THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : $ L\X DA Y 5 , 1801.-SIXTEEN" PAGES. 11 THE COXD1TO OF TRADE , JUceat Decrcates In the Clearings of Omahi's ' Backs lolly Explained. MONEY IS GRADUALLY EASING UP- kc Jtcc-kuaril Sprlnc Weather Occasions Some Comment , but the Outlook - look Generally Ilcsnrctcd F T several raoaths past there has been a considerable decrease In the Oc.aha bank dcarltiRS. This bas been attributed to the pencral financial depression throughout the country. } ! ut of late raouoy has been toiler and the decrease In tlie tiaok clearings of this city remain * the tame , or If anything are lower than usual \vllhlri the fail month. While the causes iiroduclnp this decrcmo are well known to bankers It Is not MirprUltiR that Iht-.v mould occasion ROIDO cornnietit amonp tboso whoure not familiar with the subicct. Spcakinpln connection with thi' matter Mr. J , N CornM , prciltfynt of tbe National Bank of Commerce , said : "Our bunk has no\-er belonged to the clear- IriB hous.0. Heretofore have cleared through the Nebraska National bank. About three or four weeks nco HIP cleariiic nouse refused to permit our clearing aay lonpcr unlcu we would comply with the rules of the clearinc home , xvhtcti we declined to do. The cause of the clearing houno refusal was this.Vo have been paying 3 per cent to - ro-autry bankers on their dnily balauces. There Is riot a bank in this city that cannot afford to pay this j > er cent If they want to. When our bank \vasor auizedabout a year ape , we decided to pay 3 percent , in ordir to brini ? the bank before the public ando \ ob tain business. We bad to do it to protect and further our business interests. T&edear- incbousc- regulation Is that no bank shall so licit any tras.inw , but we bad to do it when ortraniziDi ! n new Institution , iu order tolmila up our business.Ve had lo offer S.OIDO in ducement to obtain oursbare. "If a bank allows ether Institutions to con- troltheir actionsthoy ; will have to remain idle or taki- just what comes to them , " \Vc proposn to continue on asvehavo done. It ivon'tdo to let any other institution control or dictate our business jiolicy.Ve have tried to t > o courteous , nnd to render every accommodation In our power to other banks. "One would naturally think tbe action of the clenrimj house would hurt us , but since their resolution went Into effect we ha\e not lost a customer. " Mr. " \ \ . O. Templeton , cashier of the Mid land State bank , commenting on the same subject said ; "The clearinghouse rule is that nobanK shall pay more than ' 'percent on dally bal ances to country oankv The National Bank of Commerce has been offerings pev cent. The other banks refused to clear their checks on that account. This has been going on for about a month , "This Inrgo decrease In the bank cloarincs , there lias liecn n decrease of about 20 per cent lately , gives an outsider an erroneous im pression of the banking business of the city \vbcn based on the clearltm bouse reports. Isow , you see , all the business docs cot go through the clearing house. "In mv opinion it Is rather school boy play to allow prejudice and Jealousy to enter into nnd govern a bank , instead of good sound "It was only yesterday. * * continued Mr Templeton , "that a friend of mine , a busi ness man from Kansas City , asked me the cause of tbo largo fulliiiR off In the bank clearings. 1 explained to bim tbe cause , but it can not be explained to all the business world who goby the reports , consequently a bud Impression gels out about the city and its business. By refusing the National Bank of Commerce , It throws our bank out , al o tbe Nebraska Savines bank , \\hohn\o \ heretofore cleared tbroupbtbem. "For the sake of the impression \vhlch foes abroad if nothing else , the matter should bo straightened up at once. " MONET MAllKnT. The local money market during the past neck has not experienced much change , but what little change took place was rather on the side of easier money. The Danlts claim that their deposits are on the increase and tn&t them is not so much call for loans , in other words , financial conditions are gradually returning to the situation existing last fall , and prior to the period of money strinccncy. The cause of tbe lull in the demand for loans is assumed to bo an improved financial condition among business men generally , but it would bo equally reasonable to assume that business men were keeping down their wants to the lowest notch and were- not branching out in any ucw direction that would bo likely to require extra capital. In tbe cast , the ru { > orts of the past week have indicated a very favorable condition hi financial circles. New York city financiers assume that the point of pressure has been passed and that increasing ease will generally characterize the money market from this time on. There nro apt to ba quite heavy shipments of trend during tbo summer , but it is by no means certain and even should there be , there is no occasion to apprehend any danpcr on that score. In Knjjland and on tbo continent of Europe tbo state of the money markets is improved and the troubles arising from the Argentine mud dle -would appear to have been passed for the present at least. In years past it has boon observed that large amounts of money usually return to New York between April I and August 1 , so that the market there is frequently over- supplied. _ It is quite evident , however , that this condition of affairs cannot always exist and forces arc already at work to modify it to some extent The west and the south are coinp extensively into manu facturing and vast sums of money which formerly vent to the large eastern cities iu exchange for merchandise will be placed with factories nearer home. Large sums of money are nt present bclne absorbed In simulations in tbe vrest on farm products. Even New York capitalists , discouraged at the deathlike - . like quiet prevailing In Wall street soeculu- tionshave been Interesting themselves in western farm products and sending their surplus capital westward. CHOP TAUK. The farmer himself cannot be more deeply interested In the success of tbo crops which be plant * than is the merchant of tbo towns and cities. Accordingly business men bave been watching the season very closely and a good many Inquiries have been made during tbo past six days as to whether the lateness lif the spring was likely to interfere with the 4- crops , Thus far everything has been favor able , but the season has arrived when the farmer is anxious to commence seeding and , until tbe wrather is favorable , some little un- easluess is only natural. Omaha business men who