Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1891, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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Prices Tell. We must Unload- and if the People of Omaha and Surrounding Counties Ap
preciate Good Goods and Wholesale Prices , We would Suggest that Now is the
Time to invest. Don't delay. Come in Monday and get a bargain , that is genuine.
Corset Waists 50c
Monday Dr. Warner's child'H cornet
vaists , In white nnd drab , us cut above ,
only GOc.
Silk Grenadines 50c.
Monday wo offer 15 pieces blark silk
grenadines , n a minted nil silk , in hand-
eomo patterns , only 50e a yard.
' Gros Grain Silk 79c.
5 nieces black gros grain silk , every
yard warranted , at only 71)o ) yard. If you
want a ( front bargain don't miss this.
Plaid Dress Goods 50c
Monday wo offer 50 pieces 89-in plaid
dress goods at 50u yard , nnd yon cannot
buy thosatno qualities anywhere loss
. thun to 75e , all the very latest col
Black and
White Henriettas ISc.
A largo line satin finish fast black
cotton honrlottns , in black tind whlto
cheeks , figures , dots , etc. ; us a starter
only 18o yilvd.
Ladles' Mother Hubbnrd night
Gowns 41c.
sloa being her fourth birthday. Her guests
vroro Noisy Morrison , Carrlo Wallos , Nolllo
Worrell , Mnblo Oonnolly , Bosslo Fitzpatrick ,
Jlagglo Davis , Mamlo Davis , Kimnn Fidler ,
noscnnna nnd BnbyMcCaushmcl , UcrtloLovo
Green , Francis Morrison , Wlllio Donnelly ,
Leo Morroll , t'rod Fit/patriek. Harry Don
nelly , Frank Ueoson , .Ilrainv Donnelly , Wai-
v ley Huolsloy. Arthur Iilnkonnuy , Fred
White , John Davis , Wlllio 'Ihompson , Carl
tovo Groon.
1'oHt-ijontcii HrldnlH.
NICHOLS AND uii.r.v.
The most notnblo wedding of the week was
that of Miss Lizzie Do Pul Nichols , daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Nichols and Mr.
Baron William Hlloy , only surviving son of
William lllloy esq. . , of Leamington Spa ,
.England , Tuesday nt high noon at the resi
dence of the brldo3013 Mason street.
Although tuo wedding was n very quiet
one , only the relatives of the family and a
lew Intlmato friends being present , ou t of
consideration for the Illness of the bride's
grandmother , Mrs. Do Pul , still it was an
exceedingly swcot aim prott y ceremony , ono
that v 111 bo remembered for Its delightful
charm nnu its freedom from over elaboration.
The -lay was perfect an ideal spi ing day
the oreo/.y blue sky , the warm sunshine nnd
the big white sails now and then drifting
across the blue making It as ono fair young
woman ald , "genuine brldo's weather such
as i want when I follow iu the footsteps
Of the bride of today. "
The cosy homo of the brldo's parents was
beautifully decorated with ( lowers , the inan-
tols being banded with hyaciuths , roses ,
lilies of the valley , whllo in the southwest
corner of the drawing-room a bower of green
was erected , ornamented with myriad Kastor
llllos , which gave forth n pcrfnino that al
most doomed audible. From the coiling of
the window ropes of smllax wore deftly sus-
pondcd , forming n canopy shadowing the
frlodiou , which was resting on a largo fur
nig.At noon , Just as the clocks wore striking
the midday hour , the soft muslo from several
mandolin * stationed In the hallway , behind u
screen of palms , playing the wedding march ,
announced the approach of the bridal proces
sion.Two pretty young girls , Miss Bertha Sloan
and Miss Grace Nichols , as maids of honor ,
led the procession , drawing broad ribbons of
whlto silk between the guests and the princi
pal participants la the ceremony. Following
tht young ladles came tbo bride , leaning on
the aim of nor father , Mr. M. O. Nichols ,
then the groom and his host man , Mr. J. A.
Vopp , and ihoofllclntlng clergyman , Hcv. C.
11. Gardner , donn of Trinity cathedral.
After the ceremony , which was boautlful'v '
road by the dean , and before the guests
ivcro privileged to louder their congratu
lations , the bride and groom , with the
oniclatlng clergyman repaired to the room oc
cupied by Mrs. Do Pul , who was too 111 to bo
present ut the ccremoniOH proper , and the
fluid benediction was there pronounced , the
grandmother being tbo tint to tender her con.
Tno return of the newly united couple to
the drawing room was the signal for a host of
Tvell-wlshes from the guests In attendance.
Refreshments wcro served Inter in the
dining-room ami library , the bride and groom
presiding Iu tbo former room.
The hi Ido. w ho is a very pretty blonde ,
potlto and vivacious , wore a hnndHomo travel
ing rottumo of heavy vicuna cloth , simply ,
made , the coat Louis XIV style nnd a close
fltthig hat covered with violets.
The maids of honor , Miss Sloan and Miss
Nichols , both brunettes , were gowns of wlilto
Bilk ( .hnlllo trimmed with whlto ribbons aud
Mr. and Mrs. Hlloy left nt 4:30 : for a visit to
Now Vork , Washington , Baltimore , Plilladol-
phia , und before returning will visit relatives
of tbo brldo in Now Vork and Ponnsysvun Iu.
