom Alabama , Missouri and South Dakota
o the effect that the senders were prepared
0 bring largo numbers of volunteers to the
government service.
Klncnltt Ca-.o I'oHtponcd.
WASHINGTON , April 4. The Kincaul case
ms been postponed until Monday. Two
urors are sick.
Sonic Ilcatcil lloiiinrkH Iiululgcd in
IJolbrc Iho Coiiiinittoc.
Nnw YOHK , April 4. The sugar trust com-
nlttco of the state senate resumed Its hoar-
ngs today. Theodore Havomeycr said that
the American sugar refining company had
nothing to do with the California refineries.
lhcro was nothing in the report that the re-
Ineries were going to comblno and raise
The chairman showed the witness a loiter
ccclvpd stntlntr that nn agreemeut had boon
entered Into between tlia trust and all other
refiners on one part and the principal whole
sale ) grocers of the country on the other part
that the American rcjlnorics are to pay all
; rocers ) per cent per pound , together with
1 per cent discount If the bills are paid
within ono week from sale. In return the
jroccrs pledge themselves to boycott or note
: o purchase any foreign refined sugar abroad
or at homo.
Ilitvcinoycr said the whole thing was a lie.
John K. Searlcs , treasurer of the old trust ,
expressed the opinion that if the manufacture
of sugar lu this country was under oao man
agement It could be supplied to the public at
a cheaper rate mid with more profit to the re
finer than through siiu'lo operations.
A IOIIR discussion took place as to the pro
duction of the corporation's books , in ttio
course of which counsel remarked that ho
didn't ' sco why the committee wanted to cx-
nminn thn hnnlrq. nnvhnw.
Senator Irwin flared up and told Iho supir
people several things , among others that it is
reported that the trust's dividends uro made
by operations In Wall street.
Mr. II , O. Havornoyor sharply Interjected
that such talk was all rot.
Senator Irwin replied : "If I had proof of
all I heard , you all ought to be In states
prison. "
Thereupon Mr. T. A Havomoycr grew
angry and objected to the chairman acting as
judge before the case was tried.
Searles went on to say that , to his knowl
edge , thuro was no agreement for a division
of the country between Sprockets and the
trust. Havemoyer , ho said , had made a sort
of arrangement of a personal naluro with
Sprcckels that did not affect the company.
Hurry O. Havemoyer was called and or
dered to produce the hooks of the consti
tuent companies. Ho said ho was unable to
do so ; that they wore in Now Jersey , r.nd
although ho was president of the company
ho could not have them brought hero , as
they wore the property of the corooratiou.
Adjourned ,
Canada U III S'.ulimit a Proposition.
OITAWA , Ont. , April 4. Sir Charles Tup-
per reached this city from Washington this
morning. A meeting of the cabinet was
Held , after which Sir Charles Tupper , Sir
John Thompson , minister of justice , und Hon.
G , K. Foster , minister of finance , loft for
Now York. It Is learned that the Canadlat
government , nt it conference to bo held in
Washington Monday , will submit a proposi
tion which it is lioped.wlll bo satisfactory to
Mr. Ulalne , This will not propose any rad
ical departure from the present policy of pro
tection , but will bo based on mutual conces
sions which will not sacrifice vested Inter
Hliocle Island F.leotlon Keliirnn ,
I'novmEXCK , It. I. , April 4. Heturns from
Wednesday's election , as corrected by today's
advlcea show the vote for governor as f'ol
lowss Burton ( nationalist ) , ! 1S4 : Davi
( dem ) , ) ; Lndd ( rep ) , 20.W3 ; Larr }
( pro ) , 1W ! > . Tlioso figures show that Davis
plurality over I.ndd was 1,254 , but ho lacked
two votes of a majority necessary to elect
The complexion of the legislature shows
Semite"J republicans , 7 democrats , 1 Independent
pendent and 0 to bo chosen ; house. SI re
publicans , IV democrats and 1U to be cuostui
which will give the republicans on joint bal
lot a majority of 1 v'UU , their nwscut strength
2OO Dozen
lreiy Fine Hock and Momic
With handsome fancy borders and
Knotted fringe , extra large size , worth
trom 6Uc to Too each. Sale price
39c Each ,
70 Cents.
10 pieces very line blenched satin
damask , choice designs , well worth OOc.
