Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1891, Part One, Image 1

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Nebraska's ' Legislature Stops the State's '
Law Making Machinery ,
Horseplay anJ Sario-Cbmio Elcqnonco in the
llouso and Senate.
Bbumway's ' IJsnry Bill , Solo Vestige of the
Platform , Voted Down ,
n llniiilMoiric Cold Watch
Work of the Last Day Kvtra
'JTInio Allowed All
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram toTinllii ; : : . ] The closing hours of n
legislative session nro usually marked by
revelry mill a general "hurrah , boys. " The
grinding out of bills has ceased some time be
fore , iiinl while the luglslatlvo body Is wait
ing for thorn to bo engrossed that the presid
ing ofllccr may sign them in the presence ot
his organization , there arc Intervals In which
no business can bo transacted. Hellovcd of
the responsibility that has rested on
for three months , the members Indulge In
bursts of boyish playfulness , anil tholr
capers always attract a big audience of spec
When the house convened at 8 o'clock to
night the gallery , lobbies and aislei were full
of expectant onlookers. The lloor was
littered with discarded newspapers , aban
doned bills and gay public documents.
Waste baskets wore being heaped with bill
files , Ink bottles and cuspidors to spend the
remainder of their useful careers in orna
menting city ofllces unit county farm houses.
Speaker Kldcr , conscious of his utter in
ability to manage the helm , put Church
Howe lu the chair , without even calling the
house to order. The Independents , who
have not succeeded In enacting any of the
Important measures domnndi'd by their plat
form Imvo been hanging their last hope
on the Khtimwny bill. They made ono brief ,
spasmodic effort this afternoon to put it up ,
but were circumvented by the opposition
with the rule requiting a two-thirds vote to
take up a measure out of its regular order.
At the llrst opportunity tonlcht Shrador
'moved to go Into committed of the whole to
'consider the usury bill , and after some fili
bustering It was curried. Font , Dronnun and
Brccn of Omaha voted with the independ
ents , having promised to do so ia return for
the withdrawal of the Independent opposition
to the Omaha charter. A number ofother
members paid off similar debts in like man
ner , and fahrader's motion received tw votes
against III nays.
McKesson of Lancaster was called to the
Cornish took the floor and began a long
speech , apparently to kill tlmo. , . There were
numerous Interruptions , to which ho "rritv.'e '
witty' retorts , sending the willing crowd Into
laughing spasms , and an Intermittent IIro of
paper wads added to the prevailing hilarity.
At 1) ) o'clock the ofllclnl timepiece was
turned back two hours , and the assemblage ,
catching the subtle suggestion that Cornish
had been talking all night , gave him a round
of laughing raillery.
Dobson of Flllmoro , the old mnn eloquent ,
took tha lloor and scared Cornish and his nr-
Knmonts In a ( light ot brilliant oratory , but
the crowd was In no mood for eloquence , and
When ono of his denunciations was capped by
Crumb with a fervent "amen , " the assem
blage indulged In another rollicking roar.
Watson pointed out several fatal defects
and perpetrated clover witticisms on the op
position , Referring to the legislative man
ual , ho snul Ford was put down as a capital-
* lnt. "You " ho said "
, , turning to Ford , "aro
the only aristocrat among us. " [ "Laughter. ]
Font No , sir ; 1 didn't write that.
Watson If you are not a capitalist , what
In ( lod's name are you ! [ Laughter. ]
Ford I have been a working man all my
life. [ A general roar , ]
Watson ( turning to Dobson ) And hero Is
another gentleman from England who is
Dobson ( interrupting and shouting ex
cltcdly iimid a great hubbub ) I'm not
nshnmcd of my nativity , and I'm as loyal
an American as you.
Watson It is always the pig under the
gate that squeals. ( Shouts of approval. ]
Dobson- Yes I'm squealing for order.
Watson Hero uro Johnny Dull and Paddv
Mick telling us how to make laws for Ameri
cans. Hero wo have tbo mtisloof the Irish
harp and English unicorn mingling in this
legislative hall.
Watson's remarks wore evidently a bit of
peed miturud raillery , which convulsed the
Ford , Dobson and Brcnnan sprang to their
feet to make excited disclaimers , but they
otlly helped the crowd to drown their re
At 10:110 : the bill was recommended for
passage anil Howe resumed the chair.
The conference committee on the general
appropriation bill made Its report , and It was
adopted. The usury bill was then put on Us
It received 17 votes against 27 negative. This
measure , falling four votes short of a consti
tutional mujnrltv , the Independents'last hope
of a usury bill wont glimmering.
White , Oakley and Shrador wore ap
pointed a coimnlttoa to notify the governor
that the hnuso was about to adjourn. Pend
ing the report of a conference committee , the
bouse passed Senator Starbnck's bill prohib
iting the selling or giving of firearms to the
The committee reported that the governor
hud no communication to make , and brought
his thanks for the courtesy shown him by the
Speaker Elder took the chnlr for n few
minutes , but the crowd , bound on throwing
papers aim books and muzzling tholr neigh
bors with wiuto baskets , got away and'
Church Howe was again called to the chair
to restore order. That pontlcnnui scored a
scrgonnt-nt-nrms for Ind.ilglui ; In boy plav
and ordered him to quit or leave the half.
[ Shouts of laughter. ]
While waiting for several bills to bo re
turned for the presiding oflleor's signature ,
the speaker was called to his desk. Hepro-
sontatlvo Watson presented him with an
artificial arm. on behalf of the housd , Rep
resentative McKesson presented him , for
Mrs. Kid or , n line , handsoinclv framed
crayon of the spcnkar. The recipient made n
feeling acknowledgment and was warmly
Chief Clerk Erie Johnson and Acting
Speaker Howe were remembered with com
plimentary resolutions.
Icist MomentH or the Splint ? .
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 4 , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UKE. ] Tbo house refused to
sanction the Increase of salary of the gov
ernor's private secretary , and the senate re-
reded from Its amcnament to the appropria
tion bill made yesterday , The house also re
fused to concur In a number of amendments
to the appropriation bill , for the support of
state Institutions , and the senate submitted
amendments providing for deficiencies which
were allowed.