The wedding Journey will occupy about three
weeks , after which Mr. aud Mrs. Hlley will
reside with tbo brldo's parents at 301'J Mason
street until autumn , whou they will visit the
mice.ttnil homo of the groom at Louiiugtou
{ Spa , Knglumi , n short ride from London ,
The presents received wcro inauy nnd
liandsunio , Including rnro china , cut gloss
mid silver ,
Before leaving the housotho brldo ajccndou
tbo stairway , and having gathered all her uu-
married girl friends who were present , below
her , throw her wedding bouquet Into the
* * * vy of youug wouou , which was captured
Carfct and Curtain'
Ho nil every Item. The prices nro ns
low thi\t the { , 'oods tire bound to sell
An olngnnl line nil wool Ingrain carpets -
pots ( Me yaul. This line nt Coc IB a
grunt bargain.
A largo uml beautiful line of half wool
ingraina at 85r16c nnd OOc.
A bountiful line of tapestry cnrpots at
Me , ( ioo nnd Too u yard. They tire grout
A hnmlBomo line of body brusscls ivnd
velvets on which wo guarantee the low
est prices iu the west. Most of these
patterns are of our own designs ,
A great line of curtains and ut prices
lower than over before.
60 pairs of Nottingham lace curtains ,
H } yards lonff , taped edge all around , -18
inches wide , at $1.50 n pair. They would
bo cheap at $2.50.
Nottingham Inco curtains , 35 yauls
long , 00 inches wide , taped nil around , at
$2.25 and $2.50 a pair , woith 83.50 to
A special line of extra fine Nottingham
ham lace curtains nt1 $3.00 , $3.60 , 94.00
and $5.00 n pair. The greatest values
over offered In Oninba.
An elegant line of chcnlllo portiere
curtains , bolld colors nnd fringed ends ,
nt if :5.)0 : ( ) a pair.
A beautiful line of portieres at $5.00 ,
$0.50 and $8.00 a pair. Every ono n
great bargain.
An elegant Hue of "polkn , dot Swlis
inUHllu for curtains , at 25c and UOc n
ynrd ,
1,000 best Holland curtain shades ,
mounted on best spring fixtures , com
plete , only lOo each.
500 cocoa door mats , -ISc each.
50 places China matting nt 12 jc a yard
Don't ' miss this sale.
Wo can nnd will savoyou money.
by Miss Ida Sharp , who , to preserve the old
legend , must marry within the year ,
uoonanx AND LEWIS.
Whllo vaguely Intimated that n wedding
was to take place among the teachers of the
high school at an early day , the knowing ones
confidently thought that Mr. Homer P.
Lewis the principal of the school and Miss
Elizabeth Portia Goodson , ono of the bright
teachers iu the department would not bo
united In marriage until the close of the term.
But the wiseacres wcro confounded on Mon
day by the ceremony which unltwd the for
tunes of Miss Goodson and Mr. JLowls , the
wedding taking place at 2:30 : o'clock at the
homo of the brldo's sister , Mrs. W. S. Curtis ,
yjU Chicago street.
KewMr. Munii 01 Unity church officiated ,
the relatives of the contracting parties ,
which Included Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoiiry Lewis
of Lincoln , Mr. nnd Mrs. Friink Lewis , Miss
Bella Lewis of Omaha , Mr. nml Mrs. J. U.
Goodson of St. Louis , father and mother
of the bride and Mrs. Bacon sister of the
brldo being present. After the ceremony a
wedding breakfast was served , and later Mr.
nnd Mrs. Lewis loft for Chicago ou a short
wedding tour to return today. They will bo
at homo to tholr friends at 110 north Twen
ty-sixth street.
The brldo is an exceedingly bright nnd
lovely woman , and one of the ablest teachers
in tbo west , but rumor says that after the
cioso of the present term stio will rosltrn her
position to devote all her tlmo to the cares of
the household , making for Mr. Lewis , what
ho has long wanted , an Ideal homo. The
proem Is favorably known , not only In
Omaha but in the educational r.irclcs of the
country. Ilo has placed the high school
upon a very high pluno and given it a stand
ing among the leading schools of the nation.
1 ho Don Ami Club lOntortalncrt.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Babcock , 10U South
Twenty-ninth avenue , entertained tlio Bon
Ami club Mondny evening in au especially
delightful manner. The house was prettily
decorated with palms and ISastor lilies , \vhilo
smilnx adorned ( ho chandeliers , and roses
worn prominent and the house was in
gala nttiro for the meeting of
the club. Seven tables were occupied
by the players , and when the final game was
completed the prizes were found won by Mrs.
Tatum , first ladles' prize ; Mrs. Augustus
Pratt , second Indies' prize ; Mr. Thomas Orr ,
ilrat gentleman's prtzo ; Mr. Koynolds , second
gentleman's prizo. Tbo refreshments were
very delightful and quite elaborate. Among
these present were : Mr. und Mrs. Pratt ,
Mr. and Mrs. Itoynoids , Mr. and Mrs.
Tatum , Mr. und Mrs. L. J. Drake ,
Mr , nnd Airs. Harris , . Dr , and Mrs.
Moore , Mr. nnd Mrs , Goodrich , Mr. and Airs.
W. U Clarke , Mr. and Mrs. Purvis , Colonel
nnd Mrs. Stanton , Mr. and Mrs. Husslo , Mr.
nnd Mis. Orr , Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlotz , Mr. and
Mrs. Swobo.
