TT1TC OMAHA DAILY BEE SUNDAY APKIL 5. 1801.-SIXTEEN" PAGER. X X Z X X-CTJSE US X-TOLUNG THE X-CELILENCE OP OUR S-CEPTIONALLY K-QUISITE S-EMPLABY AND 2C-CLUSIVE X-HIBITS , AS WE DON'T X-TORT X-OBBITANT X-CESS , THEREBY X-HAUSTING OR X-TERMINATING YOUR X-CHEQUER , FOR A This week we show you a new thing in the shape of 250 all wool , fancy colorings and excellent style of Suits at $5. They are worth $ S , Our $ S Black Cheviot Suit is better than any ever shown in Omaha , and more than half of them are already sold. They can't last long , so be quick and come in and look at them. We shall have no more when they arc gone. Our95c Stiff Hat is as good as the aver age $3 Hat , and we have 12 different styles and colors for you to select from. VS M Our $2 , $2.50 , $3 , $3.50 , $4 , $4.50 and $5 lines of Knee Pant Children's Suits can't be beat. ' . They . are i the hummers of Omaha. We haven't by any means gone , back on our customary tailor-made , fine ready-made clothing , on the contrary , we have a larger line today than ever before in the history of our business , The Smallest Possible Expense for the Volume of Business Tells its Own Story. ; - , ! we CANT be ! NDE Respectfully , At the Same Old Stand. 13th and Farnam. . RECORD OF OJIAII&'S ' BORDERS Crimes That Have Been Committed In tbo Last Twenty Years. MEN WHO HAVE ESCAPED CONVICTION. Tlio List of Llfotnkrrs Includes Miirilcrrrj of llnbes and tlio Slnyros of AjiP- liloil Men. The cscapo from punishment of tlio man who Is pretty well known by tlio authorities to have been the murderer of Chnrloy Poor , tlio laundry man , recnlUa long list of murders thnt Iiavo Ijcen ' committed In Omaha and Douglas county lu the past twontj yonrs and It I ? Interesting to notu tbo proportion of con victions and acquittals In prominent murder cnses. Ono Friday morning in May , 1872 , Albert Jones , a colored man accumulated a largo sized jag , and with the avowed Intention of doing : up the town wandered down to North Eleventh street. Ho visited n questionable resort kept by ono Knto McNnrnma. There he raised a row and was stabbed by the wo man. The next dny ho died from the effects of the wound. Tuo McNarnnm woman was arrested charged with manslaughter. On the trial she was proven guilty and sentenced to n term of live years In the penitentiary. In 188 there wns n boer garden running In full blast on South Thirteenth street , Sun day night dnncos were nil the rngomidln September of that year , whlloono of the dances wns In pro > : rcssAu3tln ICotizn visited the plncc. Ho danced a number of times and drank beer until ho was very noisy. About tins tlmo ho fell in with Anton MocstricK and n fight followed. The two men were parted , but nut until Kotlza rushed out of doors , exclaiming , "lain stabbed ! " Ho went Into the saloon and expired before medical aid could bo summoned , Mucstrlcu wns arrested , tried and convicted at the October term of the court. Ho wiw sentenced to tnonty years In the penitentiary Six days after ho commllsson of this nmr- Tlor another wns committed. Morris Welhl arrived In the city from Texas and i-cglstercd at the old Metropolitan hotel on lower Doug las struct. The next day he mot .Timici Hurko. a noted gambler , who induced him to BO to Byron Clark's billiard parlor on South Thirteenth street. The two men engaged In acainoof pin pool. A dispute urosoovcr who should pay for ono of the patnes. The two men parted , but Inter in the day they mot , \ \ loiDurko placed his revolver against Woihl's breast and flred. Burke was nr- | rcstcd and at tlio trlnl tie plead lusanltv , but for all of that was convicted of murder In the second dcgroo