Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1891, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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nnpr if\n\Tro < o TinnntciTP
Harrison's ' Tear to the Pacific Oooat and How
it Will Be Taken.
Andrew tlnukftonVi I'oniihniit forKlfM-
liiR lliiljIci 'XJio Trips of Lincoln
null HnycH tt'omliTl'iil Trav
els ill' General Grant.
JSM tin frank n. Cantenltr. ]
WASIIIXOTO.V , April l-SDecltil ! [ Corro-
spomlciico of TIIK HUE. ] The tour which
1'rcstdcnt Hiirrlson Is snld to bo planning u
the llfc'post mid longest ever mmlo by a pr < w
idcntvlillo In ofilco. If it is tnkon nt all It
will Include the biggest cities of the country ,
mid It will bo memorable as tlio first tour n
Dit'sldent ever rrmdo to tlm northern part of
the I'nclllo slope. President Hnrrhou Is need
oed truvelur. Ho enjoys the changes of
scenery ana people , and bo kccpu himself
allvo to hf iiirrounUlnK * . Ho Is n ready
speaker , and li very careful In hi * statements
tipon all occasions , so that llicro Is little
danger of hurting his pnrt.v hy Imprudent
utterances and actions. lie has n good con
stitution , and ttto trip will ho taken with all
modern travel convonlenres , and the presi
dent will huvo tlino to rest between towns.
If ha I'otncs out of the tour , however , un
scathed , ho will ha much more successful
than his predecessors. Ncany all the presi
dents who liavo traveled have met with mis
fortunes on their tours , niul tlio most unpleas
ant things of tliolr administration have hap
pened at/such tinny. Unrllulcl was assassl-
rutcd when he was starling out to travel to
LO K Hrnnch. Tyler oamo near helnc blown
up on the Trenton. Andrew .Inckson hnd
his nose pulled on a trip down the Potomac ,
and Andrew Johmon'H famous "awingaround
the circli ! " aided inntcrlnlly in tils defeat for
rennmlnatlon. President Arthur Rot sick
during liN tour to Florida , and one of tliu
most bitter insults ottered to President
Cleveland wai the newspaper slander ut
tered concerning bis wlfound whllo hu was
visiting St. I'aul.
The custom of presidential touring dates
hack to Washington , Ho had the most style
about him of nil tlio preildentB. and hu rrxlo
about the country in a , cream colored chariot ,
drawn by four horses , and accompanied by
IKMtUIIdiis and outriders. Ho had a regular
retinue of followers unit the letters of the
times show that many of uis toura were ta
ken for political reasons. Ho appreciated the
value of style , and bo was very careful as to
hit oiiulp.Jgo. Ho once whipped a stnblo boy
because hu did not clean his horses quito as
well as he thouRtit tliuy ought v > be denned ,
and hu imido his hostlers \vusli the teeth of
his horses and clean tbcm with tooth Dicks
daily. It was hl.s test of a well proornoil
homo to rub him ovorwlth his line pocket
iMiidkerchlof , and If a ult of dii't came off or
ho linen was soiled In tlio least the horse liau
to bo gone over again.
after ho a.ssnmcd tlio presidency , wan a trip
to New England , xvhlcti liutook In connection
with nit luivuto secretary , six servants nnd
KOino noted men. Ho started from Now York ,
nnd Alexander Hamilton and Chief Justice
Jnv escorted him out of the city. At this
tlmo he visited Boston , hut ho skipped Hhodo
Island wlilch was then out of the union.
Washington's second tour was taken from
Philadelphia In 17UI. At this time ho went
to the south and too it a tour through the
southern statei. Ho had 11 line turnout as
usual , ana ho had a saddle horse led with bis
roach In order that ho might rest himsplf by
riding on horseback when bo got ; tfrCd. , Ho
had his whole tour outlined bo-
fora hu started , and his cabinet
ministers had a memorandum of his Itincry ,
and his private secretary say tlmt ho planned
ned tlio trip so'well that no carried the nictn-
oranuum out to the letter. Ho was a fast
traveler , nnd durlmr this trip ho covered
nearly seventeen hundred miles In sixty-six
days , with ono sot ot horses. Ho carried a
peed supply of provisions with him , but bo
had no ido.i of the luxuries of the colored
porter who can mix a cocktail or ( rot up a
dish of terrapin on a half hour's notice. Presi
dent HnrrUoa's car will bo stocked with all
the delicacies of the season. It will contain
oeu rooniH auu oaiu rooms , u win prooaoiy
have a library and a piano and the touch of
on electric button will hrini ? tbo president
anything ha wants.
