Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1891, Part Two, Page 12, Image 12

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"Whatcie < , j Hm Found tc Interest it
Dtuiaj ; the P * t Week.
'J'lio Kniro NOUN Chili
.Mine , < UiiciilclcHiiK'H .Muni enlo
at ilid I.lnliiici-r Onllery
A MmKUMN ) !
H. ti. t-'tdliti'll.
Porhnpi yon never know liur. She
\Snn only known to tlioso who love her
And still invuro luirnminory
I'uro as tlio stars that sliino above her.
IJy Ood'niitiango providence1 iTeuift
Of father , iimttiur , listers , brothers ,
And horncli'HH , frinndloss , joylens loft ,
She friely giivo licr llfo for others.
If urlof shi ! hud , uo could not toll -
Wo dared not unit , wo never knew It ;
Her I wan like n hidden well I
Deep , Healed and only ( ! od saw through It.
On errands swcrt with merry swift |
Hlio moved , her face of lov the token ;
Her willing hands the weight would lift
From many a heart despairing , broken.
In weal and woo , in calm and storm ,
Snilllne nho trod thu path of Uiity
Not bt'imtifn ! In face or form.
For in her llfu wan all thu beauty.
Did any wuopl Shu wept with them ,
Did any fall ! Slio comfort gave them ;
And when the whole v/orlil would comlemn
Slio fltmtchod a woman's hand to uavq
And many a svuot "God bless Iiorl" came
1'roni thu tender touch made human ,
Ami lips all trembling , hicathcd her name ,
Ana H.dd : " ( Jed bless that llttlo woman. "
Society N aptaln In tha saddle , anil from
now titi'll the oloio of the nodal , the
dolnfis of the guy world will command at-
tcntlon , for.f.Piit having anne so onrly this
jour , gives aliuiiilant opportunity for fnsn-
loiinblo poouln to entertain and not uncroucli
upon the Hummer tldo whan everybody has
gene or Is tfolng to mountain , ocean , or luho.
U'hllu thcru Is little on the curpot In the
way of MK iccoptlons "or dances the Benson
Will no ilonljt bring these affairs about , us
past HO.Hons li.wo demo to tha s.itlsfactlon of
everybody who Is In the whirlpool of fashion-
ublo' life.
The week just milled Inn been n pay one In
Hinall affairs , curds still (011111111111)7 ) to occupy
tbo major portion of the attention from those
socially tiirllned.
Now and then you hear a docldou proton
against so much card playing yet the people
who do protest HO much uro not
with nil the reasons which prompt a hostess
to glvo card parties Instead of imisicalos or
It ( H a well Icuown fuel that card parties aru
Iras expensive than either of the other forms
of outt'itniuinunt abovu mentioned. 'J'hun
they are morn apt to bo Ies3 formal and the
imuatnnm nlacod upon a Hindi pleusnntcr
piano than eitliur at n hull or muslculo.
The table * CUM bo hired from n. furnlturo
IIOUHO , the refteshmonts need not bo partic
ularly claboiutevtillo the prizes , If any are
given , cau easily bo brought within aspect-
lied limit. All these things the hostess takes
Into consideration and a card party is decided
upon in prefurcncu to a dancing party or u
Thu amount of card pin } ing in Omaha , nnit
It Is mlmitted theru Is a gieat deal of it done ,
should not 1)0 ) consttuod to bo an argument
In fnvor of thu iisscitlon that the morals of
the community are at u low ebb. On the
contrary It nrguus that those who entertain
find In a enrd party a lets oxponslvu form of
ontortaluuiont than In most anything else
nuu for that mason cards are so universally
in use. Could Homothiiig else bo devised
to ( alto the plnco of the card
party , which would nlvo equally us much
ploauuro , thu ( incuts ut the same
tlmo , and botw llttlo trouble and expense , '
that aoniothint ; would bo the fad Just as
cards are now. Hut the manner of enter
taining changes with , mul next season -
son it may bo ijullo the thing to give Itueu
coiivormi/.ioni , Chopin ircltnls , Swinburne )
rending , In ndultlon to dancing , which will
always remain tno leading plo.iani'c of the
beau mon do.
The fashionable hour for dinner In London ,
society is 8 o'clock , butthoro Is u tendi'iu-j to
drift toward i > , mm even the prlnco of Wales
haa been nimble to Ilx It nt 7 or 7:110. : The
nucon dlncH at tt , and has always taken her
chair at the table at that hour. In old tinie-i ,
the fashhmablo hour for dining In Now
Vork wn.s U or 11:30 : , but la tho-so daya it is
It Is not a klrmesso. If you plo.iao , the now
entertainment now occupying the atUmtion
of fashiomihlu New York , for there Is sine-
Ing In It and recitations ; nor Is It an allo-
Kory , for the plot haa no Hidden meaning , and
it certainly it not nu extravaganza. It is
that rarity which ! i dlftlcult to dotlno a now
Idea. Mrs. William .1. Swan , the originator ,
was M much pu/zloil as any ono about what
to call It , but , a happy inspiration came to
her. Tl > o performance nho hiw iloalKiied.
this scrips of duncoa , sones. tableaux niul
rucltatlons , will he known us ' 'Tho Dream of
the Seasons. "
This is the story of the Cream :
Miss Time , u daughter of that old Father
Thno who has so wlilo a reputation as n
scythe-carrier , has boon nsked to toll the
season of thu year she llkos the best. With
a wnvo of n ina icul wand .she numinous be
fore her in succession the four seasons , and
then her decision must bo made ,
First comes spring. A ' ' of
K' ' > B 'oup lawti-
tennls iritis and yachtlnR men will have the
sta o and bo frolicsome and vernal in their
Then summer comes , \\calth cf lloucrs.
