Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1891, Part Two, Page 14, Image 14

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* " " "
"lTRilTi"sKM ? KNTM for tlirio columns * lll
A lie tnkin until l2-Mp. : in , , for tlio uvrn n&
edition , mill until Hi np. ID. , for tiifl niotiilne
cilltlon nndt-L'NPAY ilrr.
rilKHMS-Cush In advance.
f J fI I J n / ! ! V I 11 131 HI. H V VII * I " * " '
JLchiirttid for nt the rate of I'i cents per
word for the llntlimertliiii. nnd 1 cent per word
for Midi Mil'Pci'tii'nt InM-ttlon. nnd ll.o per
llncptr inenth. No nihertl cmeiil taken for
' fs { linii'.r > ct-nt for the Hint Insertion.
N1TIALH. flfjurcs , symbol' , etc. , luuntcach
j - in ono word.
rpllCSI ! advertisement * ! must run coii'CCji-
JL lively nnd undc-r no tlrcuiintimr' : " < "
iheybo taken ordlHcontlnurdby telephone.
'IJAUTILSadxcttlslnjIn thcsn colunitifi and
S | iavlnKtliolninserRiuldre ii -l to a-'mim-
hrrcd lettir In euro of TIIK Hm. will rece ; o a
niinileicd check to rnable them to fret their
lotur * . Answers will bo nellvprid only on
presentation of thin checlt , Kneloto answers
In envelopes prnpcrlv Mid reused.
uilurtl riiiPiiH under the. head of
ALL Notices" are iiiibllsliul In licit li
tlintnnriiln ? nndevcnlnK eultlonsofTilK M.K ,
11m circulation n ( which aitRri'jiutrii more hit n
itWCO papers dully , and Rives Die advertiser
t In * 1/i'iipfU not only of the larftn elrcnlntlpn of
Tin. lli'.t In Ciniiiliu , ImUilM ) In Council limits ,
Lincoln und olhcrclths and townsln them-it
Aiherll lns for thcso columns wlll'hn t ikon ,
nloiocMiiidlthins at the follow Ina busi
ness houses whclnrtuiithorled lotnki- special the Dime intes iiscnii buhad ut the
mnln olllrt * .
cjoi'Tii o > r\TiA iiuA xcTf rrncn-No.
V7 XT.l N Hroel , Lister Hliu-it.
"TiTN ( ) W. 11 nTiTTT'harmnc -UJSouth ( Tenth
' Btroct.
IIASK A KDIV. ) Matloncrs nnd Printers-
c IKIf-onth Kith street.
it. rAiLNs\v6itrii. 1'liiirniiielst. ' 2115
\\r .1. Ill'lJlin ? , I'lnnniiolst , H North IGtli
il street.
_ _ _
f KoTvvTT * A UK , I'liariiuicist. Iil8
VI woilh st rent.
Ti I'GIIKS * IMIAUMACY.SIlli nml rurnam.
J'mnttttttc. , ffcliipo/yir-ilculiiiniioii tillp'tat-
"VV 7A M'l'.n Htnutlnn us liol ( < keeper or an
> i pl.uo of trust ; Rood references. Add -
d n is ( i If , . Hoc. .MJ8I-7 *
BV acnod all iniind printer and nonper |
maii. whiii < nolirlity. ' .ndustry ml clean
workwlllbo iippreelnled. Add i ess 11 4 ! ) Hot * .
WAN1ii-Yottn : man lo sleep In store ;
( rood lefeiciu-es iciiuhed. Address 11 112.
Hoc ofllce. 518 S *
\\7 AN1iil : SltuallniiH for isood cirls ; niy
TInltliiK looms nre ulwiys full from n n.
in , to fin in. . Cnnndlnii Employment ollloe ,
illl'i ' S. IMIi. Tclophoiio fM. : ilO
Kinplovinrnt Iliirpiiu-Kstalillshod
OMAHA . ' ( ( "I , l2 | | , Jj'i ' N. inth , near C'anl-
tel live , Mnlound fiinale holt ) uonatnntly on
hand. MBMAM *
Fiirratntte.Hcti > pnfJlr t
ArlMVAcood Blno" iUcher ) who
speaks Ijicllsli anil Ueriuan. Address
lock box'JS . hclly , lowti. OW 7 *
"IV ANTRU Voitnxmnn with cxpoilcnco to
TT tikc : eliiirfii of collectlnn dcpitrtment In
nn Otiinliii lunik , ( iiiod ufurcmes required ,
Address H 47 , llee ofllce. 540-5
WANTKU A first cl iss shade milker , none
but experienced neo I upplv Kmpilro of
Mr Pclank , at the Morse Dry Ciiixls Co. Btll-,1
ACJKNTS for the host door plate made , Also
vlilln onnniul lottots for window slitns ;
MB pay , Ti'rinsfioo AVi Ho tit once. Wrluht
MfK. Ci > . , Kl I'lirk Uow , New Vork. M25'
"l\7 A.YrKlt-AirenN to handle the now ,
TT elicmlcal , stovo-plnc , flue nnd chimney
cleaner. Just out. No rnnipotltlon , Hhr
ficllor. 100 to 200 per cent , prollt , .Samples hy
niall.S.Vts. Territory free. l 'nr tornn , otc. ,
nddri'astliinianufaitiirei8. ; George , Kxvln-
Ininio A. Co. . l.q Cross.Vls. . 5.1U-5 *
$1. > .OU to ; fl.CO per weoU , silarv or eonunli-
slon , for advortlBlnir ami Holllnit ourKoods.
HOII i cot our ucontsmake } l"i to * . " > " ) per day.
None are ninklnirlcss tliin : } " > pcrday und ox-
peiiHes. Kortcrnmnnil fornartlciilarMiiildri' s ,
with staiiii ) , Cavnseoie Slaniifneturlng Co.
Chleapo , III. K17-'i *
T7"ANTEI ) Twonr three Rood men to rep-
TT resent our well knoHii house for town
and oily irado : loonl nnd traveling. ( I0 < ) and
exnonses per month ( o thorhrht man. Aply | )
quluK. Dtntliipucr. U li. Mny k Co. . Nursery-
moil. Ii'lnrlslnjiiiil i-eoilmtii. St. I'uul , Minn.
BUI- ; . *
WANrrCD-Hiilcsmen WHIIIK | | | proHtahlo
sideline , lilcveles. bnbv cnrrliiKos , reed
chalis. ,1c. Address the Calumet Wheel Co ,
bt , Louis , Mo. 5-14 S
WANTKD-TriMellm : men. flood nay. refs.
reqiilrrd. Kiibiink Und Debt Collcctlcn
AReney , Lu\lnKton , Mo. 54'I5 *
WANTKD-Tn ourolty department , a ( ion-
tlenian possesslnn cenoral business abil
ity , who cnue.illentliobetterclassof trnde In
Oman i. Apply Tuesday after 10 , A. N , Shldc-
ler , liCrolghlon llhmlc 577 fj
WANTKD-VoiniK men of neat nnne-irniico
to act as Hiilesiuca ( outside ) ut M8 N. Hlh
Mreet. MSai ! *
A Or.NTP , t.1 to (10 per day collocthiK Hinnll
JtV plctuiesfor usto flippy iindcnlnrRe. Sat
isfaction L'uarnntecd and u J4 out lit free.
A , Iunnoc ) l'oMl Kendo street Now York.
\\/ANTKD , Salcsinou on nnlaiy orcotninls-
T > Hlou to handle the New I'atunt Chemical
Ink DrasliiK Pencil. Ihe Ktoatest sulllni :
novelty over produced , llraseslnlt thorough
ly in two seconds ; no abrasion of paper. SOD
to GOO per cent profit. Ono HKcnt's sales
amounted lo MVO In six day H ; another KB In
two hours. Wo want ono cncrgutlo Keneral
nKontfor nach stale and lerrltorv. Hiunploby
mall XiotH 1'or terms and full particulars
address The Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co . La
Crosse , WIs. filJG *
WANTED A few agents. Address Ooneral
iieoulM , 43IJ llco building , or apply evcn-
IIIKS. anau *
ANTF.D-Salesmen to sell lightning rods ;
experienced. Amily to Kdw , A. Way &
Uo . ! BIV. . 4th street , Ulnclnnatl , O. M4S8-5 *
WANTI'll I'erinanent oflk-o assistant ; M\- \
ary J''iO ; railway fair paid here ; enclose
nelf-addrpssed nnuapeil envelope. Mannser.
Look llox KC. Chicago. fill r > *
\J\7ANTT.I ) Three Rood iiapor banners at
' ouce.Ueo , W , Lo oy , 11 1'earl st. , Council
AGKNTS wanted for a largo portrait of
tioneral Slierman. A nmirnllU'ent lluo
etching on copper ; slzolllx1. ' ! ; the llnest portrait
trait In the market ; bells rnp'dly to old
soldiers nnd O. A. H. posts. Send Meonts for
Kiunplu picture. Liberal terms. Cht.rles L.
Webster & Co. . SHnst lllh street. Now York
mty. Mies r.
V\7ANTK1) Jlan nndwife , no children ;
VT woinuii for Kenorul honscnork ; must bo
iroodcook : man for l > nisi > , rmv. lawn , etc. :
must have references. Address H SA , Hec ,
< 7 : > r
V\TANTi : A ( rood piano plnycr.lOS N.Oth.