Andrew Jackson was ouo of our leading
presidential tourists , and ho was ono of tbo
best mixers amonir the presidents. Ho was
acoodJiulKUof human nature , and always
adapted himself to lib surroundltipis. Ho
was worshipped by the democracy nnd dur
ing his tour thousands of babies were pre
sented for him to kiss. Ho was a kind
hearted man and ho did kiss it few hundreds
of them , but ho often rolcgatod the duty1 to
his cabinet , who accompanied him. Colonel
A. H. Hotcler. who was a member of the con
gress of the United States before the war ,
was attending l-'rlncetoii rollcpo when .lack-
son , ntailo ono of those tout's nnd ho accom
panied the procession from Princeton to
Tronton. During tha trip , so bo
tells mo , whllo General Jackson and
General Eutou were riding along in
the carriage together , a lean , long , lank ,
homely woman , was HCCH rushing across the
fluid with n baby In her arms. Shehon'dcd
oft the procession and crawled through the
fence Just as .lack-son and Baton came up.
President Jackson stopped the carriage and
spoku to her She bold up the baby and ho
noticed that Its fnco was well covered with
molasses. Ho seized the child and then hold
ing It out Iwforo him said , "Madam , you linvu
a tine 50n here , nnd ho may bo president of
the United States some day. Ho will doubt
less do credit to you , nnd his face Is a sweet
0110. " Ho thereupon thrust him towards
General "lOaton , and said , "Hero Eaton , you
kiss him " and this tbo
, secretary of war did ,
making the woman snillo with Joy.
A MONTI ! OX TUB 1101 P.
It took Jiirkboii a mouth \o \ como from Tou-
ncsseo to Washington. lie had an old fnsh-
loned family coach which hnd been presentee !
to hU wife about the time ho built the Hor-
mltngo. It wns very beuvy , but ho would
notrldo In any other , and it Is my roniem-
branco Hint bo refused the uift of ono which
was sent to him by his friends. A "part of
tills old coach was In the hands of it southern
planter some years ago , and ono of the pan
els of the cream chariot which President
Washington used Is in the national museum.
It was painted by a celebrated Italian painter ,
nud Is a work of art.
JofTorson dla the most of his traveling ho-
fore ho got Into the Whlto House. As presi
dent ho spent most of hU time hero and at
Moutlcello , iroiiiR from ono place to the other
on horse back. Ho wns n good horseman
and ho often road about the country near
Washington alouo. Madison did much the
same , though ho always rode In hU coach to
Montpelior. Ho took ono or two excursions
down the Potomac , and It was left to Monrno
to innko the xocoml presidential tour.
Monroe visited New York und Now Kneland
nnd ho Und a series of ovations from the be
ginning to the close of his trip. Ho was well
treated nt New York nud ho was the tirst
president of the United States who visited
Khodo Inland. Ho met old Jolur Adams at
Boston and dined with him , and wont up to
Portland. .Mu. , and then went as far west as
Cleveland nud came back by way of Pitts-
burg , Ho traveled more than three thousand
inllos In Ills catrlagc , and hU tour was , per
haps , the incut rcmorknblo that a president
over niado. v
A now statue Is now being erected to Ln
fayetto in Washington. It Is Just opposite
the white house , and it recalls the grand
faroivell tour whlclr I.afayotto made
in thtx country , John Qulncy Adams wont
with htm. Ho was secretary-of state nt the
time , The French republican , was received
with honor everywhere find the country \runl
wild over him. It was John Qulncy Adams
who wns tha first president to travel on a
rnilrond , out bis traveling was dona after bo
loft tha presidency , nnd ha was In a railroad
ncrldnnt In which two people want killed.
