THE O3IAHA DAIIAr BEE : THURSDAY , APHIL 2 , 1801. THE CITY. " A thrco-wcckH-old bnby wns loft nt the Open Door Tuesday iiltfht. It wns wrapped In an old tick nnd Imd a .bot- tlo of wnrm milk. The ClilcUorlng-ChtiBo Brothers plnno company yesterday commenced n suit In replevin to gnln possenslon of the plnno recently morlgiifrod to C. K. DeRobcrts by 0. 1C. More-house. The greatest c-hnrm of till tbo famous benutics and .which hns Immortalized them IIIIB been u bcnutlful comploxlon , Spnniah Court Ocum will positively create the siuno in you , for umlo by all druggists. Sergeant flazo swore out n search warrant for tbo building at tbo corner of Ninth imd Howard ; occupied as u second end hand Htoro by Harwich k Co. , in order to recover $210 worth of brass , pumps nnd other rrmtorial stolen from Aultinan , Taylor & Co. _ To the admirer of an extra dry wlno , Cook's ' Sparkling Imperial s bo- rjuet Is line ; It's naturally fermented. C.S.Knyinomlje\volorremovcd to tem porary location , ! .K. cor. Douglas & 10th Solid Slo lint ; Silver. NbvoHlcs nnd staples In the newest Louis XV pattern. Beautiful designs In cold meat forks , almond spoons , butter picks , salt cups and spoons , oyster forks , sardine forks , ton nnd table spoons , etc. , otc. Galch to Lnuinan , 15M Farnam Hrcot , _ V.ISItY JJOSV DOING NOTHING. lion. ICiiulid Mitrtlti'H Tallc on World's Fair Work. H6n. Euclid Mnrtln , who Is a member of the executive committee of the World's Columbian Exposition commission , loft 'lues- day afternoon for Chicago to attend the April meetlriK of the commission. Prom various sources the Impression has pained currency that there is con siderable feeling among members of I lie commission with regard to the attitude of President I'aluicr find other members of the board of control. It Is quite apparent to some of the commissioners that tlio board of control , which consists of only elqht members , ucsiics to mniingo the affairs of tlio exposlt'on ' to n very largo degrco.wltli- out the iisslstanco for the present nt least of either the entire board of commissioners or the executive committee. Speaking of the matter to a reporter for TUB 13m : Mr. Martin said : "Tho organization of the World's ' Colum bian cx-poiltlon took place last Juno. There was. tmtnrally , a little strife for positions. This continued until the committees wore finally appointed and every man knew \vhoro he would bo expected to work. After this had been ( tone it was found that the organ ization was too cumbersome , and at the No vember meeting it was decided to change tbo plan of the organization so that much of ttio ortlvo work might he done through bureaus Instead of through the committees , as pro vided for in the original organi/iition. "One of the last things done at the No vember meeting was tbo creation of aboard of control consisting of eight members , the president mid vice-chairman bcltiff by tlio motion mtulo members of thia committee. This committee was given powers equal to the commission Itself or the executive com mittee when neither of thcso bodies were In session. President Palmer Is president of the commission , chairman of the executive committee nnd of the board of control. Con sequently it lies with him to call either the executive committee or hoard of control when ho deems It necessary to call either. ' The board of control has had several meetings since , ono of them occurring in the latter part of February. 1 was In Chicago nt this tlmo and called at the headquarters of the national commission , nnd found the oUuers | wore much in favor of the April meet ing. It will ho remembered tbatat that tlmo congress was considering an appropriation for tno expenses of the World's Columbian commission , and It looked very much as If there would bo , practically , nonomado ; so that the onicors as well as the commission would bo without any money at their com mand. Soon after this , however , congress . made an appropriation of tfK > ,000 , and later on Secretary Foster transferred $10,000 of the pcaoral appropriation so that It could bo used uy the national commission. "Notwithstanding this fact the board of . control saw no real reasoa why the commis sion should meet In April according to the by-laws , nnd President Palmer Issued n circular letter udvislnj : the commission that the work was being ofllclently and satisfac torily done , and saying that ho saw uo reason why the commission should meet. "Somo people hnvo boon so umrcnorous as to conclude that n meeting of the commission In April , by which part of the