' 4J.1 0
\7ANTKD Gentlemen solicitor,21 ) DouKlus
TT block. Midi U
\\tANTHD Active nollollors for a uroml-
inont biiuilliij * ; nna louneotnpaiiy ; new
plan ; jrooa pay to rlclit men. Call ur addiess
Ull lieu bullaiiiK' OmiUi'i 1 to5 * *
, , p. in , 4J4
\\7 ANTKU Men to travel for our L'aindlnii
' ' luirst'rloM.btoiieA.\\elllimlon.MiullsonWIs
: t ! > 4
ANTKD Clroulurs dlMrlhutcd. 3 per
1,000 puld. Malenu \VairlorV.MarU- \ .
I'll. MI47AU *
\V ANTKH Men with Rood refereneo ut Mot-
< ' niiwlltan il'f'K Co. , 1WJ Howard st.
st.llllA g. .
SALKSMKN wanted to sell poods to nier-
ehiiuts by sample ; new Roods ; big pay for
vorkers ; noriiiiinent situation ; chance inbuilt ) .
u line trade. Model .Mfg. Co. , b'outh llend , lad.
" \\rANTr.D Oooii canvassers at the Finger
TT fcuwlng Machine elllce , 1518 DonulnsM.
tcr irtti.rle. . nilin > ot ( Irxt
" \\TANTEO-A partner I
ii iic8 < , aUo a place tobe\v In families ,
Call ll 0Marnam street. . ( GO .V
XPKIilBNCED ilrcssmaUir to co out in
families by the day , l'U3 Loayenw orth HI. .
Un leer 015-5 *
NOAORMi.NTS : to do drcssirnklni ? Infiiin-
Illoa vullcltcd. illss Stunly. .HJIO llurney st.
rurnitetttc.i < t tojio/flnl coiuiiii on th
ArENriaw/orannriiircltoMro.W1Mie-T& (
( Jo. , llco building. Omaha. Uninch ottlce at
Waihlnjtou , U U Con ultatlou free. yju
for uft , rte. , iicts > pufflnt column on ( M * jtagt
\V7ANTlVl-A ulrl for Roncrnl housework ,
' also mi all around man-lioiiso mail.
Health and Home.Medical Iiintltuto,2l3T and
Silt ) Lake st. rOT-a *
ANTED-Waist finishers , hlsln-st wage *
for competent workers , porinatient posi
tion. Morse liry Hoods Uo. * < ' > >
AIDES -.end 2c stump for testimonials and
P'ltnphlit describing Dr. Klrkwood's In-
M'nt Ion. Of vital Importance to pVor-y lady ,
Am nls , Ivlrkwood llurd Iliibbcr Co. , .Murphy
HllllillliK , bun I'riinclsco , Cid. li.t.J-5'
EA'PlfufKNl'ICDfiiloslndlcs. millinery trim ;
mers unit apprentices nt .Stoneiillla. o''J-j
\\7ANTKD-Hood Klrl for ( icueral house-
i T work apply nt'.tMtt Kminctstrcet. r 'JI-5
\\7ASTKD-r.nillcJorgciitlpnicii. Ma dnjr
T niftilu distribution ftnmples and Belling
medicated toilet snips to families , "cud inf.
ert-nees. Snmtiles free. Crofts A , Uood , 1 3 La
iiallentreet , CfiIcaRO. 570 6 *
\\7ANTril-A Riioil Rlrl for Kcnernl hou r-
> > Kork ; ono that understands coolclni ! !
flerman or Irish preferred. Apply ut once to
1KKI .N , S.'iul hlreut. r > "s ' *
_ _
W A NT i : II A comjietint cook and latin-
dress. Herman preferred ! references ru-
iiulreil , oiith < . \ est corneraoth and California
streets. > ! . " T *
\\7ANTKII-Oood ulrl for general house-
work. IDl'J South Uth strict. JlflTU 7
\\7ANTii-Wlillo : ) clrllO or li yours old toll
> T lulcocnri ) of rlnlil Ijcarold iiftcriioons ,
Uall , Mrs. I' . I'uvtsleli , 109 H. 2. > lli live. fi'4 5 *
\\7ANTr.ll-A cniniuitciit. lend ulrl to do
' liiiitsintorU.MiililiiKiiad Iniiilnit for funi-
lly oftliri'p. ( . ' . ' 4 ijontli litli streetM4'J06 *
\'X7 ANTKII Iviiiiuiiont otllco assNtaat ; val-
i nry JMi railway faro imld lieiu ; onclii < < u
* > ulf-ndlu ( > sH'il htiilnpud enolopu. .
I.ocli Kox ftt1 , CliU'ago. filli *
VV'-- ' ' Iddlf-ia'cialy. it-wlvo ln-
T ulruvtlotis l > oi'I > Looks. Cull UITt Now
Vorkl.lfo , fie : *
\\ANTii--aiilfor : ) gcnernl housework. MM
- N. 'illist. 6026 *
VXrANTri ) Old for Konernl hou owork ;
V ) good In right pnity.
corner i" > th anil Jones sis. 4MI-3
\yAN'fLI ) Khst-class cook , family of . 'I ;
> referouci-H reilnlred : treed wiiifes paid.
Mrs. H. L. Loniiix , V.'OU DouglassU 47i : , 'i *
\/\rANTii ; ( Lady sollelton , l Douglas
V > block.
I'AXTIMOlrl ) fur kitchen and laundry
> work. lllJOri. Wllli st. 444
i ) tllrl for Hcnorulliou'-ework. 8721
JucKson strcit. 4015 *
/ "orolrx \ , etc. , sccloj ) o/Jirt column on thin jinge.
" TIOK ItnXV ' 1 room lioimu 27 and CnllfornliL
JL liuiiilre 510 K. Ul nml Half llowiird.
MM7 7 *
FOK HKNT New ono story six room hoii-.u.
lii'iiutlful locMtlon , ( ellar. city water , ne'ir
unrllnc. north pint city. Inquire cornurlMh
and Lake. H. O.Oluiin. ai4ftU ! *
"TTlOll Un.N'T chcnii A half pnrtof a now R-
JL1 I-IMIII house , N. E. coinur IMth und .Maplu
Ht reels. MS7 ( ( 7 *
T710U Iir.XT ID-room brick lesldcnro , mod-
JL1 ern eiinvonlenct'S ! Just eomijlt'tid. lient.
$40.00. fiO ! ) UcurgU a venuu. Ki-5 !
TUm Uixr : Six-room cottiuu. 8J88. Ulstht
" | 7'OIt III'.NT 10-iooni house , nil modern hu-
J piOM'imtiits , 1TLM HodKc. Inquire Samuel
lliirns , 1IIIJ I'lirnam. MW-r
"I/ll ! ( ) llI'.N'r Ono ll-rooin and ono T-ruoni
J. hoii'-e , nonr 11 lull ohool ; modern con
veniences The O. K. Davis Co. IMVJ
FOR HKNT Cottaco. six laruo looms In por-
feut ( oiullllon ; o\cry oonvunlenuo : IUIKO
yald and shade ; ono block from cable Al-
11 4 , lluo. .M4'iS fa *
TT10K HKNT Ile.iutlful six room corner Hat ,
J-1 nuwly pipi'redj deslrulily louutvd ; e\ery
convuiiluncu. 1 < . S. Sklnnur , Idl4 Furnaiii street.
M4.Vi 0
T710H Iir.XT Splendid fourteen room house ,
-L1 dcsu lo Jnihlnu s. Iy. . Skluiior , 1U14 I'ur-
niun Street. AHV4 0
TX/TANTEH / to rent A Rood modern S to 10
vl room house with barn , I'ryer 11111 pnrtof
city. Family of two. llostof leference. Will
rent for term cf years. Address with prlco
imd locution. Address 11 SI. llee. M4IH B
TCTOH Itr.NT May 1,10-room housecentrally
-I ? located , modern Improvements , Inquire
712 N. lUthst. 403
"I70U KENT T room house , 5 rooms furnished ;
-L furniture for sale cheap ; roiit choiip ; line
location ; on motor line. t45KininctUlVjr ( > *
O012 Capitol nvcnuo-A nleo 7-room oottaKO
' with uath. IiKjulro'-TilS C'aultolaveiuio.
MIM3 7 *
TjlOll UENT-rurnlshed house at 1812 Chirk
X1 street , till Juno or July. 49B fl
TTOIl HtNT Six-room house on cable , good
JL1 y aid , barn , etc. ; only ilS. 1223 N. 20th st.
TOK 1IHNT Sroonicottnpe 1"CIN. ] Blh St. ,
JL' house Is tiowlv papeied UIK ! palntcdnnd Is
In llrst class condition. Apply to II. Hardy
131(1 ( Kurnani st. 'M\
Hat. rout IW , now hrlmtliiR In 7GO ;
fiirnlUiro J-TJ ; not any cnsh If Kcunrlty Is
siiniL-leiil. Co-oiiuratlvu Land and Lot Co. . 10 * >
N. Ifltli slreot. JI43O 5
TflOK KKNT-T-room lint , I.IIIIKO block. Kn-
L1 qulrout , liullilliiR.UK ! . o. lilt list. IITH 0
100 cottnccs , tonenient lionses , lints and
M old wanted for I'ustoinnrs IKt for runt ,
sale or pM'luinceltli K. 1Hlnger , izronnil
lloor. I.MIl Karnam.