and given a twelve years' term. A somewhat peculiar murder was com mitted April IB , 1878. Poiry McCormlck was lu James Davis' pawn shop buying sonio cartridges for his revolver. A discussion over the price resulted in the parties Indulg ing In aquarrel.butliimlly McCormlck bought the goods , paid for them and backed towards the door with his gun in his hand , threat ening tit every stop to shoot. Mrs. Davis , who was in the store at the tlmo thought Unit both she and her husband wore going to bo killed , seized a re volver and flred at AlcCornnck , the bullet in flicting n serious wound. Almost Instantly her husband tired , but the bnll wont wldo of its mark. The wounded man died the next day , and both Davis and his wife wns ar rested. The trial was held ut the June term of court , 18T9. The Jury was out eighteen hours , but falling to ngrco wns discharged. At a second trial a verdict of "not guilty" was rendered. Quo of the most dastardly murders In the history of the country wns the killing of Watson U. Smith , on November 4 , 1881. Smith was cleric of the United States circuit court. Shortly after 7 o'clock of that even ing ho left his homo in the north part of the city , Intending to go to the government buildIng - Ing , whore ho huu sonio bushiest ) to look after. At midnight his mother , who was mono lu her home , became anxious on ac count of her son's long , absence and telephoned " Kuhn's drug store reinvesting" Mr. Kuhn to go to , Mr. Smith's oRlco and ascertain if ho wns there. Mr. Kuhn accordingly proceeded to the third lloor , groping his way through the darkness to the door of the ofllco whore Mr. Smith transacted his business. As ho placed his hand on the door-knob , his foot struck an object on the lloor , and stooping over his hand came lu contact with the cold hand of n man. Without stopping to Investigate ho HIM tied down stairs and into the street , where ho mot Ofllcer O'Donahue. Ur. Moorg was summoned and together the thrco men pro ceeded to thu government building , where the ofllcor lit the gas. A terrlblo sight mot their pa/o. There on the cold stone lloor lay the dead body of Watson Smith with a bullet nolo througfi his head. There was no ovl- donco of who committed the orlmo. The re volver , Dritish bull-dog , was found lu Smith's pocket , evidently having Ucou placed there by the murderer aftar the fatal shot had been llred. The murderer was the only witliess to the crime , as the buildIng - Ing was practically deserted after mid- niubt. Nlcht Watchman Kmncston. who was on the tlrst lloor , heard the pistol shot , out supposing It wns flred at sonio saloon near l > 5' , did not investigate. Kxcltotnent ivns at a high pitch. Largo re wards were offered for the dctcctlbn of the murderer , but up to this day jio has not been apprehended. In the fall of lSS.r > a murder was committed that was tor many days the talk of the town. John W. Lauor and wife lived near Twenty- sixth and Lonvciuvorth streets. They did not got along well together and family rows were of frequent occurrence. Ono night Mrs. Laucr was killed by her husband. Ills story of thorn-lino as given on the trial was substantially as follows : Ho was aslcop , and during the night Mrs. Liuier got up , pre sumably for the purpose of goinc to the kitchen. As she was returning , the husband was awakened , and seeing u form at the door , drew his revolver from under the pillow and tired , The woman was shot through the heart. She foil to the lloor and ex pired before the physicians arrived. Liuier was arrested , tried and con victed of murder In the ilrst dogico. His attorneys secured a now trial and ho was