have boon out through the state during the past few days rt'fort that the fanners on the uplands in 4't j A- the eastern counties are nlreadv 4 " seeding. The low lands are too wet to work J # on and In the western part of the state there ' ? is still too much snow. Upon the \\liolobusi- r * kl ncss men generally , regard the outlook as very favorable for the coming crop and accordingly v for next fall's r , cordingly trade. lE TKAUK. There was nothing Iu the conditions pre vailing during tbo past week to especially vUramuto the movement cf goods either In a retail or a Jobbing way. The delay iu the ar rival of warm weather is a hindrance in every branch of business , Mill , taking nil things into consideration it must be admitted that Omaha's Jobbers are doing quite well , On account of tbo closeness of money for a few months past and the lack of that buojuncy of feeling tvhich plenty of money always engenders , a good many Jobbers have been , calling trade slow , but wben they stop totigurvup they are sur prised to Hud that they havu really sold more goods tbanthoydld during the same , time last year. It would bo interesting to ascertain ju-twhat the volume of trade was for the llrst three months of 1 V)1. ) aud compare'lotals for the * amo months of 110. In tba grocery business the sugar trade incident to the going into effect of the new tana is over and Omaha bad orders for about all her available stock. Some firms , which were thought to bave loaded up especially heavy , hud barely enough. CUus bprcckle * and the sugar trust bavo formed a mutual udmlrutiou society and will doubtless hold up prices , which have already advanced lOo per hundred during tbe past few days. T&e trade iu dried fruits and can nrd goods is improving , .April and Muy being about the best uiont&i tor the tale of these roods Meats and lard are still odvaa in ? Trade la general with the Jobbers appears to be rcasonablv good. The local trade in hardware has been practically featureless durine the week past. The weather naibeen against the movement of peed * , but still there ba. been a fair avurap * business. Some differ- Mice of opinion may bo encountered In this cnunectlon , but the weight of testimony is in favor ot a eraduallv increasing movement ami a broadening out of trade as the nearer approach of spring necessitates purchases oa the part of retailers. Jobbers ofluraber arc not looking fora very heavy country trade in Nebraska , Kan sas and .Sooth Dakota " until a good hurvcst Is assured , or perhaps not until after harvest. Stocks In the country generally are light and with ( rood crops there ought to be a brisk demand In July and August 1'ncos hare not shown much change , but lumber and lath are scarce. The local city trade is still small , though better than a ivcok ago. Tbe wholesale coal trade is practically over for this season and dealers do not oxpei- much from DOW on until July when the re tailers will commence ordering their winter's supply. Local Jobbers have finished the year In even better sbaptvthan they anticipated a couple of months ago. In the out. complaints as to the condition of the trade continue. The supplies nro still increasing , the companies mining and shipping more than the market takes , so tnai in most sizes too shipping ports and eastern receiving depots bold excessive stocks. At thccloso ol March it was estimated that the output for the pres ent coal year was fully 1,750,000 , tons In excess of tbo same period last year The xveather of tne past two weeks nas been ratber favorable for those engaged In the handling of boots and shoes and a very fair traile is reported In this line on the part of retailers and Jobbers. The manufactur ers , especially in the east , have not been well satisHea and a good many complaints of tbe condition of business have been heard from that source for some little tltuo bai-K. Materials. they say , arc relatively hlgn , . prices of the manufactured product low , and trade , as a whole , dull. Duplicate orders In spring goods are disap pointingly small nnd tbo factories not so well employed as is usual this season , while Jobbers appear lo be buying cautiously for fall consumption. Although leather values arc higher than a year ago , the competition atnonir shoo manufacturers has virtually re sulted in carrying prices down to the level of those prevailing a year ago. Dry goons people report a fairly satistactory trade in their Hue. As noted before , the retail trade has been very backward about placing orders for summer goods but as ttie season advances tbe'-e onions are coming in more freclv. Reports from the fur western states indicate a general easing upinmoncv nnd a disposition among tba IK-ople to buy goods. cot NTJIT ruoncer. In thu produce markets changes of interest to the trade ha\e been few and of little Im portance1. In a general way it may be said tbe receipts have been small , but Just about equal to tbo moderate demand. It follows that stocks have been pretty well cleaned up from day to dav. To go more Into detail re garding the different articles of produce , it may be said that eggs bavo attracted some attention , selling as low as 12 < < n2l-c and again firming up to 13c. At the prevailing iu the egg market It has occn pos sible for the shippers to operate to a certain extent , and they have assisted very mater ially in preventing any accumulation of stocks. Butter showed some weakness toward the latter part of the week , and there was an increasing number of sales made at prices under ! JOc Jn poultry the season is ar riving when live fowls commence to be in demand. A few chickens were received the past -week and koid quite readily at prices ranging from $3.Wiu4.00 ) , thouch it tooK fancy bring the latter price. Live turkeys and ducks are also beginning to put in un npj > earance , though as yet not sufficiently numerous to hardly make quotations. Tressed chickens , if anything , were n little firmer und sold even us high as lie for the best. Other dreised poultry ro- malnod at about tbn sams old prices. Hay was lower tban those prices which prevailed a wecu or so ago , a good many sales of round lots being reported at (12.00. Iu the way of game , ducks have been coming more freely , but they do not appear to ba in very active demand and are slow sale. BPECCLATlVn MAllKETS. The wheat market at Chicago for the past week bas shown a hard contest , vrltb but little advantage to either the bull or bear side. Thb chief standby of tbe bulls has been the foreign situation , which was strong , and advancing cables and reported serious damage to foreign crops. Tbe argument on the side of the bears is that the present