Aided by thu best arts of the div.ssmaker
sixteen charming Klfls upprar ns lloweri ;
ono Is thu violet , another the rose , and HO on.
Then comes autumn. The crispy , brisk
winds and the Joys allold call foi'th u band of
hunting men and women.
Next in winter. Chris In furs , bearing
aUatcs und warm nuilTs , and men clad In fur-
trimmed suits come trnopitiKon thostuKo.
When all have passed in review Miss Tlmo
i.s pnzftlcd , l'\dr play is u Jewel In bur mind
nnd she wants to bo Just rij-lit before Klvlntf
her decision. So stio snmiuons again the
lenders of the dnncos , and when thny liavo
appeared before her thu decision Is Kivcn.
She decide.s in favor of . but this Is a
secret to bo disclosed at thu performance.
Now the I'ailsli nld society
of Trinity uru anxious for soiuoUni ? distinct
ively now , yet a form of entertainment that
I ! lllshop WortliuiKton will sanction. Hero it
Is , Lot ut have "Tho Dream of the Sea
sons" in Omaha before the season closes.
Speaking recently of the atlvnntagws niut
jn-ivlk-Ki'seajDjed by thu women of our day
In comparison with these of earlleruays Kov
UT. Huviiiio said : "Tho common selioolKlrl Is
bolter oil now than \VUH Queen 1'll/aheth ,
wbo used to breakfast otT a ploco of boiled
bt-cf In a paluco wtwro there were no carpets -
, pets , no books , no conl , no piano -nothing of
the common comfort of the ordinary homo.
If any creature on earth has reason for tear
ful UmnlUuliH'si ' she hiut , for she Is iiuooa of
herself and of all the world. " Vet U is the
modern woman who writes the pessimistic
tvnlU on \\ortulcsMioss of living.
\ViiHbliiulnu C lult Party
The Washington club hold another ono of
lu popular parties last Wednesday evening -
ing at Washington hall. Tlio rlub luia bo-
vMiiui -niccoas through the nr.ltcil ufforts of
IbodltTcivnt com ml tec * to pUmao and do their
duty , A proenmuno of sixteen numbers was
danced by the following guests of thu club :
Mr.amlMn * . llurtlott , Mr , and Mrs. Tyrull ,
Mr , and Mrs. Allen , Mr and Mrs. Partner ,
Mr , and Mrs. Roberts , Mr. nnd Mrs. Mack ,
Mm.Vhlt4iside , Mn , Frenzur , Mm. Nelton ,
Mn. Robinson , Mr , and Mrs. Klandors ,
the Mlt-ic.s Robinson , Furinen. thu MUses ,
\Vhll ( > 4hli\ Darker , Jonas , the MUso.s StelTe ,
Norton , Van IHvencur , Oulck. Kedtluld ,
IxnvU , thu Missed ICumii , lc.Mullcnhlto
Ijilmon , Hnlley , Hull , the Mlnacs llulcs
l-'loinlnir , Puarl.Siiiitli.Ttiwaloy.Oliallls.dulll
Hrtitt , Putnam , I nwlor , Yule , Flynii , uanio ,
iifclt , loave3iilliiK'lior ( ) , Fleln.Mud.seu , Miss
Harrltt from Ltucolu , Xeb.Mlss O'ltourko
of Mill\\nukci > , Wl . ; Miss Snyilor from
lllidr , Nob. : MoairA , Hurry Patrick , Sonnon-
Mo LuuaV \ Uih , Potter , Wright ,
.1 GrOO.CO
Curtains and Drafiery Good/
j j
Success in lilhnir ordorB NKVV SPUING
OTTO for cni'nolH. TUK * , .oil Wilton's Clonille Portieres NRW largest Our upholstery mid best lighted department in the clty.nml is Iho
clotliB , otc. , ImH beou very jjrat- whllo wo carry n full lltioof olirnp nnd
ifyh' ' und llio many lotlorH wu medium poods , wo pay special attention
linvo rcculvvil cctnpliitioiitlnt ; us on the I > -KVV SPUING to the want > of the very llnest trndo.
Examples of our hlgh'clns
splendid ' vnlno of ourtfooilB Is nn- drapery
very Axminsters worlt can bo scon In our store , and \vo \
\Vo \ tire llilx sonhon in bot- SIXTY STYLES are always willing and anxious to an.
to uoiidllion Ihon ever ; and , ulthoti li Nli\V SPUING suur all ( iiic.itlons pertaining to in
liovo ndvnnuoil in prloo , wo will OHBNILLB , terior doL'orntions. Our stock of low-
contltitio to Koll thorn at ' .ho old prices. Moquettes TAPESTRY , mcdluni and high priced lace curtains
VELOUR , will ho found the equal of Miown by
Priccs any
You en n wrlto to us lor numploH of Special s .