acquitted. . The old St. James hotel on lower Douglas street was the scene of n cold-blooded mur der. In early days a saloon was run In con nection with the house , and In 1835 ft young man , Hurry S. Verpoorten , tended the bar. Amoiitr his friends ho counted Thomas lial- lard. The young men were of about the .sumo ago , ana when not at work , were nearly al ways together. Strange to say , they both foil desperately In love with a Mrs. Damon , and Miuvh ItJ of that year , while Italian ! wns In the saloon , ho accused Vorpoorton of trying to belittle him in the estimation of the widow. This accusation Vcrpoortcn resented n-id some warm words followed , which ended by Ballard draxvlng n revolver and shoot ing Vorpoorten dead. The murderer wns arrested and tried at the fall term of court. The Jury was In charge of Louis Orebo , and after being out seventy-two hours returned a verdict of cullty. Fiallnrd wns given a Ufa term and on March 111 of each year ho Is placed In solitary confinement. . Walter Ituchlo was shot and killed Octo ber ' .I ) , IbM , but the man who tooK his Ufa wns voted n hero Instead of a murdoror. It happened llko this : M. L > . Woodbrldgo was a car driver on the North Twenty-fourth street horse car line. Late at night , when It win raining very hard , Kuuklo boarded the car and rode out toward Lake street. After tho-car tunica onto Twenty-sixth street ho wont to tbe front end and , holding a gun to Woodbrldgo's head , demanded the cash box. The driver was a plucky fellow , and knock ing Ruckle's hand down , solzod tlia revolver mid hot him through the heart. Ho then went to the police sta tion , notltlticd the officers mid surren dered. The next day "an Inquest was held , tbe usual verdict was rendered , but n clause was added recommending Woodbndgo for promotion. Sunday evening , November 1,1SS5 , Charles Leslie was shot by H. L. Powell at the church door in the llttlo town of FJorcnco. Powell MM twlco tried on the charge of murder and twice did the Jury disagree , after which ho was discharged uad the case ills- tuUsoil Jrom the docket. The facts were these : Both of the young incu were secretly paying scmo attention t a married woman of the town , and both were insanely Jealous. The Sunday evening In question , young Lwllo and his mother attended church , und after the clew of thojuirylcei ho was nounced upon by u lot of .voting fellows nnd killed , The evidence was ofl > Tlch n conflicting na ture that the sUta ; rould not convince the Jury that Powell wa-TgWlty In 18S7 thcro wnn nsmall frame slmiity standing Just oppoMtfjlfcsslcr'shull on South Thlrtoontn street. In this homo thcro lived a man named W. W. f/rnch. In the spring of that jcar n Mrs.1 Peter Lut * came to Omaha , nnd soon after ) took up with Lynch nnil went to living wiu mm. Octobers her husband arrived , troin town , nnd as soon as ho learned of her whereabouts , called Ho was mot at the door W Lyncb , who denied him admission , and at * tlio same tlmo refused to allow him to sco hU wife. Lutr. tried to push In the door , \vtocn Lynch dealt htm a i envy blow In the incnitji. Lut then stepped back , drew his revolver and shot Lvnch be fore ho could move out of his tracks. Tlio trial rctulted in an acquittal after the Jury had been out a few hours. Knrly on the morning of February 111 , 183 * . Ole Oleson , a milk man , was shot ami killed nt Fourteenth nnd Dodge streets by William Ferguson , a colored man. In those ilavs the saloons were run wldo open from sun till sun. This morning a row was In progress. Fergu son was tinned with a Zulu gun nnd swore ho would shoot the Ilrst man who crossed his path. Oleson know