A number of senators were misting from
tholr scats , when the evening session began ,
And Senator Swltzlrr moved a call of the
iyuso. The Intention was to so-
euro the presence of the absentees
during the presentation of a beau
tiful gold wntrh to President Majors ,
The arraignment of the missing ones and the
serio-comic method of excusing them , nil
kinds of parliamentary motions being made ,
afforded some entertainment to the members.
Senator Swltzlcr then rose to n question of
privilege , and In an eloquent speech , In Which
he referred to the distillled and nblo manner
in which President Majors had presided over
the senate , presented him with an elegant
gold wnlch , The president was taken by
surprise , and feelingly accepted the present
and returned thanks to the donors.
AtlliV ! p. m , President Majors appointed
Senators PoyntiT , Shutaway anil Swltzlcr a
committee to wait on Governor Itoyd to
ascertain If ho had any communication which
he wished to semi to the senate.
The committee returned later and raid his
excellency had nothlngto communicate to the
On motion of Senator Day , Senator Wilson
was allowed $7fi for attorneys' fees in his
election contest.
Governor Iloyil Itetiirnril.
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 4. [ Sneclal Tele
gram to Tin : HHK.J Governor Iloyd wont to
Omuha this afternoon but returned this even
ing , as It was thought he might bo require- ]
because of tbo closing session of the legisla
ture. The indefinite postponement of the
representative and senatorial apportionment
bill by the senate today , H Is thought , will
cothpcl Governor lloyd to call a special ses
sion of the legislature to pass u bill on that
subject , . The call , however , will not be IssueU
Devastating the Senate Chamber.
LINCOLN' , Neb. , April 4. Special to TIIC
This morning the Joint committee on
lliml adjournment 01 the house and senate
reported lu favor of bringing the session to a
close at 10 o'clock tonight. The report was
Tills report would liavo been made earlier ,
bad it not been understood that the repre
sentative and senatorial apportionment bill
was to bo passed. This morning , however , it
was discovered that the bill gave satisfaction"
to but few of the senators and Accordingly
the latter decided to kill IU This thov did
late. The body was then ready to go home.
Senators began to pack up the legislative
Hies they have thumbed the past three
months , and to clean out the desks which ,
perhaps , slinll know them no more , lioxes
were brought from the cellar , the uttle and
the stores In town and filled with circulars ,
letters , state publications and congressional
documents which huvo accumulated during
the session. Cuspidors , very fancy ones ,
too , by the way , were .wrapped up
carefully and deposited In paper nests as
souvenirs of legislative expectations. The
paper bas'tots which have been kicked and
battered and , at times , sent Hying through
the air with truck of n lighter description
and conlldcd to committee clerks with in
structions to see them safely on board the
train. Ono of thefo baskets , containing four
porcelain cuspidors , wds obligingly bundled
up by a distinguished gentleman who ,
this morning , returned homo after hav
ing received a certain appointment.
Ho had consented to act us porter for several
legislators , though some people who saw him
with ids load thought he was providing .for
Photographs which , for the past week Imvo
mndo tholr appearance nt intervals , today
circulated most freely , the members exchang
ing them with warm expressions of friend
ship and hopes of again meeting one another
this side of the grave.
The lobby was almost deserted , only a few
of the worker * making their appearance.
Those represented Important * interests , and
reared that bills calculated to Injure them
might oven at the last moment bo rushed
through the body.
This was a precaution which , howeverwas
not Justified. The members were tired and
only too glaa to get home.
There wore only two absentees at the af
ternoon session , .Messrs , Shea and Taylor.
The Termer unfortunately has boon absent
nearly all the session , and bis absence has
been n source of regret to many of the mem
bers who felt that ho could huvo been of n
gr < * at deal of service had It not been for his
unfortunate. Illness , The absence of the
other senator was not greatly felt.
Presented to Km ploy on.
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 4.- ( Special toTm :
BKI : . ] The independents have been preach
ing economy for three months , hut this morn
ing made a handsome present to a number of
their appointees. At the beginning of the
session n list of clerks and employes
of the enrolling and engrossing com
mittee was agreed on , with the un
derstanding that they should not go
on duty until neoilcd. This morn
ing n committee made a recommendation that
all the employes of this committee bo allowed
pay from the tlmo they wore sworn In , near
the beginning of the session. A motion to
table the report was offered by the Indepen
dents , and after nn hour's light tbo generous
donation to their appointees was confirmed
by n vote of 4U to ! 1S.
Tbo committee also recommended the
allowance of extra time to employes as fol
lows , which was unproved without opposition :
Frank Ferguson , Si days ; fronmor Cone. 19 ;
J. E. Hoover , II ; ICuto B. Mown , 1'J ? II. C.
Hecht , S-.JennioCarothoM , ' . ) ; I * . W. Murry ,
! l ; Mary Bradv , 4 ; Myrtle Shrew , 11 ; Mrs.
M1C. . Olmstod , 4 ; James Calklngs , 6 ; Lizzie
M. Blair , 10 ; C. U. Haley , 10 ; Vidn. Melondy ,
111 : Jennie Shannahnn , b : C. II. Dech. 14 ;
John H. Anderson , 5.
Senate JUllH Saved.
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 4. 1 Special to Tun
IJci : . ] The last day of the legislative session
generally finds quite n munbcrof bills that
have been amended , discussed and put
through nil the forms but the third reading
and final vote. Usually the mens
tires have boon so thoroughly fought
over in committee of the whole
and the sentiment of the legislative body so
well determined that there nro few Interest-
hie Incidents to vary the monotony of readIng -
Ing cmbryotie laws and the tcdtousnosi of
callini : tbo rail. Ttio housn had quite an ac
cumulation of senate bills awaiting the Im
pression of more legislative vitality , and a
peed share of the afternoon was spent In In
ciiballng the following statutory iledflings.