Production of "Tlio Uivnls. "
The Sheridan club of Plnttsmoutu gave
"TtiolUvals" last Friday evening nt "Wash
ington ball for the benefit of the Creche , the
audience being made up of ladies nnd gentle
men most of whom who had soon the Jcffor-
Bon-Floronco company produce the same at
the Grand last February , and contrasts could
not help but bo drawn ; but that tha Sheri
dan club number hard workers among Us
members the piece would hnvo uconn failure.
As it was , a performance was given which
was astonishing for Its near approach to the
ono given by tbo Jefforson-Floronco coin-
puny. The ladles spread an olegantluncheon
at the Crccko for the members of the com
pany and orchestra after the performance.
The Union Pacillo band furnished the music
Among the audlonco were scon Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Kilpatrick , Mr. aud Mrs , lion
Burrows , Mr. and Mrs. Brasilia Voung , Mr.
and Mrs. T , M. Orr , Mrs. Dr. Galbralth ,
Mrs. Thomas L. Klmball , Mr. G. M. Hitch
cock and wife , Mrs. C. S. Stcbblns and fam
ily , Mrs. C. P. Goodman nnd family , Mr. J.
F. Hill nnd wlfo. William Clarlio and Mlsa
Smith , Miss Jcnnio Murray , Miss May
Burns , Mrs. Samuel Bums , Mr. 31 It.
Freiiru. George Shaw , AV. D. McMollon ,
Mr. aud Mrs. Gcorgo Stobblns , Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Broutcb , Miss Bautn. Miss
Walker , Miss Mabel Pratt , Miss Fauulo
Uroff , Mrs. Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Estabrook , Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alien ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Jackson , Mr. and Mrs.
John Schlndlor , Miss Bnrt , Mr. E. W , Sim-
oral , Miss Addle Babcoclc , Mr. nnd Mrs. W.
S. Curtis , Mr. uid Mrs , Lewis Hood ,
Monday wo will offer 20 Baby Carriages , u& cut above at the low
price of $1.6O each. Special sale of fine Bnby Carriages , upholstered
in silk , plush and figured ctnmnsk at $6.98 , $7.08 , $8.BO , $ b.9O , $9.80
$1O and up. We guarantee to save you nt least 30 per cent. Come
in and be convinced that we arc certainly headquarters on Baby
Carriages In Omaha.
Lonsihilo Itieaclicd Muslin 7',5 '
Ii'iwruni'o lAi llrown Muslin r > o jard.
NcwimirUotMI-liuh llrown Muslin , 4 > icyanl.
: il-liifh figured l'i > rciiIOii7iiu yind.
i-Uuulard Apruu Check Ginghams only 7'ic '
Outing I'lnnnels. nil now , lOc yatd.
rnincli OliiKlmniH ISo yaid.
( lemilno Korali Molrc , tlio now wnsh fabric ,
only lo ! yard. Don't pay 3Jo when you cuti get
thu sumo itoods for I'.Hj.
btundnid Dri-ss 1'rlnt.s Co vard.
Turkey Red
, ,
Monday only. 2T > pieces Turltuy Rpil Table
Damask , just ( or one day , at lOtfoyurd , worth
3JC. _ _ _ _ _ _
SOO dorm LndloH * I'nst Illiick Hose , full reg
ular made , only lc ! pilr. ;
Miss Mabol Bnlcombo , Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles
Gratton , Mr. Franko Clarke , Miss Carrie
Detwoller , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Squires ,
Mr , and Mrs. ICuhn , Mr. Meggulor , Miss
TschucK , Miss Ella Schmidt , Mr. Gcorgo
'rzcuuck , N. J. Schmidt , Miss O'Hanlon ,
Mr. J. U. Dowar , Egbert ICollor , Max Mover
and family , Miss TJogors , Mr. and Mrs. Bel-
den , Mr. and Mrs. Thompson , Mr. nnd Mrs.
William Wallace , Mr. "Charles Shlverick ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. S. Grigor. Mrs. Smith , Mrs.
Lucien Stephens , Mr. James Risk , Mr.
Charles Elguttcr.
Mrf. Hartnii'H Yellow Luncheon ,
Mrs. fluy Barton ga\-o what the guests un
hesitatingly regard ttio prettiest luncheon of
the sonson , yesterday afternoon from 1 until
! i o'clock at nor beautiful homo , ! M03 Cali
fornia street. Yellow was the "predominat
ing color In the decorations , the table being
ornamented by an exquisitely wrought
Venetian cloth in yellow silk
with napkins to match. As souve
nirs pretty yellow baskets filled with
violets were presented to each of the eleven
guests present. Hoses abounded throughout
the dining room nnd drawing rooms and Mrs.
Barton was the recipient of many congratu
latory words upon the success of her charm
ing entertainment. Many of the guests have
been suffering with la grippe , and as this was
the Hrst opportunity they have had
since tbo commencement of Lent to
enjoy n meeting of thoroughly congorial
spirits , the afternoon closed nil too soon.
Mrs. Barton enacted the role of the Good
Samaritan on this occasion by invitlnir to hfir
board Mosdnmes J. M. 11. Patrick , II. W.