NK\V SPRING BROCATHLLE3 , largo eastern houses. Wo fnvito you
niiy of tha fo lowing styles , which wo specially to fin examination of our now
Brussels .
will cheerfully send you on application , Body * TITIAN. curtains Lotils'XIV. ' , Arabian and Kusxliv
initlio your fiolootloii cniivonlontly ut N1CW SPUING DERBY SATIN , Laces , the Hrat over shonn In Oinnhtu
home und Bend no the dlmoiiHlons of MOHAIR DAMASK Come whether you wish lo purchase or
the room you wish to roviir. Wo will Tapestry Brussels HHfor This Week not. Wo always carry a very Inrpo
'ox a on to nil promptly und will Hlmly stock of furniture coverings at lo\ver \
your intnrnHU UK faithfully us If you .NKW SPUING prices than can ho found ulsoxvhoru ,
were pordonnlly prenont. Our roiiutu- Special Reduction of \Vo use only JtOCKSONIA St'Is'
tton for huiidlliitr only rollnblo goodH Ingrain Carpets FAST Holland for window glmdca *
nt Iho very lowe t pricen Is now lirmly SI'lUNO 75 Pairs all Chenille Curtains Prices. NE W Bolutoly fast colors.
csUbliHlti'ii. Wn buy In larin ; ( | uantf- Plnln .
holld colors , for this week only
tioH direct from the nmiufiioturers Mattings
. & 1.08 n pulr ; ipyular prleo $0.
thereby stivlnir nil Intormcdiuto nrollt1 !
On u rluBiro is to pleani ; our utistoinurs , Furniture
and wo will tnko back and refund inonoy SI'UING 80 Pairs all Chenille Curtains
on jrooils that lira not ns roprcsontud.
( ill plcreu clilnn iiiuttlnt ; , trooil pat- Pattern Linoleum Extra quality , solid colors , 3 } yards
toniH , now t-toclc , iiMiiiilly old at 'i"c > to SPUING long nndCO-in wide , 95.08 n I111'1" ' colors ' Coverings
Me ; for ono wuuk nt 1 So yard.Vo iti- SPUINGOil stool blue , fawn , crimson , dark blue , ,
vllo you to au examination of our Oil Cloths biouxo nnd copper. m ONE 'm ONLY ,
80 Pairs all Chenille Curtains TAPESTRY ,
Smyrna Rugs SPUN SIMC ,
Japanese Hi yimlfr long and Ml-lii wide , colors DAMASKS ,
SPUING crlmnon litfhtbluo , dark , blno , copper Our entire importation of curtains SILK VELOURS.
and bron/o ; price JO.So n pair. and high gniUo novelties in lace
Wilton cur-
tuinB for the spring and
summer season SATINS Nottingham
Mattings CO Pairs all Chenille Curtains are now on sulo and at epocially re ,
SPUING duced ) > ricos for ono week only. PETIT POINTS , . 76c to $ S.OO.
Daghestan Rugs Full length nnd width , colors fawn , 160 pairs Nottingham lace curtnins , RAMIES.
light blue and bronze ; price $8.83 a 45 inches Iongat5 * > unnair : Irish Point ,
Nlngpo SPUING pair. have tapeo odgeu , and guaranteed as $6.OO to $28.
Bagdad Rugs good a curtain as can bo found in the
city for Too.
SPUING 65 Pairs all ChenilleCurtains DO pairs Nottingham Incc curtains ,1 } Muslins ,
Mattings Persian Rugs Full length and width , elegant border yards long , 54 Inches wide , regular $2.76 to $1O.
, ton and liottom , extra quality , colors price $ UoU ; this week our price is SI.09
SPUING dnrlc terra cutta , lifjlit steel , golden a pair. Tambours ,
olive ami dark blue S0.35 . 80 pairs imitation Brussels point
; prlco a pair.
Bokhara Rus luco curtains , 51 inches by 'tj- yards , $4.BO to $1B.
Gondola extra vnluo at $3.75 ; price during this
50 Pairs all Chenille Curtains sale $2.88 n pair. Brussels ,
Art Squares Elegant quality and colors , extra length point CO , pairs 00 inches only , imitation 3 } lirussolg $12 to $68
yards ; our regu
and \vidth , color ; ) light blue , Venetian ,
lar price $5.125 , during this sale only ,
Mattings siigo green , terracotta , stool nnd dark . . Louis XIV. ,
Squares blue ; price * ! ) npnir. [
' Our $15 hanilsomo Hrussols lace cur DOTTED MUSLINS , $80 to $ SO.
AGRA 1 * tains we offer this weolc at $11 per pair. EGYPTIAN LAOES ,
50 Pairs all Chenille Curtains Our $18 hand made Brussels lace curtain
Art Egyptian
Napier Squares tain wooHerthiswooKatSH.Iio per pair. LAOS BED SETS , ,
IouUiful ! ; bortlor fringe top and bottom pur5 hand made lirusbola lace cui- EMBROIDERED MUSLINS , $12 to $28.
tom , full length and width , colortt light tai ns we offer this week at $20 per pair.
M steel , ftiwa unu eoppor ; price $10 a , pair. Our f)0 : ) hand made Brus ols laeo cur AND Phygian ,
attings tnins wo offer this week at $21.00
, Bugs in Boom Sizes nur
' pair. $1B to $3O.