out look indicates over WO,00lUOO ( as the United States crop ior 1891 , and that even Emitting Europe to bo 100.000,000 bushels short , the present high prices more than discount that situation. There are prominent traders on each side and as it stands the prospects are for a very pretty fight. Bradstreet's statement of available sup plies in this country was surprisingly bear- isn , showing as they do 4 , ( > 3 < iOCK , ) bushels against 45,2uOXK ( ) bushels a year asro , being about 2 millions more than last Tear and " 5S)30XX ) ( ) more than in liSS . The" exports during this crop vear have amounted to only 71,9S2,000 bushels against 82,100,000 bushels for the same tfme iu 1&S9. Exiwrts for the past week were 2,104,000 against lbJlWO for the week before. Corn and oats are eencr&lly regarded as high by speculators who are rather careful about taking the short side and then only lor quick turns. Provisions have not attracted so much at tention as wheat , but on some days of the week under review have shown considerable activity , The following taolo will show the highest and loWest prices paid on each day of the week under review , at Chicago and St , Louis , also tbo opening and closing prices of the week : 'sL ' - - " b c--- * * III pv "s.s S5 * B - t-- . . - I-.I * * 35 " = ! ; : ef I I" . * - * ; feix B5T P3 8I. . Is I2 I ! ' V S S2 25 F ' E 's : y * e ss ssd SJ2 m r x&m i 44 M bi ? ? S3 CB n 5 SS 23 5 SS < ! i ? : i ; ; x& i 1-3 5 R 0 H - fc * C Tl ss sf ii * - K # > B - = S : UJU.1JI.I TIVE tiTHCK. OHAHA. April 1. CATTME Estimated receloti ot cattle ivo , at comimrt'd lth 1 > U yrMvrday und 2.305 fat- unlay of last week. The inurLut wu& active und ktronger un tlio best crudei of bcevps aud steady on olhfr * . Choice butcher stock nas acthu ncl tttudyu > strong , other grades slow und unchanged , 1'oedcrs were quiet and un changed. lions Estimated receipts of hoes G.G50 , as compared lth I.Us Saturday of list wv k. Tliu tuutVet m blow , uneven and Meicy to So higher. The ruustt of the prk-es ualU trat M.-WGI.9X the bulk belling al II.GMM NV 1'lei and light-lights. UTMil.U : llehu H. < u& * .W ; heavy , M.4.1H ) ; nixed , H-MUfll 65. siitElKstltiiali < d receipts of sbcip , compared njtu &j jfttcrdnj and tot Satur day of 'a ' -wetk Tbe T > - > rkPt w stoailr Ciuxl mutton * * nre in drmunil , Natlvts , t--'ji MO ; western * , tlVGH ' & . Itccclptft and sliipn Showing tbe official receipts and shipments of cattle , boss and sheep on the dates indi cated : nncriT . _ _ Dales. I CatUe. | Hogi Sa P. ttU T. Mirrh 77 IMI hatnrdaj , M&rrli 1.1 HS Monday. Mtrrh .X . . wi ? . , Tufvlny. Milch HI. . . : .M. tM\ \ > Wrdnevdir Aiirlll i.w I'M , IMC Thiitlar April I l.KI | 5.1'C II . . . YtMlT April SalurdBj April 4 ffiOi f iol Fourlli etn.r Mtreti . TMrdw k"t Murrh . . l&Ktt Bomnd rck of Mtrch . ISAKf 40 > lf Mrtl wrfkof MarrU. . . Kourtb vwkotreb . . . . 10.W8 II.MI Tlilrd wwtof Kb . . . . H.RII siorr J.TT ; BUlrHCNTS. .Stock Estimated Tolar. Official Yesterday. Tattle. . . 2 * cars. .Yd Cattle . ; ci cars. H03 Iloss. . . . Wears. G.G."i ] Hoes - 55 cirs t.H * { Deep. . . . 1C cars , a.l t Sheep . 5 curs , s54 llcrees. . . 1 cur , ° Highest anil Loxvcit. TodHV. Yisterdiij- . MlChC'st . M.OO Illthcst . t ) . ' ' lowest . M.40 Lowest . 1.40 Prevailing I'rices. ThcfollowlniU a tible of price ? pall on this market for the grade of stock mentioned : Fancy 'leers , UYJ to IWJ Ibs . fJ. 0 6VG5 1'rltiiof leers , liV ) to DTT. Ibs . 4.V ( M.K > Good steers , 11V ) to 1 ) llis . ILKi 84.OTi llutclicrs' steers , lOVlto linjlbs. . . . 3.73 B4. 5 Puir stet'r ' > . , T3 to 1151 Ibs. . ! l.r > 0 aili-5 Common steers KU to UWO Ib ? . 11.00 aX73 Kalr to/ood cows . UK ) & ! OO Good to choice eo w i. . 2.03 $1.23 Choice to fancy court . 2. + 0 a.'i. ( > 3 llolfcri . 2.0 > CH.r.O Yearllnjs . 2.1K ) $1.51 Keedcrs . 1 . 2.20 O.I.OO Stackers . 1.23 &J.52 Cnnners . 1.00 $2.00 Hulls . 1.7S p.75 Oxen . . . . . . 1.7. > ftUT.'i rtacs . 1.M BXTS Oiilves . l.r-0 jj.'i.T. ) \Vusteriicornfed \ steers . 2r > n & Western stem . l.r > 0 Western cows . l.OO & ± 10 Coinnariufve Tixhles. The folloMln ! ; table shows the ransc In prices on ho ; < > : Saturday. March 14 . 3 10It3 Monday , March 16 . 3 KXJt' ) TueMluy. March 17 . 3 iv 3 TO Wediifday. March 18 . 4 ( W M Tliur div. : March 19 . 3 Frlrtiiy , MurchSO 3i.Vft4 : 09 Sutiitday. Marcli21 30 , > ? t4 05 Mondny , March .a. 3ift4 15 Tuesday. March iJ 39V5J&4 41 Wcdnrsduv. March SS 4 lMt4 : i7 ThursJav.'MarcliM. 4 JM 3i Friday , Murch 27 3 ) Tt4 40 P.iturday. March & < iff.l 10 Monday. JUn-h : tZOiHKi Tuesday. March III 4 HV&.4 7i Wodnesdny. April 1 \\YZtA \ \ ' ! > Tliursduv. April i 4 : i > < SJ K' . Friday , April 3 4 4irj.l Si Saturday. April 4 4 4 > ai SO of 1'rSces. Thofollowliig table showa the prices paid for sbfcp : Prime fat ilieep . J17J2W05 Rood fat sheep . 3.1) 151 Common to medium sheep. . . . . X' U. " > ' < i'l 2 * > Western . S 70S1 U5 Imposition of Stock. Showlns the number ot oattlo. hois and sheep bought by the packers und otner bu vera on the market a < shown by the bop cs of the Union stocK yards cornpiny : CATTU. Hnjor * * . . No. Swlft&.Co . . -'IT Thod. 11. Hammond company . . 10 , " > TheCudahy uuokln ; oompuny . . . 79 Shippers , feeders an 1 other buyers . - . 454 HOGS. ThoCudnhy packlnz coiipnny . . . . . . . . . . . . C03 TlH'Onuiliu packln ; ootnpany. , , . . . . . . .Vi'l Swift & Co . tXl ThoO. H. ilniiimonl corap'iny. . . . . . . IS" Shippers , fecdera and other buyers . . .3r > SQ The Cud ahy packing company . 82 The G. H. Hammond company . t- D t pos'tlnn of Stoc'J for the Week. Showing the number of cattle. IIORS nnd shrep bouzlit by thu packers und other buyers on the market ; is shown by the l > { X > Lsof the Union stock yards company for the week eiioU" ? Saturday , April 4 , lam : CATTLE. SwIfUtCo . 2.R4G ThoO. II. llnminoud company . . . . WX ; TheCiidalir I'acKlus company . 777 Omaha Parking company . 34 Shippers , feeders and other buyers . 4,010 lions. TlieCudahy PnckuiR company . 2.S15 Omuhii Packing company . . . 3,945 HwlfUtCo . C.027 TlieG. II , Hammond company . 2C > % S hlpier- | > , feeders and other buyers . H.OS7 SHEEP. SwltUtCo . 3.059 The I'udahv 1'neklns company . 1M TlicG. U. llaiiiiuond company . 324 shippers , feeders and other buyers . 1WS Highest nnd Luweit S les of line * . The following condensed table shows the highest and lowest ales und highest und lonr- estaveiaseof the sales of liozs and the date < i at this market la each month during the moutlis stated : 1EDO. Mmrcl | W4 | rfU b , UU 111114 W M TfJ72 | April. . . .14' ' 4 30 1115 KI 4 im > I J Z 4 OS _ - , Uli * 4 111" June | il | bU Ifl ! 