For this sale.
' 7Oc Yard.
50 do/en extra good quality 3-4 nap
kins , $1.85 ; worth Si.i5. !
_ \Vo nro exhibiting the very choicest
lines in street and carriage parasols , in-
cludlnp plain , lancy , embroidered silks ,
lace and not materials1- and handles ol
the best foreign ami floniestlc manufac
3ounty CommissionErs Act Like the Ne
braska House of Kopresentatives.
O'KcelTc and Coi-rl aii Get IVnriii
AUout H Discharge of AVobb.
Causes the How How It
Came About.
The county commissioners hold nn old-time
circus yesterday afternoon , and for a couple
of hours parties about the county court house
enjoyed the matinee , by living over again the
wild and warlike days of two years ago.
As soon as Chnirman O'Kceffo called the
body to order Auditor Evans and his clerk ,
Oscar Stephens , entered the room , curryintr
the records and papers. . Evans occupied a
seat In the pit and StopCons commenced to
read in a dreary monotone the proceedings of
the last meeting.
Ho had not read more than a dozen sen
tences when Berlin said :
"Mr. Chairman , 1 nsk that the proper
person shall act as secretary of this
board. "
"Who Is that person ! " asked O'ICecfTo.
"Tho statutes plainly state that the county
clerk or his deputy shall be the clerk of the
board of commissioners. "
"The county clerk has stated to this
board , " said O'Keelto , "that tbo salary al
lowed for thutofllco will not permit him to
do the work or to biro a deputy to do the
work required ol a secretary of this board.
It requires tbo time of one man to do this
work , "
"Then I will offer the following resolu
tion , " said Berlin , and ho read :
Whereas , The statutes plainly provide that
the county clerk Is and should 1m ( hu clerk of
the county.board of commissioners , { or which
ecrvlees be shall ( and does ) receive the sum ot
JIOO per annum o > eu section 7J and 74 , pugo U5U ) ;
therefore , bo It
Ki-Milved , That all the records , papers , etc. ,
pertaining to the board of county commis
sioners be turned iivor lif the county clerk und
that ho bo and Is hcruby notlllud to uot us
sueh clerk of tbu board In conformity
with thu statutes governing biicu otlleu.
The resolution was Uid'over until the next
meeting , hut not until * ewe personalities had
been exchanged. . , , .
"I have another resolution , " said Berlin as
ho read :
Whereas , The 8orvlc'o ' > 1Qf A. J. Webb , clerk
of the board of county citiiimlsslnners , and J ,
W. Uussoll , engineer of Hie counly hospital ,
have been ilUnenscd wJtblby this board ; there
fore It Is hureliy . : r v
Hesolved , That this board has always found
them both honest , relliiblo und etllclent ser
vants , and stub < carries with It no
relleutlon upon either their honor or char
acter , , . : | ,
The resolution was.r adopted without dis
cussion and the busincss'jiroceeded.
'County Attorney Mdhonoy submitted
another report upon the' 'proposition ' to lease
n portion of the jeer fftnn for a brick yard.
As before ho thought thecommlssloners have
no authority to enter into such a lease. Ho
thoiiL'ht that If the party wanted to take his
chances on ejectment ho may bo nllowocAo
go on with his work , providing ho pays the
rent In advance.
Martin Eddy iiskod for the appointment of
constable hi the Second ward , ills petition
was referred.
The bond of Alfred Schroeder , county
druggist was presented mid approved , Berlin
and Timino voting "no.1
A. 1 * . Hanson's bond as assessor ofClonl -
arf precinct was presented and approved.
Adam Snyder called the attention of the
board to the fact that there is & * ) , UiO duo on
poor farm Ints sold , and asked for Instruc
tion regarding collection. The matter was
referred to the cominittoo on linancc.