Proildont Harrison's gmndfathor , William
Henry Harrison , tooK the Daltlmoro & Ohio
railroad at Wheeling to como to Washington ,
but ho rod a from his homo to that point hi a
roach. He had a saddle hone with him , and
hu was ao fund of bond-back riding that when
hi went out to the capital to bo Inaugurated
ho refused to rldo In it coach-nnd-four which
had boon , prepared for him nndrodo on horso-
brick. The day was bitterly cold and bomado
his speech without an overcoat , catoblng , It
Is said , at his Itiaupunratlon , a cold which
aided In causing his death a few weeks later.
rnEHinK.VTMXtoi.s's TOPIM.
President Lincoln traveled somewhat whllo
ho was In the white house , but Mis Ufa was
too busy n ono for the ordinary presidential
Junket. His first trip to Washington was
made hy the Michigan Southern und Now
York Central. Ho was received with Krcat
respect everywhere , except nt Baltimore ,
where It was feared Iho southern sympathiz
ers would mob him , and through which city
it l.s said he xvcut dlspuiscd , Ho had n
special train , and ho made DIs speeches from
the baggage air. Andrew Johnson's tour
was n speech-making ono. Ho was under the
Inlluoncc of liquor during a part of It , nnd
some of his utterances wore Injudicious In
the oxtrcmo. Ho went nominally to lay the
corncr-stonoof the Stephen A. Douglass mon
ument nt Chicago , but ho traveled nil over
the country to got thcro.tnklng In Now York ,
Philadelphia and Cleveland. Ilospohoavery-
where , nnd hurt himself every tlino bo spoko.
President Hayes was a great trav
eler. " Ho was n constant fro-
( juontcr of Grand Army reunions ,
and his southern policy mndo tils
southern toura very popular ono. Ho was
accompanied by lending southerners , and ho
received a great deal of priilso and taffy In
the south. Ho wns ono or the greatest of the
presidential travelers and did a great de.d
moro traveling whllo in the white house thnn
ho has done since ho loft It. It wns different
with General Ornnt. Ho traveled but Httlo
whllo president , going only now nnd then
to Long Hrnnch or Now York , Ho started
out on his tiIp around tbo world , however ,
Just nftor ho left the white house , nnd no
man has over had such a tour as ( hat of hist
around the world. All men-all nations
tried to do him honor. Ho was received like
a king , nnd ho formed an Intlmato acquaint'
anci > with the greatest statesmen all the
world over. Ho came back to the United
States with many now Ideas of government ,
and had ho been re-olected president for n
third term the country would have greatly
profited hy the results of his experience and
ifaines 1C. Polk did not do a great , deal of
traveling whilu In.the white bouso. Ills
nomination was n. surprise to him and to nls
friends. Colonel John Drownlow , n son of
the famous lighting parson , tells me thorois
a letter now In existence , written by Polk a
few weeks before ho was nominated at Balti
more. In this letter Polk writes to Andrew
Jackson De-nelson , endeavoring to get the
support of "Old Hickory" to make hint vlco
I'lesklent. After stating his qualifications
for the place , ho closes as follows : "I liopo
the i'uimcMHCO delegation will exert Its In-
llucncu In my behalf as tlio candidate for vlco
piesidcnt. This has ) been the ambition of my
life. Four years ago I desired the nomina
tion , but I gave war to others , nnd now I
hope my friends will support , me. "
' ThuTonnossuo delegation , " said Colonel
Brownlow , "hud ntf idca of nmltlng Polk
their candidate for the presidency , and their
support of him ns vice president" was moix-ly
nominal. The convention , however , did not
know this. The friends or the other candi
dates were fighting hard , nnd it was In ono
of the bitterest of the struggles that merely
to divert the attention of the convention.
Major Douelson arose and nominated James
K. Polk ns a candidate for the presidency.
Donelson was .supposed to bo the inouth-plcco
of 'Old Hickory , ' and the influence of An
drew Jackson was such that this caused a
st.lmpedo towards Polk , and he wns nomi
nated. When Andrew Jackson heard of It
ho wns not pleased. Ho had a contempt for
Polk , because Polk would not light u duel
with Henry A. Wise when ho pulled his nose
during his stay In Washington us speaker of
the house of representatives. "
"What did Polk say us 16 bis nomination ! "
f asked.