nothing of the row when ho drove up. After hitching bis horses ho wont Into the saloon to buy a glass of beer. As soon us ho drnuk It ho went out and was In the act of unhitching his team when Fer guson llred , killing him Instantly. The negro wns tried , convicted and sentenced to do a ninety-nine yonr term. Ten days later John McNultv was mur dered in South Omaha oy Henry Bell. Bell was n cook nt the hotel where McNulty bearded , and because the pan cakes werp burned McNulty found fault. This made Boll angry and a row ensued , during which Mcflulty was shot and killed. Ho was tried , convicted and sentenced to fifteen years In the penitentiary , where he now nets In the capacity of no of the prison cooks. March II , ISbS , Helen Howard , a beautiful young girl , mot her death In a wino room at Fourteenth and Howard streets. She resided with her parents on North Seventeenth , but as sbo was Inclined to bo rather fast , was In the habit of visiting wlno rooms In company with young mon of the city On this occasion she was with Frank Kyan. lioth were In- toxlcatod , when the report of u revolver sounded from the wine room In the roar of the saloon. The barkeeper rushed In to find the girl dead , with a bullet In her brain. Kyan was arrested , and swore that at the lima of the killing the ulrl was attempting to take the revolver from him nnd in tlui scuffle it was discharged. There w ere no other witnesses , and as n result ho wns acquitted. Dennis Quintan was murdered at Mueller's park , on Vlnton street , May 15 , 18.YT. A dance wns going on In Mueller's park and n row was in progress on the outside , In which bothQululan , the murdered man , nudChnrlos Volluior were engaged Finally Volltnor drew his revolver und llred Into the crowd. The ball struck Qulnlan nnd he died almost instantly. Vollmer was arrested , and nt the trial was convicted Hlid nnd sentenced to the penitentiary for life , with the additional sen tence that May 15 of each year ho should spend the day in solitary confinement. Judge Kstello moved for a now trial , which was overruled. Ho then appealed to tliosiipromo court , where the Judgment of the lower court was sot nsldo and the case sent back for n rehearing. At the next trial Yollmcr was acquitted. Walter Durham was murdered in Herman Mlttman's silicon at Mlllnrd , September W , IS il. Durham and 11 lot of other graders were In the saloon , Alien the proprietor or dered them out. They refused to go , when Mlttman reached down.and grabbed his shot gun. The graders srfw-fho move mid made n jump for him , but bofoj-p , they could got be hind the bar ho llred , and Durham fell dead with n chnrgo of ducki shot in his breast. Mittmnn was nrrestcj'and held to answer , the ball being llxcd nt 3,000. Before court convened ho skipped ' , oit and went to San Francisco , where ho rani tuned for nycnr be fore he was located , > B was then brought back by Deputy Sheriff Grehcaudnt the trial acquitted , f cl. Undoubtedly the mppli sensatloiinl tnurdor in the history of the city was committed on the morning of Novombqr 7,1888. Henry W. King , of.tho firm ofjirijw.ning' , King & Co. , hud remove to Onklia but a few months before and WHS boardiuir at the Paxton hotel. On that morning nwontan'ihanvliy veiled hnllnil nt. Iho ni1ilM"tr > r ninnH.itiiinir Hint Mr. King was there , asked to be escorted to bin room. A. bell boy directed her to the door and a few moments later the report of n pistol tel rang through the corridors. Almost at the same instant Henry \V , King started to walk down the broad staircase at the west end of tbo rotunda , but had proceeded scarcely a doicn steps before ho