Clerk Moorus asked that hi * room bo en
larged by giving him the small room Just cast
of tils procnt otllco. The communication
was referred to the committee on court house
and ] all , with power to act.
The contract and bond of Dennis Flu-
Patrick for nuttiiiB In the electric light plant
Ladles Fine Pure Si/k
In the new spring shades , good value
su fcJ.-'il ) . our price $1.75.
Ladiee' bo.-o , oporn lengths , in black
and fancy colors ; a line assortment
from Sflcto $1.75. !
Ladies'extra line black lisle thread
hose in , also lace boot , at 85c per
p.iir , regular value $1.
60 do/.en Indies' fancy cotton lioso ,
fast black boot , at " . 3c per pair ; these
would be cheap at oOo.
Our boys fast black school hose at i5c ! ,
sixes 7 to 10 , are unsurpassed for weight
and durability.
Special Bargains in
High neck and long sleeves and low
neck and no sleeves , at
25c each.
These goods are very cheap and can
not be duplicated to Bull at less than ! > 5c.
Ladies' fancy lisle and cotton vests in
ecru , white mul black , at 75c , regular
price $1.
Our line of silk ribbed underwear is
mqro complete than over before at
prices from 75c to $3,75.
Children's silk ribbed underwear in
high neck and long sleeves , in ecru and
A complete line of ladios' and child-
roll's American hosiery underwear in
summer weights , including merino and
pure silk.
at the county hospital was road and approved.
August Hathbun was granted a license to
sell liquor in the town of Bennlngton.
The report of the county clerk for the
dunrtor ending March 31 was presented. It
shows tlio receipts of the ofllco to have oecn
tl.Ol 1.80 and the expenses $ lUT.' :
The special committee on rules presented a
report , which was adopted.
Chairman O'Keefo presented a resolution ,
which provides that In tbo future nil bills ami
claims shall bo first tiled with the county
clerk and then passed to the county auditor ,
who shall O. 1C. them before they are pro-
tented to tbo board.
This was the signal for war , and each mem
ber of the board shied his castor into the
ring. Berlin was the first man to attract the
attention of the chair. Ho said : "I was
absent at the last meeting of the board , but
when I returned I found that the only two
Americans In the employ of the county had
been discharged thrown out of employment
without a moment's notice , and right hero I
want to protest against such proceedings. "
"Wait n niinuto , " Bold O'KcolTc , "until
you hear a resolution , " and ho read ono
which states that Oscar Stephens , the deputy
auditor , should perform the clerical work for
the board , and for such services ho shall re
ceive a salary of ? 100 per month , dating from
April 1.
"So much the worse , " continued Berlin.
"It is a known .fact that there is no law
authorizing an auditor , and now you ask that
this man who is acting- without any authority
of law shall do this work and render services
which wo have no right to accept. It is dis
graceful , the manner in which the affairs of
this board are conducted , and I am almost
ashamed to acknowledge tbat I um a member
of the body , "
"Heslgn then , " said Corrlgan.
' 'Now , Mr. Berlin , if you are through I
would like to say a word , " said O'KeofTe , as
ho called Corrlgau to the chair. After tak-
inp the place on the floor ho said : "When
you say wo discharged the only American ,
you lie , as you know that every man about
the building Is an American , and I stand here
to defend them and resent your Insult , "
pointing his linger at Berlin.
I'l hiivo been on this board for nine years
and until three years ago wo had no system. "
lTbat wes after you put Webb into the
ofllco , " interrupted Berlin.
"I will not bo Interrupted , " said O'lCceffo
as ho continued : "You know the auditor
cannot attend to this clerical work and you
also know tbat wo do not have the time to
chock up and report on all of the matters
that pans through our hands. The truth of
the matter is , ttiat I can't ' do this any more
than I can take a ladder and climb to
heaven. "
Corrigan got the floor and upbraided Ber
lin for stating that the only Americans on
thu board had been discharged. He con
tinued In this strain until Berlin remarked ,
"You'd better go and sober up. "
Things were becoming Interesting as the
two members walked toward the center of
the room , whllo the crowd pressed close to
the panjuotrail.