1 ! 3 Ml S87H. Julj 340 j | 4 H ,18 . . _ . .nil , 8U 450 1 97(1 4UIV < October. . . 4 Si 11180 4 21 Noi ember 4 15 111 Z75 5 til December. 375 s 4 5W KM. January. . . 375 ! 7S.o s | it & : i | j 21 IB1 Kebruiirj. 312 . : -.o S.ii 12J I M Slnrch 4 7S il t 'A 4 W lleprehentat t ve Sales. 6TECRS. Xo. Av. Tr. No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . 500 1. 1140 K2T 3. RKI 323 33. . 1003 4 flu 77 l.'GG 525 3 100 3.0 4.11T1 4 HO S. 13)0 5M 4 l'J < 0 43 > S..11C4 5 05 9 1414 511.1 19. NVi 440 ll..KI > 5 15 20. 132J 540 4. . K iM 59. . 1 43 5 23 Iia58 940 1 .II'JO COWS. Cl. . TOO 100 l. . Kaj oo 13 , . W.1 5 53 3. . 7-JU 1".I5 B. . cie 2 nj 1 .1030 2 C5 5 . 77e 153 4. . M7 2 03 3. . IHO 275 4.Ki \ 153 1..11W ) 2110 10. . t 44 275 1. . 0.10 1MI S..103 2 15 1(1..10 ( < 4 2 SO II. KiJ 153 5..101J 2 a 15 , . fc 0 20 ! 153 2. . 1W5 2 23 11. 1043 300 1 00 1..KW ) 23J 1C. 10UO 320 4 10-Jo i or. 3. . MG 2i : ) I0..125S 140 1. . l > 10 1 75 1 . 9lO 2 33 1 1151 4..1102 ! PO 1 .itio : S10 1..1710 300 2 IU70 215 1 .1253 310 : iit-o J 15 2 .ItLVi 325 G li'iS ' . ' 15 1..1570 415 5. UJo STOCKEHS ASO FESDUIl ? . 1 503 4. . ML1 300 11. . 45 320 31U 3113 3 . b70 3 25 on. . r.73 2 75 24. . TOO 305 L.llXrt 3U5 3. . 710 3 l J CALVES. 1. UJO 1 , r 0 t > . . 337 2 (0 1 , . 370 2 15 W2UO 1.100 200 1. . 153 300 HEtrEIIS. . . 500 225 2. . ( M 325 3..1033 400 21 . 553 225 1 . . tlO 3 73 OXEN. 5..1C40 ! 00 MILKERS AND EmlNGCRS. 5 springers , each (24 UO si -iii ii 4 M K * , ? 47 rd 475 CT r.'l IW 4 M 7.J „ 2J2 M 4 7S f I KB ( fl 4 M ft. St ISO 4 73 05 167 HO 4 M Ml 221 - 4 75 44 IVt 49 4 55 T * VIH IX 4 75 TO . . . .204 100 410 IS' . . 2.17 40 4 75 ft , is , _ 4 CO . - ( EH - 4 73 f. . . . . .l fl - 4 CO 70 . . ' . ' 4t 80 4 W Ot. . . .910 lf < 0 4 fiO M . . Sft 40 475 74 ! IS M ( XI W JW - 4 75 M . 179 HI 4 CO 71 . 210 M 4 75 f. . 17 M 4 TO At M IU 4 75 51 . . . 11S ! IW 4 ) - 2-W M 4 7 ! ' { Pit 17 * - 4 fiO 74 .215 SKI 4 W fit . . . IK M 4 00 W . . .244 1(0 ( 4 HI 67 2S W 4 m 3. .3JS 45 4 RO W . . .211 (0 ( 4 Of I M. : 10 4 Hi ) 7S . . .222 120 4 ( U'i ' 75 . . . .UB3 > " 4 M ) ei. . . . lie 4 wi t" . . .ae 40 4M 71 . . . .167 - 4 K'i M. . . .201 - 4M 78 . . . .104 120 4 C. i 41 . . . .341 - 4 83 W. . . . 215 41 4 ( M M . , 12 (0 ( 4M 1 P . . . 352 M 4B TO . .Ml - 4 HI M 20 M 4(3 ( 79 . .2il 4M TJ ( . . . . lie (04K ( CT.2J2M4KI 7f. 2Js 13) ) 4 05 70 2f.s 1M 4 Ml Ml UK ) 3 465 W SU5 M ' 4 M C7 . . . .204 SM 4 65 40 . 4 G - 4 S3 74 21S 1JO 4U 42 . . 27 - 4M W 1SS 140 4 M TO 24 - 4 tt > 71 . . .214 - 461 51 . 2W 103 4 B3 U7 M * IS ) 4 C.1 f4 2SI7 - 4 S3 70 221 W 4 K W. . . 'Mtt 4M 02 . . . .245 M 4 70 ( S 2C1 40 4 Si l . . .24C ISO 470 35 45 400. H7 203 1WO 4 70 nos ANtinouon. 1 S 200 10 100 - 293 1. . . .470 2 tO . . .125 - 31K ) 1 IK ) 253 IS ! - 303 21 SI 2M 2 155 - 350 SHEEP. No. Ay. Pr. 82 wc ternsewc . Hi H ; . - feg mslerns , em-s . . . . - . . . .115 4 u Country I' The xvcck closed with no very mtCtvrlal chunfo In urloei. The follonlnc quotations will explain the Mate of tht- market ; Koos The market ye'terday WHS about I3c. Stocks Avere not larse. JHTTKn Tbe market * " weak arid f ulr to peed ; 0011 ntrr rolls vent at ICSlsc. An occa sional small lot of % err choice roll sells up as hleh us 20c , mid even up toMe. . I'oui.Tin Lhecluckcns ureconimenclns to sell. Good chickens brim KLXft'LTTt per < loren. and ocoaslotinlly f400 for winetblnc fancy. A few lue ducks ba e also arrhed nnd sold well. Hres-ed chickens were verr firm at -and'.otiiesaH-s were reported at lie. Turl-cys. MQI.'iCi RWse mill duckg , 1'JQIte. OtMUIId aucks vert * In liberal supplv but not In > ery peed demand. and inlxcil ducks vent us low as tl per dozen aud milliard * at ? 2..0. II * v Tlip market was not ostronc as a few dnjs npn. Utwa bay as quoted at S12 per Hie Improvement Itecord. Tlio followinc fipure ? pive the totals of real estate transfers , buildlnp permits and bank clearings for thoweeK : HUAt , ESTATE Monday . . . S Tue , < li v . . . . 26.0.13 Wednesday . 3..V. ) Thur- lay . M.0ir > I'rlda.v . 2TKIO Saturday. . . . . M'lb Total . JJ37.380 BCltl > lNO I'EHMtTS. Monday . J 1.825 Tupsrtnv . 425 WwlnoMlay . l.Wi Thursday . 1,2- * 1'rldny . 000 Saturday . 3.4UO Total . I ( ' .425 BANK CLEAHLNGS. Monday . . ' . I 0.or7.40 Tur duv . . . . " . MTi.M4.45 Thursday. . . C1S1.H1.O7 I'rlday . .Vi3.MI.77 Saturday . G5I07.M ' Total . < . M.OW,1SO.OS A decrease of 25. per cent from the corresponding spending week of IBM rear. THE UK U/TY M.VIIKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record April 4 , 1SU1. Mnrlnus Anderson and \lfe to Foren HiLsmiHieii. lot 25 , bile 14. Clifton lllll.t 2.003 j M Anderson and wife tol'W Ander- ( .on. lot * 7 undK. bUG9. ? outli Omaliii. . 15.O03 P \V \ Anderson to 1 < M Anderson , lot 7 and s , blk ( ftboutliOruulia 15.000 Central Investment comjianv to I'M llalbert , n H lot 10 , blk 3 , Excliaiigo IMuce 250 0V CJoiell nnd wl.'oto L H JloRors : lot 1 ! ) . blS 2. Cm ell's add lo Crtlzhfcon llelcbts. . _ 400 August 1'eider to NelsXelson lotlS , blk 11. Oiniha View . . . ; 650 TM HalberttoCentrallnvcsttnentcom- paiiv. lot J9. Lindsay's sob. . . 450 MO llahn nnd wlfo to G S Ambler , lots C iniclT , blkG , Aialilcrl'lnco. . : 1,100 W E Jones and wife to J Levy , et al , und 't lot 11. blk 77 , South Ornutia 1 Cecelia beeper to 1'rancls lloyl. lot A.blk 7I > . t outh Oniahit 3.2JO Jtobeit I'urvlsand wife tollllam nnd J C Norton , lots -I and 24 , blk S , ill-own 1'ark- . 2OM llyron Ket-d ct al to Alfred Ilanten , o ! } , n W lot 12. blk 4. Cumpbell's ad . 3G2 1'A fmltli nnd wife to\V J risclier , lotsS and , blk IK Dundee 1'lnce . 0,000 W Snyilcr and wife to A 1' Alierlund. nH nwMG-y . l.Otd Lbclmieper and wife to Anton Kernel , lotlCblk.MCountze's 3d add . 3,000 QUIT CH1M DEEDS. Jacob Schmlt to Auc Doll , lots 16 , 19 aud ai. blk445 , Graiidrlew . 1 J H Ollrown to n 11 Sealer , lot 6 and e'i lot 7 , blk 131 , Ouiuha . 500 DEEDS. H E Maxwell , pocIalmastertoGCI > ll | . liiBi-r , ex s 2) ) 4-5 ft lot t , blk X , Lowe's nUd . . 502 Same to M arhle Savings bank n 24 4-5 ft oainv. . . . . . . . . . 