appropriation would bo absorbed , might Interfere with the oniccrs' salaries and the expenditures of the ofllco ; and I for ono see no necessity of con tinuing u largo expenditure In keeping up the olllces of the National commission and the onicors nt high priced salaries if thcro Is no need of the commission. If the work cart bo satisfactorily carried on by the Chicago local board , and the National commission Is simply an ornamental body. I submit that the elegant suite of ofllcos In the Uand-McNahy building should bo abandoned and tbo sal aries of the ofllcors of the National commis sion reduced so that they would compare favorably with the salaries of the commis sioners. "I bcllovo the action of the local board has a tendency to locniUo the fair , und It lias had n very bad influence upon a number ot states making their appropriations for state ox- "Has there beca any concerted effort on the part of the commissioners to secure lib eral appropriations from the state legisla tures I" "I thlnlc there has. I know In this state there has been an extraordinary effort made or there would have been no appropriation , ns the lower house was naturally averse to malting an appropriation at all. " "Do the by-laws provide for any regular moot ings of the commission V > "They provide for two semi-annual meet ings ! " "At what tlmo ! " "Ono in April nnd the other in October " "Did President Palmer call the April meeting i" "Ho did not. If a quorum attends the April meeting It will bo , in my judgment , bo- cuuso ttio commissioners feel that thorn nro important matters to bo looked Into and they will voluntarily attend this meeting. " Howe scales , trucks , coffee mills , a. . , starters , Harrison convoyor. Catalogues of Bordeii & Sclleck Co. , agents , Chicago , 111. Olininlior Sat finis. Until disposed of wo will olTor a line of 100 sots , huiulbomoly ffold stippled , at $0.05 per tot. These are as peed as bets tifliinlly Hold at $10.f > 0 , but on account of , the quantity ordered wo bought thorn eo that wo nro able to sell them at the ro- inarkably low figure of $0.05 per sot. Gutch & Lnutnnu , 1511 Farnam street. WantrU 1114 Ciml. ApoorSwodo who had been fined $1 and costs In the police court yesterday for steal- In ? coal from a Union Paclllo car raised qulto a roar after ho had paid his Hue. Going from the court room down into the Jail ho de manded the return of the suck ot coal which bad been captured with him. Sergeant ( Jraves had quite a tlmo trying to convince the man that the coal was not his property. Questions for Teachers. The teachers'examining board mot yester day at tbo high school and proceeded to plaro before the applicants for ccrtitloatcs to teach In the city schools such brain-strain. Ing questions and problems as would most thoroughly test tholr ability. The board con. nljts of Bliss McCarthy , Dr. Duryeaand 1'rof. Lewis. A A.VO vxcKUKxra. The Pnyton comedy company will open a week's engagement at the GrunU on Sunday , with mattaco and evening performances. "Tho Pearl of Savoy" will bo given nt tlio Sunday roatlneo , und "Dad's dirt" for Sun day night , A change of bill will bo given nt each pcrformanco during the welt. The prices will bo 10 , 20 and 8U ceati. GLORIOUS TRIPS PROPOSED , ! nviablo Opportunities for Pleasant Summer Excursions Offered to All. OLD COLORADO'S GORGEOUS SCENERY , iVomlcrs of the Jlooklcs , tlio Beauties oT California and the Mnjcsty of Niagara Are In * eluded. A trip from Omaba to Denver and Manltou ncludcs a rldothrough thofamous Plalte Vnl- ey of Nebraika and Colorado to Denver , the arjfcstana most hcautlful city of the Uocky nountalns nnd nloiiR the foot of the Hoclty mountain range from Denver to Manltou. The tanorama which Is laid before tlio eye of the ravelcr In a journey from Denver to Maul- on , Includes hi ono sweep of tno cyo 800 miles of mountain peaks , snowy range , foot iills and cinons. Long's peak , awny to the north ; Gray's peak , the ilomo of the contl. Dent ; James' peak , the Arapahoe peaks , 'Ike's peak , the moat famous of all moun- alns of Colorado , nnd away to the south , 300 nlles from the point of observation , the three orbtdilcn mountain tops known as the Span- sh peaks , are all in view for a part of the istanco. Manltou Is the most attractive of the many esorts of Colorado. Lying nt tlio foot of 'Ike's Peak 'and at the entrance of the Garden of the Gods , It invites the tourist nnd iRhtseer to the most remarkable formations nd the grandest and most picturesque cenery of that rugged rango. Its mineral prings nnd pure air Rive new