"They tell a queer story concerning It In
Tennessee , " replied Colonel Brownlow. "Tho
news was announced to him by his brother , *
William Polk , and James 1C. Polk would not
bellovo it. William Polk was a much
brighter man than James 1C. Polk. Ho was
the Tom Corwln ot Tennessee in his flays ,
and was noted as n wng. He could toll stories
by the yard , und President Lincoln , who
know him well , was very fond of him. Ho
was. ruined , however , D.V drinking , and It wns
a curious thing that drink nmdo hLs fncp
white rather than red. Ha drank a great
deal , but ho bad no blossom on his nose.
Well , William Polk was the first man to get
the news of Jarncs 1C. Polk's nomination. Ho
heard of it while fils brother was trying a
potty ten-dollar Justice of the peace case in
the town , and he. ciiino into tbo lawyer's
ofilco and interrupted the trial , saying :
' * * Tlin lintrn hntiif1 flirt _
\ nit * natu fi rtm T r > 1
tlmore ! '
"Tho future president replied that ho had
" 'Woll , Jim , the nomlnntionR are tnado
mid I am blank blanked If you are not nomi
nated for the presidency. '
"James 1C. folk laughed , and so did the
rest of the crowd. They all thought it was
ouo of Bill Polk's ' Jokes , but. they soon
learned that It wns truth , nnd Polk made nn
nctlvo canvass during the camp.iign. An
drew Jnuluou helped him because ho wui the
democratic uomtneo. Ho didn't ' lilco tbo pill ,
but he took it. "
HOW I'OI.K WiS KlI.t.rlD.
'President 10111 wns killed by anxiety and
hard work , " Colonel Brownlow went on.
' 'Ire ' was laid In lib grave by tha Mexican
win1 , nnd in some way ho pot the Idea that
the responsibility for that war rested unon
him. Ho was conscience strlJlceii and felt
himself responsible for the lives lost lit It.
This frchng preyed upon him , and the anx
iety and hard work connected with his posi
tion brought him to his gravo.Vhon ho en
tered the wblto hoiuo ho wns vaunt ; , straight ,
black-haired and about ttfty ycari of ago.
When ho came out ho wns a stooped , wrin
kled old man , whoso hair wns pray and
whoso step \vi\t feeble. Ho went back to
Nashville , and he died a few months after ho
loft the presidency. "
jiiiixsox'snKt.imov. . .
"Polk was a Presbyterian , was ho not ! "
said I.
"No , " replied Colonel Brownlow. "ho was
a Methodist , and I know the Methodist
preacher wno baptised hitn. His wife was , a
Presbyterian , nnd it Is probable that the
statement tliat ho. was n Presbyterian him
self , conies from that fitct. I often sec it
stated that Andy Johnson was n Proiby-
torlan. The fact Is ho wns an agnostic , r
know him very well , and according to my
understanding , ho wns Insidu n church only
three times while lie wns president of the
United States. The first time was nt the
memorial services over President Lincoln in
the senate chamber. Tlio second time was
nt the memorial services of Colouel Elliot
Dalrlurcn , and the third tlmo when Henry
Ward Uoechor came to Washington. Boechor
had como out in n sermon , nnd hail supported
'My pallor , ' R * * Johnson's ' policy was called.
Boecncr bai received considerable criticism
for this action , and when he came toV'aah -
niRtou , n friend of the president called at. the
white house and asked him to fro to the
church to hear him preach. President John-
Ron at llrst refused. But ho wa.s told it
would not look well If ho did not go , for
Heechrr had supported him , aud It wns only
fair that no. should go and listen to Boechor.
Ho then went. " KIUNK 0. CVIII'KNTEH.
- < ; oiu.\rit'H ; nuii : > TAi.
CIUAM. : on 31 VIJIOAI , iii.uruiin. : : :
HrmnvtflTun. Hmplt1 * , Kreck-
ltf , Moth r tcbeKAiuiindSUIu
I every blrniliu on
beuutjr , anU dollea
iduUitlon. It lia *
1.100,1 1UO tut Ct )
'feaii. ' and H HU
tu IMJ Hiiro UI | irtit *
trly ni5tlM. Aicxpt
n ciiuiitcrfilt ot
In Ilia I'nlt * I HtMrn. Ctiujji.nti , ! E > in > p
ftllU. T. lIol'KI.XS.Vrup' ( In-at JonMSt. , S. V.
rulr tlocujr , wiwllnic vrtaknriu , lost uuabouit , etc
I wfll u-nil a Talaalile trvatlw ( M-alnli coatnlntn
tullpanloulan for hong cure , KHUI' ot rbarxo
AiplenilUl nicillcal i > or 1 1 iliuuld bio U Ly v r
m u who Is ncrroiu nml tlchlllUfd. AilJroit
Prof. V , C. I'OVMUt , 9Ioodii Couu
Or. ho UIIU'H I'eriodlcnl 1'IIlH.