45 Pairs all' Chenille Curtains
Wo shall sell all of our higher priced
SMYRNA.FERSIAX.BAK-RI-BAL Extra quality , lougth nnd width , colors curtains at Hume proportion. Saxony ,
Hncl Cocoa ponch , light blue , ' sngo green , bronze A special lot of 75 pairs real Irish
andstc'i ) ! ; piTco ? 13.jO u wur. T point lace curtains will bo sold this to $2O ,
Wo carry a Inrgo iissortmont of sam * ' f wocic at $4 per pair ; regular value of
ples of the Buk-ri-bnl anil tbo curtain $5.t > 0. Black ,
rugs can
Mattings. nutko tvny size to lit your room. As 80 pairs Irish point curtains worth Best Goods . $ S.OO to $18.
they tire all inndo by hand in Scotland 88 will bo sold this week at * 0.25 a
\Vo show a very large assortment of pair.
wo reijuiro etfjht wcoks In which to Russia
All New * thorn here. high class novelties in chenille cur- (50 ( pairs Irish point curtains , worth ,
Desirable yet Lowest Prices.
Spring Styles. taiiiB up to 81 ! . ) a pair. $12 , on sale this week at $9.35. . $80 to $18O.
THE MORSE DRY GOODS COMPANY 16th and Farnam Streets.
. . Newton. Scott , Smcaton ,
Alton , Mnilscn , D.ivls , Stonoy , Thoniits ,
Snyder , liobcrts , Yule , ( JliallU , Llndburg ,
ana others.
Side by side , reins In limd.
UlitliiK fast ,
In the glow of the day ,
Nearly past.
Sldu by sldo. ruins in Imnd ,
Auil-nbsurd !
Doth In love , but they speak
Not a won ! ,
Till tbo moon rising up
Knils the clay.
Then thu iciiis from thclrhands
Tint I' loot Itiiii < iii ls rlio Admiral.
Atnon the members of the Omaha rlub Is
llttlucotorlof half a dozen or so Known as
'Tlio Fleet , " All the moinbora of the lleot
( ire olllcui'.s , from uilinlral clown. It sprang
nto oxisteneo over a year ago , and the object
it Its oxlstoncu Is to dismiss n.iutlcal nfTulrs ,
.oil old H.ilt jnriis , hold llttlo ulnnor pirtioi
and tnlk over the enjoyment thny expect to
ilcrlvo from u two years' crulso around tlio ]
vorld In a yacht which the adiiilriiioxpect3 ; to
liutlit for the occasion. The onlcora aix1 all
scleetod nnd their thitlos usHigiiocl , thu details
ilunm-t ) , nnd the places of Intoicst to bo vK-
twl all arrunscd. The ndiniml of tho-lleut U
Captain Lawit'nco who gained this distinc
tion by his former experience , lmvinirt.orvcd
In the liuvy IB well as tlio tinny , commanded
ixn ui'iiiy BUiiboat during the warbesides sov-
eml years In thu nierchaat inarino , and thoro-
foruuiuleratiuuls nil l > IJudloy Smith
Islloutcnanli'oniininulerwltli the rank of cole
nel. Whllo Colonel Smith hat had no nauti
cal experience It U expected ho will iiuiko n
valunblo ami clllclont onici-r on thu contem
plated crulio , pocullarly aaupted to iiucllliiK
a mutiny should any occur. Captain Dun
Fnrrell Is tlcot paymaster. Ho , llko Cuptuln
hnwicnco , 1ms served in the navy , and Is
very salty. "Clew up your foruiopgullant
sail , " "rcuf your dead llghta , " and "s.hlver
your niUzun" nro familiar and easy terms
with him. Ho is expected to bo of great sor-
vlcoiluriiiR the crulso on account of his for-
inorcxperienco In Japan. Charles A. Coo Is
lloutunaut and sailing tnu-stcr , Great things
are oxpui'tutl of Cou In connection wMi his
well known ability at a sailor in his own lino.
Ptuuloy Hanmtora and \Vlll \ Cartan nro llou-
tenants. They are looked upon to take the
lend la nil soi'tnl matters during the crulso ,
and make a good Impression on tlio cllstln-
guNlu'ti peoplu ho mot la foieign countries
Ur. Ned Seiners Is tloet surgoun and since
the pruvalunco of la gtlppe is counting the
days before all is ready to start.
Clfurlss Otlut was elected n member rccontly
with the of boat.swain. This was la
recognition of thu ability with which he pro *
sided at the ilinnor trlvon by the club to
Messrs. Uosowator and WebsU'r. It was
oonalilercd Lo woula bo n valuable acquisi
tion during the cruUo In case ttio mo in bora
luivo occasion to ontortuln 1'rlnco I ! la marc If ,
the prince of Wales , the king of thu Fiji Is-
Inmh or other dtsilnRulshcd IniUvUlunls.
Thursday ovcnlng "Tho Kledt" In full uni
form gave a llttlo dinner party at the club to
the admiral , Lawrence , whoU called away to
L'hlcuuo. lie leaves in about n wcolc It
was consldorctl by thu participants ns tbo
choice * t ami most satisfactory dinner for iv
amnll party tlio club had ever given. A mcwt
enjoyable iimo was bail. Tha admiral gave
IncMonts In his varied oxporicncoand told a
humorous story about Sir. Chock' * chief
bo.iuwnln's ' ninto In her majiuty's navy. Tbo
Hoot pay master related a curloui story about
u cluss of people In Jajuu. The lieutenant
commander was affable and enjoyable ns
lib mil. Tha boatavvala sat at the opposite
end of the table evidently enjoylug the snlty
air \\ltb which the conversation was seasoned
nnd Klvlug n forecast of his ability In enter
taining with that choice and elegant lanrtuago
and happy facility of expression for whlcu
the Judge la noted. The lieutenants did their
full iliaio la the festivities , and at a Into
hour adjourned , wishing the nJmlrnl success
in his now sphere and expressing sorrow at
his departure. A. very touching note from
the sailing masteu was read , expressing Ids
Inability to bo present on occount of Illness
In his family. Before separating It was do-
clJcd to hold a board meeting In tbo near fu
ture to set a day for starting on the two
years' crulso.
rtlmo. nluentclVrlnit's Conocrr.