loll on the flrst landintr , a corpse , but not until another bullet was tired Into his almost lifeless bodv. His murderess , Libbio Beechler , coolly walked down the stairs , over his body , and seating bcrsolf In a chair awaited the in-rival of the police , who took her to Jail , where she admitted thnt she shot King because ho Imd married another woman. The trial , which last for several days resulted in a verdict of acquittal. On the uigutof Decoration day , 1880 , Nols Planteen , a young S\\edo , wns foully mur dered at Twentieth and SVobster streets. Plautccn and a number of companions had been playing pool In n sa'oou ut the corner of Cumlng and Twen tieth streets. At midnight they loft the saloon , the whole party going south. As they ncared Webster street , they overtook George Meyer , who had been In the saloon during the enny part of the evening , Some words pissed between the parties , when Meyer drew n doorknob fiom his pockut and stnicic Plnnteon a blow in the forehead from tlio effects of which ho died a few clays loter. Meyer was nrrostod , but on the trial the Jurv failed to agreed. At the next trial the jury rendered n verdict of acquittal. Following this came the murder of Dor othy and Allan Jones by Ed Nenl , who is now in Jail , awaiting the decision of the supreme premo court. The facts connected with this murder nro nil fresh in the jnlnds of the Omaha people , as nro those competed with the Poor murder and these subsequently committed. HOTEL. Cor. 1-tth ami Ifm-nci/ , tlnllillitii In Oinalui. brick fli'o icnllH riiiiiinrom bant'innit to roof , A II tltn fellliiu" anil /loom llneri trltte AttbCHtoaIff proof Intnti , iiniklnu it tinttoHHtbla f Innn rjii / < / . ' . t'trneni'rtlH'11 find Jira < il < n-ntH tlifcuii/liont tlia biillillna. Htfiini liviit , hot anil volil irtitrr tinil MiiiiH/i/no/n every room. Ttitilu itiiHiirjtiinaetl < mi/- B. SILLOWAY , Prop. HOTEL DELX.ONE. Corner 14th and Capitol Avenus. Just completed , hm 100 roonn , throa stairways , from the tojiUo the bottom , has fine elevator and dliuifus room service , 1 fire proof throughout fine blllarJ rooms and the tlnest toilet rooirf ? In the city. Large Sample rooms , Suites wlth bath Scs , Cot 14th and Canltol Ave. rstroet car servlea In alldlrectlons. Uateaj ftom S2.50 to $1.00 WOODBURY'S ' FACIAL SOAP For the Skin ruj Sculp. Prepared l > 7 & Dermatologist with 20 ) eirf eifeneuce. UnpinMed for n..i oedema , Kralclbafcl. nilikin. . - - - niK . , . . . . , . ixjh r --.UM { 7 comi letion , etc. An unfill/iR ! rtmedr ( or all _ pcalpHT.'Ctioni , and > iare'r | ' > rent- _ _ - iTebftll latmr of nkln ilia < m . For Sila bf Vnigiitt or tent b ; moll , Prloo'tO cents. Facial Uloniislips. M SSSJESJ fe IIIa'trklt.1 , OB ll , kln an4 Ktlp kflWlioj. tntl ( blr lrt ( l > l l > f r 100. CoKlUlUlfrM.tltHvorUlltUI , nl Mot JOJI.N II. VOOIIIIUICV , Pertn > tole > eiit. " * W. 4 U Mu. , NC\T Tfork flty. , ( licet nnd I.eiicorrlia > n cured In 1 ! days uv the 1'rench Hcinedy i'ii- titled the Kl.Mi. It dUholves annlnst und N alisorlii'ii Into the innauifd pur In. Will refund inonuy If ltdnoh nototiro or causes nl net tire , nontlvini'ii , hero it n rollublo artlolo. $ .1 u piickiiet'or i'fur & pur mull prepaid. MuC'or- mlok A Iund. Uriiiihu ; O. A. Melelier , llownrd .Mnvuiii , und I ) . J t-nvknrn , Soiitli Omnliu A H , t'ostur and M. 1' . Kills , Council IllulTs. ; DIPHTHERIA. MICUOBE KILLER A Specific for Dlnhtherln. 8AI.T liAKKCrrr , tVb. tit , 1WLOontlomonl In bo Innt tlireo months 1 Imvo cured ft ninny 11 ttrontr CMixof Diphtheria wltn Microbe Killer. 