501 Same to M MVo 3d , n 24 4-1 ft of s 49 4-5 ft , Bume . . . < M Total amount of transfers . I ! st,21S Cl 1 11 rnli Bishop 3Ce man of the Methodist church. will speak to tbe young men at the Y. M. U. A. this af teraoou. Rev. Willard Scott lectured laa Thursday nltrhtat j\shland bef ore the Younc Men's Christian association ff that town tipon the subject "Geltlnp Ahead. " The board of church extension of the United Presbyterian church is consideriug the practibaWlitv of building a young poo- pie's memorial church at Lincoln. The young people of the St. Mary's avenue Congregational church will hold a sociable next Tuesday nipht at , the residence of H. A. Kinney at 12i Is orth Tvrenty-slilh street. Prof , Elmer A. Todn and his pupils will cive a piano recital in tbe concert hall of the Young Men's ' Christian association building nn Thursday , April U , atSKJ : ! o'clock. It will be free to members and lady friends. Raymond P. JSlay and Secretary John U. Hazelton of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation have decided to start a weekly paper to succeed tbo small sheet called Pointers that has been issued weekly by the Omaha asso ciation for several months. Tbe Omaha Presbytery will meet on Tues day , April 14. at 2 p. m. , Iu the United Pres byterian church on Park avenue. The oi > en- ing sermon will bo preached bv the retiring moderator. Rev. J. C. Lynn. The Woman's Presbyterian missionary society will meet at the same time and place. D' . A.V. . Lamar delivered an address be fore tbe younp iioople's convention at Chap- pel , a small village near _ Grand Island , last Friday evenlnp. It wasudistrict. convention of the poung i > eople of .tbe Baptist church. Mr. J , M. McCJoud of ( Omaha was present and made an address on Saturday. A Presbyterian Sunday school conference will be held on Monday evening and Tuesday forenoon. April 13 aud 1-J , at the United Presbyterian church oqHark avenue. Miss L.lrre"\V. Johnson of South Omaha , Ifev. George T. Scott of North .Bend , George G. Wallace of Oinaha , & | id others will take part , The "boys' branch" work of the Young Men's Christian ussocWion in Omaha should receive more attention ! Mr. P. L. Johnson of Hastings has a hoys' branch wita over one hundred boys In active attendance. Tbe boys have regular gymnasium exercises , fleld day sports , entertainments , prayer and class meetings , and conduct their own busi ness aflalrs in a roost admirable manner. The hoys' branch a ! the Omaha Youne Men's Christian association should have a membership of at least WXVhtre ) i * the leader with the Inspiration and enthusiasm born of ceulus and encrgr who will take hold of this work and cnuVe of It what should be donel Decision in I'uvor ol the Chicago , 3lllwaiikee A ; St. I'nul Ity. The now Palace sleeplncr cars of the Chlcaco , .Milwaukee & St. Paul Ity. , with electric lights in every berth , will continue to leuvo the Union depot , Omaha , at G:10 : p. in. , dally. Pab eners ( taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil Bluffs , and arrive in Chicago at 9:30 : a. in. , in ample time to make nil eastern connections. Ticket ottlce , JMl Farnam btreet. P. A. NASH , J , E. PRESTON , General A City Passenger Agent THE SPECCLATIVE MAllKETS. Wheat Flattened Oat Without Anj Appw- ent Good Reason. WEATHER INfLU.NCES CORN PRICES. Close lx > er. niul Alone 6 core nn Adiniice , MnU lug n 15IR Ontii Tor tlioVcck. . CIIICAOO , Airll | 4. [ fpeclal Telccrutn toTilK lltn.1 The -wheat market flattened out today. The rea ons for > t wcro not plain. If U win any one hand that tiianlpulutluc vbont. the trade would jump at the Idcn that the market was broken down to bring out n lot ot MutT which the manipulator would pickup lit lowcrpriccs. This wa. not the ca e. ] * crha } U was U the indications nnd | iromi e ot wurnirr wenthcr In tlitwe l. This Is not posi tive , and liut natural If so. CaWc were easier and mar liurcbevn thp cause of the sollues'i. Hut London held .tront . : for actual tull and Kncllshconntry tnnrkets were flnuaud liluhor. London reported n ROCK ! continental demand. 1'arls iind Liverpool sent easier cables the former on more favorable weather In Trance. AMo from this bearish fealliif , tlie local trade wa responsible for the break In prices. Minneapolis reported a probable decrease of 43,000 bushels in rejular stocks and Duluth estimated an Increase of 200.000 bushels. Tbo primary markets did not show icry well for tlie bull side. The market opened with quick H'llincby the hear crowd led by Io ! < ? lie , 1'ixrdrldce iind other * . Tbo first prices fnr May were all the way Iron ) 11.05 to 11.04. Ilurlnltheday at lowerprleovVllllnm Dunn. Oeorce Smith. Orr and : i few other bouses picked up a RrcU of wheat. Scalpers uisobouclit for the rally. The action up to 1 o'clock n as : May. tl.U'i. toil.PI at once , and after a little rallied to 81.PIH. It old to 11.04. to1.04'jiui.d ! at about midday It went to l.03 , nnd rallied to SUBS : July. 11.03'i to 11.02'i nt the Mart , sold a little later ut ll.02 > i , bac-ktofl.OiSandort to ! 101i. with the rally tofl.W'jThe ' lecelpts here cut no ORiire. The close In Client as at a decline of l' e for Muy nt IL03S and a decline from last nlsht of ISc for July at fl.02. April was quoted nl 11.0:1 : % . to 81.01 , to ! ! 02'i. to 81.02' ; . The sale * for May w ere reported ut low as U.03'4 on the break On the curb privileges on May wheat for Monday 'old at I1.02H and 11.04"r. The corn market made a peed start itlth tbo others , but there was no bound In prlcci. When wheat and port weakened corn showed no Independent trencth. One cause of tills was the promise of Increased receipts. Tlie expectation of better -weather bad a tendency to relax tlio market. There wi < little In the shapeof fresh news In tbe pit nnd tradhiR wai liiniely on M'ntlnieiit , Muy opened around fbUe , with Hales at Ci'.o : July started at K < 'rc and touched fi5Sc. From those ficures there was a cractual decline. Mavsold off 07 0. iccoxered to C c. and bicke to 07c , with areeotcrv of 'Sc before 1 o'clock. July nasoffto K\\c with a Might recovery. Corn iliowed but a llnlilr.illy from the lot- toci lieu rev Tlieeloso was at C7 c for April , 4C for May anil M'te for July The < .e prices wt-relc lower for May mid ISo lower for July fioni the clo - ye terday. Muy corn puts sold Mi'.Ciitid vails at CH * . The oats market today was nulct and lower. I'rlct" < opttiird from ' ( . to' * ! * iidovu late clos- ines. but. after adtnitclni : a "llplit fraction , sutlfiiHl a decline of fullv Ic. Tradluena * fortlic no't part JlRht and iinlntirt'stluz. 