Too much cannot bo said In pr.ilse of the
recital given by Mine. Muentoforlng , as
sisted by her pupils of the Sacred Heart ,
Wednesday afternoon at the Linlnger gallery
under the auspices of the ladles' Musical
society , being the ono hundred and fourth
muslcalo given by that worthy organization
of women who love music for music's suite.
The nudlonco was largo , -much , larger in
deed than ono would expect to sou at a
Wednesday mutnico , the gnllory being
crowded by the friends of the verv success
ful teacher and her promising pupils. And
the enthusiasm which the members aroused
qulto compensated the mndame and the
nlavors for the hard work which they had
in the preparation of the programme.
The programme wns remarkable for Its
breadth anil the number of celebrated com
posers introduced to the audience who are
favorites with thogroatpianlstsof the world.
IU rendition was scholarly , oven musiclanly ,
and whllo the young ladles who assisted wcro amount of hurried
work could quite shadow the evidences of
thoroughness , which Is a predominating
feature of Mine. Muontofcrlng's touching.
ThtiJubal Overture" by Von Wobcr ,
a number for two pianos , not often
heard these Uuys , opened the pro
gramme , Mmo. Mucntofcring and Miss
Scouton playlnc the llrst instrument ,
Miss McShnna and Miss Dotan the second.
The ono of the pi-eat compositions
written for tha king of Instrument * and was
given with line appreciation of Its many
"Dauso Tschorltesso" bv Hitter was second
on the list plavcil by the inndamo at the tlrst
and Miss Morley at the second piano. To
many of the audience the selection was qulto
n novelty nnd probably uioro strouirly en
joyed on that account. It Is distinct
ively u "show pieco" written lu
a florid style that requires a
masterful tcchnlipin for lit proper rendition.
MHa Morley , In this number showed a dis
position to accentuate the ttmpo , necessi
tating a corresponding accelerated movement
on the part of tnollrstplano which marred its
beauty somewhat , but the nervousness of the
young lady soon wet a olT and by the time the
tlnnle was reached she was in perfect accord ,
HnlsLltig with credit lo herself and her
Miss ilnrnborgcr and Miss Mocller pravo a
pleasing interpretation of "Italy" by Mosz-
kowskt. "In dor freln Natur , " by Batter Is
an exquisite bit of melody for two pl'inos In
troducing the wood sprites , the ilower sprites
and the water sprites. Miss Mary Nash
played the scc6nd piano and Mmo. Mucnic-
foring the ilrst , anil they won a deserved
round of applause at IU close. MUs Nash Is
a promising Dlajor , having both strength
nuil discernment. Mmo. Mucutoforinc
gave two solos , the tint movement of
Hcethovcn'a sonata Op. 53 and Schubert's
sonata No. 10 playing the scherzo , and allegro -
gro ma non troppo. Of the SCO or more songs
which Schubert wrote probablv llfty or sixty
will llvo for all tlmo. All of bis compositions
are tuneful anil Imaginative to a degree , and
when played ns Mme , Mucntofonng plays
Scbubort they cannot helu but make a pro
found Impression. It U rare , oven among the
virtuosi , that ono hours so beautiful an Inter
pretation of Schubort's as Mmo. Muontafor-
Ing gives them. Ksecntlally soulful , with u
poetic tlngo of temperament , the niadamo
juade a lasting Impression ou Wednesday as
ono of the crcat exponents of n composer who
is heard too llttlo on the concert stace.
"Tho Dance of De.ith" by Saint Saens wns
the coin of the performance , played by Miss
AlcShane and her teacher. Miss McShano
showed a remiirkablo knowlodo ; of the piano
and her technique was the subject of much
congratulation. She Is undoubtedly tbo
madnmo's ' most promising pupil which Is sayIng -
Ing a great dual as all the performers
are excellent considering their ago.
Tlio ' 'Tarmhausor"
march for two pianos
brought the muslcalo to n close : Mmo. Mucn-
tefcnng , Miss AlcAdams at the first piano.
MUs Uolan and Miss Nash at the second. All
tno young ladles wcro the recipients of tlow-
cw , and it was qulto a triumphant day in
their lives.
A Farewell I artinj * .
Miss Mary Desmonda popular young lady
of the Third ward , dauRhter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Desmond , Q nnd Thirtieth streets , has
gene to St. Mary's la-the-WooUs , Ind. , . where
she will become a momberof the Sisters of
I'rovidenco. A ilozou of interested frlcnde of
the Sodality , R. V. M. , spent Tuesday even
ing with Miss Desmond and remembered her
with suitable mementoes and showered on
her wcll-wishltip words. Those present
wcro Miss .lulta , Kyno , Molllo Hunt , MnjfKto
Ward , Hannah Cuslck , Ella CuslcJc , Theresa
McCouiiell , Julia King , Mary Gorman , Mollie
Condon , Maggie Lawless , Mary Wliaien and
Agnes Nichols.
Mr. Archer' * ll"ctnl. !