1 lnrohi'iirilof nnnjr other mioi wliorocuron Imvo won inmlolii nil itaiioi of tlio itipn n. To ( Into tliivolms notion nilnalo cmo Hint Inn pror oil 'atnl wlicro Microbe Klllorlins boon moil. MftTUW. Mrst South St I ) U DAVIS. SiiMcrlbod ntiil sworn to bpforo mo tlili fill day of March , Islll. ( IKO I ) PYl'KIl , ( tical ) Nolnrjr 1'iihllc. S.iU I nkn Co. ( Mr. n.itls Is a prominent wliolosnlo mcrolinnt. ) , Utah , March rtli , I8'll. le mon : In I > imber Inat I linil four ohllilrun down Itli < MilitlH'rhi | nnil crimp nt thu smiic1 tlmo. Wo iu < M .Mlcrol'O Killer nml no ollufr nio < llclno. A I'Or- ' foctciiro win iliiirosiilt Inonoli rmc. yiilncrllicdnnd sworn to hoforo mo HiH ( Itlidny of Mnrrh , IDVl. lll.'ll. I ) . I'VIMIU , Iboul ] Notary 1'ubllc , Salt l iko Co. SAf.TIi\KE TiTV , Fob , sotli. IS1) ) ! . Donr Slrm 1 lost ono clillil In Dorotnlicr Lift frunl < 1lphthcrli I'O- fore tin * MIcrDliO Killer litOHmo known ti mo. A few iln)9 ) tutor nntitlivr clillilifi tiikoti down nltlitlio Knnio illn'ino. I ImtmMlntuly product ! u Jtifr of N" . ' 'Mini urod Itfrurlf. In IIMTV rhort tlmcllio mcmtirnno In the tliront liounn to ilocroiv o. nnil in nil ilny s the child wn perfectly ruriMl , without nnjr of tbu nflcr lilTuctn fa often for loin In cn'os of dlplithorln 8.15V. . 3nl North St. JOHN' IIKNItV HAl'IC. Htibicrlbvil iniilsirorn tnlicfont me tliln Ji'th ' dnr of Kcbruurjr. IS'JI. ( IKO II I'VI'UH. IScnl ) Notary I'libllr. Suit I.nkoCo WolmTOmnnyothor worn stntrmcnla cortlfjrliiK lint Microbe Killer lin.i noror failed to curudlpli- hi'rlii Inn slnitlocmo. WUITK von iiAiuiK ciiicrr.Ait FIIKK. THE ItADAM MICROBE KILLER CO. . ST. JOSEPH , MO. Fur nnlo In Oinnlm liy Kuhn .V Co . bliCrmnn .V Mc- Connulli nnU .Mm Ileclit. LA GRIPPE. * TurkishTca taken at night and occasional doses of Quinine , will relieve all pains in the bones , cleanse the system and mak you feel like a new person. Sure for liver cure , kidney , and nerve affections. 250 pack age. Sample for ac stamp. Turkisk Cough Cure. The only cougli cure that will re lieve cough at once and cure with a few doses. Take no substitute ; will return money if it doesn't cure the worst cough Price soc bottle. Turkish Remedy Co. , Omaha , Neb. KIIMI8 QUICK"TOOTH A lll.'ADACIli ; PAOHKTS In the only * ro&iedy Hint rt-IIPtfci toollnche , licnd- ncJionnil iKMirnluln. It U tlio iheMpcM , 24 duavi for SOc , n pnrknao Neither powder. lliiitd | , plllnorlot- tngH. It l < thomont mrrofiible to UikuV'c war rant , tills nuni'ily to Klvonntlifuctlon. dm Im mnllcd HctiillofI.o II A I.uillo und ( ioddnmn limit Co , Uumhn.and nil drtik'KlNtannd jobburi * . AIO.OOBOOKFORONLYI.OO ! HOW TO BUILD A HOUSE. ThN b < x > k will pare you hundieiltnf dollais If you are thinking about build- hip n house , If yauarethtakinjrofbmli ] if'n house you ought ti buvtha . .ew . l > ook , I'AU.ISIJR'S AMllKICAV AHCIU 1 I CTUKK. o. ( I- very Man a Complete llull'lcr , prepared by 1'alliser , Tal * liser A Co. , the well known ArChitcttS. Tbcreistiota Iliul teror anyone intent ] Jn ( fobutKlof other * wise interested , that citi a Kortt to 1 without it ft is a v > racllcal work , an 1 tbo he it , cheapest and most jtopuhr Ixrak erer i < tued on llutldmrf. Nearly four hundred tlMwIntft. A $ u book In tte nj ityle , tut we tiavi ( tctennlncU to make It meet the | * > i > uar ! dcman J , to lull the times. It coitUiii * 104 paces * it x 14 Inches in size , ami comlstf ol lirRO 91U plate P.IKC * . eMn plans , elevations , ixm-jKCtivo views , descriptions , owncrv rmmes , attuil cnst of construction , MJiiMjiuvr .nmilnitTiiCtbns IIoW TO HUIU ) 70 CutUces , \IIIas , Double House * . Itrick lllock Houses , nuitAMe for city iuburhitiwn in < l country , houses for the farm , and working * men's Itomes for all tcctloni of th country , and cnsUn from $ oo to $6 , 00 , alwi Hams , Stthlej , School House. 