O'JCccfo pounded a hole in Ids desk while
ho loudly qalled for order. It was tome thno
before order was restored , but at last quiet
was restored and O'Kcofu's ' resolution was
adopted , Berlin voting "no. "
Berlin moved that the chair appoint n com
mittee of three to muko arrangements for
now court rooms to accommodate the re
cently appointed judges. On this cominittoo
O'Kcofo appointed Berlin , Tlmmo and Cor
rigan , and instructed them to report at the
next meeting of the board.
( Slid oftlic GliitnVnr. .
ST. Loci ? , Mo. , April 4. The war that has
been waging between the manufacturers of
plato and window glass for the past year
has reached Its end mid it is predicted by a
leading St. Louis dealer that the price of
glass will advance from ' . ' 0 to ! 10 per cent ox-
elusive of rebates to dealers within the next
few days.
Murder of an Illinois Rarmor.
UAI.IPIIIIIO : , 111. , April 4.-\VHliam Kcl-
lum , a well-to-do farmer living near Ablng-
don , was murdered by some person unknown
lust night. Kellum received a largo sum of
money y'estoruuy and It Is supposed that the
murderer was alter this. Kellum , however ,
had deposited it In the bank ,
Held to tint ( > rand Jury.
ST. Lens , Mo. , April 4.-A Post-
Dispatch special from FaycUcvlllo , Ark ,
This Week. '
Our line of Spring Clonks , Wraps and
Jackets is now complete. Kino Import
ed Novelties in Wraps and Jackets at
spooclul low prices. Also an extensive
line of now Capos in Bedford Cords ,
Silks and Broadcloth , which are very
desirable this season.
Handsome line of llannoi Mliizor Jack
ets in stripes und plaids , suitable for
spring and summer wear at WflO.
Special bargain in French Flannel
.lackets. in navy , black and Kiirnot ,
well made tind very stylish , regular
price * " > , this WCOK $ : ! .7o.
Soinalniiijr neat and desirable. Our
nin/.or Jackets with largo folding col
lars , trimmed with applique work and
tinsel , this week $4.60 , worth * 7.
The most complete line over shown In
this city. Stripes , plaids , blues , reds ,
tans for Misses and Children. Our
prices from $ i ! to $10.
Wo put on sale tomorrow our new line
of Ladies Spring SklrtK , in all the new
est styles and materials at special
prices : 7oc , $1 , $1.15 , SI.Ho , $1.75 , $2 ,
up to $0.50.
Mauls' and Cliilrai's '
In Silk , Mull , Crone and Lawn , in til
the new shapes , from Hoc to $2.60.
says : Judge Baker and Dr. Howard , the
two nicn who swindled the alliance
treasurer out of $ : ) , ( > 00 , have been
hold to the era ml Jury. Sheriff Hoxio of
Waterloo , la , , arrived- this morniiiir with
requisition papers and has pone to Little
Hocic to present them to the governor.
Nine Hundred ManipurH Kiy IJeforo
H'ttIXy ' Indian Troops.
CALCUTTA , April 4. i-'resh details concern
ing the capture of Fort Thabat , near Maul-
pur , the scene of the recent massacre of Brit
ish troops by the natives , have been received ,
The British force which carried the works
by assault numbered only eighty In
dian -troops. The garrison of the
fort was composed of ! KK ) Mnnipurs ,
but the onslaught of the British was so lierco
that the Manlpurs lied in wild disorder. Ko-
inforccmcnts have been dlspavhcd , but It Is
feared trio Mnnipurs will rctu 'ii and attack
the Brlllsli detachment in full force before
the reinforcement can reach the scons.
The OHIoem Reported Killed.