TTIO1C11KNT-5 rooms , 0110 floor , 1712 Jackson
I-1 street. III7
ANIlMHKItof 8-rooin houses , elty water
and kith. 120 and uuwnrds. AKo cottages
und Huts , llundy & Co. , Kill Cuultul ammo.
Ty Drown build In1. , corner -4th and Cuinliip ,
eloeant apartments of 7 and H rooms , bath ,
liltclienslHiipiilli'd ttllli I-.UIKOS und hollers ,
Ladles are Invited to Impact those apart
ments. Itofcrenues will ho required. Knqiilra
Citizens' Hank. m ml
F OH KENT-7-room houses , IHh and Vln-
ton. 111) ) . 1 f-roorilioiihc.-iith niul Caldwell ,
with all modern conveniences. KAddicss. . ! .
II. Johnson , ( ill N. V. Ufo bulldlmr. 43(1 (
fl IIE Keteham lioiise , AtcliKon. Kun. , 4S
1. rooms. Inquire tieorgoW. Oouldlnif , Atoh-
Ison , Kail. 4S2b >
HOIISIJ for rent It-room liouRC.inodcrii
nrnvenicnJR. corner Ulth and Uodpe , pos-
cession Klvun hniiicillatoly , Knqulro 4111'ax-
ton block , M. L. Kocdcr.
"irtOH UICJsT-After April 0 A-room house In
U jrood repair. Oily and cistern wntcr In-
chuled : seweraso ; rent { -.O'J ' pcrnionth , 1411
Seventh avenue. 'M (
FOK KENT-I-Yiur 0 nnd 7-room Ilats with
liutli , tiot wuter , etc. ; pi veil street ; near
business ; nil improvements : only * - . " > per 1110.
Keferuiees ruiutrod. The Mcado Investment
Co. .
QTKAM heated lints nt7l S. ICtli. llios , r.
OjhiII.JIIIJl'jvxton block. au
Ih' you wish to rent a liousu or store sco 11 , H
L'ole , Contlneiital block , ail
Forraltfete.ite tnpof jlrtt column lint/ifi / page.
\ \ 7ANTKD-A11 should know Mrs.
TT Ban. the ludy mind reader nnd fortune
teller ; tells past and future ; she Is tlio hest
nvorhero ; Ucsneclallv deep In all iimtrliiion.
niul alfalrs und mysterious dUai > ) ) e.irances ;
don't liny , sell or go on a joiirnuy unlll you
eonsult her ; HIO nan fortoll Its results ; U
truthful nnd rulliblo ; iierfect Hatlsfnutlon
Kiiaranteed by mall ; Henil t\\o ktiimpi for ! !
lustratiid clieular.Ki North 10th st. , Omnha ,
517 11
MHS , Nann'o V. Wurren , ulalr > oyant , triinco
sueuUIni ! , writing nml reliable buslniM
inodluin. four years In Omaha. 110 N , 10th. M
Mil1 * . Vr'AIiljAUE , clairvoyant ; imiirally
Kitted ; lcll pjst and fiituro.Uvo troubUs.
absent friends , ouaiiKUs , travel , business , I3M
I'lininm street. _ J13Txl i *
IH. ! KUT. ) palmist fortune teller , tells
uast und future from thu lines of tlio
hum ) In old gypsy wav ; ladles only ; foe * 1. 512
M ASSAC1K Mudair Ueltler , over 010H. Uth
M 101-All *
Fonvtt ' , ttt , , cetnpofAnt column on Ihfj pi'jj
GKO. V , deilenbock , teaulicr of thu banjo ,
With llmpo. ISIllKiuijIas. J4U
BEI'OItR buyliua piano oxarulno the now
scale KhnbiUlplaiio. A. HopeUU Douglas.
ri lli : Alleii-Kotchixui School of K\uresslon ,
J. UilN.iJtli , Classes beliiBformcd In Klocution ,
DeNarto , bl.akespeiire , 1'liy ' ulcal C'ulturt * .
For rate * , ttc , , Htttopoffitt
Tm Mohle , ac.cor , I'urnum A ; llth.
Jorratt , ttc.ttttopofflrft roliirnu on
T/Uni Iir.NT-Deslrahlo appntlmotits for
-L light housekeeping. IStliumlClnrkstreetii.
| JirUMSlIKI > rootiu for light
J-1 318 N. 15thst.
JR. " I ItAHLK furnished loom for rent , If.'l
' L'hlcaKO street. MO
IIKNT-A comfortably furnhlicl room
. In private faiullr , bath tmil gas. 4IS So.
2llh IIVPIIIIP. f > 4. > t
TTlOll HBNT-To two Bcnlloiiicn , a nlcoly
Jfiirnuiie < l front n.irlor , with hot air heat ,
Kill mid bath , OTl North Itjtli street. KlO-5'
YOIi llENT-Nlcely furnlsliod room with all
X' modern conveniences , " 133 Callfornln
LA 1M1K front room , nlecly furnished , Rood
location , (10 ( : i month. 1703 Lcavenwnrth ,
second lloor. fvVl-5 *
IjlTKNISI IKI ) rooms , ohiirlc or en suite , hont ,
. V gas and hath. IKfiti. 15th st. 4ma *
TjvTiritKNT-KiiHilshcd front room Uwl
I1 lllondu st. Mil f. '
/I.K(3ANTIV ( fnrnUhud front parlor for 4
JeLMitlciiionJM per month.13 N
VIlT.rooms furnished. IClOCnpltol live.
1 > fiOt f. . '
T A 11(11 ( ! soulli front loom furnlsliid , 1K)4 ! )
.1 Jl'urimn. MMC *
rPVVO ploas.nit furnished rooms onn sluclr
J-iuid nni > suitable for two , with goud board.
4W N. lOth si. 401) ) .V
"IjUMt.MSIIKD room with modern con veil-
JJonces , tvlthor without board , 10U Douirlui
7LJ ( A91
JA IKIi ; Honlh front room with nluovci mod-
on vcnluiici'ii motor und cuble.W )
Hurt street. 4U7- "
ST. ( . 'I/A1H Kuropcan liotc ) . with illiiine
rein ) ; Htc.'im lioat In nil rooms , 11th ami
Special rates liy weoU r iiionlli. ! IIO
T OK UHNT Kuinlshcd looms , 1C07 Douglas
IJMSOXr room with alcove , cuilalns. mantel ,
J- heat , pas , b.i tli , ' 'closets , for 2 gent lemon or
mail and wife , $10 per month. SO" H. "Uli st.
ITIOU IlKNT-Nlen rooms , steam heat. . _ 1710
MSTSnll *
ItKNT-One laro and one small room
iilOU llouelas > .ticct. 4LJ7-I ) '
HKM'-Kurnlshed looms. SSlSllurtst
101-U24 *
AX house , 1:110 : DodRO sticet : for
ho.ird , nice rooms. iniMlorn lonvcnl *
nitcsund location it cannot bucxeolleil.
UM5 111' ) '
Tor tails , etc. , tec tup of first column on f/if.i / pagt.
OOMS and board , 2105 Douglas st.
I * M 592-II *
ONTiOr two rooms , furnishedorunfiirnlshcd ,
eonvunlcntly located , with boaid for iiinn
and wife In private family. Heferences ex
changed. Addri'bsll . ' 19 , llee. Ml 5
ITH'IIXISHKD front room , cast hay window ,
1- modern comcnlonces , choice location ,
board If desired. 708 N. 10th. M f 7011 *
LAK9R furnished front room In private
family , suitable for two ; with or without
board. t > . > 4 toutliMth street. Klofi'
TTIUIIN'lSHRn rooms with board for two
L Kcntlemea or sentleman nnd wife , S.I' .
corner r > th and llurney ; also a few day boaul-
TTMilXiAJiT corner , east rooms ; first eluvs
J- table ; reasonable terms. u''N. lOlh street.
M381 8 *
Dr.IUAIIE ] room with hoard In small fiim-
lly , iileely situated In modern residence ;
SiW : llarney street. M4'II-G' '
IT OU HKNT Nlcoly furnished rooms anil
J. board. The Krcnrer , 110 N.SJth st , 431- ! ) *
N'EWtjY furnished looms , modem conven
iences , wltli or vvltboiit. board. In ( 'ood pri
vate fninlly ; Kcntleiiicn ouly. 1713 Loaven-
woith street. 4775 *
FOU KENT S nleclr furnished rooms , all
modern Improxcmcnts. with board ; nlco'J
nicely furnished rooms with or without board.
1707 fJodKO st , M359 5 *
PHONT south room , first-class board , ISI4
DodgoBt. ; iC50 *
An elegantly furnished front
X1 room nnd tcdrootu connected together ,
with use of piano , WIT IlodRO st. 41r
LARGE south room with hoard. Table board
ut satisfactory rates Homo corufortsas-
sured. The Hillside , n. w. cor. 16th nnd Dodge.
402-5 *
FOR HKNT A large , ilnely furnished room
with board , lo a mnii ami wife. The most
plcnsant part of city nnd private family ; no
other boarders ; references. Address I ) 47 , Jlce.
rrUVO pleasant rooms , comicotlnjj with first
JL class board. 1(12 ( : : Chicago. A13H 0 *
TQ'UUNISIIKD rooms and boaid , 10KI Todgo- )
Fonatca , ite. , tittup ofrtt culcmn on this page.
" nuilt KENT Ono half of store.