1 own 1 ( all , Churches and other public bulldin t , together with specifica tions , form of contract , and a lar o mnount of Information on the erection of buildings , selection of Bite , employment of Architects. It Is worth f 10 to any on- , but we will len 1 It In paper rorer by mall , pmtpftld on receipt ol fi.oot bound In cloth , $1 on. Atldreis all orders to J. h. UU1M IK , rubllshor , u ? Koso St. , Koir York. A CKMJIM : MICHOIII : ICII.I.HU ) ' ( : : KHADlCATOIl-Ciircs nil ilhranus liooiusn It kill" tliu nilcrubo crKeriii Put uinnil | rutullod In 3 , f ) iiiidji BUCK , tlio liittor 2 1-2 gallon * , bent anywhere - where propiililnn nnelpt of prlt'o , or C.U.I ) . Wo UBUO n KUnrntiti'ii to euro. The piilillc , tindn und Jobberi mippllod by thoKlmlorDrunCo. , Oinnliu. ; LEE WING Chinese Physician 1643 Larimer St. , Denver. Colo. SPECIALIST. To thoio HiiflerlnK from ( lie cllrctsuf tiny of thu following ill'Cii'CH , nnd clo lro lionlth , thmilit wrlto l.c'O Wlnxnt once. Allilliuniei pceilllnr K ) woin- on , fiilllnKWiinknoHH , loit uinn- liond , norviins illo.i * ' , ( < oxiiiil . i- u- H "M > .jr > . F tllacni n , somllml uuakno * * . l/tilMMiiciKM youthful folly , urtmiry truuli- IOH , kliinuy nrnl llor Irinitilo" , liunrt illncanu , Inilli- ostlon , elicit nnd InnK truulilc. coiKUinptlnn , liruii- cliHI" ooiiKlK , c < ill , nstliinn , ouUirrh , all illseaxcsof tlio blcml. iirrofnla , ujplilll" , ( llxonifH of n prlvnta nutiiru , Konorrliun , ( lect , piles' IIIIIIOM , ciinicr , nlt rlioiim , rlirunmtlsiii , pnrnljnK nil > kln illscavii. co > tlvono8f ) , ilyfipt'ptlj , nottraltflii , iloafntMA tialtlnoMi huro oycH. uruptlf 111 , tapuuoriu. (1IM ( , ntalitrlii. nnd illni'ivnon of tliOK > "ioratlvo orwatlH. nomnllur ( if how loiiKnlanilliiK. A turoKiinrnnlroil In eri-rj CIIBO or money rofnnrtdl If you Imvo fnlle < l to at citrpil nlsowliuru , iliinot ( lo jnlr , Imlulvi ) I.HK WINIi n cull nnil Imvu a runt wlthnliii.nlildi Imlrlctly fonllldon- tlnl. Constitution examination free. Duly n Hinnll Bum for r < nu'itlef.rlliuiiHHiiiH Iiavo boon cured nf clIITcrcnt ill niKOii by l < ccVlnx Clilnc'O Vci- etnlilorovnodlcs. Mnny to tlmonl il ran Im founil and ei' [ In lil < ( illltc , or IKmvur pn | > era Aililruii , 1543 Larlmsr St. , Denver , Colo. Kncl ise tnrn | ) for reply. a poflitlvA reiiit dy for the above < lisPBM. Ly Ita UH thonundi of canes uf ttii vrontklnil Blid fit lonjf FtandiiiK havoln'on cured. Indtwl noHnmnli myfultli in In I'lhcur ; , that I nlll w > nd TWO IIOITI- tut K.wllll nVAI.UAW.K THKATI.SU en tliladlKuotuany uuf. f > < nrKhaHill Hi > Uinath ir Kiim'M nl I'.O.oililrtM. T. AWlocum , 31. V. , 1S1 1'inrl Ml. , N. Y. i CL QUI CK ' O" CK' Others In tdl = . , TUP. comparison ard low or 8 AND THE StenKAn. irniffrrln&try ' DE A D WOOD'S PLASTER , " * . , d& ? It l'nptrolt > , lU- irtJm" " ssss _ N/M , RUDDY , OPTICIRN 2U South litli St. , Omilia. Dealer in ArtiGcinl Eyes Sclt'utlonsbcnt lo by nxtirust to uuy purtof ttiu U , S. Humpty Dumpty _ on the wall , AllTle ] soaps have a great fall W SANTACLAUS SOAP Tell your conges tfjeir way ; you mutt ha\o "SAXTA I'LAUS. " ' . . . .BANK'S SOAP r3t .to * MADE ONLV BV The Mouth Is the Portal of Life , and The Teeth Arc the Principal Organs which Regu late the Health. Gooddigcstion waits on appetite and health on both. "Shakespeare. " For anything pertaining to your Teeth , visit DR. BAILEY , The Dentist Office Third Floor , Paxton Block , Telephone 1O85. 