1'iilUn llittbers were aninnr tinlieavle't sellers of ? lay. which opened at .M'ic , ad vanced to 54 Vc , decllni-d to Kl'ii" and closed lit Kl'.c. June sold ( win 54'.c to 54 > ic. to rk\i ; loKI'te ' uttliecloH1. July dctcltned fmui SlSc to 51c , but recovered to il'nc heforu the clow. Ausust delliery closed ut : sic. i * The proilsloii market was heuvy after tlie first half hour and nil products eluded clo e to tlie bottom prices at iiioderatedccllnesfor tbe day. I'ork and rltis opened stronp and liiRln'r In sympathy with the 15c to - > c adviyice for hops Pork started with icatterlnz sale1. a- hlRhas 512.75 and HXlfl for Muy und July. The decline was I1U.4T' ' } a.nd J12.W lind the close wnsat SliiJandlr'.tl'j'i. or ll c to 12'o ' { under last nlcht Lard started ubont noaclyn W.Kand ) fT.OT i for May and July closed 'lit 12' c lower at W.7U anfl HlKi. Illbs started on the bulge with pork at SdOTiJ for Ma v and fG.47ifor ! Julj- . but the-e price- * held only a moment , and the deollnc was to ' 5.9TH for May und KLU S for July.Yhun tbe market got started down It was found full of stop orders , and this Increased selllnj. The hogbrecelicd for tbe week were light at 113.0(10. ( 1'IllCES AT CHICAGO. Showing tbe ranRe of prices paid for the leadlnp options as compiled ny swartz & Co. and Gns < ir . Duluth receipts , b9ear of Hheat , Mlniieawiis | receipts H'l cam of wheat. Estimated cars at. Chicago-Monday : AVheat. 1C ; corn , 25J ; outs I'M. Estimated receipts o ( hofsat Chicago Mon day L7OtKi ) next week IM.dftj. Duluth estimated increase 200.000 ; Minneap olis cst Imiitod decrease 4. 000. Itetrelnu of wheat from eleven nrliaarv -117,457 ; shipments 150Kii a t Itcrlln cable : Market 4 mark's lillier on April and May wheat : 1H marks higher for topeember and October. 1'arls cable : Wtieat and flour 10 centimes liliilier. Knpllsbcountry matkuts generally bifher. 1'ariners' dell nries for the ween av erage price 'M * M. llriidstit-et says that In conMdcrlns available duppllus It must not be overlooked that tbo small amount held hack In first bands , is much smaller than a year IIRO , and small stocks In Europe. IleerbohrnVcable : Liverpool wheat quieter ; prices unchanged. Com. mod orate oemund , prices unchaliped. Murk Lane wheat , corn and Hour , prices unchanged Curcocs off coast ( irmly held ; arrivals since last report , waiting three , sold one. New Yoric reports clearances for the week Wheat , 47WJO busheU : corn. MI.IIOO bushels ; oats. 81400 bushelh : flour , 2's.lOO. Whi-at lu- cn-ttsod TilM bushels ; corn lncrc.ast dU.4.V > 0 uusbels ; oats Increased 7.2. > 0 bushels ; tlourdo- crcased4l.KKeack8 ) and barrels ; uhem and flour In wheat equivalent aecrease 12U.O.V ) , llradstiuet reports export of wheat arid flour us w beat , both coasts. | bushels , usalnst 1.KW77 bushels lust week aud l.V.'l.b'.nJ bushels first week of April last year. July 1 to dale 71.1 > s2,4 ) bushelb against f2lhO.OO > lbu sh- els. AMiilulile stock of wheat In the United Mate-sand Canada S.'IT.OOO buthels more than last year and 5fcll,0i)0buthels more than two „ _ . . & Co. to Toncray fc llryan. Wheat opened Irregular with consider able excitement la tbe pit. May t.olJ from ll.OIS toll.Ufi ; the olferitiKh were heuvy , ItsoldolT 10(1.0:1 ( : % and bold up to $1.U4H and back to Jl.Ot1 , , Tbe close U fl.Kl.S. Cubits were stroiiK nnd ulghcr. except our own , tiud tbey read dull and lower for the distant future. Tue Inquiry for sprlnsls wood , but so fur nothing haj , In-en dona toduy forsblp- iientWeather early vrns cold , but for this vbeat wtiuid have > old loner. The feeling Is weak , ana w .thout moro buying than we Have had toduy orlccs , will RO lower. Corn opened at GSc for May , sold at CsUc and closed ulKJUt t7'i The sentiment rt-gsrdliiR the future value ot it liiis completely clumped. Tlie old bull party are now bears. Weather lth U vlll be much as It will be In wheat. At the current price w cannot stand sunshine. Outs moderately active , trudlni In sjm.T-ithy with corn. July ch > ed nt51. Tills Is a ) i. > , b price. The well Informed predict lower jirl'fsfor provisions , particularly fur porl > . Kemictt , Ilonklnsi : Co to S > . A. Mc\Vhorter -In the race toaay between sentiment and cold fact * tlie former wus worsted about ut ladly at the latter IIUK been In recent contests. The lnn : went home lust nlcln as well i-atlsli-d wltb the tiltuatlon as > 'aolt | on as prior to Waterloo. The cold wu\e was comlnn alont satisfactorily , Thewasonseemed UtlxttaKinn anothir spring backward I'rlino wan eii l > ecu > dln bit weekly roiiort u > thowthat the oun'C of bupply bud about run dry for nilllursand u bullMi rciwrt from llradstr - t us untlclputcd as well us a fresh calamity or two on thetide. . In tlii'iuuln tl.t-lr cxpec- tatloniwere realized but wrt < dlhappolut d In cables : not onlywat * there noudvnccei but pric'es were lower with the dunand freely supplied. That thu InilU really liar lltilo ( attn In tliuirprolekKi < mkls indlout d by the punickty feelluc that fullowtKl tt.e iiostinc of lower rabies Tbutcti Hie iiumlitul opcnlnn va.a 11.10 for Muy , the bulk of the talcs were within Be ri butri ift r the tieli tfu It The inixrktl ! H. t l nci > ol supH'irtinj b < irt In terest AMillo antiii-.i.itlnK i iwfr pr e n the nt-nr future It . jironntilc jurhiiSis on ] sheep reiut.oni IlVf that ti Uy. will show quick profits for tlmo. Corn anrt oats continue toilrHB.sliowltiR luarl- n * s tinrti r ttvv sellnie aiumrentlj for l < itli liiHCaixl short iii < count Tlipy v III probably d . toUur oiiEOv lbrei k for H quick turn , biit we would ntlivr sell on thu sharp rallies. In provisions hii advance oll. * > c And 2V1 on ho ; ; * imt pork iinlio. nhlcli did not hol.l. A week ace It would liuve ad vnnce < l It ik Uarrrl. There arc now jio < lM > rt to - . < 'nre , or few. titter Hio tnarlet further ik > cltn l. with frsln. find ctospl w-cnk. Wolook for a further reaction In prices. CV//.4 0 LIVE STOCK JIAItKEr. CHICAGO. April I. tS-'peolnl Tck-srim to Tun BEc.-iATTi.n ] : The receipt today . 1,0 . last Saturday 1 > H and for the week 4V > 01 A fe-w loudsot suitable native Mcori among the receipts wcro emll * ' dispose. ! of nt CHU lly Rood prices as at the clo o l Rt nlslit , and about everything wan sold Ion ? before nMii. Afewloadsof cows and other common stock also sold out early uudthc gcncr l tnutlot cloicxl steady. lions-The i-ccelpts todnywcrc 1CXM ( , lait Pntunlay Ilio Mine , anil for tbo week 1J1003. Itiislnc s wa active to the e\tci t nf tlie fup- ply wlUi Htiotherup turn of 20c to 35o , tnaUnc an advance of 40c to 75o for the week. Hough und common. I4MM.70 ! niUeJ and pucker- * , f4.lH5UV20 ; prlinu heuvy utia butcher wolKlitn , S.V2V1) ) . ' . 