SPLENDID Huts , andbtores. 1130N. IStlist
418 0 *
FOR KENT The 4-story brick bulldhic.wlth
or without pimor , formerly oceunled bytho
lieel'ublisldngCo. , UlOl'arnani st , The build
ing hits a II lop roof cement buscmcnt , complete
steam henthiK fixtures , watcron nil the lloor.s ,
tins , etc. Apply at thootllce of ThoHce. 1)15 )
JIOU Iir.XT Or sale , my building on .Tones
1 St. boUOtliiUlUi. O.A. Llndiiulst , aiUH15th.XX .
XX )
STORKS at T09S. inth ; steam heat furnished.
Tliomns K. Uall , all 1'iixton block. ill ! )
T"\KSK room , jli ; SturLounaad Trust Co.
Forrntet.ctc. , sutup of Jlmt column uu thtspiye.
T710U HKNT llrlck Hiirehonso , two stories ;
Jhlnh basoincnt , hydruullo elevator , track
age ; host location In city. A , C. 1'owell. K21
Forratdttc. , ttttop offlrst cohonii on
TTlARM-rorrent ; lVacresof ( ) as good farm
J. land as there Is In Douglas county : 0 miles
from Uiindca I'lace ; will lease for I or : i vears.
Call or uddress 1' . L , Monroe. 420 N. V. Llfo
building. Ut 5 *
AIIDEN KAUMStoront. T. Murray.
tcrmtf.ttr.m tnrtnt flrtt column on thtinui'-
: ill
F < 'ratiiitc. , rtc foji offlrst column on thl page.
( JINGLEKonlloman doslrcs rooi" and board ,
kJ mo lern conveniences. In prhato fiuully.
Address , w 1th p.irtlculars , II. 44. llee. .M527 o *
\\7"ANTKn-To roiitlionooof about 7 rooms ,
> T modern conveniences , good location , \N.
1' . Valll , I2SJ rariiuin st. 4b5
w ANTKD-3 or a iinfumlshod rooms for
light housekeeping ; no children. Address -
dress II84. lice. 4lt )
\\7ANTK1) I'urnMied house , good location
IT with modern Improvements , by gentle
man and wife ; no children , Ansucr 11. , I * . O.
llox 111) ) , U7T 0
ANTED-lly Slay 1. nOte 12 room hotiso
with modern conveniences ; one with
stable preferred. Neur business center. Ito'V
house not wanted. Address , J. L llrumlels ,
111 So. 10th Ht , f'l '
Farrata , tte.ue top of flitt column nn thli page ,
DKSIHAI1LK horsoand phiioton for Halo very
cheap. Will sell sepirately , Inquire nt
stable n. w. cor. Chicago und llthstreets. &gl T
DUSKS for sale , Stalllono 'In Hcnlco ut
Still water stock fu nn , Hi ml for catalogue ,
11.J. Kendall , room 401 llrona bulldliiK , Omaha.
504 .Ml
\\7 ANTKD-Fnrm rnnrcst to buy for cu li |
l > of good inaros. Address with dos >
crlptlon ami price. Addrcsb 11 U4 , llee ,
FOHSAliK-A good phaeton. KooniO , 12UJ
Fiiummbl. 47U-0
HO1ISKS und mules , cash or easy jnjrnent | .
Cull or uiMrosi lluwkeyo Iiiv , Co. ruonic > ,
UoiiKlas block , Umalia. Not ) . jt'l
'l/OUbAIiK-t'heap ' , wagon amldonblo work
-L hurness , or will oxchuimu for buuLboard ,
aUo coed sldobur laigKy , c lie an 11. L , Cole ,
t'oiitliieatal builillng. _ ijjl
PIAllklAUE , team , wnxon. hnr ccow , l'nt > h.
Vchcap. Colonel Uutlcr,16ZJ , 1'aruuiu. iU15
For fiifca. f ft , , i f t ti > piff/r , > t column oil tht * pipt.
UOTlONHiilo ot frtrnltimi to-morrow at
Id o'clock , SMS. ttth u , Oiirnlm , City AucM
tion Co. M *
I ilOU sTMJ I rulluron \ 7-rnom homo ;
house for rent ! Opo , llaiiseotn park , north.
Alt modern comcnlJtlct" ) . hiqulro Lee , V
N'lcliol. 1HI h audlea rVn o rtli. XW
_ _
stored ,
nn Kuniani stieut.
T70II SAliK Coiiifilvlb fet of druj toro flx-
-t-1 lures , g | | l y cases , tie , , P. 0 , box OT. , 'Ci
FOR SALE cows.
I'orrnf ca , ( If. , * ret < ii > tifjttft column on f/ifupw.
HA\ alivuyson linnd a lot of firstclifs
nillchcowH for sale or will trade fordry
onesnt bnrn. S. K. corner luth and Le.ixrn-
vrortli. ij.J. Monlgo-nery. M4SU MN *
Fonalettlc.t ttelnp ofjlmt enlumnnntlitfpige ,
J black Cot-kcrspiuilel bitch (5 ( months , "tip
top" dogs. Apply Merchants i\p. : Ur. Turner
14th nnd Lciivenwortlistreets. MO.'i *
Tljn sure and call on us before nurohuilnz a
JJ piano or organ , as wo will inivo > ou
money. Largest stock. lo est prices iiml
easiest terms. Max .Meyer & llro. Co. 51.1 0
rtOCMin : lTtiir7sTlluldiliismI '
llro Insiiriinie , LX't'lloiiKlas. 517 ( I
C : - . _ secure u bargain (
New nnulniiil ortfan , $ J3 ; eotliiKe queen
onian. Jft
Merllnjorcan , J.'IO ; CloiiRh .V. Warrpn. ? IO.
NO\VIIIHII Bros ortati 1 , M. > ; Ilstuy orirtin II W.d
1'aliicuorKaii , Ci3. Max JIecr & llro. Co.Ml
Ml ) ( .
TTlOlf. SAI.K Chi'.in-SiiiaU 1'S ' story barn. Dr.
-I1 mid CnllfortilaMH. M7 ( i *
THAVKn few now pianos for s'llo awfully
cliuap.ns I ha\o uonoout of tlio pluno bnsl-
la'-i , S Jon ason , l"ai naiii and llth st.s. ! II2
Si'KOIAIbarpalns i In second linnd orjiius. !
\Vo linvo n liiio number of standard
iniiki's , nt prices raiiKlni : from I " > to.r > 0 ! wort h
doublu the price. Max Meyer & llro. Co. 6MO
IP you'wutit to soil or oM-lmiiRo city prop
erty , farms , wild lands , llvo slock , luink or
other stocks or miirclundlse , sco K. IItlnuor. .
Krouiid lloor , IVlt Kariiatn. ! BSil8 ! *
/VrnJcsetc. , ffe ( ( ) ) o//ratriiliimnoii ! thtsi ioe *
A N T K D To buy a cooil yonngf rush nilllt
coff.Il4. _ _ ' . Ut-u olllce. fiM-5 *
" \\7ANTEO To Iuy at5 : II , 1' . nutnninllc on-
' Kino ; want to seller tr.ido nM bbl mill.
Win. J.aliias , ! ! I8 N 'Jlth St. 51410 *
T17 ANTKl5-Slocl < of men'HclotliliiR or boots
i and shoes for Rood ical estate and cash.
Address II 2fl. lieu. 4KIO
1'or tcriwetc. , c toji of .fii > ( column u t/u jmut
"pnHSONAL Tfnrry nonius hy iiddrcsslns
L II 4'l , Hoc , will obtain \aluulilu Informa
tion. *
fkf > 0-5
TOHXC. Pt'UOfKtON. formerly of Scot-
Jluud.Ciin lenrn ofmonov nwalllri him ov
writing I , . Urltt , Missouri Valley , In. Wr > *
For ratc ctf. tce t ) } nfjirst column OH this \iiiic. \
\U. IIATKIKLO. R E. cor lath and Dnnclas
'sts. 1'ractku ' litntted to diseases of women.
JI 9U M4 *
ATTENTION , Indlqs : mall 2c stamp for
fie.ileil Instructlous how to enlarge your
in st , r Inches bv UHlng Kmma bust developer :
'iiuranleccl ; 21-puge' ' illustrated catalogue
nulled for Co. Kinmit Toilet lliuiir , J5.M Tre-
nont street , lloston , .Mass. fwi-51'
[ \7"ItISlCliES With Almond nut creum you
' can positively nil ) them uwuy. t-onloil
lartlctilursSc. Mmy C Murray , 10.,0Vnshltn , : -
on Uoulevard , Chicago. Ill , Agents wanted ,
' ! ' you have any second hand alot lies to hell ,
. cull or address , Kiillsh , 215 S. Uth .street.D11M4
ALDNES3 posltljoly cured. No inlstnko
* about it. Send for descriptive circular
Address "Antl-Hald , " notxlU. iJavonport , in.
BRICK mnniifiictiircrs , acres Inside two-
mlle limit , 23 foot-cut , Owner. Address
11S7 , lice. J1400 S *
TTPIIOLSTnUINO-Knrnltiiro pollshod nnd
U mnttrosses renovated. Peterson , 111 N.
8th st. 410 14'
T > OOKK'KnrEKS-Io you take the Ae-
Jcountant ? A ll\fl bookkeeper's.1oniniir ! > 0o
per year. Kadi number worth the price of a
year. Send for fieo sample copy to "The
Accountant , Des Molncs , la. 510 5'
T WANT service of n well bred conch doIn
-Ltho stud at once. Addiess Itobcrt Voiun ; ,
waterworks pumping station , Council Bin IK
478 5
WAXTKD HonowalH and subscriptions for
The Ladles' Home Journal. JIIss E. O.