Thli Krnnch ruaipdr acli Ulrucllr upon tha ( finer
tiroorv > nt mil cures tuppruttlun of tbo meptei for H , nu cnnle umllwl. HhouUlnot b
u i > .l durlEg Jiibbon
prcKnuicjr , ilnifuUU und tb
nubile in pplltxl brUouamin Ira CO. . Oman * . 13
J.IVliori unit llownrd Mem * , foulh Omaha
U. 8. KIIU ud A. 1) ) . k'oiuir , Council Wuffs.
An Old Steamboat Engiaoet's ' Opinion of an
Omaha Ordinance.
Tlio Hiker * ' Union Plxo n. Horelo of
\VngRM nud Hours Interest' In
tlio Olilo.igo Ci\rp3iitorn'
Trouble * .
AstiMXD , Nob. , March 31 , To Iho Editor
of TUB URII I'm nu old .steamboat engineer
and I thought sonic of writlnir you about
hem there surety plugs I road so much about
n the paporc. You see , I'm n former now
and I was so taken up with tbo Nowberry
> llt I forgot all about thorn thcro safety
I ruckon I put In and took out moro saf oty
ilug.i on the Ohio and Missouri riven than
rour Union Pacific shop * ' boiler Inspector
vor saw or will see.
The government worked thorn thflro safety
ilugs for all they were worth , and I want to
oil you right now there's ' nothing la it. _ IC
our boiler Inspector ever know of a plug
hat fused at the right time , ixtiJ ho was
IghL there when the thing occurred , I will
rlvo him the best team 01 thofurin , I bollcvo
10 want ? two plug * to u boiler , da can put
n six for that matter , and In two
vccks tbo dirty slack you folks In ,
) inaha burn will cover thorn with n ,
mrct tooty scnlo nnd the water from
he old muddy will [ ml n scnlo otio-slxtccnth
if an Inch thick on tbo Inside of your plug.
Jnder such circumstances niul your water
nould pet low , ns the colored engineer said ,
' \Vhnro Is you i Wbarols .vouh plugl" The
act Is it ain't ' nowhoro.
Who has ever hoard or read of a factory
hutting down or n train of cars stopping be-
woon stations or a steamboat tlclng up to
ho bank because a plug fused ! No ouo , . ir ;
ho man Is not alive. When I was a young ;
nan I IIred a locomotive on an eastern road ,
nnd their lire boxes were Jltied with "soft
ilugs'1 in the erown sheet. I ttiink they had
wo each. Ono day \vo were going over the
Ivlslon with eighteen loads , nnd ntono plneo
vo ran flvo mlloa without n dron of water In
Now where were our "soft plngsf"
They weru present In the body , but absent in
no spirit. I think it's too Into in the day for
) inuhato gomonkcyingwlthsomethini : undo
S.irn tried ronl hard to fix aud then gave it
ip years ago. I expect your boiler
n'pcctor aim his Job is n.sort of political junk
toro. and as it's getting election tlma folics
mvu to do something to make an Impression
nnd glvo the "pull" u boost.
I thinkyour boiler insuoctor nnd board of
engineers Is a pretty roclcy lay-out , at best.
Jvory harvest I am pestered to death with
follows who want to run my traction engine
nnd every last ono of thorn flash an Omaha
lationnry engineer's license under my nose ,
und some of them don't ' know enough to
lound sand In a rat Hole. 1 would suggest
hnt your honornblo city fathers put a safety
pliiK In tbo "board. "
A STKAM Tiiiusinut.
P. S. Thero's an old ste.unboat veteran at
ho distillery nnd another at ono of your
treot car power homes , they're ou to the
ilug. Go sco thoiii.
Unicorn I''IY ' H Scale.