llfo to the de bilitated. The Pike's Peak railroad , a mirvel of engineering skill , conveys pisaon- gers to the very summit of the lofty old nounlaln. From the tou of Plko's Peak all ho great mountain peaks of Colorado nro istlnctly visible , while to the east its tree- incd avenues at rih'ht angles , looking like a heckcr board In the distance , lies the pretty Itlo city of Colerado Springs and beyond lie great plains of ciutnrn Colorado. A olumo could ho written , indeed volumes iavo been written , of the glories of Manitou nd Pine's 1'cnlr. A ticket covering this tour Is offered for the ovonth largest list of subscribers. Thcio is no American tour which combines greater vniloty of scenery nnd a wider In- crest to the traveler than ono from Omaha o San Kranclsco and Los Angeles , ( Jala , 'ho traveler passes through the states of Nc- raska , Colorado , Wyoming , Nevada nnd laltfornia and the territory of Utah. This Is lie great business oclt of the west and nt very step of the journey something of Inter- st presents Itself , whether the tourist bo tudent , business man or merely pleasure eeker. Nebraska and Its prairies ; Colorado and its lountalns ; Utah and Its wonderful Salt ako ; Nevada and its arid plains and Call- ornla with Its innumerable attractions , nro U compassed In this trip. Omaha , the most irospcrous city In the union today ; Denver , ho queen city of the Heckles ; Salt Lake , the tfon of Mormoiidom ; San Franrlsco , the golden gate , and Los Angeles , the City of Our Mother of the Angels , form a string of owels of rarest water. These nro all prosperous cities ; they are U beautiful cities ; they nro all wonderful ities. Each is romarKnblo for some partial- nr reason. No two of them nro tililto In attractions and no traveler an afford missing to see each and , ,11. In the jnontlw of .Hino , July , August md September the prairies of Nohraskn , the lock } ' mountains , the valleys of Utah and ho great Sierra range are seen to the best ) ossiblo advantage. It Is the fruit season of California , the sight seeing period of all the mountain countries aaU the pleasurable part if the year for travel. The ticket ottered by TUB Bnc In return' 'or the second largest list ot weekly sub scribers obtained b'y Juno 10 , 18U1 , allows stop-overs at all points of interest between Omaha and Los Angeles. A week or a month may bo spent nt Denver visiting the pictur esque mountain resortsadjncent and another ivcekcnn likewise bo enjoyed at Salt Lake In muting- , fishing , sight seeing and bathing in the great Inland sea. As much time as the Missenger likes may bo cnjoyably spent la San FrnncUco and other points In California , not exccntlng tbo lovely or.ingo groves and 'rult orchards of southern California. Niagara falls , the world's greatest catar- ict , needs no glowing description. It cannot jo described. Pouring over n precipice 100 'cet high , the immense volume of water of Niagara river , the outlet of the great lakes , Inds Its way toward the ocean. On cither side of the river are splendid views of this tremendous waterfall , above It anil below It and all about it are other scenes which have attraeted travelers from all parts of the world. Qoat Island , the burning spring , the .vhlrlpool rapids , the suspension bridge , are ncUlcuts merely to a visit to Niagara falls. The Held on which the b.Utlo of Lundy's l > ano was fought is within a few minutes' drive on the Canadian sido. The facilities for visiting all points of interest on cither side of the river are superior. The regula tions controlling access to and from the sov-j oral points now prevent , the exorbitant churecs which were formerly almost as fam ous as the cataract. A day or a few days at Niagara falls is 0110 great event in an nver- igo lifetime , and no American should ever ' .hlnk of visiting tourist resorts abroad until 10 has sucn Niagara falls. Ho can have no ipprcciatioii of power , of grandeur , of awo- inspirlng beauty , who has missed a visit to this world renowned spot. I ) 12AD IN AX AIjLEV. The Body or Ed Bull Found In a Muil Hole. Ed B.ill will trouble the pollco no more. Ills dead body was found at noon yesterday In the alley between Fifteenth and Sixteenth anU Cumlng nnd Izard streets. Of the manner of his death nothing is linown save what was revealed by the posi tion in which the body lay. It was lying face downward in a pool of water about two Inches deer , and the faeo \viu burled la the mud at the bottom. Hall was n hard drinker , and was last seen nllvo at the homo of his parents about " o'clock yesterday