Morrell , 1014 I'ariium strocl. Omaha. mi85A : : > J
MAS-SAGE treat mon telectro-tlior mal baths ,
scalp and hair treatment , maiileiiro and
hiropodist. Mis.l'ost.UllHiS. lotL.WlthucH blk
W ILL1SCOY. house mover , 513 South 17th
street , and 813 South " 5th avenue.
KM-Mity 8' ) '
WANTED Two copies each of the inoriilnjt
nnd evening IlKt : of November 3rd anil
one copy of the nionilneof DcccmbcrSnd and
throe eoDlesof tLoorenliiir of December 1.18'W.
at the llee olllco. 07t >
Forrnlfa , ett. , neatopofjtntnilumn ontlili
FI morlKaKesoii vacant mid Improved
elty property. Uounty and city warrants
wanted . F. M. Kleliardson.818 X , Y. Llfa. i l
/ 1IiATTELhanUiIO : S. nth St. . loans money
Wonchuttclsorcullatcrulat reasonable rates
MOXEYtoIoanby 11.1' . Masters on chattel
und collateral seen titles for any time from
1 to li mouths. In any amount to biilt bor-
io or.
Loans made on liouscliold Rooils , pianos , or-
Kans.horves , mnles , houses , leases , waiehouso
reculptH. ete.nt the loucst rates possible with
out publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can inuko
a paymeiitot any uinount at any tlmu und und Interest.
If yoiionca balance on your pionorty or
hu\eu loan yon want changed , I will pay It
off nnd curry It for yon. If you llndlt more
convenient , call up telephone No. 1W1 and
yoiirbuslncss will be arranged nt home.
Slonoy always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity , lowest rates. It. I' . Masters ,
Itooin 4 , Vllluiell blk. , 15th and llarney ts ,
Tl/l OKTGAOKS placed promptly upon Omaha
IrJ. business property nt lowest rates. I piuis
mudo on nppro\ed collateral heourity. Notes
boimht. bchool nnd iniinlelpal bonds noKotl-
ated upon very favorable terms. Klmball.
Champ & Ilyan , 12W I'urnam st Boa nl8
MOKTGAOE wanted. McCuguo In
vestment compiniy. 701
Fo/rnlca , tte..Kfetop
property ; also on farms In custom Jsu-
lirasku. AluxundcrMooio , 4U1 lieu building
roXKYtolo.ui on' Imp rated Omaha real
I estate , UUtiH. l.tth fctruot , MUh'-'Aau"
MONKVtoloano7ivtmpro\cd city property
ateuncnt ralus ; funds on liunil : node-
lay. Geo. I' . ltln > & Co.0 I lianiKQ blu
OK. & . . M. Ai.'fli ny.aiS N.V.UfoliiillilInz
lend money oitijfhrins In eholce eoiiutlisln
Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Oiniha resl-
cli > mo property ; lowdstrntosj host terinsj no
delay ; money icady.iTltlos unrt valuca i > as > eden
on hero. ' ' "
BUILDINK loinsVr > : toTpor cent ; no addi
tion al elm rges fur com mission oral toniev'n
fees , W. U.MolkUl < ' | ibt National bank bld'ir.
TfONKYto loan on city property , eastern
Jll Nebraska and vri stern Io a furms ; lowest
rates. List your pioperty for sale or ex change
with IX r. HIiiKer , KrotinU lloor 1510 I'ariium.
. Illc >
ONKY to loan. Midland Uuar.mteo nnd
Trust Company , 1011 l"aiiiiim Htreot. MiOd
" \l"ONiVoii : hand to loan onlinproied orim-
1U imnroved properly. Chas. W. H-'liio.y.
Onuhu N.itlonurbaiiklill _ _ WOU
TVfO NKVlo loan On real estnte. Installmoiit
H mortgiiKu ; now plan ; o y monthly ptr-
incatB. I'or full partleulari call on or ad-
clifia United Suites l nn & Invrgliiieiit Co. ,
rooms C01 mid UJ ) ce butldlnir. Omuhii. .Neb.
3I'Jv7 A *
Ol'KK cent llrhtinortt'aKe loans. ILO. I 1'atlor-
on. 107 Stw Vork Llfo hiilldini. . _ 7d7al7
I ' toloan on Omaha property , ndot-
Trust company , 1014 larnain. _ 2 < S
rormf < , lc. . nctopo/frt culam 'i ' oil IIHiwjc. \ .
IHIVATimoney ) to loan. J. D. Zltilc , 014
.N. Y. Llfo. " !
, ttcnttapof flnl folunmon
AtK 'Tlo f urn uurciuid
room flnl , c t 11,000. ( i.wn ) wlllbuy the out-
fllt.Vin cash , Also tlm fnrulttiro ami llttures
Si-room hotel nn l boardlni ; house , The furnl *
turu nnd fixtures co-room hotel , centrally lo
cated , doine peed biisimss , $7.0JU. Sloeh of
dry poods for clear land and $2.Mleiish. Stock
nf Konoral mcrchundl < ic und biilldlnv , want
farm In eastern Nebraska , it. 1' , MX , Cl'J 1'ax-
ton block1. 67i 5 *
fPO sr.lilj or l.ea e-OOJ-ncro stocl ; rnneh In
1. ciiMorn Coloi.nlo , Abundaiieu of H liter ,
fine paHluraiso the joar lounu , It , K. ilopot on
the premises \ hours rlilefrrtm ( Iniuli.i. 'I'liU
propertr uiiii bo piirehimed or leased utn nnr-
Kaln. Address 1'irst National bank , Vork. TS'eli ,
Mi\V ) 0
IjlOK SALI1 The furiillure nf it 40-1 oem
! ' holel. beds , beddliu ; and all furniture In
peed condition ; nl o HaliHUi and nil IKtuies
connected therewith iiiiilblllianl tables and
all neecssaiy eiulinonts. | ) Alsoii lonvtuif the
3-story hotel btllldlitit In which said hotel ,
i.iloonand billiard furnlturo nndllxtures me
iltuated. Itnltdlm ! Is lientod by and
llchted by electricity. KverytlilnK In lint
class condition. A splendid bartfiilu for the
rlithtnmti. 1'or further particulars cull on
lluck A. Campbell between II nnd IS a. in , room
40,1. New York Life biiildlns , Oii'iiha , Neb.
f 7i : 1 1 *
\\7"AXTK1)-A ) Rood hind worlihm man In .ill
' est.ibllslied llro Insurance linn. Little
money needed , Address , 11. is , Hec. W."i ' > '
iroilSAIii ; A raio chance. Afood book ,
J .stationery , news and fnncy poo-H busi
ness. established In lt > Ti ( , Inn JINuurl river
town In NebrasKii , population. 11,1)00 ) ; rail to id
.Imps nil h amonllilv pa ) roll of JfVi.OOO , be
sides other Industries. ( jlncU Kieitlv rediu-ed ,
Mofknnct HMtires valued about f'.LM ' ) . Keason
for selllnion accoiintof pom hoallh. 1'or
full pirtlculars address J. 1" . Yuunx. I'lattt-
monlh. Neb. Ms,7t > *
SA1K A Rnod pnyltiK clear business
fursnle. Address lUil , Iteedllk-e. rai-l
BLA l'I.SMITH ' simp tosell or lent , 'vlth a
peed trade , at llunlap , Ilarilson eoniity.
hi. Address I' . 0. box its : of same pluie.
tlood lo.isom Klvun for leaving. fi7IS
Poll HA IK A creamery oomplutely I'lMilp-
pcd with engine , elinius , linltor uoruers.
vats , c.ins , etc. : located near the depot : will
sell Hat about half Its \.iluo tocloan
of nn estate. Address IMi. Liifkln. ,
Iowa. 4Kr ( ) > *
A HOOD business man with about fi.OOii can
secure u good position on Milnrrnnd a
la rue dividend on his lincit ini'nt. Aililrcss II
41 Ilec. ni2ii *
d40HX ( ) meichiindKe Omaha property will be
fHaKeii In mitt p.iymuit. llntelilnson .V
Weail , lulluble Hieliisur.inco. IJ.'I Douglas ,
01 ? 0
B lll'K ( vaid. complete anil well located ,
capuulty 7t.0f ier da > , iiu > dern machinery ,
will cu-hunge fer Oinabareali-stati * . Hutch
isonYilnu , llrohisinance , 1JJI lloiiKlasst ,
. ' .17 0
jAIKJAIN-l'i-olltiiblo furnished Hat , ' -'ON.
"iCtli. 61910 *
F PALH Ill.ioksmlth shop , tools and
1 stock , llox 101 , Yolk , Xeb. MIHl-U *
AIE llnlf Interest hum established
steam laiindiyln Umuhii. Address IKK ) Hie.
4 f I i *
FOU SAM ? l.cnso and fnrnlhirc of L'j-room
hotel In business pirt ofn. town of tea
rullro ills. Keasons for soiling : III health.
Athlrcss , f 15. lleeolllee. Counell ItlulTs. MDtl
SALOON for sale , .only ono In the city. Ad
dress 31. U. Dunn. Long I'lne. Neb. f > ! 7 al/ ! *
GltOCI'.llY stock for s lie ; doluff a cash busi
ness. Address K 47 , llee. M.VVJ All *
D'J you wish to jiet Inn good hiislno's ? lluy
tlio Conmerelal hotel at llrokcn How.