Yutcs , Joseph Barker , E. M. Morsotnan ,
Ocorgo Prltchott , Hal McCord , S. D , Bnrka-
low , Levi Carter , G. N. Hamsoy , C. K. Yost.
\VIicrcnlioutH. .
Mr. Ilonry P. Wyninn spent the week in
Lincoln ou business.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns will go to
England next month.
Miss Orchard is contemplating a tour of
Europe this summer.
Miss Maud Wool worth loft yesterday for
her homo in Sioux City.
Miss Minnie Stelllng of 2-J3 St. Mary's nvo-
tuo is a severe sufferer from la grippo.
Mr. J. J. Gibson and wlfo returned from
the r trip to Moridu , Friday evening ,
Misses Emma and Laura Hongland will
leavoforn visit to Kansas City this evening.
Miss Carrie Wasmcr oPGrand Island is
visiting nor friend , Miss Whlto , in Lincoln.
Miss Margaret Boyd contemplates a tour
of Italy this summer , sailing iu May for Lon
don. '
Mis : May Burns is homo fiom Mt. Vcrnou
seminary , Cincinnati , for the Easter holi
Mrs. E. W. Nash and family nro Is Cali
fornia. They anticipate returning next
Miss Wnlkor of Mncomb , 111. , Is visiting
Miss Llzzlo Parrotto at lill ) South Thirtieth
Colonel C. S. Ctmso has gene to Washing
ton In the interest of tbo pan-ropubllo con
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Branch have issued lu-
vitatlons for a card party next Thursday
oy oning.
It Is now Mrs. Dower and Miss Dowoy'a
intention toloavo Omaha about May I forau
European trip.
TVIr , and Mrs. John Brady nro receiving the
congratulations of friends over the birth of
a son last weok.
Mr , Wing Allen , secretary ot the coal exchange
change , has been out Iu the state most of this
week ou business ,
Mr , and Mrs. Swobo. have returned from
their visit to their sons , who are at ocbool at
Farlbault , Minn.
E. E. "Wldtmoro returned on Tuesday from
an extended visit to Mexico , greatly Im
proved in health ,
MUs May Coughlln of Toledo , O. , Is a
guostof Miss Ada Shepherd , No. 421 North
Twenty-third street.
Mr. H. T. Clark nnd family have moved
Into thotr handsome residence at Twenty-
tilth and Cass streets.
Mr , nnd Mrs. Aaron Zundcr are pleasantly
domiciled nt the Hotel Dellono , where they
nro nt homo to their friends.
The Misses Waterman , wbo wcro ptlcats of
Monday wo olfor IDOliOLiidiioniu llowi-rod silk
Head limit * , handsomely pil ton ni > and never
retailed before at IBM th in $ iVi. Onr orlco
Monday tu closu tholot , only $1.M ; each.
Mondnv only , 100 doion line Dunuipk Towels
knotted fringefunojj liirdors , at lUo each )
clieuu nt S-'KJ. '
Monday 100 plocos of .Wlilto Goods , n very
superior Quality , only'JHMo a yard , just what
you pay others IQe muIJijtc. \ .
Mrs. Swobo last week , left for tholr homo at
Newport , N. Y , . last Tuesday.
Miss Nolllo Bell has returned from a
week's pleasure nt Lincoln , where she was
the gucsl of Miss Dcrlbn Den man.
MIssFannlo Wilcox of Nebraska City , a
belle of that citv and well known in Omaha ,
will visit friend's hero next week.
Ooan Gardner loft for New York on Thurs
day and after a foitnight's vacation will re
turn with Mrs. Gardner and the children.
General Attorney Kelly of the Union Pa-
clllo has gone to California , to return with
Mrs. Kelly , who has been wintering there.
James Stephenson has returned fiom
Arkansas Hot Springs , whore ho left Colonel
Hooker , J. A. Crcighton and other Omaha
t C. A. Jacobson has returned from Chicago ,
whither ho accompanied Mrs. Jacobson , who
goes ou a visit to her parent ! in Brooklyn ,
l JL
JLMr. . George B. Maricla of Portland , Ore. ,
spent Thursday with Mr. Ernest Hiall , en
route from Now York to his fur western
Friday evening Mr. and Mrs , George Wil
son entertained a number of frlonds at cards
at their homo , Twenty-eighth and Jackson
Mr. Charles Brldenbeckor has recovered
from his severe attack of la grippe so far as
to bo able to bo around to business part of
the day.
Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Wlthnoll have returned
turned from Florida , whcro they have passed
the winter. They have taken quarters at the
Mr. Lyrnnn Klchardson , who has been a
suiTcier from la grippe for the post few
weeks , has huftlcicntly recovered so as to
leuvo his room.
Mrs. C. F. Atkins , after a long visit with
ifllatlvcs at : ! ) California street , loft
Wednesday afternoon for Denver , which she
will nmku her future homo.
Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Hamsoy entertained nt
dinner on Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. J , N.
H. Patrick , Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy C. Barton.
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Vost.
Mrs II. S. Rollins and Mr. K. C. Barton
accompanied Miss WoolwortU to Sioux City
last evening. Mrs. Rollins will nnnaln dur
ing the week , Mr. Barton returning tomor
Miss Nellie Lewis , a charming young lady
of Chlcogo returned to her homo yesterday
after an extended visit to her sister , Mrs.