The last Hireling of tbo members of Bilkers'
union No. 121 , bold at Union hall , wns an In
teresting one. The attendance ivas unusual
ly largo and matters ot general Interest to
ho craft were discussed. A committee from
, ho boss bakers' ( association was In attend
nnco nnd was given nil ttio privileges of tbo
leer , when the members mndo the statement ,
hnt. they are willing to worlc in harmony
vitb the bakers' unroii. They , will employ
only union men , use the union label and pay
tli'o union scale of wages.
The following1 agreement was signed by the !
oillcors of both unions. . '
Twelve : hears per day and six days per
week4 ( seventy-two hours per week ) to con-i
stltulo a week's work , Instead , oC. sixteen , or
seventeen hours per ciny.
Bosses not belonging to tho.boss bakers'
association , and employing union men , will bo
refused union lubtj s.
Every bakero ( glvo bis employer three
days'notice bofoUi leaving , or to place n
union mnn In hi , ) place If suddenly called
away , the bosses ; on their part , to glvo three
, pays1 notice or tlnro " days' pay before they
i can discharge. i >
| lixtra bcln to receive < 3.M per day or 2 , " > c
i per hour. . ] .
, The union label * to bo dlitnbutcd by the
secretary to tha secretary of the boss bakers' '
association. I. .
Tlie Carpenters.
The Chicago chVpontors h.ivo decided to
take up tno olghtjjour light where tlioy lott
oft last year. Thkfofllcers of labor organiza
tions In this city lU.ito that a universal eight ,
hour day must DO the outcome of labor's ' do-
I During the montb of March the United
Brotherhood of Carpenters nnd Joiners Issued
' charters to the following now unions : 71 , St
. Louis , Mo. ( car builders ) ; 01 , Metropolis
I City. 111. ; 105 , Colllnsvlllo. III. ; S33. Concord ,
N. H. ; 414. Oil City , Pu. ( reorganized ) ;
-l.'iO 1 , St. Joseph , Mo. ( consolidation of
unions ft ) and liss ) ; 500 , Glen Cove , N. Y.j
filt ) , Benton Station , Mo. ; 622 , St. Charles ,
Mo. ( car bulldors ) ; Ci't , Superior , Wls. ; 51-J ,
. HooKford , 111. ( Swedish ) ; 637 , Milwaukee ,
| Wls. ( mill mori ) ; B4i Olympla , Wash. ; r.-i-l ,
I Wobitor Ororo , Mo. ; 611 , 1'aoblo. Col. ; 55'J ,
Mendvillo. Pa. ; ft. " , : ) , Kettle Falls , Wash. :
WIJ , Muncto , Iml.i CM , Rod Bank , N. .T. , and
020 , South Bond , Ind.
PulntorH null lioon'rntnri.
The members of Painters' ' union No. 109
held a rousing mcetlnir at Croon's hall last
1 Sunday afternoon. Seventy-live members
I were In attendance. A number of now mem
bers signed tbo roll nnd n scnornl _ alr of
prosperity seems to have become np'parcnt
among the painters. At this meeting they
nil reported excellent prospects fora prosper
ous season.
Tjabnr 1)1 UH.
The following bills Introduced in the Texas
legislature nt the Instigation of the Knights
of Labor linvo passed and become laws :
The child labor bill.
The bureau of labor bill.
Tbo mechanics' Hen law.
Two dollars per day of nine hours for
laborers on state contract work.
The Australian ballot system.
Labor Notes.
The French labor commission will estab
lish n labor bureau and an arbitration board.
The Horseshoers' union of Son Francisco ,
proposes to shorten the hours of lanor of that
craft on May 4 , or strike.
Seventeen moulders In the Pacific rolling
mills ul San Francisco are out on n strike.
They chaiuro that the mills huvo been doing
work for other foundries , which In contrary
to the provisions of un agreement entered
Into with the moulders'union. As ti result
of the strike l. o men uro thrown out of em
The Lchlch iron company in Allcntown ,
! ' . , has reduced the wages of its employes
10 per cent.
The grievance committee of the BrotherHood -
Hood of Hnlli end Conductors is still In secret
session in St. LouU.
A general slrluo of all llic union cloth-hat
nud capmakers In Now York , 800 In number ,
took place last wcelc.
Canton ( Swit/erlimd ) municipal authori
ties have decided that all employers must
share profits with the laborers.