ICu'gleston's bill prohibiting the giving or
selling of Intoxicants to Indians ; Swltzlcr's
hill to bring the saloons in the two mile
limit around Omaha under the provisions of
the saloon liquor law. ( It passed with the
emergency clause. ) Moore's hill prescribing
the form of tax receipts ; Matte * ' bill
enabling Nebraska City ' to adopt
a charter similar to that of
South Omaha ; HornVs bill requiring state
and county treasurers to deposit public
funds In designated banks , and turn the In
terest Into their respective treasuries for the
public benefit ; the Omaha charter bill , with
two amendments , ono making the salary of
the building inspector $ -)00 ( ) and the other
giving each of tliu three leading parties n
member of the tire and police commission ;
'tho bill to enable the people of Lincoln to
straighten Salt creek ; Shea's warehouse bill.
From the Dead ,
LINCOLN , Neb , , April 4 , [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Iii.j ) : : The Omaha charter
went through the house by a vote of SO to 2 ,
Arnold mid Dlckcrson voting In thonogatlvo.
On Thursday the bill was Indctlultcly post
poned , but Its friends pulled It out of obliv
ion. Keprosontatlvos Moan and Modie also
did splendid work In Its behalf by mollify-
thn angry Independents , and Representative
Urenimn was a host In effectiveness ,
'I ho Senate , '
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 4-Spoclal | to Tins
I3m.J : The senate met this morning at 9:30 :
o'clock. Tha following bills were passed :
IIouso rolls No. 7 , providing for the perma
nent Investment of the educational fund ; No.
453 , transferring ni.OoO.aa from the Saline
stockyards fund to the general Jund ; No.
151 , appropriating mouoy for the payment of
state oftli'cra.
Senator Swltiler Introduced a resolution to
tbo effect that the senate ndjouru tonight at
10 o'clock ,
Senator IColpcr thought It unwlio to ad-
[ CoMtliiu < d oil SteoM I'agt. ]
Montgomery , Who Made the Big Strike in
Death Valley , Satisfied ,
Prospectors Are Flocking to tbo Bcono and
Locating Good Claims ,
Famous Lost Brayfogle Mine is in the Bait ,
4 but Not Relocated.
They HnfTered from Thirst arul Ilcnt
nnd Had to Munition the Ktchcs
Which Were Recently
SAN FitAXcisro , April -I. Recent mineral
discoveries in that part of Nye county , Ne
vada , known as Death valley have aroused
great excitement on the i'acitle slopo. As
already fully described In Tan Bun it is
claimed that the famous Uroyfoglo mine ,
which was lostyearsago , has been ro-Iocated.
Whether it Is this old legendary mine that
has neon struck apaln , or an entirely now
find that has heen made has provoked much
discussion in mining elrclos. It will take
some tlmo evidently to settle the merits of
the new discoveries , and the contradictory
reports which appear from time to tlmo are
not calculated to help the matter. So far no
Investigation of the original statements 1ms
been made which would justify an opinion on
the subject ono way or the other , while the
fact that the district includes the location of
the celebrated lost mine known as the Hroy-
foglo hlghtcns public interest in the solution
of the question involved.
A report which was circulated hero that
Ich ore had been discovered In the Death
alloy country took several parties into the
leld. Some started out well equipped for
.11 . expedition through the district and a pro
onped stay , while othow simply made
lying trip of It , to take in the outlook at a
glance nnd with as much speed as possible.
The latter party has returned and made a ro-
> ort. Among the names mentioned are those
f Callahnn , until recently superintendent of
.ho Diamond U mine of Nevada ! Irwln , well
nowu in connection with Iho Uodlo
: atnp , and BrIUen , nn old-time suporiu
ondont of the Andes inluo. Those
neil made the trip In less than thirteen
days , which , as It takes olRht days to drive
0 the camp ana return to Oa gett , the u car
; st railroad point , and thirty-six hours each
, vay going and coming from'thls city , did not
eave them many hours within which to pros
pect the now mid so as to bo able to report
authoritatively on the subject. They nro all
reliable ' , clear-headed and thoroughly non-
s'clcntious men , and , as such , what they say
must carry weight among mining men , who
know them , If not personally , at least by
reputation. Mr. Irwln said that the country
had not yet boon prospected sufficiently to
enable any one toforin any correct idea of the
value of the discovery. The whole matter
simmered down to a question of development
work , with a coed prospect to start upon. In
conclusion Mr. Irwln remarked , "I have no
doubt there will bo a camp there. "
WIHT THE i > iscoviiir.n : SAYS.
In an Interview with George Montgomery ,
the original ( liscovercrof the mineral which Is
attracting so much attention , ho "said : "I
loft San Andreas , Cahweras county , Col , ,
last September on a prospecting tour through
the Death valley district , talting with mo a
complete outfit with a packtraln and twenty-
four animals. I entered Nevada south of the
Carson and struck off towards Walker lake.
After leaving Hawthorne I loft the railroad
ut Soda springs and moved west until I
struck the Firebug mountains. Hero I began
prospecting , and took In the whole country
with poor success until I reached Timber
mountains , as they are known by the people
ple thoro. Sometimes they are called the
Charleston mountains. Hero I went through
n strip of country titty miles cast end west
nnd 150 miles In length , north ana south. In
tlio northward trip 1 found little worth men
tioning , und did not meet with anything to
locate Until January 9.
"I found some ROOJ cropptngs flvo miles
west of north end of Charleston mountains ,
from which I got some coarse gold , A nugget
was broken Irom the quartz at ono point ,
which yas worth from $5 to fi. ( The next
day I broke out some more rock and took out
about 10 iu coarse sold. I tnon located the
inluo. For some days after I prospected In
the neighborhood mid found spnio silver ere ,
assays from which , made by ITalkcnau in
San Francisco ran 111.80 ounces to the ton.
That was a fair average of the ere
as I took It out at that tlmo. contem
plating shipping it for reduction. The
whole canm was then moved to Grapevine
spring on the west sldo of the mountain , and
systematic prospecting was carried on for
some tlmo in the .surrounding country. Asa
result I niiido several other locations , ono of
which was silver and the rest gold-bearing
rnosi'KCTOus IN LUCIC.