Nch. , tune part Omaha : icro pruporty , 407
FOH PALK riirnltnio nnd undertaking
business In a good to n , ultliir without
store building ; uart eish. halanco ullt edjro
napcr or clear real estate ; Invoices about
BJt)00. ) Hot IMC. Lincoln 4UI
Forratcs , etc. , seetop n ] Jlnt column
" \7ALTJAIILK city properly for pn.vlnn
' weekly nnwspipur InOinnhn. Also western
farms foi'idl kinds of cooilsnnd piliitinp : inii-
torlal. Address II r > 0 Heo , M ? , ' '
Rood lota and nnelKhtioom house , to-
- Aether with Urge IMIII. three hlocUs cast
of the eapltol at Lincoln to exeli m e for
OmnhiL property , A h.iriraln. Kldellty Heal
Khtate CO..S15 Xcw York Life ImUdhiK. J154I-5 *
/ J.It AND opportunlty- ! . ' > .000of first mortcaco
VJpiiper secured on 'l.'i.dOO of ptoperly in
county seat town to oxi'liaiiKoforelenr Om.ihii
real estate , acreage preferred , Fidelity Heal
Kstnte Co , 815 New York Mfo buUdhiB. Kfl- : > *
ACIjEAHclty lot for now orcion < l blind
plnno , other fin nlture andctish. Addres
11 4S Hee
T\0 \ KXCIIANOI ? Ten acres close to belt HIM :
JL railway south west of elty , on il.aln drive
loPoyinniir Park ; will plat Into .Vbeautiful
lots. 1'rlie ts.dOO , suliject to ciioiiinbranco of
&UXX ) payable In two , three und four years.
Can trade equity for first ol.iss . iitionciiinhoroil
land. Gco. N. lllclcs , N , Y. J.lfo bids. SI4C1- :
IWITjIj trade a icnoilpciulty In aliouso i ni' _
lot In the most accessible part of Umah.ifor
elear IiJts ncresor clear house and lot , Ad -
dress II 4U. Hec onico. 510
TTtQUITYIii corner lot , Hitchcock's 1st. for
Ji KOod horse and bnz-jy or brick. W. A
Hptneer , room 7 , boarJ.of . traile. 40D-.r
rANTHO To trade fora stock of
llox 518. city. ; MI
farms for Oniuhn property. J. O
\J Cortelyou , 41) ) , C'hainber of tJominercc. Sl' !
CLKAN KOiicral stock of mereli.iadlse fo
farm and money , llov 'J9" > , rrunkfort , hul.O.V1
WILL trade ( rood clour lot worth * .VX ) nnd
J-lakexood uiirlifht piano as part payment.
Address PL'S. lice. 47fc
Forrcitctitc , , KC t < > ) ) nffirtc < > titiiin n
Olth , harcalns In South Onmlin. Lots 8. U
und 10 , block t ) , ' . th blreut , sl/o dOxiriO.
price $ ' 110.
Lot 7 , block 0 , ( corner ) , 27th streot.slxo . 00x150 ,
price $ IK > .
Lots L , : i. 4 and5 , block 8 , " ? lh tmcot , slc r > 0.\
UO , prlcoWll ) .
Lot 0 , block 8corner ( ) , STtli street , slyofjOviriO ,
price I,1 .
Lots gu and 10 , block 21 , 27th street , sl/o O0.\
150. price $010.
Lot 7 , blouk 21 ( corner ) , i'7th street , sl/e G0\
150 , prlcoJI.l.Vi.
Lots II,4 and 5 , blooKJO , SJth street , slo G A
150 , prlco $ * > .
Lotsh.D. 10 and 11 , bloolc S5,27tli street , size
Wl\1.50. price JU10.
Lots 2 , ; i and 4 , blocliSO , 27th stioet , size ( iO.\
150. prleoU10.
Lots 2 , Hand 4 , block 27 , fflthstreet , size 00 \
150. price f ! ll > .
Lots 2 nnd ! l , block U.1 , 20th Hticct. she flOx
I'M. prlcolOlfl.
Lots ( Iand 7 , block l.T , 8lstttrect , , slz 50\iti : ,
prlco if70J.
Lots 2.3. 4 and 5 , blk 1S2,21st street , t\ro \ 50v
I'B. price , 8f . " > 0.
Lots a. 4 , fi and 7. block : t34 , Mth street , sl/o .M )
xl.UI. prlco $550.
These lots nil lay between the business cen
ter of South Onmhii imd Omaha , and me ba i-
L-ilnB nt prices named Terms , ano-tlflhcash ,
halaiieeuitsy. Ueniember jou buy these lots
(111cot from llrst hands , t hu.kon th Uniaha Land
Co. . and pay no prollt lo the middleman , LOOK
at the map of ho nth Omaha nnd you will see
that the locution of these lots Is very desir
able. Kil Johnson it Co. nxcnts. 5Vs 5
IMJIXfi has come. Tne boom Is on ! Mil
waukee bier Htarls the kali nilIIUK. ( Jet
a mo\eon you and keep Itnolnir.
M..V ) ) buys choice n sideline , JO US , 20th
} . ) , HHJliuys lot 7 , block 8 , llaiiscom 1'Iace.
This Is Jlud below value.
JI.OOO buys 7-100111 ( l illlnf , furnace nnd nil
con vonli'iiccs with 60x150 foot lot. Tal.e clem
lot In trade.
lK.r > 00 buys 51x150 foot rot and stores ; rent
tl.OHO per annum ; nil rrnlcd nnd urncr MI-
\Vehavnthebestllstofproperty in Oniiiha
to select from , nnd lots of clear city | inipoit > .
Clear farms nnd land , and cash biililnd It , to
tr.ule for business uMdeme , inipro * . cd or un
improved pioperty.
If you hate any thins to sell or trade that Is
eooclsciiiiB. Wo Kctlluirooi'i-aslonally If it Is
milot. Call imd see u- > . It , V. SholcH Co. . 21.1
First National Hunk. fiiM
T/\OIt \ HA LI ! or exchaiuo elesant M iii'iu
D truer near Holt line rnllw.iy und new Jalr
Itrotinds , West Omaha , nrleo * ' 0WO , hiibject lo
an inciimbranee ofIHiWO riiiiiiliiK M-yuiul
years. This piopeily la > s on u beautiful ele-
\ntlonoi't rlooUIn the * -lty and comiu.mdhu
a nmniilfleentlowof thu siirroniidliilf conn-
trv. Ihls H > acre Iraet will Mib-dl\ldo Into
400 residence lots , Pioporty within u few
bioi-ls and close to the now fair ciounds
already holllim' for l 0 and t : > OQ PI r lot , This
Isonoof thdsafeht und bi t In\estments now
on the market. I his inoperty Is Just us Mire
to double in Oniiiha Is to continue KroxvliiK ,
1'or local Ion and further 11111 tleuliir.s call or
write to Geo. N. llleUs ten ) estatii and liivefct.
montiik'Oiit. lirst tloor . V Life lliilldlns.
f > s7-i
HAI.K Two t ) room Hals fiirnlhhcili
FOH of the finest locutions In the city
1'loahunddress Mrs. J. K. Huns , U , IJ. . Cllx- .
TriOH eAI.Iv-Clioho corner ilth Htrect. South r '
J3 Omaha ; full buxinuM lot , Jiickson ,
M..4ul . , '
16th. H. lloxIM
iYi-room : houses In Orehaid Illll.ll.SOJOO .
. -1 eucli on monthly puymuntn. Thomas I.
11 ull , 311 1'antuu blk. ' . " .0
Forratrsitt. , ftettip af/lratnlnmniiil'ilip / ) if
Homo peopl ) know a good thing when they
seoiir henrof Itt others doimt nml must bo
advised. Lot imadvlso tliosu who have net
heard of thu
Oood thlnps on Slth direct , South Omaha.
Anil Mouajit ton to hpcd our advice , he-
cause It will male you IdiS money sure , as It
has already nindo a KOOI ! iiitim peoplu blit
moiiei slmt * January I ,
Tor Instance , wo .sold lot. ' * , block 03 , ntKi.100 ,
ami In Just 19 days the purohn or soM the
same lot for Jd.ftM ? MO prollt In : i weeks Is not
bad-thls Man took our mhloi * . see ? Another
Lot . ' , liiblocli ? ! . Mosold for } o,000 , and the
very ne\t dny the piirclinsoi was offered
SMOO. and ho li-ul '
paldouly Jluo down , IIow'j
Hut liotioiililnnt nceopt It. Vint ioe in * ronl-
I/en whitn Kixnl thltiK ho Ims and eoncliideil
to keep it , anil It will mnKo him t.Miun before
the your Is out. TIie-,0 nro two nut of a (
iinny onset since January L We can't K\\a \
.von all of them , bee IIISH the list would fill
this eoliimn , and wedon't c.iro M pay for sa
-iineh .space. ( Sco rates top llrst column , )
Hlh stieut Utliu only 100ft street runnlii , '
north nnd south , has 2. ) ft sldenalks , H se -
eiud nnd will be pucd this surlnK ; It Is the
naln thoroiiKlifai-o between the two cities ,
und if you Mill take the map of both cities
iind tr.tco tts k'UKtli north from N street ,
Pouth Oniiilin , and hnilc nt the other streets
cast nnd west of It you will sic ataRlnnco
that Itwlll alwiiys icmalii o.