The Lochicl iron works at llnrrisburg ,
Pa. , have shut down indefinitely , it Is sup
posed because of n difference on tbo wujjo
question. , i
Tbo 1,000 girls find men employed by the
Armstrong , Brothers & Co. , cork manufac
turers at I'ittsbiinr.'T.i. , were locked out by
the linn last week.
One hundred nnJ thirty ribbon weavers in
the Pioneer silk mill In Putorson , N. J. , went
on a strike on Monday against a reduction of
f > 0 per cent In wakes ,
The Vulcan irou = works in Richmond , Va. ,
have closed. TliaiL'ompnny wanted to pay
their employes mobility , mid the men insisted
on being paid'senil-itiontlily.
Eighty-five men" employed in the shops of
the Loh'lgh Valley railroad nt Hazloton , Pa. .
wcrodlHcuargcdlas'toucck. It 1& supposed
this action was takou to curtail expenses.
, The Wisconsin 'hoiiso of representatives
has passed bills providing for religious free
dom in public reformatories nud making Sep
tember 1 u holiday , to bo kowa as Artisans' '
SKIN and SCALP DISEASES are-relieved in the majority of cases by a single
npplication of the Cuticura Remedies ,
and speedily , permanently , and economically
cured , when physicians , hospitals , and all other
remedies fail. Cuticura Remedies are
the greatest skin cures , blood purifiers , and
humor remedies of modern times , are. absolutely
pure , and maybe used in the treatment of every
humor , from the simplest facial blemishes to the
severest diseases of the blood , skin , and scalp.
The great Skin Cure , instantly allays the most
intense itching , burning , and inflammation , per
mits rest and sleep , clears the scalp of crust's
and scales , speedily soothes and heals raw and
irritated surfaces , and restores the hair. CUTI
CURA SOAP , an exquisite Skin Purifier and Beautifier -
fier , is indispensablcin cleansing diseased sur
faces. CuricuftA RESOLVENT , the new Blood
Snd Skin Purifier , and greatest of Humor Rem
edies , cleanses the'blood of all impurities and
po'isontus elements , and thus remove's the cause , Hence , the CUTICURA Runt-
EDIKS cure every disease and humor of the skin , from pimples to scrofula.
Of " How TO Cunu DISEASES OF TUB SKIN , SCALP , AND BLOOD " maileJ free to any address , 64 pain , 300
Dtscasu < o Illustration * , 100 Teitnnonials. A book of priceless value to every sufferer.
CUTICUBA RKMKDIES are sold everywhere. J'rice , CUTICURA , joe. ; CUTICIRA , SOAP , W CUTICURA
ATI T7irTrir s l'jfiel ' beyond expression when it gazes upona skinpuri-
.J AJCclUiy flej aml teautificj by Cuticura Soap , incomparably
the greatest of ikin purifiers and beautificrs , while rivalling in delicacy and surpassing in purity the
most expensive of toilet and nursery soapi. Thi inly mtdfeattd toilit ton ? in\t/tffaly frtventivt and curt ol
mfUrtmation and cloggins of the pores , the Cause of pimples , Uackhtadi , rouprff fed , and oily sMn , and simple
humoriof infants and children. Sale greater ihan the combined sale of all othei fkin joips. Sold everywhere
N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnt 'i i Sts.
DR. . K. L. BRO'WNEl ' ,
Vfo arc now making a sot of twitTi for W.OO. Wo aUo niiiko the .Mjiroif , Tlilri Klustlo I'luto , as
this us cunt Ixunl inaUnK tt the ploasuntcst plato to WOHI- . mid Will nt llrcak. In t lit ) mouth.
I'.ilnlubs i\trndtlon.-Uy : oin-now method tooth KIO I'osltlyly tf Uartodlthout 1'aln or
Dinu'cr. ( lold. bllver iindlJoim llllln < , Crown and IlildKe ork at Im\eit ralos.
Oflloo open ovt'innss iinMlHHO. Sunday , 10 to : i.
( WliolosaloISxolualvoltj. )
509 South 13th Street , - - Omaha , Neb.
Reliable and MispcnsiMo Clothiers.
have displayed-wonderful taste and rare liaiidi\vorlc ,
in the selection and. manufacture of their spring stock
of Overcoats , Semi and Full Dress Suits. "With the
same accuracy in fit , and. neat appearance pervading
throughout their entire line , including the medium
grades and work-a-day clothing.
our importation of Kilt Suits direct from Germany are
the latest craze with mothers. Ladies , an afternoon ,
down town would be
incomplete without
a rest and a
stroll through our elegant reception room , and a care
ful survey of the many attractions and spring novel
ties in our boys' and children's deportment.
our hat and
furnishing departments
now crowded
with desirable goods both for dress and general wear.