morning. It is supposed that bo stumbloii nnd fell where ho was found and was so drunk that ho could not help himself , dying cither from drowning or suffocation. Dull passed most of his tlmo in the county jail during his residence in Omaha. Ho had a weakness for horses , nnd made it a point to nppronriato to his own use such rigs as ploaicd him. All the chance ho wanted was for the , owner to leave his prop erty a few minutes by the curbstone. The remains were removed to Uurkot's un dertaking rooms by order of tbo coroner , who will hold an inquest on the raso today. StifTerers from Coughs , Sore Throat etc.should try "Brown's HronchlnlTroehes. ' a simple but sure icnicdy. Sold only In boxes. I'rico 'Si cents. Mnrriase I.ICOMHCS. Thofollowinginarrlago hcouses were issued by Judge Shields yesterday. Ago. Undhtroni. Omaha cNol'on , Omnliii I August Stoolir. Omnhn 28 I KD-.O Van Austlule , Omaha IW. T. Hamilton , Omiiliu I Jennie U. Hold , Oinahii j 1'nuik Abratns. Oinalin I AnuloYIUUuu4 , U in aim „ SICK HEADACHE ' Positively cured by these Little Pills , CARTER'S Tlicy also rcllovo DI.H. tress from DyspepsiaIn- ITTLE o Rustlon ana Too Hearty WER Eattap. A pflrfC' ' ! rein cdyforPUTdntss , Nausea , PIUS. Drowsiness , Had Taste la the Mouth. Coated Tousle , I'nln la Uie EUlo , TOItl'ID LIVER. Tnoy Doirels. Purely Yceetalle. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , WllKCKKI ) IN TIIK Y'AKDS. An 12n > lnc Jumps t'to Track "With lNn. ) < ttroiig lc : < ) tilH. Union Paciilo. onglno No. 1180 l n "hoo doo. " . Seven wcctts ago , when the cnglno Imd been onto ! the shops but a low days it Jumped the trn-k and killed Engineer Jake Jensen , besides s'rlously injuring several of the train men. AtOo'clocK ycstoi'lny nmmhijf the same cnglno jumped the track in the yard * directly cast of ttio now height depot , causing a bad wreck and seriously injuring Unginccr Frank Campbell. .1 nines McCoy , n switchman who was riding In the cab , was Liailly tbakcu up , but was nlilo to wall < homo. The cnglno had been out of the shops but a few days , having had extensive repairs in thoslmpo of a now cub , and uow woodwork throughout. The accident was caused by tbo soft ground in the yards which allowed the track to sink about a foot. The cnglnovm south bound and pulling n heavy train of freight cars. 'When near Jackson street the engine struck a piece of track on soft ground and jumped the rails , running about two car lengths , when it turned nearly end for end and rolled over on Its side. The tender also Jumped tlio track and was turned around , beim ? torn from the trucks butntborwlso uninjured. A freight car loaded with lumber Immediately behind the cnglno was torn from Its tricks and Jumped entirely over the tender , nllghtlngon top of the engine where It remained , grace fully balanced on the boiler of the Iron horse. Engineer Campbell remained nt his post nnd was carried over with his engine. Ho was pinned down by the debris of the cab nnd narrowly escaped death. The escaping steam cnrcloucd him , but William Hay , who was In charge ot the train , threw his coat over CninpbollTiiid prevented the steam from scalding him , As soon ns possible Camp bell was removed from his perilous position and was taken to his homo at , Twenty-third and Pierce streets. A hasty examination by the physician Indicated that the right log was broken and the foot crushed , but the exact tintilro of the injuries was not determined. Tom Grtlllt ) , the lireman , was at his post in the cab , but was thrown out when the en gine turned over niidcscnpcd with a severe shaking up. James McCoy , a switchman , was in the cab and was thrown out , but was not serious ly injured. William Hav , who was In clinrgo of the train , was riding in the cab , but jumped in time to avoid injury. Ho re ceived a few scratches on tbo arm. Mr. Uay was In charge of the train which the same cnglno was pulling when Jnlco Jensen was killed , and escaped death by jumping. The ground In the vicinity of the accident was badly ploughed up , but the track was not damaged. A faded nnd discolored beard Is untidy and a misfortune. It may DO prevented by using Buckingham's D.vo for the Whislters , a novcr-fulllng rcmedv. Decision in i < iivor of tlio Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Uy. The now Palace sleeping cars of the Chicapo , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. , with electric lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omnhn , at 0:10 : p. m. , daily. Passengers taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil Blulls , and arrive in Chicago at 0:30 : u. in. , in ample time to muko all eastern connections. Ticket olllce , 1501 Farnam street. F. A. NASH , J. 13. PUESTONGeneral Agent. City Passenger Agent. MAKING A ItO A It. Druid Hill Citizens \Vaat an Engine lintiflo Near'ThcMii. Residents of Druid IIII1 and the manu facturing establishments along the Belt line , are preparing a very vigorous protest against , the attempt that is being made to have the location of the now engine- house changed ! from Thirtieth and Spauldlng streets , the ! slto selected , to u point nearer the center of ! Kountzo Place. Tlioso citizens claim that they have been long without fire protection , whlto ICountzo Place is already within easy run of-two engine houses. Kountzo Place U also well supplied with flro hydrants , whllo there are none along the Belt line in tho.viclntty of the residence portion of the city adjacent to the slto already ehospu. As it Is proposed 'to locate a chemical engine nt the now house , the property owners Interested feel that they should uo llrst served. Horsford's Acid Phosphate , A Healthful Tonic. Used la place of lemons or lime juice It wil harmonize with sucb stimulants as are ueces sury to take. Died a I'niiper. Hugh Bayllss died at the county poor farm yesterday and this morning ho will Jill a pauper's ' giiive. Atone titno thoyounc man was wealthy , being an heir to the estate left by Judge liarllss of Council Bluffs The property was squandered , after which the young man became a morphine liond , and later a county charge. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly ou the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses tlio sys tem effectually , dispels colds , hend- aches and fevers and cures hnhitunl constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy ; of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tnste and ac- coptnhlo to the stomach , prompt in its action rind truly beneficial in its efl'ects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeahlo substances , its , many excellent qualities commend it , to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Pigs is for sale in COo and 81 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on Imnf will pro- euro .it promptly for any ono -who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. UUFORNM FIG SYRUP CO. SAN fRANCISCO. 041 , 'JOUtSVIUF ' , KY , NFW YORK , N V DR.E.O.WEIES . . . NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , lHo for Mritnrlt , DlHlngti , nti.Kvunltla. VTiik * til , Mtntu l > * pr ( nlDior the llrkln.r- tultmir In lonnlty a-l - Unllnir to ml erj d o T vi ] de lli. Prumtlure OU An . U rr nntn. Lull of rawtr tnolttier Mx.lnTolantkrjr lone ( ftnil Hp rinttorrLsik CAuiol bT oT r-oi illoA ol thu brtln , t lbuioor o r ladtilrtnra. txch tx > x tont&lntona nio lb' tr iu ment 9lAbox. onlx for 01 , rent by mtllprcptll. Vtfltli eacb order for lx t > oi a , will vend purcbator Biiannuu to rurunii noner If the triMimtnt fallig cu . Uuaru > U lua a uulffuDuiuxiliivulTbr GOODMAN DRUG CO. , ntOFurntnjSL , - - - Umnlm. Nob. PI h f 1 1 r * Illlllll I A tiot&nil only cninuU't { ircicrlbail Ur uuuw i n rt.BUlr | iihTilclnni for Ilio cure of Oonorboeik and ilUcliatk't" trout the urlnurr urimni ur tcgulrcl II.W per tiox. AlUruguliti IN Ijatcst UiiUutlaviKrnui Ilio 1'o'lco CotiiiUmiil dull , W. 0. Davis Is ciflnjod with stealing nee pounds of brass frhin the Union 1'aclHo yards. Oniecr ShWds found the nictnl hid den In a inmuiro pllu'nt Totith and Nlcholns , nnd when Davis \\-aitto rulsotho iiliwt the ofllccr placed him uncltr nrrcst. C. J. Schrycr flgtiroa as a wlfo bcatef , hut tha pcrformanco was not satisfactory to the udlcuco and Scliryer was locked up. " JuilcoJIcisley rcnit the culprit n lecture nnd sent Iilnrnii for twenty days. John Smith droppud n pair of now shoes In full view of Ofileer Uoyle. Ilo \\a.s nbout to enter a pawn shop wlioro ho intended - tended to "sonic" them , but thoofllcor interfered - forod with his ] ) lani nnd sent him to the sta- tion. It Is believed the shoes were stolen and nn effort U being mnJo to Olid the lawful owner. James Fancy is behind the bars charged with defective luemorv. It is nllosotl that ho borrowed a breech " loading shotgun nnU ncfrlectcd to return It after several months1 uso. The owner intimates tliat It 13 n case of larceny. Kuos Wnpnor wandered Into the pollco court room yesterday afternoon to enquire whnthad been Ooiu with 0. K. Davis , n friend of his who had been arrested for steal- ln brass. Upon telling the ofllcors