"Boforo leaving the camp I directed others
to veins ana they located on them. From
some of these I have since heard that they
opened out well In coarse gold. The Yotint
HrotH'ors made one ot the locations , and t
had a letter last week In which they said
that they had just taken out f . ' .Tin one shot.
1 have not made any attempt to boom this
district slnco niv arrival nnd I do not wish to
bo held responsible by men whe start out ox-
peeling to And gold hanging on K reason ooit.
I am satisfied myself In respect to the district :
1 have located property to suit myself und
propose to solve the question of its value to
my own satisfaction , it is quite true that
the camp Is still only a prospect , nnd that it
will take time und money to open It up. lint
at the same tlmo It Is what will bo very gen
erally admitted a very good prospect. "
In conclusion Montgomery remarked that
It was unintentional on his part that so much
publicity hod been given the matter. Any
one who wished information on the subject
from him always got It without any attempt
at exaggeration. The mines , ho claims , nro
In the sumo bolt as the old Uroyfoglo mine ,
hut ho docs not flatter himself that ho has
been fortunate enough to locate the long lost
bonanza , Other experts who started to In
vestigate the district are now on tholr way
to the c.unp and a nnmuor of surveyors have
left Dacgctt. Men in churgo of the expedi
tion are well known and competent Nevada
miners , fully equipped for a prolonged stay
hi the camp.
Concerning the recent discovery of what is
bcllovod to be the celebrated Dreyfoglo. it
would appear altogether probable that this is
the same mine that was discovered over
forty years ago by Louis Musbaumer , now
oefeascd , an old n'nd respected citizen of Ala-
modu county , and for years a resident ol the
Mvcrinoro valley , says the Chronicle.
In thosprlngof ISlSNusbauinerloft Now
Jersey hound for the coast. When ho reached
Salt Lake the train of pralrlo schooners was
120 In number. Their progress was
necessarily low , nnd Nusbaumcr and
six other adventuresome young men
determines to push on to the coast.
Quo of the party , named Smith ,
declared that ho bad made the journey befora
by a short southern route , and offered to loud
them to the promised laud. Tboy abandoned
the wagons anJ , driving some cattle with
them , commenced their fatal Journey across
the alkali plains. It turned out that cither
Smith's story was false or ho had forgotten
Ids bearings , for they soon lost their way and
did not follow any doflulto tfall. Their cat
tle died for want of wntor , and then tholr
horses were also loft to bldach their bones
upon Iho arid , burning , sandy plains of Utah
and Nevada.
Abandoning everything but their guns the
men struggled on to their Inovltnblo doom.
Finding a spring only at rare intervals , and
helng unable to carry nny quanlty of water ,
aid not daring to stop , they were soon In a
terrible condition from thirst and lack of
nourishment. Ono by one the weaker of the
little hr.nd dropped to the ground never to
arise nsnln , nnd wore left to their fate.
In his lifetime M. Nusbaumcr often related
with great feeling the pathetic nnd heart-
rendering Incident * of his awful journoy.
When n mnn foil ho know It was for the last
time , and these who thus perished mot tholr
end llko men. Oiico ono of the party ,
' oing unable to arise , was loft to die ,
o declaring he could not go another
op. A few miles bovond the
: hers cnmo to n spring. FllilngfiU canteen ,
'usbaumcr hastened buck to his fallen com-
tulo. Hut he was dead , and the ground
round him was torn up In his agonizing
(1OI.1I l > A/ ! ! > TIlBtll ETE ? .
At last nil had succumbed tn their hard-
lips hut Nusbaumcr and ono companion.
f\\\lo \ \ wandorlni ? about Death valley scarcely
nowlng or caring where they were polifg ,
.nd berne filonir by their remarkable vitality
jid pluck , they discovered a phenomenally
Ich gold mino. It was a ledge , Nushaatncr
ins stated , from which the gold In the out-
ronplngs of rich quartz glistened brightly In
ho sun , and it was tho.ihinlng mctnl that
" rstcaiiRht their weary eves.
They broke oft some rich specimens with
liulr knives and continued their journey over
ho vnllov , subsequently coming to n spring
n the western hills about thirty miles from
vhcro they had found the golu. Thov hero
estodnnd eventually shuck the Williams
anchand behold the flrsthumaii face besides
hose of their Ill-fated companion * since they
lad loft the train. Iu due time they reached
heir destination , hut Nusbaumer and his
iravo comrade never made an attempt to find
.ho mine In the search for which so many
ave since lost their lives. They took what
earlngs they could , the , principal point of
ocation being the little spring In the hills
vhoso cool , refreshing water had snycJ their
Nusbautnor kept a diary ot the events of
iis struggle for life , nnd If ia thought still to
10 In the possession of th'O family. lie was a
mall , compactly hullt , vflry man , of great
ncrgy and mental and physical force and of
ndomltablo perseverance and pluck.
x G ttssrt * .
2vents That Intercut uml Amuse reo-
pleat the Krancut Capital. -
[ Copj/rfoM 1S31 I > U Jaw ' ( lordniticnnttt.l \
PA m s , April 4. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to Tin.1 Br.n. ] A spectnclo
of Kastcr Is the bolstorqus demand for spring
.ollots. It Is a day Tor flowora. However ,
tbo boulevards are fortified on both sides
with a bank of glorious spring blossom Hewers -
ors , kiosques , resplendent snop windows
that so many dream of , floral loveliness of
of countless designs and uulquo as well as
beautiful. Among them uro
birds of gorgeous plumage , gondolas , ter
races and wheelbarrows , '
On Tuesday Paris was treated to snow
storm , which was not \vc'J ' received.
Fifteen hundred can vim os have boon nc-
capted by the hanging' ' committee of the
the Champs Elysces , saton horseshoe'Svhlch
opened Tuesday. "Vlcblc , * do Coftxeaon's
Plalsanqq oolctho first bnlo of. 1-.600 francs.
The second prizo.s ; pf 1,000 ' 'francs
was - won * ibj j j-'J.ii. Jiliohln's Breads.-
on Wednesday the ilrsi prize was won by
"Vlcomto do Lays and M. Dupuys Macarou
and the second prize was wou by M. Cluusats
Puvrb. The receipts forrtho any were 2t,000
The English court tcunls champion , Saunders -
dors , won two sets , eight , to five nnd eight to
six , from the clover l rench players this
week. The French mea were entirely out
Lord Lytton , the British ambassador , and
Lady i ytton gave a largely attended dinner
to Mine. Melba early in the week.