Money Cheerfully llcftndcil
\vlien gooils do not satisfy. Browning , King & Go. ,
S. W. COR. 15th and DOUGLAS.
& rrcii/ii// * until ti H't'lnck. X.ll. Sviut for ininti-iit < iil
-For the next thirty days we will offer our entire stock of Sheet Music
at fifty per cent off. Books at publisher's prices. We also have about
50OO copies of music that we shall close out at two-thirds off. ( Remem
ber , we do not carry any 1O cent music ) . Come early and make
selection as this will not last but thirty days. your
Uiolins ,
Flutes ,
Violas , GlarinBts ,
"Cellos " , Piccolos ,
Bassss rMnharns , .
Emory , Washburn , Bruno Denarys and Bay State.
At Prices that Defy Competition.
PIANO DEPARTMENT You will find the Steinway , Chickering ,
Knabe , Vose & Sons , Sterling and other well known maives.
ORGAN DEPARTMENT Story & Clark and Sterling.
Be sure you call and get our prices before purchasing , as we guar
antee to save you 2O percent. Pianos and Organs sold on easy pay
ments. Also for rent.
2rom date of tills paper. Wishing to Introduce our
. nndatthosainotltnooxtcnd our business and 111 iikonowcnstoiiiprBJ
\voliavudccldudtomakotlils8pccialoirer. tieiid uinCulliiotl'ii ) >
turoI'ho AmbroMiioorDarnicrotypeofyoursplfornuyinombiTof jour f mllyllvliiKordcalaiidww ( will niako
Niu iiTitAiTruiXoroiiAitC3KprovldMlyoiU'XlillltittoyoHrfrluiil : ( ) ( asrt aniploorurwoik )
and - back of plcturoaud it will he returned lu per-1
fjct 28or ? We mike any chance In picture you wish , iintlnteifttlDK with the Ikciicss. llofortonny bank InCblcngo. , I
o PACIFIC PORTRAIT HOUSE , IO8& 11O Raridoiph St. , Cncao , B .
Mrs. M. D. F7ILEA'S
Curort rn-cof W jroam' tan < lnit. H l > worn
In the araosl/niliou. Hllpi on ami on with the
.locklim , Uldoi an enlurgea Joint , nnJ ulves lu-
itant relief.
J. A I'l'MEIi A CO.
Cor. J4lh utiO Douglas HU
foil Ml > iriOVl.V-Ir I. 4ae'i I'onodlrail 1111
the Kr ncH rorowlT. aclontho inen truali > § teman
lure luppreailun Irora whalover u o. 1'rouiota
uienftruatlun. Tlio. pllln ilioulcl not l > a t n Uiir-
ln * nincT. Aiu. rill Co. . lloyaltr l/rop. . . H | ' n
c rOuyX ( > . . In. UonulaB br Bburiuan A. McConinll.
lw. o l..n ar P.O. . Omaha , c.A. MuIcLer , Houth
U. 1 * . Kills , Council UluO * . It , or 9 ( or U
IM MflKdav ' i a i" w * v i i " "
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
iTpHMOtporl-n-s Arojular KruJuilB In racrtlulnu. imllptomii how la llll truitlnj wllti
Iho iroVteit Vucce * . . . nil Vorro.i. . rhninlcnml I'flTtloJJHeyui . ' > ' ' ( ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' < ' " ' " ! * ' "
_ . ! . ! ! ! ! ? "n'lV"
. . , ! . ; , ? .
gpe"ni lorrh.Hl tMnnhoo .8uniln l Woakno. . . Nl lill.oijei. . ncr.Snihll U. ? " ' . , , , . ,
ew. . of tht. Hlmiil. Skin nml Urlnnrr Ont ni. N II , I ira rj itoi i IVW for uvorr ( . I " , ll '
cure. Consultation free. liaak ( llrdorloi urUfilianl frm. 0 Moo hour * -j . in. l3 n in .SunUnr U
ni to H ni
_ _ _
Draperies and Furniture.