his natno Wagner was at once placed tinder arrest as n pal of Davis1 In the brass business. In tlio future Wagner will nrobably ninUo nil such Inquiries by telephone. Frank Cassldy pleaded guilty to thocharpo of stealing throe rolls of oarpct from the J rand opera house , and JudRO llelsloy lined him ? T)0 and costs. Gassldy was taken to the county jail. Kverjhotly Knows : hnt at this season the blood Is * filled with .inpurities . , the accumulation of months of close confinement In poorly ventilated stores workshops and tenements. All thcso Impuri ties ana every trace of scrofula , salt rheum , ir other d Isoascs may bo expelled by taking flood's ' Sarsapnrilla , the best blood purlllor over produced. It is the only medicine of which " 100doses ono dollar" is true. The Wlivlcss iieotrIoUniwny : : System The public is cautioned that all tlio mtents and Inventions of Mnlono Wholcss for overhead ami underground railway systems nro owned nnd con- .rolled exclusively hy tlio Wholess olcc- ; rio railway company of Virginia , olllco Washington , J ) . C. , ami that any com- uiny using cither of said inventions is iablo to action for iufrinjromcmt. Special : iotico is horehy given tliat no licenses ! mvo boon granted and that no person i3 ompowoi'cd to prant license ? . The Wholcss Electric Uallwuy Coniiiny ] ) , I ) . P. Merrill , jr. , Secretary , Washington , D. C. Siimv in t to West. News was received at the IJ. & M. head quarters yesterday morning that the most severe snowstorm of the season was prevail- iuK In the western part of tno stato. U'ho storm extended from Denver ns far cast as IIoldrcdRO , thcro being from ton to ilfteen inches of snowfall. The snow was re ported is very heav > ; and wet and drifting uiully. Snow plows were set at work in nil directions. At noon : no train reports had boon received from tliat section and it was not known whcthcror not trains baa been delayed. Usoa la Millions of Domes in y r * thn Rf/if'- ' COMMERCIAL DRUGGISTS commit frond In substi tuting any other porous plaster \\hou UHNSON'S Is asked for. Tlioy do so In order to make inoro money out of you by sell ing yon somctlilne ( but costs them less. Bcwaro of worthless Imitations. AMU S IS M EN O ? S. BOYP'S TWO XHill'iN OAAV. ENGAGEMENT OF THE COMEDIAN STUART R03SON , AND COMPANY OF PLAYKHS. under the nirectlon of W. H. 1IAYDEN. Wednesday Evening , Api'il 1st , Gordon & Corbett's Now Comedy , Is Marriage a Failure ? Thursday Evening , April 2d , llrnnson llownrd's Oreat. Coniedy , THE HERIETTA. JIU. IJOIISON. . . .us loitlo.Tltn ! I.anib. I'rlcos , I'arquct tinil Punjuet Olrulu $ I..VJ , llalcotty , II.0) , k'ctionil adnilssloii to first floor. fl.Ot' ' , Rcnvral admlHSlon to balcony 7.V. s tiV ) . liu\bliGot8ipun Tut'fiilay niornlltf , ' . THE GRAND ION.QMT. . This livonitiu at 8. ID FOSTLSR English Gaiety Co. llrlllliittt. Ituwltchlujj , Hrltlhh Iloautlus. I'oor- Irss , I'orfi'ot , I'aflsliiii I'ots , Tito queens of luirlfsiiuo. Uvscrvud si-nts JJo , 5Uo mid : c.llux otllco lion' oiicn. Children's Sllttlnee Saturday. IR LRY Hcautlful Kali ? tipcctacla tlio HWRTEli * QUEEfS Presenting n Hosuor.S'ovoltlcs nnd 0 < l < lltlpi. THE OB101NAI. DAIIUS , I.r.ONCB AM ) LOLLV. MU.R.IHKMNA : KONUAPT , AUNQ11D initAM-'Yand IvIKAILltY'S COUPS do HAI.LET 60 - Persons in the .Grand Production , - 50 I'rlecB us usiutli THE GR.flLN'DFQR ONE WIEK CoiiiiiiciieliiK' uiiday , April 5 , Matiriooa BitnctiuJ.Vocl tiutnlnu a ml THE FA ! TON Tlio Strongchtroportolro rompitny In Omiilia thl9SUUSOIl. 2Q People 25 Smuliiy Mntliio"Thu IVurl of Suvoy. " Sinuliiy Nlfiht "Dad's Girl. " Clinntfo of Bill Kvi'ry Performance. I'rU-us-All orcho > tri : scats. roDirvnd , 'M ml Ijiilcoiiv oiitSi resorvi'U , SO cents ! Knllory , 10 ci-iiu. 'llox sheet oiicn Suiiilay ut III . in , PIM3ETEPBN MUSEE. Will liitwlor , Manager. Cor , llth itntl rarnain VIKKK W MAliril 80 , Thu Wooljr r'nccit II ) ' , htrablkn. - \ lirnml lluislitii IHUKUH , ( iriiliPUiiinilHtlurloii Onurteitn" . In Vocal nj In- ktrumcmal Muilc. A Hltfb Clai < Kovcltr Kuler- ItlUIUKDt. \BOYS' ' ana BplLDREN'8 ' BID THINS iVot since our advent in the city of Omaha have we made such an elaborate display of Youths' , Itoys' on and Children's Clothing as for the present trade. Every dollar's ' worth of our last season's spring and slimmer stock we disposed of e at our memorable fire sale , hence foi this spring : we have nothing to offer the little folks except gar- incuts of the latest and most ap- proved styles ; as to the prices ad- vcitiscd by our friends in the dry goods business on