HAXOOOX , Aprl' 4. Some natives of Manl-
pur who arrived hero reported that Chief
Commissioner.lames W. Qiiinton , who was
taken prisoner nt the time of tbo Man I pur
massacre , and tbo officers who accompanied
him , were killed in the first day's lighting ut
fOK C.lXAD.t'S ItEFKXSi : .
A Movement That Imoks Mko a I're-
partition TorVnr. .
OTTAWA , Out. , April 4. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bir..j : Two important an
nouncements confirm the previous statement
that General Herbert , the now Commander-
in-chief of the Canadian militia , brought
special instructions from the Kngllsli war
ofllco to speedily strengthen the defenses of
Canada and prepare for the necessity of
putting a largo force in the field. First is
tils request to the government , which has the
force of command , to double the usual appro
priation this year for drill , so that the entire
force of 45,000 men can bo thoroughly drilled
In .lunc. Never before lias tbo number of
men drilled exceeded 20,000 men. Secondly ,
General Herbert left todav for Halifax to
confer with General Sir John Hess , com
mander of the imperial troops In
Canada , with respect to the defenses of
the Atlantic coast , particularly at Halifax
where the new fort has been constructed.
Ono thlrty-two-ton gun has recently arrived
at Halifax from Kngland and three others
are about to bo shipped. These ore the
largest guns on this side of the Atlantic and
will add greatly to the defense of Halifax.
A XO THK Itv' \ It Ml It C A S K.
This Time n Gnat"111,11011 Hanker IN
thn Victim.
NEW VOIIK , April 4. From San Jose ,
Guatemala , come tbo details of a murder
similar to the celebrated Kyrauu case at
Paris. A wealthy banker , Carlos Santln-
bare , la November was called to a house on
the outskirts of the city for the purpose of
purchasing a largo amount of American ex
change. He had a largo su > n of money and
Jewelry on his person. The assassin's nils
tress Inveigled him Into a compromising
position , when an nssussln , a Spaniard
named Gonzalcs , ruilicj In , stabbed him to
death , robbed the body and shipped It to the
United States. The facts have Just been
brought to light by the confession of Uon-
zales when drunk. ' Gonzulos , with the
woman and another conspirator , nro under
arrest , and will doubtless bo punished.
Cargo of Cot Kin on I "Ire.
Qi'EEXSTow.v , April 4. The British
steamer Nluretla , from Oalvcston , has ar
rived with her cargo of cotton on lire. Thu
damage is yet unknown.
AHtrononiorH Will I'otltlnn
ST. I-ouis , Mo. , April 4. It Is stated hero
that many leading astronomers of the United
States are uniting forces and will memorial
ize the next cougress to transfer the control
Lace Dept
Cluicc Novelties in 12 , 15 anl 18 Itch
l/alenciennBS / Laces ,
This lace is nmdo oxprosslj for trim *
tiling lilinU ? silk unclcrwonr , is very del *
ieato MI appearance and still very eoiv
vicenblo , boiiitf niiulo from a luiril twist'1
oil silk thread.
Trimming Laces.
Tn endless vnrli'ty , Including I'olnl
( In CSonc. Votnt Ciuii. Oriental , Fedora ,
loiis XIV. , also riiitaiitl Itiiliun Vulen *
eiennes. oti . . c-te. , in the I.nvor'H How-
Knot , 'I'upo ( iiilpnlru iiiicl other rlcb
IKtli and 17tb Century iloslynn , all
widthsuiui insortinj ; to match.
Real Torchon , Medici ,
- AND ,
Smyrna Laces ,
Wo have jus.1 . opened an exquisite as-
enrtnicnt , comprising all the very latest
novelties in
10 , 22 und 27 INCH FLOUNOINQS
In white , hlacic and rich colored designs
on Utnck groiin ds.
Don't fail to see these lovely goods.
Ladies' line sheer lawn embroidered
and neatly printed liomstitcbod border
Handkerchiefs only SJc ; regular price
loo.Ladies' line band embroidered linen
lawn Handkerchiefs , white and colored ,
choice designs , at IDc ; regular price 30o
and : ! . " : .