Carrie Lewis , 14115 North Twenty-eighth
street. , / /
Mr , nnd Mrs. Barry J ) . Mulford have is
sued Invitations for u lilgh llvo narty next
Tuesday oven Ing in honor of Miss liogors
and Mlsa Bnllc-iitlno o ( Kentucky , guests of
Mrs. Ceorgo Darrow. i
The wedding of MiivMary Campbell nnd
Mr. Henry K. ChaJwielrof Now York , will
bo soloumnlzed at tha homo of the brldo's
mother at Seventeenth aud UoJgo streets on
Wodnesaay the ' . ' JJ. " n
Mrs. Chailos Deuol | Mvo a delightful little
luncheon in honor ot Mltfs Maud Wool worth
on Friday. There woiy present Miss Mc-
Konua , Miss Chamber. Miss Iloagland , Miss
Laura Honglar.d , MISM 'Mellora Woolwoith ,
Mrs. S. S. Caldwcll , MK Dr. Smith.
Allan Marsh nnd KnFph Hicharason loft Fri
day. April 3 , for Mr. IMlzell's private school
at Worcester , Mass. _ Thlj pleasure of ogam
meeting old schoolmates Is anticipated and
the boys are anxious ) , to get back to their
studies 03 well. '
The Omaha church choir opera company
has been engaged for four nights the luttor
part of this week by associations In the cen
tral part of tuo state to give their oporn
"Lovo und War , " followed by a conceit of
au hour's duration.
Owing to the very disagreeable weather
last Sunday evening the choir of Trlntity
cathedral will repeat Staincr's sacred can
tata , "Tho Daughter of Jnirus , " Wednesday
evening of this weok. There will be no ad
mission charged , but nn offering will bo made
to defray the cost ot the music.
Miss May Clark of Chicago , who was so
generally admired on the occasion of her ap
pearance hero last January , will nmku her
"professional debut" nt Central Mnsio hall
in Chicago , April 10. Miss Clark has entered
Into a contiact with Mr. Ronoy who made n
lar o fortune for Blatchford Cnvauaugh as
his manager.
Tno Pleasant Hour club , the leading so
ciety organization of the atato capital , gave
Ladies' ' Jackets
00 ladles' spring jackets , nil wool ,
in stripes , checks and fiiney braided ,
odds und ends of broken lines , nil sizes ;
In ono lot Monday at $1 each.
Ladies' Suits
$13,75. ,
Monday wo olTor nn ologiuit line of
Indies' now spring suits , in the very In-
test plaid effects , very stylish , nnd us a
starter only $111.75 a suit ; worth $18 to
Infants' ' Cloaks' '
Don't fall to buy the baby a cloak.
Monday wo ollor infants' long civshmero
cloaks , in tan nnd cream with silk em-
broldorod collar , at only $1.50 each.
Its a Bargain ,
Children's Tuck Muslin Draw
ers 150.
$3.98 ,
Monday wo offer a now line of Indies' '
black brllliantino dross flkirta nt S3.D8
each , worth $0.50.
its closing party of the year at the Hotel
Lincoln on ' .Thursday cvcnlnp of this week.
In accordance with the popular demand this
party was given ns a masquerade and proveil
u delightful success. Several Omaha people
were present.
Miss Anna Kern died at the residence of
Hon. F. W. Iiart , Logan , la. , on Wednesday.
Miss ICern was the sister of Mrs. Hart and
had until lately resided in Omaha , n'hcro she
was linown in art circles as nn artist of con
siderable merit , and where she will bo
mourned bv her many social Iriends. Her
remains weio taken to Mount Pleasant and
buried by the sldo of her par nts.
Mrs. It. W. Uailoy of Walnut Hill enter
tained the following ladles at luncheon Fri
day , April ! ! , nt 1 o'clock , Mrs. Campbell ,
Mrs. Uorvoy , Mrs. "Wagoner , Mrs. Van
Horn , Mrs. llutehinson , Mrs. Stewart , Airs ,
liorthlnck , Mrs. Armstrong , Mrs. Haley ,
Airs. Wlukersham , Mrs. McClnnnanhan ,
Mrs. Perfect , Mrs. Walker , Mrs. Carpenter ,
Mrs. Faogan , Airs. Wearing , Miss Halloway.
On Friday Mary Frank gave n pleasant
party to some of her young friends at her
homo , TOv South Twenty-ninth street. Those
present wcro : Misses KubyVllllnni3 , Marlon
Council , Alines Herbert , UesMo FielJ , A mm )
White , Mabel Boyd. J2va Howell , iicssio and
Leila Marcy , ' ( jenlo Crass. Goldu Frank ,
ticrtio Caswell , Henrietta llurtlett , Helen
and Ethel Wllkins and anna Covcll.
A novel entcrtnlnincnt was given Tuesday
afternoon nt the icsldcnce of Dr. and Mrs.
Tilden for thu bonellt of Crcighton cnllojie ,
the entcrtnlnmontlioing called ' 'An Author's
Carnival. " The nlTair was designed by Miss
Yost , whoso efforts netted tlio college a neat
siuni. Uofreshments were served during thu
afternoon. Those partieipiUiiiK were : Misses
Yost , Botkln , Juinus , I'orrine , Detwcller ,
ICcuncdy , Mrs. Tilden , Mra Ramsey , Mrs.