41. a load or .o at Si.SX the bulk , how- M tr. sold al 65 : : prime llcht .orts , UooiVUK ) : others. t4..M(8.4.93i ( pits , l.t--VrJH IM. SiirtiIstlniiitoU nvflutsnf sheep ru1 * as ooiiipnrfd wljli fv4 vejlcrdny und WCSatiir- clnytif lust week. The murket was uteailv , fi ( ij tiiuttotis sire In demand , Natives , tiT. > ® D.10 ; csterris , farxKa-l.u'k Ktnnctt. llonkms .VOo. to S A JleWhnrter TLu failure of the senate of Nebraska to pass the maximum rate bill orer the cvcrn- or's vote Is rccofnlzcd as n mo t favorable In cident InalTuIrsot all weMcrtroads. . It Is thought to mark the uolnt wlicro legislation hostile torailwars hasrecrltcd ucheck ami a uion' hopeful outlook tor western rmidsKthv result. Tne stock market reRoctcd this bet ter fcollns today. It not only opened strong at un u < l\ancc but \vlth a IHXI deal of anliti a- tlon. 1'rlccs Improved further In tbo ( hort two hours'session. The Industrial Mockuhave also oontliiiiod tbe activity which thcybavc hud for tbo t r days past , ChlcHKO Has today. iH-Ini ; the lender , made a pitn o > crlHst nlcbt's price of 2 per cent , cioilnp at the lilphcst ltli an air of confidence which prom ises further lnipro\rtutnt next week. Al though tbo bnnktitutemi-nt showed n decrease In tht-surplus reserve of ? 2O.V,0iO. : ( tin * strong tone of the market was not checked. Tills statement probably enu lUps tliut ol lust vieU. whlcb was better than tlie iicliuil conot- tlonof the banks at thecloseof thcwtn-k. Tbe ln < In cash of RWO.WO ( is about f Itn0 , < l00 larpt-r than the knoiui tnoiumentof IIUIIUM Indl- CHted. Moni-y.nowcAer. Isplenty. HIIU the re serves will probably s > n besln lolnorcasp by thurrturnof money to tills center from tbe Interior. Total suls. . ll.-i.OJ7. At tlienponliii : there wore flveordors to buy Supirof & 00 tliares eaeb eildently put In by thocllcjuc , The o brukors bid the price up rnpld 1 y on each ot her. So far us could be seen tin re were no outside buyliiR orders. The money market Is so verv > iny just now that little interest seems to bo taken In tlie bank statement , but the clear ! n ? haus Cju res for ln > \ieok are likely to show a lossln i-e- str\es , as the city bunks bn > eslilpped SI.IWS.OUO more currency to the Interior tlun tncy hnvo received tbercfrotn. There WHS an unex plained dcmuml from the stutv of Michigan. I'rnnilnentVill street and i-xchance peoole dropped In to the Windsor la t enlllC to learn the result of the railroad bill nnd there was much satisfaction expressotl oier the an nounced fact that tbo poiernnrs veto bad been sustained. It was penenilly expected that srariKors would be Mrcncthtnod hy the uelloii today itnd the feeling was decidedly mart- bullish last cvcnlnc. The Chronicle says- The bunks lost to In terior H.fiTidJi1 , culned Jmni the irensiiry fJOD.HOO , net lossl.oAOOt . Ileturnsof rallr < iid : e.irntnpseontlnue surprlslnply ( rood In view of tbo reduced pruln tonnapu und Hie quiet condition of trade. The comparisons as tenet net curnliigs Is also us a rule at Isfnctorv Elcbtv-el ht roads iba thlr l week of March Balnea In press earnings ! . " . ! 5. < )0i. ( e < iual to 4 OS per cent : twel\e roads the fourth week o ( March mined In gross earnings 11(1,817 ( , equal to7O percent. The following arc ( lie closm quotations : Weekly Itaiilc Statement. NEW VOIIK , April 4. ISpeclal Tolejram to THK 1IEE.1 The weekly bank statement shows the following changes : rteseru1. decrease f 5O.V2,073 Ixia us. Increase 'J.4')0.tO ' ) : Sp < jcle.ilecre.a > e .ritO."iOO ! 1/eRal tendersdecrease I,40S. K ) Ilepo > lts , Increase l i,7i l Circulation , decrease 10,103 The banks now hold nW.TO In excess of the requirernentsof tbc2Jer cent rule. Tlio exports of specie last week from the port o ( New Vork umounUsd W il.Til.'Ctt. of which ll.ri9,7. ! was In ZoM and ir > ! , M.-i hi sll- ler. The Imports of specie durlns tbo week an.ountcd to tll.r l. of which f 17,1)37 ) was In sold and Sim In silver. > MiiiiiK Quotations. NEW VOIIK , April 4. IRpecIal Tolcjrainto TIIE HEEL ] The following are tha stock quotations : YOHK. April 4. [ "pedal Tclojram to THE BEC.-CorrEE ] Opened barely t-teady at 5 to 10 points decline , unu closed steady und unchanged to 10 points down , ( jiileU The sales wore f iTO bass. Includlnc Muy. I17.20@17.K : ) : June. fic. 3 : .Inly. * in.7tiai6.7j ; September. IIC.K ( ) : October , f lS.r : ® ir > 3i ; 1 Jocem- ber , ( bpot Illo quiet find fcteady ; ( air curpoes , KJ.W ) : Xu. 7. tl5.1i.vai . 'iU. PKOOUCE. CniCAOO. April \Mieat-Clo e-Steadv ; caEliII.O-S ! May. fl.tnS ; July , (1.02. Corn Steady ; cash and -May. C7'4C ; July , Outs Kasy ; cash , 52"c : Mnv , KJ ijjT'c I'ork S'ow ' ; oafchSU't74 : : May. tliiu. Lard Kusy ; cash , Mod ! Muy , fO.70. fchort Klbb Easy ; cash. tiW ; .May. W.OO. Rje Kusy at S7c. HurleyQuiet nt 7 ! < J.-IOc. 1'lax rirm HI SI.K1. Tlnmtliy-Easyat l. ai.S8. AVhlsky-lt 10. I'lnur I'lrrni winter wheat , Wisconsin iTuljhth. H.I Kfil4J ; doclenr.ll.l'JSr.'O : spring wiiealMinnesota Iiurd patents. IXOO&5.K ) ; s < jft putoiit ,'iia.'i. ( > 0. Hull ; 5Ieut Shoulders. : > 00 < 3ilO ; short clear , short ribs. filO. lluttcr Sieudy and unchanged : creamery. ZXVXc : Oulry. iHe' c Cheese 1'lrm ! full cream clx-ddars. lO Qtl'-jc ; full cream fluts , llGll'je ' ; fancy Younp Americas , ll'i Ste&dy : fresh , dysheavy jreen salted , Cclljbt Halted. 5'e < a. ' o ! tireeu hldeR. 4 > t6.Ii : Halted bulk , 4Vci Kreeu halted calf , > c ; dry lllnt.Sc ; dry halted. l/a7c ; dry cull , fcaitc ; dea cons , 2T > c each Tallow itoadyj New solid packed , quotable at 4'tO. ' KectlptH. ShlpinentN. Flour . lii.OJO C.OOO bu . . an.ojo 41.0(10 Corn , bu . 123aw t73 ( Outi.bu . . . . . 1IG.OOO 1M.OJO NEW YORK. April 4. Wheat Kecclpu. 1C.200 bushels * ; riK > rts. 41. .TO biibbcls ; No. 2 red , : .15'il.lC'i In cHivator : II.IH'S afloat : I1.17i < ttl lU3 * f , o. b. Options declined lOUc. reacted l\Si Se. closlnc stt-tdy. Corn Iteccl pti , XdlfiQ bushels ; e > | x > r ts , l.OOOj spot lower ; Ka 2 , "w In elevator : TWiJWHo afloat : ungraded mind.77li5t7l > ! 1c Outlons hteacllly declined , cluiiufr JiitiC lover ; Murcli closed Oath ItH'e.ptt , W,0iO : bushels ; ei | > orts , 400 ; Fpotweaker : No. 2 wlitte. Cj' ftffie ; mixed western. .V > itClc ; wblto western. OXtt iT > o. Op tions lower ; weak ; Muy cluiltiK ut Mitic iuijur IIuw , tlrni ; fair refinlnc. ie ) ! ; eentrlf- ucalfc , ICteht. 3'io : sales , njiifcco\auu , B'J test , 3'iCj ' relliied , fulrly active ; ( inn. 1'ctroleutn Unlt d clnsud , Muy , 73c. Keen \\euk ; western , Wit. I'ork Moderate demand ; new moss , (13.73 ( 14.03. l.ard Opened weak ! closed firm ; wcbtorn steam , Hit's lluttor About steady : we t rn dairy , 12 ® Sic ; western creamery , Slfii'c ; Klgln.ViO. . t'heoso-rinni hklms CH(1UC. MiKSEArouiR. April a. Wheat ( 'ash wliont coni-lderablv loiter ; slow. Itucelpta. 170 cars ; khlpiuents , 5jcar Cloov No. 1 hard. April , ll.(4 ; on track. II US ; .So. 1 northern , - .S"northern , Apr. . X i. . . ontr-ck , II ST Lorin , AprilVbt < t-CIolnK lo ca li , 11.04 ' SI ay. 1 1,01 ( . 