All trallle bclHeeiiloth cities must go this
way. it I * tno direct nmte.
Mtu-l down to South Oninlia Mine day from
1Mb and raririni. taUnjiany other i-onle than
21th st , anil sei If you don't haMito oat
one lyllp farther to reach the stock yards ,
packing houses and businois center of Soulli
Omaha ,
The paving of this strict nlono will send
prices : : > iiur ei-nt higher. Take our udMco
and liiriMn\lf ) you don't you'll say In less
than todays :
'W I'll , I wbh I hud t alien Johnston's ad vlcn
It would have made me a thousand. "
Vou lenienibcr there \M > ro hitndrediof such
lslii's In t lie liooin llni ( > sof 'K'I und 'HI , and
don't you forget lilliat nijoiitli ( t'm iliu ) are
Just on Ihu c\i > iif H liiiiii ) , I'.Miry ' piece of
property in the followlm : ! Kt Isa hatpin and
will lie worthiM perient niiiro In less than six
months , Ifou don't l > rllu\r this iissiMtliia
just cut out lids ad and unk for prleu oa
these lotb liiiilx naintli ! ,
Kemp's Hub. , Mtlistruol but eoii K and 0
Lots 2"i\150 , cast flouts.
Lots 1,5. P. . 7nnd Reach Jl.lStt
l.otsOimd II , each , * l/JXi.
Lots II , I'A PI and 17. eiclifl/111.
Lots I , lt > , at. L'l nml . _ ' . e.ieh } I'J. > 0.
LotsUainU'l ' , each $ ! , : .
McClurc'ssnl ) . 241hMrcct , coiner 0 street ,
Lot 4. 2I\00 J 6.V )
lot 5 , S4\.W ( mo
Lot 7 , JUV.d ) KKt
lot l.'i\ 104 0 street 'iJO
Lot * . ' , 21x104 0 street 500
Unc-lhli'd cash balance oiisy ,
24th street business ] > hue , comer II street.
Lot 1:4\100 inrner . 1,400
l.ot.'l , i'4xlK ) . JIO ( )
Lot 4.2IVICO . 1,050
Lot . " ) , Six 100 . IOV )
Lot (1.40x1 ( 011 street . 750
one-thlid cash -balance easy.
Lot 4 , block ' - > - , east front Mxl.riO , 21th
streit . 1,900
Lot M , block 50 , cast front UKIIW , 24th
sticet . 2,400
Lot 7. block ! , eorner ( lIxI'O , ' . ' 4th sticet. . 4,000
Lot 1 nnd L' , blooK lff > , coiner 1 WxtW. N and
Ultli stretits . 1,200
Lot 'i , bile 71 , cast float ' . ' 4th sticet.MxfiO.
* 7.0HI ( , bouse rooms , cost Sl.lirtl ) . $ , IK0 !
eash , biilaiue I , I'.il years , 8 per cent.
Tills will uulvcsomoliody SI.'iOU Inside n
yoar. 1C I .lohnson , 'i. Co.
Sou th Omaha. MS r.
. Hoven-tenllis of the ileh men In the
United Mutes nindo their money out of
hind speculation" . I'lnlmhly voiy few of
them over had an oppirtnnlty toRetiis a
staiter a nlco lotel bullilliu' lot free from
moiteaift * . such : IH ! ainselllnibet\Mea Umalia
and the new I'ort Oniiiha for JlO apiece. Tun
dot Ian Is full payment. ii > iiiiinliur , and war
ranty deed , nbs 11.let and phi I clven with earn
lot. Silo \\rckiit 'JIOir.lhst. ! . Ch.irles P.
Itenjiiinln , solo ngciit. rneloso L'o poatape fin-
plats. 500- ' ) *
N'HIIUAHKA iiBrloullural lands are now at-
tractliiKiittuntlon as the best ( liinndal
Invi'stiiient , promUlim eroat Inciuaso In Mil-
Hi's. 1 am prepared to offer lane or mial !
tracts at Io prices and easy terms that must
prove leiiiiineruttvu. AddiOM 01 see T. S.
ClaiKson. Omaha , Nob. M420 0
BF.roUiinivlm.'or ; sellhiK propeily eoimult
ridolltyHcalKstatoCo. , l.r > > , Y. Llfo
bullillnr. M' Hl 7 *
FOR SALH Hrli'us I'l.ieo ' lots on Motor line.
Also imc iiiopcrty. K. Jl.Klcliiudson.HlH
X. V. Llfohltlii. : i'J
- yon HO to Invest In land orlot.s ?
$10-lliivo Kaln. I inn now selling lots In
Uniiiliii'H latest addition for tun (10) ( ) dnllniH
caeli. Warianiy deed. Ahslract nnd pint
iil\en with c.ii-li lot. Hvory lot Hiirranled a
nice level bulldlni ; lot. ( Moso to Oniuhn and
ad joining an addition wlmro lots sold forl' . ' . " >
each three jears am ) . Kememher , only ono
nlaciuii HID Unlled blatt-H wheio tlrtselots
are sold. atJlll ) S. 15th hi. . Omaha. Silo now In
proaiess. Chark" , I' . Ilonjaiuln , solo acont.
IllOi15th st. 506 [ *
I'llO iuTies line farmlns land adJolnliiKKOod
Nebraska tow in nearly elear.
IBacres ) Until v Impimed hind 3 > i inllcifroin
county he it In Nebraska : ll htly eiiciimbeied.
12UiioresiOod ! liind In Nobrask-a.lmlles from
county seali--'xiO liiliabltnnlfi ,
llouso nnd lot In town In Kimsasj clear.
rleur lot In uood Nebraska town.
4-ioDin house and lot , barn , well nnd cistern.
Hitli street. Omalii : sl | ht fy enenmberedi w ill
t rado for Omaha inoperty andassiimi ) enuum-
rnncfi. II. K. C'nlf , Ciiiitlneiital _ _ liloclc , iiUO
OlfsAI.n i\trn : barnnln t'lioli-o M'cl-'O. '
with building ; n-nls iftKIO ( ) per mo. ; ono
block fiomnow I'.O. ' d. I. lireen , It ! ! ' ' , liar-
OH PALI : A line Impiouid faun of tiW
acri s ; IX ) under cultivation ; Miudo trees ,
fruit , windmillWUKOII kc-ales , ele ; 100 miles
\ststof Oinalia ; W per acre. Addres , O ' " ' ' , ! ij ,
oiithOn.aha.propcrty-husliii-.s.tMok- .
iiL'ooiTiisUleiii'O 'iilo the loading uul es-
tnteilealeis In South Omaliii. IMJohlisiin A
Co. . cor. Wlh andS sts. Mi.H
iif-lf jim liiunltoto liui'Ht Diiy a lot In
( lintiha'H litest addition , Jyliy between
Omaha mid the new Tint Uniiiha. leu dollaio
is full puMiient ; a wiirriiiily deed , abstract
jiiiillltln rapliol plat Kl > en with ouch lot
hold The-olotN me Kim lanteed nice lot el
l.ulldliiK lots. co > ered with trues und only a
silo t walk fjiini Omaha or South Oiniihu
work Halo all this MecU aUlO H. I.Hh Hreot.
rornlats and Inform itlon call or neml Sa
nostiiije to ( 'has. 1' . Hcnjaniln. solo imont. 'HO
S. 1Mb street , Omaha. M3T ) '
I0ll HALK-TIm moil comfortable S room
JL1 modern lioqso In the city , oveiy t-onvon- , bath , Kaseicr-trlo liulU fiiniico , laijii-
dry , ( it r. lnrostu.tle ) , room for I horses idly
water In Mable. ion veto lloor. full lot In Lalf
mlle limit , fdiixnlent to I lines of ears , sh ado
I ires , oto SI ' ,0)0. ) Address K 3 , lleo
olllic _ _ _ _ _ _ ffj
\ oTi\T : C'linncee \ hmo Insl complutiil
Jarr.inKements wheieby von may HCVIIIU a
cmtil liOilMMind lot onl.oweav . e. between
L'lirnamiind 'iiiiiliiMriiilsf r IP- , * thin thu
lolls worth , .lust ihlnU of it ! A IIOIIM. . itnd
lot-east ( lout nn liimo ii\niiiefnr V'iH. the
lolls worth t'.UX ) ; the hou > .o nnd lmpruv < .
inents i'dsl f 1.4 0. Till * IH an opimilnnlty of a
llfollinoloHi'ciiro ui-cnd lioiiinonoini of Ihu
best nil lets InOiiinlriiit n cient saerltlce. 1-or
iUIUtiiluitM-u * liiil Ixiiin and liiiHtio , , llrst
lloor N. V. Life , Onlco open every nlBht from
7 till 10 o'clock. _ _ _ & _ !
ITOi : wile or lease I'/liicres.M ) hcliiK lest hay
.U , balance piiKturo ; S'i ' iji.IlM of fpoclmr
2-jlory hoiisoM ! : w , 7 roomsnndluri.- ! ! cemented
' cellar ; frame lum 4SxV ) , l htory nml lofi , room
, fu II hoia 'h , buss PS , w.iKotiN , otu , Lingo
boaid 1'iiriil. po er wind mill.Sft'l baiiel tank
und a iiumhei nf wutcrlni ? troiiKhst a tnjlmiles
from Welllleet.Neb. . mi II. & M. railroad , Ad
dms r , I'Btxlf , .Noitii I'lutlo , Nob. &el
J-"tirltitcitc.ttrtoiinfJ\rftcolninn \ on l i ie | /
18 ? acres liind. Joins city of North I'latt *
Neb. , in Union raclllo raltroadi 80 acres can
now bo platted In city IoH. Will I rado one-
half for pnylnu roallty In enst , Address P.