Creigli , Mra. Sliulzo , Miss Clark.
Miss Fnnnlo GrofT , daughter of Judge
OroIT , formerly of this city , is visiting Airs.
Montgomery on West Fnrnam htreet , nnd
u 111 tun latter part of this i\oek visit Miss
Mabel Pratt ou 1'ark nvoniio. The many
friends of Miss GrolT will have an opportu
nity of meeting her before slio leave * us she
will bo in Omaua&overal weeks. Miss Grolt's
homo will piobably bo la California if Judge
draff's health is benefited there.
Among tbo , many who have rare nnd
natural taienls , but who , by luck of oppor
tunity , remain in obscurity. Is a coiudn
young man residing In this city. His name
Is Warren 10. Hlchards , anil his special
talent Is that of elocution , and in this line
lie is considered by tho4o fortunnto unuugh
to have hoaul him , equal , if not superior to
many famous readers. "What most 1m-
presses his hearers IE hU power of voice ,
expression and delineation of character.
Ur.nna Mis. T. M. Campbell , ill I Woolworth -
worth avcnuo , entertained Tuesday evening
a few young people at cards in honor of Mr.
i'arkcr who Is , the guest ot Mr. und Mrs , W.
II. Alexander. The guests were Misses
Stanton , Iluuin , Irvlno , itoedcr , Parker , Ada
Parker , Tukoy , Alexander and Weaver ,
Messrs. Poaso. Harry i'arker , Cliurles Clapp ,
Uert Downs , Will Clark , Dro\vn \ , and Krnost
Next Wednesday evening Lou Dale's min
strels take place In CounclrUlulIs. About
two hundred people will go over fromOmalm ,
it being nn entirely local allalr. Arr nge-
ments have been mndn with the motor com
pany , so that there will bo no delay In getting
homo. Thnso who lake part are such well-
known singei-s as II. J. Wlierrv , U. M. Wicr ,
Walter DalU , Hurry Buckley , Paul lionsford ,
W. A. Derrick , C. S. Sundew and C. J. Mills.
Slg. Tornuilo , the Italian soprano , will also
huvo a number. The comedians are Lou
Dale , Arthur Glllospiu of Chicago , Lou llarr
and Dave ioty , which will make a merry
qunrtgtto. The Sutoilous mandolin cluG ,
tlio Omaha banjo quartette and the Oniuhu
Guards uUo taku part ,
"Wo guarantee that Spnnl h Court
Puce Powder i absolutely lianulofas.coii-
tuinlng- nothing of tin injurious clinrac-
tor to tbo skin or complexion , all drug
gists boll it.
John Hall , who lives near Madison , S. IJ. ,
lias a freak In the nuturo of a lamb with only
ono Jaw. The httlo thhiR is perfectly formed
except that it has no lower Jaw , and thu ears
are set down low on the side of tno head , tlio
opening of the throat extending clear acrasa
the neck from car to ear.
Do Witt's UttloEarly Hiscr * : only ylll to
euro alck headache anil rcculoto tuo
Summer - Corsets
Wo offer Monday our first shipment
of mimmur corsets , n quality usually re
tailed at8t , Monday our prlco will bo
f > 0o.
Mail orders Illlod.
Ladies' ' Wraps $5.
AgonulnQ slaughter. Monday wo
otter " 00 India * ' beaded wraps , also silk
wraps , worth $8 , $10 , $12 and $15 oncli.
You can tnico your pick Monday of the
entire lot nt $5 each.
Dress Skirts
Monday wo plaeo on sale CO ladles'
plaid dross skirts , in all the now spring
colors , at only M eneh. Not really the
price of making. Koinotnber only $3
Mall orders filled.
The prontost corset snlo on record.
"Wo offer Monday 2" > 0 do/on Dr. War-
tier's celebrated liM Coralino corsots. In
white and drab , at 75c ; sold every where
Mail ardors filled.
The Payton comedy company , which is
considered to bo ono of the strongest repertoire -
toiro organizations on the road , will open a
week's engagement nttbo Grand opera house
with u matinee this afternoon , on which oc
casion will bo presented Magglo Mitchell's
success , "Thu Peailof Savoy , " with Miss
Mattie ICcono in the title rolo. Tlio Now
York success , "Dad's Girl. " will bo the bill
for this evening. There will bo a change of
bill for every performance during the week
and matinees nro announced for Sunday ,
Wednesday and Saturday. Tills is ono of
largest and strongest of the traveling reper
toire companies , carrying twenty-live people ,
and they have with thorn n fine uniformed
band and orchestra : A band parade will bo
uindo dally , commencing Monday at 11 a in. ,
and a concert will bo Riven each evening in
front of the Grand during the week. This
is tbo first company coming to the Grand for
a week's engagement at the people's prices
of 10 , UO , nnd ! )0 ) cents , all orchestra seats
being yo cents , all balcony scats SOc , and gal
lery 10 conts. The excellence of the icpor-
toiro and the great reduction In prices should
ensure a very prosperous wook's engage
The Grand being occupied by another at
traction this evening the Fay Foster Eng
lish gaiety company will appear at the Pee
ple's theater thls.nfternoon and ovonlng.clos-
Ing their engagement in Omaha. If rices ot
lulmlssion will bo ' . ' 3,50 nnd 75 edits. Sev
eral now uttiactlons will bo offered , both
matlneo and evening ,
Tbo nttr.ictton wnieh tholtoyd will present
to its pations on tills ( Sunday ) evening is
Kirnlfy's great spectacle "TheVutur
( Jueon. " This will bo the fourth perform
ance of a very successful engagement.