Mapleson Is making desperate efforts to
secure Melba for an American tour. Ho has
offered her 30,000 for two seasons. She
may bo considering the offer hut has not yet
accepted It.
Minister Uoia gave a" dinner Thursday
in honor of Henry Hfdgoway nnd Ellen
Munroo. who are to bo married
April 18. At the dinner x ere Mr. and Mrs.
'Whltolaw Hold , Mrs. M6nroo , Mr. and Mrs.
John Monroe , Mr. and Mrs. George Monroe- ,
Ellen Monroe , Marian Alonroe , Mrs. Uldiru-
way , Henry itldgeway , Go'mto nnd Comtosso
do Gandy , Miss Willing , Vicomtcsso do
Courvel , Mr. and Mrs. .Augustus Jay , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Corbin , M. Degiers , Comto
Jacques do Pourtalcs , Mr , Thorno , Mr. A.
Cordlo Steohn and Mr. Sands. There was
no reception afterwards , 'but a few friends
came in who had been unable to accept tns
Invitation to dinner. Among them were
Austin Leo and Comto and , Comtosso do
Alsoreo. Johannes U'olflfo , the well known
violinist , played sovcral pieces and there wa <
singing by Mile , do Noguorias.
Two great French families are shortly to
ho united In mnrrlago , the banns having been
published of Comto Aymora do Moalay , son
of Comto Raymond do Nlcadly , and Mile , de
La Forest Darmaille , daughter of Comlo
Henry Darmaille , a suhdleuteriant of light
Infantry serving in Africa.
Vlcomto do I'omorouand Mile , do Clormont
Tonncrro wcfo married lu the church of St ,
Thomas in Daquin , r'uubojrg , St , Germain
Thursday. Among the witnesses of the
ceremony were Dowager de Cler-
inont Tonticre , MnrtiuUp do I'omereu ,
Marquise Dulljro ( , Prlnco nifd Princess Henri
do Brogk' , Kovel DuchoBseda Dauiienuvlllo ,
Marquisedo McMnhon , Murqqlse doCSramont ,
Marquis aim Marqulso Do Mprncmart , Baron
nnd Bareness D'llunolnlecn , Vlcomto and
Vicomtesso D'Hunobloon , tfoncnd and Uar-
onno do Goals , Marquise- Gallllot , Mar
quis amlMarqulsa Do Montoynard , Marquis
do Marcicu , General and 'Con , > to8so Dhuosmc ,
Marquis and Marqulso pe Monspoy , Mar
quise Da Uhnnalolllo und Comto aud Com-
tesso Henri do Beaufort ) .
Dr. Gorsot , who has b'oca experimenting
with thoBrown-Sequardve\ixlr \ , says : "I do
not cure anything , hut T give the sick the
means of getting well , beginning with
strength , sleep and appdtiUi" Or. Gossot
has made (5,000 ( Injections en patients buffer
ing frota hereditary tuberculosis , Ono Is
suld to have been receiving treatment for six
months and has gained tblrty-throo pounds.
At the Monaca regatta on Tuesday tne
prizes of l.r > 00gnd 1,000 crowns were won re
spectively by the English yachts UeerhounHl
and Blue Hock ,
The battle cf Hewers nt Cannes Thursday
was a brilliant spectacle. The weather was
delightful and the crowd * were Ibrge , The
floral display was inajrclilccnt.
Sentenced fur "Wife Murdor.
LEAVENWOHTir , Kan. , April 4. David E.
Davis , the old lyaii who murdered his aged
wife last fall , was , sentenced today to ono
year's confinement lu the penitentiary , ut
the end of which time , If the governor signs
tbo warrant , ho la to be hanged ,
General Uootli Crltloally 111 ,
LONDON , April 3. - ulvatlon Army Gen
eral Booth Is critically ill.
The One's ' OfloDSa Condemned and the
Other'SiOondoncd. '
Oortlficato of Good Moral Character for
England's Oaudidato ,
lufluonco of the Catholic Olorgy in the
Irish Elections.
The Sligo Election a Kami Illow for
the Deposed Ix-ailcr-Gladstone
in Much Metier
Spirits. / (
7S9t / t > u JiimM ( Jonloii Ittnnetl. ]
Loxr > o.v , AprilI. . [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB I3r.K.l Sir Clinrles
Dllko is beginning to weigh llko a nlgbtniaro
on the Olndstonlan leader. Having shattered
the Irish alliance in defense of domestic pur
ity , how are they to glvo n cerliilcato of good
moral character to tne Dllho family and the
rest of the harem I Dllko has retried his own
casein a private court and brought in unani
mously a verdict of not guilty. This U in
every way picasimtor than coing Into tbo
witness box on a regular trial and submitting
to cross examination. Dllko declined that or
deal , but his pamphlet has now been sent to
every member of parliament alleging his
complete Innocence. Again the question
arises , wtiat will Gladstone do , having or
dered Parnoll Into retirement for an offense
far loss gross , will the good old mnn
receive UllKo with open nnnsj It is under
stood that Ho has been sounded on tbo sub'
Jcct and came to tbe conclusion not to Inter
fere In any way with Dllko's candidature for
parliament. Ho holds that ho has no right
to dictate to the constituency a choice of
member , hut will not consent to resume any
relations with DilKe , regarding hi ? pamphlet
ns no answer to the verdict of the sworn Jury
approved by Justice iiunner. Most of Dilko's
parliamentary friends look upon his attempt
to force his way buck with disapproval , The
house of commons Is not puritanical hut will
not stand the presence of a man practically
convicted of ngrnvo offense In a court oflaw.
I remember Dllko's efforts to hol'd
his ground in the parliament of 18S3. Ho
cano : every day but was cut dead
by his fellow members. When ho took bis
seat a place soon cleared on each side , aud
In the division , lobbies and smoking roqms
ho stood an Isolated llguro. At last ho had
to give up and so it would bo again.