An audience which almost filled the spa
cious oJillce grouted Mr. Frederick Arehnr ,
the celebrated organist of Chicago , when ho
appeared Friday nlifht. at the St. Mary's
Avenue Congregational churett to glvo a recital -
cital upon the splendid Hoosovelt organ.
The pro rammo presented by Mr. Archer
consisted of ten numbci-s , ombrnclnga wide
range of Instrumental music , wtdch was sup
plemented by solni by Miss Georgia P.
Boulter and Mr. Wllllnin Derriclc.
Mr. Archer hrta bocii hoard in O in aim before -
fore and munv wtlo had the pleasure of hearIng -
Ing his recital h\8lf year wcro present last
night eager to oatcli every note from the in
strument ho so skillfully manipulates ,
Ono of the < chief charms in Air.
Archer's plnyinrrlsitha oxquislto case with
which ho nccompliahos the most difllcult work
both upon tuojjpedals and keyboard. Ho
plays the Instrument out does' not attack it
as though lie Intended to pull it to pieces nnd
throw It out of therwlndow , as some really
great musicians b v'o a disagreeable habit
of doing1.Vhilo \ lie accomplishes his
work with apparent ease and Iho most ele
gant grace , yet , lts | ( very evident that Ids
soul Is In every strain and note that ho ren
ders. Ilia soul scorns to rise or fall with the
spirit of the mu . the waves rlso and tall
under the proisqiqof the breezes. He Is
dcoply Interested litovcry touch ho gives the
instrument , but bil exhibits not'tho slightest
sign of dlHIcultyor exertion. Ills playing
appears to bo , n great pleasure to
himself and this perfection of his
art lends , a double pleasure to these who
In sovcrolof the selections Mr. Archer had
ample opportunity to test the capacity of the
nrgun , and lu power , variety of Intonation
and delicacy of action were admirably ex
hibited by the skillful performer. In the se
lection from Mozart , "I/irghotta" ( clarinet
quintette ) , the clear npd dellcato intonation
of the mst rumcntwas especially oxemp ] Hied.
In the "Witches Dance , " from Tours , the
performer did some marvelously onchautlr.f
work , and elicited enthusiastic applause.
In the overture "La .flayadoro" by Auber ,
the virtuoso aroused much enthusiasm In tha
audience by his admirable skill and the soul
ful m inner In which ho brought out the or
chestral capacity of the Instrument.
The last selection on the programme , how
ever , "Somlramido" by Hosslni , was un
doubtedly the. most Interesting to the uuill
once if not the most meritorious on the entire -
tire programme. The tempo of the number
Is tnlcon rapidly , the kovboard work Is varied
all the way from the heavy and vigorous to
tbo most intricate ana dellcato shading imag
Thu rendering of this beautiful composi
tion of Hosslnl's was atlttlngand triumphant
ending to a matfnillcently rendered pro
Both Miss Boultor and Mr. Derrick wcro
greeted with bcnrty applause when they ap
peared and both wore recalled by thu audi
K\lt of Puiidoo Hijjh Plvn Club.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. ICelth generously
throw open theirfcpacious homo for the clos
ing party of the Dundco High Five club and
entertained them In their usual cordial and
hospitable manner Friday evening , Depart
ing from tlio usual order no head table was
needed , the shrill whistle of the successful
contestants indicating that lung trouble had
no foothold in this locality. At the close ot
the gatmw'it was found that Mrs. Keller led
the ladies , while Messrs. Upton , Murphy and
Hamilton cut to decide the result for their
side , the lost named gentleman being success
ful. Mrs. Stone and Mr. Meager found no
ono to dispute their right to be ooolucs.
After delicious refreshments the president
read the members' scores for the .season , an
nouncing that Mr. C. II. Hamilton and Miss
K. Hamilton bud gained the royal pri/cs.
Mr ; K. A. Benson presented thorn in a very
happy and witty war. Mr. Hamilton re
ceived a gold piece very appropriately 011-
Kravod with the nnmo of the club and data.
Mr. H. thanked the members In few words
but to the point. Miss Hamilton found her
self the possessor of a tasteful diamond rlnp
anil bowed her thanks with bocntniuK mod
esty. A unanimous vote of thanks was ten
dered the president and secretary. All the
members concurred with Mr. Patterson when
ho asserted that the meetings of the cltil ) had
been decidedly agrocaulu and satisfactory.
Mirprlsnd 'Jlielr Friend.
The "Social Seven , " ono of the pleasant
organizations of the city , departed somewhat
from the usual routine of its entertainments
by a surpiise party Tuesday ovenlng. the re
cipient of this attention being MUs Florence
Hayden , In honor of her birthday.
The evening was spent in an enjoyable
mnniior , with games , music and cards. A
delightful luncheon was served at ll : ! i
o'clock , nnd then the bevy of boys and clrla
staid Just long enough to do .somo April-fool-
Ing. These present were ; Misses LlcJa
Lorlng , Ktllo Moxbnm , liesslo Alvord , Emma
Vnloiu , Kthol ( Joist , Fnnnv Siglur. May
Cole , Khottu. Uasniusson. Maud Cnll.ihan ,
Uclla Jones. Mlnnio Patton , Delia Kelley ,
Winnie Coombes , Helen M , LJI.ick , Hannah
Ilelcron , MnryQrndy , Hortlo Wlther peen ,
Kliua Lowoy , und Messrs. W. H. Ahmiuison ,
George W. Cor , Fred Wcarno , George For-
jrini , IJert nohaunon , Hurry Morris , Kdward
Ij.ack , Charlie Ilowell , Myron Howell ,
Charles Wearno , Allen Spooaer. Charles M.