It stems to bo the popular bollof that Na
poleon lionnpnrto was a gruff , sour natured
man , whoso military strength was his key to
the bcnit citadel of men. ihit ho was no such
Individual , ns all these with whom ho uvor
came In contact have testified. On the con
trary ho was a born diplomat. To lib extraordinary -
ordinary power of fascination , a striking tes
timony scems.lii an anecdote of Lord Keith's ,
u ell authenticated. Wbon someone alluded
in the old admiral's hearing to lionu-
p.irto's repeated requests of n personal Inter
view with thu prince roRont , ho said ! "On
my conscience. I bollovo If you consent to
ttiat , they will bo excellent friends inside of
hnlf nn hour. " And it is this soft aide of
Napoleon's character that Is shown in Albert
Itnland Haven's gren' historical piny ,
"Josephine , JCmprnss of the French. " which
the well known actress , Mile. Ilhoa , will
present at the Boyd on tomorrow evening
and Tuesday afternoon and evening , Tlio
womanly side of the beautiful character of
Josephine , which Mllo. Uhea IK said to inter
pret , so grandly , is shown , In short , the do-
mostiu life of these two \\omlcrful characters
lias received more attention at the hands of
the clever young dramatist that tlio stormy
episodes that brought so much KOITOW uml
misery to both. The metropolitan critics nro
unanimous in pronouncing "Josephine" tlio
strongest play of iU kind that has ever boon
seen on the mode rn stage ,
Herrmann , the most wonderful mairlcinn ,
and onoof the cleverest entertainers of mod
ern times , nliiod by Mmo. Herrmann , will ap
pear at the Itoyd on Wednesday and Thurs.
day evenings of this week. After so much
drama and comedy , Herrmann and his won
derful performance will bo thrlco welcome.
Herrmann Is a giunt master of the "Rlnck
Art , " a veritable prlnco of darkness , if ho
will allow the llbfl ! but ho works tils spoils
with ouch ninsh , and ease , and grace , that
ono sits quite content to bo so dollclotlHlr
humbugged. Ho is tlio foremost of prcatl-
dlgitatours , a inostgentlomnnlvucoronmnccr :
and although Dunto would hnvo condemned
him to eternal punishment , ns ha doe * nil
magicians , the theater-goers hope that Horr-
maim will live long to dazzle with his won
ders. Ho announces UiU season a most ro-
innrkablo entertainment.
Ho will present "Strobolka , " his latest nnd
greatest Now Vork success. "Now Block
Art , " with the bewildering oriental fakir
Abdul IClian. "A blavo Girl's Dream.1 ,
"Klorlno , Child of the Air , " nnd monv other
new und startling sensations. In addition to
these. Prof , Hurrmann will perform many
ffats of Hlclt'lit-of-tmiul nnd paiinlngln which
ho stands positively without an equal.
Vcrnoua Jarbcaiiunu her excellent company
come to the Boyd ou Friday , Saturday und
f > .ooo rolls of wnll pinor Mondnv 3c roll.
r.lounnt line of horiU-is 'Ipynrd.
Mia skliinnvri lo.
\Viinlrobn hooks Ic.
Hrnii bird i-ngn sprlnss Ic.
Ten spoons Ic.
DaliC cut tors IP.
NiitinoK ttniturt to.
( 'nUo pattlcrt Ic.
I'lutln * Iu.
1'opiior bnxrs lo.
l.njHjplnl tin ciiiii
> ( , Sn. lOe1. l\oimd ! Sic.
inlti und popnurs V.
Ken bout ITS Jo.
. ' 10-foot t'ldllii'S lines f > p.
Sperm sou lint iniii'lil no oil iic.
Hi-riih lru lu's : io ,
Stove poltoiir o ,
t'nkn luinrrs 5o.
"nek litinumi- | > c.
Mlnirrs , jior ] Mili"o.
Iron boot ] U'MIC | :
f'lllllll I.
\Vnll inlrnirK IIV ,
Klhur slicll Hiiaa
N'nt cnx'ki'rs inc.
< "iirry cnmlw I0c.
I'oppcr liiilloiuiish liolltir r Do ,
MIK I'ot ts' sad Iron9I.S'mi > l ,
Superliir clollnw nrlnsi'r * $1.75.
Wcstcni wishing niaohliios JI5) .
' - ' - luiMpiN ) ! I u
d dortMi "Inllii'-J tiliiifii )
Kolllni ; | ilni.rM-
Tolli'l i > niir" | ( roll.
1 ( 'in loud uf tldillMly wlnkt tOe.
Anionlii nlckol olook * Me.
Rinssoroam scH , II plrooi , Iflc ,
Plain siillil tiinibloii 2vti' oiieh.
fla" ! < wnlrr plli'lii'r Ifd1
HniKlMoiiioKliiss fruit dlshps He niullLlc.
Minuting lampMiMK .
ri.roiHpi > nci > s [ itfM' . IDo nnd l.V ,
Ul ) hiindsoiiio ( k'coiuli'd ( l-nlcco cliambor
set JI.'Kisot ' ,
Mixed blril SP M ! To poiinil.