their job lot of odds and ends , the accumulation of years , we will simply guaran- tt'C to meet , to dujlicalc > and to undersell from an entire new stock , with ttvdvc times the asa - sortmcntlo select from. We have a special fondness for our Child- ' ren's Department , and see that it lacks for nothing to attract the trade. Lookers or buyers for the next ten days sec to it that you get our prices on Hoys' Clothing before you hazzard a dollar in the catchers and baits from bankrupt sales. MEW'S SUITS. OUR HAT STOCK Sack , Throe Button. Cutnway. And furnishing goods would nnd PrliicoAlbert. New fabrics overstock the overngo linbor- in wales , cheviots , cloys and dnshor. Many novelties for your fancy casslmeres. Look at them Inspection In both lines , prlcesnl- and save the tailor's profit. wnys right. Look thorn through. Money ahvays refunded -where goods do not prove satisfactory. Browning , King , & Co. , S. "W. OOR. . loLli and Open Evenings Till 8 p. m. - Saturdays , 10 p in CURES AND PREVENTS Colds Sore Throat Bronchitis Rheumatism , , , , Neuralgia , nflnmnmtlun of thu L UK * . Klilncys nml llowuln , Sclntlcn , Chilblains , frost llltca , Toothache , HondacUu , 1'n I Ha In thu Hack , Cliuslnnd I.luiln , nml nil the usual GONSEQliEHGES OF TAKING COLD. The application of HAIWAY'S IlKAUV 11KUI5F , to the parts nftectoij , wllllnstiintly relieve nnl soon euro tlio Hiiffiwr. Internally Iti ilo > os of from thirty to sixty tlropi. In Imlf n tumbler of will euro In it few moments , Cruuiiu , Simstnv Sour Stomach , Colic , Flatulence , Heartburn , Diarrhoea. Sick Hpndnclie , Nnnncn , Vomiting , CoMClilll' , N'crvoinrn's , Slet'jilcssncsj , uuil all Internal pains. U ) tents u battle. Fur BalontdruBKtstJ. UAUWAV & caU Warren bU v NO OUR.K ! NO F A.V. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , JNeb. P NE COLDS IN THE HEAD , by ono application. OATAERH , in a very short time. HAY PEVEE , in from 3 to 5 days.- EAEAOHEjjpstantly , FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. SALB HY AU , DHUGGIST3. Prepared only by tlio : .MKIHOIM ; ou. . Iluikor lllock , Omaha , U. S. A , DR , BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Full Set of Teeth on Unbtwr , for K1VK Uur.LAliH. A perfect ntiruuriintouil. Tcutlicxtrnctol nltliout pain or Unrmor. nml tBltlioutnimcBlIiotlcs. . liuldnmi % { jllver tllllrura nt Inwcit rntoj. llrlditoand Crov\n \ Work. Tcelh ultlioutplate ) . All ork or- mntcd. OFFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrance , Kth elrcet elOTOtor. Open evenings until 8 o'clock. ONLY THE S3 Goodyear Welt tnado if Cal : > klTi tier Middy . - , . ' . . " . . nJtcrtU "luld e > cry where. 'J lit U the liiulfJb1i ) orlul.iui ; < u oiui Ihcttcstiniide. llcw&ro ur lull Ullom. 1'oslllvcly IIOUOKCII ulno unless iLiiupcil on i lie St.Shoe : J. MEANS A CO. llotloa , Mm. NEBRA-SKA. National Bank U. S. DEF03ITOBV , OSIA-HA , NS3 Capital , - - - - $400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 , - oa.BOO Ofllcersnml DlreUom llonrj \ \ ' Tntoj , President ; Leuls a. ItCBJ , Vlco-1'rcslJonf , Juiuoj , SavnioV V.JIorso. John 8. Colllnt , 1C. U Cuihln , J. X. II 1'utrlck. . 11. S. lliietioi , cashier. TI EI IRON BANK : . Corner I2tli nml Kanum Sts A General llankliii Iluslucs-i Trattsnotel HOTEL. Trie Jllitrrau , Cot ; l-ltli { Ktltc. mont'ff hntiintlnllu fount fiictcil Hotel Itttilalnu ' Omitlm. Screriil lieat'u lirtck Jtw. mttlH rninttitf/ from basement to roof , A II tin : ceHlnjin nnil tloot'H linctl iftttt AalifHtoti Jlro proof iitlnn , / /jjijiovM/bfr to Inini quids. Ftmriirrtjtrn mil Jlt-a tiliifltin throughout tin : liitlltlluiMeinii licut , hot flint colil 1 1 titi- - unit HiniHlilnclit CI'CI'U I'OUHt. TtlblO miHHI-JHIHHCll HIIU- W/ICJ'f. B. SILLOWAY , Prop. HOTEL , DELX.ONE. Corner Mtli and Capitol Avenue. * Just completed , has 100 room ? , btairways , trora the top to the bottom , has flno elevator anil dinning room borvloe , ii flro proof through. out , flno blllarJ roomq and the flnest toilet rooai'i in the city. Lar o Sample rooms , Suites -with bthite3. Cor 14th and Canltol Ave. Street car service In alld.ractions. Rates , from 2.60 to SI. OO PERFECT HEALTH Hlcluirilll. Ileek , J ockiort | , N. V. . wtllnn thnl nftor ninny yu.un' nulferliiK from Nvriuua Uclilllty. l-Ioep- lc < iiO9s , TwItchlnB of Muscles lies wni rcsloreil bj Jour Hones NtilVE IIKA.KK "InnifcO. " lie n > , "lint , , cel Ilkonvdniunnin " II per bux. poilniilil. Pane Jlilotfrce NUIIVK IIKA.N CO , lli'rr.tru. N V. 