'orn r..i < trr cai.h , c V Mny. Kik p bIJ. Lnti--t.'a h. str\Mif , : .7c , optiebS lower : May , ' rork-K . lfr at I nrd-Qulct at MM * . \Vhl > kr 11.16- lluttcr 1'lrm KXMIAR CITY , April 4. WheM-Qnlrlt No. X hartl. cash and April , file bid ; .No. S , ml cn > h , t c bid. Ourn-Kniler ; > 'o t , ca h , MiJct April , Oats-Stoaily : No. I cn h. H8)o ) ( Utfl. , April 4. Whoat-f.asltsr ! No 8 red. ll.t T l.tf7. ( > > rn Kn ler : No I OKts-l-'iniii No. Wlil ky 11.10. April 4. Wlicat-Suvjily l" < or. unclmnicedi Kansas wlnuir , Ss 4Jt ktronj I'orn Holders for > pot offer prirlncly und futuris iModcmtvlyt spot and April , fj Juno , CiS dl II riii , CMICUIO. April 4. Cattle Re-eolpK l.fllOj murket clojeU Mendy scows n ml bulls. $ l ! Mo 3 80 : hnlf r < s K XV < I4.TS | natives. . . . Hnss Ittrelpt , in. Xli nnrkct hiishfr : rouih ; ami eoi.untiti. ! l K , < 7n ; initial nnd packers. (4.1Vft&.aii ( prime hra y and butcher , . . -Koeciptu , l.tHUj mutke/t cener.nlly stt-ady niul a shude lonur : iiullie * . KiOW S.75 ; itestorns , 3 VriUliiiubs(5.aoft8. ; ' X PT. Lot'iii , April 4. Cattlo-Uocclptv 300 : shipments Stv : markrt tronsi f nlr lo fiincy nnthe ntcerv fl.loa.VI7. ] stockers and fcudcrs. t3.7tKT4.KI. HOK Kecclpt * . 1,400 ; shipments , 4K)3 ) : market - kot hlcher ; beaty. f\00-.a-i ; inlieJ , fl.WiJ MO : llelit , H.tK a 'vlS. KN < A Cirr , Ajirll 4. Cattlc-r.pcelpti , ; sbipmenTH , 4X > : inarkt-t st nny ; steers. } a77i4.Vs.eows.1.7r.d4aii ; | ; stock fit and fi > ed- ers. < 2.2v lliwt Heeelpn , 7.400 ; shipments , JWO ; imr- kot hlfhcri all Braiies.U2Uqt4.sQ. DC Witt's UtticEnrljrUisrr * . Hcst llttlo pill ever iniule. Cure coiKtltmtlon every time. None equal. Vie them now. Omlia Medical anil Surgical IMSTlTUTtS. Forlhp treilinentol Ml CIIIIONIP AXII PUROICAt * ? . HriiOK. Aiipll.\iio ( orl > iformltlriiinil ! llc't KurlllUtri Apparatu * md llpmi'JUn ful trcttmuxit of eterf formuf dhr& a r Mjulrlni : .Mlillcnlor Su ioU Trratment XINKTV" IHK ) ! * l\lt IMTIKXTA llonrd and AtU'iulnnoe. lif t Accommcxlnltim * ' .Ve'L Wrlt for flrculin enl l > cforniltle nd llr ee , Trusnei , Clnti leot. Cnrvn- turei ol Milne , I'llon , Tumorn , Cunwr. Catarrh. Ilrtmolillln. InlmHtKm. Klmrlcltr l'Bnilr ! > N. ipll- er r. KldDCfn , llladdor Kro. i : > r , Mln nnil Illuort , BnanllfurvicAl ( iperntlom IlxASKAUK | : WOMKN B | HTlalta Ho < koi t > l ene of Women Krot * . We linvetatolr nddeda lylna In Dcpartmenlfor Women l > urlnc c-onllnenient ( Strictly I'rlrato I Only tlpUn- MeMedlol lni > tltulo Mikluc a gpoclallr ot 1'Kl- VJVTE DisKASits All Ill.v > dlli ) * aiipi furcfufulljtrontol Medlclno or In trunirnt M'nt lif mail ur exprrsi pocurely picked , no mnrki to Indlf-nte cuntcnU or senior One | > eri > ona , Jnter'lew preferred Call an < 1 consult unorsenil lilt orj ot your cn p tnd wpwlllsonil tn lain wr&rpfr our IIOOK TO MKN KllKK. upon 1'rl- rate bpi cliil or Xcrrous DlnoateJ , wltbtiuefltluntlsU AOitron all Uttrrito Dr. A. . T. IVloI-atighlln , President Uth aud Harney Streets. Qnuhu. It. N. W1THNKM. J.\V. \ SMITH. \Y1TI1KEU \ & SM11H , 1,000OOO to 3OOOOOO ALWA.-STS IN STOCK. iVo iniitiufacturo for Bale only , as > edo not contract. Orders promptly flllud nnd at tlio lo est prices. Oflhc and Urick Yard , 22il an ! Hickory. Or orders left nt liulliltTs' mid Trailers' Kx- will ho promptly attended \ . PTTTHUGH ESi Wholesale Cash. Commission Merchant. Klein nnd Woitern Crcntncrr butler , enw and dnre leaf lo.rd. Advunoe * on lotn on traxk , warc- bouneor In More tt bank rates. IKd and IXU 1Mb U , Denver. Colorado. RR1LMYT1MEBRRD Uarni ICHICAliO , I1UKI.1NUTON .1 Q.i ArrlTei Omaha. I Depot lUth od Maion * lrwl . I Omaha. Uarei I1JURL1NQTON & MO. HIVEK.I Arrlrn Omaha. ) Depot loth anfl M * n ntrfpt * j Omthv OK n m .DenreT Dnjr Kipreis . MOa p m 1U.U a m ItaudwDOfI " I US i > m 1H.ZJ n ra ! . . . . . . , l > enrer ISipre * * . < ( J.1& p m T.10 p ra.l | > t > nvcr Mphl Kiprui nG n m 1410 p m . . . . . l.lnroln LlroltotJ a m 6.15 & uij Lincoln I/oral ( O o m IC3.TCI I K UmahaJ _ _ at _ 3Maion _ _ Uninfaa. UO a n.Kin | > & > Clty I > j EzpmiTTTT 845 p mK. | ( JNIgtitHip. T | U. f. Trant. C.tS a m lx > aroi I UNION PACIFIC. lAtrlTM " 1 Dtpol 10lhnn-1 v-n- utreeu. JOm li- (07 n m KnnmCtty Riproii. . . . . . Ili.OSa n 023 nm ! I > rnrfr Eiprn i I H.Mp m 2 60 p ra ! OTtrlnnd Klrer . . . . . tUJ5p m 7..1U n m I'nclBo Kiprai * . . . . _ _ . ll. & _ ija Ix-avei I CHICAGO , II. ArrTfeT Omaha , V I' depot. Ititri and > lnrcr8t . _ ! 15 a m . . Sloui City 1'axenrcr. i ( ; IO p ml . . . . . .M. r ulKipres _ . 110.10 ajn Ix-aWTi "SIOUA OlTVTl'ACina I ArrlteT ( liniilu I Depiit lith und WebMerM . _ t llnmba. Omuha I U. I' , dPtxit , lUUi mid Mirer > t . I Omaha. IQ . .Clitcaco Kipruni. C.2O p in CKI p in . VeHlbulo UmlU'd V.U 11 m C 15 p m luwaAcfomtnoaitlon ( eic. bun. ) 7.0a p m ( i 10pm ; . . . K lern lire . . . 2.45pm t"l raenerr ( tne. M * > n ) ISaviji L . . . . , O-ni'ivllJ I'.Opit.Ut'i nit M > rf au.lum ihi. ( UOpral. . . Cnlciso Kipreti P.45HM Chlcuto ISxpreu. . . . . . . ' C.-M pm "OMAHA XBl 1-OUIB. lArrlTfi" IU P dcpjl. IDtli atnl Mnrcr Slu.l Oinnlii Ht Lnnht Ctnnon I'm ) . 1Z.KJ : ) > ro "TTK"YM j VA'HiTBi7 j Arnve Omaha i I > epjl " IMii and \V < bitr B.- < . Jt ] nnai. _ 'u.OJBiu , . "llfuk Illlli Kipreii. ( J..2-J p iu ti.UO a m .lliilltm Kxp. iICiunlar ( ) [ S.M 11 m I.Id p m W liuoA.l.lnrotn I'n d.MJrid j1 ll.XS u la i. 10i ml Norfolk ( r Sundafl _ . II X"i rn _ C > T. l'M. A. ( I Arrltei" Omaha Depot Itlli und \\ulnlir S " Omalu. h. HI are ! Hou Otr AccomiuudaUon ttttipm l.UI p iu Stout Cltr Btprcn ( ex. "undar ) 12.40 p ru fi.O ii m . . . ; t , I'nnl Limited . UK a ru ' K4S a iu Ix-Bte I 1'ACIHC. I Arrlrri Oii tij I lxotl.Mli | and \ \ ebntcr Bti. _ | Omalia lU : < > Ia m ht. I uli tt K I KiKf" ' 10 \ > in U.1S p in ! .tu L/iUli A K C Kl're ] ' ' ( ' : J a m Ix-iTei i ClliCAiO. U. 1. . Trun ler i Union Depou Council HlufH Tr nif r P ml X.rht Krjirfti 11 'JU i in J > 6am ! Atltullo f.ipreii . . . fi.U a in H | > ml . _ _ . . VMlltiulejUmItpJ . 'Ixfatri [ cilirAiiOi NUHTlAvKSrKUN Arrlre * Trunifer' ' t'ntun DepotCouncil Illurr Tranifoi b.Ulpiu | . . .Vrillliule Uiullrd . . . I m ] U.Unimi | Uktrrn Pljer . . | J.U ) p m MWpm iKi SallAtluntlrMull iKic Mun ) 7 M a ru Ii ni lowj Aonmiuiofliitltiii iKi _ - - Trnnifori Union Prpot. Ctiuncll | llun , Tranifer C.40p m Colc-niro Kjpran . . . . 11 1 m p m Clilmuo Kiproii t.Sip im = > fe > I K. tf 8T JOB * K. Arrltn TriDif r ! Union lMit > oi. Council HluOi TratutVr iu. . _ 1U.M p tg/.Ku.nm | nty Nlcbl Eifr i. 4 40 p ml ii-L ° ulil ant'jfco.Ta'ni. _ , Anftai Union Dtpjt Cuuncll lllud. ti M t n > i (1ilCK < o 10 W f m | Cblcivro Eiprm " m Trittterl Uolop liepol. Coutiell llluHl Trinifer T i u'Eloui ' Cllr Attui fit ! ) a ro C-Wp [ . „ „ . _ tkI' _ il EJ _ llCJDp lit