I.iuito dollies Imskiitsriim.
I'liMltnt elntliOH burs , YX\
I' nlillng Itonlng lie ird K'c. '
T. fi i > t ttop Iiuldcrs f/Ov. /
Willow doll hncelcs ii'ie. '
' .
Itois'S whcol earts lOe.
Solid brnv ) ton hottl < nl , & ,
Solid brass hollers SJ.iM.
1.00) ) ho 1 1 It's iiiiiiinlii. lOoeach.
Sunday , April in , 11 nml ) ! > , in the pcotty mu-
slcal comedy , "Starlight. " As for Jarboau ,
she is enchanting all \lvnolty nnd nrt. Slid
appears in almost n dozen different gulsoi ,
now In short shlrti , now in loiiff ones , and
Jlnnllv In none nt nil. She Is us sprlchtlv as
/olio Do Lussan and us artistic lus many 1'ar-
Isinncolobiities. Hciuy Irvine's tribute to
KiclMrd MinisMold "an , iirtist to his fingers'
ends" mnv bo varied to lit .Inrboiiu. This Is
proved by hoi- versatility by her Imitation
of Thco , for Instance. She preserves the true
sparkle of a French sonn. The spirit , llncsso
and abandon with which she does the song
from "Gosparon" IniKor In tlio memory.
Great pains 1ms neon tnkon in the scleotlonof
the company. Jaibcan always has a irood
company , hut this season it Is above thu
average , Including mich artists as It. C.
Snow , Budd llosi , Charloi Klrlco , Harry P.
Ulaiko , William Solory , Lilly Slnelmr. Helen
Murlborough , 15vn Saunders , Dcatrlco Tlf-
funy , Irene IToriianULv. "Starlight" has
boon entirely romoaolou and U now ono of
the brightest musical comodlos beliiK pro-
Always on the nlcrt to furnish the pulillo
with a novel exhibition , Miinniror Lawler of
the Kdon Mnseo this week aiirpasson himself
andprcMcnls un olecant cnturtnlnmont. In
the curio hall the colebrntoJ Samo.uivnr -
riors under their latnotm chlof , Atofau , will
boon uxhlbltion. It was Atofau's band , who ,
when tl o American nnd tJermnn men-of-war
wcro dashed to pieces on the reofH at A pla , at
his cotnmimd phuiKOil into the sen and ,
Dnttlltifr with Its BoothliiK waves , rescued a
number of bravo tars from iho wroi'kcd ships.
Thov have been converted to Christianity and
are fairly educated in lOiiKllsli and Gorman.
Tlio bl Kost novelty yet , introduced in the
theatorinn' is Morton , Keno and Mack Iu
, "Lcs Iroh Dii blc.s , " n French contortlonnl
net. This trio Is simply wonderful In this
act nnd will iniiko u pleasing remembrance.
Thu funniest sutiro of the scaioii is "Man vs
Woman , " Thorno and Curltou'a comedy suo-
coss. A company of line specialty nctors
have also been cnnnjjcd , umon them bclnff
John > Iux , the tcntomo mystery ; .T. U.
Meday , ctminpion leaperof the world ; Urusli
and Kcmiton , In farcical comedy , and a host
of others.
No tcriplutf , no tiuuai-i. , ifo pain when Do
VVitt'8 I.itilo Kurly Hlssra are taken. Small
pill , Safopill. lioit pill.
Kibbons fully elsnt to ton Inches In width
uroradimlly ( uonciun in for lulllincry pur
I'lilliiuin tonriHt Hleopln eu : $ oxcur-
Hions to Californiu and Faellle coast
politlH lotivo C'lilun o ovoiy Tlni rainy ,
ICnnwvH ( Jlty every Friday via tlio Simla
Fo roulo. Tlulcot r.ito from C/hlcujJJ *
$17.50 , fiom Sioux City , Omaha , Llncolti
orlCatisaH City $3' > , Hluopliitf cm- rate
from Chicago $ I pur double horth , from
Kniinas City $11 par double borth. Evory-
tliinjfurniHhcil exeojt mouls. Tliosu
oxuurriionrf mo irJi-aonnlly conduoted by
experienced oxournion iniinu orrt wli'o
acconiiiiy ] ) ! purtioH to destlnntlon. i'ot-
oxcui'Hlon Colder full
containing parlluu-
lurri and map folder nnd tiiiiu table < > C
Santa Fo roulo andronorvliitfof Hloopiiifj
cnr burtlm , ndilross S.M. Orfgood , yon-
orul iiffont , K. f . Palmar , froljjht nnd
passoiiKor ngont , A.T. & S. F. ,
HlN. Y. Ufo mdj. { , Oimilm , Nobnwlm.
Dr. Hlrney curoscatarra. I5eo
lluilur lliu Putrumuo of
Mrs. M. D. FRAZAR ,
Sail from Now York Saturday Juno 27,1891 ,
Tourof < 15 Daya $2fif.OO )
TourolAO .Cays , , , , . $ li60.UO
Tou-of76 IJayj $ lfiO.OO
All triirillnK , hotel & * iihtiirongoxpcii ! ! < ta Included
Head ATONUH for circular * uml roforoncua lo
Mrs. M. D. FUAZAIl ,
70 aioUoJ jilllaf. Uottoa. M i