'old L > y Uooiliuun UruKt'o. , 1110 Kitrnnm St. , Om.ih Moore's ' Tree of Life , A positive cure for Kidney nnl I.Ivor Complntnt i and nil blood ( ll < oasos. Duoiltpny to pntTcr whnn ion CMII bo cureil by tulnir Monro's Trco of I.lfo , liio fireat I.Ife Uemivly ? I'rlrofl pur bottle. 1'ro * parcel nnd put up hy Dr. J. II. Mooro. THSTIMONIAL ; Dr. J. n. Mooic , Dear Sir : I have been troubled with kidney complaint forovortwoti- ty yi'siis , fornliout clslit years with dlaboto'j , and when tit my Httuly luncheon compelled to irellovuiuysnlf UH often us tlnoo iirTourtlinoa an hour. I liavo licun tioubled wltli fiovcro nttuclisof slc'k huudai'Im unco n wcolcforton yoart. : inil It hud been u combination,80ma times uiillttlii 1110 for in v naitnnildntlcs. nnd my iin'tlillnjelder , Ooor o Miller , of Carlisle. In. , itdvlsuil mo to try u Imttlu of Mooro's Tree of UfiMiH hulnul been Kreatly bonoIHtcd by It. I did so , and the very llr-t bottle RIIVO'IUO Croat relief. 1 have taken In ulii : bottler tlio llrst about ( ho months URO , nii.l Ihuvoticcn tioublod but very little 1 conuncni'cd Its us < . Yours truly , HKV. DAVIIJ FVM. Forsalo by all BROWN STOCK FARM. 1801. STAl/LION" SEA.SON. 1801 MONWOOD 11212. Plrod ly Motion , by Nutwoo.l. DtlP'f. 1st , clam I'rofaco , by I'aiu'Oit-- : ! . I'd data Anthem , by Otiylcr 103. 'M data Aiisnstii , by Kywlyk's Ilellfoumlor. 4th ilnin Seoley's AinorloauHtiyr , S3D TO INSURE- Brood Marcs , Cells anil Fillies For Sale , Inolii HUB two by the jjrpnt ItlncU Wtll.cs ; slr6 of \ VlnslowVIIkos'H \ : ; nKo a fcislilouubU bred i'-j oar-old Wllkos slalllon-ti Koodone * Sotul for utnloK'ioj or better , como and sce > them. M P. BROWN , FrrHin THE MA.TOHLESS BOOK. HA.VK YOU UKAU BY SISTER AGATHA. 12 mo. paper , 337 pages , prlco 60 cents. IMtKSS NOTICIIS. "This prurient minded writer' " storle * nro unreal as tliiijrnro lndvUcnto.-Otiinlin \VorU-llonilJ. - "Contnlns ninny nwcot nnil pure ( turl . Itiiiny bl cnlloilaDei'unieroiiof purl tj , " lit ooklii/VilTorlliior. The vlloiiltnul upon Slslor Asutlia'shook hut help Itssalo. IVuplnof Ornnlirf , icuduud ilooluo. Korunlu every whcro. JORDAN BROS. , Pu'jllshors ' , No.211 No. OtliStroptPhlla. Fa. RutTorlnj from tlio eltwtl ol > jroittltfulorron oatlr decay , wiuttlnifwoakni-Bi , lost luaulivul , oto. I wfll wncl nvalunblo tnnllso fwnlwl ) conlnlnlnj full particulars for homo euro , 1'I"'JJfJf'in.l ' ? , ' > ' 4 Afpicilfiia inoaicaiworit ; biitiuui * ID < * ' * - - - nmn ! * lm li nnrvnin nml i/tltllltntPfl. ] AliflrefiB 1'rof. I' , f. irowiilllt , MooduB , Coniii WHAT They arc custom made clothing of merchant tailors , loft on tliolr hands for ono rouson or another. Those wo buy in Ifirgo or small quantities for ready cash. For oxairmlo : a , suit of clothes , costing originally , wo cun , suicordinj , ' to style nnil quality , soil for $15 or $20. Just think of it , a savins of CO per cent , ono half tlio original cost. Of jiantalootm we have a good variety , ranpine in price from W toH , originally maclo horn $7 to 415 , miniy of them of tlio latest de signs , from the best tailoring establishments throughout the country.Vo request an early ir.Bpoctlon. Merchant Tailor's Misfits and Uncalled for Garments. They adjourned , feeling fully convinced that tlio origin of the MinH ( Parlors was to abolish high tariJTH on Clotlilnjj and the truth of the Parlors hnvlnjr the most olcRimt display of MEXROPJANT TAILOR GOODS Ever witnessed hy any eye is now citizens of Omaha and vicinity. Among the many bargain : ! there otil remains unsold : PRIOEi LIST ? . SUITS , OVERCOATS PAUTS. 2. ' ) OOMcrelialitTallor nmclont 1300 123 OOMorchantTullonniidoat IH 00 ( C 00 Moreliant Tailor niudo at 83 00 U5 0 UOMiTflnint 01 Moreliant Tullor Tailor iniulo iiiiulu at ill jl 10 00 W ) UO 00 Mot chant Tullor miiilu ut 11 M 8 CO Mori'liunt Tailor niudo at , 400 40 lOMoix-lmiit Tailor made tit H i ; 40 OQMernliiint Tailor made at H ? ' ( 10 00 Moiehatit Tailor Hindu lit COO 4:1 01 MitrcliuntTailor mudoal ! ( XJ 4S nOMeruhlint Tailor made at M 60 lie Merchant Tailor iiiiulo ut .3 JO 'M CO Merchant Tiillor made at ' i 00 12 CO Mvrolmnt Tailor made ut COO OU 00 Mort'ltunt Tailor inlulo tit MOO . ' " 10 dOMuiiiliunt T.illor made at 7rt 1'nllcir iniulo 000 0.1 lie Moreliant Tailor niailo ut . 00 CO COM u rch : i nt. nt . 0 CO Merchant Tullor mudoal J5 00 70 CO MCI chant Tailor inaSo at 30 OJ 18 OOMcrcliaut Tailor nudu ut 8 64 A perfecUit warranted , mid nil goods sold on their merits. A puarnntcu in every case just ns represented , at the S ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 1309 Farnam Street. Omaha , Neb. 1309 ,