Meanwhile Parnoll is being mashed by the
Catholic cleriry , and the Sligo election was a
fatal blow. The boast of the antl-Pnrncllltcs
that ho cannot carry a single seat in all Ire
land seems likely to bo Justified by events.
The priests have got him la their power and
mean to crush him.
Ddring the remainder of the present par
liament Parnell may worry and annoy bis
former followers hut his teeth nro broken.
The McCartbyltes are highly Jubilant today
and Gladstone is in much better spirits.
Much Interest is being shown in tbo at
tempts of Horatio Bottomhy to get elected to
parliament in spite of bis dubious record In
connection with various public companies
which turned out disas.rously for the un
lucky shareholders. Ono of Uottomby's
schemes was to buy up a lot of rotten Anglo-
American continental papers at rubbish
prices , palm them oft upon British green
horns for 90,000 , , and with 10,000 of work
ing capital , ho then calculated that Gnllg-
nani's Messenger , already moribund , could
earn Interest on thocntlrosum. The scheme
utterly collapsed , the company is in the
hands of n receiver , wretched
Galignani chocked Into debts , and
the shareholders are furious , hut Uottomby )
with the spoils ia his pocket , coolly offers
himself for parliament. A formidable attack
has been opened upon him from several
quarters , from which the plamtlvo moans of
Ualignaul are not likely to deliver him at
English dupes have-had enough of kept
newspapers. MIMIIIH : of PAUMAMENT.
I'nrnell Gradually Iiosiii" Oround.
{ Copyrighted ISOt ti\i \ J'Mnu Cordon /Jewufl.l
LONDON , April 4. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : Hii.l Mr. I'arnoll
Is nursing a black eye which ho got at Sligo.
It hurts worse than the mud thrown at Kl- (
konncy , The Impression Is gaining ground
fast among Ids adherents that Parnoll's ' party
will soon bo a thing of the past. He failed to
glvo the Irish priests credit for enough pluck
and persistence.
The English press takes nn Important vlow
of the Italian-American question , hut Eng
lishmen generally are outspoken in favor Jf
the United State * ,
\Villlam Mercer of Gainsborough writes a1
follows to the Herald : * "As an rCnglishinun
I am unwilling to Interfere in a dispute that
doubtless all Americans will bo disposed to
arraign in a loyal , serious anil Jim manner ,
but my quality of Britain cannot prevent mo
from saying that at last , after years the
Italian government deserves lobe paid in Its
own coin , and to bo summarily told that Its
own action In a case where It has refused all
redress has prejudiced fatally Its subjects ,
and , llko curses are proverbially said to
do , It has como homo now to roost.
The English and Amorlcar. press , the
house of commons and the Italian court
of Justice all strove in vain from November
I , IfeTJ , till now to obtain nn apology and re
dress and compensation for the outrage of
thumbserowms and false imprisonment I suf
fered at the hands of the Italian police near
Cnstcllamaro , Naples. Not a sign ot regret
did the Italian government , Its people or
press make during the long and weary strug
gle I than embarked in. The Italian govern
ment Informed the English government that
'the ' and later
police were severely punished ,
when the claim ( or indemnity was put for
ward they said that they had been acquitted
and no claim would llo In law. Finally the
Itullnu minister of foreign affairs ( 'ednrccl in
the Italian parliament house that tboy were
never tried at all , Such men are your pres
ent dealers In International Justice. "
Lord and whoso
body wii.s taken to Stone Cody for Interment ,
was a very different man from his father.
Tbo latter was first wearied of Ills title. Ho
was the greatest plunger of his time , Ho
would Hit for twenty-four hours at whist or
any other gauio In which chance orsklll were
tbo features. lie lost 13,000 at one sitting
at whist. His sea never touched cardb. Tbo
passion may or may not show In the thinl
There's to bo another queen's cup glvwn by
the queca. However , her majesty has been
pleased to signify her Intentions to glvo to
the Hoyal Clnquo ports yacht clul > - 'which
the Duke of Connaiight Is eomm. v , the
cup to bo competed for at the ant < _ yucht
regatta at .Dover in June. v
. . * *
U'lic Kaiser's MiMitnl Oondlti
Loxnojf , AprU 4 , iSpcdnl C'abli * a to
Tun ilnn. ] The knlsor hsd a long ln\ \ ? cw
with Von Caprlvl yesterday. The \ 2tVs
actions arc causing ronowoil common'o
his mental condition , The Konoral oj \
In LJcrlln. cautiously worded. Is that ho \
llttlo off his mental balance , hut not ilau \
ously to. An ICi't'llsh ' piiysldan .who\ \
been traveling In Germany luu found
same opinion everywhere , nnd from Piti-rT
comes the significant statement by n Trench
journalist that the incipient Insanity of
( JeorgoIII. caused the American revolution ,
and perhaps history Is about to repeat itself
In his descendant ,
LONDON1 , April 4 , [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : DEC. J Mr. Henry Labouchcro at a pri
vate meeting in London of the r.uUcul candi
dates for members for parliament today do-
clarca that the outlook was hopeful. Mr.
Parnell , ho said , had boon beaten In two
elections and htiu sneaked out of hU chal
lenge lo Mr. Hcaly , In which ho proposed
that they should both resign their seats In
parliament und como before the people for re
election , in the meanest nnd most contempti
ble manner.
"Mr. I'nrnehV'snid Mr. Lnbouchoro , "will
ot , gain more than six scats in parliament ,
; lvlngnt least seventy to the nationalists
ivho support Gladstone- . "
Mr. Labonrhcro was sanguine that Kiiff-
and hitd not lost a vote through 1'iirnell.
lie only danger WM In the counties when )
no 'sr.uiro and parson drove the laborers to
he polls like sheep.