Helgrcn , Harvey Cox , George Hoeho , A. C.
Cugel , John U.Taylor , SHvor City , In. ; Dr ,
William Oonvard and Itobert L. ' ' - " "
A 1'leilHiii ! ;
Miss Evelyn Grlfllths entortalned at her
pleasant homo , 2tUW Davenport street , mosl
delightfully a nunibor of her friends last
Tuesday 'ovenluer. The amusements con
sisted of muslo and games. At the conclu
sion a dainty luncheon was served. Nothing
wu * wanting to ninko the evening thoroughly
cnjoyablo oy all the puojts present , who
worn : Miss Mlnnio Kautzopg , MUs Mar
garet Hamilton , Miss Jesslo Llnclorliolin ,
Miss Ilanna Lindcrholm , Miss Charlotte
Ho-io , Miss Llllto Van \Vaironen , Mlsi KsMo
M , 1'ryor , Mis' Uz/lo Bteckenrldgo , Miss
Hattlo Htnllord , MUs Klla Barber Mlsj
JCmma McCIIntoclr , Mrs. Morrow , Dr. and
Mrs. Frank D. Wilson. Mr. Arthur Hose , Mr.
Arthur Scrauton , Mr. F. W. Stallord , Mr. L.
K. Koborts , Mr. George E. Mlckel , Mr. W.
I ) . Claypool Mr. A. KI. Gibson , Mr ( Jeorgo
H. Strong , Mr. E. E. Thomas , Mr. It. U.
Hartley uuuT. J. Hollander
Ilic ICntro Nous I'lays Cards.
Tuesday evening the Entro Nous club , anew
now candidate for social honors , tho'membcr-
shlp belli ) ; largely made up from the old
West End club wllich for turco years was a
feature of the social life of the city , was ; oa-
tortulned nt the be.uitlfill homo of Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Johnson ? > 0i South Twenty-ninth
avenue. The pie ent ornanl/atlon is In
the hands of nlno Indies who nro 10-
sponsiblo for the membership and
tno in.inaKOiucnt of the club's affaiis. Tbo
by-lnw * of the club provide for a nieotliiB
every Tuesday ovening' , tlio next meeting
being held at the Millnrd hotel at which tlmo
the rlub will be onturtnlnod by Mr. and Mrs.
Swobo , Mr. and Mrs. Dictz and Mr. nnd Mrs.
George Kelley. Tuesday evening being the
prumiero of the club the hitorust wai very
marked and the playing vorv enthusiastic.
At the close of the series of games played
the ladles' prl/o was awarded to
Mrs. C. A. Coe , a very pretty
moleskin table cover , the KCntleman's ' pi'iyo
to Mr. Thomas Swoba , a handsome port-
mannalo. Hofreshments were then so , ved in
keeping with Mrs. Johnson's well known
ability as n hostess.
The members of the club are Mr. and Mrs.
Ivirkrndall , Mr. and Mrs. Coo , Mrs. Harbor ,
Mr. and Mis. John liraly , Mr. and MM.
Sloan , Mr. and Mrs. L.ockwoodMr. , and Mrs.
George \V. Amos , Mr. and Mrs Swobo. Mr.
and Mrs. DietMr , and Mrn. ( ic'orge Kelley ,
Mr. and Mrs. Pease , Mrs. Alexander , Mr.
WillI'easo , Mr. andMrs. John W.ikellcld. Mr.
and Mrs. Colpet/er , Mr. nnd Mrs. George
Clayton , Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Uaymond , Frank
His lordship , nftcr discoursing to the small
boys on the nlayliiK of tbo Philistines Uy
iSumson with the Jaw boue of an ass , ques
tioned them to ascertain If tlmy'd remem
bered his instructions. Ho asked : "With
what did Sampson slay the Philistines ) " It
hud vanished from tnoir minds , To rofiosh
their memories , ho tapped nis clieolc witn his
lingers , asking nt the tlmo hurriedly :
"What's this , what's thUI" "Tliojiw bono
of an ass , sir , " piped the small boy Irom the
foot of the class.
"For SWIMM C'lmrity. "
The entertainment Klvcn at the roiidenco
of Mrs. rjeorgo A. lloaghnd TnuraiUy afternoon -
noon and evening by thu Ladles' Aid society
of the First Congregational church , uni a
great success financially anil artistically.
The house , which Is partlculmly adapted for
such entertain menu , presented an appear
ance that rccullod Dr. Oliver Wendell
Holmes' description of n VIoiincsse fair , so
varied and beautiful wcro the wart's and or
naments that were placed on salo. Confec
tions of nil roncelvaolu kinds , and fane arti
cles of Innumerably variety were displayed
on the tables * catteiod throughout thu room *
and in tlio linlhvnv.
The fancy work booth wa In clmrgo of
Mrs t'umlngs , Mrn lgc\ Mrs Sprnuuo and
Mra. Sumimr , and so 111111101x1114 and vuHixl
wciutho articles for solo that thU table ulono
nottca ever tllXl for tlin causo. Tluswinfi-c
tlon and tlowor table wns In charge nf Mr *
Squliw , Airs. DleU , Mrs , Swotw , MM. Dr
Smith. Ttis cookery diilntltu , a very plua -
ant feature of tbi ) novel entermUiuipiit , wmv
Inrhargiuif Mrs. Lee , Mra. Colpouorlr .