Ladies' fine band embroidered , scol-
loped border linen lawn Ilundlceruniofs ,
largo variety of new designs , only Itiljc ;
regular prices oOo 'and OOc.
of the United States naval observatory nt
Washington from the navy department to
the bunds of a purely sciontlllc anil astro
nomical board. This Is tbo outgrowth of dls-
satisfiiciloa among the various observatories
growing out of tlio practice of the naval ob
servatory of btipplylni : telegraph companies
with tiinu slh'nals for commercial uso.
A Wtirld'M Knlr liy-haw Itopralod.
CincAii , April . At today's meeting of
the national world's fnir commission tbo
by-law prohibiting members from holding
other positions in connection with the world's
fair was repealed.
A communication was received Ironi Mrs.
Potter I'almer , president of the bo ml of liuly
maunders , saying she would only accept so
much of her $5,00.1 salary , us she was obliged
to pav her private secretary. An attempt to
annul and then to cut In half the salary ot
Secretary I'hoeuu Cozzcns was defeated.
Death of Motlior Scton.
New YOHK , Aurll ! . ( Special Telegram to
L'ni : ] Jii : . | Mother Catherine Seton of the
Convent of Mercy , on Mutllsoa avenue , died
at the convent last night , iicd ) nincty-ono
rears. Mother Scton was rccoivo.l into the
Jrder of Mercy ivhon It was established hi
New York , by' the late Archbishop Hughes ,
ami at the tlfno of her death was thu oldest
member of the community.
H .tfnrtitiiry Uncord.
CHICAGO , April 4. Chicago's mortuary
record for the past weelc is worse than for
tbo preceding seven days , which was consid
ered decidedly alarming. This woi'lc there
was n total of ! l. > l deaths , an increase of sev
enteen over the preceding week. Today was
sunshiny , however , and itltbellovod the grip
epidemic Is now on the wave.
K.vKdllorVCH ( , \iculn Indieloil.
CiiH'Afio , April ! . James .1. West , former
editor of the Chicago Times , was rolndlctcd
by the grand jury today on the chnrgo ot
fraudulent issue of slock of the Times com
pany. The Indictments tulto the place of the
former ones , which the supreme court u few
days ago ruled to bo defective.
i-rn Adjourn.
Lrrn.i : Hoi : : , Ark. , Arrll 4. The legisla
ture adjourned today sine dine.
Another Ill-ass Tlilcf.
Ed McIClnnlo was arrested last night by a
Union I'acilic special oftlccr and charged
with stcalliiK brass boxing.
A bout seven hundred pounds of brass , sup
posed to have been stolen by MuKlnnlo , wan
recovered. The brass had been concealed
out near Florence.
Only ( In ;
A Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley
and a Missouri Pacific train collided early
last evening on the trestle of the Ilurlliib'tou
track near South Onmlia.
The H ft M. track was slightly damaged ,
but trains over that road were delayed but
very little.
No one was Injured.
/ * I''JIS , 1.
Mrs. ff. N. Hlood has gone to Chicago.
Major K. S. Wilcox , manacor forHrownlng ,
King it Co. , goes cast today.
Mrs. Samuel Hamilton has LTOHO to Ohio to
her summer residence. , where she will remain
until next October.
Mr. Ooorgo F. Munro left last night for
Washington , la. , called there by the serious
Illness of his fiitliur.
Uev. W. J. Hartihii , D.lX.and his wife worn
called to Jacksonville1 , 111. , today by the death
of Mr. Hockcnhull , Mrs. Harsha's father.
Kt. Hov. Itlchurd Bcamioll of ( 'oncordla.
Kan. , will aivlvo In this city next I'Yiduy and
on Sunday next will be formally installed as
bishop of Omaha , succeeding the lute HUhon
O'Connor ,
tiovnrnor Hoyo came In front Lincoln last
night , The train upon which hu came was
delayed by a wnslioutanil ho arrived ut U
o'clock to tind a telegram recalling him to thu
capital city. Hu returned ou ibe ovcnlnu
train ,