.Minors' International
LONDON , April I. [ Special Cablegram to
I'm : llni.lThe trouble In the inlnora' inter-
iiitlonal congress at Paris Is similar to that
rhich displayed Itself at the ilorlin confer-
nee. 1'ho English representatives , whoso
onstltuoncy Is comparatively well p.iiil and
icllncd to ho conservative , nro brought In
lontnct with people who identify tno cansoof
liners and laborers generally with extreme
oclnllsm , and whoso methods and suggcs-
Ions are not such as Hnglishnion care to up-
irovofor the reason that English miners long
go passed the stage where such methods
nd suggestions are possible. The English
lolegatos are determined not to bo bound In
.dvanco to lollow the dictates of the
ocialUtio majority , when such dictates
may Involve antagonism to constituted
authority. They prefer the English to the
'ontlncntal ' way or agitation ana they nro ro-
.olvcd besides not to enter Into any arranpo-
nontthat will withhold f coin British mining
ndustries their duo proportion of Influence
.mil representation. The latest advices Indi
cate that , for tho-o reasons principally , the
conference may fall to effect a universal com
bination of miners.
Cruel I ICH In Madngnncnr.
LONDON , Auril 4. [ Special Cablegram to
Tun Bi-i.j : On top of the account of the
recent horrible massacre by the Ilova govern
onion of Nosslvo , Madagascar , comes anottior
story Illustrating the ferocity of those people
ple , who are nominally under French
protection. It appears that lUtmi-
silofo , Governor of Mahunoro , had
an unfortunate native tortorod in the most
norrlblo manner because ho refused to ob'Oy
aim. The victim was bound to , a polo andJn
that position paraded through the villujrafo'r
two whole days. When freed from the - polo
ho was placed In a sort of coflln , hollowed
from the trunk of n tree , and covered with a
plank in which there was nothing but asraall
: iolo of about three inches for the victim's
inoutn , and nose. The unfortunate native
was Itopt screwed down In tfila.coflln not less
than two months and actually lived during
bat. tlmo. Ho was fed through thoapcrturc ,
its relatives being permitted to glvo him
food. At length upon tbo payment of 100
Blasters the governor allowed the
nan to bo released , In addition to
these brutalities , Ilovas are everywhere
aggressive against the French , and Euro
peans are not safe oven at the port of Tainn-
tnvc , The question whether Franco will enforce -
force its claim of authority over the Island is
becoming an important ono to ether nations
that Imvo commercial Intercuts iu Madagas
A Quiet Funeral.
blOTTiuu : , Pa. , Apill . A special funeral
train bearing the bodlo ? of seven victims of
the Morohead shooting arrived hero at 3UO : ,
The public squoro was not spacious enough
to hold the crowds of people. The procession
moved nt 4 o'clock , headed by two bands ,
There were fully 8,000 people at the
depot , but scarcely half this number
went to the cemetery , and a large
majority of these that did follow the
remains were Poles , Slavs and Hungarians
American flags were consplclous and a nu in
ber of delegates carried banners. The work
men nearly nil word badges and crape ,
Fathers Lambing and Sehmeiglo conducted
the funeral services according to tlm rites ol
the Catholic church , and Father Hchmclgln
delivered nil address In the Polish languagd.
iininondinif his countrymen to return
peaceably to their homes , commit no breach
of the law and abstain from Intoxicants and
shim saloons. Hov. hnhnbury made a brio
address in Knglish to the same effect. There
was not the least disturbance und everything
passed off in a manner crodltr.blo to the
workmen ,
After the funeral a moss meeting wsshold
ntEvcrson. The speeches w ro conserva
tive in tone , but the men were encouraged to
remain steadfast.
The responsibility of the Morewood shootIng -
Ing , Vice President Pcniia said , was on the
shoulders of the guards and the colic com
The town is quiet tonight and the Inrg
crowds have gene to their homos ,
Vor Onnlia and Vicinity /'air ;
For AWrri * ; < fl , Tnifdtnnl South Dahuta Fatr
warmer ; wtntla thtfttnyto eautlierla ,
Tim HtatciiHMit Ilrundctl ns Fill HO.
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 4. A gcntloma
high In Irish national loninio ranks , who I
authorised to spcalt for President Fit/gerald ,
stated today that the statement said tn havi
been made by Dr. O'Holllyof St , Louis , intl
mating that Fitzgerald nnd called the counc
of the Irish national longo together for th
purooso of endorsing Pnrnell , Is false. Tin
league bv its constitution and resolutions o
its conventions has heretofore been plcdgui !
to assist Parnell and colleagues. At prosen1
n divided opinion exists and it Is a mutter n
such grave responsibility that I'lUgerald fcl
It his duty to place it before the council n
the league and secure for It the consldcraMo :
It deserves.
Cure to Hani ; .
Siotx Cirr , la. , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UrE.l The Indian known n ;
1'lonty Horse , who murdered Captain Case ;
at , Pine Hidgo , is hero today in charge of
deputy United States marshal cnrouto fo
Sioux Falls for trial next woolc. I le declares
that ho will never bo hanged , but If con
victed , wilt inako away with himself In spite
of the vigilance of the ofllcers ,
KwampiMl and Tlirrn Orownod
CLEVELAND , Oi , April 4 , The tug Tempest
was swamped by a heavy sea anil went to
tbo bottom of Lake Erlo this afternoon ,
Howard Loomls and William Hughes , lire-
men , and Hurry Ilcrshey , raftsman , were In
tbo engine room ami wcrodrowncd. Captain
John Murray and another tnau escaped.
Progress of the Blask Hills Bjad Injunc
tion Case ,
Evidoiico That Is Startling to Both SUoa of
the Subject ,
Men Who Testify for the Mouoy Thcra
Is la It ,
The Object ( if , lny Gould's \Veneru
' .I'rlp 'Hit ) Missouri I'ucllle
und ti ! < ) Sujnr TnrllV
, Neb. , April 4. [ Special Tclo
gram to TUB HKK. | The llrst chapter ol
the Kearney it Hlacit 11IIU Injunction trial
ended r.ithersiutdenly thU afternoon when
Jud o Hummer announced lu an Intensely In-
IcrestltiKparlof the trial that court would
bo adjourned until next Friday.