16th and Farnam. THC ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only HiilV , Wurc , \rrttab1t \ Pill fo nillc t * "l Iru ) l tfor Ckiett'ttfrf FnglitJHamon < i ttramtn \ | Inl 4rj.l roM nirlatlld hotrl ciilc1 wUhLluorlbtfOti. Tu ( . olhcr Llnil. . no Jttf\ut but > tttutioni an < l Imitatlont. Ml > IIUIo pi'tcboard boic . rln * , ' . , . j wmi pcriftr0 1iunt 'rou rmintorn IIM. AtDruRnlmi or font ti < ] < * In to nipt f > r p rtlcuarntiiittoioulftli. | unit 'Itdlcr fur Imillr * * " in teller , by rrlurn Mnll lO.OOOlMtlmonlal * Aaw * furtr * CHICHCSTCR CHEMICAL Co. , M.iIU.n Snunrc * 8oM by ull Local Itruaght * . 1'JI1LAO1.MI11A. 1'A * * sTHEt Pa [ line OF OMAHA. ABSOLUTELY INCANDESCENT FIRE PROOF , ELECTRIC LIGHTS , NOT A DARK PERFECT- OFFICE VENTILATION , IN THE BUILDING , NIGHT -AND DAY * ELEVATOR 68 VAULTS ' , SERVICE , DIRECTORY OF OCCUPANTS : GROUND FLOOH : K.E. NAUOLE COMPANY , Tologi.iph Poles , Cross Tlos Lumber , oto. OMAHA ItHAL r-SPATfi AND TRUST GO , JIU1R A OAYLOHI ) , Itoul KHtuto. KKSTAIIUANT I'HANOAIS. CITY COMI'TUOLI.KIt. .1. 1) ) ANTKS Hotumlu Ulgar htund. FIRST FLOOR : Till ) OMAHA HER COUNTIXO ItOOM , Art- AMKIlIOANWATnil und Subscription Doimitinuiits. .IOIIN n-UOl ) . Mim'iri Tlio Illimtrateil World. HUi'iuiNTi.viHN'L' : ; inn : IIUILDINU. SECOND FLOOR. TIIH I'ATUICIC I AN1) CO.MI'ANY , Onnon MASSACIirSKTTS MUTUAI , LII'E INSt'U- ' of Ihimlou Place. AN01J COMPANY. 1)U. ) IJ. II. IIIUNKY. THU ICQUITAIILK Ml'K ASSURANOi : bO- It.OIIAIlMS : OIKTYOrNDW YOIIK. THIRD 1)11. A. MATTIIKW ? . Dentist. MANIIATPAN I- INSUUANOH COM- , JOHN OIIANT , Oonliaclot forStrcd PA NY. * walk I'nvomrntA. eilltlbTIANHiICNOi : ASSOCIATION. Dlt. W. .1. rtALHHAITII , UU.O.-JOAU S. IIOI'I.'MAN. nil IIUJHAKI ) ! ' . niixi : T utAij , . iioiii Ksiiito. EQUITY C'OUHT HOOM. J. M. CIlAMIirUii , Abstraots. FOURTH FLOOR. MUTUAL INSUIl- I' . M , r.l.l.lrf , Architect. ANOli COMPANY UEOUOK . SUES .t COMPANY , Holloltors of MUTUAL Mm 1NSUH- ' ANCK COMPANY , - , AKt'tit for United btittcx Accl PHNN MUTI'AL MIT JNflUItANOB COM- ( lent liisuiiiiiuo Coiniiuny. I'ANY. JOHN LirniKM. IIAUTI'OKI ) UI-T. AN11) ANNUITY IN8lJH OMAHA COAL KXOIIANOn. ANCK COMPANY. . 110YAL PI'ItLlbllINO COMPANY. Mr.Ai ) COMPANY. K. P. KKIlNUr.lKJ. l-'ifjco Palnlor. WI'.nsTKH & HOWAUIi. Iiniirnncp. THUS. K. TI'TTLi : , Hllluon Wall I'lastnr ' , niISOXEUT ) : ( IO LIGHT COMPANY. II. A. (11(1 ( ( ItKY , Kiii. ! ManaKcr Silicon Wall A. /.n.NNl.K. . llnulrr In Clot-trill ( iondJ. PlnitorMiiiifir , Co. \Vr.S'IT.HN ( 'All SKKYtUi : AHMJCIATION. HOSnWATKKX JII KYriLIIIt. VlII KiiKlnrorH ALr.X MOOUi : , Iloal i : tutBnnd ! J. L. HLAUIv. flvll Kiifflnccr. IIOIIN SA II AND DOOU CO. FIFTH FLOOR. . - 17. S , AU.MV. DKPAUTCIIIKK I'AY.MABTr.U. SinST 01' Til P. PLATTK. Its Olllcei. I'AY.M AH I'KK. DEPAUTMnNT lOMMANIEH. ; ' ' ASSISTANT Qt'AUTIIUMASTKH. iV'SI'rCTOK ' - INSPKOTOJt SMALL Alt.Md PUAOl'IOIl .irnoiiAnvooATi : . CltlKP QUAUTnitMA AIDIH-IM.CAMP. : ; MEDlCAh DlHEOTOIt. ASSISTANT SU'IUiKO.V. I SIXTH FLOOR. IIAUTMAN * COM.INS. Mniiiiffictiuors' If. P. AHMY PltlNTINO OITIOIX IAMIIiilT : hMITII .t YANDENIMJIta , In- UN'ITni ) 8TATKS LOAN A INVIiriTMHNT Hiinmcu nnil l/oam. COMPANY. ( . ' . K. liniNDOIirP , Architect. TIIK I.MPLRMINT : WALIH. : : ' (1. I , . I'Mi W.MAN Sc IHIO. . htiMifitftimlinr * . AUTIUJH JOHNSON , Ac IlltO. , Contactor. KIIITOIllAL HOOM8 OK TIIK Illin. Compos. HKKI ) PKINTINO CO. InK. htoii'otyiilii ! ; und Mulling HMIIMS. SEVENTH FLOOR. TIIK OMAHA PllKiS OLWII. % I Till : cn.NTUAL WEST PIIIILIHIIINO CO. SOCIETY OF BTATIONAIiy nNOINKKKS. I JIAUHEU SHOP. A few more elegant office rooms may be had by applying or R. W. Baker , Superintendent , office on counting room ilooi