Unldrldgo , Miss Murray , wlitlo Mn Ihiltuli
had ctiargo of the Biin'lco or lunoluxiu
The ovenlng eutcrtaliimont wus tif ua > '
tlrely dlfTorunt nature , MUn Jouulti Hi > w >
hav Ing this part of the proummmo UIHUH * ) i4r
personal supervision , MUt tb ;
I. Gilbert , nnd , needless to say , In the ac
complished hands Of Miss House wa a com
plete success. The programme consisted of.
I'nrty Kniotlons . Miss Ji-milo llonsu
f.ntroo . . . . . Miss llulcn Smith
Studies with a I HW . Mlis Allco I'nrlcnr
Htudli-8 with u Column . . Mtss llnlun ' mll
Utilities with aHword . . . ftllss Ada I'nrki'
Tableau v "Hun U'orslilpi'rs , " 'Triumph ,
"Oludl'iturs" . "
llv the Mlssi-s iMIldn-d flinise. Allco I'nrKi-r ,
OpalTouxalln , Helen Smith , Adi I'nrkcr ,
.Ic'iiiiln lloiisuauil llraco Allen
Miss .Tolinson , aceoinpaiiKt.
In response to an oncoio of her song , "I
Llko It , I Like It. I Do. " little Miss May
Weaver sang "Funny Llttlo Follow with a
High , High Hat" winning now laurels and
admiration from her many friends. Nnxt
came :
Studies wlt'i ' a POVO . JINs M. lloii'-o
hludloswlth a Drop . Mi-s 'I on/aim
Hlinlies Hltb aSfioll . Ml'is Adu I'arkor
Suiilplnr's Mtiiilii . . - ' "
"Apollo , " "TrrpMlelioro. " and "Tin on r to- "
Tablo.niY "Ihu Itlvaiw , " "Kock ( if ARCS , "
"Tlio I'oimlnln. "
Tabli'am "Tim Giiptlvcs , " "Moliiinetii ) > 's
uvdtllrn ; Miiroh. " "l.lboity. "
Tbo young ladles pirtielpiiting In this en-
tortiiiitnunt dcsorvo gruat praise , for whllo
they displayed their several abilities In an
udinirnhlo mnnuec they aided lu placing a
good sum of money to the eiedlt of the
Indies' aid society of the First church.
Among the guests piosoiit during the afternoon -
noon and evening were : Mrs. Morse , Mrs.
Sloan , Mrs. Ames , Mrs. Fleming , Mrs. John
Wilbur. Mrs. Cole , Mr. and Mrs.Vukeiield ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlshop , Mr. and Mrs. Tukey.
Mr. Swobe , Mr , DialMr. . Squires , Mr. and
Mrs. Peck , Mr. and Mrs. Stubbins , Mr. anil
Mn , Mclntosh , Mr. and Mrs Hustin , Mr.
Will Wytnun , Mr. W. Ifoonig , Mr. and Mrs.
Knvmond , Dr. nud Mrs. Parker , Mr , Tou-
/alln , Mr. and Mrs. Chase ,
Throp Very Dalmy liiinc.'licoiiH ,
Mrs. M L , Hoodcr , who has a very largo
circle of friends , In cSrdor to properly enter
tain them JT.IVO thrco delightful pink lunoli-
eons n Tuosdiv , Wednesday and Thursday
at her beautiful subuiban homo , 'MH ) Popplu-
ton nvenuo. The house was very quaintly
decorated , he.irt-shnped floral pieces being
displayed in all conceivable plucoi. Between
the doors opcnlnc Into the drawing rooms
was suspended a largo heart made
of pink nnd white tulips. Trailing
vines were placed throughout the rooms
whllo pretty bunches of pink roses nnd cir
nations pave color to the place. Pink cau
dles and lamps shod a tender light ever thu
guests , ami pink oven entered Into the nr-
ratiL-ctnent of the refreshment , there being
pink Ices and pink cakes , everything that
could consistently bti made thu prevailing
color was so appointed , Thoru was llttiu
dlniculty in tuUIng that the luncheons
were pink uilalrs and cximUttoly
< arrieu out In all tticlr details by the rhnriu-
Ing young hostess. Cards were played dar
ing HID afternoons , the prlto winner * In' I
Mrs. Dale , Mrs. IJaitlett , Mr * . Hiuw. Mr.
N P Fell , Mn. U.S. Maker. .Mil * l.tdi \ \ <
son. Tlio gni'st-s proiimt at the tnivo m t
net's wt'ra Mrs. Ch M , Mrs liurltalt , Mr *
Martin Culm. Mra. Allxirt I'utui , Mr * . \ "
Mrs. W U Dluktiv , Mm Uurt > u. Mr Mix
Meyur. Mrs. Mar.U .Mot r. Mr * . IS I- ' >
Mrs. Pollook , Mr > tivx. * , M ISn-h * * . -
Mrs. llakor , Mrs , MtMiul.Mrv Uvw N x\
man , Mr , iMuultxtii , Mr * . V > ' \ ,
Mrs. John IJraut , MrS * WwMr *
Mlhoy , Mr * , r K. llMw MViM1 , Mr .
, Mr * . \
r \
Mr * . l.Aiiy , MIH. PuiMMM. Mt * < t
Su U < * i , Now *
, V < t < v
UxtlUrl dn
V rUU < >
Mu > rvuvi