.1. H. Hamilton , vice president of
the Kearney & Itlaok Hills rail
way , testified that the road hns
a traftlo agreement with the Union i'nclllo.
and that the Union 1'aoillc stockholders now
hold stock in the Kearney & Hindi Hills
road. Tlioy never attempted to conceal these
fict neither before noraftorthe houd elec
tion , A vigorous crosA xiiinlnation did not
move the witness. Others testified substan
tiating as forcKotiiK-
This afternoon \V. \ 0. Tillson. cashier of
Kearney National bank , who was charged
yesterday by llvo witnesses that ho bought
their votes for S'i a piocu on election day ,
pivo some important evidence sustaining tha
merits of the Issue. Touching the bribery
which ho was charged with , ho snld that
the first luiowlodga ho had ot
the aliened bribery was sovcral XVCOKS ago
when Joseph Patterson caino into IIH ofllco
and sUitud that ho had made au nfll lavitln
tlrcen.fc Hosteller's onico to the effect that
lie ( Tllltoii ) had paid him ! on the tiny ot
ho bond election for his vole , that
.he aflldavit was fnlso und for § 1,000
lie would swear to the truth at the trial , and
ihut lie would induce others who mada similar
aflldavlts to do HUmviso ; also , that he signed
Iho nllldavlt for the money that was In it ,
anil that howas soliciting for allldavlta nnd
liad about' finished his job lor the ether
crowd. This evidence was corroborated by-
Norrls Browa of the law firm of Drown &
Irowu , in whoso presence this same Patter-
ion reiterated thcforcKohiff statement , uross-
ixainlnatlon did not shako the witnesses.
The last witness examined \vas Q , T.
lowdybushwho had played the part of an ,
amateur netoetlvo In the employ of attorneys
'or the defense. Ho exploded n bomb and
, ho wildest excitement prevailed. Ho swore
, hatho fbll'lnto tho-hnmls of Patterson nnd
iv as taken to lue ofllcu of. Ciccno & .
lostotlor where nn aflldavit was pro-
i > a red by Mr. Grccno and _ that Mr.
jrcono located the place where ho mot
\V. \ C. Tillson on election day und received
ho $2 bri ho , and that Greene ave him tin.
irderof $ Tioa the First National banlciortho
nflldavlt. On crass-examination by Mr.
II-PCIIO the witness swore positively that ho
Mr. ( hvcno ) did siifj-get t'ho place of meeting
n thoaflidant and that Mr. Ureenc lied 1C
ho denied it.
The taking of testimony stopped hero amid
ho wildest npphiuso from the nudlanco. and ,
: ourt was adjourned until next Vrlday , when
ho case will bccontinued. As soon as possl-
: ilo Mr. ( jrccno swore out a complaint
: i nlnst Koildybush nnd had him arrested on
.hormrf ! oof perjury. The prisoner gave
> end for appearance at the trial and was sot
: it liberty.
The live allldavlt witnesses Indicted bv the
irrand jury for perjury are still in lail with
Bloomy hopes for their ilolivoronco unless
they liitimato a sequel ,
It is conceded that the whole case is a bank
lltjht , _
( iouId'NV < sti rn Trip.
Mr. T-i u , Mo. , April 4 , In connection
with ( SouM's ' visit to the wesi an afternoon
paper hns the following : "Tho object of
Gould's visit to St. Louis at the urosout
litnois in furtherance of tbo proposed great
southwestern and southern eomblnatlon of
railroads , Including the roads known as the
CSoulcl system , the Texas line owned and
controlled by IIunthiKton , or rather
what is known ns the Iluntington syndi
cate , the Atchlson , Topelm & Santa ITo
on the custsldoof the Mississippi theHlch-
nionil & Danville and perhaps others. The
proposed schoino in the formation of a corn-
puny with siiftlrlont c.ipltalto cover a ron-
Konahlo capitalization of the whole , amount-
iiiK lo seine forty thousand miles of railroad ,
extending across the continent , with their
main steins running through the south and
southwest and many feeders reaching out
la every clirofitlon tlmnifc'h a vast country
made tributary to the main lines ,
Thn Huditr I'd riff Mutter.
ST. T..OUIX , Mo. , April -I. [ Special Tolo-
Brain to Tn K HEI : . ] Trafllc Manager Lcods
of the Missouri Pacific ullrixid returned
from Now York today , whcro ho wont to at
tend a Joint rate conference. Wdlo in Now
York Jay ( Joulif , General Manager Clnrk and
Air. Leeds held a conference , at which , among
other matters , the alleged cutting of su ar
tariffs by the Missouri I'adllc road was dis
cussed. Mr. Leeds stated today that the
whole matter will como before the advisory
board of the Western trafllo association at a
meeting to bo held April 14 , At that mootIng -
Ing he expected to show that tlm Missouri
Pacific was Justified In the course tnkcn nnd
in the means adopted to accomplish certain
ends. Further than that ho had nothing to
suy , _
Royalty Threatened with Dcntli.
Sori.i , April 4 , I'nnco Ferdinand and til *
mother , Prince Clementine , Imvo received
letters thrcaicuiiiK them with death K they
did not leave the country. M. CJreascofT Is
also threatened with asansslnatlou if ho docs
not resign his position as minister of foreign
affairs. Kvldenco has been received which
indicates that these thioatcnln missives
emanated from an ofllcial who Is connected
with thoUusslan embassy In thiicity. Diplo
matic action has liecn taken In the matter
nnd the suspected ofllcial is being held us a
prisoner at the embassy.
Took lt < ; l'nii ; In I loll via ,
I'Aitis , April 4. A cable dispatch from
Chill , signed by the loaders of the congres
sional or revolutionist party , announces that
the 12,000 govern incut troop * recently do-
feuted In A ntofaBasta took refuge in Ilollvla ,
where they were compelled to lay ctowa
their arms , lly this victory the insurgents
became masters of the province of Anto-
fagasta ,
Cain ol'Kmallpox In
Ciiic'ifjo. April I.A. . case of smallpox has
bcon discovered nt the county In Urinary at
Dunning , the patient having recently como
from 8ti Louis. Ho has been Isolated nnd
all the Inmates will bo vaccinated. Every
precaution has beeu taken to prevent a spveail
oft ho disease ,