1'iixlo , North 1'latto , .Ne1 .
" 1J10II SAM- : Twenty homos and nftv v.1-
- * - caul lots In Mnnileo I'lneo. The nrlsto-
crallo udillt liin to Omaha , Liberal coiuinls- * >
islims toiiKents. Iniiulreuf 1'atrluU Land Co , . /
roil in X4H , Itoo ImllsUtn ; . M 4U5if \ < S
"IjMN KSloeU Parni ( or > alc I liavo for sale
-A. the HIICHI Meek faun In the west , coin nln-
liu l.ivioiicrenet . ' ! ) lluo laiid.lUo acres un
der eultlvut Ion , 80 acres of tame Krais , 200
ui'tii of fenced imsturo with itiiiiilni ! water ,
IKW acres hay anil pasture land with plenty of
walei , 1 Irst'Clans bulldlnu'H nc'irly now nnd
iin.'i > oilu'iiilr. ) They Include twolariod\srell- :
I iijs. stables for .tun liead of catllo. vllh feed
yaids aUaehed , fully equipped with feed- '
timuhsanil buy racKt , lawi lnirnharn , ooin-
cnlis. hay sheds , eli- . , windmill nnd water
tanks , llutlillnits nnd feed yaids lire sheltered
hyuluiiu ; cotton wood uiineon north and vtst
Hides. Minated in Cu mini : county , 70 miles
northwest of Omaha In thu fnmous tllkhorii
vnlley.Siiillosnorthnf 1'olnt , the county
hciil. nnd 4 'miles east of Ileeiiiur , Prices
nml terms sent on iiiinllcatinn. Address
1' . Nnnicnsclichi. Vul Point. Nebraska. r ai l7
C Uo It'll V-iomu collate. 4'Jndand Cuiulng ,
eoinei , easy terms. Ililtchmson .V. Wead.
lliohisinnnoe , 1.V.M llotmlus. M ; a
Ji\oil ! < A I.U-'lVn choice lots nnd ineney
liiiiuiil ain pericat to linprovo mine , In
I'opp'etiiii I'nrk and Saunders.t ; II lim > biuih's : !
nddlt Inn. lilcluird I' , Patterson , uu7cw York
Ljfi' . 4U-8
, .ltUli\l \ hou < e. lot ! C\1'2. ! 91,701) ) nl oli-iooni
JlinuM' . lol ; iH\.s , ' , . > . eoi. Uth nnd Vlnlon
sis f'.UK Itrlek house , lot 41 Mil n. e. cor. lOlh
und Douglas , ? WUUO. MraKtlhliniiii. L'l5S.llh. |
"IJIOH SAIilI-Thochciimst prnpertv In tlio
J.'oltjtw l.nkn stivut , i rooms , SI.MO , I * V.
Cfiini. 411 N. y. Life. I'nlllT-'l. M4VM
ClM-'JiiDin Or.ilu and Slock rnrin 6H ) aerev
aeres ( I&O fencoil ) iindei eiiltlx atlon ,
JiKl acres hay and pisturo land.
I. J aero fruit hearing orphan ) ;
trees mound \\liolo film , il ( IwiMlliiK
houses , l largo liuns , hay slietis , v.inls , ule. ,
i-oin-cillis. gr.inaiv , & , splondUl Hater and
elo < o to ni-irknt 5 ml es toest Point , till
count ) H'at of I'utnliiK enmity Tills Is a r.srn
ehanccto net a llrst-elnss farm In a loi-.illty
tint has had a fnlluie fit cropsslm-utho
gltisslmpper pIliKUe Till" fiiliuvlll be Mild
\\ltli in without - > to'k and Implements , \\ilio \
fur full di'scilplloii nnd | > rhes , eiu-lo-liiK
slump lo I' . Simnciisclieln , A\ist \ Point , \e-
hiiisku r-oi-17
fur ralrn , ct ttcr I op nf fint riiliimn mifhittnof. \ \ .
0 rAI'I. TiiiiilliestnluruKO for fiirnlluro.
' \ \ ells , 1111 I'mnnint. _ * : CT7' tiupkiiKO iiml storaso liulldhm In
1 'Onrilm. I'lilU'tl States Koieiutiienl liotuk'd
\\areliouse. llonseliolli ; < | ods > . | orivl ( anil eared
for. I out vt rutos guaranteed.V. . M. llinh- liiii-lul.'i ; l
STuKAor. of liinisi-linlil Koods ; clean , dry
Itlnie. privately utoied.teiim innilitrulojwo
iiNo vtnm sn\es | during the summer , AM ) 111
eel tlii'iu ' from the bouses and duil\ei them hi
the full hi good trim. Id. ll/J. l Oi DoiiKlun.
OmahaStino L'epalr Works. 710
CO LI ) Storage rooms for o.'t-s nnd butler.
Also iliy Ntorace foriudse. and household
L'uods. Kales leasonablo , ample traekugu.
llio Neb. C'old ttoraKU Co. , ftl'i-M ? Howard st.
WM All
J' r ! ' ( ( , ete..rfftnnif ] / ! / ( column nn till * pn/e (
I OST A HshL coloredKrlpcont
J Ji ntnloKiii. ! , wire , tools etc , A suitable re
wind If left lit Max .He ) or .V llio. C'o's. Mil U
I O > T A Knlfrlil Templar eliiirm with flvo
li ill'iiiionds ; tinder at Chris Speelit's ,
Htli stieut bctnccu.lacUon anil Jones. M4H' !
K'l'KAVHD Hay mate , diamond brand on
f runt I ( - . Saddle on Ketiirn to 4110N.'it : < l
st. * H reward. 474 f > *
"Af A.kAOi ; hath at MndnmoSinltli's pnrlors.
HL M lloor , 4iO ! & intli Urout. B8I-I1 *
\ JrAS'AUI > -Mudatn Uulziur , over BIO H Uth.
1 JL J M I01-AQ'
, ctc.iScctoito/Jliit column on ffj jnyc.
BKST llnohalrpoodflln west ;
Hlits. switches banns , hair chains. > lc. , IL
bpujtally. D.ivtes , hair coeds and milliner ,
opposite postofUcu , 111 H Kith Ht. , Umithiu .Hi
ADIKSund Kentleinon can rent iniisqiiur-
l udn bulls atlK N. IWh st. 41K A 11 *
Oh.thetewas a imart merchant-there , still
ai e u few.
Who boiuht a bmlth I'romlor ( peculiar but
tine ) .
And his typo\vrlttoii letters were so much ad
mired ,
Ho scooped In tlio dollars , and .straightway
ret lied.
The Smith Premier Typo-Writer Co , ,
Office , 10001-i Farnain. Streo' , Omaha Neb
Moore's ' Tree of Life.
A noltlrn < urefor Kidney nat IJior Compliilnti
unit all Mouil illneasm Iliuiltpiy to nnltcr wlion
yiiuetn lifciiro'l ' hy uilnjr Aluint'fl 'Ireo of Llfo
tliulironl l.lfn llcme ly I'rlnill | inr buttlo. 1'ru-
pureil niul pul up liy "f I " Moiru.
Dr. J. II. Mnoio , Dour .Sir : I have boon
troubled with lldneycoiiiplalntforovert ( rn-
ty jours , for ubout uliht jo.irswlth illibeKn ,
and whim at my study lia\ebe 'n compelled to
lelleve myself us often ns Iliree or four times
an hour. I hutu In en troubled with Kuvvru
kHofsIeK headache oncea week fur ton
, tuid It line biun a combination , somu
IhneM nnllttliiKmn fur no p.iHiornldiilh's , anil
my pi esldliiK elder , ( icorxe. M Uli r , of Carlisle ,
In . advised niolo try a bottle of Moore'u Trio
of Life , as ho had l rn reat ly biiiiellltod by
It. I dldH > . anil thotory flr-t hotlloK.ivu . mi )
Kieit relief. I linvniiiUini In nILI bottles , tlm
Hibt iiUmt ) | MI months 11X0,11 mil liivi : > lnon
troubled but \cry llltlo hliito I cmomcn'ed ; IH
use. Vniirs truly. KBV. DAVIII I'VK.
1'orsde hy all
< Tfllo liii * Wliltinoio hat
J been dissolved thU duy by mutual eon-
WTli'u huslnesH will ho conducted as lier.'to-
foroatthf HIIIIIII placit , bvMr. II. \Vliltiuore ,
touhomall dibtn duo tliolato linn are to bu
paid , and who him assumed the Indfhtedneii
oftho lulu linn.
Mr. K M. IfoKlon will nqtenaaup In the HIJIIIO
liiiHliiuHS In Oinidia , und Joins with Mr. 11. 11.
\\hltinoio In Milloltlnic for llio latter u eon-
tlniiaueoof the very ueneroiiH patromiKo enjoyed -
joyed by Iloglen A t. . .
Omuhu , April i , Ib'JL II. I1 , Wiimioin : ,
V. M.